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Published by Cindy Peh, 2020-10-25 21:26:31

English Module Form 4 & SPM

Secondary school

Keywords: PDPR

Class :


Dr. Haji Suharpi bin Lassudang
Deputy of District Education Officer in the Student Management Sector,

Lahad Datu


Shamsir bin Nureddin
Deputy of District Education Officer in the Learning Sector,

Lahad Datu

Chief Editor

Cindy Peh Li Foon
SISC+ Officer of District Education Office,

Lahad Datu

Assistant Editor

Lim Ai Teng
District Learning Task Force committee,

Lahad Datu

Panel Writers

Gerardine Launeh (English teachers of SMK Sepagaya, Lahad Datu)
Mohd Sufan Badyl Zuman (English teachers of SMK Sepagaya, Lahad Datu)

Nur Aziemah Joibi (English teachers of SMK Sepagaya, Lahad Datu)
Mohd Sufan Badyl Zuman (English teachers of SMK Sepagaya, Lahad Datu)

Nur Aziemah Joibi (English teachers of SMK Sepagaya, Lahad Datu)
Geraldine Quek Tan Hong (English teachers of SMK Tungku, Lahad Datu)

Ooi Siew Gaik (English teachers of SMK Agaseh, Lahad Datu)
Shim Kuan Keok (English teachers of SMK Agaseh, Lahad Datu)
Nurul Hidayah Binti Junady (English teachers of SMK Agaseh, Lahad Datu)

Emily Supri (English teachers of SMK Agaseh, Lahad Datu)
Jessica James Sopendeh (English teachers of SMK Agaseh, Lahad Datu)

Patricia Dulasi (English teachers of SMK Agaseh, Lahad Datu)


FORM 4 1 - 52

FORM 5 53 - 89



Compiled by :




Form 4

Theme People and Culture

Topic Ready For Anything

Skill Writing

Content Standard 4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media
on familiar topics.

Learning Standard 4.1.5 Organise, sequence and develop ideas within a text of
several paragraphs on familiar topics.

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students can :

a) use linking words or phrases in context.
b) write a story.

Notes Students can refer to note/story plan on page 33 in their
Fullblast textbook.

Activities 1. Students will refer to note/story plan as written on page
33 in their Fullblast textbook.

2. Students will write a story based on the words in the box.



Based on the pictures, write a story about a day when everything went wrong for you. You
can use the suggested vocabulary to help you. Begin your story with…

I did not know what went wrong with me……

Checked by : Date :
Marks: 3

Form 4

Theme Consumerism and Financial Awareness

Topic Buy it!

Skill Reading

Content Standard 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of
appropriate reading strategies of construct meaning.

Learning Standard 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in
extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics.

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students can :

a) identify the correct and false statements.
b) identify the synonym of words given.

Notes -

Activities 1. Students will read text on consumerism.
2. Students will answer questions based on the information

from the text.


Read the text about consumerism and answer the questions below.

Consumer often complain about the escalating prices of goods especially during
festive seasons. They invariably point their finger at the retailers. There are two parties to
blame: the consumers and the retailers.

Now let’s take the attitude of the shoppers during the festive season. It is the
consumers themselves to be blamed first since they are the ones who will decide in the price
of any products that can be raised or otherwise. This is because the forces of demand and
supply determine the price. It is to be expected that during festive season, the demand for
certain goods will rise and this will definitely lead to price hike. The advice is not to
overspend unnecessarily during this time.

Many unscrupulous vendors or retailers take the advantage of the situation, that is,
during the festive season, to hike up the price, disregarding whether there is a shortage or not.
The authorities should monitor the situation closely.

The public must practice the rationale of being a wise consumer. Choose genuine
products at reasonable price. Do not make decisions based on a lower price or the prestige of
the brand. Consumers should shop around and compare prices. Some retailers do sell their
products at lower prices, compare to other outlets. Consumers should also think first before
buying to make sure that they need the products. It is a good practice to ask themselves
whether they really need the items they want to purchase. A little planning will help
consumers get the thing they want without spending more.

