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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-08-16 23:42:13

08/17/2017 ISSUE 33


Small firm leading hospital’s
merger exploration. P9
Vero Opera’s lineup
teeming with talent. P20

Rolling classroom educates
by ‘replicating’ dementia. P12

Trial still not near Piper profits up;
for accused killer of Vero company is
nurse Diana Duve once again hiring

Staff Writer Staff Writer

More than three years after GOOD NEWS: FPL now planning to move substation off old Vero Electric site as part of sale. PAGE 10. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD Two years after Piper Aircraft
Sebastian River Medical Cen- Inc. cut 115 employees from its
ter nurse and Moorings resi- Construction can’t keep up with island new home sales payroll – 78 were laid off and 37
dent Diana Duve was found opted for early retirement – the
dead in the trunk of her car, BY STEVEN M. THOMAS success homebuilders who edly to build a model home to Vero Beach-based company's
defense attorneys for accused Staff Writer moved quickly in the early stimulate sales at their care- workforce is now slightly larger
killer Michael David Jones, her stages of the real estate re- fully crafted one-street, sea- than it was before the reduc-
former boyfriend, are nowhere Developers who took the covery are now enjoying. side subdivision. So far, they tions.
near ready to go to trial, and lead in launching new home have not been able to even
Judge Cynthia Cox is getting projects on the barrier island As per normal, developer break ground on one. And Piper executives plan
impatient. in 2015 and 2016 are now Dolf Kahle and builder Vic to continue hiring to meet
reaping rich rewards as buyers Lombardi have tried repeat- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 an increased demand for its
The state has released 52 eagerly purchase townhouses products.
batches of case evidence, thou- and single-family homes at Vero Beach High School football team uses a Tacklewheel in practice. PHOTO BY G. RADFORD
sands of pages of medical re- five luxury developments be- "We have been hiring 10
tween the Wabasso Causeway people a week since mid-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 and The Moorings. June, and we are continuing
to hire through the remain-
Accused killer Michael David Jones. The projects encompass der of the year," Jackie Carlon,
about 80 homes priced be- Piper's senior director of mar-
Do sea turtles know tween $840,000 and $3 mil- keting and communications,
something we don’t lion, and developers can’t said last week.
about hurricanes? build them fast enough to
keep up with sales. "We are actively looking for
BY LISA ZAHNER candidates for multiple func-
Staff Writer Sandy Lane, the southern- tions, but, most critically, air-
most project in this group, craft workers, sheet-metal
Do sea turtles know some- is a prime example of the
thing we don’t about what may CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
be coming in the height of the
current hurricane season? Local schools tackle
brain trauma worries
Amateur paleontologists

Despite a recent report
showing that virtually all for-
mer NFL players studied had
brain damage as a result of


August 17, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 33 Newsstand Price $1.00 ‘Feed the Lambs’
camp good for kids’
News 1-10 Faith 53 Pets 18 TO ADVERTISE CALL minds & souls. P15
Arts 19-24 Games 39-41 Real Estate 55-64 772-559-4187
Books 38 Health 25-28 Style 43-45
Dining 46 Insight 29-42 Wine 47 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 36 People 11-17 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Accused slayer of Diana Duve pel the defense to hand over its discov- “You can’t just take as long as you police found him in a hotel room in
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ery documents. “I can’t give them what want,” she said. After the defense turns Fort Pierce in violation of his proba-
I don’t have,” Glenn said. over its witness list and other evidence tion on a Broward County aggravated
cords and witness interviews, which to prosecutors, Cox said, “We’re still stalking charge. Vero Beach police de-
all fall under the broad term of “dis- When asked for good cause, Glenn looking at about six to eight months tectives built the murder case against
covery,” as is required by law so the said he’d only taken over the case in for the state to do their part.” Jones and he was indicted on first-de-
defense has time to prepare its case February 2016. gree murder on Aug. 26, 2014.
for trial. According to court records, Glenn
Cox inherited the case from Judge is the third attorney to be listed as in Chief Assistant State Attorney Tom
The defense has not released a sin- Robert Pegg in December 2015 due to charge of Jones’ defense. Bakkedahl argued on behalf of State
gle document or the names of any po- a routine reassignment of judicial ar- Attorney Bruce Colton’s office that this
tential witnesses to the state. eas of responsibility. Other public defenders have as- situation is unacceptable, and puts
sisted as well, and worked with de- lead prosecutor Brian Workman in an
“I have nothing to give them,” As- “So after a year and a half, how long fense attorneys in Broward County on untenable position. Once the defense
sistant Public Defender Stanley Glenn is it going to take to discover what you charges Jones faced there in Septem- completes its final deposition, the
told Judge Cox at Monday morning’s need to discover to get this ready to go ber 2015 and March 2016. public defender could invoke speedy
hearing on the state’s motion to com- to trial?” Cox asked, adding that she trial provisions and force the clock on
needs Glenn to show “good cause” for Jones has been in custody since he the state to try the case.
any further delay. was arrested on June 26, 2014, when
“This completely defies common
sense,” Bakkedahl said, adding it is
very hard for him to believe “that the
defense hasn’t got even one shred of

Glenn explained that he has not yet
decided which experts or which wit-
nesses he will call, and that it could
be prejudicial to give the state a crack
at deposing people who could reveal
new, unfavorable information about
his client. The state, on the other hand,
is required to reveal both condemning
and exculpatory evidence, interviews
and witnesses, under Florida law.

Bakkedahl said the defense has in-
terviewed scores of people, including
all of Jones’ family members, and also
told Cox that Jones’ father claimed
that someone from the public defend-
er’s office told him not to talk to the
state’s investigators. “My point is that
they know who they’re going to call,”
Bakkedahl said.

The delay of justice in this case,
Bakkedahl said, puts a continual strain
on everyone who loved the victim,
who was 26 years old at the time of her

Duve’s mother and stepfather, Lena
and Bill Andrews, were in the court-
room, accompanied by the State At-
torney’s victims’ advocate. “I’ve got a
waiting family who has been sitting
and toiling under the court system for
about three years,” he said.

Cox instructed Glenn to pick up the
pace and placed the attorneys on a
schedule of meeting about once per
month to report on the status of the
case. It was also agreed that Glenn
would file any motions challenging
the state’s pursuit of the death penalty
by Nov. 30 to give the court a chance to
rule on those in advance of a trial.

“There has to be something that
you have that you can discover. I need
good cause,” Cox told Glenn, giving
him one month to start trickling out
his witness list and other documents.
She told him he needs to at least say
what types of expert witnesses he in-
tends to call and what, in general, they
may testify to. She said she doesn’t
need names, but that the state must

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 3


have something to go on in case it which presents symptoms such as agi- loss of brain cells. This can occur in a sport the Journal of the American
needs to counter that testimony with tation, impulsive behavior, explosive many sports but, Shafer says, it is most Medical Association identifies as one
its own expert witnesses. temper, memory loss and suicide. Be- prevalent in football and wrestling. of the leading causes of concussion
cause no technology exists to screen among adolescents?
Jones had been transported to the for the condition, its presence can only The Boston study’s senior author,
courthouse, but he verbally waived his be confirmed after a player’s death. neurologist Dr. Ann McKee, told the New St. Edward’s Upper School football
right to appear in court on Monday York Times, bluntly, “It is no longer de- coach Bill Motta says that, since 2009,
because the Sheriff’s Office could not Vero Beach neurologist Dr. James batable whether or not there is a prob- every St. Ed’s athlete has a preseason
accommodate his request to change Shafer agrees that repetitive impact, lem in football – there is a problem.” cognitive baseline brain test.
into business attire at the jail prior to not a single hard hit, is the key to this
being transported to the courthouse. brain damage, resulting in irreparable So what are local coaches doing to When a head impact incident occurs
protect high school students playing
Glenn said his client does not wish CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
to appear in the orange jumpsuit be-
cause it is prejudicial every time he
appears in “jail garb.”

Defendants wear street clothes dur-
ing a trial or anytime potential jurors
are present, typically getting dressed
at the courthouse, but during proce-
dural matters like Monday’s motion,
the jumpsuit is standard for security
reasons. 

Football injury concerns NEW CONSTRUCTION
Exclusively John’s Island
head trauma, local coaches say they are
not seeing any drop in participation as Refined elegance prevails in this exceptional 4BR+Office retreat nestled
Indian River County’s three high school on a private cul-de-sac. Designed by Moor, Baker & Associates, this
football teams prepare for the upcom- 7,138± GSF home enjoys ultimate privacy with desirable SE exposure
ing season, which begins Aug. 25. and long, captivating pool and Indian Lake views. A charming courtyard
entry and vibrant architecture compliment the West Indies style. Features
Coaches at St. Ed’s, Vero High and include a gourmet island kitchen, beverage center, luxurious master
Sebastian River High say they take the suite with covered porch, generous laundry room and 3-car garage.
welfare of their young athletes very se- 791 Shady Lake Lane : $4,100,000
riously and are confident they are pro-
viding the safest environment possi- three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
ble for an often violent contact sport. health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership

New protective gear, altered tack- 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
ling techniques and more careful
medical oversight are all part of the ef-
fort to protect students.

The grim Boston University School of
Medicine study focusing on the brains
of deceased football players aged 23 to
89 was released late last month. It shows
a clear cause-effect between repeated
strikes to the head and a devastating,
degenerative brain disease known as
chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

According to a Sports Illustrated arti-
cle about the report, “high school play-
ers in the study had mild cases while
college and professionals had more
severe cases.” CTE was found in 177 of
the 202 brains studied, including all but
one of the 111 NFL players in the study.

It is important to note, the study was
not conducted on a random set of for-
mer NFL players. Instead, “the brains
were donated by families of former NFL
players who showed signs of the dis-
ease,” according to Sports Illustrated.

Still, the evidence of football-re-
lated brain damage was overwhelm-
ing enough to give at least some high
school players and their parents sig-
nificant pause.

The study shows that repetitive,
seemingly non-violent blows, not
necessarily the head-jarring ones, are
likely the most common cause of CTE,

4 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Football injury concerns Instead, Motta now teaches a rugby Sebastian River High School Sharks practice, they also use the Guardian
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 style technique called the “Hawk” that Coach Chuck Kenyon says his athletes Cap Impact Reduction System, a pad-
leads with the shoulder, not the head. are tested preseason to establish the ded, soft-shell layer placed over the
on the field, a device on the sideline can brain baseline, and he and his staff em- traditional hard-shell helmet to reduce
immediately reveal any changes from State high school football rules have ploy low-contact practice techniques, as impact shock. Vero Beach also uses
the baseline data, and appropriate ac- actually prohibited head butting for well as the rugby tackling method. On Riddell and Schutt, while Sebastian
tion can be taken without delay. Motta some time, but the regulations were the field, he works closely with the team provides Riddell speed-flex helmets.
explains that the reaction to the initial not consistently enforced until more trainer, Hilary Lange, who “spends as
blow is what can do the most damage, recently, says one long-time official. much time as the coaches with the kids.” Kenyon says helmets are automati-
as the whipping of the head causes the cally sent to the manufacturer for re-
impact of brain against skull. As the dangers of head trauma be- If a player comes out with an inju- conditioning annually. Each is marked
come better known, coaches and of- ry, says Kenyon, he’ll come directly to with purchase date and recondition-
Because the brain stem at the base ficials are cracking down. Penalties Lange on the sideline, and she’ll make ing date. A helmet is retired following
of the skull is vulnerable in a head im- for “targeting” (usually a helmet-to- the assessment. trauma and, after 10 years, a helmet
pact, Motta’s players do extensive neck helmet hit) are heavy: For the first can no longer be used. Period.
strengthening work, part of a year- infraction, it’s a 15-yard penalty (per- At that point “the coach is out of the
round strength training program using sonal foul, unsportsmanlike conduct). loop,” Kenyon stresses, noting that “Even if a helmet sits on the shelf
state-of-the-art machines and St. Vin- On the second, it’s an ejection for the properly dealing with an injury and and is never used,” Kenyon says, it’s
cent Sports Performance techniques. player and another 15-yard loss. deciding whether to bench a player gone after 10 years. “As parents, coach-
should have nothing to do with the es and players, we must just be diligent
Contact has been greatly reduced Lenny Jankowski, who coaches the impact on the game, only the player’s and vigilant – err on the side of caution
during practice, Motta says, and a player Vero Beach High School Fighting Indians, wellbeing. “No won-lost record will when working with kids.”
is rarely taken to the ground. Instead of says the newest equipment and training ever be delivered at the expense of put-
pounding each other, players practice techniques tend to “trickle down” from ting these kids in harm’s way,” she says. Lorraine Amaral, whose son Logan
tackling by using tackling rings – a pad- the NFL to college and high school levels plays for the Vero Beach High Fighting
ded “wheel” that allow players to work but adds that local high school programs This attitude is in striking contrast to Indians, says she has seen firsthand
on their technique, wrapping their arms are “ahead of the curve.” the attitude of many coaches in years how much concern coaches show “all
around the wheel to simulate wrapping past who pushed players to “get back the time” for the players’ health and
up an opposing ball carrier, without Jankowski also teaches the “Hawk” in there” and play through the pain. safety, and the steps they take to pre-
risking another player’s health. tackling technique, and his players, too, vent head and other injuries.
attack padded wheels instead of each In the literal forefront when it comes to
Tackling styles are changing too, other in practice. They also get start-of- protection from head trauma is the hel- Logan, who will be a junior this year,
with the aim of reducing concussions. the-season brain baseline tests. met, and Kenyon, Jankowski and Motta has been the playing football since
spare no expense in providing their young third grade. His mother says the game
“No coach teaches using the head as “We practice without collision,” athletes with the best gear available. has taught him teamwork and leader-
a battering ram anymore,” emphasizes Jankowski says, “but on Friday night, ship and made him more motivated
Motta. we don’t lack physical contact. We’re St. Edward’s purchases Riddell and and disciplined.
just smarter and more educated. First Schutt helmets rated 5-star on the Vir-
and foremost is safety.” ginia Tech helmet rating list. During “Logan is very motivated and goal-

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 5


oriented. He trains with the team and demands, practice and game sched- ing anywhere.” But much remains seem to trigger it be quantified?
with a personal trainer. He’s going for a ules leave Logan little time for getting to be learned about traumatic brain Shafer concludes, “Coaches do what
college scholarship, and works to keep into trouble, Amaral says. She also injuries, including chronic traumatic
his GPA up so he’ll be strong in football notes that players are subject to ran- encephalopathy: Why do some ath- they can, but you can’t entirely elimi-
and academics as well. He’ll be taking dom drug tests throughout the year. letics get it while others don’t; can it nate the risk. High school football is
honors classes this year.” be prevented? Is there a genetic fac- very popular. It’s a good team sport for
With continued parent support, lo- tor? Can the repetitive injuries that kids and parents, but they should un-
An extra benefit: Added to academic cal coaches agree, “football isn’t go- derstand the risk.” 

