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Sample pages of Focus TG4 KSSM (BI) Terbitan Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

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Published by tracychan, 2020-04-16 00:56:34

Focus TG4 KSSM (BI) Terbitan Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

Sample pages of Focus TG4 KSSM (BI) Terbitan Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers university. Having studied non-core subjects would
mean the student would be in a better position to
I stared, open-mouthed at him and before he enrol in a course they like best.
could retract his offer, I found my voice and I jumped
at his offer. I did not exactly solve my problems of a On the other hand, what about the hardcore
dysfunctional bike and poor financial budgeting skills, students who are into their core subjects and have
Uncle Ah Seng did that for me. totally no interest at all in non-core subjects. These
are special cases where they could still opt for core-
It taught me to be financially savvy and be related subjects as electives.
prepared for a rainy day in the future as it literally
did rain that day! All in all, such a provision of learning non-core
subjects allows students to have an understanding
2. Students should have a well-rounded education and appreciation of their counterparts. Along the
in that they should learn at least two subjects same vein of thought, this implementation could
which are unrelated to their subject streams. prepare the future employment scene where the
What do you think? workforce has cultured, artistic, aesthetic, scientific,
mathematical and technological features; the workers
The education system is designed in the interest are well-rounded personalities.
of students – to equip them with the best for them to
face the working world. So, to have a well-rounded 3 Write a story about a teenager who started a
education, should a student in the Science stream neighbourhood self-help enterprise to earn
study Art and Music while a student in the Arts stream some pocket hobby and as a community service.
should study Bioscience and Statistics? Let’s look at His teenage neighbours became interested and
how the education system provides for the school were roped in. Begin your story with : “Hassim
children in their thirteen years of schooling. knocked on his elderly neighbour’s door ....”

Schoolchildren generally get an all-round Hassim knocked on his elderly neighbour’s door
education in playschool and preschool where and it was opened immediately. He greeted Encik
learning involves fun-based activities. When the Ismail who welcomed him into the kitchen with a
six-year-old enters primary school, he is exposed wave of his hand.
to an all-round education with a performance–rated
streaming according to abilities at Year 4 until he “Good morning, Hassim. You’re just the face I
completes six years of primary school. Then, when want to see. Thank you for coming so promptly and
he enrols in lower secondary school, where result- punctually. You know what to do.”
based streaming becomes the norm but it is neither
Science or Arts biased. However, in the fourth year, This was Hassim’s fourth visit to the Ismail
the child is expected to be streamed into the Science home. He was here for the first time four Saturdays
or Arts where subjects are either strongly Science or ago. The first time he talked to Encik Ismail was five
Arts biased. weeks ago when he was passing by and he saw
Encik Ismail on the step ladder cleaning the louvred
I feel that the average sixteen-year-old teenager windows. The old man was standing unsteadily on
is usually not too sure whether he is suited for the stepladder. Quickly Hassim rushed in, steadied
the Sciences or Arts. Some teenagers may have it and luckily prevented him from falling.
strong career choices while the majority are rather
nonchalant about subjects bias and prefer to go with “Oh dear, I’m too old for this type of cleaning.
the flow. Thank you. Aren’t you Hassim?

To cater to the general trend, it would be Hassim nodded and offered to do the cleaning
beneficial for a teenager selected for the Science to which Encik Ismail nodded absentmindedly. Puan
stream to opt for two Arts electives and vice versa. Intan walked out and pointed out that Hassim should
The administrators could offer six to eight electives be paid. Hassim protested but they insisted. Not
for students to choose from and then emplace them wanting to embarrass them, he accepted. Hassim
accordingly. The inclusion of either Science or Arts learnt that the elderly couple had been doing the
subjects for the students would reduce the “heavy” housekeeping and cooking on their own for a month
burden on either stream - the Pure Sciences or Pure since the domestic cleaner upped her charges which
Arts. they could ill afford.

In addition, some students enjoy learning certain Hassim left for home and told his mother about
subjects and they would love to have opportunities their neighbours. An idea clicked and he discussed
to continue learning’s these subjects even though with his mother about helping the Ismails for a
they are not their stream core subjects. When one nominal sum. It would not eat into his study time. His
enjoys learning a subject, it aids in understanding mother agreed as long as it did not cut into his study
and mastery. and recreational time. Hassim ran to his neighbours’
house, offered to help them, leaving the amount he
Then, I think that a student might decide to was paid to them. The couple beamed happily. For
opt out of the stream emplaced in Forms Four and a month, he had come in to help the couple clean
Five and switch to the other stream at college or


