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The Fully Residential Schools International Symposium (FRSIS) was initiated in 2011 and was organised by the Ministry of Education Malaysia under the Fully Residential Schools Management Division in partnership with the National Commission for UNESCO Malaysia. The organisation of this program at an international level is in tandem with the vision of the Fully Residential School of creating "World Class Leaders" for the 70 fully residential schools in Malaysia.

The involvement of fully residential school students in this international programme has enabled them to interact and think globally whilst applying the knowledge gained in accordance to the norms of the host country.

This programme will also bring about positive impacts in honing leadership qualities among students to organize programme at the international level, through their involvement in the work committee, as the foundation that ensures the smooth success of this programme. Over the years, FRSIS has received participation from countries such as Japan, The Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, UAE, Iran, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, India and Turkey. This symposium has given a significant impact in nurturing towering personalities-individuals with high level of competitiveness, as well as improving leadership qualities among students moulding them to become global leaders.

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Published by noorhaizanhassan, 2024-06-10 20:28:57


The Fully Residential Schools International Symposium (FRSIS) was initiated in 2011 and was organised by the Ministry of Education Malaysia under the Fully Residential Schools Management Division in partnership with the National Commission for UNESCO Malaysia. The organisation of this program at an international level is in tandem with the vision of the Fully Residential School of creating "World Class Leaders" for the 70 fully residential schools in Malaysia.

The involvement of fully residential school students in this international programme has enabled them to interact and think globally whilst applying the knowledge gained in accordance to the norms of the host country.

This programme will also bring about positive impacts in honing leadership qualities among students to organize programme at the international level, through their involvement in the work committee, as the foundation that ensures the smooth success of this programme. Over the years, FRSIS has received participation from countries such as Japan, The Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, UAE, Iran, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, India and Turkey. This symposium has given a significant impact in nurturing towering personalities-individuals with high level of competitiveness, as well as improving leadership qualities among students moulding them to become global leaders.

h t t p s : / / s m s t s p . e d u . m y / f r s i s / 1 2 F U L L Y R E S I D E N T I A L S C H O O L S I N T E R N A T I O N A L S Y M P O S I U M 2 0 2 4 TH F R S I S 2 0 2 4 1 0 - 1 4 J U N E 2 0 2 4 T H T H

12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH C O N T E N T Director Of Fully Residential Schools Management Division, Ministry Of Education, Malaysia i Principal of SM Sains Tuanku Syed Putra i i Subtheme 1 : Zero Hunger (SDG 2) 1 - 1 5 A B S T R A C T S Subtheme 2 : Good Health And Well-Being (SDG 3) 1 6 - 3 4 Subtheme 3 : Quality Education (SDG 4) 3 5 - 5 4 Subtheme 4 : Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure (SDG 9) 5 5 - 7 0 Subtheme 5 : Climate Action (SDG 13) 7 1 - 8 8 Subtheme 6 : Life on Land (SDG 15) 8 9 - 1 0 5 F O R E W O R D

F O R E W O R D AB AZIZ BIN MAMAT Director of Fully Residential Schools Management Division, Ministry of Education, Malaysia 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH AB AZIZ i It is with great pleasure and anticipation that I extend my warmest greetings to all participants of the 12th Fully Residential Schools International Symposium with the theme, "The Climate Emergency: A Race We Can Win," hosted by SM Sains Tuanku Syed Putra, Perlis. As the Director of the Fully Residential Schools Management Division, I am thrilled to witness the gathering of bright minds and passionate individuals from across the globe to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time. The theme, "The Climate Emergency: A Race We Can Win," encapsulates both the urgency and the hope that characterize our collective response to the climate crisis. In a world where the impacts of climate change are increasingly felt, it is imperative that we come together to explore innovative solutions and mobilize action at every level of society. We have long been at the forefront of promoting environmental consciousness and sustainability within our school community. Our commitment to fostering eco-consciousness among our students is rooted in the belief that education is not only about imparting knowledge but also about nurturing responsible global citizens who are equipped to tackle the challenges of the future. I am confident that this symposium will serve as a catalyst for meaningful dialogue, collaboration, and action on climate change. By bringing together experts, educators, and young leaders, we have the opportunity to exchange ideas, share best practices, and chart a course towards a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come. As we embark on this journey together, let us remember that the race against climate change is not one that we can afford to lose. It is a race that requires collective effort, determination, and unwavering commitment. Let us seize this moment to harness the power of collaboration and innovation to build a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable world for all. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the organizers, sponsors, and participants of this symposium for their dedication and support. May our deliberations be fruitful, our actions impactful, and our resolve unwavering as we strive to win the race against climate change. Thank you. K.M.W

F O R E W O R D Ms.JULAILA BINTI YAHYA Excellent Principal of SM Sains Tuanku Syed Putra Perlis, Malaysia 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH JULAILA ii It is my great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the 12th Fully Residential Schools International Symposium (FRSIS) 2024: Syed Putra Edition. Over the years, FRSIS has grown into a prestigious platform, bringing together brilliant minds from across the globe to share knowledge, foster collaboration, and inspire innovation. As we gather for this 12th installment, we celebrate not only the continuity of this invaluable tradition but also the incredible advancements and ideas it has sparked since its inception. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the Fully Residential Schools Management Division for their unwavering dedication and exceptional efforts in organizing this remarkable symposium. Additionally, I am immensely proud of my own institution, Sekolah Menengah Sains Tuanku Syed Putra, Perlis, for hosting this year’s event. The commitment and hard work displayed by teachers, students and staff involved are truly commendable and have been instrumental in bringing this symposium to life. The theme for FRSIS 2024, "The Climate Change: A Race We Can Win," is of paramount importance. Climate change stands as one of the most critical challenges of our time, demanding immediate and concerted action from all sectors of society. By focusing on this theme, we not only acknowledge the urgency of the situation but also affirm our belief in the possibility of a brighter, sustainable future. This symposium serves as a call to action, urging us to unite our efforts, share innovative solutions, and work collaboratively to combat climate change. I am filled with hope and optimism for the success of this symposium and I am confident that the discussions and collaborations initiated here will pave the way for meaningful change. Furthermore, I am excited about the potential for ongoing cooperation between our participating countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Vietnam, and Turkiye. By strengthening our international bonds and working in unison, we can achieve remarkable progress in our shared mission to address climate change. In conclusion, I wish all participants a fruitful and inspiring symposium. Let us embrace this opportunity to learn, collaborate, and innovate, propelling us towards a future where we have successfully conquered the climate challenge. Together, we can and will win this race Thank you.

12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH ZERO HUNGER ( SDG 2 ) B u i l d i n g R e s i l i e n c e : A d a p t i n g T o C h a n g i n g C l i m a t e P a t t e r n s I n T h e F o o d S e c t o r S U B T H E M E 1 1

TEACHER ADVISOR NO0R ZHAFARINI BINTI N00RIZAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r MUHAMMAD ANAS BIN ROZAIDI ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD IMRAN BIN SHUHAIMI ([email protected]) NUR ANNISA BALQIS BINTI KAMARULZAMAN ([email protected]) IFFAH BINTI AZIZUL ([email protected]) ABSTRACT THE RECIPE FOR RESILIENCE: EXPLORING FARM FRESH MALAYSIA’S CAPACITIES SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH INTEGRASI KUBANG PASU, KEDAH, MALAYSIA title : The food sector has been greatly affected by climate change in recent years, significantly extreme hot weather. With the adverse effects of changing climate patterns on agriculture, understanding and enhancing the resilience in the food sector is crucial. According to the World Bank, resilience is the capacity of vulnerable systems to withstand, adapt to, and potentially evolve in response to shocks and stressors. Therefore, it is advisable for food producers to embed resilience characteristics in their planning and operational strategies. This study explored Farm Fresh Malaysia’s core resilience capacities; adaptive, absorptive, transformative capacities in dealing with changing climate patterns as well as efforts made by Farm Fresh Malaysia in promoting SDG 2 as a prominent local dairy producer and the first dairy company in Asia to be awarded the internationally recognized Certified Humane® certification. This qualitative acquired exploratory case study utilised primary and secondary data. Primary data was during the team’s visit to FARM FRESH @ UPM (Industry Centre of Excellence, ICoE) where an interview with a farm executive and observations were made while secondary data was obtained from the company’s annual sustainability reports, related news articles, and past interviews. Then, thematic analysis was used to find emerging themes. This study identified that Farm Fresh Malaysia has the necessary capacities in building resilience that also align with SDG 2 amidst this changing climate pattern. This study underscores Farm Fresh Malaysia’s commendable in and out farm resilience building practices that should be emulated by all food producers beyond the dairy sector. Keywords: Absorptive Capacity, Adaptive Capacity, Transformative Capacity 2

TEACHER ADVISOR ENNIE AZORA BINTI OTHMAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r NUR FAQIHAH BINTI SHAMSUL KHARI ([email protected]) NORSYAFIQAH ALYA BT MOHD ALIAS YEAK ([email protected]) RAFIQ NAUFAL BIN ABDUL AZIZ ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD AMRI BIN AMAN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT HARVESTING HOPE: PIONEERING SOLUTIONS FOR CLIMATE-INDUCED FOOD SECURITY IN MALAYSIA SEKOLAH MENENGAH SAINS KUALA SELANGOR, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA title : When climate change hits Malaysia, it abruptly affects food security, which is quite important for Malaysians. The presence of these factors adversely impacts the rate of crop growth and yield, leading to negative outcomes for agricultural productivity. The objectives of this study are to unveil how climate change affects food security in Malaysia in connection with how food insecurity can affect current workforce participation and find the best resolutions. The research methodology implemented a qualitative method and literature review by investigating relationships between two variables (or more) without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them as well as questionnaires from locals. The inquiry found that Malaysia remains vulnerable to food insecurity in the future due to being reliant on imports to maintain its food supply. The country’s agricultural sector had to brace itself for lower crop production that could cost millions of Malaysian ringgit. Therefore, in an attempt to ensure the members of society, including low-income (B40) residents, the orang asli and refugees have the needed support, the simplest action we could do is to use the already existing spaces within places we live in – from rooftops to sidewalks. Make edible landscapes rather than just beautiful like vertical farming. Another suggestion is for the government to focus more on syllabuses that are linked with agriculture for students in school. These methods can ease the effect on Malaysia’s food security that has been concerning. Keywords : Food Security, Agriculture, Vertical Farming, Climate Change 3

