English Department
2n Semester S.Y. 2020 – 2021
Table of contents
Post assessment for Lesson 1……………………………………………………………………. 1
Post assessment for Lesson 2 ……………………………………………………………………14
What is the difference between Authentic Tasks and Authentic Assessment? ………………….28
Post Assessment Task # 3 ……………………………………………………………….……... 30
Preliminary Examination: Creating a Rubric ………………………………………………..…. 36
How do you check the validity of your assessment? ………………………………………..….. 43
What are your feedbacks and takeaways from the videos that posted? …………………..…..… 46
Evaluate the rubrics that you have created in your Prelim …………………………………..…. 48
Reflections on the 5 major changes lecture video …………………………………………..….. 65
Give your One Million Dollar Question on Authentic Assessments ……………………….….. 67
Post Assessment Task # 4 ……………………………………………………………………… 69
Documentation of text interview
And these were the
happened, and the
interview was
rescheduled the
next day at 5:00
English Department
2n Semester S.Y. 2020 – 2021
Pagsaligan Ivy N.
Exercises 1.2.2
Borrow five different lesson plans from a licensed professional teacher. Determine their assessment activities.
Study, analyse and propose other authentic assessment that may be utilized on the top of what they have identified
from their lesson plan.
1. Lesson Objectives/Learning outcomes
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation of these require from the
learner the ability to:
1. infer literary meaning from literal language based on usage (EN12Lit-Id-26);
2. analyze the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text (EN12Lit-Ie-27);
3. explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how they enhance the
text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding (EN12Lit-Ie-28);
4. situate the text in the context of the region and the nation (EN12Lit-Ie-29);
5. explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning (EN12Lit-Ie-30), and; produce a creative
representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills (EN12Lit-Ie-31)
Original Assessment
For the narrative and descriptive discussion, the following questions will be answered:
• What are the other descriptive details in the text?
• What are the other narrative details in the text?
For the fantasy and fairy tale discussion, the following questions will be answered:
• What aspects of the text qualify it as a fantasy work? (Students should be able to consider the characteristics
of a fantasy.)
For the group presentation, these criteria for grading shall be followed:
• Preparation – 5 points
• Language and Delivery – 10 points
• Ease of Presentation and Visual Aids – 10 points
• Content – 10 points
Suggested Assessment/s
For the narrative and descriptive discussion, the following questions can be answer via collage wherein the
students will make a photo collage that will show the descriptive detail in the text as well as the narrative detail.
The students are free to use whatever application they want to present this collage.
For the fantasy and fairy tale discussion, to answer this question what aspects of the text qualify it as a fantasy
work? The students should come up with creating brochures that will show the fantasy at the text. At the end the
group should able to have minimum of 4 output in this activity and promote their collage and brochure in the class.
Grading shall be the followed:
• Language and delivery in promoting: 50
• Presentation appearance of the Collage and Brochure: 30
• Content: 20
TOTAL: 100 points
2. Lesson Objectives/Learning outcomes
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation of these require from the
learner the ability to:
1. identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to
the contemporary (EN12Lit-Ia-21), and;
2. appreciate the contributions of the canonical Filipino writers to the development of national literature
(EN12Lit-Ic 24).
Specifically, learners must be able to:
• review the different literary standards;
• analyze whether known literary pieces have achieved specific literary standards, and; celebrate literary texts
who have achieved these literary standards.
Original Assessment
Read the flash fiction below and decide whether this is a good read based on the literary standards discussed.
Maximum of three sentences for each standard only.
This is to be submitted next meeting.
* Refer to appended activity sheet.
Suggested Assessment/s
After reading the flash fiction, prepare a short skit on how your groups understand the flash fiction and think of a
new ending that is appropriate to the story.
• Creativity in presenting: 10
• Delivery of the flash fiction: 10
• Ending of the story: 10
Total: 30 points
3. Lesson Objectives/Learning outcomes
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation of these require from
the learner the ability to:
1. differentiate/compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the earlier
genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions (EN12Lit-Id-25) Specifically, learners must be
able to:
• define 21st century literature;
• enumerate the different 21st century literary genres, and; appreciate the uniqueness of the 21st century
Filipino literature.
Original Assessment
On a ¼ sheet of paper, write two flash fictions.
* Refer to appended activity sheet.
