County passes moratorium on
use of biosolids. P10
Back to School
barnyard bash. P12
Waterway Cleanup is
a perfect picker-upper. P16
Large power users For breaking news visit
pose real threat to
Vero Electric deal Indian River
proposing $50
copay for ER
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Somebody in charge of the Biggest house ever in Ambersand Beach rising on what had been three lots along A1A. PHOTO BY BRUCE CADY Even as lawyers research
Vero Beach electric sale should whether it’s legal for Indian River
have known the $185 million Lottery winner building huge home in Ambersand Beach Medical Center to charge poor
deal was on a collision course people copays, the hospital has
with a coalition of Florida BY STEVEN M. THOMAS apparently by a very private crete-block fortress will have decided on an amount – $50 –
Power & Light’s largest com- Staff Writer man who appears to have won seven bedrooms – including a that it wants to get from people
mercial customers, but Vero’s one of the largest lottery jack- 2,100-square-foot master suite deemed medically indigent who
34,000 unsuspecting rate- The largest house by far pots in history. – nine bathrooms and two come to the Emergency Room
payers had no clue the group that has ever risen in Amber- massive garages. with non-emergencies.
wielding power to potentially sand Beach is being built on Situated, like all houses in
block them from getting low an ocean-to-river lot two miles Ambersand Beach, on the east Construction began in April That amount is more than
FPL rates come October even south of the Sebastian Inlet, side of A1A, the 18,810-square- 2017 and the shell is now com- three times the maximum paid
existed until last week. foot poured-concrete and con- by Medicaid patients and it in-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 cludes no treatment – only an
The Florida Industrial Pow- exam to determine whether the
er Users Group (or FIPUG) patient’s complaint is threaten-
objected to the Florida Public ing to life or limb.
Service Commission’s pro-
posed approval of the Vero If the medical problem is
deal on the basis it would un- deemed a non-emergency and
fairly take money out of FI- the patient chooses to go ahead
PUG members’ pockets. with treatment at the ER, they
will be charged the full amount
With hearings on the group’s of care, “which could be in the
Laura Riding Jackson house likely Boca hospital will
moving to Indian River State College not be joining Vero
in Cleveland Clinic
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA College Provost Casey The historic Laura Riding Jackson house at the ELC.
Staff Writer Lunceford told Vero Beach BY MICHELLE GENZ
32963 that “we are in the pro- Staff Writer
The Laura Riding Jackson cess of preparing a memoran-
house, one of Indian River dum of understanding” that Boca Raton Regional Hospi-
County’s most historic and should go before the college tal, a hoped-for link in the fu-
picturesque buildings, has Board of Trustees at its August ture Cleveland Clinic Florida
likely found a new home on or September meeting. “I’m expansion that Indian River
the Vero Beach campus of excited about it,” he said. Medical Center expects to be
Indian River State College. part of, has chosen a different
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Laura Riding Jackson house The home was moved to the ELC carious when ELC leaders announced Lunceford, was one of the most en-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 campus years ago to save it from be- it did not fit into their plan for the Cen- thusiastic: The Vero Beach campus of
ing demolished, and the Foundation ter’s future. Indian River State College, he said, of-
Last year, the Laura Riding Jackson has since paid $2,100 a year to the fers a convenient location, plenty of
Foundation board was surprised and ELC, via a 5-year renewable lease. At After a January story in Vero Beach space, sufficient parking and a venue
dismayed to learn that the 118-year- the ELC’s island location, the charm- 32963 revealed the home’s plight, compatible with the home’s numer-
old structure, one of the few remaining ing house served as a gathering place Foundation President Marie Stiefel ous historic and literary associations.
examples of Florida Cracker architec- for well-attended literary and educa- scheduled a meeting to gather ideas
ture and home of the widely noted 20th tional events, and provided a tangible and options from the public and was “It’s ideal,” Lunceford said at the
Century poet and environmentalist, example of sustainable architecture overwhelmed with the positive re- time. “We like the educational aspect.
would have to be relocated from the site and a sense of history on the other- sponse: “We have felt alone – but we’re The west side of our campus is very
it had occupied on the Environmental wise modern campus. not,” said Stiefel. “There is so much open and natural. Accessibility is not a
Learning Center campus for a quarter support – it is a tribute to the people of problem. We have the space, and we’d
century to accommodate the Center’s With the current lease set to expire Vero Beach.” be glad to host [this important historic
multimillion-dollar expansion project. in December, no funding on hand for house].”
the move, and no new location identi- Several governmental entities and
fied, the fate of the house seemed pre- private organizations offered support ELC leaders have been helpful as
and relocation ideas. The college, via well. Executive Director Molly Stein-
wald made it clear the ELC expansion
master plan would indeed require all
the campus’ acreage but said there
was no immediate deadline for re-
moving the house, and in July, the
learning center extended the lease
renewal deadline for a year, giving the
Foundation more time to finalize relo-
cation plans.
Foundation board member and In-
dian River County’s first poet laureate
Sean Sexton has said that being forced
to relocate could well be blessing in
disguise. He is excited about the pos-
sibility of moving the irreplaceable
structure to the college campus near
the Indian River Mall.
Sexton said the college location
would offer convenient access for visi-
tors, events and classes, along with a
ready-made demographic focused on
education and inclined to appreciate
the home’s historic and literary value:
In May, it was named by the Florida
Trust for Historic Preservation as
among “the most threatened historic
properties in the state”; it’s also listed
as a Friends of Libraries USA Literary
The Foundation board is now com-
piling a list of expenses related to the
move, including painstakingly disas-
sembling and then reassembling much
of the house; hooking up to electric, wa-
ter and sewer infrastructure; landscap-
ing at the new location; and achieving
ADA compliance.
If the college board of trustees ap-
proves the proposal as expected, the
transportation cost alone – mov-
ing the century-old structure from
south of the Wabasso Causeway to
the West Vero Corridor on State Road
60 – would run at least $150,000, Sti-
efel said. The board continues to seek
funding though grants and other av-
Of the potential partnership be-
tween the Foundation and the college,
Stiefel says: “There are lots of wonder-
ful possibilities. The synergy is terrific.”
Lunceford shares Stiefel’s enthusi-
asm, seeing a significant benefit to the
college in “the mission of education
the Laura Riding Jackson group brings
to the table.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 3
Stiefel’s ultimate vision for the of Florida law school graduate practic- Moyle is a registered lobbyist with Moyle, who has served as chief litiga-
house is for it to become, someday, ing utilities and government law for the State of Florida, and records show tor for FIPUG for more than a decade,
“a fully functioning author house mu- 31 years, Moyle took over for FIPUG’s that, in addition to FIPUG, he rep- said the clout of his FIPUG members
seum, a place of historical, environ- founder, the late Tampa-based attor- resents the Florida Inland Naviga- rarely comes under scrutiny when he
mental and literary significance” such ney John McWhirter, who, after oper- tion District, Waste Management, the files protests of proposed rate hikes
as the Hemingway House in Key West; ating a successful law practice in Tal- Florida State University Board of Di- or regulatory actions. Though there is
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’ home in lahassee and elsewhere, established rectors, Woodbury Health Products, no public list of members, he said, the
Cross Creek; and Robert Frost’s home FIPUG to advocate for the economic Wheelabrator Technologies and the courts and regulatory agencies know
in Vermont – “promoting literary pro- interests of Florida’s largest commer- Children’s Services Council of Palm FIPUG’s history and who he represents.
grams that nurture passion for the cial electric consumers. Beach County.
written word; a place of literary legacy CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
and history, and a center for educa-
tion and personal growth through
Threat to electric deal NEW LISTING
Exclusively John’s Island
complaint scheduled for Oct. 10 and
11 in Tallahassee, the hoped-for Oct. 1 Enjoy gorgeous, private pool/spa and sparkling lake views from this
sale closing date is out the window un- updated 3BR/4.5BA home including a cabana. Sited on .6± acres the
less the FIPUG challenge, plus three gracious living room with fireplace flows effortlessly onto an expansive lanai,
less credible objections filed by local anchoring the 5,385± GSF residence. The family room with custom built-
opponents to the sale, are dropped. ins opens onto the updated island kitchen and custom wet bar providing
the perfect area for entertainment. Enviable features include guest en
“The reason we are pursuing this is suites, lush landscaping and a private master suite with enclosed lanai.
because we are concerned about FPL 591 Indian Harbor Road : $2,300,000
ratepayers and FIPUG members be-
ing asked to pay for an acquisition ad- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
justment of $200 million,” Moyle said, health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
citing figures in the PSC’s staff report
alleging FPL is paying too much for 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
the Vero system.
FPL contends the deal is a major
win-win for everyone and that it was
“carefully crafted” to not negatively
impact customers across the state.
According to extensive public re-
cord, FIPUG challenges FPL and other
investor-owned utilities just about ev-
ery time they mount a rate case or ask
the Florida Public Service Commis-
sion to allow them to book the costs
of a new power plant, solar facility or
technology and wrap that investment
into the rates of FPL’s 4.9 million cus-
FIPUG acts very publicly – challeng-
ing decisions via the Florida Public
Service Commission’s objection pro-
cesses and also appealing matters di-
rectly to the Florida Supreme Court –
but internally, FIPUG operates largely
in the shadows. Its member list is se-
cret, and its finances are not subject
to public record requests. Its board of
directors is not known, if it even has a
board of directors.
Attorney Jon C. Moyle Jr. is the pri-
mary face of FIPUG, and he denied
Vero Beach 32963’s request Monday
for a member list. Moyle said FIPUG’s
private internal business is private,
period. “We have a practice of not
naming members,” he said. When
asked to characterize his membership
by industry, he said only, “We repre-
sent large users of electric that typi-
cally use energy on a 24/7 basis, some
365 days a year.”
A Tallahassee native and University
4 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Threat to electric deal and calling upon experts to testify in expressed his frustration with the FIPUG ed by the Florida Industrial Power Us-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 defense of FPL’s numbers. FPL claims challenge, saying he felt they are trying ers Group,” said Piper Senior Director
that the addition of Vero’s customers to prevent other large users of power in of Marketing and Communications
“Utilities typically do not challenge to its system will yield net-positive Vero from having the same playing field. Jacqueline Carlon, who underscored
who our members are, because over financial benefits in the long run for “They’ve been enjoying low rates all Piper’s pro-sale position.
the years they have an understanding its existing base of ratepayers. FIPUG along, but they don’t want anyone else
that we represent large users of elec- contends this is not the case. to get those rates,” Slater said “Piper Aircraft is a proud manufac-
tricity,” Moyle said. turer of seven different models of air-
The Florida Office of Public Counsel Slater pointed out that Indian River craft and an employer of nearly 1,000
Sometimes FIPUG loses and gets also criticized FPL’s numbers, as did Medical Center alone is expected to individuals in Indian River County,
its objections flat-out denied, but the PSC staff and Chairman Art Gra- save $700,000 per year on FPL after the Florida. As such, operating costs are
sometimes Moyle and other industry ham, but a majority of the five-person deal closes. Slater suggested that if the a key focus for our company and Pip-
groups or large commercial customers panel sided with FPL. public knew which companies belong er Aircraft supports the sale of Vero
are able to eke out last-minute con- to FIPUG, the pressure of public opin- Beach Utilities to FPL,” Carlon said.
cessions from FPL, Tampa Electric or On June 5, the PSC voted 3-2 to ap- ion might be brought to bear on those
other companies. prove the Vero electric sale, complete members and if they knew how much The next step in the PSC process is a
with a $116.2 million cost adjustment they were potentially hurting the larg- status hearing scheduled for Oct. 3 to
The group, shadowy or not, seems to above the book value of the utility un- er Vero Beach community, they might check on various deadlines objecting
be an ever-present fly in FPL’s ointment, der the premise that the $185 million be persuaded to yank the objection so parties and FPL must meet to keep the
but why would huge companies like purchase price constitutes “extraor- the sale could proceed. hearing on track to begin Oct. 10.
paper and lumber mills, cement manu- dinary circumstances” due to Vero’s
facturers, chemical companies, retail 61 percent of customers outside the As speculation swirled last week House in Ambersand Beach
chains and soft drink giants be interest- city limits and Vero’s neighbors’ mo- about which if any local corporations CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
ed in the Vero electric sale? It’s all about rass of legal and regulatory challenges might belong to FIPUG, FPL spokes-
the precedent, according to Moyle. prompted by rate disparities of more person Sarah Gatewood said FPL had plete, stretching for 120 feet along the
than 30 percent. been told that Piper Aircraft was a scenic state highway on the north is-
“We doubt that this is the last time a member, but Piper officials flatly de- land, with the finished roofing mate-
muni (municipal-owned electric utility) The PSC voted to allow FPL to ab- nied that. rial in place and windows ready to be
will be purchased by an investor-owned sorb that adjustment without hitting installed.
utility,” Moyle said. “We are focused on Vero customers with a surcharge. “To be clear, Piper Aircraft is not af-
the merits of the case regarding the ac- Moyle claims his members who pay filiated with the Florida Industrial Pow- The three-story home is being built
quisition adjustment; that the acqui- FPL commercial and demand rates er Users Group and does not support for Barton Raymond Buxton, ac-
sition adjustment is something that will bear the brunt of that $116.2 mil- their objectives in seeking to block this cording to county records and other
should be fairly considered.” lion, plus the loss of return on that in- sale. Piper believes that the advantages sources. Buxton could not be reached
vestment, the full impact on FPL’s base provided by FPL should be made avail- to comment on the house, but the
Moyle takes the PSC to task for not totaling more than $200 million. able to all of those within Indian River
delving into an evidentiary hearing County and not solely those represent-
Indian River Shores Mayor Tom Slater
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 5
history of the project is spelled out in mediately north of the house under wife named Cynthia had come forward tographers behind a large symbolic
detail in 170 pages of county building construction, paying $2.1 million for on April Fool’s Day to reveal himself as check and told California Lottery of-
department records and other public a three-story, 6,500-square-foot resi- the winner of $425 million in the Febru- ficials he planned to set up a charita-
documents. dence that sits on a 1.35-acre lot at ary 2014 Powerball Lottery. He collected ble foundation focusing on “pediatric
13090 Highway A1A. a $242-million lump-sum check. health, child hunger and education.”
Buxton and his wife Cynthia ar-
rived in Ambersand Beach in August Four months earlier, a California resi- On the day he picked up his win- The Buxtons must have found Am-
2014, when they bought the home im- dent with the identical name and with a nings, Buxton hid his face from pho-
6 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
House in Ambersand Beach ued throughout the next year, includ- directly to the foundation with steel, columns that commands the front fa-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 ing permits from the county, FDEP and concrete second- and third-level çade and looks west over the Indian
and the Army Corps of Engineers to floors are tied to the concrete walls. River.
