Duo’s cross-country trek fights
‘cycle’ of poverty. P16
Dick Winger: The
man who voted ‘No.’ P9
Financial accountability may
be coming to School District. P7
Simpson’s convicted Summer storm clouds form over Grand Harbor FPL purchase
killer to be held here of Vero Electric
pending a new trial BY RAY MCNULTY summer reciprocal agree- developer’s failure to follow hits roadblock
Staff Writer ments with other area clubs through on other community
BY LISA ZAHNER and halted golf course im- improvements. BY LISA ZAHNER
Staff Writer Grand Harbor residents provements without consult- Staff Writer
are up in arms after the club’s ing club members. They are Grand Harbor is one of
The Fourth District Court of development company and also concerned about the loss the largest and most popular Orlando Utilities Commis-
Appeals has finalized its rul- managers canceled popular of key club employees and the country club communities on sion’s slogan is “The Reliable
ing overturning the convic- One” and the utility seems
tion of Henry Lee Jones for CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 intent on once again dem-
the November 2011 murder of onstrating that it can reliably
Central Beach husband and thwart Vero’s every effort to get
father of two Brian Simpson. out of the electric business –
this time landing the city in yet
Jones, 30, had been serving another sticky legal dispute.
a life sentence, most recently
in a state prison in Calhoun In May 2014, three years
County near Tallahassee. As of into complex sale negotiations
Monday, Jones was being re- to sell Vero electric to Florida
turned to Indian River Coun- Power & Light, Orlando Utili-
ty, where he was to be held in ties surprisingly objected to
the local jail until a new trial. the plan for it to take over Ve-
ro’s stake in three power gen-
He is scheduled for a court eration projects in exchange
appearance on July 6, but for $34 million, belatedly say-
Public Defender Diamond ing its lawyers had decided the
Litty said her attorneys will deal would violate OUC’s cov-
not be prepared to go to trial enants with its bondholders.
at that time.
Now, nearly a month af-
“I think we will be asking
for a continuance," Litty said, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
‘Barcode lady’s house’ at south end Police response to
of island to be sold in new auction Grove bar shooting
saw total confusion
BY STEVEN M. THOMAS of month in an absolute, no-
Staff Writer reserve auction. BY LISA ZAHNER
Staff Writer
After more than 10 years on Concierge Auctions, which
and off the market at prices has successfully auctioned While tapes of 911 calls
ranging as high as $33 mil- off eight homes in Vero in the revealed police received con-
lion, the grand south island past several years, includ- flicting eyewitness reports
estate commonly referred to ing two this year that sold for about who shot 31-year-old
as “the barcode lady’s house” more than $10 million each,
will finally be sold at the end will sell the 23,000-square- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
June 8, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 23 Newsstand Price $1.00 Blue Water Open
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Arts 25-29 Games 41-43 Real Estate 61-72 772-559-4187
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero Electric and the Florida Municipal Power Agency “I wanted you to know that OUC’s up five days later on May 16, howev-
as FPL developed its latest offer, OUC an- damages will far exceed the $20 million er, when FPL’s offer was formally pre-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 nounced the $50 million demand only if Vero Beach defaults on its contrac- sented to the Vero Beach City Council.
after the FPL offer was made public. tual commitments to OUC. The agree-
ter FPL presented a $185 million offer ment sets forth two thresholds for limi- FPL’s presentation showed that Vero
to Vero, which included $20 million The dispute erupted on May 11 tation of liability: the $50 million dollar could pay off its $20 million penalty to
to pay off OUC for letting Vero exit its when OUC Vice President Jan C Aspuru OUC, its $108 million exit penalty to
wholesale power contract, it suddenly wrote to Vero Beach City Manager Jim NEWS ANALYSIS the Florida Municipal Power Agency
comes out that OUC wants $50 million O’Connor at 12:30 p.m., according to co-op, all of its utility debt and other
– not $20 million. public record, “Yesterday, OUC learned limitation of liability applies if a Party electric obligations and still have some
that FPL has submitted a Letter of In- to the agreement defaults for econom- $20 million cash left over.
This presents a major, $30 million tent (LOI) to the City of Vero Beach ic reasons and it is OUC’s position that
hurdle to the carefully crafted $185 for the purchase of its electric system. this would be the applicable threshold The Council then voted 4-to-1 to ac-
million deal currently on the table. The LOI states that an amount not to in this case,” Aspuru said. cept FPL’s letter of intent, in concept,
exceed $20 million would be allocated with the details to be worked out in the
While city officials, including Mayor for the full release of Vero Beach’s con- This disturbing news never came coming months and a goal of closing
Laura Moss, assured the public that OUC tractual obligations to OUC.” the deal by Oct. 1, 2018.
had been looped into the talks with FPL
City Manager O’Connor said Mon-
day that he and Vero’s lawyers and
FPL’s lawyers have been trying these
past few weeks to neutralize this latest
wrinkle in the decade-long Vero elec-
tric saga, but that OUC didn’t appear
to be budging.
Vero and OUC are now at a point of
impasse on the differing interpreta-
tions of the contract language. “I’m
recommending to the Council on
Tuesday that we enter into non-bind-
ing mediation with OUC, as is laid
out in our 2015 contract with them,”
O’Connor said.
O’Connor explained that the OUC
contract clearly sets out the circum-
stances under which Vero would be
on the hook for the $20 million pen-
alty, and when a higher $50 million
penalty would kick in. And he says the
new FPL deal was negotiated based on
several legal opinions that the transac-
tion Vero is trying to accomplish falls
squarely within the conditions of the
$20 million penalty.
“It’s the city’s position that we are
not exiting the contract to go with
another power supplier,” O’Connor
said. “We are getting out of the electric
business entirely, not dropping OUC
to buy power from another wholesale
provider. The 2015 contract says we’d
have to pay $20 million to cancel the
contract, or $50 million to get out of
the contract to go with another sup-
plier for economic advantage.”
O’Connor said he expects Nat Dolin-
er of the Carlton Fields Law Firm to
continue to represent Vero throughout
the mediation process, but that this
time, city ratepayers won’t be shoul-
dering all the hefty legal bills. “FPL has
said that they would share the legal
costs of the mediation as they want to
get this worked out as much as we do,”
O’Connor said.
Mediation is not only laid out in Ve-
ro’s contract with OUC. It’s required by
Florida law whenever a public entity
has a legal dispute with another entity.
The idea is to keep the matter out of
the courts and save taxpayer dollars.
O’Connor said each party would recom-
mend a handful of certified mediators
and then Vero and OUC would agree on
who would handle the job of referee.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 3
When Indian River Shores and Vero Grand Harbor nearly 550 active golf members, wrote ments of great concern to members
entered mediation over a suit filed by a May 25 letter to the developer to ex- has only served to suggest that the
the Shores for breach of its electric CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 press "dismay and disappointment" developer is uncaring, unreliable and
franchise agreement with Vero, city over the decision to cease Harbor unresponsive to the concerns of mem-
and town officials had to meet prior the mainland and has long been seen Course improvements and suspend bers who already have invested con-
to declaring an impasse and mov- as a jewel in Vero’s residential develop- plans to expand the adjacent practice siderable resources in Grand Harbor,"
ing onto the formal mediation stage. ment crown, but now members say facility. the letter reads.
O’Connor said in this case, OUC and things are going downhill.
Vero can skip the first, informal meet- "Having terminated the Harbor "Members, who have relied in good
ing phase and go straight to non- The presidents of Grand Harbor's Course projects in such an abrupt faith on the developer to make good
binding mediation. four golf associations, which represent manner amid other recent develop-
If that is unsuccessful, Vero could very
well wind up in court, unless the city Exclusively John’s Island
wants to abandon the very promising
deal now on the table to sellVero electric. Enjoy spectacular sunrises and gorgeous, multiple fairway and lake views
of the North Course from this centrally located 3BR/3BA home. Nestled
Will the mediation be public? “That among a canopy of majestic oaks and lush landscaping, a charming
will be up to the parties,” O’Connor courtyard with pool greets you. The vaulted ceiling living room with fireplace
said. “But if it’s not in public, that opens to the dining room with wet bar and kitchen, perfect for entertaining.
means that only one city council mem- Features include 3,535± GSF, high ceilings, gracious living areas,
ber can be in the mediation session. custom built-ins, architectural columns, and an expansive enclosed lanai.
Having more than one council mem- 240 Indian Harbor Road : $1,550,000
ber in there if it’s not in public would
be a violation of the Sunshine Law.” three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
With the current political climate
on the City Council and the open hos- 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL : JohnsIslandRealEstate.com
tility displayed between Mayor Moss
and Councilman Dick Winger, getting
the council to agree on who would go
into any closed mediation sessions
would be a challenge, to say the least.
Winger has expressed a serious dis-
trust in Moss’ negotiating skills and
strategy. Moss has called Winger out
in public about needlessly revealing
information that she said put Vero in
a weaker negotiating position. She’s
also questioned whether Winger is
truly in Vero’s corner.
And all this will be going on amidst
the lead-up to a contentious City Coun-
cil election in November where Winger
and staunch pro-sale Vice Mayor Harry
Howle are up for re-election and already
have declared challengers. Former Vice
Mayor Randy Old hopes to take Howle’s
seat, and local physician Val Zudans
has made it clear that he wants to take
Winger out, openly provoking him into
debate from the public podium at re-
cent council meetings.
Even if the sessions are public,
O’Connor said they would likely be held
in Orlando, or somewhere in Orange
County. He said the defendant in the
potential litigation – which in this case
would be OUC if the Vero sues – gets to
have the mediation on its home turf.
O’Connor said all due diligence
currently being undertaken by the
city, FPL and FMPA would continue
despite the city going into mediation
with OUC. FMPA plans to vet the Vero
deal at its June 21 board meeting in Or-
lando and FPL has promised to bring
a formal sale and purchase agreement
this summer for a first look.
Meanwhile, there is a provision in
the proposed deal that if the entire
sale falls apart once again, that Vero
and FPL will pursue the partial sale to
FPL of Vero’s Indian River Shores cus-
tomers for $30 million cash.