the house. He even ran errands to the grocer’s and PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
paid their utility bills. One Saturday, he even brought
them nasi lemak lunch and a cendol treat which there and everywhere. But do they really enjoy the
they enjoyed greatly and beamed happily as they pleasures of life from their wealth? Not necessarily
savoured the food and dessert. so. Most probably they are not because to keep
up their grand lifestyle, they have to work and are
His teenage friends noticed him at the Ismail simply too busy with their work. They frequently
home and they were curious. They crowded around burn the midnight oil to meet deadlines at their work
him at the school canteen and asked what he was stations. They sometimes even turn their homes
up to. He told them what was happening. As they into their offices. They attend to their clients that
exchanged information, Hassim said, “Why don’t they have no time to take proper meals or to relax.
we form a team and offer help to the elderly in our Medical specialists are on call for 24 hours. They
housing estate, only to those who have to do their hardly have restful days and nights: they charge
own housekeeping? If they cannot afford the charges, high fees and they have to give service for such
we request for nominal payment. To add to our exorbitant charges. Businessmen’s schedules are
services, once a month, let us give them a treat and so tight that they hardly have time to sleep properly.
make feel wanted and appreciated.” They are stressed. Even on holidays, they are
constantly on call, answering calls and e-mails from
His friends were taken up with the idea and their clients. What is the point of all the money if one
so they started “Hassim’s Cleaners Brigade”. They cannot sit down for a leisurely meal and enjoy the
called on elderly couples and single ladies who were comforts and pleasures of life? Compare the lifestyle
in need of such domestic help. They were met with to a moderately successful person who has the time
great enthusiasm. The boys earned some pretty good to lead a simple life and be happy with what he has.
pocket money which they returned to their employers
monthly in the form of unexpected treats. The boys’ A child or a teenager brought up in a moderate
parents beamed with pleasure at their enterprising family is not necessarily unhappy compared to a
children and were proud that none took advantage child from a rich family. Granted, a rich family can
of the elderly folks. provide all the trappings of a wealthy life. Children of
millionaires get lots of pocket money, go on holidays
4. Money cannot buy happiness. How far do you overseas, and receive branded products, expensive
agree with this opinion? Explain why. clothes and sports gear. The question is: are they
happy? They do not get to see their parents, they
Of the two, which do you hold in more importance, do not bond with them as their parents are too busy
health or wealth? There are many viewpoints. to spend time with them. Their parents are missing.
They have no one to talk to, to ask for advice on
One of the main gates to happiness is wealth their problems or even just to talk and laugh. It is
and one of the main gates to happiness is health. the maids and the gardeners and the chauffeurs
Both are equally important. We cannot live in this age who spend time with them. What is family life then?
of science and technology without money. However Parents who are not as wealthy may not be able
money cannot buy happiness. Wealth does not to provide material privileges but they are there
equate happiness. when their children need them. These children will
learn the difficulty of earning a living and learn to be
Some people think that if they are rich, they responsible and thrifty and become caring individuals.
can remain healthy because they have the money Money does not promise a happy, caring family.
to live healthily. Then, if one falls sick, one has the Money helps but it is not the one thing necessary
money to pay for all the medication and medical care. for happiness.
However, good health comes from living a healthy
life continuously and not in a day. With money, one Money may be able to buy a lot of things but
might be tempted to eat exotic, luxurious food. If such not love, friendship, and health. These are the main
food is taken excessively, it might lead to obesity, ingredients for a happy life. Money helps but it is
and other attendant health problems. Rich people not the thing that brings happiness. It contributes
lack exercise as they hardly walk due to a luxurious to happiness. Even if we can buy many things to
life where they are chauffeured everywhere and are make us happy to enjoy our life but should we grow
attended to by others. How can a person enjoy his life dissatisfied with what we have, having more would
and feel happy if one is confined to a wheelchair or not ensure happiness. Money cannot buy happiness.
bed-ridden? He would not even feel happy spending
his money curing his illnesses. Therefore, wealth 5. You were at this year’s Federal Territories
cannot bring happiness. Day celebration. Describe what you saw, what
happened and how you felt on that day.
Professionals like doctors, lawyers, engineers,
accountants, technologists and financial advisors I was among the sea of eager faces that
earn a lot of money per month. They are in the thronged Dataran Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur. We
upper echelons of society. They can afford large, waited with bated breath for the commencement of
expensive houses and vehicles, jet-set here and the celebrations early in the morning on the first of


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers 18. From Longhouse to Capital Recollections

The celebrations marked the declaration of Kuala 19. Dead If You Don’t
Lumpur as a Federal Territory in 1974, Labuan in
1984 and Putrajaya in 2001. 20. The Ghost Bride

To kick off the event, ten parachutists flying the 21. Dayak leader
Jalur Gemilang and the new Federal Territories flag
landed on Dataran Merdeka. 22. historical fantasy fiction

The celebration started at 8.30 a.m. with the 23. Peter James
raising of the Federal Territories flag and the singing
of the official anthem “Maju and Sejahtera” (Progress 24. protagonist
and Prosper). The Prime Minister then inspected the
guard of honour mounted by City Hall officers. 25. Unshakeable

The spectators, including the Prime Minister, 26. Llanes’s medical and social problems were sight
local and foreign dignitaries were then treated to an problems and having few friends.
hour-long mammoth parade of 101 contigents and
bands. They comprised more than 7,000 people from 27. (a) They are important because being visually
schools, associations and government departments. impaired, they are unable to see and the voice
The skies were filled with a myriad of colours as synthesizers turn words on the screen into
balloons were released into the air. spoken language.