Consumers are also reminded to buy only original products, read product labels, use
credit card wisely, and be willing to modify their lifestyle in line with the changing economic
situation. If all these steps are taken meticulously, they will surely get the product they want
at the right price.

Practice 1
Based on the talk, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. The increase in prices of goods tend to take place during festive seasons.
2. The forces of demand and supply determine the price.
3. Consumers have always been cheated by the retailers.
4. Consumers should make decisions based on a lower price or the prestige of the brand.

5. Consumers must adapt their lifestyle in line with the changing economic situation.


Practice 2

For the words in bold, circle the correct option (A, B or C) from the answer given.

1. Consumers often complain about the escalating prices of goods.
A. soaring
B. flying
C. consuming

2. They invariably point finger at the retailer.
A. wrongly
B. always
C. rightly

3. Many unscrupulous vendors or retailers take advantage of the situation.
A. greedy
B. dishonest
C. unknown

4. Choose genuine products at reasonable price.
A. general
B. cheap
C. good

5. If all these steps are taken meticulously, they will surely get the product they want at
the right price.
A. diligently
B. daily
C. willingly

Checked by : Date :
Marks: 6

Suggested answers.


Practice 1

Practice 2
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A


Form 4

Theme People and Culture

Topic Image

Skill Reading

Content Standard 3.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar context.

Learning Standard 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in
extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics.

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students can :

a) answer at least 3 out of 5 questions correctly in exercise

b) answer at least 3 out of 5 questions correctly in exercise

c) answer at least 3 out of 5 questions correctly in exercise

Notes -

Activities 1. Students will read text on Elvis Presley.
2. Students will answer questions based on the information

from the text.



Read the passage below. Then, answer the following questions.

1 Elvis Aaron Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8, 1935.
Though from a relatively poor family, his parents were both loving and deeply
religious. The family attended the Assembly of God Church, where he was
influenced at a young age by gospel music. His mother gave him his first guitar for
his eleventh birthday, and a few years later he won a high school talent show.

2 He graduated from high school with a dream of getting into the music
business. He made his first demo record at what eventually became Sun Studio in
1953, and the record label owner, Sam Phillips, gave him support and guidance.
Presley began touring and recording. His first single, “That’s All Right” was
recorded in 1954.

3 By the following year, he was beginning to develop a following. Fans were
captivated by his unique musical style, his stage presence, and his good looks.
Presley signed with RCA Records, and began to experience success. In 1956 he had
his first best single, “Heartbreak Hotel”, his first best album, Elvis Presley, and his
first movie contract with Paramount Pictures, for whom he starred in Love Me
Tender, a box office hit in 1956. Though his provocative dance style was a subject
of some controversy, he became a popular guest on television variety shows.

4 Presley was drafted in 1957 and entered the Army in March of 1958, serving
in Germany, where he met Priscilla Beaulieu, who was a teenager at the time.
Presley left the Army in 1960 and resumed an active and successful show business
career, recording music and starring in films like GI Blues (1960), Blue Hawaii
(1961), Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962) and Viva Las Vegas (1964). Not always critical
successes, his films, and their soundtracks, were always profitable. But by the late
1960s, his popularity seemed to be declining.

5 Presley married Priscilla in 1967, and their daughter, Lisa Marie, was born in
1968. But the marriage did not last. They got divorced in 1973, with Priscilla
receiving custody of Lisa Marie. During this time, Presley was plagued by a weight
problem, a destructive lifestyle, and a prescription drug problem, for which he was
eventually hospitalized. Still, Presley continued to tour and draw crowds.

6 Presley’s last concert was in June 1977, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Several
months later he died in his Memphis mansion, Graceland, of heart failure. Only 42,
it was eventually determined that his death was caused by his prescription drug use.
Presley was buried at Graceland, near the gravesites of his parents and grandmother.
Presley, his 18 No. 1 hits, and all of his gold and platinum albums had an indelible
effect on the trajectory of rock 'n' roll music in America. He also left his mark on
gospel music, winning three Grammy Awards for his gospel recordings. He was
inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1998, and later into the Gospel
Music Association's Gospel Music Hall of Fame.