4 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Grand Harbor er, the developer's representatives have are eating at other clubs than members "You're not going to hear from him,"
mentioned these projects informally of other clubs are eating at Grand Har- one longtime resident said. "He has no
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 but none have ever been funded." bor," he added. "But whose fault is that? control over this. These decisions are
We had a great chef, and now he's gone.” being made way above him."
on representations made, reasonably The letter also claims the irrigation
could conclude that the developer systems on both courses are "failing McCashin said he has written emails Gammino said the decisions made
may be unable financially to maintain and in dire need of replacement.” to the club's management but hadn't by Baywater and BrightView don't
and improve Grand Harbor facilities, received a response. make sense, especially when they're
or that the developer is simply unwill- Of equal or even greater concern to trying to sell real estate.
ing to invest anything further in this many club members is the decision by "They do this with no warning, no
community." the club's management to eliminate discussion with the members," Mc- New homes are being built in The
the wildly popular summer-reciprocal Cashin said. "Then when you ques- Falls, Grand Harbor's newest commu-
The letter was sent to Joseph Cola- agreements with Riomar, The Moor- tion it, you get no phone call, no email, nity, located west of Indian River Bou-
suonno, president of Massachussetts- ings, Orchid Island, Bent Pine, Vero nothing. They just ignore you. Nobody levard. Home sites also are still avail-
based Baywater Development LLC, Beach Country Club and Indian River knows what's going on." able in The Reserve and River Village
and copied to Jason Frandsen, Grand Club that allowed members to dine Estates communities.
Harbor's general manager, less than a at those clubs and use their facilities PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
month after members were informed freely, playing golf and tennis, enjoying "As much as we need the develop-
via email that the golf-course projects swimming pools, beaches and marinas. "That was the tipping point," said er to keep this place at a high-quality
were put on hold "until further notice." John Gammino, a Grand Harbor resi- level, the developer needs us to help
The agreements were abruptly dis- dent and member since 1999. "I think sell homes," Gammino said. "Word
The April 28 email from BrightView, continued May 1, again without con- we would've worked through the other of mouth is still the best advertising.
the management company that took sulting members who expected to en- issues, but taking away the reciprocals Not only myself, but I know of several
over Grand Harbor's operations last joy the use of other clubs this summer. threw people over the edge – because other residents who've brought their
month, offered no information as to we had no input in the decision. friends down here."
when, or if, the projects would resume. Grand Harbor member Bruce Mc-
Cashin said he was so frustrated by the "That's what got people concerned," In fact, the golf associations shared
"Our members regard the with- elimination of the reciprocal agree- he added, "and it made them more vo- that sentiment in their letter.
drawal on the Harbor Course improve- ments that he has discussed the mat- cal about the other things."
ment as only the latest in a long line of ter with an attorney. "Surely, the developer knows that
unfulfilled promises for much needed Those "other things" include the staff among the most-effective sales people
improvements," the letter stated. "The reciprocals are why I joined," turnover that has seen the departures are the Grand Harbor residents eager
said McCashin, a Central Beach resi- of longtime tennis director Christophe to recommend Grand Harbor to fam-
"In the past, we have been apprised dent who owns a condominium at Delavaut, golf-club personnel and chefs. ily and friends," the letter states. "But
of plans for a new fitness center, a ca- Grand Harbor and has a social mem- as our trust in the developer erodes
sual bar and grill, major improvements bership there. "They're a nice perk for Several Grand Harbor members in- further, so also will our likely willing-
to the beach club and expansion of the the members, and they get used. terviewed – some spoke only under ness to entice other to invest in this
main clubhouse. At one time or anoth- the condition of anonymity – said the community."
"Apparently, Grand Harbor isn't ben- changes have diminished the quality
efitting because more of our members of the club and threaten its reputa- Gammino said that while he and
tion, despite recent increases in an- other Grand Harbor residents are con-
nual dues and food minimums. cerned, they're not ready to give up
on the place. "Grand Harbor has two
Club manager Frandsen did not re- wonderful golf courses, a tennis club, a
spond to two voice-mail messages left beach club, a marina . . . and the prop-
at his office. erty is beautiful," Gammino said. "The
people here are great. We love the life-
style. This is our place. We love it here.
"That's why this is a double-edged
sword for us," he added. "We want the
developer to keep up his end of the
bargain, but we don't want to damage
the reputation of the community.
New Simpson trial mann for injecting race into the case,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 she did not choose to revisit the ques-
tions on interracial violence.
adding that her office had made both
the court and prosecutors aware of the The three-judge appeals panel re-
intention to seek more time. jected that reasoning, and also re-
jected a motion for rehearing. On
The appeals court reversed Jones’ May 31 in response to the mandate,
2014 conviction, saying the trial court Jones’ case status in the 19th Circuit
erred in not permitting Jones’ defense at- was officially changed from closed to
torney to tell potential jurors that Simp- reopened.
son, the 41-year-old murder victim, was
white, or to question jurors about their An order was sent to the Florida De-
attitudes about interracial violence to partment of Corrections to send Jones
ferret out any bias or prejudice. back to Indian River County where he
can have access to his legal counsel to
The Attorney General’s Office ar- prepare for a new trial.
gued during the appeal that Judge
Robert Pegg did not in fact prohibit Chief Deputy State Attorney Tom
the defense from pursuing that line Bakkedahl could not be reached Mon-
of questioning, but that after he shut day for comment, but when the con-
the questioning down and scolded viction was reversed in April, he said
the defense attorney Dorothy Nau- the state is ready to go trial immedi-
ately and that he deeply regretted the
prospect of widow Kristen Simpson
10 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero attorney representing the Miami-area law?" Barkett asked Winger. "I sympa- in what he believed was the city's best
investment firm that plans to build the thize with you, but you were elected to interest took priority over the city's
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 restaurant on Ocean Drive, north of do something higher than that ... You ordinances.
Beachland Boulevard, across the street were elected to follow the law. And if
ity. "It does not work that way, sir." from Bobby's Restaurant & Lounge. you disobey the code – if you disobey "I was elected by the people of this
McGarry, who conceded that the that oath that you took – what have we town to do what's right for the town,"
"That's scary to me," he told Winger, become? Winger said. "When it came to short-
code probably needs to be re-exam- "because we're a nation of laws, and term rentals, or it came to standing up
ined and updated, later added: "You the rule of law controls." "Are we just going to be ruled by the and getting the diesel plant sold – when
can't hold them hostage because we eight people who spoke against this it came to many other issues – I was
have a problem with our ordinance." Barkett then recited the law pertain- project?" he added. "That scares me." willing to do the right thing. And, so, I'm
ing to the hearing, which was sched- willing to do the right thing here.
Winger, however, seems to believe the uled after Bobby's owner, Bobby Mc- It got even scarier.
council should be empowered to do ex- Carthy, formally appealed the P&Z Winger told Barkett there is a "high- "I believe the laws must be respect-
actly that – disregard laws currently on Board's March 17 approval of the site er law in this world" and returned to ed, but I do not believe the laws are
the books until new ones are enacted, plan submitted by Sony Investment his "three examples of the American always correct, and I do not believe
then enforce the new laws retroactively. Real Estate Inc. Constitution that were flawed and lat- two wrongs make a right," he added.
er changed." He then said that acting "Making the parking situation worse
That worried Bruce Barkett, the local "Just because you don't like the on Ocean Drive is not the right solu-
tion. ... I refuse to vote for something
that will make the parking worse.
"I'm sorry, that's just how it is."
And that's how it was.
The law didn't matter. Nor did the
oath he took when he was sworn in
as a councilman – a vow to "support,
honor, protect and defend the Consti-
tution and government of the United
States and the state of Florida."
The city's P&Z Board, acting on the
city planning director's recommenda-
tion, approved the project. Both found
the site plan to be fully compliant with
the city code. Four members of the City
Council followed the law and voted to
allow the restaurant to be built.
One didn't – the one who said the
shared-parking matrix used by the
planning department to determine
the number of spaces neighboring
businesses need at different times of
day "looks like a two-hour motel."
The one who asked McGarry if he
knew how many lifeboats were on the
Titanic before arguing that the site
plan didn't provide enough parking
for the restaurant's customers.
The one who compared his willing-
ness to put the community's concerns
above the law to judges who "take all
of the evidence into account" and
"make rulings that are somewhat dif-
ferent with the Constitution" when
dealing with illegal immigrants.
Winger, though, wasn't the only
council member to embrace the pos-
sibility of adding new conditions to the
already-approved site plan. Mayor Lau-
ra Moss initially supported Winger's re-
quest that the restaurant be required to
offer free valet parking to diners.
But that suggestion quickly fizzled when
Vice Mayor Harry Howle warned that im-
posing on a business owner an "onerous
obligation" not required of other business
owners "could lead to pitfalls."
Not included as a potential require-
ment in the current code, Coment
said, such a condition also would be
difficult to enforce.
"When all is said and done, we're
just asking you to play by the rules,"
Barkett said. "We did."
Winger didn't.
