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Focus TG4 KSSM (BI) Terbitan Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

Sample pages of Focus TG4 KSSM (BI) Terbitan Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Chapter 2 Directed Writing 

Enrichment Exercises

Fill in the blanks below with the most suitable verbs. Chapter

• First, a stamp album.

• Next, all your friends and relatives to save old stamped envelopes for you.

• After that, carefully the paper round each stamp. 2

• Then the paper in a container of water.

• When the paper is very wet, the stamp away from it. the
stamp on a saucer. it to dry.

• Finally, the stamp in your stamp album. Use your own creativity to
your stamps. You can have a different page for a different country or motif.


Read the steps below describing the process ‘How to make an omelette’. Then write the sentences below
using the sequence connectors in brackets.

1. Break three eggs in a bowl. 7. Pour in the egg mixture.
2. Mix them using a fork. 8. Allow the eggs to set on the bottom.
3. Pour in one tablespoon of water for each egg. 9. Fill the omelette with cooked fresh mushrooms,
4. Add a pinch of salt.
5. Heat frying pan. grated cheese or even fruit and yogurt.
6. Melt one tablespoon of butter in the pan.
1 0. Fold the omelette in half and slide it onto a
warm plate.

Sentence 1 (first)

Sentence 2 (next)

Sentences 3 and 4 (after)

Sentence 5 (at this point)
Sentences 6 and 7 (after)
Sentences 8 and 9 (before)
Sentence 10 (finally)


2Chapter DIRECTED WRITING (b) Dear Sir,

Reports I would like to request for permission to visit your
factory. We plan to visit Muar and we would like
Enrichment Exercises to visit Super Factory and learn how ‘otak otak’ is
manufactured. I would appreciate it if you could
2. (i) What does OBS stand for? give us some information about Super Factory,
(ii) Why is it important to listen carefully to the rules? including directions to get to your place.
(iii) Who gave the briefing?
Please send the information to the following
3. (i) Why did you like the abseiling session? address:
(ii) What did you have to do? SMK Tanjung Gading
(iii) Who taught you the correct abseiling techniques? Jalan Paloh,
4. (i) Where did you trek?
(ii) What aids were you given to help yourself? Thank you in advance for your help. We look
(iii) When did you trek? forward to hearing from you.

5. (i) What problems did you face? Yours faithfully,
(ii) Who arrived first? Linda Lai
(iii) How far did you have to canoe?

Exercises Exercises

A i. C 1. The English Language Society, II
ii. B SMK Dato’ Ibrahim,
iii. E Jalan Segar,
iv. A, D 56000 Kuala Lumpur.

A 1. Adopt an Orang-utan The Chairman, V 6 JUNE 202_ IV
2. Sharifah Arfah SMK Dato’ Ibrahim,
3. Soho KL Jalan Segar,
4. The recent Earth Week celebration 56000 Kuala Lumpur. (VI)
5. To save the orang-utan
Dear Sir. VII
Invitation to Officiate at the Opening of the English
Enrichment Exercises Carnival

1. (a) Hi Guys, The English Language Society of SMK Dato’ Ibrahim
is organising a one-day English Language Carnival
My mates , 40 of us, are gonna visit your on Saturday, 10 August, from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
factory. We plan to visit Muar and we’d like to
drop in and see how ‘otak otak’ is manufactured. 2. The objective of the English Language Carnival Answers
Tell us about Super Factory, including directions is to encourage the use of the language in a fun way.
to get to your place. Among the activities planned are a Spell-It–Right
Challenge, a Scrabble competition, an English song
Send the stuff to the following address: contest and a treasure hunt.
SMK Tanjung Gading
Jalan Paloh, 3. We would be very honoured if you could officiate
Muar. at the opening of the English Language Carnival. We
look forward to a favourable reply.
Thanks a bunch for your help. We look forward
to hearing from you. Thank you.

Bye. Yours faithfully, VIII

Linda Lai Angela Goh III


Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers

2. (a) & (b) Exercises

14, Jalan Fajar, II 1. (i)  (ii) 
Taman Halus IV
Kuantan (iii)  (iv) 
13 March 202_
(v)  (vi) 

III, V Dear Jo, 2. (a)  (b) 
(c)  (d) 
I am going to nominate Paragraph 3 (e)  (f) 
her for the Teacher of the Year Paragraph 2 (g)  (h) 
Award. Mrs. Sherrie Lee shows (i)  (j) 
us by her actions how we should Paragraph 1
not always be thinking only of VI Step 1:
ourselves. I’ll have lots more to I A very good morning to our beloved form teacher,
tell you after Teachers’ Day. Miss Aileen Tan, and friends. I am standing here on
behalf of Form 5A to say farewell to Miss Tan who
I know I should not is leaving SMK Taman Damai.
whine.The teachers are pretty
exhausted too. The teacher I Articles
really admire is Mrs. Lee. Do
you know that last weekend (the Enrichment Exercises
only free weekend we had in
months) Mrs.Lee walked from Laughter and smiles are easy to come by when everything
our school to Kampung Pelangi is going on well. However , we often fail to realise that it
and back in order to raise is when life hands us lemons that we need to laugh more.
money for the disabled? It was The motion of laughter activates our emotions
about 55 kilometres. She chose and these emotions release endorphins – happy brain
that distance because she is 55 chemicals that gives us a sense of well-being.
years old.
In addition , just a simple smile can do wonders.
How are you? We’ve been The act of lifting your cheek muscles is enough to
having a rather hectic time in stimulate the brain to release endorphins as the
school. Do you know we usually association of the movement with previous incidents of
finish school at 4.30 p.m. these smiling and laughing have been recorded in the brain.
days? Smiling activates those memories and produces similar
uplifting effects.
Clare Furthermore , Dr. Robert Holden, founder of
the Laughter Clinic and Happiness Project in the UK,
Answers Opinions, Talks and Speeches explains that laughter has a two-step action on the physical
body: step one, it stimulates; step two, it relaxes. During
Enrichment Exercises laughter, the body is stimulated and exercised; after
laughter, the body relaxes and calms itself.
J.J. Abram’s movie ‘Star Trek’ is a science fiction and
is full of action. It tells the incredible story of a young crew’s On the other hand , despite knowing that laughter
maiden voyage onboard the most advanced starship is good for us, we seem to laugh less as we age. It was
ever created, the U.S.S. Enterprise. The new recruits found during the economic depression in the 50’s, the
must find a way to stop an evil character whose mission average kindergarten student laughed 300 times a day.
of vengeance threatens all of mankind. In addition, the
fate of the galaxy rests in the hands of two characters In contrast , adults at that time averaged just 17 laughs
but they are bitter rivals. One is James Kirk (Chris a day.
Pine), a delinquent, thrill-seeking Iowa farm boy, while
the other, Spock (Zachary Quinto) was raised in a logic- Mahes Karuppiah-Quillen, Malaysia’s first laughter
based society that rejects all emotions. Their contrasting therapist explains, ‘People often ask me why we need
personalities are the only thing capable of leading their to learn to laugh. The reason is at this moment, we
crew through unimaginable danger so they made peace. are subjected to more stress. Also , we need to find a
way to manage it. That’s why we need a tool to help us
You may like the very dynamic big screen effects of reduce our load.’
J.J. Abram’s brand of cinematography or his very fresh
approach, almost along the lines of recent movies like
‘Batman Begins’ and Daniel Craig’s ‘Bond’.


Exercises PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers

1. (i)  (iii)  (vi) By the side of
(ii)  (iv)  (vii) under
(viii) to the left and right
Step i: Who writes the article. (b) (ii) Next to the school field is the basketball

Step iv: Give recommendations court.
(iii) In the other corner of the school field is the
2. (a) 5 (b) 7
(c) 6 (d) 8 herb garden. I love the scent of the basil
(e) 1 (f) 4 the curry leaves and the lemon grass.
(g) 2 (h) 3 (iv) Across the school field is the cookery room.
The aroma of the cakes is tantalising.
Processes and Procedures (v) In front of me is the school canteen. It is
recess time and the students are chattering
Enrichment Exercises and laughing.
(vi) By the side of the canteen is the Reading
• First, buy a stamp album. Corner. There are many reading materials
• Next, ask all your friends and relatives to save old for students to read and browse.
(vii) Under the stairs is a mural depicting the
stamped envelopes for you. different co-curricular activities in the school.
• After that, carefully cut/tear the paper round each stamp. (viii) To the left and right of the stairs are the
• Then soak the paper in a container of water. classrooms.
• When the paper is very wet, peel the stamp away from (Accept any suitable answer)
(c) (Accept any suitable answer)
it. Put/Place the stamp on a saucer. Allow it to dry. (d) Laughter of students
• Finally, put the stamp in your stamp album. Use your Chirping of birds

own creativity to arrange your stamps. You can have a Argumentative Compositions
different page for a different country or motif.
Enrichment Exercises
(Accept any suitable answer)
1. First, break three eggs in a bowl.
2. Next, mix them using a fork. Exercises
3. After pouring in one tablespoon of water for each
1. Link words
egg, add a pinch of salt. Contrast
4. At this point, heat the frying pan. However
5. After melting one tablespoon of butter in the pan, To add on But
information On the other hand
pour in the egg mixture.
6. Before filling the omelette with cooked fresh Conclusion Moreover
In addition
mushrooms, grated cheese or even fruit and yogurt, Furthermore
allow the eggs to set on the bottom.
7. Finally, fold the omelette in half and slide it onto a In conclusion
warm plate. To sum up
In short
CONTINUOUS WRITING 2. (Accept any suitable answer)

Descriptive Compositions 3. Pros Cons

Enrichment Exercises 1. T h e clean 1. There is incessant Answers
noise all day
(Accept any suitable answer) fresh air is and night. Cars,
motorcycles, taxis,
Exercises invigorating. buses and lorries
which are on the road
1. (a) (i) behind 2. Life is more all the time. People
(ii) next to stream past, shouting
(iii) the other corner of peaceful and and talking.
(iv) across
(v) In front of relaxing. 2. It is hot. It seems to
get hotter and hotter.
3. People are

friendlier and


4. There are more

job opportunities.


Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 2. Fact 1: To reduce
(a) Use handkerchiefs instead of tissues
4. Living in town is better. (b) Do not use plastic bags or disposable containers
(c) Use cloth bags or own containers
5. I feel strongly that there are better facilities in town:
hospitals, telecommunication, libraries and many Fact 2: To reuse
more. (a) Use old wrapping paper, ribbons and birthday

In my opinion, public transport is better in town. cards
For these reasons I feel that living in town is better. (b) Make a compost
(c) Use old toothbrushes
Reflective Compositions
Enrichment Exercises Fact 3: To recycle
(a) Separate paper, plastic, glass and metals
(Accept any suitable answer) (b) Use rechargeable batteries
(c) Print on both sides of a sheet of paper
Narrative Compositions
1. (a) When I was growing up, I played with my friends.
For example, we rode our bicycles around the Enrichment Exercises
neighbourhood, and played badminton, football
and hopscotch. (Accept any suitable answer)

(b) When I was growing up, I played a lot of games Exercises
with my friends, such as badminton, football and
hopscotch. We also rode our bicycles round the 1. Who : An elderly woman, about 70 years of age
neighbourhood. Where : On a lonely road
When : 10.00 p.m.
2. (a) I played a lot of games. As a result, I exercised Why : Shehah had a flat tyre.
a lot and made many friends. What happened next :
She saw a man pull up in front of her five-seater
(b) I played a lot of games. Therefore, I exercised a
lot and made many friends. family saloon. He was driving a rickety van. He
walked towards her.
3. Sports teach children important skills such as (Accept any suitable answer)
communication and socialising. 2. Her heart thumped furiously.
He could be a robber.
4. As a result, a child’s confidence and competitive spirit (Accept any suitable answer)
increase. 3. Height : average
Hair : long, dishevelled
5. Playing outdoors strengthens a child’s immune Build : slight
system. Therefore, he or she is less susceptible to Clothes : T -shirt and faded jeans
colds and flu. Overall impression :  He looked gaunt, poor and
Factual Compositions 4. ‘Let me help you, madam. I’ll change the tyre for you
Enrichment Exercises in no time.’
‘Th…thank you, young man. It’s very kind of you,’
(Accept any suitable answer) whispered Shehah.
‘You’re welcome. Why don’t you wait for me in our
Exercises car. It’s chilly out here. By the way, my name is Shin.’
5. (Accept any suitable answer)
1. Link words
Proverbs and Sayings
To show different First
Enrichment Exercises
facts Second
(Accept any suitable answer)
Answers Third
To show However
1. (a) Once you experience something bad, you will be
contrasting points On the other hand wary of it.

To add another Furthermore

point In addition

To give an For example
illustration For instance
An example of this is
Let me give you an example

To sum up Finally
In conclusion


(b) You should not assume something based on a 5Chapter PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers

(c) If you don’t see it, you don’t miss it. A Nouns
(d) Great success often comes from humble
A 1. common noun 6. abstract noun
2. (a) A bad workman blames his tools 2. collective noun 7. common noun
(b) A stitch in time saves nine 3. common noun 8. common noun
(c) Waste not want not 4. proper noun 9. proper noun
(d) Still waters run deep 5. common noun 10. collective noun
(e) A penny saved is a penny earned

4Chapter GRAPHIC MATERIALS AND SHORT B (i) 1. evil, common nouns
TEXTS 2. vegetable, proper nouns
3. shelf, collective nouns
Exercises 4. sea, abstract nouns
5. father, proper nouns
A Advertisements 6. desire, common nouns
7. Paris, collective nouns
1. D 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. B 8. insect, abstract nouns
8. C 9. C 10. C 9. honour, common nouns
6. D 7. A 13. B 14. A 15. C
10. youth, collective nouns
11. D 12. D 5. D
10. B (ii) 1. optimist
B Graphs, Charts and Tables 15. D 2. egoist
3. philanthropist
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 4. vegetarian
9. C 10. A 5. accomplice
6. B 7. A 8. D 14. A 15. A 6. ingrate
7. philatelist
11. C 12. D 13. B 8. recluse
9. journalist
C Instructions/Manuals
10. archaeologist
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B
9. C
6. D 7. B 8. C 14. A

11. B 12. D 13. B

D Diagrams/Pictorial Guides/Maps

1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A C 1. (accept any suitable answer)
10. A 2. pastime/ hobby, games
6. A 7. A 8. D 9. C 15. C 3. team
4. walk
11. C 12. D 13. B 14. C 5. D 5. (accept any suitable answer)
10. B 6. calmness
 Signs and Notices 15. A 7. (accept any suitable answer)
8. (accept any suitable answer)
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B
8. A 9. C
6. D 7. B 13. A 14. C

11. B 12. D

 Short Texts

1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D Number
8. A 9. B 10. D
6. A 7. A 13. A 14. D 15. A Singular Exercises

11. D 12. D corner Plural
 Comic Strips – Idiomatic Expressions and Proverbs veranda adults Answers
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A mat benches
feast bamboos
6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. C goat
night trees
11. C 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. B people

16. A

Enrichment Exercises

1. C 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. C
6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B


Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers

Formation of Plural Nouns B Articles

Exercises The Indefinite Articles

A 1. lives 2. people/persons Exercises
3. waters 4. moments
5. factors 6. taxis A 1. A 2. a
7. doors 8. passengers 3. an 4. a
9. rafts 10. water 5. an 6. a
11. hospitals 12. injuries 7. the 8. the
13. Witnesses 14. geese 9. a 10. a
15. crises 11. a 12. –
13. a 14. –
B 1. Devotees carried milk pots on their heads and 15. an
made their way up Batu Caves.
B 1. a telescope
Devotee, pot, head 2. a violin
3. an autobiography
2. Kavadi bearers also walked up the 272 steps to 4. a mosquito
the temple. 5. an octogenarian
6. a thesaurus
bearer, step 7. a drought
8. an immigrant
3. The devotees braved the scorching sun and 9. an orphan
human traffic to fulfill their vows. 10. a fugitive

devotee, vow

4. Gaily coloured stalls selling drinks, snacks, toys, The Definite Article and Zero Article
accessories and framed images of Hindu deities
were also set up near the temple. Exercises

stall, drink, snack, toy, accessory, image, deity A 1. Many home remedies are not very helpful and
the old ‘ice is good for a skin burn’ remedy is no
5. The air was also filled with the sweet smell of exception.
traditional Indian delicacies.
2. The slowest mammal on earth is the sloth, a
delicacy native of South America which is about the size
of a small dog.
6. Many visitors took special shuttle buses to the
temple. 3. My brother is called to the Bar and the whole
family is so proud.
visitor, bus
4. A girl came to school dressed as a Japanese
7. They were fascinated by the rituals to offer thanks comic character. The girl’s orange and purple
to Lord Muruga. streaked hair gave all of us a fright.

ritual, thanks (the word only appears as the plural 5. The vase on the top of that shelf is an antique.
form) 6. I would like to travel to the moon one day.
7. Please paint the gate green.
8. More than 1,000 policemen oversaw traffic, safety 8. I admire – Nicol David very much. She is
and security, as a steady stream of devotees and
tourists thronged the temple. wonderful.
9. My dream is to trek across the Sahara and live
policeman, devotee, tourist
like a nomad for a year.
Answers C Singular Plural 10. – Stress can be good for us.

1. salmon salmon B We had a huge platform and on – moonlit
2. echo echoes nights Grandfather would ask us all to lie down on
3. foot it. Then he would point out the stars to us, the
4. mouse feet Seven Sisters and so on. Then he would tell us
5. radio mice old Chinese Aesop’s Fables – how an unkind man
6. — radios was punished in the end. He would go on telling
7. — spectacles these stories until we all fell asleep. I think this is
8. — police one of the loveliest memories I have – lying out on
clothes the huge platform on moonlit nights, looking at
the stars, listening to the stories and falling off to
sleep, knowing that we would be carried back into
the house and put to – bed.


PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 

C Pronouns 2. The tallest people on earth are the members
of Kenya’s Masai tribe. They reach an average
Exercises height of 6 feet and 2 inches.

A 1. I, I, My, me, myself 3. The shortest days in the northern hemisphere
2. his, He, his, he, he, I, I, himself experience as little as three hours of sunlight each
3. her, She, Her, she, He, her, her, him, herself day.
4. Their, They, them
5. its, its, It, us, its, it, itself 4. The most obese people in the world are found in
the South Pacific region. There beauty is marked
B 1. Who cut your hair for you? by large physical size.
Nobody. I cut it myself.
2. Can you open the window for me? 5. The Antarctic is the most spectacular nature
No, why can’t you do it yourself? destination in the world. It is also the coldest.
3. Did Julie have a good holiday?
She enjoyed herself tremendously. 6. The most scorching temperature recorded is in
4. Does Kamal think he will get the job? the Sahara.
He himself doesn’t think he’ll get it.
5. Can I have another slice of cake? 7. The biggest country in the world is Russia. It
Help yourself. covers about 11 per cent of the earth’s total land
6. How did you get this cut? surface and has ten time zones within the country.
I cut myself while I was slicing some cucumbers.
7. Who is going to take care of you? 8. The world’s smallest state is the Vatican situated
Don’t worry. We can take care of ourselves. within the city of Rome in Italy.
8. Why are these people climbing up and down these
9. The least dense country in the world is Mongolia.
stairs? Many Mongolians are nomads.
They are training themselves for the marathon.
10. The country with the highest population density in
D Adjectives the world is Monaco.