The celebration continued with a City Hall (b) He felt the need because he became totally blind
squad forming a human pyramid on their bikes and and did not want to be useless.
demonstrating the traditional art of self-defense, silat.
28. (a) (i) The phrase is ‘without bias and preferential
A showcase of Malay, Chinese and Indian drums treatment’.
livened up the scene. The crowd showed their
appreciation of the parade of bikes and antique cars (ii) He understood that blind people were
by the Federal Territories Vespa and Mini Owners struggling to overcome the same barriers
Club. The parade also had participants from the he faced so he launched a class for them in
Paralympic Council contingent consisting of a team his home.
in their wheelchairs and a 70-member University of
Malaya contingent in their mortarboards and gowns. (b) They chipped in to raise funds for the purchase
of the computers because computers were
To add to the glamour of the occasion, sixty nine expensive then and they were for teaching the
horses and riders paraded in front of the VIP stand, blind for free.
followed by the City Hall’s array of the city’s latest
vehicles: cranes, tractors, enforcement vehicles and 29. (a) The expression means to give them a chance to
bikes. live like people who are not visually impaired or
The parade closed with flying fox stunts and
a colourful display of contemporary and traditional (b) The turning point was when the authorities
Malay dances. offered help with the curriculum, management
and scholarships for the trainees and the
The pomp and pageantry of drumbeats, music consequences are the blind and visually impaired
and dance filled the streets. The spectators were received training in technology.
enthralled by the magnificent display of talents and
gaiety. 30. Action : They should use their knowledge to train
others like them.
The mood was created by all and sundry,
from the ordinary man in the street to the VVIPS Reason : This will bring justice to Llanes’s goal of
to the unparalled enthusiasm and the appreciation helping the blind and visually impaired to
expressed in the thunderous applause, cheers and master technology to live a normal life.
unceasing smiles.
31. Visually impaired Llanes learnt about voice
I was truly privileged to be a witness and synthesizers. He took up a computer course and
participant the grandeur of the occasion. with this, became self-supporting when he became
totally blind at age 33. At the computer course he
Paper 2 enrolled in, he didn’t expect any special treatment.
Due to his own experience, Llanes understood the
1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D problems faced by the blind. So, he offered an
6. D 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. C informal computer course for five blind friends in his
house. Computers were expensive and with the help
11. A 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. C of donations, Llanes was able to get the required
computers. He offered free computer skill lessons
16. Can You Keep a Secret? to the blind. Word spread and many blind people
signed up for the course. In 1994, he formed the
17. Unshakeable ATRIEV Computer School for the blind with four blind
volunteer teachers. They struggled to keep afloat.
The authorities stepped in and offered assistance
with the curriculum, management and scholarships
for the students. Llanes’s aim to give blind people
access to technology was fulfilled.
150 words