A. Choose the best answer for each question and shade the answers in the answer
sheet. (5 marks)

1. Which of the following words is not suitable to describe Elvis Presley’s family before
he became a singer?
A. Pious
B. Loving
C. Wealthy
D. Poverty-stricken

2. The following are the reasons why Elvis Presley gained his popularity except
A. He was good-looking.
B. He had his own style of music.
C. He had charming on-stage aura.
D. His movies were of the greatest quality.

3. “Though his provocative dance style was a subject of some controversy…” From the
phrase “provocative dance”, we can assume that some people in the past thought that
Elvis Presley’s dance style was…
A. unique and interesting
B. inappropriately seductive
C. seductive but appropriate
D. creative and thought-provoking

4. Which of the following did not happen as a result of his divorce with his wife?
A. He gained a lot of weight
B. He became a drug addict
C. He led an unhealthy lifestyle
D. He was hospitalized and passed away right after.

5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Elvis Presley: The Legendary Icon
B. Elvis: The Rising Star of Tomorrow
C. The Ultimate Suffering of a Great Musician
D. The Most Successful and Undefeated Star of All Time


B. Find the words that best match the meanings and write the answers in the
answer sheet. (5 marks)

6. Able to cause damage (1 mark)
7. Impossible to forget or has a permanent influence (1 mark)
8. Enchanted or charmed by someone or something (1 mark)
9. A disagreement, often a public one, that involves different opinions about something

(1 mark)
10. The legal right or duty to care for someone, usually a child after his/her parents’

separation (1 mark)

C. Answer the following questions by giving answers in complete sentences and
write the answers in the answer sheet. (10 marks)

11. How do we know that Elvis Presley was talented during high school? (2 marks)
12. What was Elvis Presley’s first movie? Which company did he sign contract with? (2

13. “Not always critical successes, his films, and their soundtracks, were always

profitable”. What does this sentence tell you about Elvis Presley’s films? (2 marks)
14. How did Elvis Presley die and what was the cause of death as determined by the

doctor? (2 marks)
15. In your opinion, is being a singer or an actor a good career option? Explain your

answer. (2 marks)

Checked by : Date :
Marks: 12

Form 4

Theme People and Culture

Topic Buy It

Skill Writing

Content Standard 4.2 Communicate with appropriate language, form and

Learning Standard 4.2.3 Produce an extended plan or draft and modify this
appropriate in response to feedback or independently.

4.2.4 Use formal and informal registers appropriate to the
target audience in most familiar situations.

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students can :

a) produce an extended plan or draft and modify this
appropriately in response to feedback or independently by
giving students practice in writing a formal letter/email of

b) use formal and informal registers appropriate to the
target audience in most familiar situations by giving
students practice in using the appropriate register in a
formal letter/ email of application.

Notes Refer to page 171 in Fullblast textbook for correct layout

Activities 1. Students will refer to page 171 in their Fullblast textbook
for correct layout of an application letter.

2. Students will write an application letter based on the


Read the advertisement and write a letter of application. (10 marks)

Staff required for bookshop

Employer: Books Galore!
Location: Manchester
Job Type: Part-time
Apply to:
Books Galore!
134 Hertford Road,

Staff needed for new Books Galore! shop.
Applicants must be interested in reading, be 16

years of age and over, be responsible and

They must also be able to work part-time, three
mornings a week and Saturdays. Previous
experience working in a shop would be an


ANSWERS 6.destructive
READING 7.indelible
1.C 9.controversy
2.D 10.custody
3. B
4. D
5. A

11. He won a high school talent show.

12. He had his first movie contract with Paramount Pictures, for whom he starred in Love Me

13. They were not good films but they managed to make a lot of money/ The critics did not
like them but they managed to make a lot of money

14. He died due to heart failure and the cause of death was his prescription drug use

15. Yes, you can be famous and rich in no time/ Yes, you can easily make money without
even having good educational background/ No, fame combined with money may be
destructive as you may get carried away and destroy your own life/ No, your life will be the
subject in news dailies and your privacy will be violated (Any other acceptable answers)

1. Sender & recipient address and date (1m)
2. Greetings & title (1m)
3. Opening (1m)
4. Body/ Contents (6m)
5. Signing off (1m)


Form 4

Theme Health

Topic Smoking

Skill Writing

Content Standard 4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media
on familiar topics.

