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Published by syafisya, 2020-11-16 08:34:04


• n.... 11-

~~ Listening and Speaking

~ let's listen ond tolk.

Nurul and her friends learn about celebrations in Malaysia.

Hello, boys and girls. I love our country, Malaysia.

We ore a multiraciol sOciety. The people ore nice
and "Iendly. iers gollo know Ihem,




<:'IVIJ :"'~I'wl _


-II 111••••• 1I

Unity in Diversity

let's recite.

My beautiful country,
Full of people and natural
TOlove her is our duty.

Cultures and traditions.
We come as a nation.
To celebrate happily.
As one big, loving family.

There are cheongsamand samfoo,
Kebaya and baju Melayu,
And colourful saree, too.

Don't forget lemangond fandang,
Ibosot and murvkku,
Oranges and mooncokes.
Hinava and umai. too.

Beautiful and peaceful.
Harmonious and colourful.
Oh my beloved Malaysia.
We are proud to be Malaysians.

• n.... 11-

~~ Listening and Speaking

~ let's listen ond tolk.

Nurul and her friends learn about celebrations in Malaysia.

Hello, boys and girls. I love our country, Malaysia.

We ore a multiraciol sOciety. The people ore nice
and "Iendly. iers gollo know Ihem,




<:'IVIJ :"'~I'wl _


_I I 111 ••••• I1

~.., USI.ning and Speaking

~. let's listen ond tolk.

Gawai festival isjust around the corner. Kinah's cousin. Jelini wants to
invite her friends to her house.

Hello, my dear friends. I am having an open house
for Gawai festival and I would love to invite you.
Here are the details:

Date :tJune
TIme: 2:30 p.m.
Place: 38. Jolon Budoyo. Q3300 Kuchlng

Hope to see you there.

To accept an invitation

Thonk you fot inviting or That's lovely. Thank you.
See you on lhal day.
s••me, Jelini. Yes, I will be

Ih.... you.

To decline on invitation or I'm sorry. Iwon'~be

I'm sorry I'll b. vlsl~ng obi. 10onend. My
my ouni on mot day. poreruswill be awoy,
Thank you for Invillng me


Your friend invites you to his or her place.
Accept or decline the invitation.


Malaysia isa mulliracial country. People living in this beautiful country are
the Malays. Chinese. and Indians. There are also the Ibons. Kadazans.
and Punjab is. They have their own unique traditional costumes, food,
and celebrations.

The people of Malaysia have their own traditional costumes. There
are the boju kurung and boju Me/oyu for the Malays. cheongsamand
somfoo for the Chinese. and saree and j/ppo for the Indians. Their
costumes are made from colourful fabric. They are mostly worn during
festivals. Sirotand ngepon Iban are traditional costumes for the lbons.

There are many celebrations in Malaysia. Hari Raya Aidilfitri is one
of the main celebrations. It is celebrated by the Muslims after a month
of fasting. Meanwhile. Chinese New Year is a celebration that lasts for
15 days. Besides that, the East Malaysians celebrate Gawai Festival and
Kaamatan Festival.

Malaysia is also rich in wonderful food. [emong. ketupat, and
rendong are served during Hari Raya while thosai. idli, and curry are
served during Deepovali. During Chinese New Year. the Chinese prepare
Mandarin oranges to symbolise wealth. People in Sabah and Sarawak
also have unique food like umol and hinova.These food are made from
sliced raw fish which is marinated In lemon juice.

Malaysia is a wonderful country not just because of Its natural
beauty but also its people. The people are friendly and united regardless
of their religions. beliefs. and lifestyles. We should live peacefully and
harmoniously with one another. We should be proud to be Malaysians.

Answer these questions.
I. Name the traditional costumes for the Malays. Chinese. and Indians.
2. When do the Muslims celebrate Hari Raya Aidillitri?
3. Who have unique food like umoi and hinovo?
4. Find words in the text that have similar meanings.