32 (a) The word is ‘league’. PerdaEgnagnlgisahn SPM Answers Answers
(b) The setting is the battlefield or the valley where
the battle took place. act of defiance against her situation.
(c) The expression ‘do or die’ is used because the
soldiers could not ask questions or think about The statement applies to the characters who face
the order as all they had to do was to obey the issues as they travel along the path of life and they solve
order. the issues as best as they can.
(c) Description:Brave (Accept any reasonable
Reason :They obeyed their commander’s
orders and charged at the enemy Paper 1
even though it was clear that they
were very outnumbered. (Accept Section A Directed Writing
any reasonable answer)
Report by Koh B. L, Form 5 Biru
33 The novel, Sing to the Dawn tells of Dawan, a Keeping the school environment physically healthy and
young Thai girl who lives in a village with her family.
She is one of the few village girls who attends conducive for learning.
the village school. She wins first place in a special
examination and a scholarship to pursue her studies Keeping the school environment physically healthy and
in a city school. Her brother, Kwai comes in second. conducive for learning is a joint responsibility of students
Both have great ideas of using their education to and administrators. The administrators as heads of the
improve life in the village. establishment hold the main role but students as users
of the establishment are no less important. They are in
The statement ‘our progress in life is rarely without the front line as students are users of all the facilities and
difficulties’ means life in general is not without problems equipment.
as there are ups and downs. Choosing the right way
to solve these ups and downs leads us on the road of Survey of school premises
progress in life. In the novel, Dawan faces a few issues. Students of Form 5 Biru carried out a survey of the school
She faces gender inequality as it is practised by the premises to determine the areas and aspects that need to
villagers and her father who does not believe girls should be taken care of. We looked into the physical environment
be educated in any form. Kwai insists that she be allowed for security reasons and for further improvement to
to attend school and so the issue of non-education is create a healthy and conducive learning environment.
solved to a certain extent. We checked out the library, the canteen, classrooms and
also the toilets. The school grounds were checked out too.
Dawan with her intelligence and farsightedness is
aware that she needs further education in the city school Steps to be taken by administration
to make her dreams come true. She wants to have The administration has to acquire the necessary equipment
economic and social changes and progress in the village. to improve the facilities
She wins a scholarship which entitles her to get education • Books for the library – need to be replaced to keep
in the city school. She is on the road to progess her life
towards her goal. But, she faces obstacles in the form of up with changes in the literary scene e.g books on
her father’s reluctance to give his permission and also technology or robotics
Kwai’s interest in going to the city school too. Father is • Sports equipment – Some of the equipment are
very much influenced by the practice of gender inequality overused and not conducive for students to learn sports
in the village. Dawan was convincing her father to give skills. They get put off and some even lose interest in
his permission while Kwai was disappointed as he has to games per se. Students are allowed to bring their own
give up his dream of furthering his education. equipment but not many can afford to do so.
• Classrooms – cleaning equipment like brooms, cleaning
Life for the villagers is full of economic obstacles. cloth and dustpan. The notice boards need to be
They had to pay taxes to the landlords in the form of replaced or repaired.
bags of rice. This is an obstacle that the villagers hope • Canteen – tables and chairs are not sufficient and some
to overcome by educating the boys in the village. The students have to stand or sit on the edge next to the
teachers made them aware of this problem by discussing drains. Two of the wash basins need to be repaired.
the issues in class and make them think of solutions. Students can hurt themselves from the cuts in the
ceramic basins.
Bao, the flower girl in the market, faces the issue of • Manpower for physical work – The school needs more
trying to live a simple life as a vendor in the market. She gardeners.
is bullied by her brother who strikes her physically when • Necessary policies about care for the school need to
he feels like doing it. Bao may not be able to solve her be introduced to increase awareness among students
issue, but she expresses clear feelings of dissatisfaction and workers.
like when she opens the doors of the birds’ cages in an • A scheduled school clean-up can be carried out on a
termly basis and this should involve everyone from top
to bottom that is, teaching and clerical staff, students
and workers and every part of the school.


Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers

Steps to be taken by students: and appreciate the Malay architecture. A ride along
the river will show one the river side cafes and
• Students should be aware of their responsibility as backyards of houses that are partly built on stilts.
students – cleanliness is a two-way process – a clean
environment is conducive to learning In Ayer Keroh, one can visit places of nature like
the Ayer Keroh Walk and Recreational Park, Butterfly
• There should be involvement of academic and non- Farm and Snake Farm. Mini Malaysia and ASEAN
academic clubs and societies and classes from all Park expose one to replicas of Malay homes from
forms. The clubs and societies should make sure they every state in Malaysia and ASEAN homes. This area
clean up their meeting areas after the meetings while is cool with green surroundings.
sports and games clubs should clear up the playing area
carefully. To end your visit to Malacca, a visit to places
where cottage industries are still going on. Places like
• If practical and possible, work out a schedule and these are in the outskirts and the factories produce
allocation of premises to bodies of students for their local art and handicraft works of art like pottery and
activities and meetings cane furniture and decorative pieces.

• Last but not least, the Prefectorial Board should work I would definitely recommend that my friends
out a programme to beautify the school premises as make a trip to Malacca. I will willingly act as tour
and when it is necessary. guide as I find this city fascinating from the few times
I’ve been there.
Signed by Puan Hamidah
  Koh B. Lin (Class teacher) 2. Write a story about your friend’s unforgettable
(Class President) adventure and why you have to keep it a secret.

