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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

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Published by wayne bryant, 2021-03-20 17:03:51

Training Your New Puppy - The Smart Way

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Keywords: dog training,puppy,dogs,training

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 1

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

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Wayne Bryant Media
2330 Butt Road
West Kelowna, BCCanada V4T 2L3

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 2

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Training Your New Puppy

“A Common Sense Guide That Works”

Bella – Flat Coated Retriever 9 weeks old. 3

Front cover picture: Wayne & Bella water training.
© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Wayne & Heather Bryant – The Common Sense Team

If you're serious about wanting a well mannered, well behaved puppy to be proud of
using an easy, common sense method and you want to take the frustration out of training with
a system that gets results, then this copy of "Training Your New Puppy: A Common Sense Guide
That Works” is here to help.

We will reveal Tips, Tricks and Techniques that we have discovered over the past 30
years of dog ownership - guaranteed to get Results. This is an uncomplicated, common sense
approach to achieve the results you want right now.

This common sense guide is easy to understand and will reveal to you how every new
Puppy owner, regardless of experience level can succeed - your puppy will thank you for it!!

To your puppy training success……….

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 4

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Table of Contents

Table of contents ........................................................................................... .......................... .....5
Appendix ...............................................................................................................6
About the Authors...........................................................................................................................8
A Letter from Pup.................................................................................................10
Mission Statement...............................................................................................11
Preparation - collars, leashes, bowls and more................................................................. 12
Crate Training………………………………………………………………………………………….……….21
Ladies and Gentlemen - Please remain calm.....................................................................24
Dollars and Sense ..................................................................................................................26
Finding a Vet – Your second best friend ........................................................................27
Puppies and Kids – Not a Play Toy……………………………………………………………………33
Spay/Neuturing................................................................................................... .35
Grooming – Puppy makeover - brushes, combs, scissors, shampoo, etc ………....38
Bath time ...........................................................................................................................................45
Training, you and you’re new Pup! .....................................................................48
Bonding – Unlimited Opportunities ....................................................................52

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Things That Go Bang In The Night…………………………………………………………………….54

Let’s Go For A Car Ride………………………………………………………………………………….…..55
Temperament.................................................................................................... ....59
In Summary............................................................................................................60


Dog Treats – Lovin the Liver! ...............................................................................62
Why do dogs not live as long as us? ………………………………………………..…….………..63
A Dogs Soul – Poem ………………………………………………………….……….…………………….64
Terms of use …………………………………………………………………………………….………………65
Thank you ………………………………………………………………………………………….……..……..66

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 6

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 7

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

About the Authors

Having lived with dogs all my life I have continually educated, researched and actively pursued
decoding the so called complicated relationship we share with our canine companions. The
journey along the way has been a discovery of the remarkable bond we share with our pets and
a life I could not imagine living without the patter of paws around the house.

My wife shares the same passion and has been a remarkable influence on both our dogs and
me. She has an uncanny, natural ability to get animals to cooperate with her in an effortless
manner. Some people just have “a way” with animals and she has it, which leads to no shortage
of calls for help from friends, family and strangers alike.

We have been involved with pretty much every faucet of the dog community from obedience,
agility, search and rescue, therapy work to hunting with my retriever. We have also lived in
every province over the years (ex-airforce, current airline pilot) which have given us the
opportunity to become “Dog Educated” from some very talented and clever people whom we
owe a huge gratitude – Thank you!

Some of the experiences were great, some not so great – which makes it all that much more
valuable. Now everywhere we go and everyone we run into all have the same comments for us
–“what wonderful dogs; they are so well behaved; what breed are they so I can have one like
him” and so on. We have lived with 5 dogs over the years and we have had the same results
with each one.

Well we have the secret that I am going to share with you right now.……."COMMON SENSE”.
Now I know that word can be interpreted any number of ways but that is why this website has
evolved. We will explore and share all of our experiences and thoughts – yours and ours. Now
just add patience, commitment and structure and “voila” – you will get the same results! The
magic to this is that there is no magic - start from day one when they are puppies and do it right
the first time before you create long term problems.

And everywhere we go there is no shortage of frustrated dog owners with plenty of questions
looking for advice, That’s why we decided to write this e-book. From past experiences, trial and
error and some great advice over the years we know the frustrations that can come along with
raising a new puppy. It doesn’t have to be that way.

This is a very simple, common sense approach that has worked wonders for us and we know it
will be a great resource for anyone embarking on new puppy ownership!

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 8

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

The Beautiful Canadian Rockies

Here we are with are 2 dogs: Stormy - Belgian Shepherd (pointy ears) and Bella – Flat-coated Retriever

“A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

(Josh Billings Henry Wheeler Shaw 1818-1885)

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 9

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

To my new owners – A letter from Pup

(Urgent - Please read before I arrive)

 I am new to this world, and the world of humans is not my natural place. This is a very
scary time so........ please be patient with me.

 I never do anything out of spite, anger or revenge, only humans do that. I truly want to
please you but I will become confused at times trying to sort out my new world so.......
please be patient with me.

 I also have my own language and if you watch and observe me I will show you, so
.......please be patient with me.

 I will need guidance, leadership and someone I can trust and depend on. In return I will
give you unflinching loyalty and unconditional love so......... please be patient with me.

 I will rely on you for all my needs – food, water, shelter, grooming, companionship,
mental stimulation and my health. If you can’t provide this ..........please be patient and
wait until you can!

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his
leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him
to be worthy of such devotion."

- Unknown

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 10

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!


 To create a simple, highly effective set of dog training tools that is easily understood
and applied.

 Bridging the confusion gap between the Human – Dog relationship.
 Removing the mystery of training a new puppy, saving unnecessary frustration for

new owners.
 A common sense guide to building a mutual relationship between people and pup,

one which you don’t need a dog psychology degree to figure it out!

 A book just as important for Pup!

“We have not to gain his confidence or his friendship: he is born our friend; while his eyes are
still closed, already he believes in us: even before his birth, he has given himself to man.”

(Maurice Maeterlinck-from “My Dog”)

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 11

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!


“I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it”. (Unknown)

Preparation is the key to any successful program. So let’s get started with the necessities for a
smooth start. Here is a list of some of the items you will need before pup arrives: leash, collar,
bowls, brushes, grooming kit, bed, crate, baby gate, toys, treats, food, etc.

Don’t panic, this might seem like a lot but we are going to break it down and we will go
through it together.

 Fence/containment: Keeping your pup safe in your yard, his kingdom, is one of the
most important responsibilities you must consider and should have sorted out before
pup arrives, not after! Our preference is a fence – not only does it keep pup contained
but it also keeps other dogs out. There are numerous options available, so make sure
you have something in place ahead of time.

