AvengE us.
IInnggrriidd ppiinncchheess tthhee bbrriiddggee ooff hheerr nnoossee.. ““FFeelliixx--””
““II’’mm ssuurree yyoouu aarree ttoooo,,”” hhee rreettuurrnnss..
““TThhaatt’’ss nnoott--””
““II hheeaarr GGlleennnn tthhee mmoosstt,,”” DDiimmiittrrii ssaayyss qquuiieettllyy..
FFeelliixx aanndd IInnggrriidd ssttiillll,, sshhoouullddeerrss ggooiinngg rriiggiidd.. TThheeyy ddoonn’’tt ssaayy aannyytthhiinngg.. DDiimmiittrrii ttaakkeess
Yo u c o u l d h a v E s a v E d u s , D i m i t r i .tthhiissaassaassiiggnnttookkeeeeppggooiinngg..
““II’’mm ssoorrrryy,,”” hhee aappoollooggiizzeess iinn tthhee ssiilleennccee,, ““iitt’’ss…… ddiiffffiiccuulltt ttoo ffooccuuss oonn aallll ooff yyoouu wwhheenn
You monster!hhee-- tthheeyy kkeeeepp ttaallkkiinngg.. TThheeyy aallwwaayyss ssaayy ssoo mmuucchh.. II ggeett…… oovveerrwwhheellmmeedd,,”” hhee aaddmmiittss
hhoonneessttllyy,, lleettttiinngg vvuullnneerraabbiilliittyy ttaakkee oovveerr..
IItt’’ss aallwwaayyss ssoo mmuucchh.. AAllwwaayyss..
TThhee qquuiieett ccoonnttiinnuueess..
““YYoouu mmaakkee iitt ssoouunndd ssoo ddrraammaattiicc,,”” FFeelliixx ffiinnaallllyy ssaayyss,, vvooiiccee qquuiieett.. ““IItt’’ss aa ssiimmppllee
This is your fault.pprroobblleemm,,yyoouuiiddiioottbbooaarr--””
FFeelliixx ggrraabbss hhiimm bbyy tthhee sshhoouullddeerrss.. ““WWhheenn tthheeyy ttaallkk,, ddoonn’’tt lliisstteenn..””
DDiimmiittrrii ssttaarreess ffoorr aa sseeccoonndd bbeeffoorree bbrreeaakkiinngg iinnttoo ssoofftt llaauugghhtteerr.. FFeelliixx bbrreeaakkss aawwaayy ffrroomm
hhiimm iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy,, aass iiff hhee’’dd bbeeeenn bbuurrnneedd..
““IIff oonnllyy iitt wweerree tthhaatt ssiimmppllee..””
AvengE us.““TTaallkkttoouuss,,DDiimmiittrrii,,””IInnggrriiddssaayyss,,ttaakkiinngghhiisshhaannddaannddssqquueeeezziinnggiittttiigghhttllyy..
SSoo hhee ddooeess..
HHee ddooeess nnoott ssttoopp eevveenn wwhheenn FFeelliixx’’ss ggllaarree ggrroowwss hhaarrsshheerr oorr wwhheenn IInnggrriidd ssttaarrttss ccrryyiinngg
iinn tthhee mmiiddddllee ooff iitt.. HHee uunnppaacckkss aallll hhee’’ss hhaadd ttoo lliisstteenn ttoo,, aallll tthhee wweeiigghhtt hhee’’dd hhaadd ttoo ccaarrrryy
wwiitthh eevveerryy ssiinnggllee wwoorrdd.. GGlleennnn wwoouulldd’’vvee nneevveerr ssaaiidd tthhaatt,, IInnggrriidd’’ss eeyyeess tteellll hhiimm aanndd FFeelliixx
ttrriieess ddeessppeerraatteellyy nnoott ttoo llooookk hhiimm iinn tthhee eeyyee..
TTaallkk,, MMeerrcceeddeess hhaadd ssaaiidd ttoo ttaallkk.. EEvveenn iiff iitt’’dd hhuurrtt..
Yo u c o u l d h a v E s a v E d u s , D i m i t r i . AAtt tthhee eenndd ooff iitt aallll,, iitt iiss wwoorrtthh iitt wwhheenn hhee hheeaarrss ssoommeetthhiinngg ssaaiidd iinn FFeelliixx’’ss ssoofftt,, ppaaiinneedd vvooiiccee..