Exercises B 1. the cheapest
2. the most expensive
A 1. helpful 2. obedient 3. the farthest
3. priceless 4. powerful 4. high
5. delicious 6. loving 5. the most unbearable
7. smiling 8. courageous 6. cooler
9. expensive 10. quick 7. better
8. fewer
B 1. Italian, marble table 9. merrier
2. long, sandy beach 10. more careful
3. old, brown, leather shoes
4. delicate, small, gold object C Positive Comparative Superlative Answers
5. pretty pale, long black hair short shorter shortest
6. little, red-haired girl bad worst
7. large, deep-set, jet-black eyes less worse least
8. a damp, overgrown, rather depressing garden much least most
silly more silliest
C (i) They suffered the tortures of slow starvation for difficult
three months. At last they got so voracious and sillier most difficult
desperate and wild with hunger. One tall boy said strange more difficult strangest
that if he did not get another basin of gruel, he might angry angriest
some night eat the boy who slept next to him. Since magnificent stranger
he had a wild, hungry look, the boys believed him. angrier most magnificent
old more magnificent oldest
(ii) It was a cold, dark night. The stars seemed, to older
the boy’s eyes, farther from the earth than he had
ever seen them before; there was no wind; and D (i) 2. boring 3. annoying
the sombre shadows thrown by the trees upon the 4. exciting 5. exhausting
ground, looked death-like, from being so still. 6. surprising 7. satisfying
8. interesting 9. smiling
Comparison of Adjectives 10. entertaining

Exercises (ii) 2. crowded 3. frozen

A 1. The world’s longest-living people are found on the 4. broken 5. haunted
Japanese island of Okinawa.
6. torn 7. lost

8. written 9. buried

10. confused


Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers

(iii) 1. exciting 2. excited B 1. will sign 2. will be
3. relaxing 4. relaxed 3. will fly 4. will scream
5. tired 6. tiring 5. will drop 6. will obtain
7. fascinated 8. fascinating 7. will reopen 8. will launch

Answers E Verbs and Tenses The Present Continuous Tense

Verbs Exercises

Exercises A 1. is increasing
2. is improving
A 1. takes 2. repairs 3. is behaving
3. writes 4. looks 4. is teaching
5. treats 6. cooks 5. are relocating
7. specialises 8. examines B 1. am having
2. are trying
B 1. think 2. mean 3. am expecting
3. want 4. have 4. am waiting
5. hate 6. suppose 5. are looking
7. wish 8. know
The Past Continuous Tense
The Simple Present Tense
Exercises Suggested Answers
A 1. was chopping the carrots
1. practises 2. was driving along the road
2. sets, smokes, drinks 3. was dribbling
3. exercise 4. was walking
4. like 5. was strolling
5. go B 1. was preparing
6. take, eats 2. was repairing
7. think, make, sleep 3. were working
8. allows, play 4. was sleeping, was recovering
9. starts, ends 5. was watching
10. assume
11. takes The Future Continuous Tense
12. considers
13. blossom Exercises
14. manufactures
15. are 1. will be driving
2. will be cleaning
The Simple Past Tense 3. will be sunbathing
Exercises 4. will be chatting
5. will be screaming
A (Accept any suitable answer)
The Present Perfect Tense
B 1. moved 2. sank
3. struck 4. worked Exercises
5. stayed 6. delivered
7. wore 8. married A 1. Cassie has not seen the film ‘UP’ yet.
9. danced 10. graduated 2. My aunt has resided abroad for over ten years.
3. Gopal has got a new motorbike recently.
C 1. went 2. started 4. We have already taken our dinner.
3. had 4. dropped 5. They have abandoned the project because of a
5. got 6. returned
7. wanted 8. made lack of money.
9. was 10. told
B 1. have climbed
The Simple Future Tense 2. has caused
Exercises 3. has been to
4. has found
A 1. will arrive 2. will make 5. has succeeded
3. Shall, buy 4. will invite
5. will cook 6. will do
7. will give 8. will bake


The Past Perfect Tense PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
F Gerunds
A 1. Someone had broken into our house before we
came back from dinner. Exercises

2. Gina arrived at the school but her best friend had A 1. Boxing 2. Going
gone home. 3. taking 4. leaving
5. having 6. Eating
3. He was offered the post of manager after he had 7. exercising 8. watching
attended the important interview. 9. diving 10. surfing

4. Sheila was very nervous as her car had broken B 2. Wearing a lot of jewellery is not advisable.
down again. 3. Drinking and driving is dangerous.
4. Doing well in the examination is easy.
5. We apologised to the chairman because the 5. Smoking here is against the law.
meeting had started an hour ago. 6. Taking this subject is compulsory.
7. Eating five portions of fruits and vegetables is
B 1. had built
2. had not been healthy.
3. had ordered 8. Sweeping the floor in this wind is difficult.
4. had laid
5. had come Participles
6. had practised
7. had made Present Participles
8. had invented
The Future Perfect Tense
Exercises 1. Getting
2. running
1. will have driven 3. listening
2. will have been married 4. watching
3. will have finished 5. letting
4. will have fulfilled 6. swooping
5. will have packed 7. jumping
6. will have prepared 8. thumping
7. will have saved
8. will have been Past Participles

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises
A 2. Shocked by the bad news, Helen burst into tears.
1. has been working 3. Based on real events, the novel tells the stories
2. has been cooking
3. have been waiting of two soldiers.
4. have been taking 4. Born in Ipoh, Uncle Teng knows the history of the
5. has been sailing
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense 5. Sacked by the manager, the worker felt very sad.
B 1. wrecked
1. had been cycling 2. painted
2. had been trying 3. spoiled/spoilt
3. had been ill 4. fried
4. had been speeding 5. abandoned
5. had been dancing 6. swollen
7. Stolen
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense 8. Rejected
1. will have been saving
2. will have been rehearsing Exercises
3. will have been implementing
4. will have been dealing A 1. to take
5. will have been playing 2. to choreograph
3. To achieve
4. to work
5. to get
6. to cooperate


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers B 1. put
2. is
7. to start 3. are
8. to hear 4. deteriorates
5. floats
B 1. to go 6. lose
2. to read 7. help
3. to work 8. remains
4. to sneak 9. are
5. To make 10. return
6. to sprinkle
7. To create I Sentences
8. to give
Simple Sentences
G Adverbs
A It was a particularly bad spot. The boat was flying
swiftly downstream when Hans checked the rope too 2. Subject: Everybody
suddenly. Thornton was flung out of it. Buck sprung Verb: helped to prepare
up instantly. Amidst the mad swirl of water, he tried to
reach Thornton. Again, he missed him. Then he felt 3. Subject: My favourite dish
him grasp his tail. Buck headed for the bank. But they Missing: Verb
could only move slowly against the current. Thornton
knew that the shore was impossible. He scraped 4. Subject: Grandmother
furiously over a rock. He clutched its slippery top with Missing: Verb
both hands. Buck was swept downstream, struggling
desperately. When he heard Thornton shout, ‘Go, Buck! 5. Subject: Uncle Ramli and Tok Mat
Go’ Buck obediently turned toward the bank. He swam Verb: brought
powerfully and was dragged ashore by Hans.
6. Verb: Played
B 1. impatiently 2. angrily Missing: Subject
3. hesitantly 4. sharply
5. wearily 6. joyously 7. Subject: James
7. gently 8. firmly Verb: gave

C 1. healthily 2. beautifully 8. Subject: The scenery
3. well 4. extremely Missing: Verb
5. usually 6. punctually
7. finally 8. deliberately Compound Sentences

Comparison of Adverbs Exercises

Exercises 1. She took part in the triathlon so she could raise
money for cancer research.
1. faster
2. earlier 2. The crime rate is higher in cities but there are better
3. more loudly facilities.
4. more patiently
5. the most gracefully 3. Jins Shamsuddin is a good actor and a talented
6. longer director.
7. farther/further
8. more confidently 4. My twin brother loves sports but I am hopeless in all
H Subject-Verb Agreement
5. They can go to Kuala Terengganu or visit Kuantan
Exercises for their holiday.

A 1. are 2. sings 6. The bus broke down so we were late for school.
3. has 4. gathers 7. Dayang saw a strange man following her so she ran
5. is 6. was
7. were 8. has to the nearest police station.
9. have 10. is 8. She could buy some bread or she could make a loaf
11. travels 12. are
13. is 14. are cake.
15. need
Complex Sentences


A 1. When
2. before
3. because
4. Although
5. If


6. before PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 
7. because
8. when/ because B 1. isn’t it?
2. haven’t they?
B 1. Mangroves are ecologically important so we need 3. doesn’t it?
to protect them. (Compound) 4. isn’t it?
5. doesn’t it?
2. Although aquaculture has provided livelihoods for 6. aren’t they?
millions of people, it has destroyed the world’s 7. can’t we?
mangroves. (Complex) 8. are there?

3. When aquaculturists clear mangroves to make L Active and Passive Voice
way for shrimp or fish farms, they are contributing
to land erosion. (Complex) Exercises

4. If we clear away mangrove forests, the habitat of A Extract 1
local fish will be destroyed too. (Complex) 1. were planted
2. were caught,
5. Mangroves act as a giant sponge because they 3. were planted
absorb all the effluents. (Compound) 4. were saved
5. were destroyed
6. They eradicate farm waste very efficiently and
they cost nothing. (Compound) Extract 2
1. were razed
7. Moreover, they act as barricades and block 2. were dumped
typhoons and tsunamis from destroying the coast. 3. were, lit
4. were evacuated
(Compound) 5. were provided

8. People might think mangroves are unattractive B 1. prepared
trees with exposed roots but they give us so 2. was, blanched
3. was slathered
much. (Complex) 4. was steamed
5. enjoyed
J Positive and Negative Statements 6. knew
7. had visited
Exercises 8. would eat

A 1. was not very popular M Direct and Indirect Speech
2. was not part
3. do not believe Exercises
4. is as popular as before
5. is the same A 1. he is seventeen years old.
6. does not emphasise 2. his favourite pastime is swimming.
7. do not require 3. He said that he watches football matches on
8. do not play
television during weekends.
B 1. There was not/wasn’t a heavy downpour last 4. He said that he enjoys Malaysian food.
night. 5. He said that his dream is to travel around the world.
6. He said he hopes to climb Mount Kinabalu before
2. Sabrina does not/doesn’t play the flute in the
orchestra. he goes back to Melbourne.

3. The management dismissed some workers not B 1. Nazli asked Azman if he had packed up.
long ago. 2. The foreman warned the worker that the chemical

4. The elderly woman was diagnosed with kidney catches fire easily.
failure. 3. The tour guide asked, ‘Is everybody in the bus?’
4. ‘I am sorry I am late,’ Rajan apologised to Suresh.
5. He knows that H1N1 influenza is an infectious 5. Izzudin told his colleagues that he had discussed
the plan with their superior the day before.
K Question Tags and Responses 6. He told his friend that he had sold off his car. Answers
7. Ramlah said that he would start doing his
assignment soon.
A 1. aren’t you? Yes, I am. 8. ‘The cost of living in Tokyo is very high,’ Adlina
2. don’t you? Yes, I do.
3. don’t you? Yes, I do. told her sister.
4. haven’t you? Yes, I have.
5. do you? Yes, I do.
6. can’t you? Yes, I can.
7. won’t you? Yes, I will.
8. aren’t you? Yes, I am.


Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers

N Prepositions O Conjunctions

Prepositions of Place Exercises

Exercises A 1. We toured the tea plantation after we had had a
wonderful meal at the Tea House.
1. over
2. between 2. We were having a splendid view of Mount Kinabalu
3. at while we were sipping the delicious Sabah Tea.
4. in
5. on 3. The Sabah Tea Plantations produces both regular
6. underneath/beneath tea and organic tea.
7. at
8. on 4. We loved the clean crisp air so we decided to
9. on stay at one of the bungalows in the Sabah Tea
10. on Plantations.
11. in
12. in 5. We were on the doorstep of Mount Kinabalu
13. at although we did not visit it.
14. opposite/near
15. near B 1. and
2. When
Prepositions of Time 3. not only
Exercises 4. but also
5. but
In on at — 6. because
7. though
a minute Monday 12 midnight last July
2011 8.00 p.m. this Sunday P Phrases and Clauses
Thursday noon every year
the morning morning 3 o’clock next week Exercises
a week
our A 1. Jeyanti saw the car that/which nearly knocked the
anniversary old man down.

31 August 2. Adam ran after the thief who snatched his mother’s
B 1. in a minute
2. At 12 midnight 3. The people who wanted to go to the new mall had
3. in the morning, on Thursday morning to wait a long time for the bus.
4. every year
5. in 2011 4. The homes that/which were destroyed by the flood
6. this Sunday are now being rebuilt.
7. On our anniversary
8. at 8.00 p.m. 5. My aunt works for a company that/which produces
C 1. since
2. for 6. Do you know the girl whom Jill is talking to?
3. from, to/until 7. I like the bag that/which you bought during the trip
4. during
5. within to Kuantan.
8. Salim bought his sister a blouse that/which fitted
Answers Prepositions of Direction/Movement
her very well.
B 1. I haven’t seen Jimmy since we graduated from
1. along University of Malaya.
2. away
3. through 2. Most of us are worried because the company may
4. into lay off some employees.
5. past
6. across 3. The guests enjoyed the dessert after they had
7. up eaten the main course.
8. down
4. Every customer will get a ten percent discount if
they spend more than one hundred ringgit.

5. The animals will attack us when/if they feel

6. The villagers escaped before the river overflowed
its banks.

7. Aida will continue her studies although she can
hardly afford the fees.

8. Mr. and Mrs.Yang are making plans for the
future so that hey will be able to enjoy their
retired life.


Rational Cloze 6Chapter PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers

A 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D Exercises
5. B 6. B 7. A 4. A
4. C Exercise 1
B 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 1. The Digital Photography Book
5. C 6. C 7. A 4. A 2. The Eyes of the Dragon
4. A 3. The Devil Wears Gucci
C 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 4. Cacti: a Gardener’s Handbook for Their Identification
5. D 6. B 7. A 4. B and Cultivation
4. D 5. Living in the Light
D 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. A 6. Lauren Wise.
5. C 6. C 7. C 4. C 7. Viking.
4. D 8. The Digital Photography Book.
 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 9. the throne.
5. B 6. C 7. D 4. B
4. A 10. The Digital Photography Book
 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A
5. C 6. B 7. D Exercise 2
1. Ginger
 1. B 2. A 3. C 2. Garlic
5. C 6. B 7. D 3. Ginkgo
4. Ginkgo
 1. A 2. B 3. B 5. Peppermint
5. A 6. B 7. D 6. levels of blood pressure and blood cholesterol.
7. indigestion, headaches, colic, gingivitis, irritable
 1. A 2. A 3. C bowel syndrome, spasms and rheumatism.
5. D 6. C 7. D 8. the body to restore itself to health.
9. blood circulation of the body and the brain.
 1. A 2. C 3. A
5. B 6. C 7. D 10. it may cause excessive sweating.

 1. B 2. D 3. C Exercise 3
5. B 6. D 7. B 1. The Cosby Show
2. Beauty and the Geek
 1. B 2. B 3. C 3. Chicago Hope
5. A 6. A 7. A 4. 16 days in Afghanistan
5. The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron
 1. B 2. B 3. C 6. American Emmy Award
5. B 6. D 7. C 7. 6 September 2002
8. Anwar Hajher
 1. B 2. A 3. D 9. The Cosby Show
5. D 6. C 7. B
10. Mandy Patinkin and Adam Arkin
 1. D 2. B 3. B
5. A 6. D 7. B Exercise 4
1. Laptop
 1. B 2. C 3. B 2. Palmtop
5. D 6. D 7. A 3. Server
4. Personal Computer
Enrichment Exercises 5. Workstation
6. a notebook.
A 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 7. a workstation. Answers
5. A 6. C 7. C 4. B 8. microcomputers
4. C 9. user input.
B 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B
5. C 6. B 7. C 4. A 10. Cray Supercomputers

C 1. D 2. C 3. B Exercise 5
5. D 6. C 7. D 1. scuba diving
2. Kuala Terengganu
D 1. D 2. B 3. D 3. sightseeing
5. D 6. A 7. B

 1. B 2. D 3. C
5. B 6. A 7. B


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers Exercise 10
1. MCC Health Talk
4. Pahang 2. Super Weight-Loss Contest
5. Pahang 3. SMC Health Screening
6. Diving 4. Pinklab Health Management
7. Kuala Lumpur 5. Save-A-Life Campaign
8. This is because of its cool temperature 6. Malacca Country Club
9. Ghost of the Sea Turtle 7. September 1
10. 1998 8. elderly patients
9. surfing
Exercise 6 10. Pinklab Sdn. Bhd.
1. Arena of Stars
2. Genting de Casino Exercise 11
3. First World Plaza 1. Sales Executive
4. Awana Golf & Country Resort 2. Wedding Coordinator
5. Genting Theme Park 3. Catering Sales Coordinator
6. 90 4. Senior Communications Executive
7. Jim Brickman, Richard Clayderman, Kitaro, The 5. Housekeeping Executive
6. Nikki Hotels International
Black-Eyed Peas (any two) 7. Six
8. 6,000 people 8. 2 – 3 years’ work experience in a hotel
9. Rock climbing and jungle trekking 9. 20 August
10. experience skydiving. 10. Kuala Lumpur

Exercise 7 Exercise 12
1. 3,000 bird species 1. peak intellectual performance
2. extensive collection of local and international Islamic 2. achieve his or her mental potential.
3. 16 – 20 hours
art objects 4. 10 – 13 hours
3. miniature replicas of renowned buildings 5. nine – 10 hours
4. features of Moorish architecture and North Indian 6. six – 10 hours
7. memory, concentration and mood
Islamic motifs 8. routine
5. one of the largest free-standing copper sculptures in 9. keep one awake
10. melatonin
the world
6. leather goods, T-shirts and food Exercise 13
7. Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia 1. Bee, wasp and hornet
8. Masjid Jamek 2. Scorpion
9. Petaling Street 3. Centipede
10. Kuala Lumpur Bird Park 4. Ants
5. Leech
Exercise 8 6. (i) have no barbs
1. observe the behaviour and emotions of these ‘Men
(ii) die after stinging
in the Forest’ 7. its saliva contains an anesthetic
2. botanical treasures 8. painful, sedation, pills to stop vomiting
3. wildlife species 9. insert and withdraw, multiple stings
4. waterfall 10. spider, tarantula
5. the carnivorous pitcher plant
6. the proboscis monkey Exercise 14
7. explore winding trails 1. complex, multipurpose
8. sandy bays that provide good swimming grounds 2. fermentation, water, kitchen waste
9. explore limestone formations 3. dark brown
10. cool stream that flows out from the cave 4. sweet, sour, fermented scent
5. Dr. Rusukon from Thailand
Exercise 9 6. ozone gas, greenhouse and global warming effects
1. Ministry of Youth and Sports 7. nitrate, hormone
2. 28 July 8. carbonate, marine life
3. 2.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. 9. plastic container, water, kitchen waste
4. Suria Shopping Centre 10. 60%, 10%, 80%
5. Sunday
6. Rock climbing
7. Pop Shuvit
8. Beat It
9. 100 Ticket to Pop Shuvit’s Concert
10. Meeta Juice


Exercise 15 PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers
1. The Worst-case Scenario Survival Handbook.
2. Jumanji. Exercise 3
3. Where The Wild Things Are. 1. a mechanical counting device for making calculations
4. Mr. Popper’s Penguins 2. an electronic device that is used for performing
5. The Adventures Of Blue Avenger. mathematical calculations
6. raising penguins from the South Pole. 3. fingers and mental energy of the user
7. even the most monumental of tasks 4. batteries
8. is sent to his room without dinner 5. Helps people keep track of numbers as they do the
9. a perilous jungle adventure computing
6. Does the calculations after the user has keyed in the
10. the construction of an intergalactic highway information
7. (i) set of objects standing in for objects in another set
Exercise 16 (ii) a single object standing for a collection of objects
1. 5-day workshop, Talk and Talk Co Ltd 8. 5,000 years ago, wood and beads
2. Speak like a pro now and always 9. account to others in all aspects of life
3. 14 – 18 November 202_, 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. daily
4. The Saujana, Kuala Lumpur 10. (i) general purpose calculators and
5. Organisation and Prioritisation (ii) specific purpose calculators
6. Expression and Delivery
7. RM280.00, course materials, lunch and tea breaks 7Chapter COMPREHENSION
8. Ben – school debating team
9. Rashid – with confidence Exercises Answers

10. Certificate of Participation Passage 1
1. Fraser was the leader of a weather station on
Enrichment Exercises Campbell Island.
2. (a) 40 yards offshore
Exercise 1 (b) (i) He relished the feeling of oneness with
1. 5D/4N Drive Around Perth, West Australia nature.
2. 8D/7N Northern Highlights (ii) To familiarise himself with the depth of the bay
3. 5D/4N Margaret River Trail 3. (a) A huge shark
4. 7D/6N Motorhome Holidays (b) flung
5. 8D/7N Great South Eco 4. (a) His arm was gone.
6. 8D/7N Great South Eco (b) If he swam fast, his heart would pump more blood
7. Total independent self-drive around West Australia into the sea.
8. Farm activities on an Australian farm 5. Fraser realised that he had to do something to save
9. You share accommodation in the same room with his life. He had to fight for his life or he would soon
another person. be dead.

10. You can clock as many kilometers as you like on your Passage 2
rented vehicle. 1. He was candid, friendly and outspoken.
2. (a) ‘I really believe in this.’
Exercise 2 (b) He felt that there was a huge untapped market
1. Gardening that does not use synthetic products in Asia where millions of people want to fly but
including pesticides and fertilisers. could not afford it.
2. Gardening that uses artificial products including 3. (a) If one is afraid of failure, one will never start out
pesticides and fertilisers. on anything.
3. Organic matter from decaying plants and animal (b) He pushed on with his work and his dreams.
waste 4. (a) It could not compete with the buses which ply
4. Artificial fertilisers from Kuala Lumpur to Penang.
5. Working with nature – reduces pollution (b) He said he is sorry./He apologised for his
6. Use of pesticides contributes to air pollution and kills mistakes.
plants 5. We must always be realistic in pursuing our dreams.
7. ornamental plants, useful plants In wanting to achieve our dreams, it does not give
8. Compost, grass clipping, dried leaves and kitchen us the power to go overboard with our wishes.Then
scraps to manure and fish heads we will fail to realise what we want.
9. ‘Feed the soil and the soil will feed the plants.’

10. it improves the soil’s texture and attracts soil
organisms that create nutrients in the soil.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 2. (a) Brushing cleans a quarter of the mouth.
(b) Brushing alone is insufficient to control plaque
Passage 3 formation due to insufficient time or lack of the
1. (a) It was believed that long ago, whales were four- appropriate technique.

legged, wolf-sized animals. 3. (a) This is due to the fluoridation of water supplies.
(b) There was an abundance of fish and shrimp. (b) Dental caries and periodontal disease
2. Superb streamlining and its skin which is loose and
lubricated help the whale to swim swiftly. 4. (a) By controlling the accumulation of plaque by
3. (a) When they are in trouble, they do not abandon adhering to a daily oral hygiene regimen.

one another. (b) regimens
(b) They support each other on their backs. 5. It was when research proved that there was a
4. (a) When a calf is born underwater, the mother brings
relationship between plaque accumulation and the
it to the surface for air. development of gum disease in the 1960’s.
(b) The mother squirts the milk directly into the
Passage 7
baby’s mouth. 1. They are Elaeis guineensis and Corozo oleifera.
5. The belugas refused to leave as they were frightened 2. (a) The use of palm oil can be traced back to Egypt

by the engines. Then, the ship used loudspeakers. during the reign of the Pharaohs.
The whales finally swam through the channel when (b) In the 1830s
they heard Beethoven’s music. 3. (a) It is a perennial crop that flourishes in the humid

Passage 4 topics between 10 degrees north latitude and 10
1. (a) A delightful experience degrees south latitudes.
(b) It fruits all year long and is the highest yielding
(b) Any kind of soil oil crop.
2. (a) To fascilitate the easy growth of vegetables (c) They are black when ripe, red at the base and
yield two types of oils:palm oil and palm kernel oil.
(b) They offer adequate drainage and help root (d) Perennial
growth. 4. Every part of the plant can be used for some purpose
and none is wasted.
3. (a) It is riddled with bugs and insects that may eat 5. By involving in a lot of research and proving to the
the vegetable sprouts. world that it is a healthy type of oil.

(b) It is a contemporary way of cultivating plants Passage 8
without having to use soil. 1. (a) Their food is nectar.

