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ORTHODONTIC-Gurkeerat Singh-Textbook of Orthodontics (2007)

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ORTHODONTIC-Gurkeerat Singh-Textbook of Orthodontics (2007)

ORTHODONTIC-Gurkeerat Singh-Textbook of Orthodontics (2007)

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A friction 326 c
mod ul us of resilience MB 326
Abnormal pressure habits and functional springback 326 Calvaria 24
aberrations 185 stiffness or load deflection rate 326 Case history of diagnostic aids 6S
Assessment of anteroposterior jaw Cast trimming to indicate occlusal plane
Acid etching 374
acid etching procedure 374 relationship 69 relationships 83
iatrogenic effects of etching 376 Assessment of facial symmetry 68 Causes of relapse 266
Cephalometric diagnosis for Iunctlonal
Activator 517 facial divergence 69
components 519 facial profile 68 appliance therapy 5]0
philosophy 518 Assessment of vertical skeletal relationship Characteristics of bone growth 13

Active components 422 70 endochondral ossification 13
canine retractors 427 examination of the soft tissues 70 intramembranous ossification 13
clastlcs 436 Auxiliary force delivery systems 342 Characteristics of human dentition 37
labial bows 429 clustlcs and elastic modules 342 mode of attachment 37
fitted labial bow 433 magnets in orthodontics 343 number of successive teeth 38
long labiaJ bow 430 springs 342 shape of teeth 38
reverse labial bow 432 Cheek-biting 611
short labial bow 429 B enology 6'11
split labial bow 431 treatment 611
screws 434 Basic tenets of growth pattern, variability, Classification of anchorage 260
springs 422 Classification of archwire materials 326
types 423 timing 9 Classification of rnalocclusion 159
Ackerman-Profitt system of classification
Adhesive science 369 Basis for orthopedic appliances 496
Analysis of dentoalveclar relationships 516 172
Bcgg technique 475 Angle's classification of rnalocclusion
axial inclination of the incisors 516
lower incisor 516 diagnosis 475 163
upper incisor 516 Bennette's classification of malocclusion
stages 475
Analysis of facial skeleton 510 168
articular angle (S-Ar-Go) 510 Biochemical control of tooth movement 222 Dewey's modification of Angle's
gonial angle (At-Go-Me) 511
saddle angle (N-S-Ar) 510 Blomatcrluls for dental implant •• 299 classification of maloccluslon 165
incisor classification 173
Analysis of jaw bones 512 ceramics and carbons 298 individual tooth malpositions 159
base plane angle 513 Lischcr's modification of the Angle's
inclination angle 513 metals and metal alloys 299
SNA 512 classification of malocclusion 167
SNB 513 polymers and composites 2~B malrelatlon of dental arches 161
Simon's classification of malocclusion
Anatornic structures in the ccphalograrn 97 Blonator 521
mandible 97 169
maxilla 97 advantages 523 skeletal classification 170
sphenold bone 97 skeletfll rnalocclusions 163
aygomatic bone 97 contra indications 523 Classification of orthodontic appliance

Anchorage planning 264 disadvantages 523 materials 325
Andrews six keys to normal occlusion 59 Classifications of occlusion 55
Architectural analysis of the skull 17 indications 523
based on mandibular position 55
general plan 17 philosophy 522 based on pattern of occlusion 56
internal construction of bone 19 based on relationship of Ist permanent
Archwire materials 325 types 522
biocompatibility and environmentaJ molar 55
Bond failures 384 based on the organization of occlusion 56
stability 326 relating centric relation to centric
capability to be welded or soldered to causes 384
occlusion 58
auxiliaries and attachments 326 Bone formation 221 Classifying anchorage requirements 264
forrnabillry 326 Clinical examination of diagnostic aids 67
Bone resorption 219 Clinical examination of the dentition 73

direct frontal resorprion 219

undermining/rearward bone resorption


Bracket bases 34]