Suggested Assessment/s
Write a flash fiction in a bond paper exactly in 1000 words. Then create a comics strip out of the flash fiction you
Grading system:
Neatness of comics: 50%
Neatness of writing: 20%
Story: 15%
Creativity: 15%
Total of: 100%
4. Lesson Objectives/Learning outcomes
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation of these require from the
learner the ability to:
1. infer literary meaning from literal language based on usage (EN12Lit-Id-26);
2. analyze the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text (EN12Lit-Ie-27);
3. explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how they enhance the text’s
meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding (EN12Lit-Ie-28);
4. situate the text in the context of the region and the nation (EN12Lit-Ie-29);
5. explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning (EN12Lit-Ie-30), and; produce a creative
representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills (EN12Lit-Ie-31)
Specifically, learners must be able to:
• get to know NVM Gonzales, the author of the literary text and a national artist for literature;
• characterize the persons involved the story through extracting Filipino values from them, and; show genuine
Filipino characteristics through responding to similar situations experienced by the characters.
Original Assessment
On a ¼ sheet of paper, compose a one-word acrostic of F-I-L-I-P-I-N-O. The words should answer the same
question posed above.
Suggested Assessment/s
Portray one character in the story and make sure you wear the same attire as it was described in the story and make
sure that you really knew that character because after the ramp modeling session the teacher will ask questions
related to that character that the student portrays.
5. Lesson Objectives/Learning outcomes
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation of these require from the
learner the ability to:
1. infer literary meaning from literal language based on usage (EN12Lit-Id-26);
2. analyze the figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text (EN12Lit-Ie-27);
3. explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how they enhance the text’s
meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding (EN12Lit-Ie-28);
4. situate the text in the context of the region and the nation (EN12Lit-Ie-29);
5. explain the relationship of context with the text’s meaning (EN12Lit-Ie-30), and; produce a creative
representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills (EN12Lit-Ie-31)
Specifically, learners must be able to:
• extract Filipino culture and experience from the text through a photo essay;
• witness the details of the love story between Aida and the young boy, and; value Filipino culture and
experience used within the text.
Original Assessment
On 1/8 sheet of paper, write a twitterature starting with a Filipino value you are proud of.
Suggested Assessment/s
Create a collection of Filipino values that you are proud of and the students are free to use whatever layout or
format they want as long as it is stunning in its uniqueness. And write a reflection paper on why you choose those
Filipino values.
The basis of these lesson objectives/learning outcomes and assessments all came to the daily lesson log of Ms.Airene De Luna.
Exercises 1.2.3
In your own words, differentiate the traditional assessments from authentic assessments. You may supplement your
answers using additional readings and resources.
In terms of… Traditional Assessments Authentic Assessments
1. Mode of preparation Preparing traditional On the other hand,
assessments is less time- authentic assessment
consuming especially takes a lot of time in
when the teacher only preparation, because there
focuses on the outcome are a lot of authentic
he/she wants to see with assessments that teachers
the students. And if you can use and that match
already have any kind of their lesson.
traditional assessment you
can use is over and over
2. Mode of administration In administrating a Then in administrating
traditional type of authentic assessment is
assessment, it is easy to easy as well because the
do because the teacher has students should meet the
the control in giving expectation set by his/her
instruction and he/she will teacher. And the teacher
receive the outcome that has clear and precise
he/she was expected. instruction to it.
3. Scoring In traditional assessment, While in the authentic
it is easy for the teacher to assessment, it is a bit
evaluate and give the difficult to give a score
students the score they in the student's output.
deserve base on the
outcome of their work.
4. In terms of skills Usually, in the traditional In Authentic assessment
usually assessed assessment, students' there are plenty of skills
critical thinking ability is usually assessed in one
only evaluated. activity, for example, the
teacher asks his/her
students to perform a
short skit based on how
5. In terms of objectivity/ Usually traditional they understand the story
fairness in grading assessment has only one they discuss in the class.
objective in scoring the The critical thinking,
6. In terms of students’ students’ activity. creativity, collaboration,
mode of response/s and communication skills
The students only have of the students can assess
7. In terms of learning one way of responding to and enhance as well.
evidences the traditional assessment. On the other hand,
Mainly it’s via paper and teachers using authentic
pen type of response. assessment generally have
more than two objectives
The learning evidences in in this specific activity as
traditional assessment well as criteria for
only focus on what the verification of students'
students should know in work.
The method of students’
response in authentic
assessment is depending
upon the teacher’s
instruction. It can be
persuasive, written, or
anyway with the use of
technology or online
While in authentic
assessment the students
are sometime required to
search more evidence that
the subject that was taught is relevant to the
be their teacher. discussion.
