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Published by syafisya, 2020-11-16 08:34:04


• t1I ..... 11-

~ Let's read and answer.

A long time ago. there lived a

beautiful fairy princess named ..,

Rosemary. She lived in the kingdom" '

of Renosia with the fairies and elves. '

Rosemary was kind and helpful to

her people. They respected her.

One day, a terrible thing
happened. Fierce monsters
attacked the land. They wonted
to own Renosia. They held all the
magical creatures. Nobody could
defend themselves against the big,
strong monsters .

Rosemary could not do
anything to save her people. She
flew as fast as she could through
a secret tunnel and escaped. Her
heart was with her people, but she
knew she needed to get help from
other creatures.

Suddenly. she stumbled upon
four gnomes silting on toadstools.
They were resting after a tiring day
of plucking wild berries in the forest.
Rosemary went to them for help.

-II 1111 ...... 1I

The gnomes felt sorry for the princess.

I, They gave her food and clothes. She told
them about the evil monsters who took
over her kingdom. She wonted to save her
people and her kingdom. So for weeks,
the gnomes planned a surprise oncck on
the monsters. They mode magic potions to
turn Ihe monsters into stone.

When they were finally ready.
Rosemary and the gnomes
retumed to Renosia and sprinkled
the magic pollons on the monsters.
The monsters were stunned and
immedialely turned into stone.
They could not move at all.

Rosemary and her brave gnomes
ron to the dungean and freed all the
prisoners. They successfully took over
the kingdom. Everyone wos happy and
grotefulto Rosemary and her brave
gnomes. Rosemary presented a pot of
gold to the gnomes and thanked them.
In the end. everyone believed that good
will always triumph over evil. So with that.
they all lived happily ever after.

Sequence the sentences in the correct order.

• Rosemary flew quickly through a secret tunnel.
• The gnomes gave her food and clothes.

When they were finally ready. they returned to Renosla and sprinkled
magic pollons on the monsters.
• Rosemary was a kind and helpful princess.
• Forweeks. they planned a surprise attock on the monsters.
• One day. flerce monsters attacked the land.
• Fi1aIIy. they managed 10defeat the monsters and lived happily fNer after.
• She stumbled upon foor gnomes sitting on toadstools.

22.2(0) • 2 , 1(0)

I 1 •••••• 11_

Let's write, Writing
-Use the words below to make the story more Interesting.

flnafly and but then suddenly

I ,she stumbled upon four gnomes shting on toadstools. They were
resting after a tiring day of plucking wild berries In the forest. The gnomes
felt sorry for the princess. They gave her food I clothes.

Rosemary was tired I frightened. I she really wanted to save her
people and her kingdom. So lor weeks. they planned a surprise attack on
the monsters. They made magic potions to turn the monsters into stones.

When they were finally ready. Rosemary and her brave gnomes
returned 10Renosia. The gnomes fought the monsters bravely. " • they
sprinkled Ihe magk potions and all the monsters were turned into stone.

I .the monsters were defeated.


-;>1..", ,001' ' 1 _

-II 111••••• 1I

- celebrate - birthday - friends - - searched - everywhere - palace -

- sad - friends - forgot - birthday - - came out - shouted 'Happy Birthday'
- surprise party -

Use the words to write a story. Begin your story with:
Rosemary lived a wonderful life after the gnomes defeated the monster.
One day, it was Rosemary's birthday ....


• n.... 11-

J;;, Grammar

_. Let'slearn and practise.

She fan as fasl as she could into the forest.

Ran is an irregular verb. Irregular verbs are part of Simple Past Tense.
They do not end with -d or -ed in the post tense.


60se Words Post Tense Base Words Post Tense
buy begcn keep ~epi
feet bought know knew
fly ate mode
get make rode
give feU tide saw
go flew swam
hold see tought
gave swim won
went leach

held win


Some verbs do not change form. They remain the some in the present
and past tense. These are also called irregular verbs.


8aseWords Post Tense

put put
cut cut
hu~ h"~
let let
read teod

Read the sentences. Circle the irregular verbs.

I. They held all the creatures captive.
2. The maid let the frog out of the caslle.

3. The gnomes felt sorry for the princess.
4. The gnomes put the wild berries in a basket.
5. The woodcutter cut wood in the forest yesterday.

6. The princess hurt herself when she tripped over a stone.
7 The soldiers rode horses to catch the escaped prisoners.
8. The prince began hisjourney to the mountains early in the morning.

<:'IVIJ:lIl4I'!,I1 _


-' 1 111 ••••• 1'

A,~ Grammar
let's learn and practise.

Write the simple past form of these words.

I. make - I; 6. say I.

2. see .f. 7. sell !{
3. come - I,
4. teach - "- 8. pay -
-5. take ,I q speak - f.
10. throw -

Choose the correct answer.