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 12

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

 Collars: The best type of collar is a flat buckle nylon or leather collar. You don’t need to
get anything fancy because pup is going to outgrow a few collars before he is full grown.
Choke, chain, pinch or any other type of metal collar is not necessary and I don’t like
them or recommend them for puppies.

A friend of mine left his young pup home alone one day in his fenced back yard and
when he returned home later that day he found his pup hanging on the fence. He had a
choke chain on him and it hooked on the fence when he tried to jump over it. A tragic
and totally preventable accident!

Now don’t forget pup will be growing like weed so you have to keep an eye on how the
collar fits. You should be able to get a couple of fingers under the collar. Check this

You will also need to put some form of identification on the collar. If pup gets lost the
first thing most people notice is a tag. So you need to have one ready before pup

Most pet stores have a variety of tags to choose from or you can order them online. I
have all my information embroidered right on my retrievers nylon collar which works
well for hunting dogs.

Now here is what we do with our tags and I highly recommend it for you as well. Ensure
your name, not pups, is on the tag with a phone number and then in large letters write
“REWARD”. Here’s why this works.

Years ago one of our dogs lost his collar while he was swimming. We searched for it with
no luck, went and got a new collar and thought nothing more about it. A full year later
we get a call from someone who found the collar washed up on the beach and asked if
the reward was still available.

We joked that there was only a reward if the dog was attached to it! So you see it does
work. People are quicker to return your pup when they see there’s a reward to be had.
We don’t put pups name on the collar because we don’t want anyone getting attached
to him.

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 13

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

While on the subject of identification, another option is a microchip. Talk to your vet
about the benefits of getting one. We have had all our dogs micro chipped. It’s quick
and painless and gives you piece of mind.

Most vet clinics and animal shelters now have the ability to scan pets to get instant
information and hopefully a quick return to the owner in the unlikely event that pup
goes missing.

 Leashes: There are numerous types of leashes available and it really doesn’t matter
what you use.

We have found that a six foot leather leash is the most practical and easiest to use when
doing basic obedience or just going for a walk. Any longer and you tend to trip up over it
and any shorter you end up yanking your pup all over the place. The leather is also very
durable and will last a long time.

A note about leather leashes. Before pup has his adult teeth he will need to chew and all
pups love chewing leather leashes. It feels good on their teeth. So you can plan ahead
and anticipate this problem and prevent it.

What has worked for us is smearing the leash with a product like bitter apple or bitter
orange available at your local pet store. Pup gets a taste of it and normally it’s enough to
discourage any further chewing. Also works great on anything else in the house he
shouldn’t be chewing!

Now for the real stubborn pup that still refuses to stop chewing the leash you can buy a
chain leash which will definitely stop the problem. Don’t forget that a pup needs to
chew and he will eventually stop chewing the leash. By anticipating pups behaviour you
keep one step ahead of him.

Later on when we start teaching pup to come to us you will find that a 20 foot leash or
rope will come in handy. More on this later.

 Bowls: The best type of bowl to get is stainless steel. We have gone through many
bowls over the years and the two stainless steel bowls we have now are fifteen years
old and still look brand new. They might cost a little more initially but they will be the
only ones you will need to buy.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

You will need a bowl for food and one for water. We also have a few plastic buckets that
we keep outside for fresh water. Old ice-cream or beef buckets work great. Buckets with
lids are great to use in your vehicle for travelling. Always make sure pup has plenty of
fresh water available.
 Beds: You will need some sort of bed for pup to sleep on. The types of beds available
are endless. The best option is to get one that has an outer shell which can be removed
and washed. I guarantee it will need to be washed- more than once. Accidents happen
so once again if we are prepared it’s not a big deal.

Another bonus to getting your pup his own bed is once he figures out that this is his
little piece of comfort, whenever you travel anywhere all you have to do is put his bed
down and because it is something familiar that he recognizes he will settle down for the

 Crate: A crate is basically a potable kennel, the type you see at airports when shipping
your dog with an airline. There is quite a variety of crates available and the type you get
depends what your plans are.
The two most common crates are metal and a tough moulded plastic type. Any pet
store will have most of the types available and you used to be able to buy them at the
airlines if you were planning on flying with your dog.

The size of crate you buy depends on the size your dog is going to be when he is full
grown. It needs to be big enough for him to stand up in and turn around. Dogs like to be
in confined areas as long as they are comfortable so don’t make the mistake of buying
one too big.

I know what you’re thinking – do I need a crate? Well that depends. We have used
crates with all of our dogs, mainly when they were pups and aided in house training and
travelling. Our adult dogs only use them if we travel on an airplane.

Other people we know use them all the time – in the vehicle, the back of their pickup,
in the house, at dog shows. They can be an invaluable tool for you depending on your
lifestyle. Visiting a local dog show will give you an opportunity to see all the neat setups
people use.
We will discuss crate training in more detail later and you can decide then if you feel you
can benefit from one.

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 15

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

[ TIP: Check out your local newspaper or online classifieds for a used one. Or if you are a
yard saler you’ll probably find one in the corner of someone’s garage. We have seen lots
of used ones in great shape.]

 Ex-pen: Short for exercise pen. Now this is an item that I really like and has gotten a lot
of use over the years. It is basically a bunch of rigid wire panels hinged together that
come in a variety of heights and widths depending on the number of panels hinged
together. The panels fold together making it easy to carry.

It will be your best friend during house training when you can’t keep an eye on pup and
you want to confine him. We still use it today with our adult dogs when travelling and
even when we go camping. More on the use in the upcoming training chapters. ( Baby
gate- mention as well, great tool)

Exercise pen

 Toys: Puppies need to chew so you are going to need items around the house that he is
permitted to chomp on to help him thru his teething months. The variety of toys out
there is pretty much unlimited. Visit your local pet store and some different toys to keep
pup entertained.

Another advantage to having a bunch of toys available is when pup chews on something
he shouldn’t be, like the furniture or your good shoes, just walk over with a toy take
your shoe and replace it with something he’s allowed to chew – as easy as that! He will
soon learn what he can and cannot chew.

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 16

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Keep all these toys in an old laundry basket or toy box and see how quick pup learns
where his goodies are. It can be quite entertaining watching him drag all his favourite
toys out! Start naming them when he does and see how many he remembers. A great
way to get him using his brain while forming a stronger bond with him.

 Bones are another great energy buster for dogs. They can easily spend an hour sinking
their teeth into a good, juicy bone. We prefer to get bones from a butcher or the local
grocery store. Some of the bones in pet stores end up being full of preservatives or
smoked in some manner, not the same quality as real ones.