• special • clothes • together • cloth • good


<:'IVIJ :"'~I'wl _


_I...! 111••••• 11

~ let's read and write. Reading

III }':,f ..-.,~ I celebrate Deepovali Deepavall is also known
as the Feslivalof lights. My mother usually lights

!' ~f'lI all lamps outside the house They are I~to bring
I) us good luck Our trodtnoncl costumes are soree
ondJ/ppa. We go to the temple to pray and to
~ give thanks When my friends VISitme during the

• \m celebrallon. IselVe/llOSOI vodoi. and murukku
•... _ ....U. .=~~1
"\1 I om on Ibon who lives in a longhouse beside a
river in Sorowok. Our main festival is Gowoi Oayok.
[Iis celebrated every year on I June to mark
the end of the horvest season. Our traditional
costumes are called siral for the men and ngepan
Iban for the women. Our costumes are beautiful

and colourful. too. There is also a beauty contest

during Gowoi Festival. The winner is crowned as

Kumong Gowa;'

My family and [ celebrate Vaisokhi every
year in April. Men donee the bhongro and the
women dance the giddo to celebrate the event.
The traditional costume for the Punjabiwomen

is sotwor karneez which they wear with a
dupatto. The men usually wear kurlo. I love

eating Iroditionol Punjobi food like chapalli,
khir. and loddu. They are my favourite.

Complete the table.

Festivols Troditional Special foodl Other Information
Costume Drinks
Thelightsare In to bonggood luck.

nge(XJn Ibon

2.2.2(0) • 2.3_.I(b}

• n ••• 11-

-a~4 Writing
let's write.

Nurul is wriling a short paragraph about a festival celebrated in Malaysia.
Help Nurul to write. Use Ihe questions below to help you.

I. Who celebrates this festival?
~ celebrcrte this festival .

2. Whol is Ihe name of this festival?
IIis called:l;f.

3. Whcrt do they do during the festival?

They l.. .and during the festival.

4. Whal do Ihe peaple wear during Ihis festival?
The men wear[l and Ihe women wear

5. Whcrt food do they serve?

Ii!They servea/. ~. and during this festival.

6. What olher Ihings did you find out about the feslival?
I found out lhct ths people during Ihe festival.

The Malays celebrate this festival. It is called Hari Raya Aidillifri.
They ...


<:'IVIJ:"",'wl _


-II 111••••• 11

_~ _ Let's write. Writing

Mr. Ramesh is organising a cultural performance in Sekalah Kebangsaan
Sri Teratai.



28th August

SeJ<olahKebangsaan Sri Teratai is organising a cultural performance.
All pupils are inviled.

Dote 4 September
Time 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Venue School Hall

Pupils may wear their traditional costumes to the show.
There will be a traditional costume parade. musical recital, singing,
and dancing. 00 not miss this special event.

Mr. Ramesh

Write 0 notice about:
I. A school concert
2. A school trip
3. An English Language Society meeting


• n.... 11-

Ii. Let's learn and practise. Grammar

My mother and I stand next to eachather outsidethe house.

I live ill otonaious« be$lde 0 riverin $orowok.
I invitemy friendswho liveneor my house to eat.

The words in bold are prepositions. We use prepositions to show the
location of on object or person.

Whendo we use the

~~ preposition 'beside', lIfIII!!ll\
Mr. Rome-sh?
We use 'besideto show
someone or something
is by !he side of you.

Whol about 'next to? Does

it hove lhe so rne meo ,,,,

as 'beside'? ~ t:' ~
[1Yes. it doc s. You caneithe, usc 'next to' _ ",,I:'
~"~ ~:~'~~."
or 'beside' to describe \Nhen a person ~ '-i!"

~R;0or 0 thing Is next to eoch other,
'---'--------__./ "'.._", ,{. Kim Seng is standing

'\ next to Mr. Ramesh.

How about the

preposition 'neor' ? il·· - ~,~ , '.' ;IJ.>,~~."i

When do we use It?
We use 'necr' wilen

someoneor something'

~'1:....". -. - , : located a short
d_ist_an_c_"_o_v__'_ay-':..~.. l)y'Q~}
Kinah and Jagj~ ploy
'\7:! it,;;J near the river.

-;:.IV,J:""""'1 _

_, 1 111 ••••• 11

fJ. Grammar

_ Let's learn and practise.