8. In terms of learning In traditional assessment, The authentic assessment
it measures what learners learning goal is I think
9. In terms of giving
qualitative feedback can do at a particular time well than traditional
and its aim is also to assessment. Because
measure whether and how authentic assessment
students learn and the measures students'
effectiveness of the success in a way that's
teaching methods used by relevant to the skills
teachers. required in the given task.
And learning that the
students acquire in that
specific activity can be
applied in real life.
In traditional assessment Authentic assessment in
in giving qualitative giving qualitative
feedback, the teacher can feedback, the teacher can
give his / her feedback say plenty of
qualitatively based on the complements or
correction he/she notices. correction in the student's
But in traditional output depends on the
assessment usually, it uses rubric or criteria that the
a quantitative type of teacher has in checking
feedback. that given activity. The
teacher can add his/her
own correction base on
his/her observation.
10. Sample common The common traditional Common Authentic
assessments assessment are the assessments are:
• Short skit
• Essay • Role play
• Multiple – choice • Written report
• Debate
test • Pamphlets
• True or false test • Showcase portfolio
• Matching type test • Speeches
• Interview
What is the difference between Authentic Tasks and Authentic Assessment?
The authentic task is the assignments created by the teachers that meet the standard of the curriculum and the
students are assigned to do it in order to improve their competencies. An authentic task that addresses the essential
questions and the students are requiring to answer them and apply the knowledge they’ve learned in the class
Authentic assessment is the process that helps the teacher to evaluate the students if they can successfully
transfer the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom to various contexts, scenarios, and situations. It also allows
the students to utilize the essential knowledge and skills that the students might use in a real-life circumstance. And
in using authentic assessment the teachers need to come up with criteria that will set the standard in that specific
activity and rubric so that the teacher will have a guide in evaluating the output of the students.
English Department
2n Semester S.Y. 2020 – 2021
Pagsaligan Ivy N.
Choose 1 of those lesson plans that you obtained from an LPT which you have presented in the Post
Assessment #2. Improve your suggested authentic assessment and present all the specific details make sure to put
all the necessary mechanics including the rubrics needed to assess the performance of students.
Make it comprehensive and authentic as much as possible.
Lesson Objectives/Learning outcomes
Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an adaptation of these require from the
learner the ability to:
2. differentiate/compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the earlier
genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions (EN12Lit-Id-25)
Specifically, learners must be able to:
• define 21st century literature;
• enumerate the different 21st century literary genres, and;
• appreciate the uniqueness of the 21st century Filipino literature.
Original Assessment
On a ¼ sheet of paper, write two flash fictions.
* Refer to appended activity sheet.
Suggested Assessment/s
Assuming that this is announced ahead of time and the students have enough time to do this assessment task
they also have a writing activity regarding this task. And this will be the students’ final assessment for the second
quarter grading period.
Write two fiction stories under the different 21st-century literary genres make sure that it is not exceeding in 1000
words when it combines. Then one of the two fiction stories will be pass in a printed form and present in front of the
class, but those two written stories will still be pass in the Email of the teacher.
Select two different literary genres that will be going to use:
➢ Doodle fiction
➢ Flash Fiction
➢ Blog
➢ Graphic Novel (in comic Book format)
Paper Mechanics:
Name bold uppercase upper left, date upper right, section below the name.
Times New Roman 12, paper A4 size
Deadline for soft copy March 31, 2021 (11:59pm)
Deadline for printed output April 1, 2021
Grading system:
Assessment Excellent Good Fair Needs
Criteria 4 3 2 Improvement SCORE
Content It covers all It covers all Some of the The content is
the important the elements element in not
elements of in the used the used informative
the literary literary literary and some of
genre that is genre. The genre is the element of
used. The element of missing. fiction is not
knowledge of fiction is And the used properly.
writing is present and content is And if don’t
excellent and the content not
the element is informative. follow the
of surprise is informative. The paper paper
there It follows mechanics is mechanics.
including the the paper used.
element of mechanics
fiction. And as well.
it follows the
Organization The paper The paper The paper The paper has
has a strong has a clear has a confusing
and clear organization. confusing organization
organization Some of the organization. and the
from the paragraphs Few thoughts are
beginning, have paragraphs not connected.
middle, and reasonable have
ending parts. length, but reasonable
And most of some length but
the paragraph thoughts are difficult to
has not know the
reasonable connected point of the
length and from the first story.
the thoughts one that is
are connected being stated.
as one.