bersand Beach congenial because, one fill wetlands on the site. A building
year after buying the house at 13090 permit was issued on April 21, 2107, The building isn’t going anywhere. At the top of curved stairs, on the
A1A, in August 2015, they bought and foundation work began shortly The first level of the house includes third level, is a 2,600-square-foot liv-
the three lots south of 13090, paying afterward. two large garages, each one approxi- ing room/dining room/kitchen space
$2.175 million in cash in a transaction mately 2,000 square feet – the size of an with wide open ocean views. Off the
handled by a Brevard broker. The island is only 400 feet wide at the average 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2-car ga- kitchen are a green house for grow-
site and the maximum elevation is just rage house – and another 2,000 square ing fresh vegetables and herbs and
After he bought the three lots next 3 feet above sea level. Instead of bring- feet of storage space. a scullery. A clubroom, bar, exercise
door to his current house, Buxton ing in a mountain of fill to raise the An elevator goes up from the ground room and VIP suite occupy the rest of
applied to the county property ap- home safely above a 100-year storm level to the second floor, which in- the interior on this level. There’s also
praiser’s office to combine them into surge, the house was designed, like cludes a 2,000-square-foot great room, an oceanfront terrace that looks to be
a single tax role parcel that totals 4.82 most others in Ambersand, with garage the 2,100-square-foot master bedroom about 4,000 square feet.
acres. More than two-thirds of that and storage space on the first floor, suite, four en suite guest rooms, a small
property is part of the river bottom, surrounded by breakaway, “frangible” parlor and a laundry room. The sec- The main part of the house has a
classified as “submerged lands.” walls that could be washed away with- ond-level floor is several feet above the flat roof, trimmed with a mansard
out harming the structure’s integrity. crest of the highest wave predicted in a surround, that will be finished as an
Buxton seems to have bought the 100-year storm. immense rooftop deck with truly pan-
lots with the big house project al- To fasten the house securely to the The high-and-dry second floor can oramic views taking in ocean, river,
ready in mind. He immediately com- island, general contractor David Da- also be entered via the front exterior island, inlet and everything else for
missioned a soil test, that was report- leiden of Brevard-based Project Man- steps and porch that are visible from many miles around.
ed back in October with a thumbs-up agement Experts dug and poured 120 A1A and lead to the front door.
for construction. auger pilings, 16 inches in diameter The third floor can be reached via Environmentalist and north island
and loaded with rebar, extending 30 the elevator, a grand semi-circular resident Bob Bruce said the Amber-
The Florida Department of Envi- feet down into the earth. front staircase or a utilitarian back sand Beach area was originally intend-
ronmental Protection gave its ap- staircase. ed for ramshackle fish camps.
proval early in 2016, issuing a permit The pilings protrude above grade The front staircase is enclosed in
on Feb. 12. and are tied together with a geomet- the home’s most notable architec- Some years ago, a scheme was float-
ric web of 2-foot by 3-foot concrete tural feature, a semi-circular colon- ed to fill the shallow edge of the lagoon
Buxton filed a Notice of Com- grade beams reinforced with eight to nade of concrete columns that will be 1,000 feet out to build condominiums.
mencement, which had to do with 10 heavy steel bars. A steel-reinforced enclosed with windows between the The organization that became Pelican
site work, in March 2016, and a flurry concrete slab overlays that massive Island Audubon Society was formed
of applications and permits contin- foundation. Concrete walls are tied to fight that plan, which it did success-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 7
$50 ER copay Presumably, that would not be ex- pay to solve an overcrowding problem process Eighmy described would in-
plained to the patients. Instead, they at the ER, typically caused by patients volve new hires not only as navigators
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 will be told that if they go on to a dif- coming in for routine or other non- but in billing and social services, and
ferent healthcare provider for their emergency care because they have no he admits the plan would cost the hos-
thousands of dollars,” George Eighmy, malady, the $50 fee would be waived or insurance or money to pay a doctor’s pital money.
hospital CFO, told the Hospital District refunded. An expanded navigator staff office. With a navigator program al-
Board at a recent Chairman’s Meeting. would intervene with the patient, guid- ready in place and funded by the Dis- “If this goes through, we will be tak-
“And [the indigent patient] would be ing them through a list of providers. trict, indigent patients are still using ing a financial hit, but I think it’s im-
responsible for the entire bill.” the ER for primary care, hospital offi- portant,” said Eighmy.
“That’s the best framework we would cials say.
The hospital is banking that the have,” Eighmy said. The Hospital District covers the
emotional jolt of a $50 copay to an al- The problem is widespread at hos- healthcare of any uninsured resident of
ready sick or injured person would But the copay is still in question. pitals around the country. Many ap- the county, including undocumented
keep them away from the emergency The proposal has stalled over a clause proaches have been tried elsewhere, immigrants, if they earn 150 percent or
department next time. in the Hospital District’s rules listed from 24/7 call lines to help people less of federal poverty guidelines; the
within a Special Act passed by the leg- determine whether they have a true District is considering raising that per-
In the optimal scenario, according islature. That clause reads “the indigent emergency, to opening hospital-run centage to 200.
to Eighmy, patient navigators would sick shall be entitled to medical care urgent care and primary care centers
connect the non-emergency patient without charge, subject to the rules and steps away from the ER. Cleveland Clinic, which is slated
to low-cost primary care physicians regulations prescribed by said board to take control of the hospital later
at Treasure Coast Community Health, of trustees,” and goes on to say, “such Multiple studies show that copays, this year, is currently working out its
Whole Family Health Center or the board may collect from patients finan- also referred to as financial penalties own new policy for indigent care af-
Health Department. cially able such charges as such board or cost-sharing, have not had much ter learning that IRMC functions as a
of trustees may, from time to time, es- success reducing crowded conditions so-called safety-net hospital that takes
Interim hospital CEO Karen Da- tablish.” in hospital emergency departments patients other hospitals won’t cover,
vis made the $50 sum known to the Prior to the Chairman’s Meeting since they were first allowed for Med- apart from stabilizing them after their
Hospital District board last week after where Eighmy explained the plan, the icaid patients by the Deficit Reduction arrival in the ER.
months of meetings over how to com- board learned that its attorney, Jen- Act passed by Congress in 2005.
bat the crowded Emergency Room. nifer Peshke, had reviewed the clause The proposed copay at IRMC would
and determined the copay was le- Along with not significantly deter- go toward the cost of screening the
The charge seems intended more gal. But District Trustee Tracy Zudans ring patients from coming to the ER non-emergency patient, not for any
as a bluff than an actual fee since the asked for outside counsel to give a sec- with non-emergencies, the Medicaid actual treatment. Eighmy described
hospital has no intention of going af- ond opinion on the matter. copays, ranging from $3 to $15, proved the process to trustees: “When a pa-
ter people who don’t pay on the spot, The hospital is pushing for the co- expensive to administer. IRMC offi- tient walks through the door, medical
Eighmy said. “It would be written off cials are braced for exactly that. The screening will assess the patient, di-
as a no-pay,” he said.
8 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
$50 ER copay we would reverse it. That’s an added
“When we were talking originally
agnose the patient and determine the about the hospital copay, we were talk-
level of treatment. If the patient is de- ing about a very minimal copay,” said
termined to be non-emergency, they Trustee Michael Weiss. “Fifty dollars is
go over to our financial counselors.” lot of money if you’re indigent. That’s
not $5.”
Those advisers find out if the pa-
tient has private or public insurance “It had to be higher than what prima-
(Medicaid and Medicare are public ry care was charging,” answered CEO
insurance), or if they are “self-pay” in- Davis.
tending to pay on their own.
“It has to hurt a little bit,” said Deigl,
“If they are determined to be District- who is on the hospital’s emergency de-
eligible, we would say, ‘There’s a $700 partment diversion committee.
screening exam fee.’ Based on that, the
District normally pays about 12 per- It took Miranda Hawker of the
cent of charges, so that comes to $87, Health Department, who works daily
of which you would be responsible for with poor patients, to note the danger
$50. If you want to have treatment, you in such a penalty. “What I worry about
have to pay $50 and then you would is the potential that they have a condi-
incur charges which could be in the tion that they do have to treat and now
thousands of dollars and you would be they’re afraid to go to the Emergency
responsible for the entire bill.” Department because they might incur
a fee,” Hawker told the board.
The counselors will then suggest
treatment at a different location be- After the meeting, District Board
sides the hospital. treasurer Allen Jones said the $50 copay
may be more of a deterrent than lower
“And as a further incentive, we would copays generally found ineffective in
be willing to waive the $50 if they are studies.
willing to go see the doctor,” Eighmy
went on. He also said he feels “there are bet-
ter answers” and that he is research-
At that point, even the strongest co- ing them further before presenting
pay supporter, Karen Deigl, seemed them to the board. In the meantime,
confused. “Why would you be charg- he wants to support CEO Davis, who
ing the fee to begin with?” she asked. he said has personally taken on the
“They’ve done what they need to do. hospital’s problem-plagued ER, and
so far appears to be achieving signifi-
“They came through the emergency cant improvement. The issue of the
room, that’s set, and that’s an obliga- legality of the copay is being reviewed
tion: they owe the $50 to the hospital. by the same attorneys working on the
We would ask for it, and then they don’t deal with Cleveland Clinic. The board
have it, and we would bill it. If they expects to have an answer by its next
could prove [they went to a doctor], meeting, later this month.
Boca not joining Cleveland ings of the Vero hospital to reviewing
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 issues involving the Hospital District,
which owns the hospital buildings
hospital system, Miami-based Baptist and land on behalf of county taxpay-
Health, as its potential merger partner. ers. Because the deal proposed with
Cleveland Clinic involves two non-
That leaves Martin Health’s three profits, it would be in the form of a
hospitals, two in Stuart and one in Port member substitution, not an outright
St. Lucie’s Tradition, to join Indian River sale, and will require revisions to the
Medical Center in the Cleveland family lease the District currently has with
if negotiations here go as expected. IRMC’s management company.
Cleveland Clinic and IRMC this In addition, the policy covering the
week missed what had been a tenta- charity care Cleveland Clinic provides
tive July deadline for a definitive agree- to poor patients must be redrawn,
ment. But on an encouraging note, District Chairman Marybeth Cun-
Indian River Hospital District trustees ningham told the board at its Wednes-
have been asked to make their vaca- day Chairman’s meeting. Originally,
tion schedules known through August. it was thought that Cleveland Clinic
Weston’s policy would apply to all its
That’s because any agreement must future Florida hospitals.
be reviewed by trustees in a meeting
that requires 10 days advance public “It’s probably one of the most
notice. The Hospital District, estab- critical issues,” said Cunningham.
lished by the state legislature, is a tax- “Weston, which is their only experi-
ing district and must operate in accor- ence in Florida, is not a safety net hos-
dance with Florida’s Government in pital, so they have other hospitals that
the Sunshine laws. they can refer [patients] to for indigent
care and that kind of thing. It has tak-
Cleveland Clinic attorneys have en them time to come to grips with the
moved on from examining the work-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 9
fact that we are a safety net hospital, said. “And if it turns out to be less than Raton Regional Hospital for the op- Boca would be Baptist’s third hos-
that there is no alternative for people that, then it falls even further.” portunity to participate in this pro- pital in Palm Beach County. Last year,
in our community. cess. While disappointing, we remain it acquired Bethesda Health’s two
“I do believe we will have enough optimistic about our growth oppor- hospitals in Boynton Beach. Cleve-
“Their [Weston] policy doesn’t work definition on where we’re going before tunities in Florida and continue dis- land Clinic has none, and with no
for us, so [a new policy] has to be devel- the September vote to be able to ad- cussions with Indian River Medical certificate of need to build its own
oped,” said Cunningham, who is repre- just it,” said Cunningham. Center and Martin Health System.” hospital, it has made clear it intends
senting the District Board at large in the to partner with an existing one.
dealings with Cleveland to date. “We’ve The budget and property tax rate Baptist Health, already the largest
had a lot of meetings to get them to will be discussed again in August and health system in south Florida with 2,251 Boca is one of two that are not al-
understand what they have had to de- September. beds, will become a 10-hospital system ready part of a larger system; Jupiter
velop is a brand-new policy ... which I if the deal with Boca goes through. Its Medical Center is the other, and it
think is all positive. I haven’t seen it, but Boca Regional, a nonprofit like flagship, Baptist Hospital, snatched the has said it intends to remain inde-
it is to take care [of the poor] as we have Cleveland Clinic, until its decision to top U.S. News rating in the state away pendent.
or better. But I want to see it.” go in another direction last week would from Cleveland Clinic Weston last year
have been the largest in what the Ohio- for hospitals in Palm Beach, Broward Cleveland’s last-minute back-and-
The delay has left the District in lim- based system envisions as a Cleveland and Miami-Dade counties. This year’s forth with Boca may have contributed
bo with its 2018-2019 budget, which is Florida division. It has 400 beds and a ratings are due later this month. to the delay in reaching a definitive
due to be finalized in September. Last large teaching program with Florida agreement with Indian River.
week, Board treasurer Allen Jones con- Atlantic University.
vinced the board to OK an increase in
the millage rate to .9405 as the trust- The committee charged last June
ees, who are elected or appointed by with making the choice for Boca Re-
the governor, try to define their mis- gional’s future partner considered 12
sion in light of Cleveland Clinic’s ex- hospital systems before narrowing
pected assumption of at least part of the field to Baptist and Cleveland. The
the hospital’s treatment costs for the Boca Regional board of trustees made
medically indigent. The cost of that the final decision.
care totaled around $7.5 million this
year, when the millage rate for the Dis- “While this was a most difficult
trict was .8894. choice, one that was between two of
the finest healthcare providers in the
“I would point out that the big- country, our Trustees believe Baptist
gest amount of increase in this is for is the best fit for Boca Regional,” Boca
IRMC,” said Jones. If, with Cleveland’s Regional CEO Jerry Fedele said in an-
contribution, that falls to $5 million, nouncing the decision.
the millage rate would drop to .78, he
Cleveland Clinic offered this com-
ment through media relations man-
ager Tora Vinci. “We appreciate Boca
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10 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
County passes six-month moratorium on biosolids
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN of biosolids – treated human waste – pecially nitrogen – end up in rivers or FDEP to study the effects of biosolids
Staff Writer on agriculture land. The application of lakes, where the chemicals can feed application on water bodies and make
human waste to fields serves two pur- destructive algae blooms. recommendations in six months.