Colten with a pinfish.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Somber sanctuary ceremony honors our fallen heroes
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF military lives lost since 9/11. Eric Menger introducing the key- to summer; a time for the beach, pool
Staff Writer “These boots have been on ev- note speaker, retired Vice Adm. Alan parties and barbecues rather than
Thompson. A Vero Beach resident, the solemnity of honoring the more
Active military, veterans and civil- ery continent in the world by land, Thompson served 35 years in the than 1 million armed forces mem-
ian supporters sat together in quiet air and sea on some sort of mission Navy, most recently as director of the bers who have died in service to our
contemplation on Veterans Memo- since Vietnam,” explained organizer U.S. Defense Logistics Agency. country.
rial Island Sanctuary to pay tribute Patrick Williamson, Ret. U.S. Army.
to fallen service men and women “These boots represent a lot of his- “It’s no surprise to me that this He noted that the growing discon-
during the Vero Beach Memorial Day tory and the soldiers that stood in sanctuary island is recognized nect is in direct correlation to fewer
Ceremony hosted by the Veterans them.” throughout the United States as one citizens serving today than have in
Council of Indian River County. of the most beautiful veterans’ me- the past, citing that 12 percent of the
The full impact of sacrifices made morials anywhere,” said Thompson. population served during World War
As the roughly 1,500 people came as Michael Hyde, USMM piped “This is one of the most impressive II compared to less than one-half of 1
crossed the bridge, they viewed the in Army Sgt. Taylor Jenkins and Ma- ceremonies I’ve ever attended any- percent serving in today’s all-volun-
American flag fluttering at half-staff, rine Cpl. Heath Harris, who laid the where in the United States.” teer professional force.
where it would remain until noon customary wreath on the memorial
to honor the war dead, before being of Scott Owen, the last local resident Thompson recalled the words of “Regardless of when our fallen he-
raised to full height until sundown in to die in combat. Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg roes died, and since the revolution-
honor of living veterans. Address, saying, “We honor those ary war there have been more than 1
“Throughout his career, Admiral who gave their last full measure of million soldiers, sailors, airmen, ma-
This year members of the Vero Thompson served in a wide variety devotion and died while serving in rines and coast guardsmen that have
Beach Veterans: Next Generation in- of key leadership positions on ships our armed forces.” perished while serving our country,
troduced a new tradition to the annu- and shores around the world. He has they showed courage, sacrifice, love
al ceremony. A Boots on the Ground extensive experience working with Thompson pointed out that over of country and commitment to their
Memorial contained more than 200 the most senior government and in- the last four decades many Ameri- fellow troops and we must always re-
combat boots to represent the 6,850 dustry leaders in the United States cans have come to view the Memori- member them,” said Thompson.
and abroad,” said retired Navy Capt. al Day weekend as the unofficial start
14 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Art & Science 4
SPECIALTIES INCLUDE: 1. Keynote Speaker retired Vice Adm. Alan Thompson.
• Minimal Incision Lift for the 2. Page Howell directs the Vero Beach High School Band.
Face, Body, Neck & Brow 3. Dwight Harris rings the Ships Bell. 4. Members
• Breast Augmentations & Reductions of the Vero Beach Police Department Honor Guard.
• Post Cancer Reconstructions 5. Duke Scales from Bugles Across America perfroms
• Chemical Peels • Botox Taps at the conclusion of the ceremony. 6. Dwight
• Obagi Medical Products • Laser Surgery Harris, Mayor Laura Moss and John Matthews.
• Liposculpture • Tummy Tucks 7. Kelly Menger, Connie Menger and Commissioner Peter
• Skin Cancer Treatments O’Bryan. 8. Tella Antona sings the National Anthem. 9. Staff
Sgt. Jason Wang, Michael Hyde and Sgt. Taylor Jenkins.
Celebrating Over 25 10. John Licardi, Madison Elford, James Elford and Phillip
Years in Vero Beach Oates from the Indian River County Civil Air Patrol.
11. Commissioner Joe Flescher and wife Rosemary.
3790 7th Terrace
Suite 101 5
Vero Beach, Florida
Ralph M. Rosato
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 15
6 78
16 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Duo’s cross-country trek
fights ‘cycle’ of poverty
BY MARY SCHENKEL my attention locally.”
He noted that roughly 20 percent
Staff Writer
of IRC residents live below the federal
“From sea to shining sea; it’s really poverty line ($24,600 or less for a fam-
great,” said Barbara Lowry, United ily of four) and an estimated 20 per-
Against Poverty board chair, watch- cent more struggle just to make ends
ing as Rev. Scott Alexander and Jake meet.
Piper walked to the shoreline and
dipped their bicycle tires in the Atlan- Piper said his eyes were opened to
tic before hoisting the bikes aloft in local poverty as a volunteer with a
celebration. program organized by Vero Cycling
and Bike Walk IRC, which rehabs do-
The “Two Guys United Against Pov- nated bicycles. Afterward, they give
erty” had just returned from a 33-day, them to homeless shelters for people
3,446-mile cross-country cycling ad- to use as job transportation and to
venture to raise awareness of poverty families in need for their children at
in Indian River County. Funds raised Christmas.
will support the nonprofit’s Success
Training for Employment Program “Raising money for United Against
(STEP), which features a 120-hour Poverty was a good reason to do this
curriculum for people wanting to lift ride, because what we raised is go-
their families out of poverty through ing to help a lot of people,” said Piper.
meaningful employment. “The second reason is I wanted to
challenge myself physically and men-
The two athletic baby-boomers tally, because this ride was a chal-
(Alexander turned 68 on the last day lenge.”
of the ride, and Piper is 61) left Cali-
fornia on April 22 and reached Mas- Indeed. They averaged 120 miles a
sachusetts May 25 before returning day and encountered strong head-
home. They were joined at Jaycee winds, temperatures ranging from
Park last Tuesday afternoon by mem- 28 to more than 100 degrees, hail-
bers of Vero Cycling, who formed storms, rain, dogs and steep uphill
a cycling honor guard to the Drift- climbs of as much as 9,000 feet over
wood Resort, where they received a mountains.
hero’s welcome with a Splash Party
at Waldo’s. “I really was happy that I was able
to do that with no problem,” said
“It’s not often that people take 34 Piper. “In Florida the biggest climb
days to raise funds and awareness to is over the bridge.”
help other people; these guys are he-
roes,” said Annabel Robertson, UP ex- “Jake and I trained for many
ecutive director. Alexander and Piper months with cycling buddies here in
each invested more than $10,000 for Vero Beach,” said Alexander. “We did
their expenses so that every penny a number of 100-mile rides. It takes a
of the more than $25,000 they raised lot of preparation to make sure you
would benefit UP. “All the money goes have the right equipment and that
to support our programs. Amazing.” your body is ready for the challenges
of a long ride like this.”
This was the fifth charity Ride
Across America for Alexander, min- The route was mapped out and ar-
ister at Unitarian Universalist Fel- ranged by America by Bicycle. There
lowship of Vero Beach, and the first were 15 cyclists on the ride, includ-
for Piper, a member of Vero Cycling. ing from different parts of the U.S.
Alexander was a runner until about and visitors from England, Holland,
12 years ago, but turned to cycling af- Germany and Australia.
ter receiving two artificial knees. His
first two benefit rides were in Wash- “Near the end of the ride we were
ington, D.C., and after moving to Vero all at dinner and all the people from
split the first ride’s money between the different countries told us how
UP and Stop Hunger Now. beautiful America was and how kind
the people were to them,” said Piper.
“Last year and this year, all the “Seeing America on a bike is just in-
money is going to United Against Pov- credible. It was something I’ll never
erty,” said Alexander, who overall has forget.”
raised more than $180,000.
A daily video blog of the trip is on
“I’ve decided that because hunger the United Against Poverty of Indian
and poverty are such issues here in River County Facebook page. For
Indian River County, I’ve focused all more information, visit rideagainst-
poverty.org or UPIRC.org.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 17
Charles Sanford, Bridget Hyslop, Charlie Crisco and Sharon Lapoint. George and Milly Michos with Suzy and Les Bromwell. Amy Patterson, Pam Harmon and Gretchen Cover.
Michelle and Dale Artus with Jane and Mike Matyniak. Jake Piper and Rev. Scott Alexander. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Deborah West, Marian Wenzel and Scott Alexander.
Ginny Hunt, Barbara Lowry, Austin Hunt and Annabel Robertson.
Cari and Hamid Afshar, Don Drinkard and John Montgomery.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Girls Club members.
About 90 percent of the children
couldn’t swim the first day of practice,
but as time in the water increased, the
children united with a common goal of
advancing to the competitive team.
“It’s not really a lessons program,”
Barlow explained. “When they’re ready
the kids start to compete as part of the
Treasure Coast Swim Team.”
The program is based on the belief
that life skills learned through swim-
ming can carry through to all aspects
of their lives, as they acquire disci-
pline, goal orientation, team-building,
strategy, respect and self-worth. While
they float, dog paddle and butterfly
their way across the pool, children low-
er anxiety levels and lessen depression
while also developing muscle mass
and coordination.
“This can be a real game-changer for
some of these kids. They could go to
any of the top 100 schools in the coun-
try for free with a swimming scholar-
ship,” shared Powers.
As she donned goggles and adjusted
her swim cap, 9-year-old Zakiyah Kill-
ings claimed she knew how to swim
(her mother Atawa Irving shook her
head in disagreement) and loved be-
ing part of the Float Hope team. “If you
don’t know how to swim you might
drown,” she explained.
“It’s something I can’t afford to pay
for because it’s so expensive,” said Ir-
ving. “Knowing she can swim makes
me feel better and Zakiyah is more
confident. They even gave them a
backpack, swimsuit, cap and goggles,
and that stuff is expensive.”
A non-swimmer herself, Anna Rog-
ers signed up her two granddaughters,
neither of whom could swim, and has
seen significant improvement.
“I don’t want them to be afraid of
the water and what they learn here will
also help them to be more confident in
other areas,” said Rogers.
“Our goal is to get them to learn to
swim, like it, then love it,” said Powers.
“Swimming can completely change a
“We have kids learning life skills and,
as an additive, kids can go through the
program and maybe swim high school
or even get a college scholarship,” said
“I didn’t know how to swim very
well and didn’t swim much because I
wasn’t comfortable. I’ve learned a lot,
especially how to be part of a team,”
said Kyree Brown, an eighth-grader
at Sebastian River Middle School
who eventually hopes to join the high
school swim team.
The all-volunteer nonprofit has no
paid staff and no overhead costs, so 100
percent of contributions help fund the
For more information or to donate,
visit FloatHopeNow.org.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Haul in good fun at Take a Kid Fishing tourney
BY MARY SCHENKEL years, untangling lines, cutting up their families to attend the free event. for parents to do with their kids.”
