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ORTHODONTIC-Gurkeerat Singh-Textbook of Orthodontics (2007)

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ORTHODONTIC-Gurkeerat Singh-Textbook of Orthodontics (2007)

ORTHODONTIC-Gurkeerat Singh-Textbook of Orthodontics (2007)

138 Textbook of Orthodontics

The eleven skeletal maturity indicators (Fig. 11.3C)
are as follows:

5Mll: The third finger proximal phalanx shows equal Fig. 11.3C: Skeletal maturity indicators Fishman method (SMI).
width of epiphysis and diaphysis.
Width of epiphysis wide as diaphysis: (1) Third finger-proximal
5Ml 2: Width of epiphysis equal to that of diaphysis
in the middle phalanx of third finger. phalanx. (2) Third finger-middle phalanx, (3) Fifth finger-

5MI 3: Width of epiphysis equal to that of diaphysis middle phalanx. Ossification (4) Adductor sesamoid of thumb,
in the middle phalanx of fifth finger.
Capping of epiphysis: (5) Third finger-<Jistal phalanx, (6) Third
5M/4: Appearance of adductor sesamoid of the thumb.
finger-middle phalanx, (7) Fifth finger-middie phalanx, Fusion
5MI 5: Capping of epiphysis seen in distal phalanx of
third finger. of epiphysis and diaphysis (8) Third finger-<Jistal phalanx, (9)

5MI 6: Capping of epiphysis seen in middle phalanx Third finger-proximal phalanx, (10) Third finger-middle
of third finger.
phalanx, (11) Radius
5MI 7: Capping of epiphysis seen in middle phalanx
5MI 8: Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis in the distal RAJAGOPAL) MODIFIED MP3 METHOD
phalanx of third finger.
Hagg and Taranger analyzed yearly hand wrist
5M/9: Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis in proximal radiographs of individuals from age 6 to 18 years and
phalanx of third finger. studied the ossification of the sesamoid (5), the middle
and distal phalanges of the third finger (MP3 and DP3)
5MI 10: Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis in the and the distal epiphysis of the radius. Kansal and
middle phalanx of third finger. Rajagopal modified the MP3 indicators further and
compared it to the cervical vertebrae maturation
5MI 11:Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis seen in the indices (CVMT)as described by Hassel and Farman.
CERVICAL VERTEBRAE OR CERVICAL For the purpose of easy understanding the parameters
VERTEBRAE MATURITY INDICATORS (CVMI) studied by Hagg and Taranger are mentioned in blue,
additional features observed by Kansal and Rajagopal
Hassel and Farman developed a system of skeletal in pink and Hassel and Farmen in red.
maturation determination using cervical vertebrae.
The shapes of the cervical vertebrae were found to be
different at different levels of skeletal development.

The shapes of the vertebral bodies of C3 and C4
vertebrae changed from a relatively wedged shape to
a rectangular shape and further to a square shape. The
increase in vertical height was associated with
increasing skeletal maturity, Also, it was observed that
the inferior vertebral borders were flat initially and
became concave with increased skeletal maturity. The
curvature of the inferior vertebral borders were seen
to appear sequentially from C2 to C3 to C4 as the
skeleton matured. Based on this finding Hassel and
Farman have put forward the following six stages in
vertebral development using the C2, C3 and C4
cervicaI vertebrae (Fig. 11.5).

Maturity Indicators 139

Comparative evaluation of the modified MP3 CVMI-l: Initiation stage of cervical vertebrae (Fig.
stages and CVMl produced the following findings. 11.5).
1. C2, C3 and C4 inferior vertebral body borders are
MP3-F stage: Start of the curve of pubertal growth
spurt (Fig. 11.6) flat.
Features observed
1. Epiphysis is as wide as metaphysis. 2. Superior vertebral borders are tapered from
2. Ends of epiphysis are tapered and rounded, posterior to anterior (wedge shape).
3. Metaphysis shows no undulation.
4. Radiolucent gap (representing cartilaginous 3. 80-100 percent of pubertal growth remains.

epiphyseal growth plate) between epiphysis and MP3-FG stage: Acceleration of the curve of pubertal
metaphysis is wide. growth spurt.
Features observed
BJORK, GRAVE AND BROWN 1. Epiphysis is as wide as metaphysis.
2. Distinct medical and/ or lateral border of epiphysis
They divided skeletal development into 9 stages (Table
11.3 and Fig. 11.4). Schoph in 1978 associated each of forms line of demarcation at right angle to distal
these stage with a particular chronological age. border.
3. Metaphysis begins to show slight undulation,
4. Radiolucent gap between metaphysis and
epiphysis is wide.

Table 11.3: Nine stages of skeletal development according to Bjork. Grace and Brown

Stage Ma.les Females Characteristic
One aged
Two aged (years)
Three (years)

Four 10.6 8.1 The epiphysis and diaphysis of U1eproximal phalanx of index finger are equal

Five 12.0 8.1 The epiphysis and diaphysis of middle phalanx of the middle finger are equal

Six 12.6 9.6 This stage is characterized by presence of 3 areas of ossification
Seven a. The hamular process of the hamate exhibits ossification
Eight no 10.6 b. Ossification of pisiform
Nine c. The epiphysis and diaphysis of radius are equal

This stage marks the beginning of the pubertal growth spurt an is characterized by:
a. lnitial mineralization of the ulnar sesamoid of the thumb
b. Increased ossification of the hamular process of the hamate bone

14.0 11.0 This stage marks the peak of the pubertal growth spurt. Capping of diaphysis by the epiphysis
is seen in:
a. Middle phalanx of the third finger
b. Proximal phalanx of thumb
c. Radius

15.0 13.0 This stage signifies the end of the pubertal growth spurt and is characterized by the union
between epiphysis and diaphysis of the distal phalanx of the middle finger

15.9 13.3 This stage is represented by the union of epiphysis and diaphysis of the proximal phalanx of
the little fingers occurs

15.9 13.9 This stage is represented by the fusion between the epiphysis and diaphysis of the middle
phalanx of the middle finger

18.5 16.0 This is the last stage and it signifies the end of skeletal growth. It is characterized by fusion of
epiphysis and diaphysis of the radius

140 Textbook of Orthodontics

A 8

Fig. 11.4A: Stage one-Epiphysial width equal to Fig. 11.48: Stage two-The epiphysis and
diaphysial width of the proximal phalanx tinger are
equal diaphysis of the middle phalanx of the middle finger

are equal

Figs 11.4C to E: Stage three (C) The Hamular process of the hamate exhibits ossification, (D) Ossification of pisiform,
(E) The epiphysis and diaphysis of radius are equal


Figs 11.4F and G: Stage four-Initial mineralization of the ulnar sesamoid of the
thumb (G) Increased ossification of the hamular process of the hamate bone

Figs 11.4H to J: Stage five-Capping of diaphysis by the epiphysis is seen in middle phalanx of the third finger
(I) Proximal phalanx of the thumb (J) Radius

Fig. 11.4K: Stage Fig. 11.4L: Stage Fig. 11.4M: Stage Fig. 11.4N: Stage nine-Fusion of epiphysis and diaphysis
six-Union bet- seven-Union of eight-Fusion bet- 01the radius
ween epiphysis epiphysis and ween the epiphysis
and diaphysis of diaphysis of the and diaphysis of the
the distal phalanx proximal phalanx middle phalanx of the
of the middle finger of the little finger middle finger

Figs 11.4A to N: Nine stages of development according to Bjork, Grace and Brown

CYMI-2: Acceleration stage of cervical vertebrae (Fig. Features Observed
1, Concavities are developing in lower borders of C2 1. Sides of epiphysis have thickened and cap its
metaphysis, forming sharp distal edge on one or
and C3. both sides.
2. Lower border of C4 vertebral body is flat.
3. C3 and C4 are more rectangular in shape. 2. Marked undulations in metaphysis give it "Cupid's
4. 65-85 percent of pubertal growth remains. bow" appearance.

MP3-G stage: Maximum point of pubertal growth 3. Radiolucent gap between epiphysis and
spurt (Fig. 11.6). metaphysis is moderate.

142 Textbook of Orthodontics

~ ~t::J MP3-H Stage: Deceleration of the curve of pubertal
[j D growth spurt.

ImID ImID Features observed
J. Fusion of epiphysis and metaphysis begins.
GG 2. One or both sides of epiphysis form obtuse angle

D CJ to dista I border.
CJ CJ 3. Epiphysis is beginning to narrow.
4. Slight convexity is seen under central part of
Fig. 11.5:Sixstages of cervicalvertebraematurationindices 5. Typical "Cupid's bow" appearance of metaphysis

is absent, but slight undulation is distinctly present.
6. Radiolucent gap between epiphysis and

metaphysis is narrower.

CVMI-4: Deceleration stage of cervical vertebrae (Fig.
JJ .5).

1. Distinct concavities are seen in lower borders of
C2, C3 and C4.

2. C3 and C4 are nearly square in shape.
3. 10 = 25 percent of pubertal growth remains.

MP3-HI stage: Maturation of the curve of pubertal
growth spurt.
Features ofthis "new" stage observed in the KR study.
1. Superior surface of epiphysis shows smooth

2. Metaphysis shows smooth, convex surface, almost

filting into reciprocal concavity of epiphysis.
3. No undulation is present in metaphysis.
4. Radiolucent gap between epiphysis and

metaphysis is insignificant.

CVMI-5: Maturation stage of cervical vertebrae (Fig.

1. Accentuated concavities of C2, C3 and C4 inferior
vertebral body borders are observed.

2. C3 and C4 are square in shape.
3. 5-10 percent of pubertal growth remains.

MP3-H Stage MP3-HI Stage MP3-1 Stage MP-I Stage: End of pubertal growth spurt.
Features observed
Fig. 11.6:Sixmodifiedstages of MP3 development 1. Fusion of epiphysis and metaphysis complete.
2. No radiolucent gap exists between metaphysis and
CVMI-3: Transition stage of cervical vertebrae (Fig.
11.5). epiphysis.
3. Dense, radiopaque epiphyseal line forms integral
1. Distinct concavities are seen in lower borders of
C2 and C3. part of proximal portion of middle phalanx.

2. Concavity is developing in lower border of C4. CVMI-6: Completion stage of cervical vertebrae.
3. C3 and C4 are rectangular in shape. 1. Deep concavities are present in C2, C3 and C4
4. 25-65 percent of pubertal growth remains.
inferior vertebral body borders.
2. C3 a.nd C4 are greater in height than in width.
3. Pubertal growth in complete.

Maturity Indicators 143

This study correlated the finding of three studies height and weight from age 4 to 14 years, Growth
and proved that recording modified MP3 stages using 1975;39:453-62.
periapical X-ray film can be an accurate, simple, prac- 2. Bowden BD. Epiphyseal changes in the hand/wrist area
tical, and economical growth indicator for making as a indicators of adolescent. Aust Orthod L 1976;4:87-
decisions on treatment timing. It also led to a signifi-
cantly lower radiation exposure compared to lateral 104.
cephalograms or hand-wrist X-rays. The periapical
Him used gave clear distortion free image of the MP3 3. Fishman LS. Radiographic evaluation of skeletal maturity.
region. The changes recorded were distinct and easily Angle Orthod 1982;8-112.
identifiable, unlike the more subtle changes in CVMI
stages. And yet they bore a close correlation to the six 4. Grave KC, Brown T. Skeletal ossification and the
stages of CVMI. adolescent growth spurt, Am I Orthod 1976;69:611-9.