TEACHER ADVISOR NORADILAH BINTI SULIMAI 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r MUHAMAD IZZAT KHALEEL BIN KASNAN ([email protected]) ALEESHA ADREANNA BINTI MOHD ALIAS ([email protected]) MOHAMMAD IZZUDDIN AIMAN BIN GHAZALI ([email protected]) MARHA IRDINA BINTI MOHD HANAFI ([email protected]) ABSTRACT ADAPTING TO CLIMATE EXTREMES: SECURING FAITH FOR SMALLHOLDER FARMERS S M S A I N S S A B A H , T U A R A N , M A L A Y S I A title : Climate change has negatively affected the agricultural sector in many ways, specifically vegetables. Simultaneously, it has also worsened the current situation of smallholder farmers and their ability to contribute towards the agricultural and food sector. The objectives of this research are to unfold the difficulties caused by the unstable changing climate patterns and its impacts towards vegetable plantation, discover the adapting strategies to enable agriculture to sustain and resuscitate itself in the food sector and to increase the rate of vegetable production in Sabah. The research methodology utilized is a mixed method, containing qualitative and quantitative methods where interviews and surveys were conducted. The analysis of interview transcriptions and questionnaires respondents have been carried out afterwards. The research has revealed that the changing of climate patterns in Sabah has disrupted the growth of vegetables and severely degraded the vegetable production rate. Following the high demand of vegetables, smallholder farmers are struggling to keep up and have caused negative effects both economically and physically. Thus, an effort that can help smallholder farmers to adapt to the changing of climate patterns is by providing financial help provided by the government. Another suggestion is to practice agricultural technologies to adapt to the changing of climate patterns. NGOs can also help smallholder farmers by raising awareness among the community. In conclusion, the efforts taken to help vegetable plantations adapt to the changing of climate patterns can help maintain the rate of vegetable production, thus fulfilling SDG number 2, which is to achieve zero hunger. Keywords: Smallholder Farmers, Adapt, Vegetable Plantation 4

TEACHER ADVISOR NURUL AKMAR BINTI MOHAMAD NOOR 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r MUHAMMAD DARIWSY BIN MOHD NAJMEE ([email protected]) ATIF FAQIHI BIN MOHD AL’IKHSAN ([email protected]) NIESA IMANINA BINTI AMIRUDIN ([email protected]) NUR KHAIRINA MIRZA BINTI MOHD FADHIL ([email protected]) ABSTRACT THE STARVATION’S SHADOW: THE CRISIS UNFOLDING IN SOUTH SUDAN SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH INTEGRASI TUN ABDUL RAZAK, PEKAN, PAHANG, MALAYSIA title : Famine: a world-renowned crisis that revolves around the globe having South Sudan in the spotlight. Recent analytics covering famine in South Sudan summarizes over 7 million people are food malnourished, with over 500,000 people fleeing South Sudan in 2023. Of these, 83% were South Sudanese returning to a country hosting over 360,000 refugees and 2 million internally displaced persons, with limited livelihood opportunities. The study revealed that climate changes in South Sudan, as in many other regions, is primarily caused by human activities that release greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. To illustrate; deforestation, agricultural expansion, and fuelwood collection, that reduces the rate of carbon dioxide absorption from the atmosphere contributing to global warming following depletion growth rate of plants and desolation of farmlands. Hence, in effort to aid the people of South Sudan, the UN World Food Program invent a multifaceted approach involving both short-term relief efforts and long-term solutions by building acclimatized food storage facilities and farms to improve access to food in remote areas. Moreover, satellite imagery and remote sensing technologies were used to monitor agricultural production, climate changes and food distribution patterns in inaccessible areas. The main objective of this study is to propagate alertness to citizens of Malaysia regarding climate change factors as the root of famine in South Sudan, and strategies executed by the government to overcome this catastrophe. The research methodology utilized are quantitative correlation research through meta-analysis according to scholarly articles from established websites, and handpicked interviews with InSTAR students. Ultimately, these alleviation and initiatives implemented by the government have helped masses of South Sudan citizens to experience a normal life. Keywords: Famine, UN World Food Program, Climate Changes, Desolation of Farmlands 5

TEACHER ADVISOR KONG SUK MEI 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r DHIYA DAMIA BINTI MOHD REDHUAN ([email protected]) NURUL AISYA AN-NAJIHAH BINTI SAIFUL MIZAN ([email protected]) AHMAD FUDHAIL MURSHIDI BIN AHMAD MAHFUZ NAJHAN ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD ADAM MUZAFFAR BIN ESMAEL SHAH ([email protected] ) ABSTRACT ACHIEVING ZERO HUNGER : HOW CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECTS FOOD SECURITY IN SOUTH ASIAN COUNTRIES SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH INTEGRASI GOPENG, PERAK, MALAYSIA title : Climate change poses a significant threat to food security worldwide, worsening existing vulnerabilities and destabilizing food systems globally. In this context, this study focuses on understanding how climate change affects food security in South Asia, particularly in vulnerable regions and among marginalized populations. The research problem addresses the urgent need to understand the impacts of climate change on food availability, access, and utilization, particularly in the context of socioeconomic disparities and environmental degradation. The primary objectives of the study are to assess the extent of climate-induced food insecurity, identify adaptation strategies used by communities, and evaluate the effectiveness of policy interventions to enhance food resilience. To achieve these objectives, qualitative correlational research was conducted, involving a meta-analysis study to review governmental policies and scholarly articles from trusted sources thus enhancing the understanding of the topic discussed. Preliminary findings highlight the diverse impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations such as smallholder farmers, indigenous communities, and urban slum dwellers. Adaptation strategies range from agricultural diversification and water management to social safety nets and community-based resilience initiatives. However, policy interventions in South Asia remain fragmented and insufficient to address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change to food security. This study underscores the urgent need for coordinated action at local, national, and global levels to mitigate the impacts of climate change on food systems in South Asia and ensure equitable access to nutritious and sustainable food sources. Keywords: Climate Change, Food Security, Vulnerable Regions 6

TEACHER ADVISOR CASSANDRA CHARLES 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r ANNA VIVIENNE ANDROW CELYRON ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD ADAM MIKHAIL B. MOHD ZAIFULNIZAM ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD FARISH IMTIYAZ B. MOHD KHIROLL RADI OSMENA ([email protected]) ROSELLA HAZEL ANAK ROBERT ([email protected]) ABSTRACT SECURING ABUNDANCE: OPTIMISING YIELDS IN THE PEARL OF BORNEO SEKOLAH MENENGAH SAINS LABUAN, FEDERAL TERRITORY OF LABUAN, MALAYSIA title : Labuan, dubbed as 'The Pearl of Borneo' has shown a continued population growth of 14% with 99,500 people in 2023 compared to the year 2010 with 86,908 people. Thus, there are more mouths to feed in the following years. While problems of food distribution in Labuan relating to infrastructure, storage and transportation are obvious, changes on the Earth's climate warrants further study on the widespread effects on Labuan’s agriculture sector. Hence, this study aims to explore the conjuncture between climate change on agriculture production and food distribution in Labuan, to propose alternatives to increase production to meet local demand and to unearth plausible solutions for this problem. The research methodology utilised is meta-analysis by means of studying governmental policies and scholarly articles from established websites as well as qualitative based research through interviews and questionnaires. The analysis of the interview transcriptions will be carried out afterwards. The outcome demonstrates a pattern indicating a correlation between the two variables and the alternative provided might not be suitable in Labuan because of various factors. To remediate this problem, policymakers and advocates should demand more allocation to commercialise urban farming, greater national cooperation is also necessary to create a fair agricultural trading system and a constructive dialogue focused on Labuan’s long-term food security within the region. Keywords: Climate Change, Agriculture Production, Food Distribution 7

TEACHER ADVISOR WAN HASNIZA BINTI OTHMAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r In Kedah, Malaysia, unpredictable weather conditions have posed significant challenges to local farmers, leading to struggles in maintaining crop production, soil quality, and subsequently, causing price hikes and crop deficiencies during festive seasons. This research aims to investigate the feasibility of organic farming as an alternative method to address these challenges and ensure a sustainable food supply for Kedah's populace. The study objectives include examining public perceptions towards organic farming, assessing the benefits of organic farming in enhancing food security and resilience to climate change, and understanding the obstacles faced by organic farmers in sustaining production. A mixed-method approach incorporating survey questionnaires, interviews, and text analysis was employed. Results indicate minimal understanding and adoption of organic farming among Kedah - based individuals, with respondents expressing a AWA HUMAIRA BINTI NOR IZWAN ([email protected]) NURUL IFFAH AQILAH BINTI AMIR ([email protected]) AMIR HADIF BIN MOHD FARIS ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD NAUFAL MU’AZ BIN MOHD SHAHNEEZAM ([email protected]) ABSTRACT SEEDS OF CHANGE: ARE YOU READY FOR ORGANIC FARMING? SEKOLAH MENENGAH SAINS SULTAN MOHAMAD JIWA, KEDAH, MALAYSIA title : preference for conventional methods. However, text analysis revealed perceived benefits such as healthier food due to reduced chemical usage and increased resilience to climate change through soil health focus and biodiversity. Interviews highlighted challenges including extreme weather conditions, labour shortages, and bird-related issues. Recommendations include raising public awareness through educational campaigns, community outreach, and accessible information channels to promote the environmental and food security benefits of organic farming. These findings offer insights into the potential of organic farming to address agricultural challenges in Kedah and underscore the importance of public education and support for its wider adoption. Keywords : Organic Farming, Climate Change, Crop Production 8

TEACHER ADVISOR MOHD FARIS AFIZI BIN BABJEE 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r MUHAMMAD DARWISY HAZIQ BIN S WERA ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD SAUFI BIN AZHAR ([email protected]) NURALIYA QISTINA BINTI ABDUL HAMID@HAMID([email protected]) ZARA ERYNA BINTI SHAH RIZAL ([email protected]) ABSTRACT FROM THREAT TO TRIUMPH: INTEGRATING PEST MANAGEMENT IN CLIMATE-RESILIENT FOOD SYSTEMS S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H S A I N S K E P A L A B A T A S , P E N A N G , M A L A Y S I A title : Contemporary discussions on addressing hunger and managing pests often overlook crucial aspects such as distribution efficiency and sustainable practices like Integrated Pest Management Systems (IPM). Additionally, the exacerbation of pest infestations due to climate change is resulting in heightened damage to crops, thereby contributing to an escalation in food insecurity. Therefore, this study aims to provide solutions to decrease the pest problem while advocating for the implementation of more sustainable agricultural practices that minimise the need for harmful pesticides. The research methodology employed involves systematically synthesising the gathered studies through umbrella reviews, conducting historical research detailed in published articles, as well as interviews with veteran farmers, thereby ensuring a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the issue at hand. The study revealed that recently pests and diseases are damaging crop shortages that have sent prices for staples like corn and rice soaring. That’s set to become even more prevalent as extreme weather events multiply. Pests adapt easily to the changing climate, with warmer temperatures, allowing them to reproduce more quickly and migrate faster, in turn reducing crop yields. Therefore, synthesising a brand-new innovation to counter this problem would help a lot in achieving the goal of zero hunger. Another recommendation is to construct a clear manual for the farmers as a guide for them to face this problem. The pest problem is a massive problem, and providing a solution for this matter is compulsory in achieving the goal of zero hunger. Keywords: Pests, Crop Shortages, Sustainable Agricultural Practices 9