Learning Standard 4.1.2 Explain causes and consequences of (i) actions (ii)
events or (iii) simple processes.

4.1.3 Explain the main points of an idea or argument.

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students can :

a) organise, sequence and develop ideas within a text of
several paragraphs on familiar topics

Notes -

Activities 1. Students will find information on smoking in the Internet
and find the layout of a speech.

2. Students will write a speech on bad effects of smoking.



Question :

In conjunction with “Health Week”, you as the Head Prefect have been asked by your
Principal to give a speech on the bad effects of smoking.

Elaborate on the given notes below to make your speech more interesting.

- one of the worst habits

- cough, heart and lungs get sick

- spend allowance

- nicotine addictive

- body gets used to it – must have it

- causes diseases – heart problems, cancer – kills

- stop smoking

Creating The Outline

- express greeting to Principal, teachers and friends
- give title of speech – “Bad Effects of Smoking”

1st paragraph
- smoking – one of the worst habits – teenagers – acquire – harm – bodies
- cough, bad breadth, heart and lung gets sick
- spend – lots of allowance – buying cigarettes

2nd paragraph
- tobacco – contains nicotine – addictive
- start using nicotine – body and mind – get used to it – must have it – feel good
3rd paragraph
- nicotine – poisonous chemicals – tobacco – cause diseases – heart problems, cancer
- each time – smoke – hurts - yourself

- advice – never start smoking – if already smoking – quit today

(Do the writing/speech for at least 200 words)

Checked by : Date :
Marks: 17

Form 4

Theme People and Culture

Topic Tomatoes

Skill Reading

Content Standard 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of
appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning.

Learning Standard 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a
wide range of familiar topics.

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students can :
a) understand specific details and information in extended
texts on a wide range of familiar topics.

b) guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues
provided by other words and by context on a wide range of
familiar topics.

Notes -

Activities 1. Students will read information on Tomatoes.

2. Students will answer questions by finding information
from the text.




The tomato is from South America. When the tomato came to Europe, people did not eat
it. Doctors said it would make them sick. So people just grew tomatoes because they looked

Now people from all over the world eat tomatoes. Tomatoes are used in sauce, soup, juice,
salsa, and ketchup. The tomato is very good for you. Only a tomato leaf or stem will make
you sick.

People do odd things with tomatoes. People grow tomatoes in space. There is a big tomato
fight every year in Spain. A long time ago, people would toss a bad tomato when they saw a
show they did not like.

In Canada, many tomatoes are grown on big farms. The farms bring in poor people from far
away to help grow tomatoes. Without these workers, the farms could not run. But the workers
do not get much money. Canada does not let the workers stay here. Many people say this is
not fair.

Most farms pick tomatoes before they are ripe. They last longer this way. But these tomatoes
do not taste as good. So lots of people grow their own tomatoes.

Grow Your Own Tomatoes

Tomatoes that you grow are better than tomatoes that you buy. You can grow tomatoes inside
if you do not have a garden.

You need:
- Tomato seeds
- A big pot (50 cm deep)
- Potting soil (many big food shops sell this)
- A window

Fill the pot with potting soil. Pack the soil down a little bit. Put a seed on top of the soil. Add
a bit more soil on top.

Add water. The soil must always be a bit wet. Seeds like to be warm. Put your pot in a warm
place. It does not need sun yet.

The plant will grow above the soil. Put the plant by a window. The plant needs four hours of
sun a day. You can tie the stem to a stick to help the plant stay up. Always keep the soil a bit

Pick the tomatoes when they are the same red colour top to bottom. Enjoy!



1. What happened when the tomato first came to Europe?
A. It was welcomed.
B. People did not like it.
C. Doctors suggested people eat tomatoes for good health.
D. People grew it for food.