Answers Section B – Continuous Writing Tia and I are in the same class and play the
1. If you want to recommend a part of Malaysia same games and join the same clubs and societies.
We are what the others call ‘Siamese twins’. We
for an overseas friend. Which part would you exchange secrets and do everything together. So,
choose? Explain your choice. can you imagine my surprise when I learnt something
about her – fear of the unknown. A secret which she
I would recommend that my friend make a visit to kept for many years and now I have to promise to
Malacca, the historical city in Malaysia. My friend is keep it to myself! She told me an amazing story.
a History major with a keen interest in the traditional
and cultural aspects of many cities worldwide. I know Tia used to love going on adventures in the
she will find Malacca irresistible and will satisfy her great outdoors with her father. Her dad always took
taste for historical sites and flavours. Besides history, her down to the jungle behind their house in Frasers
Malacca offers Malaysian traditional cuisine and Hill every weekend. There was no lack of jungles to
hawker food and also the Nyonya and Baba culture explore. At times they would set up camp in an open
and traditions. area or near a waterfall and stay for a night or two.
Unlike other girls, she loved the outdoors even as
For the historical aspect, Malacca has a colourful a young toddler and was never into dolls and tea
and interesting history dating back to the time of the parties. Soon, she became old enough to venture
Malacca Sultanate, Portuguese, Dutch and British out on her own. On all her adventures, she felt there
colonial days. You are able to see this in the houses was nothing more beautiful than feeling the cool air
and historical buildings in the outskirts of the city and brushing across on her face and back. The leaves
in the buildings in the historical sites in the city. The crunched beneath her feet at every step. She felt
Stadhuys, churches on St Paul’s Hill and St John’s very at home with the greens, trees and nature in
Hill, Old Clock Tower and the museums around there the raw.
attest to the historical value of Malacca. From this
area, walk along Jonker Walk and be fascinated by On one of these adventures, she lost her sense
the antiques sold in the shops. The antique pieces of time until the sun dipped down beyond the horizon.
date back to the early days of the city’s history. One There was nothing more to do than to head back
will also be fascinated by the Nyonya and Baba food home. However, she had wandered deeper than
sold along this road. There are many flea market she should and the path back did not seem familiar.
stalls selling knick-knacks. Then, out of nowhere came a screeching eerie chirp. It
was the most horrible sound she had ever heard. Sure
For more history lessons, a visit to the Portuguese enough, she just had to investigate. It was dark and
Settlement and Hang Li Po temple and well give a late into the night. She headed towards the screech.
glimpse into the days of the Portuguese and Chinese Whilst seeking for the screech she came across a lake
interest. It is said that if we were to drink water or river of some sort. Looking up and down the river she
from the well, we would return for a second visit. couldn’t find a way to cross it. She panicked and wanted
Alternatively, take a bus ride to the Chinatown or to give up and just sit on the bank. She, a person who
bustling Bunga Raya to enjoy some local cuisine and has so much experience in outdoor adventuring? She
see how the local businessmen operate. From here,
visit Kampung Morten, a typical Malay community


should know the area like the back of her hand. It was PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
about one o’ clock in the morning and she knew her
family must be getting worried. But .. and my parents’ willingness to sponsor my studies
at tertiary level. Next, I would have to match my
But, what’s the secret that she is trying to tell aspirations to my results : are my results valid or
me? The Adventure Club has arranged for jungle good enough to ensure my acceptance into a course
trekking in the National Park, Pahang. I want to of my liking. Then, am I prepared to slog and work
join the trip and knowing Tia is a keen adventurer towards my dreams and succeed at my goals
I invited her to partner with me for the trip. Her
experiences should stand us in good stead. I was Putting these aspects into perspective would be
surprised that she outright refused to join the trip. my priority. My parents have already ensured that
I pestered her hoping that she will give in. Instead, I have a basic education that would equip me for
she sat me down slowly and told me the story. She the world stage. However, I believe a degree holder
has lost faith in her sense of adventuring and vowed commands better prospects of position and salary.
never to go on any outdoor jungle trip. Her fear of As I am just seventeen and turning eighteen, I might
getting lost again in the wild and fear of her parents have doubts about the career line I would like to
knowing about it surmounts all her love for the great pursue. An uncertain career option could lead me to
outdoors. change jobs and merge frustrations into miseries. I
think I am a wee bit immature to focus on a career
To conclude her story, as she moved away from at this juncture. I prefer to enrol in Form Six and
the lake or river, she could not remember which give myself another two years to grow in maturity
direction she came from. Her mind told me left but and confidence and then opt for a career path that
her instinct told her right. In my past experiences she would be more suited to my temperament.
had always gone with her instinct. So, of course, she
went with her instinct. As she walked into the distance These two years of pre-university studies are
she could see the sun breaking out in the distance. considered by some as killer years. There is a rumour
After what seemed like hours, she felt a sigh of relief on the grape vine : “If you can survive two years of
rush through her body. She saw the country field filled Form Six, you can survive any university course!”
with cows and sheep. In the foggy distance, she saw Some advocates of college foundation courses claim
her house. Her father greeted her but she did not that their course is a breeze. I have my doubts! I am
say anything about being lost. She merely said she not afraid of hard work and I am prepared to hit the
was so taken in by her surroundings that she forgot books!
the time of day or night in this case. She would not
be able to bear any look of disappointment on her I could and would follow some courses that
father’s face if he knew the truth. would help me become an employable person. At
the same time, I would look for a full-time or even a
So, that’s the reason – the ego or pride of father number of part-time jobs to gain some experience : it
and daughter – I had to promise not to say anything could be working at tables, selling online, promoting
to anyone and if I have to explain why Tia would not goods at a fair or even tutoring. The challenges of
join the school trip, I will just shrug my shoulders and working would be many and diverse like a bully or
say, ‘I don’t know.’ overpowering, overbearing employer, or backbiting
and non-cooperative co-workers. It is the experience
3. There are many things to do after the release of that counts and the learning that comes with it, good
your SPM examination results. Write about your or bad. The money (pittance it may be) would teach
immediate plans and the challenges you might me the value of hard-earned cash and I could put
face at this point of time. into practice the acquired financial literacy skills of
The post-SPM phase could be a season of great
joy or abject sorrow, depending on one’s performance These are my immediate plans after obtaining my
in the SPM exam. There are the fortunate ones who SPM results. I believe in giving myself the space and
are scions of rich families who have already secured the opportunity to grow into a responsible young adult
places in local or foreign colleges or universities who can appreciate the sacrifices of parents and
to pursue tertiary education and the straight-A siblings and move towards a brighter and meaningful
students who have provisional government or private future.
conglomerates scholarships. However, there are
many like me, without the support of wealthy parents, 4. Write about your first experience at caving.
public and private philanthropic organizations, who Include the steps one should take to enjoy and
have to fend for themselves in this rat race. have a safe caving trip.

