ทฤษฎแี ละระบบการบรหิ ารผูม้ ีสมรรถนะสูง
(Talent Management System
in Theory)
ทกั ษะท่จี าเป็นในศตวรรษท่ี 21
Happy Workplace & High HQ
A s s o c . P ro f. S i ra p a t s o r n W. P h . D.
Agenda ทฤษฎแี ละระบบการบรหิ ารผูม้ สี มรรถนะสูง
Talent Management System in Theory
ทกั ษะทจ่ี าเป็นในศตวรรษท่ี 21
Happy Workplace
High HQ
Agenda ทฤษฎแี ละระบบการบรหิ ารผูม้ สี มรรถนะสูง
Talent Management System in Theory
ทกั ษะทจ่ี าเป็นในศตวรรษท่ี 21
Happy Workplace
High HQ
ทฤษฎแี ละระบบการบรหิ ารผูม้ ีสมรรถนะสูง
Talent Management System in Theory
What is Talent ?
What is Talent
Management System?
Why Talent and TMS?
What isTalent ?
TheWar ForTalent
Ed Michaels
Helen Handfield – Jones
Beth Axelrod
Harvard Business School Press, Boston ,
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
What isTalent ?
Talent is the sum of a person’s abilities :
• Intrinsic gifts
• Skills
• Knowledge
• Experience
• Intelligence
• Judgment
• Attitude
• Character
• Drive
• Ability to learn and grow
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
@To “Talent” meaning of ancient Hebrews, Greeks, and
@ A talent was a unit of weight; a unit of monetary value
@ For today, talent is a key source of value creation.
Three structural forces the war for talent :
1.The irreversible shift from the Industrial Age to the Information (& Digital) Age
2.The intensifying demand for high-caliber managerial talent
3.The growing propensity for people to switch from one company to another
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
#1: Irreversible shift from Industrial Age to Information Age
- the economy becomes more knowledge–based, the differential
value of highly talented people continues to mount!
#2 Intensifying demand for high-caliber managerial talent
• The job of managers is becoming more challenging as
globalization, deregulation, and rapid advances in technology
change the game in most industries.
#3Growing propensity to switch companies
Thewarfortalentiscreatinganewbusinessreality :
The Old Reality The New Reality
• People need companies • Companies need people
• Machines, capital, and geography are • Talented people are the competitive
the competitive advantages advantage
• Better talent makes some differences • Better talent makes a huge difference
• jobs are scarce • Talented people are scarce
• Employees are loyal and Jobs are • People are mobile and their
secure commitment is short term
• People accept the standard package • People demand much more
they are offered
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Implications of theWar forTalent
• The power has shifted from the corporation to the individual
• Excellent talent management has become a crucial source of competitive
( organizations that do a better job of attractions, developing, exciting, and
retaining their talent will gain more than their fair share of this critical and
scarce resource will boot their performance dramatically.)
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
AWhole NewApproach toTalent Management
Five imperatives that companies need to act on it.
They are going to win the war for managerial talent
and make talent a competitive advantage :
1. Embrace a talent mindset
2. Craft a winning employee value proposition
3. Rebuild a recruiting strategy
4. Weave development into organization
5. Differentiate and affirm on people
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
EVP (p.43) is the holistic sum of everything
people experience and receive while they
are part of the organization
->>everything from the intrinsic satisfaction of
the work to the environment, leadership,
colleagues, compensation and so on…
->> EVP is about how well the company fulfills
people’s needs, their expectations, and even
their dreams.
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Crafting a winning EVP
(EmployeeValue Proposition)
• Talented people want the big money and all perk
• Talented people want to feel passionate about their work
• Talented people want to be excited by their jobs
• Talented people want to be enriched by their career opportunities
• Talented people want to be uplifted by the company’s leaders
• Talented people want to be assured by the depth of its
• Talented people want to be inspired by sense of mission
(They will work hard but they want to be fulfilled!)
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
• “A strong EVP attracts great people like flowers
attract bees” (p.43)
• EVP is what people really experience in the
company, day by day.
WhatTALENT Managers are looking For : (p.45)
• Exciting work - interesting, challenging work,
- work I feel passionate about
• Great company - well-managed
- good relations with boss
- like the culture and values
- trust senior management
- A boss I admire
• Development - career advancement opportunities
- long-term commitment to me
- build skills to boost career
- senior managers committed to me
- high performance promoted
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Lifestyle - can meet my personal / family commitment
- flexible of where/when I work
Wealth and Rewards - Recognized, rewarded for my individual
- Substantial wealth creation opportunity
- High performance paid more
- Annual each compensation is high
Source : McKinsey & Longway’s War for Talent survey 2000, middle and senior managers
Effect of key elements on satisfactions (p.46)
• Exciting work
• Great Company
- Culture and values
- Great leaders
- Well managed
• Development
- Growth and advancement
- Company committed to me
• Wealth and Rewards
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Embrace a talent mindset!
