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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

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Published by wayne bryant, 2021-03-20 17:03:51

Training Your New Puppy - The Smart Way

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Keywords: dog training,puppy,dogs,training

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

“Animals can communicate quite well. And they do. And generally speaking, they are ignored.”
(Alice Walker)

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 51

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Bonding – Unlimited Opportunities

"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either."


The most important thing in your whole training program is going to be bonding to your new

What do we mean by bonding? Whoever is going to do the majority of training should be the
person pup bonds closest to. Bonding in a nutshell is including pup in everything you do.......

Here’s what I did with our last pup who is now my shadow, even now at 3 years old. The day we picked
her up I did everything with her. I started formal training the first day she arrived home. As well every
time I went in the truck, in the basement, out in the yard, to the bank, post office, to visit the
neighbours, for a walk, to the workshop, anywhere- she was with me!

You get the idea, exposure to as much as possible at a young age, the more confident pup will
become and a pleasure to take with.

Now the first thing I did every morning when I got out of bed and got dressed was to get my
pouch with treats and a whistle. We go duck hunting that’s why I use the whistle. So now I was
ready to reward her every time she did something I wanted or she did something to train
herself. So to pup following this guy around was pretty cool.

And guess what I still do to this very day. Every morning when I get up I still get my treats and
put the whistle around my neck! I’m pretty well trained as well!

It amazes me every time we are walking and run into other people with dogs, especially
puppies who have to shout and scream at their dogs to get them to come to them and don’t
have any treats or other type of reward to get pup to come to them.

Now I know exactly what you are saying right now “I am not going to use treats to bribe my
dog. He must obey me when I command....blah, blah, blah. My response is do you want this to
be easy or hard?

Sure you will get some sort of result I guess, if you want to boost your ego by yanking your dog
around and yelling at him like some kind of madman. I have seen this time and time again and if

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

the people could only see themselves on tape! Not a pleasant display of man being the smarter

And guess what you are doing when you stand there shouting at pup – you are teaching him to
ignore you. We are going to use our heads and train the smart way. When you are confused
about training your pup – and believe me you will be at times – just stand back and think for a
minute and ask yourself - what would momma dog do?

The ultimate authority figure and disciplinarian over her pups. Her timing is precise and the
amount of correction she asserts is always perfect. Amazing!

However you won’t have those problems because I am going to show you how to do it so when
you are out in public with pup people will compliment you on your dog’s manners. Actions
speak louder than words, so set a good example and I guarantee you people will notice.

We always get compliments on how well our dogs are behaved. But like I said before, they
don’t come that way. You get back what you put into it.

Now let’s clarify this issue about using treats. I don’t know why a lot of trainers are still against
it but that old fashion attitude is still out there. What we want to do is make this whole training
process a pleasant one for you and pup.

So using treats in the early stages get results quick! Once pup is reliable and his training gets
engrained in his brain then treats won’t be required. However if you are doing something new
or want to reinforce a new behaviour break out the treats.

We still use treats occasionally now even though our dogs are 3 and 5 years old. As you get to
know your pup’s personality you will find other things that will get him exited as well.

My retriever goes crazy over her training dummies I use for water work. Every time I go into
the garage she runs over to the wall where I store her dummies and stares at them! She won’t
leave until I call her in or go get one off the wall for her!

Our Belgian shepherd is the same way with his Frisbee. Every dog has something they go crazy
over. Your job is to find out what that is!

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Things That Go Bang In the Night

"If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around."
(cowboy wisdom)

The dreaded Thunderstorm. We are still surprised at the number of dogs that have a fear of
Thunder. If you get an older pup or adult dog and don’t know the history or experiences he has
had than this can be frustrating. But if you get pup from day one than you have a clean slate
and we can make sure we don’t have this issue.

Lets address pup or older dog? Doesn’t matter!! The advantage of a pup is you are starting
fresh and get the chance to mold him and do things correct from the start. However, there are
a lot of great adult dogs that get adopted and turn out as great pets and members of the
family! And the amount of dogs in shelters looking for homes is disturbing so giving one a home
can be a very satisfying and rewarding experience.

Now as far as dealing with thunder here is the best way to handle it – “REMAIN CALM”. That is
the magic formula anytime you are not sure what to do!

The worst thing you can do is pet and cuddle pup and tell him it’s ok. What he hears is: “Holy
crap. What was that bang, it must be a scary and bad thing, look at the way my master is
reacting, he’s scared too.”

And believe me; I have seen people react this way. Never reinforce any behaviour you do not’s that simple.

So you ask “what do I do”? Just go about doing what you are doing and keep pups mind busy
and when he sees that you are calm, he will do the same.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Let’s Go for a Car Ride

Now this might seem like a very simple thing to do but believe me the problems we have seen
come up with dogs travelling in cars is quite common so we need to talk about it here to make
sure this is a pleasant experience for all involved.