It’s not certain if biosolids are the poses: It is a way for municipalities to
source of pollution at Blue Cypress dispose of the steady flow of biosolids Several months after fears of pol- Fellsmere City Manager Jason Nun-
Lake, but local governments are mov- coming out of their sewage treatment lution and toxic algae blooms at Blue emaker said Fellsmere will likely pass
ing to block their use just in case while plants – 87,000 tons are produced an- Cypress Lake first emerged, the Indian the same moratorium ordinance this
waiting for a slow-moving Florida De- nually in Florida – and farmers and River County Commission last month week, on Aug. 2. That would make the
partment of Environmental Protection ranchers, who are paid to absorb the banned the hauling and application of entire county biosolid-free, since no
to take action and give them direction. material, use it as fertilizer. “Class B” biosolids on unincorporated city in the county besides Fellsmere
county land for the next six months. has farms that use biosolids.
The FDEP is the oversight agency Problems arise when the nutrients The ordinance also directs the County
that issues permits for the application contained in the waste material – es- Administrator to coordinate with the In late July, The Treasure Coast Re-
gional Planning Council passed a res-
olution calling on governments state-
wide to seek better ways to dispose of
“We’ve put a lot of eggs in the eco-
tourism basket,” Nunemaker said of
his city’s expected action, “and we
don’t want to be a loophole in this pro-
cess while we’re trying to figure out
what’s going on.”
Nunemaker added that he’s “opti-
mistic” the FDEP will take timely and
reasonable action – but others are not
so sure.
County Commission Chairman Pe-
ter O’Bryan asked the FDEP six weeks
ago what “marker” it would accept for
ruling biosolids in or out. He noted
scientific studies have used the ar-
tificial sweetener Sucralose and the
pharmaceutical Acetaminophen as
markers for septic system pollution.
The FDEP has not answered his ques-
tion, holding up county testing.
In the meantime, the county has
sought to gain consensus for a bio-
solid ban. Utilities Director Vincent
Burke and County Administrator Ja-
son Brown met at the end of June with
ranch owners, who agreed to the six-
month moratorium.
During the public hearing on the
moratorium ordinance last week,
O’Bryan said only one party has ob-
jected to the ban. H&H Liquid Sludge
Disposal, the company that applies
biosolids at Pressley Ranch near Blue
Cypress Lake, does not believe the
waste material is polluting the lake.
“H&H respects Pressley Ranch’s will-
ingness to participate in a voluntary
180-day moratorium and will stand be-
side them through the process,” Blake
Hacht, one of the owners of H&H, said in
the email, but it is “improbable that the
land application of biosolids is affecting
water quality in Blue Cypress Lake.”
Hacht asserted that FDEP inspec-
tions in 2018 “found no runoff of bio-
solids or algae growth near or in drain-
age ditches in and around application
zones,” and said biosolids have “a low
concentration of water-soluble nutri-
ents that are available to leach/runoff,
especially compared to commercial
12 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
LaPorte Farms ponies up for Back to School barnyard bash
BY MARY SCHENKEL PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 bags filled with school supplies do- homeless and “anybody needing a
Staff Writer nated by local residents and busi- hand up. They’re always welcome to
Blake Childers rides Bodacious. nesses, as well as goodies handed call. If we’ve got something to share,
Old MacDonald has nothing on out at a host of vendor and nonprofit we will be honored. It’s not going
Laura LaPorte. The LaPorte Farms sticking up from an ice cream cone. booths. to be a one-time shot; it’s a lifetime
petting zoo on Roseland Road in LaPorte explained that the local Mc- thing.”
Sebastian boasts everything from Donald’s is helping them become LaPorte’s indomitable spirit con-
standard farmyard animals to exotic eco-friendly, by supplying cones to tinues to triumph over the challeng- The community-oriented event
wildlife and birds. hold critter food. The animals hap- es life has thrown at her – Muscular was one of many hosted by the farm
pily eat the empty cones as well. Dystrophy, a devastating car acci- since its founding in 1994. They
The five-acre, handicap-accessible dent that left her partially paralyzed, regularly schedule school and af-
farm was overrun with children and At the end of the day, youngsters a stroke that rendered her a quadri- terschool groups and also cater to
families last Saturday at its third an- took home roughly 600 free book plegic, and the loss of a kidney. special needs children and adults.
nual Back to School Family Fun Day
– although school was very clearly “But I’m good; I’m awesome,” said Annual events include a Fall Fes-
not on the minds of the little ones LaPorte with a big smile. “We are tival in October, a Cowboy Christ-
that day. There were far too many in- now a nonprofit; Friends of LaPorte mas with thousands of twinkling
teresting things going on. Farms is a 501(c)3.” lights, and Easter on the Farm. Next
up: They’re a participant in the Aug.
In addition to interacting with all After seeing a need in the com- 10 Sebastian Chamber of Com-
the friendly critters, visitors enjoyed munity, she developed the Back to merce Grill Out Night, and will host
numerous activities throughout the School event three years ago, quickly a Sept. 8 Kids’ Fishing Tournament
entire farm – pony rides, hammering garnering help from the Sebastian and a Sept. 29 Special Needs West-
away with Home Depot volunteers to Rotary Club. “They jumped right in ern Hoedown.
make wooden helicopters, and even the game with me.”
taking turns on ‘Bodacious’ the me- LaPorte Farms is open Monday to
chanical bull. She noted that any bags left over Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Saturday
will be donated to homeless students and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admis-
“This isn’t ice cream,” stated one and to school teachers needing help. sion is free; donations appreciated.
little girl, her brow furrowed in con- They are also collecting various toi- For more information, visit laporte-
fusion as she peered at carrot slices letries and gift cards to distribute
throughout the year to seniors, the
14 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Stephanie Iaria with granddaughter Penelope Coffindaffer.
Isabella Sikora.
Laura LaPorte and Ginger Marousky. Seth Williams enjoys a rocking horse. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Antonia Caruana.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 15
Alexia Thaler and Isabella Geer make ‘angels’ in the corn.
Anyla Denrard ‘milks’ a cow. Back to School Family Fun Day at LaPorte Farms.
IRSO Deputy Richard Henson and his K-9 Falko are
visited by Eve Bechard.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Waterway Cleanup is volunteers’ perfect picker-upper
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Grace LaPorta and Lynn Corbin. “Our community members are ac- boating to working waterfronts.”
Staff Writer tively trying to keep our waterways In addition to ubiquitous plastic
trekked along the edge of the lagoon, clean. This amazing ecosystem that
Indian River County volunteers and paddled and motored to spoil we have is the most biodiverse estu- bags, cigarette butts and beer cans,
were a part of the pollution solu- islands, all armed with gloves, buck- ary in North America. We want to volunteers have found bicycles,
tion last Saturday morning during ets and trash pickers to help clean up make sure that we’re doing our part shopping carts, air conditioning
the 11th annual Treasure Coast Wa- our waterways. to help keep it clean and looking compressors and decks with tiki
terway Cleanup as they joined more beautiful,” Christopherson stated. torches on them. But the weird-
than 700 others for the environmen- Sarah Christopherson, ELC site est find over the years, according
tally friendly event. leader at the Wabasso Causeway She added that ELC education staff to Price, was a glass eye in St. Lucie
boat ramp, teamed up with Plastic has increased its plastic awareness State Park.
Six of the 30 Treasure Coast loca- Free Florida and Paddles by the Sea efforts in response to studies show-
tions were in Indian River County, to give the popular boat launch a ing that we are indirectly ingesting “We do this to teach personal re-
where local volunteers spread out thorough cleaning, while also rais- plastics through the food chain. sponsibility and educate boaters,”
from Riverside Park and north to the ing awareness about the dangers of explained Price. “It’s something
Sebastian Inlet Marina. plastics breaking down in the water- “Plastics don’t really biodegrade that has to be learned and taught in
ways. they break down into smaller piec- many cases.”
“I’m here because I love picking up es of plastic,” said Christopherson.
trash. It helps the environment and “Those small pieces absorb toxins The good news, she said, is that
saves sea life inside the lagoon,” said and other contaminants that ma- the amount has decreased from an
13-year-old Genevieve Presti, ELC rine creatures ingest and it can make average 12 tons of trash per cleanup
GreenTeen volunteer. them really sick, which affects hu- during the first few years, to about
mans too.” five tons the past few years. “The
Since 2008 more than 8,500 peo- more people you get out there, the
ple have rolled up their sleeves to Event coordinator April Price, more people that are part of the so-
remove more than 77 tons of trash who annually organizes the event lution and not part of the problem.”
from Treasure Coast waterways, on behalf of the Marine Industries
with 21.05 tons of the garbage com- Association of the Treasure Coast, All volunteers are invited to an ap-
ing from Indian River County. describes them as “basically the preciation barbecue on Aug. 5 at the
chamber of commerce for marine Ft. Pierce Yacht Club.
This year organizers estimated industries business, from fishing to
more than 300 local volunteers For more information, visit tcwa-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 17
Rebecca Brandt and Donna Bellefleur. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Chris Woodruff, Emma Partisano and Genevieve Presti.
Pelican Island volunteers set off in search of trash. Anne Lins, Sandee Dawdy and Carter Dawdy. Emma Partisano, Sarah Christopherson and Jesse Elder.
Larry and Marg Kiefer with Dan and Nora Lichty.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Beauty’ cuties enthralled by ‘Be Our Guest’ party
BY MARY SCHENKEL Heidi Peters (front) gets a photo op with Emily Olsson, Sam Kmetz and Ricky Rivera. for cellphone shots with members of
Staff Writer the Vero Beach High School Drama
Inclement weather brought the and the Beast”-themed coloring pag- Department – Emily Olsson, Saman-
There were more than a few mo- chalk-art indoors, where long strips of es. tha Kmetz, Ricky Rivera and John
ments of cuteness overload as the white paper taped to the floor became Stallings – who were costumed as Mrs.
Heritage Center began to fill with works of art, as did the large “Beauty As some children waited to have Potts, Belle, Lumière and Cogsworth,
children and families last Saturday their faces painted, others shyly posed respectively.
afternoon at a free Be Our Guest
party that featured a screening “It’s sort of a take on our monthly
of the 2017 live-action version of Starry Night on the Green nights, but
“Beauty and the Beast.” Many of the it’s summer and it’s hot and you never
little girls came dressed in bright know what the weather might do, so
yellow gowns and twirled about in we decided to do one indoors instead.
imitation of the beloved character And this is a fantastic turnout,” said
Belle. Stapleton. “What was meaningful to
me was that books were so important
“No one cares about an histor- to Belle, so that’s why we have the
ic building unless they’ve had a book swap today.”
chance to make their own memo-
ries there,” said Heather Stapleton, As youngsters poured over a table-
special events coordinator for the ful of books, 7-year-old Tauni had
nonprofit Vero Heritage Inc., which difficulty selecting one, excitedly ex-
operates and maintains the Heri- claiming, “There’s some new books
tage Center and adjacent Indian here I love!”
River Citrus Museum. “And that is
the whole point of trying to have It was a little difficult to hear her over
activities for various age groups. We the squeals of laughter and screeches
hope that these kids will remember of glee as children ran about clutching
this experience and will grow up to bags of aromatic popcorn, but local
be adults who care about preserv- storyteller Ginger Heller gave it her all.
ing the Heritage Center.”
One of the books they chose was
“I am blown away with this turn- “The Storybook Knight,” about a little
out,” said presenting sponsor Kim mouse who is a knight, but instead of
Piston, owner of Inside Track Alma- slaying with a sword, uses stories and
nac. “I really love the Heritage Cen- books. The other was “Rosie Revere,
ter and want to try to do whatever I Engineer,” an engaging story about a
can to help out. Vero can always use little girl who is “a brilliant inventor of
more events that are family- and gizmos and gadgets.”
children-oriented, especially dur-
ing the summer when kids are out Adults are targeted at the next two
of school.” Heritage Center events: Aug. 9 Night at
the Citrus Museum and Aug. 17 Seller to
Cellar. For more information visit vero-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 19
Charlotte Entz. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Shawn Bagley and Brianna Baker. Kaelyn Hill and Heidi Peters.
Ginger Heller leads story time. Alli Bromberg, Heather Stapleton and Kim Piston. Lucy Powers and Aurore Ross.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Partying with a purpose at ‘Tour de Turtles’ kick-off
BY ANTHEA MANAYON movements and are designed to even- plastic debris, light pollution, climate keting coordinator for Tarte Cosmet-
Correspondent tually fall off. change, harvest for meat and egg con- ics. The company sponsored Turtlette,
sumption, commercial trawl and long- who, along with Bion, was released the
The Sea Turtle Conservancy cele- The turtles are tracked for three line fisheries, illegal shell trade, inva- following morning from the Archie
brated the start of its 11th annual Tour months as they ‘race’ to finish a turtle sive species predation, beach erosion, Carr National Wildlife Refuge.
de Turtles Marathon with a kick-off marathon, with the goal of swimming oil spills and tourism.
party last Saturday evening at the Bar- the furthest distance. The public can “We’re really excited to give back to
rier Island Center in Melbourne Beach get involved by ‘adopting’ the turtles “It’s very impactful to see the reha- the community as well as show our fol-
to highlight the migration journey of to raise awareness of the various sea bilitation process as well as the track- lowers and consumers that we’re not
sea turtles. turtle species and the human threats ing process of the life of the turtle after only just a cosmetic brand,” she added.
to their survival, such as water quality, its release,” said Alex Gonzales, mar- “We like to see the change every single
Along with a social mixer featuring day by recycling, picking up plastic,
hors d’oeuvres, refreshments and the cleaning the ocean, and releasing sea
rhythmic island sounds of 23 Treez, a turtles.”
silent auction was held offering items
donated for the benefit of sea turtle There were also two loggerhead sea
conservation. turtles – Trixie and Mrs. Potato Head
– sponsored by Disney Parks Blog and
“It’s awesome. It never gets old [to] released that Saturday morning from
have fun events where you get to be Disney’s Vero Beach Resort. Other re-
social and have actual turtle work,” leases in Florida took place in Anna
said Cori McWilliams, 14, a Vero Beach Maria Island and Marathon Key, and
resident who has volunteered with STC elsewhere from Panama, Costa Rica,
since age 4. Cuba and Nevis. In all, there are four
leatherback, four green, seven log-
Tour de Turtles follows sea turtle mi- gerhead and two hawksbill sea turtle
gration patterns from nesting beaches marathoners.
to foraging grounds using satellite
transmitters attached to the turtles’ For more information about sea turtle
back (carapace). The transmitters nei- conservation, adopt a turtle or follow their
ther hurt their shells nor restrict their migrations, visit
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 21
Shelby Condron and Monica Calderon. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
Lucy and Susan Smoker.
