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Published by Secretary St. Andrew, 2020-10-02 13:25:35




A Plan for Sunday love for each and every one of our Presbyterian Church pub-
School us, while calling us to love lishing house in a curriculum
God, in turn, with our whole called Growing in Grace and
Rappin’ with the Rev by Pastor Dave Milam heart, mind, soul and strength Gratitude. We will hand them
as we also love our neighbor out at the Sunday, October 4th,
Greetings, especially to our his same mistake, hitting the as ourselves. Family Lunch held at the park-
families. As I put my ear to contraption with such force. ing lot. Perhaps each family
the ground, I hear a mix of When all had finished, the Yes, we will have a video to can also supply some craft
encouragement and chal- coach brought the boy in show you all – BUT we are materials like crayons, scissors
lenge for students learning front of the group, telling the also seeking to keep any and the like appropriate to
virtually. Some are able to rest of the guys that he alone screen time to a minimum. your child’s age, but our main
adapt well to our changing had done the exercise cor- Each Sunday, starting October goal is to give you all of the
circumstances, applying rectly. If you really hit the 11th, will have a Sunday resources you will need.
themselves to interaction dummy as hard as you can, it School gathering from 9:30-
with their teachers and would be no surprise that it 9:50 that you can cast at home We want also to encourage our
friends via the screen. Others would bring you to your on your TV screens or watch kids to pray, keep their
find it boring, intimidating, knees. In essence, the coach on your computer. These pre- thoughts in a journal and pay
or truly “distant” learning – was standing (or kneeling) recorded videos will first be attention in their lives to where
cut off from friends and their alongside the young athlete. shown at 9:30, but will also be God is and what God is doing.
classrooms. Of course, par- And if we are getting available later on for watch- We hope that the several activ-
ents, teachers and school knocked down by all that we ing. While I will be giving ities and opportunities for
administrators are consumed are facing, I think that coach many of these lessons, I’m reading and reflecting might
with walking alongside our would also be telling us also inviting families to make give our kids focus during our
kids as they apply them- much the same message— guest appearances. If you love Sunday worship, giving their
selves to what is put before keep at it! the story of Moses’ rescue parents some time to attend to
so many as we pull together from the reeds and rushes, for sermon, song and prayers be-
to keep healthy and safe in Studies in math, language instance, or of Jesus telling ing shared through our Face-
the year of Covid-19. arts, social studies and the the story of the Good Samari- book Live service.
like are what we go to school tan, I’ll help you put together
I remember hearing about a to master. But also the the week’s introductory video. Does that sound encouraging?
guy who was recruited to try church wants to help form The more of us involved, the I hope so. Clark Seipt will
out for his high school foot- faith and a spirit of love and better. likely gather our families for a
ball team by a coach that he service in our children. Be- check in late in October or
admired. At the first practice, cause we are not gathering St. Andrew is putting together early in November so that we
he was first in line for the together on Sundays, we too a packet consisting of written can see how this all is going.
drill of hitting the tackling are challenged to hit this as if stories, fun activities, ques- We are praying for you all,
dummy. The coach instruct- we were athletes in training. tions to be discussed and les-
ed the several boys in line Not knowing whether we son plans with materials for “Rappin’ with the Rev”
how to get down in a three- might soon wish to tweak each family. This comes from Continued on page 3
point stance and to blast off and adapt, nevertheless, we
into the tackling dummy at are hoping that we can put in
the moment he blew his place a way of learning at
whistle. Having taken all of home that will help our kids
that in, the young man got better know God and feel the
down, readied himself and as sense of purpose and hope
the whistle blew threw him- that we are called to as Jesus’
self into the pads before him. followers. Here’s what we
The force of his hit forced hope you can do to coach
him immediately to his this along.
knees. The other kids
laughed at him as he then We are going to go through
took his place at the back of the Bible, telling essential
the line. No other boy made stories of how God shared
his awesome presence and-

ADULT MINISTRIES Lovettsville Group

The St. Andrew Book Club Not currently meeting due to
The next meeting is scheduled novel coronavirus.
for October 24th at 7:30 pm.
The book under discussion with Brunch Bunch
be A Place for Us by Fatima
Mirza. Please call or text Zoe The next meeting is scheduled
Sowers at 703 629-4964 for October 14th. Contact Ann
more information and the loca- Paciulli at annpaciul-
tion. [email protected] for more infor-

Men’s Group

Not currently meeting due to
novel coronavirus.