Bruxism 606

etiology 606

management 609

neurophysiology 607

signs and symptoms 607

700 Textbook of Orthodontics

Compensatory curvatures 58 Developmental disturbances affecting the Eruption 48
curve of Monson 59 teeth 50 factors determining tooth position during
curve of Spee 59 eruption 48
curve of Wilson 59 disturbances during apposition of hard proc(.'Ss of tooth eruption 48
tissues 51 sequence of eruption 49
Components used in the Begg technique 472
Composite 384 disturbances during calcification of hard Ettologlcal agents in the development of oral
tissue 51 habits 584
blocornpatlbility 399
classification 387 disturbances during eruption of teeth 51 anatomical 584
composition and structure 385 disturbances during initiation of tooth emotional 585
new composite materials 391 imitation 585
properties 391 germs 50 mechanical interferences 584
Concepts of occlusion 54 disturbances during morpho- pathological 584
Congenital factors of maloccluslon 182 Etiology and management of Class I
anodontia 183 differentiation of tooth germs 50
cleft lip and palate 183 Dietary problems (nutritional deficiency) rnalocclusion 613
micrognathism 182 Etiologyand management of Class II
oligodontia "183 184
Construction bite 533 Digital cephalometries 147 rnalocclusion 619
Correction of anterior and posterior cross classification 619
cephalometric analysis and treatment clinical features 623
bites 562 planning 'ISO etiologtcal considerations of 623
Correction of midline diastema 640 management 624
dynamic function 150 Etiology and management of Class TTT
diagnosis 642 static function 150
ctiology 640 digitizatton 148 rnalocclusion 631
retention 646 direct computer dlgltizatlon 148 clinical features 631
Cranial base 26 direct digitization 149 correction of 634
indirect digitlzation 148 ctiologic considerations 633
o mode of digttiaation 148 Evaluation of the length of jaw bases 515
resolution and accuracy 148 ascending ramus 515
Dental parameters 110 Digital image 145 mandibular base 515
cant of occlusal plane 110 image archivingystcrage 145 maxillary base 515
incisor mandibular plane angle 111 image display 146 Evolution 37
incisor occlusal plane angle 11 J tclerudlology 146 Extraoral anchorage 263
Inter-incisal angle 110 total dig-ital radiography 146
protrusion of maxillary incisors 112 Digital photography 152 F
exposure 152
Dental public health aspects of orthodontics image resolution 153 Fabrication 519
202 image storage format 153 articulation of the model 520
input devices 152 bite registration 519
assessment of orthodontic treatment need photography software 153 fabrication of acrylic portions 520
204 pixels and resolution 152 for transverse control 521
Digital study models 157 impressions 519
cost of treatment and orthodontist Digit-sucking habit 586 preparation of wire elements 520
remuneration 207 classification 588 trimming for sagittal control 520
clinical aspects 588 trimming for vertical control 521
factors affecting receipt of orthodontic psychology of non-nutritive digital- trimming of the activator 520
treatment 206
sucking 587 Fabrication of function regulator 525
or •,.1 deft lip and palate 204 sucking reflex 586 construction bite 526
orthodontic indices 205 treatment 591 impressions 525
prevalence of rnalocclusion 202 Dimensional changes in the dental arches 49 trimming for buccal shield 526
trust in the health care system 207 Down's analysis 107 for lip pads 526
Detrimental effects of orthodontic treatment Down's control group 107 wax relief 526
wire components 527
316 E working model pouring and trimming
increased predisposition to dental disease 525
Edgewise appliances 467
and clysfunction 319 archwirc fabrication 468 racial photographs 128
tissue damage during treatment 316 bracket position 468 exrraoral photographs 128
Development of dentition from birth 10 bracket specifications 468 Intraoral photographs 129
treatment steps 468
complete deciduous dentition 40 Facial skeleton 27
deciduous dentition stage 43 Elimination of oral habits leading to maxilla 27
mouth of the neonate 40 interception 563 palate 27
Development of the skull 25
face 25 Enamel and dentin bonding 373
masticatory apparatus 25
neurocranium 2S