To undertake growth modification and to be able 5. Gruelich WW, Pyle SI. Radiographic alias of skeletal
to take maximum benefit of the remaining growth development of the hand and wrist, Pale Alto, Calif., 1959,
potential of the patient, it is mandatory to assess the
skeletal maturation status of each individual patient. Stanford University Press.
The methods discussed above are not complete or
conclusive in all respects but reflect the changing 6. Hagg U, Taranger J. Maturation indicators and the
trends with our increasing knowledge of the growth pubescent growth spurt. Am I Orthod 1982;82:299-309.
and development of the human skeletal system with
emphasis on the face and jaws. 7. Houston W. Relationships between skeletal maturity

FURTHER READING estimated from hand-wrist rndtogmphs and the timing
of the adolescent growth spurt, Eur I Orthod 1980;2:81-
1. Anderson DL, Thompson GW, Popovich F. 93.
interrelationship of dental maturity, skeletal maturity, 8. Houston WJB, Miller IC, Tanner )M. Prediction of the
timing of the adolescent growth spurt from ossification
events in hand-wrist films, Brit I Ortho, 1979;6:145-52,
9. Kansal 5, Rajagopa! R. A comparison of modified MP3
stages and the cervical vertebrae as growth indicators, J
Clin Orthod 2002;36:398.
10. Moorc, Moyer, DuBois. Skeletal maturation and
craniofacial growth. Am I Orthod 1990;33-40.

11. Singer J. Physiologlc timing of orthodontic treatment.
Angle Orthod 1980;50:322-33.

Computerized Diagnostic

Siddarth Shetty, Gurkeerat Slngh

• Introduction • Video-Cephalometry
• The digital image • Digital photography
• Various methods of digital radiography • Three-dimensional imaging
• Digital study models
• Digital cephalometries

INTRODUCTION Orthodontists with their love for technology and
miniaturization have not remained untouched.
When the word "technology" is mentioned, most Computers are practically used in all the facets of any
people think about computers. Virtually every facet dental practice today (Table 12.1). Computers have
of our lives has some computerized component. A few become especially useful to orthodontists for:
years ago, it was considered a specialized component,
which has now been converted to an everyday Table 12.1: Uses of computers in dental practice
appliance. The computer is basically an automatic
electronic machine that performs calculations or derives Administrative applications
results based 011 the data fed into it and the software/program
it is designed for. A computer is capable of accepting • Pa tient case records
data, performing operations according to instructions
and providing the results of these operations in • Recall appointments
comparatively shorter duration of time and with
greater accuracy as compared to manual labour. It is Patient scheduling
built to perform routine calculations with speed,
reliability and ease. Accounts

Most appliances in our homes have microproces- • Patient correspondence
SOrSbuilt into them, e.g. our televisions. Even our cars
have a computer. But the computer that everyone • Billing
thinks of first is typically the persona] computer, or • Inventory lists
Pc. A PC is a general-purpose tool built around a
microprocessor. It has lots of different parts-memory, • Prescription formats
a hard disk, a modem, etc.-that work together.
"General purpose" means that you can do many Post-treatment instructions
different things with a Pc. You can use it to type docu-
ments, send e-mail, browse the web and play games. Insurance claims
Referral information
Today the computers is no longer the domain of a Clinical applications
few. Conservative estimates of computer literate
individuals would be close to 550 million! Of these • Patient photographs-analysis and storage
about, 320 million have access to the internet.
• Patient radiographs-anaJysis and storage
Inter- specialty referral and opinion

Patient motivation

• Appliancedesign using CADCAMs

• Growth predictions

• Visual treatment objectives

• Generation of prc~ and post-treatment photographs
• Patient interaction and information on the Internet
Miscellaneous applications

• Survey information/epidemiological data

• Presentations
• Continuing dental /rnedical education

• Literature reviews

Computerized Diagnostic Systems 145

• Digital photography Fig. 12.1: Enlargeddigitalimage exhibitinggraininess
• Digita) radiography
• Digital cephalometries detection. Information in computers is stored as 1'5
• Video cephalometries and u's, basically in a binary state. Each pixel of n bite/
• 3-D imaging pixel is capable of 2n different colors and intensifies.
• Digital study models
In a 6-bit image, each pixel has 64 different values
Computers are especially useful as diagnostic aids and in a 8 bit image each pixel has 256 different
due to their capability for storing large amount of data, intensities or colors.
objective approach and ability to perform complex
calculation relatively easily in a short span uf time. Grayscale images such as a radiograph, needs to
Their advantages (Table 12.2) out-weigh their only possess 8 bits of data/pixel to be perceived as a
disadvantage of lacking the flexibility and insight of continuous tonal range. Presently 12 bits (4096 shades
the human brain. of gray) is considered optimal.

Table 12.2: Advantages of a computer Calor images are usually represented by 24 bits of
data/pixel (16.7 million possible calor), i.e. 8 bits of
1. Capable of storing a largeamount of data data of each in RGB. Therefore in each RG and B
2. Various analyses are possible of the stored data channel 256 colors exist. If the colors chosen from the
3. Multiple tasks can be performed at the same time palette match the tones of image, image quality can
4. 1t is logical be remarkably good.
5. Results are obtained fast hence, it results in time saving
This chapter will provide an overview of the uses
of computers in the diagnosis of various ailments while The storage of cephalometric radiographs and/or
highlighting the orthodontic perspective. other radiographs is expensive and this cost could be
reduced by image archiving. Such archiving of
THE DIGITAL IMAGE radiographs could prove extremely useful in long-term
growth studies or treatment analysis studies utilizing
A digital image is a matrix of square pieces or picture radiographs. The problem of image storage increases
elements referred to as pixels that are r1isplayed upon with an increase in the number of pixels or sample
a flat panel display or a CRT and constitute the image depth.
space. The image space on a monitor is made up of
pixels arranged in a series of horizontal lines called However an aid in the storage and transmission of
"raster lines", images is the system of image compression. It is
possible to compress data with no significant ]055 of
The significance of the pixels and their accumu- image quality at compression ratios of up to 3:1. This
lation is seen in the resolution of an image. The pixels is termed lossless compression.
are arranged in a matrix. 512 x .512.Matrix will contain
262,144 pixels. 1£a large number of pixels are used to
represent an image their discrete nature becomes less

A digital image is stored in a matrix of rows and
columns of pixels values known as a bitmap image.
Resol ution basically refers to the density of pixels in a
bitmapped image. Pixels/inch or pixels/mm, i.e. the
spatial resolution of an image increases as the number
of pixels increase. A digital image when enlarged
exhibits grainu1ess (Fig. 12.1)-pixelization. The value
of each pixel is stored in one or more 'bits' of data.

Sample depth: Number of bits used to represent each
pixel, Le. each pixel has a digital value that represents
the intensity of the information recorded for its

146 Textbook of Orthodontics

For greater compression some loss cifinformation Fig. 12.2: Teleradiology
would occur but clinically acceptable pictures would
be obtained at compression ratios up to 20:1-long Phosphor plate technique.
compression. ii. Direct receptor technique.
iii. Transparency scanner technique.
JPEG (jointphotographic experts group) is the most
commonly used compression method where 95 PHOTO STIMULABLE PHOSPHOR PLATES
percent of storage space reduction is achieved. The
JPEG works on 8 x 8 blocks of pixcls and creates arti-
facts at the corner of blocks as data is encoded.


A normal monitor exhibits 625 lines. To be able to
optimally view images 2,048 lines a re considered

TOTAL DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY Step 1: Conventional X-ray tube end is used to expose
the plate.
The concept of total digital radiography is today a
reality, i.e. an entire radiology department would Step 2: Activating its phosphor coating and formation
. of a latent image.
utilize solely digital imaging facilities. Here there is a
central storage and retrieval system which would Step 3: Sensitivity of the plate causes decrease of X-
facilitate the distribution of images to many locations ray exposure by about 90 percent.

within the hospital. Step 4: The plate is passed over a laser scanner.

The immense volume of data, which is considered Step 5: The laser scanner stimulates the phosphor

difficult to manage (12.81 terabytes/year), could be coating to emit visible light proportional to the X-ray

viewed at various locations-"multimodality viewing". exposure.

This wouJd permit the display of not just the patients Step 6: The light is detected and converted to grayscale
history, but also conventional radiographs, CT scans, intensitiescreating a digital image which is transferred
photographs and other information. Patient's history to a computer and saved on a local or network storage.
and all other information integrated with the
radiographs would definitely be more informative to Step 7: The latent image is then removed by placing
any clinician irrespective of his/her field of the plate over a bright light for a few minutes; plates
specialization. are reusable and can be used for several thousand

TELERADIOLOGY The image is obtained at 12 bits/pixel but can be
down sampled to 8 bits/pixel.

Transmission of radiographs to various sites via tele-

phone lines/satellite link (Fig. 12.2).This is dependent DIRECT RECEPTORS

upon the These use a photosensitive sensor such as a:
• Charged couple device.
• System used. • Complementary MO semiconductor.
• Size of the pixel matrix. Conventional X-ray tube is used to expose the
• Time required. sensor and activate thousands of tiny light-sensitive
It is being done, but requires higher configuration
systems and relatively lesser picture size (pixel mass).

VARIOUS METHODS OF DIGITAL As with the phosphor plate method, exposure
RADIOGRAPHY decreases by about 90 percent.

The phosphor plate systems require 2 steps-

Three methods are available for acquiring digital exposure and scanning; direct receptors display

grayscale images of radiographs. images immediately on the monitor.

Computerized Diagnostic Systems 147

Intraoral sensors are suitable for periapical and • Image pixels in the regions of high intensity
bitewing radiography. A small and large sensor for gradient or edges are identified.
cephalometry is also available.
• These edges are assumed to be object boundaries.
FLATBED TRANSPARENCY SCANNER • Landmarks are then found in relation to these

Many orthodontists contemplating digital cephalo- labeled boundaries.
metry find this method to be simplest and least
expensive method of digital image acquisition. This approach involves four steps:
1. Remove noise.
A conventional X-ray film is planned on the 2. Label pixels according their edginess.
scanners flat transparent surface and is scanned by a 3. Count pixels and label edge.
light source. 4. Find landmark band on position or relationship to

The transmitted light in detected by a CCD and is labelled edge.
converted into grayscale intensities.
A new class of flatbed scanners that can obtain
images at 12 bits/pixe! and a resolution of 600 pixels/ Cephalograms are two dimensional representation of
inch are now available. 3-D anatomy. Our ability to derive meaningful infor-
mation from head films depends on the reliability with
However the images obtained by this method which the anatomic relations can be evaluated.
require a lot of memory space.
Fortunately, orthodontists around the world have
AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION OF LANDMARKS agreed on a reasonably high level of standardization
in the methods used to acquire a cephalogram. The
The cephalometric radiograph is scanned into the head position and orientation, source object distance
computer. The computer automatically loads the and radiographic enlargement have been standardized
landmarks and performs the analysis. This overcomes to a degree that permits a common descriptive
the errors usually encountered in the manual language of dentofacial morphology and the develop-
identification of land marks (Table 12.3). ment of consistent methods of anthropometric
landmark identification.
Table 12.3:The variousmanualerrorsinthe
analysisof cephalograms The information inherent in the large data collec-
tions that cephalometric studies entail is of funda-
• Reprod ucibili ty errors mental importance to orthodontic diagnosis and
• Variation in image acquisition understanding craniofacial changes due to growth or
orthodontic therapy.
Landmark identification
- Interobscrvcr variation The analysis and acquiring of cephalometric data
- lntraobserver variation can be streamlined and made more efficient by using
• Measurement errors a new approach or a new analytic tool. This techno-
logy must be able to store, score, retrieve and ana lyze
The procedure of computerized automatic vast collections of information.
identification has the potential to increase accuracy,
and improve our ability to correctly diagnose ortho- new approach has two important features.
dontic problems. Also the very use of computerization First, it applies powerful mathematical technologies
might make the application of alternative methods of to describe and analyze morphologic structures and
form description, other than lines and analysis secondly, this from can be analyzed by the computer.
possible. Techniques such as FEM, allometric models,
Mesh diagram, etc. have the potential of becoming In the past two decades we have witnessed the
more clinically applicable. development of number of systems for the computer
aided encoding of data from lateral cephalograms for
The common approach to identify landmarks have use in craniofacial research and clinical treatment
a similar approach in that- planning,

148 Textbook of Orthodontics

The cephalometric application workflow is as registration signal is emitted from the junction of the
follows: wires. The operator presses a button to activate the
The cross hair cursor is less popular now because:
Digitization is the form by which analog information i. The digitizer is bulky and not very easy to use.
is converted to digital form. The methods involved can ii. Glow from the glass in which the wires are
be either direct or indirect.
embedded prevents optimum mapping of the
During digitization X-Y coordinates of cephalo- various landmarks.
metric landmarks are recorded and stored in a data
set. This data set is the starting point for the Indirect Digitization
formulation of various computer generated VTO's and
STO's. For indirect digitization, a video camera or mapper
captures an image of the cephalometric radiograph
Direct Computer Digitization and stores it in the computer. The video camera must
be calibrated with the cephalometric film being plowed
A digitizing tablet or digitizer is used for this purpose. into the computer. The digital radiography is another
Digitizers may be opaque, translucent or method of data input into the computer.

transparent. The image is then displayed on a monitor and the
Translucent or transparentdigitizers can be backlit, landmarks are identified using a mouse. The only
disadvantage of this method is that the digitizing
allowing direct digitization of cephalo-grams without resolution obtained is lesser than that obtained with a
any intermediate acetate tracing. digitizer.

