Endicotts’ Lucia Celebration
quite enlightening. P15
‘Shop with a cop:’
A toy joy story. P14
Grand Harbor: ‘A lot of
good things underway.’ P9
For breaking news visit
MY VERO Heaton trial for
mortgage fraud
BY RAY MCNULTY set for Feb. 20
Two car guys, each with
an amazing collection
Neither Ron Rosner nor Ron Rosner and Gordon Stewart: Two John’s Island residents with a passion for classic and exotic cars. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD BY LISA ZAHNER
Gordon Stewart could recall Staff Writer
exactly when they met for the Indian River Medical Center: Who owns what
first time, but the two car guys Attorneys forVero Beach Ho-
were fairly certain it was on a BY MICHELLE GENZ Medical Center, ownership isn’t have some stake in a deal. tel and Spa developer George
golf course. Staff Writer so obvious. Just who owns what is murky Heaton and his co-defendants
enough that two officials at have been granted an extra
"I would guess it was 10 years By the time a “for sale or As the officials currently look- first gave two different answers two weeks to finish analyzing
ago," Stewart said. lease” sign goes up, it’s usually ing for a healthcare partner as to who owns the hospital’s bank records in preparation
clear who owns the property. know only too well, the hospital cancer center. for a Feb. 20 trial on felony
Said Rosner: "I'm pretty sure But in the case of Indian River has ties to at least three enti- mortgage fraud charges.
it was at John's Island." ties, any or all of which could CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
A federal judge allowed the
Which makes sense: Both extra time because the prose-
are longtime residents of the cutor requested it jointly with
seaside community and both the defense – not because the
are avid golfers. In fact, Rosner U.S. Attorney’s Office was un-
and Stewart teamed to win the prepared for trial, but due to a
club's member-member tour- serious illness in a key attor-
nament in 2014. ney’s family.
They also shared similar Instead of starting the trial
business backgrounds – and a on Feb. 5 as scheduled, both
fascinating hobby. sides are due to appear in
court in West Palm Beach for a
"We both owned car deal- status conference on Feb. 14,
erships and we both were car with the expectation of start-
collectors, so, along with our
love for golf, we had a lot in CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
common," Rosner said. "That's
Polish-American Club Michael Creek, prime subdivision at east
members lose another end of Wabasso Causeway, coming to life
battle, but war goes on
BY BETH WALTON Aerial view of Michael Creek subdivision, just across Route 510 from Orchid Island club. BY STEVEN M. THOMAS Gainesville builder and
Staff Writer Staff Writer developer Peter Trematerra
paid $6 million for the long
Members of the Polish- A new, 60-home riverfront moribund Michael Creek
American Social Club lost subdivision is coming to the property at the eastern end
another court battle Tuesday island, with construction of the Wabasso Bridge and
in an ongoing fight to regain starting this spring or sum- has crews onsite cleaning
control of an estimated $1.25 mer, according to Treasure up the property and dredg-
million in assets once set Coast Sotheby’s broker Mi- ing the channel between the
aside to promote the culture chael Thorpe.
December 28, 2016 Volume 10, Issue 52 Newsstand Price $1.00 Garden members
wander wondrous
News 1-10 Faith 53 Pets 24 TO ADVERTISE CALL McKee. Page 12
Arts 19-23 Games 39-41 Real Estate 55-64 772-559-4187
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Editorial 36 People 11-17 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
George Heaton with business partners, is accused of separate mortgage decisions. Heaton’s An objection filed by the prosecu-
not accurately reporting millions of closing agent and his former book- tion on Nov. 30, claiming that the de-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 dollars in buyers’ incentives that he is keeper are also charged with conspir- fense lacked specificity as to what a
said to have refunded to buyers after acy and fraud and, if convicted, each banking expert witness named John
ing jury selection on Feb. 20 before the real estate closings on the condos, faces up to 30-year prison sentences Kovarik might testify to, stated, “The
U.S. District Court Judge Robin Rosen- using different bank accounts and a and millions in fines and restitution to general tone of this purported expert’s
berg. West Palm Beach law firm to handle the banks for losses incurred over the testimony strongly suggests an im-
those “cash to close” paybacks. past decade. proper attempt to use the imprimatur
In mid-December, Heaton’s attor- of an expert to blame the mortgage
ney said he had recently received doc- Those reports, allegedly made on Court documents say Heaton may lending industry, and distract the jury
uments the defense had been trying to federal forms, characterized the cash try to shift the blame off of himself and from focusing on the intent of the de-
obtain from Orion Bank and from the provided by Heaton as part of the buy- onto the banks’ loan decision-making fendants.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- ers’ own downpayments, thereby in- due diligence – or lack thereof – pre-
tion and needed time to determine if flating how much buyers had at risk. sumably with the hope that members “As the Court knows from previ-
and how those records might be use- of the jury blame the financial col- ous litigation in this case, the defense
ful. Charging documents say four differ- lapse of 2008 and 2009 on widespread plans to attack victim Orion Bank by
ent banks relied upon allegedly false fast-and-loose banking practices. attempting to introduce ‘evidence that
Heaton, who developed the hotel information when making up to nine the subject loans would have been giv-
en without regard to any alleged false
statement or material omission.’”
As the trial date approaches, the
court has set deadlines for attorneys
to submit final witness lists and pro-
posed questions to pose to prospec-
tive jurors. Former clients of two of the
defense attorneys are set to testify, so
the court had to address with those
attorneys how that would play out in
open court.
The attorneys assured the judge
they had a plan to handle the poten-
tial conflict of interest, while protect-
ing client confidentiality.
Polish-American Club
and heritage of the Eastern European
But, that doesn’t mean the war over
the property on U.S. 1 near 39th Av-
enue is over. Despite years of combat,
no white flag of surrender is in sight
Factions remain split over the club
Board of Directors’ 2015 decision to
broaden its mission by dissolving the
old club and forming a spinoff group,
the Vero Beach Social Club, without
the consent of its members.
Some say that’s just what was need-
ed to keep attendance high, but others
argue the move was done in bad faith
to push out the Poles and their com-
mitment to elevating their culture.
Judge Paul Kanarek denied the dis-
sident members’ request to find the
board’s disposition of assets and dis-
solution of the Polish-American Social
Club unauthorized last week, saying
their argument was legally insufficient.
If approved, the move could have re-
stored the original club and acknowl-
edged its claim to the property.
“I think this is an issue the court
could rule on as a matter of law,” the
judge said to the crowded courtroom,
denying the motion without preju-
dice, meaning the members can bring
the issue up again. Contract disputes
that aren’t deemed ambiguous can be
decided by the court, he said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 3
Kanarek told the members’ attor- The bylaws also say business affairs a reasonable manner, which they did, $92,000 in 2015, according to tax fil-
neys to obtain more evidence. One are overseen by the board. “How far she said. “It wasn’t an action taken ings. That year, the nonprofit claimed
affidavit isn’t sufficient to find the does each [rule] go?” she asked. “The lightly.” over $500,000 in net assets.
board’s actions void, he said. A signed bylaws are subject to multiple inter-
statement of someone’s best knowl- pretations.” The Polish-American Social Club But, membership was dropping. It
edge and belief might not hold up on of Vero beach was founded in 1981 by went from some 750 participants in
appeal the same way hardened facts Hampton said her clients sought Polish-American citizens to promote 2007 to just 325 by 2015. Between 2014
do. legal counsel before transferring the Polish culture and customs along the and 2015 alone, revenue fell nearly
assets and dissolving the Polish-Amer- Treasure Coast. Revenue from mem- $40,000. One group trying to grow the
It was around September 2013 ican Social Club. They had the author- bership dues and social events like club thought expanding cultural offer-
when disputes arose over the direc- ity and duty to interpret the statues in dances and dinners brought in around
tion of the Polish-American Social CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
Club of Vero Beach. Members calling
themselves the ‘Old Guard’ wanted to
keep Polish culture at the forefront of
activities, while others felt expanding
the mission would grow the club.
The situation got so tense by 2015
that the Board of Directors formed a
new corporation, the Vero Beach So-
cial Club. Without a vote by the mem-
bership, all of the Polish-American
Social Club’s assets were transferred
to the new nonprofit and the Polish-
American Social Club of Vero Beach
was dissolved.
Lawyers for the ‘Old Guard’ allege
the board schemed to seize the prop-
erty and dissolve the club in manner
that was unfair. They say the board vi-
olated its own bylaws, statutory and fi-
duciary duties. The move, they claim,
constituted civil conspiracy and un-
just enrichment.
The group now wants the judge to
restore the Polish-American Social
Club’s standing, return the property
and enter a judgment for damages.
No one is challenging that the board
unilaterally transferred the property
and dissolved the club, argued at-
torney Casey Walker for the dissident
members in the Vero Beach court-
house. “There has been not even a
hint of a whisper that there is a dis-
pute over that,” he said.
Because there is no dispute over the
facts, members are entitled to sum-
mary judgment, Walker continued.
The Polish-American Social Club’s
bylaws are clear the board’s work is
“subject to the approval of the regular
membership,” he said. This includes
any expenditures over $500.
It would defy logic, reason and
common sense to have bylaws that
do not allow a board to spend more
than $500 without the approval of its
members, but allow that same board
to “give away” all of the corporation’s
real and personal property without a
vote, Walker writes in his motion for
summary judgment.
But, the situation is not that simple,
countered attorneys for the board.
The bylaws are not clear and therefore,
a jury, not a judge, should determine
fact. The question is not whether the
property was transferred, and the
original club dissolved; the question
is whether those actions were permis-
sible, argued lawyer Lynn Hampton
on behalf of the governing body.
4 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Polish-American Club arguments so tense that law-enforce- My Vero convertible coup to a 2015 Corvette
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 ment was routinely called. Z06 3LZ and includes Chevy Camaros
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and Chevelles, Pontiac GTOs, a Ford
ings would attract more members. Then, the ‘Old Guard’ took its argu- Thunderbird and Mustang, and Cor-
Overtime, polka dances turned into ment to court. The members filed a probably why we hit it off right away." vette models dating back to 1958.
civil complaint against the board in Even now, with Rosner and Stewart
salsa night, and the perogies and po- October 2015, Hampton writes in her "I've been in the car business all my
tato pancakes were replaced by meat objection to summary judgment. One both operating specialty dealerships life," said Stewart, 72, who still owns
loaf and lasagna. A newsletter soon month later an amended complaint in Vero Beach, they see themselves as three Chevy dealerships – in Tampa
boasted, “You don’t have to be Polish was dismissed. In May 2016 a second friends, not as competitors in selling and Orange Park in Florida, and in Gar-
to join this club.” amended complaint was drafted and cars in their collections. den City, Michigan – and a Toyota deal-
the case was ordered to mediation, ership in Hoover, Alabama. "That's
Polish members picketed the club, she said. "If anything," Stewart said, "I'd say how I developed a fondness for cars,
rules tightened and a turf war over the we complement each other." particularly American classics.
direction of the club and its property Board members anticipated a set-
ensued. There were allegations of fi- tlement this year, but by October, the And, really, they do. "I've been collecting cars for about
nancial mismanagement and public ‘Old Guard’ demanded the case go Stewart, born and raised in the De- 30 years."
back in front of judge. troit suburb of Grosse Pointe, sells pri-
marily American-made, fully-restored Having lived in Vero Beach since
Ryan and Melissa Weaver, Agency Owners classics, specializing in muscle cars, 1994, he brought Motor City Classic
Ryan Weaver Insurance Inc. is a locally owned especially from the 1960s and '70s, Cars here two years ago.
and operated independent agency. Located in the along with Chevrolet Corvettes from
CenterState Bank Building, just off of Miracle Mile the 1950s through the current decade. Rosner moved Rosner Motors-
and across from Classic Car Wash in Vero Beach. Rosner, a New York City native, sells ports from Virginia to Vero Beach
primarily high-end, vintage and exotic two months ago, setting up shop at a
Serving Vero Beach for over 10 years! imports, such as low-mileage luxury made-over, 30,000-square-foot ware-
All lines of commercial or personal insurance available. vehicles made by Mercedes, Porsche, house near the Vero Beach Regional
Audi, BMW, Jaguar and Lexus, as well Airport, on Flight Safety Drive, across
as rare, investment-grade cars from Aviation Boulevard from the entrance
manufacturers such as Lamborghini, to Historic Dodgertown.
Ferrari, Maserati, Aston-Martin, Rolls
Royce and Bentley. "I had the Motorsports operation in
"If someone contacts him and is Fredericksburg, but since I spend seven
looking for something that's not in his months of the year in Vero Beach, I de-
bailiwick, he sends them to me," Stew- cided we should move it here," said Ros-
art said, "and I do the same for him." ner, 70, who grew up in Queens, New
Said Rosner: "It's all very amicable. York, moved here in 2003 and has lived
We've even bought cars from each other." at John's Island for the past 11 years.
That's what collectors do.
And though Rosner and Stewart "We closed on the warehouse in Au-
spent most of their adult lives as car gust, got our dealership license from
salesmen – both owned new-car deal- the state in October and we're open
erships in multiple states – their spe- for business."
cialty motorsports businesses are a
labor of love. He estimated the value of his 50-car
"For Ron and I," Stewart said, "it's as collection at more than $7 million.
much a hobby as a business."
But it is a business. Like Stewart, Rosner said he devel-
Motor City Classic Cars occupies a oped his love for cars while selling
state-of-the-art, 16,400-square-foot them – first as a salesman, then as the
showroom located at 4910 42nd Place, general manager of a dealership, and
off 41st Street between 43rd and 58th finally as the owner of more than a
avenues, where Stewart stores a 50-car dozen dealerships.
inventory worth more than $3 million.
His collection features cars and Rosner still has stakes in two: He
trucks ranging from a 1929 LaSalle 328 owns Rosner Chevrolet in Melbourne
and is a partner in a Hyundai dealer-
ship in Greensburg, Pa.
"I've been in the car business for
47 years, and I've always appreciated
very rare cars," said Rosner.