““TThheeyy ddiieedd ffoorr yyoouu,, DDiimmiittrrii.. NNoott bbeeccaauussee ooff yyoouu..””
He stops hearing Glenn and Rodrigue’s voices.
“Heard you’ve been in a talking mood these days, your highness.”
When Sylvain plops down beside him on the garden bench he’d been feeding ducks
from, Dimitri hardly startles.
“Word gets around.”
Sylvain smirks. “You have no idea.”
Dimitri does actually have one, but he doesn’t say anything. They enjoy a
peaceful silence then, warm as Dimitri continues to feed the ducks. Somehow he
knows it’s not his turn to speak.
“Do you hear him?”
He turns to Sylvain, curiosity simmering. “Who?”
Dimitri closes his eye. “Sometimes.”
When Glenn isn’t being too loud and Dimitri lets his thoughts wander to the other
older sibling he thinks he’s failed. It’s hard not to think about him sometimes too, not
when Sylvain is starting to look like him more and more.
Sylvain doesn’t look at him. “Does he say good things?”
“No.” None of them ever do.
To his surprise, Sylvain releases a hollow laugh at that.
“Figures,” Sylvain says under his breath, “guess that’s just another thing we
have in common then.”
Dimitri raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Sylvain finally looks at him, a wry smile settled on his face. An uncommon sight,
but a genuine one.
“He says horrible things and I’m insincere most of the time. I’m sure we don’t exactly
make the best conversational partners.”
It takes Dimitri a split second to realize what the words actually are.
An offer. Reassurance. I’m here, Sylvain is saying, in his own roundabout way.
Dimitri smiles.
“I’ll take my chances.”
They do not leave until the sun sets.
The one year anniversary of a united Fódlan is a grand affair.
He revels in genuine laughter Sylvain barks out at the sight of Felix and Ingrid putting
on a show in the square. Felix is smiling as he dodges a strike from Ingrid’s lance and she
herself is laughing at how he nearly stumbles. The crowd eggs them on vigorously.
There are even more doves, thousands of them, Dimitri would estimate. More flowers,
more music. Sylvain had gone all the way for the festivities. As always. He laughs as
Sylvain gives him a stealthy little wink beside him.
Dimitri watches from his balcony, brightening when he sees Dedue return with
Mercedes, Annette, and Ashe. They smile up at him and wave as balloons are released
into the sky, coloring it with the most vibrant of shades.
When Byleth enters the scene, he rises from his throne, intent on greeting her and
thanking her. It’s not everyday the archbishop gets to attend festivities after all. He waves
goodbye to Sylvain before reentering the palace halls.
There is a blessed silence.
Dimitri smiles into it.
Certainly, the one year anniversary of a united Fódlan is a grand affair.
Dimitri enjoys it.
Paths to Salvation
On pilgrimage from Rigel to Sofia. Still a child, she is unaware that it will be her last journey
with her mother, as well as the first pilgrimage of a Saint.
In the dappled sunlight, Silque walks alongside her mother. Enjoying the forest’s shade, they
walk long hours, yet the child’s short legs keep the pace dreadfully slow. Her mother has not talked
much at all. That is to say, Silque is bored out of her mind. There is a great deal of trees to see, but
not much else. In her boredom, she recalls an odd experience she had last time they camped.
Silque closes her eyes. At first, she notices some hidden sounds and smells. Her steps are
awkward now and her mother tells her to stop dragging her feet. But she shuts her eyes ever more
tightly, using all the willpower of a child to shut herself off from any sense of the world around
her. After a few minutes of doing so, Silque begins to sense new things. At first, it’s large, radiant
bubbles. She doesn’t see them, but she can feel their presence: their size, distance, and intensity.
She allows herself a peek now and again, identifying a bubble as a deer or a bird. Her mother,
walking just ahead of her, is incredibly bright, but her bubble isn’t too large. She follows her
mother’s trail, allowing Silque to remain in the world of lights without the risk of getting lost or
falling behind. As the process carries on, she becomes aware of large bubbles with low intensity,
densely scattered around the path (trees). A foam of light runs across the ground, a tight
constellation of stars of all brightnesses (herbs, mosses, insects, rodents, and the whole spectrum
of miniature life). Silque is lost in love with the swirling, flowing lights all about her, a world all to
herself, a world full of life. She cannot distinguish the forms, for now she sees but darkly, but in
time she will learn to understand the myriad images.
