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Published by Cindy Peh, 2020-10-25 21:26:31

English Module Form 4 & SPM

Secondary school

Keywords: PDPR

Class Form 4

Theme Activity 5 –
Topic Mother Nature / Health and Environment
Content Standard

Understand a variety of texts by using a range of
appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning.

Learning Standards Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of
familiar topics.

Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate
Performance Standard reading strategies to construct meaning.

Learning Objective Can List out what can be done by the writer on a radio
Duration programme on pets in words or verbally.
It relies on the activities planned.
This module is about keeping animals as pets safely in the right
way in conjunction of the help from the social media to let the
pet owners to know what they can do and where to seek help if
they need.

Teachers could assign the students to do some researches on
the role play by NGO or society to rescue animals.


Reading – Activity 5
A. Discuss.

• Have you ever own a pet?
• Do you know how to keep your pet healthy and safe?
B. Read the text quickly. Which sentence best summarises the text?
a) There is a radio station to promote awareness on how to raise a pet in the right way.
b) People are treating pets poorly unintentionally but because lack of knowledge.
c) Experts play important role to help the pet lovers at all time.
d) Adopting a pet is better than buying a new pet.

C. Look at the underlined words/ phrases in the text and try to guess what they mean.
Then, match them with the meanings below.
1. Give medical care or attention to
2. Having little knowledge in a field
3. Some important topics or problems
4. An eating plan
5. Opinion about what you should do


D. Read the text and write (T) for True, (F) for False or (NM) for Not Mentioned.
1. The radio programme is about the ways to teach pets how to behave.
2. There will be answers about pets.
3. Assisting to adopt a pet is available.
4. Training for strays animals is provided.
5. Talks from the experts are free for all.



1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A


1) D
2) B
3) A
4) E
5) C

1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. D


A. Discuss.

Students are given chance to share their experience using the right tenses with
teacher’s guidance.
B. Read the text quickly. Which sentence best summarizes the text?
D) There is a radio station to promote awareness on how to raise a pet in the right way.
C. Look at the underlined words/ phrases in the text and try to guess what they
mean. Then, match them with the meanings below.
1. Treat
2. Inexperienced
3. Issues
4. Diet
5. Advice

D. Read the text and write (T) for True, (F) for False or (NM) for Not Mentioned.
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. NM








1. Title / Theme : “Studying Abroad” / People

2. Summary : This unit provides different types of exercises to aid and

enhance students’ skills in reading and inference meaning.

3. Content Standards : Planning for Success

4. Learning Standards :

2.2 Process information by

a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.

b. extracting main ideas and details.

e. predicting outcomes

f. drawing conclusions

g. identifying different points of view

i. interpreting non-linear text such as maps, charts, diagrams,

tables and graphs

5. Learning Objective : Students are able to read, understand, and comprehend the

and respond to the task.

6. Success Criteria : Students can be able to:

(i) Identify the main idea

(ii) State the suitable reasons in questions 1 to 5

(iii) Complete the conversation for questions 6 to 10

7. Duration : Teachers will conduct the activity based on the students’ learning


8. Notes : Teacher prepares the meaning of new vocabularies in the text.

9. Activity : Identifying main idea, stating the suitable reasons in questions 1 to 5

and completing the conversation for questions 6 to 10.


Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.


Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a college student, whether a
semester abroad or a full degree program in another country, it can be one of the most
rewarding and exhilarating experiences in a person's life. There is so much to be gained from
experiencing a new culture, facing new challenges, and opening your mind to a whole new
world. Whether you want to go abroad for your university studies to pursue a particular field or
if you would like to see a different part of the world, studying abroad supports your strengths
and is a life-changing experience that will open your mind and give you an edge when you
enter the workforce.

1. Study abroad to explore a new culture: Moving to a new country to study is different than
traveling there on vacation. Rather than getting a simple snapshot of the culture, you are
surrounded by it. You see the world through an open-minded perspective.

2. Become more independent while studying in a foreign country: Leaving home
encourages you to become independent quickly. You become independent faster in new
environments and you learn to enjoy the excitement of knowing that you are in control of your

3. Build a network of friends from around the world : Able to build circle of friends from
people in your classes, on your sports teams, in your society, fraternity or sorority, or on your
student organisation.

4. Experience a different education style: Oversea students perform better in an academic
setting compared to studying at home. Experiencing a new teaching style and innovative ways
to present and review subject material is one of the greatest advantages of studying abroad.