Among the classics for sale in his
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 5
showroom are a 1963 Rolls Royce Sil- from $20,000 to $900,000, and he expects "It's an internet-driven business," ager, said the dealership acquires
ver Cloud III Mulliner Drophead con- to bring in some worth $1 million. Stewart said. "These aren't impulse much of its inventory from collectors,
vertible coupe – one of only 12 in the buys. People spend a lot of time re- either through sales or trades, so the
world – and a 2005 Ford Thunderbird, Like Stewart, Rosner sells his cars searching what they want." cars have low mileage and have been
the last year of that nostalgic line. nationally and internationally, rely- well cared for.
ing almost solely on the internet to Al Shahamat, Rosner's hand-picked
The cars in Rosner's fleet range in price connect with potential buyers. and personally trained general man- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero ple, but we're both members at Red Vero Radiology, built the new Health split could be triggered and a public
Stick and we get paired together quite and Wellness Center and is part-owner referendum could be required to ap-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 a bit," said Rosner, who also has a of medical office space in Sebastian. prove the sale.
membership at Quail Valley, where he
"We'll eventually get to 80 or 100 won the club championship in 2004. And then there’s the third entity, Such a vote is spelled out in the leg-
cars, and we'll be doing more than sell- "We partner up well." Indian River Medical Center Foun- islature’s special act that formed the
ing them," Shahamat said. "Eventually, dation, which among other capital Hospital District.
we will offer concierge service, where Hospital: Who owns what projects raised $100 million to build
we'll provide pickup and transpor- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the hospital’s much-heralded heart “Prior to any decision to sell all or
tation of the vehicles in an enclosed and cancer centers, both now part of substantially all of the facilities which
truck, perform the service needed, They eventually agreed: the Scully- the District’s campus and leased to make up Indian River Memorial Hos-
then return the vehicle. Welsh Cancer Center belongs to coun- IRMC. While the foundation techni- pital, the district shall cause a referen-
ty taxpayers. The guardian of those cally doesn’t own property, it could be dum to be held at which the electors
"We also plan to offer storage, fi- properties is the Indian River County reimbursed a portion of those dona- of Indian River County shall have the
nancing, leasing and consignment Hospital District, which indisputably tions if it doesn’t approve of the new opportunity to express their approval
sales," he added. "And we also buy and owns – on behalf of taxpayers – the hospital partner. or disapproval of the proposed sale,”
trade cars. What we're doing is differ- hospital’s brick-and-mortar main states the special act.
ent from anything else around here." campus and the land it sits on, plus Indian River County also could have
the Behavioral Health Center across a claim on sale proceeds. A relatively And that’s “no matter if your partner
Certainly, that's different from what is the street. recent state law caught Hospital Dis- is for-profit or not-for-profit,” Gatto
offered by Motor City Classic Cars, which trict officials by surprise last year pointed out to the board.
doesn't offer servicing. Instead, Stewart The District leases all that property when they discovered it provides for
builds his inventory with cars that don't to IRMC, a separate management cor- counties to get half of the proceeds The difficulty would arise “if the
require any type of restoration. poration that runs the hospital. from the sale of a District-owned hos- partner decided they wanted to own
pital. Those proceeds would be paid all the assets, including the District
"We don't do restoration or servic- IRMC has some ownership claims out not for healthcare directly, as the assets,” instead of continuing to lease
ing," Stewart said. "We deal with only too, however. In 1996, it formed a real taxes the District collects are, but for them from the District, according to
restored vehicles. Those are hard to estate investment arm, Health Sys- new healthcare related business ven- hospital consultant Barry Sagraves of
find. There are a lot of cars out there, tems of Indian River Inc., a nonprofit tures. Juniper Advisory. In that case, “they
but not many that are fully restored. corporation with a board of direc- would definitely need a referendum,”
tors that mirrors the hospital’s board. An attorney for the hospital, Jon Sagraves said, noting that an outright
"I'm a collector and a dealer, so ev- Along with owning land by the hos- Gatto, who specializes in public hospi- sale would mean it would take longer
erything is for sale," he added. "But I pital campus, Health Systems bought tal leases, warned the IRMC board in to complete the transaction.
buy only cars I'd like to keep." a November meeting that if any deal
with a partner in the months ahead Gatto advocates a “hybrid” deal with
Collecting cars is, after all, his hob- isn’t precisely structured, the 50-50 the various entities that are involved
by – along with golf. that would include a new partner buy-
ing some assets and leasing others.
"He plays with a lot of different peo-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 7
As Gatto explained it to the hospital if you carefully structure the transac- County Hospital District first leased its Ironwood Properties and approved by
board of directors, the trouble begins tion, you can avoid the 50-50 split and hospital to a management company, the county a decade ago.
if “the whole shebang” is sold. a lot of the parade of horribles,” said lines have blurred around which entity
Gatto. owns what buildings and businesses. Once the site is spruced up, finished
“If the assets that are leased by IRMC lots will be sold to an authorized build-
continued to be leased [by the new That gives new urgency to the issue Not only was there confusion on the er or builders for prices ranging from
hospital entity] and the assets that are of asset ownership. part of top officials about who owns $200,000 to $500,000, with home sites
owned by IRMC were purchased, then the cancer center, there is still some on the river fetching the highest pric-
In the 32 years since the Indian River uncertainty as to whether Vero Radiol- es. Houses are expected to range from
ogy and the Wellness Center revert to 2,000 to 3,500 square feet in size and
Valuing Healthcare Assets the District when the hospital’s lease sell for $600,000 to about $1.3 million.
expires in 2034. After District trustee
According to an appraisal done by Additional land (at 82nd Avenue Allen Jones examined the issue closely “We have had a lot of inquiries from
the Vero Beach firm Boyle and Drake, and 12th Street): along with hospital board chairman people wanting to buy a single lot and
buildings and land owned on behalf of $1.4 million Wayne Hockmeyer last year, they build a home, but that is not the plan,”
taxpayers by Indian River County Hos- agreed those properties likely would says Thorpe, who sold the 31-acre tract
pital District are valued as follows: In addition, IRMC’s real estate arm, revert to District ownership. to the original developer in 2006 and
the nonprofit Health Systems of Indian has been shopping it around for the
Hospital campus buildings, including River Inc. owns property valued at ap- But with four hospital systems com- hedge fund that ended up with it after
the Welsh Heart Center: proximately $30 million, including Vero peting to take over IRMC, it seems the real estate crash. “Peter Trematerra
$140 million Radiology, the Health and Wellness doubtful the IRMC lease will ever see is looking for a highly-qualified builder
Center, a doctors’ office building, and its natural expiration. All four have to put on their community developer
Hospital campus land (144 acres): land in Sebastian. asked for an amended lease in their hat and build homes with consistent
$9 million initial proposals. quality and architectural style.”
The figures above are strictly for the
Scully-Welsh Cancer Center: real estate, and do not include the Michael Creek The architecture will be determined
$7.9 million value of the businesses, any of the by the builder, but Thorpe expects
furnishings or any of the equipment. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 something in the “transitional” style
Emotional and Behavioral Health Hospital officials stress the appraisal that has gained popularity on the is-
Center: $5.9 million was done for the District’s strategic shoreline and Intracoastal Waterway. land in the past several years, which
planning, and should not be consid- Trematerra plans to build a 21-slip incorporates elements of modernism
Gifford Health Center: ered definitive in the current pursuit of without going full-on Miami Vice. He
$1.8 million a partnership. marina, along with parks and a club- thinks the homes will sell to a mix of
house complex that was part of the fulltime residents and second home
original subdivision design created by buyers attracted by the resort-town
8 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Michael Creek by-boomers moving to Florida every Subdivision infrastructure, includ- at the height of the housing boom. He
day, so we think the buyers will be ing roads, sewers and a central lake, bought 28 acres from the Lier family,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 there,” says Treasure Coast Sotheby’s has been in place since 2008, but no descendants of island citrus pioneer
broker associate Janyne Kenworthy, homes were ever built. A.B. Michael, for $16 million, and then
location and nearby cultural and rec- who brought the building opportunity paid another $1.6 million for an adja-
reational amenities. to Trematerra’s attention and repre- Cary Glickstein, owner of Delray cent 2.8-acre parcel.
sented him in the purchase. Beach-based Ironwood Properties, ac-
“There are 1,000 newly-retired ba- quired the land in two parcels in 2006, CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 9
Grand Harbor members: ‘A lot of good things underway’
BY RAY MCNULTY Doug Sweeny said. "Maybe it was the on the promised golf-course improve- new and improved practice area is ex-
letter. Maybe it was the newspaper ar- ments and clubhouse enhancements. pected to open soon.
Staff Writer ticle. Somehow, word got to Icahn's
headquarters in New York." In October, residents were happy In addition, the club has hired a
The holiday season isn't the only to see workers refurbishing the golf- new food-and-beverage manager and
reason Grand Harbor Golf and Beach And things began to change. cart bridges, expanding the golf club's new chef.
Club residents and members are feel- Frandsen sent a letter to Grand Har- practice area, redecorating the main
ing a bit more cheer these days. bor members in September, inform- clubhouse, renovating the beach club "If you took a snapshot five or six
ing them that the summer reciprocal and enhancing the fitness center. months ago, you'd see people frus-
They're also optimistic about the agreements with otherVero Beach-area trated and unhappy and grumbling,"
changes they've seen recently through- clubs would be reinstated, the increase With work already completed on Sweeny said. "Now, you'd see some-
out the country-club community on in annual dues would not be as large the new tees on the Harbor Course, thing considerably different. People
the mainland's waterfront. as projected and work would resume both of Grand Harbor's golf courses are more upbeat. They're seeing things
are now fully available for play. The
"There are a lot of good things un- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
derway," Grand Harbor resident John
Gammino said. "Whether the devel-
oper follows through or not, we'll see.
But, generally speaking, I think people
are feeling more positive now."
That wasn't the case six months ago,
when frustrated residents were pub-
licly grumbling about Grand Harbor's
management, citing the cancellation
of a wildly popular, summer-reciprocal
agreement with local clubs, the halting of
golf-course improvements and the fail-
ure to follow through on other promised
community enhancements.
Residents also shared concerns
about staff turnover that had seen the
departures of longtime tennis director
Christophe Delavaut, golf-club per-
sonnel and chefs.
Some residents, including Gam-
mino, were so upset that they voiced
their criticisms to Vero Beach 32963,
which chronicled their complaints in
a front-page story in June.
The news story quoted a May 25 let-
ter written by the presidents of Grand
Harbor's four golf associations, which
represent nearly 550 active golf mem-
bers, to the community's Massachu-
setts-based developer, Bayswater De-
velopment LLC, to express "dismay
and disappointment" over the decision
to cease improvements to the club's
Harbor Course and suspend plans to
expand the adjacent practice facility.
In the letter sent to Bayswater presi-
dent Joseph Colasuonno and copied
to the club's general manager, Jason
Frandsen, the associations ques-
tioned management's actions, which
they said "suggest that the developer
is uncaring, unreliable and unrespon-
sive to the concerns of members who
already have invested considerable re-
sources in Grand Harbor."
It appears Bayswaters executives
– as well as Icahn Enterprises, bil-
lionaire Carl Icahn's New York-based
conglomerate, which owns the Cape
Cod real estate company – got the
"A combination of things happened
that led the powers-that-be to realize
there were some unhappy campers
down here," Grand Harbor resident
10 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Grand Harbor dress the members' needs and wants. past two years as the general manager much to Grand Harbor management's
Sweeny, the committee's chairman, and chief operating officer at BallenIsles change of heart as did the members'
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 Country Club in Palm Beach Gardens. public complaints.
said the focus group assembled a pri- From 2009 to 2012, Card was the golf
change, and they're encouraged by it." oritized list of improvements, addi- club general manager and golf direc- Sweeny said Bayswater wants to build
Perhaps the greatest cause for opti- tions and expansions members would tor at Trump Turnberry in Scotland. another 240 homes on the property –
like management to address during specifically in The Reserve, River Village
mism is an apparent change in man- the next three years. "He knows what he's doing," Sweeny and The Falls sections of the community.
agement's attitude. said, "and he knows what needs to be
"Just as we were finishing up that done." "If you look at some of the high-end
"There seems to be a willingness to work, the Icahn group created a new ex- homes being built in Vero, they've got
get member input," Sweeny said, "and ecutive position – president of club op- Frandsen, who could not be reached plenty of room to build and a good
if the people in New York have a better erations for both Grand Harbor and The for comment for the story in June, did reason to invest in the development,"
understanding of Grand Harbor, that's Club at New Seabury on Cape Cod," not return multiple phone messages Gammino said.
a win-win for everyone involved." Sweeny said. "And they didn't just cre- left at his office last week.
ate the position, they filled it with a "This is fertile ground."
Last month, in fact, Colasuonno and proven, high-powered talent. However, both Sweeny and Gam- Gammino said Bayswater is sched-
Frandsen met with an ad hoc commit- mino said they believe the surging uled to transfer ownership of the club
tee of 36 Grand Harbor residents to "The guy has very strong credentials." national economy and booming lo- to the members in December 2020,
discuss a "Vision 2020" project to ad- The guy is Chris Card, who spent the cal real-estate market contributed as but he believes that date could be
pushed back if the community isn't
fully developed.
In the meantime, he said, Grand
Harbor residents are feeling good
about the trends they see.
"We're in transition," Gammino
said. "I'm not sure what we're transi-
tioning into, but it's a totally different
picture than it was last summer. Some
positive things are happening, so I'm
optimistic – cautiously optimistic."
And for good reason.
"I don't want to be naïve,” Sweeny
said, "but the fact that Icahn has put
such an impressive guy in charge of
the clubs is a good sign."
Michael Creek
Thereafter he spent another $3 mil-
lion or so on fill and infrastructure, for
a total investment of more than $20
As late as the fall of 2008, Glickstein
still thought he could buck the down
market with a well-designed commu-
nity of luxury homes, but reality even-
tually sunk in. He put the development
on hold and later lost it to his lender,
who in turn sold it to the hedge fund.
“Cary Glickstein is a brilliant devel-
oper but even Superman could not
have stood up to what was happening
at that time,” Thorpe says.
