• Welcome Back to School
• Victim Mentality
• Trump World, Clinton Space and the
• Macaroni au Gratin
1 Title Page
2 Feature-of-the-Month
4 En guise d'éditorial
8 And the Beat Goes On...
10 Idées de lecture
14 Who's Who
18 Through the Grapevine
20 Sak pase, Ayiti?
22 Cooking with Coucou
26 Astuces Galore
28 Poétisons
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Jounal ki sòti chak mwa an kreyòl, franse ak angle
COUCOU Magazine
Maryse C. Elysée, Éditrice
Avec la collaboration de:
Dr. Arold Augustin
Guy Cayemite
Louis Berrouet
& other benevolent contributors
Coucou Magazine a été conçu pour servir de fenêtre
ouverte sur le monde à la génération des baby-boomers en
particulier; cependant nous sommes heureux de compter
tout le monde parmi notre lectorat.
Les actualités d'intérêts sont recueillies avec soin sur divers
sites de l'Internet, ce pour informer aussi bien que
distraire. Nous espérons que vous en ferez bon usage aussi
souvent que possible et que vous ne manquerez pas de
nous grati er de vos commentaires et suggestions pour
l'épanouissement de ce bulletin.
Merci et bonne lecture!
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
• Feature of the Month • Teacher:
Students Crave
Welcom Ethics Instruction
• Transitioning Your
Family From Summer to
• Is your child with
autism ready to start
• Private Christian school
at home
• 10 Back-to-School Deals
for Military Families
Photograph from the Internet
2 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Back To School Morning Routin… 3
Photographs from the Internet
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
• En guise d’Éditorial by Maryse C. Elysée
Victim Mentality
Photograph from the Internet
According to the free encyclopedia Wikipedia,
"Victim mentality is an acquired (learned)
personality trait in which a person tends to regard
him or herself as a victim of the negative actions of
others, and to behave like it were the case—even in
the absence of clear evidence. It depends on
habitual thought processes and attribution." This is
a term that has become a part of our every day
conversations. Let's try to understand what it entails
exactly though the following article so we may be
better prepared in dealing with this modern mental
a iction.
4 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
VICTIM IS A STATE OF you. And you better give it
MIND... to them to avoid incurring
their wrath. They have no
Victims believe that shame. They are
their feelings and their desperate.
circumstances are all
caused by something Victims believe that all
outside of themselves. They negative feelings or
are ignorant to the fact that events that happen to
they are 100% responsible them are somebody else's
for how they feel. It should fault. They see their
come as no surprise that circumstances purely as a
victims have no interest in result of events acting
your life. They will blab on upon them as opposed to
for hours about what so and causing the events
so did to them without ever themselves... unless it's
thinking that it might be something good, of course.
appropriate to shut up and It is always what someone
ask you about your own life, said or did. It may even be
feelings, or struggles. When the whole world's fault, as
good things happen to you, each and every one of us
it's like a dagger in the somehow owes the victim
victim's heart. Success for something.
you means jealousy and
resentment for the victim, Whatever the cause, it
as they quickly dump their is anything but
woes on you to divert themselves. Guess what?
attention away from your Victims are narcissists. The
blessings. victim frame of mind and
worldview is a narcissistic
If you do not agree that one. Sure, there are
they are victims, they will real victims out there, but
turn on you vCicOiUoCuOsUlyM. aTghazeiyne, AuguI'smt 20n1o6t talking about them5.
will only reach out to you I'm talking about being a
randomly abducted, victim mentality. If an
tortured and then killed. A alcoholic or an addict
fake victim is someone who thinks they are sober but
thinks they are a victim still believes they are a
because someone humbled victim, they are no better
them, or because of at all. Think Plato's
choices they themselves Allegory of the Cave. To
made. They somehow don't recover, we must step out
believe that the of the darkness and
consequences of their own understand that we are
actions are their fault. Yes, not victims. Nothing
they actually think this outside of us makes us
way. A fake victim thinks feel the way we do. Who
they are a victim when we are, what we feel, what
they abuse someone and we do, and what happens
that person retaliates. A to us are purely our own
fake victim thinks they are responsibility.
victimized when friends
and family give them some My advice: Don't be a
tough love by setting victim. It's unattractive.
boundaries around their
negativity and mental Source:
illness. They actually THE PRIVILEGED ADDICT
wonder why other people
don't want to be around
them. They actually
wonder why other people
are freaked out by them.