Staff Writer pounds of bait shrimp, tying bags of To top it all off, immediately after the “I caught a puffer fish – my second
chum to entice the fish, measuring morning of fishing, everyone was
The excitement level was high at and marking catches, and removing treated to a cookout of burgers and fish!” exclaimed 6-year-old Joseph,
the 27th annual Take a Kid Fishing hooks from the wriggling creatures hot dogs. fishing by himself for the first time.
Tournament presented by the Ki- before tossing them back – frequently “My other fish was a 9 1/2-inch man-
wanis Club of Vero-Treasure Coast, to be caught again. “They’re getting a lot of mangrove grove snapper.”
even though the number of children snapper and pin fish, but we’ve also
attending was less than years past Invitational flyers were sent to got a lot of angel fish; I hardly saw Easily as many girls as boys joined
due to forecasted rain. But instead, schools and youth-oriented nonprof- any last year,” said Wolfe. “The other in on the fun, including 9-year-old
a lovely breeze and the shade of the its, inviting children ages 5-12 and thing that is nice is it’s something fun Kirra, who caught two stingrays, and
Barber Bridge overhead kept things 7-year-old Aileen, all smiles after
cool Saturday morning, as roughly catching a 12-inch drum fish.
100 young anglers lined the fishing
catwalk, peering over the railings and “This was the first time I ever
shrieking with delight as they hoisted caught a fish!” squealed Makaila,
their hauls. newly turned 7, excitedly jumping up
and down as she described the strug-
“The best part is watching the kids gle to reel in her 3 1/2-inch frogfish. “I
when they catch something; they felt a tug and it was like really fight-
get so excited,” said event chair Jim ing; it was very hard.”
Wolfe. “The other thing is it’s always
good when an organization gets all Prizes were awarded for the most
its members working together to do and the biggest fish caught, with
good things for kids.” plaques for the ugliest fish, but the
real prize will be the fish tales they
Having hosted the event for almost can now tell their friends. The Kiwan-
three decades, Kiwanis volunteers is Club provides volunteer and finan-
have it down to a science; lending cial support to numerous local non-
out rods they’ve purchased over the profit organizations throughout the
year and also provides college schol-
arships to high school seniors.
Blake Miner with daughter Reagan. Nathaniel with his catch of two angelfish.
Luke and Hannah. Matthew with his mango snapper and Andy Jansky.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 21
Melissa Ferris with Jacob. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Al Sammartino and Rob Robinson. Joe Barbre with daughter Haley.
George Fetterolf and Jim Wolfe.
Harold Walker with grandson Amato.
Jensen Beaber and James Ross with James and Lisa Ross.
Luke Sammartino with Aileen and her black drumfish.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Joni Mazzola works the big board.
Kathy Falzone and Mike Natale. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Jerry Gibalski and Cinnamon Madden. Samantha Burns and Louise Brierton. Bill Middleton brings a wahoo to be weighed.
Blue Water Open catches great turnout, weather
BY MARY SCHENKEL children and families in the commu- On Saturday, boats bobbed in the President Kathy Falzone said with a
Staff Writer nity. Club members, augmented by lagoon after a day spent reeling them smile. “This is our biggest fundraiser;
countless volunteers, competently in, patiently waiting their turn for we’re hoping for more than $50,000.
The captains and crew of 108 boats completed their respective jobs, the weigh-in of catches weighing at Everybody volunteers and works
put aside bad weather forecasts to leading to the smooth operation of least 10 pounds. After receiving a very hard. It’s a year of planning and
brave the elements and happily en- the massive undertaking. numbered paper plate from volun- the week of, everyone comes out in
countered a beautiful day with per- teers on the committee boat, they full force to help out. We couldn’t do
fect conditions for fishing at the Se- Michael Natale, event co-chair bided their time before one-by-one it without all the volunteers; some
bastian Exchange Club Foundation’s with Eva Chapman, related how, on heading to the dock to show off their are not even in our club.”
24th annual Blue Water Open Off- Friday night, Carol Knapstein, host prized catches.
shore Charity Fishing Tournament, with husband Capt. William Charles This was a new venue for the event,
held this year at Capt. Hiram’s Re- of the show Catchin’ and Cookin’, Natale interacted with the large and Falzone added, “Capt. Hiram’s
sort. announced that for the next five Capt. Hiram’s crowd, bellowing out has been really gracious; they’ve
years they would present an addi- the boat name and weight of each helped us with everything.”
A Captain’s Registration and VIP tional $1,000 in prize money for the glistening fish hoisted onto the scales
Party took place Friday evening, fea- biggest grouper. to be weighed. “What a great crowd; Over the years, the Sebastian Ex-
turing live and silent auctions and give yourself a hand!” he laughed. change Club has donated roughly
an ever-growing 50/50 pot, adding “We had a great turnout,” said Na- $340,000 in funds raised through
to Exchange Club efforts to prevent tale of the Friday event. “It rained all “It’s the best service club in all of the Blue Water Open to local chil-
child abuse and improve the lives of night and we still did great; we raised Indian River County if not the whole dren’s charities, youth activities
$6,000 with the raffle.” state,” Sebastian Exchange Club and scholarships.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 23
Dianne and Lee Kallop. Erin Ebert and Ann Dolin. Brandi Young and Tam Wilson.
Curt Feltner, Marcia Baker and Sharon Hauley.
Melissa Camarata and Debbye Hearon. John Carter and Dannette Truckner.
Diana Rosario and Chris DiBenedetto. Mickey and Cora Brown.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Candice and Peter’s Smokin’ Hot Date.’ ing Thursday and running through “Oh, yeah, I heard about that one,”
Sunday, there are more films, more will not get you far with the cogno-
GROOVY MOVIES: OUR TOP food, more wine and at least five new scenti come Sunday, though you can
FILM FESTIVAL CHOICES venues. Among them: a big tent in Riv- still dance in the parking lot.
erside Park with daily noon to 6 p.m.
BY MICHELLE GENZ the offerings were too bountiful – no cooking demos, wine tastings and a With that warning, and my sourc-
Staff Writer one could see them all. wine pop-up shop. That tent has been es’ suggestions, I leave you to struc-
named, aptly, “Wow!” ture your days with the schedule’s
If there was one criticism of last It’s a great problem to have. This help. And factor in plenty of time for
summer’s debut of the Vero Beach year, with expectations high as the Fortunately, insiders who have al- parking, walking and talking.
Film and Wine Festival, it was that four-day festival gets underway, the ready screened the films have been
dilemma is even more daunting. Start- spreading the word about their fa- In the shorts category, most talked
vorites. And the good news is, some about is likely to be “The Letter Car-
of the best are some of the shortest rier,” what one of screeners called
– so you can scurry off to another “highly polished and compelling.”
viewing sooner. The 1860’s story of escaped slaves
hiding their family in the Blue Ridge
While what follows is a list of some Mountains, the short is the directo-
of those favorites, there is one im- rial debut of Jesse L. Martin and Rick
perative before you step out the door: Cosnett, with a score of folk songs
Download the well-designed Vero written by Martin and arranged by
Beach Wine and Film Festival app to Carlos Valdes. Martin, Cosnett and
your phone. If apps don’t appeal, you Valdes are all stars of the superhero
can try to work from www.vbwff.com TV series “The Flash.” When the trio
on your device, though it’s better to launched a Kickstarter to get the
print out a schedule while you’re project off the ground, Joss Wheedon
still at home with a computer. And if was a key supporter.
you’re still stuck in the Super-8 gen-
eration, pick up a printed schedule Other must-see shorts include
from the first stack you see. Just don’t “Candice and Peter’s Smokin’ Hot
count on them not running out. Oth- Date,” “A Whole World for a Little
erwise, you will wallow and flounder World,” “Rice Balls,” “Only Five Min-
and drink wine and blather, then find utes” and “Washed Away.”
yourself like I did last year at the fina-
le party at Blue Star Wine Bar unable Among documentary features this
to keep up a coherent conversation year, “The Rebound,” “Sea Gypsies,”
because you missed the best movies. “Finding Kuan” and “25 Tracks” all
come recommended, as does “Made
in Venice” – “a little long but very
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 27
addition to the festivities this year. is clearly about Burt Reynolds, who’ll
Earlier that day, if your olfactory be here Friday night to accept the
festival’s Life Worth Living Legend
nerves need a warm-up for all those Award. He’ll also be here for the Flor-
noses, you can expand your range with ida premiere of his new film, “Dog
a perfume bar that accompanies a Years.” The screening takes place at
screening of “Perfume Wars,” a docu- Riverside Theatre after a panel dis-
mentary about entrepreneur – and now cussion that includes Reynolds, “Dog
screenwriter – Barbara Stegermann, Years” director Adam Rifkin and pro-
who launches a company that buys rose ducer Neil Mandt.
essence for perfumes, convincing Af-
ghani farmers to switch from growing “We’re thrilled to have one of film-
poppies for heroin. That party, hosted dom’s biggest stars in our theater,”
by “La La Land” producer Molly Smith says Riverside’s Oscar Sales.
and producer/publicist Ngoc Nyugen,
starts at noon Saturday. That all follows a few toasts at Cin-
ema Uncorked, the festival’s main bash
As for people-watching, the buzz
interesting,” according to one a positive mention in the “funny-
early viewer. cute” column, while “D-Love” got
That same viewer felt that while tagged as clever.
the shorts category had lots of Lest we forget that the festival cel-
stars, the dramatic features ebrates not only the art of film-mak-
selection wasn’t as strong as ing, but wine-making, the feature
last year’s. Of them, “Mousse” length documentary “Decanted,”
got a strong recommendation directed by Nicholas Kovacic, will
– he called it “hysterical.” make its East Coast pre-
Another “beautifully done” miere here in two festi-
feature film is “June Falling val venues – Quail Valley
Down,” with a director an- River Club and Costa
other source called “very d’Este Resort. Both
up-and-coming”: Rebecca will be staging the SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
Weaver. She also wrote Vino Veritas Vintner
and edited the film, dinners on the festi-
about a young val’s opening night,
woman go- Thursday (June 8).