Considering Glickstein’s invest-
ment, the $6 million sale price stands
out as a striking bargain and Thorpe
says since the sale other developers
have been calling him asking if he has
any other similar properties in hand.
“They all want it now, since they
heard the sale price,” he says. “But
there is nothing else like it available.”
Thorpe says there also has been
strong interest from builders who
want to be involved with the project.
“We are meeting with quality build-
ers now, looking for the right fit and fi-
nancial arrangements,” he says. “If the
developer doesn’t find someone that
meets his requirements, he has said
he will build it out himself.”
12 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1. John Kurtz, Christine Hobart, and Mary Kurtz.
2. Todd and Katie Sarbak with daughter Evie.
3. Bea and Fred Grumman. 4. Amy Morse, Steve
Magnuson and Elizabeth Head. 5. Lori and Em
Garden members wander wondrous ‘Holidays at McKee’
BY STEPHANIE LABAFF this year, taking to the water and Something parents and kids can do
Staff Writer paddling upstream in a kayak, div- together.”
ing into the pond and zip-lining
Thousands of glimmering lights through the treetops. Other light- In the Royal Palm Grove, the
set McKee Botanical Garden aglow ed creatures could be seen along Imagine School at South Vero Tan-
last Wednesday evening during the the lumen-lit pathways, including gerines set the mood playing holi-
annual Holidays at McKee mem- snowmen, flamingoes, koi and al- day songs on their xylophones. And
bers-only preview, giving them a ligators. a Christmas miracle brought snow
sneak peek at the festively deco- to town, with flurries falling near
rated 18-acre enclave, where lights After strolling through the gar- the Hall of Giants, while indoors
continued to sparkle through last den, visitors listened to the 1924 guests peered over the holiday vil-
Saturday. Wurlitzer vintage band organ, lage display.
watched the model train chugging
“We are so excited about this down the tri-level tracks, and took “We love hosting these annual
year’s Holidays at McKee and Nights photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus. events each year, as it welcomes in
of Lights Celebration. In addition to the holidays for those who come
our traditional favorites we have Suzan Phillips, who played at from near and far and affords us the
added enhanced, professional LED McKee as a child and was instru- opportunity to make the holidays
lighting, which showcases the true mental in the garden’s preserva- brighter for all of those who attend,”
beauty of the Garden in a whole new tion, watched as children mesmer- said Hobart.
light,” said McKee’s executive direc- ized by the train display pointed out
tor, Christine Hobart. various buildings and animals to If you missed Holidays at McKee,
their parents. “I've been here every you have another chance to en-
Instead of just frolicking among year since the beginning,” she said. joy the “nightlife” in the garden,
the bamboo, an embarrassment “It’s part of the spirit of what we including the lights, vintage or-
of pandas stepped up their game wanted to create here so long ago. gan and model railroad display at
Nights of Lights from Dec. 28-30.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Toy joy story as needy youngsters ‘Shop with a Cop’
Staff Writer
Men and women representing all of Eli Wilson and Tim Wood. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD McGruff and Alina Gamez.
the county’s law enforcement agen-
cies, plus members of Florida Fish Azariya Hillsman and Randy Slattery. Joshua Haynes and Milo Thornton. on the cake, that it was all worth it.”
and Wildlife, Florida Highway Patrol “Seeing the smiles and knowing
and the Forestry Division, wore their Matt Monaco and Ryan Sevcik. “It’s hectic raising the funds, but the
hearts on their sleeves last Wednesday community has been outstanding this they’ll have a Christmas this year,”
afternoon at the sixth annual Shop Ashley Penn and Walmart Manager year,” said Barker. “And then when we said Penn in agreement. She explained
with a Cop Indian River event at Se- Bill Bales. Funding was provided by finally do it and seeing the joy and that applications were distributed to
bastian Walmart. Walmart grants, private donations happiness of the kids, that’s the icing schools and screened to avoid dupli-
and fundraisers such as Christmas in cation, adding, “Because there is such
Escorted by police cars with lights July. a need out there we do not want them
flashing and sirens blaring, about 160 to also get things from Toys for Tots or
children, ages 6 to 14 were bused to the Angel Tree or other agencies. We
the Walmart in shifts – a first group need to make sure that other kids still
coming from the Sheriff’s Office and have the opportunity to get gifts for
a second from the Sebastian City Hall Christmas.”
– where they were paired with an of-
ficer and given a $100 gift certificate The need was heartbreakingly high-
for a shopping experience they will re- lighted when IRSO volunteer Kathleen
member forever. Hillcoat asked one little girl if she was
going to be shopping for presents for
It was thrilling for the youngsters, her mom and dad. “She said that her
who might otherwise not have a very father died three weeks ago; it’s just
merry Christmas, and equally spe- sad.”
cial for the officers, who grinned ear-
to-ear as they escorted their young Afterward, their shopping carts
charges past a welcoming committee filled with gifts for their parents and
of cheering Walmart employees and siblings as well as themselves, chil-
into the aisles. dren were treated to hamburgers and
hot dogs supplied by Walmart and
“This is what Christmas is all cooked up in the Sebastian Army’s
about,” boomed a jubilant Dep. Teddy Emergency Disaster Canteen.
Floyd, shopping with Shonterria and
Roiniah, ages 6 and 8. “I love Shop
with a Cop – it’s fun!” said Roiniah.
“Ashley and I always say, it’s tough
getting to this point,” said Dep. Rober-
ta Barker of the Indian River County
Sheriff’s Office, who organized the
event with Sebastian Police Officer
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 15
Endicotts’ Lucia Celebration quite enlightening
Staff Writer
Windsor residents Mona and Brad Petra Frisell and Sven Frisell. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Nikki Jarrow, Eva Frisell and Nolan MacLear. Brad and Mona Endicott.
Endicott invited friends to join them
last Tuesday evening for their annual ter solstice tradition. Bill and Anne Seawright with Sandy and Don Mann. Cynthia Bardes, Scott Ulm, Kjestine Bijur
Swedish Winter Solstice Celebration, At the appointed hour Eva Frisell as and Janet Hoffman.
highlighted by a charming St. Lucia ish roots,” said Eva Frisell.
Ceremony. St. Lucia, wearing an evergreen crown In an odd twist of fate, Mona En- American earlier that same day. “I’m
of candles, led a procession attended very happy,” said Endicott of her now
The couple moved in February to by stjärngossar (star boys) and tärnor dicott shared that she had become an blended cultures.
another gorgeous home, which was (girls), all carefully carrying lit can-
bathed in twinkling lights and flick- dles. The group made their way along
ering candles, exuding a warmth the pool and into the living room,
surpassed only by that of the delight- ending with traditional carols in front
ful family. Ideal weather meant that of the spectacular Christmas tree. Af-
doors could be thrown open for guests terward, guests enjoyed a delicious
to wander about the home and view ‘julbord’ buffet of assorted traditional
the exquisite holiday décor or mill savory fare and sweets.
about the festively lit pool area.
“I love it because it’s so moving; it
“The tradition is so deeply embed- makes me feel connected to my Swed-
ded in our family, passed down from
generation to generation,” said Petra
Frisell, Mona Endicott’s daughter.
Both women were born in Sweden
and admit to tearing up even during
the ceremony’s rehearsal. “It’s just so
emotional. I was Lucia, my mother
was Lucia, my grandmother was Lucia
and now, of course, my daughter Eva
is Lucia.”
Frisell explained that in the home,
the custom is that the eldest daugh-
ter brings her parents coffee and
Lussekatts (saffron buns) on Lucia
Day. But each village also has its own
Lucia, with ceremonies played out in
various gathering places.
Noting that while Sweden is a Lu-
theran county and St. Lucia was a
Catholic saint, she added,
“She’s a religious figure to some, but
she does appeal to the pagan influ-
ence. We have a strong awareness of
the force of the forest and the sea and
the earth, and she represents light.
She provides hope that the sun will
At the start of the ceremony, Pe-
tra’s brother, Sven Frisell, shared the
legend of St. Lucia, whose very name
means light.
“She arrives on the shortest day of
the year, Dec. 13,” he said, adding with
an aside they were a week late “out of
the dark, cold night, dressed in white
and with candles in her hair to bring
light, hope and a reason to believe in
good things to come.”
He related that as a young Sicilian
woman, Lucia wore candles on her
head to leave her hands free while car-
rying food to persecuted Christians.
She was executed and in 306 was can-
onized. He said the story was likely
transported through Viking seafarers,
and Swedes adopted her for their win-
16 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Childcare Resources program graduates 12 early educators
BY MARY SCHENKEL Educators, a partnership with Indian
Staff Writer River State College funded by a grant
from Impact 100.
As their proud families, co-workers
and friends looked on, 12 local pre- Understanding the critical need for
school teachers were awarded their quality early childhood education and
Florida Child Care Professional Cre- secure in the knowledge that better-
dentials, becoming the first graduates educated teachers produce children
of the Childcare Resources of Indian who are better prepared for kinder-
River Credentialing Program for Early garten and beyond, the philanthropic
women of Impact 100 awarded Child-
The first graduates of Childcare Resources of Indian River’s Credentialing Program for Early Educators.
care Resources a transformational dential because of the expense, time
$100,000 grant for the program this requirements and limited class access.
past spring. IRSC primarily offers its early educa-
tion classes at its main campus in Fort
Currently, more than 50 percent Pierce.
of Indian River County children are
ill prepared when they enter kinder- With the Childcare Resources
garten. Contributing to that dismal program, enrollees are fast-tracked
statistic is the fact that the Florida De- through 17-week, four-course sessions
partment of Children and Families re- to meet the mandatory 120 hours of
quires just 45 hours of online course- quality training and 480 children’s
work to work as a preschool educator. contact hours. The Impact 100 grant
jumpstarted the project by funding
“You can be hired with zero creden- tuition for the initial 36 students (three
tials,” said Elizabeth Lappert, one of cohorts of 12 students each), enabling
the CPEE program’s three IRSC profes- them with zero out-of-pocket expens-
sors. “The state gives you a full year to es, to attain that next level credential.
achieve the minimal of 45 hours that
are available online and then you take The courses – Introduction to Child
the exams at the testing center.” Development, Creative Experiences
for Children, Principles of Early Child-
“So you do not even have to have a hood Curriculum, and Practicum – are
high school diploma or GED to work at taught by IRSC professors after hours
a center. You don’t even have to speak and Saturdays at the Childcare Re-
English,” said Elizabeth Swann, CPEE sources facility. Participants also at-
program facilitator. tend professional development work-
shops and seminars, and have access
Compounding the problem, many to the highly accredited classrooms of
preschool teachers who have met that the Childcare Resources School.
state requirement are unable to ad-
vance their education and obtain their Having sought a diverse cross-sec-
Florida Child Care Professional Cre-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 17
tion of teachers and preschool cen- Wanda Lincoln, Pam Barefoot, Stephanie Herrera and Carolyn Veeneman. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE students through scholarship money,
ters, their initial 12 enrollees possess primarily the T.E.A.C.H. Early Child-
varied backgrounds, education and at Asbury United Methodist Church ive; I’m very grateful,” said Capozzi. hood Scholarship Program.
experiences, and represent 10 differ- Academy (formerly Great Beginnings). “Because this is such an intimate
ent childcare centers throughout the “And you don’t think about it until you “Impact really helped kick start this
county. look at it through their eyes. Every- environment, because this is 12 in- but we see it as a forever project,” said
thing they do is a building block to a dividuals, because it’s 17 weeks long, Swann. “When you have these long-
“In January we’ll get 12 new stu- milestone.” this is a very safe environment to term projects, you look at that long-
dents and then the fall will be the third share stories,” said Swann. In addition term community impact as well as
group,” said Lappert. There is already Both women have already shared to course study, she adds, “most of our growth and development.”
a wait list of 33 teachers interested in what they have learned with their co- learning is sharing. It’s huge, especial-
the fall 2018 semester. workers so that they might duplicate ly for somebody who’s just started, but “T.E.A.C.H. is a partnership with
concepts in their own classrooms. All also for someone who’s been in it for a their employers,” Lappert explained.
“We go through a lengthy selection said they are also very appreciative of long time and has an example for pret- “When they enroll for courses, the
process for the instructors as well as the support given them by the direc- ty much every scenario. So you have government, or T.E.A.C.H., will pay a
the students,” said Swann. “We work tors of their schools. what we call community of practice.” portion of their tuition and their em-
with Sara Whitacre, who runs the FC- ployer will pay another percentage of
CPC program at IRSC and we really “They’ve been extremely support- They anticipate sustaining future their tuition. The same thing happens
vet these professors. We want to make with their textbooks and they receive a
sure we’re getting quality instructors; small stipend.”
bringing that quality instruction to
this area. It’s really changing the land- “When you think about the true em-
scape of access to quality early child- powerment aspect of this, yes, we’re
hood education in this area.” getting everyone their FCCPC, but
we’re really creating these pathways to
The response from the students has long-term success,” said Swann. “We
been overwhelmingly positive. have Sara Whitacre coming to talk to
them about continuing their educa-
Bianca Capozzi, a teacher at 20th Av- tion, where they can go from here.”
enue Christian Learning Center, said
she was surprised to learn the extent “Having this credential allows them
of the detailed planning needed for to go from being the assistant to the
the successful education of her young lead teacher in the classroom, which
charges, adding, “everything is so im- could correlate to an increase in pay,”
portant to their development.” said Lappert. “If they want to get their
AS degree, that would be the next step.”
“Everything we do has an impact on
them, whether it be positive or nega- For more information, visit child-
tive,” agreed Amy Benevides, a teacher careresourcesir.org.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
St. Ed’s weightlifting sends dynamic duo to districts
BY RON HOLUB was a hard sell for Rogers. Under his
Correspondent artful guidance some girls will come
out to pump iron as cross training for
Two girls from St. Edward’s will Allie Miller. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD a primary sport. Others chance to stop
proudly carry the banner for the Pi- by once they know the sport is avail-
rates into the district weightlifting able. The numbers are never large as
tournament Jan. 12 at Port St. Lucie the season coincides with soccer and
High School. basketball.