Darren and Stacy Berkner. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Mrs. Potato Head. Billy Flanigan gets ready to sing at the Disney Vero Beach turtle release.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 Katie and Jim Watson with Sue and Roger Self. Abhishek Paul, Bridget Ballard, Taylor Lubecki and Matthew Collins.
Stacey Marquis, Taylor Brown and Lexie Beach.
Kari Doering and Julie Jacky. Jeanette Cornelius and Patti Cornelius. April Jones and Tina Farrell. Joan Robertson and La Shawn Pennington.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Post-war prints make an ‘Impression’ at Vero museum
A selection of American prints is on than a commercial one. Siligraphy, also
display through Sept. 23 in the Titel- known as waterless lithography, uses sil-
man Gallery of the Vero Beach Muse- icone to selectively repel and attract ink
um of Art. on different parts of a printing support;
the result resembles a lithograph. In col-
“Post-War Impressions: Printmak- lography (also spelled collagraphy), the
ing in the United States after World War
II” is a selection of artworks chosen by
VBMA curator Danielle Johnson from
the museum’s collection of 272 prints.
Johnson says that when she was
looking through the flat files to de-
cide on a checklist, she found the post-
World War II printmaking collection
particularly robust.
“It really it reflects the explosion in the
print industry after the ’60s,” she says.
That explosion included a number of
techniques, both old and new, that art-
ists felt free to use, including lithogra-
phy, woodcut, mezzotint and etching.
There are also techniques on display
you may not have heard of, including
serigraphy, siligraphy and collography.
Serigraphy refers to the screen printing
process which, by the 1950s, was becom-
ing known as a fine art medium rather
artist creates a low relief collage on however, the marks evidence the fateful
the printing support, which is then moment when hot iron met paper.
inked. Transferred in an intaglio
press onto paper, the ink from the In her label for the print, curator
collage creates a print with rich visual Johnson wrote that the technique “re-
texture. flects the openness of the art commu-
nity to new techniques and effects, par-
There is one print in the exhibition ticularly from the 1960s onward.”
whose technique will be familiar to
anyone who has ever ironed their favor- Not a lot is known about the artist
ite cotton shirt on too high a setting. of this piece. Born in 1941, Montanez
graduated with an MFA in Sculpture in
Artist Rudolph Montanez’s “…That 1972 from California State University in
Pass in the Night” of 1979 is composed Fresno. After moving to New York City,
of scorch marks from electric steam he exhibited at the 1975 Whitney Bien-
irons on paper. The sienna-colored nial and was included in four group
burns are from the soleplates of two dif- shows at MoMA PS1 in 1977 and 1978.
ferent irons, placed side by side on the The trail of his exhibition career goes
paper, pointy end up. cold after 1985. Montanez retired from
a 30-year career teaching art in New
“It was fun for me to bring this one York’s public school system about 2011.
out,” says Johnson, who laughs as she
points out that the print is notated as an The source of the print in the VBMA
artist’s proof in its lower left margin. collection was the Alternative Museum,
an arts institution devoted to showing
That might make you wonder if the new work by underrepresented artists.
artist made, or had the intention to Founded in 1975, the museum moved
make, an edition from this prototype. several times, finally shutting its doors
in 2000 in favor of an online presence.
Despite the humor inherent in its In 1990, after its board decided the mu-
offbeat process, there is also a certain seum would be an exhibiting and edu-
ruefulness about these monochrome
brandings, placed just so on the paper.
As the title suggests, they look some-
thing like the bottoms of two parallel
boats. Rather than passing in the night,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 25
glio print 1966 “Dill- blasted, acid-etched or siligraph pro-
inger: The Great Ma- cessed glass plate.
son City Raid” is on
display. The gentle Prints originally given to Littleton
surrealist John Wil- as a token of friendship are also here.
de, another of Little- One of them is the Oregon-based Mar-
ton’s colleagues, is garet Prentice, whose 1992 wood cut
represented in the show by his litho- on handmade paper, “Flying Dream,”
graph “Wildeview” of 1985. was produced as part of a commission
Littleton also received prints from for the Oregon prison system.
artists he invited to create prints
at his North Carolina Studios. His The print’s theme is escape; it
print atelier produced intaglio and shows prisoners being propelled to
siligraph prints using glass plates as freedom by the powerful jet of a mag-
printing matrixes. Littleton coined ic fountain.
the word “vitreograph” to designate
a printed image pulled from a sand- It’s a very serious idea for an artwork
that was for a jail facility, but she man-
aged to make it something very fun and
cational institution only, the Alternative ture of a Dream” is based on one of his
Museum’s collection of artworks was paintings. Under his supervision, the
dispersed. The then-Vero Beach Cen- serigraph was made in 1995 at Fine Art
ter for the Arts received the gift of 85 of Printing in Long Island City, N.Y.
paintings, drawings and prints from it.
Born in Brooklyn in 1943, the art-
Other prints currently on display ist took his training in New York City
are by very well-known artists, in- at Pratt Institute and the School of Vi-
cluding Romare Bearden, Jasper sual Arts after minoring in art at City
Johns, James Rosenquist and Andy College of New York (where he earned
Warhol. Also in the show, a 1992 Rich- a B.A. in Sociology and Anthropology).
ard Diebenkorn print titled “High Dinkin subsequently made a name for
Green, Version II” is the promised gift himself the as the founder of Interna-
of David and Georgia Welles. tional Food Marketing, a New Jersey-
based advertising firm that marketed
While those names would be a feath- frozen foods. He gained one of his big-
er in any museum’s cap, the works of gest accounts, Marie Callendar, in 1988.
lesser known artists from the VBMA Before he retired from the position in
collection present a strong showing 1994, Dinkin served as president of that
next to the production of their more fa- company.
mous colleagues.
Not everything in the Titelman Gal-
Take, for example, “Structure of a lery has its origins in New York, how-
Dream,” the painterly, 95-color seri- ever.
graph on display by Mahopac, N.Y.-
based Larry Dinkin. “A few of the prints here are from the
Midwest,” notes Johnson.
“When I first saw it in storage, it
looked like a painting -- it’s so lush, so Many of those were the 2000 gift of
dense -- and that’s obviously a product sculptor Harvey K. Littleton, who at the
of the number of screens used to pro- time wintered on the Treasure Coast. A
duce the print,” says Johnson. retired professor of art, Littleton was af-
filiated with the University of Wiscon-
The print’s imagery hints at all sorts sin-Madison, where he installed the
of industrial environments, from the country’s first hot glass studio. Known
interior of a warehouse to the structure as the Father of the Studio Glass Move-
of a highway overpass. ment, his 1988 sculpture “Blue Sliced
Descending Form” was purchased by
Dinkin, notes Johnson, is not primar- the VBMA for its collection in 2008.
ily a printmaker, but a painter. “Struc-
Some of Littleton’s gifts to the mu-
seum were created by his teaching
colleagues in Madison. They include
Warrington Colescott, whose 1966 inta-
26 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Riverside Dance Festival adds intriguing twist
BY SAM ROHLFING BAITA 3 “Vegas Nights” – One more week-
Staff Writer end to spend with Lady Luck at
Riverside Theatre, with Riverside’s
1 Balletomanes (such as myself) just-for-fun-and-some-prizes casino
will certainly have cleared this
gaming; free, free, free Live in the Loop
Friday/Saturday on your Absolutely concert, plus food, bevs and, this week-
Must Do calendars for the sixth an- end, Dueling Pianos, the Howl at the
nual Riverside Dance Festival, an ex- Moon Experience (whereby you can
citing partnership between Ballet Vero let your hair down, sing along, dance
Beach and Riverside Theatre. Making even, and help pick the music). Duking
this already special event even more it out across the ivories this week – and
compelling is a first in the Festival’s daring you to suggest a tune they can’t
history, one full evening-length work, play – it’s Howl faves Ken Gustafson
presented by Ballet Vero Beach and and Katie Pinder Brown, playing non-
performed by the professional Atlanta- stop till 10:30 p.m. Bringing the free
based contemporary dance company, concert tunes will be the pop stylings
CORE Dance. The recently premiered of Cyndi Rapp and Rappture; and the
work “Memorial. Memory. Relation- Jacks Band’s classic rock. Live in the
ship” was created by D. Patton White, Loop concert: 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Howl
choreographer and CORE company at the Moon Dueling Pianos: 7:30 p.m.
manager, following the unexpected and 8:30 p.m. seatings. Tickets: $12,
and untimely death of his brother, seating only; $18 to $22, table seating.
Claiborne. The piece explores “love, 1 CORE Dance company at Riverside Dance Festival this weekend. 772-231-6990.
loss and life’s passages,” and White
found the creation process cathartic 4 The Tiki Bar and Grill is a cool
little place smack on the Indian
as he dealt with his own loss and grief. day, Aug. 4, 2 p.m. Tickets: free. Pro- cil, and featuring Vietnam-themed
fessional CORE Dance performances work by local artists. On Wednesday,
The other Festival program will be pre- of “Memorial. Memory. Relationship” 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., there’ll be a recep- River off Sebastian’s India River Drive,
Friday and Saturday, Aug. 3 and 4, 8 tion at the Heritage Center on 14th
sented by Festival students and their p.m. Tickets: $10 to $75. 772-231-6990. Street, with refreshments, cash bar well worth a little jaunt north. In addi-
and an auction of many of the works,
instructors, a culmination of two in- all in support of Next Generation Vet- tion to live music nightly, there’s home-
erans. Clips will be screened from the
tense weeks of classes and workshops. documentary, “A Bond Unbroken,” made foodstuffs (super good dogs, as
the powerful documentary narrated
The students – dedicated dancers from by well-known broadcast journalist I recall). This Friday, grab a beer, put
Bob Woodruff, which traces the emo-
10 and up – experience master classes, 2 “A Bond Unbroken” is the fit- tional 40-year journey of Navy SEALs your toes in the sand and enjoy the
ting title of the week-long art to reunite with their Vietnamese com-
open rehearsals and technique classes bat interpreter, according to Vimooz. music of Cover Story, playing “eclectic
com. Reception ticket: $45 Vietnam
with professional instructors: CORE exhibition currently on display in veterans: free. 772-770-4857. music you know and love,” 7 p.m. to 11
dancers and Riverside’s dance faculty, downtown Vero’s galleries through p.m. Come Saturday at 1 p.m., it’s Chris
led by Adam Schell, artistic director of this Wednesday, Aug. 8. Whether you Fenn, an experienced, self-proclaimed
Ballet Vero Beach and Riverside’s di- experienced this tumultuous, heart- “one-man band.” Chris plays a variety
rector of dance education, culminat- breaking, divisive era yourself or have of instruments – guitar, sax, flute, har-
ing in the creation of their own work to simply heard the stories, you will be monica – and sings, in several genres,
be performed alongside CPC in a free, moved by this tribute to Vietnam War from classic rock to blues to country.
mixed repertory showcase to conclude veterans, presented by Next Genera- Loaded Dice starts rollin’ at 7 p.m. 772-
the festival. Student Showcase: Satur- tion Veterans and the Cultural Coun- 388-1080.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
In the town of Sodankyla, Finland, Montreal hit 98 degrees on July 2, its The brutal weather has been super- National Oceanic and Atmospheric
the thermometer on July 17 registered warmest temperature ever measured. charged by human-induced climate Administration.
a record-breaking 90 degrees, a re- Canadian health officials estimate as change, scientists say. Climate mod-
markable figure given that Sodankyla many as 70 people died in that heat wave. els for three decades have predicted It’s not just heat. A warming world
is 59 miles north of the Arctic Circle, in exactly what the world is seeing this is prone to multiple types of extreme
a region known for winter snowmobil- In the United States, 35 weather sta- summer. weather – heavier downpours, stron-
ing and an abundance of reindeer. tions in the past month have set new ger hurricanes, longer droughts.
marks for warm overnight tempera- And they predict that it will get hot-
This is a hot, strange and dangerous tures. Southern California has had re- ter – and that what is a record today “You see roads melting, airplanes not
summer across the planet. cord heat and widespread power outag- could someday be the norm. being able to take off, there’s not enough
es. InYosemiteValley, which is imperiled water,” said Katharine Hayhoe, director
Greece is in mourning after scorch- by wildfires, park rangers have told ev- “The old records belong to a world of the Climate Science Center at Texas
ing heat and high winds fueled wildfires eryone to flee. that no longer exists,” said Martin Ho- Tech University. “Climate change hits us
that have killed more than 80 people. erling, a research meteorologist at the at our Achilles’ heel. In the Southwest,
Japan recorded its highest temperature it’s water availability. On the Gulf Coast,
in history, 106 degrees, in a heat wave it’s hurricanes. In the East, it’s flooding.
that killed 65 people in a week and It’s exacerbating the risks we already
hospitalized 22,000, shortly after cata- face today.”
strophic flooding killed 200.
The proximate cause of the North-
Ouargla, Algeria, hit 124 degrees on ern Hemisphere bake-off is the unusual
July 5, a likely record for the continent behavior of the jet stream, a wavy track
of Africa. And the 109-degree reading of west-to-east-prevailing wind at high
in Quriyat, Oman, on June 28 amazed altitude. The jet stream controls broad
meteorologists because that wasn’t the weather patterns, such as high-pressure
day’s high temperature. That was the and low-pressure systems. The extent
low. It was the hottest low temperature of climate change’s influence on the jet
ever recorded on Earth. stream is an intense subject of research.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 29
This summer, the jet stream has broke the record for how much rain could
undulated in extreme waves that have fall from a single storm, researchers knew
tended to block weather systems from climate change had been a factor.
migrating. The result has been stag-
nant high-pressure and low-pressure Months later, scientists presented
systems with dire results, such as heat findings that Harvey dumped at least
waves in some places and flooding 15 percent more rain in Houston than
elsewhere. it would have without global warm-
ing. Theory, meet reality: When the at-
“When those waves are very big – as mosphere is warmer, it can hold more
they have been for the past few weeks moisture. Climate change does not
– they tend to get stuck in place,” said cause hurricanes to spin up or thun-
Jennifer Francis, a professor of atmo- derstorms to develop, but it can be an
spheric science at Rutgers University. intensifier.