2. What is something tomatoes are NOT used for?
A. ketchup
B. juice
C. pastries
D. soup

3. What helps control the price of tomatoes in Canada?
A. The government passes laws to lower vegetable prices.
B. Big farming companies use cheap workers from other countries.
C. Consumer demand keeps prices down.
D. Many people don't like tomatoes.

4. According to the reading, how are the tomato workers treated unfairly.
A. They work in unsafe conditions.
B. Canadians are not polite to them.
C. They are paid good wages.
D. They are not allowed to stay in Canada.

5. When you are growing your own tomatoes, where should you put the plant and howmuch
sunlight will it need?
A. You should put it in the kitchen and it will not need any direct sunlight.
B. You should put it by a window and it will need 4 hours of sunlight per day.
C. It needs to be outside.
D. It needs to be in the garage with sunlight all day.

Checked by : Date :
Marks: 20

1. B (According to the reading, people would not eat the tomato when it came to Europe)
2. C (The reading does not mention that tomatoes are used to make pastries)
3. B (Companies bring in poor people from far away)
4. D (They do not get very well paid and they must leave the country after their work is

5. B (This is what a tomato plant needs)


Form 4

Theme People and Culture

Topic Being A Teen

Skill Listening

Content Standard 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar context.

Learning Standard 1.3.1 Recognise with support typical features of word,
sentence and text levels of a range of spoken genres.

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students can :

a) recognise with little or no support the main ideas of a
radio programme by completing the questions that

Notes Students need to click the link in the exercise for listening

Activities 1. Students will listen to audio.

2. Students will answer listening questions.


Grown up and living at home

BBC English – 6 Minute English

Activities before listening

1. What is the topic of today´s listening?
2. What do you expect to listen to about?
3. Is it a current topic?
4. What is the reason for it?
5. How do young people solve their

6. What possibilities do they have?
7. What do most of them prefer? Why?
8. Look at the picture – what does it say

about this problem?
9. What are you visions for future?
10. Where would you like to live? Why?
11. Where wouldn´t you like to live?

12. When do you want to leave your

parents´ house?
13. What age is suitable for it?
14. What do you think about mom´shotel?
15. Are there any advantages/


Explain these words: grow up, reside, get hitched, cramped, accommodation, the property
ladder, environment, incentive, virtues, fault

Listen to the radio programme

Activities after listening

Answer these questions:
1. What is the topic of that programme?
2. When did Finn and Rob leave home?
3. What is the trend nowadays in UK related to leaving home?
4. What is the question of the day?
5. What are the reason to stay living with the parents in the twenties?
6. What is flatshare?
7. What was the goal of Luke Sibson? Did he reach it?
8. What does Alberto Baragan say about his living?
9. How do parents influence young people to stay at home?
10. What is the correct answer to the question of the day?


True or False Questions

1. Finn left home when he finished school. ()
2. Rob left home when he finished university. ()
3. Young people prefer to stay living in hotel of mum and dad. ()
4. The main factor is of course the comfort and luxury at home. ()
5. It is very expensive for young people to rent a house. ()
6. Some of them are living with their friends and they share the costs. ( )
7. Young people don´t like to move to another city because of a job. ()
8. There are many benefits related to living with parents. ()
9. Luke is 30 and still living with his parents. ()
10. Alberto is 29 and he is living with his friends. ()

Complete the chart (you can add also your own ideas)

Living at home with parents (as adults)

Advantages Disadvantages

Listen to and complete the sentences

Oh dear, he had big for what he wanted by the time he was 30. But he's

still at home and finds it difficult being an adult in an –or a place where you live –

where you're a . So he feels like a child because he's being after and doesn't

have much independence. This limits him in what he can do socially. I suppose he can't bring

lots of home or leave the house in a mess! He thinks it also limits him –so it

can affect his career. I have to admit, living at home now would me mad.

Who said this? – Luke or Alberto – explain your choice
1. It limits me socially.
2. It is very difficult to be 27 and living with your parents.
3. My mum does everything for me.
4. I don´t have to worry.