6 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sea turtles – and the oddity doesn’t happen ev- Indian River County – has seen more months of hurricane season before
ery year. than 200 new nests laid every single they are ready to hatch.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 night the past week or so.
The reason the turtles’ current dune- So, did the green sea turtles learn by
in Colombia in 2015 found fossils of wrecking stands out to locals is be- “In the seven days prior to Thurs- trial and error to “go deep” into the end
one ancient ancestor of today’s sea cause it’s different from the beach nest- day, August 11, we had 1,830 nests zone to build their nests? Anything is
turtles dating back 120 million years ing typically seen in the late spring or counted in the refuge,” McWilliams possible over 120 million years.
to a time when dinosaurs roamed early summer. said.
the Earth. So the idea that these mys- What about the fact that it doesn’t
terious, awe-inspiring, primordial Celeste McWilliams, a certified sea “And though all sea turtles go as far happen every year? “We only get the
creatures have adapted their nesting turtle educator who runs the school up the beach as they can to lay their green sea turtles every other year, their
behavior to avoid extinction is not a programs at the Barrier Island Cen- eggs, the green sea turtles are known nesting is cyclical, so they come back
huge stretch of the imagination. ter, had some perfectly good expla- for going up onto the dunes more in two-year cycles,” McWilliams said.
nations. than the loggerheads.” she said.
When residents near Aquarina Even stranger than the dune-chew-
Beach and Country Club, half a doz- The turtles who mate in the spring McWilliams said there’s a nest ing green turtles, McWilliams said,
en miles north of the Sebastian Inlet, and enjoy their peak nesting season about every four and a half linear is the fact that a hawksbill sea turtle
began seeing huge sea turtles tearing earlier in the summer are logger- feet throughout the refuge right now. nested just north of the Sebastian In-
up the dunes and uprooting care- heads, McWilliams said. Many of the From a logistical standpoint, that’s let last Thursday. That species is com-
fully planted rows of sea oats behind loggerhead hatchlings have already pretty crowded, and the green sea mon in the Caribbean, but usually
oceanfront homes, they wondered sprung from their shells and started turtles showing up late to the party only seen as far north as Fort Lauder-
what was going on. Old wives’ tales their own amazing journeys into the are being both savvy and considerate dale, she said. “The rangers from the
say the turtles somehow sense when sea. And though they still participate as they head higher up into the dunes Brevard County side of the Inlet saw
a hurricane is on the way and lay in the land grab for a protected spot, where they can stake their claim it just before 8 a.m. and we able to get
their precious eggs way high up in the the loggerheads are not the aggres- without inadvertently digging up a down there and take DNA samples.”
dunes to protect their progeny from sive dune-wreckers. Instead, green sister turtle’s nest.
being washed away. sea turtles are the culprits. When asked if the hawksbill turtle
The greens are the largest species of maybe got confused and thought she
The truth, according to scientists, “Greens are in the prime of their hard-back turtles, with adults grow- was in Fort Lauderdale because it’s
is almost as fascinating as the lore. nesting season right now,” McWil- ing to about 3-feet long and weigh- been so hot here, McWilliams said
liams said, adding that the Archie ing up to 350 pounds, so they come there’s probably no connection with
Two things we know: This bizarre Carr National Wildlife Refuge – which in like a wrecking ball and don’t re- the record-breaking weather – even
activity occurs in late July and Au- encompasses 20.5 miles of beach ally care that those sprigs of sea oats though temperatures this summer,
gust – which also happens to be when from about Coconut Point Park in were placed there by humans to help starting as early as May, have been
hurricane season kicks into full swing Melbourne Beach to just south of stabilize the dune. Their eggs must hotter than recorded in more than
Golden Sands Park near Windsor in survive for the next two treacherous 120 years. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 7


Piper profits mean more jobs "It's an exciting time for the com- "Our commitment to a common- In July, ATP, America's largest flight
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 pany," she said, adding that Piper's sense, made-to-order approach has school, ordered 10 additional Archers
strong showing results in large part been a key differentiator and is con- to complement its trainer fleet, which
workers and welders," she added. from the increasing popularity of its tributing to Piper's success in this 'new eventually will include 100 Archers
"Interested individuals may apply at high-end M-Class line, led by the $2.8 normal' market that we are all talking and 100 Seminoles. ATP is scheduled" million M600, a single-engine, six- about," Piper President and CEO Si- to take delivery of its 82nd Archer this
seat business aircraft approved by mon Caldecott said. month.
As of Friday, Piper employed 762 FAA last summer.
people – two more than it did in July He later added: "The addition of Carlon said the increased sales of
2015, when, citing sagging worldwide The M600, in which Piper invested the class-leading M600 continues trainers has been driven by a world-
sales, the company announced plans 100,000 hours of engineering time, to drive revenue growth. ... Further- wide pilot shortage that has left air-
to slash 15 percent to 20 percent of its is powered by a Pratt & Whitney en- more, Piper's offering of the only lines "in need of entry-level pilots"
workforce. gine and comes equipped with an ad- complete trainer product line is help- and prompted some of them to part-
vanced Garmin Avionics electronics ing further augment sales and long- ner with flight schools.
Carlon said a larger workforce was and guidance system. With a range of term commitments from some of the
needed because the company contin- 1,500 nautical miles, the plane can fly world's leading flight-training pro- The M-Class line sales, meanwhile,
ues to experience an increase in the non-stop from Miami to New York or grams." has benefited from a strengthening
sale and delivery of its new M-Class from Los Angeles to Seattle without economy. Caldecott said Piper's re-
products – particularly the M500 and refueling. Ten U.S. flight schools have recent- cent M600 "demo tour" of Europe
top-of-the-line M600 single-engine ly signed contracts to purchase Piper and Africa produced "better than ex-
turboprops – as well as its trainer air- "The M600 sales have a huge im- Archer, Arrow and Seminole training pected" sales.
craft. pact on our bottom line, and we're aircraft: Oklahoma State University,
also seeing the delivery of trainers Western Michigan University, South- Carlon said five M600s were sold in
Piper announced last week that rise considerably," Carlon said. "The ern Illinois University, Louisiana Europe and several more were pend-
its second-quarter revenues reached trainers give us volume, and the tur- Tech, Middle Georgia State Universi- ing.
$52.1 million with the delivery of 32 boprops lift revenues significantly." ty, Vincennes University, LeTourneau
aircraft. That's an increase of $10.7 University, California Baptist Univer- "The market over there had been
million, or 26 percent, from last year's More than three times as many of sity, Big Bend Community College soft, so the demo tour was very en-
second-quarter numbers. Piper’s Archer training aircraft were and Aerosim Flight Academy. couraging to us," she said. "We've got
delivered during the second quarter deals in the works that we expect to
Even more impressive, Carlon said as compared to the second quarter That list doesn't include the Uni- come to fruition over the next three
Piper's profits through the first half of of 2016, marking a whopping, 228 versity of North Dakota and Jackson- to 12 months.
this year were up nearly 100 percent percent year-over-year increase and ville-based ATP Flight School, both of
over last year's first-half figures, jump- creating a sales backlog that stretches which already have long-term agree- "So while there's still a ways to go
ing from $37.8 million to $75.5 million. into the third quarter of 2018. ments with Piper. and there's still uncertainty in the
market, a stronger economy certainly
helps." 

8 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Jump Line NEWS

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Island new home construction A year and half after breaking ground,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the project is nearly complete and 9
out of 11 units have been sold at prices
“Every time we draw up plans and ranging from $2.5 million to $3 million,
get a permit, the house sells before we according to Premier Estate broker as-
start it,” says Kahle. sociate and co-listing agent Kay Brown.

One year after building began, five Surf Club developers Katherine Mc-
of nine homes in the exclusive com- Convey, Vic Lombardi and Clark French
munity have been sold and are either bought the 2.56-acre property in March
occupied or under construction. Just 2015 for $7.95 million and quickly
four lots remain. knocked down the aging motel that
occupied the site. After site work and
Pre-construction prices in the 5.3-acre permitting was complete, construction
development started around $1.7 mil- began in February 2016. Lombardi’s
lion, but have crept up over the past year Waters Edge Estates is the builder. Con-
to the $2.2-$2.5 million range, depending struction financing is being provided by
on the lot and floorplan a buyer selects. Harbor Community Bank.

There is one oceanfront house in the Next comes South Shore, a 30-home
subdivision – it was the first to be sold addition to the River Club community
and is larger than the others – and eight being built by Beachland Homes Cor-
other homes with approximately 3,600 poration, an Arthur Rutenberg Homes
square feet of air-conditioned living franchise.
space and another 1,200 to 1,800 square
feet under roof. The concrete block Single-family homes in this sub-
homes have innovative floor plans and division five miles north of Surf Club
high-end finishes encased in traditional range from 2,800 to 4,000 square feet
Anglo-Caribbean architecture. in size and are priced between $1 mil-
lion and $1.5 million.
Kahle says the sales process moves
quickly in the now booming market, Even though Beachland president
mentioning that a recent buyer “first John Genoni only broke ground on the
saw Sandy Lane in February, signed infrastructure phase of South Shore in
a contract in March, and by April we October 2016, nine of the 30 homes
were applying for the building permit.” have already been sold.

A couple of miles north of Sandy “Progress has been great,” Genoni
Lane, George Heaton’s Old Oak Lane says. “It is better than we expected.”
subdivision in Riomar is seeing similar
success. The 5.5-acre, 10-home subdi- Right next door to River Club is Palm
vision is set into the golf course at Rio- Island Plantation, where the commu-
mar Country Club and all homes have nity developer is selling courtyard and
fairway views. carriage homes at a rapid clip.

Five houses ranging between 3,500 The 20 new courtyard homes, which
and 4,000 square feet under air have include 2,325 to 2,642 square feet of
been sold, according to Heaton’s sales air-conditioned living space with ap-
director Terry Thompson. proximately 3,400 square feet under
roof, are being offered for $840,000 to
The stately single-family luxury $870,000. The project broke ground
homes, which sit on half-acre lots and late last year and nine units have al-
feature 5 bedrooms, four-car garages ready been sold.
and attached guesthouses, are listed
for $2.5 million to $3 million. As an Along with some of the most ap-
added perk, buyers get a membership pealing architecture on the island and
in Heaton’s oceanfront Vero Beach Ho- fine-quality craftsmanship, courtyard
tel resort, so they can go swimming if home buyers will get great community
they get tired of golf. amenities, including complete exte-
rior maintenance and yard care and
Even in the dog days of summer, membership in the Palm Island Beach
Thompson says he sees dozens of in- Club. There is also a marina with
terested prospects at his sales office docks, a fitness club and two pools.
each week.
In-fill carriage homes priced around
Another mile or so north, spread along $1.3 million are also selling quickly in
400 feet of Atlantic oceanfront, are the 11 the community, according to Palm Is-
West Indies-style townhomes that make land Broker Steve Owen.
up the Surf Club development.
“Our activity has been outstanding,”
The homes have 3,200 square feet says Owen. “We have been extremely
under air, 4,000 under roof, with pri- busy for the middle of the summer
vate detached two-car garages, indi- with great buyer traffic.
vidual court yards, pools and separate
guest suites. Top-quality standard “We have no standing inventory at
finishes include hardwood and stone all. None left.”
flooring, detailed millwork, superior
cabinetry and fixtures and gourmet- All the island developers agree that
level appliances. Amenities such as el- a lack of new home inventory is super-
evators and fireplaces are available as charging their sales.
optional upgrades.
All the developers agree on some-
thing else, too: Every one of them
says they wish they had more land on
which to build. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 9


Small consulting firm leading hospital merger effort

BY RUSTY CARTER Juniper focuses on nonprofits for a that the hospital industry remains less for their services and are going to have
simple reason: They make up the vast fragmented, with approximately 4,500 to bear more costs in the form of more
Staff Writer majority of the country’s hospitals – 90 hospitals in the U.S. owned by some sophisticated IT, new service offerings to
percent according to Burgdorfer. He 2,000 companies. Meanwhile, acquisi- focus on outpatient care and population
The consultant hired to lead Indian added that since the early 1990s, for- tions and/or mergers amount to about health. Those two fundamentals – prices
River Medical Center’s efforts to part- profit hospitals have exerted no mean- 100 transactions annually. going down and costs going up – mean
ner with another nonprofit healthcare ingful change in the industry. that you need to get larger to be successful.
system faces a daunting task. Asked about the state of mergers
Juniper vice president Rex Burg- and acquisitions in the hospital in- “The writing is on the wall that the
It’s dealing with a hospital that’s part dorfer, Jamie Burgdorfer’s son, was dustry, Rex Burgdorfer said that, in his industry needs to be more efficient,”
public and part private, meaning it serves recently interviewed prior to appear- opinion, “The economic fundamen- Rex Burgdorfer added. “Most people
two masters, deriving part of its funding ing on a panel at the annual Becker’s tals of the industry transcend politics. translate that to mean combinations
from property taxes while also courting Hospital Review meeting. He noted between health systems.” 
donors willing to make large gifts. “Health systems are going to be paid

What consulting group was judged
to be up to the task?

Apparently it’s the smallest of those
who contended for the job, Chicago-
based Juniper Advisory. The firm has
just 10 employees and is currently jug-
gling a half-dozen or so projects.

Can it possibly work?
If you believe Jamie Burgdorfer, Ju-
niper’s founder and principal, the an-
swer is yes.
“Juniper specializes in advising non-
profit hospitals,” Burgdorfer said in an
interview. “We’ve been doing mergers
and acquisitions for 25 years, from Alas-
ka to Florida.”
The most recent of those projects
was completed just over a month ago
when University Health Care System
acquired Georgia-based Trinity Hos-
pital of Augusta. Like IRMC, Trinity
sought a partner with cash to invest in
capital improvements.
University Health Care provided the
capital, but it also rebranded its new ac-
quisition, droppingTrinity from the name.
Juniper’s role in the deal was to serve
as an exclusive investment banking
advisor for UHCS, which was pursuing
a growth strategy. It was Juniper’s con-
cept to expand by acquiring a partner
within the same market.
Burgdorfer pointed out that Juniper’s
efforts for IRMC are at an early stage.
He added that the project is “moving
along fine and at a normal pace.”
Juniper will make its next trip to In-
dian River County on Aug. 23. Burg-
dorfer said at that time the firm will
discuss “next steps” in the process,
along with other topics.
As to Juniper’s meager staff, Burg-
dorfer said that’s by design. The entire
firm works on projects with what he
called an “ultra focus.”
Juniper also looks at projects in terms
of how it will benefit the firm’s expertise as
well as its bottom line.“We wouldn’t take it
on if we were not interested intellectually.”
Burgdorfer said his staff’s depth of
experience allows them to compete
with much larger firms. He noted that
Juniper currently has 5-10 projects “in
one stage or another,” adding that each
of the projects is “labor-intensive.”

10 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Electric sale moving forward; substation to be moved

BY LISA ZAHNER Aspuru wrote to O’Connor, “OUC has little grease to OUC’s squeaky wheel. satisfied with these agreements and is
Staff Writer reached agreement in concept with the “OUC has agreed in concept on an optimistic that these agreements will
City of Vero Beach on the terms of a Ter- be acceptable to all parties,” he said.
Vero Beach officials expected to have mination and Settlement Agreement for energy sale agreement with Florida
an executed, written agreement with the the existing Power Purchase Agreement.” Power & Light, which will partially This email to O’Connor came two
Orlando Utilities Commission by last mitigate OUC’s damages from the ter- days after FPL Regional Director of Ex-
Friday stipulating that it would cost the Up until last week, it looked like mination of the Power Purchase Agree- ternal Affairs Amy Brunjes announced
city “only” $20 million to get out of their Vero and Orlando were headed into ment with Vero Beach,” Aspuru said. to the Vero Beach City Council that a
wholesale power deal, but as of Monday formal mediation over OUC’s de- deal had been struck with OUC to keep
afternoon City Manager Jim O’Connor mand that the city pay $50 million to Aspuru said drafts of a “Termina- the parties out of court and pave the
only had an agreement “in concept.” exit the deal, which would leave OUC tion and Settlement Agreement” and way to close the sale of the entire Vero
stuck with the power Vero would have an agreement on the energy sale are electric utility in the last quarter of 2018.
On Aug. 10, OUC Vice President Jan purchased. It seems FPL applied a now being worked-over by attorneys
representing Vero and FPL. “OUC is FPL has offered to purchase Vero’s
utility and its 34,000 customers for
$185 million. After the city pays off its
utility-related debt and pays to exit
all of its long-term power supply and
co-op membership contracts, the tax-
payers would be left with roughly $30
million in cash which could be used to
pay down the city’s nearly $40 million
in employee pension liabilities, used
for other priorities, or invested with
the interest used to offset some of the
$5.6 million the city now siphons off
its electric utility customers annually
to subsidize its general fund.