Resolution and Accuracy Mode of digitization
• Point mode
Resolution is the smallest distance that can be resolved • Stream mode
by the digitizer in the order of 1000 lines/inch. Point mode (Fig. 12.3A) The user sequentially locates
landmarks in a pre-determined order recording one
Accuracy is the precision with which a digitizer coordinate pair for each landmark. It basically involves
can record reported movements over various regions the direct location of individual landmarks.
on its surface. Tt should be in the order of ± 0.25 mm
for cephalometric application. A visual representation of a cephalogram is
generated by connecting discretely located points due
The anatomical points are entered using on to their proximity and sequence, making a visual
electronic pen or instrument. The digitizing tablet is representation of a cephalogram possible.
made up of a fine electric grid that includes registration
points as fine as 0.009 mm apart. This electronic
instrument emits an electronic signal either on
command or continuously. Various varieties of
instruments are available for this purpose. The two
most commonly used are:
• Electronic pen
• Cross hair cursor.

Electronic pen An electronic pen is activated to emit a
signal when the tip of the pen is pressed against the
film or a button on the pen is pressed. Electronic signals
are emitted directly from the pen to the grid
completing the circuit.

Cross hair Cl/rsor This potentiometer consists of two Fig. 12.3A: Point mode
wires arranged in a cross hair pattern which are
embedded into a glass window. The electronic

Computerized Diagnostic Systems 149

Stream mode (Fig. 12.3B)Here the operator 'traces' a and surgical movements based upon parameters
cephalogram using the digitizing device and the entered by the user into the program.
tracing thus obtained in the form of a stream of points
controlled by a programmable option. The points are 'Dentofacial planner' program has a digitization
recorded as a specific number of coordinate points per regimen for the lateral-cephalogram consisting of 68
second or after the cursor has moved a certain distance. landmarks of which 43 are soft tissue landmarks and
the remainder are hard tissue landmarks.
The points when joined form audible contour and
this analogy is easily accepted by the computer. 'Quick ceph', another commercially available
program uses a 28 landmarks regimen with all points
Fig. 12.3B:Streammode representing hard tissue landmarks.

Advantage and disadvantage Both programs can perform a variety of functions
Point mode digitization is more time consuming with the digital cephalometric radiograph including:
but more accurate.
Stream mode digitization is less accurate due to • Cephalometric analysis (Fig. 12.4A)
the manner in which the data is acquired. • Superimposition (Fig. 12.4B)
The location of hard and soft tissue landmarks must • Growth estimation
be provided to the predictive software. Point mode • Orthodontic treatment planning
reliably provides location of the landmarks
whereas the stream mode does not. • Surgical prediction.
A coordinate pair may not be transmitted as the
cursor passes over a landmark such as the sub- The hard tissue positions as predicted in the
nasale. Thus, the accuracy of landmark location expected surgical procedure are fed into the program
suffers here. and the expected soft tissue changes are then
Also, to locate a point and determine a change in eaIculated.
its position over time it is helpful to know the
precise position of the landmarks relative to its The soft tissue profile prediction is made possible
origin. The accuracy of such information can be by the application of ratios of soft tissue and hard
obtained only by way of point digitization. tissue changes to the surgical movements that are
within the program.

Direct Digitization Fig. 12.4A:Cephalometricanalysisusingcomputers

Computer softwares that allow direcl digitizalion of
cephalometric radiographs are currently available.
These software programs perform various orthodontic

Textbook of Orthodontics

Fig. 12.46: Superimposition of profile photograph over Movements derived from a patient's digital
lateral cephalogram and cephalometric plotting cephalogram are reported in comparison toa data base
of age and sex specific values.
These ratios are based upon retrospective studies
of stability and soft tissue changes. To accommodate cephalometric enlargement the
coordinates of all digital landmarks are scaled by a
CEPHALOMETRIC ANAL VSIS factor that reduces the dimension of the overall
AND TREATMENT PLANNING representation to a corrected size. Digitized cranial
base or regionally stable land marks are used for
The various tasks that make up cephalometrics can imposition of digitized landmarks. Spatial changes in
be broadly divided into static and dynamic function. landmark loca tion are reported as vectors incorpo-
rating magnitudes and dimension of change. Analyses
Static Function can be conducted for all superimposed coordinate sets.
Information derived from the radiograph contours on
a current film or collection of films. The basic problem with using software programs
for superimposition is that unlike in manual super-
Dynamic Function imposition where stable landmarks are super imposed
Dynamic functions include elements of cephalometric on one another or the best fit contours are matched in
representation that are transformed or manipulated. cephalometric computer applications, superimpo-
• Growth prediction. sitions are done using landmarks already stored in
• Orthodontic/surgical text planning. their data sets, this can potentially result in errors due
Static cephalometric junction Cephalometric appli- to poor landmark location.
cations use the digitized coordinates for a sequence of
landmarks for the anatomic structures they represent. Dynamic cephalometric function The concept of
Vector mathematics is used to compute a variety of cephalometric prediction rapidly for planning
commonly used cephalometric movements, such as combined surgical and orthodontic treatment is well
the linear distance between 2 landmarks, the angle established. These are basically growth and treatment
between 2 lines and the perpendicular from a point to visualization systems.
a line, etc.
Treatment decisions are entered into the system
and immediately evaluated. Landmarks sufficient to
render an adequate distribution of the structures
involved must be digitized.

Cephalometric growth forecasting is still a region
of some controversy. However it is well documented
that it is possible to estimate growth to a certain degree
using cephalometry.

The Rickets growth prediction methodology is
widely used and is easily implemented in various
softwares. It applies increments of growth to a series
of landmarks along reference Linesdetermined by the
subjects existing anatomy. These can be refined by the
use of growth increments sensitive to the subject's
skeletal age.

Cephalometric applications allow the user to
manipulate the position and inclination of skeletal and
dental structures to create orthodontic and surgical
treatment plans. Software "HANDLES" are available
that allow the manipulation of the position and
orientation of a specific structure.

The profile changes in an individual in response to
manipulation can be visualized and algorithms exist

Computerized Diagnostic Systems 151

that can predict the patients soft tissue profile incorporate graphics into the planning and communi-
following such alterations. Soft tissue profile changes cation phases of orthodontic treatment. Computer
are a combination of a number of factors (growth + assisted "cut and paste" movements are used to
orthopedic changes + orthodontics). modify the image in an effort to describe the
anticipated profile or facial result from dental or
Profile changes in an adult are relatively easier to surgical movements.
evaluate especially if the only manipulation is surgical
in nature. Hence it is easier to study the effect of sur- The need for video cephalometry stems from the
gery or orthodontic treatment in adults rather than fact that unlike for plastic surgery when just the soft
growing individuals especially upon soft tissue profile. tissue result of a particular procedure is required, in
orthodontics a knowledge of the effect of the treatment
Studies have shown that software predictive upon the underlying skeletal and soft tissue structures
models to be at least as effective as manual prediction. too is essential. The composite results required,
because of the manipulation of both the hard and soft
Advantages of using computers for cephalometry tissues dictates the need for the superimposition of
include: the cephalometric radiograph over the face.
1. Speed-l min for digitization,
2. Luxury of exploring many treatment options simul- QUANTIFIED PROFILE MODIFICATION
taneously and weighing the results vs variables.
a. Extraction vs non-extraction. As the development of imaging software progressed,
b. Surgery vs pure orthodontic approach. an effort was made to quantify the movement's
3. Can share the information with colleagues/referral produced on a computer screen to allow for planning
sources. to correlate the required changes to the facial changes
4. Collaborate with the surgeon on treatment plan. fur correctiun uf rnalocclusion.
5. The laborious measurement of angles and distances
by the manual use of a protractor in eliminated as The company 'Orthographic' was the first to
measurements are made virtually instantaneously introduce treatment visualization using video images.
by the computer. A video image was made and the software in the
6. All the various cephalometric data can be conver- computer was capable of measuring the image in real
ted to digital data and any number of analyzes can life size.
be performed.
7. Data bases can be created for various ethnic com- A lead rod was stuck to the image and since the
munities, gender /sex, even in private practices. size of the marker was known, the computer software
8. Speeds up the process of constructing a visual could then be calibrated to the size of the rod based
treatment objective (VTO). on its size on the computer image.


Prior to the advent of the present graphic capabiJities Photo cephalometry consisted of taking radiograph
of the computer video imaging technique, the profile and photographs from a similar distance. The
that predicted the result of orthognathic surgery was photograph negative could then be enlarged and
communicated via profile tracings and verbal accurately superimposed onto the photograph to
descriptions. Photo modification, as it was called, visualize profile changes due to orthognathic surgical
involved the sectioning of photographs using a pen- procedures.
like device and the lines were then rearranged to
provided visualization of treatment results. TECHNIQUES OF IMAGE
There are four basic ways in which a cephalometric
The evolution of relatively inexpensive and accessible image can be superimposed over a video image of the
computer technology has made it possible to pa tien t. They are:

152 Textbook of Orthodontics

1. Digitization of the cephalogram then sizing the DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY
profile video image to the cephalogram.
Digital photography has revolutionized the way
2. Digitiza tion followed by sizing of the cephaJogram photographs are now taken and stored. The
to an existing video image. technology available to us now allows all bu t the most
demanding of photographic application to be executed
3. Gathering a video image of the cephalogram and with consummate ease. Orthodontic photographic
matching it to an existing video image, with the needs though essential, are basic and easily
cephalogram being digitized on screen. accomplished using digital cameras.

4. Simultaneous cephalometric and video image The procedure involved is practically the same as
gathering. conventional photography, except that it stores images
To achieve consistently matching profiles it is in digital form on a storage media. Also, it provides
many advantages over conventional photography
recommended that the video camera be exactly (Table 12.5). The most important being that it is simple
correlated to the cephalometric source. Yet, since this to transfer and manipulate such data.
is not possible always, certain errors are bound to get
incorporated in the process (Table 12.4). The two ways PIXELS AND RESOLUTION
that are most frequently used for the correlation of
the video and the cephalometric images are: 800 x 600 and 1800 x 1600 pixels are believed to be
adequate for orthodontic purpose.
Direct Digilization
Two or more points digitized (on the cephalograms)
and the distance between them is noted and these act The big difference between traditional film camera and
as a reference for al1 other points on the video image. digital camera is that unlike traditional cameras that
capture the image on film, here there is a solid state
Indirect Digilization device called an image sensor.