Story The final The output The final The final
Originality output shows
great shows output output shows
The ideas are certain shows a lack of
creative and
entertaining originality. It certain originality
for the
readers. shows new originality. and it’s not
ideas and And it shows entertaining to
insights new ideas read.
from the for the
reader. readers.
Creativity The printed The printed The printed There is no
has a lack of creativity in
output is is presented creativity in presenting the
presenting printed output
presented creatively, and the and there is
design of the no design that
creatively and the hardbound is is connected
not from the
and the effort effort is connected to story.
the theme of
of the present but the written
students is the design is
outstanding not too
and the appropriate
design is to the topic
appropriate to of the story.
the theme of
the story.
English Department
2n Semester S.Y. 2020 – 2021
Pagsaligan Ivy N.
Create a holistic rubric and analytic rubric for a certain authentic assessment tasks.
Describe the mechanics of that authentic tasks and then describe also the rubrics that you have made.
Justify also your answer.
The student’s task is to write down one literary fiction under any of the various 21st-century literary genres that
we discussed within the previous lessons. And the aims of this task are for the students to identify and to be
familiarized with the different 21st-century literary genres. And second is to enhance students writing skills and
imagination, also to appreciate 21st-century literature by creating their own story. Then the students need to follow
paper mechanics in writing their fiction story. The students will pass this task thru Email.
Paper Mechanics:
Name bold uppercase, upper right
Paper size A4
TNR 12
Margin 1’ all side
Line spacing 1
Title bold uppercase, centered.
Deadline: April 4, 2020
Description of the Rubric
I create this type of holistic rubric because it emphasizes on what the learner needs to demonstrate or needs to
present in their own fiction story. And it will help me to identify the key points that I need to check on, we know that
a holistic rubric will assess the students based on how they have achieved and completed the tasks given to them if
they followed the given instructions or not and the scoring makes it more objective and consistent for the teacher
because the descriptions are clear in each level. And if you notice I choose “Excellent, Good, Average and Poor” as
a descriptor of the subsequent points “20, 15, 10, and 5”. 20 is the highest points that they can get in this task and 5
is the lowest I believed that this rubric is effective for this kind of assessment task.
Score/ Point Criteria
Excellent The learner is able to give justice to the literary genre he/she used
Writer in this task. This paper has a clear organization, the plot, settings,
20 and characters are developed properly which supplies beauty to the
literary fiction. The ideas or series of events are connected to each
Good Writer other and it provides an excellent ending at the same time this
15 story is very informative. The employment of words within
the entire story is acceptable and there's no error in grammar.
Average The learner is able to give justice to the literary genre he/she used
Writer in this task. This paper has an organization, the ideas or series of
events are connected. Somewhat the story is informative, the
10 employment of words is acceptable for the style used. But there are
few errors in grammar.
Poor Writer The learner uses his/ her chosen literary genre, but he/she was not
5 able to give justice to its function. And the ideas or series of events
in this story are not related to each other and it seems the ideas
come from other fiction stories. And there are several errors when
it comes to grammar.
This fiction story has confusing organization, elements of fiction
do not use the way how it should be used. And the ideas and
events in the story are coming from another fictional story,
meaning there is no originality at all. Multiple errors in the
grammar are noticeable. And it looks like the student created this
fiction story one day before the given deadline.
The student’s task is to write one literary fiction under any of the different 21st-century literary genres that we
discussed in the previous lessons. And the aims of this task are for the students to identify and to be familiarized with
the different 21st-century literary genres. And second is to enhance students writing skills and imagination, also to
appreciate the 21st-century literature by creating their own story.
I create this rubric to guide and help me with the things that I need to consider in giving a grade to the work
of my students. And I believe that all the categories presented in the rubric are reliable, valid, fair, and completely
connected to the student’s task and this kind of rubric is applicable to the authentic task that I give to my students.
Each criterion is worth a different number of points that have been presented and this kind of rubric gives enough
room for me or for other teachers to provide some feedback on each criterion. From what you can see I use 25 points
as the highest score points in each criterion therefore the total highest score that they can have in this task is 100
points, and I decide to give 10 points for the lowest score because I don’t want them to feel disappointed when they
saw lower than 10 points. And I use “Excellent, Good. Fair, and Needs Improvement” as a descriptor, and under
those descriptors have different details about the inadequate details they do.