“It will relieve the city of all of its
obligations, its power contracts, once
and for all and forever,” Brunjes said.

Brunjes brought an FPL team with
her, including an attorney and an en-
gineer, to explain the latest develop-
ments in the deal, including the fact
that FPL would build a state-of-the-art
substation on the southwest two acres
of what’s known as the old postal annex
property on the southwest corner of
17th Street and Indian River Boulevard,
and that the substation would be com-
plete probably around October 2019.

FPL officials said the new substa-
tion would increase reliability of Vero’s
power system in the event of a storm,
and that it would employ multiple re-
dundancies to avoid power outages.
The substation would go on the prop-
erty tax rolls, generating annual in-
come for the city.

Vero and FPL had planned to keep
the substation on the northern part
of the riverfront power plant prop-
erty and to move critical switching
equipment into the substation perim-
eter, a project that would have cast a
shadow on whatever the city decides
to build on the power plant property.
O’Connor said the effort to dismantle
the power plant has ceased until the
switching equipment can be moved to
the new FPL substation.

The day after the city council meet-
ing, Brunjes spoke to a friendly crowd
at the Indian River Taxpayers Associa-
tion luncheon, saying, “We are very,
very close to making this sale happen.
We have made significant progress,
more so than ever before.” 


12 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Rolling classroom educates by ‘replicating’ dementia

BY MARY SCHENKEL PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE 1 is; the anxiety is there.”
One of the most important aspects
Staff Writer 23
of the program is talking to people af-
The numbers are alarming. Accord- 1. Alzheimer-Parkinson Association of Indian River County’s rolling classroom. terward about the experience.
ing to Peggy Cunningham, executive 2. Diana Walker of CenterState Bank with Peggy Cunningham.
director of the Alzheimer and Par- “Everybody has their own story; it's
kinson Association of Indian River 3. Peggy Cunningham prepares Delana Rollins from Ryan Weaver Insurance for the dementia simulation. highly expected that people will cry
County, statistics given them by the after it. All these emotions come tum-
national Alzheimer’s Association in- ing able to take this out to businesses their seven minutes are up because bling out, which is also a good result,
dicate that in this county alone, an is to take away the stigma. If people they’ll say, ‘I can’t stand it.’ ‘I can’t because then we can say, OK now let’s
estimated 6,000 people are touched are afraid of this then they won't come remember.’ ‘It’s so frustrating.’ Or talk about what to do,” says Cunning-
by dementia; a number due to double looking for help. We want people to be they think that they've done it all but ham. Afterward, participants have a
by 2030. educated about dementia, because they’ve only done part of it. Some of better sense of what people with de-
once you know about it and it's not so the tasks are double but very simple; mentia are dealing with and are more
“We also know from their statistics scary, that stigma will drop away and find something and do something receptive to learning how best to com-
that 80 percent of people with demen- people will come for help earlier.” with it,” says Cunningham, adding municate.
tia are cared for by informal caregiv- most can only do three tasks or parts
ers; unpaid family and friends,” says During the tour, to simulate di- of all five. “And this is the important part,
Cunningham. “They're not the ones minished physical and sensory skills, because the training of how you ap-
in memory care units. They are the participants don headphones that Despite having taken the tour mul- proach someone with dementia is
ones in the community; they’re going play continual, disorienting noises; tiple times herself, when she and Erin so simple. It's just not starting with
to churches, they’re going to the gro- goggles that impair central and pe- Montegut, director of programs, went your reality; it's getting into their re-
cery store, some of them are driving.” ripheral vision; uncomfortable shoe to Orlando for their yearly facilitator ality. That’s one of the first strate-
inserts that mimic the pain of neu- retraining, she had difficulty remem- gies,” she explains. “So if someone
To prepare for the growing demand, ropathy and gloves that replicate ar- bering her tasks. “So I began shadow- walks into the bank and you’re seeing
the APIRC is working toward mak- thritis and weaken the sense of touch. ing Erin, but she didn’t know what she those signs, your job isn’t necessar-
ing Indian River County a dementia- After garbing up, they are given seven was supposed to do either. That's one ily to bring them to reality. The goal
friendly community. minutes to complete five simple tasks; of the things you see; people with de- changes when you're with someone
quickly discovering that the distrac- mentia shadow you. We have people with dementia. Your goal is, what's
“If the whole community can un- tions cloud their cognitive abilities. who come in and say, ‘I can’t even go going to make this moment positive
derstand how to embrace those folks to the bathroom by myself; he’s always right now.”
with dementia and their caregivers “It's the brain not getting informa- there.’ That’s because he’s constantly,
and be able to help support them, tion. So you get the effects of anxiety, constantly trying to figure things out. Cunningham says the best ap-
then the quality of life for everybody frustration, knowing you're supposed He knows he’s supposed to be doing proach is to smile and provide reas-
is going to get better.” to do something and feeling bad be- something but can't remember what it surance with friendly, helpful kind-
cause you can't. They’ll stop before ness; emphasizing that you can help
One tool in their arsenal is the Vir- them but without taking away their
tual Dementia Tour, designed to mim- sense of control.
ic the effects of memory disorders in
aging patients by disorienting the “If you are taking care of your hus-
participants’ senses of sight, sound band and he has dementia, don’t keep
and touch. They have been licensed to saying, ‘I just told you that; don’t you
conduct the tour for the past few years remember that?’ You say, OK and you
and now, thanks to a $100,000 grant let it roll off your back,” Cunningham
from the generous ladies of Impact suggests. “You keep everything very
100 to fund their Dementia Friendly fun-loving because that’s what they
Community Initiative, they will be thrive on. That’s what we set up in
taking it, along with some of their oth- this social respite program we have.
er programs, on the road. It’s fun loving and it’s shallow and
conversations go like Alice’s tea party.
“We've always been impressed by But that’s OK.”
the impact that it has on people,” says
Cunningham of the tour, which they Equally important, family members
have primarily been offering at their should be informed that the local Al-
Memory and Motion facility near Mir- zheimer and Parkinson Assoc. has nu-
acle Mile. The grant enabled them to merous programs and services they
purchase a 27-foot Coachman Pursuit can take advantage of, such as Project
RV and hire a part-time outreach co-
ordinator, creating a rolling classroom Lifesaver, which helps locate indi-
that can be taken right to the doorsteps viduals who wander off, social respite
of restaurants, shops, churches, busi- at three locations, movement, art and
nesses, medical offices, civic groups dance programs, caregiver support
or neighborhoods. Boston Barricade and educational seminars.
assisted with colorful graphics and
signage; making the RV highly visible A more extensive memory screen-
on its travels about town. ing test than those given in doctors’
offices is another service they offer
“If we can start those awareness and with the rolling classroom they
conversations where they feel com- will be able to process even more peo-
fortable, it starts the connections with ple.
families that we're here when they
need us. The other advantage to be- “Those are key; everybody over the
age of 50 should be having a memory


14 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


screening to get a baseline,” she families so that the quality of life cident and employees knew what to zheimer’s Association, relying solely on
says. And if there are concerns later is better along the way,” says Cun- do because they had gone through the donations, grants and fundraisers, such
on, people can retake the test to see ningham. program. It's going to be fun to see a as its Walk to Remember, scheduled this
where the changes, if any, might be. year from now what kind of effect we've year for Nov. 17 at Riverside Park.
Sharing a positive outcome from made.”
“We can't do anything about the a recent Virtual Dementia Tour For information or to schedule train-
course of the disease; it's a pro- Cunningham says, “We did this The local organization receives no ing call 772-563-0505 or visit memory-
gressive disease. But we can help in a business and they had an in- monetary support from the state Al- 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 15


‘Feed the Lambs’ camp nourishes kids’ minds and souls

struggling families. “I noticed the kids didn’t have any-
“That’s when I knew that I wanted thing to do. They were just out there
doing nothing,” May recalled. “If the
to help children,” said May, who ran Lord hadn’t delivered me from drugs,
Lundy’s Feed the Lambs Summer I don’t know where I’d be right now.
Camp for about two years before tak- And that’s where some of those kids
ing a full-time job with the Health were headed if they didn’t get some
Department. direction in their life.”

The need for summer enrichment According to the most recent
activities for low-income children United Way of Florida ALICE (Asset
was reinforced through his HIV Pre-
vention work in the field. CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

Oslo Middle School Principal Beth Hofer with John and Kenya May. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Tavariyah, Snahira, tutor Tammy Demps, Natalie and Alton.

Annabel and Sylia with tutor Lisa Daugherty. Lynn Timm, Sandra Robinson and Jenna Taylor.

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF of the faith-based nonprofit Feed the
Staff Writer Lambs, knows full well the trouble
youngsters can get into when left to
Summer vacation is over and for their own devices. When May moved
many children that meant family va- to Vero Beach in 1995, he wound up
cations, trips to the waterpark and in jail after abusing drugs and alco-
summer camp; a time for running hol.
through sprinklers, building sand
castles at the beach and quickly eat- “While I was in there I did some
ing ice cream cones before they melt- thinking and asked the Lord to take
ed. And even when special activities that desire out of me,” shared May.
weren’t on the agenda, moms were at To fulfill his community service re-
home to keep an eye on everyone. quirements he went to work at Our
Father’s Table, a local soup kitchen.
But for families living from pay- There he worked under the supervi-
check to paycheck, this idyllic ver- sion of the late J. Ralph Lundy, who
sion of summer is nothing more than had also begun a free summer en-
a fantasy. John May, board president richment program for the children of

16 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Limited, Income Constrained, Em- Students play a math game with the multiplication ball. Tasianna and Ziahy.
ployed) report, more than 40 percent
of Indian River County households ter for Education in Gifford and hope rigor, technology and kindness at as the children move from one grade
earn less than the county’s basic cost to eventually include home health Oslo Middle.’ With this partnership, to the next.”
of living. With parents often work- and cosmetology. we are modeling what we are asking
ing multiple jobs just to make ends the students to do,” said Hofer. “This is a program that helps un-
meet, their children have nowhere to Beth Hofer, principal of Oslo Mid- derprivileged kids,” added Kenya
go when school lets out for 12 weeks dle School, the only Title I second- “Having Feed the Lambs here, May, Feed the Lambs’ program coor-
over the summer. ary school in the county, said she where the kids can build relation- dinator. “Parents can’t afford to pay
was thrilled to partner with Feed the ships with community members, for camp when they have four or five
With Lundy’s blessing, May rein- Lambs. have extra time for learning and kids. Feed the Lambs is a nonprofit
stated Feed the Lambs in 2002, be- have people who are caring that can and it’s free to come here. The kids
ginning with roughly 15 children, “Our motto is ‘We believe in BLUE: understand their individuality, just have fun, and they learn about God
and soon added year-round after- B building relationships; L learning- sets the opportunity up for further and Jesus.”
school tutoring and mentoring. centered; U understanding each oth- achievement. We see learning gains
er’s needs; and E excelling through Campers started the day with
While the program originated in
the Gifford community and then
operated for several years out of the
United Against Poverty (then Harvest
Food and Outreach) facility in down-
town Vero Beach, three years ago they
moved it to the South County area.

“There was such a need in this area
of town and those needs were going
unmet,” May explained. “We still
aren’t able to serve all the children
that could use our help.”

Seventy children enrolled in the
summer camp and about 35 students
attend tutoring and mentoring pro-
grams during the school year. The
programs are geared toward students
ages 6 to 14. To help reach older stu-
dents, they provide an Electric Train-
ing Workshop at the Alternative Cen-

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 17


Levi, Brighton and Aidan. Tremisha, Kamaya and Mia. she has made some great friends.
“These kids need to know the three
breakfast and a morning fitness pro- fun before lunch; playing games to Feed the Lambs. “My daughter has
gram, and later worked on reading burn off their youthful energy. Once five children and she’s a single par- Rs – Respect, Responsibility and Rules,”
and math skills through one-on-one a week they headed out on an adven- ent. She lives in low-income housing explained May. To help stress the im-
and group instruction. Groups were ture, such as visiting the pool, the li- and can’t afford for the kids to go to portance of making smart choices,
scattered around the gymnasium, brary, nursing homes and even pick- summer programs. This program is a May has elicited support from the In-
with one group maybe drawing pic- ing peas at the Shining Light Garden. blessing. I don’t know what she would dian River County Sheriff’s Office and
tures about a book they are reading, The summer session ended with a do if the kids couldn’t come here.” the Probation Office, among others.
another playing Multiplication Ball special trip; this year a visit to LEGO-
and yet another concentrating on LAND. Jaimyah, 13, and Harmony, 11, said Lisa Archer, Feed the Lambs’ vice
guided reading activities. the camp is fun and agree that with- president, said she can attest to the
Ann Demps, who has seven grand- out it, they would be bored at home difference mentoring programs can
After completing their academics children ranging in ages from 6 to 13 with nothing to do. In addition to all make, explaining, “I grew up in ex-
for the day, it was time for outdoor participating, said she is grateful for the great activities, Harmony said treme poverty and attended a simi-
lar program through the Salvation
Army. Without them, I would have
struggled. They taught me that there
was more to life than what I was liv-
ing and that I could be anything I
wanted to be.”

Feed the Lambs relies on volun-
teer support from individuals and
nonprofits such as Big Brothers Big
Sisters and Epic Missions, as well as
financial support from communities
such as John’s Island and Grand Har-
bor, but additional volunteers, fund-
ing and supplies are always needed.

The students have raised funds
through car washes and fish fries,
and on Oct. 22 Feed the Lambs will
host a gospel concert at the First Pres-
byterian Church.