4. (a) So as not to cut the roots (b) Arthur Russel Wallace and Sir Stamford
(b) It will provide protection as well as nutrients for Raffles
the roots.
2. (a) They are attracted to all forms of moisture like
5. As plants are living things, they respond positively to puddles on the road side, river banks and wet
love and tender care. leaves.

Passage 5 (b) During the early morning and late afternoon
1. (a) The counsellor told Suresh never to take up 3. Butterflies usually fly during the day whereas moths

science as his results were so poor. are nocturnal. Moths rest with their wings opened in
(b) It was when he saw his father crying in his room. a horizontal position, while butterflies fold both wings
2. (a) He enrolled himself at Tunku Abdul Rahman together in a closed upright position.
4. (a) By their long pointed forewings and swallow-like
(b) He became interested as Dr. Mak, his parasitology tails from their hind wings.
(b) Two to three weeks
teacher, was an inspiring figure. 5. This is because of the emergence of the beautiful
3. (a) Phd at National University of Singapore butterfly in radiant colours from a worm-like creature.

(b) activated Passage 9
4. (a) He began to realise that he became better in his 1. (a) It reminds foreign visitors that Islam is the official

chosen field. religion of the country.
(b) It is a protozoan parasite known to cause (b) When Arab traders sailed to Malaya in search of

diarrhea, stomach bloating and other gastro- gold and spices.
intestinal symptoms. 2. (a) They were wooden, thatch-roofed mosques.
5. If one believes in himself, one can do anything to
become successful in life. (b) The visit is an educational and enlightening
experience in art, architecture and culture.
Passage 6
1. (a) No. This is because it may not be able to maintain 3. (a) It can indicate the period in which it was built.
(b) They were based on the design elements of a
an oral hygiene level that controls the formation Malay house.
of bacterial plaque on teeth.
(b) It is a generic term to describe a sticky film of
bacteria that collects on teeth above and below
the gingival margin or gumline.


(c) They are in the pulpit and niche denoting the PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
direction of Mecca.
Passage 13
4. It was constructed without any nails. 1. (a) A man of few words
5. It is the fine craftsmanship shown in the building of
(b) Forthright
the mosques. 2. (a) He is not an idealist anymore and was not as

Passage 10 friendly as now.
1. (a) At a traffic light at 68th Street, just opposite New 3. Malay-rooted music
4. He was from Bukit Panjang, Singapore and the fourth
York Hospital
(b) He was going to La Guardia Airport. of nine siblings.
2. He thought it was possible that the man really loved 5. He said that the experience was good and he
his job or he was in a good mood that made him give
such a reply. became aware that he could be expressive, articulate
3. (a) The passenger kept silent. and affectionate.
(b) He was to call Dr. Plum’s secretary for an interview.
4. (a) It gave him confidence and made him feel more Passage 14
1. (a) Ethnic pottery
important than he really was.
(b) The word is ‘prestigious’. (b) Calabashes
5. They did not believe that anyone who was capable 2. (a) The water is fresh and chilled.
of giving Robbie a summer job could have written
his particulars on a scrap of paper. (b) The water is infused with magical properties.
3. (a) The special properties are attributed to the clay
Passage 11
1. (a) It is easier to identify what is needed and avoid ‘tanah busut’ that is used to make calabashes.
(b) It has a smooth, black surface that is glossy and
buying items on a whim.
(b) The supermarkets display toys and other embellished with motifs of traditional flowers,
spices and leaves around its top, neck and body.
small items to entice shoppers even on aisles 4. (a) Various
designated for items such as canned food, oil (b) Water is added and the clay is kneaded to
and rice. remove any air.
2. (a) They are cheaper than other branded items. 5. The ‘tanah busut’ used to make the calabashes
(b) Shoppers may buy unwanted items as they may is found only around the riverbanks and paddy
be cheaper. fields of Sayong. As there are other areas in Perak
3. By buying and storing as this reduces the number of involved in the making of calabashes, the word
trips to the supermarket. ‘sayong’ was added to distinguish these calabashes
4. (a) They can travel at similar speeds and have a from sayong.
similar range.
(b) It would save on fuel and time. Passage 15
5. (i) It is more convenient to go at our own time and 1. (a) Kedah
speed if we are alone.
(ii) Considering the crime rate in the city, it is risky (b) (i) They were going to the same camp.
to carpool with strangers. (ii) The camp is only 20 minutes drive from their
Passage 12
1. It is about half an hour’s car ride west of Kuantan. (c) It was their allowance for breakfast for the day.
2. (a) One can stroll along the riverbanks, do 2. (a) There was registration and division of the trainees

birdwatching or fishing. into groups or ‘companies’.
(b) To sit and watch the sun set (b) The activities they had to carry out each day
3. (a) The reconstruction of the appearance and
made the trainees become more and more
atmosphere of a working tin mine. involved in their day-to-day activities.
(b) Dwindled 3. Parents of trainees could visit them for a few hours
4. (a) To get there one has to make the three-hour on Saturdays, the trainees could also make calls with
their handphones which are returned on Thursdays
journey along logging tracks by jeep and walk and collected on Saturdays. Many public phones are
the last few kilometres. also available now.
(b) The reward is being able to spend time in the 4. Food poisoning and diarrhoea
beauty of the primary forest and experience the 5. They could see their parents on Saturdays as well
peace and harmony of undisturbed jungle for as keep in touch with friends and family during
miles and miles. weekends.
5. (a) Scenery of fruit trees and many miles of planted
oil palms on both sides of the road. Passage 16
(b) Bukit Cheras, an impressive limestone out crop 1. (a) He was supposed to meet his client in a cabin.
which contains caves and a resident Buddist monk.
(b) He taught him how to cast.
2. (a) His client’s enthusiastic response made him feel

excited again.
(b) The word is ‘engrossed’.
3. (a) He had been very sick.


PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers Exercise 2

(b) They were celebrating that he was still alive. These huge warm-blooded sea creatures are the closest
4. He was going to meet another client.
5. He learnt not to stereotype people and that he should to humans as they exhibit strong family ties. The young

never judge a book by its cover. remain with their parents for up to fifteen years or more.

Enrichment Exercises Whales live in herds. In times of stress, whales look

A 1. Her friend, Sally. after one another. The sick or wounded are cradled or
2. They had been friends for a long time.
3. Since primary school. supported on the backs of other whales. Their maternal

B 1. The advertisements and gimmicks used. instincts are highly developed. A newborn calf is guided to
2. The dyes and chemicals found in junk food may
cause cancer. the surface before it drowns. A stillborn calf is supported
3. By providing other healthier types of food.
on the mother’s back until it rots away. Mother whales
C 1. Sluggish
2. He was very curious about nature. feed their babies with milk. They fondle and discipline their
3. He could not tolerate the boredom of school.
babies with their flippers. Whales are gentle and do not
D 1. People who move from one place to another each
time they have finished all the food supplies in one harm humans unless provoked. They communicate and
keep in contact with other whales. They talk and sing and
2. It means ‘finished’.
3. The sentence is ‘... there are those towering to also tinker with notes. (130 words)

nearly six feet and others short and stocky.’. Exercise 3
4. The women are good-looking but may age rapidly When you want to plant a seedling in your garden,
you can start by identifying a spot in your garden with
after twenty. good sunlight. Visit the nearest hardware store and
choose from a variety of vegetable seed packets and
 1. He wanted to enjoy a quiet walk. read the requirements. Also, buy a mixture of good
2. Perhaps it was lunchtime, I thought, trying to quality soil. Once you have gotten your young plant in a
console myself. plastic bag, dig a hole in the identified spot. Next, cut the
3. [What the writer thinks about nature] plastic bag carefully. Then, place the plant in the hole
The writer obviously enjoyed nature as he chose neatly and cover the hole with soil you had removed
to walk to the station and he was also aware of the earlier. Press the soil down firmly with your hands. Add
beauty of nature as he admired the scenery before more soil if your plant is in a pot. Then place some
him. wet mulch around the plant. Lastly, water the seedling
frequently and make sure there is proper sunlight.
8Chapter SUMMARY
(129 words)
Answers Exercises
Exercise 4
Exercise 1 After failing his STPM examinations twice, Suresh enrolled
Tony Fernandes has a down-to-earth formula for himself at Tunku Abdul Rahman College to do his diploma
success. He is a candid, friendly and outspoken person. and his bachelor’s degree in science. After graduation, he
He believes that everything can be done. He is an joined the Institute for Medical Research as a research
ordinary guy who believed in himself. He advises that assistant to his parasitology teacher, Dr. Mak Joon Wah.
one should not be afraid of failing or one will never begin Dr. Mak sent Suresh to do his postgraduate diploma in
doing anything. One should not be scared of making applied parasitology and entomology. Suresh received
errors. If one does not make mistakes, one will lose scholarships to pursue his master’s degree at University
one’s chance to learn. When one makes mistakes, be Malaya and then his PhD at the National University
brave to admit and apologise for one’s errors. One has of Singapore. Besides writing plays, Suresh has also
to be accessible at all times. Accessibility helps authored four management books. He has just won the
to earn the confidence of others. One should be a Malaysian Toray Science and Technology Award for his 17
realist in pursuing one’s dreams. One should look years of pioneering work in the field of Blastocystics. He
beyond money when one pursues something. Make use had also won the Geneva International Innovation Gold
of the money that one gets by helping others. Medal for developing a diagnostic test for Blastocystics.

(128 words) (130 words)

Exercise 5
Brushing alone is insufficient to maintain good oral hygiene
as accumulated plaque can lead to the development of
dental cavities, gum inflammation and related diseases.
When plaque remains in the mouth for as little as one
day, calcification or hardening may occur, leading to tartar
formation. Brushing alone cleans about a quarter of the
mouth. Most people are unable to maintain a level of oral


PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 

hygiene sufficient to control plaque formation through Exercise 9
brushing alone due to insufficient time or inappropriate Robbie’s father gave him Dr. Plum’s particulars over
techniques. Gingivitis is an early reversible form of gum dinner and Robbie sent off his grades the next morning.
disease resulting from inadequate plaque removal. Two weeks later he received a letter asking him to call Dr
Gingivitis can lead to periodontities which, if left untreated, Plum’s secretary for an interview. Robbie got the summer
can result in eventual tooth loss. A daily regimen of job and was paid $40 a week. The white lab coat gave him
brushing, flossing and adding an antiseptic mouth rinse a lot of confidence. The following summer when he worked
for better plaque control is highly recommended. at the hospital again, he was given more responsibility.
Dr Plum wrote letters of recommendation for college as
(130 words) Robbie’s high school graduation neared. He entered a
Exercise 6 prestigious university. He gradually developed a love for
Palm oil is used widely in the manufacture of various the medical profession when he continued working at
household products. As a food, the vitamin-A-and-E- the hospital. After university, Dr Plum again wrote letters
rich palm oil is wholesome for human consumption. It attesting to Robbie’s ability and character. Robbie was
is cholesterol-free and anti thrombotic; it can prevent finally admitted to the New York Medical College.
blood clots in blood vessels or the heart. The oil does
not raise blood cholesterol. Hydrogenation process has (128 words)
created a big market for palm oil. Vegetable oil-based
‘shortenings’ are used to replace lard and beef tallow. Exercise 10
PORIM has extensively tested the use of palm-based To save money on groceries and fuel, one must make
methyl esters as a diesel substitute. The caked residues a list. With a list, it is easier to identify what is needed
of palm kernels are used as cattle feed while empty fruit and avoid buying items on a whim. Next is to compare
bunches and fibre from palm fronds are used to make prices. Make a list of commonly bought items and spend
medium-density fireboards and chipboards. The trunks some time comparing prices between supermarkets. You
could also be developed into furniture. Disposed oil palms can also buy the store brand as it is always cheaper than
are decomposed and returned to the field as soil nutrients. other branded items. Do not buy unwanted items during
sales for loyalty card members. Plan your shopping trips
(130 words) and plan your routes if you are shopping at more than
one outlet. Furthermore, avoid travelling at peak hours.
Exercise 7 Use public transport or use a mixed mode of transport
like riding a motorcycle. In addition, carpooling is another
With their radiant colours and fragile wings, butterflies alternative or you could move closer to your workplace.

fascinate us when they appear in spring proclaiming (128 words)

the advent of warmth and sun after a harsh winter. We

admire their freedom as they fly between flowers. We

are astonished at the complete transformation from an

ugly caterpillar to a stunning beauty. They also feed on Exercise 11

nectar. Butterflies are most active during the early morning A trip to Sungai Lembing is worthwhile as many

and late afternoon. They are attracted to all forms of attractions are available for visitors. The sandy flats of

moisture as well as animal matter. The life cycle of the the river are ideal for fishing or birdwatching. One can

butterfly begins with a female laying eggs on a plant. stroll along the riverbank or sit and watch the sunset

Within several days, these eggs hatch into caterpillars over Gunung Tapis. Some of the old bungalows give

which grow at a rapid rate. A caterpillar sheds its skin an idea of the scope and size of the mining community

several times before it turns into a pupa. Its final form is in the past. In the old expatriate club, one can eat an

the adult butterfly. (127 words) excellent meal. The biscuit factory offers crisp, wafery

Exercise 8 coconut biscuits which are famous throughout the Eastern
After Malaysia’s independence in 1957, local architects
handled the design of mosques. They used modern states. Over the suspension bridge is a peaceful village
materials to capitalise on the advancements in building
technology. Latticed arches, onion-shaped and top-shaped that has not changed for 50 years. The adventurous can
domes and tall minarets were popular features of early
post-independence mosques. The National Mosque built spend a night in a chalet at the top of Gunung Tapis to
in 1965 was made of reinforced concrete and Italian
marble. Pools of water in its courtyard create a serene enjoy the beauty of the primary forest and listen to the
ambience while Islamic geometric latticework adorns its
walls. The Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque gibbons. (129 words) Answers
in Shah Alam is inspired by an Ottoman Mosque in
Istanbul, Turkey. It boasts the world’s tallest minarets Exercise 12
and biggest dome. Newer mosques are based on the M. Nasir’s career took off when he accepted to act in
architectural styles from the Middle East like the Al-Asyikin radio plays on Singapore Broadcast Corporation (SBC).
Mosque at KLCC which is surrounded by a moat. The He also wrote the theme song. He did six months of
Putra Mosque showcases Persian architecture. classical guitar at Nanyang Academy. When he was doing
the SBC gig, he attracted Polygram Singapore executive
(129 words) producer Wan Ibrahim’s attention, who introduced him
to the record company. His debut record was Untuk
Pencinta Seni. When he joined the group Kembara, his
talent in progressive rock emerged. From his role as the


PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers

Principal in the local reality television series, Akademi Enrichment Exercises
Fantasia 3, he learnt that he could be expressive, articulate
and affectionate. He starred in the epic movie, Puteri A 1. serene
Gunung Ledang. M. Nasir was a perfect fit. Then, he 2. help
produced his own album, Phoenix Bangkit in 2001. 3. alter
4. inexpensive
(128 words) 5. vanish
6. decline
Exercise 13 7. stop
When Pak and Mak are ready to make a labu sayong, 8. copy, follow
9. trespass
the clay is sourced from various parts of Sayong. The
10. govern, lead
dried clay is pounded and sieved. Water is then added 11. surrender
12. correct, right
and the clay is kneaded. The ‘dough’ is then left alone 13. consider, contemplate
14. reply, answer
for a day or two to dry out before it is ready to be 15. answerable
shaped. The moulding of the labu is done in stages. 16. empty
17. misuse
The calabash is shaped using a potter’s wheel and the 18. irritable
19. protect
semi-dry calabash surface is polished using a smooth 20. constant

pebble. The motifs are next stamped onto the calabash.

Then the calabash is left to dry for a few days, before

being fired in a pit. When the yellowish brown calabash

turns red, it is taken out and tossed into a mixture of dried

rice husks and earth. (129 words)

Exercise 14 B 1. barren 2. barrier
The three-month National Service Programme which 3. alma mater 4. advise
was implemented in 2003 was aimed at bonding the 5. continue 6. flashback
youths of Malaysia together and create a Malaysian 7. flair 8. hoard
nation. Besides developing racial unity and national 9. necessary 10. tight-lipped
integration, the programme is designed to increase 11. strong 12. silently
patriotism, produce positive attitude, boost the spirit of 14. regarding
volunteerism and create a new generation of youths 13. playfully 16. indestructible
who are energetic, vibrant and confident. The physical 15. like 18. illiterate
module aims to develop high endurance and strength 17. import 20. invisible
in the areas of mentality, discipline, self-confidence, 19. memorise
teamwork, leadership and friendship. The community
service programme aims to create and instil the spirit of C 1. They want to participate in the competition.
sharing and serving the community. The nation building 2. John is babysitting tonight.
module aims to develop the spirit of love and care for the 3. We anchored the boat and went ashore.
country. The 18-year-old youths are randomly selected 4. The doctor had to amputate part of his leg due to
out of 450,000 youths in one particular year through a serious injuries.
computerised process.
5. The hotel’s food was appetising.
(128 words) 6. His last appearance before his death was as

Exercise 15 ‘Julius Caesar’.
The client appeared to be more luxurious than the
writer’s expectations. He was strong and he looked 7. They do not appreciate Van Gogh.
like a model for an outdoor catalogue. The fishing vest 8. My new English teacher is very approachable.
was stiff with newness and all the rest of the equipment 9. This washing machine is fully automatic.
was shiny and untested. His boots were as white as 10. Poor business decisions led to the company’s
snow. His rod looked equally new and the line was
shiny. He had his reel on backward. They began their demise.
casting lesson on the lawn. When the first fish struck, the
Answers client was truly awed. During the second time, his shouts 9Chapter THE LITERATURE COMPONENT
of joy rang up and down the creek as they reeled in
another fish. The writer also showed how to keep his (i) Poems
fly from dragging and how to fish the deeper pools.
The client was absorbed by the techniques of fishing. The Living Photograph

(130 words) Exercises

Exercise 1
(a) She describes it as unknown and unthinkable.


PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 

(b) One of the themes is close family ties with Exercise 3
grandparents and parents. (a) They are sent to the valley of Death to do battle with

(c) As she aged the grandmother seemed to have grown the enemies.
shorter. (b) The literary device is personification and ‘death’ is

(d) What: The grandmother forgot to boil the water personified as a greedy person waiting with open
because she was getting old. jaws or mouth to eat up anything he or she can get
hold of.
Habit and reason: Yes, this is a habit of old people (c) A moral value I have learned is we should work for
because it is normal development as one ages. peace and not warfare which brings untold misery.
(d) Action: I should try to clarify the orders given to make
Exercise 2 sure there is no costly blunder.
(a) The word is ‘hunched’. Reason for inaction: They are unable to react
(b) The person dresses neatly and is prim and proper. correctly as their duty is to follow orders given by
(c) A moral lesson I have learned is we must love and their commanding officer to the letter.

appreciate people while they are alive. A Poison Tree
(d) Symbol: It symbolises the close ties between the
persona and her grandmother.
Feeling: I feel this is a good practice as it helps me to Exercise 1 Answers
(a) Anger is the feeling of being upset while wrath is
keep good memories of people I have lost to death.
deep anger.
Exercise 3 (b) A theme portrayed by the poem is the dangers of
(a) The expression ’straight-back’ indicates that the
keeping our anger within ourselves.
grandmother is tall and well-built. (c) The two things are it festered within the persona until
(b) The line means that the persona is black while the
it got out of control and it affected the enemy to take
grandmother is a white. extreme steps to overcome it.
(c) The poem is titled as such as the persona feels (d) Description: The enemy entered the garden like a
thief as seen in the use of the word ‘stole’.
her grandmother is still alive when she looks at the Meanings: Literal meaning – the enemy entered the
photograph. persona’s compound to steal something
(d) Feeling: I think she was not afraid to die. Figurative meaning – the enemy tries to outwit the
Reason: The reason is she accepted death as she persona who seems to have lost his self-control for
wanted to die gracefully and peacefully. his own benefit but ends up losing out.

The Charge of the Light Brigade Exercise 2
(a) Night has been personified as a person who has put
a cover or veil over a pole or light.
Exercise 1 (b) He feels happy as it seems he has successfully
(a) They have to march half a league and they end up
destroyed his enemy.
in the horrible battlefield. (c) It is ironic that the anger which is a negative feeling
(b) The soldiers are in a situation where they cannot
has developed into an apple tree which is a symbol
question the orders given to them. of a good thing.
(c) The word is ‘cannon’. (d) Solution: He talked it out with his friend but he did
(d) Indication: The words indicate that the cannon balls not express his feelings to his enemy.
Opinion: I think he adopts different approaches
that are fired exploded with deafening sounds. because it is easier to discuss feelings, good and
Feeling: I think the soldiers would have felt lost and bad with friends whereas with enemies, one tends to
be wary and unwilling to solve the unfriendly, angry
confused, not believing what was happening around feelings.
Exercise 3
Exercise 2 (a) It means the persona pretended and covered up his
(a) There are 600 soldiers and they are attacked by
anger with insincere smiles.
cannons from all sides. (b) The persona’s enemy is said to have entered his
(b) The word is ‘blundered’ and it is made by the
garden and ate the apple from the poison tree.
commanding officer. (c) We should not allow anger to control our lives.
(c) He uses the expression ‘do and die’ to indicate that (d) Steps: He sunned it with insincere smiles and

as soldiers, they have to follow orders given to them deceitful ways and lies to keep it alive.
even if it means death.
(d) Explanation: In relation to the situation, the expression
refers to the feelings of the soldiers when they knew
the orders were not acceptable,
Thoughts: The thoughts would be death is inevitable
but we cannot do anything.


Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers (e) death (f) unthinkable
(g) round, hunched (h) soup
End results: The end result is he built up an obsession (i) living (j) crinkled
or a poison tree that caused destruction to himself
and his enemy. Exercise 2
1. (f) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (g) 5. (h)
What Has Happened to Lulu? 6. (b) 7. (e) 8. (c)

Exercises Exercise 3
(a) half a league
Exercise 1 (b) six hundred
(a) It signifies that Lulu went out through the window (c) guns
(d) blundered
or that she talked to whoever she left with from the (e) do and die
window. (f) valley of Death
(b) I think Lulu wrote the note and it is addressed to the (g) cannons
mother. (h) volleyed and thundered
(c) A theme the poem portrays is parents’ and sibling’s (i) shot and shell
feeling of grief. (j) bold and well
(d) Evidence 1: He only noticed the childish things that
are found in the room. Exercise 4
Evidence 2: His mother dismisses the sounds he 1. Alfred, Lord Tennyson
heard the night before. 2. It is a war poem and is about the fatal attack made

Exercise 2 by a troop of soldiers.
(a) The poem is about the running away of a sibling and
3. The order is to charge forward for their guns and the
the personas are the younger brother or sister. brigade is the Light Brigade.
(b) She cries in helplessness and wanders about the
4. They feel they are doing what they have been
house. ordered to do.
(c) The ‘curtain flapping free’ symbolises the running
5. (i) two and a half kilometres
away of the girl and her new life. (ii) accept an order silently
(d) Cry and reason: I think it is the mother’s cry as it was (iii) not to make queries or think about it
(iv) carry out their duties faithfully to the end
a cry of anger or pain when she saw Lulu running (v) fired and exploded
Mother’s reason: She dismissed it when asked by 6. The words are valley of Death, jaws of Death and
the persona as she does not want to upset her mouth of Hell.
child who does not seem to understand the whole
situation. 7. They are placed to the right, left and in front of the
soldiers as they ride into the valley.
Exercise 3
(a) The tone is one of inquiring and questioning as the 8. The line is ‘boldly they rode and well’.

persona questions his mother about his missing Exercise 5
sister. A 1. contrast
(b) She shows this by wandering about the house and 2. diction
not being able to tell the persona the truth of the 3. alliteration
situation. 4. symbol
(c) The moral lesson I have learned from the poem is we 5. metaphor
should never at any time think of leaving or running
Answers away from our family. B 1. assonance
(d) Reason: I think Lulu could have felt her parents are 2. alliteration
too restrictive or she is enticed by an adult who wants 3. metaphor
to take advantage of her youth and innocence. 4. onomatopoeia
Feelings: Parents feel a great loss and grief because 5. rhetoric question
this is a reflection of their parenting and whatever
wrong they have done or not done, children are their Exercise 6
flesh and blood. 1. Yes, I think they are aware of their fate or the end

Enrichment Exercises result. There is no attempt to protest because as
soldiers they have to follow whatever orders given
Poems (b) broderie anglaise to them.
(d) small, black 2. An organised fatal attack prepared by the enemies
Exercise 1 awaits them.
(a) kind, old 3. The words refer to the physique of the grandmother.
(c) bun She is tall by nature and when she is young but has
become small as she ages because she becomes


4. Yes, I think she is right in spite of the fact the PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 
grandmother has passed away because the
photograph is taken when the grandmother was make inquiries about their courses.
much younger. She must be smiling and looking very (b) He would be studying agriculture.
lively. (c) Aloo’s ambition was to study medicine and he wanted

5. The poets: to work and live in a big city.
The Living Photograph – Jackie Kay, The Charge of (d) He would be able to do so if he accepted the offer of

the Light Brigade – Alfred, Lord Tennyson a place with scholarship from the California Institute
6. The theme of love: of Technology.
The Living Photograph–love between a grandchild
Exercise 2
and a grandparent (a) Aloo did not speak about his wanting to study
The Charge of the Light Brigade – love for one’s country
7. Main idea: overseas and he passed the time by reading for
The Living Photograph – the persona feels close to hours on end.
(b) Mother felt for Aloo as she knew how Aloo felt about
her dead grandmother and feels she is still alive in studying agriculture.
her memory (c) Mother wanted to ask Mr Velji about Aloo’s plans to
The Charge of the Light Brigade – Due to a wrong study overseas. The letter was the offer letter from
order, 600 soldiers lost their lives the California Institute of Technology.
(d) He advised that accepting the offer would be great
Exercise 7 for Aloo’s education and future and he cautioned that
1. friend, end Mother might lose her son.
2. foe, grow
3. fears, tears Exercise 3
4. smiles, wiles (a) Mother relented by asking to look at the prospectus
5. night, bright
6. shine, mine from the university, something which she had avoided
7. pole, stole doing up to then.
8. see, tree (b) It symbolisesa bright future for Aloo and a change in
the relationship between Aloo and his family.
Exercise 8 (c) He was fascinated with the fact that the university
1. APPLE 2. SOFT offered many courses and was even involved in
3. BRIGHT 4. OUTSTRETCH space exploration.
5. STOLE 6. MINE (d) It signified that Mother was ready to let Aloo go
7. WRATH 8. GARDEN overseas.
11. Poion Tree Enrichment Exercises

Exercise 9 5. 3 6. 3 9. 3 Exercise 1
1. 3 2. 3 1. Mehroon and Razia, the two older sisters were
10. 3
married, Firoz the older brother did not finish his
Exercise 10 Down schooling and was working in a shop while Aloo was Answers
Across 1. ROAR in his final year in school.
2. DUSTY 3. SHELF 2. It was in a quiet part of town, no sounds of traffic and
5. SHOE 4. YOU a quiet environment.
7. CRUMPLE 6. TEARDROPS 3. Mr Datoo returned from America for a short visit and
8. OR 9. ONLY his information inspired Aloo to further his higher
10. CURTAIN studies overseas. This upsets mother’s plans of
11. MONEYBOX 12. OLD having Aloo study in a local university and stay close
13. WIDE to home.
4. (i) sense of humour
(ii)  Short Stories (ii) persistent
Leaving (iii) realistic
(iv) determined and self-sacrificing
Exercises (v) observant
5. (i) One is from the local university and the other
Exercise 1
(a) He had been writing to universities in America to from the California Institute of Technology
(ii) He was not keen about the offer from the local

university while he was excited and wanted to
accept the second offer.
(iii) He was not interested in taking up agriculture but
he was interested in the courses offered by the
California Institute of Technology.
(iv) Mother favoured the offer from the local university


Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers

but was hesitant about the second offer from (a) He wanted to remind her about her agreeing to go
overseas. to his office that morning.
6. Mother objected on the grounds that Aloo might not
return to Tanzania and the problem of finance. Aloo (b) She explained that to do things the right way, she
pointed out that many of the students return and he needed to tell his father about her going to Mr Li’s
would do it too and he suggested taking a loan which office later that morning.
he would repay by working in America.
7. Mr Velji agreed with Aloo stating that the offer was (c) Ying used to help her grandmother and she liked
great and good for Aloo’s education but Mother might filling in the wine cups or burning the gold paper in
lose her son. front of the altar.
8. Mother was staring into the future because Aloo
sounded very excited in his first letter home and there (d) She told Ying off because Ying did not know how to
was a lingering doubt that he might not return home talk to her late grandfather, the number of times to
and so mother was fearful for her loss. bow, the type of wine and candles to offer.

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
(a) He remembered the feeling of sand between his toes
(a) The family moved to Upanga after Mother closed
down the store. and the coldness of seaweed around his ankles.
(b) He wanted to recall whether he walked alone or with
(b) Mr Datoo, a former teacher returned from America
for a holiday. someone and about the crabs they caught.
(c) The character trait is reclusive or reserved.
(c) Aloo, inspired to think about his future, started writing (d) They were happy days as recalled by Ah Ma. The
letters to American universities.
reason why I say this is if they were not happy days,
(d) Aloo was offered a place in a local university for a Ah Ma would not have tried to remind him of those
course in agriculture. days.

(e) An offer letter came from the California Institute of Exercise 3
Technology. (a) Ah Ma had just passed away and so Mr Li placed

(f) Mother did not believe the news until the narrator her photograph there for his parents to reunite in the
confirmed it. afterworld.
(b) He showed this with the act of bending his head and
(g) Conflict arose between Mother and Aloo over Aloo’s shoulders and bowing three times.
studies overseas. (c) They were most probably locked up in one of the
(h) To solve the issue, Mother approached Mr Velji for (d) Yes, I think it was the drawer Ah Ma fretted about.
advice. She was most probably concerned that they did not
know where to look for the key to the drawer.
(i) After this, Mother asked for the college prospectus
and looked it over. Enrichment Exercises

(j) Aloo left for his studies and wrote a letter to Mother Exercise 1
from London.
1. He felt tired and restless and he did not appear
Exercise 3 as tidy as he usually did. He looked older than he
1. symbolism
2. comparison 2. She said that she did not need things that Mr Li could
3. flashback buy as she had everything she needed.
4. rhetoric question
5. irony 3. (i) Tanjong Rhu was where her husband had his
6. simile shipyard and they lived there when the children
were young.
Answers Exercise 4
(ii) She recalled the fishing boats her husband built
1. pinned 2. last and where the children played, their wooden hut
3. future 4. rich uncles and the beach where she used to take walks with
5. agriculture 6. place and scholarship her son.
7. loan 8. college prospectuses
9. London 10. excitement (iii) She did not need the glasses as she could see
Tanjong Rhu behind her eyes, that is she could
Tanjong Rhu recall clearly her past life there.

Exercises 4. (i) She explained that she needed to tell her late
husband about her going to Mr Li’s office later
Exercise 1 in the morning.

(ii) bowing at the altar – number of times to bow
prayer ritual – speak to her grandfather in the

right way


wine – the type of wine PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 

and candles – what candles to light 8. In the office Ah Ma looked into the distance without
(iii) She spoke about how well Mr Li was doing and the binoculars.

that she was going to his office. 9. She recalled the happy days of walking on the beach
with Mr Li when he was a boy.
Exercise 2
10. Ah Ma fell deathly ill and passed away peacefully.
1. Filial piety:
Meaning: respect or love of children for elders (iii) Drama
Evidence: Mr Li showed filial piety by making sure
The Right Thing to Do
his mother’s funeral was done the right way
2. A three-generation family relationship:
Meaning: a family relationship of three generations Exercise 1
The drama, The Right Thing to Do tells of the rescue of a
– grandparents, parents and the younger generation man who is found lying on the pavement. He has fainted
Evidence: The three generations relationship involved due to his heart condition. He is saved by a lady in blue
and three bystanders.
Ah Ma, Mr Li and Ying. The character I like is the lady in blue. When she
3. Traditional practices: sees the man lying on the ground, she kneels without a
Meaning: customs and traditions are still being moment’s hesitation to help him. When questioned by the
three bystanders, she tells them to pipe down and do the
observed in this modern age right thing. Confidently and masterfully, she instructs them
Evidence: Ah Ma still practises the custom of using to help in different ways. The man recovers after taking a
pill from his pill bottle. When the lady sees this, she leaves
all the prayer paraphernalia at the altar like small quietly without taking credit for her work. This shows her
wine cups, gold sheets, candles and joss sticks. humble nature and that she has helped the man sincerely.
4. Generation gap: But, this is taken in the wrong way by the three bystanders
Meaning: different ways of thinking and doing things who claim all the credit for saving the man.
between the younger generation and older generation The lady may have done something simple but her
based on a lack of understanding of each other’s actions are worthy of mention. This is why I like this
thinking character.
Evidence: Ying and Ah Ma have their own thoughts
about how to carry out ancestor worship and also Exercise 2
when Ah Ma was in hospital, Ying donated blood The drama, The Right Thing to Do tells of the saving of a
while the older people gave her burial clothes. man who is found lying on the pavement. He has fainted
due to his heart condition. He is saved by a lady in blue
Exercise 3 and three bystanders.
Yes, I would recommend the story to my friends for a
Mr. T. W. Li Ah Ma Ying number of reasons. It has a simple storyline but it teaches
a number of moral values. When a situation warrants our
meticulous traditional loving help and we are in a position to help out, we should do
it humbly and sincerely. The lady in blue kneels down
filial fastidious persuasive immediately to help the man. She is not ruffled by the
bystanders’ questions but instead instructs them to do the
strict proud respectful necessary. They do as instructed albeit not very willingly.
When the man recovers, the lady walks away quietly not
tolerant old-fashioned taking any credit for her work. Another moral value I feel
my friends would appreciate is to understand we should
patient determined give credit where credit is due. The bystanders take credit
for saving the man forgetting what the woman in blue did.
Exercise 4 They feel she had not helped as she left quietly. Answers
1. Mr Li was boyishly excited to give Ah Ma a pair of For these reasons, I would recommend the story to
my friends. I know they will understand these moral values
binoculars. and learn the meanings of humility and sincerity when
2. Ah Ma was beside the swimming pool in the garden. giving help.
3. She stared at Mr Li blankly through cloudy milky-
Exercise 3
coloured eyes. As we go about our daily work, we might come across
4. They talked about Ah Ma using the binoculars as she situations where acts of kindness to others are carried out.
Some people are willing to give help when the situation
had not done her cataract operation. warrants it. As we observe these situations of acts of
5. Mr Li invited Ah Ma to his office where she might be

able to see Tanjong Rhu more clearly.
6. Ah Ma reminded Mr Li about his happy childhood

days spent in his father’s shipyard.
7. Next day Mr Li took Ah Ma to his office after the latter

had completed her praying ritual.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 6. (c) 7. (j) 8. (b) 9. (f) 10. (h)

kindness, we should learn from them so that we can Exercise 5
become more civic-minded. 1. True
The story, The Right Thing to Do, shows this situation 2. True
very well. A man with a heart condition has fainted on the 3. False
street. Some bystanders look at him but none is willing to 4. True
give a helping hand. They stand around looking at the man 5. False
and argue about who should help him physically. Even the 6. False
two men are unwilling to help the man. A lady comes and 7. True
kneels down immediately to help the man. She takes all 8. False
the necessary first-aid steps and instructs the bystanders 9. False
to help. When the man recovers, the lady leaves quietly. 10. True
The lady’s act of kindness helped save the man’s
life. However, the three bystanders do not seem to have (iv) Novels
understood the situation. They helped as directed and
observed the lady’s actions. They claim that the lady did Sing to the Dawn
not help and that it is totally due to them that the man
recovered. Their actions may seem negative but they Exercises
teach an important lesson - we should observe and learn
from the acts of kindness of others. Exercise 1
The novel, Sing to the Dawn, tells of the obstacles Dawan
Enrichment Exercises faces before she is able to leave the village to study in a
City school. The novel teaches a few lessons. One of the
Exercise 1 most valuable lessons taught is family love and support
1. unsure is needed to face obstacles in life .
2. reluctant Dawan lives with her loving family in the village. They
3. ill may be poor but the family is happy and supportive of each
4. wake him up other. Father as head of the family is set in his ways and
5. kneels down like most of the village elders is very gender biased and
6. first-aid does not believe that girls should be too educated. After
7. unnoticed all they are likely to end up as housewives and mothers.
8. taken Dawan is able to get schooling in the village school with
9. right Kwai’s support. Her grandmother and mother support her
10. helpful quietly in the background.
When Dawan gets the scholarship to study in a
Exercise 2 City school, the whole family except father supports and
1. (g) 2. (j) 3. (e) 4. (a) 5. (h) encourages her to study further to realise her dreams. This
6. (b) 7. (f) 8. (i) 9. (d) 10. (c) family’s love and support gives Dawan the strength she
needs to get her father’s permission to accept the offer to
Exercise 3 study in a City school. She goes about getting support from
1. Rebecca sees a man lying on the street and hesitates cousin Noi and the chief monk to talk to father. Although
she is unsuccessful, she is filled with determination. She
to render help. stands up for herself boldly but not rudely and begs for
2. Patrick insists Rebecca help the man as she is the his understanding. She emphasises on her need for
his understanding and support. Eventually, he agrees
first to see him. and tells her to try and do great things for the village and
3. David observes the man looks ill or asleep. country.
4. Both men want Rebecca to wake the man up but she Grandmother shows her love and support for
Dawan by going through the traditional ritual of giving her
refuses as it’s not her problem. blessings. Kwai who is disappointed at being left behind
5. A lady in blue comes and kneels down to help the supports her thoroughly by singing her song as she leaves
the village.
man. Dawan is able to go forward with her life and dreams
6. She instructs them to call an ambulance, get water because of family love and support.

and feel the man’s pulse. Exercise 2
7. They give the man a pill from his pill bottle and he The novel, Sing to the Dawn, tells of the obstacles Dawan
faces before she is able to leave the village to study in
feels better. a City school.
8. The woman in blue walks away and then the Two very significant symbols in the novel are the

ambulance arrives.
9. The doctor and nurse examine the man and take him

away in the ambulance.
10. The bystanders congratulate themselves on doing a

good deed and discredit the lady.

Exercise 4
1. (e) 2. (d) 3. (i) 4. (g) 5. (a)


freeing of sparrows and the lotus flower. They are normally PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
used in Asian countries to signify peace and love. In the
novel, the freeing of sparrows is done in the marketplace. do the many things the world has to offer. She begs her
Dawan is upset that the chief monk in the temple refuses father to share in her dreams. So, Dawan tries and tries
to help her and still emphasises traditional customs that until her father agrees to let her accept the scholarship.
did not see girls in favourable light. Bao, the flower seller in He asks her to try and if she thinks she can fly away and
the marketplace sympathises with Dawan and encourages do great things for the village and country and she has
her to stand up for her rights. She uses a sparrow that his full support.
flies out of the cage after being prodded to impress on So, the saying, ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try and
Dawan that she needs to push herself and struggle if she try again’ is very relevant to the events in the story.
wants to be free and equal to her brother, Kwai. Dawan Exercise 4
understands the comparison and realises she should take The novel, Sing to the Dawn, tells of the obstacles Dawan
advantage of her opportunity and be confident and fly free faces before she is able to leave the village to study in
with her own set of wings. a City school.
On the day of her leaving the village for the city, The story portrays a few themes and one of the
Dawan feels the weight of her leaving when watching her themes is looking towards the future. Dawan and Kwai
precious drops of childhood slipping away. She holds on to study in the village school. Both understand the economic
her grandmother for comfort and assurance as her future situation in the village – the injustice and poverty that need
seems so unsure. Grandmother compares Dawan to a to be remedied for the villagers to have a better future.
lotus that is all shut, small and afraid of the outside. But, Kwai hopes to return and teach Father how to raise new
with good water and strong sunlight it will unfold petal by crops and use better fertilisers or even set up a hospital
petal and Dawan, like the lotus, will unfold in that way too. or advise the people how not to get cheated by the tax
The lotus shrinks back into a bud at night and opens up collector. Dawan has more or less the same motives
again at dawn. Like the lotus, Dawan’s leaving the village except that she also wants to end gender bias among the
does not mean she will never come back. So, Dawan villagers. Due to this, they are interested in furthering their
should not be afraid to leave. education in the City school.
The freeing of the sparrows and opening and closing To achieve their future plans both Dawan and Kwai
of the lotus are very symbolic of the changes Dawan faces sat for a special examination to get a scholarship to
and will face in the future. study in a City school. Dawan wins the scholarship and
looks forward to a brighter future. Kwai who was initially
Exercise 3 disappointed at not getting the scholarship becomes
The novel, Sing to the Dawn, tells of the obstacles Dawan positive and supports Dawan as he knows his support is
faces before she is able to leave the village to study in a necessary to ensure she can pursue better things in the
City school. She overcomes the obstacles and leaves the City.
village for further education in the city. Bao, the flower seller at the marketplace also has
Dawan faces the problem of gender inequality, a a vision for the future. She understands the gender
belief in rural Thailand where females are not encouraged inequality where girls have to stand aside for their brothers,
to attend school or advance themselves as they will end husbands and children. So, she supports Dawan’s chance
up as mere housewives. Father holds strongly to this of going out to the world to pursue her ideals. She
practice and is not keen on Dawan going to a City school encourages Dawan not to give in to Kwai concerning the
although she has won a scholarship. He is disappointed scholarship as this will affect her having a future equal to
that Kwai is not the one furthering his education in the city. her brother.
He feels that Kwai will have better use of this opportunity The theme of looking forward to the future is clearly
and so refuses to give Dawan permission. Refusing to be portrayed by the plans and dreams of the characters.
discouraged Dawan seeks out support from her cousin and
the chief monk to get them to talk to father to change his Exercise 5
mind. But, she is not successful in these two attempts as A novel or story should have a good strong storyline
both feel that it is not necessary for Dawan to get further with interesting characters. The character traits I would
education in the city. A village education is enough for attribute to the major character in the story are strengths
Dawan. of character but also soft traits like loving, obedient and
Dawan gets moral support from Bao, the flower seller patient. The story, Sing to the Dawn, tells of the frustrations
in the marketplace and also from grandmother. With their and prejudice a young Thai village girl, Dawan faces when
moral support, Dawan talks to father again at dinner she wants to further her education in the City. She has
time. She explains her need to spread her wings, see life her early education in the village school and then wins a
beyond the village and return to improve the situation in scholarship and has a chance for further schooling in the
the village. She stresses that she wants to learn, see and City school.
The character who shows the character traits I like
is Dawan, the main character in the story. As a daughter,