5. Stand out to future employers with your academic experience abroad : You can
enhance your CV and gain a global perspective that will impress your future employers. By
studying abroad, it helps you to develop creative problem-solving skills, adapt to diverse
environments and establish outstanding communication skills.

6. Improve your English skills no matter what you study abroad: English speakers are
everywhere when studying abroad. Your English skills will improve and later with the
advanced multi-lingual skills, it will strengthen your CV. Depending on where you study, you
might even pick up an accent.


Using the information from the article, state the reason suitable for the statements below. Use

no more than three words.

Statement What you gain studying

1 Meet and build groups of associates from all walks of life.

2 Surrounded by English speakers that may benefit your future.

3 Adapt to unique teaching methods and creative presentations.

4 Feel and experience the world through different culture
without going very far.

5 Develop creative problem-solving skill and gain global
perspective in life.

[5 marks]

Questions 6 to 10

Keysha is planning to study abroad. She asks his friend, Joanne for advice. Using words from
the article ‘Studying Abroad’, complete the conversation with no more than two words for
each blank.

Joanne : Hey, Keysha! I heard you received an offer to 6 .

Keysha : Well, you heard that right. I am still in a dilemma whether to go or not.

Joanne : What seems to be the problem? Studying abroad will provide the most valuable

experiences for 7 .

Keysha : I know, but I am worried I cannot survive as it is my first time apart from my

family. I’m scared of experiencing 8 , facing new

challenges and opening to a whole new world.

Joanne : Don’t worry, Keysha. It is a 9 and will open your
mind to a whole new perspective.

Keysha : If that’s the case. I will consider going then. Thanks Joanne.

Joanne : Glad to help! This will give you 10 to do
anything in the future. All the best!

[5 marks]


1. network of friends
2. improve English skills
3. different education style
4. explore new culture
5. impress future employer
6. study abroad
7. college students
8. new culture
9. life-changing experience
10. an edge



1. Title / Theme : Good Carbohydrate, Bad Carbohydrate: 4 Myths Debunked

/ Health

2. Summary : This unit provides different types of exercises to aid and

enhance students’ skills in reading and inference meaning.

3. Content Standards : Myths About Carbohydrates

4. Learning Standards :

2.2 Process information by

a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.

b. extracting main ideas and details.

e. predicting outcomes

f. drawing conclusions

g. identifying different points of view

i. interpreting non-linear text such as maps, charts, diagrams,

tables and graphs

5. Learning Objective : Students are able to read, understand, and comprehend the

and respond to the task.

6. Success Criteria : Students can :

(i) identify the main idea

(ii) match the statements with the related myth in

questions 1 to 4

(iii) complete the diary entry for questions 5 to 10

7. Duration : Teachers will conduct the activity based on the students’ learning


8. Notes : Teacher prepares the meaning of new vocabularies in the text.

9. Activity : Identifying main idea, matching the statements with the related

Myths and completing the diary entry.


Question 1 to 4

Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.


To lose or maintain weight , should you
avoid carbohydrates at all cost, or just

certain ones?
Our dietitians reveal the facts behind

common carbohydrates myths :

Myth No. 1 : Carbohydrates make you gain Myth No.2. : Only white foods contain
weight carbohydrates

People often say that carbohydrates are There seems to be a lot of confusion about
fattening, but complex carbohydrates, like which foods contain carbohydrates. People
whole grains, are not. Even though eating often think only rice, bread, pasta, potatoes,
carbohydrates raise your blood glucose and sweets and sugary drinks are carbohydrates.
prompts your body to release insulin, it is the
type and quantity of the carbohydrates you eat There are actually a long complete list of
- not carbohydrates themselves - that cause
high-carbohydrate foods which include :
weight gain. ● Sweet potatoes
● Corn
Avoid refined carbohydrates like chips, ● Peas
crackers and pretzel. ● Oats, quinoa and whole wheat
● Yogurt and milk
● Fruits


Myth No. 3 : All white foods should be Myth No. 4 : Fruits are bad because they
avoided are high in carbohydrates

It is true that white foods like processed grains People often say that fruits have too much
and sweets are higher on the glycemic index, sugar in them. The truth is that fruits are
dense in nutrients. They boast fructose, fibre,
quickly raise blood sugar and cause vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.
inflammation. But other carbohydrate-rich
foods which are considered white can be Fresh or frozen fruits are recommended over
fruit juice. Fruit juice is more concentrated
essential to good health.
For example, potatoes are great sources of in fructose but lacks fibre
potassium, fibre and Vitamin C. Cauliflower,
beans and apples are also nutrient- rich white


Question 1 to 4
Using the information from the article, match the statements below with the myth related to it.