Freshman Ruby Sundell qualified in “I let the girls know that we have a
the 101-pound weight class and senior team and I explain to them what we
Alie Miller is entered at 169. Sundell do,” Rogers said. “If they’re doing a fall
or spring sport, I tell them they ought
Rachel Thorpe. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD to give weightlifting a shot in the win-
ter. If they are not doing another sport
and Miller were among the top eight I tell them that here’s a sport we offer.
lifters by weight class during the regu- You might be pretty good at it and you
lar season. For Sundell, this was quite might enjoy it. Sometimes they come
a feat in her first year on the team. By in, sometimes they don’t.
comparison Miller, the lone senior this
year, is an established veteran in her “I had been telling Alie about
second competitive season. weightlifting since she was in eighth
grade. It took her three years to final-
Head coach Les Rogers had an eight- ly realize that she might want to do
member team to work with for a quick it. She came out last year and wound
five-meet regular season that con- up being pretty darn good. I wish
cluded with the Vero Beach High Invi- she would have listened to me more
tational Dec. 16. Rachel Thorpe, Fiona closely because she’s doing really well
Zimmerman and Miller are back from right now.”
last year. They were joined by new-
comers Gabriella Carlson, Sinclaire It seems that weightlifting offers
DuPree, Sandy Kelso, Jade Nunez and more than the obvious opportunity to
Sundell. build strength and confidence. Joining
the team helps some of these girls so-
“I’m putting in some hard work and cially as well as physically.
it’s paying off really well,” Miller told
us. “Every time I think it’s getting easi- “In the past I tried so many sports
er, the harder it gets, especially at prac- and none of them worked for me,”
tice. Districts are around the corner Thorpe explained. “Last year Alie con-
and my goal is to lift 125 for the bench vinced me to come to practice and I re-
and 125 for the clean & jerk. The 250 to- ally liked it. Weightlifting is very casu-
tal was my best from last year – I’ve still al. I can go at my own pace rather than
got a little ways to go. trying to go above and beyond.”
“I’ve got some time to do that. I’m Rogers couldn’t be more pleased
going to put in some work over the hol- with this group.
iday break, harder than I usually do.
Hopefully I will make it.” “Everybody is enthusiastic. I’ve got
one of my best attendance rates ever.
Getting Miller into the weight room The girls are fulfilling their respon-
sibilities in the weight room, making
good gains, and improving with their
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20 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Abstract abounds in artist’s ‘Soulful Search’ exhibit
BY ELLEN FISCHER PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD would creatively prepare him for his of their paintings – I find this also
Columnist new vocation as an abstract painter. happens with Monet’s waterlilies –
moved to Vero Beach in you have to get up very close to it, to
In the brief space of five years, Re- 2011 after he retired as “I’ve always loved abstract paint- find out what they were actually do-
gan Kenyon’s second career as an ab- president of Secondary ing,” Kenyon says, with an emphasis ing, the process they used in paint-
stract painter has developed by leaps School Admission Test on the word “always.” ing the work.”
and bounds. Starting off with baby Board, an educational
steps in a beginner’s class at the Vero testing service based in Princeton, His job, which required him to As for process, Kenyon notes that
Museum of Art School in 2012 and New Jersey. Little did he know then travel as much as 150 days a year, many people think that expression-
striding off with an award from the that his 27 years with the company took him across the U.S., Europe istic abstract painting is the result of
A.E. Backus Museum’s “Best of the and Asia. He says he found inspira- a happy – or not so happy – collision
Best” show earlier this year, Regan tion for the painting he does today in between a frenzied, paint-splattering
is now ready to go the distance with the great museums he visited on his artist and an unsuspecting canvas.
his first solo exhibition at the Center travels.
for Spiritual Care. Opening on Jan. 5 “It’s not happenstance,” Kenyon
with a public reception, “The Art of Close to home insists. “It’s deliberate, but it’s not
Regan: A Soulful Search” will be on in Princeton, overthought.”
view through Jan. 29. the Museum of
Modern Art in Before his retirement Kenyon tried
The exhibition’s curator, Warren New York City his hand at painting with a begin-
Obluck, notes that ringing in 2018 (MoMA) was a ner’s set of oil paints and a portable
with Regan Kenyon’s paintings “is favorite haunt. easel. An avid fly-fisherman, Kenyon
part of our new emphasis at the Cen- There he would intended to indulge both his creative
ter on providing opportunities for commune for side and the outdoorsman in him by
lesser-known promising artists, as hours with the painting en plein air.
well as for more established figures.” work of his Ab-
stract Expres- “But I never was able to get into
While Kenyon may be a new arriv- sionists heroes painting until I stopped working,” he
al to Vero’s art scene, he began gath- Jackson Pollack, says, adding that if you want to get
ering inspiration for his art long be- Willem de Kooning and Franz Kline. good at it, painting requires a gener-
fore now. Kenyon and his wife Mary “The thing that amazes me about ous amount of unstructured time.
them is that to truly appreciate one
Regan Kenyon wanted to be good
at painting.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 21
After the Kenyons moved into their gan left a thin, white-primed margin much that he hesitated to bring his school to establish her independent
early Peter Moore-designed home in around the composition’s edges. neophyte’s skills into her class. atelier, Kenyon followed. He was one
2011, a year elapsed before he found of the first of Gooch’s protégés to
himself in a studio class at the Vero The device of a white border to sep- After he “got up enough nerve” to paint with her and Sanchez during
Beach Museum of Art School. Taught arate the artist’s painted reality and study under her, Kenyon worked with the studio’s inaugural summer.
by Regina Stark, the class focused on the objective world around it is one Gooch in her museum class for about
abstract painting. that Kenyon has used often. Some- a year. During that time he met Tim Sanchez’s best advice to him:
times he will mask out the borders Sanchez, a well-known Vero painter “You’ve got to paint more often –
It was she who convinced Kenyon with tape before he begins to paint, and good friend of Gooch who would paint all the time.”
to put one of his first paintings into but he has been known to paint a drop in on her classes to say hello.
the museum school’s student exhi- white border around a composition Kenyon chuckles.
bition. In that untitled work, brushy that he previously had pushed to the Two and two came together when “When I would have difficulty he’d
shapes in primary colors are posi- canvas’s edges. Kenyon realized that Sanchez was say, just paint through it. Just paint.”
tioned amid a stream of warm white the creator of the painting he had That is exactly what Kenyon did.
and pale blue currents that cascade Kenyon graduated from his begin- admired when it was on display (a
from top to the bottom of the verti- ning class with Stark to an advanced recent permanent collection acqui- The Center for Spiritual Care is
cal composition. The canvas is not class taught by Deborah Gooch. sition) in the art museum’s Holmen located at 1550 24th Street in Vero
completely covered by the flow; Re- Kenyon says he admired Gooch’s Hall. Beach, Florida. The Jan. 5 reception is
own contemporary abstract work so from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
When Gooch left the museum art
Coming Up: ‘Million Dollar
Quartet’ worth every penny
BY SAMANTHA BAITA Kravis Center, Miami City Ballet is
Staff Writer showing off its newly designed cos-
tumes and scenery in the Balanchine
1 Opening this Tuesday on Riv- version of “The Nutcracker.” For Vero’s
erside Theatre’s Stark Stage landmark production, go to ballet-
verobeach.org or call the box office at
is “Million Dollar Quartet,” a Tony 772-564-5537. For more on Miami City
Ballet’s “Nutcracker,” go to kravis.org.
Award-winning musical about that
memorable, serendipitous night,
Dec. 4, 1956, when four musical gi-
ants – Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Jer- 3 McKee Botanical Garden’s an-
nual Nights of Lights, this Thurs-
ry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins – found
themselves jamming in an impromp- day, Friday and Saturday, should ab-
tu studio session at Sam Phillip’s Sun solutely be on your holiday to-do list.
McKee is always a blood pressure-
Studios in Memphis. Although the reducing oasis of calm and natural
beauty and, during the Christmas
four music legends didn’t know it at season, creatively-placed lighting and
holiday elements transform it into a
the time, the session was being taped place of wonder and magic for all ages.
– preserving for all time the four in
their prime and some of the best mu-
sic of the era. Show times: 2 p.m., 7:30
p.m., 8 p.m. through Jan. 21. Tickets, This event typically draws a crowd,
but don’t let that deter you. Visitors,
$35 to $90. I’ve observed, seem instinctively to
respect the natural surroundings,
2 It’s a big weekend for ballet, with lowering voices, moving carefully.
Ballet Vero Beach’s all-new, all- McKee Botanical Garden invites you
to “celebrate the incoming year in
original “The Nutcracker on the In-
dian River” premiering Friday night
at 8 p.m. and playing again Saturday peace and harmony, surrounded by
sights and sounds of nature.” Nights
at 2 p.m. It features a professional cast of Lights hours are 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
with standard admission: adults, $12;
of 23 as well as 50 lo- seniors, $11; children 3-12, $8; chil-
dren under 3, free.
cal kids. That’s at the
Vero Beach High School
Performing Arts Cen-
ter. And at West Palm’s CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
In our story last week about Ballet Vero Beach, we confused the
weekends that its “Nutcracker on the Indian River” is being staged.
It is actually premiering this Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 2 p.m.
at the Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Center.
Also, we misquoted artistic director Adam Schnell regarding
his organization’s application for an Impact 100 grant. Ballet Vero
Beach was the first professional arts organization to be named a
finalist in that competition. Our apologies for the error.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
some foodstuffs and the traditional galleries: Flametree Clay Art Gal-
stroke-of-12 champagne toast. lery, Island Images, MSVB Studios,
Highwaymen Gallery, Artists Guild
6 Next Friday, Jan. 5, is the first Gallery; Florida Highwaymen – Ray
monthly Main Street Vero McClendon, Gallery 14, Tiger Lily, Di-
ossy Gallery, The Other Half Gallery
Beach Gallery Stroll of 2018, 5 p.m. and RawSpace Gallery. A convenient
addition to the monthly strolls is the
to 9 p.m. All along and around 14th Treasure Coast Trolley, a vintage-style
vehicle that picks up passengers at
Avenue, between 19th Street and the city parking lot at 12th Court and
20th Street, and runs a continuous
23rd Street, galleries and some busi- loop along 14th Avenue to 18th Street
and Old Dixie with several stops along
nesses open their doors in welcome,
with a casual, lively reception vibe.
You can stroll at your leisure, enjoy-
ing the wide range of new art work,
and the artsy ambiance. Among the
5 New Year’s Eve celebrations.
4 The popular Sebastian Inlet starts at 7 p.m. Concert admission is
State Park Night Sounds concert free with park entry fee.
series continues this Saturday, with
the band Alize, its final concert of 5 Two very familiar entities in
Vero Beach – the Heritage Cen-
2017. After getting audiences moving
to a reggae beat for years, Alize has ter (on 14th Avenue) and the Land-
cranked it up a notch, re-inventing sharks Band – will come together
itself with some new band members. for a major, music-filled New Year’s
You’ll hear island, Soca (aka the Soul Eve celebration. The Landsharks
Of Calypso), Top 40, funk, soft rock are the primo Jimmy Buffett tribute
and a dash of county. The concert band, and they’ll have their laid-
takes place at Coconut Point pavil- back island vibe going on all night.
ions, on the south side of Sebastian A cash bar will be set up on the pa-
Inlet Bridge. Just bring your favorite tio, and you can rock your socks off
folding chair, enjoy the reggae beat all the way to next year. There will
and watch evening darken into night, even be, no surprise, a Parrothead
between the Indian River lagoon costume contest entitled “Changes
and the Atlantic. You can even grab in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes,”
a bite and a beverage: BG’s Surfside which, come to think of it, might
Grill and Adventures has pop, wa- be a good toast for the new year. 7 “Salute to Vienna” New Year’s Eve concert, with the Strauss Symphony of America.
ter, snacks, burgers and dogs. Music Tickets are $50 to $80, and include
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 23
the way. It’s handicap accessible, with phony of America, conducted by ballet.” A feast for the eyes and the Europaballett St. Pölten of Austria;
room for two wheelchairs. Matthias Fletzberger of Vienna. A ears, this brilliant and colorful cul- and a full orchestra will perform be-
West Palm Beach tradition for 22 tural celebration will certainly have loved Strauss waltzes and operetta
7 The Kravis in West Palm will years, the Dreyfoos Hall will again you swaying to the music. With gor- favorites. It is, promises the show
present the brilliant, music- be filled with “the spirited romance geous costumes and charming vi- promo, “a toast to life itself.” So, let’s
of operetta, the glamour of ballroom gnettes, Viennese singers Iva Schell, party like it’s 1899! Show time is 8
filled “Salute to Vienna” New Year’s dance, and the delicate beauty of soprano, and Michael Heim, tenor; p.m. Tickets from $29.
Eve concert, with the Strauss Sym-
24 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz says Milo and Morgan are a coupla cuties
Hi Dog Buddies! It was rainin,’ an me an the thing I know, I’m all wet and
coughin.’ It was like this big wa-
I had a fun yap with a coupla Cavalier kennel lady were late, so Mom ter bowl. So I starting franickly
King Charles Spaniels this week, Milo movin’ my legs. Mom said, ‘’Oh,
Niemczyk (NIM-zick) an his (step) sister grabbed me (she was wearing look, Milo’s not doing a Dog
Morgan, both with those totally ador- Paddle, he’s doing an Australian
able, puppy-sweet King Charles faces those funny lady shoes called Crawl. He instinctively knows
an frenly dispositions. Milo’s 2, and he what to do in the water cuz he’s a
was born in Ireland, then went to a ken- heels an I was in liddle bag, Spaniel.’ But Dad said, ‘NO WAY,
nel in Georgia, so I was wonderin’ if he’d he jumped in cuz he thought it
be like, “Top o’ the morning,’ ya’ll.” But shakin’ cuz of bein’ nervous) was a solid surface. He didn’t
he spoke just plain ol’ dog, no accent or have a CLUE.’ Dad was right. I
anything. an we were bookin’ though was Totally Freaked Out and was
just tryin’ to get my soggy caboose
After the Wag-an-Sniff, we got all the airport to catch the plane outta there. Never went near that
comftubble, an Milo introduced me pool, or any pool, ever again. I
to his Mom an Dad, Carolyn an Leo. to Florida.” don’t care if I AM a Spaniel.”