 Grooming supplies: We will cover this in more detail later but here are a few of the
necessities. Nail clippers, brushes, comb, puppy shampoo, clippers (depending on
breed), and odour remover. This is just a few items, depending on how much you plan
on doing yourself you might more. Some people bring their dogs to a groomer others
prefer to do it themselves.

 Clean up supplies: Pup is going to make a mess in the house occasionally so let’s be
prepared ahead of time so it’s no big drama. You will need rolls of paper towel and
some squirt bottles with disinfectant in them.

We use a mixture of water with about one quarter vinegar in it as a disinfectant. Your
pet store will also have various products to use.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Stainless steel bowl Leather leash

Nail Clippers Pin Brushes

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 18

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Here’s how we handled the occasional accident. I placed 3 or 4 bottles of disinfectant
and a roll of paper towel in different locations in the house. The idea is to have easy
access to it so it gets cleaned up quickly and calmly.

You don’t want to be scurrying around the house ranting and raving looking for
something to clean it up with. Pup will see you as some kind of mad giant if you do!

 Chewing deterrent: Pup will need to chew so you can’t deny him of it, however we
want to discourage items he’s not allowed to chew and encourage him to chew the right

One of the easiest ways to discourage him is by smearing a product like bitter apple or
bitter orange on anything we want him to avoid - electrical cords, the furniture, etc.
Once again you can find numerous products at your local pet store.

Now here is what you need to do before pup arrives. Go around your house and get
down at pup’s level. That’s right, crawl around on your hands and knees so you can see
what pup will be looking at. It’s surprising what you will find down there that will
interest pup.

So by letting pup discourage himself he is also training himself what is off limits. This is
what we are aiming for – nice and simple. We will be doing this whenever possible
throughout this book. Dog trains self =happy owners!

 Treats: Now I can hear some of you saying “why do I need treats. My dog must obey
me; I shouldn’t have to bribe him... blah, blah, blah!” What we are aiming to do hear is
to keep things simple and uncomplicated and easy. Using treats will accomplish this–
they can’t resist!

Later on when pup matures and when everything you have taught him is engrained
deep in their brain, the treats won’t be required. So trust me on this one.

**I have included a treat recipe made of liver that I have never seen a dog resist – guaranteed!
If your pup doesn’t like them he will be the first!

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 19

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Now you will also want to get some sort of bag or fanny pack filled with treats, toys, etc. to
wear or put in your pocket so you always have a reward to give pup when he is responding to
your commands or if you catch him training himself.

Whenever we have a new pup in the house, the first thing I do when I get up in the morning is
put on my treat pouch and put a whistle around my neck (retriever training tool), then go get
my coffee. It’s just habit and I am always armed with a reward when pup deserves one. More
on this later.

You will be amazed at the number of times that pup will actually train himself if you pay
attention. So you want to be ready to enforce it with a treat. Pup train himself! What? It’s true
as you’ll find out shortly.

Well that pretty much covers the basic items that you will need to get started. As we move on
you will be introduced to more tools that will help you and pup get off to a great start, so let’s
get on with it!

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 20

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Crate Training – Pups Safe Place!

Crate training is probably the most uncomplicated thing that people complicate! So here’s the
common sense approach to training pup to appreciate his crate.

First of all, never use the crate as a form of punishment or “doggy jail” for your new pup. This is
going to be his favorite place to hang out and her special hide away so treat it as such.

Our method that has worked like a charm with every dog we have owned. First thing we did
was take off the door, don’t want pup to get the impression he is being locked in with no
escape so let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.

Then we put in a blanket or dog bed or whatever you want to use to make it cozy. Now we start
introducing him to the crate. Best way is to put some treats in there and let him explore and
check it out on his own time…….let me repeat that – on his own time!

Put something tempting enough in there and he will go in. When pup finally goes in just ignore
him. Remember, never make a big deal out of anything or pup will wonder what all the fuss is

Then randomly throw some more treats in there to keep him interested in the crate. Whenever
you go out for a walk or outside the house sneak in some more treats without pup seeing so
when you come back in he will find them on his own and start to realize this is a pretty cool

Now whenever pup goes in the crate to explore just say a word like “crate” or whatever you
want to use every time he goes in. Let pup go in on his own, say crate and voila, pup is training
himself to go to his kennel!

Another perfect opportunity to use the crate is at meal time. Every time you feed pup put the
food in the crate and let him go inside to eat.

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 21

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Now if pup is a little nervous about going in that’s ok. Place the food or treats just outside the
entrance to the door and keep edging them closer til pup is going in. It won’t take long, just be
patient and calm and you will have no problem.

Remember, never put pup in the crate as punishment. You can destroy all your hard work with
one random act of stupidity……..on your part not pups. If things seem a little overwhelming at
times remember to take a deep breath and put on your (calm) game face. If you have to leave
to vent by all means do it and return to deal with pup when you are calm.

Now let’s talk about where to put the crate. Remember they are social animals and want to be
with their pack which is you and your family. So put the crate next to your favorite chair in the
living room, family room or where you hang out.

Now I know the next question is going to be where do I put the crate at night time? Put it in
your bedroom on the floor next to you.

Remember, e want this to be easy and painless. Now some people are against having the dog
sleep in there room or in the kitchen or whatever your preconceived ideas of where pup should

Remember pup is part of the family so treat him as such. If you really don’t want him in your
bedroom or kitchen or any other place in the house then think about getting a goldfish –
problem solved and no more issues!

But if you are reading this I’m sure you got pup to be included with the family, just something
you need to think about beforehand.

Now pup should be comfortable with his crate and you can start using your command to get
him to go into the crate. Make this fun and exciting and part of your daily training and before
you know it pup will be hanging out there all the time on his own.

On another note, remember the crate is pups safe place and his own palace so you have to
respect this as well. I have seen, to my horror kids going over to a crate while a dog is sleeping
in there and trying to pull the pup out!!!

Don’t ever let this happen and remember it is up to you to look out for pups well-being and
keep an eye on things. Remember kids as well as adults need to respect pups space.

It won’t be long and you will start getting that sixth sense about pup and what’s going on
around your environment.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

To this day, whenever I get out of bed at night to go to the bathroom or whatever, I always step
softly and kinda shuffle just in case a dog is under foot. Even when I am on the road for
business without our dogs I still do the same thing even in my hotel room! I guess I’m pretty
well trained as well.

Another common question is how long can I leave my dog in the crate if I am going to work or
out for the night?