Misconceptions Myth No.
1 White-foods consumption will definitely be detrimental to

our health.

2 Apples should be put at bay as they are non-nutritious and
contain high quantity of sugar.

3 You will put on excessive weight regardless of the class
and amount of carbohydrates you take.

4 There is only a small number of white foods known.

[4 marks]


Questions 5 to 10

Alisha is writing an entry in her diary. Using the words from the article given, complete
her diary entry below. Use no less than two words and no more than three words for
each blank.

Alisha’s Diary Entry

July 4, 2019 - This is Day 8 of me on this journey of weight loss. I am still going strong.

Today I make a major discovery about carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not all bad! I have

just found out that 5 are not fattening. I am also relieved to know

that the 6 of carbohydrates cause weight gain and not

the carbohydrates themselves. Some white foods can 7 and

cause inflammation However, some foods considered as white are important to

8 .Surprisingly, potatoes are a good source of

9 . Another discovery is the

10_ I love contains high fructose but lacks fibre.

[ 6 marks]


1. Myth no. 3 / 3
2. Myth no. 4 / 4
3. Myth no. 1 / 1
4. Myth no. 2 / 2
5. Complex carbohydrates
6. Type and quantity
7. Raise blood sugar
8. Good health
9. Potassium / fiber / Vitamin C (any two with ‘and’ in between)
10. Fruit juice



10. Title / Theme : “Diagnosed with Blood Cancer” / Health

11. Summary : This unit provides different types of exercises to aid and

enhance students’ skills in reading and inference meaning.

12. Content Standards : Cancer treatment (Word List)

13. Learning Standards :

2.2 Process information by

a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.

b. extracting main ideas and details.

e. predicting outcomes

f. drawing conclusions

g. identifying different points of view

Level 2

(v) Summarizing ideas in a text.

14. Learning Objective : Students are able to read, understand, and comprehend the

and respond to the task.

15. Success Criteria : Students can :

(iv) state the suitable reasons in question 1 to 5

(v) identify and summarize ideas for question 6

16. Duration : Teachers will conduct the activity based on the students’ learning


17. Notes : Teacher prepares the meaning of new vocabularies in the text.

18. Activity : 1. Stating the suitable reasons for WH-question in question 1 to 5

2. Identify and summarize ideas for question 6.


[25 marks]

Questions 1 – 6 are based on the following passage.

1 It was July 10, 2012, and I was an ordinary 17-year-old girl, who had been

feeling unwell. My mother and I sat in Dr Hafiz’s office and awaited my

diagnosis. When the doctor delivered the news, I was pretty calm about it. He

explained that I would be referred to the hospital’s haematology department

for treatment. We thanked him for his help and I left the room, diagnosed 5

with Hodgkin’s lymphoma - an aggressive form of blood cancer.

2 I had to forget about taking my SPM examination that year. I also had to

leave my boarding school, Sekolah Tun Fatimah. It was devastating as I

would not be able to finish five years of study with my friends.

3 My doctors explained that chemotherapy would be extremely tiring. I 10

needed to be at home, near the hospital, with my family monitoring my

health. This was a very scary time for me but I had to believe in myself and

have faith in God.

4 My symptoms got worse very quickly. I had nightly fevers, lost my

appetite and grew weaker. A week after my diagnosis, I was admitted to the 15

trauma and emergency department. The treatment I had been briefed about

became a reality. The first was a bone marrow test. This was followed by

some uncomfortable CT scans. On July 18, my haematology doctor,

Professor P.C. Bee, confirmed that the results indicated Stage II Hodgkin’s

lymphoma. However, he assured me that if I followed his advice, never 20

skipped my meals and rested, I could make a full recovery. He told me not to

worry as everyone had my back. I knew I should have faith in God and not to

be scared.

5 I have thin, small veins. This worried the doctors, so they decided to

install a type of catherer known as a PICC line. It is a long, needle-thin tube 25

that allowed intravenous access for the long chemotherapy regime ahead.

After many unsuccessful attempts to find a vein in both of my arms, the tube

was finally put into my subclavian artery in my chest. There was an X-ray

screen in front of me and I saw the pipeline going in, moving through my


artery until it reached the tip of my heart. It was beautiful to watch and I felt 30

like as if I was Iron Man. There was a metal catherer inside me and we were

going to fight cancer together!