I engaged in this sort
of nonsense for years.
Alcoholics and addicts can
6easilCyOUfaCOllUpMreagyaztiones, Auucghusat 2016
childish and ignorant
Other Documents on the Topic:
1 Strategies to Deal with a Victim Mentality
2 How to Break Out of a Victim Mentality
3 The victim mentality: It isn't my fault!
4 Victim Mentality
5 How to Overcome Victim Mentality
6 How to Ditch the Victim Mentality and Become
More Empowered
7 3 Strategies On How To Deal With Toxic People
Who Have A Victim Mentality
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 7
• And the beat goes on...
Random Thoughts:
The 1966 Coleman Report
James Samuel Coleman ( May 12, 1926- March 25, 1995) was a sociologist
who initially became a chemical engineer. He received his bachelor's
degree from Purdue University in 1949. Then, Mr. Coleman went to
Columbia University where his interests switched to sociology. In 1955, he
received his Ph.D. in that eld of science. He later taught at John Hopkins,
Stanford University, and nally at the University of Chicago where he
eventually became a full professor in social relations. Two studies made him
famous: An Introduction to Mathematical Sociology (1964) and
Mathematics of Collective Action (1973).
Around July 4th, 1966, the Lyndon administration released the Coleman
report, written by James Samuel Coleman and associates. That report,
based on a 600,000 people sample, unequivocally found that "schools bring
little in uence on a child's achievement that is independent of his or her
background and general social context." The report continued, " the
inequalities imposed on children by their home, neighborhood, and peer
environment are carried along to become the inequalities with which they
confront adult life at the end of school."
Apparently, the progressives, who had controlled the Senate and House of
Representatives until 1994, did not heed the call. Rather than putting an
emphasis on consolidating the family, they undertook to decimate it. The
emphasis has been on identity politics and the misguided idea that you
could improve public schools by showering it with money. As a matter of
fact, some progressive members of the American Sociological Association
appeared wretched about the "white ight" hypothesis proposed by
Coleman to explain the limits of desegregation of the busing system. They
wanted to revoke his membership from the Association, an apparent
attempt by the liberals to get rid of a scientist when his opinions
contradicted the narrative.
Another problem with the progressive movement is its unwillingness to
accept accountability. Whereas the evidence points to the disintegration of
Detroit thanks to Democratic corruption, the politicians, and their enabling
enemedia never recognized that they had been part of the destruction of
the Black families. They lied about it as if reality was irrelevant. It is not
surprising that they became sanctimonious when Melania Trump entered
8the world of plagiarizing. Ironically, they had kept their silence when Joe
BidCeOn UwCasOUindMuacgteadzininet,oAtuhgeusHta2l0l o16f shame in 1987. Mr. Biden plagiarized an
entire speech without equivocation.
For some unclear reasons, despite the evidence, the progressive elite was
able to create confusion amid the black population. However, that task
would have been impossible without the gracious help from the likes of
John Lewis of the Black Caucus and Jesse Jackson of the Rainbow
Coalition. Next time, someone asks you if you know one of the primary
roots of the state of the Black misery in America, point to the Coleman
report and walk away. Indeed, she is free to read social sciences rather
than propaganda pieces from Occupy Democrats or Fox News.
And the
beat goes on...
Our sponsors are counting on your patronage.
Please visit them by calling their of ces. Thank you!
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 9
• Idées de lecture
Trump World, Clinton Space and the Obama-Sphere
by Michael Widlanski on July 22, 2016
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama
each live in their own world, although they sometimes
visit other places.
Trump-World is based on modern nation states with
national identities: countries that defend national
interests before aspiring to go beyond their borders to
help others.