5. I had set plans to have a house.

Checked by : Date :
Marks: 24

Form 4

Theme People and Culture

Topic Globetrotting

Skill Listening

Content Standard 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar context.

Learning Standard 1.3.1 Recognise with support typical features of word,
sentence and text levels of a range of spoken genres.

Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students can :

a) understand independently specific information and
details from the conversations by completing the
questions that followed.

Notes Listening audios can be obtained from the following sites.

Activities 1. Students will listen to audio.
2. Students will answer listening questions.


A. You will hear five short conversations. Read the questions and circle A, B or C for each

1. Which postcard did Sophie receive from her parents?

2. When will Jack go on holiday?
3. Where are Susan and Rachel going to meet tomorrow?

4. What time will the train to Manchester leave?

02:005. How will Peter travel to London? 09:15 11:15


B. You will hear a tour guide giving some information to tourist. Listen and complete the

Buses run every
Guide’s name Bus stop (location)
Banks open at
Banks close at Tickets cost
Banks are closed on

C. You will listen to a conversation between two friends about a
trip to London.

Tick (√) TRUE or FALSE.

1. Becky spent all day in London yesterday. TRUE O FALSE O
2. She took the underground to London. TRUE O FALSE O
3. She ate Indian food. TRUE O FALSE O
4. The meal wasn’t expensive at all. TRUE O FALSE O
5. She didn’t like the food very much. TRUE O FALSE O
6. The restaurant was full of people. TRUE O FALSE O
7. After dinner, she went to the cinema. TRUE O FALSE O

Checked by : Date :




1C 2B 3A 4C 5C


Guide’s name: Maria
Banks open at: 8.30 am
Banks close at: 3 pm
Banks are closed on: weekends (Saturdays and Sundays)
Bus number: 32
Buses run every: 15 minutes
Bus stop (location): (just) outside the hotel
Tickets cost: 80 cents


1. F 2.F 3.T 4. T 5.F 6.T 7. F

Checked by : Date :




By: Geraldine Quek Tan Hong
SMK Tungku, Lahad Datu

Class Form 4
Topic A Dream Comes True
Learning Standard 4.1.5 Organise, sequence, and develop ideas within a
text of several paragraphs on familiar topic.
Learning Objectives
1. By the end of the module, pupils will be able to:
i. organize their ideas for a story into several

ii. develop their ideas by elaboration and


Duration 1 week
Notes Your assignment for this module is to write a narrative
essay or in other words, a story. When writing a story,
you may base it on an experience you have had or create
a completely fictional story but make sure your story is
able to capture the reader’s attention.
Use your 5 senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and
sound to describe what you experience. To do this, you
should use a proper number of adjectives in your
writing. Please make sure that your story is arranged in
chronological order.
Transitions such as first, next, after that, later, before,
during, meanwhile, upon, soon, now, finally, while, as
soon as, and when can effectively tie events together and
connect your ideas.

Activity Write a narrative story.



1. Write a story.

Use 1H5W questions.

Paragraph 1: • Who is the main character in the story?
Introduction • What is the story’s conflict?
• When does the story take place?
• Where does the action happen?
• Why are you telling the story (what is its main purpose)?
• How does the story end?

Paragraph 2: At this part of your story, you should start to create the
Rising Action situation for your climax to take place. An interesting
narrative starts with a hook, a moment that inspires the reader
to keep reading. This means you want to start with a great
description or an exciting incident that will lead to the climax.

Paragraph 3: During the climax, plan for something big to happen that
Climax will impact the main character in your story. Some good ideas
are to write about an accident or a fight that happened to the
characters in your story.

Paragraph 4: After the climax, your story should have a resolution or a
Falling Action / solution to all the problems that happened in your story. This
Resolution is the part where you talk about the final event that ties
everything together and may help readers to emphasize the
story’s purpose. You may also write about your hopes or the
moral of your story as a closure.



2. Assignment.
Your teacher has asked you to write a story for a school magazine. The
story must have the title:

A Dream Comes True

Your story should include:
• a description of the dream
• how the dream is achieved

Write your story.