First of all, I’m not a fan of leaving my dog in a crate for any length of time while I’m out of the
house. I know we all have different circumstances and you have to do what works best for you
so here is my take on it.

A few hours at a time is alright but just remember it’s probably more important what you do
before you put pup in there for any length of time.

Remember that “a tired pup is a happy pup”!! So ensure he is watered and fed and then bring
him out for a good walk or run to ensure he has done his business and has had a chance to get
rid of his energy. That doesn’t mean a walk around the block!! Get him out somewhere where
they can run off leash and really burn off some steam. You need to have this figured out ahead
of time as part of your planning stages so it all comes together for you when pup arrives –
remember we want to keep this easy.

When pups are young they will need to go out to use the bathroom more often so use your
common sense on the length of time you leave them in the crate.

Once they get older and are reliably house trained you will be able to leave them to the run of
the house without any worries.

Just remember the biggest reason we see problems with dogs being left alone at home id the
lack of exercise and mental stimulation. The more effort you put into pups arrival and initial
training will make a world of difference in the long run… things right the first time instead of
trying to solve a preventable problem!

Once the pup is crate trained you now have your portable pup hotel…..use it in the car, visiting
family or whatever other circumstances that may come up when you need a secure, safe place
for pup.

Enough of the lecture, just some things you need to think about before pup arrives.

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“Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Remain Calm”

“The average dog has one request to All humankind - Love me” (Helen Exley)

We need to talk about temperament before we get going – not pups’ but yours! Your patience
is going to be tested, at times you will feel that pup just isn’t learning anything and after a hard
day at work you might become even more frustrated when you arrive home and step in a
puddle of pee compliments of pup.

The most important thing you need to remember and engrave deep in the back of your mind is
to always remain calm when dealing with pup! If you feel like you just can’t handle it at the
time that’s fine. Turn around and go outside or do something else until you are ready to deal
with pup.

The quickest way for you to destroy your relationship with pup is one random act of anger or
having a fit at pup or worse yet hitting him. Remember, we are supposed to be the smarter
(sometimes debatable!) so always think with your head not your hands. Pup can read you like a
book so if you at least put on a good show you will be believable and the progress you make
will be impressive, I guarantee it!

The minute you get upset or excited guess what happens to pup? He picks up on that energy
and he will start to get excited. We have all been in a situation around other people who are
upset or angry and you can just feel the negative vibes coming off them. It’s very

Dogs are masters at picking up on our energy and are much attuned to their environment so
you won’t fool them. If this is your first pup you will be amazed how pup reacts to you or a
family member who comes home after having a real bad day. We have all been there, that
bummed out feeling.

Watch what your dog does. He will come over to you and nuzzle his nose under your arm and
stare at you as if to say everything will be all right. It is quite remarkable actually when you
experience it.

So remember when you are dealing with pup make sure you have your game face on and
remain calm. Now that doesn’t mean you can’t be firm, you still have to be the leader and
enforce discipline when required.

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Just watch a mother dog with her pups. Now that’s calm and assertive with minimal effort.
Think like mama dog and pup will thank you for it.
Here’s another interesting observation. If you look at families who own a dog take a close look
at how the family unit acts and behaves. Are they calm and relaxed or hyper and live in
controlled chaos? Now observe their dog - I bet he behaves like the rest of the family!
**TIP: You know something else interesting, try being calm around your family, friends or at
work as well and see what happens. I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

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$ Dollars and Sense $

Buy a pup and your money will buy love unflinching. (Rudyard Kipling)

Cost – let’s clear this up right now. Now I know what you are thinking, this is going to cost me a
few dollars isn’t it?
Well, yes it is! The exact price tag when it’s all said and done, I don’t know and frankly I don’t
care. I know we all have a budget and bills to pay so cost is definitely a factor. However this is a
commitment not to be taken lightly and depending on the breed can be 10 to 15 years or more.
The dollar amount can be substantial – purchase price, food, vet bills, spaying or neutering,
supplies, care for your aging dog and so on.
If you don’t have the resources, time or money to commit to your new puppy then don’t get
one! You are not ready so wait until you are ready for the commitment.
“Hold on a minute” you say, “but I can do whatever I want and you can’t tell me otherwise....”
You’re absolutely right, I can’t. However this is just a reality check for you and if you are reading
this book it’s already a good sign that you are committed to giving pup the home he deserves!

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Finding a Vet – Your second best friend

No one can be condemned for owning a dog. As long as he has a dog, he has a friend. (Will Rogers)

Your veterinarian and pup’s breeder will be an invaluable asset and the most important people
for you and your pup. Finding a vet is a relatively simple process but finding a good one isn’t
quite as simple.

Finding a vet that you trust and are comfortable with is going to take a little work and research
on your part but believe me it’s worth the effort!

The best system that has worked for over the years is word of mouth. Now you might be saying
I am new to the area or I don’t know any dog people. Well the resources are out there.

Visit dog shows, talk to your breeder, friends, family, neighbours, other people with dogs you
meet on a walk. Everyone you meet is a resource so ask. Chances are they were in a similar
situation and I guarantee you people aren’t shy when it comes to talking about their dogs!

Go visit the local vets and ask questions. This is a relationship you will build on as long as you
have a dog so you need to find someone you are comfortable with. Trust your instincts and that
gut feeling – you’ll know when you have found a good vet. If you don’t like them for whatever
reason, go somewhere else.

Here’s an example of a great vet. Last Christmas we took our dogs for a walk on the beach and
while one of our dogs was chasing a stick he managed to jam it down his throat and puncture a
pretty big hole in it.

So home we go and call our vet who answered the phone – not voice mail or an answering
service- talked us through what to look for and what to do. She said to call back later to see
how he was doing and if required she would go to her clinic and wait for us.

Luckily everything turned out fine but it made for distracting Xmas dinner!

Now you have to realize that vets are real people too, they take holidays and have a life outside
the office. But because we have established a relationship with her and she knows us and our
dogs very well it made the whole process a whole lot less stressful.

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Veterinary medicine has come a long over the years as well, so finding one up to date on the
latest treatments and protocols is more important than ever. Our vet, as well as performing
traditional treatments is also a holistic practiser.

There is a lot of controversy about vaccinations, dog foods, spaying and neutering to name a
few so you want to find a vet up on the latest options available to you and pup.

Under the guidance of our vet as well as doing our own research we are feeding our dogs a raw
diet, do minimal vaccinations and treat any problems holistically when able.

Our dogs are 3 and 5 years old now and are a picture of health. The healthiest of all the dogs
we have owned. One of the reasons is because of the guidance of a great vet.