Excellent Good Average Poor SCORE
25 20 15 10
Content It covers all It covers all Some of the The content
the important the elements element in is not
elements of in the used the used informative
the literary literary literary and some of
genre that is genre. The genre is the element
used. The element of missing. of fiction is
knowledge of fiction is And the not used
writing is present and content is properly.
excellent and the content not
the element is informative.
of surprise is informative.
including the
element of
Organization The paper has The paper The paper The paper
a strong and has a clear has a has
clear organization. confusing confusing
organization Some of the organization. organization
from the paragraphs Few and the
beginning, have paragraphs thoughts are
middle, and reasonable have not
ending parts. length, but reasonable connected.
And most of some length but
the paragraph thoughts are difficult to
has not know the
reasonable connected point of the
length and from the story.
the thoughts first one that
are connected is being
as one. stated.
Story The final The output The final The final
Originality output shows shows output output
great certain shows shows a
originality. originality. certain lack of
The ideas are It shows originality. originality
creative and new ideas And it and it’s not
entertaining and insights shows new entertaining
for the from the ideas for the to read.
readers. reader. readers.
Creativity The printed The printed The printed There is no
output is is presented has a lack of creativity in
presented creatively, creativity in presenting
creatively and and the presenting the printed
the effort of effort is and the output and
the students present but design of the there is no
is outstanding the design is hardbound is design that
and the not too not is connected
design is appropriate connected to from the
appropriate to to the topic the theme of story.
the theme of of the story. the written
the story. story.
2nd Semester S.Y. 2020 – 2021
Pagsaligan Ivy N.
How do you check the validity of your assessment?
Validity refers to the degree to which the assessment tool measures what it is supposed to measure (Hinton).
Validity refers to the degree to which a test score can be interpreted and used for its intended purpose was well stated,
it is important to make sure that as a teacher you have a valid assessment task or tool that is appropriate to his/ her
lesson and same as to his/her students.
According to Darr 2005, the validity of an assessment tool is the extent to which it measures what it was
designed to measure, without contamination from other characteristics. For example, a test of reading comprehension
should not require mathematical ability.
There are several different types of validity:
• Face validity: do the assessment items appear to be appropriate?
• Content validity: does the assessment content cover what you want to assess?
• Criterion-related validity: how well does the test measure what you want it to?
• Construct validity: are you measuring what you think you're measuring?
Darr gave this list of types of validity that needs to consider in checking the validity of the assessment. I agree
that we need to consider those on the list so that we can check on our own the validity of assessment.
In order to check the validity of my assessment task or tool, I will make sure that before I implement it in my
class it is connected to the learning objectives stated on my lesson plan and also connected to the procedures that
I’ve done in my class because it is important to remember that those three components should always be aligned so
that there is consistency in the classroom. So that at the end of this assessment task, the students will apply the
knowledge they gain from my discussion. I will also ask a favor to my Department head or co-teachers to check on
the assessment task or tool that I will use in my class. Ask for their comments and suggestions on the things that I
need to improve so that my assessment will become more effective. We should always remember that educational
assessment should always have a clear purpose.
To sum up in check the validity of my assessment task or tool I should be open to suggestions and corrections
from those who saw mistakes or corrections in my assessment task. And I need to consider those types of validity
given by Darr if I want to check it on my own, but I believe it is still better to ask for suggestions from my colleagues.
What are your feedbacks and takeaways from the videos that posted?
Distance learning is a form of education that happens without the students being physically present within the
classroom and perform by the employment of various technologies and online applications. As we all know we are
facing a pandemic up to this time and as much as possible we must avoid interaction with others whom we don’t
know to reduce the still growing number of positive cases of COVID-19 in our country.
Those four videos showed different explanations about the assessment during this time of distance learning and that
they also showed off the variety of assessment forms that we can use in our class. I learned that formative assessment
is used to know if our students really acquired knowledge from that lesson, and it can be performed before, during,
and after the lesson. While the second assessment is by summative assessment, wherein it is used to assess the
learning of the students in that lesson. It also use to measures the attainment of the competencies and standards
needed in that lesson. It helps the teacher because all the points gathered from that summative assessment will help
him/her to give grades from the learners.
The message of those videos is that even we face plenty of challenges at this time, we must continue studying and
also the teachers should think about using an authentic assessment that will fit to all the types of learner he/ she have.
And the teachers should have rubrics in every assessment task he/she will give to his/her class to see the improvement
from the learners. We should always ensure that we've got to give enough time to our learners to do their task
especially to those who don’t have a strong and stable internet connection and gadget to use. And the teachers have
to think of a brand new and exciting assessment task for the learners during this distance learning to lessen the weight
of stress they were facing in their individual lives and for the learners to still get excited in attending the online class.