6 I began six cycles of the chemotherapy. My treatment started in the

afternoon and finished in the evening. Going through chemotherapy is like

being bitten by a noxious snake. It burns inside, makes me vomit a lot, 35

weakens me and kills every single cell it touches.

7 I returned to school in January 2013, a new school that was close to my

home. I was excited because I was going through my last chemo session. My

journey was ending and I could focus fully on my studies. Unfortunately,

things did not go to plan. A scan revealed that the cancer cells were actively 40

spreading and I was diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Honestly, I was very blue.

8 Having Stage IV cancer was the death call I never expected. I spent the

whole day crying. I did not want to complain but even though I tried to be

brave, deep down I was scared of not being able to sit for my exams, scared 45

of the pain of more chemo and scared that I may not be able to make it. What

kept me going were my mother, grandfather, friends and teachers. God does

not burden a soul with more than it can bear.

9 Upon reflection, I realised that this was not a curse but a gift, I told myself

to be optimistic. Professor G.G. Gan, the head of haematology, suggested I 50

have two cycles of a more aggressive chemotherapy over a two-month period.

It was terrifying, but deep inside I knew I could do it.

10 With the exams starting on November 6, I was still having chemotherapy.

I did not want to postpone the exams again. Teachers and friends helped with

my studies. Some even came to the hospital and although I was in a lot of 55

pain, they were able to distract me.

11 The SPM exams went well. I was not confident that I had performed my

best but what mattered to me was that cancer had not stopped me. I had the

last PET scan during the exam period, and then an appointment with

Professor Bee to review the scan results the day after my last exam. 60

12 When my number was finally called, Professor Bee greeted me with a

smile. “I’m happy to inform you that there are no more active cancer cells


found. Your PET scan result was negative,” he said. “You’re going to give
hope to a lot of people, Iman. You did it, kid!”

Taken and adapted from Reader’s Digest, August 2016
By Iman Razali

Answer the questions based on the passage.

1 a) From paragraph 1, what was the writer diagnosed with?

(1 mark)

b) From Paragraph 2, what did the writer have to give up in order to get better?
(1 mark)

2 a) From paragraph 3, why did the writer have to be monitored by her family?
(1 mark)

b) From paragraph 4, what was the doctor’s advice?

(1 mark)

3 a) “This worried the doctors, so they decided to install a type of cathererknown
as a PICC line.” (Paragraph 5, lines 23-24)
Why was the doctor worried?
(1 mark)

b) From paragraph 6, which word means ‘venomous’?

(1 mark)


4 a) From paragraph 7, how do we know that things got worse for the writer?
(1 mark)

b) From paragraph 9, what was the suggestion given by the head of
(1 mark)

5 In your own words, how do you think the writer managed to pull through in the end?

Give one reason to support your answer.

Opinion: (1 mark)

Reason: (1 mark)

6 The writer was diagnosed with blood cancer. Based on the passage given, write a
summary about
• the symptoms of the cancer faced by the writer, and
• the treatments that the writer had to go through.

Credit will be given for the use of own words but care must be taken not to change the
original meaning.

Your summary must:
• be in continuous writing (not in note form)
• use materials from lines 14 to 59
• not longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below.

Begin your summary as follows:
True enough, the writer’s symptoms got worse very fast and…

[15 marks]



1 a) Hodgkin’s lymphoma

b) i. She could not sit for the SPM examinations.
ii. She had to leave her boarding school.
(Award 1 mark for one of the impacts)

2 a) Chemotherapy would be extremely tiring.
b) Never skipped (her) meals and rested

3 a) (She) has thin, small veins.
b) ‘noxious’

4 a) (She was) diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s lymphoma
b) To go through two cycles of a more aggressive chemotherapy over a two-
month period

5 Opinion: By being optimistic
Reason : She did not want to give up
Opinion: Support from her family members and friends
Reason: They gave her strength to fight her cancer.
(Accept any relevant opinions and reasons)


Summary Content - Each point scores one mark. Max: 10 marks (Must follow the sequence
of events)
The symptoms of the cancer faced by the writer
1 …(she) had nightly fevers
2 lost (her) appetite
3 grew weaker

The treatments that the writer had to go through
4 a bone marrow test
5 CT scans
6 installed a catherer known as a PICC line
7 a tube that allowed intravenous access
8 the tube was pt into (her) subclavian artery in (her) chest
9 six cycles of chemotherapy
10 treatment started in the afternoon and finished in the evening
11 two cycles of a more aggressive chemotherapy over a two-month period
12 PET scan