“Happy to met you all,” I said. “So, Milo, “Do you have those big, long kennel
do you remember anything about Ire- “Woof!” I exclaimed. names nobody ever uses?”
land?” “Yes, we do,” said Morgan. “Milo’s
“That’s a lotta excitement!” is Durramore Bailey’s Surprise an
“Not really, Mr. Bonzo. I was only a mine’s Morgan Louise of Cossa Creek.
liddle furball. I do remember seein’ lot- “Totes! I was seein’’ new I ackshully came with an in-STRUCK-
sa fluffy funny-lookin’ white animals shun book!
on the ride to the airport. I thought they stuff, hearin’ new sounds, Morgan and Milo. PHOTO BY MITCH KLOORFAIN “Woof! Fancy! Any pooch pals?”
were some kinda dogs, but I found out smellin’ new smells. I fi- “My Bestie’s Frankie,” Milo said.
they were cheeps.” “He’s a chihuahua mix. We were pup-
nally fell asleep an pretty pies together.
“Cheeps? Oh, right! I gotcha.” “An one time, up in Asheville, North
“Anyway, Mom an Dad have always much napped ’til we got to my Forever es an get Caro-LINE-uh, we met this real frenly
been a Spaniel Family. Springers like duck. She was wearin’ a shirt an sneak-
you, an Brittanys. Home. I was still shaky, and hopin’ my groomed there,” Morgan inter- ers, just like her human Dad. Didn’t
“They had Oscar, Nelson an Brutus. catch her name. We don’t speak much
Then, when they were low on span- new Dad an big sister would like me. jected. “We don’t really like gettin’ Duck.”
iels, they decided to get a smaller size
so it could fly in the human section. WELL we got to the house, an Mom groomed, but we look FABULOUS when Till next time,
They had Morgan already so they were
checkin’ out puppy pickshurs online. set me down. The instant I spotted we’re done!” The Bonz
See, even though we were officially
hunting dogs, us Cavalier King Charle- Morgan I was like, ‘OH, WOW! This is Milo lowered his voice and leaned Don’t Be Shy
ses are SO CUTE that, a long time ago,
Royal Humans made us pets, ’specially GREAT!’ She looked like my Mom an toward me. “Wanna know somethin’ We are always looking for pets
the fancy ladies, an they had PORtrutts with interesting stories.
painted with us in their LAPS. all my brothers and sisters an cousins. funny? When Mom an Dad are talkin’
“Anyway, Mom an Dad picked ME! So To set up an interview, email
Mom got up at 4 a.m. an flew to Atlanta, And I knew I was HOME!! about goin’ out or goin’ for a walk an [email protected].
cuz I was in Lula, Georgia, an planes
don’t go there. The kennel lady was gon- “Morgan wanted to be sure I unner- they don’t want us to get excited, they
na bring me to the airport, then her an
Mom were gonna do a Hand-off. Of me. stood that she owns the house, an that spell W-A-L-K or O-U-T or G-O.”
was Totally Cool Kibbles with me. She’s “I’ve heard a lotta humans do that,” I
the BEST! She taught me everything I commented.
know.” “I KNOW. They think we can’t spell.
Morgan chimed in. “Yes I did. We Isn’t that hi-LARRY-us? So we go along
bonded right away. He was a fun liddle with it. We pretend we don’t know what
pupster. He’s a smarty, but mostly I had- W-A-L-K means. We just remain calm.”
da protect him from himself. He’s curi- Me an Milo an Morgan laughed be-
ous about EVERYthing!” hind our paws. “I think a lotta us do
“Mom bought me a buncha toys an that,” I said. “Things go much smoother
I ate ’em!” Milo declared happily. “But when humans think they’re in charge.”
that was when I was liddle. NOW I’m They nodded.
much more neat and tidy. When we go “Since you’re Spaniels, I assume you
outside, I wait patiently in my crate (we swim?”
love our crates) ’til Mom an Morgan are “Oh, Milo, you gotta tell Mr. Bonzo
ready. An I always Do My Doodie in the about your swimming pool adventure,”
Same Spot. Morgan said.
“We do leash walks, of course, but, “It’s kinda embarrassing, but here
Dog! I love to run! Dad says that’s my goes: my first full day here, I was lookin’
spaniel instinks coming out. An we at everything, checkin’ stuff out, real ex-
both can’t wait to go to PetSmart. Talk cited. So I see this kinda shiny big thing,
about Dog Frenly!” an it looked like it’d be a nice place for
“We sniff everything an take class- runnin’ around. So I jumped. Well, first
26 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Shing’ its praises: New vaccine is ultra-effective
BY TOM LLOYD Rafael Harpaz, a veteran shingles re- Dr. Brenda Field with Michele Batiste.
Staff Writer searcher at the Centers for Disease
Control, as saying “this really is a sea PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
When the FDA approved GlaxoSmith- change” in the prevention of shingles,
Kline’s new Shingrix vaccine for shingles and Dr. William Schaffner, a preven-
last month, it also took the extraordinary tive disease specialist at the Vanderbilt
step of recommending it replace the ex- University School of Medicine, who
isting Zostavax shingles vaccine. claimed “this vaccine has spectacu-
lar initial protection rates in every age
A tsunami of good press promptly group. The immune system of a 70- or
followed. 80 year-old responds as if the person
The New York Times quoted Dr.
were only 25 or 30.” Shingles is most
The Washington Post added, “Shin- common in people
older than 50 and
grix is 97 percent effective against that risk increases
shingles for those 50 to 59 years old,
compared to about 70 percent for Zos- with age.
tavax, data show. For those in their 60s,
the new vaccine is 97 percent effective, early things and how much risk you
compared to 64 percent for Zostavax. personally feel you are at for shingles.
For those in their 70s, Shingrix is 91
percent effective, compared to about “I think if the immunity [from Shrin-
41 percent for Zostavax.” grix] holds up so that maybe we can
vaccinate people once or twice in their
Not to be outdone, the Times then senior years – like from say 60 and up –
ran another article a few days later with I think that would be fabulous,” but, as
the headline: “No excuses, people: get of now, that is still an unknown.
the new shingles vaccine.”
Ever the pragmatist, Field continues
“I think it may turn out to be a great by explaining, “How much capital I’m
vaccine,” says Dr. Brenda Field at going to expend trying to push my pa-
Barefoot Bay Internal Medicine and tients into the new shingles vaccine re-
the Steward Health Group at Sebas-
tian River Medical Center Field. She
tempers her enthusiasm by adding, “I
think it boils down to a little bit about
how cautious you are about adopting
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 27
mains to be seen depending on how the ‘Gut’ news as study finds more omega-3 benefits
data comes out. I’ll expend a lot of capital
trying to push them to get their flu and BY MARIA CANFIELD fits. Samantha Lynch, MS, RDN, LDN, They are not produced by the body; the
pneumonia shots, because those are Correspondent a registered dietitian and nutritionist only way to get them is from dietary
killers. Shingles is not a killer – though with a private practice in Vero Beach, sources. A diet rich in omega-3s lowers
it may make you wish you were [dead].” Research from the UK has added to says, “In addition to helping with the “bad” cholesterol and reduces blood
the well-known list of benefits provid- absorption and digestion of food and pressure and triglycerides – reducing
And then there’s the local chatter ed by omega-3s: more bacterial diver- keeping our immune system strong, the risk of heart disease and improving
factor. sity in the gut. having diversified gut bacteria lowers overall cardiovascular health.
the risk of diabetes, obesity, and in-
As Field candidly explains, “If it We have nearly 40 trillion bacteria flammatory bowel disease.” Studies have suggested that ome-
turns out that the first 50 people here in our gut and it’s been known for a ga-3s can also reduce symptoms of
in Barefoot Bay get the [new] shots and long time that having diversity among Omega-3s are essential fatty acids rheumatoid arthritis, improve bone
then feel really crappy for three or four these bacteria has many health bene- with a wide range of health benefits.
days, then it’s not going to be well ad- CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
opted. And it doesn’t really matter what
the commercials say. Word of mouth is
going to trump that.”
So what, exactly, is shingles?
It is an outbreak of the varicella-
zoster virus that causes chicken pox.
The virus can lay dormant inside the
nerve tissue of the spinal cord or brain
for decades before re-activating itself
and causing an outbreak of shingles –
which means anyone who has ever had
chicken pox can develop shingles.
While rarely life-threatening, shingles
can pack a powerful, painful punch with
rashes, skin blistering and infections,
nerve damage, vision loss and even in-
flammation of the brain along with fa-
cial paralysis and balance problems.
The Mayo clinic reports that “shin-
gles is most common in people older
than 50 and that risk increases with
age. Some experts estimate that half the
people 80 and older will have shingles.”
While Field – and the CDC – are
quick to point out there are several
antiviral medications now available
to help treat shingles after it flares up,
Shingrix is the first new vaccine ap-
proved by the FDA for preventing it in
more than a decade.
But, since it’s a live (but weakened
version) of the varicella-zoster virus,
anyone receiving it must have an im-
mune system that’s working well.
Even with the old Zostavax, says
Field, “I don’t even think about vacci-
nating my 90+ year olds with it because
the chance that they’re going to have
enough of an immune response to be
helpful to them is very low,” and she
doesn’t want to “open the door” for the
problems that could pose.
In the end, some enthusiasm for
Shingrix does surface as Field con-
cludes by saying, “I do think it’s very
exciting. I think if we actually have a
better shingles vaccine that will be a
wonderful thing. I’ll get my informa-
tion together for my patients and help
them make their own best choices and
go from there. Hopefully I can say [the
new vaccine] is wonderful thing that
lives up to the promise it has.”
Dr. Brenda Field is with the Sebastian
River Medical Center and the Steward
Health Group. Her office is at Barefoot
Bay Internal Medicine, 8000 Ron Beat-
ty Blvd., Suite A-3 in Barefoot Bay. The
phone number is 772-664-1388.
28 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
HEALTH Samantha Lynch.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 I am very interested in seeing the results of Lynch sounds a note of caution: “Be-
additional studies, as the gut microbiome fore popping an omega-3 supple-
strength, protect against age-related plays such an important part in preventing ment, talk to your doctor or contact
cognitive decline and dementia, and a registered dietitian who can review
reduce inflammation. disease and in our overall health. your medical history and the medica-
– Samantha Lynch tions and supplements you are tak-
And now researchers from the Uni- ing. There are possible interactions
versity of Nottingham’s School of One of the best sources of omega-3s of omega 3s; walnuts are by far richest between omega-3 supplements and
Medicine and King’s College London is oily-fleshed, cold water fish such as source (at least among foods that are certain medications, such as antico-
have found an association between wild Alaskan salmon, Atlantic macker- household names; chia seeds and flax- agulants, which must be avoided.” She
omega-3 intake and the diversity of el, cod, haddock, trout, whitefish, her- seeds are also high in omega-3s). adds that a healthcare professional
gut bacteria. ring, tinned sardines and canned light will be able to provide a recommen-
tuna. There are also non-fish sources There are also widely-available dation of particular food sources or
In a test group of 876 middle-aged omega-3 supplements, about which omega-3 supplements that are appro-
and senior women, the research team priate for your specific situation.
set out to study the link between blood
levels of omega-3 and the diversity of Lynch says, “The UK study had a
gut bacteria. Lead researcher Dr. Ana number of strengths, including its
Valdes summarized the findings by large size and the number of data
saying that high blood levels of ome- points it evaluated. It had some limi-
ga-3 “were strongly associated with tations, however – the researchers
the diversity and number of species of relied on self-reported food question-
healthy bacteria in the gut. naires for dietary omega-3 intake, and
there were no males in the study.” She
“Our study is the largest to date to adds, “I am very interested in seeing
examine the relationship between the results of additional studies, as the
omega-3 fatty acids and the composi- gut microbiome plays such an impor-
tion of the gut microbiome.” tant part in preventing disease and in
our overall health.”
The team also found that high levels
of omega-3 were associated with high Samantha Lynch’s office is located
levels of NCG, a compound that has at 4445 Hwy A1A, Suite 239, in Vero
been shown to reduce oxidative stress Beach. She can also be reached via her
in the gut. (Oxidative stress is a com- website: www.samanthalynchnutri-
plicated topic; suffice it to say to that tion.com.
it can cause cells to prematurely age
and become dysfunctional.)
The study was published in the
journal Scientific Reports.