Writing Assessment Scale (for Teachers)

ACHIEVEMENT Text is well- Uses a range of
All content organised and vocabulary,
is relevant Uses the coherent, using including less
to the task. conventions of the a variety of common lexis,
5 Target communicative cohesive devices appropriately.
reader is task effectively to with generally
fully hold the target good effect. Uses a range of
informed. reader’s attention simple and complex
and communicate grammatical forms
with ease, fulfilling with control and
all communicative flexibility.
Occasional errors
and slips may be

4 Performance shares features of Scores 3 and 5

Uses a range of
vocabulary with
3 Minor Uses the Text is generally inappropriate use
irrelevances conventions of the well-organised of less common
and/or communicative and coherent, lexis.
omissions task to hold the using a variety Uses a range of
may be reader’s attention of cohesive simple and some
present. and communicate devices. complex
Target straightforward grammatical forms
reader is on ideas with a good degree
the whole appropriately. of control.

Errors do not

2 Performance shares features of Scores 1 and 3


Irrelevances Produces a text Uses simple Uses basic
and/or that connectors and vocabulary
misinterpre communicates a limited appropriately.
1 tation of straightforward number of
task may ideas using the cohesive devices
be present. conventions of the appropriately. Uses simple
communicative grammatical forms



Target task reasonably with a good degree
reader is appropriately. of control.
minimally While errors are
informed. noticeable,
meaning can still
Content is be determined.

0 Target Performance below Score 1
reader is



CLASS: FORM 4/2020





Class Form 4
Activity 1 –
Let’s Chat! (textbook)

Topic Computer Games Are Here To Stay

Content Standard Computers & Modern Communication

Learning Standard Reading skill – expressing opinions, hypotheses

Performance Standard Understand a variety of ideas related to computer games.

Learning Objectives 1. Can comprehend the given reading material.

Duration 2. Can answer comprehension questions based on reading
Notes material.
30 minutes (1 teaching period)

This reading material looks at the influence and significance
of computer games in today’s wired world.

Teacher can carry out a mini-forum where students further
discuss the main topic; pros and cons of computer games,
effects of computer games, the hype around computer


Reading – Activity 1
Read the text and answer the questions. Choose A, B or C.


1. Which statement is true about computer games?
a. Nowadays, all types of computer games appeal to all ages.
b. They are as difficult to make as films.
c. Most of the work has to be done by technicians and programmers.
2. What has Steven Spielberg done?
a. He has complained about computer games.
b. He has helped to design a computer game.
c. He has been a voice actor on a computer game.
3. What is true about games consoles?
a. You won't need one in the future.
b. The only thing you can't do is connect to the Internet.
c. They can be used for a variety of activities.
4. What do most American teenagers want to do?
a. Design computer games.
b. Become actors.
c. Find out how computer games will develop.


Class Form 4
Activity 2 –
Ready For Anything (textbook)

Topic Frida Kahlo

Content Standard People (Personalities)

Learning Standard Reading skill – defining people/places/events, etc. , giving
additional information about personalities/describing individuals

Performance Standard Get to know a famous personality in history.

Learning Objectives 1. Can comprehend reading material in order to answer given
2. Can complete the comprehension questions based on

reading material.

Duration 30 minutes (1 teaching period)
Activity This reading material throws the spotlight on the brief
background & life history of Frida Kahlo.

Teacher can instruct students to gather more information on
Frida Kahlo so as to widen their understanding of this particular
individual (her contributions to society, the legacy she left


Reading – Activity 2
Read the text and answer the questions. Choose A, B or C.


1. What was true about Frida Kahlo?
a. She wore long dress to hide her legs
b. She started painting because she was in pain
c. She painted from a very young age
2. Why did Kahlo paints self-portraits?
a. Because she wanted to show a different image to the world
b. Because she was following Diego Rivera’s advice
c. Because it was a subject she was familiar with
3. What happened in Paris?
a. Kahlo met her husband.
b. The public had the opportunity to see some of Kahlo's work
c. Andre Breton bought one of Kahlo's paintings
4. Why did Kahlo become famous?
a. Because her husband was famous
b. Because people started liking Mexican art
c. Because a film was made about her.