What would I do upon receiving my SPM results? “It’s not an activity for the faint-hearted but if
My plans would depend on a number of factors, you’re brave enough to try it, it’s lots of fun. Thrill
challenges or obstacles facing me. I would have seekers will not be disappointed.’ This is what I was
to seriously consider my family’s financial position told when I went on my first caving adventure at Batu
Maung, Perlis.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers Go with a positive mindset and enjoy yourself be
it walking, crawling or sliding when you go caving.
I was with a group of ten cavers – all of whom
were experienced cavers with two to five caving 5. Write about how you acquired training skills
adventures under their belt. I was the only first-timer for volunteering work with mentally challenged
and they promised to look out for me all the way. An children and the pleasant surprise that awaited
experienced caving guide took us all the way in and you.
out. We first started along a jungle trek through the
forest reserve. We only saw the sunlight streaming My aunt enjoys doing charity work and always
though the canopy of trees. The carpet of dried tries to impress on me that it’s the most worthwhile
leaves, twigs and patches of moss crunched under thing to do. There’s no nobler thing than doing charity
our feet. especially for those who are mentally or physically
challenged. She will attempt to get me to join her
We arrived at an unusual rock formation, the during my semester break or on long weekend
entrance to the cave complex. Stalactites and breaks. I have yet to agree to help her.
stalagmites formed the major part of the formation.
Further in, we had to go down two spiral stairs and Lately, I discovered that there is a centre for
then trek up uneven slopes to get to the main cave. mentally challenged children run by a charitable
The cave felt damp and there was evidence of nests organisation in my neighbourhood. The thirty
of bats here and there in the nooks and corners. children are housed in a single storey semi-detached
The guide pointed out some rock formations that bungalow sited in an open spacious compound.
resembled animals and unusual silhouettes. There are six adult volunteers who come in from
Mondays to Fridays to “educate” the children. Some
The next part was fascinating but strenuous. of the children board there full-time while others are
We crawled though enclosed spaces between rock sent there by their family only for the day.
crevices. At certain stretches we waded through
cold stream waters. We even back crawled through During the long December holidays, the NGO
a small gap under the cave wall. These were easy held an open day and an end-of-year party for the
compared to the next part. We were on the edge of children and their well-wishers and donors. Residents
a rock formation and the only way out was to climb were informed of this event and were invited to
down some 10 metres of rock face with the help of grace the occasion. Out of curiosity, I attended the
a rope. It was not even a rope ladder but a rope with open day. What an eye-opener! Though mentally
knots here and there for better grip. A guide at the challenged and some even physically challenged,
bottom of the rock face held the rope to enable us the children had sweet angelic looks on their faces.
to get down. We had to steady our body and sort of Though slow, they joined in all the activities.
hop down the wall.
I talked to the Supervisor and seeing how eager
When I reached the bottom of the wall, thankfully, I was to volunteer to teach, she agreed to train me
safely without scratches, another surprise awaited so that I could be able to teach and deal with these
us. A stream led the way to the outside of the cave special children. She warned me that it was not
but the ceiling of the cave was so low that we had to going to be easy. I attended a few sessions and even
crawl on the stream bed to get out. It was unnerving underwent some practical hours with the children
but there was light at the end – bright sunlight under her watchful supervision. I almost gave up but
greeted us. I persevered!