For more information, visit 

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18 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz gets to know Noah, who’s sleek and styled

Hi Dog Buddies! their Next Dog. Noah, Italian Grey-Waa-Waa. “I have my own bed, too. I
“Later, they visited the humane you’re share it with Mommy and Dad-
Noah Weinstein is one of those pooch- dy. Before I go to sleep, Daddy
eroos who always look like they’re about society in Stuart. There were a extra neat an well- takes me out to Do My Doodie.
to step into the ring at Westminster, buncha of pups all spiffy and cute, Then, I zoom back, jump in bed
know what I mean? Every super shiny in a row along one hallway. In an- groomed. What’s your secret?” an burrow under the covers, to get
hair in place, ears in Alert/Payin’ At- other hallway was me, by myself, the Best Spot.
tention mode. An that bouncy “Yes, just sitting’ there in my crate. I’m “Thanks, Mr. B. I guess it’s mostly good “I’ve learned lotsa stuff, too, Mr.
it’s ME!!” strut. But he’s real frenly, too, not sure why, maybe cuz I’m Su- B. I can jump through HOOPS;
not like he thinks he’s All That an a Bag per Barky, as you noticed. Any- DogNA. Plus, I love baths. Even though, an do Mighty Leaps to catch toys
of Pupperoni. He’s something I never way, Mr. B., it was One Of Those Mommy throws; an sit patiently an
heard of: an Italian Grey-Waa-Waa. It’s Moments, ya know? Mommy when I’m wet, I look totally goofy. But I Wait-Wait-Wait, till Mommy says
part chihuahua and part Italian Grey- always hoped for a liddle dog, ‘OK’ before I eat a treat that’s right
hound, and he sure got the right parts: like a chihuahua. But Daddy fluff back up real good. there on the floor in front of me; an
a liddle bigger than a total chihuahua, really wanted more of a Whip- say ‘I love you’ in Human. Akshully,
long greyhound legs, sleek body and that pet or Italian Greyhound. And “By the way, Mr. B., you should check I’m still workin’ on that. So far it’s
long sniffer – very arrow-di-namic. There I Was, a MIX of those like, ‘Ahee-woooooov-rooooooo;’ I
EXACT BREEDS. Plus, I look out my website, just Google Suzard Gal- also know how to meow; an …”
He was right there to greet us at the a lot like Tara. When I got let out to say “Wait! What? You meow? Like a ... a
door: LOTS of barkin’, Wag-and-Sniff, hello I jumped right up on Mommy and lery. See, Daddy’s a really good ard-ist, cat? No Woof?”
then intros. Daddy and started givin’ ’em kisses. “No Woof, Mr. B! I think that’s impor-
and he drew a buncha of pikshurs of tant, since this IS the 21st century, post-
“It’s a pleasure to meet you in the fur, “They wanted to take me home right species era, don’t you?”
Mr. B. This is my Mommy, Susan, and then an there, but I hadda be checked out me in my crate, which him an Mommy “Absolutely!”
my Daddy, Howard. Please make your- first. So, they hadda wait till the next day. “Do you wanna hear my doglosophy?”
selves comf-tubble. Would you care for a Well, next morning, Mommy and Daddy call – are you ready for this – Noah’s Ark! Noah asked.
snack? Some water, perhaps?” were waitin’ at the door, at 5:30 a.m. (It “Absolutely.”
opened at 8.) They wanted to Be Sure!” Totally Cool Dog Biscuits! An there’s a “Two Things: Always Act Like You
He pointed toward a table with lotsa Have A Purpose; and Be A Best Friend.”
duh-licious lookin’ stuff. (Well, it WAS “That is so cool,” I said. section all about ME, with phodos of me “I like that, Noah. A lot. Thanks for
almost Snack Time.) There were these “I KNOW! I was just a pupster then. I’m sharing.”
liddle wrinkly things all in a row on a 10 now. Since my early years are a MISS- learning Basic Dog Stuff. I don’t need my Heading home, I was thinking about
plate. Noah called ’em figs. I nodded like try, I dunno why I was real nervous at my Noah’s doglosophy, an promised myself
I knew what a fig was, but I’ll Google ’em new home at first. Maybe cuz I thought crate anymore, so now my Noah’s Ark is to be a Better Best Friend to My Mom.
later. Me an my assistant agreed every- it’d all just disappear. But it DIDN’T. An, my Purpose could be to find out
thing was doglicious. Mommy an Daddy were so nice. And they the CAR. Come look.” what a fig is.
gave me zillions of toys. I’d never even
“I’m eager to hear your story,” I told had ONE before, an I was so excited.” “We went out to the garage and Noah’s Till next time,
him, pencil poised. “Any special pals?”
“Sure. Mommy’s cousin Wendy has Mom opened the back of the car. There The Bonz
Noah curled up gracefully on his a cat, Stormy, who’s pretty cool. Then,
chair. “Mommy and Daddy had a wun- there’s Samson and Delilah, they live was a very large space covered with Don’t Be Shy
nerful Whippet named Tara. She went nearby. They’re real nice. Kinda slow
to Dog Heaven when she was 11, an that walkin’, like they wanna be sure they fluffy quilts, two comftubble-looking We are always looking for pets
very same day Mommy an Daddy saw don’t step in anything ukky.” with interesting stories.
four rainbows, which made ’em feel not “These are POOches?” pillows; special food and water dishes
so sad, cuz they knew Tara was all happy, “Ackshully, they’re Sand Hill Cranes. To set up an interview, email
an also that maybe there was another They have red heads and they’re super and some toys.” [email protected].
pooch somewhere who was ’pose to be long-leggedy. Oh, an the squirrels. I just
bark at them. A LOT! They’re sorta nuts.” “Bow-WOW!” I exclaimed.
“Good one!” I commented. “I noticed
Back inside, Noah continued. “When

Daddy’s doin’ his art, I sit beside him an

provide Inspiration. I guess I’m sorta a

Daddy’s Boy. But when we’re watchin’

TV, I sit partly on Mommy’s lap, and

partly on Daddy’s.


20 Vero Beach 32963 /August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Well ‘Met’: Vero Opera lineup is teeming with talent

BY MICHELLE GENZ Russell Franks her friend, that she bought a condo spring she appeared as Marianne in the
on North Hutchinson Island in the Met’s “Der Rosenkavalier.”
Staff Writer Schaunard in “La Bohème.” He’ll sing early 2000s. When she sold it in 2013, it
that role again at the Met just weeks was because with constant travel, she No star shines brighter in Vero than
How much talent from the Met- after his Vero concert. couldn’t come as often as she liked. that of Deborah Voigt, whose neigh-
ropolitan Opera can squeeze into a “The homeless diva,” she dubbed her- bor-over-the-back-fence approach-
single season of one small-town com- This marks Redmon’s first perfor- self, in a 32963 interview. ability makes her post-concert galas
pany? That riddle will be a pleasure to mance in Vero, confirmed only last seem more like homecomings. Recently
unravel as Vero Beach Opera reels in Thursday to the glee of Vero Beach Op- Since then, her career as a dramatic anointed artistic advisor to the lo-
the Met-vetted artists for a stellar 2017- era’s top brass, Joan and Roman Orte- soprano has taken her from regular Eu- cal opera, Voigt has run her charitable
18 schedule. ga-Cowan. Her appearance is certain ropean appearances back to the Met, foundation through Vero Beach Opera
to draw a clamor for more, especially where in April 2016 she took on the role since it was formed. Two years ago, she
Topping the list is legendary Wag- now that she is living in Miami, just a in which she made her 1992 Met debut, decided to hold a vocal competition,
nerian soprano Deborah Voigt staging couple of hours away. as the Overseer and Klytemnestra’s smaller and shorter than Giordani’s
a full concert along with her second Confidante in Strauss’ “Elektra.” This week-long contests, and with her signa-
international vocal competition in Like Voigt, Susan Neves has a long ture thoughtfulness. “When we did the
March. Another Met singer known for relationship with Vero Beach Opera. It inaugural competition, she was very
her stirring Verdian voice, Susan Neves, was at the recommendation of Voigt, much aware of the expense that young
will perform in an all-Verdi concert in artists incur in competing, so she does
early February. Neves will share the not require an application fee,” says
stage with two more Met voices: the Joan Ortega-Cowan, long-time presi-
highly accomplished Robynne Redmon dent of Vero Beach Opera. “She also
and David Pershall, familiar to Vero au- insists that we find homestays for all of
diences for his big win at a vocal com- the young artists so they won’t have ho-
petition here in 2013. tel expenses.”

Redmon is a veteran of countless Voigt herself winnows the list of com-
performances over 25 years includ- petitors to around 30; Giordani typi-
ing at the Met, Lyric Opera of Chicago, cally has 80 or more. The famed Italian
New York City Opera and Teatra alla tenor has hosted three competitions in
Scala. Four years ago, she joined the Vero, the last in 2015. This past April, he
University of Miami’s acclaimed Frost held the competition in Charlotte, N.C.
School of Music as assistant professor.
Voigt has also taken part in a grand
Pershall, who has a master’s in mu- experiment to make opera accessible
sic and an artist diploma from Yale to the binge-watching masses. She
School of Music, made his Met de- appeared as the Swedish queen in
but in 2015 as Figaro in “The Barber composer Lisa Bielawa’s 12-episode,
of Seville.” That was two years after made-for-TV opera, “Vireo: A Spiri-
winning the $10,000 first prize in the tual Biography of a Witch’s Accuser.”
Marcello Giordani Foundation vocal She is in episode 11 – for those who
competition in Vero Beach. In 2016, want to fast forward.
Pershall sang in two Met operas, as
Lord Cecil in “Maria Stuarda,” and as For worldwide fans of the Met Live

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 17, 2017 21


in HD simulcasts, screened at Vero’s Henegar launches ‘Jazz Legends Series’
Majestic Theatre among several in
the area, Voigt’s introductory inter- BY PAM HARBAUGH Day” and “Sophisticated Lady.” A pianist, Per Danielsson is a jazz pro-
views from the wings have become The deep, smoky-voiced Sarah fessor at the University of Central Flor-
one more signature performance in Correspondent ida. His wife, Tammy, plays saxophone
her repertoire. Vaughan was best known for hits in- and flute and won best saxophone
The deep, sultry and melodic tones of cluding “Misty,” “The Shadow of Your player at the Montreux Jazz Festival in
Those sublime productions, which iconic American jazz artists will come Smile” and “My Funny Valentine.” Of- Switzerland where she performed with
begin Oct 7 with Bellini’s “Norma,” alive in the “Jazz Legends Series,” a ten called “The Divine One,” Vaughan the legendary Dizzy Gillespie. The two
are a welcome supplement to Vero new program launching Saturday at the won multiple awards, including the perform in jazz clubs around the world.
Beach Opera’s own stagings. Those Henegar Center in Melbourne. NEA’s Jazz Master Award.
productions take place in the Vero Also performing Saturday will be
Beach High School Performing Arts The downbeat begins when the so- In addition to the Lady Day Quintet, Winston Scott, the well-known Space
Center. This year, the hometown op- called Lady Day Quintet takes the stage Saturday’s concert will feature Orlando
era is producing “Madama Butterfly,” to revisit some of the soul-stirring Billie jazz artists Per and Tammy Danielsson. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22
with a cast of international singers, Holiday music performed in the Hen-
many of whom have approached the egar’s production of “Lady Day at Emer- SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
Vero opera for the chance to perform. son’s Bar and Grill.” COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
“We’ve developed something of a rep-
utation,” says Roman Ortega-Cowan, Full disclosure: This writer directed THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
the company’s artistic director. the show. Bias or no, the sell-out audi- VERO BEACH, FL
ences were testament to the extraordi- 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
Vero Beach Opera’s stage director, nary talent of the cast.
Russell Franks, is currently at work on
the sets for the show, crafting them Performers include the remarkable
inside a retired gym on the campus of jazz vocalist Kristen Warren, whose
Stetson University in Deland. An ac- stunning portrayal of Holiday held au-
complished baritone himself, Franks diences captive throughout the three-
teaches voice and is the director of Stet- week run earlier this year. She will be
son’s well-regarded opera theater pro- joined by the gifted jazz pianist Jarred
gram. He has directed productions for Armstrong, who led the small combo in
Vero Beach Opera since 2011. the show and simultaneously engaged
with Holliday in character. Also on
“Madama Butterfly” will feature an stage will be brothers Ashton Gould on
orchestra conducted by Caren Levine. percussion and Ethan Bailey Gould on
She too is on the Met roster as an as- guitar. Joining them will be bass player
sistant conductor. Levine, who has Greg Zabel.
two Grammy awards for Met record-
ings, was pianist for Vero Beach Opera’s “If you have an opportunity to see
March concert of the Spanish music them perform together, you need to see
known as Zarzuela. She graduated from it because they are so good,” said Leslie
the Peabody Conservatory at Johns McGinty. “The show was phenomenal,
Hopkins University and has a master’s the musicians and Kristen were phe-
degree from Juilliard. nomenal. They’re crazy good.”

Starring as Butterfly is Maria An- The earlier Henegar show “Lady
tunez. Martin Nusspaumer plays Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill” is
Pinkerton and Sidney Outlaw is not a musical; rather, it is a play with
Sharpless, the U.S. Consul in Saigon. music. Written by Lanie Robertson,
Baritone Outlaw is only seven years it chronicles Holiday’s rise from liv-
into his career and has already earned ing in a house of prostitution to being
a mention in the New York Times as “a celebrated the world over for her soul-
terrific singer” with a “rich, deep tim- ful, emotional stylings of songs such
bre.” He has a master’s in vocal perfor- as “Crazy He Calls Me” and “What a
mance from Juilliard after graduating Little Moonlight Can Do.” The musi-
from UNC-Greensboro. He is from Bre- cal climax is “Strange Fruit,” one of
vard, North Carolina. Holiday’s most iconic songs and one
which was inspired by photograph of
Martin Nusspaumer and Maria An- a lynching in the racist South.
tunez are husband and wife, living
in Miami with their young daughter. In the jazz concert, the Lady Day
Nusspaumer, a tenor, has won praise Quintet will also perform songs by
from a half-dozen south Florida cultur- Carmen McRae, Ella Fitzgerald and
al arts critics. He and the Uruguay-born Sarah Vaughan.
soprano Antunez performed in Vero in
the Zarzuela concert. Influenced by Holiday, McRae sang
torch songs like “Old Devil Moon,” “My
For more on Vero Beach Opera’s up- Funny Valentine” and later “Heat Wave”
coming season and ticket information, with Cal Tjader.
go to
Ella Fitzgerald, called the “First Lady
Season tickets are also available for of Song,” received 13 Grammy Awards
the Met Live in HD series, which are often and a Kennedy Center for the Perform-
sell-outs at Vero’s Majestic theater. Go to ing Arts Medal of Honor Award plus many, many more. She sang with Louis
to search for other theaters, and to read Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Holi-
more about the coming season.  day. Some of her best-known works in-
clude “A-Tisket, A-Tasket,” “Night and

22 Vero Beach 32963 /August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Shuttle astronaut who also plays jazz Kristen Warren and Ethan Bailey Gould. “Every performance was sold out,”
trumpet and flugelhorn. he said. “The Henegar added another
personal” with a jazz great. calist who also plays virtuoso guitar, performance and that was sold out.
And this is just the opening of the Now he wants to do the same thing for will give an overview of the evolution in They went to Heidi’s Jazz Club to
five-part series. American jazz guitar. A resident of Win- perform and that show was sold out
others – to bring them up close and per- ter Park, Cortez’s performance will take there. So this is really a demonstra-
“It’s going to be quite an evening,” sonal with great jazz music performed the form of a musical narrative. tion that Billie Holiday is popular de-
said Cliff Bragdon, board president for by terrific local jazz artists. cades later.”
the Henegar and the brain behind the As a perfect warmup to Valentine’s
series. “Jazz has been in my blood,” he Day, on Feb. 11 the series will take a look Ending the series with a big band
said. “The idea of doing this also at great jazz singers with vocalist Lisa concert is an apt bookend since it fea-
The retired vice president and dean came from Brian Gatchell, who is on Addeo. She began her career at Radio tures performances by young jazz mu-
from Florida Tech, Bragdon was a jazz our board and is also president of the City Music Hall in New York City. sicians who are picking up the histori-
enthusiast since he was a kid growing Atlantic Music Center.” cal importance of jazz, Bragdon said.
up in St. Louis, Missouri. He could play And on May 14, a Big Band concert
bongos and the conga drum, and had This is just the first in a series of will star the nationally-recognized jazz And that, he said, is because of the
dreams of becoming a jazz musician. concerts. Sept. 17, Ron Teixeira, an bands from Melbourne High School, area’s high school music directors.
He and a fellow jazz musician would accomplished pianist, will perform; Satellite Beach High School and Eau
sneak into inner-city clubs late at night he’s been a regular Heidi’s Jazz Club Gallie High School. Each school will “There are at least seven high
to hear greats like Count Basie and in Cocoa Beach for 17 years. A gradu- play arrangements by one of three great schools in Brevard County with jazz
Duke Ellington. ate of the renowned Berklee College band leaders – Count Basie, Duke El- bands,” he said. “They each have up to
of Music in Boston, Teixeira will per- lington and Stan Kenton. 30 people and they practice every day.”
One time, they headed to Chicago for form on the Hammond B-3 organ.
the Playboy Jazz Festival. While stand- He’ll also be cutting a recording from Bragdon wanted to kick off the se- The added benefit of having a Jazz
ing in line to check in at the hotel, he no- that evening’s concert. ries with the Lady Day musicians be- Legends Series is that it creates an-
ticed a tall man striding across the lob- cause it was so well received. other facet to the Henegar Center,
by. Feeling a special presence, Bragdon Then, on Nov. 3, Chris Cortez, a vo- Bragdon said.
asked the man his name. Dave Brubeck,
he replied. “I call it the ‘epicenter for the arts,’”
he said. “Not only theater and dance,
Bragdon eventually became a city but also movies. And now, jazz.”
planner, architect and engineer, and
the author of 10 books. That list of ac- The first in the Jazz Legends Series
complishments may have been enough begins 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Hen-
to replace his dreams of being a jazz egar Center, 625 E. New Haven Ave.,
musician, but Bragdon has always re- Melbourne. Tickets are $20 general
membered that moment of meeting the and $15 students. There is also a $3
iconic Brubeck, a legendary jazz pianist handling fee per ticket. Call 321-723-
and composer. It was his “up close and 8698 or visit 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 17, 2017 23


Coming Up: Modernized ‘Merry Widow’ at Vero High

BY SAMANTHA BAITA been making music for two decades, 12 tunes; and Saturday, “Soul Jam” brings Lessard entertains. With a keen sense
Staff Writer years as a dueling pianist. He’s traveled their jam-rock sound. of what his audience wants, Lessard
the country, playing in venues rang- plays his guitar and sings, with a rep-
ing from night clubs to churches, and 3 Virtually any Saturday night can ertoire that includes hits, from classics
currently plays at Walt Disney World be enhanced with some live mu- to current. Saturday night’s tunes will
Resort. As always, there’s no set play be provided by Panama, a fun-loving
list – you get to decide. Outside, you’ll sic, a little bit of breeze off the water, party band from the middle of the
always find it hoppin’, with food, bever- state, bringing new and classic rock
ages and wall-to-wall (tree-to-tree) live your feet in the sand and, if you’re so faves, funk, disco and, they tell us, “so
music: Friday night it’ll be “The Copper much more.” Yep, Capt. Hiram’s also
Tones,” playing a variety of classic rock inclined, something with rum in it. has food. 