So you can see the importance of finding someone that you can trust and rely on and you want
to find one before pup arrives. This shouldn’t be a panic situation after pup arrives so start your
search now. Pup will thank you for it.

Check out this link for some great advice and info: 28

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Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!
Training your new puppy

Socializing – not you, your new pup!

"The more people I meet the more I like my dog."
- Unknown

The best thing you can do for your new puppy is to socialize, socialize, socialize!

These early days you have with pup are the easiest time to mold him and introduce him to the
world. His brain is like a sponge and the more positive experiences he is exposed to the better.

You don’t get these early days back and I guarantee the more effort you put into it now the
more impressive the results later on.

So what exactly do we mean when we say socialize? Simply exposing pup to as many new
experiences as you can possibly think of. Anything and everything as long as it is a positive
experience. We don’t want to scare pup in these early stages so make sure you pay attention to
his surroundings.

If you are out walking and you see strange dogs approaching then make sure they are friendly.
You are the leader here so pup is depending on you to protect him. If you run into other people
with dogs you must always keep your eye on pup and what’s going on.

Remember this is socializing for pup, not you. I am amazed at the number of people out
walking with their dogs who are totally oblivious to what their dog is doing! Don’t be one of
these people.

Watch how the dogs interact, observe their body language. You’ll be amazed at what will learn
once you figure out their language.

Here’s what we do when out walking our new pup. First make sure pup has all his vaccinations
up to date and your vet says it is alright to take him out in the world. Until pup has his full
immunity you have to be careful what he is exposed to.

Now when we go out for a walk the first thing we put in our pocket is treats and you will also
need some bags to pick up after pup if required. There are still a lot of people who don’t pick up
after their dogs and this gives all us dog owners a bad name.

Anti-dog people don’t need any more excuses to take away our rights. Public access with our
dogs is becoming more and more restricted all the time so please pick up after your dog.

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of people who don’t pick up after their dogs and this gives all us dog owners a bad name.

Anti-dog people don’t need any more excuses to take away our rights. Public access with our
dogs is becoming more and more restricted all the time so please pick up after your dog.

Keep pup on a leash if in a public area or near any streets or any other areas of safety concern.
We will talk about walking on a leash later, for now let’s go over meeting other people and

We also carry a walking stick with us which easily becomes an extension of your hand if an
unfriendly dog comes near you. When people approach with their dogs we always ask if the dog
is friendly.

Now even if they say yes this really doesn’t mean anything. I have been told many times by
people that their dog is friendly and no sooner are the words out of their mouth and the dog is
growling at pup! This is immediately followed by the owners saying “I don’t know what’s wrong
with him today, he has never done that before.” So don’t trust anyone. Pup is depending on
you for his safety!

Now what you do is walk on by and remember that dog for future walks so you can avoid him.
If people think your anti social who cares. At least your pup won’t get beat up or bullied.

Here’s where you’re walking stick also comes in handy. If a strange dog comes over with his
hackles up and you feel uncomfortable then step towards him and push him away with the
stick. Most dogs are intimidated by this and will back off when you assert authority over them.

On one of our daily walks just a couple of weeks ago we ran into a similar situation. Our dogs
are not puppies anymore but we still carry our treats and walking stick every time we are

We were on the beach with our dogs when a couple of dogs came out of nowhere and ran over
towards us. All the dogs were off leash including ours. But just because your dog is off leash
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have control over them. It is more important when they are off
leash to ensure they are under control and listen to you when you call them.

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Well these strange dogs were not under control and the owner was nowhere to be seen. Our
dogs were by our side behaving themselves. One of the strange dogs came bolting over to our
dogs being what we call rude with no dog manners.

Well behaved and socialized dogs know how to greet each other, it’s a survival instinct passed
down from their ancestors, the wolf. Kind of like when people meet each other for the first
time. You don’t go up to someone and stick your face in theirs and shout at them. It just isn’t
good manners.

Well it’s the same with dogs. Watch dogs when they meet for the first time and you will see
the ritual they go through. It’s the same every time.

Anyway back to our encounter with the rude dog. He came bolting over to our dog and growled
and jumped at him. Well that’s about as far as it got before my wife leapt in like a ninja and
cracked the dog over the nose with the stick. End of encounter!

Shortly after a man appeared out of the woods saying that it’s ok, leave them alone and the
dogs will sort it out themselves. Unbelievable! Well it got sorted out alright-by us! Don’t trust
anyone and always be prepared and watch what is going on.

When pup is young try to avoid picking him up all the time if you are worried about strange
dogs or situations. He will become more confident if you avoid babying him too much. Now use
your common sense here and if something really looks bad or about to turn ugly then by all
means pick him up. That’s your call.

I don’t want to paint a gloomy picture because the majority of the time your walks and
socializing will be a pleasant experience, just be prepared so if something does happen you
won’t be caught off guard.

Another great opportunity for socializing is to find a puppy class that is being offered. Check
with the local dog clubs, pet stores, your vet to find out where classes are available and sign up!

The great thing about a puppy class is the puppies are all of similar age and it is a controlled
environment for everyone to interact.

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Puppies and Kids – not a Play Toy

“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet”. (Colette)

Kids and puppies are a match made in heaven. Nothing like the joy and the smiles they bring to
each other. This is a great opportunity for kids and it teaches them – and us adults – a lot about

This is a new experience for kids and maybe the adults if this is your first puppy so must
remember that kids need to be supervised and closely watched when playing with pup. I have
seen things go bad in an instant and if you are not watching pup or your child could get hurt.

Remember, pup is depending on you to take care of him and his safety should be number 1

Back to common sense and the whole experience will be a pleasure for everyone with a little bit
of for thought. Even though we do not have kids, our dogs have been around kids from the day
we brought them home.

Teach the kids to be gentle and when pup goes to sleep, leave him alone! Pups little body is
growing at a phenomenal rate and she needs her rest. Same thing when pup is eating, leave
him alone!

Keep an eye on pup as well. Those little puppy teeth are sharp and in the excitement might get
a little rough so make sure things don’t get out of control. And always have lots of toys for pup
to chew on so he’s not gnawing on your arm or your good shoes! And remember to correct and
guide pup CALMLY.......will probably work well with the kids too!

This is why it is a great idea to deal with a reputable breeder. There should be no surprises
when you bring your pup home and you also get a chance to see what pup will be like as an

When we got our Belgian, we brought our nieces and nephews with us to go visit the puppies
and the parents to ensure they had good temperaments. Then as part of the socializing process
we also made sure they had contact with kids every chance we had. The more socializing and
positive experiences pup has at a young age the more adaptable and well mannered they will
be as an adult dog.

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Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Spay/Neutering - Just The Facts M’am!