As Silque is lost in contemplation, a flash of light strikes her and a bubble explodes and reds,
blues, and purples fill her eyes (an eagle delivers a fatal strike to a hare). Reeling, she suddenly
becomes aware of a large number of bubbles that don’t radiate the same way, not so bright,
not so purely. They flicker and dim and, most importantly, they hurt to sense. A spiny clump is
curling in on itself (a bleeding fox), a quicksilver ball undulates (a far-off villager vomiting from
a chronic disease that will ultimately be fatal), a spicy bubble sizzles (a mouse crawling through a
rosebush). Silque’s constellations spin and spin, but it does not rise to a cacophony. She cannot
resolve the whole scene in her head, but she couldn’t do the same for the stars at night either.
Neither was any less beautiful.
Now, it is worth remembering that walking with eyes closed is a bad idea. This fact is
unchanged by the ability to magically sense life. Silque, carrying on in her magical world, trips
and falls down a small embankment, bringing her sensory rapture comes to a harsh stop. The two
do not pick up their journey again, on account of a child’s pain at scrapes and bruises. When they
start again, Silque, the one-day healer, has bandages and salves on her arms and legs.
Xander has ordered Elise to reinforce Corrin on his solo mission to quell the Ice Tribe.
Elise, urgently and happily, prepares herself to join her adoptive brother. She sorts through
books from her studies for some reference materials she’ll need on the trip.
Elise thumbs through textbooks, indices, and her own notes. The first tomes on staff
maintenance and repair are quick reviews (she had made thorough notes on the subject at
the beginning of her studies). A few sheets of paper were enough to refresh her memory
should she need to fashion some staves in the wild. Her hands move to the legal texts.
Codices of Healing Malpractice details the diverse manners in which the healer could
negligently harm their subjects. Legal Principles of Nosferatu covers a history of the
legal treatment of the nosferatu spell, which had been banned in Hoshido and was taught
only to warmages in Nohr, a development resulting from the ease with which healers could
carry out assassinations in the guise of healing via the fell spell. Nosferatu had a number
of theoretical uses which Elise had studied, she recalled, as she skimmed her old notes.
Disease and the Healing Arts made the controversial argument that nosferatu could
perhaps serve a healing function in the treatment of disease. Disease had long been one of
the great challenges for healers. Injury and short-term mental trauma were the traditional
domain of healing, while medicine was the only known tool against most diseases and
poisons. The same author argued that diseases were, in fact, living; healing could not treat
the disease because it could not kill or erase, only repair. Indeed, healing a sick person
would aggravate many diseases, while delaying death in others (predicated on whether the
healing affects the disease or the human body more). Thus, the application of nosferatu to
the problem to destroy malignant factors within the body. As of yet, the healing community
believed such a line of thinking and experimentation to be unethical.
Finally, Elise finds her encyclopedias of herbal remedies, disease identification, and
diagnostic methods (including distinguishing between healing, medicinal, psychological,
and mixed cases). These enter her satchel in full. With that, Elise judges her literature
sufficient for the mission.
She calls Cassita to send some last flowers down to the undercity. The snowfall outside
Castle Krakenburg is heavy and will slow the journey. Elise sees Effie and Arthur waiting
below in the courtyard with horses and supplies. Based on road and weather conditions,
they had calculated that the swamps are be the best place to rendezvous with Corrin. And
so, Elise sets out with a bundle of books and joyous heart, ready to do what she loved
most: supporting those she loved.
Another battle is on the horizon. As is her custom, Mitama calligraphs new and old
poems on shide to hang from her festal rods, a part of her pre-battle ritual. The poetry
protects and preserves her soul amidst the horrors of war.
Underneath mother’s sky
Sleep, dream, child of war, of her
Spring brings scarlet buds.
The clamor of swords
Crying out for attention
Angry at silence.
I rest my pen remorseful
For sleep will not come
Til we or they are smitten.