TIM CROSS | THE ECONOMIST works there. When it was founded in game in which players are cast as doc- alongside the youngsters. Draughts is
2014, Draughts became London’s first tors and scientists trying to save the doing so well that its owners are now
Draughts is a funky little café tucked dedicated board-game café. world from four plagues. Their neigh- pondering opening another branch. It
into a railway arch in Islington, in bors are engrossed in a game of Castle is just one beneficiary of a new golden
north London. It has exposed brick All the old classics are there: Mo- Panic, in which the defenders co-oper- age in board games.
walls, a bar stocked with trendy craft nopoly, Risk, Battleship, along with ate to defend a fortress from a horde of
beers and a selection of comfy chairs. their memories of family arguments at encroaching monsters. The most popular games sell in
The toast is artisanal and the avoca- Christmas. But the main draw for the their millions. Top of the list is Set-
dos are smashed. But the most strik- patrons is a new generation of deeper, A board-game café sounds like the tlers of Catan, in which players com-
ing thing is the shelves arrayed at more involving – simply better – games sort of niche business that appeals pete to settle a fictional wilderness. It
the back of the café. They groan with that have been devised over the past only to hip millennials with a fondness has sold more than 20 million copies
board games – more than 700 of them, couple of decades. for ironic nostalgia. But, on a Friday af- since the first edition of 5,000 was re-
according to Russell Chapman, who ternoon, the crowd is more diverse than leased in Germany in 1995. Domin-
At one table a group of people are that, with families and 50-somethings ion, a medieval-flavored card game,
playing Pandemic, a tricky, strategy
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 31
released in 2008, has sold 2.5 million BOARD GAMES: SOME RECOMMENDATIONS spread: “I remember we used to rely
copies. on these little hobbyist websites that
The twist comes in the setup: players would do amateur translations into
There are now competitions and a must agree where to place their starting English of all the new German games
festival circuit for the most committed pieces and the temples they are trying to that were coming out,” says Leacock.
fans. In 2016 174,000 people streamed reach. As with everything from Japanese car-
through the doors at International toons to Jane Austen fandom, the inter-
Spieltage, the industry’s flagship trade- GATEWAY DRUGS Also consider: King of Tokyo, in which Godzil- net helped bring together like-minded
show-cum-festival, held every year in CARCASSONNE Named for the pic- la-like monsters lay waste to the Japanese people all over the world.
the German city of Essen. GenCon, turesque French medieval town, Carcas- capital, or Outfoxed, a hunt for the fox that
held in America, counted 208,000 peo- sonne is a tile-placing game in which the stole Mrs. Plumpert’s prized pie. Those early websites have blos-
ple through the turnstiles in 2017. The players gradually lay claim to a collection somed into a thriving scene of pod-
UK Games Expo, held in Birmingham, of cities, roads and fields, while denying DEEP STRATEGY casts and YouTube channels, discuss-
has grown from 1,200 visitors in 2007 them to their opponents. Carcassonne ing strategy, spreading rumors of new
to 31,000 in 2017. showcases one of the most important games and offering reviews of the
rules of board-game design: it is easy to latest games. (“TableTop”, one of the
The trend is global, but there are pock- learn, but tricky to master. most popular YouTube programs, is
ets of intense enthusiasm. One is Silicon hosted by Wil Wheaton, whom dedi-
Valley, where Settlers of Catan is an ob- Also consider: Ticket to Ride or Settlers of PUERTO RICO Players are colonial cated fans may remember from “Star
session among many. Reid Hoffman, Catan. rulers of Puerto Rico and must jockey Trek: The Next Generation”.)
LinkedIn’s founder and a board-game carefully for economic and political ad-
aficionado, says that Settlers of Catan is CARD GAMES vantage. The game has been showered Fans can talk directly to designers,
“the board game of entrepreneurship.” with awards. It features no dice or ran- who, in turn, can recruit fans to test
Earlier this year, Maybe Capital, a sa- dom chance, but plenty of inter-player early versions of their games. Crowd-
tirical game about the Valley, complete politics and hidden information which funding sites allow designers, whether
with discriminatory rewards for male ensure that every game plays out dif- amateur or professional, to raise money
and female players, was launched on ferently. for games that have not yet been made,
Kickstarter, a crowd-funding site. drastically reducing the risks involved in
DOMINION First released in 2008, Do- Also consider: Power Grid for cerebral sinking time into a project. Draughts it-
One reason for the tabletop-gaming minion created an entirely new genre of strategizing, or Twilight Imperium for self began life on Kickstarter, rather than
boom is simply that the products have card game. Playing as medieval dukes, all-day gaming marathons. with the traditional loan from a bank.
improved. The best modern games are participants gradually build a deck of THE STATE-OF-THE-ART
sociable, engaging and easy to learn, cards that represent assets. They agree At the same time, says Steve Buck-
but also cerebral, intriguing and dif- beforehand what kinds of assets to in- master of Esdevium Games, a British
ficult to master. The slow triumph of clude. Build chapels and markets, hire importer of board games, the preva-
what used to be called “nerd culture” – wizards or mercenaries, hoard coins and lence of screens has made people
think smartphone gaming and “Game expand your holdings before your rivals keener to connect in person. Board
of Thrones” on television – has given can. games offer the sort of social experi-
adults permission to engage openly in ence that no amount of FaceTime, Sky-
pastimes that were previously looked Also consider: Dobble, a tricky twist on PANDEMIC: LEGACY The original pe or Destiny can quite replace. “Peo-
down on as juvenile. Snap or Android: Netrunner, a collectable Pandemic, in which players co-oper- ple are sitting in front of a computer all
card game which pits futuristic hackers ate to try to save the world from four day at work,” he says. “Do they really
The increasing ubiquity of screens against sinister cyberpunk corporations. deadly plagues, was one of the her- want to do even more of that when they
has also, paradoxically, fueled a de- alds of the board-gaming renaissance. get home?” Chapman agrees. “I think,
mand for in-person socializing. Board KID-FRIENDLY Pandemic: Legacy adds an overarching paradoxically, one of the things social
gaming is another example of an old- KARUBA Four adventurers on a tropical story. The players’ actions in one game media can end up doing is keeping you
style, analogue pastime that, far from island compete to loot ancient temples. permanently modify the board for the away from your friends,” he says.
being killed by technology, has been next round, and a bit more of the story
reinvigorated by it. is revealed. The cultural changes wrought by
Also consider: Mansions of Madness technology have helped, too. “I think
The revival began in the 1990s, says Second Edition, for an H.P. Lovecraft-in- the popularity of video games is a fac-
Matt Leacock, an American game de- spired demonstration of how to combine tor,” says Leacock. Over the past few
signer responsible for Pandemic, as the a smartphone app with a board game. decades video-gaming has grown
internet began spreading into people’s into a $90 billion industry. The typical
homes. Leacock was a programmer at gamer is in his or her 30s, and almost
Yahoo! at the time. Germany, he says, as likely to be a woman as a man. “It
is the spiritual home of board-gaming. gets rid of this silly idea that games are
“For whatever reason there has always something only kids should enjoy.”
been a culture there of playing these
things, of families sitting around the The tactility of board games can be
table at a weekend,” he says. a pleasure in an increasingly virtual
The internet helped that culture STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 34
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21 Dove Shell Lane : $3,000,000 631 Indian Harbor Road : $2,995,000 295 Coconut Palm Road : $2,750,000
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New Garage, Private Pool & Beach Access 431 Silver Moss Drive #105 : $475,000
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772.231.0900 : JohnsIslandRealEstate.com
luxury estates : condominiums : homesites : townhouses : cottages
It’s your lifetime. Spend it wisely.
34 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
world. Many modern games have rich, positive feedback, designer-speak for ment than others: buying them is al- games, uniting players to work togeth-
lovingly crafted pieces. In Kanagawa, a mechanism by which a small advan- ways a good idea. Better to offer players er against the game itself. Computers
for instance, the players are appren- tage early on snowballs into a big, in- less obvious, more thought-provoking are finding their way into board games
tices of Katsushika Hokusai, the most surmountable one later in the game, choices: advantages that come with directly: in X-Com (which is based on
famous Japanese classical artist, and which makes things boring for the significant trade-offs, for instance, or a bestselling video-game franchise) the
must strive to produce the best paint- other players. whose usefulness varies depending players must work together to defend
ings in order to win the favor of their on what is happening in the rest of the Earth from an alien invasion. The alien
master. The playing pieces include a Modern designers tend to prefer neg- game. forces are marshalled by a smartphone
set of miniature brushes, a bamboo ative feedback, in which life gets harder app, which reacts to how the players
mat and a series of beautifully drawn for those doing well. Sometimes that is Hidden information opens up the are doing. By hiving the bookkeeping
cards featuring images of stags, moun- enforced by explicit penalties. Some- potential for bluffing and misdirec- off to a computer, designers are able to
tains and blossom leaves. The goal of times it emerges by itself, or through tion. In Ticket to Ride, players compete experiment with more complex sets of
the game is to assemble them into a political dealing by other players. Con- to build railways across Europe. At the rules that would be fiddly and tedious
larger, harmonious painting. quering too many planets in a game of beginning, each player is given a set of for human players to administer.
Twilight Imperium may make it hard to
Finally, and perhaps most important- defend existing territory, for instance, secret objectives. If her opponents are The latest innovation is so-called
ly, by bringing fans together and allowing especially if other players decide to to thwart them, they must first try to in- “legacy” games, named for Risk: Leg-
them to trade wisdom and good ideas, gang up on the leader. That helps to fer these from how she is playing. Intro- acy, a 2012 reboot of the classic game
technology has drastically improved the keep things interesting for everyone. ducing elements of politics, diplomacy that founded the genre. As with mod-
games themselves. One consequence or trading can give players things to do ern TV series, the idea is to introduce an
of the board-gaming boom has been Another problem is that Monopoly even when it is not their turn, helping overarching narrative, which advances
to help designers come up with a set of has a large element of luck (movement to keep their interest from wandering. as you play the game multiple times.
principles and rules-of-thumb that add is controlled by rolling dice) and lim- As an extra twist, the rules change be-
up, more or less, to a theory of fun. ited strategic depth. Some properties And the new ideas are still coming. tween each playthrough. Depending on
simply offer a better return on invest- Pandemic, in which the players work the results of a particular game, players
One way to get a sense of it is to together, fueled a boom in co-operative could receive instructions to draw new
look at a well-known game that vio- features onto the board, rip up exist-
lates many of this theory’s tenets. Mo- ing rules or be given new powers or
nopoly is, by most calculations, the obstacles. One such game, Pandemic:
bestselling board game of all time. Yet Legacy, is, according to the denizens of
it languishes near the bottom of a list BoardGameGeek, the single best board
of games as reviewed by the users of game ever made.
BoardGameGeek, a popular website.
In the eyes of a modern game designer, Despite its new-found popular-
it does almost everything wrong. ity, board-gaming remains a slightly
nerdy pastime (there are a number
One of Monopoly’s big mistakes is
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 35
of fans among Economist journal- and familiarize you with game theory. is enthusiastic about games’ potential history in a way that no book can,”
ists). And although they are meant to The most hardcore games veer on as a teaching tool. he says. “If I’m doing my job properly,
be fun, squint and you can probably the mechanics of the game will force
justify playing them on the grounds simulation. Volko Ruhnke designs America’s spies, it seems, agree. you to consider the choices that real
that it is good for you. Board-gaming wargames based on real-world con- One of Ruhnke’s sidelines is in de- people had to make. That’s advanced.
will improve your mental arithmetic, flicts. A Distant Plain aims to recreate signing wargames for the CIA, which That’s grad-school history, not grade-
give you a good grasp of probability the Western invasion of Afghanistan in uses them to train analysts and op- school stuff.”
2001, in all its political complexity. He eratives. “A wargame puts you into
36 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Thoughts on the sale of Indian River Medical Center
BY WILLIAM A. SANGER ship and medical providers of IRMC. My reasons for this statement are ership of HCA, JFK has become a com-
But there is much work to be done. The based on knowing each of the systems munity leader by improving the hospi-
Over the past several months I have next step must clearly be focused on interested in IRMC, including provid- tal’s service offerings, recruiting a world
followed, with intense interest, the choosing the right partner that will in- ing services to the bidders in various class medical staff, and most impor-
strategic moves that the leadership sure the continuation of the work done capacities as well as personally serv- tantly executing on their commitment
of IRMC have taken to secure the vi- to date. ing as the CEO of a hospital that sold to improving patient care.
ability of the hospital. I am writing to HCA. That hospital is JFK Medical
this because I feel compelled to voice Being familiar with all the systems Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. They have made substantial im-
my opinion as a member of our com- that are interested in partnering with provements in the hospital campus
munity. IRMC, I can say from direct experience Since the sale of the hospital in the and are excellent community stewards.
that any of the choices would serve our mid 90’s to HCA, I have closely followed Moreover, with the sale of the hospi-
By way of background, I feel well needs well. However, speaking from di- the growth, service offerings, and com- tal, the proceeds were used to set up
qualified to opine on our healthcare rect experience I believe that there is a munity commitment by HCA. a community foundation (Quantum
delivery system. Presently, I am the “ first amongst equals.” Foundation of Palm Beach) that for the
Chairman of a Fortune 500 publicly Over the last 20 years under the lead- last 20 years has focused on the under-
traded company that provides health- served health needs of the area. Today
care services to over 2000 hospitals, the foundation has well over $150M
and have led both for profit and not in funds earmarked for improving the
for profit health systems. health of its community.
Over the last four decades I have wit- I have seen this phenomenon re-
nessed various health services models peated throughout the country when
employed by communities aimed at HCA has acquired a community hos-
improving the overall health of its citi- pital. As importantly, HCA does not see
zenry. I have found that the common its community partners as a potential
formula for success includes a finan- channel of referrals to their “mother-
cially viable hospital, a qualified and ship.” They are a federation of quality
comprehensive medical staff, scale and community hospitals with scale and
scope of health services and a network scope. They are experts at making their
of partnerships between for profit and hospitals the provider of choice in each
non for profit providers and agencies. of the communities they serve.