TEACHER ADVISOR SHAFIKA AMEERA BINTI SALLEH 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r The past few years have witnessed severe food insecurity across the globe, credits to the ever-increasing temperature of Earth. Apart from being subjected to ecological changes, climatic conditions are another natural threat of vegetable farming. The year 2024 especially records the worst drought ever in Kelantan, which is still currently lasting, reaching 3 months mark. Limited supply of fresh produce directly affects prices which leads consumers to also opt for less expensive items – abandoning much needed nutrition. This research seeks an effective way to enhance food availability among Kelantan families by promoting home farming. This applies a design and development research (DDR) approach. In Phase 1, needs analysis phase, interview techniques, comprehensive literature review and thematic coding were carried out to determine the key factors of low food supply and check the status quo regarding the matter. In Phase 2, QISTINA HAZIQAH BINTI SHAMSURIE ([email protected]) NURUL AINA BATHRYSYA BINTI AZMAN ([email protected]) NUR ASYFA DAMIA BINTI MOHD SUHAIMI ([email protected]) NURUL IMAN BINTI MOHD BAHROL HAISHAM ([email protected]) ABSTRACT WISE MACDONALD HAS A FARM: PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE FOOD PRACTICES IN KELANTAN S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H S A I N S P A S I R P U T E H , K E L A N T A N , M A L A Y S I A title : design and development phase, a pilot farming project and an awareness campaign were planned and executed, involving distribution of farming starter kit to families. Finally, the campaign success was evaluated in the evaluation phase through interviews with subject matter experts and consumers. This study proves that the ‘1 Farm Every House’ Campaign successfully nurtures consumers’ awareness on nutritious food and sustainable farming. Keywords: Home Farming, Sustainable Food Practices, Awareness Campaign 10

TEACHER ADVISOR NURWAFA YASMIN BINTI ROSLAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r JASMINE BINTI HAFIZ ([email protected]) NURUL HUDA BINTI AHMAD FAIZAL([email protected]) MUHAMMAD HAZIM ILMI BIN SALLEH ([email protected]) ADAM ZHARFAN BIN BADARUDDIN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RAINWATER HARVESTING SYSTEM IN KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN SEKOLAH MENENGAH SAINS BATU PAHAT, BATU PAHAT, JOHOR, MALAYSIA title : Kota Bharu, the riverside capital of Kelantan in the northeast of Peninsular Malaysia, is facing a significant crop production crisis. This research aims to study the effects of climate-changing patterns in the food sector by implementing a rainwater harvesting system. According to Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority (KADA) (2023), 7,800ha out of 26,833ha of paddy crops under their development have been affected by the hot weather and drought in Kelantan. The best method to overcome this crisis is by solving the drought problem and water shortage. Hence, the rainwater harvesting system will be implemented as a living centre to strengthen the existing agricultural infrastructure. This results in better water supplies for future long-term use in other fields. Besides solving the drought problem, this method also opens many job opportunities for local residents. With the help of Jabatan Sumber Air Negeri Kelantan, this rainwater harvesting centre would help to solve this drought problem that affects the food supplies in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. This research will employ a quantitative approach where the local residents will be gathered to participate in the study and receive their perceptions of the solution. This will determine that the food sector in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, is affected by climate change. Keywords: Rainwater Harvesting System, Living Centre, Climate Change 11

TEACHER ADVISOR ANIS SURIATI BINTI IBRAHIM 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r NUR ASHIKIN BINTI ABDUL NASIR ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD HABIB BIN MD. SAFKAD HOSSAIN ([email protected]) AFRINA AFIFAH BINTI OTHMAN SUMAN ([email protected]) AHMAD FARIS HAIKAL BIN AHMAD ZAAIM ([email protected]) ABSTRACT CLIMATE-RESILIENT AGRICULTURE: A PATH TO FOOD SECURITY IN MALAYSIA S M S A I N S T U N S Y E D S H E H S H A H A B U D I N , P U L A U P I N A N G , M A L A Y S I A title : Agriculture sector is the main factor in food production. When global warming intensifies, it gives negative impacts in the food production causing food issues in Malaysia to become conspicuous. The objectives of this study are to discover how global climate change affects the food sector, draw insights from a successful country’s adaptation strategy and employ the strategy in our own country. The research methodology uses mixed-methods which are quantitative, qualitative and generally case study about this topic from established websites. The analysis of this research will be carried out afterwards. Based on the World Bank Group research, Climate Risk Country Profile: Vietnam, it shows that 52% of the paddy production is affected by climate change. Conversely, we found out that Australia had faced problems in the agriculture sector but eventually solved the issue. Unfortunately, Malaysia is also being affected by climate change in the food sector. Hence, in order to overcome these issues, it is recommended for the agriculture sector to apply climateresilient crops like how the Australian’s agriculture sector did. This solution will help in reducing hunger issues because agriculture production is guaranteed for the long-term. Keywords : Agriculture Sector, Food Issue, Climate-Resilient Crops 12

TEACHER ADVISOR ADILLAH BINTI AHMAD 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r ASYRAF BIN MOHAMAD SALEHUDDIN ([email protected]) NUR ALIAH ADLYNA BINTI AHMAD YADI ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD AMAR WAJDI BIN ROSMAWAZI ([email protected]) NUR KHAYRA ALEESYA BINTI MUHAMMAD ZAHARUDIN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT GENETICALLY MODIFIED (GM) PADDY : A PANACEA TO ERADICATE HUNGER? S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H S U L T A N A B D U L H A L I M , K E D A H , M A L A Y S I A title : Climate change poses unprecedented challenges to the entirety of the food sector, ergo tampering the production rate of a staple food. Transformative actions are drastically designed and one of them is the adoption of genetically modified (GM) engineering in food sector to abate the ongoing world hunger. However, this alternative is not favoured, simply because of the lack of public awareness regarding genetically modified (GM) crops. Hence, this research was conducted to investigate the level of public awareness on genetically modified (GM) paddy besides to determine the differences in perception between two groups of respondents (farming and non-farming backgrounds). A quantitative research approach was chosen with 354 respondents participated in a 24- item survey. Finding from the inferential data analysis for unpaired T- test discovers that differences between respondents from farming (M = 3.75, SD = 0.50) and non-farming background (M=3.76, SD = 0.44) is not statistically significant. In plain words, the level of awareness between the two groups is moderately high as both exhibit apparent signs of approving genetically modified paddy. From the survey too, recommendations are proposed to the related government bodies. This includes students’ early exposure to genetic engineering technology and more engagement with paddy farmers to promote awareness as to conjure the need to adopt this biotechnology. Meanwhile, 74.9% of the respondents believe that increasing government funding for genetically modified (GM) technology is imperative. To meet the future global demands for sustainable food production, genetically modified (GM) paddy may become our panacea after all. Keywords : Genetically, Modified, Paddy 13

TEACHER ADVISOR DURROTUN NISAK 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r The aim of this research is to produce healthy salted eggs with low fat and high protein content. Protein deficiency will result in stunting or growth disorders. The problem of stunting has become a serious problem in many countries. In 2022, as many as 21.6% of Indonesia's population got stunting. Protein is an important nutrient for human growth and egg is a food contains of protein. Marinated eggs contain higher protein than regular eggs. Duck eggs were chosen because they have large pores and a fishy taste, making them suitable for the salting process. Salting eggs is a livestock product processing technology that is often used to maintain egg quality. There are 2 (two) salting methods used in this research are the dry method and the soaking method. The solution used for soaking contains ginger and secang wood. The longer the marinating time, the longer the egg's shelf life. This research used experimental methodology and data was obtained that DZAKIYYAH BADIROTUL MINNA ([email protected]) NAURA SYAFA RABBANY ([email protected]) CHERYL MAYLAFFAYZA EARLY MAULIDYA ([email protected]) DIYA PUTRI ALYA SALSABILLA ([email protected]) ABSTRACT SALTED EGGS USING THE METHOD OF SOAKING GINGER AND SECANG M A D R A S A H A L I Y A H N E G E R I 2 M O J O K E R T O , I N D O N E S I A title : the protein content of salted eggs soaked in a solution of ginger and secang wood increased from 21.79% to 26.25%. But surprisingly, egg cholesterol was lower by 0.34 grams to 0.25 grams (4.5%). This salted egg can be an alternative to consuming eggs to prevent stunting, apart from its delicious taste, this egg also has a fresh ginger aroma and most importantly its high protein content is good for preventing stunting and has low cholesterol which can be consumed by people who are afraid of consuming excess fat. Keyword : Salted Eggs, Egg Soaking, High Protein, Stunting WOOD AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO FOOD SECURITY WITH HIGH PROTEIN 14

TEACHER ADVISOR BUSSARIN JITSENG 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E 1 Z e r o H u n g e r HANEEF WATTANA ([email protected]) NAVAVEE PANGOR ( [email protected]) JENNAH BAIBIDEN ([email protected]) PUNYISA RUPCHOM ([email protected]) ABSTRACT C R I C K E T K E L O P O K PRINCESS CHULABHORN SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL SATUN, SATUN , THAILAND title : In preparing the science project on “Cricket kelopok” this time, the creators saw that the world today faces the problem of global warming and is likely to continue to increase. This is due to the greenhouse gas emissions of the livestock industry such as Farming chickens and cows, etc. With the increase in population, the demand for food resources increases. Currently, protein nutrients are in high demand and the creators recognize that crickets are insects with a high protein content. And cricket farming emits 75 percent less carbon dioxide than other livestock farms, in response to global warming and food shortages. The creators then took crickets that were high in protein and processed them into cricket kelepok, which is a local product of Thailand. Mix cleaned crickets with tapioca starch, salt, and sugar. Then, grind until it is taken into shape. And put it into boiling water for 10-15 minutes. After that, it is put into a vacuum sealing process to extend the shelf life. From the project, we conclude that cricket kelopak responds to the current food shortage and global warming. Including adding nutritional value and adding value to local products of Thailand as well. Keywords: Cricket Kelopok, Global Warming, The Current Food Shortage 15