Entering repose
Resting one way, another
I go out sleepy
With the words of life and death
Catching in my breast,
Carrying in hand a rod
Beautif’ly arrayed
To bestow heaven’s blessing
On those who fight, those who die.
F lora
It is Flora’s turn to prepare Corrin for the day, another day in a dread castle. The captive
songbird longs for home and refuses its master a song.
Flora’s freezing hands glide around Corrin’s body, securing clasps, trimming armor,
checking for wounds. Every time her fingers brush his skin, he is jolted awake, breaking
his morning stupor. Flora knows Corrin feels uncomfortable whenever she conducts
morning preparations. He often tries to force a conversation. She answers as little as
possible and, when the questions become particularly unpleasant, she silences the boy
with a sharp touch on his nape.
Flora’s icy hands sting Corrin, but on such days, it is Flora who cannot endure it. The
greys of a forsaken castle, iced-over snow, and a pestering noble-child mock her. They
are shadows of the pure whites and blues of the soft snow of her people. They lack
everything that a home should proffer: a family for her to care for, a family to care for
her. This long into her captivity, Flora can no longer remember the face of her father.
This, as she grows more familiar with Corrin’s physique: grooming his hair to taste,
ensuring the fit of his dress, soothing wounds and aches.
Looking past her silence, Flora had become the perfect maid. She knows her master’s
needs. She has learned every manner of healing, for body and soul. She wields an artisanal
touch for cooking and cleaning, crafting a soothing, satisfying experience for her master.
Felicia has a slight advantage as a combat healer, but in all else, Flora is superlative.
Indeed, Corrin could want nothing from Flora, save the one thing she does not have
herself. Flora knows only to heal others, to bless others, to serve others. When she
dares think of her own heart, she detects nothing. When she prepares herself early each
day, she dresses herself as she would a doll. Felicia did not know her, still innocent and
unaware of their captivity. It is impossible that her father knows her now. And every time
it was Flora’s turn to prepare Corrin for the day, she cannot help but think of another
Flora, a Flora of the Ice Tribe, a Flora who would know nothing of soothing the fears of a
nobleman, what food he would need when he was hurt this way or that. A Flora who loves
her sister, who loves her father, who loves her people, not as a stranger, but as a friend.
Perhaps, this is a Flora who loved Flora enough to heal her soul. She cannot bear it alone,
but Flora has no one else. So today, and every day, she longs for this other Flora, dreaming
of meeting her, understanding her, loving her.
A harsh sun burns a Plegian battleground, where Ylisseans and Plegians bleed out. Healers
move quickly to save those they can, before the march is forced to continue. Libra heals a now
legless man, Plegian by his armor. He may never walk again, but there is hope that survivors
such as him can receive further treatment from pursuing armies or nearby villages.
As Libra attempts to move to a new patient, a hand catches his arm. Libra spins, panicked.
He breaks the grip and stumbles backward. The man he had just healed looks at him blankly,
raising himself on one arm. The man drops his hand with a weary look. He had wanted to thank
the man who saved him, an Ylissean stranger in religious garb. But he perceives his thanks are
unwelcome; so he relaxes his arm and lapses into unconsciousness.
Libra looks at the defeated man and the rush of fear subsides. His arcana tells him that
people are bleeding out and dying all around him. He had just come from a typically brutal
battle on the Plegian plains. And yet, what terrified him most that day was a cripple’s touch. He
closes his eyes and detects a pair of lights, lying close to each other, blink out together. Libra
recognizes the dead lights as one of those constellations that could not live without the other.
Their lifeforces had bled into each other in reflection of a profound bond, the strength of which
only close friends and healers experienced in sensing life could perceive. Every moment he
tarries, another star will burn out under the Sun’s harsh gaze.
Libra curses himself for being such a poor war monk. With a duty to fight for truth and heal
all he encounters, his intolerance of human touch is a grave obstacle. Unlike so many soldiers
and medics, he can handle blood, he can handle battle. But what they could handle, mere human
contact, hecannot. His fear of human touch does not subside. He often wonders if he is too
warlike, too antisocial. Above all, he asks himself what he is doing wrong, why he is like this.