I. The prince (took, takes) over the throne after Ihe king died.

2. The elves (leave. leftl after Ihey finished making five pairs of shoes.

3. The king (tells. told) his people to work hard and live a better life
this morning.

4. The knighl (rides, rode) on his horse 10save Ihe princess from Ihe evil
queen lost night.

S. The beautiful princess (mel. meell her handsome prince and they lived
happily ever after.

Read the passage below. Change the verbs in the brackets to past tense.

Rosemary Ie (read) a book last nighl. It k. (is)aboul the elves and the

shoemaker. The shoemaker k, (become) very IIIand coutd not offord

Ito make shoes. One night. Iwo elves k; (come) to make shoes. They y.

Icul) and sewed many pairs of beautiful shoes for the shoemaker. They f-.

Iput) them on the shoe rack for the shoemaker to see.
The next morning, the shoemaker I; lisl surprised to see the shoes.

He ~ (selll the shoes and had money to buy food. He /; [make)
beautiful clothes for the elves to repay them for their kindness.

• n.... 1'-

.Q;f;I< Grammar
let's playa game.

Willlail'did yot:! do ye·sterday?

You need a dice and some tokens. •

Roilihe dice and move according 10 Ihe number on Ihe dice.
For example. if your token lands on square number 6. you
need to describe the picture using the simple past tense
by soying. "1 drank wafer yesterday-. If you are unable
to describe the picture correctty. you miss a turn. The first
person who reaches 'Finish' wins the game.

<:'IVIJ:lIl4I'!,I1 _


-II 111••••• 11

j~.~ Let's make. Language Arts

You need:

A4 paper Scissors Coloured pencils

How to make:
~ Fotd it in half again. ~ Cut 4 cm in the
(! Fold an A4 paper middle of the paper.

into half.

~ Fold each flap ~ Push the flaps ~ Open the paper.
into a triangle. inside.

(J Draw a picture ~ Write the story from

around the mouth. Page 47.


. ..... 11-

• Let's read.

Seeing a rabbrt running passed her was not a strange thing. At that time.
it also did not seem strange to Alice to hear the rabbrt say, "Oh, dear! Oh,
dear! I shall be late!"

But when the rabbrt took a watch out of its packet, and looked at
it and then ran on, Alice got up quickly, for she knew that it was the first
time she had seen a rabbit with a watch. She ran to get a look at rt. and
was just in time to see it go down a large rabbit hole near the hedge,

(Adopted from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
wriHen by Lewis Coroll, retold by 3. C. Gorhaml

Based on the passage above, write a dialogue for Alice or the rabbit to
soy and act.
Alice: Oh,lhere goes a rabbll. Whalls il doing?

IIis talking and looking at its pocket watch.

<:'IVIJ:lIl4I'!,I1 _


_I I 111 ••••• I1

Care for the Sea

GcG":f~il)et's talk.


How do y-ou feel when
you look Ollhis plclUre?

When people Ihrow rubbish inlo drains and rivers. it will end up in Ihe
sea. Jusl because you do nol see Ihe rubbish. it does nol mean it is gone.
Throwing rubbish an beaches and from baals inlo Ihe sea harms our
environmenl. Whal can you do 10prevenl pollulion of Ihe sea?

~ I must throw rubbish into We should organise
~ bins and nOllnlO the droil\$. dean·ups ot beaches.
river bonks. and
parks 10keep Ihe
environment dean.

• n•••

~~ Listening ond Speoking
~ let's listen and talk.

Nurul is inviting Jagjillo a beach clean·up.

Hi. Jogjit. My doss is going 10cleon 0 nearby beoch
on Intemotonol Beach Cleon-upDay.

Why are you cleaning up the beach?

~ The beach used to be beau,aul but now It IS
• lull ollubblsh.

I Oh thai s 100bod People should be more


\'Vould you like to come wilh me to the
beach dean-up?

Would you like 10go 10she
environmental exhibition with me?


<:'IVIJ:lIl:SI'wl _


• Ii .....

~;;. USlenlng and Speo~lng

~ Let's listen and talk.

Kinah and Pravin visited an environmental exhibition.
They saw a presentation there.


• Closely related to sea urchins
• Have hard. bony skin
• Have colours that hide them from enemies


• Do not hove roots, leaves or stems
• Produce food through photosynthesis
• Some seaweed may be eaten

~o I rllfo'r"

Talk about: Search for moreinfottlY1llon obcut
• Where starfish and seaweed are found soc wocd ()('t Ih¢ Inl(::r'(lC1.

• Their features
• What is special about them

G \Nhereare Starfish are found
starfish found? in the sea.

~!l~ WhOllS Ihe Slonish The slorfish is 'eloled
related to? 10 Ihe seo urchin.

~ What is special about They do no' hove
the semveed? roots. loaves or stems.