The Sandbar at Capt. Hiram’s, right on

the river in Sebastian, fills the bill. Sat-

urday afternoon at 3:30 p.m., Frankie

1 Franz Lehar’s much beloved, ever-
green operetta “The Merry Widow”

waltzes into the Vero Beach High School

Performing Arts Center this Sunday, up-

dated for the 21st century, but still spar-

kling with its original, delightful mix of

farce, romance and that always popular

ingredient – jealousy. Presented by the

Space Coast Symphony Pit Orchestra in

collaboration with Light Opera Orlando,

today’s Merry Widow takes place in the

Silicon Valley of 2005. Possessed of great

charm and the considerable wealth in-

herited from her husband, Hanna finds

herself pursued by all sorts of interesting

individuals, most with dollar signs in

their eyes. Hanna, however, only wants

Daniel, a former suitor and current,

firmly dedicated playboy. Throughout

the tale, Lehar’s unforgettable score is

light and wonderful. Curtain is at 3 p.m.

General admission is $20; those 18 and

under or with a student ID are admitted

free of charge.

2 It doesn’t
have to

be a full moon,

any phase will

do, for the next

John Kenney. music-centric
Howl at the

Moon opportu-

nity, on its way this Friday and Satur-

day at what has become a real weekend

hotspot: Riverside Theatre. Who knew?

This weekend’s Riverside’s Summer

Nights schedule includes Howl at the

Moon’s Dueling Piano shows inside, on

the Waxlax stage (complete with dance

floor and cabaret style seating), at 7:30

p.m. and 9:30 p.m.; and outside, Live

in the Loop, 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., where

a popular area band and lots of really

good foodstuffs and beverages will

keep you musically and gastronomical-

ly happy. This weekend’s piano combat-

ants are Miami native Ken Gustafson,

who started playing accordion at the

tender age of 5. He toured Europe with

the renowned American Boys Choir

and started tickling the ivories pro-

fessionally at only 15. He’s performed

with such big names as Shakira, Ben E

King, Sam and Dave, and Connie Fran-

cis; Orlando resident John Kenney has

fl hosp/fl cancer


26 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Opioid ‘madness,’ not legal reefer, poses bigger threat

BY TOM LLOYD Dr Harish Sadhwani.
Staff Writer
“Reefer Madness,” “The Assassin of
Youth,” “The Devil’s Weed” and “The
Terrible Truth” were all faux docu-
mentary films made from the mid-
1930s through the 1950s. They were
often force-fed to students in high
school classrooms across the country.

The common thread through all of
them was that using marijuana would
inevitably lead to hard drugs, deso-
lation, degradation and, inevitably,

Today it has become clear that a
physician’s prescription pad can be
far more lethal than anything those
early movie-mogul-wannabes could
invent about marijuana.
Welcome to the opioid crisis of the
Dr. Harish Sadhwani of the Quality
Health Care & Wellness Institute in
Wabasso puts his view bluntly.
Prescription painkillers,” says Sad-
hwani, “are far more likely than mari-

THANK YOU, VERO! juana to lead to drug abuse.” from opioid overdoses. By 2015, ac-
You have given me over 25 years “When they were making [those] cording to the Washington Post, that
of wonderful memories as patients figure topped the 52,000 mark: an all-
and friends. On Sept. 28, I am marijuana madness movies,” Sadh- time record.
moving my practice to Blairsville, wani continues, “they were saying
Georgia, just below the area where marijuana will lead to heroin. Well, The New York Times, however, re-
North Carolina meets the Tennessee there’s no evidence to show that ever ported just last week that, once all the
border. Should you live in the tri- happened to anybody.” statistics are in, overdose deaths for
state area, i would be delighted to 2016 will exceed 60,000.
bring your patient records along for More to the point, according to Sad-
continued care. hwani, as a country “we are over-uti- “Deaths from prescription drug
My colleague, Katya Bailor, MD has lizing opioids.” Big time. And danger- overdoses,” says the Times, “rose
already begun to bring beauty and rejuvenation to many ously, too. sharply in the first nine months of
of you in the Treasure Coast. She and our staff will continue 2016,” and the National Center for
to welcome you to Vero Facial Cosmetic Surgery, 1255 Prescription opioids are responsible Health Statistics says that “overdose
37th Street in Vero Beach. Please phone for appointments for what is now officially the deadliest deaths reached a record of 19.9 per
or to obtain your patient records by calling 772-562-2400. drug overdose epidemic in U.S. his- 100,000 population in the third quar-
tory. ter” of 2016, as opposed to 16.7 per
I’M MOVING MY PRACTICE. 100,000 in 2015.
In 2002 the National Institutes
of Health estimated that just under Most indications are that those
11,000 people in this country died

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 27

The National Center HEALTH
for Health Statistics
says that “overdose fact, he says he’s seen too many cases that many patients do – from time to
deaths reached a of what’s called “Doctor Shopping” or time – need the kind of strong, effective
record of 19.9 per “Pill Prospecting” as people looking for pain relief opioids can offer. Yet he im-
100,000 population prescription opioids try to convince a mediately points to several other class-
in the third quarter” doctor they don’t know to write them a es of drugs outside the opioid category
of 2016, as opposed prescription. which he feels can provide that relief
to 16.7 per 100,000 with far fewer risks. He adds, “When
in 2015. Perhaps paradoxically – and perhaps someone is in genuine pain and it is pre-
not – Dina Fine Maron, a health and scribed, [opioids are] fine,” but he freely
numbers are continuing to climb. medicine editor at Scientific America, admits he monitors those patients’ use
Among the most commonly-abused writes, “States with [legal] medical of prescribed opioids very carefully.
marijuana have fewer opioid overdose-
prescription opioids are Oxycontin related deaths than states without med- Dr. Harish Sadhwani can be reached
or Oxycodone, Vicodin, Perocet and ical marijuana.” at the Quality Health Care & Wellness In-
Opana ER. stitute and its adjacent urgent care center
So much for marijuana being “The at 8701 U.S. Highway One in Wabasso.
Indeed, just this June the FDA took Devil’s Weed.” The phone number is 772-228-8480. 
the unprecedented step of requesting
drug maker Endo Pharmaceuticals Sadhwani, of course, is keenly aware
stop selling its Opana ER altogether
after an appointed panel of indepen-
dent scientists declared “the benefits
of this drug no longer outweigh its
risks,” according to National Public

All the above opioids, as well as hy-
drocodone, codeine, morphine and
fentanyl, can lead to very real physi-
cal dependence, uncontrollable crav-
ings and even the inability to function
without those drugs.

In other words, precisely the same
behaviors those “Reefer Madness”
movies of the 1930s and beyond as-
cribed to marijuana. But because pre-
scription opioids are manufactured
by a wide range of large, modern phar-
maceutical companies, many people
assume they are harmless.

They’re not.
Asked if he sees signs of opioid ad-
diction in Wabasso and Sebastian,
the normally calm and easy-going
Sadhwani almost bristles. “Oh, yes.
Absolutely I do. Absolutely, I do.” In

28 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


New drug may revolutionize
prostate cancer treatment

BY MARIA CANFIELD pared with standard therapy.” In addi-
tion, the study found that the addition
Correspondent of Zytiga to standard hormone ther-
apy reduced the incidence of severe
Recent research from a United bone complications (a major problem
Kingdom-funded clinical trial could in prostate cancer) by more than 50
change the standard of care for men percent. The risk factors for prostate
with prostate cancer. cancer include age (it rarely occurs in
men under 40 and about 60 percent of
Each year, more than 180,000 Amer- cases are in men over age 65); race (for
ican men are diagnosed with prostate reasons that are not understood, it is
cancer. Other than skin cancer, it is more common in African American
the most common cancer affecting men than in men of other races); and
men, occurring primarily in men aged a family history of the disease.
65 or older.
The following information is cour-
Currently, the preferred initial treat- tesy of the American Cancer Society:
ment for prostate is hormone therapy.
The clinical trial, called STAMPEDE,  Inherited mutations of the BRCA1
studied the results of adding a drug or BRCA2 genes raise the risk of breast
called abiraterone (brand name Zyt- and ovarian cancers in some families.
iga) to hormone therapy and found Mutations in these genes (especially
that, by doing so, it significantly in- in BRCA2) may also increase prostate
creased the three-year survival rate cancer risk in some men.
from 76 percent to 83 percent.
 Men with Lynch syndrome (also
Professor Nicholas James, from the known as hereditary non-polyposis
University of Birmingham in the UK, colorectal cancer, or HNPCC), a condi-
was the chief investigator of the trial. tion caused by inherited gene chang-
He says, “These are the most powerful es, have an increased risk for a number
results I’ve seen from a prostate can- of cancers, including prostate cancer.
cer trial – it’s a once-in-a-career feel-
ing. This is one of the biggest reduc- The American Cancer Society rec-
tions in death I’ve seen in any clinical ommends that men in the following
trial for adult cancers.” circumstances have a discussion with
their doctor about screening for pros-
Dr. Raul Storey, a medical oncolo- tate cancer:
gist affiliated with Sebastian River
Medical Center, agrees. “This is one of  At age 50 for men who are at av-
the most important trials in the histo- erage risk of prostate cancer and are
ry of treatment of prostate cancer, and expected to live at least 10 more years.
will definitely change the way we treat
high risk prostate cancer,” he says.  At age 45 for men at high risk of
developing prostate cancer. This in-
The trial involved nearly 2,000 men. cludes African Americans and men
The results were presented at the an- who have a first-degree relative (fa-
nual meeting of the American Society ther, brother, or son) diagnosed with
of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in June, prostate cancer at an early age (young-
and published in the New England er than age 65).
Journal of Medicine.
 At age 40 for men at even higher
Prostate cancer cells usually depend risk (those with more than one first-
on testosterone to grow. Standard hor- degree relative who had prostate can-
mone therapy – also called androgen cer at an early age).
deprivation therapy – blocks the ac-
tion of male sex hormones, halting the Testing consists of a prostate-spe-
disease. Zytiga, another form of hor- cific antigen (PSA) blood test, and
mone therapy, goes further and shuts (perhaps) a digital rectal exam.
down the production of the hormones
that fuel prostate cancer’s growth. In addition to hormone therapy,
treatment options for men with pros-
Zytiga, a tablet, is usually given tate cancer include active surveillance
to men with prostate cancer that (“watchful waiting”), surgery, radia-
has metastasized (spread) and has tion therapy, cryotherapy (the use of
stopped responding to standard to very cold temperatures to freeze and
hormone therapy, but the results from kill prostate cancer cells), chemother-
the STAMPEDE trial indicate its ben- apy, and vaccine treatment.
efit for men just beginning treatment.
Dr. Storey’s private practice is part
Dr. Storey notes, “Zytiga also low- of Florida Cancer Specialists, with
ered the chance of treatment failure – locations at 3730 7th Terrace Suite
measured by worsening symptoms or 101 in Vero Beach, 772-589 0879, and
poor test results – by 71 percent com- 13060 U.S. 1, Suite A, in Sebastian,
772-228 3381. 

30 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


It was March 2019. America and Koreans would conduct, likely to co- the start of the year that he would never. Responding to claims by Kim at
South Korea were conducting an an- incide with the climax of Foal Eagle, soon provide final proof that would the outset of what was to become his
nual large-scale military exercise, Foal might include a high-altitude nuclear convince the world to respect North troubled presidency that North Korea
Eagle, involving nearly 20,000 Ameri- explosion of the kind that America and Korea’s nuclear capability. If the North was in the final stages of developing
can troops and about 300,000 Korean the Soviet Union had conducted until really carried out such a test, the elec- an ICBM, he had declared on Twitter,
counterparts. The drill was taking 1962 to test their weapons. tromagnetic pulse it would cause could “It won’t happen!” In June 2017, a few
place against a backdrop of continuing take out satellites and damage power days before North Korea conducted its
missile tests by the North Koreans. Whereas other new nuclear states, stations on the ground. first ICBM test, Trump had stated that
such as Pakistan and India, had been the “era of strategic patience” with Kim
Over the previous two years, the re- content to carry out all their testing For Donald Trump, that would cross was over.
gime of Kim Jong Un had successfully underground, Kim had boasted since a red line. The moment was now or
test-launched several intercontinental Since then, America had tightened
ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The most re- sanctions against the North Korean re-
cent was another two-stage rocket that gime, including taking action against
analysts reckoned could reach any city Chinese and Russian firms trading
in America. It carried what appeared to with it and cutting off sources of fi-
be a credible re-entry vehicle to shield nance generated by Kim’s criminal
its nuclear warhead as it plummeted networks overseas. But with China
through the Earth’s atmosphere towards only willing to offer token help, it had
its target and from which decoys could proved too little and too late to slow the
be fired to bamboozle missile defenses. North’s rapid development of nuclear
A seventh nuclear test in January had
confirmed that the warhead carried by The president had thus far heeded
the missile would in time be a thermo- the warnings of his defense secretary,
nuclear one with the power to destroy Jim Mattis, and his national security
all life within an area with a three-mile adviser, H.R. McMaster. The risks of
radius. Some intelligence reports had taking military action were too great,
suggested that the next test the North they had argued.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 31


But Trump was no longer willing some way. According to the most op- in an operation similar to the shelling quired the means to hit the continental
to listen. Mattis was said to be on the timistic scenario, Kim might feel that of Yeonpyeong in 2010. He might also United States.
brink of resignation, partly because he he could get away with a gesture, such conclude that he could anyway stop
did not believe that Kim was about to as firing missiles at the outer islands, testing for now, as he had credibly ac- The operation appeared at first to
carry out an atmospheric test. McMas- succeed. There was little unintended
ter had been fired and replaced by John damage and not much indication
Bolton, a hawkish former ambassador whether the missile had been armed
to the U.N. Bolton had told the presi- (nuclear weapons are designed to re-
dent that a high-altitude test was im- sist accidental explosion – the warhead
minent. He had long argued for doing is encased in a sturdy re-entry vehicle
whatever it would take to bring about and detonation sequences have to be
regime change in North Korea. minutely timed).