So once again the trick is to start from day one when it comes to travelling with pup. Remember
we want to make this as easy and painless as possible and prevent problems from developing
rather than trying to fix problems after the fact.

Here is what we have done with all of our dogs and we have never had any issues. This is
another reason for getting your dog as a puppy – now we can program him with all the good
habits from day one. Now this actually becomes part of your training.

Whenever people hear the “training” word they think it has to be some kind of formal process
in a formal setting with leash and collar following a rigid program. That could be no farther from
the truth. Everything you do, every opportunity you see, every time you get a chance to do
something with pup, you are training and molding her to a well mannered member of the

If you are going to run to the grocery store, bank, post office, etc. take pup with you. It’s that
easy! Now take a close look at the whole event. Let’s go for a ride...........first opportunity, call
pup to you, get him to sit, put on the leash, walk him over to the car, make him sit and stay,
take the leash off and get him into the car and make him sit or lay down in the vehicle. What a
great training scenario in a very short time!!! Look at everything you just did in that brief period
– sit, stay, healing, get the idea.

If this is the very first introduction to your vehicle that’s the end of the trip! Don’t even go
anywhere until pup is comfortable with the vehicle. Now do this a bunch of times throughout
the day. You will know when it’s time to go for a ride.

Just watch pup and when she is comfortable it’s time for a ride. Now this shouldn’t take long,
we are just using our common sense here to make the introduction to the vehicle before the
first trip. This should all happen on the same day so not to worry.

Now when you go for a ride you can bring someone along to make sure pup is comfortable and
not anxious or getting stressed.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Now a word of caution......never make a big deal of pup and coddle him and keep telling him it’s
ok, not to worry or any other baby talk you might use. Pup will sense that you are concerned
and will pick up on it and will start getting anxious for no reason at all.

Always remain calm, even if you’re not, learn to be a good actor because you won’t fool pup!
This applies to everything you do with your new puppy.

We have a couple of dog beds in the back of our SUV and our dogs jump in the truck and laying
down before we even get the truck started. Some people like to put a crate in the back of their
vehicle for pup to travel in. Just find something that works for you.

The biggest thing is they are comfortable and safe. If you have a very small dog you might want
to think twice about holding them in your arms while you drive. Not only is this a distraction but
if the airbag deploys the puppy is in the direct line of fire....not good!

A note on pick-ups and dogs in the back of the pickup. I don’t like it, agree with it and think it’s
a huge safety issue. I know most places now have bylaws stating that the dog must be leashed if
in the back of an open pick up. Still, I want my dogs with me where I can keep an eye on them
and prevent anything from happening to them.

That’s next to impossible if he is tied in the back of a pickup! Pup is looking to me for his well
being and safety at all times and as dog owners we need to remind ourselves of that. My two
cents for what it’s worth!

Now some puppies might get car sick, it’s not a big deal and they will usually grow out of it. Just
pace yourself with how often you go for rides and don’t make a big issue of it.

So here is what I have done with all our puppies:

Let’s go to the bank! Out comes my whistle (retriever training tool), a quick blast on the whistle
and my pup comes flying to me and sits in front of me. On goes the leash and into the
truck......what a good pup, and a nice liver treat. Life is good and the tail is wagging like crazy.

Now we are at the bank and on goes the leash and we heal nicely into the bank and to the
instant teller machine and stop, she sits nicely beside me waiting with the tail wagging. So now
you can just imagine what happens next.

Who can resist a puppy! Everyone who walks by comes over to see the pup and give her a pat
on the head. What an awesome socializing opportunity. I make sure there is no jumping up and
she keeps her manners while everyone goes into puppy talk mode....quite entertaining actually.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

I’ve yet to have issues at any bank when I bring my dog in to use the bank machine. Well-
mannered dogs are welcome and appreciated most places.

Banking complete we heal back to the truck and in she jumps. What a good pup and time for
another liver treat. I like using treats because remember this all about making the process easy
and enjoyable for both you and pup. Always a positive experience! The treats are not used long
term, only initially to ingrain things into pup’s brain for the future.

My retriever is 7 years old now and I never have to use treats but her response is still the
same......she can’t do things fast enough to please me!

Another great idea for a car ride is going to the Vet for a visit.

Don’t wait until your first official appointment to bring pup there for the first time. We have
seen too many problems created by people bringing their pup to the vet only for appointments
and the pup now equates a car trip to the vet and when they show up pup is not too happy and
turns the whole experience sour.

There are a lot of strange smells, noises, distractions going on so it is a lot for your new puppy
to take in and absorb the first time.