1.3J(g) .!I.1.6

• n.... 1'-


Kinah is waiting on the beach. After some time, she sees the outline of a
turtle in the dark. It is moving slowly out of the water. The turtle is looking
for a place to lay her eggs.

Kinah is very excited to see the turtle. Her parents are watting near
her. but she knows she cannot shout out to them. loud noise and bright

lights will dislurb a nesting turtle. She
points out the turtle to her father. He nods
his head. They watch the turtle from a
distance. It storts to dig a hole with tts
flippers. When the hole is big and deep
enough. the turtle starts to lay eggs. After
that, tt covers the hole with sand again.
Then, it crawls back into the sea. Kinah's
father and mother dig into the sand. At
last. they reach the eggs. Kinah helps them to take the eggs aut from the
nest and put them into a pail carefully. Then, they immediately take the
eggs to the turtle hatchery nearby.
They help the hatchery officer bury the eggs in 0 new hole in the
hatchery. The officer marks the sand clearly with a sign. After the eggs
hatch. Kinah will help to take the hatchlings out to the beach and release
them. She hopes the hatchlings will survive and come bock one day. Her
family helps with the turtle conservation programme every year.

Answer these questions.
I. Where is Kinah?
2. Why is Kinah excited?
3. What will disturb a nesting sea turtle?
4. Who marks the sand with a sign after the eggs are

buried in the hatchery?
5. How does Kinah help to conserve the sea turtles?

2.1A!!!) .. 2.3J(b)

<:'IVIJ:lIl:SI'wl _


_, 1 111 ••••• 1I

~~. let's read. Reading

There are four types of sea turtles found in Malaysia - Ihe green turtle,

hawksbililurtle. lealherbacl:.lurlle. and olive-ridley lurlle. These sea turtles

are all endangered.

The beaches where they nest are

pOIiUled There 1$also 100much
development on Ihe beeches. The noise
and brighl lights will disturb the lurtles.

How can we help Ad,,11 sea lurtles are also occidenlolly
coughl in fishing nels all the time. Some
lhelurtles? people eollhe eggs. 100.

\f!/e Should nOI throw tubblsh Into Ihe
seo Of on Ihe beach. Vo/e should not
disturb the turtles when they nest. \~Je
should also not eat their eggs.

Predict what will happen if:

• a turtle is caught in a fishing net.
• a turtle tries to nest on a beach full of rubbish.
• we disturb a nesting turtle.
• we keep ealing turtle eggs.

2.2.2(b) • 2.2..3(b}

• n.... 1'-

let's read and write. Writing

- Nurul. Jagjit, Kim Seng. Kinah. and Pravin are collecting rubbish on a
polluted beach. Pravin is picking up aluminium cans. Nurul is collecting

plastic containers from Ihe beach. Jagjit is picking up pieces of papers
and paper cups. Kim Seng and Kinah are pulling a fishing net out of
the sand.

Lobel the Items they found on the beach.

Make a posler enlilled "Core for Our Environment".
You may use the following painls in your poster:

• Throw rubbish into bins
• Don't pollute rivers and Ihe sea
• Protect our jungles
• Recycle woste

'3.2.2(0) .. 3.3.1{9.)

<:'IVIJ:lIl:SI'wl _


._I I .... • llil mi •• I I

let's write. Writing

Quototion marXs are symbols thot indicate a speech or
conversation. We put them around words to show thotthcy
are utterances. sayings or quotations.



"Thank you for inviting me: said Kinoh.

'We must always throw our rubbish into bins. If everybody does this,
our environment will be cleaner' said Mr. Ramesh



Rewrite these sentences with correct punctuation marks.
I. good moming pravin said rania
2. I would be delighted to go with you replied kim seng
3. have you finished your scrapbook yet asked mr. romesh
4. oh dear there's so much rubbish in the river sold nurul
5. I did not see you at the beach clean-up yest9(dayjelini said nurul
6. would you like to go with me to the tree-planting programme

asked provin

- I I ........-......r... "'''

I I •••••• 11-

A Let's learn and practise. Grammar

I om going to school now.

10m p/o!)ng badminton wilh Provin Ihls evening. fJ~.~
I am IrcweJJing10 Pedis wilh my brolher on 50lurday.

The Present Continuous Tense shows us what Is happening now.

Example: Thehealthy lifeslyle campaIgn I, storting now.

We can use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about things
happening around a time.

Example: I om reading willl tatner today.

Happening now:
I am going fa fhe taekwondo toumament now_
He is eating a sandwich at the canteen.
They are playing football In the field.

Happening around a time:
I om making a wou wilh grandfather.

Mr. Romesh is trovelling in Europe at the moment.

Theladies ore sewing new cUrloins for Ihe hol/.

Change the sentences to Present Continuous Tense.
Example: She swims in the pool.