Trump did not necessarily want to Despite the usual threats from Kim
go that far. China’s leader, Xi Jinping, to “wipe America off the face of the
had warned him that there would be Earth” and to turn Seoul into a “sea
“serious consequences” if such a step of fire”, nothing appeared to happen.
was being considered. It was not clear Trump’s poll ratings spiked and he
whether China would step in to help tweeted: “Fat Kim just got what he’s
North Korea as it had in the past (the been asking for. SAD!”
view in Washington was that it would
not). What was not in doubt was its But even as Trump was bragging
hostility to anything that might bring about the success of the strike, Kim
American forces north of the 38th par- was ordering elite units from his
allel and close to China’s border. 180,000-strong special operations force
to carry out a series of hit-and-run at-
South Korea’s president, Moon Jae- tacks on targets in the South. Some
in, had at first been strongly against would infiltrate by using a network of
any pre-emptive strike, as his country tunnels running beneath the demili-
would bear the brunt of any subse- tarized zone (DMZ); others would be
quent miscalculation by either side. inserted from the sea by mini-subma-
But after bullying from Washington, rines or flown in by ancient hedge-
he had reluctantly withdrawn his op- hopping An-2 biplanes that were hard
position. Trump felt very strongly that for modern radars to spot. Meanwhile,
he needed to show his supporters at North Korea’s navy had also begun lay-
home that he could still make tough ing mines in both the West and East
decisions. seas in an effort to disrupt trade. A se-
ries of cyber-attacks on South Korea’s
To that end, he had asked his mili- critical infrastructure also appeared to
tary advisers to come up with a plan be under way.
that would show he meant business;
powerful enough to make Kim think North Korea’s aim was to stop short
twice before hitting back, but not so of actions, such as releasing nerve gas
drastic as to trigger war. After all, Kim in the outskirts of Seoul, that would
would surely realize that to do so would prompt an all-out response from the
risk entering a cycle of escalation that Americans and their ally, but to do just
would lead inexorably to his defeat and enough to generate a sense of panic
the obliteration of his dynasty – the and uncertainty among South Korean
very thing his nuclear program had civilians. Kim’s advisers had told him
been designed to prevent. that their analysis, based on their con-
tacts in the South, was that this would
The preferred option would have generate huge pressure on the South
been to have shot down the missile Korean government to veto any further
in its boost or ascent phase with in- escalation that might lead to outright
terceptors fired from U.S. Navy de- war.
stroyers. But new SM3-Block2A inter-
ceptors, which might have been fast That turned out to be a grave mis-
enough to do the job, were not yet calculation. The allies could not be
ready for deployment. sure what Kim planned next, so they
had to prepare for the possibility that
The plan the Pentagon had there- sabotage attacks were a prelude to a
fore come up with was to fire a salvo major offensive. With that in mind, the
of cruise missiles from a submarine in evacuation of foreign nationals, mainly
the Sea of Japan, destroying the missile from Seoul, had begun. These included
on the ground. Much would depend some 150,000 American civilians, over
on getting prompt intelligence from 40,000 Japanese and up to 1 million
surveillance satellites and high-flying Chinese citizens. The evacuation was
drones to hit the launch site before the intended to send a strong message to
missile could be fired. Any subsequent the North that events were developing
tests, Kim would be told, would get the a momentum of their own.
same treatment. A belligerent response
by Kim would be met by an attack on American and South Korean com-
his nuclear and missile facilities. manders had recommended to their
governments that they should pre-
Trump was warned, however, that pare for the worst. The military exer-
although Kim was thought to be ra- cises already under way were intended
tional, he faced political problems of to practice OPLAN 5015, a classified
his own and would have to react in

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34 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


scheme drawn up in response to the there might be secret nuclear sites that sortie rate required to destroy North perhaps many more if they did not act
growing missile threat. were not on the target list. Add to that Korea’s air defenses and then hit all the fast. That meant putting OPLAN 5015
North Korea’s extraordinarily moun- other targets, including both the ones into action immediately and with it a
The drill, they advised, could rapidly tainous terrain and its tunneling skills, that were already identified and also warning directly from Trump to Kim
be turned into reality. Whereas previ- honed over the past 60 years, and there others that would emerge. Although it that, if he launched a missile believed
ous war plans had been premised on was a good chance that some nuclear might take a few weeks, it would signal to be carrying a nuclear warhead, he
the belief that a new conflict would be facilities would remain intact. In ad- to North Korea the seriousness of their could expect a swift and devastating
fought along similar lines to the first dition, missiles on mobile launchers intent and might persuade Kim not to nuclear response that would “remove
Korean war (with large units first de- could be hidden deep in caves. press ahead with a wider attack. him and his country from the map.”
ployed in defensive formations before
counter-attacking into the North), the Therefore, rather than press ahead Kim was aware that time was against The ferocity of the initial assault
new plan called for precision strikes with OPLAN 5015 immediately, Amer- him. At this stage, he too hoped to avoid stunned Kim. Large parts of his massive
and special forces acting behind en- ican commanders decided that they an all-out war, which beneath his usual but technologically crude military in-
emy lines. should bring at least another 500 tacti- bombast he knew he might lose. But frastructure started disappearing. Tank
cal aircraft into the theatre, both from the build-up of forces in the South, es- divisions he had ordered south were
The first requirement would be to carriers and from bases in America. pecially the rapidly increasing airpower sitting ducks in the narrow valleys they
suppress North Korea’s surprisingly They would be needed to maintain the that would soon allow his adversary to were forced to pass through. Any artil-
lethal integrated air-defense system, launch a pre-emptive attack against his lery that had been left in the open was
which fields, along with Soviet-era most important weapons, convinced being systematically destroyed by with-
surface-to-air missiles, the indige- him that he had to fire a powerful warn- eringly accurate counter-battery fire.
nously produced and highly capable ing shot of his own. Missile launchers supposedly hidden
KN-06. With that out of the way, mis- in caves were being pulverized by huge
siles, smart bombs and huge “bunker With over 14,000 artillery pieces, bunker-busting bombs. Twice Kim had
busters” would rain down on nuclear about 1,000 of them positioned in narrowly avoided being blown apart
sites, missile launchers and command caves and bunkers within range of himself, when bombs had hit command
posts while South Korean special forc- Seoul, he could do a lot of damage bunkers minutes after his departure.
es carried out “decapitation” raids to quickly. But unleashing the kind of
kill North Korea’s leaders. The idea was barrage that his regime had threatened Faced with the imminent destruc-
that by striking pre-emptively, any war in the past would take him rapidly past tion of his regime, Kim decided to go
would be both limited and short. the point of no return. He also had to down fighting. The artillery he had
decide how much of his long-range ar- held back began its bombardment
The problem was that the command- tillery force of 170mm guns and both of Seoul. A number of the shells and
ers could only be moderately sure that 240mm and 300mm multiple-rocket rockets had chemical warheads. Spe-
their plan would work. Apart from the launchers he was prepared to expose cial forces already in the South were
effort required to disable Kim’s air de- at this stage to counter-battery fire ordered to release poison gas in popu-
fenses, an almost complete dearth of from the South. He therefore opted for lated areas. Rumors rapidly spread of
reliable human intelligence meant that a limited salvo that would last under the use of biological weapons.
an hour before pulling back his artil-
lery to positions where it would be less Most fatefully, Kim, realizing that
vulnerable. his time would soon be up, had made
up his mind to launch what remained
His message to Trump was that this of his nuclear arsenal. He cared little
was just a taste of what South Korea about the consequences either for his
and its allies could expect if he con- enemies or his own long-suffering peo-
tinued with his aggressive war plans. ple.
It failed to have the effect that Kim was
hoping for. Despite hints that he might He lived just long enough to know
stop there, with several thousand ci- that neither of his two ICBMs had left
vilian and military casualties already its launch pad and three Musudan
sustained, American and South Korean intermediate-range missiles, aimed at
commanders had to take action in case Tokyo and the American base at Oki-
this was just the prelude to an all-out nawa, had been shot down by Patriot
artillery barrage. batteries in Japan before they could
reach their targets. The new THAAD
Based on attempts to model the ef- system and Patriot interceptors in
fects of such an attack, they believed South Korea had taken care of several
that in just a few hours up to 100,000 medium-range Pukguksong-2 mis-
people would be killed in Seoul and siles. But to his satisfaction, two short-
range missiles, hidden like needles in
haystacks among multiple salvoes of
conventionally armed rockets, had got
through to Seoul.

The initial death toll in South Ko-
rea was put at 300,000, but the effects
of radiation would mean that many
more would die in the months ahead,
including large numbers of American
civilians and service personnel.

Trump was advised that he had no
option other than to retaliate with a
nuclear strike on the North. The de-
cision was taken to use America’s lat-
est nuclear bomb, the guided B61-12,
dropped by a B2 stealth bomber. It
was both highly accurate and could
have its explosive power dialed down

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 35


to reduce civilian casualties and fall- Despite the use of relatively low-yield scarce, China found itself facing a hu- stock markets across the world reeling,
out. At least that was the hope. weapons, military casualties were in manitarian catastrophe on its border. foreshadowing a global recession to
the hundreds of thousands. It claimed that lethal radioactive ma- come. Trump, however, was undaunt-
After four had been dropped, North terial was being blown into Chinese ed. He tweeted: “Nuke attack on Seoul
Korea’s war was over. Kim and most of Over a million people were trying to cities by disrupted weather. by evil Kim was BAD! Had no choice
his high command had been vaporized leave Pyongyang, the capital, in case but to nuke him back. But thanks to my
in their bunkers, his missile force and of further attack. With order break- Nobody knew how an appalled Presi- actions, America is safe again!” 
nearly all his artillery had disappeared. ing down and food supplies getting dent Xi would respond. The shock sent

36 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


The North Korea test will determine China’s future

All eyes are on President Trump in the showdown BY DAVID VON DREHLE | WASHINGTON POST world since the 1940s is obviously a source of resent-
with North Korea, but this is very much China’s mo- ment and envy among Chinese leaders (even as they
ment. How Beijing handles the brinkmanship of as stark at the 38th Parallel as it was at the Berlin send their children to American schools and eagerly
Kim Jong Un is the most important test the Chinese Wall, and countries pursuing their own interests rip off American technology).
have yet faced in their decades-long effort to take a will have no trouble choosing sides.
place in the first rank of world powers. But that power has not come without costs. U.S.
The crisis is also a measure of Chinese strength. leaders have been forced into uncomfortable alli-
The crisis is first a measure of China’s reliability. So far during its rise, Beijing has been graded solely ances and dragged into unpleasant conflicts. Our
If it is to achieve its goal of becoming a dominant on its economy. That performance has been impres- foreign policy has often been a bitter business of
force in the Asian Pacific, other powerful nations sive, but translating economic muscle into hegemo- choosing among unpromising alternatives and tak-
in the region must feel a degree of confidence that ny is no easy matter. Germany, Japan and South Ko- ing one step back for every two steps forward. Our
Beijing can make sound decisions and carry them rea have all enjoyed periods of explosive growth as people have been asked, time and again, to bear
out wisely. low-cost manufacturers, yet none of them has risen burdens and take risks and suffer embarrassments
above the second tier of global influence. for uncertain gains in far-off places.
North Korea’s existence is the oldest foreign
policy decision of the Chinese Communist govern- Kim’s behavior has clearly become a net negative This is what leadership requires. As the saying
ment. The Red Army’s intervention in the Korean for China, massively undercutting Beijing’s efforts goes, the higher you climb up the pole, the more
War in 1950, which drove back the American-led to close the American umbrella in the East. If China your rear end shows.
U.N. forces and compelled a cease-fire, was the cannot settle a situation that is so plainly adverse to
birth of a divided Korean Peninsula. its interests, it will be revealed as a paper tiger. China cannot solve the crisis of North Korea with-
out incurring some costs. Immediate risks include
And what is the fruit of that Chinese action after And finally, North Korea is a measure of China’s the danger of massive refugee flows from a decapi-
nearly 70 years? A hermit kingdom of wretched pov- readiness to lead. The extraordinary power that tated North Korea and the possibility of a reunified
erty, ruled despotically by a thuggish family bent on the United States has accrued and wielded over the Korea shaped by the capitalist South. Many com-
destabilizing the world. For many decades, China mentators are calling these risks “intolerable,” but
has tolerated this humiliating failure as a way of what they’re missing is the greater risk to China’s
tweaking the United States at low cost. long-term ambitions posed by a failure to pacify its
rogue neighbor.
But now the audience of greatest concern to
China – namely, the other leading countries in the Trump’s bellicose tone in recent days has been re-
region, including Japan, India, Australia, South Ko- grettable, but the underlying content of his words is
rea, the Philippines and Vietnam – faces the urgent entirely true: The United States possesses the power
question of whether they can trust a rising China to to destroy North Korea many times over, and that
share in safeguarding their sphere. power is surely “locked and loaded” aboard untrace-
able submarines within easy range of Pyongyang.
If the problem of Kim isn’t defused, those na- As guarantor of the nuclear peace, the United States
tions are sure to seek even deeper alliances with is prepared to punish severely any military use of a
the United States while building their own mili- nuclear weapon anywhere in the world.
tary capacity. China’s regional influence will shrink
rather than grow. But it is China that stands at the crossroads in this
crisis. Beijing’s willingness to vote for tough sanc-
After all, regardless of what foreign leaders may tions in the United Nations is a sign pointed in the
think about Trump and his reckless rhetoric, the right direction. History will amply reward decisive
United States has its own track record in the Asian steps in this direction, as the world sees that China
Pacific. While North Korea has necrotized under is ready for the leadership role it seeks. Failure in
the Chinese protectorate, South Korea has flour- this moment will, on the other hand, set back Chi-
ished beyond any reasonable expectation. The na’s rise for decades to come. 
contrast between Eastern and Western influence is


According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), hepatitis A is a Anyone can get hepatitis A. In the U.S., risk increases if you:
contagious liver disease that results from infection with the hepatitis  Are a family member or caregiver of a recent adoptee from a coun-
A virus. It can range from a mild short-term illness lasting a few weeks try where hepatitis A is common
to a severe illness that lasts several months. Some people never show  Are a man who has had sexual contact with other men
symptoms at all. Hepatitis A usually spreads when a person ingests  Are a child or teacher in a childcare facility
the virus from contact with objects, food or drinks contaminated by  Have clotting-factor disorders, such as hemophilia
feces or stool from an infected person.  Have sexual contact with someone who has hepatitis A
 Live with someone who has hepatitis A
Thanks to the introduction of the hepatitis A vaccine in 1995, the rate  Travel to or live in countries where hepatitis A is common (see list
of hepatitis A infections has declined by 95 percent, making it relatively of countries at
uncommon now in the U.S. Today, children, travelers to certain countries,  Use illegal drugs, whether injected or not
and people at risk for the disease are routinely vaccinated in America.
While many never show any symptoms, others experience:
Almost all people who get hepatitis A recover completely on their own  Abdominal pain
and do not have any lasting liver damage. They may feel sick for months  Clay-colored bowel movements
but liver failure and death are rare.  Dark urine
 Fatigue
 Jaundice (a yellowing of the skin or eyes)
Hepatitis A is spread person-to-person or by ingesting contaminated  Joint pain
food or water. Some examples include:  Loss of appetite
 Person-to-person contact  Nausea
o An infected person doesn’t wash his or her hands properly after  Vomiting
going to the bathroom, and then touches objects or food If symptoms occur, they usually emerge between two to six weeks
o A parent or caregiver doesn’t properly wash his or her hands after after exposure; develop over several days; and last less than two
changing a diaper or cleaning up the stool of an infected person months (but can continue for up to six months).
o Someone has sex or sexual contact with an infected person (not
limited to anal-oral contact) Next time we’ll find out what to do if you are exposed to the hepatitis
 Contaminated food or water A virus. 
o A person eats food or drinks water contaminated with the virus.
The most common sources of contamination are fruits, vegeta- Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
bles, shellfish, ice and water. Frozen and undercooked food can welcome. Email us at [email protected].
also be suspect.