Christmas for LAWS Families

Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS) has asked us to partic-
ipate in their Adopt a Family program again this Christmas. Last
year the congregation and the NLC families supplied gifts to two
families and we have committed to the same number this year.

In part, because of COVID-19, LAWS will send us a list of family
members and needs, but is requesting gift cards instead of the actu-
al gifts. This will allow the parents to do the actual shopping for
their children. Also, LAWS will not have to handle the gifts. Real-
izing that this makes the project seem less personal, you may want
to include a card or note with the gift card. This is optional and fine
as long as there is no identifying information included.

You will have several options for donating to this project:

1. You can send a check to the church made out to St. Andrew with
‘LAWS family’ on the memo line.
2. You can drop off cash or check to the Mission Committee at the
Fill the Trunk food collection events in October or November.
3. When we have more information, you will be able to signup
online to buy a gift card for a specific gift.
4. Soon there will be a link to the church online giving page desig-
nating ‘LAWS family’.

If you donate money, the mission Committee will purchase the gift
cards. The deadline for this project will be the end of November.



“A Plan for Sunday School
Continued from page 1

assured that as we might hit
the challenges before our-
selves so hard that it drives
us to our knees, that never-
theless, we know that Christ
Jesus is alongside of us to
say: “Bravo! Well done,
good and faithful one!”

Blessings on you,

Pastor Dave Milam



Serve Sunday—September 13th 2020

Mrs. Hottinger (Arrow of Light Webelo Den Leader Pack 961) took the scouts to JK Farm to harvest vegetables for the food bank. Below
are the reactions from the scouts.
Victoria (age 13 Girl Scout Troop 6878; Cadette): I felt happy knowing that I was able to help other families that need assistance from
their local food pantry. I am looking forward to more volunteer opportunities with JK Community Farm because I would be helping more
Xavier (age 10 Cub Scout Pack 961; Arrow of Light): It felt good knowing that we were helping so many people. Working together (with
other Scouts) to picking beets and peppers to give families a healthier option.
Yovanni (age 7 Cub Scout Pack 961; Wolf): I was happy to help pick peppers for the food pantries. It was a lot of work; picking the pep-
pers, carrying them to the table to be weighed and bagging them.
Jack (age 10 Cub Scout Pack 961; Arrow of Light): It made me feel like I’m a good citizen. It was tiring but I kept thinking that it was
important to do it to help people who need food. That’s what kept me going.
Violet (age 13, sibling): It made me feel lucky to have the opportunity to do that. It just goes to show that even one girl or boy can make a
difference! A-plus! Let’s do it again!
Branson (age 10 Cub Scout Pack 961; Arrow of Light) It was fun and burning hot. Needed my four wheeler.
Colt (age 10 Cub Scout Pack 961; Arrow of Light): I feel good inside knowing I was helping others.

The Chapman Demary Trail is a hidden treasure in the heart of Purcellville. The trail is supervised by the town of Purcellville, and the
maintenance of the trail benefits greatly from volunteer support from town residents.

We had the opportunity to be part of keeping our trail in tip top shape on Serve Sunday. With the help of the Seipt family, the Shields
“girls”, the Murphy family, the Diehls and Dee Treptow, a great part of the trail was beautifully mulched. The wheelbarrows moved up
and down the trail, and the “spreaders” raked the mulch into place. Everyone had a job to do, and many hands made for light work.

Thank you to the participants, and the phrase that was most repeated was “It was fun”.



Happy Anniversary this month to: 12 Ibby Dickson
3 Charlie and Erin Schwieger 13 Christine Ronan
4 Ed and Christine Ronan 14 Alexis Lutz
10 Jason and Lisa Massey 15 Charles Trickey
17 Chris and Meagan Butkus 16 Betty Wiley
19 Mike and Kathryn Dunnigan 18 Aidan Read
21 Rusty and Karen Ray
27 Craig and Donna Greco Branson Stroop
20 Benjamin Carpenter
Geoff and Lottie Kohl
Bennett Kohl

Happy Birthday this month to: Kirsten Shields The St. Andrew Ringers and the Children’s Choir are not cur-
1 Andrew Ciolkosz 23 Brad Morell rently meeting due to restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pan-
Parker Gondella Ethan Morell
Sarah Sassak 24 Ann Paciulli Flower Calendar
2 Sally Brenton 26 Bradley Ronan
Yvette Evans 28 Tyler Marquardt If you would like to provide flowers to decorate the sanctuary, please
3 Nancy Gilmore sign up on the Flower Calendar in the entryway or
Brian McGranahan Suzanne Wade call Nancy Gilmore. Purcellville Florist will deliver
Mackenzie Moler 29 Dottie Stewart the flowers to the church in time for the Sunday
6 Seamus Wade 30 Manny Njomo service if you order from them. Of course, you are
7 Bailey Evans free to bring in your own arrangements or get them
Priscilla O’Donnell Jack Sassak elsewhere. If you have any questions, please con-
8 Glorie Cassutto Kristin Sullivan tact Nancy Gilmore at 540-454-3219
11 Matt Evans Finn Wade or [email protected].
31 Andie Broskevitch