She is swimming in the pool.

i. Iwalk to the park.
2. Nurul sweeps the Hoor.
3. Ms. Puspa bakes cakes for the fair.
4. The boys read comics in their room.

5. Pravin's father cuts the grass in the garden.
6. I plan to hove a Father's Day dinner tonight.
7. Kinoh and Jogjndecorate the room for the party.
8. He practises for the squash competition nexJ month.

~ 60

';'1\11:1 :l1II"wl _

_I I 111 •••••

~, Grommor'

_ Let's practise.

Wrile a sentence in the Present Cantinuous Tense for each picture. Use
the clue words to help you.

- eat - salad -


Red Riding Hood walks in thejungle.
Red Riding Hood walks near the hills.
Red Riding Hood walks in thejungle.
To vis~ her Grandma who's sick.

Grandma. Grandma.
Please get well soon. Grandma. Grandma.
Grandma. Grandma.
Please get well soon. Grandma.

Unknown to Miss Red Riding Hood.
Unknown to her the Wolfs watching,
The Wolf follows her to Grandma's house,

To vis~ her Grandma who's sick.

Beware! oh, Beware!

.",.", The Wolf would eat dear Grandma. Grandma.
Beware! Oh Beware!
The Wolf would eat dear Grandma.

IAdopled from the poem 'UI~eRed Riding Hood and My Boonle lesover Ih0 ocean,
the \'IoH ,. bU Roald OahU My Bonnie lies over the sea,
My Bonnie lies over the ocean.
an I>'In9 bock my Boonle 10mo.
Bring bock. Oh bring bock.
Qh. bring back. my Bonnie to me.
Brir)g bock, Oh bling bock.
Qh, bring bock. my Bonnie to me.

(To the tune of My 80/}I)jeJ


<:'IVIJ:lPIlI''''1 _


111 ••••• 1I


June 20_ • .. ~:"'1.

Lost week. Mr. Romesh decided to rep-la"'n;~t~tHNeurul"'hem, Klnoh

plants in Our school gorden. Provin. Nurul. fOf selling up lhe
Kim Seng.and I were there 10help. Pravin look I.,ely!>log!

a photograph of Ihe garden before we started KimSen"
wer kIing on I·1.

cnd cleor. Well

done, P'ovill!

Mr. Romosh:
Wei done. children!

we wont tocreolea gardenIhollooks likeIhis;

• n.... 11-

listening and Speaking

- Kinoh

~r~·~~4 June 20 Nome
- ." ~,~~ -~
Thismorning Mr. Romeshexplained to us "'.
what we must do to deon the gorden.
filo"ks lerIho
•L .. ~ _ .._" .:.I~
video recording. ~
t><t '"::..:~ ._ PrO'..1n

TocleanIhegarden.pUllhe rocks

and slones in Ihe comer. Then.slack

Ihe polsnexllo the wall.Afterthatlay

Ih. path.Nexl.loosonthe soilwith

spades or trowels. lasdy, make the

..flowerbeds. ,

<:'IVIJ:lI'III'wl _


_, 1 111 ••••• 11

~@' let's read and answer. Reading

f I June 20_

Todaysomelhing inleresling happened in our Mr. Romesh:
garden. Two birds were chirping loudly while we
were weeding under a tree. At first, we Ihoughllhe N\.T\Ais 0 kind gill.
birds werejusl happy to see us. We did not pay much She has sympolhy for
anention to them. eose who ore In need.

Suddenly Nurulwas screamingand running Nurul:
towards us. while painting at a rose bush. Something Th()nk.~u.$it

was moving In Ihere.We alilhought it was a snake I@

and stayed for away. Mr. Rameshwent closer to look. @

A few' minutes lote-r.he-rose from the bush smiling.

He was holding a neslling in his handkerchieft Itmust

have fallen from ils nest, Thenestlingwas not hurt.

and was trying hard to free itself. IIwas also chirping.

Theadult birds began chirping even louder now. We

realised that they were worried aboul their baby. so
Mr. Rameshclimbed up a ladder and put the nestling

back into its nest. Immediately. the two adult birds ,~~

went bock 10 their nest to comfort their nestling. .. ' .. ~

Itwas a very touchingmomenl. Nurulalmostcried... ;~~

~ ~

What was movingIn the bush?
Why did the pupils stay for away?
What kind of person is Mr. Ramesh?
What kondof person do you want to b~?

• n.... 1'-

~ let's read. Reading

Soy the words below. They have the same sound but different meaning.
They are called homophones. Some homophones have the same spelling.

Word Meaning Example

I. two being one more than one There ore two adult birds in the tree.

2. to towards. opposite of 'from' She was running 10us.

1. thor. SomeThingwas moving in Illere.
2. "'air Thobirds flow back to thejr nest.

I. rose a kind of flower Tills Is 0 rO~ plon/.

@ #}

2. rose past tense of 'rise' A few minutes lofer. he rose from the bush.