A talent mindset : the passionate belief that to achieve organization’s
aspirations for the business, they must have great talent mindset.
• organizations need to fundamentally change their definition of
every leader’s job
• Finding and developing great leaders “the job no CEO should
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
A talent Mindset (pp.21-23)
• the deep-seated belief that having better talent at all levels is how the
organization can out perform its competitors
• the belief that better talent is a critical source of competitive advantage
• the recognition that it is better talent is the better talent that activates
the other talent-building imperatives
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
NewWay of Managing talent : (pp.15-16)
The old Way The New Way
• HR is responsible for people • All managers, starting with the CEO,
management are accountable for strengthening
their talent pool
• Provide good pay and benefits
• Recruiting is like purchasing • Shape the company, jobs, even
• Development happens in strategy to appeal to talented people
training programs • Recruiting is like marketing
• Treat everyone the same, and • Development primarily fueling
like to think that everyone is through stretch jobs, coaching, and
equally capable mentoring
• Affirm all people, but invent
differently in A, B and C players
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Atalent mindset is strikingly different from the old thinking about people
Old mindset about people New Talent Mindset
• A vague notion that “people • A deep conviction that better
are the most important asset” talent leads to better
corporate performance
• HR is responsible for people
management • All managers are accountable
for strengthening their talent
• Organization has a two-day pool
succession planning exercise
once a year • Talent management is a
central part of how to ran the
• Managers work with the company
people they inherit
• Managers take bold actions
to build the talent pool they
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Actions leaders must take to promote better talent management
1. Craft a wining employee value proposition (EVP)
2. Rebuild a Recruiting Strategy
3. Weave development into the organization
4. Differentiate and affirm on people
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Talent is every Leader’s Job (p.27)
Six actions a Leader must take to exert to talent:
1. Establish the gold standard for talent
2. Get actively involved in people decisions deep within the
3. Drive a simple, probing talent review process
4. Instill a talent mindset in all managers throughout the organization
5. Invest real money in talent
6. Hold themselves and their managers accountable for the strength of
talent pools they build
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Check the talent mindset by askingQs : (pp.38-39)
1. Do you believe having better people is how you will win in your business?
2. Do you believe strengthening your talent pool is a crucial part of your job?
3. Do you convince all your managers to make talent a crucial part of their jobs?
4. Have you established a gold standard for talent in your organization that is
widely understood and driven people decisions ?
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Check the talent mindset by askingQs : (pp.38-39) (continued)
1. Are you deeply involved in key people decisions two and three levels
below you? Do you probe, help, and challenge?
2. Do you personally drive a talent review process in each unit reporting
to you that results in a robust agenda for substantially strengthening
each unit’s plan?
3. To instill a talent mindset in others, do you model great talent
management and talk to your people about talent frequently?
4. Have you demonstrated a willingness to invent real money in talent?
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
The Old Expectations The New Expectations
• Big budget and large • New challenges and
staff exciting business
• Traditional corporate • Flat, fluid, flexible
hierarchy organization
• Thirty-year horizon, • Five-year horizon ,
good salary and wealth link to value
retirement package created
• Steadily up the • Jumping from one rock
corporate ladder face to another
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
PeopleWant BothCultural Dimensions :(P.52)
Company has Company
an open and has a
trusting performance
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Wealth and Rewards (p.56)
Old Pay Philosophy New Pay Philosophy
• Pay for the job • Pay for the person and for
• Jobs scope and seniority
drive pay • Value creation drives pay
• Pay what others in the • Pay what the individual could
company get (internal get elsewhere (market
equity) equity)
• Set a range and hire • Break the compensation
within it rules to hire the right
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Rebuild recruiting strategy (pp.69-70)
Old Recruiting strategies New Recruiting Strategies
• Grow all your talents
• Recruit for vacant positions • Pump talent in/at all levels
• Go to a few traditional sources • Hunt for talent all the time
• Advertise to job hunters • Try many diverse pools of talent
• Specify a compensation range • Find wraps to reach passive
and stay within it candidates
• Recruiting is about screening • Break the compensation rules to
• Hire as needed with no overall
get the candidates you want
plan • Recruiting is about selling as well as
• Develop a recruiting strategy for
each type of talent
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Weave Development into the organization (p.95,P.98 )
Old Approach to Development New Approach to Development
• Development just happens • Development is woven into the fabric of
• Development means training the organization
• Development primarily means
• The unit owns the talent; people do not
move across units challenging experiences, coaching,
feedback, and mentoring
• Only poor performers have development • The company owns the talent; people
needs move easily around the organization
• Everyone has development needs and
• A few lucky people find mentors receives coaching
• Mentors are assigned to every high-
potential process
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Factors that drive development ( p.100)
• Job assignments
- promote high performers quickly
- build skills to boost career prospects
- fast rotation and advancement
- on-the-job training
• Coaching and Feedback
- told my strengths and weakness
- 360 degree feedback
- candid , insightful feedback
- informal coaching from boss
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Training :What about training ?