Last year, scientists published evidence
that the conditions leading up to “stuck In Dallas, where the temperature hit
jet streams” are becoming more com- 100 on 10 out of 11 days in July, three
mon, with warming in the Arctic seen homeless people died of heat-related
as a likely culprit. causes in the past week, said Brenda
Snitzer, executive director of the Stew-
Gone are the days when scientists pot, a downtown shelter.
drew a bright line dividing weather and
climate. Now researchers can exam- In Phoenix, where last week’s temper-
ine a weather event and estimate how ature hit 116 degrees, Dustin Nye, 36,
much climate change had to do with who spent the day installing air-condi-
causing or exacerbating it. tioning units, said he has suffered heat
stroke in the past and still gets woozy.
Last year, when Hurricane Harvey
30 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
“It takes a special breed to do this all It’s Britain’s driest summer since Kingdom’s national weather service In Ireland, the sun-parched fields
day long in this heat,” he said. “You’ve modern records began in 1961. Reser- urged people to avoid the sun last week, revealed a previously hidden footprint
really got to work up your endurance voirs are declining rapidly, and water with temperatures expected to hit 98 of a 5,000-year-old monument near
and just buckle down and deal with it.” restrictions are in effect. The United Fahrenheit. Newgrange.
In Los Angeles, Marty Adams, chief Human activity, primarily the burn-
operating officer of the Department ing of fossil fuels, has added greenhouse
of Water and Power, said, “It seems gases to the atmosphere, trapping heat
like every year, we’ve had some type and making extreme weather events
of temperature anomaly that we nor- even more extreme. The amount of car-
mally would not have.” Residents of bon dioxide in the atmosphere reached
beach cities such as Long Beach and 410 parts per million in May, the high-
Santa Monica, who normally rely on est the Mauna Loa Observatory in Ha-
the ocean breeze to cool their homes, waii had measured since Charles David
have added air-conditioning units, Keeling started keeping records in 1958.
which strains the grid and has con- NASA estimates Earth has warmed al-
tributed to power outages, he said. most one degree Celsius (1.8 degrees
Fahrenheit) since the late 1800s. Of
Said Hayhoe: “The biggest myth that, half a degree (around one degree
that the largest number of people have F) has accrued since 1990 alone.
bought into is that ‘climate change
doesn’t matter to me personally.’ ” If nothing is done to curb green-
house-gas emissions, scientists say,
The heat waves have hit hard where the global temperature increase could
people don’t expect them – the Neth- reach nine degrees Fahrenheit by the
erlands, Sweden, Britain, Ireland and end of the century, with higher spikes
Canada. on land and at high latitudes. The Par-
is agreement, signed by every country
“Our office doesn’t have air condi- in the world, is designed to limit that
tioning. I do have a fan,” said Geert Jan temperature spike through commit-
van Oldenborgh, a climate researcher ments to cut greenhouse-gas emis-
at the Royal Netherlands Meteorologi- sions over time. President Trump, who
cal Institute. He spoke by phone from in the past has called global warming
the city of Gouda, where the tempera- a hoax, has vowed to pull the United
ture hit 96 degrees last Thursday. States out of the accord as soon as that
becomes possible, in 2020.
“This kind of event was a 1-in-100-
year event in 1900,” he said. “It’s be-
come 20 times more likely.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 31
The 2017 National Climate Assess- waves are becoming more extreme more frequent and more extreme. global warming can build up over time.
ment, released in November, conclud- and will continue to do so. Snowpack will continue to decline. “The accumulated energy over one
ed what it has for nearly three decades: Large wildfires will become even more
Human-made climate change is real, Overall precipitation has decreased frequent. month is equivalent to a small micro-
and the impacts have already started. in the South and West and increased wave oven at full power for six minutes
in the North and East. Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist over every square foot of the planet,”
Average temperature is rising rap- with the National Center for Atmospher- Trenberth said. “No wonder things
idly across the United States. Heat That trend will continue. The heavi- ic Research, said even modest heat from catch on fire.”
est precipitation events will become
32 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY DOM ARMENTANO government, there would be no mean- disaster wherever it’s been seriously I conclude, therefore, that Alexan-
ingful prices and profit/loss incentives tried. Most of the socialist experiments dria Cortez is too smart to be a demo-
The mainstream media is currently to ensure that scarce resources aren’t have ended up confiscating wealth, cratic socialist – although that catchy
hyper-ventilating over Alexandria Oc- wasted. wasting capital, destroying incentives, phrase has earned her votes and fawn-
asio-Cortez, the self-styled “democrat- impoverishing the great bulk of the ing media attention. Instead, Ms. Cor-
ic socialist” from Queens who recently The economy under socialism population and severely limiting civil tez is a radical progressive much like
pulled off an upset win in a New York would, in fact, resemble a giant Mo- liberties. Can anyone say Venezuela? fellow-traveler Bernie Sanders, who
Democratic Congressional primary. tor Vehicle Department bureaucracy, also mislabels his economic philoso-
quite oblivious to waste and consumer And don’t believe for a moment that phy and gets away with it.
She has since gone on to campaign preferences, even though the govern- it’s any lack of democracy that has
with Bernie Sanders in the Midwest ment in charge might be democrati- doomed experiments in socialism. So- Radical progressives accept (grudg-
and has appeared on dozens of talk cally elected with noble intentions to cialism has failed precisely because it ingly) the basic institutions of capital-
shows; all this, of course, without be- do good. rejects strict property rights, free mar- ism (the price system, stock and bond
ing challenged about the specifics of ket exchange, and competition be- markets, etc.) but they also want a
her economic philosophy. In addition, socialism in actual his- tween business organizations. never ending laundry list of social pro-
torical practice has been an economic grams and free lunches for the “under-
Let’s correct that here. privileged.”
Socialism holds that capitalism is a
failed economic system that should be They also want (more) progres-
replaced by government control of in- sive taxation, more antitrust enforce-
vestment and production. ment, higher minimum wage laws and
This means that basic economic sharply increased regulation of the en-
decisions (what goods and services to vironment, large corporations and fi-
produce, what prices to charge, what nancial institutions.
funds to invest in new capital, where
to locate, etc.) should be made by gov- These are all familiar (and mostly
ernmental institutions and not by pri- nutty) ideas and reforms that have
vate businessmen seeking profits. been pushed forward by progres-
The “democratic” part of the defini- sives for decades. Ms. Cortez may be
tion implies that these governmental the newest progressive flavor-of-the-
institutions should be freely elected, month but her agenda is unworkable
and that they should adhere to basic old hat.
constitutional rules that protect civil
liberties. Democratic socialism is a fraud
Ms. Cortez has a degree in econom- masquerading as a legitimate alterna-
ics but does she really believe that tive to market capitalism. It isn’t. And
democratic socialism makes sense? once the tough questions finally begin
Probably not and for a number of rea- to materialize, we will really see how
sons. committed Ms. Cortez is to this eco-
In capitalism, price information and nomic chimera.
profit incentives guide resources into
uses that consumers prefer relative to Dom Armentano, professor emeritus
alternatives. But in socialism, where in economics at the University of Hart-
the crucial factors of production (such ford in Connecticut, is a resident of Vero
as capital and land) are controlled by Beach. His views do not necessarily rep-
resent those of this newspaper.
STROKE, PART VI Medtronic and Stryker Corporation are making mechanical
thrombectomy a safe, effective treatment modality.
TREATMENT FOR ISCHEMIC STROKE Studies sponsored by the American Stroke Association saw
such positive results that clinical trials were stopped and new
Scientists and physicians are heralding a surgical procedure, guidelines for treating stroke were published by The Joint Com-
mechanical thrombectomy, as the biggest step forward in mission and the American Heart Association/American Stroke
treatment for stroke in the past 20 years. That, and changes Association in January. In addition to expanding use of tPA to
in treatment guidelines related to the use of the clot-busting treat mild strokes, the new guidelines recommend use of me-
drug tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), are showing dramatic chancal thrombectomy with stent retrievers for large-vessel
reductions in disability and death for select stroke patients. clots, called large vessel occlusions (LOVs).
With an ischemic stroke, the artery that supplies oxygen-rich Once the doctor confirms through imaging that you have a
blood to the brain becomes blocked by one or more blood large clot blocking a large artery in the brain, he or she will
clots. If your stroke is diagnosed soon enough, usually within have the clot-busting drug tPA administered to you intrave-
four-and-a-half hours after the onset of symptoms, you may be neously. If you are a candidate for mechanical thrombectomy,
given tPA, which can increase your chances of recovery. a neuro-interventionalist (doctor) will thread a tiny wire-cage
stent retriever into a catheter through your artery in the groin
In the past, tPA was only recommended for severe strokes. to the blocked artery in the brain. The stent will open and grab
Now, under the new guidelines, patients with milder strokes the clot, the doctor will remove the stent with the trapped clot
may qualify for tPA as well. inside, and the artery will reopen.
CLOT-GRABBING DEVICES REMOVE LARGE CLOTS IN BRAIN While tPA is very successful in dissolving small blood clots, it
If you have an acute ischemic stroke in which a clot is blocking a has not been effective for two-thirds of patients whose strokes
large artery in the brain, you may be a candidate for mechanical are caused by large clots blocking large arteries in the brain.
thrombectomy. For these patients, tPA must be administered Doctors predict tPA, followed by mechanical thrombectomy,
within four-and-a-half hours and mechanical thrombectomy, will dramatically decrease morbidity and disability for approxi-
also known as endovascular thrombectomy (EVT), must be per- mately 60,000 Americans who have this type of stroke each
formed between six and 24 hours after onset of symptoms. year.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
Although several companies had previously developed devices come. Email us at [email protected].
to remove blood clots in the brain, their results were disap-
pointing. But new, more sophisticated “cage-like” shaped de- © 2018 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
vices called stent retrievers developed and manufactured by
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34 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Ernest Hemingway in a gondola on the Grand Canal in Venice in the fall of 1948. ry’s Bar. They were lionized by the local aristocracy,
and Papa spent more time shooting ducks than work-
Ernest Hemingway influenced generations of writ- brooded about his health, his ing at his desk. It was on a hunt at a private reserve
ers with his terse, understated prose, his stoic code of that he encountered Adriana Ivancich and fell in …
grace under fire and his commitment to producing a eroding powers and the opinion “love” doesn’t begin to describe his state of besotted-
strict number of pages each day. In his private life, he ness. He lost his heart, his head and his vaunted artis-
showed no such discipline. Married four times and of critics that he was finished. tic detachment to a teenage girl. She was intelligent,
chronically unfaithful, a prodigious drinker and gour- pliable, an embryonic artist and poet, and Heming-
mand whose weight ballooned to 240 pounds, a man Younger writers – Norman Mailer, way made her his muse. There’s no evidence they were
of savage mood swings, alternately bellicose and slop- ever sexually intimate, but they exchanged heartfelt
pily sentimental, a blowhard and relentless self-pro- James Jones, Irwin Shaw – were letters and paired off in public, scandalizing Venetian
moter who claimed to crave privacy, he passed him- society. Through it all, Mary Hemingway hung onto
self off as an icon of machismo, yet wrote a novel, “The poised to beat him to the punch with their her husband, swallowed his insults and her own hu-
Garden of Eden,” rife with cross-dressing and gender miliations, and forgave him his outbursts of rage. She
fluidity. It would have taxed Sigmund Freud and all his big, best-selling novels about World War II. allowed Adriana to accompany them to their ski cha-
psychoanalytic acolytes to tease out the implications let in Cortina and, later, to Finca Vigia in Cuba, where
of Hemingway’s rigorous literary standards and his As usual when under attack, Hemingway didn’t re- Adriana and her mother spent months living in the
slovenly personal style. tower where Hemingway worked.
treat; he charged off to Europe, the source of his ear-
“Autumn in Venice: Ernest Hemingway and His Last To round off the cast of
Muse” focuses on the final turbulent decade of a life, lier successes. Setting sail in 1948 with more than 30 characters that suggested
but Andrea di Robilant captures the full panoply of a French farce, Adriana’s
quirks and conflicts that often made Papa and those pieces of luggage and a royal-blue Buick convertible, brother Gianfranco also
closest to him miserable. Lovers, ex-wives, friends, lived in Havana and ap-
publishers, even complete strangers were forced to Papa and his wife, Mary, planned to tour Provence and pears to have struck up
dance to the tune he piped. (Di Robilant portrays a an affair with Mary. Papa
hilarious scene of Hemingway hounding the man be- cap off the trip with a stay in Paris. Instead, circum- responded by breaking
side him on an airplane to read his manuscript and
agree that it was a masterpiece.) Still, di Robilant, an stances conspired to keep them in Italy, and Heming- his wife’s typewriter. Lord
Italian American with deep roots in Venice and rela- knows what he would
tives who were part of Papa’s crowd, never fails to em- way impulsively decided to revisit the Veneto region have broken if he had
pathize with the aging author’s predicament. Staring learned that his majordo-
down the gun barrel of his 50th birthday, Hemingway where, during World War I, he was wounded. mo, René Villarreal, was
romantically embroiled
Unlike the raw adolescent who arrived in 1918 with Adriana and led her
and departed from Italy without anyone noticing, on late-night skinny-
dipping escapades.
Hemingway was now world-famous, and journalists
A diligent researcher
and photographers mobbed his every move. Viewed as of primary and second-
ary texts, di Robilant
larger than life, the great man, one Italian newspaper demonstrated in his
first book, “A Venetian
reported, was two meters tall (78.74 inches) – which Affair,” a gift for weav-
ing fascinating nar-
exaggerated his height by almost seven inches. This
ratives from letters,
was a mistake he didn’t object to, but it rankled him diaries, archives (in-
cluding those of the di
that people demanded to know when he would finish Robilant family) and
previously published work.
his next novel. He didn’t admit it, but he was mired in a In this instance he has a treasure trove of material.