12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING ( SDG 3 ) P r e p a r i n g A W o r l d F o r T h e E l d e r l y A n d T h e Y o u n g : A H e a l t h C h a l l e n g e S U B T H E M E2 16

TEACHER ADVISOR NORAFIQAH RIFHAN BINTI RAMLAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g FATIMAH AZZAHRA AZHAR ([email protected]) HANI ZAHIRAH ZUL ZARIHI ([email protected]) NUR IREENA SOFEA NOR AZLAN ([email protected]) AZZAHRA AMEERA MOHD RASHID ([email protected]) ABSTRACT PREPARING A WORLD FOR THE ELDERLY AND THE YOUNG: A HEALTH CHALLENGE T U N K U K U R S H I A H C O L L E G E , N E G E R I S E M B I L A N , M A L A Y S I A title : Good Health is defined as the care of the human body and everything that can be done to protect it from sickness and enable access to care, whilst well-being is a feeling of satisfaction with life, a state characterized by health, happiness and prosperity. What we can understand with the theme is that a good state of the body in all aspects including physical, mental and emotional condition can lead to a prosper and risk-free life. Our understanding of the given sub-theme is to propose an idea that can maintain health benefits to everyone, especially the elderly and the young based on the diseases that affect all parts of our current world. Through our research, we hope to answer questions regarding our presentation, which are the types of diseases that are common across all continents, what causes these diseases, the effects it holds towards our elderly and our youngsters, and lastly propose our idea on tackling these issues. By doing research using reading materials, providing surveys and data analyzing, we have come to a conclusion that the disease that is currently affecting the community globally is Nutrition Related Non Communicable Disease (NR-NCDs). Rather than focusing on one certain disease, it is more suitable for us to target a group of diseases that can be found in all parts of the world. This type of disease is caused by many factors, some of it being culture of certain places, economic situation and unhealthy lifestyle practiced by many. In a way, we can view this issue as affecting our past and our future. Lastly, we believe that a solution which focuses on a guideline to prevent the rise of NR-NCDs can better improve the efficiency of existing preventions. Keywords: global, communities, nutrition-related disease 17

TEACHER ADVISOR HASLINA BINTI SAMSUDDIN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g TENGKU AMIRUL HAZIM BIN TENGKU MOHD ARIFF ([email protected]) ULFAH KHALIESYAH BT ZUBANI ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD RAFIEQ HAFIZI BIN ROSLAN ([email protected]) DHIYA KHAIRA BT ABD RAHMAN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT A B E T T E R W O R L D F O R E L D E R L Y A N D Y O U N G S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H S A I N S S E T I U , T E R E N G G A N U , M A L A Y S I A title : We believe that it is common to hear people discussing climate emergencies which fundamentally affects our health. Climate emergency can be defined as a situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid potentially irreversible environmental damage resulting from it. The goal of this paper is to discuss how climate emergency affects our health and what are the changes that had and should have been done. The paper is divided into 5 chapters; 1) background study of climate emergency around the world particularly in Malaysia 2) Research objectives: to understand how to prepare a world for the elderly and young 3) Research on methodology to develop in depth analytical description of current health challenge faced by people around the world 4) Research outcomes how good health and well-being affects the health challenge of people around the world 5) Benefits of good health and well-being for society. The paper focuses on the social purposes (why), content (what), pedagogy and methodology (how) and structure (where) of good health and well-being in creating a better world for the elderly and the young. Keywords : #ClimateEmergency #HealthChallenge #BetterWorld 18

TEACHER ADVISOR NURUL HANISAH BT MOHD RAZIF 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g MUHAMMAD ADAM HAKIMI BIN YUNUS ([email protected]) RAYYAN ZIQKRY BIN ABDUL HALIM ([email protected]) WAN MOHAMAD ZAIM BIN WAN MOHAMAD ZAKREE ([email protected]) KYDAE FAIZAL NEO ([email protected]) ABSTRACT PREPARING A WORLD FOR THE ELDERLY AND YOUNG SEKOLAH MENENGAH SAINS ALAM SHAH, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA title : From the humble steam engine to the awe-inspiring International Space Station (ISS), humanity has made remarkable strides in technological advancement. However, amidst this progress, the well-being of our planet has often been disregarded, leading to dire consequences. Decades of ignorance towards the health of the environment has led nature to bear its fangs. From extreme weather to widespread famine, climate change has posed threats that have forced mankind to breach a global crisis. It is imperative that we address this issue head-on. Our study aims to identify the factors driving the acceleration of climate change, assess its global impacts, and propose mitigation strategies utilizing a mixed-method research approach consisting of quantitative and qualitative methods such as observations and surveys. Further analysis of the surveys will be interpreted subsequently. Our findings accentuate the correlation of climate change with the environment, society, and economy. The aspects are closely intertwined, with one impacting the other more than commonly acknowledged. Extreme weather events disrupt food chains, causing instability in communities, while environmental degradation adversely affects infrastructure and workforce productivity, ultimately impacting national economies. In efforts to create a better tomorrow, we advocate for further incentivisation of green technology, particularly in susceptible nations. Additionally, educational campaigns targeting youth are essential in fostering awareness and instigating proactive measures against climate change. Collective efforts and a united ideology concurred by nations worldwide in carrying out the responsibility to create a future for the retired elderly and the future generation to lead a life free of climate stress is the ultimate end goal of the race against climate change. 19 Keywords : #ClimateEmergency #HealthChallenge #BetterWorld

TEACHER ADVISOR ZANA BINTI MULUP 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g MUHAMMAD FARIS AMIR BIN MOHD FAHMI ([email protected]) AINUL MUNIRAH BINTI KAMAL HISHAM ([email protected]) AHMAD AMIRUL HAFIZ BIN MOHD HELMI ([email protected]) ARISSA MAISARA BINTI ZULKARNAIN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT PREPARING A WORLD FOR THE ELDERLY AND THE YOUNG: LET’S ACT AND SAY ‘NO’ TO AIR POLLUTION SEKOLAH MENENGAH SAINS HULU SELANGOR, SELANGOR , MALAYSIA title : Air pollution is a significant concern for public health and the environment. It involves the presence of harmful substances in the air that can have detrimental effects on human health especially to the young and the elderly and the wildlife. This research aims to investigate the effects of air pollution, specifically carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles on human respiratory health and ways to reduce the impacts. We utilized online research and community surveys to gather data for analysis. According to the World Health Organization, air pollution, including pollutants from vehicle emissions, contributes to approximately 7 million premature deaths annually. Fine particulate matter from fuel combustion in vehicles poses the greatest risk to human health. In order to improve human health, reducing vehicle usage and promoting public transportation are potential solutions. This would help address air pollution and its adverse impacts on respiratory health. It is worth noting that air pollution can also indirectly affect the ozone layer and contribute to its degradation. Therefore, taking steps to reduce vehicle emissions can have multiple benefits for both human health and the environment. By adopting practices that minimize vehicle usage and encourage public transport, we can create a cleaner and healthier environment for all. This research contributes to the understanding of the impact of vehicle emissions on respiratory health, highlighting the need for effective measures to mitigate air pollution. Keywords : air pollution, respiratory diseases, vehicles 20

TEACHER ADVISOR AZWAN BIN SAMINGAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g NUR SARAH HANNAN BINTI ABD FATAH ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD ‘ULWAN FAQEH BIN SAHRUL ( [email protected]) MUHAMMAD ALIE BIN MOHD ARIFFIN ([email protected]) BATRISYAH QASRINA BINTI AZREL RAMADIAN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT BALANCING LIFE NECESSITIES: AN EFFORT TO REDUCE CONSEQUENCES SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH INTEGRASI RAWANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA title : In an era marked by fast-paced lifestyles and dietary preferences often skewed towards convenience, the prevalence of nutritional deficiencies has emerged as a significant concern. This abstract delves into the pivotal role that supplements play in combating these deficiencies, especially vitamin D, elucidating its importance in maintaining optimal health and well-being. This research aims to explore the efficiency of dietary supplements as a pragmatic solution to address prevalent deficiencies, focusing on commonly lacking nutrients especially vitamin D. By examining the physiological functions of this nutrient and its significance in supporting various bodily processes, we elucidate the repercussions of their insufficiency on overall health. In order to achieve this, we amassed information quantitatively and qualitatively, which incorporated methods such as surveys and interviews, questionnaires and analyzing journal articles and documentaries that have been published and uploaded on the Internet. From our findings, it is found that most Malaysians face a common problem in maintaining an optimal level of vitamin D consumption daily especially towards children with health complications and pregnant women. In essence, this abstract sets the stage for a nuanced exploration of the interplay between dietary supplementation and common nutritional deficiencies, shedding light on pathways towards achieving holistic health and vitality in today's dynamic world ensuring the twelve targets embedded in the United Nations Goal #3 become a reality. Keywords: lifestyle, supplement, vitamin D 21

TEACHER ADVISOR ANIS FAKHIRA BINTI MOHAMAD KHIRZANI 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g NUR AIN QAISARA BINTI KHAIZALALUDDIN ([email protected]) RAJA ISKANDAR DZULQARNAIN BIN RAJA SHAMRI ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD AL FITRI BIN MOHD RAWI ([email protected]) NIK NUR ADEELA BINTI NIK MOHD ALIMIN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT TUBERCULOSIS IN THE TROPICS : A RACE AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE S M S A I N S T E N G K U M U H A M M A D F A R I S P E T R A , K E L A N T A N , M A L A Y S I A title : Tuberculosis (TB) appears as one of the major global health issues, which is why the United Nations is urging all countries to ‘end the global tuberculosis epidemic’ by 2030. However, despite various efforts, the indicator from Sustainable Development Report 2023 shows very concerning data as a majority of countries still failed to meet the target, especially in equatorial countries, where climate change is prevalent. This is because the impact of climate change on TB is multifaceted, as shifts in climatic conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and precipitation can further exacerbate the widespread. Thus, the objectives of this study are to discover how TB has affected the Malaysian elderly and young’s health, the reasons for the widespread related to climate change and provide practical solutions to mitigate the epidemic. Based on the mixed-method research methodology of interviews with two health experts and a survey answered by 115 respondents, it is revealed that Malaysia recorded an increase in TB cases for the past couple of years which had affected mostly the elderly. There is also a significant relationship between climate change and TB. Hence, our solution is to propose a special TB-kit that can effectively diminish the frequency and severity of flare-ups or exacerbations of TB symptoms, which is practical to reduce the transmission of this epidemic. Therefore, by implementing strategic measures to diminish the problem of TB, this study hopes to make significant strides towards achieving SDG Goal 3.3 while promoting a culture of lung health awareness throughout the population. Keywords: Tuberculosis, climate change, epidemic, respiratory 22