38 Vero Beach 32963 /August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


In 2015, Martin Edwards brought out titles in the series British Library Crime draws especial attention to titles that the end of the era” or, most intriguing
“The Golden Age of Murder,” a history Classics. All that reading lies behind “cast a light on human behavior, and of all, Cameron McCabe’s “The Face on
of Britain’s Detection Club that went his new work of critical appreciation display both literary ambition and ac- the Cutting-Room Floor,” described by
on to sweep nearly all of crime writ- and rediscovery, “The Story of Classic complishment” and those that high- Julian Symons as “the detective story
ing’s nonfiction awards. Little wonder. Crime in 100 Books.” light an era’s sociopolitical concerns: to end detective stories.” Introducing
It is an irresistible book, packed with “Even unpretentious detective stories, “Fiction From Fact,” Edwards naturally
insider anecdotes about a secretive Note that phrase “classic crime.” written for unashamedly commercial zeroes in on the true-life Julia Wal-
association boasting such celebrated Edwards focuses on the first half of reasons, can give us clues to the past, lace case, which Raymond Chandler
members as G.K. Chesterton and R. the 20th century, the period between and give us insight into a long-vanished dubbed “the nonpareil of all murder
Austin Freeman (creators of Father Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Hound of world.” mysteries.” Both Dorothy Sayers and
Brown and Dr. Thorndyke); the crime the Baskervilles” (1902) and Julian Sy- P.D. James were comparably fascinated
queens Dorothy L. Sayers and Agatha mons’ “The Thirty-First of February” For each of his 100 titles, Edwards by this beating death in a locked room.
Christie; that master of the locked- (1950). While he does include a few provides a two- or three-page mini-
room puzzle, John Dickson Carr; and, Americans – Dashiell Hammett, Patri- essay, outlining the mystery’s setup – In “The Birth of the Golden Age,” Ed-
not least, co-founder A.B. Cox, equally cia Highsmith – as well as the Belgian while carefully avoiding spoilers – and wards stresses the pivotal importance
accomplished whether writing as the Georges Simenon and the Argentine H. closing with a brief paragraph about of E.C. Bentley’s “Trent’s Last Case”
witty Anthony Berkeley (“The Poisoned Bustos Domecq (the collaborative pen the author. Good as these appreciations (1913), partly for its sprightliness but
Chocolates Case”) or the bone-chilling name of Jorge Luis Borges and Adolfo are, they might have avoided a certain mainly because the hero’s obviously
Francis Iles ¬(“Before the Fact”). Bioy Casares), the emphasis is over- stylistic sameness by quoting more fre- correct solution to the murder turns out
whelmingly on British writers. To en- quently from the chosen books. be completely wrong. By 1929, Anthony
Since “The Golden Age of Murder” sure as wide a net as possible, he gener- Berkeley’s “The Poisoned Chocolates
appeared, Edwards – himself a gifted ally selects just one title by his chosen Being of taxonomical turn of mind, Case” and Dashiell Hammett’s “The
and prolific writer of mysteries, as well author, usually his or her first major Edwards also organizes his many titles Dain Curse” were both able to present
as a scholar of the field – has emerged work. Agatha Christie is the principal by kind rather than chronology, usu- multiple solutions to a single crime:
as a driving force behind the republi- exception: She is represented by “The ally settling on three to five works to Berkeley’s dazzling novel offers six dif-
cation of older detective fiction, con- Mysterious Affair at Styles” and “The represent various categories. In “The ferent interpretations of the same mur-
tributing introductions to many of the Murder at the Vicarage,” which intro- Justice Game,” for instance, he covers der. Fifty years later, Christianna Brand
duce, respectively, her detectives Her- “Trial and Error,” by Anthony Berkeley; – author of the wartime classic “Green
cule Poirot and Jane Marple. However, “Verdict of Twelve,” by Raymond Post- for Danger” – came up with a seventh
Edwards can’t resist adding another gate; “Tragedy at Law,” by Cyril Hare; solution and in 2016 Edwards himself
Poirot, “The ABC Murders.” and “Smallbone Deceased,” by Michael published an eighth.
Gilbert. All these will be familiar to de-
Though all three of these whodunits tective story aficionados. More often, Let me end, like many good mys-
showcase Christie’s excellence, only his titles will be recognized by only the teries, with a confession: After read-
the last approaches the ingenuity of most well-read. Happily, Christopher ing “The Story of Classic Crime in 100
her supreme masterpieces, “And Then St. John Sprigg’s tantalizing “Death of Books” I quickly bought secondhand
There Were None,” “The Murder of Rog- an Airman,” J. Jefferson Farjeon’s “The copies of Christopher Bush’s “The Per-
er Ackroyd” and “Murder on the Orient Z Murders,” and Anthony Rolls’ “Fam- fect Murder Case,” George Limnelius’
Express.” This is worth emphasizing ily Matters,” among others, are now “The Medbury Fort Murder” and Glad-
because Edwards’ history shouldn’t be available from the aforementioned ys Mitchell’s “The Mystery of a Butch-
viewed as a list of the absolutely great- British Library Crime Classics. er’s Shop.” Edwards made them sound
est works of mystery and detection. If so good that right now I’d almost kill for
you need such a guide, you should look To my mind, Edwards particularly a quiet week at the beach. 
for H.R.F. Keating’s “Crime and Mys- shines in the prefatory essays to his
tery: The 100 Best Books” or the un- 24 categories, in which he mentions THE STORY OF CLASSIC CRIME IN 100 BOOKS
annotated “Classic Crime Fiction: The some of his own favorite books, such By Martin Edwards
Haycraft-Queen Cornerstones” (freely as Henry Wade’s “Lonely Magdalen” –
available online). Edwards instead em- about the murder of a nameless prosti- Poisoned Pen. 353 pp. Paperback, $15.95
phasizes the genre’s artistic range. He tute – and Robert Player’s twisty “The Review by Michael Dirda
Ingenious Mr. Stone,” which “signaled The Washington Post


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 17, 2017 39


Jean Kerr, a humorist, author and playwright, said, “I think success has no rules, but you WEST KQ43 EAST
can learn a great deal from failure.” 63 AKQ K J 10 9 5 4
J 10 9 8 5 KQJ5 A7
In bridge, there are some rules that will lead to success — or, in contrast, if they are J986 10 3
ignored, you will learn from your failure. But the game remains popular because there are A7 SOUTH 962
so many deals on which one can calculate that the usual rule does not work. AQ8
What is the key rule for South in today’s deal? He is in three no-trump, and West leads the 7542
spade six. (As a side issue, looking at all 52 cards, how must declarer play if West leads 10 8 4 3
the heart jack?)
Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Both
If South had bid two no-trump over his partner’s takeout double, it would have shown
some 10 or 11 points. North, playing partner for six or seven points, cue-bid three spades, The Bidding:
asking South to bid three no-trump with spades stopped.
After a spade lead, declarer sees five top tricks: two spades and three diamonds. He 2 Spades
needs to establish three tricks in clubs and one in hearts. But that means losing the lead Pass Pass Dbl. Pass OPENING
twice, presumably once to West and once to East. 3 Clubs Pass 3 Spades Pass
3 NT Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
With two stoppers in their suit and two high cards to dislodge, duck the first trick. 6 Spades

South takes the second spade and plays a club. West can win, but doesn’t have another
spade to lead. (Note that if declarer plays a heart at trick three, West should put up his
jack. Then East should take dummy’s queen with his ace and return that suit, not a spade.)

On the heart-jack lead, South must play low from the dummy to get home.

40 Vero Beach 32963 /August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



7 Dis tant (6) 1 C atlike (6)
8 Coins (6) 2 Additional (4)
9 Similarly (8) 3 Study (6)
10 Hard work (4) 4 Entry (6)
11 Look out (6) 5 Secret phrase (8)
13 Brief downpour (6) 6 Overlook (6)
14 Javelins (6) 12 Educational (8)
17 Without warning (6) 15 Toxin (6)
19 Existence (4) 16 Process (6)
20 Power (8) 17 Scribble (6)
22 Reason (6) 18 Land and property (6)
23 Assets (6) 21 Within reach (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 17, 2017 41


ACROSS group? motto 1960s The Washington Post
74 Bug spray brand 3 Gabler’s creator 68 Word in bank
1 Kuwaiti kingpins 75 Sphere 4 Grave letters ON THE LAMB By Merl Reagle
6 Deep opera 76 Josh 5 Looked into names
77 Broke bread 69 SE Asian capital
voices 78 Right space? 70 Where couch
11 Puberty problem 79 Proclamation 6 Pay-per-view
15 2 on the phone 81 Most intense: potatoes are
18 Ledger entry event planted
19 Backyard soak abbr. 7 Courtyards 71 Tuck, for one
20 Bok ___ 82 A page from 8 Off. employee 72 ___ Is Born
21 His counterpart 9 With mixed 73 Spaces
22 Night reminder to antiquity? 80 Start of a Henry
86 ___-disant (so- veggies, in James title
a lamb? Chinese cuisine 82 Rind lining
25 First name in called) 10 “When Will ___ 83 “Silent as ___”
87 Lamb’s favorite Loved” (Charlotte Brontë)
interchangeable 11 Behaved 84 Grecian collectible
parts class? 12 Tweet substitute? 85 Chester White’s
26 Foot division 90 1953 fantasy, The 13 “I’m in ___ for home
27 Forgotten in the your games” 87 Tyrannosaurus
rain 5,000 Fingers of 14 Once-over Rex’s diet
28 Architect Saarinen ___ 15 Winning 88 Have a typo
29 Thomas of 91 Owner’s 16 Author Plain personality?
Wendy’s document 17 Did a sad thing 89 Little cutie
30 Slangy nose 93 Category of 19 Lofty areas: abbr. 92 Connect
32 Start of a lamb’s instrument 23 Big-time operator? 95 Chancellor’s
favorite play? 94 Simple soup 24 ___ the bottom of channel
35 Candice’s dad 95 Letters to the deck 97 Graham Greene’s
38 Voice of Daffy Manhattan? 29 Early Bond foe Travels with ___
39 Bradstreet’s 96 “Here ___!” 31 Combination 99 Periods of work
buddy 98 Contraction of the alternative 101 Nanki-Poo’s pop
40 Follow like sheep season 33 Jurassic Park star (with “the”)
43 Nicholas Gage 100 Tiny Tom 34 Unseat 102 Picture ID
book 102 What a lamb 36 Beaucoup, over 103 Temple of Amon
46 El ___ (slangy might have when here site
cigar) he 37 M.L.K. Jr., for one 104 Run off to tie the
49 End of the title at grows up? 40 Shout that’s 118 knot
32 Across 109 More well-heeled Across backwards 105 “What manner
53 Subject for 113 He’s Incredible 41 Dance, in France ___
Grisham 114 Many miles away 42 Lamb’s mom’s is this?”
54 Book about lamb- 115 Block buster? favorite expres- 106 Principal water
style 118 “Strange Magic” sion? pipes
Little League? grp. 44 Not once 107 Eightsome
57 It’s after boo or 119 A kiss between 45 “The die ___” 108 Stairway post
before boy hugs? 47 Cardin or Curie 110 German poet and
58 Berkelium or 120 Lamb in the 48 “... ___ thought” satirist, 1797-1856
californium penthouse? 50 Lamb’s favorite 111 1956 Ingrid
60 TV player 123 Convertible’s roof game show? Bergman film, ___
61 Gala get-together 124 ___ instant 51 Out line of a and Her Men
62 Cole Porter’s 125 Brosnan role heart? 112 Martin partner,
Indiana 126 Clinton colleague 52 Uncertainty once
birthplace Shalala 54 “Shucks” 116 Carpet feature
63 The Audubon, 127 Metal container? 55 Popular movie 117 127 Across ending
e.g.: abbr. 128 Sites of winding theater name 120 Tire mount
64 Joey’s “steps” rds. 56 British gun 121 “___ said before
66 Shad delicacy 129 Basket fiber 59 Sophia’s world ...”
67 Unit next to the 130 Balboa named 62 Cry-Baby co-star 122 Singing: abbr.
mgr.’s, one Hearst
perhaps 64 Roundish, as
68 Closing remark to DOWN some leaves
a lamb encounter 1 Gloria’s mom 65 Navy underwater
2 Conformist’s project of the

The Telegraph

42 Vero Beach 32963 /August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Gifts should come with ribbons, not strings, attached

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST keep it from her not-as-awful-as-she-used-to-be- ple in them, or pictures of creative output or pri-
but-still-rather-difficult daughter, because then vate spaces that are plainly a host’s prerogative
Dear Carolyn: My wife and I it’s not really a gift. Not with strings attached. to display – their home, invitations, decorations,
have an anniversary coming up. etc.
It’s the second marriage for both Maybe you’d like to treat your wife to a roman-
of us and has been a blessing. tic vacation for your anniversary? Then the laws So, a photo of bride or groom? Get his or her
I’d like to give her a nice piece of of physics are in your favor: She can’t both take OK or don’t post. A selfie with friends at the wed-
jewelry to mark the event. the trip and will it to her daughter. A woman who ding? Get their OK or don’t post.
already has a “considerable amount” of jewelry
But here’s the situation. Her might agree, too, that experiences make excel- Translation: Best practices only need apply.
daughter, as a teenager, resented lent gifts. If couples need explicit embargoes to get that
her mom’s marriage to me. For across, then it’s hard to say whether they or
several years it was brutal. We Dear Carolyn: At a recent wedding, I found out guests are the ones crossing the line. 
have managed a reconciliation of sorts, now that about a new trend: The bride asks that guests post
she is 20-something, but I’ll never be part of her none of their photos of the event online – only the
“inner circle.” I’m fine with this. It allows for an couple will choose which photos to post. Guests are
amiable family setting. instructed to send all photos to them directly for
But I have five adult children of my own and choosing.
12 grandkids. Because of these separate pasts, we
have kept our “assets” separate. I’m of two minds. I fully support a couple who
So, finally: Would it be unacceptable for me to asks that no photos be taken during the ceremony.
request that my wife agree to bequeath a fine piece However, I’ve never heard anyone say the entire
of jewelry to one of my progeny rather than to her event is off-limits to cameras. So it’s okay for me to
daughter? The daughter will already come into take photos of the reception, but not to post online?
an expensive engagement ring and a considerable It sounds a bit bridezilla to me, too controlling.
amount of less-expensive stuff. I confess that seeing
more precious jewelry go to this daughter dampens But perhaps I am missing something and this is
my ardor for honoring my wife. not only reasonable but to be encouraged?
Do I not understand the true meaning of giving?
– I’ll Just Leave My Camera at Home
– Request
I’ll Just Leave My Camera at Home: I see no
Request: Seems you understand it quite well, reason for a special rule or request pertaining to
which is why you’re looking for a loophole. wedding photos (though I’ll no doubt hear some
starting ... now). The existing boundaries of good
Alas, the answer is no, it’s not acceptable to social-media citizenship will suffice: Don’t post
hand your wife a gift on the condition that she any pictures without the permission of the peo-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 43

Autumn 2017 fashion trends: Take note of these styles

The Telegraph

We may only just be entering the
realms of proper summer, but it
would be foolish to ignore the fresh
batch of autumn 2017 trends that is
just around the corner. From futur-
istic fabrics, to tonal dressing, fash-
ion’s throwing some frivolous, and
some revolutionary ideas our way
next season – and there’s nothing to
stop you from getting ahead of the
pack and working a few of these into
your wardrobe right now. These are
the trends worth noting ...