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers sibling relationship between Dawan and Kwai suffers a
dent but deep in his heart, Kwai wishes her the best for
granddaughter and sister, Dawan shows good character the future. When he waves goodbye to Dawan, he stands
traits of being loving, caring, patient and obedient. Father on the bridge with his hands held up in the gesture of an
is not in favour of her going to the City school but embrace and sings her song.
eventually he gives his full support due to her patience and
obedience. She is caring of her siblings, for example, she Exercise 7
lets Kwai use the umbrella while she walks home in the The novel, Sing to the Dawn, tells the story of how Dawan
rain with her hurt ankle. This action of hers touches Kwai who attends the village school faces and overcomes
and he makes up his mind not to contest the scholarship. obstacles to study in a City school. Dawan is determined
Determined and adamant, Dawan is confident and to overcome this obstacle as she feels education will make
farsighted about bringing improvements to the present her able to improve the economic and social situation for
injustices-social and economic through her further the villagers. This struggle to overcome the obstacles
education. Having strong feelings about gender inequality portrays clearly the statement ‘Nothing ventured nothing
in rural Thailand, she is determined not to lose out just gained’. Along the way, Dawan experiences acts of
because she is a girl. She is adamant although as Father kindness which help her develop and mature and prepare
and the head monk put it, she ‘will be wasting her time and her for education in the City.
spirit’. So, with a strong sense of character, she clarifies The village school teacher wants the children to
with Kwai and Father to get their willing acceptance of her understand the economic problem of tax collection by
going to the City school. the landowners and their abuse of power. This is a good
Dawan shows strength of character when she takes attempt or venture as it makes the children more aware of
decisive steps to get outside help to convince Father to their parents’ non-possession of the land in spite of years
allow her to attend the City school. Although her efforts are of working on it. The children gain knowledge and a better
fruitless, she does not give up and tells father decisively understanding of the economic abuse in rural Thailand.
that she wants him to ‘open her cage door and allow her Other ventures or efforts that Dawan gained from
to soar off and do great things for them all’. She wins her are her meetings with cousin Noi and the chief monk.
father’s approval as he tells her to go ahead and try. She asks for their help in persuading Father about her
In spite of her ambitious nature, Dawan is appreciative going to the City school. Noi discourages her saying that
of the moral support from her grandmother, mother and the city will do more harm than good for Dawan. The
Bao. Grandmother tells her not to be ‘scared all the time’ chief monk emphasises that she should give up the idea
and not to be a ‘rabbit’ and calms her on the day of her considering the fact that she is a girl. This emphasis on
departure. Bao’s friendliness and encouragement help gender inequality fires Dawan’s determination to go to the
boost her determination. Most of all, she is appreciative City school and makes her realise she should not give up
of Kwai’s understanding and for not challenging her for the opportunity, not even for her brother’s sake.
the scholarship. This is a good example of nothing ventured nothing
So, the character who I feel shows the character traits gained.
I like is Dawan. They help her overcome obstacles so she Bao’s encouragement and support for Dawan makes
can study in the City school. the latter realise her need to fly to a bigger world and
pursue her ideals and not to yield to her brother, Kwai.
Exercise 6 She presses Dawan to push forward and struggle in order
The novel, Sing to the Dawn, tells of the obstacles Dawan to be free. She lets Dawan set free a sparrow to help fuel
faces before she is able to leave the village to study in her determination and make good use of her opportunity
a City school. to further her education in the City.
The story does appeal to me from the aspects of plot, All these efforts help Dawan to mature and be better
setting, issues and characters. The story is set in a village prepared for a life in the City. So, as they say, nothing
in rural Thailand and this setting is most appropriate for ventured nothing gained.
the issues dealt with as the story unfolds. The story flows
smoothly from one event to the other and gives a realistic Exercise 8
slant to the everyday life in the village. Dawan and Kwai’s The novel, Sing to the Dawn, tells of the frustrations and
early rising at dawn and going to the bridge to watch the prejudice a young Thai village girl, Dawan faces when
sunrise, the commotion at the marketplace and the close she wants to further her education in the City. She has
but complex bond between Dawan and Kwai adds strength her early education in the village school and then wins a
and body to the story. scholarship and has a chance for further schooling in the
I like the way the family kinship stays strong and City school.
close-knit in spite of their difference in opinion regarding The story portrays two pairs of siblings – Dawan and
further schooling for Dawan in the city. Father is against her brother, Kwai and Bao and her brother, Vichai. These
the idea and Dawan talks and appeals that she needs two pairs of siblings have different relationships and are
to spread her wings. Eventually Father gives in when good examples to show that such relationships should
he understands Dawan’s reasons. Grandmother gives be nurtured and not taken for granted. Dawan and Kwai
encouragement to her lovingly and firmly although she enjoy doing things together and are in the same school.
will miss Dawan very much. Mother quietly supports her
and in the end shows pride in her daughter. The close


They watch the sunrise and sunset from their favourite PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
place at the old wooden bridge. They often enjoy talking
about their ideas, aspirations and plans on how to improve 4. Father is not in favour of Dawan getting the
the lives of the villagers. Dawan and Kwai show that they scholarship to study in the City school as it will
value their relationship and have faith and trust in each be a waste. He is more in favour of Kwai getting
other. Dawan is able to get primary education due to Kwai. the scholarship because Kwai is a boy and he
Although their relationship thruns more complicated after has promised to return to the village to better the
Dawan wins the scholarship, they eventually make peace conditions of the villagers.
and Kwai gives his sister his support and blessing.
On the other hand, Bao and her brother, Vichai have 5. (a) They feel that Dawan has no need for further
a rather strained sibling relationship. The brother is not education in the city.
sensitive to the sister’s needs and emotions. While Vichai
attends school, Bao does not. He makes no attempt to tell (b) Bao is in favour of Dawan going to the city as it is
her about school and his schoolmates. Bao sells flowers comparable to spreading her wings and learning
and pigeons at the market and Vichai checks the money about the world.
she collects to make sure she has the correct amount.
This is all he is concerned about, showing that he takes (c) Kwai is disappointed that he does not get the
for granted that she must always follow his orders. When scholarship. When he knows that he is second
there is a discrepancy in the money collected with the behind Dawan, he teases her and threatens to
number of empty cages, he lashes out at Bao physically, take the scholarship away from her. Eventually,
giving her stinging slaps and kicks. This bullying bothers he gives her his full support and convinces Father
Kwai and Dawan as they attempt to protect Bao. Vichai to support Dawan.
does not even see the agony Bao feels when one of the
sparrows is crushed to death. 6. She impresses on Father her need to go out and
Through the contrasting relationship between both learn about the outside world so that she can help
pair of siblings, the novel shows how we should nurture the people and the country.
and maintain sibling love.
7. Grandmother explains to Dawan the symbolic
Enrichment Exercises similarities of Dawan and the lotus in that it closes
at night but opens up again in the morning to make
Exercise 1 her realise that she needs to look ahead to progress
1. (a) They go to the old wooden bridge. and grow.

(b) They converse about furthering their education 8. Kwai reminds Dawan that things between them will
in the city, plans to improve life in the village not be the same anymore after this. He stands at the
and paying of rice as rent for their land and the old bridge and bids her farewell with his arms thrown
scholarship. back in a gesture both to embrace her and to send
her off. He sings her song.
(c) It is particularly important because the winner of
the scholarship will be announced in class. Exercise 2
1. winner of the scholarship
2. (a) He wants them to think about the sacks of rice 2. gender inequality
under their houses. He uses an urgent tone of 3. responsibilities
voice. 4. disbelief
5. second
(b) They discuss the collection of rice as tax and 6. definite answer
ownership of the land the villagers work on. He 7. moral support
hopes the students understand the situation of 8. withdraws his challenge
their parents and how the present economic 9. departure
system can be changed. 10. wooden bridge

(c) The announcement of the winner of the Exercise 3
scholarship. 1. prejudiced
2. determined
3. (a) It means that males are dominant over females 3. considerate
in all aspects of society. 4. farsighted
5. sensitive
(b) In rural Thailand, it is practised in how females 6. realistic
are not expected to have a lot of education but 7. supportive
are expected to be housewives and mothers only. 8. mischievous
9. timid
10. shrewd

Exercise 4
1. e 2. g 3. a 4. i 5. b
6. j 7. f 8. c 9. d 10. h


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers Richard has a good friendship with Hannah. He
stands by her when she faces malicious racial remarks
Dear Mr Kilmer from their classmates. They do not accept her because of
her German background and openly boycotts her. Richard
Exercises offers Hannah his friendship as he feels the outburst of
racism is wrong. When Hannah rejects the role of Lady
Exercise 1 Liberty, Richard does likewise as he feels a kindred spirit
The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer tells of Richard Knight and the connection with her. Hannah and Richard are true friends
events and challenges he faces as a teenager during the to each other. Just as Richard has stood by her, Hannah
war years. gives her support to Richard with regards to his poetry
Richard Knight is a fifteen-year-old teenager who writing and his friendship with Mr Kilmer. She encourages
lives with his family on a farm in Turtle Lake town. He is and is supportive of his poetry writing and offers a shoulder
the character who I feel shows strong character traits and to cry on when Richard gets news of the death of Kilmer
believes in doing what’s right even to the extent of being in the war.
rejected by others. His father and brother take him on a The moral value that we should value friendships is
hunting trip. A nature lover who does not believe in hunting well portrayed and teaches us that true friendships are
animals, Richard misses his target on purpose and allows hard to come by and so value them when you have them.
the animal to escape unhurt. This shows Richard as a
strong and upright character. He risks facing his father’s Exercise 3
and brother’s disappointment and anger. The novel Dear Mr Kilmer portrays a few themes and one
In school, when the class teacher reads out Joyce of these is patriotism and sacrifice for one’s country and
Kilmer’s poem, Richard feels he has found a new hero people. The theme means one should be patriotic and love
who has the same interest as him. Inspired, Richard tells the country one lives in. The story is set during the time of
his family of his poetry writing which he has been doing the World War 1 which America joined in 1917 and stayed
in secret. He feels proud of his work and does not feel in until 1918 when the war ended.
the need to be secretive. He starts a correspondence with In Turtle Lake town, the locals show their patriotic
Kilmer and finds it fruitful as Kilmer is supportive of his feelings by discriminating racially against the Schermers, a
writing skill. Although his family is not supportive, Richard German family who has stayed there for a long time. They
holds on to his love of poetry writing. defaced the Schermers’ tavern, a place they patronised
Racial feelings against the German family, the all this while and where they enjoyed German food and
Schermers run high among the locals. But, Richard feels songs. It may be wrong but for the locals it is patriotism.
that it is wrong to feel that way and is the only student The Schermers’ son, Otto has joined the American
who signs the card as a gesture of sympathy to Hannah Expeditionary Forces because he thinks it is the right thing
Schermer. He shows integrity and is prepared to face to do. As Hannah says, he is a patriotic American born in
the wrath of the other students to defend his stand. He America. He loves America and considers it his country
visits the Schermers and enjoys getting to know Hannah’s and so he should make sacrifices for it.
parents well. When Hannah rejects the part of being Lady Richard shows his patriotism in his own way. He
Liberty, Richard also quits his role saying that he supports writes a poem about the soldiers after he sees the troop
Hannah’s decision whole-heartedly. Richard Knight is a train packed with young men going to war in Europe.
strong character and this is further enhanced by his writing President Wilson calls it as ‘the war to end wars, the last
of a memorial poetry in honour of Mr Joyce Kilmer when war that men will ever wage against one another’ and
the latter is killed in battle. that ‘it is everybody’s concern’. These words arouse the
He holds firmly to what he believes in even in the patriotic feelings of Mr Kilmer and Gus, Richard’s brother
face of animosity from people around him. to sign up for the army. As Kilmer says, he volunteers to
fight and do his duty in this last war, so that young people
Exercise 2 like Richard will never have to fight and die. Gus puts it
The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer tells of Richard Knight and the as just doing his patriotic duty.
events and challenges he faces as a young man during The theme is clearly portrayed by the characters who
World War 1. The novel teaches a few moral values and joined the army to fight in Europe and are prepared to die
a moral value I have learned is that we should value for their country.
friendships. In the story, Richard develops friendships with
Joyce Kilmer, a poet and Hannah, a classmate. Exercise 4
Richard builds his friendship with Mr Kilmer through The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer tells of Richard Knight and the
his correspondence with the latter after he hears one of his events and challenges he faces as a young man during the
poems being read out in class. Richard regards Kilmer as war years. ‘Live and let live’ is an idiom which expresses
a hero and the two share an interesting and encouraging the idea that all should be able to live their lives in the
friendship. This may be a relationship maintained through manner they want to, regardless of what others may think
exchanging letters but it is a solid one based on their of them.
mutual interest in poetry and also their interest in each The story opens with Richard on a hunting trip with his
other’s situation. They share moments of sadness and father and brother. Both of them are the outdoor type while
anxiety. Kilmer lost his life at the warfront and Richard
writes a memorial poem in his honour.


Richard is more of an indoor person. He is not in favour PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
of hunting or killing animals and so misses his target on
purpose. His father and sibling are upset but later realise has done the virtuous thing and it is rewarding enough
it is better to live and let live. Richard should be allowed for her. She sees Richard blossom as a poet and this is
to live life the way he likes – writing poetry if he finds a good enough reward.
more pleasure doing it. Richard’s sister, Angie quits school Richard writes to Kilmer before and after the
after she reached eighth grade and resigned herself to a latter volunteers to fight in the war. It may just be a
full-time farm woman’s life doing all the housework and correspondence but for soldiers fighting far away from
helping out with the farm work. Although Richard feels sad home, a simple letter brings untold comfort. Richard does
about this especially when Angie is taken for granted by the correct thing and even more so when he writes a
their father and brother. As she is philosophical about her memorial poetry in honour of Kilmer when he is killed in
situation, Richard learns to accept it as it is better to live action.
and let live. Virtue is its own reward and is well portrayed in the
The Schermers have been living in Turtle Lake town novel.
long enough to be accepted as part of the local community.
The situation changed when war broke out in Europe Exercise 6
where Germany was considered the perpetrator. The The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer tells of Richard Knight and the
Schermers are targeted by racial feelings and Hannah events and challenges he faces as a young man during the
Schermer receives the brunt of bad feelings from her war years. The saying that one good turn deserves another
classmates. Richard feels it is wrong and they should be is said when you do a helpful or kind act for someone who
allowed to live in peace even though they are Germans. has done something good for you.
American young men including Otto Schermer, join the The story portrays the saying in a number of ways.
army at the risk of losing their lives. It is done in the name Richard keeps up a correspondence with Kilmer, a poet.
of patriotism and so live and let live is the best policy here. Kilmer reads Richard’s poem and knowing that he has a
When Mr Kilmer and Gus volunteer for the army, Richard leaning towards becoming a good poet, encourages him.
and his father take this with the right attitude. If they feel His support is important to Richard as his family is not
they are doing the right thing as part of their lives, it should keen about it and his classmates are not appreciative.
be accepted and the best thing to do is to be supportive. So, Richard is encouraged as he says in his letter, ‘..I am
The proverb ‘Live and let live’ is clearly portrayed in very encouraged that you liked my poem.’ When Richard
the story. writes to Kilmer at the war front, Kilmer feels encouraged
and it makes his sacrifice more meaningful. As he says in
Exercise 5 his letter to Richard, many poets are fighting and several
The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer tells of Richard Knight and the have died and ‘this makes your gift with words all the more
events and challenges he faces as a young man during precious…’. Thus, one good turn deserves another.
the war years. The friendship between Richard and Hannah also
The saying, ‘Virtue is its own reward’ means knowing reflects the saying of one good turn deserves another.
that one has done a correct or moral act is a reward by Before Richard delivers the sympathy card, which is blank
itself. One does not need to be complimented or expect on the inside except for his signature, to Hannah, he writes
to be praised for doing the good deed. The Turtle Lake words of sympathy and encouragement in it. Hannah is
town is a peaceful town where the locals accept people of grateful and this stabilised their friendship. When Richard
other nationalities and their culture. But, when war breaks receives news of Kilomer’s death at the war front, Hannah
out in Europe involving the Germans, the locals are quick stands by Richard and encourages him to get his memorial
to attack the Schermers, a German family, as the enemy poem to Kilmer printed in the daily papers. Without her
and unpatriotic. Hannah is the target of her classmates’ support, the poem would not have been printed and
racial remarks. Richard stands by his belief that it is wrong Richard’s poetry career would not have been launched.
to be a racist and so supports and defends Hannah from The Schermers encourage Richard to visit them as
further harassment. Hannah and Richard back out of often as possible and this helps Richard experience family
the liberty parade as they feel it is the right thing to do. love and relationship. He does not seem to have this in
Hannah backs out because of pressure of harassment his home as his father is a bit distant with him due to his
while Richard backs out in support of Hannah’s decision. family’s past. Richard is grateful to the Schermers and
So, virtue is its own reward as Richard does not expect when Hannah gives up her role as the Liberty Queen,
any praises or compliments for doing the right thing. Richard decides not to participate in it too based on
Mrs Hansen, the class teacher brought a card to send the same principles. As the saying goes, one good turn
words of sympathy to Hannah in the face of the racial deserves another.
harassment her family faces. She does the right thing but
no one except Richard signs the card. Both of them do not Exercise 7
expect to gain any word of thanks for their effort. When The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer tells of Richard Knight and the
Mrs Hansen read out Joyce Kilmer’s poetry in class and events and challenges he faces as a young man during
sets Richard on the right path for his poetry writing, she the war years. The novel ends with the ceasing of the First
World War, Richard’s poetry becomes a regular feature in
the Turtle Lake Weekly and a better relationship between
father and son.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers to his poetry writing. He used to hide it from his family but
after he hears Kilmer’s poem and starts a correspondence
The story is set in the years of the First World War in with Kilmer, he talks about his poems openly. Eventually,
Europe and America joins the war in 1917 and stays until he matures into a poet with his poems appearing in the
the war ended in 1918. Many young Americans enlisted town’s weekly.
in the war on grounds of patriotism. Germans like Otto In the community, the Schermers including Hannah,
Schermer who have been in America for a long time also help Richard get over the problems of a seemingly loveless
joined in the war. War brings suffering and sacrifice of lives home. They provide him with the spiritual and mental
and as Hannah puts it, ‘we must make peace right here at support he needs to grow during the war years. He begins
home… and battle our own prejudices and hatred.’ Racial to understand about relationships especially between
feelings rears its ugly head even in a small town like Turtle races and patriotism.
Lake. So, I find the ending of the novel coinciding with the All these minor characters help Richard develop
end of the war most suitable. It ended an uneasy feelings positive character traits and eventually he and his father
among the residents there. are able to iron out their differences and have a strong
The end of the war seems to reflect on the ending of parent-child relationship.
the strained relationship between Richard and his father.
They are distant from one another due to the lack of Enrichment Exercises
communication and mutual understanding of each other’s
problems and thoughts. It all ends when Richard writes Exercise 1
a poem in honour of Kilmer and this moves his father so 1. (a) They are on a hunting trip.
much that he talks to Richard. He begins to understand
Richard’s love for poetry writing. He tells Richard about (b) Richard is not keen about hunting so he does not
the family history and this leads to a better relationship. want to hunt or shoot the buck.
They begin to discuss things including Richard’s love for
farming. It becomes a nightly ritual for them to talk about (c) He misses his target on purpose to let the buck
their daily work. escape.
Richard’s poems become a regular feature in the
town’s weekly. The best outcome is because the poems 2. (a) Mrs Hansen wants to read a poem to the class
usually deal with farm life and Richard does not submit a and some of the students groaned in protest.
poem without first sharing it with his father.
I like the ending as it reflects the progression of (b) The poet is Mr Joyce Kilmer.
Richard’s poem writing from writing in secret to being (c) It is because Kilmer feels the same way as
recognised and the ending of the war and the relationship
between father and son. I would not change the ending Richard about nature.
at all. Maybe, it could have made a reference to the
friendship between Richard and Hannah and the return 3. (a) prejudiced
of their brothers, Gus and Otto from the war. (b) kind
(c) sympathetic
Exercise 8 (d) brave
The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer tells of Richard Knight and the (e) cowardly
events and challenges he faces as a young man during the
war years. Richard is the main character in the novel and 4. (a) It starts with Richard writing a letter to Kilmer after
the minor characters work with him in his home, school listening to his poem in class.
and the community.
At home, the characters who help Richard are his (b) It makes him confident about his own poetry
father, brother and Angie. Richard may not have a close writing.
relationship with his father and brother but they try to build
up his confidence and interest in outdoor sports. They may (c) It is ‘Trees’ and he is buried under a tree.
not be successful here but they provided a stable family (d) The title is ‘In Memory of Sergeant Joyce Kilmer’.
background for him. Angie provides the mother role for 5. Hannah and Richard because they produced fine
the family as she takes over their mother’s duties on the essays.
farm. This stable background enables Richard to grow 6. The Schermers seem to understand his dreams and
strong and firm in the pursuit of his interest and stand by longings.
his principles. 7. The peace plan is the ‘Fourteen Points’ and the
In school, some of the classmates do not like Richard expected result is the creation of the League of
standing up for Hannah against their intimidation. Indirectly, Nations.
this strengthens Richard’s stand against racism and he 8. He makes a suggestion or correction when Richard
shows good strong character traits here. He protects discusses his poems with him.
Hannah from the classmates to the extent of getting into
a fist fight with some of the classmates. The class teacher, Exercise 2
Mrs Hanssen instils confidence into Richard with regards 1. d 2. h 3. a 4. g 5. b
6. f 7. c 8. e