Chatty as magpies, Mary, Adriana, Gianfranco and
sprawling trilogy, “The Land,” “The Sea” and “The Air,” even the majordomo René all published memoirs, of-
fering a stereoscopic depiction of events.
which would remain unpublished. But the crystallizing point of view, the one that
raises this story far above idle gossip, belonged to
He and Mary settled in Venice, living at the luxuri- Hemingway himself. He not only transmuted the May-
December romance into art in an interesting if flawed
ous Gritti Palace Hotel and dining almost daily at Har- novel, “Across the River and Into the Trees.” He drew
from his devotion to Adriana “the creative release that
had been eluding him for years” and produced “The
Old Man and the Sea,” for which he won the 1953 Pu-
litzer Prize. (The next year he won the Nobel Prize.)
He also finished a major part of “A Moveable Feast”
and drafts of “Islands in the Stream” and “The Garden
of Eden,” published posthumously. Though not the
equal of his early work, these books contradicted F.
Scott Fitzgerald’s contention that there are no second
acts in American lives.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 35
If Ernest Hemingway had decided to write novel ver- were just Scandi- As Shippey then reminds us, the bloody
sions of Sergio Leone’s spaghetti westerns, but to change vengeance taken by the “Ragnarssons,”
the setting to the Viking Dark Ages and have his unnerv- navians.” Later, he especially Sigurd Snake-eye and Ivar
ingly quiet antihero carry a broadsword instead of a the Boneless, will eventually include
Colt, the result would resemble an Icelandic saga. Most underscores that the conquest of much of England
of them begin like ominous fairy tales: “There was a man during the 860s and 870s. (The fight
named Ketil Flatnose.” Before long we are caught up in whether Vikings against the Rangarssons and their al-
all the most violent aspects of human life: war, murder,
greed, jealousy, revenge. In “Njal’s Saga,” Kari, the lone were attacking lies forms the subject of Max Adams’
survivor of a massacre, hunts down each of the 120 men highly readable “The Viking Wars: War
who killed or burned to death his adopted family. This monasteries, “or- and Peace in King Alfred’s Britain,
same saga also showcases the deadly Hallgerd, com- 789-955,” published by Pegasus.)
pared with whom any other femme fatale might as well ganizing slave mar-
be Pippi Longstocking. In “Grettir’s Saga,” a demon’s Elsewhere in “Laughing Shall I
curse leaves the strongest warrior in Iceland afraid of the kets, grabbing land Die,” Shippey dissects the tragic
dark; in “Laxdaela Saga,” Gudrun marries the best friend tale of the Volsungs and their ac-
of the man she really loves – with deeply tragic conse- to settle or engag- cursed ring, reflects on the Norse
quences. gods who know that the doom of
ing in something Ragnarok awaits them, tracks the
Tom Shippey’s magnificent “Laughing Shall I Die: Vikings’ incursion into Norman-
Lives and Deaths of the Great Vikings” explores the ad- very like a ‘game of dy and their internecine wars in
ventures and mind-set of these heroes and heroines,
many of whom were actual historical figures who flour- thrones,’ what they Scandinavia, and maps the al-
ished during the Viking heyday of roughly A.D. 750 to most unimaginable daring that
1100. Their exploits were passed down orally and given did was based on vi- led them to fight their way down
literary form only as prose narratives in the 13th and 14th the great rivers of northern Eu-
centuries. Such a process naturally leads to a certain de- olence. That is what rope to the Black Sea in search of
gree of fictionalizing, not to say mythologizing: Egil Skal- the fabulous riches of Byzantium
lagrimsson, the moody poet and warrior of “Egil’s Saga,” Vikings were good and the Wild East. Throughout,
was partly descended from trolls. Real trolls, not the In- however, Shippey never shirks from pointing out how
ternet kind. at, especially good at, repulsive these macho men could sometimes be, as in
his horrific account of a slave girl sacrificed on the bier
If all this sounds Tolkienesque, that’s no surprise. spectacularly good of her dead master.
The world of “The Lord of the Rings” draws heavily on Though its many Norse names may seem off-putting,
northern lore, language and literature. Shippey himself at.” Shippey’s magnum opus provides not only an exhilarat-
is a distinguished medievalist, as well as the author of ing, mind-expanding appraisal and retelling of Viking
“J.R.R. Tolkien: Author of the Century ” and “The Road to They were also ut- history but also an invitation to discover the cold-iron
Middle-earth.” He is also a frequent reviewer of contem- poetry and prose of the medieval North. Take up that
porary science fiction and fantasy. terly dauntless, self- invitation. Most adult readers only occasionally feel the
wonder and enchantment that books so easily, so reg-
Writing for a popular audience has clearly punched up control being honored ularly evoked in us when we were young. But I found
Shippey’s prose, which is lively, friendly and occasion- them both again when in my 20s I first opened a Penguin
ally barbed (mostly when alluding to academic stodgi- as the supreme virtue. paperback of “Njal’s Saga.”
ness). For instance, in his introduction Shippey writes:
“If you come across headlines … which say something When Ivan Morris pro- LAUGHING SHALL I DIE
like ‘Vikings! Not just raiders and looters any more!’
then the headlines are wrong. If people weren’t raiding duced his classic study LIVES AND DEATHS OF THE GREAT VIKINGS
and looting (and land-grabbing and collecting protec-
tion money), then they had stopped being Vikings. They of the Japanese con- BY TOM SHIPPEY | 365 PP. $30
ception of the hero, he
titled it “The Nobility of Failure.”
Vikings and samurai are much alike: A hero, stresses
Shippey, “is defined not by victory but by defeat. Only in
defeat can you show what you’re really made of. Only in
final defeat can you show that you will never give in.” A
true Viking goes down fighting while uttering a defiant
wisecrack and never showing any emotion except con-
tempt for his enemies. Prestige and “drengskapr” – hon-
orable behavior – matter more than winning.
From this perspective, consider this book’s odd-
sounding title. When Ragnar Hairy-Breeches – no one
knows why he bears this weird nickname – is dumped
into a snake pit, he composes a “death-song” that ends
with the line “laejandi skalk deyja,” or “laughing shall I
die.” Earlier in this poem he grimly jokes that “the pig-
gies would grunt if they knew of the old boar’s death.”
Ragnar, of course, is the old boar and the “piggies” are
his sons. There in the pit, this fierce Viking – neither hop-
ing for nor expecting rescue – uses this farmyard meta-
phor to tell his enemies that their days are numbered.
1. The Other Woman 1. Hillbilly Elegy 1. The Lost Continent (Wings of
2. Dog Man and Cat Kid
2. The Lost Letter 2. Assume the Worst
(Dog Man #4) BY DAV PILKEY
4. Malala's Magic Pencil
3. Pachinko BY MIN JIN LEE 3. The Things That Matter
5. The Burning Maze (The Trials
5. The Plant Paradox
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Tips for protecting your devices while traveling
BY CHRISTOPHER ELLIOTT my hand, sending it flying onto the hot At about the same his razor and white-
The Washington Post pavement. The case failed to protect time, my son’s MacBook noise machine were
my device, and the screen shattered. Air fell down a set of fried within 24 hours
Gadgets break when you travel. stairs in our vacation of arrival, leaving him
I wish I’d known just how fragile A 2016 survey by Verizon found that rental, leaving several scraggly and sleepless.
my technology was when I visited St. nearly half of American mobile phone dark stripes down the “Luckily I had a
George, Utah, on a one-week tour of owners have broken or lost a device. middle of the screen. French phone I was go-
the state’s national parks. In a grocery The leading cause of damage to That’s when I began ing to use, or my Ameri-
store parking lot, my son accidentally phones is water, followed by throwing to wonder if maybe can phone would have
knocked my new Pixel 2 phone out of or dropping them; pets; and tripping there was a better been dead, too,” he says.
and landing on them. way to shield sensi- The solution is a dura-
tive laptops, tablets ble power converter with
and phones from a surge protector, which
the rigors of the would have kept his devices
road. safe.
How can you keep your devices
There is. You can buy protective safe? One way is to know where dam-
cases that make your gadgets virtu- age is most likely to happen. Research
ally indestructible. There are also a by, a phone repair compa-
few helpful strategies that can pro- ny, suggests that 20 percent of phone
tect your devices even when they’re damage happens in the bathroom,
not encased in plastic. And, there are while 1 in 3 customers report that they
places you should never, ever take damaged their phone getting into or
your devices when you’re traveling. If out of the car, or by accidentally sitting
you’re on the go, you need protection. on it when they got into the car.
Another is to protect your devices
Phones: I’d made the mistake of from the elements. If you don’t have
buying Google’s optional $35 case a watertight case, use a Ziploc bag to
that, it claims, “fits like a glove.” Un- keep sand and water away from your
fortunately, it also leaves the screen phone or tablet while you’re at the
exposed. After paying for a new screen, beach this summer. Extreme temper-
I bought an Otterbox Defender ($49), atures can also harm your sensitive
which comes with a screen protector technology. For example, Apple rec-
and drop-protecting technology that ommends storing iPhones between
absorbs shock. minus-4 and 113 degrees. “Don’t leave
the device in your car, because tem-
Tablets: We own an Apple iPad. The peratures in parked cars can exceed
optional case is flimsy and entirely this range,” the manufacturer advises.
unsuitable for travel. If you’re taking Since I live in Arizona, where sum-
your iPad on the road, consider a more mer temperatures often push the up-
rugged case such as the Survivor Ex- per limits of that range, and I also love
treme ($89), which seals in the device to ski, which tests the lower limits, I’m
and claims to protect it from falls of up almost constantly worried that I’ll fry
to eight feet onto concrete. or freeze one of my phones, tablets or
Laptops: Protecting a larger de- And, of course, there are some
vice like my son’s MacBook is more things you should never do with your
of a challenge. Yes, you can buy cases technology. Putting any sensitive elec-
such as the Presidio Clear ($79) for tronic equipment into your checked
extra peace of mind, and while they luggage is an absolute no-no.
can prevent accidents like the one we “Baggage-handling systems are
had, they also bulk up the machine. remarkably rough,” says Ben Car-
A computer backpack such as the Far mitchel, CEO of, a
Anti-Theft Backpack ($49), which has computer forensics and data recovery
extra padding to shield your gadgets, firm. “Hard drives have read/write
can also protect your laptop. heads that float a few microns above
their platters, which is where the data
Even these precautions aren’t al- is stored. It doesn’t take much to knock
ways enough to avoid a broken screen, them out of place, and if the heads
a busted processor or a cracked key- contact the platters, they can quickly
board. cause permanent damage.”
Airlines won’t accept liability for
“Let’s be honest,” says Andrew any damage to checked luggage on do-
Selepak, a professor in the University mestic flights, at least when it comes
of Florida’s telecommunication de- to electronics. So you’re on your own
partment. “Technology breaks. But for replacing that iPhone or Pixel.
there is nothing worse than when
technology breaks while we are trav-
His favorite technology foul-up in-
volves a trip to Paris several years ago.
Thanks to a cheap current converter,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 39
J92 AQ743 10 5
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 4 J85 Q 10 9
AQ852 J96 10 7 4 3
Tori Amos, a singer-songwriter, said, “I’m not like a poker player. I’m not into bluff. My 9875 AJ 6432
way is to look someone in the eye and tell them the way I’m intending to go. My cards
are always on the table.” SOUTH
At the bridge table, you occasionally have to bluff, keeping your cards close to your AK7632
chest. How should South try to make six hearts in this deal after West leads the club K
nine? K Q 10
When North raised hearts, South decided to keep his spade support up his sleeve, Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Neither
which worked to his advantage in the play. He jumped immediately into Blackwood.
The Bidding:
If West had led the diamond ace, it would have killed the slam; but that was not obvious.
Declarer won the first trick with dummy’s club ace and dropped his queen under it. Then 1 Spades Pass
he took his two top trumps to learn that he had a loser there. How could he also avoid 2 Hearts Pass 3 Hearts Pass OPENING
conceding a diamond? 4 NT Pass 5 Hearts Pass
6 Hearts Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
In theory, South had to find East with three or four spades. But, as you can see, he 9 Clubs
had only a doubleton. Declarer spotted a ruse. He played a spade to dummy’s queen,
feigning the finesse, cashed the spade ace and continued with a third spade. To East, it
looked as though South was about to ruff, so that he did not need to “waste” his trump
trick. However, after East discarded, South produced the spade king from his back
pocket, overtook the club 10 with dummy’s jack and pitched his diamond king on the
spade seven.
East probably should not have fallen for declarer’s deception, but it was delightfully deft.