A grid is placed on the radiograph/image and the EXPOSURE
digitization in the computer is done on a preset grid
that matches the grid on the image. When shutter release is pressed a metering cell
measures the amount of light coming through the lens
Table 12.4: Commonclinicalerrors in video imaging and accordingly sets the aperture and shutter speeds
for the correct exposure when the shutter opens briefly.
If facial images and ccphclog rams arc not taken
simultaneously,it ffilly result in significantdifferences in Each pixel on the image sensor records the
head position and image magnification discrepancies brightness of the light that falls on it as an electrical

• A minor alteration of either cephalograrn or video image Table 12.5: Advantagesof digitalphotographyover
is at times required to obtain best fit between the alteration, conventionalphotography
this in turn raises questions regarding the validity of the
video-cephalometricstudy • Versatility-incredibly easy to
- Alter photographs
• Errors in head position during image capture might have - Store and distribute
a deleterious effect upon perception planning of profile. -E-mail
- Post on website
• The video image and cephalometry both might show a
different soft tissue position • Less chance of poor shots due to the back screen
• Saves money in the long run
• Differences exist in soft tissue response in differently
gathered subjects and corrections might have to be built - No rolls
in the softwares used for such alterations - Development
• Instant knowledgeregarding the appearanceofpicture
• Distortion of image might ortgtnatc from the use of a • Pictures can be identified before printing
particular camera • Eeo-friendly
• No waiting for film to be processed
• Distortion could be due to distortion on the computer • Sound and video possible
monitor (this can be avoided or at least minimized by
using flat screen monitors)

Computerized Diagnostic Systems 153

charge. The more light that hits a pixel the higher the Interpolated resolution is the enhancement of a
charge, i.e. picture by adding software pixels. This is not
acceptable because it is just a make believe enhance-
Lights from brightly lit areas-> high charges ment and a burden on the memory, yet it is frequently
Light from shadows -> low charges used to enhance photograph quality.
Pixels only capture brightness and not calor! Colors
are recorded on the image sensor as red, green or blue. IMAGE STORAGE FORMAT
Each pixel on the sensor has a filter so that it can record
only that light that forms though the filter and other The size of an image file is huge when compared to
colors are blocked. Only that particular colors other file formats. With increased resolution the
brightness can be evaluated. But when a calor other requirement of memory also increases.
than that of the 3 types of pixels is transmitted onto
the sensor a process known as interpolation is used to Image storage can be done in two forms depen-
calculate the third calor. ding upon their attachment to the digital cameras. The
By combining the calor registered with the calor storage facility may be removable and fixed.
directly, detected by the pixel the actual calor can be
arrived at. All these calculations are performed by a Older cameras have fixed storage, that limits the
microprocessor. number of photos that can be taken. All the present
day cameras have some form of removable storage
Types of image sensors frequently used: enabling the photographer to take any number of
• Charged couple device (CCD). photos as he wishes and is limited only by the amount
• Complementary metal oxide semiconductor of med ia he possesses.

(CMOS). Advantage of removable storage
Both these Image sensors capture light on a grid of i. Erasable and reusable
sma 11pixels on their surfaces. How they process the ii. Usually removable
image, is what differentiates them from each other.
iii. Easy transfer to computer.
A charge couple device (CCD) gets its name from the
way the charges on its pixels are read after exposure. Removable storage devices include
After exposure the charges are transferred on to a • Flash cards
plane on the register called the read out register, then • Smart media
to an amplifier, and then onto an analog to digital • Floppy drive
converter. Once the row has been read out, and • Micro drive
registered its charges on the read out row are deleted.
The charges on each row are compiled onto the one
above so that when one moves down the one above Download software
can move down to the read out register. ii. Photo-editing software
ill. Album software
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) is a iv. Photo-printing software
technology used to make millions of chips for
computer processors and memory. With CMOS the The softwares basically allow for the manipulation
costs are greatly reduced. CMOS have processing of the digi tal photographs for various purposes. They
circuits on the same unit. Here the only problem is the permit the required detail to get highlighted and
noise associated with pictures. depending upon the function required for the image
can be stored or printed. They are extremely irnportant
IMAGE RESOLUTION for patient motivation as the pretreatment
photographs can be modified to show approximate
The optical resolution of a camera or scanner is an or expected post-treatment changes (Fig. 12.5).
absolute number because the image sensor pixels are
photo elements, i.e. physical devices that can be THREE-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING
Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics deals
primarily with physical relationships among the
various parts of the human head, Even though we tend

Textbook of Orthodontics

Fig. 12.5: Post-treatmentsmilegenerated fromthe pre- 1. The dose of ionizing radiation has been high.
treatment photograph 2. Economic costs are prohibitive.
3. Slices of relatively thick tissue detail in vertically

oriented teeth is quite poor.
4. Distortions are produced if CT'scans are done with

orthodontic appliances in place (Fig. 12.6A).
All 3-D imaging systems try to capture the Z-axis
and this they achieve by counting the number of slices
into which the images are divided. Calibration is
particularly important when one tries to integrate 3-
D images and the cephalogram. The problem with 3-
D imaging of face is that the face inherently contains
little detail and it is difficult to obtain a set of discrete
points which can then be used to superimpose and to
construct a useful map (Figs 12.6B and C). CT scans
are most useful to exactly localize impacted or erupting

to visualize and plan treatment using two dimensional Fig. 12.6A: Distortionproduced by beam reflecting
aids such a cephalograms and facial photographs the offan orthodonticmolarband
current paradigm shift in orthodontics and the keen
interest in esthetics has resulted in an interest in three Fig. 12.6B: Tomogramgenerated followinga C'T scan

dimensional visualization and diagnosis to plan
treatment for what is a three dimensional structure.

Except for a few structures of interest which lie in
the midsagittal plane it is difficult to make accurate
measurements using cephalograms. Conventional
facial photos too lose depth information by projecting
images of structures at different heights upon a single
plane. Also the one true three dimensional represen-
tation of oral tissues, the dental cast must be integrated
into facial images.

In the late 1970's computerized axial tomography
initially referred to as CAT and later CT become avai-
lable. CT measures X-ray attenuation coefficients as
they spatially vary across a section of the anatomy.
They are ideal for the visualization of hard osseous
structures as these structures attenuate X-rays more
than the surrounding soft tissues. Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), which followed the development of
the CT, recorded the density of mobile hydrogen nuclei
in tissues. The concentration of mobile hydrogen nuclei
is maximum in the soft tissues and hence MRls provide
excellent resolution and contrast between soft tissues.

Upon introduction it was heralded that the CT and
the MRI would replace conventional radiography.
However their use in conventional orthodontic treat-
ment has been limited due to the following reasons:

Computerized Diagnostic Systems 155

Fig. 12.6C: Series of 3D images created by a C'F scan

teeth (Fig. 12.7) or study the placement of microimp- CRANIOFACIAL IMAGING AND
lants (used to provide anchorage) (Fig. 12.8). ANIMATION WITH THE LASER SCANNER

A method of overcoming this is to project pseudo This is a significant technology breakthrough in facial
points onto the face. This is done by using laser ranging 3-D image reconstruction.
techniques. At each rotational step the laser projects a
thin vertical line upon the face and ranges the distance Vivid 700 was the first commercially viable laser
to that line. scanner introduced by Minolta,

156 Textbook of Orthodontics

Fig. 12.7: Localization of an impacted canine using a CT scan

Fig. 12.8A: Micro anchorage implants as visible on a Fig. 12.88: Cut section showing the micro anchorage implant
generated 3D image CT scan

Computerized Diagnostic Systems 157

A Class II laser is used to scan the face. Facial METHODS OF CAPTURING
photographs are taken using a CCD camera, that is MANDIBULAR MOTION IN 3·0
present adjacentto the scanning outlet. A beam splitter
facilitates the capture of the laser scan simultaneously Three systems allow for the recording of mandibular
with color texture map. movements in real time, recording and display of the
3-D movements in digital form.
The skeletal images were generated using lateral o Hinge axis
and PA view cephalogram films. Using a technique o Condylar inclination
for land mark identification in 3-D a skeletal structure o Side shifts.
is obtained.
Ultrasound emitters are bonded to the labial surface
Laser scanners record the distortion of lasers when of the lower arch using a jig customized with cold cure
passed over a face and infer their distortions to provide acrylic. These are of importance in the study of TMJ
a surface map. Color/texture map is recorded problems as well as functional shifts and centric
simultaneously using a digital camera and this is relation and centric occlusion studies.
superimposed over the surface map to obtain a
composite image. DIGITAL STUDY MODELS

The problem with laser scanning is an inability to Now computerized softwares are commercially
scan transparent, bright white and black objects. U the available which are capable of scanning study models
face is scanned when the patient is smiling the laser and storing the scanned data as 3-dimensional images.
light is reflected and spikes are emitted. The problem The scanned data is calibrated to the actual size of the
caused by shadows can be overcome by using makeup. study models. Hence, certain softwares are now
Safety concerns regarding the effect of lasers on the capable of using these digital study models to do
eyes exist. certain model analyses directly on the computer.

METHODS OF 3-D CRANIOFACIAL The biggest advantage of this system is to allow
SKELETAL IMAGING storage of invaluable information contained in these
three-dimensional records, which would otherwise be
Within the next one or 2 years the orthodontist will lost on a moment's carelessness due to the plaster
have available to them 3 or 4 methods to obtai.n 3-D study model breaking. Also, certain model analysis
radiographic images of patients, namely: results are now available at the click of a 'mouse'.
o Tomosynthesis
o Tuned aperture CT (TACT) With the development of the computer and
• Anatomic reconstructions associated advancement in technology it is now possi-
o Cone beam CT. ble to gain more information about the patient than
ever before. It is in the hands of the clinician how he/
METHODS OF 3·0 INTRAORAL DENTAL she uses this information for the benefit of the patient.
The technology of laser scanning and SL can be
miniaturized to image the dentition. A system that 1. Adams CL, Cansky SA, Miller AJ, et al. Comparison
incorporates SL has been introduced ORAMATRJX between traditional two-dimensional cephalometry and
SURE SMILE-ORASCANNER. a three-dimensional approach Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop, 2002;122(1):117-20.
A video camera records SL distortions on dental
crowns as it passes over the dentition over a time 2. Carlson CA. Imaging rnodalities in X-ray computerized
period of approximately 1 minute. tomography and in selected volume tomography, Phy
Med Bioi 1999;44:R23-R55.
A stream of images is fed back to a computer and
proceeds are used to stitch together a complete dental 3. Cutting C, Crayson B, Bookstein FL,et al. Computer aided
arch. planning and evaluation of facial Orthognathic surgery,
Cli.n Plast Surg 1986;13:449-62.