Marks for Style and Presentation are awarded based on the average sum total (to the
nearest rounded fraction/decimal) of Paraphrase and Use of English

Example :

Paraphrase =5

Use of English =4

9 / 2 = 4.5 = 5 marks


5 - A sustained attempt 5 - Language is
EXCELLENT to rephrase the text EXCELLENT accurate

- Expression is - Occasional
secure errors

- Difficult phrases - Sentence
from text may be structure varied
- Marked ability to
use original
complex syntax

- Punctuation


4 - Noticeable attempt 4 - Language is
GOOD to rephrase the text GOOD almost always
- Free from stretches
of lifting - Some variation
of sentences
- Expression is
generally secure - Punctuation

3 - Intelligent and 3 - Language largely
FAIR selective lifting but FAIR accurate
limited attempts to
rephrase - Simple structures
- Expression may not
always be secure - Serious errors
not frequent but

- Total lifting of text - Meaning is not
in doubt
2 but not a complete 2
UNSATISFACTORY - Serious errors
transcript UNSATISFACTORY more frequent
POOR - Irrelevant sections - Some irrelevant
Note: parts
more frequent
- Heavy frequency
- More or less a 1 of errors
transcript of the text POOR
- Fractured syntax
- No originality

The mark of ‘0’ should only be awarded if:-

• the response is copied outside the prescribed text



1. Title / Theme : “Stay Healthy” / Health

2. Summary : This unit provides different types of exercises to aid and

enhance students’ skills in reading and inference meaning.

3. Content Standards : Physical Activities (Word List)

4. Learning Standards :

2.2 Process information by

a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.

b. extracting main ideas and details.

e. predicting outcomes

f. drawing conclusions

g. identifying different points of view

Level 2

(v) Summarizing ideas in a text.

5. Learning Objective : Students are able to read, understand, and comprehend the

and respond to the task.

6. Success Criteria : Students can :

(i) state the suitable reasons in question 1 to 5

(ii) identify and summarize ideas for question 6

7. Duration : Teachers will conduct the activity based on the students’ learning


8. Notes : Teacher prepares the meaning of new vocabularies in the text.

9. Activity : 1. Stating the suitable reasons for WH-question in question 1 to 5

2. Identify and summarize ideas for question 6.


[25 marks]

Questions 1-6 are based on the following passage.


1 From paragraph 2, state two ways children can benefit from physical activity.

[1 mark]

[1 mark]

2 From paragraph 3,
(a) how can a family help the community and bond with family member simultaneously?

[1 mark]

(b) how can running or walking as a family help family members?

[1 mark]

3 From paragraph 4,
(a) which word from the paragraph means ‘enough’?

[1 mark]

(b) why is it vital to slot walks into a daily schedule?

[1 mark]

4 (a) From paragraph 5, why should children encouraged to join weekend sports clubs?

[1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 7, what does the word This in line 41 refer to?

[1 mark]


5 Do you think more Malaysian families should exercise and do things as a family? Give a
reason why do you feel they should do so.

[2 marks]
6 Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

• the benefits of doing physical activities as a family
• the ways to be active as a family
Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the
original meaning.
Your summary must:
• be in continuous writing (not in note form)
• use material from lines 5 to 49
• not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:

Being physically active as family means a healthy family…

[15 marks]


1. (i) Grow strong bones/ Maintain a healthy weight
(ii) Build confidence (Any two)

2. (a) Take part in charity walks or run
(b) They can exchange views and spend quality time together as a family./ Problems
can be discussed and solutions found.

3. (a) Suffice
(b) So that walks will not get put off

4. (a) To ensure commitment to a team and to regular exercise
(b) Getting children to clean their room instead of asking the maid to do it

5. Yes, because it will promote family unity and a nation of healthy people.
(Suggested answer) (Accept any relevant/logical answers)


The benefits of doing physical activities as a family
• C1- Helps to develop strong bones, maintain a healthy weight as well as build

• C2- Great fun to keep active as a family
• C3- Helps family to bond
The ways to be active as a family

• C4- Participating in a charity walk or run
• C5- Going out on regular walks and runs
• C6- Building a walk into daily schedule
• C7- Go cycling with children, play football in the park, fly a kite, try indoor rock

climbing or other indoor sports.
• C8- Children should be encouraged to take part in sports activity clubs to ensure

commitment to a team and regular exercise.
• C9- Family holiday breaks or beach holidays are also a good idea
• C10- At home, families should try gardening and doing household chores