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40 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Stopwatch, say (5) 1 School emporium (4,4)
5 Gloss (5) 2 Makes a catty noise (6)
8 Contribution (5) 3 Rabble (4-4)
9 Husks (5) 4 Shocks (6)
10 Home sharers (9) 5 Flower’s stick (4)
11 Do needlework (3) 6 Thrilled (6)
12 Glitzy (event) (4-7) 7 Tidings (4)
15 Text checker (5-6) 13 Ebbing current (8)
19 Wriggly fish (3) 14 Chumps (8)
20 Wedding recorder (9) 16 Parts of the body (6)
22 Private educator (5) 17 Brussels lawmaker (4,2)
23 Soup from Louisiana (5) 18 Lease (6)
24 Sticky stuff (5) 20 Frolic (4)
25 Flows upward; small city (5) 21 Oracle; herb (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 41
ACROSS 67 Mystery writers’ organs from 62 Not right now The Washington Post
1 Hard to award 123 Secretaries, at 64 “Easy ___!”
65 Put your clothes
pronounce 68 Consequently times
9 “Bones” on the 70 Withered woman on
71 Witness, in the DOWN 66 Fall off
Enterprise 1 Movie promo 69 Cut a little, again
14 Landing-in-fog Bible 2 Tear anew 74 ___ patterns
72 Israel’s Shimon 3 Semiprecious
aid 73 Bakery workers (eye art)
19 Make lawful 75 Soda can stone 76 Crawlers in a
20 Chicago hub 4 Presidential
21 Where features can, for example
77 Banking nickname 78 “___ bleu!”
Ambrose Bierce 5 Introduction to a 81 Air show
disappeared conveniences,
22 Creator of commonly maniac? attractions
Rosemary 79 Too much, to 6 Phony-baloney 82 Long-distance
Woodhouse Toulouse 7 Astronomer’s
23 Southwestern 80 Alert of a sort number
sights 81 Top ___ (star) projections 83 Greenland settler
24 Like a short play 84 Game show 8 “Open 24 Hours” 85 Slightly wet
25 Fruit stone prize 9 Soccer ___ 88 Secluded valley
26 Govt.-run oil 86 “May ___ 10 Mind game 89 Home of Lamb
agency excused?” 11 Hermosillo home
of 21 Across 87 TV cop on 12 C source and Woolf
28 Baseball field, wheels 13 Response to 91 The Simpsons
in the city 90 How Oz appears
30 ___ culpa in the 1939 film, “Will you take out disco guy
31 It’s in the bog as opposed to the trash?” 94 Prize for the wall
33 Pigmented eye Kansas 14 Oscar de la ___ 96 Almost never
layers 91 British gun 15 Budget cutter? 98 “For sale by ___”
35 1989 auto debut 92 Liven (up) 16 Mitsubishi model 100 Rib
36 Get used (to) 93 Beddy-bye time 17 He takes the 102 Bonn’s river
38 Straw hats 95 Actor Peter of prize 103 Assertive one,
40 Stiller’s long-time A Shock to the 18 Certain muscles
partner System 21 Pastoral sound perhaps
42 “What am I 97 Prop for Rogers 27 Desertlike 106 Fool
getting ___?” 99 Certain paper 29 Knowledge 107 Makes deletions
43 In a position (to) size: abbr. 32 Mr. Vigoda 109 Make deletions
46 Suzanne on 100 Electricity wizard 34 State in NE India 111 Actress Harper
Three’s 101 Distinctive 37 Bewitched
Company appearance co-star of Tender
48 One who goes 104 Outstanding 39 32 Down, for one Mercies
over copy 105 Former 40 Magoo and 113 Part of a Latin
50 “This is as far as 60 Minutes guy others conjugation
___” 108 Snuffy Smith 41 Tennis score 115 The Red or the
51 Abrupt speech young’un 43 Usher’s domain White
patterns 110 White House 44 Chuck Berry 117 Chop (off)
53 They work on monogram classic,
comics 112 ___ land “Johnny ___” CHOICE WORDS By Merl Reagle
54 Old French coin (battle zone) 45 Bar with
55 Sampling of 114 Blue shades comfortable
opinion 116 Rising and falling chairs
56 Dispirited regularly 47 Grocers of old
57 Racing’s 118 He played Mingo 49 Cockney of the
“Brickyard,” on comics
briefly Daniel Boone 51 Peloponnesus
58 The ___ the law 119 Bonkers power brokers,
61 Printed again 120 The Devil’s once
63 Perform some disciples 52 IHOP
alpine or Opry 121 Madrid mister dispenserful
music 122 Remove certain 57 In the form of a
59 Places for fuel
60 Unit of
The Telegraph
42 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
When hubby doesn’t recognize something familiar …
BY CAROLYN HAX Dear Carolyn: For the first time, one of my son’s
Washington Post sports teams has an obnoxious parent. He’s not the
nightmare stereotype I’d feared, just low-grade ob-
Dear, Carolyn: My husband is to his doctor, report what happened, let the expert noxious. Groaning audibly when his son misses a
75 and very bright. An incident determine any follow-up steps. I hope it’s nothing, free throw, for example. Or calling out, “You gotta
occurred the other day that really but it does sound like something. get those rebounds!” to no one in particular. These
concerned me. We went to a Medi- boys are 8 and 9, so they’re age-appropriately, uh,
terranean restaurant that we have Another reader added: I think you’re right to be skilled.
gone to several times before, and concerned, and second Carolyn’s advice to talk to a
foods like kebabs with rice, pita bread, hummus, are doctor. And, if he is reluctant, maybe you could sell I’ve seen his wife encouraging him to tone it
familiar to him. But he ordered a burger. this by suggesting both of you could take a cogni- down, and I’m wondering – given that his com-
I did not think anything of it at the time. But as tive test administered by the doc. ments aren’t abusive – if I ought to say something.
we were eating I asked, totally casually, “How’s the And, for that matter, what I’d say. If I were the
burger?” He shrugged and said “OK – I couldn’t re- If there is nothing wrong, then you have a base- coach, which I am in another sport, I’d definitely
ally figure out the other things on the menu so I just line. If there is something wrong, you are catching say something to the guy. As the dad of another
ordered this.” it early, which can be really helpful for long-term player? I don’t know if I’d be out of line.
He couldn’t figure out the foods on a relatively prognosis.
short (posted) menu full of familiar offerings? I’ve – Wondering
read memoirs about dementia with anecdotes like, “I
should have known something was wrong when my Wondering: You’ve made it to your son’s 8th/9th
mother would say, “I’ll have what you are having.’” birthday, you’re a coach and this is your first ob-
Turned out mom was no longer making sense of the noxious same-team sports parent?
Anyway, Carolyn, does this incident sound trou- Mazel tov.
bling to you? If so, what can/should I do? I did men- His wife is on him to tone it down, plus free-
tion it to husband a day or so later and he shrugged it throw groaning and rebound laments are pretty
off as nothing. tame. I think you can safely stay out of it. Coaches
and any immediate family really are the best ones
– Really Concerned to take this on, and it’s okay sometimes to use
that to one’s conflict-avoidant advantage.
Really Concerned: Don’t assume the responsibil- At times fellow parents do need to speak up,
ity of weighing its importance yourself. Put in a call sure. You’ll know you’re there when you hear
yourself apologizing to the other team’s fans for
some of the idiots rooting for yours.
44 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hospital’s dietitians battle epidemic of malnutrition
BY TOM LLOYD al and seniors in particular.
Staff Writer “I would say 70 percent of our pa-
Sebastian River Medical Center tient population are patients that
registered dietitians Brittany Robin- aren’t eating because they’re sick or
son and Laurie Beebe just dropped a have decreased energy and are losing
bombshell on this Mecca for retirees. weight, but not knowing why,” says
Robinson, the hospital’s clinical nu-
Malnutrition, they say, is far more trition manager.
commonplace on the Treasure Coast
than most people realize – especial- And the problem is not confined to
ly among hospital patients in gener- the Treasure Coast.
Becker’s Hospital Review reported
SRMC dieticians Laurie Beebe
and Brittany Robinson.
in May that, nationwide, up to “50 clude longer hospital stays, more fre-
percent of all patients are malnour- quent readmissions, increased costs
ished upon admission to a hospital.” of care and higher risk of complica-
tions such as pressure ulcers, infec-
A second article in the same pub- tions and falls.”
lication states “the impact of malnu-
trition will no doubt become more Beebe and Robinson agree, and
prevalent as the population ages and point to patients with kidney dis-
has more chronic diseases. About ease, diabetes, heart disease and
half of all U.S. adults – 117 million wounds as being among the prime
people – have one or more chronic candidates for the Sebastian hospi-
health condition, according to the tal’s medical nutrition therapy pro-
Centers for Disease Control. As this gram or MNT.
group ages, they are at even higher
risk for poor nutrition.” MNT is an evidence-based medi-
cal approach to treating certain
Becker’s also takes aim at the eco- chronic conditions through the use
nomic impact of malnutrition in of individually-tailored nutrition
hospital patients. “The consequenc- plans – ordered and approved by a
es of malnutrition,” it says, “can in- primary care physician – and imple-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 45
mented by registered dietitians like Heroic SRMC security guard protects and saves
Robinson and Beebe.
BY TOM LLOYD Sebastian River Medical Center secu- to death, using training he paid for out of
The National Institutes of Health Staff Writer rity guard Matt Ferraro more than lives his own pocket.
calls MNT “critical for patients with up to that description, especially the
chronic kidney disease,” and adds, Hospital security guards are often de- part about protecting people. “Patient and staff safety are our No.
“it is vital to engage and refer pa- scribed in online ads as “someone who 1 priority at Sebastian River Medical
tients to a registered dietitian,” since does not provide treatment to patients, In the span of less than a month, Fer- Center,” says hospital president Kelly
MNT can “delay chronic kidney dis- but is a very visible hospital employee, raro hopped onto a moving truck to pre- Enriquez. “On two separate occasions,
ease’s progression, prevent or treat often greeting patients when they enter vent a medically impaired driver from Matt’s expert skills and quick respon-
complications and improve the pa- the facility. Their main duty is to protect running over two nurses in the parking siveness saved lives. We are appreciative
tient’s quality of life.” people, property and information as lot and, a few weeks later, leapt into ac- to have him on our team.”
well as the hospital’s reputation.” tion in a hospital break room to prevent
“Another really common diagnosis an emergency room nurse from choking Like most emergencies, the choking
here,” Beebe interjects, “is conges-
tive heart failure. And if people don’t CONTINUED ON PAGE 46
watch their sodium intake, they can
come in month after month after
month because when they eat a lot
of salt, that holds fluid in and it just
starts swelling up … making it diffi-
cult to breathe.”
And then there are the cancer pa-
According to Beebe, “cancer is a big
one. Lots of people come in and one
of the symptoms of cancer is a huge,
quick weight loss. So we’re trying to
get them strengthened up so that
they can go through radiation, che-
motherapy or whatever their treat-
ments are and just to get a little stron-
ger again.”
Robinson adds “a large part of what
we do is educating people, so that
when they go home they understand
how to read labels and go grocery
shopping and stick to their recom-
mendations – whether it’s for diabe-
tes, kidney disease, cancer or conges-
tive heart failure.
“We recommend people eat foods
they like. We’ve never told somebody
there’s something you have to eat.
But we do encourage people to find
things from a list we provide of what
they can have and eat things that
they enjoy.”
And while Robinson jokingly in-
terjects “I find that men particularly
don’t like vegetables at any age,”
these two often have bigger fish to
fry. Or, more accurately, cooking les-
sons to teach.
“I have one lady,” Beebe explains,
“who didn’t know you could cook
chicken a different way than frying
it. Her parents fried it, she fried it
and she said, ‘There’s another way
to cook chicken? Tell me about it so
I can do it.’”
Whether it’s exploring new cooking
options, employing herbs and other
seasonings in lieu of salt or any other
nutrition-related topic or technique,
highly-trained registered dietitians
like Beebe and Robinson can help
open doors to a healthier life.
Robinson and Beebe are part of the
medical nutrition therapy program
at the Sebastian River Medical Center
at 13695 U.S. 1. The hospital’s phone
number is 772-589-3186.
46 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 45 valor, Ferraro immediately set off to get luctant to wait. But he was really stum-
one of the hospital’s paramedics to come
incident came when it was least ex- check out the now not-choking ER nurse. bling on his way out so I followed him.
Almost blushing, Ferraro adds, “I was He fell on the way to his truck and then
“I went into the break room to use the afraid that maybe I hurt her, or if what I
bathroom,” Ferraro recalls. “While I was did didn’t work, but apparently it did.” he got back to his feet.
washing my hands, I heard a nurse in
the next room say, ‘Oh my God’ and then Ferraro was able to help the nurse be- “So I’m just following him to make
kind of just a coughing – almost like a cause he had taken a Basic Lifesaving
gargling sound. Course before being hired by the hospi- sure he doesn’t get in his truck, but he
tal. According to the American Heart As-
“I thought maybe she was talking on sociation, the BLS course “trains people does, and then starts it. And then I hear
the phone at first, or something. Maybe to promptly recognize life-threatening
arguing or joking with somebody and emergencies and give high-quality chest one of the nurse supervisors say, ‘Get his
laughing. But when I walked out, she was compressions,” like cardiopulmonary
all red in the face and pushing things all resuscitation (CPR) and the Heimlich keys.’ [But] he backs out really fast.”
over the place. There was coffee all over maneuver.
the floor and on her shirt. She had tried At the same time, two people were
to flush whatever it was that was lodged Ferraro, it seems, was a good student.
in her throat, but because it blocked it, “I actually paid for that [course] before walking across the lot, in the path of the
all the coffee just came out of her mouth. I came here,” Ferraro explains. “The job
actually didn’t require that but I got it on impaired man’s vehicle.
“She was really, really red and panick- my own accord. It was a $35 investment
ing, so for a second I thought maybe I that paid off.” “I jumped on the step of his truck and
should get a paramedic from the emer- A few weeks earlier, this young native
gency room but then I remembered that New Yorker had to take on what may cut the wheel and hit the brakes and
I was BLS (basic life support) certified so have been an even scarier task in the
I figured I would just do it and get a para- hospital parking lot. took his keys,” Ferraro says.
medic after.” “A man almost backed over two peo-
ple,” says Ferraro, “and I had to jump in That was another good deci-
It was a good decision. his car and stop him from backing over
“I made sure I got one proper thrust them and leaving. sion, according to Jason Red-
and I managed to dislodge it. It didn’t “It was a man who was leaving under
come out but it did dislodge and she was the influence AMA (against medical ad- ding, the hospital’s director
able to swallow whatever it was she was vice),” Ferraro explains. “We were trying
choking on. And she looked up and said, to find him a ride and I guess he was re- of emergency services. “Matt
‘I’m OK.’”
Discretion being the better part of took immediate and decisive
actions to prevent an intoxi-
cated person from running
over an elderly pedestrian
and a staff member,” says
“Matt was able to de-
tain the driver until po-
lice arrival. The pedestri-
an credited Matt’s actions
with saving her from being
hit by the vehicle.”
That’s a good deal more than Security guard Matt Ferraro.
just greeting patients, protecting
property and being visible.
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48 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz bedazzled by Branco, the Portie Water Dog
Hi Dog Buddies! “You’re not Woofin’ about that! So tell an shoulders, and super short
me about the competitions.”
This week I yapped with Branco from shoulders to caboose. I
Chambers, a han-some, athletic Portu- “As you probly know, Porties are in the
guese Water Dog who comes from a line Workin’ Group. We always HAFTA have asked about it.
of champions and followed in their paw- a job. Our ancestors worked for Portu-
steps. But he isn’t a Snobnose at all. guese fishermen, guarding the boats “This is sorta like the origi-
an nets in port, retrievin’ stuff that fell
Branco an his liddle step-brother Jaeg- overboard, and carryin’ messages from nal cut our ancestors had, so
ger came up for Wag-an-Sniffs. Then we boat to boat. They’d leap off the boats
all settled in. and swim, swim, swim. They hadda be they could swim faster, with-
strong an fearless. Plus, they also herded
“It’s great to meet you Bonz. May I call fish.” out a lotta heavy wet hair
you Bonz? I feel like I know you cuz we
always read your column.” “Shut the doghouse door! Are you draggin’ ’em down, but still
woofin’ me right now?”