We lift up our concerns

Congregation October Flower Calendar
4th Open
Charles T as he continues recovery 18th Open
at rehab facility in Sterling. November Flower Calendar
We continue to pray for
1st Open
Friends and Family 15th Open 11th Open
Kristin W, for nephew’s wife Erin, 25th Open
son and her mom with COVID-19 29th
symptoms. They are in Boston and 8th Diehl
nephew is here as they try to get his 22nd Open
mom in memory care. Also for her
sister Ingrid moving to a memory NLC PRAYERS (CONT) The deadline for each issue of
care facility. Dan M’s mom fell and One of our NLC families experienc- to march. Deborah H: Joy that Loaves & Fishes is the
broke her hip. Kate R for mom, ing the birth of a daughter whose Tom is back home after week of 21st of each month. The next
Connie. Pastor Dave’s uncle Kenny, diaphragm was not fully formed in hiking the AT. deadline is OCTOBER 21st.
passed away on Sept. 21st. Lisa M’s hospital in Philadelphia. Engagement of new members, Please send your submissions
friend, Tammy and her daughter. Joys Brian S and Brenda T – wedding to Sally Brenton at sbren-
Veronica M’s father, who is receiv- will take place 11/07/20. [email protected]..
ing results from brain scans and Stacy N for Alex visiting home from
dementia tests. . Deborah H’s Virginia Tech. Nathan G celebrated Community/World
friend, Elizabeth B, who needs a his 14th Birthday. Thankful for Jo- Amber Gillispie: Prayers for teach-
place to live and lost her job. An- Anna’s ministry. ers and students dealing with virtu-
thony S’s dad, Bill hospitalized in Pamela S: Gratitude for diversity al learning. Prayers for Governor
New Jersey and recovering from a and learning about others. Grateful Northam and wife who tested posi-
stroke suffered weeks ago that we for those whose passion leads them tive for COVID-19.
did not know about. Susan-J asks
for prayers for school friend, Char-
lene, unconscious in hospital after
rare heart event. Deborah H’s fa-
ther, Mark, still undergoing radia-
tion for cancer; mother, Kay needs
emergency back surgery. Dave and
Bonnie’s daughter-in-law's mother,
who had a lung transplant, has been
diagnosed with lung cancer.


Purcellville, Virginia 20132
Sermon Series: Living By Faith 540-338-4332,
fax 540-338-4333
October 4th (The Lord’s Supper; World Communion Sunday; [email protected]
Sunday Family Lunch following worship from noon to 1 pm)

Scripture: Matthew 22:15-40 The Rev. Dr. David Milam, Pastor
Theme: Having Faith during our Secular (and/or) Nihilistic Age The Rev. JoAnna Rich, Children and Family Ministries Director
Sermon: “Satisfaction” Marcia Owens, Clerk of Session
Worship Leader: Bill Bellows Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month
Children’s Sermon: Hagar and Ishmael
October 11th (Zoom Congregational Meeting following wor- October 25
Scripture: Matthew 23:1-12
Scripture: Matthew 17:1-21 Theme: Building and Keeping Faithful Institutions
Theme: Mystical or Prophetic Faith Sermon: “The Consent of the People”
Sermon: “Faith and the Mountain” Worship Leader: Jason Massey
Worship Leader: Clark Seipt Children’s Sermon: Spying on the Promised Land
Children’s Sermon: Moses and the Basket November 1st (Worship on the Front Steps at 10:00 am; The
October 18th (Hymn Sing Luncheon following worship from Lord’s Supper)
noon to 1 pm)
Scripture: Matthew 23:37-39
Scripture: Matthew 14:13-33 Theme: Praying for our Nation
Theme: Jesus at the Heart of our Christian Faith Sermon: “The Prayer of Faith”
Sermon: “Having Faith in Jesus” Worship Leader: Kestina Carneal
Worship Leader: Brad Morell Children’s Sermon: God Calls a Shepherd Boy
Children’s Sermon: God Makes a Way (The Exodus)

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