• C11- Dancing can be another family physical activity.
(Max marks – 10 points)


Marks for Style and Presentation are awarded based on the average sum total (to the
nearest rounded fraction/decimal) of Paraphrase and Use of English


Paraphrase =5

Use of English =4

9 / 2 = 4.5 = 5 marks


5 - A sustained attempt 5 - Language is
EXCELLENT to rephrase the text EXCELLENT accurate

- Expression is - Occasional
secure errors

- Difficult phrases - Sentence
from text may be structure varied
- Marked ability to
use original
complex syntax

- Punctuation


4 - Noticeable attempt 4 - Language is
GOOD to rephrase the text GOOD almost always
- Free from stretches
of lifting - Some variation
of sentences
- Expression is
generally secure - Punctuation


3 - Intelligent and 3 - Language largely
FAIR selective lifting but FAIR accurate
limited attempts to
rephrase - Simple structures
- Expression may not
always be secure - Serious errors
not frequent but

- Total lifting of text - Meaning is not
in doubt
2 but not a complete 2
UNSATISFACTORY - Serious errors
transcript UNSATISFACTORY more frequent
POOR - Irrelevant sections - Some irrelevant
Note: parts
more frequent
- Heavy frequency
- More or less a 1 of errors
transcript of the text POOR
- Fractured syntax
- No originality

The mark of ‘0’ should only be awarded if:-

• the response is copied outside the prescribed text



1. Title / Theme : Poem : A Poison Tree , Novel: Captain Nobody/ People

2. Summary : This section provides different types of exercises to aid and

enhance students’ skills in reading and inference meaning.
3. Content Standards : Literature (Word List)
4. Learning Standards :

3.0 Aesthetic
3.1 (a) understanding and telling in one’s own word the story heard and read

and give one’s opinion of the text.

3.1(c) explaining the message the writer is trying to convey and discussing

how this related to one’s life.

3.1 (b) Recognizing elements in a story such as plots.

3.2 (b) Retelling a story from a different point of view.

Level 2
(ii) Relating events, characters and values to one’s life.

5. Learning Objective : Students are able to read, understand, and comprehend
and respond to the task.

6. Success Criteria : Students can :
(i) state the suitable answer in question 32
(ii) identify plot, important events and complete question 33

7. Duration : Teachers will conduct the activity based on thestudents’
learning abilities.

8. Notes : Notes were given in previous lesson and students can refer to
internet or any other references to help them to complete the

9. Activity : 1. Read the instructions and questions carefully.
2. Refer to the notes given or any other references to complete the task
32 and 33.
3. Identify plot, important events to support the answer for question 33.


Question 32 (5 Marks)
32. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

A Poison Tree (1 Mark)

By William Blake
I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I watered it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears:

And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night.
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,
When the night had veiled the pole;

In the morning glad I see;
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

(a). In Stanza 1, who was the persona angry with?

(b). In Stanza 1, how was the persona able to make up with his friend after the

misunderstanding? (1 Mark)

(c). How did the persona feed his anger? Give one way. (1Mark)

(d). How would you feel when you gave misunderstanding with your friend? Explain.

Feeling: (1 Mark)

Explanation: (1 Mark)


Question 33 (15 Marks)
Novel Captain Nobody : Model Question
The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in English

Captain Nobody – by Dean Pitchford
Suggest an alternate ending of the novel you have studied. Support your answer with
close reference to the text.


POEM - A Poison Tree

(a). His friend/ his enemy/ his foe (1 Mark)

(b). He told his anger to his friend and the anger ended. (1 Mark)

(c). He watered with his fears and tears

OR He sunned with smiles Accept any reasonable answers

OR He sunned it with soft deceitful wiles :(1 Mark)

(d). Accept any reasonable answers

Feeling: I feel upset/ sad/ disappointed/ lonely (1 Mark)

Explanation: I have no one to talk to. (1 Mark)

Question 33

Novel Captain Nobody : Model Answer
1. Read the script carefully before deciding which band it best fits and the content mark it
deserves. If the response meets all or nearly all the descriptors given in the bands, the
response should be placed at the top level of the mark range for that particularband.

2. Then assess the quality of writing under the provision for LANGUAGE

3. The final mark will be expressed as CONTENT plus LANGUAGE and the total is shown in
the right hand margin of the script.