“Well, thanks, Branco. Sure, Bonz is keepin’ their chests warm.
fine.” “No woof! They’d swim in circles
around the fish an ackshully herd ’em to- This is called a Lion Trim.
He introduced his Mom, Lori, an Jaeg- ward the boats. So that’s kinda what we
ger, a mix who was totally rockin’ a man do in our water competitions, except the It’s s’pose to make me look
bun. “Me an Jaegger are best frens,” herdin’ part: we don’t use ackshull fish-
Branco said. “I always protect my liddle ing boats, tho. The trainer (Mom) rows strong an regal. Whaddya
bro. He’s just three anna half. He’d be us out in the water on a liddle boaty/
lost without me. An, dog, can he swim. rafty thing and another boaty/rafty think?” He sat up straight
He thinks he’s a Portie, too.” thing goes out with just humans. Mom
throws a pouch into the water and, when and put a Very Serious Ex-
I opened my notebook. “I can’t wait I get the signal, I take a flying leap off the
to hear about your competition back- boaty/rafty thing and swim to it, grab it, pression on his face.
ground an your histry.” an swim to the other boaty/rafty thing
and one of the humans takes it. Then I “I think you look like a
“Stop me if I yap too fast. Mom’s been swim back to Mom. We hafta show we’re
training Porties for a long time. She eager, intense, pawsome swimmers and Rock Star. Definitely Top
taught me evrything I know. She had two retrievers. I always pretend I’m on a Por-
Porties before me, both AKC champs. tuguese fishing boat dog, way out in the Dog. Do you still compete?”
Buh-lieeve me, I had big paws to fill. BIG! ocean, swimmin’ fearlessly through the
Bacchus, my half brother, won so many wind an waves, carryin’ a real important “No. I’m kInda getting
trophies an ribbons an medals you can’t message that HAS to be delivered or it’ll
even count ’em. be curtains for the free world.” Up There. But I still prac- the PPoHrOTtOuBgBYuGrOeaRsnDeOcNWoR,AaDFtOeRDr Dog.
tice an stay in shape, eat
“After he went to Dog Heaven, an Mom “Woof, Branco, you sure do get into it.” raw veggies and fruit an
finally felt up to it, she wanted a puppy “Yup. It works, too. I almost always
from the same pooch dad. Well, there’s win. I don’t wanna brag, but I was one chiggen. I still belong to
this innersting thing humans figured of the youngest Portuguese Water Dogs
out how to do: they saved special puppy- ever to earn a water title in competition. the Vero Beach Agility
making stuff from our Dad an used it I was only 6 months old. I’m a Master
to make more puppies. So that’s how I Agility Champion, too. That’s running Club, an me an Mom run a
came along. That was 12 years ago.” over, under, around an through stuff as
fast as you can.” mile anna half every day. Plus, now I’m liddle girl who had nev-
“Woof! I never heard of that! That’s I’d been noticin’ Branco’s haircut. Very
Majorly Cool Dog Biscuits!” I exclaimed. On Trend. Lotsa wavy hair from sniffer doing something that’s just as fun, an I er, ever, ever read in the circle. Not even
to shoulders, real full around his head
“I KNOW! Right? Anyway, I guess I got ackshully think it’s more important than one word. But one day, when it was her
all the Portie skills my Dad an Bacchus
had, cuz, with Mom’s training, I’ve done fame an glory.” turn and Mom gently passed the book to
pretty well.”
“No Woof? What?” her, she put her hand on my fluffy paw.
“See, Mom doesn’t teach just pooches, And began to read. Honestly, Bonz, just
she also teaches people. She’s what’s thinkin’ I had helped a liddle human
called a Special Ed teacher, an her stu- have con-fuh-dunce is better than the
dents have Difficult Circumstances. So best blue ribbon I ever got, you know?”
she thought I might be able to help ’em “I think I do, Branco.” I wiped my eyes
by lettin’ ’em read stories to me. Some with my paw. “I think I do.”
other dogs do it, Mom told me, and since
I am well-behaved and frenly, an I love Till next time,
liddle humans, I agreed. Well, Bonz, it
was wunnerful! The kids sat in a circle The Bonz
around me, an you wouldn’t buh-LEAVE Don’t Be Shy
how many pats an tummy rubs I got.
They were laughing and all happy. They We are always looking for pets
took turns readin’ to me and show- with interesting stories.
ing me the picksures, even. Sometimes To set up an interview, email
they’d hold my paw. I coulda spent the
whole day with ’em. They even wrote [email protected].
letters to me later. There was this one
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 49
Why Faye Dunaway’s style is suddenly ‘more adventurous’
The Telegraph
You may assume that by 77, one’s Dunaway is a Netflix convert – “it’s
personal style groove is finely tuned. great to dip in and out at your own
For Faye Dunaway, “simple elegance,” pace” – and tells me she’s looking
as she describes it, has long been her forward to the third series of “The
modus operandi (see, the pared-back Crown.” She may even be in London
column dresses and tailoring she fa- while she’s watching. “I am longing to
vours on the red carpet), but her lat- return to the theatre where my career
est role, as the star of Gucci’s new Syl- began and I am currently in talks for
vie handbag campaign, has altered a very special re-working of a classic
her thinking. for London’s West End followed by
Broadway in 2019, so sorry I can’t re-
“The Gucci style has taught me to veal more yet,” she confides.
be more adventurous again,” she says
of her renewed approach. Of course, if The top-handled Sylvie handbag
anything is going to prompt a style gear does have a rather queenly quality,
shift, then a chance to dress up in Ales- too, especially in the hands of Holly-
sandro Michele’s maximalist-fabulous wood royalty.
designs will do it.
the cards meant that “La La Land” was
“Everything I tried on at the initial mistakenly announced as the winner
styling session I loved, and I mean ev- instead of “Moonlight.”
erything! I was genuinely surprised
at how well they all suited me,” writes She returned to present the same
Dunaway, who rarely gives interviews, award in a rather more uneventful
from her home in New York where she fashion earlier this year, opting to
is currently listening to CDs of her cam- wear the same black blazer-like Es-
paign co-star Soko’s music – “I must teban Cortezar dress she had chosen
confess that I had not heard her work for the previous year’s red carpet. “My
before, but she is a joy.” agent Paul Pearson told me I should
go back and called the Academy,”
The duo play a mother and daugh- she says. “I must admit I was nervous
ter living a life of “luxurious leisure” about it of course but it turned out
in Hollywood; cue shots of a meticu- to be the best thing to do in the end.
lously coiffed Dunaway in a stripe- I had a wonderful night with old and
trimmed white lace tracksuit with new friends alike.”
coordinating cap and trainers for ten-
nis, a beautifully botanical day dress
and straw hat for a spot of shopping on
Rodeo Drive and in a pink pussy-bow
blouse (not dissimilar to that famously
worn by Melania Trump back in 2016)
and clashing tomato red trousers for
lounging on pristine cream sofas. “I
really enjoy wearing the lace track-
suit, what an amazingly cool idea,”
says Dunaway of her favorite outfit.
She has long epitomized a coolly in-
souciant take on Hollywood glamour.
She “couldn’t possibly choose” a best-
loved look from her repertoire but Bon-
nie’s (of 1967 film “Bonnie and Clyde”)
berets and printed silks surely feature
on Michele’s eclectic Gucci mood-
board and the shot by Terry O’Neill
(the man who she later married) of her
kicking back in a silk robe beside the
pool at the Beverly Hills hotel on the
morning after her Oscar win in 1977,
papers scattered around her and statu-
ette casually placed on the table beside
her, is the stuff of legend.
“The Hollywood thing is not my life-
style now,” she explains. Dunaway’s
most recent brush with viral fame was
her role as co-announcer, alongside
Warren Beatty, of Best Picture at the
2017 Academy Awards. A mix-up with
50 Vero Beach 32963 / August 2, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
How Ivanka Trump built, then broke, her fashion empire
BY CAROLINE LEAPER net sales of “60 Minutes” into a marketing oppor- again, from zero.
Ivanka Trump- tunity. Immediately after the appear- American retailer Nordstrom was
The Telegraph licensed ap- ance, staff at her brand sent a ‘style
parel had risen alert’ to journalists describing the one of the first big department stores
Ivanka Trump has announced that by 61 percent $10,800 bracelet that she was wearing, to drop Trump’s collection in February
she is closing her namesake fashion from the previ- available to shop right now. 2017 due to poor sales. “It didn’t make
brand. “After 17 months in Washing- ous year. good business sense for us to continue
ton, I do not know when or if I will ever “Over the past Attempting to profit from a con- with the line,” they said.
return to the business,” she said last year many more nection to the presidency is a serious
week. “So making this decision now is women have accusation, and many suggested that The president took it personally, and
the only fair outcome for my team and discovered and her work a fashion designer and influ- reacted publicly on Twitter; “My daugh-
partners.” become loyal encer should be halted to avoid con- ter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly
to the brand, flicts of interest. by Nordstrom,” he wrote. “She is a great
It is, seemingly, the end of Trump’s leading us to experience a significant person – always pushing me to do the
decade long presence in the fashion year over year revenue growth.” Abigail Fashion and politics are a finely bal- right thing! Terrible!”
industry, a daughter sacrificing Klem, then the label’s Chief Brand Of- anced equation, as Ivanka’s step-moth-
the business she nurtured and, ficer, told The Telegraph only nine days er Melania Trump has also discovered The vocal senior Republican advisor,
clearly, personally loved, in order after Trump’s victory. “We are proud again and again on her own journey Kellyanne Conway, then stirred the pot
to support her father’s attempts that our business is growing rapidly into White House life. She too, was further, using a political television ap-
to take over the globe on his own and that our brand resonates strongly tarred with headlines about her outfit pearance, filmed in the White House
terms. I suspect, however, there with women who are inspired by our choices from the start. At the less seri- briefing room, to tell the public “go buy
is far more to it than just that. messaging and excited about the pol- ous end of the scale, catty rumors were Ivanka’s stuff.”
ished and chic solution-oriented prod- swirling about the fact that no designer
Ivanka was a model ucts that we offer. [The collection is] de- wanted to dress her, for fear of being In the year since, the decline has been
turned mogul who took a signed to meet the needs of women who associated with the presidency. On a steep. Order growth dropped from 288
fine jewelry licensing deal, work – at all aspects of their lives.” more serious note, any time she would percent in March 2017, to 6 percent by
inked in 2007, and whipped it A few months later, though, the trou- slip up, or go off message (see the recent July, and to minus 1 percent in the Au-
into a lifestyle empire. By 2015, ble began. Campaigners turned against jacket-gate, for example), she became gust, compared with the August in the
her namesake company boast- Ivanka when she announced that she a phenomenal, damaging news story previous year.
ed gross revenues of $100 mil- would be playing an official role in her that would go viral online.
lion from a clothing range father’s new office. Working for the All this said, Ivanka and her husband
stocked in more than world’s most famous misogynist, it By Jan. 9, 2017, the pressure on Ivan- Jared Kushner have earned at least $82
800 stores across turned out, was considered the antith- ka appeared to have set in, and she million from their respective business-
the U.S., including esis of the wholesome, pro-female im- formally announced that she would es while serving as senior White House
Bloomingdale’s. age her personal brand was all about. be stepping away from the Ivanka advisers during 2017, according to fi-
The Women Who Work initiative, once Trump brand, leaving Klem to serve nancial disclosure forms made public
The premise was a relatively harmless fashion spin to sell as president. in June.
simple: Everything workwear, was suddenly being inter-
was designed to be twined with serious policy suggestions. This, in reality, was the worst move Ivanka doesn’t attend the celebrity
appealing and accessible for a very A ‘Grab Your Wallet’ movement of all for her brand. What is the Ivanka parties that she once did so frequently
specific target audience: Women Who called for consumers to boycott over 50 Trump brand without Ivanka Trump – she had made many conscious efforts
Work. Trump’s clothing line centered Trump-related companies and prod- at the helm? Everything that had been to be connected to the right people and
around the millennial-favorite formula uct lines, including Ivanka’s, and the built around her persona was in- be seen at the right events, buying tick-
of pointed court shoes and slick sheath newly minted first daughter was criti- stantly taken away, including the two ets to the MET Gala every year since
midi-dresses, while a correspond- cized for turning a family interview on million-strong Instagram following 2005, and enjoying glossy profiles in
ing lifestyle blog hammered home the that she and her team had so carefully American Vogue. All of this, ultimately,
glossy message via wholesome recipes, nurtured, as Ivanka transferred them had helped to boost her career as a fash-
new-parenting tips and inspirational to her own personal account, leaving ion plate, but when Anna Wintour, the
career quotes. brand Ivanka Trump to start all over CFDA and many major designers loudly
backed Hillary Clinton, Trump was
Trump made hires from like-mind- forced to choose between friends and
ed brands like Kate Spade, Michael family.
Kors and Diane von Furstenberg –
commercial giants who had all nailed The glamorous invitations may have
it with this audience before her. But stopped coming temporarily while
she had something extra that those she’s attached to one of the most divi-
brands didn’t have – herself. sive presidents in history. But Ivanka
might just have some different cards
Ivanka’s consistent Park Avenue pol- up the sleeves of her bodycon sheath
ish and likability as a young, working, dress. Earlier in the summer, she trav-
motivated mother, meant that she was eled to Los Angeles for fundraising
her own best poster girl. Via a carefully talks and had dinner at Kim Kardashi-
curated Instagram account, she devel- an West’s house. What’s that all about,
oped a profile that more than 2 million we may wonder now? With Kardashian
people (mostly women) wanted to fol- West and her polyglot husband Kanye
low, punctuating her every post with West attempting to make their own po-
an apt WomenWhoWork hashtag. litical moves on top of frequent entre-
preneurial ones, the possibilities are,
Then the election happened. Initial- truly, limitless.
ly, awareness and popularity of brand
Ivanka rocketed from the publicity Likely, in reality, the closure of Ivan-
surrounding the Trump campaign and ka’s label isn’t the ending of her at all.
Donald’s big win on Nov. 8, 2016. On In time, I bet we will understand, it is
Jan. 31, 2017, the brand reported that just the beginning of whatever her next
power play will be.