Choose the correct homophones.

.... __ d...y..e..rl if we do not water them.

brake brea~ the pots when stacking them.


<:'IVIJ:lI'III''''1 _


_, 1 111 ••••• 1I
~.~, Let's read and do.

15 June 20_

Today we discoveredtwo interestingplants in Norul:

gorden. I searched the Internet and found some M!J mum $01;15 Ihe
fascinating facts on them. fern isbeoulilU.
and she wonts to
plom one hcfSe:tf

• A mimosa plant Klnah:
• Also called a shy plant My mum soys

because ils fine leoflels the some. 100.
closequickly when touched

• Has sharp thorns on its stem

• Has pink or yellow flowers

• Afem

• Grows from spores

• One of the oldest plants
on earth

• Over 10.000 speciesof ferns
in Ihewortd

~ro'lip 'o'~

Search the Internet for more informotion on local plants. Write aboul the:

• size of the plonts
• colour of Iheir leaves and flowers
• special features
Present them in a poster.

Let's read and write. • n.... 1'-


NOTICE Theword 'notkc'

18 August _------------> :::==o:o:te==~

Away on A Holiday -+ L- H_eo_di:n_g/_Su__~:ct_J

This is to inform all friends and visitors to}

Our Garden that I shall be away on a I Coorents
holiday s,tarting tomorrow. I shall be back
on 25 August. My cousin. Jelini will take L

over my garden dulies while I am away.

Take core everyone. see you soon'

Kinah ,...----~

-+ ~==No=m=.===!

(Owner of Our Gardenl -+ F Tille

Choose a topic below and write a notice.
• Things to bring for arts and croft lesson
• Changes to Ihe examination dates
~' of homework

Put the notice on your classroom notice boord.


I -<:'IVIJ :111"1'101


-II 111••••• 11

_~et's spellthem right.

He was holding a nestling in his handkerchief!

There is a spelling rule that can help us to remember whether to place
'i' before or after 'e':

'i' before 'e'. except after 'c',

The"",Hin rule Examples

when the sound is -e'. Ihe lenet 'I' comes before the leller 'e', brief
For example. the word 'thiel' hos the 'e' sound. SOIhe letter -t comes piece
before tho tenet '.', believe
Ho·wev·er, when the 'e' sound comesofter the letter 'e', then the letter 'e'
comes before the Iellcr'l'. For example. rho word '(oiling' has tho IOhC( receipt
-e' before the 'e' sound. so the leller 'e' comes before the feller f. receive

\. ~I

~ Let's read and spell aloud,

Complete the words using 'ie' or 'el',
I. There is a f Id next to our garden.
2. We felt rei ved when the nestling was saved.
3. The gardener gave the reea. pt to the headmaster.
4. Those misch "vous boys were throwing balls into our garden.
5. The house plant is so toll that If reaches the cling.


• n.... 11-

A Let's leam and prac;tise. Grommar

Something was moving in there.
Two birds were chirping loudly while we were weeding under a tree.

Was moving, were chirping,
and was weeding are
examples of verbs in the Past
Continuous Tense. We use
them to show continuous

actions happening in the past.
Were' is the post tense form of
'are' and was' is the post tense
form of 'am' and ts'.

Read aloud.

( 7 a clock ) ( q o'clock)

At 7 o'clock. the pupils were pulling out the weeds.
At q o'clock. the pupils were carrying rocks and stones.
At II o'clock. the pupils were stocking the pots.
At 3 o'clock, the pupils were laying the path.
Now the pupils are making flower beds.
Rewrite the sentences using the post continuous,
I. A bird (chirp) in the bush,
2. Nurul (run) towards the other pupils,
3. Pravin found a mimosa plant as he lroke) the leaves.
4. The sun (set) when the pupils finally finished their work.
5. The pupils saw something interesting as they (work) in the garden.


I -<:'IVIJ :111"1'101


-II 111••••• 1I

You need 0 dice ond some tokens. Grammor'

•Rollthe dice and move according to the number on the dice. Use a verb
~Let's playa game.

in the Past Continuous Tense to complete the sentence or you miss a

tum. For example. if you land on square number 3, you may comptete

the phrase by saying "The birds chirped when I was watering the

plonts." If you lond on a leof, you move three steps backwards. The first

person that reaches IXl§l;ill is the winner

G) $ G e •1ft

"G 1woo .., when The Kinoh and e
mytricnd headmaster
The girls called me. -_Nllrulwcrc .. The boys were
wero .,. in the wos .. ... in tho field.
qorden. •-~ yesterdoy. e
•While he wos Hstorted10 e The qordener
(oin vAllie lhay was ...ond .. The teacher
<ut11nglhe were .. Nurulwos ... 1hewhole day. was ..
branches. she ondshe SOW(l yesterday.