Index 701

Factors affecting physical growth 11 G esthetlc requirements 420
environmental factors 11 mechanical requirements 420
functional forces 13 General principles of removable appliances Ideal requirements of orthodontic study
genetic endowment "1"1 422
models 77
Factors affecting the bonding of the brackets appliance design 422 Implants to mini-screws 296
to the enamel 382 Generations of dentin bonding agents 376
Genetics in orthodontics 305 history 296
acid 382 types of dental implants 299
acidic primers 383 dental and skeletal characteristics that are
air abrasion (rnicroetchlng) 383 inherited 307 bio-rcsorbablc implant system 299
bleaching 383 bios implant system 299
chlorhexidine 383 Butler's field theory 308 endo-osseous implants 299
crystal-growing solutions 383 functional components of the face 31J micro-mini implants 299
differences among teeth ~2 population differences 308 subperiosteal implants 299
effects of fluoride 382 twin studies 308 trans-osseous implants 299
etching vs nonetching 382 inbreeding and consanguineous Importance of centric relation in
laser etching 383
moisture resistant primers 383 marriages-its consequences 307 orthodontics 58
older vs young teeth 382 mode of transmission of rnalocclusion impression materials 345
time 382 Indication for orthognathic surgery 287
type and concentration of acid 382 305
use of pumice 382 penctrance and cxprcssivity 307 abnormalities of the alveolar processes
Finishing the models 83 tracing the gene in family pedigree 289
fixed functional appliances 536
biopedic appliance 538 studies 306 abnormalities of the chin 289
eureka spring 539 autosomal dominant inheritance 306 rnacrogcnia 289
forsus fatigue resistant device 539 autosomal recessive inheritance 306 microgenia 289
Herbst appliance 536 polygenic disorders and multifactorial
Jasper Jumper 537 abnormalities of the rnendlbular base 288
KJapper super spring 539 inheritance 307 abnormalities of the maxillary base 287
mandibular anterior repositioning sex-linked recessive inheritance 306 Indications for dental implants 298
Crabcr's classification 177 Interception of Class II malocclusion 573
appliance (MARA) 538 general factors 177 Interception of Class III rnalocclusion 573
sabbagh universal spring 540 local factors 177 Interception of developing skeletal
saif spring 539 Growth control 14
Fixed orthodontic appliances 449 Growth of the craniofacial complex 30 rnalocclusions 571
ad vantages 449 cranial base 32 lntraoral anchorage 260
components 450 cranial vault 30
mandible 34 nlntraoral examination of diagnostic aid
active components 450 nasomaxillary complex 32
passive components 458 Intraoral radiographs 126
coutraindications 450 H bitewing radiographs 126
disadvantages 449 intraoral periapical radiographs 126
indications 450 Habits 581 occlusal radiographs 127
Framework/base plate 442 Hand disinfection 413
extension of base plate 443 Hard tissue procedures in orthodontics 282 Irreversible hydrocollolds (alginate) 345
thickness of base plate 443 advantages 345
uses of base plate 443 corttcotomy 285 clinical considerations 350
Prankel function regulator 523 creation of space by extraction of teeth composition 346
Prankel philosophy 524 disadvantages 345
mode of action of FR 524 282 manipulation 351
oral exercises with Frankel 524 osteotomy for rapid palatal expansion properties 347
types 524 rate of deformation 349
Functional appliances 508 285 uses 346
basis for 508 removal of impacted teeth 283
classification of 509 serial extractions 285 K
Functional examination of diagnostic aids 74 transplantation 285
assessment of posturnl rest position 74 Hereditary 180 Kesling diagnostic set-up 91
evaluation of the path of closure 75 dentition 180 uses of diagnostic set-up 93
examination of crofacial dysfunctions 75 neuromuscular system 180
examination of the temporomandibular skeletal structures 181 L
soft tissues (other than the
joint 75 Length of retention period 269
neuromusculature) 182 Lingual orthodontics 491

Ideal requirement of an orthodontic difficulties encountered during the
appliance 419 development of lingual
orthodontic therapy and their
biologic requirement's 120 current solutions 492

