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Published by pagsaliganivy, 2021-06-12 11:28:11













English Department
2nd Semester S.Y. 2020 – 2021
Pagsaligan Ivy N.
Create a holistic rubric and analytic rubric for a certain authentic assessment tasks.
Describe the mechanics of that authentic tasks and then describe also the rubrics that you have made.
Justify also your answer.
The student’s task is to write down two literary fiction story under 21st-century literary genres (Graphic Novel
and Blog) that we discussed within the previous lessons. And the aims of this task are for the students to identify and
to be familiarized with the different 21st-century literary genres. And second is to enhance students writing skills
and imagination, also to appreciate 21st-century literature by creating their own story. Then the students need to
follow paper mechanics in writing their fiction story. The students will pass this task thru Email and the paper
mechanics will discussed in the class.


Description of the Rubric

I create this type of holistic rubric because it emphasizes on what the learner needs to demonstrate or needs to
present in their own fiction story. And it will help me to identify the key points that I need to check on, we know that
a holistic rubric will assess the students based on how they have achieved and completed the tasks given to them if
they followed the given instructions or not and the scoring makes it more objective and consistent for the teacher
because the descriptions are clear in each level. And if you notice I choose “Excellent, Good, Average and Poor” as
a descriptor of the subsequent points “20, 15, 10, and 5”. 20 is the highest points that they can get in this task and 5
is the lowest I believed that this rubric is effective for this kind of assessment task.


Score/ Point Criteria
Excellent The learner is able to give justice to the literary genre he/she used
Writer in this task. This paper has a clear organization, the plot, settings,
20 and characters are developed properly which supplies beauty to the
literary fiction. The ideas or series of events are connected to each
Good Writer other and it provides an excellent ending at the same time this
15 story is very informative. It maintains the fiction genre until the
last part of the story and the author of this paper used his/her
imagination magnificently. The employment of words within the
entire story is acceptable and there's no error in grammar. And the
paper passed a head of the deadline.
The learner is able to give justice to the literary genre he/she used
in this task. This paper has an organization, the ideas or series of
events are connected. Somewhat the story is informative, the


Average employment of words is acceptable for the style used. The
Writer imagination of the writer was adequate because he/she provides
interesting and catchy settings and characters in the story. But
10 there are few grammar errors. The paper work passed on time.
The learner uses his/ her chosen literary genre, but he/she was not
Poor Writer able to give justice to its function. And the ideas or series of events
5 in this story are not related to each other and it seems the ideas
come from other fiction stories. The author seems to be confused
and not able to used creatively his/ her imagination in this writing.
And there are several errors when it comes to grammar. He/ she
was able to pass the paper on time.
This fiction story has confusing organization, elements of fiction
do not use the way how it should be used. And the ideas and
events in the story are coming from another fictional story,
meaning there is no originality at all there is no effort attached in
the writings because it is based on another fictional story available
on the internet. Multiple errors in the grammar are noticeable. And
it looks like the student created this fiction story one day before
the given deadline.



The student’s task is to write down two literary fiction stories under 21st-century literary genres (Graphic

Novel and Blog). And the aims of this task are for the students to identify and to be familiarized with the different
21st-century literary genres. And second is to enhance students writing skills and imagination, also to appreciate
21st-century literature by creating their own story. The students should remember that all of the elements of a fiction
story must be applied in their paper and it should also have a consistent organization from the beginning up to the
end. In addition, the students must write their own original story lastly, the output of the students must also show
creativity and appropriate design in the output. For example, if they will going to write a story with a romantic or
horror fictional theme, then the entire paper must have a romantic or horror design from the cover page up to the last
pages of the paper.

I create this rubric to guide and help me with the things that I need to consider in giving a grade to the work
of my students. And I believe that all the categories presented in the rubric are reliable, valid, fair, and completely
connected to the student’s task and this kind of rubric is applicable to the authentic task that I give to my students.
Each criterion is worth a different number of points that have been presented and this kind of rubric gives enough
room for me or for other teachers to provide some feedback on each criterion. From what you can see I use 25 points
as the highest score points in each criterion therefore the total highest score that they can have in this task is 100
points, and I decide to give 10 points for the lowest score because I don’t want them to feel disappointed when they
saw lower than 10 points. And I use “Excellent, Good. Fair, and Needs Improvement” as a descriptor, and under
those descriptors have different details about the inadequate details they do.


Rubric: Excellent Good Average Poor SCORE
25 20 15 10
Content It covers all It covers all Some of the The content
the important the elements element in is not
elements of in the used the used informative
the literary literary literary and some of
genre that is genre. The genre is the element
used. The element of missing. of fiction is
knowledge of fiction is And the not used
writing is present and content is properly.
excellent and the content not
the element is informative.
of surprise is informative.
including the
element of


Organization The paper has The paper The paper The paper

a strong and has a clear has a has

clear organization. confusing confusing

organization Some of the organization. organization

from the paragraphs Few and the

beginning, have paragraphs thoughts are

middle, and reasonable have not

ending parts. length, but reasonable connected.

And most of some length but

the paragraph thoughts are difficult to

has not know the

reasonable connected point of the

length and from the story.

the thoughts first one that

are connected is being

as one. stated.