These initiatives combined with a I also want to thank Jeff Susi, the
community “wrap around” health- IRMC management team, IRMC Board
care foundation are the necessary of Directors and the IRHD for the dili-
ingredient for success of a truly in- gence done to insure quality healthcare
tegrated healthcare delivery system. and for having the insight and fortitude
Also it takes a commitment of cash in pursing the sale of IRMC. It is the
that extends well beyond what local right first step for our community.
philanthropy alone can achieve. This
is why I applaud the strategic alterna- The writer is Chairman of the Board
tive of a sale for IRMC. of Envision Healthcare and a resident
of the barrier island. Guest columns do
I believe many of the attributes de- not necessarily reflect the views of Vero
scribed above have been partially ac- Beach 32963.
complished by the governance, leader-
HEALTHCARE’S RAPIDLY MERGING son are being assimilated into much larger commu- Population health management is a value-based
ENVIRONMENT, Part II nity-based systems (in this case, Banner Health). model that focuses on keeping people in the com-
munity well. Programs address the needs of the
Consolidation and integration of hospital services Six southern California hospital systems – in- people in a specific region through a healthcare
are becoming the new normal. With the nation’s cluding UCLA, Cedars-Sinai and MemorialCare provider with assistance of local community-based
healthcare providers moving from fee-for-service – joined Anthem Blue Cross to be able to offer organizations and social services. The hospital and
to fee-for-value reimbursement, we’ve entered a an HMO (health maintenance organization) that these local entities gather data, address health
renewed era of amalgamation and partnerships. could compete with Kaiser Permanente, an inte- problems in their community and seek evidence-
grated managed care consortium. based interventions that ultimately lead to better
Last time we reviewed three healthcare terms that health for everyone. Population health manage-
will soon become part of everyday conversation: Nationally, leaders of independent hospitals are ment works to prevent disease, close care gaps and
Population health management, accountable care finding it necessary to look for ways to build op- provide cost savings using telehealth services, com-
organizations and bundled payments. erational efficiencies to compete in this climate munity-based clinics (steering people away from
of reduced reimbursement, global payments, using the ER for primary care) and patient care co-
Across the country, these models of care are cata- greater integration and payments based on qual- ordinators who coordinate healthcare services.
lyzing new mergers, partnerships and acquisitions ity performance. Going it alone is becoming more
in an effort to increase quality and decrease costs and more difficult. Whether a hospital can remain Population health management, however, pres-
of healthcare. independent usually comes down to finances. And ents significant financial risk for stand-alone hospi-
as Sister Irene Kraus of the Daughters of Charity is tals. To get enough patients in the population pool
SOME HIGH-PROFILE ACQUISITIONS famous for saying: “No margin, no mission.” to spread the risk of financial loss, independent
Faith-based institutions and smaller systems are hospitals need to join larger healthcare systems.
being bought into larger not-for-profit mega- INDEPENDENT, NOT-FOR-PROFIT COMMUNI- Leaders of not-for-profit, independent community
systems like Ascension and Catholic Health Initia- TY HOSPITALS ARE RETHINKING THEIR STATUS hospitals are responsible for making sure their hos-
tives and into for-profit companies. Some, such Over the last 10 years, the number of indepen- pital will be able to deliver excellent medical servic-
as Daughters of Charity (hospitals), have been ac- dent hospitals in the U.S. has dropped 11 percent. es through a more connected system of care.
quired by investor-owned corporations. Two major challenges to staying independent are
the nation’s transition to population health man- Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
Likewise, independent academic medical centers agement and costs for new or updated facilities, always welcome. Email us at editor@32963staff.
like the University of Arizona’s Health Center in Tuc- advanced technology and state-of-the-art equip- com.
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
38 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
We are cautioned to avoid judging portraiture and landscape painting, Wolfe’s “Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.” tions of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells.
a book by its cover, yet that is precise- became an appealing glimpse into a Among the more charming are those This marked a change, Salisbury
ly what publishers hope we will do. book, welcoming readers inside. that contain whole landscapes when writes, “from poetic contemplation
Dust jacket illustration, which came folded out, such as the green vales of to one of assertive aspiration as tech-
into its own in the 1920s, has long The first dust jackets, known as Stanley Badmin’s jacket for “Local nology and consumerism started to
deserved recognition as a serious art “wrappers,” were not usually prized Style in English Architecture,” pan- take hold.” It also led to the use of
form. If any doubt remains, Martin or conserved by their owners. The oramas that sadly could never have a machine called a Grant Enlarger,
Salisbury’s splendid survey, “The Il- earliest ones existed quite literally to been fully enjoyed while wrapped which allowed designers to quickly
lustrated Dust Jacket, 1920-1970,” keep dust off cloth bindings. In fact, around T.D. Atkinson’s book. Some trace photographs for what were
should dispel it. In these pages, he they were often discarded by shop- original art exerts a nostalgic allure frequently unimaginative covers, a
describes how utilitarian commer- keepers as a courtesy upon purchase. so powerful that publishers retain technology, rued by many, that pre-
cial designs became an “important But by the 1920s, as jackets became it for later paperbacks, as one finds saged the use of digital design soft-
branch of the applied arts” and gave more colorful, they also became more with the New Directions edition of ware decades later.
rise to manuals, guilds and exhi- meaningful to the reader’s experi- Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar
bitions by those who saw not only ence. Named Desire,” with modern-prim- Salisbury’s book shows that the
artistic possibilities but also a new itivist art by Alvin Lustig. greatest jackets tint our experiences
avenue of work for illustrators who Not all were pleased. Max Beer- of the books they grace. For those
relied on freelance commissions. bohm wrote cantankerously of them Leading art movements wound up who never paused to think much
“violently vying with one another on display in bookstore windows. about jackets, this book will be a rev-
Book jackets are, admittedly, a pe- for one’s attention, fiercely striving A lively Bloomsbury sensibility can elation. For those who do, it will be
culiar art. The most memorable ones to outdo the rest in crudity of design be appreciated in Vanessa Bell’s de- nothing less than a thrill.
usually approach a book indirectly. and colour.” It is this supposed “cru- signs for her sister Virginia Woolf’s
In fact, Salisbury says that “visual dity” that makes jackets, like that for books, published by the Woolfs’ Hog- THE ILLUSTRATED DUST JACKET: 1920-1970
metaphor is often more effective Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” (a arth Press. In the 1920s and ’30s, dy- By Matin Salisbury
than explicit representation in the book curiously missing from this vol- namic Art Deco styles, such as Au-
distillation of the text into image.” At ume), so desirable to collectors today. brey Hammond’s, thrived alongside Thames & Hudson. 200 pp. $39.99
its best, a classic jacket, joining hand- rosy-cheeked knights and pioneers Review by Ernest Hilbert,
rendered lettering with traditional Some dust jacket illustrators over- of Brandywine School artist N.C. The Washington Post
shadowed authors themselves. Rock- Wyeth. Editor Maxwell Perkins en-
well Kent was so much more famous listed Cleonike Damianakes to ap-
than Herman Melville in 1930 that peal to female readers when pub-
his name alone appears on the Art lishing Hemingway and Fitzgerald.
Deco jacket for Random House’s By the ’40s, the bizarre surrealism of
“Moby Dick.” That edition features Ukrainian-born Boris Artzybasheff
Kent’s majestic pen-and-ink draw- proved ideal for works of fantasy by
ings, which some credit in part for re- L. Sprague de Camp. Meanwhile, il-
newed interest in a novel that origi- lustrations for the flourishing genre
nally languished after suffering poor of crime writing were, contra Beer-
reviews and public indifference. bohm, “suitably garish and melodra-
Readers of different ages will be
moved to fondly recall jackets that A brief idyll following the Second
first caught their fancies in youth, World War had designers yearning
such as Edward Gorey’s jaunty il- for earlier Romantic styles and “spir-
lustration for Kingsley Amis’ “rol- itual connection” before the onset of
licking misadventure” “Lucky Jim,” increasingly abstract late-modernist
Arthur Hawkin, Jr.’s hand-lettered designs like those of Czech artist and
design for James M. Cain’s “The Post- writer Adolf Hoffmeister for new edi-
man Always Rings Twice” or Milton
Glaser’s psychedelic hues for Tom
1. The Rooster Bar 1. Leonardo da Vinci 1. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
BY JOHN GRISHAM BY WALTER ISAACSON 3. The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy
2. End Game 2. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY Kid Book 12) BY JEFF KINNEY
3. Make Your Bed 4. The Night Before Christmas
3. The Cuban Affair
4. Grant BY RON CHERNOW 5. Why Christmas Trees Aren't
4. Column of Fire BY RODY L. JOHNSON
5. Manhattan Beach
ROBERT CRAIS BRAD TAYLOR 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
presents presents
An Elvis Cole and Joe Pike Novel A Pike Logan Thriller
G.P. Putnam's Son/Penguin Random House Dutton Books/Penguin Random House
Saturday, January 13th at 3 pm Sunday, January 14th at 3 pm
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 39
Alan Bennett, an English playwright and actor, said, “We started trying to set up a small WEST K74 EAST
anarchist community, but people wouldn’t obey the rules.” A Q 10 8 7 2 QJ92 43
10 6 5 Q J 10 8 AQJ32
The defenders have a much harder job than declarer. To try to balance the books, the 83 10 5
defenders make the opening lead. Often that can make a difference of one trick, but 63 SOUTH K754
occasionally the number is surprisingly high. KJ9
Look only at the West hand. You open two spades, a weak two-bid. After two passes, AK764
South balances with two no-trump, and North raises to three no-trump. What would you A92
Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Neither
We all know about fourth-highest from the longest and strongest, and that might work
well, if partner has two spades, gets in before declarer has taken nine tricks and pushes The Bidding:
his remaining spade through declarer’s holding.
Here, though, it is a disaster. South wins with his low spade, plays a diamond to the 2 NT 2 Spades Pass Pass
board, takes two club finesses and collects the first nine tricks via one spade, five Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
diamonds and three clubs. ??
Now let’s go back and have West deduce that dummy does not have four or more
hearts, because he made no attempt to uncover a heart fit. If West leads the heart five,
how many tricks can East-West take?
A heart to the jack, a spade to the nine and 10, a heart through and a second spade at
trick seven give the defenders five hearts and six spades for down seven!
Finally, note that if East were in four hearts, after South leads the diamond ace, North
should signal with his queen. Then South continues with a low diamond for the killing
club-queen shift.
40 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Pudding sauce (7) 1 Sweets, chocolates etc (13)
5 Trails (5) 2 Glow (5)
8 Tacks (5) 3 Non-attendance (7)
9 Watch (7) 4 Scribble (6)
10 Infinite (7) 5 Spaghetti, orzo etc (5)
11 Justification (5) 6 Neeps (7)
12 Permit (6) 7 Requirement (13)
14 Breakfast food (6) 13 Traditional (7)
17 Pontificate (5) 15 Futile (7)
19 Immobility (7) 16 Female foxes (6)
21 Nature (7) 18 Max __; Dadaist (5)
22 Boredom (5) 20 Type of Japanese poem (5)
23 Type of boat (5)
24 Keep going (7)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 41
ACROSS Texas 16 Lower in fat or Forget
1 Sunset, for one 65 Fall mo. calories 72 Bullets, etc.
6 Boaters and 66 Low point 75 Last word in the
69 ? 17 ?
bowlers 72 Favorable votes 19 Paradises, of a pease porridge
10 Actress Dawber 73 Neither follower rhyme
13 Luminous ring 74 Newspaper for sort 76 Phones
14 Ore veins 21 Deceiver 77 Sky streaker
15 Frank’s second bright people? 23 With “plasm,” 78 Igloos and yurts
75 Melville opus 80 Actor Harry of
wife 76 Pre-1917 ruler seance stuff Tales of the
16 ? 77 County N of San 24 Greek letter Texas Rangers
18 Word after 25 Like a house ___ (anagram of U R
Francisco 26 The Mennonites, LATE)
United or 79 ? 81 Fasten again
American 82 Secure again, e.g. 82 Quaid or Travis
19 Like the taste 28 Robert of The 83 Prefix meaning
of some as a door “skin”
toothpastes 83 Luis on Sesame Man from 84 Young Jetson
20 Ashton Tate U.N.C.L.E. 88 Johnson of
computer Street, Emilio 29 Resident of a Laugh-In
software ___ (anagram of west Arizona city 89 What some cons
21 “Out of” opposite OLD-AGED) 31 Fork over are
22 It was Freud’s 85 Shade tree 32 Reconstruction 91 Investigative arm
idea 86 On guy of Congress:
23 Explorer Leif 87 Mr. Root or Mr. 35 Cartoon rooster, abbr.
25 “___ as I can Yale Foghorn ___ 92 Noah’s vessel
figure ...” 88 Maker of Macs 36 East Indian 93 Chairman, once
27 ? 90 Name for the evergreen 94 CIA predecessor
30 Kin of a mania devil (anagram of
31 Agreement 91 ? MISCHA) The Washington Post
33 “Self” starter? 95 Buck’s mate 37 Elect. day
34 The summer ___ 96 Knight-time 39 Seed, of a sort FUNNY FOLKS By Merl Reagle
(on or about protection 40 Akbar the Great,
June 21) 97 Singer Sheena ___-ud-Din
38 Lawyers’ org. 98 Time line Muhammad
39 Japanese features: abbr. 41 Christmas song
wrestling 99 “That’s 44 Older folks
40 ? agreeable” 47 Heating fuel
42 “Certainly” 100 Kentucky Derby 48 Sugar ending
43 Golfers’ grp. flowers 49 ___ in the bucket
44 Took a pew DOWN 50 Montana’s
45 Liquid butter of 1 Do a tedious post nickname
India office job 51 ___-so
46 1960s dancing 2 Supper supporter (what’s-his-
49 ? 3 Sitter on le trône name)
52 Coat infesters 4 Pilgrim’s stop 52 Worries
53 Alabama rival 5 Englander’s 53 Likely
56 “You’re locked ending for 54 Infamous Geller
___ with no encyclo 55 Cheeky
windows or 6 “In what way?” 57 ___ twice
doors ...” (start of 7 Sell mates? (seldom)
many a mystery 8 It’s steeped in 60 Old TV game
puzzle) tradition show, Who ___
57 Ultimatum words 9 I.D. often needed Trust?
58 Famed D.C. on invoices: abbr. 62 Simon Templar,
bookstore, 10 Indian who’s the ___
Politics & ___ always in hock? 63 Stringbean Olive
59 ? 11 Embodiment 66 Contact-cleaner
61 Knight’s contest 12 La Guardia was ingredient
62 Nothin’ special one 67 Jungle snake
64 Ms. Richards of 13 Indian craft 68 “Baby, it’s co-o-
14 A new ___ life old
70 Get exactly right
71 To forget, to Guy
The Telegraph
42 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
A friend’s now dating my former lover. Do I tell?
BY CAROLYN HAX and disrespectful things he’s done? Not least of choice. It’s lose-lose-lose, in a way.
Washington Post which, I think, is dating one of my best friends with- But there’s usually a good decision – or a merely
out a heads-up to me.
Hi, Carolyn: One of my less-bad one – to be found by breaking a situation
best girlfriends (we’re in our Maybe I should talk to him? I don’t like being in down to its most basic facts.
40s and 50s) has started dat- this position!
ing a former lover of mine. Here, you have two certainties at the founda-
Because I’m a private person, – Say/Not Say? tion of everything: Your privacy is yours, and
my friends possibly knew of your friend’s relationship is hers.
him – I’m single – but didn’t Say/Not Say?: These lose-lose decisions always
press for details. They all feel the hardest, obviously, because you don’t see So your best choice is going to be the one that
know him independently through a group affilia- any courses of action you like, but inaction leaves comes closest to honoring these two facts.
tion we share. you stuck in the limbo of facing an unwanted
He became “former” earlier this year because he Which means you say as little as possible, and
constantly let me down, from canceling a date as you disrupt the relationship as little as possible.