Libra will bear this guilt for years more; a war is full of trauma and pain and confusion, that
is, it is a time when everyone can feel their souls and minds fleeing under pressure. That is, war
is not a time where many people are going about healing the mind, when the body requires so
much attention. Libra is one of those healers of the soul, too, through his monastic service and
devotion, his attendance to religious rites, confessions, preachings, and counseling. But there
are not enough people like him to go around. His first love and future wife will be one of the
first to help him understand what was happening to him, among other friends in war and faith.
The time will come, not too far distant, when Libra will not bear this burden alone. He will
even come to understand it, manage it, understand how it all came about. Yet the time has not
yet come, and it is his burden to live with his phobia, inflicted on him during his cruel youth by
souls grimmer than his. And so, Libra bears the burden of fearing human touch, a burden atop
the burden he chose for himself: healing.
Thank You!!
Fire Emblem has let me do so many things. I’ve met so many amazing friends, artists, and role models
through this series. Drawing fanart for the series is so fun and helped me improve so much, so I hope to
draw more for it in the future! Thanks for supporting Live To Serve!
Thank you for going on this journey with us! I hope that in a difficult time like this, the art and stories of
your favorites were able to provide some comfort and happiness more than anything!
When I first applied for this zine, I wasn’t expecting to get in but I loved the concept of healing right
off the bat and thought it would be amazing to be a part of this zine and it has! Being surrounded by so
many talented writers and artists as well as understanding mods really pushed me to do my best in this
zine and finish my work despite hitting a lot of roadblocks during it. I also finally managed to finish a
piece for Klein, one of my favourite Fire Emblem characters of all time thanks to zine so really, it’s been a
great pleasure being around such amazing people, thank you for the wonderful experience.
-Chai (spymursclause)
My piece for this zine was a catharsis of sorts and it helped me think on the importance of outside
support. Don’t be afraid to reach out.
Love those around you!
Fire Emblem, while being very new to me, offers a great range of characters. As a player, you can relate
to many of them and learn from them as well!! Mercedes and Marianne are my favorites not only due to
their designs, but also their growth and kindness to other players.
“Three years ago, I decided to watch a new FEH Channel stream just out of curiosity. This Channel revealed
Tap Battle, and as someone who loved rhythm games, I decided to get the game as a joke. I had never been
exposed to FE before, and through that joke, I got exposed to a series that changed me in a profound way
and made me realize that I wanted to make video games when I graduated. I can’t put into words what this
series means to me because it would take the rest of my life. All I have to say is thank you, Fire Emblem.
“”You work so hard, but I want you to know that—if you need to—it’s OK to cry. Nobody here knows what
you’ve been through but you.”” -- Emperor Lyon of Grado, Fire Emblem: Heroes”
-Dwyer Reedy
I’m grateful to Fire Emblem for inspiring me. If it wasn’t for this amazing series, I definitely wouldn’t be
where I am now with my art.
Working on my piece for this zine, it let me reflect on personal growth and how my outlook on life has
changed over the years. I’m content, and mentally in a better place now.
hi! im kaii, the artist who drew the tokyo mirage session piece for this zine! it was honestly a pleasure to
be part of this zine and i just wanted to take the time to thank all the mods, artists, and our supporters
for making this project a reality! fire emblem has been a very dear franchise to me since the gba days, and
to see it grow so much and to be able to share my love for it has been a joy. live to serve focuses on the
healing journey which is a very broad and understandably complex topic. but i hope with everyone’s own
interpretation of healing, whether it be from physical wounds, emotional strife, or just plain and simple
downtime with friends, it shows that healing can come from many different avenues. though drawn and
written in the context of the fire emblem setting, i hope you are able to relate with something in this zine
(no matter how small) to your daily lives. again, thank you and thank you for your support for this zine!!
Thank you for letting me in for the zine. It’s my first time doing this sort of things, so hopefully if we are
holding another one like this in the future, I might see you there! And... I hope you will find someone
who can distract you enough with something you don’t normally do as your healing process!
It’s been an honor to draw Elise and Sakura for this Zine. I hope everyone enjoys my take of them <3
Everyone has different paths that they’ve taken, are on, and will take, with no singular ‘right’ path.
I think it’s important not to forget that when we find ourselves in doubt.
It’s something I know I need to learn for myself, too!
Heya! I’m Nen, a small artist that adores Fire Emblem since the day my friend dragged me into this
fandom years ago - no regrets. I’m very excited and honoured to be part of this Zine!