ing back On Saturday
home to a night, wine
wedding lovers will
in small- gather again
town Wisconsin for the festi-
after the death val’s Grand Tast- 2910 CARDINAL DR.
of her father. Weaver ing under the 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
stars in it, too. ‘The Rebound.’ new Wow! tent in River- THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM
“Love and Hostages” got side Park, a promising
28 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Love and Hostages.’ COMING UP: FILM ALSO THE
under the Wow! tent, sponsored by Ce-
lebrity Cruises. BY PAM HARBAUGH June 20 with “Fantastic Mr. Fox” and
Correspondent June 27 with “The Grand Budapest Ho-
Festival organizers are hoping that
throngs turn out for the party since the tel.” Anderson has a real cult following
tickets can be bought singly at an af-
fordable price: $30. 1 While the cultural community is who love his quirky characters, iconic
catching its breath after a most composition aesthetic and peculiar
And if people aren’t your thing,
consider another group we’re fond of active main season, there are still some story lines. The programs all begin at
watching here in Vero: turtles. Thurs-
day night, a limited number of visi- goodies that will churn interest even for 5:30 p.m. in the museum’s Leonhard
tors to the Barrier Island Center can
watch a screening of the documentary the most ardent of Vero Beach area cul- Auditorium. Entrance is part of the ad-
“Straws,” about the destruction plastic
drinking straws are wreaking on the ture vultures. And before you do any- mission to the museum.
world’s oceans. That is followed by a
turtle walk. thing else, you simply must become fa- In other words, get there a little early
miliar with the Vero Beach Wine + Film and enjoy the art before popping into
Festival. This year’s guest of honor is the film. The Vero Beach Museum of
Burt Reynolds, who stars in one of this Art is at 3001 Riverside Park Drive,
year’s premiere films, “Dog Years.” This Vero Beach. Admission is $6 general,
festival is a major film event. Its sister $5 seniors and free for museum mem-
festival is the Sonoma International bers. Call 772-231-0707 or visit Vero-
Film Festival. BeachMuseum.org.
The event runs June
8-11 at various loca-
tions throughout Vero
Beach. Passes five
categories, beginning
with a $40 day pass
which includes films,
panel discussions and
wine tastings, to a $495
premiere pass which
gets you into every-
thing including Vino
Veritas Vintner Din-
ner, the Bubbly Brunch
& Patio Screening, the ‘Watershed: Contemporary
welcome party and the Landscape Photography’
Fete Finale Wrap party
… and more. To see a
list of the more than 75 award-winning 3 While you’re heading to the Vero
films and to activate those taste buds, Beach Museum of Art for the
spend some time perusing the festival’s films, do make sure you take time to
website, VBWFF.com. view an exhibition, register for its ever-
popular International Lecture Series
or get your little ones signed up for
art camp. “Watershed: Contemporary
Landscape Photography” is on view
through Sept. 10. The exhibition looks
at the fragile relationship between hu-
mans and the environment. It compris-
es about 40 works by 26 artists working
since the 1970s. It was organized by the
Telfair Museums in Savannah, Georgia.
Also, hop to it if you want to attend lec-
tures by some amazing luminaries, in-
cluding: New Yorker cartoonist Robert
Mankoff, writer Frederick Forsyth, de-
‘Xaque Gruber.’ signer Maya Lin and Lonnie G. Gunch,
III, the founding director of the Smith-
sonian’s National Museum of African
2 Film is also the thing at the Vero American History and culture. Muse-
Beach Museum of Art. Its film um members can get an advance sale
studies program presents “The World of discount of $225 through June 30. And
Wes Anderson” with instructor Xaque really, after that, it’s nearly impossible
Gruber, a television writer and painting to get tickets anyway, so you might as
instructor who wrote a column for the well act now. The Vero Beach Museum
Huffington Post. The program begins of Art Summer Camp 2017 has weekly
June 13 with the film “The Life Aquatic sessions through July. They are divided
with Steve Zissou.” It will be followed into classes for children ages 4 to 11
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 29
‘Howl at the Moon.’ ARTS & THEATRE
picnic-style dinner while 5
listening to some great mu-
sic “Live in the Loop” out-
doors on the patio. Tickets
start at $16. Shows sell out
quickly, so purchase in ad-
vance. Call 772-231-6990 or
visit RiversideTheatre.com.
5 For those needing
some live theater in
their lives, take a drive to the
Melbourne Civic Theatre
to see its artful production
of “The Glass Menagerie.”
MCT’s director, Peg Girard,
chose this Tennessee Wil-
liams classic drama to be
her season finale. In fact,
that’s what she does ev-
ery season – slips in a work
that’s both challenging for
a production team and the
audience. “The Glass Me-
nagerie” runs through June
25 at Melbourne Civic The-
‘The Glass Menagerie.’ atre, 817 Strawbridge Ave.,
years. They run 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. and Melbourne. It performs 8
4:30 to 5:15 p.m. Call 772-231-0707, ext.
116 or visit VeroBeachMuseum.org. p.m. Fridays and Saturdays,
and 2 p.m. Sundays. Tickets
are $29 and $31. Handling
charges may apply. Call 321-723-6935
or visit MyMCT.org.
4 Riverside Theatre gets you up on 6 If you get there early enough, you
your feet with its most engaging can enjoy some fine dining along
“Howl at the Moon” series. This fun- Downtown Melbourne’s New Haven
packed, music-filled evening stars Avenue. There is the Dove III, a favorite
dueling pianists John Kenney and haunt of locals desiring Italian cuisine;
Joe Genuardi in a performance that Matt’s Casbah, another favorite with a
baffles audiences as they play request more eclectic menu from sushi to fresh
after request in a high energy fashion. catches of the day … and a patio if the
The performances are 7:30 p.m. and weather is nice; and if you want one of the
9:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday. Guests best burgers ever, plus a super-fattening
are invited to come early to enjoy a milk shake, head to the Burger Place.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
St. Ed’s just the ticket for Tampa-bound Schepers
BY RON HOLUB Austin Schepers.
It’s not going too far out on a limb championship. It was too bad we “He immediately alize its potential, finishing a tough
to mention that recent graduate Aus- didn’t win it (21-14 loss), but it was jumped into a starting schedule at 11-7.
tin Schepers was extremely satisfied awesome anyway. role and was very produc-
with his decision to spend his senior tive at corner and receiver Schepers said, “I had a pretty
year at St. Edward’s. “I was trying to make a mark ath- for us. He exhibited a real- bad ankle sprain against South
letically in my one year at St. Ed’s – ly nice work ethic and put Fork (missing seven regular season
“If I could do it all over again, I would and I’m glad I did.” down some good num- games). I came back in time to play
have come here sooner,” Schepers told bers for us. He showed in the district tournament. We beat
us. “I loved it. It was a great experience Like most Pirate football players, an amazing amount of Vero to make it to the title game.
and I’m glad I came.” Schepers was pressed into full-time, character and investment
two-way duty. His season on the grid- in our team and our pro- “Our comeback win against Martin
Schepers transferred to St. Ed’s iron was impressive in a variety of gram.” County for the district championship
in the fall of 2016 along with seven ways. Motta said, “Austin came in as was probably the most entertaining
teammates from the Vero Beach High a very highly touted lacrosse player. Schepers doesn’t show game that I’ve ever been a part of.
lacrosse team. He decided to try his luck in football. up on any athletic field That was cool.”
He possesses an amazing athletic just to take up space. Solid
“The main thing was that we want- skill set – a very fast guy, a very good proof of that was his selec- In that game, the Pirates fell be-
ed to play college lacrosse,” Schepers jumper, good hands. tion as All-SSAC Honorable Mention on hind 9-3 before mounting a furious
explained. “After our coach was let defense. Football will always be a nice rally and snatching a 12-11 victory.
go last year at Vero, we knew that (St. experience to look back on, however The season ended one game later
Ed’s) coach (Doug) Bailey was capa- more memories are yet to be made in with a 7-4 knockout punch from Ben-
ble of taking us to where we needed lacrosse. jamin in the regionals.
to be for college. It worked out just as “I first started playing lacrosse
we planned. in middle school,” Schepers said. “I Schepers plans to start training
started out as an offensive short stick early this summer in preparation for
“The Vero guys and the St. Ed’s and then switched between that and Tampa. He said, “When the summer
guys had always known each other. goalie. My freshman year at Vero was is over I will go to Tampa and jump
It was nice coming over with people my first year as a long stick middie.” right in. We will be training and
I was close with – and getting to play His unforgettable season with the practicing year round. I think I’ll fit
with them again. I played with (fel- Pirates was marred by injury. Due right in.
low transfers) Chase (Stokes) and to a wave of injuries and illnesses,
Alex (Houk) my whole life. It was the team was never able to fully re- “I will probably be going into
nice to be able to continue to play sports management or business. I
with them.” want to play lacrosse as long as I can
and weave sports – lacrosse hopeful-
Really nice things began to hap- ly – into a career.”
pen before the first draw of the spring
lacrosse season. Schepers signed
to play lacrosse at the University of
Tampa. At the same signing ceremo-
ny in November, his sidekick Stokes
committed to Lynn University.
The inseparable pair emerged as
the two finalists for All-Area Boys
Lacrosse Player of the Year after
leading the Pirates to the district
championship. Stokes won that
award and received the highest
praise from Schepers. For his part,
Bailey was recognized as All-Area
Boys Lacrosse Coach of the Year.
Schepers also garnered First Team
All-Region and All-District honors
despite an injury-shortened regular
season. He was also nominated for All-
American status. Another accolade –
this one entirely unanticipated – was
tucked into his brief but spectacular
year as a St. Ed’s student-athlete.