Exercise 3
1. e 2. g 3. a 4. i 5. d
6. h 7. j 8. b 9. f 10. c


Exercise 4 PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
1. Gus says this to Richard.
2. Richard is not interested in outdoor activities like Exercise 2
Family relationships should be nurtured by everyone
hunting or sports and Gus tells him he should change in the family. Family bonding is only possible when
his interests so that their father will not worry so much everyone puts in an effort and learn to respect, support
about him. and protect everyone in the family. In the novel Captain
3. They write the words ‘Dirty Hun” on the cover of her Nobody, the main character Newton Newman and his
book. family members appear to have a very loose relationship
4. They talk about the Schermers using their own on the surface. The parents are busy with their own
German language which could be a cover-up for their work schedules and brother Chris is a football player
plot against America. for Fillmore High School. They do not even have time
5. Kilmer writes the words to Richard as the latter to have breakfast and Newton has to persuade them to
mentions he is afraid to talk about his poetry writing take whatever breakfast he prepares for them. In spite of
to anyone including his family. this, we do see them bonding with each other as much
6. Richard follows the advice given by Kilmer and tells as they can. Chris horse-plays with Newton whenever he
his family and from then onwards he is open about can while the parents ask after Newton in between their
his poetry writing. business calls.
7. Mrs Hansen says these words to Richard. The adventures of Newton as Captain Nobody are
8. The friendship starts from the first letter Richard not told to his parents as they have no time or feel any
writes to Kilmer. Mrs Hansen is directly responsible necessity to check on Newton. They are only vaguely
as she is the one who introduces Kilmer’s poem to aware of his identity as Captain Nobody. After Newt’s
Richard. brother falls into a coma from an injury during a football
9. Richard says this and he feels sad after hearing of match, Chris’ condition is top priority. Fortunately, Newton
Kilmer’s death. does not feel bad about this and carries on with his daily
10. Richard calms down and writes a poem in memory activities with support from his friends.
of Mr Joyce Kilmer. Family nurturing for the Newman family takes a turn
for the better when Newton has the unfortunate accident
Captain Nobody of falling down from the water tower. He goes up there to
help Reggie Ratner realise that he is not responsible for
Exercises Chris’ condition but ends up falling down. He ends up in
the hospital in the same room as Chris. The parents show
Exercise 1 repentance at neglecting him but Newton assures them he
The novel, Captain Nobody tells of 10-year-old Newton is fine. They connect again as a family and Newton wakes
Newman who dons a costume made from some old Chris up from his coma with their secret password ‘Hit the
clothes for Halloween night and ends up calling himself showers!’ The Newman family does have family bonding
Captain Nobody. and it is nurtured by everyone concerned.
The title ‘Captain Nobody’ is suitable for the story.
Apart from being the alter ego of Newton Newman, the title Exercise 3
‘Captain Nobody’ implies someone who is both a leader The novel Captain Nobody teaches a few moral
and yet someone of little or no consequence. Overall the values and one of these values is teamwork. The Newman
title ‘Captain Nobody’ encapsulates Newt’s longing to be family shows an interesting form of teamwork. Whenever
noticed and his awareness that he is constantly ignored. Chris has a match the whole family is there to support him.
Newton seems to be sidelined in favour of his brother, Chris falls into a coma and Mr and Mrs Newman have to
Chris the football player. His parents are too busy with their look after him. Newton learns to cope on his own and this
work schedules to pay too much attention to him. When shows the family teamwork is strong. Although they are
Chris falls into a coma at the end of the football match, unable to be together, their thoughts are always on each
his parents’ attention is totally diverted to him. They even other.
forget to get Newt’s Halloween costume. So, it looks like Newton and his friends also show strong teamwork.
Newton is a nobody. Even his schoolmates, except for JJ They get the Halloween costume ready for Newt together
and Cecil, do not seem to take Newton seriously. and have a good Halloween night together. Then, they get
For Halloween, Newton dons a Captain Nobody involved in a series of adventures as a team. They make
costume and has a successful night. He carries on dressed sure that they can contact each other easily so they use
in this manner and gets involved in a series of adventures walkie talkies. Newton goes all out to help Cecil get the
of rescue, foiling a robbery, saving the mascot, Ferocious bass drum although he is afraid of heights. He obliges JJ
and averting an airplane disaster. He does all this as by going into the Sullivan Jewelry Shop to tell them the
Captain Nobody. He even stops Reggie Ratner from spelling errors in their signboards.
committing suicide at the water tower. In the process, he The Fillmore football team shows good teamwork to
overcomes his fear of heights. the extreme. Their teamwork makes them win matches.
He goes up a nobody but comes down a hero. The When Chris falls into a coma due to an incident during the
title is definitely suitable as the story is all about Newt’s touchdown in the finals match, his teammates blame the
adventures as Captain Nobody. players of the opposition team, especially Reggie Ratner.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers The story has a simple storyline of how a young
boy manages to boost his confidence and self-esteem
So, they harass him to the extent that he intends to end through a few adventures in his neighbourhood. His
it all by committing suicide. Their actions may be proof of adventures may sound simple but they require a strong
their team spirit but it is not the right way to go about it. and determined person to get involved. For this and other
reasons, I know my friends will enjoy reading the novel.
Exercise 4 The novel portrays a few themes like family spending
The novel, Captain Nobody tells of 10-year-old Newton quality time together and family relationships. The parents
Newman who dons a costume made from some old clothes are busy with their work schedules and Chris is very much
for Halloween night and ends up calling himself Captain into football and so Newt is left to his own devices most
Nobody. He and his friends JJ and Cecil enjoy a successful of the time especially when Chris is in the hospital. But,
Halloween trick or treat night in the neighbourhood of he understands the situation and helps prepare breakfast
Appleton town. for the whole family and works out his own plans for
The proverb, ‘make hay while the sun shines’ means Halloween. He may be a young person but he worries
we should take advantage of opportunities that come about his brother and his parents’ busy working life. There
our way as we may not have those opportunities again. is sibling bonding as they tease each other. The other
Newton’s Halloween costume complete with a mask themes include creativity, team work and excelling in what
gives Newt the confidence that he lacks to face people one is good at. This alone will interest my friends as they
and situations. Subsequently, after Halloween night, he will have to read the story thoroughly to understand the
continues to wear the costume the following few days. He themes.
faces mixed reactions from the classmates and teachers. The novel teaches good moral values like members
With JJ’s and Cecil’s support, he feels confident as people in a family should have time for each other and exchange
start to notice them and are not likely to ignore them ever views and interests. Richard may be too young to
again. It’s a case of making hay while the sun shines as understand the family’s work but he helps out and they
it helps Newton to build confidence and trust in himself. talk to him and ask after him. Good friendships are built
Newt gets the chance to overcome his fear of heights on trust among friends just as Richard’s friendship with JJ
when Cecil asks for his help to get a big bass drum and Cecil. When they call him for help, he goes without
out from a dumpster. The next few adventures Newt is complaining and making unnecessary queries. They are
involved in are stopping a robbery at the Sullivan Jewelry there for each other all the time.
store, rescuing the Fillmore mascot and averting a plane The setting of the novel in a small town and the time
disaster along the highway. All these adventures require span of a few days is suitable for the story. It does not
Newt to seize an opportunity the moment it presents itself. seem draggy and boring. Every minute is filled with some
He learns that Reggie Ratner is not responsible for Chris’ excitement or other. My friends will definitely like the story
accident on the football field. So, in spite of his fear of and I will recommend that they read this novel.
heights, he goes all the way up the water tower to inform
Reggie and at the same time to convince Reggie not to Exercise 6
do anything foolish. The old Newt without the costume and A character I find interesting is Newton Newman from
title of Captain Nobody would not have been able to do this the novel Captain Nobody. Even his name makes him
feat. The costume may have been an external appearance sound interesting. I find him interesting for a few reasons
but it boosted Newt’s self-esteem and confidence. So, he and one of these is the character traits he portrays. He
does make hay while the sun shines. He helps Reggie is considerate and loving as he attempts to help his
overcome his stress and both prepare to get down from parents especially his mother. He prepares breakfast for
the water tower. But, unfortunately both fall down to the the family and even reminds his mother of things she
ground. forgets to do or where she keeps them. He does not
At the hospital, Newt continues to take advantage of complain and is patient with the family for not paying him
his situation. He confidently faces Chris and uses an old enough attention.
trick known only to the two of them to wake Chris from Newt shows a caring side to senior citizens. When
the coma. he realises that it is Mr Clay who has Alzheimer’s, he
Newt does make hay while the sun shines and very makes sure that he gets home safely. He does not feel
successfully too. good about telling the Sullivans about the spelling errors
in their shop’s signboards but he goes into the shop to try
Exercise 5 and do it. It is fortunate he did it as he inadvertently foils
The novel, Captain Nobody tells of 10-year-old Newton a robbery attempt.
Newman who dons a costume made from some old Artistic and creative, Newt creates superhero
clothes for Halloween night and ends up calling himself characters in his sketchbook and this gives him the
Captain Nobody. He and his friends, JJ and Cecil inspiration to call himself Captain Nobody. It shows how
enjoy a successful Halloween trick or treat night in the imaginative he is and that he is only doing what any
neighbourhood of Appleton town. He continues to wear 10-year-old person should be doing.
the costume the next few days and gets involved in a few
adventures as Captain Nobody.


He values friendship as he is willing to accommodate PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
JJ’s and Cecil’s demands. He is afraid of heights but still
he goes into the dumpster to get the big bass drum for Exercise 8
Cecil. He feels the need to make Reggie aware that he is At the end of the novel Captain Nobody, the town’s papers
not responsible for Chris falling into a coma after he finds runs a headline ‘He went up a Nobody but He came
out the truth of the situation. His simple approach to life is down a Hero’ referring to Newt’s biggest rescue to date.
to be truthful, so he makes sure Reggie is aware of it. He Newton gets involved in a few rescue adventures earlier
does this at the risk of losing his life by going up the water in the novel but all dressed as Captain Nobody. However,
tower to talk to Reggie. This makes him an interesting his most successful rescue attempt which earns him the
character. recognition as a hero, takes place after Newt loses his
I find Newt interesting because he is a young person mask, losing his Captain Nobody persona at the same
but thinks like an adult to a certain extent. time.
Reggie Ratner goes up the water tower and everybody
Exercise 7 thinks he is going to commit suicide because of the
The proverb ‘The end justifies the means’ means a harassment he experiences from the Fillmore football
good outcome or result excuses any wrongs committed team. It is thought he is responsible for Chris falling into
to attain it. Newton does not have a proper Halloween a coma. Newton panics when he hears this as he knows
costume, so his friends, Cecil and JJ got together and by the truth that it is not Reggie’s fault. He debates on telling
hook or by crook work out a costume for him. As long as someone in authority about it so that they can talk to
the costume looks presentable, it does not matter how Reggie. But, he realises that there is nobody but himself
they get it ready as the end justifies the means. A mask who can deliver the news that will make Reggie reconsider
completes the whole outfit and as Cecil says, the parade jumping down from the tower.
is about to roll. They want a mysterious looking figure with The water tower is surrounded by the police and
an unusual name to make sure they have a enjoyable time. many spectators. Cecil distracts the policeman while JJ
So, Newt came up with the name Captain Nobody. Coming helps Newton or Mr Nobody to get onto the ladder to climb
up with the name Captain Nobody is a means for Newt up the water tower. Despite encountering a few broken
to boost his identity and confidence without revealing his ladder rungs and his fear of heights, the thought of Reggie
true self. It is a means to an end and as it does not hurt up on the tower alone gives Newt courage to carry on.
anybody, the end does justify the means. So Newton goes up the ladder of the tower ‘a Nobody’,
Subsequently, Newt, JJ and Cecil get involved in having lost his mask, he’s just a normal little boy. Reggie
a series of adventures. Newt is the main player while listens to Newton and both of them start the dangerous
JJ and Cecil are his sidekicks. Newt gets a big bass descent slowly and at one stage Reggie’s foot breaks a
drum from a dumpster for Cecil and then he helps Mr rung sending pieces of wood tumbling down on Newton.
Clay who suffers from Alzheimer’s to get home safely. In Startled, he opens his hands and falls to the ground and
his attempt to correct the spelling errors in the Sullivan the next thing he knows he is in the hospital with two ribs
Jewelry Store signs, Newt manages to unintentionally foil and an ankle broken.
a robbery attempt there. These early successful rescues The newspaper prints the whole incident. Every front
boost Newt’s confidence to the extent that he goes all out page carries aerial photographs of Newton falling onto
to protect the Fillmore mascot, Ferocious. He runs down the inflatable rescue mattresses. He breaks Reggie’s fall.
the highway amidst traffic and in the process cleared a This is accompanied by news of Newton’s other rescue
stretch of the highway. This, fortunately, is used by a plane activities. He goes up a Nobody and comes down a hero.
in distress to make an emergency landing. So, the end Literally, Newton did go up as Captain Nobody and come
does justify the means in that Newt uses his identity as down a hero for having rescued Reggie Ratner to the
Captain Nobody for a good cause. delight of the townspeople and his parents.
When Reggie Ratner climbs up the water tower with
bad intentions, Newt goes up to talk and inform him of Enrichment Exercises
the truth he uncovered about Reggie and Chris. Reggie
is not responsible for knocking out Chris. The tower Exercise 1
was surrounded by the curious townspeople and police. 1. side-lined
No one is allowed near the tower. To get up the tower, 2. knocked unconscious
JJ and Cecil help Newt by distracting the police. Newt 3. Halloween costume
himself has to deal with his fear of heights. As the end 4. trick or treat
justifies the means, the children go all out to deal with the 5. rescue adventures
situation. Finally, Newt manages to convince Reggie to get 6. plane disaster
a satisfactory end to the situation. 7. water tower
So, the end does justify the means even if is hard. 8. commit suicide
9. miraculously
10. awarded


PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers

Exercise 2 1 0Chapter

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T ORAL ENGLISH
8. T 9. F 10. T
6. F 7. T

Exercise 3 Form 4 Oral English
1. supportive
2. creative Model 1 Individual
3. persistent
4. fussy Exercises
5. optimistic
6. helpful Exercise 1
7. cowardly
8. brave Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
of the Science Society (2019)
Answers Exercise 4 Prepared by
1. (a) They meet in the house when Newton returns Daniel Arif, Secretary
from one of his adventures. Dad is slightly
surprised and wonders if Newton is doing well The 28th Annual General Meeting of the Science Society
as he has been told that the school authority was held on 18 October 2019 in the school hall from 3.30
thinks Newton wears the costume to cover his p.m. to 5.30 p.m. The total number of members present
unhappiness over Chris’ condition. was 135 with 5 members absent with reason.
(b) Newton confirms that he is not sure. He has just
returned from his rescue adventures with Cecil The first matter of the meeting was the election of
and Mr Clay and is still feeling good about his new committee members for the coming year, 2020. The
role as Captain Nobody. He assures Dad he will new committee members are as follows:
be the first to know of his decision.
(c) He asks about when he would be allowed to visit President : Faridah Atan (Form 4 Science1)
Chris. This shows his concern for Chris and I feel Secretary : Daniel Arif (Form 4 Science 1)
he has a strong sibling bond with Chris. He loves Treasurer : Sean Lai (Form 4 Science 2)
Chris even though he has been sidelined by his
parents because of Chris’ football achievements. The outgoing president, Hamid Hassan, (Form 5
Science 1) thanked the committee members and society
2. (a) The uncomfortable truth is that it is Darryl Peeps members for their cooperation and consistent support
not Reggie Ratner who knocked Chris out at the during his term as president. He expressed appreciation
game. for the guidance and dedication of the teachers in charge.

(b) He has a dream about him dodging cars along the The Science Society has had a successful and active
freeway and the image changes to the struggle year in 2019.
in the football field when Chris is knocked out. It
shows Darryl’s helmet hitting Chris’ helmet. Activities:
1. There were three trips:
(c) He realises he is the only one who knows the • National Science Centre – 80 members and four
truth and who can save Reggie by telling him the teachers – fascinating trip to see the wonders of
truth. In spite of his fear of heights, he climbs up science, especially the Solar System.
the tower to tell Reggie. This shows that Newton • Natural Science Centre – 40 members and two
is considerate, determined and has confidence in teachers – interesting exhibits of natural science
himself by then. He has changed from a person • Forest Reserve Institute of Malaysia – guided
who ‘is ignored most of the time’ to a confident tour on types of trees and study of process of
and strong young boy. preservation of trees – educational tour
2. Talks
3. (a) He is in the hospital in the same room as Chris. • The importance of forest conservation
(b) He and Reggie fell down from the water tower • Carbon footprint – what it means and how we can
when he was trying to convince Reggie from reduce our carbon footprint
doing something unpleasant to himself. • Organic food – methods of cultivation and effects
(c) He recovers and helps get Chris out of the coma. • The talks were interesting and the speakers were
from colleges and the Department of Environment
3. Projects
• Science herb garden and mushroom farm
• Community service – clean up campaign of the
school compound
4. Participation in the National Young Inventors
Competition – The participants did the school proud
by winning the second place with their invention, a
‘robotic kitchen helper’.


The meeting ended with the incoming president PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
thanking the members for their vote of confidence. She
hoped that the following year would be just as fruitful. As an added bonus, exercises also reduce stress
levels, give a sense of power, elevate self-esteem and
The meeting adjourned at 5.30 p.m. energy levels and, best of all, leave you looking, feeling
and thinking better. If possible, try to exercise at least 30
Exercise 2 minutes daily.
I would like to share with you my experience of a close I hope I have enlightened you on the proper ways to
encounter with nature, a mountain climbing experience maintain good health. Thank you.
during the last school holiday.
Mt. Tinggi, at 2,117 m, is one of the few mountains in Enrichment Exercises
the peninsula that local trekkers, including my father and
I, dream of conquering. Taking advantage of the school Exercise 1
holidays, my father took me on an adventure of a lifetime. A very good morning to the principal, Puan Indra, teachers
It was a five-day-four-night trip to an area of such rich and fellow students. Today is a very special day for our
biodiversity. On the first day, it rained heavily, making the senior assistant, Mrs. Khoo. After dedicating 30 illustrious
river crossing treacherous. Leeches had a field day. But, years to the education field, Mrs. Khoo is retiring.
the vibrancy of the rainforest made up for all the discomfort.
We saw tiger footprints, elephant dung and hornbills, Mrs. Khoo joined the school as the senior assistant
especially the large Rhinoceros hornbills. The Rhinoceros ten years ago. Before coming here, Mrs. Khoo taught at
hornbills were a sight to behold when they were flying low. SMK Convent Melaka for 20 years. She came to Kuala
Camp Jerneh, the first campsite, had one of the Lumpur on transfer. The school is lucky to have Mrs.
cleanest rivers around. The following day, the ascent Khoo as the senior assistant for all these years. Together
became tougher as the terrain was steep and ragged at with the principal, she worked towards making the school
certain parts. We were caught in a heavy downpour but the best in the district in the academic and co-curricular
we were not deterred as the desire to make it to the peak fields. We have been awarded the Sekolah Harapan
was too strong. On the third day, after seven and eight Award for being the cleanest school with a well-maintained
hours of hiking on muddy and thorny paths, we reached compound. The examination results have improved so
the peak at 7.00 p.m. On the fourth day, we were greeted much that we achieved 90% and 95% pass rates in the
with a beautiful morning and clear blue skies. The view PMR and SPM exams respectively last year.
was scenic. We looked beyond the peak and felt on top
of the world. The air was so fresh and invigorating though Mrs. Khoo has worked very hard towards improving
chilly at times. We had conquered the peak of Mt. Tinggi. the facilities in the school. We have added a computer
Then, it was time to make the descent. The trek down laboratory, a mini gymnasium and an art room. Fundraising
to Camp Jerneh was exciting as we were guided by our campaigns were held under Mrs. Khoo’s leadership. With
torch. It was 8.30 p.m. when we reached the campsite. assistance from the PIBG, we are now able to enjoy these
It was a holiday as well as a learning session as I facilities.
had learned to love nature more.
Mrs. Khoo has made efforts to improve conditions in
Exercise 3 the school canteen. The food items sold by the stalls are
Good morning, my teachers and friends. Most of us enjoy hygienically prepared. Cleanliness is of utmost importance
leading a busy lifestyle, one that keeps us on our toes and the canteen has lived up to expectations. New tables
most days. We thrive on moving around. To ensure that and benches have replaced the old ones.
we have the energy or the stamina to zip about, there
are two things we must do right. They are eating right Finally, I, on behalf of all the students here, would like
and exercising as proper nutrition and physical activities to say that we will miss Mrs. Khoo and her sound advice.
go hand in hand. Students who have benefited from her advice will testify
that she is very understanding and encouraging. She does
Eating right is a strong prerequisite. We must eat not believe that any student can fail.
regular meals to get essential nutrients and other food
components. Practise healthy eating habits like eating Good luck and happy retirement, Mrs. Khoo.
right. When it comes to eating right, it’s crucial to eat a
variety of food because different types of food provide Exercise 2
diverse combinations of energy and nutrients. Eat a varied I would like to describe a quiet country retreat in Sarawak
diet that combines cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, that I visited last December.
meat, fish, poultry and diary products. You also need to
cut down on the intake of fats, sugar and salt, and you It was also my maiden flight! I felt a bit scared but
must drink lots of water. my parents told me to relax and enjoy the thrill of my first
flight. The flight was smooth and uneventful. As we neared
Physical exercises are also important. Among the Kuching, the view of lush greenery, blue sea and hills
numerous advantages of doing exercise is that it allows below was breathtaking. When the plane landed, I gripped
you to sustain your energy level and keep it balanced, that my safety belt and closed my eyes. ‘We have landed! We
is, it burns calories to keep you fit and trim. It also helps are on the ground!’ I relaxed as I walked out of the plane.
to maintain healthy body weight and improves fitness and My parents laughed at me and I congratulated myself on
strength. having gone through my first flight so well!