TEACHER ADVISOR MOHD KHAIRUL NIZAM BIN MOHD ALIAS 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g NUR NADIATUL HUSNA BINTI ISKANDAR SAIFUDDIN ([email protected]) SHAHPUTRA IQBAL BIN SHAYFUL EKHMAR ([email protected]) QAISARA BINTI ABDULLAH AL JABAR ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD JIHAD BIN JASHMAN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT PREPARING A WORLD FOR THE ELDERLY AND THE YOUNG: A HEALTH CHALLENGE S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H S A I N S T E L U K I N T A N , P E R A K , M A L A Y S I A title : Positive mental health is significant at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood where it affects how life is experienced. Despite mental health being important, the statistics of depression of recent times have not been optimistic. Depression among the young and elderly in Malaysia has been increasing at an alarming rate or at the very least, has no negligible improvements. The focal objective of this study revolves around providing better insight about individuals who are affected with depression from climate change such as floods and landslides. The methodology of this study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methods by interviewing a group of students and elderly residing in a care home in Teluk Intan as well as a students' survey in Bagan Datoh. The study can potentially reveal what are the triggers for depression and also the prime factors which can be initially narrowed down to social status, environment or life events, and the loss of both friends and family members, peers, and family background. The research unveils how depression can impact the emotional, physical, and social behaviour of the affected individuals or persons. Therefore, the ideal solution that can be proposed is for the government to provide psychological support for individuals facing depression and revamping the implementation of programs regarding depression in the prominent efforts of raising awareness and identifying early signs of depression. Keywords: Depression, Psychological Support, Raising Awareness 23

TEACHER ADVISOR CHA MOOI CHIN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g MUHAMMAD FAKHRI BIN AB RAHMAN ([email protected]) AKMALFARHI BIN MOHD KAMAL LUTFI ([email protected]) NUR DAFINA BINTI DHARMA HAINAR ([email protected]) MARSYA MAISARAH BINTI AZLAN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT ACHIEVING HEALTHY AGING: WHAT LESSONS MAY WE DRAW FROM THE JAPANESE EXPERIENCES? SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH INTEGRASI SABAK BERNAM, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA title : The fact of our lives is that we will be reaching elderly life stage sooner or later. Such climate change events, like floods and droughts, have adversely affected agricultural practices, compromising food security, and inducting population displacements, thereby exposing affected individuals to communicable diseases and diet-related NonCommunicable Disease (NCD). Based on the study of meta-analyses, it’s stated that ambient air pollution can directly influence the prevalence of NCD. The NCD such as Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. This disease can diminish seniors' quality of life as well as raising health-care costs. How do we provide good health services in such unplanned changes? Incorporating evidence from reviews, journals, and articles, Japan consistently places near the top of the World Health Organization's overall health rankings, making it perhaps the world's best healthcare bargain. Unlike many others, the Japanese healthcare system puts a high priority on preventative and not reactive care. In this study, we will describe how senior citizens could possibly have a meaningful life with what we can gain from the benefits of Japanese healthcare. Keywords: NCD, Unplanned, Healthcare 24

TEACHER ADVISOR MISS LIM BI SHAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g NURDAMIA DALILAH BINTI MOHD ALI REDZA ([email protected]) ALYA SYIFA’ HANA BINTI ABDUL RAHMAN ([email protected]) ADAM HARIZ BIN YAHYA ([email protected]) RAMZE BIN RAZEEM MAZLAN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT CLIMATE EMERGENCY: UNSUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE; FOODBORNE ILLNESSES S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H S A I N S M U A R , J O H O R , M A L A Y S I A title : The emergence of agriculture dates back to 12,000 years ago where humans, at the verge of evolution, carried out sustainable agriculture as a way of life. Nonetheless, the Industrial Revolution has initiated mechanized agriculture in order to meet the needs of excessive human consumption. This proposed a disruptive behavior towards Mother Nature, consequently impacting humans in the process. Foodborne illnesses are one of the apparent outcomes from the erratic climate changes nowadays. Thus, the objective of this study is to assess the underlying correlation between unsustainable agriculture practices and how it leads to an increase in the cases of foodborne illnesses, hence providing effective solutions to ensure a significant decrease in the risk of contracting foodborne illnesses, especially among the elderly and the youth. A qualitative and quantitative approach through extensive library research, a detailed analysis and synthesis of statistics has been carried out as a way to attain the required data. To add, we provided a questionnaire to address how frequent foodborne illnesses occur among the elderly and the young. Substantially, it is shown that environmentally-harmful agriculture directly impacts the change in climate, ergo marking a significant rise in foodborne illnesses. Evidence shows that volatile weather patterns such as inconsistency in temperature and precipitation affects the distribution and survivability of pathogens related to foodborne illnesses. Overall, we intend to give prominence to sustainable agriculture which could potentially be the best way out for this consequential burden. Keywords: unsustainable Agriculture, Foodborne Illnesses, Climate Changes 25

TEACHER ADVISOR NUR SHAHIRAH BINTI ZULKIFLEE 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g ALEEYA BATRISYA BINTI MAHATHIR HANAFI ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD HARITH BIN FADHAL ([email protected]) NUR HANI IRDINA BINTI MOHD HANIF ([email protected]) WAN FAHMI AQIL BIN WAN AZAM ([email protected]) ABSTRACT F R O M F A R M T O K I T C H E N : A L L S C R A P S M A T T E R S M S A I N S H U L U T E R E N G G A N U , T E R E N G G A N U , M A L A Y S I A title : Climate change poses detrimental health-related implications to humankind, particularly the young and the elderly who appear to be the most vulnerable populations. In efforts at preparing a more sustainable world, any human activity that contributes to climate change needs to be minimised, including combating food waste which is one of the major climate change drivers that often goes unnoticed. In Malaysia, 8.3 million metric tonnes of food are wasted annually, the highest in Southeast Asia. Hence, the study aims to determine factors contributing to food waste, explore its impact and provide some viable solutions to curb the problem. This quantitative research collected related data from scholarly articles and survey questionnaires administered to the immediate community. The data were analysed in the form of percentage to see some trends. The findings revealed frequent food waste among the respondents due to various factors such as impulsive buying, poor taste and quality, and expired food. Despite being aware of its harmful threats to the planet and human beings, most of the respondents do not deny the constraints faced in reducing food waste. To tackle this problem, the government needs to prioritise food waste policy and implement a more systematic and comprehensive food waste management. Transitioning from a linear economy to a circular economy is deemed to be of paramount importance. Addressing food waste helps achieve the sustainable development goal that is to halve global food waste by 2030, and thus contributing to global climate action which leads to a more sustainable world. Keywords: Food Waste, Climate Change, Health-related Implications 26

TEACHER ADVISOR NG WEI LUN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g ADAM MIKAAL AMIN BIN MOHD AMIN ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD AFIQ SYAHMI BIN AHMAD SHAHRAN ([email protected]) ALIF ZAKWAN BIN ROMAINOOR ([email protected]) GIBRAN AGIL BIN IZMEE ZAMANI ([email protected]) ENHANCING INCENTIVES: THE KEY TO PUBLIC WELLBEING AND CLIMATE RESILIENCE title : As a consequence of climate change, human health has been negatively affected. Consequently, the leading cause of climate-change-induced illnesses stems from the issue of excessive carbon emissions. This issue brings harm to all important stakeholders in this regard. Previous studies show that motor vehicles and factories are the leading causes of excessive carbon emissions and have begun to move toward better alternatives. The objective of this study is to identify major issues with current solutions and create better solutions to the problem. The research methodology employed is qualitative correlational research using meta-analysis and quantitative research through surveys and interviews. This involves examining governmental policies and scholarly articles from reputable websites. A study pinpointed the lack of incentive by stakeholders toward alternative solutions as the core reason the problem still exists. This lack of incentive contributes to the large masses of people continuing to use harmful fossil fuels. It also became apparent that insufficient knowledge of carbon emissions and their impact on climate change affects the issue. To ensure that SDG-3 is achieved, our solution will be conducted over the next 40-50 years to positively affect people’s health passively while creating a better climate. These efforts allow humans to passively reduce the effects of climate change on health. A positive side-effect of conducting this research is that through our solution, we can also contribute to creating a better world for future generations to enjoy without worry. Keywords: Climate-Change-Induced-Illnesses, Carbon Emissions, Incentives ABSTRACT T H E M A L A Y C O L L E G E K U A L A K A N G S A R , P E R A K , M A L A Y S I A 27

TEACHER ADVISOR NOR FAMIDA BINTI SHAFIE 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g MUHAMAD AFIF IDLAN BIN MUHAMAD ASRI ([email protected]) DANISH WAFRI BIN ZUFRIZAL ZUFRIN ([email protected]) IBRAHIM ADHAM BIN AHMAD FIRDAUS ([email protected]) ADAM ISQANDAR BIN SHAZARM ([email protected]) ABSTRACT SWEET TEMPTATIONS : NAVIGATING THE SUGAR EPIDEMIC AMONG THE YOUTH SEKOLAH DATO’ ABDUL RAZAK, SEREMBAN, NEGERI SEMBILAN, MALAYSIA title : Overconsumption of sugar among the youth is a pressing health concern with farreaching implications. In today's modern society, sugary snacks, beverages, and processed foods are readily available and heavily marketed to young people, contributing to excessive intake levels. This trend has led to a myriad of health issues, including obesity and type 2 diabetes. Despite efforts to spread awareness, targeted marketing and easy access to sugary products persist, demanding urgent intervention to safeguard the health of our young generation. This research aims to investigate the harmful effects of overconsumption of sugar in the human body, its broader societal impacts, and propose potential solutions to address them. The research employs both qualitative and quantitative methods through meta-analysis by means of studying government policies, scholarly articles, and interviews with experts in food science, as well as feedback from surveys conducted on students. The analysis of the interview transcriptions and the survey data will be carried out afterwards. The research revealed that sugar overconsumption has detrimental effects on our bodies, such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases, and consequently affects the society economically due to increased healthcare costs. Hence, to encourage healthier habits among young people, the government can introduce extensive policies that may also include a push for clearer food labelling. Meanwhile, companies can develop healthier versions of their high-sugar products. NGOs can run programmes in schools and communities to teach young people about the importance of eating balanced meals and the risks of consuming too much sugar and high-calorie foods. keywords: Overconsumption of Sugar, Health Issues, Government Policies 28