Clinton-Space is a post-national place where nation
states are mostly passé, where a airs are decided by
post-national bodies like the UN, the EU and NGO’s
(the United Nations, the European Union and non-
governmental organizations), or mCLaICgKnHaEnRiEmTOouREsAmD MuOltRiE- ...
national entities like the Clinton Foundation.
10 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
About the Author:
Dr. Michael Widlanski is the author of
Battle for Our Minds: Western Elites
and the Terror Threat, published by
Threshold/ Simon and Schuster. He
teaches at Bar-Ilan University , was
strategic a airs advisor in Israel ’s
Ministry of Public Security, and was
the Schusterman visiting professor at
University of California, Irvine for 2013-
Other suggested readings:
1 Wake Up America: The Nine Virtues That Made Our
Nation Great--and Why We Need Them More Than Ever
2 Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies
and Wimps
3 The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free
4 The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech
5 In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!
6 Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for
Blacks to Succeed
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 11
Echantillons des collections:
Marie Celie Agnant
Margaret Papillon
12 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Our sponsors are counting on your patronage.
Please visit them by clicking on the images.
Thank you!
Moira's Beaded Treasures
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 13
• WHO'S WHO - Haitian of Phenomenal Achievement
ALBERT DESMANG… Albert Desmangles
Albert Desmangles crée une
nouvelle forme de visages
typiques de l’Amérique: mélange
de races, ni noire, ni jaune, ni
blanche, ni rouge. Des femmes
métissées dominent les éléments,
surgissent de l’ombre et
fusionnent avec la création.
Desmangles s’engage dans un
nouveau style de peinture
anthropomorphe où la lumière
demeure le centre d’émanation
de toute matière.
Contact Information:
+509 37 12 8816
+509 22 45 8781
[email protected]
14 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
A peek at the work of the artist:
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 15
Enhance your surroundings at home or at work with an exquisite
painting by the great Haitian Master Artist Albert Desmangles,
which is sure to keep the conversation alive and your imagination
in nite....
16 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Our sponsors are 17
counting on your
Please visit them by
clicking on the images.
Thank you!
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
• Through the Grapevine... Photograph from the Internet
Things read and/or heard here and there
that may interest you or strike your fancy…
Click on each title to read the article.
1 Mosby drops all remaining charges against police in Freddie
Gray case
2 Detailed List of Findings in Wikileaks DNC Document Dump
3 This Artwork Is The Most Accurate Portrayal Of Modern Life
4 A Scientist's Dream Ful lled: Harnessing The Immune System
To Fight Cancer
5 Don't Judge Blacks Di erently
6 Ask the candidates for a plan to address the national debt
7 Obama’s half-brother says he’ll be voting for Donald Trump
8 Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘There Is No Gay Gene’
9 Debbie Wasserman Schultz Served Class Action Lawsuit for
Rigging Primaries
10 No racial bias in police shootings, study by Harvard professor
18 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Photograph from the Internet
Is a Dogs Mouth Cleaner than …
Men in Iran wear Hijab to prote…
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 19
• Sak pase, Ayiti?
Things read and/or heard here and there that may interest
you or strike your fancy… Click on each title to read the
1 Haiti: Les États Unis exigent en 120 jours le remboursement du
solde des dernières élections
2 La gourde en dépréciation continue
3 Des politiques agricoles et les aléas climatiques
4 Harry Clinton prend les commandes de l’Autorité aéroportuaire nationale
5 Banque, blanchiment des avoirs, terrorisme : Carl Braun
appelle les politiques haïtiens à être vigilants et proactifs
6 L'inauguration du pont de la route 9 ce vendredi
7 L’amour du monochrome de Thierry Barthole
8 Haïti va réaliser des élections avec ses propres ressources
nancières -
9 Jean-Claude Roy écrit au Président Obama
10 Haiti classée comme le pays le plus pauvre du monde d’après une
étude du Wall Street Journal
Photograph from the Internet
20 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Photograph from the Internet
Sak pase, Ayiti?