indications for lingual appliances 493
Lip habits 609


702 Textbook of Orthodontics

Local ecological factors of malocclusion 189 rotation 226 N
abnormal eruptive path 197 translation 226
ubnorrnal lablul frenum 195 Methods for sterilization 410 Nasolabial angle 71
ankylosis 199 boiling water 410 chin 71
anomalies of number 189 chemical 4"10 chin position and prominence 72
missing teeth 191 d.ry heat ovens 410 mentalis activity 71
supernumerary teeth 189 hyperbaric gas (ethylene oxide) montolabial sulcus 71
anomalies of tooth shape 192 mcntclabial sulcus to menton 72
anomalies of tooth size 192 sterilization 411
delayed eruption of permanent teeth 197 salt or glass bead sterilizers 411 Need for retention 267
dental caries 200 steam pressure 410 Nonessential or supplemental diagnostic
improper dental restorations 201 Methods of collecting growth data 9
premature loss of deciduous teeth 1% cross-sectional studies 9 aids 65
prolonged retention of deciduous teeth longitudinal studies Y
196 Methods of disinfection 412 o
alcohol 412 materials 355 Ch..lOl'U1C 412 Occlusion in orthodontics 53
Orthodontic anchorage 298
M cidex 412 Orthodontic appliances 417
iodine and iodophors 412
Management of deft lip and palate 685 phenol 412 classification 417
classifications 688 QAC (quaternary anuuouium fixed orthodontic appliances 418
etiology 686 functional orthodontic appliances 419
management 692 compound) 412 mechanical orthodontic appliances
problems associated with 691 Mixed dentition stage 44 418
removable orthodontic appliances
Management of cross bite 655 first transitional period 44 417
classifica tion 655 eruption of permanent first molars 44 semi-fixed orthodontic appliances
Management of crowding 566 Inter-transitional period 46
corrective orthodontic referral 566 second transitional period 46 Orthodontic instruments 400
disking of primary teeth 566 Orthodontics 3
extractions and serial extraction 566 eruption of permanent canines and
observation 566 prcrnolars 46 Aims of orthodontic treatment 4
esthetic harmony 4
Management of open bite 648 eruption of permanent second molars functional efficiency 4
classification 648 47 structural balance 4
etiology of anterior open bite 648
exfoliation of primary molars and branches 4
Mand ibular processes 28 canines 46 corrective 4
Manipulation 365 interceptive 4
Model analysis 84 preventive 4.
placement and protection of the material Ashley Howe's analysis 86
365 Carcy's analysis 89 history 5
methodology 89 scope 4
preparation of the tooth surface 365 Korkhaus analysis 65 Orthodontics for adults 671
proportioning 365 Under I-Iarth index 85 contraindicetions for orthodontic
Moyer's mixed dentition analysis 90
powder liquid ratio 365 procedure 90 treatment in adults 673
Masochistic habit 612 Pent's analysis 84 difference between adolescents and
drawback of Pent's analysis 85
functional 612 Tanaka and [ohnson analysis 91 adults 674
organic 612 wayne A. Bolton analysis 88 indications for orthodontic treatment in
Maturation assessment by Hagg and drawbacks of the analysis 89
procedure for doing Bolton analysis adults 672
Tarangcr and the KR (Kansal and 88 retention and relapse in adults 683
Rajagopal) modified MP3 method types of treatment in adults 679
138 Modes of bone growth 14
evaluation 138 extracellular material 14 adjunctive orthodontic treatment 679
Maturity indicators 132 hyperplasia 14 surgical orthodontic treatment in
Mechanics of tooth movement 224 hypertrophy 14
force and movement 225 adults 683
center of resistance 225 Mouth breathing habit 603 Orthopantomogram 123
forces as vectors 224 classification 603 Orthopedic appliances 497
types of forces 228 effects 604
continuous force 228 ctiology 603 chin cup 505
intermittent forces 228 facemask 501
interrupted force 229 Moyer's classification 177 headgear 497
types of tooth movements 226 Muscle exercises S64
combined translation and rotation Muscular anchorage 264 p
Parts of the study models 78
Permanent dentition 47