\\IOS ••• .-neslling.

e -0 0 -0 0

We were .. KimSengwos 0 ThE!pupils were
". when he SC]I!I ,. Iosl week.
",h"nlhe bell o snake. He VlOS ... 'while
(eng. Iwcs weeding_ -0
sbe wos .. tte bOds
jus1 noVl.
chirped when
Jwos ...the



• n.... 11-

i1!'lt Contemporaryliterature
• let's read.

Mrs.Moylie and everyone in her house moved 100 cOllnlryside conoqe for lhe summer.

tAdoPled from 'Grcphic Dickens: Oliver T.·..'sf resctd by Hooey&minghom.)

Look up the following words in your dictionary:

countryside cottage summer

--1Im:~:;'..__..-' 'O'~~ _

The countryside collage was a happy place for Oliver. Why do you think
he was happy there?

<:'IVIJlU:I'''' 1 _


_, 1 III•• 11

The Prince and
the Thieves



Llslenlng and Speaking

~~ let's listen and talk. t after your teacher

~ e correctpicture Repea

;tena~n~~"'·~~e ~/ ., ;i;

~ ""'j_J' - i"--.._.,._/l:.....d

crew cvl hoir long hair hooked nose cur1!J hair
pointed ears scarred face big eyes shon beord
thick. moustoche bald head bock leelh
full lips Ihinlips


I 1-<:'IVIJ :111"1'101

-II 111••••• 11

G\flo Ustening and Speaking

~ Let's listen and answer.

Soy the nome of the person described below.

• He is bald and has a scar on his cheek.
• He is tall and handsome.
• He has pointed ears and long hair.
• He has small eyes and a white beard.
• He has curly hair and thick eyebrows.


Choose a picture. This man has curly hair. He has a thick
Describe it to your friend. moustache and a sharp hooked nose.


~ Let's read and answer.

A long lime ago. there was a country called Langkapura. One day, the
king died of old age. His son, Prince Fariz, was to be the new king.

However. Prince Fariz was very
sad over his father's death. He locked
himself in the palace and refused 10meel
anyone. The ministers were worried.
Their country did not seem 10have a
ruler. Jamal. Ihe Chief Minisler. came
up with a plan 10persuade the prince to
return to his throne. He wrote down his
worries and concem aboul the prince
and his counlry on a piece of paper.

One nighl, Prince Fariz heard some
voices oulslde his room. He decided 10invesligole. He pul on old dofhes
and wenl out, He saw Ihree men whispering togelher. As he lisle ned,
he realised Ihallhey were Ihieves. They were planning 10steel from Ihe
Chief Minister's house. Quielly. the prince asked the thieves whether he
could join them. They agreed.

Prince Foriz warned them that
there were many guards at the
Chief Minister's house. The first thief,
Kimal, said he could hypnotise the
guards. The second thief, Kudin.
said he could open any locked door.
The Ihird Ihief, Kaduk. said he could
befriend any animol.

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-II 11•••••

I They broke into Jamal's

I house. As they were searching
the house. Prince Foriz found
.",..,, a piece of paper on the table.

He quitely kept the paper in his
pocket. The four of them went
their separate ways after they
divided the loot.

The next day. Prince Fariz ordered
Jamal to come to the palace. Prince
Fariz showed him the papers. Jamal
calmly explained to the prince that it
was all a plan to help him be aware
of his duty to his country. Jamal then
coiled for the three thieves. They
removed their handkerchiefs from
their faces. They were the palace
guards. Kimol. Kudin. and Kodukl
Prince Fariz then realised that Jamal
was a good man and a very clever
advisor. The wise and kind prince

decided ...

Answer these questions.

I. Why was Prince Fariz so sad?
2. How did the old king die?
3. What did Jamal write on a piece of paper?
4. Why did Prince Fariz put on old clothes before he went auf'
5. What special abilrties did the three thieves have?

6. Why do you think Prince Fariz ordered Jamal to come to the palace?

What do you think Prince Forlz will do now?~~

2.2.2(0) • 2.2..3(b)

• n••• 11-

let's read and write. Writing

Read the story 'The Prince and the Thieves' again.
In a story. you will find:

Selting This is the place or lime where Ihe slary lakes place.

These are the persons in the slory. Some chorocters ore more
Charaders important. They ore coiled main characters. The other choracters are

the supporting characters. Supporting characters ace less important.

PIoI Theevents 11'10h1appen at the ~glnnln9. middle. and end of the Slaty

Now complete the boxes below based on the story.

Main characters: Ii'

Supporting characters:

Plot - What happened: in tbe beginningof Ihe story. 1.
in lhe middle of Iheslory.
or meend of the Slaty I-


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-II 111••••• 11

tfIfl Writing

__ let's read and write.

PrinceFarizis reading a message of sympathy sent by his friend, PrinceArif.