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers Putrajaya Lake. The lake, which is popular for water
sports and fishing, and the wetlands are the two distinctive
We had lunch in the heart of Kuching. Then, we features of the city. The Putrajaya Wetlands comprises
were driven to Bandar Indah, a quiet rustic resort town. Taman Wetland and the wetland area itself. Taman
The drive there was not too bad and we enjoyed the Wetland houses the Nature Interpretation Centre and a
picturesque countryside. We stayed in wooden chalets look-out tower which offers a bird’s eye view of Putrajaya.
decorated with local artworks. We visited a bridge called Taman Wetland is also a wildlife sanctuary. There is a
Jambatan Indah. The view from the bridge was magnificent souvenir shop, a wetland diorama, handicraft displays and
with fishing boats docked alongside the river against a a café at the Nature Interpretation Centre.
backdrop of a hill dotted with houses. We attended a
traditional rice harvesting ceremony, visited an arts and Facing the scenic Putrajaya Lake is the Putrajaya
crafts centre and a bazaar. Mother went into a shopping Mosque. It is unarguably Putrajaya’s most distinctive
frenzy as the bazaar was a shoppers’ paradise full of landmark and one of the most modern mosques in the
handicrafts, leather footwear, knitwear, colourful batik and world. The mosque can accommodate some 10,000
shirts at low prices. worshippers while the landscaped courtyard can
accommodate an additional 5,000 people
All in all, it was a relaxing holiday. My return flight was
good and I now consider myself a seasoned traveller. Visitors who are interested in the country’s agricultural
sector can visit Taman Botani and Taman Warisan
Exercise 3 Putrajaya. Located at the northern section, Taman
The book titled ‘The Green Place’ is a fictional adventure Botani is designed as an arcadia or a national sanctuary
story of a family, the Wilsons, who are shipwrecked on for Malaysian plant taxonomy as well as a centre for
an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean. The three main education and research. The garden is open daily while
characters are William Wilson, wife Florence Wilson and the interactive exhibition in the main building is open from
son Robin Wilson. The minor character is the native, Tuesday through Saturday.
Inouke. The Wilsons are on their sailing boat on a sailing
trip from the mainland to an island. Their boat hits a rock Taman Warisan Putrajaya is a sprawling park that
during a storm and they find themselves shipwrecked. showcases the agricultural development of the nation’s
traditional crops such as rubber, cocoa and palm oil
William Wilson is not perturbed by their situation. while also acting as a living museum for local fruits like
An optimist, he tells his family to look on the bright side ciku, durian and cempedak as well as herbs and spices.
that at least they are alive. They learn to survive on A drive to the park is viewed as both educational and
the island. He teaches his wife and son to make use informative.
of resources provided by nature to survive. They build
for themselves a comfortable home, start a farm and Families who want to spend time together can go
an orchard of tropical fruits and cultivate rice. They learn to the Putrajaya Boating Club House. It is open to the
how to hunt animals for food. All in all, they have a public and can accommodate 250 people at any one time
comfortable life and experience many adventures. They for functions. It is an ideal place to spend a day with the
stay on the island for 15 years before being rescued. They family and is very popular during school holidays.
learn to get along with the natives and even adopted a
young native called Inouke. One important development Thank you for your time.
is they learn to live with the natives and introduce them
to western civilisation. Exercise 5

Robin almost loses his life to a tropical disease. He I would like to tell the story of how Irene met her long-
is saved through the use of native medicine with the help lost uncle.
of the natives. They are rescued after 15 years but they
return to the island to recall their happy memories. It was a pleasant afternoon, so Irene took her bike
and cycled uphill. It was a bit difficult but she needed the
This is a good story for family reading as it tells of exercise after a long week of lazing around.
survival in the face of misfortune. It gives a good description
of nature and man and nature’s interdependence. The As she pedalled uphill, she was stopped by a strange-
language is simple and makes for easy reading. It is looking man. At first, Irene was hesitant and wanted to
strongly recommended for teenagers. One of the values speed away but as he spoke politely, she stopped. He
is that people of different colours and cultures can live showed her an envelope which had her address. She
together in harmony. was startled but managed to remain nonchalant. She did
not ask him any questions and told him the way to the
Exercise 4 address, not revealing that it was her house. To help him,
I would like to describe some places of interest in she told him the house had a wooden picket fence and a
Putrajaya, the country’s administrative capital. It may wooden green door.
be an administrative centre but it attracts tourists, local
and foreign, with its unique cultural, educational and He thanked her and walked downhill. Irene rode up
environmentally-based features. a few metres away from him and took a side trail down
the hill so that she could reach home before he arrived
At the very heart of Putrajaya is the Putrajaya at her doorstep. She immediately informed her parents of
Wetlands with a natural landscape dominated by the her chance meeting with the man. Her parents, especially


her father, feared for her safety, but she assured him PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
that he only asked for directions to their house. She told
her parents she did not tell the stranger that it was her Teacher : Is the Central Bus Station near there?
address. Irene’s father made a police report and then they
waited impatiently for the arrival of the man. Student : Yes, it is quite near there. Go up the road till
you see a T-junction. Turn right into Jalan Besar
The police arrived and waited with them for the and keep walking. You will see a flower nursery
strange man. Ten minutes later, the gate bell rang. Irene’s on your right. Keep to the left and walk on the
father, with the policeman close behind, quickly went to grass verge till you come to another shopping
open the gate. Irene stood behind her mother at the door. complex – Tesco. Take the pedestrian bridge
They watched the policeman talking to the man. Then, the and you will see the Central Bus Station in front
man saw her mother and waved his hand. of you. The express buses are on the left of the
He said, ‘Hello, Macy. Don’t you recognise your
brother, the black sheep of the family?’ Teacher : Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

Irene’s mother gasped as she looked in shock at the Student : You’re welcome. Have a nice day too. Goodbye.
young man, burnt to bronze by the years he had spent at
sea. She ran towards him and hugged him, laughing and Exercise 2
crying at the same time. Teacher : Anne, Marina is resting in the ward. She should

“This must be the young lady who gave me the be all right soon. You were with Marina the
directions to the house. How smart of her not to tell me whole afternoon before she fainted. I have to
it is her house!” he remarked as he looked at Irene who ask you a few questions to know exactly what
was peeping from behind her dad’s huge frame. happened and how Marina hurt herself. Do you
He was introduced to the family as the favourite
brother who ran away from home because their parents Student : Yes, Auntie Lynn. I will tell you everything that I
had refused to allow him to join the navy. He joined an know.
international shipping company and has come back a
wealthy man in his own right. Teacher : Good. What happened at the bicycle shed when
both of you reached the school this afternoon?
That evening was a happy occasion for everyone in
the family. Student : We reached the school at about 2.45 p.m.
We went to the bicycle shed to park our
Model 2 Teacher – Candidate bicycles. Marina parked and locked her bicycle.
Her bag dropped to the ground as she was
Exercises walking out. She picked up the bag and turned
to talk to me. She accidentally knocked her
Exercise 1 forehead against a pillar of the shed. She bent
Teacher : Good morning. Can you show me the way to the down as she felt dizzy. She rubbed her forehead
as it hurt a little. I looked at her forehead and
Central Bus Station? I’m afraid I will miss the saw a slight bump there. I asked if she felt
express bus scheduled to leave at 9.00 a.m. all right and she nodded her head. Then we
Student : Good morning, Madam. Yes, of course I can walked hurriedly to the classroom for the society
help you. Don’t worry. You will get there on meeting.
time. Do you wish to walk there or take a cab
or trishaw? Teacher : What happened then? Did you inform the teacher
Teacher : I would prefer to walk there if it isn’t too far from about the accident?
Student : It’s a thirty minutes’ walk from here. You are Student : No, we did not say anything. Everyone had
now at the Tuah Post office. Walk straight down arrived and they had divided themselves
Jalan Hang Tuah. This is a one-way street and into groups to play some indoor games. We
you will see a petrol station, a college and then decided to play Scrabble together. We played
a big hotel called Legacy on your right. On your happily together for about fifteen minutes when
left, you can see a bank and some shophouses. suddenly, Marina felt a flash of pain in her
Teacher : I’m getting my bearings now. head. She gasped out loudly as the throbbing
Student : When you reach the junction at Legacy Hotel, pain increased. I looked at Marina’s face
turn right into Jalan Kasturi and you will see which had turned pale. I ran to her side and
a hawker centre on your right and the Fajar asked her what was wrong with her. Before
Shopping Complex on the opposite side. Walk she could say a word, she passed out. Luckily,
a few metres till you come to a pedestrian I caught hold of her before she hit the floor.
crossing. Use this crossing to get across to the Mrs. Lim, the advisor, rushed up to us and saw
Fajar Shopping Complex the blue bruise on Marina’s forehead. She told
me to hold Marina while she tried to call you.

Teacher : I see. So, Marina only hurt her forehead, not any
other part of her head.

Student : Yes, Auntie Lynn. I’m sure of that.
Teacher : Thank you, Anne. You’ve been very helpful.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers years, I have increased my collection. I usually
get my stamps from friends and relatives who go
Exercise 3 overseas. I exchange stamps with other stamp
Teacher : Hello, Yati here. collectors like my brothers’ friends.
Student : Hello, Yati. Mum here.
Teacher : Mum, you sound worried. What’s the matter? Teacher : How do you take care of your stamps?
Student : Yati, it’s your brother, Man. He has been
Student : Stamps are fragile and care must be taken when
neglecting his studies. He spends his time doing handling them. They can be badly affected by
nothing but playing basketball for the school direct sunlight or dampness. So, I keep my
team, playing computer games and watching albums in a cupboard in my room. I take out the
television. His grades have been falling. He is albums once in a while to admire my collection. I
sitting for the year-end exam soon. So, you can do this so that I can flip the pages to allow for air
understand my concern. circulation. I use tweezers to handle the stamps
Teacher : But, Man has been doing well all this time. so that they will not be damaged.
Something must have happened to him.
Student : We have no idea about the sudden change Teacher : Thank you. That was an interesting account of
in him. He refuses to talk to us. Whenever your hobby.
we ask him about his schoolwork, he will say
nothing’s wrong and then clam up. Your father Student : Thank you.
has threatened to make him leave school and
send him to your grandparents’ farm if he doesn’t Exercise 2
buck up soon. The exam is two months away.
If he starts his revision now, he should be able Teacher : Where would you like to live if you have the
to make the grade. He looks up to you. Do you chance to choose?
think you could talk to him or write to him and
knock some sense into his head? Student : Given the chance, I would like to live in a little
Teacher : Don’t worry, Mum. I’ll do that tonight. village house in quiet surroundings. I had an
Student : Find out what is wrong. If his loss of interest in ideal hideaway in mind ever since I visited a
his studies is caused by some difficult subjects, relative who lives in a remote village in Pahang.
we can send him to tuition classes for extra
coaching. Tell him we do not mind him being Teacher : Where will your ideal hideaway be located?
actively involved in basketball but he needs to
strike a balance between play and schoolwork. Student : It will be located amidst greenery and hills
You could suggest helping him work out a with a river nearby anda way from the city. It should
timetable. be at a certain altitude where the temperature
Teacher : Mum, relax. I’ll talk to him and get to the bottom will be 6-7 degrees cooler than any urban area.
of the problem. Take care. The air should be cool and fresh all year round.

Enrichment Exercises Teacher : What type of house and furniture will you have?

Exercise 1 Student : I will go for a wooden house with four rooms, just
Teacher : What would you like to talk about? big enough for my family. The furniture will be
simple and made of cane. I will make sure that
Student : I would like to talk about my hobby, collecting the design is simple and cosy. The compound
stamps. will be big enough for me to indulge in my
favourite hobby, gardening. I will also keep some
Teacher : Can you tell me why you collect stamps as a poultry.
Teacher : You have made your ideal hideaway sound
Student : I picked up this interest from my father. He has rustic and remote. What about the basic amenities?
been collecting stamps for a long time. When I
started my secondary school, he passed one Student : There will be piped water, electricity and a phone
of his albums to me and told me to look at the line. I will try to use solar power if possible.
stamps. Then, he asked me what I thought of
them. I found them interesting as they tell us a Teacher : What about transport?
lot about the culture of a country. It is easy to Student : The place will not be so isolated from civilization.
get hold of stamps because every country has
a postal system. Stamp collecting is a popular We will still be close enough to a town.
hobby among the young and old. Teacher : How would you occupy your time?
Student : The shady hilly roads and jungle tracks will be
Teacher : Do you have a good collection of stamps? If you
do, how do you get the stamps? ideal for trekking and cycling. I will swim in the
river or waterfall if there is one nearby.
Student : Yes, I have a good collection. My father gave Teacher : Well, I hope you will be able to find your ideal
me and my brothers his collection. Over the hideaway.
Student : Thank you.

Exercise 3
Teacher : I am a tourist from Japan and very interested in

Malaysian culture. Could you tell me about some
cultural activities of your country?
Student : Yes, I would be glad to. First of all, I will tell you


about some traditional games like top spinning PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
and kite flying. These are predominantly played
in the east coast states. Top spinning may sound Teacher : What do I do next?
like a child’s game but our traditional top spinning Student : Now, take spoonfuls of the mixture and make
is played by adults. A traditional top can weigh up
to 7 kg and it takes quite an amount of strength them into balls. Flatten them slightly. Heat up
to spin it. During a top spinning contest, the top the oil and fry the cutlets until brown over a low
that stays spinning the longest is the winner. fire. Dish the cutlets up and serve them hot.
Teacher : They look so crispy and smell fragrant. I shall
Teacher : That sounds interesting. What about kite flying? serve them with chilli sauce. Thank you for
showing me how to prepare the sardine cutlets.
Student : Kite flying is popular with both the young and Student : You’re welcome.
old. Kite flying contests are held almost
everywhere in the country. Height and design are Exercise 5
the main criteria for assessing the winning quality Teacher : Good morning, Cik Ida. Thank you for making
of a kite. There are many different designs with
the most popular being the wau bulan or moon time for this interview. What is the first thing you
kite. have to do when you start your work?
Student : The first thing I have to do is to go around,
Teacher : Could you tell me something about a traditional making sure that my patients are coping well.
physical game? This is important as most of my patients are
elderly folks suffering from heart disease,
Student : It will certainly be the sepak raga. The only piece diabetes and general old-age illnesses. Once
of equipment needed is a lightweight ball made I am certain that they are fine, I distribute the
of rattan. The opposing teams stand in a circle breakfast trays, take temperatures and blood
and deliver the ball to each other with their legs, pressures. Then, I write the reports and prepare
head and shoulders and they have to make sure the patients for the doctor’s visit.
that it is continuously in the air. Teacher : Do you have patients who do not want to take
their medication? How do you deal with them?
Teacher : I would like to know about the traditional form of Student : Medicines have to be administered. This is
self-defence. not easy as the elderly patients tend to be
suspicious. More often than not, they do not
Student : The Malay traditional martial art is silat. It want to take their medications. Some will make
originated in 15th century Melaka. Today, it is a a big fuss by asking many questions about the
highly refined art. It is performed at ceremonies medicines. They want assurance that they will
and weddings accompanied by music from not suffer any side effects. I have to pacify and
gongs and drums. assure them that the medicines will make them
Teacher : What type of traditional entertainment do you
enjoy? Teacher : What is the busiest time of the day?

Student : The traditional form of entertainment enjoyed Student : The busiest time is when visitors come trooping
by most villagers is the wayang kulit or shadow in. Visiting hours are hectic and the ward is
play. It is a performance by master puppeteers crowded. Without a doubt, the patients love it
with the use of light and shadow. – they wait eagerly for visiting hours. If you are
one second late in opening the doors, woe betide
Teacher : You have been very helpful. I will read up more you. You will get more than an earful from them.
on these activities. After visiting hours, we have to return the ward
to its original look – spick and span.
Exercise 4
Teacher : Could you instruct me on how to prepare sardine Teacher : How would you describe a day in the life of a
nurse in general?
Student : Yes, of course. It is very easy to prepare. I will Student : A nurse is on her feet from the moment she
arrives at the ward. It is a rewarding job, though
instruct you step by step. First, the ingredients it can be demanding. When a patient recovers
are 200 grams of minced sardines, 6 potatoes, and leaves the hospital, we are elated.
an egg, a stalk of spring onion, a red chilli, salt
and pepper and cooking oil. Teacher : Would you encourage young girls to take up
Teacher : All right. I have all the ingredients here. What do nursing?
I do next?
Student : Boil the potatoes and then allow them to cool. Student : A career as a nurse is no picnic! But, as I
Then peel and mash them. Chop the spring said earlier, it is rewarding and I will definitely
onion and chilli finely. Put the mashed potatoes, encourage anyone who is interested to take up
the chopped spring onion and chilli in a bowl and nursing. It is a noble profession. It is uplifting
mix them with the minced sardines. Add the egg to see the smiles of thanks and the gestures of
and salt and pepper to taste. appreciation.
Teacher : Here they are - all in the bowl.
Student : All right. Now, take a fork and mix the ingredients
well until you get a proper mixture.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers Student A : Eating at roadside stalls and on pavements is
a Malaysian habit. We have been doing it for
Form 5 Oral English ages. Why are you against it all of a sudden?

Model 3 Pair Work Student B : It is unhygienic, especially when cars and
buses pass by.
Student A : I have never thought of that. No wonder
Exercise 1 sometimes we get stomachaches after a meal.
Student A : Hello, Elaine. Thank you for agreeing to teach
Student B : Furthermore, it is quite dangerous to sit on the
me how to write minutes. This is the first time pavement to have our meals. Accidents may
I’ve been selected as secretary, so I’m a bit happen, especially when there is heavy traffic.
unsure about the format.
Student B : Hello, Hanafiah. Don’t worry. We will go Student A : I remember reading a news report of an
through the format together and you will be accident where a girl was rammed by a car
able to handle the work. Writing minutes of while having a meal outside an eatery.
meetings is easy as long as you follow the
proper procedure. Here are a few guidelines Student B : This morning there was another incident
which you should take note of. involving two men being hit by a motorcycle
Student A : What is the first thing I must do before a which skidded on the wet road into their table
society meeting? outside a restaurant.
Student B : Firstly, meet up with the president of the
society a few days before the meeting to get Student A : The scenario sounds bad. Moreover, when
the agenda. Print a copy of the agenda for tables and chairs are placed on the pavement,
each of the committee members. pedestrians will have no choice but to walk on
Student A : What about all the members? When do I have the road, thus endangering their lives.
to inform them of the agenda?
Student B : The members of the society need to be Student B : You are right. The authorities should look into
informed only on the day of the meeting. Write the matter seriously.
out the agenda on the blackboard.
Student A : How do I get the attendance? Exercise 3
Student B : Make a short announcement to those present
for the names of members who are absent with Student A : Mrs. Tan, I’m so sorry but I don’t think I will
or without reason. be able to take part in the elocution contest
Student A : How do you remember or record all the things tomorrow.
that are discussed in the meeting?
Student B : When the meeting starts, listen attentively to Student B : Why? I have gone through the contents of your
the proceedings. Record everything that is speech and we have practised together. I think
said and discussed in a summarised form. Use you are a good speaker. You are not sick, are
your own system of short forms. Don’t forget you?
to note down the names of the proposer, the
seconder and those who oppose a proposal. Student A : No, I am not. It’s just that when I think of
Write down the reasons given for the proposal going on the stage and facing the audience,
and the opposition. my knees go weak, my hands turn cold and I
Student A : After I have written out the minutes, to whom have cold sweat. When I practised in front of
should I hand the minutes? you, everything worked out fine.
Student B : You should write out the minutes as soon as
the meeting is over when your memory of the Student B : Oh, I see. You are having stage fright.
proceedings is still fresh. Pass the minutes to Speaking in public for the first time is quite
the teacher advisor and president to check and nerve-wracking. You are afraid you will make
sign. mistakes and the audience will laugh at you.
Student A : Thank you for your help. Your explanation is
clear and precise. Student A : I’m glad you understand how I feel. So, can I
Student B : You’re welcome. I’m glad I am able to help. pull out of the contest? I don’t want to faint on
the stage in front of everyone.
Exercise 2
Student B : No, you should not pull out of the contest at
Student A : Aina, I haven’t had my dinner yet. Let’s go to the last minute. I know you can do it. Here are
the stall near that road junction and have a a few tips on how to overcome stage fright.
bowl of spicy noodles. They serve very tasty When you are on the stage tomorrow, look
rojak too. out for me in the front row. It helps to have a
friendly face in the audience. Then, look out
Student B : Helen, I don’t think I can join you for dinner for your classmates in the other rows. Pretend
at that place. I feel that you should not eat at that you are talking to them.
roadside stalls where tables and chairs are
placed on pavements. Student A : I guess that should help. My classmates and
you have been very encouraging. What should
I do next? The contents of my speech are on
a few sheets of paper. I am afraid that, out of
nervousness, I may drop them.

Student B : Smile at the audience first and then greet them.
There will be a lectern with a microphone.
Place your notes and your hands on the


lectern so that the paper won’t drop and the PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
audience won’t see your hands shake.
Student A : Keeping pets has its advantages and
Student A : You make it sound so easy. I guess I should disadvantages. One disadvantage is that you
learn to relax and give it a try. have to clean up the mess they make. The
faeces they leave on the road is bad enough.
Student B : Good girl. You will make it. Another major problem is that animals can
cause diseases.
Enrichment Exercises
Student B : I know. I have heard that dogs can cause
Exercise 1 rabies, a disease with no known cure. But,
that applies to strays only. Dogs kept at home
Student A : Razak, there is a book fair at the National as pets will not give such problems if they
Stadium starting today. I’m planning to go to are vaccinated. As for the problem of making
have a look at what they have to offer. Please a mess, dogs that are well trained will know
come with me. where they can or cannot empty their bowels.

Student B : From the report in the newspaper, it is called Student A : Another problem is the irresponsibility of
Read Malaysia, The International Book Fair pet owners. A child may outgrow his or her
and will be on for ten days. It is open daily from interest in a pet. His or her parents will have to
11.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. The Deputy Minister take over. Not all adults have the inclination to
of Education launched it. Sounds like a grand look after pets. So, they tend to neglect them.
Student B : So, you feel that when they are neglected they
Student A : I like attending book fairs because I can may become aggressive.
get books at good prices. I can also get
information on new books and writers. Student A : Yes, there are newspaper reports of people
being attacked by their neighbours’ dogs.
Student B : You are such a bookworm, that is why book
fairs appeal to you. As for me, reading does Student B : That is true but those are isolated cases. Think
not quite appeal to me. I would rather play of the advantages of keeping pets. Dogs are
computer games. Going to the book fair will loving creatures and non-judgemental. They
be a waste of time to me. love without reservation and they are good
companions for children and old people. It’s
Student A : I feel that you should try to take up reading in like having a friend around all the time.
your spare time rather than playing computer
games. Reading helps to relax the mind and Student B : I guess you are right. Children will learn what
helps us improve our language skills. Books responsibility is all about when they have to
are a great source of information. look after the welfare of their pets. Pet lovers
have to develop a sense of tolerance as they
Student B : I know that reading does benefit us in many need to be patient when looking after their
ways, but since I started using my computer, pets.
I don’t seem to have the enthusiasm to read
books. All the information that I need can be Student A : I hope to hear that you have kept a pet next
derived from the Internet. time we meet.