“This was my first year ever playing
football,” he said. “I had been train-
ing with coach (Bill) Motta for years
before I came here. When he found
out that I was coming, of course I had
to play football. I got a lot of playing
time and was able to score a couple of
“Then we got to play for the (Sun-
shine State Athletic Conference) state
32 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The America’s Cup MORE
MATTHEW SYMONDS | THE ECONOMIST board and computer graphics that explain exactly technically much more sophisticated than the AC45s.
what is going on. Their reduced size means that their shore “foot-
It is more like flying than sailing. The boats com-
peting for the 35th America’s Cup in the qualifying At this stage, nobody knows which of the teams print” is smaller, so more teams can fit their bases
round that began in Bermuda last week can skim competing in Bermuda for the right to challenge along a given waterfront, and they can be packed
across the water at nearly three times the speed of Oracle for the cup in June will have the winning into a standard container for shipping and reassem-
the wind that is propelling them. combination of superior boat speed and slickest bling anywhere in the world. Another cost-saving
sailing team. measure is the requirement for all teams to use the
With the wind behind them, they will hit 55 same hulls, central “pod” structure and cross beams.
mph. Even more remarkably, when tacking against The boats that are racing are an entirely new Costs have roughly halved, and revenues should in-
the wind, the 50-foot carbon-fiber catamarans are America’s Cup Class (ACC). With a length of 50 feet, crease. Coutts hopes that should encourage as many
still capable of flying on their foils three feet above they are much cheaper to build and operate than the as 12 challengers for the next America’s Cup in 2019.
the waves at speeds of up to 30 mph. AC72s, but they are nonetheless faster, while being
Since 2010, when Oracle Team USA (owned by Standardization brings with it another advan-
Larry Ellison, the multi-billionaire founder of the tage. The teams are not tempted to experiment with
Oracle business-software firm, and led by Sir Rus- structures that may exchange weight for fragility.
sell Coutts, a New Zealander and serial America’s
Cup winner), ripped the “auld mug” from the tena- While practicing before the racing began in 2013,
cious grasp of the Swiss team, America’s Cup rac- both Oracle and Artemis, the Swedish team, had
ing has undergone a revolution. catastrophic accidents when their boats broke up
after capsizing, the latter resulting in the death of
The boat that won the 33rd America’s Cup was a the British Olympian Andrew “Bart” Simpson. The
90-foot trimaran with a sail bigger than the wing of distinctive 25-metre high wings, which take the place
a Boeing 747. of sails, will also be a single size and shape, although
teams are allowed some refinements of their own.
It was a far cry from the previous AC class, the
elegant 12-metre monohull sloops that rarely ex-
ceeded 15 mph. But Ellison and Coutts had a vi-
sion: to make one of the world’s oldest sporting
contests (first raced in 1851) a compelling specta-
tor event in which the best sailors would sail the
fastest boats. As holders of the cup, they had the
privilege of setting the rules. And in the past seven
years, they have gradually turned it into something
much more like Formula One on water.
At the 34th America’s Cup held four years ago in
San Francisco, they realized part of their ambition.
The match racing between 72-foot catamarans tear-
ing up the bay on their foils between Alcatraz Island
and the Golden Gate Bridge was visually spectacular.
It was also the stage for one of the greatest come-
backs in sporting history. The holders, Oracle, were
down 8-1 to Emirates Team New Zealand in the best-
of-17-race series, but came roaring back to win 9-8,
leading the previously dominant Kiwis to the line in
the final race by 44 seconds. America’s Cup racing
was no longer just for sailing nerds.
In the two years running up to this year’s cup, six
teams have competed at venues all over the world,
such as the Solent, Fukuoka, the Gulf of Oman and
New York, in so-called “one-design” – that is, iden-
tical – AC45s, which look like scaled-down versions
of the AC72.
This series of fleet races, in which all six boats sail
against each other at the same time, has attracted
vast crowds on shore and a growing television au-
dience, thanks to cameras that take the viewer on
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 33
This wing, shaped like an aircraft’s with a wide, there are no limits to the onshore computing power
rigid leading edge made of carbon fibre and a slim, the teams can field. By analyzing the constant flow of
soft trailing edge, will give each boat its vast power. data that is sent from the boats while they are sailing,
Instead of using differential pressure on either side shore-based engineers can make tiny adjustments
of a piece of sailcloth, like conventional sails, the to the wings and foils to maximize both hydro- and
aerodynamic efficiency in different wind and sea
two-part wing is shaped to produce lift, as well as conditions – a crucial source of competitive edge.
forward momentum.
The design of the dagger boards has advanced
The crews control the amount of forward thrust steadily over the past four years, while the con-
by adjusting the angle of the two elements from trol systems that operate them and the wings have
which the wing is constructed, rather in the way made, according to Coutts, “a quantum leap” thanks
that pilots use the flaps on their wings. Sensors to the hundreds of fiber-optic sensors embedded
throughout the boat that feed back information.
embedded in the wing provide information to the He believes that under most wind conditions, the
sailors electronically, which allows them to keep new boats will be able to stay up on their foils
the wing in the most efficient shape. around the entire race circuit.
The power of the wings, combined with the rudders That means that the crews will be tacking
tipped with T-shaped elevators and the hydraulically and gybing without ever coming off their foils,
operated dagger boards with L-shaped carbon-fiber an astonishing feat of technology and sailing
horizontal foils, is what makes it possible for these skill. To ensure that the boats can foil in the
big boats to pop out of the water and glide above it. widest range of wind conditions, each team is
allowed two sets of dagger boards, one that
By rising above the water, the boats lose a large has a foil with a bigger surface area for light
amount of drag and reduce the effects of wave ac- air and one that is smaller and optimized
tion. The teams are allowed complete freedom in for stronger breezes. Getting the best mix
the design of everything that functions below the of sizes means accurately forecasting
surface of the water. months ahead the likely weather condi-
tions the teams will race under.
All the computer systems and sensors on board,
including the wing controls, are also custom and Being able to switch dagger boards
means that even if there is not much
wind, spectators will still see the boats
flying. In less than 16 knots of wind,
the boats are still expected to achieve
their maximum speed of about 55
mph (which is ultimately limited by
cavitation, the point at which water
starts to boil around the edge of the
foils). The range of wind conditions
under which racing can take place
will also be much wider than be-
fore – between six and 25 knots.
Coutts says that widening
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Diana Nyad – the endurance athlete en-day, 150-mile trek from Boston to type, even as a child. But eight years every hour. Crossing the “achieve line”
who, at age 64, swam from Cuba to Flor- Portland, Maine. Participants can reg- ago, her family began taking walks af- in San Diego was ultra-satisfying.
ida – has another big dream. It doesn’t ister for a short walk (five or 10 miles), ter dinner as a way to get more exer-
involve water, poisonous jellyfish or an one day (20 miles), multiple days or cise. Petersen and her son would walk “To complete the whole route makes
exhausting 111-mile swim that took her the whole thing. for 30 minutes while her husband and the average guy feel like he just won
53 hours. Instead, it involves millions daughter went farther and faster. The the Olympics,” Devona says.
of feet, which Nyad wants to see stride “It’s a stunning, idyllic New England 30-minute walk turned to 45. Then Pe-
across every state in America. showcase of a route, almost all of it tersen also started walking during her According to the documentary
along the ocean’s edge,” says Nyad, who lunch hour. When she came across an “The Walking Revolution,” Americans
“Sitting has become the new smok- recently gathered more than 600 Ever- announcement about EverWalk’s first stopped walking in the 1950s and
ing,” she often says, quoting James Walkers to team up with the nonprofit event, she felt ready to try 20 miles a 1960s when families began moving to
A. Levine, a Mayo Clinic physician, River LA for a 6.5-mile morning walk to day for a week straight. the suburbs and the automobile be-
whose now-popular phrase speaks to celebrate the development of a 51-mile came the favored mode of transporta-
the way our culture’s sedentary life- no-car path along the Los Angeles River. EverWalk provided her with a training tion. Add the television set. Comput-
style is ruining our health. schedule, and Petersen recalls her first ers. Social media. Alexa. Now we have
Unlike swimming, cycling or running, long-distance warm-up walk of 18 miles. a nation of sitters. What was once a
More than 70 percent of adults are which require special equipment and normal part of daily living has become
overweight or obese, according to the can be hard on the body, walking is the “The blisters kicked in at about Mile an effort Americans need to schedule.
Centers for Disease Control and Preven- perfect way to get fit and improve your 16,” she says.
tion. For both men and women, heart well-being, Nyad, 67, says. It’s a low-im- By 2020, Nyad and Stoll intend to
disease is the leading cause of death. pact activity that almost anyone can do: By the time the actual event took travel by foot across America.
Half of U.S. adults have diabetes or pre- young, old, fat, thin, rich or poor. place, she had learned to better care
diabetes, a 2015 JAMA study reported. for her feet. Other EverWalk partici- Initially, their plan was to walk coast-
More than 3,000 people have taken pants weren’t as prepared, but Nyad to-coast with a million people, sort of
“We are sick of being fat, America,” the EverWalk pledge so far. Eventually and Stoll had an EMT delivering first like Forrest Gump. But after driving
Nyad announced to TMZ Sports in Nyad and Stoll envision tens of thou- aid. There was also a bus for those cross-country in an RV, they realized
2014, a year after her swim, when asked sands, hundreds of thousands, even a who needed a break. the trek works for one or two people
what she was up to next. “We are sick of million people joining them virtually but wouldn’t work well for the masses.
kids having diabetes. We’re going to be for regular walks, no matter where peo- Petersen made it the entire distance. The long stretches of remote areas were
walkers. Just like the Chinese do tai chi ple live. They are working on a website “I learned that just because you think “not conducive to lots of folks coming
every morning, we’re going to walk.” they hope will become “the word in all of yourself as a type of person, like out to meet up with us,” Nyad says.
things walking,” where people can find nonathletic, doesn’t mean you have to
In 2016, Nyad and her best friend, walking partners, vacation walking live your whole life that way,” she says. So in recent months, Nyad and Stoll’s
Bonnie Stoll, a former professional rac- routes, training tips and incentives. That’s exactly what Nyad and Stoll vision has changed. They continue to
quetball player and the leader of Nyad’s are hoping for: a nation of people will- hold on to their dream of walking across
Cuba expedition, launched EverWalk, EverWalk’s inaugural event in Oc- ing to push away from their chairs and America – maybe by visiting all 50 states.
an initiative that aims to get Americans tober was a seven-day, 133-mile trek take to the sidewalks and park trails.
on their feet. from Los Angeles to San Diego. About The vision of an endurance event For now, EverWalk is dedicated to
300 people participated as day-trip- for the everyday American caught supporting anyone who walks – wheth-
Anybody can commit to walking at pers, virtual walkers (who walked in the attention of Chris Devona, 57, of er strolling around the neighborhood
least three times a week by signing a their own home town) or epic walk- Mount Prospect, Ill. Devona joined after dinner, running errands on foot or
pledge on EverWalk’s website (at ever- ers (who covered the whole distance). EverWalk’s first challenge despite his taking out the dog. “Just start with the
walk.com), where Nyad and Stoll re- One of the epic walkers was Laura Pe- Stage 4 thyroid cancer. He walked with pledge to walk three times a week,” Stoll
cently posted a training schedule and tersen, 49, a statistician at UCLA. a brace because of knee replacement says. “You don’t have to be an athlete. It’s
opened registration for their next big surgery, averaging about three miles free and it’s for everyone. If you’re in a
event: EverWalk New England, a sev- Petersen has never been the athletic chair, pledge to do the roll.”