4. No response will fit perfectly into any band but examiners must judge which level best
fits the descriptors described in the bands.



- a consistently relevant and - language is accurate
9 -10 convincing response to the 5 - very well-organised
task specified

- always provides detailed and
well-developed textual

7–8 - response is relevant to the - language is largely
task specified accurate

- usually provides textual 4 - well-organised
evidence with some

5–6 - response is intermittently - frequent errors but
relevant to the task specified meaning is never in

- provides some textual 3 doubt
evidence with little - fairly well-organised

- response of little relevance to - very frequent errors

the task specified with blurring in

3–4 - little textual evidence 2 meaning

- poorly organised

- response has no relevance to - makes little or no

the task specified sense at all

1-2 - has no understanding of the 1 - lacks organisation

requirements of the task -

Note: The mark of ‘0’ should only be awarded if :
• the response is in a language other than English
• the response is not related to any of the novels



The novel I have studied is Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford. There
are many interesting incidents in the novel. If I am given the chance to alter any parts
of the story, I will choose to have an alternate ending.

The ending of the novel starts when Newt and Chris who are hospitalized come back
home. After a few days home, everything goes back to normal, Mom relying on
Newt about her misplaced things and Dad gets back to his busy work. If I am
given the chance to have an alternative to the ending, I would choose to alter the
part where everything goes back to normal after they come home when the parade is
over. My ending will portray the family having a closer bond. First, they are seen
together having breakfast prepared by mom or dad. Newt and Chris will be at the
table happily having a conversation with mom and dad. The conversation will evolve
around Newt as well. In my opinion, Mom and Dad should not get back to their
normal routines after what had happened since the Big Game. Mom should become
more responsible and she must not rely on Newt to find all her stuff. After what
happened, she should show more appreciation towards Newt.

The same thing should also be happening to Dad. He should be portrayed as
he no longer busy entertaining calls. Dad is seen announcing his new job at
breakfast because his current job requires him to spend less time with his family. To
show that he is grateful to Newt, should have put more focus and spend more time
together with him. Besides, they have already faced too many challenges as a
family. It is about time they enjoy life as a family.

The conversation at the breakfast table is no longer a hectic situation with
Newt being ignored. This time mom and dad will have a conversation where Newt is
given an acknowledgement. The ending will portray Newt sharing his experience in
school the day before and both mom and dad and Chris, listening and joining in the
conversation. He is no longer being pushed aside. As parents, mom and dad should
show their care by giving their children the attention they deserve. They should not
practice favouritism by only paying attention on a particular child.

That would be the ending that I would like to suggest if I am given the chance
to do so. The ending will show mom and dad playing their parts as responsible
and caring parents. They will be the main factor that will bind the family together.
Close family bond is the major factor for happiness in life. That will definitely make
the story becomes more interesting and perhaps, Captain Nobody II will be coming
out soon and the telling stories of his teenage years.


1. Title / Theme : Poem: What Has Happened to Lulu? ,

Novel: Captain Nobody/People
2. Summary : This section provides different types of exercises to aid

and enhance students’ skills in reading and inference meaning.
3. Content Standards : Literature (Word List)
4. Learning Standards :

3.0 Aesthetic
3.1 (a) understanding and telling in one’s own word the story heard and read

and give one’s opinion of the text.
3.1(c) explaining the message the writer is trying to convey and discussing

how this related to one’s life.
3.1 (b) Recognizing elements in a story such as plots.
3.2 (b) Retelling a story from a different point of view .

Level 2
(ii) Relating events, characters and values to one’s life.

5. Learning Objective : Students are able to read, understand, and comprehend
and respond to the task.

6. Success Criteria : Students can :
(i) state the suitable answer in question 32
(ii) identify plot, important events and complete question 33

7. Duration : Teachers will conduct the activity based on the students’
learning abilities.

8. Notes : Notes were given in previous lesson & students can refer to internet
or any other references to help them to complete the task.

9. Activity : 1. Read the instructions and questions carefully.
2. Refer to the notes given or any other references to complete the task
32 & 33.
3. Identify plot, important events to support the answer for question 33.


Question 32 (5 Marks)

32 Read the following poem below and answer the questions that follow.

What Has Happened to Lulu?

What has happened to Lulu, mother?
What has happened to Lu?

There’s nothing in her bed but an old rag-doll
And by its side a shoe.

Why is her window wide, mother,
The curtain flapping free,

And only a circle on the dusty shelf
Where her money-box used to be?
Why do you turn your head, mother,

And why do tear drops fall?
And why do you crumple that note on the fire

And say it is nothing at all?