TEACHER ADVISOR MR. SAHIL GANDHI 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g MANYA JAIN ([email protected]) PRISHA ANAND ([email protected]) PRISHA MEHTA ([email protected]) RIDDHI SARDA ([email protected]) ABSTRACT SOULFUL SERENITY - EMBRACING HEALTH, EMBRACING LIFE ST. MARK’S SR. SEC. PUBLIC SCHOOL MEERA BAGH, NEW DELHI, INDIA title : The SDG 3 is a multifaceted and global resource that may serve as the foundation for sustainable development strategies, especially in the most underprivileged nations and can result in the long-term preservation of health and well-being. This study investigates the pivotal role healthcare plays in advancing SDG 3, with a particular focus on meeting the healthcare requirements of both elderly and youth demographics. Conducted by the team of St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, India, this study employs a mixed method approach integrating qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. Through interviews and surveys, the research identifies underlying determinants contributing to healthcare disparities and gathers a range of perspectives on potential remedies. Global demographic shifts, most notably the ageing population trend, bring difficulties, particularly in places with insufficient social safety nets or broken family structures. Furthermore, social isolation and loneliness have wider societal repercussions in addition to negative effects on one's own health. This study also looks at how young people's health is declining, especially in rural and conflict-affected areas and how this is being made worse by things like overindulging in self-medication. A comprehensive approach that takes into account the different needs of different demographic groups is necessary to accomplish SDG 3. Important tactics include putting a focus on preventative healthcare, making healthcare more accessible in impoverished areas and bolstering family support for the old and young. Keywords: Accessible, Conflict-Affected Areas, Self-Medication 29

TEACHER ADVISOR MOH. RODLI 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g AISYA NUR FADILLAH ([email protected]) FADYA NUR AULIA ([email protected]) MAHERA YANTIKA AISHWARA ([email protected]) NUR VIKA GUSTAFIA RAHMADANI([email protected]) ABSTRACT EXPLORATION THE USE OF PANGASIUS FLOUR (Pangasius) AND MORINGA LEAVES EXTRACT (Moringa oleifera) AS MORSI NOODLES AS STUNTING PREVENTIVE EFFORTS FOR YOUNG GENERATION M A D R A S A H A L I Y A H N E G E R I 2 M O J O K E R T O , I N D O N E S I A title : Stunting or failure of the body to develop is caused by 2 things, namely low birth weight of the baby and anemia in the mother during pregnancy. In 2022, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia reaches 21.6%, exceeding the threshold set by WHO (20%). So preventive efforts are needed to reduce the high prevalence of stunting in Indonesia. Researchers innovated to process local food ingredients, namely MORSI Noodles made from Pangasius flour and Moringa leaf extract. The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of Pangasius flour and Moringa leaf extract as MORSI Noodles in preventing stunting by increasing blood hemoglobin levels and body weight. This research used laboratory experimental methods on 30 teenagers at MAN 2 Mojokerto. Respondents were divided into 2 groups, namely the control group (CG), the group that was not given MORSI Noodles, and the treatment group (TG), namely the group that was given 60 grams of MORSI Noodles. The variables observed were hemoglobin levels and body weight in the treatment group. The data obtained was then analyzed using a comparison of the control group (CG) with the treatment group (TG). The results of the study showed that giving 60 grams of MORSI Noodles could increase hemoglobin levels significantly (P<0.05) from day 7 to day 14, as well as increase body weight (P<0.47). This shows that giving MORSI noodles can be used to increase hemoglobin levels and body weight, thereby preventing young women from stunting and anemia. Keywords: Pangasius, Moringa Leaves, Stunting. 30

TEACHER ADVISOR GÜLSÜM DAĞCI 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g EZGI DUZCE ([email protected]) BEYZA NUR SASMAZ ([email protected]) YAGMUR ALCI ([email protected]) NISAN CEBI ([email protected]) ABSTRACT FROM ILLNESS TO WELLNESS C A Ğ A L O Ğ L U A N A T O L I A N H I G H S C H O O L , I S T A N B U L , T U R K I Y E title : Substance use, especially tobacco and drugs, among teenagers remains a momentous public health concern with far-reaching consequences for individual well-being and societal development. Adolescence is a critical period marked by developmental transitions and heightened susceptibility to risky behaviors, including tobacco and drug use, which can have profound implications for long-term health outcomes. Thus, this study examines the multifaceted impact of tobacco control efforts specifically on the health and well-being of teenagers. The research methodology utilized is quantitative research through a survey, in which 370 teenage students collaborated, that was conducted in 2011 aimed to quantify the strength and significance of the association of cigarette smoking and drug use and other high-risk behaviors and examine whether the above associations are independent of the extent of social networking in teenagers. The analysis of the survey will be carried out afterwards. A further observation showed that 29.6% of those who were surveyed are tobacco users who also used cannabis, which is a kind of one of the most popular drugs, in their lifetime. Consequently, with the purpose of preparing and leaving behind a better world for the young generations of the society, a plausible solution is to periodically inspect the producer and the seller centers of such substances. Another proposed action is for governments to ensure that substances such as cigarettes and alcohol are not encouraged on social media platforms or within the education system from an early age. Within the implementation of these measures, it would make a more effective world for the societies. Keywords: Teenagers, Tobacco, Drug 31

TEACHER ADVISOR RUNGNAPA BOONTHAM 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g THIRAT PANYING ([email protected]) KHUNAKORN JANMUEANG ([email protected]) PHETDAU DUERAMAE ([email protected]) PITCHAPA DISTAPONGPAKDEE ([email protected]) ABSTRACT ISAC - THE INTELLIGENT SAFETY AND ACTIVITY CANE P R I N C E S S C H U L A B H O R N S C I E N C E H I G H S C H O O L S A T U N , T H A I L A N D title : Falls pose a severe risk to the elderly and disabled, leading to physical injuries, psychological trauma, financial burden, and potential complications, exacerbated by Thailand's aging population. The long-term effects include fear of falling again, loss of confidence in walking, muscle and bone injuries causing prolonged bed rest and deterioration, increased fall risks, loss of self-care abilities, and strain on caregivers - severely diminishing quality of life. To address this predicament, an innovative mobility assistive device with fall-detection and weight-sensing capabilities has been designed. Upon detecting a fall, it emits loud beeps to alert bystanders and instantly notifies a paired application via low-power, long-range LoRa protocol for rapid assistance. It incorporates GPS tracking to allow caregivers to monitor the user's location, enhancing safety and alleviating wandering concerns. Beyond reducing fall risks, it emphasizes physical activity tracking, accurately calculating walking distance, step count, and calorie expenditure, recording exercise data for tailored goal-setting and activity management. The lightweight aluminum alloy construction ensures high portability. Ultimately, this intelligent cane innovation aims to enhance mobility safety, enable rapid fall assistance, provide location tracking, encourage physical activity, prevent falls, and elevate the quality of life for the elderly and disabled population. Keywords: Fall Detection, Mobility Assistance, Activity Tracking 32

TEACHER ADVISOR MISS SIRIPIT PROMSANGKAHA/ MRS. THANAWAN TONGBUN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g RUJIRA VONGSAJAN ([email protected]) RUEANGKIAT SAKONPRAKAIKIT ([email protected]) NAPHAT THAMMASRI ([email protected]) WIMONSIRI MUENRAK ([email protected]) ABSTRACT PREPARATION AND COMPARISON OF MOSQUITO REPELLENT PATCH FROM GERANIOL AND 1,8-CINEOLE INCORPORATING CYCLODEXTRIN P R I N C E S S U B O L R A T A N A R A J A K A N Y A ' S C O L L E G E P H A T T H A L U N G , T H A I L A N D title : Mosquitoes are major carriers of various diseases which are a problem in tropical countries with suitable climate for propagation including Thailand. To prevent the spread of diseases, extracts from plant essential oils have been used to repel mosquitoes. Geraniol (trans-3,7- dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-al;GO)and1,8-cineole (1,3,3-trimethyl-2-oxabicyclo[2,2,2]octane; CIN) have been used to repel mosquitoes and a natural component of essential oil of many plant species like rose oil, palmarosa oil, citronella including eucalyptol. GO and CIN have several remarkable properties such as antioxidant activity, antimicrobial effect and repellent activity against mosquitoes and insects. The disadvantages of GO and CIN are insoluble in water and it has low stability. The objective of this research is to prepare the inclusion complex of GO with beta cyclodextrin (β-CD) and CIN with β-CD which is a water-soluble substance and can encapsulate various compounds in order to increase its stability and water solubility. The inclusion complexes were prepared by 1:1 mole ratio of GO:β-CD and CIN: β-CD by co-precipitation, kneading and physical mixing was used as a control. Morphological analysis of the inclusion complexes was performed by scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the inclusion complexes prepared by 3 methods resulted in different physical morphology. The inclusion complexes were also analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). No prominent absorption peaks of GO and CIN were found in inclusion complexes prepared by co-precipitation method. While inclusion complexes prepared by kneading and physical mixing method showed features similar to the absorption peaks of GO and CIN. Based on the morphological and FTIR analyzed, it can be inferred that the co-precipitation method is the most effective in preparing inclusion complexes. Release studies of GO and CIN from inclusion complexes were performed prior to being molded with polylactic acid (PLA) film before processing into mosquito repellent patch. Keywords : agriculture sector, food issue, climate-resilient crops 33

12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E2 G o o d H e a l t h A n d W e l l - B e i n g TEACHER ADVISOR MS. AYŞE ŞULE KILINÇ ŞEVVAL HALE TERZIOĞLU ([email protected]) NILDA GÜLAY ([email protected]) MERVE ÖZDEN AKYILDIZ ([email protected]) FURKAN TOPKARA ([email protected]) ABSTRACT Climate Crisis: Health Challenges and Solutions BEŞIKTAŞ SAKIP SABANCI ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL, İSTANBUL,TURKIYE title : Research from many sources shows that climate change affects people’s well-being, and even though technology is improving day by day, people’s health problems are still there. This study aims to find the reason and the solution to the health problems arising from the climate emergency. To understand the health problems young and elderly people have, a survey was created. Furthermore, an interview was conducted with a medical specialist to provide a professional outlook on the situation. The transcript of the interview will be carried out afterward. The study revealed that floods, storms, and heat waves, which are outcomes of climate change, cause ecosystem changes. As a result, negative situations such as air pollution, infectious diseases, and poor-quality food due to inadequate agricultural areas arise. Additionally, changing climate conditions can affect agriculture and livestock, causing food security problems and malnutrition. Moreover, these reasons also affect people’s mental health. Hence this emergency, potential solutions include implementing measures within health systems, raising awareness of the mental health impacts of climate change among the public, establishing social support networks for psychological assistance, and educating individuals on healthy diets and exercises. These initiatives can mitigate the adverse effects of the climate emergency on wellbeing. Keywords: Climate Change Impacts, Health Problems, Mental Health 34