Dear Prince Fariz.----------> Solulolion
Nome of Ihe receiver

I was shocked and sorry to hea,} r-------,
about the loss of your father. I can
understand how you are feeling now. LI __ (_O_"_IO_nl__ ...J

However. you have to be strong and

do take care of yourself.

• A friend who lost his grandfather.
• A neighbour who lost his cousin.

Dear J: ,

lam /;.

I can I: .

Your 1-.


• n.... 11-

:ff:;;,.!. Grammar

~ let's learn and prac;tise.

The ministers were worried because their country had no king.
He did not want to meet anyone so he locked himself in the palace.
Because and $0 are conjunctions.

We use 'becouseto show reason. We use '50'10 explain a result of on action.

He cried becau ... he was sod. He WO$sod so tie cried.

Thethief stole the gold becoUle he The/hIe! was gr..edy so he Slole /he gold.

Theminister smiled because he Theminister was glad $0 he smiled .
wos glad .

Complete the sentences using because or so.
the prince refused to rneet anlJOne.
the princewould not

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-II 111••••• 11

s: Grammar

~ Let's learn end practise.

Complete the passage below using 'because' or 'so'.

Chief Minister Jamal was a very wise man. One day, as he was walking
along Ihe river bonk. he sow a sad looking former silting next to a fox. a
goose. and a bog of beans.

Chief Minister : Why are you so sad?

Farmer : I cannot go to the market I have not

been able to solve a problem.

Chief Minister: Tell me your problem. I can help you.

Farmer : I need money to buy food for my family

I brought a fox. a goose. and a bag

of beans with me to sell at the market.

However, I cannot toke all of them

across the river the boot can only carry

me and one of them.

Chief Minister : So how is that a problem?

Farmer : The fox will eat the goose when I ferry the

Wbag of beans across the river. I cent

leave them alone. I cannot leave the goose

and the bag of beans alone. the goose

will eat the beans. What shall [ do?

Chief Minister : That Is easy. let me show you how ...

Discuss what the farmer should do to get his animals and beans to the
market using 'because' and 'so'.

• n.... 11-

& Let'screate. Contemporary literature

Down, down, down. "Dinah
will miss me tonight," Alice
went on. (Dinah was her cot).
"I hope they'lI remember to
give her milk at teatime: Alice
was worried.

"Dinah. my deor! I wish
you were down here with me.
There are no mice in the air. but
you might catch a bat, and mot's
much like a mouse. you know. But
do cats eat batsT and here Alice
must have gone to sleep, for she
dreamed that she walked hand in
hand with Dinah.

And Just as she asked her, "Now,
Dinah. tell me the truth. Do you eat bats?"
All at once. Thump! Thump! Down she
came on a heap of sticks and dry leaves.
and the long fall was over.

(Adopted hom Alice's Adventufes in lNonderlond written by
LewisC(lron. refold by J. C. Gorhaml

Imagine you are Alice, write a message to Dinah.
In the message:

• tell Dinah that you miss her and wish that she Is
with you.

• tell Dinah that you hope she is given milk at

• ask Dinah whether cats eat bats, or the other way round.


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_I I 111 ••••• II

Our Solar System

~ let's listen and say.

look at the picture. Read the passage to your friend.

The Earth is a planet
in the Solar Syslem.
The olher planets
in our Solar System
are Mercury. Venus.
Mars. Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune.
All these planets travel
around the Sun. We
con see the Sun in Ihe
doytime. but 01nighl
we see Ihe Moon.
The Moon is a nalural
salell~e Ihal travels around Ihe Earth. Besides Ihe Moon. we can also see

,.1----many bright stars in the sky at night. .>r'
To find oul more OOOul!he SolorSyslem .v;Sil

Whot can you see in I can ~e Ihe Moon
thes~y 01night? in Ihe sky 01 night.

Be.sidesthe Eorth. whot Besides Ihe Earth.
other planets belong to MerC\lry alsobelongs
lhe SolarSyslem? 10Ihe Solar System.

• n•••

'i.I.o L1slenlngand Speaking

~- let's listen and talk.

Nurul and her friends are in the Planetarium gardens.

Give instructions to Nurul and her friends to get from:

• Venus Gorden to Saturn Gorden
• Solum Gorden to Earth Garden
• the Planetarium to Neptune Gorden


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Rewrite the poem in cursive writing.

1;1;3 • 1.1.1. 3J,Z(!!)

• n.... 11-


State True or False.

I. A rocket takes photos of things in space.
2. A satellile is used to forecast weather.
3. A space station is launched as one complete piece.
4. A space telescope is used 10launch a rocket into space.
5. Aslronaulslive on space stonons.


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-II 111••••• 11

~~' let's read and answer. Reading

Venus is the second planet from
the Sun. II is located between
Mercury and Earth. Venus and
Earth are almost the some size.
II is the closest planet to Earth.
However. it does not have seas
or living things.