Fill in the blanks with beside or near.

I. The presents are f1l the ball.

2. The coffee table is the boll.
3. The sofa is Ihe coffee table.
4. The sofa is ~ the standing lamp.
5. The coffee table is the presents.
6. The Christmas tree is the standing lamp.

Look at the pictures. Answer the questions

using the prepositions 'beside', 'next to'.

and 'near'. .

I. Where is Ihe plate of Ihosai?

2. Where is the cheongsam?

3. Where are the traditional dancers standing?

4. Where is the kelupan the blue roof 'M.,.~~'"
5. Where is the house with

6. Where is Ihe basket of oranges?

_I I "'''''.W-_'~I:C~1(1

• n.... 1'-

A. Let's do. Contemporaryliterature

Oliver and Rosediscovered who their parents are. Oliver also found out
Ihal Rose Is his aunl.

VMJopled 110m'<Sophie Did:ens
OIi'lE~Tr wist', retold by Hilory Surninghom)

Why were the following characters happy?
• Rose • Oliver • Mrs. Maylie • Harry Maylie


<:'IV1J:"""wl _


-II 111••••• 1I

The Insect

~ Let'stalk.

II was a sunny Saturday afternoon. The Insect Investigators were busy
investigating a nearby jungle when Nurul received a telephone call.

• n.... 11-

~~ Listening and Speaking
~ let's listen and talk.

The caller was Jelini's sister.

Hello. ore you the Insect Investigator?

Please. help me! There is a scary insect
in my house. It is ftying all over the place.
It has four wings and six legs. It Is block

~(~,-~o=sbntdoin~dYgy~?~. II=OIomo,=eavsk=i.etIsb=iIat=eh?bOu~IzsS=zOiitn=pbg=oisisgo=ou.nn=odruo.=sDu?=onI=eads.mi=lo_n_d_h_Oi_'YJ
very frightened' Whot shall I do?

i-~~:~_Ifr'~Which insect isthe caller describing?

_ '!!.1.6 dMlIte tD "A8!i~%;. _

.. ~~
..CDD tID .@i'Ui.!iUi G!i!M1"iiP

~o I',.",0',.",

Think of one of the insects above. Your friend will ask questions and

guess its name.


How many? Yes. it hos four wings.

Does n sting? No. it docs" 'I sting.

Is It 0 drogonfly? No. it isn't a drogonfly.

Is n 0 butterlly? Yes. irsa bune<ny.


<:'IVIJ :"'~I'wl _


-' 1 111 ••••• 1'

Ustening and Speaking

The bee is on insect. It has a head. a thorax. and on abdomen.
II has a pair of antennae. two compound eyes. !wo pairs of wings. and
three pairs of jointed legs. lis body is covered with fine hair.

Say these words:
• head • antennae
• thorax • compound eyes
• abdomen • JOinted legs

Describe the mosquito and the beelle
below. Use the description of the bee
above as your guide.

• n.... 1'-


Ants live in large groups called colonies. Each colony consists of three
types of ants. They are the queen, the workers, and the moles.

The queen and the males hove wings. while the workers do not.
Usually, a colony consists of only one queen ant. The queen is the only
ant that can loy eggs. The queen is also the largest ant in the colony.
The workers have different duties to perform in the colony. Some toke
core of eggs. Some toke care of newly hatched ants called larvae. Some
gather food and keep their home clean.

Ants use their antennae to find food and to find their way back
home. Ants are omnivorous. They eat both meat and plants.

Some worker ants are given the duty of soldier to protect the queen.
defend the colony. and even attack enemy colonies for food and
nesting space. These soldier ants are normally bigger than the rest of
the workers. They also have bigger and stronger mandibles.


on ont colony big mandibfes ~~ Soldier


Answer these questions.

I. How many types of ants are there in a colony?
2. Name three duties of worker ants.
3. What do ants use to find their way?
4. What does omnivorous mean?
5. Why do you think soldier ants are bigger than other ants?


<:'IVIJ :"'~I'wl _


-II 111••••• 1I
~~' let's read and write. Reading

'Nhenthe eggs hOlch:&
101'\'00 (orne out. The
bunerfty larvae ore also

kr'cwn as colelpillol's.