12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH QUALITY EDUCATION ( SDG 4 ) G r e e n S c h o o l s : F o s t e r i n g e n v i r o n m e n t a l a w a r e n e s s a n d s u s t a i n a b l e p r a c t i c e s f o r a g r e e n e r f u t u r e S U B T H E M E3 35

TEACHER ADVISOR REEZA HAIDA BINTI MISKAM 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n IMAN SOFYA MUHAMMAD LUTFI ([email protected]) IKHZZAH RAHIM BINTI IBRAHIM KUTTY ([email protected]) FARAH NATASYA SABARI BINTI ABDUL RAHMAN ([email protected]) NUR ADDINA FARHAH BINTI ZULKURNAIN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT REVOLUTIONIZING GREEN EDUCATION IN MALAYSIA: S E K O L A H T U N F A T I M A H , M A L A Y S I A title : In response to global climate challenges, the subject Asas Kelestarian has been introduced into the Malaysian curricula as a government initiative in promoting sustainability and environmental awareness among Malaysian youths. However, the inclusivity of the subject and inequality of access to resources are limiting its implementation thus undermining its effectiveness. The aim of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of Asas Kelestarian subject in fostering a culture of sustainability and identify potential strategies to nurture sustainable behaviours among youths in Malaysia. The research methodology is qualitative by means of studying scholarly articles from established websites, quantitative by mode of online surveys and interviews with Kelestarian state personnel. The analysis of the interview transcriptions will be carried out afterwards. Our online survey revealed that only 12.8% of the respondents are studying the subject and scored really well. We also learned from a public survey that 61% of respondents are still unaware of climate change and say they either “know a little” or “have never heard” of climate change – despite many ‘extreme weather’ events. This confirms that the Asas Kelestarian subject is needed to ensure changes in our future environmental state. Therefore, a holistic integration of green education in Malaysia is crucial besides making Asas Kelestarian a compulsory subject at schools so our youths will become active practitioners of green habits. These avenues can promote inclusivity and equality of environmental education which aligns with the 4th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), Quality Education. Key Words: Government Initiative, Sustainable Behaviours, Green Education INTRODUCING THE ASAS KELESTARIAN SUBJECT – IS IT ENOUGH? 36

TEACHER ADVISOR MOHD SYAMSUL BIN SALIMAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n AHMAD SUFI BIN MOHD RAZMAN ([email protected]) MOHAMAD AMIRUL NU'MAN BIN MOHD YUAMRIZAILY ([email protected]) AZZALEA BINTI AZLAN ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD QAISER UKASYAH BIN ABDUL RAZAK ([email protected]) ABSTRACT G R E E N F O U N D A T I O N : B O L S T E R I N G T H E F U T U R E S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H A G A M A P E R S E K U T U A N K A J A N G , M A L A Y S I A title : According to the U.S. Department of Energy, schools collectively spend a staggering $8 billion annually on energy consumption, resulting in the emission of approximately 72 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. These figures, equivalent to the output of 18 coal plants or more than 8 million homes, underscore the urgent need for sustainable practices within educational institutions. Our research aims to shed light on the transformative potential of green schools and their role in fostering global sustainability management. Utilizing a comprehensive methodology, we analyze data and statistics from reputable sources, as well as scholarly articles exploring the cause-and-effect dynamics of this critical issue. Findings reveal a concerning lack of public awareness regarding our current environmental status. This poses a significant challenge as we endeavor to address and mitigate the environmental impact of schools. However, by implementing green management practices, such as reducing food waste, minimizing water and energy consumption, and adopting other sustainable initiatives, schools can play a pivotal role in effecting positive change.It is imperative that all stakeholders, including students, educators, administrators, and communities, actively support and participate in these efforts. Only through collective action and commitment can we realize the promise of a greener future. By championing sustainability within schools worldwide, we can pave the way for a more environmentally conscious and resilient society. Keywords: Energy, Practices, Green Management 37

TEACHER ADVISOR YUZHWAN BIN MOHD YUSOF 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n NURUL AQEELAH BINTI MOHD REDUAN ([email protected]) AKIF HILMI BIN SAIFUL ZAIMI ([email protected]) SYARIFAH DELAILA AFIQAH BINTI SYED MOHD FARID ALHABSHI ([email protected]) MOHAMAD FAIZ BIN AHMAD ZAIDI ([email protected]) ABSTRACT S U S T A I N A B L E A N D E N V I R O N M E N T A L I N T E G R A T I O N I N S E C O N D A R Y E D U C A T I O N A L I N S T I T U T I O N S M S T E N G K U A B D U L L A H , R A U B , P A H A N G , M A L A Y S I A title : Climate change is a concerning issue that affects the world and visibly in education where students have been affected at a large scale. This paper investigates education sustainable development in school’s curriculum that includes the institution’s community awareness in regards to environment and hands-on learning experiences, in secondary school. This paper also investigates community’s interests and concerns in achieving green schools for a sustainable environment. This paper utilised qualitative and quantitative research design to produce a comprehensive understanding for achieving green school effects. This study approached this topic by using mixed methods owing to the utilisation of a questionnaire through systematic sampling for quantitative, and past research and focus group discussion through purposive sampling for qualitative. The target population for this research is the secondary educational institution’s community in Raub. This study’s analysis shows a promising future through the lens of the educational community in curriculum exploitation, guided learning, and communication in matters pertaining to the environment and sustainable practices. However, Green Schools initiatives are still in their infancy and the school’s community needs to integrate environmentally friendly responsibility from a young age, and these programs have the potential to develop a generation of environmentally conscious citizens equipped to address the complex challenges facing our planet. This study provides a glimpse into the general goals and methodologies of Green Schools, highlighting their potential to adopt environmental awareness and drive a meaningful change toward a greener future. Keywords : Environment, Climate, Green Schools 38

TEACHER ADVISOR FARAHANA BINTI RAHMAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n QAISARA BASYIERA BINTI FAZHARIEZAL ([email protected]) HARRIS ZIDANE BIN HASMANIZAM ([email protected]) SAMANTHA PAUL ([email protected]) BRYAN OBRIEN RANDY ANAK BAKIR ([email protected]) ABSTRACT CLIMATE-RESILIENT AGRICULTURE: A PATH TO FOOD SECURITY IN MALAYSIA S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H S A I N S M I R I , S A R A W A K , M A L A Y S I A title : Schools in Malaysia have started transforming themselves into equipping their students with sustainable practices to safeguard our precious environment as they are driven by the urgency in addressing climate change and its wide-ranging effects. One way to foster sustainable practices is for a greener future is by empowering the youth through education as it is essential for developing critical thinking in combating climate change. This study investigates the perceptions of SAINSRI community towards sustainable practices in school and consequently the readiness in implementing sustainable practices in school. This is a quantitative study in which the study was conducted through online surveys. The respondents involved were part of SAINSRI community which consists of students, teachers, school staffs and the alumni. This study has found that SAINSRI community is genuinely prepared to introduce sustainable practices in schools and have favourable attitudes towards encouraging them. The community is aware of sustainable practices and is willing to be involved with school activities that can help the environment. Favourably, the community prefers having sustainable practices such as using eco-friendly soap from used cooking oil, 3R practices, the no plastic bag utilised in school. The findings of this study state that the sustainable practices are ready to be implemented vastly among SAINSRI community and in turn, everyone should play their role by participating in succeeding the objective of reaching green school. Keywords: Sustainable Practices , Eco-Friendly Soap , Greener Future 39

TEACHER ADVISOR MASTURA BINTI ABDUL AZIZ 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n WAN NURATIQAH SAFIYA BINTI WAN AZLAN ([email protected]) HARRIS ZAQWAN BIN ABD RAZAK ([email protected]) NUR AMALINA BINTI RASHID ([email protected]) ARASH ARFAEI BIN MOHD KHAIRUL AFZAN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT A N I N S I G H T O F T E A C H E R S ’ E N V I R O N M E N T A L A W A R E N E S S A N D S U S T A I N A B L E P R A C T I C E S S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H S A I N S A L O R G A J A H , M E L A K A , M A L A Y S I A title : Environmental awareness and sustainable practices have begun to show their crucial role towards the planet’s wellbeing. Environmental awareness and sustainable practises can no longer be deemed or unnecessary by anyone. A small number of educators remain ignorant of this pressing matter, despite the fact that they should be at the forefront of integrating environmental practices into the classroom. As a result, modern pupils do not employ any kind of sustainable methods in their daily life. The objectives of this study are to discover the level of environmental awareness, determine the initiatives taken by teachers in school and to gain an insight on strategies taken in moving towards sustainability. This study employed an online survey with 68 respondents as its research methodological tool, using quantitative research. The findings indicate that teachers do aware of the environmental issues. However, they occasionally integrate environmental conservation practices in classroom. Another finding shows that only 44.1% incorporate environmental topics into their teachings. Despite the data shows majority concern on waste management issue, only 29.4% of the respondents were engaged in composting organic waste activity. Consequently, in attempts to create environmental conscious teachers, more professional development courses should be offered to all teachers in Malaysia. Using technology in schools to its fullest potential is another suggestion, and lastly is to increase the number of hands-on activities offered to the school community. These suggestions have the potential to empower next generations to move towards sustainability and a more environmentally friendly future. Keywords : Environmental Awareness, Sustainable, Practices 40