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 21
• 1.5 (16 oz) macaroni packages Macaroni au Gratin
• 1 whole onion [diced]
• 2 Maggi® chicken broth
2/3 Velveeta® cheese block
[cut into small cubes]
1 carnation milk
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of parmesan cheese
1. Bring a large pot of water to boil over high heat.
2. Add the macaroni and let it cook until soft yet rm.
3. Add the onions and Maggi chicken broth.
4. Reduce heat and keep stirring occasionally.
5. Stir in the Velveeta cheese, until melted.
6. Stir constantly to avoid the cheese from sticking to the
7. Add butter and parmesan cheese.
8. Pour in the carnation milk and stir.
9. Remove from heat and pour into a greased baking
10. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Bake for an hour and
22ServCeOsU6COtoU M8 apgeazoinpel,eAugust 2016
• 3 tbsp of oil
• 3 tomatoes, julienne sliced
• 4 tsp of garlic powder
• a few sprigs of thyme
• a few sprigs of parsley
• 2 tsp of ground pepper
• 3 tsp of minced onions
2 tsp of tomato paste
• 1 box of chopped frozen
• spinach
6 cups of water
• 1/3 bag of coarse yellow
• cornmeal
1/2 inch-thick of sharp
Mayimoulen ak Zepina
• cheddar cheese
4 tsp of butter
1. Heat saucepan over high heat. Add oil.
2. Stir in the sliced tomatoes, garlic powder, thyme,
ground pepper, thyme, and minced onions.
3. Cover and reduce heat to medium-high.
4. Stir in tomato paste, spinach, and add water.
5. Cook uncovered until it begins to boil.
6. Add the cornmeal and continue to cook over medium-
heat, covered.
7. Stir in the cheese. Reduce the heat to low.
8. Add butter then stir. Continue to cook for 20-25 mins.
Enjoy!9. Remove from heat. Serve with slices of avocado.
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 23
24 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Our sponsors are counting on your patronage. Please visit
them by clicking on the images. Thank you!
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 25
Things read &/or heard here and there that may
interest you or strike your fancy… Click on each title
to read the article.
26 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 Photograph from the Internet
7 Genius Cleaning Tricks For Your Bath…
Comment préparer un jus rouge pour l…
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 27
• Le coin des poètes
Dreary Legacy
What a dreary re ection of our
When LAWLESSNESS is lauded
And CORRUPTION applauded
Becoming the norms we embrace
And to our proge©nMyarwysee’lCl. lEelyasévee as
© Artwork by CARL CRAIG
Photograph from the Internet
28 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Kellian et Yannis… Leur vie pour la vie
Je ne dormirai pas ce soir, trop de peine sommeille en moi
Cette sou rance tassée dans les profondeurs de mon moi
Secoue mon âme, transperce mon cœur et ébranle ma foi
J’ai honte de c’que j’ressens, j’ai peur du silence de ma voix
J’ai beau dire à ma plume, je suis une ambassadrice de la
Mais hélas, elle veut crier sa haine pour Satan et ses ls
Ceux qui sèment deuil, sang et pleurs dans le cœur de
Neuf enfants sont passés de vie à trépas, qu’ont-ils fait en
Ils sont tous partis en fête sous un ciel étoilé, un aller sans
Car la mort les a surpris, tout heureux, le cœur léger, sans
D’innocentes âmes à peine écloses dans le beau jardin de
la vie
L’enfance est une poésie qui dépasse tous les mots dits ou
Les d©euMxirpeillulesBjeerutrnaends LKheelrliisasonnet Yannis ne sont pas morts
en vain
Ce sont des âmes consentantes qui ont répondu à l’appel
du divin
Ils ont donné leur sang pour éveiller les consciences
Et, nous révPoholttoegrrap, hnfrooumsthienIndteirngent er, c’est les garder toujours
en vie
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 29
15 juillet 2016
Aime-moi, aime-moi...
L'in ni de ta tendresse
Se cueille sur un baiser de tes lèvres
Un aveu qui se veut éternel
Aime-moi, aime-moi...
Les vagues de mes désirs
Viennent se briser
Sur les rives de ta passion.