– Washington Post
STROKE, PART II Platelets (“blood clot cells”) are a component of blood
whose function is to stop bleeding by clumping and clotting.
CAUSES OF STROKE Platelets congregate around a wound to create a cap to stop
blood flow out of the tissue. The platelets form a plug.
While stroke risk increases with age, strokes can – and do – Proteins in the blood signal each other to cause a rapid
occur at any age. The National Center for Health Statistics’ chain reaction and the clot grows.
most recent analysis showed 34 percent of people hospital- Then, other proteins offset extra clotting factor proteins so
ized for stroke were less than 65 years old. the clot doesn’t spread farther than it needs to.
Stroke (a.k.a., “brain attack”) results when the supply of blood Finally, as damaged tissue heals, and the clot isn’t need-
and oxygen to the brain is blocked. ed anymore, the clot dissolves and the blood takes back the
platelets and cells of the clot.
The two types of strokes are ischemic and hemorrhagic.
Ischemic strokes are caused by blood clots and debris that The process begins when flowing blood comes in contact with
block arteries near or in the brain. specific substances in your skin or in blood vessel walls. When
Hemorrhagic strokes occur when a blood vessel bursts/ they touch, it usually means the skin or blood vessel is broken.
leaks and causes bleeding in the brain.
Waxy cholesterol plaque that forms in arteries have these
ISCHEMIC STROKES (DUE TO BLOOD CLOTS) substances inside them too. If the plaque breaks open, it
starts the clotting process. The gradual build up of plaque
About 87 percent of all strokes are ischemic. Triggered by ei- and other fatty deposits inside a blood vessel eventually cre-
ther a thrombus (a stationary blood clot that forms in a vessel) ates a blood clot. If the blood clot is formed in or near the
or an embolus (a blood clot that travels through the blood- brain – or if it travels through the bloodstream and blocks
stream and becomes lodged in a vessel), an ischemic stroke the main artery of the brain – a stroke results.
results when oxygen-rich blood flow to the brain is blocked by
a blood clot. Blood clots also form when blood doesn’t flow properly.
When we get a cut or injury, we welcome the formation of For example, if it pools in your blood vessels or heart,
blood clots to stop the bleeding. However, blood clots that platelets are more likely to stick together. Atrial fibrillation
form when not needed can cause strokes and other serious is one of those conditions in which slowly moving blood
medical problems. inside the heart chambers can cause clotting problems that
lead to stroke.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
The life cycle of a normal blood clot depends on a series of welcome. Email us at [email protected].
chemical interactions.
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
40 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
It was one of the strangest episodes in What’s more, the two men an “honorable profession” and went on campaign appearances, and he seemed
the history of American politics. After the loathed each other. Kennedy to praise politicians who had the courage to be catching the wave of the revolution-
assassination of President John F. Kenne- privately called the president to lead a “revolution” in the cause of free- ary 1960s that might have launched him
dy, his brother, Attorney General Robert “mean, bitter, vicious – an dom and human dignity. into the White House, had he not been
Kennedy, sought to become the Demo- animal in many ways,” and he assassinated himself in 1968.
crats’ candidate for vice president in the made little effort to disguise These are worthy sentiments, and, in
1964 election. his contempt around inquir- a general sense, they do describe Rob- But Kennedy was a deeply complex
ing reporters. LBJ could see ert Kennedy’s personal odyssey after his man, with a dark side and an anger that
Bobby’s quest made little sense. Yes, he that Bobby hated him as a brother’s death. But they do not describe earned him the nickname, not unfairly,
would be carrying the family torch. But usurper of his brother’s crown. Kennedy’s tortured inner life or explain “Ruthless Robert.” There have been end-
the man at the top of the ticket, President “When this fella looks at me, the sheer perversity of his attempt to com- less debates – at the time and ever since
Lyndon Johnson, had little incentive to he looks at me like he’s gonna pel LBJ to accept him as his running mate. – about the real RFK: the “Good Bobby”
accept RFK as his running mate. While look a hole through me, like or the “Bad Bobby” of the old Jules Feiffer
the Kennedy name might have brought I’m a spy or something,” John- Bohrer’s book, which covers the period cartoons. It is impossible to know which
some luster to LBJ’s election campaign, son exclaimed. Kennedy knew of RFK’s life from November 1963 to June side would have emerged had he sur-
Bobby Kennedy was unpopular in some that if he actually succeeded 1966, is tightly packed with detail, much vived and been elected president (no sure
quarters, particularly among white vot- in becoming vice president, of it fascinating and even moving. It will bet, by any means – Kennedy was too hot,
ers down South, where RFK was viewed he’d be relegated to a power- satisfy the Kennedy true believers and too confrontational for many voters).
as a pro-civil rights hothead. less purgatory, just as LBJ had interest students of politics. Bohrer is a
been under JFK. diligent researcher and a brisk writer. But Kennedy’s love and compassion, while
he fails to include some of the more re- deep and real, were laced with ven-
Still, during the winter and vealing details that might help shed light geance and anger. Indeed, it is hard not
spring of 1964, RFK maneu- on why RFK was half out of his mind in to sympathize with his nemesis, John-
vered to force Johnson’s hand. the months following JFK’s assassination. son. Bohrer oddly neglects to include in
He dispatched his most devi- his account of RFK’s speech at the 1964
ous operative, Paul Corbin, to His grief was tinged with guilt. As attor- Democratic convention this bit of poetry,
lean on political bosses in the ney general in the Kennedy administra- about Bobby’s fallen brother but also,
northern states, then tried to tion, RFK had functioned as his brother’s meanly and a little sneakily, about LBJ.
cover up his own role. LBJ was henchman as well as his keeper. On the Quoting from Shakespeare’s “Romeo and
compelled to formally reject Kennedy’s afternoon when the president was killed, Juliet” (Jackie Kennedy had shown him
bid in a private meeting in the Oval Office Bobby started making phone calls to find the passage), RFK declared, “When he
(typically, the president then proceeded out if there was a plot behind the assas- shall die/ Take him and cut him out in
to brief friendly reporters, pantomiming sination. He directly asked the director of little stars/ And he shall make the face of
RFK’s physical discomfort). Briefly, Ken- the CIA, John McCone, if the agency had heaven so fine/ That all the world will be
nedy considered fomenting a pro-RFK had something to do with JFK’s death. in love with night/ And pay no worship to
stampede at the Democratic National He called into a CIA safe house in down- the garish sun.”
Convention in Atlantic City. town Washington to speak with a Cuban
What motivated Kennedy to make this exile plotting against Fidel Castro to see The reference to the “garish sun” was
quixotic effort? In his new book, “The whether he knew anything. He called a obvious to everyone, especially Johnson.
Revolution of Robert Kennedy,” John R. lawyer in Chicago who had contacts in Kennedy went on to become the tribune
Bohrer, a TV news producer and journal- the mafia. For months (if not years), Ken- of a fairer future. But he never let go of his
ist, suggests that the answer can be found nedy was haunted by the fear that the shadowy past.
in a forward that RFK wrote in Decem- aggressive tactics he had waged against
ber 1963 for a memorial edition of JFK’s the mob and Castro had somehow gro- THE REVOLUTION OF ROBERT KENNEDY
“Profiles in Courage.” Bobby quoted one tesquely backfired. FROM POWER TO PROTEST AFTER JFK
of his brother’s favorite authors, Lord
Tweedsmuir, to the effect that politics is Kennedy was driven by more than a BY JOHN R. BOHRER
desire to do good in the world. He was Bloomsbury. 384 pp. $30.
courageous, especially when he con- Review by Evan Thomas, The Washington Post
fronted the casual bigotry of voters at
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46 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Enough puff? Inhalers often don’t deliver proper dose
BY MARIA CANFIELD deft maneuvers on the part Dr. Hermes Velasquez. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
of patients. The common
Correspondent errors are well-known, but that, he says, the directions for the deep breaths – Dr. Velasquez says
fixing them continues to be puffer type of inhaler are “easy to doctors will sometimes prescribe
New studies out of Rice University a challenge.” explain, but hard to follow.” the use of a nebulizer, which delivers
and Baylor College of Medicine have medication in the form of a mist in-
identified errors that cause many A graduate student at The good news is that there are haled into the lungs.
people who use metered-dose inhal- Rice spent six years gather- other, more patient-friendly types of
ers to get far less medicine than ing evidence for the stud- inhalers available; the options can Dr. Velasquez encourages those peo-
they should. ies, measuring how patients be especially helpful for people with ple who receive medication through
use inhalers, exploring the dexterity issues or those who have an inhaler to speak with the doctor or
The studies con- mathematics of their inha- trouble drawing a deep breath. another member of their health care
cluded that errors team about their options, taking into
occur frequently lation patterns, and even One such device is called an Ellip- account their personal preferences
because the proper creating an experimental ta; it has a mouthpiece that patients and any cost implications.