So what we have done with all of our dogs is make numerous unplanned trips to the vet just for
a visit. In we go, say hi to everyone, get pup to walk on the weight scale, get treats from the
staff and off we go.

Now pup sees this as a very cool place to visit and the next time you show up he will probably
pull you to the door to go visit this cool place again. Fun and positive and your vet will thank
you for it.

They see enough ill-mannered dogs so when they see a well behaved, happy pup show up the
whole process is more enjoyable for everyone involved!

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Temperament – Yours, not Pups

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and
examine your conscience." - Woodrow Wilson

Now this is going to be a real test of your patience, stamina and temperament so I think it is
worth bringing it up now.

There will be days when pup is progressing wonderfully and life is good. Then you will get days
where pup loses his mind and seems like she has forgotten everything and has turned into
some kind of alien creature!

So you will need to step back, take a deep breath and most importantly……..have a good laugh!!
Pups little body and brain are growing at a phenomenal rate and he is trying to adjust to our
human world at the same time.

Patience and remaining calm will be yours and pups best friend in the early months.

Just remember that the day will come when everything comes together and pup now fits in to
the family and becomes a well mannered member of the family and a pleasure to take with you
wherever you go.

The fact that you are reading this e-book shows that you are willing to put in the work and
believe me, we have been through the process enough times to know what works and what

Just follow the tips we are passing on and it will make the process for you more predictable and
more importantly enjoyable! That’s what this book is all about – practicable and easy.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!


"No matter how little money and how few possesions you own, having a dog makes you rich."

(Louis Sabin)

This might seem like a lot of information to digest to this point. Just remember that common
sense and patience are the 2 key ingredients to raising a well mannered pup.
And don’t forget that this is supposed to be an enjoyable time!
I think that gets forgotten at times and that’s when the frustration sets in. If it does, time for a
break and always remain calm and confident......even if you have to put on a show.
Pup will thank you for it and in return you get unconditional love and greeted by a wagging tail
every time you walk in the front door.......and that makes it all worthwhile!
I hope this book has clarified any misconceptions you might have had or heard and I know you
will have a well mannered pup since you have now finished this book.
Now go have some fun with your new pup!

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 60

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Wayne & Bella

“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.”

(Ben Williams)

© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 61

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Heather’s Irresistible Liver Treats


-2 lbs of liver
-4 eggs
-1 cup of wheat germ
-5 cups of whole wheat flour
-1 cup of molasses
-3 to 4 cloves of garlic (pressed)

Method: put 2 eggs and 1 lb of raw liver in blender and pour into bowl.....repeat
with the next 2 eggs and liver.

Add in 1 cup of wheat germ, 5 cups of flour, garlic powder and 1 cup of Molasses
(heat molasses in microwave to allow for easier work).

Spread on greased cookie sheet and bake at 300-350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Cool and cut up as desired.

Preparation takes all of 5 minutes!!!

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Why Do Dogs Not Live As Long As Us?

People are born so they can learn how to live a good life…….like loving everybody
all the time and being nice - right?

Well dogs already know how to do that so they do not have to stay as long!

Well Said:

- Live simply
- Love Generously
- Care Deeply
- Speak Kindly

The Dog


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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

A Dogs Soul

Every dog must have a soul, somewhere deep inside
Where all his hurts and grievances are buried with his pride.

Where he decides the good and bad, the wrong way from the right,
And where his judgement carefully is hidden from our sight.

A dog must have a secret place, where every thought abides,
A sort of close acquaintance that he trusts in and confides.

And when accused unjustly for himself, He cannot speak,
Rebuked, He finds within his soul, the comfort he must seek.

He'll love, tho'he is unloved, and he'll serve tho'badly used,
And one kind word will wipe away the times when he's abused.

Altho' his heart may break in two, his love will still be whole,
Because God gave to every dog an understanding Soul!


© Wayne Bryant-All rights reserved 2015 64

Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

Wayne & Heather Bryant


The authors and publisher of this ebook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this ebook. The author and
publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this
ebook. The information contained in this ebook is strictly for educational purposes.

Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this ebook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and
publisher shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages
arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties.

This ebook is © copyrighted by Wayne Bryant. No part of this may be copied, or changed in any format, sold, or used in any way other than
what is outlined within this ebook under any circumstances.

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Training Your New Puppy – A Common Sense Guide That Works.
Tips, Tricks & Techniques Guaranteed To Get Results!

More great eBooks from Wayne & Heather.
Brilliant Puppy Training Series – 10 Golden Rules to House Training your new Best Friend.

To your Brilliant Puppy Training success!!

Thank you for your support. A portion of all our proceeds is donated to:
-Dog Guides of Canada (
-The Newfoundland Pony Sanctuary (

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