Aime-moi, aime-moi...
Le feu dévorant de tes yeux
Embrase mes rêves,
En amme ma folie, de toi
Aime-moi, aime-moi...
Comme la chrysalide
Se réjouissant d'être un papillon
mon âme aussi s'envole
Vers les nuages ensoleillés
Aime-moi, aime-moi...
À la source de ton amour
Je me renouvelle
Et ton nom gazouille dans mon coeur
Comme un chant mélodieux.
Photograph from the Internet © Louis Berrouet
30 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Toi et la mer
Sur ta longue chevelure
bleue comme l'azur
houle sur l'océan
un regard tel au néant.
Ces bateaux et marins
partis un beau matin
sur ton onde veloutée
par ton charme envouté...
Jusque vers l'horizon
où se perd la raison
pour trouver le confort
dans un monde sans port…
Ainsi d'une caresse
Je me noie d'ivresse
aux con ns de ton allure
jusqu'à ton embouchure…
Jusqu'au lever du soleil
sur ton corps au réveil
voguant l'aube et l'amour
pour faire naitre le jour...
© Guy Cayemite Photograph from the Internet
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 31
© Claude Blard
Monde à l'envers
Tuerie, carnage, guerre,
Le monde à l'envers
Infamie, sauvagerie, lâcheté,
C'en est ni de l'humanité
Meurtres d'innocents,
Monde taché de sang,
Immondices, pourriture,
La paix en décon ture
L'homme est dominé
D'instincts guerriers,
Kamikazes, assassins,
Combien, encore combien?
Et c'est pire que le choléra et la peste,
Ça empire les tourments de ceux qui restent,
Ceux qui restent, meurtris, éplorés,
Meurent de peur, désespérés,
Vomissent leurs colères, leurs douleurs,
Périssent dans une mer de malheur,
Et réclament la vengeance,
À leur tour, la violence
Peut-on arrêter
Et ne plus pleurer?
Peut on arrêter cette spirale délétère,
Ces crimes perpétrés, cette violence, cette
Peut on changer ces destins si tragiques,
Engendrés par des assassins fanatiques?
Pourquoi l'humain
Est assassin?
32 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Pourquoi créé t'il l'enfer
Sanguinaire sur terre?
L'homme tue et meurt,
Les hommes ont peur,
Et la terre tourne, elle tourne la terre,
La tête et le coeur à l'envers,
Comment remettre l'envers à l'endroit,
Comment remettre tous les coeurs en joie?
Comment démontrer à l'humain
Qu'il est capable de faire le bien?
Que dans son coeur, outre la lâcheté,
Il existe une précieuse humanité.
A olés, fous furieux, arrêtez!
Soyez fous amoureux et rêvez!
Nous avons tous assez sou ert,
Alors rêvez les yeux ouverts!
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 PPhhoottooggrraapphh ffrroomm tthheeIInntteerrnneett
© Monique Zomer-Rappo
Disque doux
Au présent de l'horloge, Caresse de la lune
La haine qui se loge, Apaiser la rancune
Les barbares sans âme, Apôtres des ténèbres
Le meurtre en ori amme, dans leurs visées
L'astre aux veloutés éclats, Contre le mal en duel
Imposant un halte-là, dans son écrin de pastels.
PPhhoottooggrraapphh ffrroomm tthheeIInntteerrnneett
34 COUCOU Magazine, August 2016
Naufragé des mots
Quand donc me sortirai-je
De la marée des mots
Qui m’entraîne, sortilège
Au milieu de ses ots?
Je crée celles qui crient
Sans que nul ne l’entende
Parce que mes écrits
Sont des haillons qui
Les beaux ne sont que maux,
Certains formant bouquets.
D’autres vont à vau-l’eau
Débordant des baquets.
De mon balbutiement
Je macule des feuilles
Dont quelques rudiments
Siéent à votre accueil.
Et dans ma frénésie
Je les revêts de peau,
Simili poésie
Naufragée dans les mots.
© Georges Noel Coldold
COUCOU Magazine, August 2016 Photograph from the Internet