To a man the greatest blessing is individual liberty; to a dog is the last word in despair.
(William Lyon Phelps)

How to produce 80 million cats

A cat can have babies as early as 4 1/2 months of age. She can have kittens every 3 months. The
average size of a litter is 6.

Assuming a cat has only 2 litters a year and only 2.8 kittens survive from each litter (keep in
mind that a cat will usually produce more than this and more kittens are likely to survive from
each litter), it is easy to produce well over 80 MILLION cats in 10 years:

-First year: 12
-Second year: 66
-Third year: 382
-Fourth year: 2,201
-Fifth year: 12,680
-Sixth year: 73,041
-Seventh year: 420,715
-Eighth year: 2,423,316
-Ninth year: 13,968,290
-10th year: 80,399,780

Unspayed female dog

A female dog and her female offspring can produce 192 puppies in only five years! (assuming
two females per litter and two litters per year). And this doesn't include all of the offspring
produced by her male puppies!

“When an unloved creature suffers and dies Heaven Rages and Angels cry.”—Nan Sea Love.

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Animal shelter facts

“Unseen they suffer, unheard they cry, in agony they linger, in loneliness they die.”—Anonymous

 9.6 million animals are euthanized in the United States every year!
 60% of dogs and 70% of the cats entering shelters are euthanized because there are not

enough homes!
 Less than 2% of cats and 15% of dogs are reunited with their owner after a shelter has

taken them in.
 25% of dogs in animal shelters are pure bred.
 Only 10% of animals received by animal shelters are already spayed/neutered.
 Approximately 8-12 million animals enter animal shelters every year. And this does not

take into count the ones entering humane societies and the SPCA.
 It is estimated that in the US alone there are approximately 70 million stray cats!
 Stray animals do not live as long as those who have a home. This includes animals that

were once strays and have later been adopted into homes.
 Most animals find homes via family members. 15-20% of dogs are purchased from

breeders. 10-20% of dogs/cats are adopted from animal shelters. 2-10% are purchased
from pet shops.
 20% of people who adopt their dogs from animal shelters later bring them back to a
 The cost of spaying/neutering a pet is less than feeding one litter for a year!

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Top 10 reasons pet owners give for relinquishing their dogs are:

1) Moving
2) Landlord problems

3) Cost of pet maintenance

4) No time for a pet

5) Inadequate facilities

6) Too many pets in home

7) Pet illness

8) Personal problems

9) Biting

10) No homes for littermates

This is a topic of much debate and confusion. Let’s make it easy, if you are not a full time
breeder then get your pup fixed! The number of unwanted animals that end up at the animal
shelter is staggering. The number of animals put to death each year because of irresponsible
owners is disturbing! Don’t be part of the problem, be part of the solution – have your pet
spayed or neutered!!

“Personally, I would not give a fig for any man’s religion whose horse, cat and dog do not feel its
benefits. Life in any form is our perpetual responsibility.” (S. Parkes Cadman)

Personally, I would not give a

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Grooming – Puppy Makeover

“The uglier the dog, the more he or she is loved.” (Martyn Lewis)

We have already covered some of the tools required in the preparation chapter, now let’s get
into the details. Once you have decided on the breed of dog you are going to get then
researching the type of coat and grooming needs as well as talking to the breeder will give a
better idea of specific items you will need.

Here is a list of a few that we have used and the way we have used them to get the best results.

 Brushes: Initially you will want to start with a very soft type of brush so it’s gentle on
pup. The idea is to get him used to being brushed and handled and his puppy coat won’t
need any major grooming yet.

Once pup gets older and starts to get his adult coat – around 6 months old – then you
will need to use something different. Our two dogs have totally different coats. Our
Belgian Shepherd has a long, dense coat so we use a slicker brush and a rake with him.

(Rake) (Slicker)

Initially we brush him with the slicker to make sure there are no knots or tangles in his

coat then use the rake. Experiment with different ways of brushing to find which works

best – with the lay of the coat, against it, try parting it as you go as well.

Another trick is to use a leave in spray conditioner. It removes tangles and decreases
static electricity making the brushing experience more comfortable for pup. Trying to
brush a tangled coat can be painful and pup will fuss and run every time he sees the
brush come out.

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The rake really gets down into the coat and gets rid of the old, dense undercoat. During
shedding season you will be amazed at how much fur will come out. You can easily fill a
plastic grocery bag at times!

Now to finish off use your slicker to get all the loose stuff out. We brush our dogs almost
every day and it is well worth it. Less hair in your house and it keeps their coat healthy.
All it takes is a couple of minutes, that’s it!

A good thorough brushing allows you to check for ticks, burs any skin problems before
they get out of hand.

Our Flat-coated Retriever has a totally different coat. She has a long, finer coat and we
get the best results using a comb with her.

Her coat is very easy to get thru with just the comb and it removes any undercoat or
loose hair easily. I will use the rake sometimes as well but very lightly compared to our
other dog.

The breeder can recommend the type of brush to use. They have been dealing with
their specific breed for years and are a wealth of knowledge so take their advice. If your
pup didn’t come from a breeder you can get advice from your vet or a groomer.

 Ears: A bag of cotton balls and a warm bowl of water with a couple drops of vinegar in
it is all you need to keep pups ears clean and fresh. Pet stores also sell ear cleaners but
be wary of these because some tend to be to strong and might irritate their ears.

We also have a solution from our vet that we occasionally use, mainly if our dogs have
been doing a lot of swimming.

To clean the ear soak a cotton ball then ring it out. Now try to get the cotton ball in the
ear as far as you can and twist it around as you do. Now we are not digging for gold here
so go easy and be gentle with pup.

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Now give the ear a good rub with your hand to help loosen up anything that might deep
down. Afterwards use a dry cotton ball to wipe off any excess water.

How often should you clean pups ears? The short answer is when you think it’s time –
after swimming, bath time or maybe he is scratching his ears a lot. Have a look in his
ears to see if there is anything obvious there.

Another way to check is to smell his ears. You will notice a “doggy” smell to them. It’s
hard to describe but it will be obvious to you at the time.

When in doubt give them a cleaning and if pup continues to scratch at them and seems
uncomfortable go to your vet. Never ignore a problem hoping it will go away because it
won’t. Take care of it right away before it turns into a bigger problem.

Here’s a bit of advice that will make life a whole lot easier for you and pup throughout
his life. The more you handle pup from a young age the better. Pick at his ears, nails,
feet and generally handle him frequently.

A day might come when a serious problem or accident will occur and you are going to
need to handle him and you don’t want him fussing or resisting! And bringing your dog
to the vet when he used to being handled is a much more pleasurable, stress free
experience. Your vet will thank you for it.