Hi, Shine
When Karl Lagerfeld built a Chanel
rocket launchpad in the middle of the
Grand Palais, the trend for space-age

Posh plumage Granny knits
At Prada, Lanvin, Sonia Rykiel and If Christopher Kane says the cardi-
more, fanciful feather trims punctu- gan is back, then who are we to argue?
ated evening and daywear options His cardigans come readily pilled
alike. Team with more rich textures with shiny buttons, while Gucci has
for a haberdasher’s dream dress come even teamed theirs with Grandma’s
party season. pearls. 

fabrics was confirmed. Fluid silver ting it right for now, it seems, is to off-
lamé was used for evening dresses set with one accessory in a contrast-
at Paco Rabanne, while Christopher ing hue.
Kane used iridescent foil and J.W. An-
derson declared chainmail to be the Corduroy comeback
unexpected new party fabric. Prada, Mulberry and Lemaire led
the charge for a cord revival, reimag-
Get the gloss ined in new, feminine silhouettes.
Raf Simons made his debut at Cal- The new corduroys come in blush,
vin Klein, coating every outerwear terra cotta or teal – a far cry from the
option in his collection in clear plas- geography professors of yesteryear.
tic. Elsewhere, Miu Miu, Roksanda
and Fendi also went big on the patent Sharp suiting
and PVC. The top takeaway from the latest
round of shows? Get yourself some
Tonal time decent tailoring. For the new season,
Roksanda, Preen and more of the jackets are more fitted and less shoul-
big names in London decided that it der-padded than the last. Celine, Stel-
was time to brush up on our color co- la McCartney, Calvin Klein and more,
ordination, championing top-to-toe say that looking the part is as good as
tonal dressing for all. The key to get- being the part.

44 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Valentino’s Pierpaolo Piccioli succeeds with subtle message

BY LISA ARMSTRONG came lucrative. “Game of Thrones” may gings-with-everything territory, rest gilded chairs before the show started, in
have helped disseminate the aesthetic, assured. A Valentino tracksuit is an ob- pastel pink mini cape dresses, embroi-
The Telegraph but Valentino got there first. ject of beauty, rendered in a synthetic dered tulle, embellished opera coats
technical Japanese fabric that prob- and the highest version of Valentino’s
Fashion is always a cypher of the Now it’s time for a change. This re- ably costs more to produce than satin, Rockstud, the golden goose of shoe de-
times, but sometimes more conscious- sort collection is sporty, urban, with and cut with such attention to detail, signs, introduced by Piccioli and Chiuri
ly so than others. This is one of those elements of Zandra Rhodes. (It’s the shape and space that it becomes as seven years ago. If they’re ready to take
times. Whether you regard this as a second time he’s used some of her valid a challenge to traditional ideas of on a tracksuit, there really is a shift in
good thing, or tiresome, probably de- prints. Rhodes, still cyclamen haired elegance as Balenciaga’s balloon shapes the way the wealthy are dressing.
pends on how it’s communicated. But at 76, was at the show, too, wearing a were in the Fifties. Or how about a silk
what we wear is political, with serious Valentino dress made up in one of her jersey evening gown with a drawstring This is a label that doesn’t just sell ac-
implications for the planet. Engaging in prints, in what Piccioli calls “punk waist, white top-stitching and worn cessories. Clothes account for a hefty
a wider conversation has to be positive. pink”.) More surprising were the ref- over a sporty white edged body? Or an segment of its turnover, hence the em-
“You can’t design clothes with your eyes erences to hip hop (he’s been chal- embroidered khaki utility jacket? Or phasis on making them relevant. Luck-
closed to what’s happening around you lenging himself to listen to it). The feathered flip-flops and sneakers? ily, Piccioli seems to intuit what women
now,” says Pierpaolo Piccioli, the cre- baggy denims, slung very low on the want to wear. Yet he insists he never dis-
ative director of Valentino. hips, were the outliers of a collection Mixing street and sport influences cusses fashion with his wife. Nor even
that was far less precious looking than with luxury is hardly new. But it is at with his 11- and 20-year-old daughters.
Twelve months ago, talk of tolerance usual. Some of it may even be machine Valentino, where ladies still find time “Values yes, clothes no,” he says.
and diversity in fashion might have washable – he thinks. to lunch and some don’t even pretend
elicited hollow laughter. But the indus- to have jobs. They clustered around the He has, however, observed how
try seems to be trying. If nothing else, If this sounds like the dreaded leg- much his elder daughter loves make-
the model net is being cast wider, both up. “All her generation seem to. They
ethnically and age-wise. Even appar- use it as self expression and as a reac-
ently tiny gestures can create forceful tion against the natural look that my
ripples, thanks to social media. generation loved.” Not entirely coinci-
dentally, the makeup in this show was
Piccioli generally communicates his fierce: double feline flicks that gave the
message subtly and gently. Not for him clothes extra attitude.
the bludgeoning semaphore of a Vivi-
enne Westwood. Sloganeering T-shirts “So much of fashion today is about
aren’t his bag, either. context,” he muses. “You take Valentino
red, which has traditionally been seen
His softly, softly approach is remark- as powerful, even too much, or pink,
ably effective. At the start of his tenure which is seen as soft and you mix them,
at Valentino eight years ago – back then, and you come up with something new.
he shared the head role with Maria Gra- You change gold studs to white, and they
zia Chiuri, who last year departed for become sporty, put silk ankle socks with
Dior – he ushered in a demure roman- heels and you have something that looks
ticism that changed the way women less Lady … ” The important thing he says
dressed. The gradual striptease that is for the end results not to look labored.
had been underway in fashion since the “Even when they’re beautiful and com-
early Noughties was routed. From Top- plex, they should seem easy and make
shop to H&M, dresses referencing me- you want to wear them all the time.” 
dieval maidens and pre-Raphaelites be-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 45

Fashion finally embraces all shades of skin tones


BY KRISSY TURNER Ade Hassan, a 31-year-old former
Equity senior associate, launched
The Telegraph her underwear label, Nubian Skin,
three years ago, when having to layer
“Nude is a concept, not a color,” the a camisole under white shirts to hide
luxury designer Christian Louboutin her bra inspired underwear that ca-
said last year, when the brand extend- ters for a range of skin tones. Her web-
ed its nude shoe offering to include site launched with four carefully con-
chic pointed flats in seven shades of sidered shades (café au lait, caramel,
caramels and creams. Why? Because, cinnamon and, the darkest shade,
as the adage goes, there’s nothing berry) in a range of bras, pants, and
more leg-lengthening than a nude even hosiery. “The reaction to the
shoe. Meghan Markle wears hers brand has been truly overwhelming,”
with cocktail dresses and leather says Hassan. “The demand is there.”
leggings alike. The Duchess of Cam- That demand has led to a line of
bridge wears hers with, well, every- shoes – either ballet pumps or heeled
thing, single-handedly boosting L K courts – in the same shades, and shelf
Bennett’s sales, and Anna Wintour, space in House of Fraser and Fenwick
the editor of Vogue, is rarely seen out of Bond Street.
of her nude Manolos.
Shoe label Kahmune, launched
But, as Louboutin spotted, there last year, matched 10 nudes to popu-
are nudes and there are nudes – no lar shades of foundation; the yellow-
two skin tones are exactly alike, and toned Rio mirrors makeup brand
will probably change from winter to MAC’s NW35 shade, the slightly pal-
summer. Generally, the term “nude” er Bogota, their NW30 foundation.
is used to describe pinky-beige, a The founder, Jamela Acheampong,
dozen shades lighter than my own was frustrated that the term nude
mixed-race skin, and also miles from was “attributed to a specific shade,”
a match for my colleagues, from the and it seems she’s not the only one:
fair-skinned to Asian; the idea of a Pre-orders for the two shoe styles
“universal” nude is no more achiev- (a double-strap sandal and court)
able than a foundation shade that will in her new collection numbered so
work on anyone. Thankfully, Loubou- many that she plans to introduce
tin isn’t alone – high street giant ASOS eight new silhouettes by the end of
offers their classic court shoes in four the year – so you can add backless
skin tones, and elsewhere, brands are loafers and slides to your nude shoe-
now offering a scale of nude shades in drobe. 
everything from make-up to lingerie.

46 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Citrus Grillhouse: A preview of coming attractions

BY TINA RONDEAU Portabella, Goat Cheese emulsion risotto and fresh shaved
& Beet Vol au Vant. truffles from Australia. The organic
Columnist chicken, which comes from a local
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD ranch, was chicken as chicken should
In a perfect world, creative chefs taste.
would love to have a dedicated test Grilled Local
kitchen and plenty of time in which to Swordfish. But the fifth course was the high-
experiment – without the pressures of light of the evening – sweet-onion ash
a working restaurant kitchen – as they Organic Chicken with dusted filet of beef, accompanied by
prepare new dishes for the coming Truffle Risotto. garlic mashed potato, fried potato
season. dice and fried shallots.

But few restaurants can afford this “This is the first time I have ever
luxury, and when we stopped into the served this,” Varricchio said. He ex-
Citrus Grillhouse for dinner last Tues- plained that he had taken some sweet
day, executive chef Scott Varricchio onions, sliced them really thin, and
emerged from a bustling kitchen and turned them into charcoal. Then he
told us that in addition to everything put the charred onions into a grain
else he was doing, he was “playing” spinner, turned them into dust, and
with several dishes he hopes to add to rubbed the filet with the onion ash
the menu this fall. before grilling it.

“Do you want to be my guinea pigs The result: luscious beef just burst-
tonight, and give me some feedback?” ing with flavor. “People seem to like
Varricchio asked. Having enjoyed a onion on hamburgers and steaks.
number of his creative efforts in the This is just a different way to bring
past, how could we say no? So we or- that taste to beef,” Varricchio said.
dered a couple of glasses of wine, and
waited to see what was next. By this point, we were not able to
even contemplate one of the Citrus
The first dish to be brought to the Grillhouse’s wonderful desserts.
table was a “warm Caesar salad,” a
very different take on the traditional But forgoing sweets for one evening
Caesar. No anchovies here. This one was a small price to pay for the oppor-
consisted of Brussels sprouts, kale, a tunity to preview coming attractions
bit of spinach, and radicchio, lightly with one of the area’s most inventive
sauteed in olive oil, then finished with chefs.
the Citrus’ version of Caesar dressing.
“You know, doing a tasting of never-
We marveled at how it did not taste of before attempted dishes put a bit of
its individual components, but seemed pressure on me,” Varricchio said as we
like a real Caesar salad. left. “But I kind of liked that.”

Next out of the kitchen was a share- Our guess is you will like the final
able appetizer, roasted portabella version of these dishes when you visit
and goat cheese vol au vent. The vol the Citrus Grillhouse in the fall.
au vent, a shaped pastry, had been
stuffed with roasted mushrooms I welcome your comments, and en-
marinated with garlic and thyme ol- courage you to send feedback to me at
ive oil. The stuffed pastry was then [email protected].
baked again, topped with herbed
goat cheese, and surrounded by a The reviewer is a beachside resident
very assertive red wine and beet vin- who dines anonymously at restaurants
aigrette. at the expense of this newspaper. 

For me, the mixture of tastes Onion Ash
worked perfectly, though some might Filet of Beef.
find the vinegary taste a bit on the
strong side. Hours:
Lunch: Mon. - Sat.
Then we got to the first of three en- 11:30am - 2 pm
trées – beautiful pieces of swordfish, Dinner: Daily from 5 pm
cut from the center of the fish, grilled
and topped with a lemon aioli. Beverages: Full bar

While this swordfish is currently Address:
being served nightly with a very tasty 1050 Easter Lily Lane,
ratatouille orzo, the proposed fall ac-
companiment was a mix of butternut Vero Beach
squash and caramelized onions. “To
be honest, I’m not very satisfied with Phone: (772) 234-4114
that one yet,” Varricchio told us. “It
still needs something.”

The fourth course was another
entrée, slices of roasted organic lo-
cal chicken breast with a truffle-soy

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 47


A 3-point plan for choosing wine
you want to drink

BY DAVE MCINTYRE day. A crisp refreshing rosé helps take the wine hits the various parts of your chardonnay and a Riesling, or a syrah
The Washington Post the edge off and stimulates my appe- mouth and taste buds, or does it re- and a pinot noir. And you’ll begin to de-
tite for dinner, while a glass of port main the same? Does the alcohol burn fine what you look for in a wine.
What do we look for in a wine? Some after the meal offers comfort and con- your mouth? Do the flavors drop off
people want a catchy name or pretty templation. and disappear? Recently, when a dinner guest asked
label, as long as it says “chardonnay.” me the question, I decided to illustrate
Many prefer dry wines, while some But my friends don’t want to hear Now swallow and savor the finish. my points rather than explain them.
favor sweetness in their vino. And about my moods. They want to know Do the flavors linger on your palate, I opened two wines as examples: the
judging by the bottles on wine store what to look for themselves, how to perhaps even changing some more? Is Drouhin-Vaudon Chablis 2014 from
shelves, wineries think we prefer to evaluate a wine’s quality. So I empha- your final impression harsh, sweet or Joseph Drouhin, and the Roserock Pi-
pay more for packaging than quality size the three stages of tasting wine: savory? Think again about acidity and not Noir 2014 Eola-Amity Hills from
on the inside. the attack, the middle and the finish. tannin: Does the wine leave you re- Drouhin Oregon. Same family, differ-
freshed and looking for something to ent terroirs, two delicious wines.
“What do you look for in a wine?” The attack includes the all-impor- eat? In red wine, does the tannin finish
is a question I get often from friends. tant swirl and sniff: Does the wine gently, perhaps with an itching sensa- The chablis was pure chardonnay –
These are people who don’t obsess smell clean or funky? Is it fresh and tion on your tongue and teeth? That not in the sense of being unblended, but
about grape juice the way I do, who fruity, or does it smell like brown sug- suggests good structure and aging po- it tasted of fruit and little else. It wasn’t
don’t reflexively swirl their water ar, caramel and dried or stewed fruits? tential. And steak. puffed up with oak. It didn’t need to be.
glasses – people with a life, in other When you taste it, is your first impres- The wine was full-bodied without be-
words. They want wine to be tasty, re- sion invigorating with acidity, making So take a bite of that steak or what- ing heavy, and it seemed to channel the
liable and affordable. you salivate and priming your palate ever you’re eating and then take an- chalky soils of chablis. It was an excel-
for the next sip or your next bite of food? other sip of the wine. Does the wine lent partner for dinner (grilled chicken,
They wonder why I prefer one sau- Is the wine light and ethereal? Or is it now taste different? Does it clash with sage sausage, spicy jicama salad).
vignon blanc over another, what sets heavy and woody, drying your mouth the food, or does it seem to ignore it
this cabernet apart from that merlot or with tannin? and taste the same? Or do the flavors The pinot noir was quintessential
why anyone of sound mind would pay of the food and wine combine into Willamette Valley: smoky dark-fruit fla-
more than (fill in your personal budget The middle is when you swish the something new and different, even vors and a pitch-perfect balance. It was
here) for a bottle of wine. wine around in your mouth – and yes, exciting? a beautiful wine to savor on the patio on
you are allowed to do that. It is encour- an unusually cool August evening.
“What do you look for in a wine?” is aged, and with a little practice you will These questions apply to any wines
not really an easy question to answer. even be able to do it without drib- – white, red or pink, bubbly or fortified. When I mentioned that Oregon pi-
Sometimes my preference depends on bling down your shirt. Do the flavors As you pay attention to what you’re not noir is my go-to wine whenever I
my mood. Bubbles can help celebrate remain the same or do they change? drinking, you’ll be able to notice and feel sad or melancholy, I ignited a new
success or offer consolation after a bad Are you noticing different flavors as describe the differences between a line of questioning – from my wife. But
that’s another story. 

48 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 49

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50 Vero Beach 32963 / August 17, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Morgan • Absolute • Tito
Tanqueray • Bombay sapphire

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