158 Textbook of Orthodontics

4. Elefteriadis IN, Athanasiou AE. Evaluation of impacted 9. Karnaz awa T, l-lashiguchi K, lshizaki R. Statistical
Analysis by Quantification Theory using Personal
canines by means of computerized tomography, Jnt J Computer, Tokyo: Asakura, 1998:89-103.
Adult Orthod Orthognath Surg 1996;11:257-64.
5. Crayson B, Bookstein F, Kim H, et al. The three- 10. Mah ], Danforth RA, Bumann A,eta!. Radiation absorbed
in maxillofacial imaging with a new dental computed
dimensional cephalogram: theory, technique and clinical tomography device, Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral
Radlol Endol 2003;96(4):508-13.
applications, Am J Otrthod Dentofacial Or thop.
1988;94:327-37. 11. Mason C, Papadakou P, Roberts Cl. The radiographic
6. Harrell WE Jr, Hatcher DC, Bolt RL. In search of
anatomical truth:3-dimentional modellng and the future localization of impacted maxilJary canines: A comparison
of orthodontics, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,
2003;122(3):325-30. of methods, Eur J Orthod 2001;23:25-34.
7. Hutchinson I, et al. Digital cameras and orthodontics: An 12. Mozzo P, et al. A new volumetric Cf machinefor dental
overview, Dent Update, 1999;26:144-9.
8. [ackson PH, Dickson GC, Birnie DJ. Digital imaging irnaging based un the cone-beam technique: preliminary
results, Eur radiJ 1998;8:1558-64.
processing of cephalometric radiographs: a preliminary 13. Quintero [C, Trostcn A, Hatchcr 0, et al. Craniofacial
report, Br J Orthod 1985;12:122-32. imaging in orthodontics: historical perspective, current
status, and future developments. Angle Orthod

Classification of

Gurkeerat Singh

• Introduction • Lischer's modification
• Individual tooth malpositions • Bennetle's classification
• Malrelation of dental arches • Simon's classification
• Skeletal malocclusions • Skeletal classification
• Angle's classification of malocclusion • Ackerman-Profill system of classification
• Dewey's modification • Incisor classification

These are malpositions of individual teeth in respect
To understand a group of identities it is advisable to to adjacent teeth within the same dental arch. Hence,
divide them into groups and subgroups based on they are also called intra-arch malocclusions.
certain similarities. Classification of malocclusion is the
description of dentofacial deviations according to a common These can be of the following types:
characteristic, or norm. Various classifications are MESIAL INCLINATION OR TIPPING
proposed by different researchers based on their The tooth is tilted mesially, i.e. the crown is mesial to
experiences and depending upon what they found to the root (Fig. 13.1A).
be clinically relevant. The understanding of these DISTAl INCLINATION OR TIPPING
classifications is essential for the student of The tooth is tilted distally, Le. the crown is distal to
orthodontics as they would be frequently referred to the root (Fig. 13.1B).
during communications between consultants and
sometimes, certain identities within a subgroup will Fig. 13.1 A: Mesiallyinclined/tippecdentralincisors.
require the same treatment protocols. The longaxis of the teeth is depictedinblack,with

Depending upon which part of the oral and the midline in white dots
maxillofacial unit is at fault, mal occlusions can be
broadly divided into three types-
• Individual tooth'rnalpositions.
• Malrelation of the dental arches or dentoalveolar

• Skeletal ma [relationships.

These three can exist individually in a patient or in
combination involving each other, depending upon
where the fault lies-in the individual dental arch or
the dentoalveoJar segments or the underlying skeletal

160 Textbook of Orthodontics

Fig. 13.1 B: Distallyinclinedmaxillaryright
lateral incisor.The long axis is depicted in
black, withthe ideal inclinationof the tooth
depicted by whitedots


The tooth is abnormally tilted towards the tongue (or
the palate in the maxillary arch) (Fig. 13.1C).

LABIAUBUCCAL INCLINATION OR TIPPING Fig. 13.1 D: Labiallyinclinedmaxillaryrightcentral incisor

The tooth is abnormally inclined towards the lips/
cheeks (Fig.13.1D).


The tooth is below the occlusal plane as compared to
other teeth in the arch (Fig. 13.1£).


The tooth is above the occlusal plane as compared to
other teeth in the arch (Fig. 13.1F).

Fig. 13.1CI: Palatallyinclinedmaxillaryleftincisor ROTATIONS

This term refers to tooth movements around the long
axis of the tooth. Rotations are of the following two

Mesiolingual or Distolabial

The mesial aspect of the tooth is inclined lingually or
in other words, the distal aspect of the crown is labially
placed as compared to its mesial aspect (Fig. B.1G)

Fig. 13.1Cli: Linguallyinclinedmandibularsecond molars Distolingual or Mesiolabial

The distal aspect of the tooth is inclined lingually or
in other words, the mesial aspect of the crown is
labially placed as compared to its distal aspect (Fig.

Classification of Maloccluslon

Fig. 13.1F 11: Maxillary central and mandibular Fig. 13.1 I: Transposition of the mandibular right canine with
incisors are supraerupted the mandibular right lateral incisor

This term is used in case where two teeth exchange
places, e.g. a canine in place of the lateral incisor (Fig.

These malocclusions are characterized by an abnorrna I
relationship between teeth or groups of teeth of one

162 Textbook of Orthodontics

dental arch to that of the other arch. These inter-arch
malrelations can occur in all the three planes of space,
namely-sagittal, vertical or transverse.

They can be of two types:

Pre-normal Occlusion

Where the mandibular dental arch is placed more
anteriorly when the teeth meet in centric occlusion
(Fig. 13.2A).

Post-normal Occlusion Fig. 13.28: The mandibular arch is located more
posteriorly as compared to normal
Where the mandibular dental arch is placed more
posteriorly when the teeth meet in centric occlusion
(Fig. 13.26).


They can be of two types depend ing on the vertical
overlap of the tecth bctween the two jaws.

Deep Bite
Here the vertical overlap between the maxillary and
mandibular teeth is in excess of the normal (Fig. 13.3A).

Open Bite
Here there is no overlap or a gap exists between the
maxillary and mandibular teeth when the patient bites
in centric occlusion. An open bite can exist in the
anterior (Fig. ]3.3B)or the posterior (Fig. 13.3C)region.

Fig. 13.2A: The mandible is placed more anteriorly as Fig. 13.38: Anterior open bite
compared to normal

Classification of Malocclusion

Fig. 13.3C: Posterior open bite due to the presence of a
lateral tongue thrust habit

TRANSVERSE PLANE MALOCCLUSIONS Figs 13.4A i and it: The posterior segment is in cross bite

These include the various types of cross bites.
Generally the maxillary teeth are placed labial/buccal
to the mandibular teeth. But sometimes due to the
constriction of the dental arches or some other reason
this relationship is disturbed, i.e. one or more maxil-
lary teeth are placed palatal/lingual to the mandibular
teeth (Figs 13.4A and B). These differ in intensity,
position and the number of teeth that may be involved.


These malocclusions are caused due to the defect in
the underlying skeletal structure itself. The defect can
be in size, position or relationship between the jaw


In 1899, Edward Angle classified malocclusion based Fig. 13.4B: Single maxillary lateral incisor in cross bite
on the mesial-distal relation of the teeth, dental arches
and jaws. He considered the maxillary first permanent mandibular teeth with respect to the maxillary first
molar as a fixed anatomical point in the jaws and the permanent molar.
key to occlusion. He based his classification on the
relationship of this tooth to other teeth in the mandi-
bular jaw. More than 100 years have passed since
Angle proposed his system of classification yet, it
remains the most frequently used classification system.
It is simple, easy to use and conveys precisely what it
was conceived for, i.e. the relationship of the

164 Textbook of Orthodontics

Angle classified malocclusion into three broad mandibular second pre-molar. Also, the mesiolingual
categories. It is presented in a form that is most cusp of the maxillary first permanent molar occludes
accepted in the present times. mesial to the mesio-l ingua I cusp of the mandibular first
permanent moJar.
The three categories are designated as "Classes"
and are represented by Roman numerals-I, ITand HI. Angle divided the Class-IT malocclusions into two
divisions based on the labiolingual angulation of the
CLASS I-MALOCCLUSION (Fig. 13.5) maxillary incisors as:

The mandibular dental arch is in normal mesiodistal Class II-Division 1 (Fig. 13.6)
relation to the maxillary arch, with the mesiobuccal
cusp of the maxillary first molar occluding in the buccal Along with the molar relation which is typical of class
groove of the mandibular first permanent molar and 11malocclusions the maxillary incisor teeth are in labio-
the mesiolingual cusp of the maxillary first permanent version.
molar occludes with the occlusal fossa of the
mandibular first permanent molar when the jaws are Class II-Division 2 (Fig. 13.7)
at rest and the teeth approximated in centric occlusion.
Along with the typical Class TTmolar relationship, the
CLASS II-MALOCCLUSION maxillary incisors are near normal anteroposteriorly
or slightly in linguoversion whereas the maxillary
lateral incisors are tipped labially and/or mesially.

Mandibular dental arch and body are in distal relation Class II'-Subdivision (Fig. 13.8)
to the maxillary arch. The mesiobuccal cusp of the
maxillary first permanent molar occludes in the space When the Class TTmolar relationship occurs on One
between the mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular first side of the dental arch only, the malocclusion is
permanent molar and the dista! aspect of the referred to as a subdivision of its division.

;~~"f"~.11. ~

Fig. 13.5: Angle's Class 1 malocclusion

Fig. 13.6: Angle' Class 11 division 1

, '>
•• t~ :fj •• •
.•• "" .•.. 'i."" Jl ••.

Fig. 13.7: Angle's Class 1I division 2

Classification of Maloccluslon 165

Fig. 13.8: Angle's Class II subdivision (Class I molars on the left side)
Fig. 13.9: Angle's Class III malocclusion

Fig. 13.10: Pseudo Class III malocclusion

CLASS III-MALOCCLUSION (Fig. 13.9) to day communication between clinicians. With its
simplicity, it also had its inherent drawbacks (Table
The mandibular dental arch and body is in mesial 13.1).

relationship to the maxillary arch; with the

mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar DEWEY'S MODIFICATION OF ANGLE'S
occluding in the interdental space between the distal
Dewey in 1915 modified Angle's Class I and Class III
aspect of the distal cusps of the mandibular first molar by segregating malpositions of anterior and posterior
segments as:
and the mesial aspect of the mesial cusps of the

mandibular second molar.

Pseudo Class III-Malocclusion (Fig. 13.10) MODIFICATIONS OF ANGLES CLASS I teeth
Type 1
This is not a true Class III malocclusion but the presen- Angles Class I with crowded maxillary anterior
tation is similar. Here the mandible shifts anteriorly (Fig. 13.11).
in the glenoid fossa due to a premature contact of the
teeth or some other reason when the jaws are brought Type 2
together in centric occlusion.
Angles Class I with maxillary incisors in labio-version
Class Ill-Subdivision (proclined) (Fig. 13.12).

It is said to exist when the malocclusion exists Type 3

unilaterally. Angle's Class I with maxillary incisor teeth in
linguoversion to mandibular incisor teeth (anteriors
Angle's classification was the first comprehensive in cross bite) (Fig. 13.13).

classification of is still the most widely

accepted classification and is used routinely for day

166 Textbook of Orthodontics

Fig. 13.11: Angle's Class I molars with anterior crowding or Dewey's Class I Type 1

Fig. 13.12: Angle's Class I with anteriors proclined or Dewey's Class I Type 2

Fig. 13.13: Dewey's Class I Type 3 rnaloccluslon, molars in Angle's Class I with maxillary
arnerlors in cross bite

Fig. 13.14: Dewey's Class I Type 4 rnaloccluslon, Angle's Class I with posterior cross bite

Table 13.1: Drawback of Angle's classification Type 4

1. Angle presumed the first permanent molars as fixed Molars and/ or premolars are in bucca or linguo-
points within the jaws, which definitely is not so version, but incisors and canines are in normal
alignment (posteriors in cross bite) (Fig. 13.14).
2. Angle depended exclusively on the first molars.
Hence, the classification is not possible if the first Type 5
molars are missing or if applied in the deciduous
dentition Molars are in rnesio-version due to early loss of teeth
mesial to them (early loss of deciduous molars or
3. Malocclusions are considered only in the second premolar) (Fig. 13.15).
anteroposterior plane. Maloccluslon in the transverse
and vertical planes arc not considered DEWEY'S MODIFICATION OF ANGLE'S CLASS III
Type 1
4. Individual tooth malocclusions have not been
considered Individual arches when viewed individually are in
normal alignment, but when in occlusion the anteriors
5. There is no differentiation between skeletal and are in edge to edge bite (Fig. 13.16).
dental rnalocclusions

6. Etiology of the malocclusions has not been
elaborated upon

Classification of Maloccluslon 167

Fig. 13.15: Dewey's Class I Type 5, permanent molar has drifted mesially due to the early
loss of the deciduous 2nd molar

Fig. 13.16: Dewey's Class III Type 1. individual arches when
viewed individually are in normal alignment, but when in
occlusion the anterlors are in edge to edge bite

Fig. 13.17: Dewey's Class III Type 2, molars in Angle's Class III with mandibular
retroclined and/or crowded with maxillary anteriors in labio-version

Type 2
The mandibular incisors are crowded and lingual to
the maxillary incisors (Fig. 13.17).