I woke to voices late last night,
I heard an engine roar,

Why do you tell me the things I heard
Were a dream and nothing more?

I heard somebody cry, mother,
In anger or in pain,

But now I ask you why, mother,
You say it was a gust of rain.

Why do you wander about as though
You don’t know what to do?

What has happened to Lulu, mother?
What has happened to Lu?
Charles Causley

Question 32 _ _ (1 mark)
a) What has puzzled the persona? (1 mark)


b) What does the ‘curtain flapping free’ symbolise?

c) What moral lesson have you learned from the poem? (1 mark)


d) Your friend is thinking about running from home. What advice would you give her?

i) Advice 1 : (1 mark)

ii) Advice 2 : (1 mark)

Question 33 (15 Marks)
Novel Captain Nobody : Model Question
The following is the novel you have studied in the literature component in
English language.

“We must have the courage to do the right thing”

Based on the novel that you have read, provide incidents from the novel that support
this statement.


POEM - What Has Happened to Lulu?

a. The missing of Lulu / the missing of her sister
b. The freedom of Lulu /Lulu has run away through the window /Lulu has

climbed down the window(accept any reasonable answers)
c. Appreciate love / appreciate family members (accept any reasonable

d. Think over about running /do not preserve feelings /do not bottle up problems

(accept any reasonable answers)

Question 33
Novel Captain Nobody : Model Answer

5. Read the script carefully before deciding which band it best fits and the content mark it
deserves. If the response meets all or nearly all the descriptors given in the bands, the
response should be placed at the top level of the mark range for that particularband.

6. Then assess the quality of writing under the provision for LANGUAGE
7. The final mark will be expressed as CONTENT plus LANGUAGE and the total is shownin

the right hand margin of the script.
8. No response will fit perfectly into any band but examiners must judge which level best

fits the descriptors described in the bands.



- a consistently relevant and - language is accurate
9 -10 convincing response to the 5 - very well-organised
task specified

- always provides detailed and
well-developed textual

7–8 - response is relevant to the - language is largely
task specified accurate

- usually provides textual 4 - well-organised
evidence with some

5–6 - response is intermittently - frequent errors but
relevant to the task specified meaning is never in

- provides some textual 3 doubt
evidence with little - fairly well-organised

- response of little relevance to - very frequent errors

the task specified with blurring in

3–4 - little textual evidence 2 meaning

- poorly organised

- response has no relevance to - makes little or no

the task specified sense at all

1-2 - has no understanding of the 1 - lacks organisation

requirements of the task -

Note: The mark of 0 should only be awarded if
• the response is in a language other than English
• the response is not related to any of the novels


Suggested Answer
Based on the novel Captain Nobody written by Dean Pitchford that I have

studied, the story is about a kid named Newton Newman or more popularly known as
Captain Nobody. Throughout his journey to transform from the unknown, he
showcases his courage to do the right thing in a variety of situations.

Firstly, Newt climbs the dumpster to get the drum for his best friend,
Cecil. At first, Newt who was afraid of heights did not want to do so. He was worried
it may crush Cecil if it slips and drops. However, Cecil convinced Newt that only
Captain Nobody could do the job. So, Newt decided to fulfil his friend‟s wish
although it was difficult for him. In
my opinion, Newt showed his courage to do the right thing here which is to
help his friend. If I were Newt, I would do the same thing to make my friends
feel happy.

Next, Newt showcases his courage by saving Ferocious the ferret when
he dashed onto the highway and screamed at the vehicles to stop in order to save
Ferocious. No one was brave enough to save the ferret except for Newt. He knew he
must take good care of Ferocious because it was his school‟s football team mascot.
In my opinion, Newt did the right thing to save Ferocious, which was a
responsibility entrusted to him. However, he would not have been able to do
so if he did not have the courage.

Lastly, Newt climbs up the Appleton water tower to save Reggie Ratner.
Newt watches the news report about Reggie Ratner climbing to the roof of the
Appleton water tower and he quickly made his way there. Even though he is afraid of
heights, he courageously climbed the water tower to save Reggie. For a ten-year-
old, in my opinion, his decision to climb the water tower to save another
person who has nothing to do with him is the right thing to do and is very bold
and extraordinary.

In a nutshell, as we can see from the evidences above shown by Newt, we
must have courage to do the right thing. By doing so, it will help us to grow stronger
and face challenges in life.


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