Index 703

Phases of tooth movement 218 Procedures in crthoguathic surgery 292 Skeletal maturation evaluation using cervical
initial phase 2'18 anteroposterior correction 292 vertebrae or cervical vertebrae
lug phase 218 mandibular surgery 292 maturity indicators 138
post-lag phase 2]9 maxillary surgery 292
genioplasty 295 Skeletal parameters 108
Phospha te-besed cements 355 malar augmentation 295 angle of convexity 108
glass ionorner cements 361 skeletal open-bite correction facial angle 108
zinc phosphate cement 355 (npcrtognathia) 295
zinc polycarboxylate cements 359 transverse correction 295 Soft tissue analysis 118
mandibular surgery 295 Stclncr's Sdine 118
Planning orthognathic surgery 290 rnuxillury ::.wgery 295
cephalometric evaluation 290 vertical correction 294 Soft tissue procedures iJ1orthodontics 277
clinical examination 290 mandibular surgery 294 labial frcnectomy 277
model surgery 291 maxillary surgery 294 lingual frencctomy 279
prediction tracing 291
radiological examination 290 Protection of the cement while setting 366 Sources of anchorage 256
soclo-psychological evaluation 290 biologic effects 367 intraoral sources of anchorage 256
stud Y models 291 resin modified glass lonorners 367
properties 366 Space maintenance (in the deciduous and
Points and landmarks-classified 99 the mixed dentition) 550
derived points 99 R
implants 99 classification 551
true anatornlc points 99 Radiological methods of assessment and factors 550
prediction of skeletal growth 136 space maintenance for premature loss of
Points and landrnarks-e-described in the
lateral projection 100 Pishrnan's skeletal maturity indicators deciduous canines 555
136 space maintenance for premature loss of
bilaterallandmarks 102
unilateral landmarks 100 Greulich and Pyle method 136 deciduous first molar 551
Posrural habit 612 Singer's method of assessment 136 space maintenance for premature loss of
abnormal pil1owing/habitual Range of orthodontic adhesives 371
Removable orthodontic appliances 421 deciduous incisors 554
chin-propping habit 612 advantages 421 space maintenance for premature loss of
face leaning 612 disadvantages 421
Posture '187 Removal of soft or hard tissue impediments dcctd UOllS second molars 553
Pre-ndjusted edgewise appliance 478 space maintenance on premature loss of
anchorage control 480 in the pathway uf eruption 565
finishing and detailing 482 Rcsin-ionorncr hybrids 372 deciduous second molars but prior
leveling and aligning 480 to eruption of permanent first
overbite control 481 classification and terminology 372 molars 554
overjet reduction and space closures 481 cornporners 373 Space regaining 557
Predisposing metabolic climate and disease resin-modified glass ionorners (RM· Steiner analysis 112
GIC) 372 dental analysis 116
183 inter-incisal angle 116
endocrine imbalance 183 Resolution of crowding 566 lower incisor to chin 117
infectious diseases ]84 Retentive components (fixation) 436 mandibular incisor position 116
metabolic disturbances 184 mandibular plane angle 115
Prenatal development of dentition 38 clasps 437 maxillary incisor position 116
stages of tooth bud development 38 types 437 occlusal plane angle 115
relating the mandible to the skull 113
apposition 40 Rhythm and growth spurts 11 relating the maxilla to the mandible 113
hlsto-differentiatlon 38 clinical significance of the growth spurts relating the maxilla to the skull 113
initiation 38 11 Steps in Art portion fabrication 78
morpho-differentiation 40 Steps in sterilization/disinfection 409
proliferation 38 Riedel's theorems of retention 268 debridement with ultrasonic cleaner 410
Prenatal growth phases 22 dry thoroughly 410
period of embryo 22 s rinsing 409
period of foetus 22 Study model fabrication and trimming 78
period of ovum 22 Salzruann's classification 175 Surgical aids to orthodontics 277
Prenatal growth proper 22 environmental or acquired 176
Preventive orthodontic procedures 545 functional 176 T
preventive measures 545 postnatal 176
abnormal frenal attachments 549 prenatal 176 Theories of origin of mammalian teeth 37
abnormal oral musculature 549 theory of multi-tuberculy 37
caries control 546 Schools of thought/philosophies 267 theory of trituberculy 37
exfoliation of deciduous teeth 549 apical base school 267
locked permanent first molars 549 mandibular incisor school 267 Theories of orthodontic tooth movement 216
parental counseling 546 musculature school 268 blood flow theory/fluid dynamic theory
space maintenance 549 occlusion school 267 2"17
bone bending/piezoelectric/bioelectric
Serial extraction and guidance or eruption theory 218
567 piezoelectric signals 218
pressure tension theory 216

704 Textbook of Orthodontics

Theories of skull growth control 15 Treatment planning 211 u
choice of mechanotherapy 213
cartllaginous theory 15 factors in the choice of a specific Uses of study models 77
treatment plan 214
functional matrix hypothesis 16 formulation uf a problem list 211 v
orthodontic diagnosis 211
genetic theory 15 planning retention 213 Various methods of digital radiography 146
planning space requirements 212 automatic identification of landmarks
scrvosystem theory 17 setting priorities for the orthodontic 147
problem list 212 direct recoptors 146
sutural dominance theory 15 treatment possibilities 213 flatbed transparency scanner 147
photo stimulable phosphor plates 146
Three-dimensional imaging 153 Tweed analysis 119
description 119 Video-cephalometry 15"1
craniofacial lmeging and animation with Frankfort horizontal plane 119 photo-cephalometry 151
long axis of lower incisor 119 profile video image modification 151
the laser scanner 155 quantified profile modification through
Tweed's classification of anchorage extrapolation 151
methods of 3·0 craniofacial skeletal preparation 265 techniques of image superimposition
tmaging 157 upon cephalogram 151
Twin-block 530 direct digitization 152
methods of 3-D intraoral dental irnaging case selection 530 indirect dtgttization 152
evolution of twin-block 530
157 w
Types of retainers 270
methods of capturing mandibular motion fixed retainers 270 White and Gardiner's classification 175
flexible spiral wire retainer 272 dental base abnormalities 175
in 3-D 157 . mesh pad retainers 272 post-eruption abnormalities 175
temporary fixed extra-coronal pre-eruption abnormalities 175
Tip edge appliance 485 retentive appliances 271
temporary fixed intra-coronal Wits appraisal of jaw disharmony 120
auxiliaries 488 retainers 270
ideal requirements of retaining
tip edge bracket design 485 appliances 270
removable retainers 272
advantages 485

placement 486

treatment stages 489

Tongue thrusting habit 595

classification 597

clinical features/effects 599

diagnosis 599

etiology 596

management 601

Trauma and accidents 187

postnatal trauma 188

prenatal trauma 187

trauma at the time of delivery 187

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