Student A : It’s true that the Internet gives all the information Exercise 3
you need. Razak, I am talking about reading Student A : Sir, thank you for responding so promptly to
books for leisure. Try reading this book. It’s a
science fiction title. I bet you will change your my call about a break-in. When we entered
mind about reading. the house, we realised that there had been
a break-in. We have not touched anything in
Student B : Anyway, books are so expensive and I can’t fear of disturbing any evidence.
afford to buy them. Student B : What did you first notice when you approached
the house?
Student A : No excuses. You have the alternatives of Student A : As I approached the house, I noticed that one
borrowing books from libraries, buying or renting of the windows, the one on the right of the
books from second-hand bookshops and buying house, was broken. I thought that one of the
books at good prices from book fairs. boys in the neighbourhood had broken it with a
football. However, when I got in, I was shocked
Student B : All right. For starters, I’ll go to the book fair to find that the house had been ransacked.
with you. Student B : Please describe your neighbourhood. Do
you suspect anyone? It is possible that the
Student A : You will not regret it. boys in the neighbourhood may have a grudge
against you. They broke into your house as
Exercise 2 a prank.
Student A : Ai Leen, I heard that you have just got a pet Student A : My house is situated between two vacant plots
of land but there are neighbours at the back
dog. and across the road. I do not have any clashes
Student B : Yes, my uncle bought one for me for my with the boys in the neighbourhood. So, I

birthday. He is an animal lover who feels that
everyone should have a pet.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers Exercise 5
Student A : Shopping is a favourite pastime for many
don’t think they are the culprits. The thieves
ransacked the living room and the bedrooms. people, young and old. Walk into any shopping
Besides the broken window, there is no other mall or go for a warehouse sale, you will be
damage to the house itself. surprised at the number of people there.
Student B : Have you listed the things that are missing? Student B : You are right. Malaysians do enjoy shopping.
Student A : Yes. Here’s the list. The problems are the crowd and getting a
Student B : One of my men checked with your neighbours parking space.
to find out if they had heard or seen anything Student A : For those people who don’t like crowds, there
unusual. However, your neighbour at the back, is online shopping. This is the kind of shopping
Encik Ghani, was out the whole morning. Your we can do in the comfort of our own homes
neighbour across the road, Mr. Sarjit did not and it is becoming more and more popular.
notice anything strange. You will have to come Student B : Yes, online shopping is popular simply
with us to the station to make a written report. because it is convenient, especially for busy
Student A : That’s not a problem. Sir, I hope that you will young professionals. But, like conventional
be able to recover my things soon. shopping, there are pros and cons. One of the
Student B : My men and I will do our best. advantages is that one can easily find what
one is looking for online, not to mention the
Exercise 4 discounts which may be offered.
Student A : Harun, this is the best time of the day for me Student A : The drawback here is that the shipping cost
can easily offset the discount of a product. In
– being able to sit here and watch the sunset other words, the saving made on the purchase
undisturbed. of the product online is spent on delivering it
Student B : I agree with you. In fact, this is one of the to your home.
things I treasure – the time to relax and watch Student B : That’s true. It is also likely that the description
nature at work. of the product may not be accurate. A refund
Student A : Time to relax and do things we like is something may not be possible if we realise that we do
that we should cherish. Nowadays, people not like the product or it doesn’t meet our
don’t seem to have the time to relax. They expectations.
are always looking for ways to make money. Student A : One advantage that makes online shopping
My parents, for example, are so busy that I attractive is that the Internet is accessible 24
can only spend time with them on weekends. hours a day and 7 days a week. The availability
Most of the time, my sister and I have dinner of broadband makes it much easier and faster
by ourselves. to receive and send information and pictures.
Student B : I’m glad to say that my parents are not as busy Student B : Internet auction sites play an important part
as yours. We have dinner together every day in making prices of items on sale affordable.
and this is something I treasure. Another thing Some items are sold at prices lower than those
I treasure is health. I’m glad to say that I am offered by the shops in our neighbourhood.
in good health. Without health, we will not be Student A : When we go shopping, we are afraid of snatch
able to enjoy life. thieves or pickpockets. This problem does
Student A : As the saying goes, ‘health is wealth’. There not happen to online shoppers. However, the
are so many things we can do if we are safety of a payment device or system is still
healthy. I sympathise with children who are the major question in every online shopper’s
afflicted by diseases like cancer. I always head. One’s personal details may be stolen
thank my lucky stars that I don’t have such and abused in the process of making an online
health problems. transaction.
Student B : Another thing I treasure is having friends who Student B : All said and done, everything we do has its
are sincere and reliable. True and sincere pros and cons. We have to be alert at all times.
friends are hard to find these days.
Student A : This is why you treasure me! I am your sincere Model 4 Group Work
and true friend right? I am positive that you will
agree with me. A positive outlook is the basis Exercises
of everything that is good in life.
Student B : I never thought you could be so profound. Exercise 1
But, you are right. A positive outlook makes
a person warm, understanding, outgoing and Student A : Look at this notice about the ‘Say No to Plastic
likeable. It helps him or her to make friends. Bags Campaign’. The public is advised not to
Student A : So, let’s treasure our friendship. use plastic bags when shopping.
Student B : That goes without saying!
Student B : When we use less plastic, we are doing our
part in saving the environment. Plastic bags
are made of non-biodegradable materials and


are non-recyclable. The problem of pollution PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
will only get worse if the use of plastic bags
is allowed to continue. Student C : Parental expectations put pressure on students
to score excellent results. Some parents do not
Student C : Some shopping centres are replacing plastic encourage their children to excel in sports as
bags with paper bags. This is definitely a good they feel that playing sports is a waste of time.
move, but paper bags are not durable as they
tear easily. People tend to throw them away Student D : These children may leave school with good
everywhere and this adds to the difficulty in academic results, but their interpersonal skills
keeping the environment litter-free. are poor. If we are capable of striking a
balance between studies and sports, we will
Student D : I think the best reusable shopping bags should do better than them in the future.
be made of cloth. Since they are durable and
washable, they can be reused umpteen times. Student A : We agree with you totally.

Student B : Unlike plastic, cloth is biodegradable and Exercise 3
environmentally friendly. Student A : The weather these days is really hot. It feels

Student A : A cloth bag takes more weight than a plastic like an oven everywhere. I wonder when the
bag or a paper bag. It can be zipped up and is weather will change for the better.
more convenient for a shopper to bring along. Student B : Too much rain is a problem as we are afraid
of floods. Too much sun is just as bad as dry
Student D : We can fold a cloth bag and keep it in our bag weather can be just as problematic.
when not in use. Student C : Both of you have just voiced what is uppermost
in our minds these days. The weather condition
Student C : I would like to emphasise the practical aspect is really worrying. Everybody is wondering if
that cloth shopping bags can be turned into drought is imminent.
‘suitcases’ or ‘schoolbags’. We will definitely Student D : Do you know how hot it actually is? The
use less plastic if shopping centres and the highest temperature recorded in some places
authorities insist on the use of cloth bags. is 39°C. This situation is expected to continue
until September, when the rainfall will be back
Student B : I suggest that we start using cloth shopping to normal.
bags next time we go shopping. Together we Student C : Such hot weather conditions can have adverse
can make a difference. effects on our water supply. The water level at
the reservoir may drop. If this happens, our
Student A : Yes, let’s set an example for other shoppers. taps may run dry.
Student A : So, we should be prudent enough not to waste
Exercise 2 water. We should control the amount of water
Student A : Look at this newspaper report! It says we use every day.
Student B : But, I think I use more water than all of you.
that three students scored 15 As in all the I shower more frequently as I sweat easily,
fifteen subjects they sat for in the SPM exam especially on a hot day.
last year. I am only taking nine and I am Student D : I do the same thing too. I guess we can’t help
struggling and wondering whether I can get it. According to my family doctor, we should
any distinction. How can a student prepare drink lots of water to keep our body hydrated
for fifteen subjects and score distinctions in and follow a healthy lifestyle.
all of them? Student A : This dry weather condition can cause
Student B : I guess they must be very intelligent or had outbreaks of fire. So, I hope that people will
worked very hard every minute of the day. I be more careful with their cigarettes and
wonder if they enjoyed all that studying. campfires.
Student C : How did they manage to fit in their Student B : The sun is the major source of energy, but too
extracurricular activities? Does the report much of it drains our energy.
mention anything about these students going
for tuition? Enrichment Exercises
Student D : No, there is no mention of tuition. They said
that they studied hard and did their best. I feel Exercise 1
they must have sacrificed their extracurricular Student A : I was really impressed by the steps taken
activities for their academic success.
Student B : I sincerely applaud those students, but is by the local authorities to create awareness
this what schooling is all about? Doing well of the importance of ecology among people.
in exams? There is so much emphasis on According to this report, the month of May has
exam results. I feel that committing facts to been declared as the eco-tourism month.
memory and getting them out when answering Student B : A coastal area in the state attracts migratory
questions is not real learning. It is also not a birds. Many migratory bird species pass
true measure of one’s intelligence. through the country annually and they make
Student A : That is not schooling, but robotic learning. stopovers here.
Fortunately, my parents do not insist on a
string of As. They always tell me to do my best
and not to compare my results with others’.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers and collect them on Saturdays.
Student D : That’s a good idea because we need to
Student C : That’s a good reason to protect the surrounding
environment so that it remains attractive to store them for one day only. The class that
the birds. Besides this area, there are many contributes the most will win a prize. The PIBG
other areas along the coast that also attract will sponsor the prize. I would like to suggest
migratory birds to make stopovers. This is that we invite officers from the Department of
something that excites local birdwatchers. Environment to give talks on how to safeguard
the environment.
Student D : Unfortunately, while these areas are being Student C : The talks will be held during the Recycling
protected and conserved, we are losing other Week. My mother has a friend who makes
natural sites, like the fireflies’ sanctuary in handicrafts from recycled cards and paper
Kuala Selangor. The sanctuary is slowly bags. I can invite her to come and give a
being destroyed by pollution caused by the demonstration.
development of the surrounding areas. This Student B : My aunt is very much involved in recycling
fairyland-like area used to be so brightly lit leftover food, fruit peels and leaves and
and it attracted many local and foreign tourists. twigs into compost. She will be most willing
Some people consider it a national treasure to come and explain the process of making
and that gladdens the heart. compost. The Gardening Club and the Science
Society members will be most interested, I’m
Student C : Nowadays, the lights don’t twinkle so brightly. sure.
Effluence from the estates and factories Student A : What about making a visit to the recycling
nearby are driving the fireflies away. factory so that students will get an opportunity
to see how paper and glass are recycled. I
Student B : There was a letter in the newspaper complaining will take care of the correspondence for this
about the Kinta Nature Park suffering the same activity if the principal approves the proposal.
fate. This area used to attract water birds to I think we have enough ideas to present to the
nest. The park is now neglected to the extent principal. Thank you for your support.
that many trees and aquatic plants have died.
People who fish there use large cast nets and Exercise 3
there are sand mining and farming activities Student A : Do you all know what we should do or not do
around the park.
when there is lightning? My parents tell me not
Student A : It is sad to know that these nature parks are to make calls on both the house phone and
being destroyed in the name of development. the mobile phone.
But, I’m glad to know that other areas are Student D : That’s what I have been told too. I’ve also been
being preserved and efforts are being made to told not to take a shower or use the sink as
create awareness among the general public. water pipes conduct electricity.
Student B : I’m not sure, but one of the things we should
Student D : Changing people’s mindset will take time. At do is to run for shelter when we hear thunder
least, there is a first step in the right direction or see lightning. We should not wait for the
and, hopefully, it will lead to greater efforts. rain to fall before we act.
Student C : You’re right because lightning can strike before
Exercise 2 the rain starts falling. We should take shelter
Student A : Good morning to all of you and thank you for inside a building, not a shed in an open area.
Student D : Yes, make sure you are inside, not outside
attending this meeting. Today, we will discuss a building because one can get hurt not by
the activities for the Recycling Week. Please lightning but by falling debris from things
put forward whatever ideas you have. For damaged by lightning.
a starters, it is proposed that the Recycling Student B : Another important thing to remember is we
Week should be held from 22 to 26 June should not take shelter under a tree. Tall trees
2016. Form 4 students will be involved in the are most prone to being struck by lightning.
organisation of the campaign for the whole Student A : If you are in a bus shelter, don’t stand near or
school. hold on to the metal poles or railings. One can
Student B : I would like to suggest that we put up a notice be directly or indirectly harmed by lightning.
about the aims and objectives of the Recycling Student C : It looks like we do have some knowledge of
Week. The planned activities are to create what to do in the event of lightning. The sky is
environmental awareness among students getting a bit dark now. So, let’s get out of the
concerning the importance of conserving the open and into that shopping mall.
environment and reducing waste. Students will
be educated on the ways of reducing waste.
Student C : We should encourage students to collect
things that can be recycled like newspapers,
magazines, books and aluminium cans for
the next four weeks. All the classes will bring
recyclable items to school on Fridays and the
workers from the recycling centre will come


Exercise 4 PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers
Student A : Deforestation means the clearing of large
Student C: This means that when we go on a holiday, we
areas of forests. Forests which have been should unplug all appliances or they continue
standing for generations are being depleted draining away energy. Computers should also
in the name of progress and financial gains. be turned off at the end of the day. Office
Logging companies and dam builders have workers should turn off their computers when
cleared millions of hectares of forests. they are away for long meetings or lunch.
Student B : Do these people and the authorities realise
the effects of deforestation? Forests exist for Student D: In that case, we should make it a habit to
special reasons and deforestation can bring switch off the lights when we leave a room.
about severe local and global environmental Clean lights shine brighter, so dust them when
effects. necessary.
Student C: There is a serious effect on the climate. When
trees are burnt or cut down, the carbon that Student C: We should also refrain from using general room
has been stored up in the forests is released lighting for specific purposes; instead, use task
into the atmosphere, thereby aggravating the lighting such as reading lamps or lighting over
greenhouse effect. the kitchen counter. Use energy-saving lights.
Student D: This must be one of the reasons for the hot They may be costlier than ordinary lamps but
weather condition nowadays. But, what is in the long run, it is cheaper as can be seen
more disturbing is the effects on certain people from the electricity bill.
like natives and animals that depend on forests
for their survival. To some people and most Student A : Another way to reduce our carbon footprint
animals, forests are their essential means of is to conserve water. Not only is water a
survival and habitat. scarce resource globally, it takes huge
Student A : These people lose their homes and source of amounts of energy to treat and move it around.
food, building materials, firewood and water. Such energy may involve the use of non-
This loss consequently leads to malnutrition biodegradable materials and this contributes to
and increase in outbreaks of diseases. pollution, which in turn adds to global warming.
Student C: Tropical rainforests are home to both animals
and plants and deforestation has resulted Student B : Tell your parents to pay their bills online. This
in the species disappearing together with will help eliminate the paper trail and they will
the rainforests. The number of endangered also avoid unnecessary trips to the bank, post
species is increasing daily. office or town. In this way, there is less air
Student B : Plants and animals are essential parts of man’s pollution and less consumption of fuel. This
existence on Earth. Their extinction endangers leads to a saving of energy resources.
our very existence.
Student D: The destruction of forests causes serious Student D: Lastly, bag the waste. Reduce first. Then, reuse
effects such as extensive flooding, aggravated followed by recycle. Reusing one aluminium
droughts, soil erosion, pollution of water can saves 90% of the energy needed to
supplies and the appearance of pests. All produce a new one. By taking your lunch in a
these so-called natural disasters affect our reusable lunch box instead of a disposable one
lives one way or another. and opting for a reusable bag instead of more
Student A : In conclusion, we can say that protecting plastic bags, you save the energy needed to
forests is of paramount importance. produce new ones.

Exercise 5 Student B : Little things mean a lot and I hope our small
acts will help reduce global warming and our
Student A : The hot topic nowadays is global warming or carbon footprints.
how big your carbon footprint is. So, everyone
is responsible for and has a part in tackling 1 1Chapter VOCABULARY ENRICHMENT Answers
global warming. Let’s see what we can do to
reduce our carbon footprint. Common Errors in English

Student B : According to one article I read, we should Numbers
turn off all items of electrical equipment that 1. Rescuers had to reach all the 1,044 quake-hit villages
are not in use. Appliances left on standby that are under one hundred and thirty-four townships
continue consuming energy by as much as in southwestern Sichuan Province.
100 kilowatts a year and emit carbon.


Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers (f) impossible
(g) unhealthy
2. A 60-year-old woman, who had lived on rainwater in (h) inconsiderate
the past 60 days, was rescued more than 196 hours (i) illogical
after the quake. (j) irresistible
(k) irrelevant
sixty (l) inedible

3. Eighty-six residents of Maliuping village near the top B Prefixes
of a one-thousand-two-hundred-metre mountain had
been cut off since the quake. 1. Verb Noun Verb Noun

1200 educate educator work worker

4. Another lucky survivor was found by an 8-member perform performer observe observer
rescue team on their way to remote villages.
help helper report reporter
admire admirer fight fighter
5. He had been trapped for one hundred and sixty-four
Answers hours in a damaged manganese pit. 2. (a) careful, careless
(b) harmful, harmless
164 (c) courageous
(d) avoidable
Problem Words (e) thoughtful, thoughtless
(f) speechless
1. The slimming drink had no effect on her weight, but (g) doubtful, doubtless
it did affect her mood. (h) favourable
(i) pitiful, pitiless
2. Their clothes and belongings were strewn here and (j) dangerous
Phrasal Verbs
3. Did you lose your loose-fitting shirt?
4. You’re not going for the treasure hunt? Your 1. (a) looked for/are looking for
(b) look up
teammates will be so disappointed. (c) are looking into
5. Who’s coming for dinner? Whose plate is this?
6. ‘I am bigger and stronger than you.’ Arman said. He 2. (a) has taken off
(b) took down
was a successful businessman then. (c) take on
7. The policeman walked past the bank. As he passed
3. (a) put off
by, he noticed that there was something strange (b) put out
happening. (c) put up with
8. They are travelling to the northern state of Kedah. ‘Is
the job too demanding for you?’ the manager asked 4. (a) held up
the worker. (b) hold against
(c) Hold on
A Prefixes 5. (a) turned in
1. (a) dissolve (b) turned up
(c) turned down
(b) mistrust
(c) dissect 6. (a) broken into
(d) unemployed (b) broke up
(e) unnecessary (c) broke out
(f) disappoint
(g) injustice 7. (a) gone up
(h) unnoticed (b) went off
(i) dissimilar (c) went after
(j) illogical
8. (a) calls for
2. (a) dishonest (b) called off
(b) unfortunate (c) called up

(c) dislike
(d) illegible
(e) impatient


SPM MODEL TEST PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers Answers

Paper 1 Section B – Continuous Writing
1 Describe a problem you once had while you were
Section A - Directed Writing cycling home after taking shelter at a bus stop
during a thunderstorm and then the five-foot way
Haze – Health Hazard of a bicycle repair shop. Explain what you did to
by Hanim Yusoff solve the problem and what you have learnt from
the experience.
Haze is a health hazard and has affected many parts of
the country. As can be seen in newspaper reports and Additional after-school classes had ended early
the Air Pollutant Index (API) issued by the meteorological because the dark skies threatened thunderstorms.
department, it is still ongoing and affects most of the Mr. Wan, the Mathematics teacher, dismissed the
countries in the region. class and told everyone to head home before the
rain started.
Haze is an air pollutant and has harmful effects on
the human body. To stay healthy, there are some health I rushed to the bicycle shed and hurriedly sped
tips that we should take note of. First and foremost, off on my bicycle, followed by the pack behind me.
stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to help the Hardly had five minutes passed when thunder claps
body flush out the toxins that have been breathed in or hurt our ears and lightning flashes blinded us. I
absorbed through the skin. When one comes in from the needed another twenty minutes to reach the safety
outside, one should clean up and wash one’s hands. of home but it was not to be. I decided to take shelter
Close ventilation outlets to keep the haze out and purify at the shaded bus shelter in front of Pak Samad’s
the air. fried banana stall.

There is a tendency for the body temperature to When the rain abated to a drizzle, I gingerly
increase. One way to keep the body cool is by wearing left the safe dry shelter to venture home. Suddenly,
loose, light-coloured clothes. One should drink healthily I heard the clank of the bicycle chain and it broke
like reducing caffeine-rich drinks and taking more loose from its catch. My immediate thought was
herbal drinks. This is to help reduce body heat. For eye regretting not having it repaired last week although it
irritation problems, one can reduce eye allergies by using had been showing signs it was going to break down.
preventive-free lubricants. Wash one’s eyes when it is I looked around and realized I was quite near to Ah
necessary and try not to use contact lens. Haze can Seng’s Bicycle Repairs. I pushed my bicycle over the
obstruct airways and cause inflamed lungs and arteries. swirling puddles of water to the five-foot way which
So, one should minimise outdoor activities. But, if there was crowded with wet cyclists and pedestrians.
is an urgent need to go outdoors, use protective gear like
face masks. One’s immune system may weaken so take Uncle Ah Seng grinned at me. “You again!
fruits and vegetables to maintain healthy lung tissues. What’s the problem this time, young man?” I indicated
Vitamin E as an antioxidant helps to prevent cellular my detached bicycle chain and got a lecture on my
damage. lax attitude. He offered to give me a second-hand
chain and with workmanship would cost me RM10.
People with chronic diseases like high blood pressure,
asthma or heart problems should be extra careful. Haze I looked in my wallet and saw only two ringgit,
can increase and trigger unexpected attacks. So, they the last of my pocket money for the month. Uncle
should stock up on their medication when there is a haze Ah Seng kept looking at me. I did not know what to
advisory alert. See a doctor when experiencing extreme do. I did not have the cash on me but I needed the
symptoms. bicycle to get back and forth to school and right then
it was raining cats and dogs. I was wet through and
Newspaper headlines scream of topsy-turvy days shivering with cold. Again, I had forgotten to pack my
with no end in sight to this perennial problem. Schools raincoat. Uncle Ah Seng took pity on me and told me
have to be closed but directives are given only at the to get out of my wet school shirt by throwing me a
eleventh hour as the authorities do not know when or clean T-shirt.
how bad the haze can be. This irks teachers and parents.
When there is news that forest fires have spread, the fear “Change your wet clothes before you faint from
of haze increases. A few sports events, local and regional the cold. I‘ll charge you five ringgit but in return,
have to be postponed. you assist me by cleaning up my shop, record and
arrange the stock in the storeroom today. Come in
Haze is a health hazard that affects the young and on your free weekends and afternoons to learn some
old. bicycle repair techniques and skills. I’ll pay you for the
work subtracting the apprentice fees and you trade in
this almost worthless bike for the latest bicycle model
at a special discounted price.”


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