Now remember our topic on treats, well here is a perfect opportunity to use them. As
your brushing, ear cleaning or generally handling pup slip him a treat every now and
then, and then again when you are all done.

You have now turned the whole experience into a pleasurable one for pup. And guess
how he will react the next time? He will come rushing over waiting for his brushing!
Ours do and we can do anything with them and they don’t fuss a bit.

Now a note on young puppies. You will notice that pup will seem to only have a 30
second attention span and will run around like a crazy fur ball at times. Well this is
normal so when they do just sit back and enjoy it because before you know it they will
be all grown up.

So the secret here is anytime you need to do something with pup get him good and
tired out and then he will be much easier to handle!

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 Scissors: There will come a time when you will need to cut a burr, a knot out of fur,
some form of debris or mess out of pup’s coat. It’s not a matter if you will but when -
the time will come.

A regular pair of scissors will do the trick but we have found that a good set of thinning
shears work great. Much easier to use and less chance of cutting pup by mistake.

Depending on the breed of dog you have you might need thinning shears to keep their
coat in good shape. We use them on our retriever around her ears as well as her legs. It
keeps the coat thinned out and much easier to maintain.

Check out the specific grooming requirements from your breeder or a groomer. You can
do the trimming yourself or get a groomer to do it if required.

Thinning Shears

[ TIP: When it comes to buying thinning shears or any type of grooming scissor, you get
what you pay for. We initially bought a cheap pair thinking they were all the same. Well
they’re not!

So we called the breeder, which we should have done in the first place and she
recommended a good brand to buy and where to get them. They were worth every cent
we paid.]

 Nail clippers: Now this is something you can do yourself or have your groomer or vet do
it for you. We always encourage people to do it themselves. The way we look at it is hey,
it’s my dog and he trusts me more than a stranger.

But if you are not comfortable doing it, and some people aren’t, then don’t.

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Now if you decide to do it yourself get someone to show how to do it. Once you see it
done the first time it’s no big deal.
The best thing to use on a young puppy is just a regular pair of human nail clippers.
Pup’s nails are pretty tiny at first and easy to cut. As he gets older and his nails get
harder you will need to get a real pair of dog nail clippers.

The following picture shows the dogs nail and what to look for when cutting them. You want to
cut just above the quick. Just take a tiny snip on each one until you get comfortable doing it.
After a few times it will become quite easy to do.

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**TIP: Something you will want to have handy is a product like quick stop or something similar,
available at the pet store. It’s the same thing your father used to put on his face after he nicked
himself shaving to stop the bleeding.

Now don’t panic thinking you are going to cut pup’s foot off! Of all the dogs we have owned
over the years and all the nails we have cut, the number of times we actually nicked a cuticle is
maybe twice. But when you do nick it the amount of bleeding is quite remarkable. Trying to
stop it without quickstop or a similar product will take what seems like forever.

There are a few tricks we have learned over the years that make nail clipping easier. Every dog
is different so experiment and find what works best for your dog.

Our first dog would lie down on her dog bed and we would roll her on her side and cut away, no
problem. In between nails she would get a couple of treats. She would lay there like a statue
and not move an inch.

One of our male dogs didn’t like that approach so we would clip them as he stood up. Just like
watching someone shoe a horse. My wife would stand over him backwards, bend his leg up and
clip all his nails this way, no problem. It was entertaining to watch but it worked like a charm!

The male dog we have now will lay on the floor on his side and we put treats beside his nose
only inches away. He lays there staring at the treats and doesn’t budge.

After a couple of nails are trimmed we just slide a couple of treats towards his nose, he gobbles
them up, then returns to staring intently at the rest of the treats. Even when we are done he
still lies there waiting for more treats. It’s quite comical to watch.

The point is to find what works for your dog. Experiment with different ideas and tricks and
have fun with it. Remember we are supposed to be the smart ones so anytime you are training
or teaching pup something new pay attention to what he really reacts to and what works or
doesn’t work.

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Bath Time

A common question is how often I should give my dog a bath. Well you should give him one
when he needs it! Depending on the type of coat your dog has and the environment he lives in
as well as the activities you do with him will determine his bathing requirements.

Our two dogs have totally different coats and we do different activities with them.
My retriever has a very fine, long coat and she is my duck hunting pal so she obviously spends a
lot of time in the water. Some days she is in muddy, boggy water – bath time - other days the
water is nice and clean so a bath isn’t required.

In general she gets a bath about once a month regardless. Retrievers tend to have an oily type
coat to protect them from colder water so after a while they start to get that greasy, give me a
bath look!

Our Belgian has a totally different coat and only requires a bath 2 or 3 times a year. Giving him
a thorough brushing with some spray on conditioner does the trick and he looks great. A
regular brushing goes a long way in keeping their coats in top shape.

So the type of dog you have will determine his bathing requirements. When people meet our
dogs and pet them they can’t believe how clean they are and that they don’t smell doggy!
Smelling doggy is just an excuse people use for not taking care of their dogs’ coat.

Not all people let their dogs in the house and that is your decision. However just because they
are outdoor dogs doesn’t mean you can neglect their health!

Now I will give you a warning in advance. All dogs love to roll in dead, smelly disgusting things!
It’s not a matter of if they will but when- the joys of owning a dog! It doesn’t matter why they
do it they just do so being prepared in advance will make it a lot more bearable.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

You will need to keep a bottle of some kind of odour elimination shampoo or any product
available at your pet store. We keep a bottle in our vehicle, the camper, my duck hunting gear
and in the house. And we get to use it a couple of times a year!

We got caught without it one day when we were exploring some remote lakes for future fishing
potential. The dogs were out exploring and when we went to get back in the truck we could
smell this unbelievably rancent smell.

Well the dogs discovered a pile of dead, rotten fish that someone was nice enough to leave
behind and they had a good roll in it! The only thing we had in the truck was a box of baby
wipes which didn’t help much. The trip home was a memorable one! Lesson learned for us.

What type of shampoo should you use? Well that is personal preference; just ensure it is a dog
shampoo and not a people shampoo. Dogs’ coats have a totally different ph then ours so
purchase the right kind. For puppies use a puppy specific shampoo so if you get some in their
eyes it won’t hurt them.

How to bath pup? Depending on the size of your dog will determine where to bath him.
Puppies can be bathed in your bathtub. We have a laundry tub in our garage so we hook up a
garden hose to it and can give them a nice warm bath on the front lawn. Luckily we live in a
climate where the winters are pretty mild so we can bath them like this year round.