Type 3
Maxillary arch is underdeveloped, in cross bite with
maxillary incisors crowded and the mandibular arch
is well developed and well aligned (Fig. 13.18).

L1SCHER'S MODIFICATION OF THE Fig. 13.18: Dewey's Class III Type 3, maxillary arch is
ANGLE'S CLASSIFICATION OF MALOCCLUSION underdeveloped, in cross bite with maxillary incisors crowded
and the mandibular arch is well developed and well aligned
Lischer in 1933further modified Angle's classification
by giving substitute names for Angle's Class T, TT and

168 Textbook of Orthodontics

m malocclusions. He also proposed terms to designate
individual tooth rnalocclusions.


Neutro-occlusion is the term synonymous the Angle's
Class I malocclusion.


Disto-occlusion is synonymous with Angle's Class II


Mesio-occlusion is synonymous with Angle's Class

m malocclusion.

Lischers nomenclature for individual tooth

mal positions involved adding the suffix "version" to Fig. 13.19A: Rightmandibular1st molar
is in mesioversion
a word to indicate the deviation from the normal
Fig. 13.19B: The right lateral incisor and canine are in
position. distoversion(blackarrow),and the right1st premolaris rotated
mesio-buccally, Le. in torsiversion
1. Mesioversion-mesial to the normal position

(Fig. 13.19A)

2. Distoversion-distal to the normal position

(Fig. 13.19B)

3. Linguovcrsion-lingual to the normal position

(Fig. 13.19C)

4. Labioversion-labial to the normal position

(Fig. 13.19D)

5. Infraversion-inferior or away from the line of

occlusion (Fig. 13.1E)

6. Supraversion-superior or extended past the line

of occlusion (Fig. 13.1F)

7. Axiversion-the axial inclination is wrong; tipped

(Fig. 13.19E).

8. Torsiversion-rotated on its long axis (Figs 13.1G,

H and Figs 13.19B and F).

9. Transversion-transposed or changes in the

sequence of position (Fig. 13.11).

BENNETTE'S CLASSIFICATION OF Fig. 13.19C: Maxillaryleft2nd premolaris in linguocclusion

Bcnnctte classified malocclusions based on their
etiology as:

Abnormalloca tion of one or more teeth is due to local

Classification of Malocclusion 169

Abnormal formation of a part or a whole of either arch
due to developmental defects of bone.

Abnormal relationship between the upper and lower
arches and between either arch and the facial contour,
due to developmenta I defects of bone.

Fig. 13.190: The maxillarycanine and the SIMON'S CLASSIFICATION OF MALOCCLUSION
mandibular 1st premolar are in bucca-occlusion
Simon in 1930 was the first to relate the dental arches
to the face and cranium in the three planes of space,

• Frankfort horizontal (vertically)
• Orbital plane (anteroposteriorly)
• Raphe or median sagittal plane (transverse).

Fig. 13.19E:The mandibular2nd molarshows FRANKFORT HORIZONTAL (VERTICALLY)

an abnormal axial inchnation-axiversion (the Frankfort horizontal plane (F-H Plane) or the eye-ear
plane (E-EP) (Fig. 13.20) is determined by drawing a
dotted white line depicts the present axial straight line through the margins of the bony orbit
inclinationwhereas the blacklinethe Idealaxial directly under the pupil of the eye to the upper
inclination) margins of the external auditory meatus (the notch
above the tragus of the ear).
Fig. 13.19F: Mesiopalatalor disto-buccalrotationof
the maxillary2nd premolar plane is used to classify malocclusions in the
vertical plane. Vertical deviations with respect to the
plane are:
1. Attractions When the dental arch or part of it is

closer to the Frankfort horizontal plane it is referred
to as attraction.
2. Abstractions When a dental arch or a part of it is
further away from the Frankfort horizontal plane,
it is referred to as abstraction.


This plane is perpendicular to the eye-ear plane
(Frankfort horizontal plane) at the margin of the bony
orbit directly under the pupil of the eye (Fig. 13.21).

Here it is pertinent to mention the law of the canine.
According to Simon in normal arm relationship, the
orbital plane passes through the distal axial aspect of
the maxillary canine.

Malocclusions described as anterior-posterior
deviations based on their distance from the orbital
plane are-
1. Protraction The teeth, one or both, dental arches,

and/ or jaws are too far forward, Le.placed forward

Textbook of Orthodontics

Fig. 13.20: Frankforthorizontalplane

Fig. 13.22: Mid-sagittalplane

through these two points at right angles to the
Frankfort horizontal plane (Fig. 13.22).

Malocclusions classified according to transverse
deviations from the median sagittal plane are:
1. Contraction A part or all of the dental arch is

contracted towards the median sagittal plane.
2. Distraction A part or all of the dental arch is wider

or placed at a distance which is more than normal.


Fig. 13.21: Orbitalplane Salzmann is 1950 was the first to classify on olcclusion
based nn the underlying skeletal structures.

or anterior to the plane as compared to the normal; SKELETAL CLASS I
where the plane passes through the distal incline
of the canine. These malocclusions were purely dental with the
2. Retraction The teeth one or both dental arches and / bones of the face and jaws being in harmony with one
or jaws are too far backward, Le. placed posterior another and with the rest of the head. The profi le is
to the plane than normal. orthognathic (Fig. 13.23A).

RAPHE OR MEDIAN SAGITTAL The skeletal Class 1 was divided further according
PLANE (TRANSVERSE) the dental malocclusion present as:

The raphe or median sagittal plane is determined by Division 1
points approximately 1.5 cm apart on the median
raphe of the palate. The raphe median plane passes Local mal-relations of incisors, canine and prernolars
(Fig. 13.23B).

Classification of Maloccluslon 171

Division 2 (Fig. 13.23C).
Maxillary incisor protrusion

Division 3 (Fig. 13. 23D).
Maxillary incisors in linguoversion

Division 4 (Fig. 13.23E).
Bimaxillary protrusion


These included malocclusion with a subnormal distal
mandibular development in relation to the maxilla
(Fig. 13.24).

The skeletal Class 2 was further divided into two
divisions based on the features commonly seen with a
mandible placed in retruded position.

Fig. 13.23A: Skeletal pattern I

Fig. 13.238: Skeletal Class I division 1; local mal relations of incisors, canine and premolars
Fig. 13.23C: Skeletal Class I division 2; maxillary incisor protrusion

Fig. 13.230: Skeletal Class I division 3; maxillary anteriors in Iinguo-version

172 Textbook of Orthodontics

Fig. 13.23E: Skeletal Class I division4 rnaloccluslon,bimaxillaryprotrusion

The maxillary dental arch is narrower with crowding OF CLASSIFICATION
in the canine region, cross bite may be present and the
vertical face height is decreased. The maxillary anterior Ackerman and Profitt proposed a very comprehensive
teeth are protruded and the profile is retrognathic. system of classification which divided malocclusions
in all the three planes of space and tended to give an
Division 2 indication towards the severity of the malocclusion
The maxillary incisors are lingually inclined, the lateral present. The system proposed by Ackerman-Profitt is
incisors may be normal or in labio-versi.on. based on the set theory, where a set is defined on the
basis Of morphologic devia lions from the ideal. The
SKELETAL CLASS III classification was illustrated using the Venn symbolic
logic diagram (Fig.13.26A). The classification
Here there is an over growth of the mandible with an considered five characteristics, and their inter-
obtuse mandibular plane angle. The profile is relationships were assessed. The five characteristics
prognathic at the mandible (Fig. 13.25). a re as follows.

Fig. 13.24: Skeletal pattern II Fig. 13.25: Skeletalpattern III

Classification of Maloccluslon 173


Fig. 13.26A: Venn diagram representingthe 5 characters Fig. 13.268: The 9 groups formedusingthe Venn
diagram model

CHARACTERISTIC 1-ALIGNMENT The first characteristic is represented as a square
which contains a larger circle representing the profile
Intra arch alignment and symmetry are assessed as or characteristic 2. This contains three smaller circles
when seen in the occlusal view. A dental arch is overlapping each other partially, representing the
classified as ideal! crowded / spaced. transverse, sagittal and vertical deviations respec-
tively. The confluence of these sets form nine groups,
CHARACTERISTIC 2-PROFILE each a combination of certain characteristics. The ninth
group represents the most complex malocclusion with
The profile can be convex/straight/concave. This also all possible featu res.
includes the assessment of facial divergence, i.e.
anterior or posterior divergence. INCISOR CLASSIFICATION

CHARACTERISTIC 3- TRANSVERSE The incisor classification is considered simpler and
RELATIONSHIPS more relevant than Angle's classification. It was
adopted by the British Standards' Institute in 1983,and
These include the transverse skeletal and dental is based upon the relationship of the lower incisor
relationships. 13uccaland palatal cross bites are noted. edges and the cingulum plateau of the maxillary
These are fu rther subclassified as unilatera I or bila teral. central incisors.
Distinction is made between skeletal and dental cross
bites. CLASS I

CHARACTERISTIC 4-CLASS The mandibular incisor edges occlude with or lie
immediately below the cingulum plateau of the
Here the sagittal relationship of the teeth is assessed maxillary central incisors (Fig.13.27A).
using the Angle classification as Class I/Class il/C1ass
HI. A distinction is made between skeletal and dental CLASS 11
The mandibular incisor edges lie posterior to the
CHARACTERISTIC 5-OVERBITE cingulum plateau of the maxillary central incisors.

Malocclusions are assessed in the vertical plane. They Division 1
are described as anterior open bite/posterior open
bite/anterior deep bite/posterior collapsed bite. Here The maxillary central incisors are proclincd or of
again a distinction is made as to whether the malocclu- average inclination and there is an increased overjet
sion is skeletal or dental. (Fig. 13.2713).

174 Textbook of Orthodontics

maximum information regarding the characteristics
of a rnalocclusion, yet it is not frequently used. The
incisor classification is the simplest to use, yet not the
most frequently used. Angle's classifications with all
its shortcomings, is still by far the most commonly
used classification of malocclusion.

Class I Class 11 Class II Class III FURTHER READING
diY.1 diY.2
1. Ackerman IL, Profft t WR. The characteristics of
Figs 13.27A 10 D: Incisor classification malocclusion: a modern approach to classification and
diagnosis, Am J Orthod, 1969;56:443-54.
Division 2
2. Angle EH. Classification of malocclusion, Dental Cosmos,
The maxillary central incisors are retro-clined; the 1899;41:248-64.
overjet is normally minimum, but may be increased
(Fig. 13.27C). 3. Angle EH. Malocclusion of the Teeth. 7th cd. Philadelphia,
SS White dental Mfg Co., 1907.
4. British Standards Institute. Glossary of Dental terms (US
The mandibular incisor edges lie anterior to the 4492). London: BSt, 1983.
cingulum plateau of the upper central incisors; the
overjet is reduced or reversed (Fig. 13.270). 5. Craber TM. Orthodontics: Principles and Practice, 00. 3,
WB Sounders. 1988.
All the relevant classifications have been discussed.
The Ackerman and Profitt classification conveys the 6. Hellman M. Variations in occlusion. Dent Cosmos

7. Lischcr BE. Principles and Methods of Orthodontics.
Philadelphia, Lea and Febigcr, 1912.

8. Moyers RE. Handbook of Orthodontics. ed. J. Chicago,
1973, Year Book.

9. Salzmann JA. Practice of Orthodontics, J B Lippincott
Company. 1996.

10. Simon P. Grundzge einer systcmatischcn diagnostic dCI
Cebiss-Anomalien. Berlin, Meusser, 1922.

11. White re, Gardiner JH, Letghton BC. Orthodontics for

Dental Students, 3rd ed., Macmillan Press Ltd, 1976.


