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Published by Sirapatsorn W., 2021-10-20 05:09:44



The Iceberg Model of competency

Visible Skill

Self-concept Hidden


1. Skill - The ability to perform a certain physical or mental task.

2.Knowledge -Informationapersonhasinspecific contentareas.

3. Self-Concept: A person’s attitudes, values, or self-image

4. Traits: Physical characteristics and consistent responses to
situations or information.

5. Motives: The things a person consistently thinks about or wants that
cause action. Motives “drive, direct, and select” behavior toward
certain actions or goals and away form others.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Surface The Cross-sectioned Onion Model of competency


Self-Concept, Value, Attitude


Knowledge Inner circle
Core Personality

- Knowledge and skill competencies tend to be visible, and relatively
surface, characteristics of people.

- Self-concept, Trait, and Motive competencies are more hidden,
“deeper,” and central to personality.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

- Surface knowledge and skill competencies are relatively
easy to develop.
-Core motive and trait competencies at the base of the
personality iceberg are more difficult to assess and develop.

Causal Relationships:

- Competencies always include an intent.
- Behavior without intent doesn’t define a competency.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

“Intent” “Action” “Outcome”
Personal Job
Characteristics Skills Performance


Achievement Goal Setting, Continuous
Motivation Personal Responsibility, Improvement
Use of Feedback
Sales, Earnings

“Doing Better” Calculated Innovation
- Competition with Risk Taking
New Products, Service,
Standards of Excellence And Processes

- Unique Accomplishment

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Hard skills

soft skills

By Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn Wongthongdee,Ph.D.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

•During the job application and
interview process, employers look for
applicants with two skill sets:

1. hard skills
2. soft skills.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

The Difference
Hard Skills
Soft Skills

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Hard skills

are teachable abilities or skill sets that are easy to
Typically, you'll learn hard skills in the classroom, through
books or other training materials, or on the job.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Types of Hard Skills
Hard skills include the specific knowledge and abilities
required for success in a job.
i.e. computer programming, web design, typing,
accounting, finance, writing, mathematics, legal and
other quantifiable skills that are included in the
requirements for a job.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

The main difference between hard
skills and soft skills is that
hard skills can usually be taught
in a series of concrete steps.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Soft skills,
on the other hand, are subjective skills that are much
harder to quantify.
Also known as "people skills" or "interpersonal skills,"
soft skills relate to the way you relate to and interact
with other people.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Types of Soft Skills
Conversely, soft skills are attributes
and personality traits that affect
interpersonal interactions.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Types of Soft Skills
These include characteristics such as
leadership, empathy, communication,
etiquette and more skills that aren’t as
quantifiable as hard skills.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.




Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

B. Sc. Geology, Chulalongkorn University
MBA (Int’l) Sasin School of Management, Chulalongkorn University
PDA (Int’l) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University

Chairman, Tha Chang Green Energy
Chairman of Enterprise-wide Risk Management Committee, Prima Marine Pcl.
Director, Sea Oil Pcl.
Director, Prima Marine Pcl.
Managing Director, KMAN Consult Co., Ltd.
Chartered Director, Thai Institute of Directors

Visiting & Adjunct Lecturer: Thai Institute of Directors
Thai Petroleum Technical Institute, Petroleum Institute of Thailand

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

What the future leaders look like?

1. Change management
2. Motivation/Drive for success
3. System thinking and creativity

Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

What the future leaders look like? Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

What the future leaders look like? Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

2025 Leadership Skills

1. Analytical thinking and innovation
2. Active learning and learning strategies
3. Complex problem-solving
4. Critical thinking and analysis
5. Creativity, originality and initiative
6. Leadership and social influence
7. Technology use, monitoring and control
8. Technology design and programming
9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
10.Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

What the future leaders look like? Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

12 Critical Competencies for Leadership in the Future

1. Develop and Adaptive mindset
2. Have a Clear vision
3. Embrace abundance mindset
4. Weave ecosystems for human engagement
5. Anticipate and create change
6. Be self-aware
7. Be an agile learner
8. Network and collaboration
9. Relentlessly focus on customer
10.Develop people
11.Design for the Future
12.Constantly clarify and communicate

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Resiliency - Business level

Understand, Manage ERM and Identify Opportunities

Look forward with a new Vision

Systematic Review in all aspects

Closely monitor performance in different ways

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Change the mindset Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Resiliency Agility