-Nen K.O.
Fire Emblem has been a precious part of my life. I’m still in the healing process, to be honest, but the way FE
gets out of the protagonist’s head and explores side characters’ bonds is brilliant to me. Edelgard’s story has been
especially precious to me: her struggles with expressing empathy, masking, and an awareness of the cruelty of
institutions, politics, and power. The pain that comes with empathy, with being a healer, are focal points of my
segments on Flora and Libra. My hope is that some of the stranger parts of being a healer show in my piece.
Because healers aren’t just lovely for the kind work they do, but because they do that as people who need healing
too, as people who grow into very special worldviews. This was not part of my piece, but I want to end with the
observation: no matter who you are, there will be people who you alone will be able to heal, to support, to aid.
Something about your particular skills and circumstances will give you moments where you will be the only one
who can make a difference in someone’s life. But not just one person, but several. The only cost is being aware of
the needs of those around you and doing what you can to grow into a more complete person.
Just wanted to say thank you for being my first Zine! Really loved the concept of healing and got to work
on one of my favourite characters in the francise! Thank you letting me be apart of this project and hope
to see lots more amazing projects from you guys in the future
Fire Emblem is such a confort game to me and it helped me to go through a lot ! It inspires me
every day and I am glad to be able to join this fanzine as an artist and finally have a chance to show
how much it means to me. Remember to take care of yourself uwu
Miss Tatiana Fireemblem if you’re out there, I love you.
-Sam Arehart
I came to know Fire Emblem waaay back, introduced to me by a friend who’s now one of my bestest
friends. Isn’t it amazing how this series not only teaches you strategy or crushes your heart over its many
characters, but it also got people together? Still much wow over the years
-savvy lavy
Fire Emblem is well part of my childhood. It’s a series I hold dear to me as every installment has been a
great experience to play and go through. This zine was quite fun actually! I’m quite slow on things but I
hope to have brought a good picture on my contribution for this zine! :)
It’s been great to collaborate on a piece with my best friend Yarrow, as I could not have made it out of my
own personal healing journey without them <3 Hope you guys enjoy the zine!
Thank you for supporting our lovely little zine! I am so thankful I was able to help out with this
zine’s creation. Healing is such an important part of people’s lives, both mentally and physically
and I while I’m sure this zine isn’t the remedy to fix all of the issues and pain present in the world,
I do hope that it can bring a smile to your face as you see all the hard work put into it by the
contributors and mods alike. Joy and happiness can be some of the best medicines in the world so I
hope this zine can be a bright spot in your day! Thank you once again for your support of the zine!
Be kind to each other.
Thank you so much for your support of this zine! I had the idea of this project earlier this year with the
vision of helping out those suffering from the coronavirus pandemic, but with BLM protests hitting a
peak I found myself also wanting to remind people that pain comes in many forms, with some of them
harder to heal from than others. The people who stand together to help our world heal from the many
injustices cast upon it are, in my eyes, some of the strongest; both our doctors and nurses, but also our
engineers who craft medical equipment, the government officials who argue for a larger healthcare
budget that will cover more treatments, and the friends who lend an ear when sometimes it seems like
the future is bleak. Everyone and anyone can be a support for each other, and I think that’s wonderful.
Thank you again for your support, I hope you enjoy the zine!
MistiousStar borealisDRG
@MistiousStar @borealisDRG
rainysoshi @borealumen
Lena yuzu-tan
@Lenish_ @cielo_mist
@lenishdraws @yuzu.tart
Dwyer Reedy Izusibiki
@cowboyterra @Izusibiki
Loustica Lucia
Farron Marie
savvy lavy
Lauren Restivo
Miss Dash Aimi
@missdash_ @DragonMikleo
Cidate @Nen_K0
@Cidateart @nen-k0
Sam Arehart
Brandon Pérez
Julius Gabriel
Julius#2749 @rorskie
Ace Florins @trixstarsss
Vharzosi Jes(Phrums)
@VharzosiArt @jeslynserrafena
Moon @phrums
@myonarts Octagon Sun
Phii (Pietra Braz) BearSketches
@shirayukin_ @bearsketches
@pietrabrart Aozora
acree Shidreamin
@cryptidsock @shidreamin