Training is not as important as job
experience, coaching, and mentoring
But 2 types of well-designed and well-
delivered training can enhance
manager’s development :
1. foundational managerial
2. high-impact leadership
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Foundational managerial education
• knowledge of management disciplines i.e
- finance
- operations
- marketing
- general managerial skills
- communications
- interpersonal skills.
: Relevant, timely, high quality, reinforced on the jobs
: face-to-face settings or self-paced,
technology-based solutions
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Leadership development training
• Can only be delivered face-to-face
• The best leadership development program are structured around action learning :
- solving real and important
business problems
- include a large amount of high quality feedback.
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
The Old Ethics The New Ethics
• Invent in all people equally • Some people are more talented and
perform much better than others, so invent
• Give best performers a little more in them accordingly
money than average performers
• Give best performance a lot more money
• Managers do not need pats on the • Managers, like everyone
else, need to know they are valued
• Ethical managers do not talk about • Managers have a responsibility to discuss
others behind their backs
the people in their organization
• Undifferentiated praise motivates • Differentiation drives in individual and
the masses
company performance
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Traditional Succession Planning Robust Talent Review
• A half-day session once a • A full day on-site for each division
year at corporate headquarters • Discuss quality of incumbents
• Discuss possible successors • Review individuals and the talent
• Review individuals
• Polite, sensational presentations strength of each unit, and discuss
• No effort to calibrate assessments other issues such as retention or
• No action plans agreed to recruiting
• An annual paper exercise • Rigorous, candid debate
• Drive to a distribution of ratings
• Specific action plans written and
followed up for each unit
• As important and intense as the
budget process, with real
accountability a performance focus
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Are you AprreeypoaurperedpatoredwtoinwtihnethewwaarrffoorrTATLAELNETN? T ? ( p.165)
( : 105)
• Is talent one of your top three priorities ?
• Are you spending 30 percent or more of your time strengthening your talent pool ? Have you made talent
your job?
• Are you & all your key people explicitly held accountable for strengthening their talent pool?
• Do you have a winning EVP that attracts talented people to your organization ?
• Do you know the attrition rate of your high-performing managers and why they are leaving ? Do you have
initiatives in place to reduce these regretted losses?
• Are you aggressively recruiting for new faces in new places at all levels, including senior levels, of your
organization ?
• Does your unit have a robust written recruiting strategy, similar in rigor to your marketing strategies?
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Agenda ทฤษฎแี ละระบบการบรหิ ารผูม้ สี มรรถนะสูง
Talent Management System in Theory
ทกั ษะทจ่ี าเป็นในศตวรรษท่ี 21
Happy Workplace
High HQ
โลกในศตวรรษท่ี 21…. VUCA WORLD…
Disruptions Era…
Environment of Global HRM…
C21 Environmental Factors
Expatriate versus Nomad
Expatriate >>employee who is not a citizen of the country in
which a firm’s operations are located but is a citizen of the country
in which the organization is headquartered. (Martocchio,2019:420)
Nomad>>A nomad is a member of a community without fixed
habitation which regularly moves to and from the same areas.
Such groups include hunter-gatherers, pastoral nomads, and tinkers or
trader nomads. Wikipedia
Models for Superior Performance(1993)
David C. McClelland
Summarized by Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.,Ph.D.
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
“Testing for Competence Rather than Intelligence”
Models for Superior Performance…
1. Intelligence did not predict job performance or success in life.
2. Intelligences were often biased against minorities, women,
and persons form lower socioeconomic strata.
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.
Competencies are underlying characteristics of
people that indicate…
“ways of behaving or thinking, generalizing across
situations, and enduring for a reasonably long period
of time.”
Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.