The Ability to… The Ability to…
 Understand, Manage ERM and Identify  Renew
 Adapt
Opportunities  Change quickly
 Look forward with a new Vision  Succeed in the new
 Systematic Review in all aspects
 Closely monitor performance in different ways environment
 Diversity and Inclusion
 Change the mindset Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Organization needs the
“ability” to
 Renew
 Adapt
 Change quickly
 Succeed in the new

environment (rapidly
changing, ambiguous,

Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

The 2021 global human capital trends
 Designing work for well-being: The end of work/life balance
 Beyond reskilling: Unleashing worker potential
 Super teams: Where work happens
 Governing workforce strategies: Setting new directions for work and the workforce
 A memo to HR: Accelerating the shift to re-architecting work

Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Future Workforce Competencies

7 competencies Capital expenditures (CAPEX) are a
company's major, long-term
1. Empowering remote workforce expenses while operating
2. Accelerating agility expenses (OPEX) are a company's
3. Cost management (CAPEX & OPEX) day-to-day expenses.
4. Engaging customers ‘virtually’
5. Enhancing supply chain continuity Credit : Dr. Kosit Fuangswasdi
6. Balancing business portfolio
7. Essential advantages

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Credit : K.Nusara Pankrod

C 21 Talent Competencies…

Credit : K.Nusara Pankrod

C 21 CU People…

Credit : K.Nusara Pankrod

C 21 CU Competencies… Credit : K.Nusara Pankrod

Agenda ทฤษฎแี ละระบบการบรหิ ารผูม้ สี มรรถนะสูง
Talent Management System in Theory

ทกั ษะทจ่ี าเป็นในศตวรรษท่ี 21

Happy Workplace

High HQ

Agenda ทฤษฎแี ละระบบการบรหิ ารผูม้ สี มรรถนะสูง
Talent Management System in Theory

ทกั ษะทจ่ี าเป็นในศตวรรษท่ี 21

Happy Workplace

High HQ

สมรรถนะการสร้างความประทับใจในทท่ี างาน
HHQ: High Hospitality Quotient

By Associate Professor Sirapatsorn Wongthongdee,Ph.D.

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

Hospitality in theWorkplace: • Office Layout
• Light
• Environment
• People
• Behaviors
• Atmosphere

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

HHQ Competencies:

genuine kindness, thoughtfulness, and a sense
that the glass is always at least half full….

C1: เมตตา เอ้อื เฟือ้ และไม่เปน็ น้าล้นถ้วย

สมรรถนะตวั ทีห่ นึง่ : การมองโลกในแง่ดแี ละอบอุน่ (Optimistic Warmth )

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

HHQ Competencies:

C2: Not just “smarts” but rather an insatiable curiosity to
learn for the sake of learning….
สมรรถนะตวั ทีส่ อง: ไม่ใช่เพียงแค่รู้ และฉลาดเลศิ แต่กระหายท่จี ะเรยี นรู้
การใฝ่ร้อู ยา่ งชาญฉลาด (Curious ไมห่ ยุดอยู่กับที่


Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

HHQ Competencies:

C3: A natural tendency to do something as well as it
can possibly be done…มีความรับผิดชอบ
สมรรถนะตัวท่ีสาม: ท่มุ เทในการทางานให้สาเร็จ เสมอต้นเสมอปลาย
การมีจรยิ ธรรมในงาน (Work Ethic )

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

HHQ Competencies: An awareness of, care for, and connection to how others feel and
how your actions make others feel…good and happy….
สมรรถนะตัวทส่ี ่ี: การตระหนกั ใสใ่ จ และร้สู กึ ถงึ ความรู้สกึ ของผอู้ นื่ รวมถึงการช่วยใหผ้ ู้อน่ื
การมคี วามเมตตาและเอาใจเขามาใสใ่ จเรา รู้สึกดี มีความสุข
(Empathic Kindness)

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

HHQ Competencies:

สมรรถนะตัวท่หี ้า: An understanding of what makes you tick…
การมสี ติและเขา้ ใจตนเอง ความเขา้ ใจตนเองอยา่ งแท้จริงวา่ อะไร ท่ีทาใหค้ ณุ มีพลงั ในการทาส่งิ หนึ่งส่งิ ใด…
(Self-awareness )

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

HHQ Competencies: A natural inclination to be accountable for doing the right thing
C6: with honesty and superb judgment…
เปน็ ธรรมชาติในการรบั ผิดชอบตอ่ การกระทาส่งิ ต่างๆ ซง่ึ ตัดสนิ ใจบนฐาน
สมรรถนะตวั ทีห่ ก: ของความถกู ต้องซือ่ สัตย์
การยึดมน่ั ในศักดิ์ศรแี ละความดีงาม
(Integrity )

Assoc.Prof.Sirapatsorn W.Ph.D.

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