When asked how I felt as I was a newbie, I On the last day of my training, as I was walking
replied truthfully, “It was scary and unnerving at times out of the hall, I bumped into an ex-classmate,
but a good adventure after all is said and done.” I Joanna Lee from primary school. Her family had
did not know how I managed to come out unscathed moved to Ipoh We had not seen each other since
and if invited to another caving adventure I’ll thumbs then. We greeted each other and when I asked her
up for it. what she was doing there, she merely gave a sad
smile and walked away. I felt very slighted but not
There are guidelines we should follow for a safe angry. She must have a good reason to do that.
and great cave adventure. Go with a group of people
who have some experience with caving. Make sure After that training stint, I came in twice a week
you go with a licensed guide who is experienced and after school to offer two hours of service to these
familiar with the cave you are going to explore. They special children. Initially, I was apprehensive as I did
must know how to handle emergencies. Check the not have Mrs. Tan looking over her shoulder, keeping
weather report before going on a caving adventure. an eye on me and coming to my assistance should I
Don’t go during the rainy season or when the fumble. I got over my nervousness and soon got the
weather is bad. Be prepared to face muddy or wet children responding to my awkward attempts to get
and slippery rock surfaces. Wear suitable shoes with to know them.
good grips and don’t have a heavy backpack.
I was first put in charge of a four-year-old girl
who just smiled at me and stared at me with her big
round eyes. Her name was Sarah Lee. She had slow


motor movements and had to be helped to hold a PerdaEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers  Answers
pencil in her hand. Oftentimes the pencil fell down
and she looked at me. Her eyes were about to tear 28. This is true as she states that the novelty of being
but I comforted her. It happened many a time but I in that place was wearing off and she did not seem
remained patient and showed her how to hold the to be enjoying the stay like the other people there.
pencil and she managed to draw a few straight lines,
not very smoothly but indeed very well for a special 29. (a) We know that from her statement that she began
child. To praise her efforts, I glued a sticker on the to sulk after talking to her father on the phone
page. I was rewarded with a giggle and a hug! I was and hearing the merriment they had in the
touched by her spontaneous actions. The supervisor background.
complimented me and I had to sign a form explaining
what I had done for Sarah for the guardian to know (b) She received a big cake with a card from the
Sarah’s progress. I could not believe what I saw – family.
Sarah’s guardian was Joanna Lee. How can that be?
As far as I can remember, Joanna does not have a 30. Friends’ reaction: I think the writer’s friends will be
sister or a mentally challenged one at that! very surprised and will tell her off. Some might even
feel it is irresponsible of her to do that.
So, although I had completed my duty, I stayed
back as I wanted to meet Joanna. When we saw each Reason: The reason is because Christmas has
other later, she knew she owed me an explanation. always been regarded as a family celebration and
Apparently, her parents had adopted Sarah when most families spend it together as much as possible.
they were in Ipoh. They were not told of her medical
problem. They had come to love her too much to give 31. Christmas is a family celebration and the writer’s
her up when they realised her condition. mother expects the whole family to be present to
exchange gifts and enjoy dinner together. That
I was glad she trusted me enough to enlighten me Christmas, the writer, an artist, decided to spend
about the situation. We got together very often after the holiday at an artist colony in New Hampshire
that to teach and play with Sarah. She progressed with some 20-30 artists. The family did not take the
a lot under our tutelage. I am glad I attended the news well but the writer stood firm and went ahead
course and learnt that the world is small and full of with her plans. A week into her stay in the colony, on
surprises. Christmas eve, the writer began to feel the absence
of family and the festive spirit. The novelty had worn
Paper 2 off. The holiday did not seem to be as interesting as
she expected in spite of the merriment there. The
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A writer called home and this made her miss the family
6. C 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. C Christmas celebration even more. She felt cheated
11. A 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. B and unloved. On Christmas morning, she received
16. Title Page a cake and card from her family and life was good
17. Copyright again.
18. Prologue
19. Conclusion (150 words)
20. Fiction
21. Title 32. (a) The evidence to show the persona is emotional
22. Back cover is the use of the words ‘angry’ and ‘wrath’.
23. Front cover
24. Verso (b) His actions that show his determination to keep
25. Recto his angry feelings are he keeps thinking about it
26. (a) (i) Expectation 1: They are expected to be at day and night and he puts up a false front with
smiles and deceitful wiles.
home for the festive season.
(c) The word ‘it’ refers to the persona’s angry feelings.
(ii) Expectation 2: Join in the fun, exchanging The foe could see it grow with bad effects on the
presents and eating turkey. persona.

(b) This means she is the first of the siblings to miss (d) Advice: I would advise the persona and foe to
the Christmas celebration as she was away at an let go of the incident that resulted in their bad
art colony. feelings.

27. (a) The writer’s mother was upset and complained a Reason: The reason for this is both of them
lot and she carried on as if the writer was leaving are not gaining anything by sustaining the bad
the family for good. relationship. They have everything to lose.

(b) The expression is ‘stood her ground’. 33. Sing to the Dawn
The novel, Sing to the Dawn tells of the

obstacles Dawan faces before she is able to leave the
village to study in a City school. Dawan manages to
overcome these obstacles, that is, gender inequality
or her father’s unwillingness to let her study in the
city. She also gets full support from Kwai who is also
interested in furthering his education in the city.