TEACHER ADVISOR MD NORHALIQ BIN MD NASIR 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n MUHAMMAD DZUL FAHMI BIN MOHD FAIZAL ([email protected]) NUR MAISYA DAMIA BINTI SUHAIRUL HANIM ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD IRSYAD SYAFIQUE BIN SAIFUL AZRAN ([email protected]) RAIHANA SYAZA BINTI KHAIRIL HUSNI([email protected]) ABSTRACT CLIMATE-RESILIENT AGRICULTURE: A PATH TO FOOD SECURITY IN MALAYSIA S M S S U L T A N H J A H M A D S H A H , K U A N T A N , P A H A N G , M A L A Y S I A title : Environmental awareness is almost becoming a stranger to us in these days of modern society. Students are becoming less and less aware of their own surrounding, causing climate change to become more and more of a threat towards us. The objectives of this study are to discover how much does our youth know about environmental awareness and how it can affect the future of our country, how can we increase the awareness among youth and how to make it sustainable. The research methodology that has been utilised by us is a quantitative research on students’ environmental awareness specifically secondary schools in Kuantan, by conducting a questionnaire on students. The study has revealed that most of the students are not exposed to environmental awareness through specific curriculum subjects at school. This shows that most school does not focus on environmental awareness as much as they focus on their students’ performances in examinations. This might be concerning as this will bring great harm towards our future as it will create a generation with no environmental awareness. Therefore, to create a greener future, the youth must become the agents of change to foster environmental awareness towards their generations as it is better to teach them from a young age rather than waiting for them to grow up, because it would be far too late when that happens. In other words, the damage has been done. This approach would help in fostering environmental awareness faster and more effectively. Keywords: Agents Of Change, Environmental Awareness, Curriculum Subjects 41

TEACHER ADVISOR MOHAMMAD FITRI BIN BADRUL HISHAM 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n NAOMI ANIS BINTI MUHAMMAD NIZAM ([email protected]) NUR DINI BINTI SHAMSULHADY([email protected]) MUHAMMAD SYAFIQ ANIQ BIN SHAHRIL ([email protected]) KHAIRUL AIMAN BIN TAQUDDIN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT A D V A N T A G E S T O A N E A R L Y P R E M O N I T I O N : S E K O L A H M E N E N G A H S A I N S T A P A H , P E R A K , M A L A Y S I A title : This research paper focuses on the initiatives we took in order to reduce global warming. Of course, Malaysia is no stranger to global warming and has long been affected in the form of heat waves. According to the Malaysian Ministry Of Health, there had been 45 cases of heatstroke just this year. Consequently, It leads to a huge decline in the workforce as people can’t spend too much time outside. Unsurprisingly, heat waves also restrict students from participating in physical education activities. So, we decided to execute some initiatives in our school. Because, with this additional exposure to green initiatives, we could help our generation recognize this problem early on as a means to tackle it in the future with maximum efficiency. Surely, waves of questions will arise, should it be mandatory for every school to be as eco-friendly as possible? And, at what cost? Rest assured, for we have conducted questionnaires and interviews in hopes of getting the answer. Global warming if not stopped, will be nature’s payback to humanity. So we have to heed to this warning immediately, if not now. Keywords : Global Warming, Heat Waves, Initiatives, School, Eco-Friendly HOW MINISCULE EFFORTS CAN LEAD TO A PARADIGM SHIFT 42

TEACHER ADVISOR MOHD FARHAN BIN ADNAN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n MUHAMMAD FAARIS SALIHIN BIN MOHD FIRDAUS ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD ARIFF ADRIELL BIN MUHD FIRDAUS SIDDIQI ([email protected]) FARIS ZIKRI BIN ZAINAL FITRI ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD ASHMAL HADIF BIN MUHAMMAD ARSHAD ([email protected]) ABSTRACT A P P L Y I N G C R E A T I V E M O V E M E N T E X E R C I S E W I T H P I E Z O E L E C T R I C E F F E C T I N S G E C L A S S R O O M S E K O L A H S U L T A N A L A M S H A H , W . P . P U T R A J A Y A , M A L A Y S I A title : Advocating for a more environmentally friendly classroom has become a significant focus as we strive to mitigate the impact of climate change and protect our surroundings. The Piezoelectric Effect offers potential in reducing the carbon footprint of electronic devices used in 21st-century classrooms. This study aims to identify, assess, and address the utilization of "Piezoelectric Plates" in School of Global Excellence classrooms. Extensive gadget usage at Sultan Alam Shah School revealed that carbon emissions from SGE classrooms using iPads, Smart TVs, and Smart Boards exceeded those of an average Malaysian classroom. To tackle this issue, an investigative research initiative was undertaken with extensive literature review preceding a field study to establish correlations between environmental awareness issues in schools and highlight key elements essential for promoting sustainable practices within classrooms. After consulting relevant stakeholders, our team proposed mitigating SAS's carbon footprint by not only rectifying existing damage but also proactively preventing future problems. An experimental group study involving the integration of "Piezoelectric Plates," "15 Edict of Alam Shah", and "Creative Movement Exercises" was conducted. Two groups were tested over 3 weeks: one maintained limited access to their iPads, while the other had three sets of Piezoelectric Plates generator installed as manipulated variables. Questionnaires were administered before testing to gauge any noticeable changes in participants' perceptions and values; including data favouring initial assumptions regarding perception significantly shifting towards greater appreciation for energy usage mindfulness among students once they are made aware through active involvement. The findings affirmed this hypothesis with intrinsic motivation for conservation increasing upon understanding energy conversion processes. However, given its scale limitations, further scrutiny aiming deeper insights facilitating wider application of The piezoelectric effect in Malaysia's educational settings is invited especially within SGE’s classrooms. Keyword: Piezoelectric, Behaviour, Leadership 43

TEACHER ADVISOR AIZAR BINTI MOHAMAD NOOR 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n MUHAMMAD NAUFAL RIFQI BIN MOHD NADMIN ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD KHALEEF RIFQI BIN KHAIRIDA APHDZAN ([email protected]) FATIHA ALZAHRA BINTI ALFITHRI SHAH ([email protected]) NUR HUMAIRA MURFIQAH BINTI HAZLAN ([email protected]) ABSTRACT EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF GREEN SCHOOLS IN MALAYSIA SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH INTEGRASI KUANTAN, PAHANG, MALAYSIA title : Our research is focusing on green schools in Malaysia. Green schools are schools with ecologically sustainable educational establishments. Green schools are becoming more and more well-known as role models for encouraging sustainable practices and environmental awareness among teachers and students. Green schools also improve academic results and foster environmentally conscious behaviors in students, which has a substantial influence on behavior and performance. Our problem statement is to determine whether the establishment of green schools in Malaysia helps Malaysia's climate better as well as creates conducive learning environment for the Malaysian students. We are evaluating on the impact of green school to the nation climate and human behaviour. Our main objective of this research is to investigate the impact of green schools’ positive changes on Malaysia’s current climate situation. It is also to analyze how green schools have impacted the Malaysian students learning environment and behaviour. In order to gain findings and making analysis, there are a few methods we have used. We did a brief questionnaire of 10 simple questions distributed to some pupils from Form 1 to Form 5 and also some teachers. Other than that, we did online research using articles from journals and web pages. Our research outcomes reveal that majority of students agreed that green schools do enhance both the nation's present climate situation and the students’ learning environment and behaviour. The positive impacts of green schools should be widened throughout the nation particularly and worldwide generally. Keywords: Awareness, Climate, Behaviour 44

TEACHER ADVISOR ANIS SABIRAH BINTI ABDULLAH 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n MUHAMMAD AMIR ASYRAFF BIN HADI HELMI ([email protected]) IRIS RAISYAA BINTI MOHD ASMAWI ([email protected]) KHAIRUNNISA ZAHEEDAH KHAIRUDDIN BINTI ABDUL HAFIZ([email protected]) MUHAMMAD FAISHAL SYAFIQ BIN MOHD SYUKRI ([email protected]) ABSTRACT A COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY OF GREEN SCHOOL INITIATIVES OF SCHOOLS IN SELANGOR, MALAYSIA SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH INTEGRASI GOMBAK, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA title : Green schools are schools that prioritise environmental sustainability and incorporate eco-friendly practices into its curriculum, operations, and campus design. Aligned with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), schools in Malaysia are encouraged by the Ministry of Education to carry out green school projects (Yusliza et al., 2020). However, responses from schools have been piecemeal and constrained by a multitude of challenges (Balakrishnan, 2021). As a result, this has reflected in the slow progress of raising environmental awareness among Malaysian students (Chand & Kobran, 2023). Therefore, this study has two key objectives. First, to investigate the challenges associated with implementing green initiatives in Malaysian schools. Secondly, to identify successful initiatives carried out in Malaysian schools among teachers and students, and what are the mechanisms that lead to its success. To pursue this study, we examine several primary and secondary schools in Selangor, a state with a booming industrial economy where environmental knowledge is pertinent. Methodologically, we employ a qualitative approach utilising semi-structured interviews and focus groups with teachers and students. In addition, we conducted a content analysis of documents and media articles in relation to green initiatives in Malaysian schools. The overarching aim is to pinpoint initiatives that can be a source of inspiration for schools around Selangor and beyond to emulate. Conclusively, it is crucial to address this topic in order to foster a greener future by encouraging a sense of collective responsibility for the environment among Malaysian schools. Keywords : Environmental Awareness, Sustainable Development Goals, Eco-Friendly Practices, Sustainability Practices, Education For Sustainable Development 45

TEACHER ADVISOR AHMAD MUKHLIS BIN NASRUDIN 12 FULLY RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2024 T h e C l i m a t e E m e r g e n c y : A R a c e W e C a n W i n TH S U B T H E M E3 Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n ANGELA RINA FRANCIS ([email protected]) LIM LOR YUAN ([email protected]) ABANG SHAH ABBAS BIN ABANG MAHMUD([email protected]) MUHAMMAD IMAN FADHLULLAH BIN AZAHAR ([email protected]) ABSTRACT G R E E N S C H O O L I N F R A S T R U C T U R E : A K A D E M I S A I N S P E N D A N G , K E D A H , M A L A Y S I A title : Amidst the intensifying challenges of climate change, there exists a pressing imperative to explore avenues for promoting environmental consciousness and sustainable behaviors, particularly within educational settings. This study explores how green school infrastructure can be an important source of sustainability efforts and the development of environmentally conscious individuals. Grounded in empirical research, we analyze the impact of green school infrastructure on students' environmental awareness and engagement with their surroundings. Moreover, this study adopts a multi-stakeholder approach, incorporating perspectives from students, teachers, principals, architects, and designers. Through qualitative analysis, we distill key insights to develop a comprehensive framework for green school infrastructure. This framework makes it easier to integrate sustainable practices by providing useful principles that are suited to the specific demands and obstacles of educational environments. By equipping policymakers, educators, and stakeholders with actionable strategies, our findings contribute to the ongoing discourse on sustainable education. In addition to raising a generation of environmentally conscious students, we argue that green school infrastructure is a tactical response to the demand of sustainability in education, especially in environmental awareness. Our study ultimately emphasises how important it is to work together to integrate sustainability into educational systems in order to have a revolutionary effect on sustainability initiatives in the perspective of green education. Keywords : agriculture sector, food issue, climate-resilient crops F O S T E R I N G S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y I N E D U C A T I O N 46

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