Class Form 4
Activity 3 –
Being A Teen (textbook)

Topic My First Camping Trip

Content Standard Advantages & disadvantages of --

Learning Standard Reading skill – defining people/places/things/ideas; narrating
past events/experiences.

Performance Standard To express feelings about an undertaking for the first time.

Learning Objectives 1. Can state the main concept/ideas mentioned in the material.
2. Can comprehend the supporting details of camping (as
3. Can complete the given reading material based on one’s own
understanding of the whole text.

Duration 30 minutes (1 teaching period)
Activity This reading material describes the author’s experiences with an
outdoor activity; camping.

Teacher can put students in groups and get them to share their
personal experiences on any outdoor activities that they have
participated in.


Reading – Activity 3
Read the text and complete the gap 1 – 5 with the sentence a – e.

a. I asked my mother and she told me she had forgotten to pack them!
b. She checked on my dad and told us that he had sunstroke, but with some rest he would be

c. By the time we left, I was already looking forward to our next camping trip!
d. We arrived at the campsite and Dad began putting up the tents.
e. I expected it to be boring without a TV or the Internet, but when I saw my first shooting star, I

realised that it was pretty special to be out in nature.

1) 4)
2) 5)


Class Form 4
Topic Activity 4 –
Content Standard Being a Teen
Learning Standards
The Effects of Stress

Understand a variety of texts by using a range of
appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning.
Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range
of familiar topics.
Understand specific details and information in extended
texts on a wide range of familiar topics.

Performance Standard To apply reading strategies to understand meaning, details and
information from the texts given.

Learning Objective Can answer comprehension questions based on the texts given
by using all reading skills and strategies.

Duration 30 minutes (1 teaching period)
Activity This module consists of reading exercises for students to
improve their reading skills. They will be able to use various
reading strategies to understand meaning of texts.

Teacher provides reading texts.


Reading – Activity 4

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose A, B, C or D.

The Effects of Stress

There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!" This expression refers
to a feeling of panic, or stress, that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing, try to
relax, and become calm again. 'Stress' means pressure or tension. It is one of the most common
causes of health problems in modern life. Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and
mental health problems.

There are numerous physical effects of stress. Stress can affect the heart. It can increase the pulse
rate, make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress can affect the
respiratory system. It can lead to asthma. It can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in a
loss of important carbon dioxide. Stress can affect the stomach. It can cause stomach aches and
problems digesting food. These are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and
symptoms resulting from stress.

Emotions are also easily affected by stress. People suffering from stress often feel anxious. They
may have panic attacks. They may feel tired all the time. When people are under stress, they
often overreact to little problems. For example, a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress at
work may yell at a child for dropping a glass of juice. Stress can make people angry, moody, or

Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses. Depression, an extreme feeling
of sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress. Alcoholism and
other addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress.
Eating disorders, such as anorexia, are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by
stress. If stress is allowed to continue, then one's mental health is put at risk.

It is obvious that stress is a serious problem. It attacks the body. It affects the emotions.
Untreated, it may eventually result in mental illness. Stress has a great influence on the health and
well-being of our bodies, our feelings, and our minds. So, reduce stress: stop the world and rest
for a while.


1. Which of the following is not a common problem caused by stress?
A. physical problems

B. anecdotal problems

C. mental problems

D. emotional problems

2. According to the essay, which of the following parts of the body does not have
physical problems caused by stress.
A. the arms

B. the stomach

C. the lungs

D. the heart

3. Choose the best answer to explain how alcoholism is caused by stress.

A. alcohol is used to relieve stress
B. alcohol is popular
C. alcohol is a chemical
D. alcohol is similar to medicine

4. Which of the following is not caused by long-term stress?

A. bloating .

B. addiction

C. anorexia

D. alcoholism

5. Symptoms of emotional stress include
A. feeling joyous

B. feeling hungry

C. feeling thirsty

D. feeling tired


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