I’m literally on my way to taking a phone call while
I’m talking with him about facing my oncologist You rightly point out that choosing to say noth-
about my cancer progress – the whole range of dis- ing will loom larger and get weirder as their re-
respectful. No biggie, I respected him enough to ac- lationship progresses. That means speaking up
cept how he wanted to be and we just transitioned might feel like butting into their business but is
back to friendship. actually more respectful of their relationship –
A few weeks into their dating experience, how- and your privacy – than silence. Silence plants a
ever, he is already doing the same to her – last-min- drama mine that one of you is almost certain to
ute cancellations, etc. Her desire for marriage may step on someday.
blind her to how disrespectful his behavior can be.
So, two questions: Do I have to crack my own shell The truth gains potency daily, so speak up
of privacy and tell my friend I had a thing with a soon. “I should have said something right away,
guy she’s now dating? He has obviously not men- I’m sorry – I erred on the side of minding my own
tioned it to her. If I wait to see if it becomes serious, business but instead it felt like keeping a secret
then it’s an even harder conversation to have. I feel from you. Anyway, I dated [name] for [time peri-
really uncomfortable about each of the say/don’t-say od], until [date]. That’s all. I’m happy for you both.”
options. Crack your privacy now, on your terms, to preempt
And do I share with her some of the thoughtless its demolition by others later.
“That’s all,” by the way, means no comment on
his thoughtlessness (or her marital-desperation
blindness, ahem) because their actions and feel-
ings and relationship are theirs. Yours become rel-
evant only when you’re asked, and even then, you
speak only of and for yourself.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 43
Why decadent embroideries are back this party season
BY CAROLINE LEAPER their wardrobe at home should be keen the tangle of vivid embroideries at
to protect their delicate structures. Alexander McQueen this autumn?
The Telegraph “Keep beaded items in acid free paper,” Designer Sarah Burton had simply
McCaffrey advises. “And keep all away visited Cornwall during the summer,
What do the wardrobes of Princess from entanglement with knits – that’s discovering traditional Cloutie trees,
Margaret, Cher, Kate Bush and Sophie the worst thing for rips.” on which people tie wish ribbons and
Turner all have in common? No par- charms.
ticular cut of dress or shape of neckline Tracking the trend
could have ever united that mix of sar-
torial tastes, but a type of decoration 1937: Graphic glamour
could: namely, embroidery. After years of delicate needleworks
gracing the gowns of Edwardian wom-
The history of needlework is as rich en, the 1920s and 1930s shook up the
and complex as its look, as decorative embroidery scene. Flappers went all out
hand-stitching has been applied to with geometric beaded borders, and in
garments for thousands of years. The the 1930s, stars like Marlene Dietrich
legendary Athena, Greek goddess of went for impactful, contrasting designs
craft, was reportedly an early adopter, to stand out on the silver screen.
while Chinese pieces have been found
dating back to the 5th century B.C. 1970s: Folk fashion
From the start, though, it has acted as Another major twist in the aesthet-
a symbol of wealth and status in wom- ic of embroidery came in the 1970s,
en’s clothing, used to share messages when folk styles took over. The in-
from the Medieval “I’m wealthier than tricate beaded designs that adorned
you,” to the modern “Roses look great debutantes in the 1950s were out, and
on Instagram.” stars like Janis Joplin and Joni Mitch-
ell popularized kaftan-like dresses,
As with most recent craft come- covered in boho craft stitching.
backs, it would be all too easy to 2017: Hidden messages
credit designer Alessandro Michele What was the meaning behind
for the mass resurgence of embroi-
dery. Sure, it is since he presented
his debut for Gucci back in 2015,
that a carpet of maximalist motifs
has gradually crept across the high
street, but elsewhere, Alexander
McQueen, Chanel, Prada and more
have been steadily championing the
technique for decades in more sub-
tle forms.
Every party season these rich
fabrics come into their own and for
2017, we’re tipping a returning to
nature-led designs. Florals, butter-
flies, birds and bees currently adorn
everything from denim, to trainers,
to outerwear, and, come awards sea-
son, actresses will have a seemingly
endless supply of fantastical embel-
lished gowns to pick from. There is
no limit to what enthusiasts will
pay, with off-the-rack, embroidered
dresses hitting the $14,000 mark,
and couture pieces spiraling from
“As the couture world has gone
embroidery-crazy again, the craft is
in a really good position again,” says
Robert McCaffrey of Hand & Lock,
the British embroidery institution.
They’ve become a go-to for fashion
houses looking to develop spectacu-
lar designs. “We welcome both the
smallest and biggest jobs though,” he
says. “An individual can come here
with anything that they want to have
embellished, and you can even buy
patch designs from $5, to sew on at
home yourself.”
Anyone with embroidered pieces in
44 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sequins suddenly irresistible, and not just for chic soirees
BY LISA ARMSTRONG Technically we’re not in a reces- swer is elusive. Some-
The Telegraph sion, but retail’s had a hell of a time times they look appro-
of it in 2017 and might be forgiven a priately sack-cloth and
“It doesn’t look like recession,” re- downbeat outlook. Nor is the general ashy (the 1992 recession
marked an executive from one of the mood one of unalloyed joy. New Agey ushered in Grunge). At
country’s biggest clothing chains as types (or is it Old Agey by now?) keep other times they hoof
he scanned the Royal Albert Hall’s saying mercury is in retrograde. I their way through the
myriad tiered boxes which were a- still don’t fully understand this, but general despondency
flicker with sequined Gucci, Erdem I do know mercury is shiny. in full Busby Berkley
and Michael Halpern at last week’s sparkles.
Fashion Awards. As to how people dress when the
going seems drearily tough – the an- This seems to be
one of those mo-
ments. This au- sparkly inside as
tumn’s sublime the gaudy corporate-
revival Stephen sponsored Christ-
Sondheim’s utterly mas lights outside.
wonderful Follies, The sequin is back
about a bunch of with all the ballsy, unapologetic
spangled show- glamour of a Shirley Bassey come-
girls decades af- back tour.
ter their career Perhaps it will produce some eco-
peeks, has deliv- nomic twinkle as well as a visual
ered the National one. It certainly seems to be flying off
Theatre one of its biggest critical
musical hits in years, and perfectly
captures the bitter sweetness of put-
ting your best face forward whatever
the internal pain.
And so, currently, the stores are as
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 45
the rails. A confederation metal, which made sequins lighter, you can still enjoy sequins – they are,
lovely little of shiny trompe but prone to melting when the body after all, very flattering, with all that
periwinkle l’oeils. The results heated up. Things bumped along un- upward-directed light.
sequinned are far from cheap til the mid-’50s when an American
blouse with – around $5,000 up- (of course) called Herbert Lieberman You could slip an unlined trench
Forties de- wards. Even the $750 collaborated with the Eastman Ko- over a sequined slip dress or layer
tailing and Preen x LK Bennett dak company to produce sequins out a sequined cami under a shirt. The
short sleeves number was quite the of the acetate used in Kodak film. Eu- stylist Deborah Brett wore a pink
(the better for layering) from Temper- investment. But cus- reka: a lighter and very shiny option - sequined Preen dress under a trans-
ley London has completely sold out tomers seem to have realized that a just in time for Marilyn’s iconic sequin lucent floral tea dress to Ascot last
in all sizes on Net-a-porter.com. The good sequin isn’t just for Christmas moment in front of Mr. President. summer, which might sound as
same goes for the pink-sequined dress or for teenagers on a rowdy night out, though she’d muddled her invita-
that was part of the Preen x LK Ben- but a classic prop when you’re at a loss The beauty of sequins these days is tions and thought she was going to a
nett collaboration earlier this autumn for what to wear. It’s worth paying out the way they can slide up and down Studio 54 revival, but you could just
which is rapidly selling out. Annie Len- for something that won’t leave a trail the register, pitching anywhere from see glimpses of sequin. It looked ex-
nox wore one to a party at Selma Hayek of crunchy little discs in its wake. gloriously camp (Michael Halpern’s tremely pretty and the lateral think-
and Francois Henri-Pinault’s house What’s interesting is the sequin’s floor length, high-neck rainbow col- ing meant she got a lot more wear
in London a fortnight ago where the slow progress from Strictly Evening umns) to almost preppy (M&S’ nau- of it. And what about lurex socks, or
status quo that night was head-to-toe to something much more versatile. tical sequined stripes). They can be glittery boots? The latter have saved
dazzle, much of it from Gucci (Pinault When the ancient Egyptians first em- sheer or dyed to match your eyes. many an otherwise hum drum trou-
owns the label). bellished their clothes with tiny coins, They can be matte or metallic, large ser suit from looking dour.
Gucci is probably responsible for the results were reserved for the elite. (which always makes them seem
the mass revival. Its creative director, Several millennia later, while Christo- more playful) or microscopic. I’d think twice about sequined
Alessandro Michele, has championed pher Columbus plotted his way round skirts and trousers as they’re fragile.
as many as possible, in a rainbow the world, Leonardo da Vinci was One of the chicest ways to wear Lame and iridescence would be bet-
sketching a machine for speeding up them is to offset them against velvet, ter – Whistles Annie Sparkle knitwear
the production of sequins, although tweeds and cashmere, although not, has become a perennial hit. On Black
they still weren’t exactly democratic. I think, with jeans, which still seems Friday last month a navy knit from this
Progress was patchy. Flapper a bit too Glasto 2006. You don’t need range became its biggest ever seller.
dresses weighed a ton in the Twen- much jewelry either. In fact remove
ties (another depressing era beneath all of it and only if it looks really bare If you’re constitutionally allergic to
the brittle party-til-you-drop veneer). should you add any back. such obvious tropes then take heart.
In the Thirties, manufacturers began There are labels such as COS, where
electroplating gelatin instead of using Maximum razzle dazzle is one ap- you’d hardly know it’s that time of
proach – the big floor-sweeping par- year. It is possible to find yourself a
ty number is back. If your social en- completely shine-free outfit. But re-
gagements tend to be in a lower key, ally, why would you?
46 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Wave at Costa d’Este: Something for every taste
BY TINA RONDEAU Ahi Tuna Tartare.
Just in time for the season, Costa Coffee-Rubbed Black
d’Este has unveiled a new menu for The Angus Skirt Steak.
Wave Kitchen & Bar – and it may be the Guava Barbeque-Glazed
best mix yet of American, Cuban and Scottish Salmon.
Latin dishes for Gloria Estefan’s attrac-
tive hotel on Vero’s beach.
On our most recent visit, our party of
three started by sharing two plates of
The Wave’s plantain cups. On one plate,
three of these crispy little cups made
from fried plantains were stuffed with
ropa vieja – the tasty shredded beef that
is one of the national dishes of Cuba. On
the other, the bite-sized plantain cups
were filled with baby shrimp. Both were
accompanied by a tasty Creole sauce.
Roasted Baby Red
& Golden Beets.
Seared Diver
Then for salads, I ordered the avo- pickled beets on the side. with clams, mussels, shrimp, white fish, it is the best around.
cado salad ($15), my husband chose the My husband’s steak was brought to calamari and Spanish chorizo, in a saf- With fresh seafood, excellent steaks,
roasted baby red and golden beets ($14), fron tomato broth. The squid ink added
and our companion went for a classic the table sizzling on a red-hot stone, salty notes to dramatic, jet-black Vene- interesting Cuban dishes and the best
Caesar ($13). and was accompanied at his request by tian pasta. While the chorizo took a bit paella in town, The Wave is one of our
yucca fries as a substitute for mashed away from the ocean-y taste, this was favorite island restaurants.
My salad – a stack of avocado mixed potatoes. A bit of American-Cuban mix- an excellent dish.
with tomato, red onion, cucumber and-match. And our companion’s fla- I welcome your comments, and en-
and a cilantro-lime vinaigrette – was a vorful Cuban chicken was served with The Cuban roasted pork – aka lechon courage you to send feedback to me at
simple dish that showcased the avoca- delicious black beans, white rice and asado – was a massive helping of shred- [email protected].
dos, and the vinaigrette gave it a bright plantains. ded roasted pork topped with grilled
taste. My husband’s salad was a thing of onions, and served again with those The reviewer dines anonymously at
beauty, with the sliced beets set among On a previous visit, we sampled one tasty black beans and rice. The pork restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
arugula, heirloom tomatoes and balls of The Wave’s new appetizers – the New was very flavorful. 32963.
of pistachio-crusted goat cheese, all Orleans-style barbeque shrimp ($15).
dressed with a walnut vinaigrette. This dish consisted of seven lovely For dessert, we shared a dish of Hours:
shrimp, prepared with amber beer, smooth mocha chocolate. Yummy. 5:30 pm to 10 pm nightly
One of the things I most like about Worcestershire, lemon and rosemary,
The Wave is it has something for every and accompanied by a biscuit. These I would also be remiss if I did not Beverages: Full Bar
member of your party. On this evening, were so good that I claimed four of the mention the paella at Costa d’Este – a Address:
I was thinking seafood, and there were seven. staple of this restaurant, and a favor-
four different local fish to choose from. ite of mine, since it opened nine years 3244 Ocean Drive,
I was tempted by the tripletail – a deli- On that evening, for entrées I ordered ago. There are many kinds of paella, Vero Beach
cious fish that you don’t see on menus the seafood linguine ($35) and my hus- and the versions currently being fea- Phone:
too often – but finally opted for the red- band chose the Cuban roasted pork tured at The Wave are the creation of
fish. ($21). the current executive chef, Honduran- 772-410-0100
born Armando Galeas. Suffice it to say
My husband was craving steak, and My squid-ink linguine was topped
from five choices, he decided to go with
the dry-aged New York strip ($40). Our
companion was thinking Cuban, and
she chose the pollo a la plancha – pan-
seared herb marinated chicken breast
($21) from the Estefan Kitchen menu.
The entrées turned out to be exactly
what each of us was looking for. My red-
fish, perfectly cooked, could not have
been fresher, and was served over a very
interesting beet-infused risotto with
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 47
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48 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 49
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50 Vero Beach 32963 / December 28, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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