Gurkeerat Slngh

• Introduction • Salzmann's classification
• White and Gardiner's classification • Moyer's classification
• Graber's classification

INTRODUCTION 3. Lateral malrelationship
4. Disproportion of size between teeth and basal bone
WHAT CAUSES A MALOCCLUSION? 5. Congenital abnormalities.

This question has to be answered correctly before any PRE·ERUPTION ABNORMALITIES
decision can be taken regarding its prevention or
correction. Researches have grouped the common 1. Abnormalities in position of developing tooth germ
etiologic factors associated with maJocclusions and 2. Missing teeth
presented various classifications. These classifications 3. Supernumerary teeth and teeth abnormaJ in form
help us in understanding the etiology of a mal- 4. Prolonged retention of decid uous teeth
occlusion. These will help the clinician in identifying 5. Large labial frenum
situations which they can either prevent or intervene, 6. Traumatic injury.
thus avoiding the severity of the maJocclusion from

The various classifications proposed are: 1. Muscular
• White and Gardiner's classification a. Active muscle force
• Salzmann's classification b. Rest position of musculature
• Moyer's classification c. Sucking habits
• Crabcr's classification. d. Abnormalities in path of closure

WHITE AND GARDINER'S CLASSIFICATION 2. Premature loss of deciduous teeth
3. Extraction of permanent teeth.
This was one of the first attempts to classify mal-
occlusion. Tt tried to make a distinction between the SALZMANN'S CLASSIFICATION
skeletal and denta I etiologic factors. It also tried to
distinguish between pre-eruptive and post-eruptive Salzmann defined three definite stages in which
causes. malocclusions are likely to manifest:
1. The genotypic
DENTAL BASE ABNORMALITIES 2. The fetal environment
3. The postnatal environment.
1. Antero-posterior malrelationship
2. Vertical mal relationship Si.nce different factors effect these different stages
hence, the division of theetiologic factors into prenatal,
postnatal, functional and environmental or acquired.

176 Textbook of Orthodontics


1. Genetic-included malocclusions transmitted by A. General
genes, where the dentofacial anoma Iies mayor may 1. Muscular hyper- or hypotonicity
not be in evidence at birth. 2. Endocrine disturbances
3. Neurotrophic disturbances
2. Differentiative-malocclusions that are inborn, 4. Nutritional deficiencies
engrafted in the body in the prefunctional 5. Postural defects
embryonic developmental stage. Can be 6. Respiratory disturbances (mouth breathing).
subdivided into:
a. General-dfect the body as a whole B. Local
b. Local-effect the face, jaws and teeth only. 1. Malfunction of forces exerted by the inclined
planes of the cusps of the teeth
3. Congenital-can be hereditary or acquired but 2. Loss of forces caused by failure of proxima I
existing at birth. Can be subdivided as: contact between teeth
a. General or constitutional 3. Temporomandibular articulation disturbances.
b. Local or dentofacial. 4. Masticatory and facial muscular hypo- or
POSTNATAL 5. Faulty masticatory functions, especially during
the tooth eruption period
Developmental 6. Trauma from occlusion
7. Compromised periodontal condition.
A. General
b. Abnormalities of relative rate of growth in
different body organs A. General
c. Hypo- or hypertonicity of muscles which may 1. Disease can affect the dentofacial tissues directly
eventually affect the dentofacial development or by affecting other parts of the body indirectly
and function disturb the teeth and jaws
d. Endocrine disturbances which may modify the 2. Nutritional disturbances especially during the
growth pattern and eventually affect den to- tooth formation stage
faciaI growth 3. Acquired endocrine disturbances that are not
e. Nutritional disturbances present at birth
f. Childhood diseases that affect the growth 4. Metabolic disturbances
pattern 5. Trauma, accidental injuries
g. Radiation. 6. Radiation.
7. Tumors.
B. Local 8. Surgical pathologies.
a. Abnormalities of the dentofacial complex:
1. Birth injuries of the head, face and jaws B. Local
2. Micro- or macrognathia 1. Disturbed forces of occlusion
3. Micro- or macroglossia 2. Early loss of decid uous teeth
4. Abnormal frenal attachments 3. Prolonged retention of deciduous teeth
5. Facial hemiatrophy. 4. Delayed eruption of permanent teeth
b. Abnormalities of tooth development: 5. Loss of permanent teeth
1. Delayed Or premature eruption of the 6. Periodontal diseases
deciduous or permanent teeth 7. Temporomandibular articulation disturbances
2. Delayed or premature shedding of deci- 8. Infections of the oral cavity
duous teeth 9. Pressure habits
3. Ectopic eruption 10. Traumatic injuries including fractures of the
4. Impacted teeth jaw bones.
5. Aplasia of teeth.

Etiology of Malocclusion-elasslfications 177


Moyer identified etiologic sites, from where the 1. Heredity
variations were expected to arise. These sites included: 2. Congenital
a) the craniofacial skeleton, b) the dentition, c) the 3. Environment:
orofacial musculature, and d) other 'soft tissues' of the
masticatory system. He based his classifies tion on the a. Prenatal (trauma, maternal diet, German
premise that various factors may contribute to cause measles, material maternal metabolism, etc).
variations at these sites, more often in groups rather
than individually. b. Postnatal (birth injury, cerebral palsy, TMJ
1. Heredity injury)
2. Developmental defects of unknown origin
3. Trauma: 4. Predisposing metabolic climate and disease:
a. Endocrine imbalance
a. Prenatal trauma and birth injuries b. Metabolic disturbances
b. Postnatal trauma c. Infectious diseases (poliomyelitis, etc).
4. Physical agents:
a. Premature extraction of primary teeth 5. Dietary problems (nutritional deficiency)
b. Nature of food 6. Abnormal pressure habits and functiona I
5. Habits:
a. Thumb sucking and finger sucking aberrations:
b. Tongue thrusting a. Abnormal sucking
c. Lip sucking and lip biting b. Thumb and finger sucking
d. Posture c. Tongue thrust and tongue sucking
e. Nail biting d. Lip and nail biting
f. Other habits e. Abnormal swallowing habits (improper deglu-
6. Diseases:
a. Systemic diseases tition)
b. Endocrine disorders f. Speech defects
c. Local diseases: g. Respiratory abnormalities (mouth breathing,

• Nasopharyngeal diseases and disturbed etc.)
respiratory function h. Tonsils and adenoids
i. Psychogenetics and bruxism
• Gingival and periodontal disease 7. Posture
• Tumors 8. Trauma and accidents.
• Caries:
- Premature loss of deciduous teeth
- Disturbances in sequence of eruption of 1. Anomalies of number:
a. Supernumerary teeth
permanent teeth b. Missing teeth (congenital absence or loss due
- Early loss of permanent teeth to accidents, caries, etc.).
7. Malnutrition.
2. Anomalies of tooth size
GRABER'S CLASSIFICATION 3. Anomalies of tooth shape
4. Abnormal labial frenum: mucosal barriers
Graber divided the etiologic factors as general or local 5. Premature loss
factors and presented a very comprehensive classifi- 6. Prolonged retention
cation. This helped in clubbing together of factors 7. Delayed eruption of permanent teeth
which make it easier to understand and associate a 8. Abnormal eruptive path
rnalocclusion with the etiologic factors. 9. Ankylosis
10. Dental caries
11. Improper dental restorations.

These factors shall be discussed individually in
detail and an attempt will be made to understand how
each one may cause a malocclusion. An endeavour will
also be made to make the student of orthodontics
aware as to when and how to intervene when an
etiologic factor has been identified.

178 Textbook of Orthodontics

FURTHER READING 3. Salzmann lA. Practice of Orthodontics, J B Lippincott
Company, 1996.
1. Graber TM. Orthodontics: Principles and Practice, ed. 3,
WB Saunders, 1988. 4. White TC, Gardiner rH, Leighton BC. Orthodontics for
Dental Students, 3rd edn., Macrnillan Press Ltd. 1976.
2. Moyers RE. Handbook of Orthodontics, ed. 3, Chicago,
1973, Year Book. 5. White TC, Gardiner rH, Leighton BC, VaHathan A.
Orthodontics fur Dental Students, 4th ed. Oxford
University Press, Delhi, 1998.

Malocclusion-General Factors

Gurkeerat Slngh

• Introduction o Infectious diseases

• Hereditary • Dietary problems (nutritional deficiency)
• Congenital factors • Abnormal pressure habits and functional
• Predisposing metabolic climate and disease
o Endocrine imbalance
• Posture
[1 Metabolic disturbances • Trauma and accidents

INTRODUCTION of factors which made it easier to understand and
associate a malocclusion with the etiologic factor.
Graber divided the etiologic factors as general or local
factors and presented a very comprehensive class- This classification is one of the most detailed and
ification (Table 15.1). This helped in clubbing together comprehensive. For the purpose of simplification the
sections of envirorunental factors and diseases have

Table 15.1: Graber"s classification of malocclusion

Ceneral faclors Local faclors

1. Heredity 1. Anomalies of number:
2. Congenital • Supernumerary teeth
3. Environment • Missing teeth (congenital absence or loss due
to accidents, caries, ctc.)
a. Prenatal (trauma, maternal diet, German measles,
2. Anomalies of tooth size
maternal metabolism, etc.). 3. Anomalies of tooth shape
b. Postnatal (birth injury, cerebral palsy, TMj injury) 4. Abnormal labial frenum: mucosal barriers
4. Predisposing metabolic climate and disease 5. Premature loss
a. Endocrine imbalance 6. Prolonged retention
b. Metabolic disturbances 7. Delayed eruption of permanent teeth
c. Infectious diseases
5. Dietary problems (nutritional deficiency) 8. Abnormal eruptive path
6. Abnormal pressure habits and functional aberrations: 9. Ankylosis
a. Abnormal sucking 10. Dental caries
b. Thumb and finger sucking
c. Tongue thrust and tongue sucking 11. Tmproper dental restorations
d. Lip and nail biting
e. Abnormal swallowing habits (improper deglutition)
f, Speech defects
g. Respiratory abnormalities (mouth breathing, etc.)
h. Tonsils and adenoids
I. Psychogenetics and bruxism

7. Posture
8. Trauma and accidents

180 Textbook of Orthodontics

been clubbed together in the following discussion.
Also, the section on malocclusion caused due to
trauma has been subdivided into prenatal, at birth and


Hereditary causes of malocclusion include all factors
that result in a rnalocclusion and are inherited from
the parents by the offspring. These mayor may not be
evident at birth, but are likely to express themselves
as the child grows. These can be those influencing the
• Neuromuscular system
• Dentition
• Skeletal structures
• Soft tissues (other than the neuromusculature).


The anomalies that have been found to possess some Figs 15.1 A I and 11: Notice the similarities in size and shape
inherited component include deformities in size, of teeth among twins
position, tonicity, contractility, and in the neuromus-
cular coordination pattern of facial, oral, and tongue Number of Teeth
The number of teeth is a partially inherited charac-
It is not possible to differentiate between the origins teristic. It can vary considerably especially in cases
of certain habits. Certain tongue and lip habits can be with cleft palate and cleidocranial dysostosis. The latter
learned because of imitation, by watching parents and condition is known for the significant hyperdontia
other siblings of the soft tissue configuration, which generally associated with it. Hypodontia is more
may be inherited or may predispose to the same. widely seen as compared to hyperdontia. Hypodon-
Certain malocclusions may be associated with tongue tia is more commonly seen in the permanent dentition
size or lip length and tonicity and these may be found as compared to the deciduous dentition. The most fre-
to reoccur within a family over generations and may quently missing teeth are the maxillary lateral incisors
be inherited. (Fig. IS.IC) (the third molars not being considered).