We initially bath a new pup in the bathtub and when he used to being handled we do it outside.
Mainly because they are big dogs and it is easier. We tie a leash to a tree and then clip on our
dog and he just stands their nice and calm. If we don’t hook him on as soon as he gets wet he
gets frisky and runs around the yard like a clown.

Our retriever will just stand there and not move a foot even though she is not hooked on. They
are all different so you will have to find out what works for your dog. Remember fun and easy is
what we are looking for.

The first few times you bath your new puppy is when you determine what works best for you.
Remember a tired pup is much more cooperative and will make the experience easier for both
of you. In time he will get used to being handled and bathing won’t be a big deal.

Should you bath your dog yourself or go to a groomer? It doesn’t really matter as long as you
ensure his grooming needs are taken care of. Personally, I feel that the more you handle pup
yourself and spend time with him the stronger the bond you will develop. But do whatever
works for you.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

You will probably notice that at times pup will seem to be itching, scratching and nibbling a lot.
A bit of this is normal pup is going through some big changes – growth, getting his adult coat,
loosing puppy teeth, etc. There is a lot of change going on in his little body.

After talking to other retriever owners we noticed a common problem amongst some of the
dogs. It’s almost like a dogs version of swimmers itch. Dogs that love the water and don’t dry
quick will continually scratch and nibble to the point where they actually make the area they
are nibbling red and sore.

If you don’t do something they will keep at it and it will start bleeding. A friend suggested to us
that we try nizerol, a human shampoo for dandruff. It worked like a charm. The itching stopped
almost immediately and during pups first year I bathed a couple of times a month or if she was
in the water a lot. Problem solved!

Now don’t panic thinking you have to spend a fortune on shampoo for pup. Now that she is full
grown and at about 2 years of age all the itching disappeared. They tend to grow out of it and
water dogs seem to be affected more.

Regular brushing and handling allows you to keep an eye on his health. Check for bumps, skin
problems, fleas, ticks, etc on a regular basis to catch anything early. Now I know what you’re
saying – I’m not a vet, I don’t know what to look for! Well here is where common sense comes

If something just doesn’t seem right and your gut feeling is telling you something, then listen to
it! You will get to know pups moods, how he is feeling and if something isn’t right. No one
knows pup better then you do so when in doubt go to your vet.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Training – You & Pup

I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think! (Socrates)

Know let’s sort out this so called training mystery! There are really only 4 things you need to
know to train pup- that’s it! Here they are:

1 .Sit
2. Stay
3. Come
4. Manners on leash (aka: Heeling)

That’s it, nothing more is required. And whatever terms, words you want to use is irrelevant,
just be consistent with what you use. But these must be solid and engrained in pup’s head.
When you get this, everything else is simple.

Not only do you only need to know only 4 commands but if you do it right pup will actually train
himself! If it sounds easy it’s because it is.

Now let’s take a time out and let this sink in. You get what you put into your training. A few 5-
10 minute official training sessions a day is all you need if done properly. However the training
is actually happening all day long in the activities you do and your routine.

You will be amazed at the opportunities that occur all day long when pup will actually set
himself up and if you catch it he is actually training himself. Pay attention and I guarantee you
will see them!

So here is what you look for. This isn’t formal training, it’s just watching pup and anticipating
what she will do. When you see him sitting down on his own catch him in the act and tell him to
“sit” as he is doing it. When you see him laying down tell him “down.” If you are out in the yard
and pup comes toward you tell him “come.” You get the idea............pup is actually training
himself and you sneak in the commands as it happens! What you use for your commands isn’t
important, just be consistent with what you use. Self training – brilliant. And when you actually
pay attention you will be amazed how many of these opportunities come up in a day.

When doing formal training – quick 5-10 minute sessions – use your treats and put in a little
effort. Bring up your enthusiasm level and pups will increase as well and things start to come

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

We have all been there, a boring teacher or instructor and all you want to do is slit your wrists
from boredom!! Well it’s the same thing when training pup. Keep up the excitement and see
the difference with your progress and pups attitude.

When walking on leash do it with a brisk pace and use your treats, talk to pup to keep his
attention and you will be amazed at how quick pup catches on. The trick is to be exciting to pup
and she will want to watch you and please you because you’re pretty cool and fun to be

The trick is to get pup to do it by herself. If you find you need to use force or you are getting
frustrated you need to look at what you are doing wrong. Sometimes you just need to take a
break and give it a try later. Never train when you are frustrated or losing your patience, it will
only set you back which is what we don’t want to happen. And remember that pup will only be
able to work for short periods initially so the trick is only short training sessions in the

Teaching the “stay” is the same process. Start by having pup at your side and giving the stay
command. Just for a few seconds initially then extend the time once he figures out what you
are asking for. Then pivot in front of pup on the leash until he figures it out, and then go to the
end of the leash and so on. You get the idea, everything gradual until pup gets the idea. Just
read your dog and go at a pace that works – pup will let you know if you pay attention.

This is not a race, there is no time frame and there are no limits to what you can train. That’s up
to you and how much effort and time you want or have to put into it. I can guarantee this
however........the more you put into it the more you will get out of it.

Now don’t get the wrong idea and start thinking this is going to take hours a day. It actually
does not take a lot of time, the trick is consistency. It’s the quality of time, not the quantity that
produces results!

You will still need to be firm with pup at times. But do not confuse this with being unfair or
cruel. If you ever yell or lose your temper you are doing it wrong and you need to take a break!

Always remember to ask yourself “how would pups mother handle this.” The ultimate in calm,
assertive, confident control. No shouting, screaming, throwing things or ugly display of loss of

temper. So that is your challenge and responsibility as pups guardian – always fair but firm
when necessary and remember pup always wants to please you and does nothing out of spite
as humans seem to think at times.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Another question that always comes up – who should train pup? Let’s clarify this issue right
now. This is an adult responsibility, end of story. If you have kids who you want to get involved
with the process, great!

This is a family affair and it’s a great way for kids to learn responsibility and respect for animals
and by all means should be actively involved. However this should all be done under adult
supervision and ultimately it is still your responsibility as a parent to ensure pups needs are
taken care of.

It just takes a second to destroy pups progress by an act of human stupidity, intentional or not!
OK, enough of the lecturing – we just want to keep pups best interest in mind - don’t forget she
is looking to you to take care of her well being!

As you can see, there is no big secret or epiphany here – just good old common sense! If
something feels wrong it probably is and you need to re-evaluate the situation as required.

You will see in the next chapter – Bonding – is where you will get unlimited opportunities to
train and watch pup train herself! This is the most important time to mold pup to your lifestyle
and become a well mannered member of the family.

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