The weather on Venus is very

different from ours. The thick
clouds over Venus keep the heat
in. The temperature during the day
is so hot that even metal can melt.
The surface of Venus is covered in
dried lava from old volcanoes. These volcanoes are not active anymore.

Venus is special because it spins slowly and in an opposite direction
from the other planets. The douds on Venus also reflect sunlight. That is
why Venus looks so bright from Earth.

Answer these questions.

I. Where is Venus located? Tofindcct rocreoboutVenus.logon 10Ihe
'2. How is Venus Similar to Earth? {meinel and '.iS1 hrtp:llsta'chlkJ.g&fc._noso.g(W
3. Whot covers the surface of Venus?

4. Why does Venus look so bright from Earth?
5. What is special about Venus compored to the other planets?


• n.... 11-

• Let's write. Writing

Match the phrases to make sentences. Write the sentences.

t I. Venus ~ .ta Earth is Venus.

r 2. The nearest planet ~ • slowly.

I 3. The temperature l • is the second planet from the Sun.

I4. Thick clouds ~ • cover the surface of Venus.

t 5. Venus spins • • during the day is so hot that metal can melt.

Read the message below.

Meetme at the

Planetarium entrance
at Ii p.m. See you!

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-II 111••••• 11

~jJ Writing
_~ let's write_

Rewrite the paragraph using cursive writing. Change the numbers to
word form.

Neptune is a large gas planet that looks like a blue-green ball. It has
2 thick and 2 thin rings around it. The planet has many moons. 4 of
the moons orbit the planet within the rings. t of Neptune's moons
is called Triton. It orbits the planet in an opposite direction to all the
other moons.

_let'S create,

Kim Seng prepares a PowerPoint presentation 1-
on planet Mars.
An orbit is a curled path

F,'Mars follO\vOO by an object
in space as il moves
• "is named after the Roman god of war.
oroond another object
such os 0 planet or sror.

• The planet is the fourth planet from the Sun.

• It is next to Earth.

• Mars is about half the size of Earth.

• The surface of Mars is rocky and cold.

• The soil on the planet is reddish-orange.

_-_~1Iil• It takes 687 Earth days to travel around the Sun.

• n.... 11-

A Let'sleamand practise, Grammar

Thethick douds above the surface of Venus keep the heat in.
Theclouds spin fast and produce thunderstorms all the surface below.
Earth is located between Venus and Mars.

The word above means 'higher than'.
Themoon is shining brightly above us.
Look at the beautiful rainbow above us.

The word below means tower than'.

When I am up in a hot air balloon, everything looks
tiny below.

The moonlight is reflected in the lake below 11.

The word between shows something is in the space
separating two objects, people or things.

Venus is located between Mercury and Earth.

Solum is located befweenJupiler and Uranus.

Complete the paragraph with above, below, and between.

Kinah liked the gardens in the Planetarium. First,she visited the Earth
Gorden and looked up at the coconuts hanging " her. She liked
all the tropical plants. The Earth Gorden was the Neptune Gorden
and the Mars Gorden. Next, she walked to the Neptune Gorden. There
was a big water lily pond there. She could see fish hiding the
water lily leaves.


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-II 111••••• 11

~ Grammar
~ let's write.

Talk about the picture.

Complete the sentences using above, below, and between.

I. There is a space shuttle model the solar system mobile.
isrlJ2. The solar system mobile
the globe.

3. A painting of the Moon is the bookshelf.

4. A book on Venus is({Ia book on Mars and a book on Uranus.

5. There is a carpet the table.

6. The Earthposter is Ie


• n.... 11-

D.~~ Contemporary literature
Let's recite.

Liifit,le Red Ridilllg Hood and the Wolf

Recite the poem.

Red Riding Hood stopped. She stored. and then she said,
'What great big eors you have, Grandma"
<All the better to hear you with".
The Wolf replied.

Wolf sat there watching her and smile.
He thought "I'm going to eat this child.
$0 no matter what she says.
I'm going to eat her anyway·.

IAdoPTOd ucm Tho ,X><m 'li1"o ROORiding Hood ond

Ihe Wcit ~ by Rook! Dahll

Which is your favourite character? Why?


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-II 111••••• 1I

Unity in Diversity

let's recite.

My beautiful country,
Full of people and natural
TOlove her is our duty.

Cultures and traditions.
We come as a nation.
To celebrate happily.
As one big, loving family.

There are cheongsamand samfoo,
Kebaya and baju Melayu,
And colourful saree, too.

Don't forget lemangond fandang,
Ibosot and murvkku,
Oranges and mooncokes.
Hinava and umai. too.

Beautiful and peaceful.
Harmonious and colourful.
Oh my beloved Malaysia.
We are proud to be Malaysians.

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