Caterpillars need to eat
o 10101leaves so they

"Vhen the butterflies ore When the caterPIllars hove
fully transformed.they grown to their full length
come cut from the pupae. and weight. thoy will 10m>
nleil' \vings ore sUitsoft into pupae. \fllElhinrho

and folded. so Ihe!,l need pupae. the caterpillars

to rest on leoves until1heir change into bvtterflies.
wings oro finn. Usually_

within ueee 10four hours.
the but1erl1:ieswill fly off to
look tor tood.

Say the words in bold. Each word has more than one meaning. They are
called homographs.

Word Meaning Exampte

type kind There ore many types of bullerflies.
fonn write with 0 computer keyboard The clerk types leiters every day.
Ice fonns when woier freezes.
become He is filling in the toms,
a poper to fill in details

strong and stable That choir is not firm.
firm My father works in a big finn.


Find more homographs from
Ihe Internet.
Wrife down Iheir meanings

and give examples.


• n.... 11-

• Let's read and write. Writing

Unscramble the letters 10form words Ihallabel the pictures. Use 0 dictionary.


Label the parts correctly.



<:'IVIJ :"'~I'wl _


-II 111••••• 1I

«let's read andwrite. Writing
Pupae turn into adult mosquitoes after a few days.

Pupae live near Adull fernole
mosquitoes lay
Ihe worer surface. _ eggs in wafer.
They do not eol.
VlJifhinone week.
After growing four lar.,lla Ihe eggs will hatch
times their original into lorvoe.
slza.Jorvce will
form into pupae.

torvoe eat tiny
pieces at food
floollng in weter.

Complete the paragraph below.
Adult female mosquitoes loy water. Within a week, the eggs

rJI.Larvae eat After growing four times their original size, the larvae

form . Pupae live . They do not . A pupa then turns into a

Write the life cycle of a dragonfly.

Adult - eggs - water

After two to five weeks - eggs -Jcrvoe

- eat small fishes - tadpoles - other
small water creatures

- do not form pupae

- a few years - adults


• n ••• 11-

~;1o ~.r.r"- '\ ~ Grammar
.' ...

_Let.s learnandprac;tise. ~

Soldier ants are normally bigger than the rest of /he workers. .~
The queen is the largest ont in the colony.
l'to compare two nouns. The word in red is a superlative adjective.
The word in blue is a comparative adjective. We use comparatives ./tI1:;.


A superfative adjective is used to compare three or more objects, ._"

people or places. _'
~-Comparatives are normally formed by adding '-er' to the adjective

and placing ·than· behind the adjective.

Superlatives are normally formed by adding '-est' to the adjective .~ ,,
and placing 'the' before the adjective. Forexampte: ~

Acijective Comparative Superiative ------.,

smell smaller than the srnollest

strong Istronger than the strongest
big bigger than Ihe biggest

thin thinner thon the thinnest

firm firmer than the firmed

lorge larger than fhe lorgest ~
scory ~scarier than fhe scoriest

Read aloud these sentences.

Kinah's moth is big. Kim Seng's moth is ....
bigger than Kinah·s.
Pravin's moth is

the biggest.


<:'IVIJ:I'IlI'!,I1 _


-II 111••••• 1I

$;I' learn,andpractise. Grammar


Adjectives that end in '-y' are replaced with 'i' before adding '-er' or ·-est'.


Adjective Comparative Superlative

tidy tidier Ihan Ihetidiest

pretty prettier than the preHies1

Some comparatives are formed by adding 'more' before the adjective
without changing the spelling of the adjectives. Their superlallves are
formed by adding 'most' before the aqjectives, Examples:

Adjective Comporatlve SUperlative
beautiful more beautiful than the moot beaut.ul
dangerous more dangerousthol) the moot dongerous

Some comparalives and superlatives are changed completely
from Iheir adjectives Examples'

Adject;ve Co~ratly. SUpertativ!_

bod worse men the worst
better men lhe best
I good

Complete the table below in your exercise book

Adjective Comparative SUperlative I
101 1. Ie I
colourful J; 1I1010nesl I
lor t;
the sunniest I
more colourful than
"- I
lortherthon 1-.