use of an inhaler is set-up to mimic human simply put in their mouth, closing
not as easy as it might their lips to form a good seal. As with Dr. Velasquez has offices at 3450
seem; it requires preci- inhaler use. For the first the classic puffer inhaler, it can be 11th Court, Suite 203 in Vero Beach
sion, timing and coor- time, errors in use and used with several different types of and 801 Wellness Way, Suite 109 in Se-
dination. The problem medication. bastian. The phone number for both
is that even small user the impact on locations is 772-794-5800.
errors can significantly the amount For patients who have serious
reduce the amount of medi- of medicine trouble with air flow – unable to take
cine that reaches the lungs. delivered
Many inhaler users get only to the lungs
about half as much medicine were objec-
as they should from each puff. tively mea-
Hermes Velasquez, M.D., is af- The study, which was
filiated with the Indian River Medi- funded in part by the Na-
cal Center and is board certified in tional Institutes of Health,
sleep medicine, pulmonary medi- also provided practical tips
cine and critical care. He says there for the proper use of inhal-
have been a number of studies about ers (Vero’s Dr. Velasquez
inhalers and their difficulty of use. points out that these tips
pertain to the classic puffer
“It is a well-known issue, and im- type of inhaler):
pacts patients of all ages,” Dr. Velas- • Inhalers should be
quez says. The type of inhaler refer- shaken for a few seconds be-
enced in these studies is the classic fore each use. The research-
type, called a puffer. Dr. Velasquez ers said patients often forget
says it’s the most difficult to use, to shake the device or don’t
as it involves a complex series of al- shake it long enough, par-
most-simultaneous steps. ticularly when they take a
second puff.
The study results were published in • The angle at which
the Journal of Aerosol Medicine and the inhaler is held is criti-
Pulmonary Drug Delivery. The re- cal. Slight deviations can
searchers say they hope the medical result in much of the medi-
community will examine the study cine striking and sticking to
and consider further research to eval- the tongue or mouth, rather
uate and update recommended guide- than reaching the lungs.
lines for inhaler use, and set up educa- • Patients must draw a
tional strategies for their patients. breath when they activate the inhal-
er. The timing, duration and force
Tens of millions of Americans use of this inhalation are critical – it’s
inhalers every day as a drug deliv- critical to start breathing just
ery system for lung conditions such before or at the exact time
as asthma and chronic the inhaler is activated.
obstructive pulmo- And patients should
nary disease (COPD). hold their breath for 10
Ashutosh Sabharwal, seconds to allow for
professor of electri- the maximum “up-
cal and computer take” of medicine
engineering at into the lungs.
Rice and co-au-
thor of the stud- Dr. Velasquez says
ies, says, “While that it’s important
inhalers are the that the patient’s
most efficient de- healthcare team take
livery mechanism the time to educate on
for many patients, proper use. Even with
these devices require
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 47
BY TOM LLOYD teries that go from particular form of high blood pressure through them and that raises the blood
pressure in your lungs. Your heart has
Staff Writer your heart to your will not show up in the routine blood to work harder to pump blood through
those arteries and after a while the
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension lungs. But this pressure readings your doctor heart muscle gets weak,” and that can
(PAH) is a disease that has befuddled lead to catastrophic heart failure.”
doctors for decades. performs using the tra-
The American Lung Foundations
Not many Americans know what ditional cuff or sphyg- ominously adds, “Since patients with
it is, but according to Indian River PAH are often not diagnosed until
Medical Center’s pulmonology and momanometer. their symptoms are severe, they may
critical care specialist Dr. Diego Mal-
donado, PAH is a breath-stealing, life- As WebMD explains, CONTINUED ON PAGE 48
threatening condition that is very of-
ten misdiagnosed. “The tiny arteries in
“What the statistics show,” Maldo- your lungs become
nado states authoritatively, “is that it
takes between two and three years be- narrow or blocked. It’s
fore patients [are] correctly diagnosed.
The scary part of this is that the more harder for blood to flow
the diagnosis is delayed, the worse the
prognosis is.” Dr. Diego Maldonado. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
That’s partly why this studious pul-
monologist turns almost giddy when
he talks about the hospital’s new pul-
monary hypertension clinic.
The clinic, held every Wednesday,
allows Maldonado and his colleagues
the most precious commodity in
medicine. Time – time to carefully
diagnose and properly treat this dan-
gerous disease.
Instead of a typical 15-to-20-minute
office visit, Maldonado says, the clinic
allows him to dedicate 30 to 45 min-
utes to each patient and, as he puts it,
“to really establish a relationship with
those patients.”
It’s probably fair to ask why – in this
age of CT scans, echocardiograms,
ventilation perfusion scans and pul-
monary function tests – PAH is so dif-
ficult to diagnose.
The short answer – and it’s not that
short – according to Maldonado, is
because PAH can easily be mistaken
for other lung diseases such as pul-
monary venous hypertension, pul-
monary hypertension secondary to
chronic hypoxia and chronic throm-
boembolic disease.
Also, in many cases, there is another
condition that’s causing the problem,
Maldonado explains. “Any of these ill-
nesses can lead to high blood pressure
in your lungs: congestive heart failure,
blood clots in the lungs, HIV, liver dis-
eases such as cirrhosis of the liver, Lu-
pus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthri-
tis and other autoimmune diseases; a
heart defect you’re born with or lung
diseases such as emphysema, chronic
bronchitis or pulmonary fibrosis.”
That explains why the diagnosis
can be so incredibly difficult. There’s
a great deal to look at – and hopefully
eliminate – but all that takes time.
In a nutshell, having PAH means that
you have high blood pressure in the ar-
48 Vero Beach 32963 / June 8, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
only have a few years to live unless Mayo Clinic, may include shortness of Study: An alarming number of
they get proper treatment. Fortunate- breath when active that gets worse over teen girls experience depression
ly, advances in therapies have led to time, chest pains, general fatigue, diz-
impressive improvements for patients ziness or fainting spells, a racing pulse BY ARIANA EUNJUNG CHA Joshua Breslau, a senior researcher
with pulmonary arterial hyperten- or heart palpitations, and even a seem- in the division of health for RAND and
sion.” ingly innocuous swelling in the ankles The Washington Post lead author of the study, explained in
and legs. an interview that one of the main work-
Those advanced therapies, accord- Depression is usually considered ing theories about why there is such a
ing to Maldonado, include up to 15 The good news? PAH itself is a rare an issue parents have to watch out for big gender difference in depression had
new – albeit very expensive – drugs, disease. According to the Lung Foun- starting in the turbulent teenage years. to do with the teen years.
including “pulmonary vasodilators” dation, fewer than 50 in every 1 million The CW channel, full of characters
which he claims are delivering im- people are likely to develop it. with existential angst about school, “The idea was that it was something
pressive results. “The survival rate has friends and young love, tells us so, as do in particular, socially or biologically,
changed so much,” Maldonado says, Dr. Diego Maldonado is with the In- the countless parenting books about that was happening about mid-adoles-
“that we’ve been able to change the dian River Medical Center. His office is the adolescent years in every guidance cence in girls that led to this increase,”
morbidity rate.” at 3450 11th Court, suite 203. The phone counselor’s office. Breslau said. “What we found partially
number is 772-794-5800. contradicts that.”
Symptoms of PAH, according to the But what if by that time it’s already
too late? He says “partially” because the
analysis did find that the gap between
A large new study out last week con- boys with depression and girls grows
tains some alarming data about the between ages 12 and 17, which is con-
state of children’s mental health in the sistent with the old way of thinking.
United States, finding that depression The surprise was that the gap is al-
in many children appears to start as ready quite large at age 12, Breslau
early as age 11. By the time they hit age explained, “which indicates that the
17, the analysis found, 13.6 percent of
boys and a stagger- differences have
ing 36.1 percent of origins that starts
girls have been or earlier in childhood
are depressed. than was previously
These numbers
are significantly Notice in the
higher than previ- chart below that
ous estimates. Un- the incidence grows
derstanding the among boys from
risk of depression 12 to 17 but that
is critically impor- for girls it seems to
tant because of the hit a peak at age 15
close link between and then decrease,
depressive episodes but still remain
and serious issues very high, until 17.
with school, relationships and suicide. (Leave this paragraph in if you use the
chart as an illustration; otherwise de-
While researchers have long known lete it.)
about the gender gap in depression, The idea that children can be de-
with more adult women than men pressed is something that has only been
suffering from the condition, the new recently accepted by psychologists. As
numbers show that whatever divergent recently as the 1980s, adolescents were
paths boys and girls take happens even considered too developmentally im-
earlier than expected. mature to be able to experience such a
grown-up affliction. Today most scien-
Published in the journal Transla- tists recognize that children as young
tional Psychiatry, the study was based as 4 or 5 years of age can be depressed.
on data compiled from in-person inter- There are numerous theories about
views with more than 100,000 children why boys develop differently than
who participated in the National Sur- girls from a mental health perspective.
vey of Drug Use and Health from 2009 While depression may be more com-
to 2014. The NSDUH is an annual sur- mon among girls, other conditions are
vey on a representative sample of the more common among boys, such as
U.S. population. conduct problems, aggression and sub-
stance abuse. One way of explaining
Among the standard questions this pattern involves a possible single
asked are ones about insomnia, ir- underlying phenomenon, with differ-
ritability and feelings of guilt or ent people branching off to develop
worthlessness that researchers used different disorders because of social
to “diagnose” survey participants influences. There’s also the possibility
with depression using diagnostic it may be connected to biological dif-
criteria from the Diagnostic and Sta- ferences, perhaps involving changes in
tistical Manual of Mental Disorders. hormones or other ways that are dis-
Through the survey, they were able to tinct to how girls are socialized.
capture a broader group of children
than those who have a formal diag-
nosis and who may be in treatment.