Story The final The output The final The final
Originality output shows shows output output
great certain shows shows a
originality. originality. certain lack of
The ideas are It shows originality. originality
creative and new ideas And it and it’s not
entertaining and insights shows new entertaining
for the from the ideas for the to read.
readers. reader. readers.


Creativity The printed The printed The printed There is no

output is is presented has a lack of creativity in

presented creatively, creativity in presenting

creatively and and the presenting the printed

the effort of effort is and the output and

the students present but design of the there is no

is outstanding the design is hardbound is design that

and the not too not is connected

design is appropriate connected to from the

appropriate to to the topic the theme of story.

the theme of of the story. the written

the story. story.



You can watch my reflection video just click or open this link on your web.




What are the factors that a
teacher should consider in
constructing an authentic




English Department
2n Semester S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Pagsaligan, Ivy N.

Discuss the following Likert scale.
1. Linear Numerical Scale
2. Graphic Scale
3. Verbal Frequency Scale
Give examples and explain what classroom situation can be used over the other types of Likert scale?

1. Linear Numerical Scale

A linear numerical scale is a scale used to measure the satisfaction or feature importance of the respondents
or participants that can be recommended from the others. It usually has at least the endpoints labeled to know if
it is “not at all likely”, “Neutral”, or Extremely likely” and this scale can be visualized in a vertical line. The
numerical presentation that has been used in this scale is helpful to provide and see the data with interval properties
beyond just ordinal properties meaning linear numerical scale is a quantitative symbolization of data. So, in other
words, a linear numerical scale is used to see the responses of the participants base on their judgment or opinion
according to their perspective. And this scale is appropriate to use in a class using this given example question


Example question using Linear Numerical Scale

As a student, how satisfied you are in the way the teacher teaches in the class?

Not at all likely Neutral Extremely likely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Graphic Scale

A graphic scale indicates the answer options on the given scale of 1-3, 1-5, 1-10 etc. wherein the respondents
can select a particular option on a scale to depict rating. According to my research a graphical scale is made (also
known as a steering wheel) is based on determining the value of unity on that scale. So that this graphic scale also
has an adequate working size, it is convenient to choose well the unit in which it will be develo ped. You can see
and read below a sample questions using graphic scale that we can use in the class.

Example question using Graphic Scale

Please rate the following Literature genre under Post-modern period on scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the lowest and
5 being the highest.

Literature 5 4 3 21

Short Story


3. Verbal Frequency Scale
Verbal frequency scale also referred to as a “word statement” is used to interpret the measurement of the

number using words or phrases for every answer option. And the respondent’s response options are presented
using the word are some sample options we usually saw in the Verbal Frequency Scale are the following: strongly
agree/ agree/ unsure/ disagree/ strongly disagree. It can also be in terms of general time frames such as seldom,
always, rarely, and the like. And this scale can be used to see the student’s reaction or response according to the
given question using those verbal options, this is an example question using a verbal frequency scale that we can
use in our class.

Example question using Verbal Frequency Scale

How often do you like reading novels?

o Always
o Seldom
o Rarely
o Never

Other types of Scale

Multi checkbox Scale

This scale allows the respondents or the students to have at least one answer that reflects their disposition
towards the item under consideration. This type can be considered as 7-point type of Likert scale that can be used
to see the student's satisfaction towards the teacher’s teaching strategy. 1 being the highest and 7 for the lowest
or vice versa depends on the use of the teacher who will be using this type of scale. One of the advantages of this


scale is it helps the respondents to choose what they feel is appropriate to their opinion without any hindrance.
Here are some example questions that are appropriate to the class.

Example question using Multi Checkbox Scale

1. Which of the following options will describe your feelings after reading three different genres of short
 Satisfied
 Amazed
 Neutral
 Wondered
 Mixed emotion
 Nothing at all
 Dissatisfying

2. Select the genre/s of a short story you are interested in.
 Fables and animal tales
 Horror stories
 Folktales and fairy tales
 Crime stories
 Mystery stories
 Adventure stories
 Love stories
 Science-fiction


As you can read and see, I use the Multi checkbox Scale in two different way, the first question it will help
the teacher to know the feelings of the students in reading the short story, while the second question I use the
Multi Checkbox Scale to know the interest of the students or the genre they like to read. And I think that would
be helpful for a teacher to hook on his/ her students’ interest in reading on the upcoming text that they will be
needing to read.

Star Rating Scale
A star rating scale is a type of rating scale that allows the respondent to register his or her satisfaction or

dissatisfaction with the teacher’s way of teaching in the class based on the number of stars. So, this type of scale
is can connect with the 3-points Likert scale, meaning 3 stars will be the highest points that the respondents can
give because those starts represent the number of satisfaction or fulfillment of the respondents or the participants
in the question. And this is how we can use this scale in the classroom setup.

Example question using Start Rating Scale
1. How would you rate your classmate’s presentation of his/her project?

2. Giving an opportunity, how would you rate your own performance in this grading period?

The first question is formulated for the student to rate the presentation of his/ her classmates, and this star is
better to use for the student's responses in giving assessment or feedback to his/ her classmate's works. The second
question is formulated to help the teacher to measure the student's self-confidence in rating his/ her performance
in class.


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