DENTITION Primary Position of Tooth
Germ and the Path of Eruption
Certain characteristics, especially related to the
dentition are definitely inherited. These include: The position of tooth germs and the path of eruption
are considered by some researchers to be inherited.
Size and Shape of the Teeth

Studies on twins have proved that the size and relative
shape of the teeth is inherited (Fig. lS.lA). Peg shaped
lateral are the most commonly seen and noticed
abnormally shaped teeth encountered clinically (Fig.
15.18). To produce a malocclusion the discrepancy
should exist between the basal bone and the teeth size,
or the associated skeletal structures.

Etiology of Malocclusion-General Factors 181

ro 00

Figs 15.18 I and 11: Peg-shaped maxillarylateral incisor

Mineralization of Teeth

Inherited defects of the tooth structure differ from
exogenic-induced defects in mineralization (Fig. 15.10
i) as they are present in both the deciduous dentition
as well as permanent dentition and are localized in
the enamel or the dentine. These may result in
malformed teeth (Fig. 15.10 ii) and contribute towards
producing a malocclusion.

Fig. 15.1C: Missinglateral incisors

Similar cross-bites or other malocclusions might be a Fig. 15.10 i: Exogenic-inducedenamel defect.Generallyseen
result of similar jaw structure and tooth size rather as horizontallinesas comparedto inheriteddefects,whichare
than the position of tooth germs. Yet, ectopic teeth seen as verticalor irregularlylocated defects
have shown to occur more frequently in some families
collaborating the theory that these anomalies are SKELETAL STRUCTURES
genetically determined.
The underlying basal bone and other associated cranial
Shedding of Deciduous bone structures are partially inherited. This is not to
Teeth and Sequence of Eruption say that they are not influenced by the prenatal and /
or postnatal environmental factors, but certain skeletal
These two parameters are not only correlated but are
the ones most commonly mentioned by the parents malocclusions are definitely inherited. The Class m

Textbook of Orthodontics

Fig. 15.10 iI: Indogenic-induced enamel defect. Generally seen Fig. 15.1 F: Abnormal thickness of the maxillary frenum
as horizontal lines as compared to inherited defects, which are
seen as vertical or irregularly located defects


Congenital defects include those malformations that
are seen at the time of birth. These are generally mal-
developments of the 1st and the 2nd branchial arches.
The most frequently associated malformations are:

skeletal pattern is most commonly associated with
familial tendencies (Fig. IS. lE).


These genera Uyinclude the size and shape of the fren urns Fig. 15.1G: Ankyloglossia
especially the maxillary labial frenum (Fig. IS.IF).
Broad flabby frenums are sometimes repeatedly seen MICROGNATHISM
in families. Also included in this b'TOUP are microstomia, Micrognathia literally means "small jaw." It can affect
and ankyloglossia (Pig. IS.IG). Either of which is capable either of the jaws. The congenital variety is often seen
of causing Or at least contributing towards a associated with congenital heart disease and the Pierre

Etlology of Maloccluslon-General Factors 183

Robin syndrome. Micrognath ia o{ the maxilla is ENDOCRINE IMBALANCE
frequently due to a deficiency in the premaxillary
region. Mandibular micrognathia is characterized by The usually encountered anomalies include:
severe retrusion of the chin, with a practically
nonexistent chin button and a steep mandibular angle Disease Features

(Fig. 15.1H). Hypopituitarism • Reta rded growth
(Dwarfism) • Decreased linear facial

• Decreased crania I base

• May result in an open bite
• Delayed tooth eruption
• Incomplete root formation

with incomplete closure of
the apical foramen

Fig. 15.1H: Mandibular micrognathia Hyperpituitarism • Accelerated development
(Gigantisml seen especially of the
acromegaly) mandible

OLIGODONTIA • Accelerated dental
development and eruption
Also known as Izypodontia, is a rather common
condition. Different teeth seem to be affected in raring • Enlarged tongue and other
degree with the third molars being involved most facial structures including
frequently. the sinuses

ANODONTIA Hypothyroidism • Thickening of the cortical
(Cretinism in bones
Anodontia means absence of teeth. True anodontia is children/Myxedema
extremely rare and may be associated with hereditary in adults) • Poor maturation
ectodermal dysplasia. • Osteoporosis
• Hypercementosis
• Growth retardation
This is relatively more frequently seen anomaly. It can • Decreased vertical growth
be identified as early as the 18 to 20th week of
pregnancy. It is generally associated with under of the face
developed maxilla and related dental disorders. • Decreased cranial base

PREDISPOSING METABOLIC Hyperthyroidism length
CLIMATE AND DISEASE • Anterior open bite tendency
• Delayed eruption of teeth
Under this three separate conditions need to be • Maxillary protrusion
• Spacing between teeth
stressed upon:
a. Endocrine imbalance • Heat intolerance with
b. Metabolic disturbances increased BMR, and
c. Infectious diseases. appetite

• Accelerated skeletal growth
• Irregular eruption of teeth

contd ...

184 Textbook of Orthodontics

contd ... Congenital • Transmitted by infected
syphilis mother to child
Disease Features
Tuberculosis • Peg-shaped lateral incisors
Hypoparathyroidism • Increased vertical facial Viral infections: • Mulberry molars
height Mumps • Enamel hypoplasia
Hyperparathyroidism. • Delayed eruption
(von Rechlingham's • Open bite tendency Measles • Underdeveloped maxilla
disease) • Mild prognathism may be Rubella • Narrow maxiHary arch
• Depressed nasal bridge
apparent Chickenpox
• Osteoporosis • Generalized stunted growth
• Delayed eruption
• Retarded eruption
• Early exfoliation • Caused by myxovirus
• Enamel defects • Highly contagious
• Rapid enlargement of salivary
• Disappearance of lamina glands
If to mother during pregnancy:
dura - Dental hypoplasia
• Mobility of teeth - Retarded eruption
- Extensive caries
Gonadal dysfunction • Delayed sexual
development • Inflammation, congestion and
swelling of gingiva, palate and/
• Skeletal age advanced or pharynx
• Dental age is normal
• Premature sexual • Might lead to airway obstruction

development • Retarded eruption of teeth
• Dental hypoplasia
METABOLIC DISTURBANCES • Retarded physical development

Acute febrile diseases are capable of affecting not only Maternal during pregnancy
the general health of the child but might also affect - Congenital malformations
the dentition and its surrounding hard and soft tissues.
Usually if the severity and duration is not prolonged including cleft lip and palate
the child is able to recoup lost time and catch up - Witllin first trimester-
growth is possible. Temporarily they are capable of
slowing down growth and may cause delayed tooth severe defects including
eruption. miscarriage

INFECTIOUS DISEASES Maternal infection during
The affects of infectious diseases are dependent not - Defective offspring
only on the severity and duration of the disease but
also at what age it affects the child of the mother. The
frequently seen diseases are:

Disease Clinical features DIETARY PROBLEMS

Bacterial infections: Nutritional imbalances in the pregnant mother have
been associated with certain malformations in the chi.ld
Osteomyelitis • Caused by Staphylococcus aureus as:

• Bone response to force is altered

Etiology of Malocclusion-General Factors 185

Nutritional imbalance Clinical feature • Hypophosphatemia
• Disturbed calcification of
Hypervitaminosis A • Cleft lip and palate
Riboflavin deficiency • Cleft lip and palate teeth
• Poor quality of enamel
(vitamin Bd • Cleft lip and palate • Retarded eruption
• Mental retardation • Early loss of deciduous teeth
Folic acid deficiency • Cleft lip and palate • Narrow maxillary arch
• Retardation • High palatal vault
Insulin deficiency • Cretinism • Shortened or

Iodine deficiency underdeveloped mandible
• Open bite tendency may
In a growing child nutritional imbalances can
further accentuate an existing problem or may by exist
themselves be capable of producing certain malfor-
mations, which may lead to malocclusions. These Hypervitaminosis D • Poorly calcified teeth
include: • Decalcification of bones
• Increased osteoclastic
Nutritional imbalance Clinical feature activity

Protein deficiency • Delayed eruption ABNORMAL PRESSURE HABITS AND
Vitamin A deficiency • Decreased radicular
Vitamin B complex osteocementum
deficiency These are possibly the most frequently encountered
• Calcification of teeth is causes of malocclusion. These include:
Vitamin C deficiency affected a. Abnormal sucking
b. Thumb and finger sucking (Figs 15.2A and B).
Vitamin D • Retarded eruption c. Tongue thrust and tongue sucking (Fig. 15.2C).
(Rickets) • Thickened-mandibular d. Lip and nail biting (Figs 15.2D and E).
e. Abnormal swallowing habits (improper deglu-
processes and zygoma
• Periodontal tissues might be tilion)
f. Speech defects
disturbed g. Respiratory abnormalities (mouth breathing, etc.)
• General growth is slow
(Fig. 15.2F).
• Loss of appetite. Deficient h. Tonsils and adenoids (Fig. 15.2G)
mastication i. Psychogenic habits and bruxism.

• Disturbed digestion All of the above mentioned habits have one thing
• Retarded growth in common and that is-they are all functional
• Pernicious anernia abrasions which produce forces that are abnormal.
• Cheilosis (Riboflavin Since these forces are produced repeatedly over time
they are capable of bringing about a permanent
deficiency) deformity in the developing musculoskeletal unit. TI,e
deformity produced depends upon the intensity,
• Disturbed collagen fiber duration and frequency of the habit.
The muscular elements of this unit are capable of
• Red, edematous tender being retrained but if the underlying skeletal struc-
bleeding gums tures grow or reach abnorrna I proportions the
malocclusion may only be amenable to surgical
• Loosening of teeth correction following the resolution of the underlying
• Atrophy and habit/ cause. All other corrections tend to camouflage
the underlying skeletal component by orthodontic
d isorganization of

• Delayed closure of

Textbook of Orthodontics

Fig. 15.2A: Patient with a thumb sucking habit Fig. 15.2E: Lip biting
Fig. 15.28: Patient with a finger sucking habit

Fig. 15.2C: Tongue thrust habit because of Fig. 15.2F: Typical features of a mouth breather. Note the
an abnormally large tongue gingival inflammation in the maxillary anterior region

Fig. 15.20: Lip sucking Fig. 15.2G: Patient suffering from enlarged adenoids

Etiology of Malocclusion-General Factors 187

Fig. 15.2H: Pretreatment and posttreatment results of a case of tongue
thrust with dental compensation of a mild skeletal deformity

movement of the dentition (Fig. 15.2H). The above • Prenatal traW113
explanation basically follows the functional matrix • Trauma at the time of delivery
theory of growth as proposed by Moss-in its simplest • Postnatal trauma
form it says that-"function creates form and normal
function creates normal form". PRENATAL TRAUMA

Habits have been elaborated in chapter Oral Habits Prenatal intrauterine trauma is often associated with
and Their Management. hypoplasia of the mandible and even facial
asymmetries. The posture of the foetus and the exact
POSTURE kind, time and severity of the trauma play an
important role in the resultant effects.
Abnormal postural habits are said to cause
malocclusions, Though not directly. They may be TRAUMA AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY
associated with other abnormal pressure or muscle
imbalances increasing the risk of malocclusion. Trauma at the time of delivery or birth injuries as they
are more frequently called, have reduced considerably
TRAUMA AND ACCIDENTS in recent years. Previously forceps injuries to the TMJ
could result in ankylosis of the joint, resulting in
Trauma and accidents can be further subdivided into severely impeded mandibular growth.
three categories depending upon the time at which
the trauma occurred, as:

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