Complete the paragraph in your exercise book.

The next day was Isunny) than the day before. The Insect Investigators
went to thell' (for) part of the jungle to find linteresting) insects. Pravin
found the (colourful) beetle there. Nurul found a caterpillar (fat) than
the one she saw the day before.



I.t§iJ.)Let'ssing. -4.J{ 4l0ngU090Arts

~ iIi...." ~
- ..
. The ants are marching on parade. hurrah, hurrah!
The ants are marching on parade. hurrah, hurrah!

The ants are marching on parade: ~'.
and everyone stops to yell "Hurrah!" .k

And they all go marching down, around the town.~ -,'.'

The dragonflies are flying high. hurrah. hurrah! ~ )0 ~ --
The dragonflies are flying high. hurrah. hurrah!
The dragonflies are flying high: .'
and everyone stops to yell "Hurrah!"
And they all go flying high, around the town. ~

The grasshoppers are hopping for, hurrah, hurrah! tP , "
The grasshoppers are hopping for. hurrah, hurrah! '1----
The grasshoppers are hopping for;
and everyone stops to yell "Hurrah!" logon the J ntemes
And they all go hopping for, around the lawn.
ond S(l(JI'(h rO( the tunc
of TheAnts GoMorching
to isten 10 the song.


_I I 111 ••••• I1

~ Contemporary literature
• let's read and practise.

This time she found a small bottle on the stand l-which I am sure was not
here just now:' said Alice), and tied round the neck of the bottle was a tag
with the words 'DRINK ME' printed on it.

Itwas all right 10say 'DRINK ME', bul
Alice was too wise to do that in haste.
"No, I'll look first," she said, "and see if
irs marked 'poison' or not: for she hod
been taught if you drink much from
a bottle marked 'poison'. it is sure
to make you sick. This had no
such mark on it. so she dared
to taste it. She found that H

was in fact very nice. It hod
a taste of pie, ice cream,
roast fowl, and hot toast.
Soon she drank H all up.

""<4' "How strange I feel:
said Alice. I am sure I am
not so large as I was!"
And so it was: she was
not quite a foot high ...

(Adapted from A1lc&'sAdventures In Wonde,land wrttten by leVlis Corol!.
rei old by J. C. GOIhoml

Underline the correct words,

I. Alice was langry/suprised) to find a bottle on the stand.
2. She was [wise/silly) not to drink from the bottle immediately.
3. She checked the bottle [carefully/carelessly).
4. When there was no 'poison' labelled on the bottle, Alice drank from

it [bravely/shyIYI.
5. Alice fell [normal/strange) after drinking from the bailie.
6. Alice felt that she was (bigger/smaller) than before.
7. In fact. Alice was [less/morel than a foot high.


The caterpillar looked at Alice, and she stared at it, but it did not speak.
At last, it took the pipe from its mouth and said, "Who are you?' Alice

r r rsaid, "I'm not sure. sir. who I amjust now. know who was when left

home, but I think I have been changed Iwo or Ihree limes since then:

"What do you mean by thatT asked the caterpillar.

"I'm afraid I can'ttell you. for I myself don't know who
I am: I have changed so many nmes all in one day.
This makes me very confused:

"It doesn't: said the caterpillar.

"Well, maybe you haven't experienced it
yet: said Alice, "but when you have to
change ... you will someday, you know ..."

IAdopled from Alice's Adventures in wondMond
wrillen by Lewis Carall. retold by J. C. Gorhaml

Rewrite the first paragraph in the passage by changing the
following words:

caterpillar. looked. Alice. slared. speak. pipe. mouth. home. two
or three times

For example. your first sentence may look like this:
The grass/JOpper smiled at Jagjit. and she waved at ii, but il did not move.

Complete the paragraph below using the following words:

speak pipe questioned stared

understand explain confusion curious

J. tCaterpillar at Alice but he did not . He was t: about Alice.
He took the from his mouth and 1 Alice. Alice tried to h to the

Caterpillar but he still could not her

4:2.1 (0)

<:'IVIJ:I'Ill'!,I1 _


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