Answers Perd aEgnagnlgisahn  SPM   Answers From the theme of patriotism, the moral value
learnt is we should love the country we are born
The story portrays a few themes and one of in or live in and be ready to fight or die for it. the
these themes is looking forward to the future. The characters showed patriotism in their own way. The
main characters, Dawan and Kwai portray the theme Schermers may be Germans but to them, as they
very clearly. Both of them realise the economic have lived in America for a long time, it has become
conditions of the villagers – the injustice and poverty their country. So, irrespective of whether one is a
they faced need to be remedied for the villagers to citizen or not, a country that one has lived in for a
have a better future. Kwai hopes to teach their father long time becomes one’s country. Mr Kilmer lost his
and the villagers ways to raise new crops and use life in the war and Richard pays tribute to him with a
better fertilizers while Dawan hopes to end gender poem. Richard’s uncle, Roland is also a patriot who
bias among the villagers. They want to change the lost his life in the war against Spain.
tax system and exploitation of the villagers by the
landlords. For this, Kwai and Dawan hope to have Patriotism is a strong feeling and it should be
better and further education in the city. Bao, the present in every citizen of every country. This is well
flower girl in the market is also in favour of arresting portrayed in the novel.
the issue of gender inequality. She supports Dawan’s
move to pursue her ideals in the city. Captain Nobody
The novel, Captain Nobody tells of 10-year-
From the theme of looking forward to the future,
the moral value learnt is looking forward to the future old Newton Newman who dons a costume made
with a positive attitude and not be held back by the from some old clothes for Halloween night and ends
past. Kwai and Dawan sit for a qualifying test for a up calling himself Captain Nobody. He continues
scholarship to get into a City school. Dawan wins wearing the costume and gets involved in a few
the scholarship to the disappointment of Kwai and adventures as Captain Nobody.
father. The latter two are keen about the scholarship The novel portrays a number of themes and
for different reasons – Kwai because of his ambitions one of the themes is teamwork. The Newman family
while father because of his prejudice against woman shows strong family teamwork. The parents are
going for further studies. Initially, Kwai is disappointed busy with their work and most times Newt prepares
and resents the fact that Dawan is able to go to the breakfast for the family. He even reminds his mother
city. Father adamantly refuses to give permission for not to miss breakfast. Whenever Chris has a match,
Dawan to leave the village until Kwai convinces him the whole family is there to support him. Chris falls
to accept the situation. So, with father’s blessing and into a coma due to an accident during the finals
support, Dawan is able to go to the City school with match. Mr and Mrs Newman have to take care
ease of mind. of him in the hospital. Although Newt is only 10,
he does not complain about being left to his own
Kwai waves farewell to Dawan and sings her devices. He does not even complain when his mother
song showing that he is looking forward to the future forgets about his Halloween costume. This is a good
with a positive mind leaving the past with no regrets. example of family teamwork.
Newton and his friends also show good
Dear Mr Kilmer teamwork. His friends, JJ and Cecil help Newt
The novel, Dear Mr Kilmer tells of Richard to prepare a Halloween costume and it is such a
good effort that it gives him confidence as he calls
Knight and the events and challenges he faces as himself Captain Nobody. With this costume and new
a young man during the First World War. The novel confidence, Newt gets into adventures which also
portrays a few themes and one of the themes is involve helping his friends.
patriotism and sacrifice for one’s country. From this theme, a moral value learnt is
The story is set during the First World War and strength in good relationships among family members
America joined the war in 1917 to 1918 when the war and friends. Families and friends spend quality time
ended. The characters showed their patriotic feelings together when there is strong good relationships. The
in their own ways. Richard writes a poem about the Newman family may be busy with their own things
soldiers after he sees the troop train packed with like work and play but when it’s necessary, they
young men going to war in Europe. President Wilson stand together as a family. Newt prepares breakfast
calls the war everybody’s concern and a war to end for the family, goes about his schooling and spends
all wars. These words arouse the patriotic feelings of time with his friends when the family faces a crisis.
Mr Kilmer and Gus. They sign up to fight in the war. Newt also gives his friends priority when they need
The Schermers’ son, Otto Schermers also signs up his help. Although he is afraid of heights, Newt climbs
although he is a German as he thinks it is the right up and down into a garbage dump to retrieve a big
thing to do. Hannah says it well – he is a patriotic bass drum for Cecil. He does what JJ asks of him
American born in America. He loves the country about the wordings on one of the shopfronts.
and considers it his country and so he should make The theme and moral value reflect the
sacrifices for it. characters’ character traits well.
The locals in Turtle Lake town, show their
patriotic feelings by racially discriminating against
the Schermers. Although they have stayed there for
a long time, they are of German origin. The locals
deface the Schmers’ tavern, a place they have been
patronising and enjoyed German food and drinks.
Their actions may be wrong but to the locals it is a
show of patriotism.


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