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The realm of astronomy is an ever-growing field of science, tying together a vast number of branches of study. Be it the discoveries made by observing high-energy events that had occurred millennia back in the cosmos, to the steps we make in having spaceflight more accessible and efficient, to the enthusiasm-laden task of educating on astronomy. Considering these aspects, the Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo proudly presents to you the 38th Volume of the annual magazine, SIGMA!

Bringing together a vast trove of knowledge, we hope that you, the reader of our magazine, gain important insight into the world of astronomy, and hopefully, inspiration too to pursue your interests, curiosities, and maybe
even careers, through the magnificent field of astronomy.

Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base.
Published by Astronomical Society of UoC, 2022-08-09 22:57:55

SIGMA 2022

The realm of astronomy is an ever-growing field of science, tying together a vast number of branches of study. Be it the discoveries made by observing high-energy events that had occurred millennia back in the cosmos, to the steps we make in having spaceflight more accessible and efficient, to the enthusiasm-laden task of educating on astronomy. Considering these aspects, the Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo proudly presents to you the 38th Volume of the annual magazine, SIGMA!

Bringing together a vast trove of knowledge, we hope that you, the reader of our magazine, gain important insight into the world of astronomy, and hopefully, inspiration too to pursue your interests, curiosities, and maybe
even careers, through the magnificent field of astronomy.

Keywords: Sigma,University of Colombo,Astronomical Society

Lone Botanist On Ares ASTROSOC

was nominated for several returns to the crew’s Surface

awards, including the acad- Habitat (The Hab) and treats

emy award for Best Actor his wounds. Then later on

because of his portrayal in sol 19, he opens a video di-

the movie as Mark Watney. ary to let anyone who comes

It would be a shortcoming, for him someday know about

not to mention Matt Damon what happened. By sol 21 he

and the director Ridley decides that he is not going

Scott descriptively. I will get to die on Mars all alone, and

back to both of them right there he starts his stubborn,

away. Until then, there are a bitter journey of survival.
significant number of indi- He sees that his only chance
viduals who watch the film of rescue is the next Mars

because Matt Damon por- mission in four years. The

trays its main character. On Figure 2 : NASA. (2015, August 18). Di- challenge is that Ares 4 will
rector Ridley Scott [Photograph]. https:// land 3200 kilometers (2000
the other hand, there are a miles) away at the Schiapa-
significant number of indi- to/20529773070/default/files/styles/max_ relli Crater. From there on-
viduals who watch the mov- width_1440/public/servicemodule.jpeg?i-


ie only because it is a Scott-directed movie. ward, the story goes about how he does the

math and solves one problem and how he

Before I begin, I would like to inform you goes to the next one and then the next one

that there are going to be spoilers for those until there is nothing left to solve, as well as

who haven’t watched the movie yet. The how he manages to stay in his right mind for

story happens in 2035 on Mars’s “Acidalia months on that desolate planet with only
Planitia” region, the Ares 3 mission’s landing loneliness. As an exemplification, even if now

site. The crew of the Ares 3 mission to Mars he does have a way out of this desolate planet,

is exploring the region (Acidalia Planitia) on he must survive for four years until the next

the 18th Martian solar day (sol) of their 31- crew arrives. The immediate concern is food.

sol expedition. The reason they are forced You will see in the movie, being a botanist, he

to abort the mission is a severe dust storm creates cultivation inside the Hab using mar-

threatening to topple their Mars Ascent Ve- tial soil fertilized with the crew’s bio-waste

hicle (MAV). They have an abort force for and creates enough water from leftover

the MAV of 7500 Newtons and then they dis- rocket fuel using basic chemistry knowledge.

cover that the estimated force of the storm
is 8600 Newtons. In the process of crew On Earth’s side, NASA finds out the crew mem-

evacuation, the Botanist/Engineer Mark ber left behind of Ares 3 is still safe and sound

Watney is struck by debris, knocked uncon- on Mars and starts to design a rescue plan
scious, and flung a considerable distance to bring him home alive. The Mars mission

away, damaging his suit’s bio-monitor. That director Vincent Kapoor (Chiwetel Ejiofor)

leads the crew to assume he’s dead and take and JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) director

off for their orbiting vessel, “The Hermes”. Bruce Ng (Benedict Wong) prepare a space

probe (an uncrewed spacecraft that travels
On sol 19 Mark awakens after the storm, through space to collect scientific data etc.)

with a metal stick in his stomach from a bro- to deliver enough supplies for Watney until

ken antenna and a low-oxygen warning. He Ares 4’s arrival. Unfortunately, the Hab’s air-

51 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC Lone Botanist On Ares

lock blows out, exposing the Hab to the mar- to slingshot back to Mars, two years earlier
ginal environment of Mars, and all the potato than Ares 4. With the objection of NASA’s
plants die, closing the window of recultiva- director, Henderson surreptitiously sends
tion. Under those circumstances, in order to Purnell’s proposal to the crew, and there the
save more time, the NASA director orders the crew vote to implement it without seeking
routine safety inspections to be bypassed. NASA’s approval. That allows them to rescue
His gamble fails with the explosion of the At- Mark, ending his long 543-sol life on Mars.

Figure 3 : European Space Agency. (2015, October 2). Real topographic map of the area of Mars covered in “The Martian” [Map]. https://

las 5 rocket soon after liftoff. With the new So far, we were just scratching the surface,
booster rocket offered by the China National considering only what happens next in the
Space Administration (CNSA), the decision is storyline. Let’s get out of the story-based
made to use the rocket to resupply Watney. mindset and dive deeper. Choosing Matt
This is where the JPL’s aerodynamicist Rich Damon as the main character was one of
Purnell comes into the picture. He proposes the major reasons for the film’s remarka-
an alternative plan which provides a higher ble success. Further, not to mention the hu-
chance of survival for Watney. He proposes mongous cast, including Jessica Chastain,
to resupply the Hermes with a Chinese rock- Kristen Wiig, Teff Daniel, Michael Pena,
et. Then Hermes will use the earth’s gravity Kate Mara, Sean Bean, Sebastian Stan, Ak-

SIGMA 2022 52

Lone Botanist On Ares ASTROSOC

sel Hennie, and Chiwetel Ejiofor. If you are Another amazing thing about this art-
familiar with the Jason Bourne franchise, work is its sense of humor. Even though
then you know who Damon is. The other this is about a man who is left alone on
major reason is the director’s performance a desolate planet, it has a good sense
on this. From the beginning to the end, his of humor. Sometimes it is more hilar-
decisions and actions have taken this movie ious than most of the comedy movies
above and beyond. If you have ever seen one released in 2015. Even if there is noth-
of the movies below, I have nothing to say ing left for him to hold on to, he always
about his talents. Alien (1979), Prometheus finds the good in every scenario. I think
(2012), Gladiator (2000), Kingdom of Heav- that probably makes him the most opti-
en (2005), or Black Hawk Down (2001). mistic person ever on earth. “Mars will
Those are just a few honorable mentions. come to fear my botany powers” is one
of the many lines you will find amazing.
Starting the movie with the incidents hap-
pening on Mars prevents the plot from be- Let’s consider one last scenario. This
ing dry. If it had started with the scenes hap- scenario is after the blast of the Atlas 5
pening on earth, then it would have been a rocket. After finding out about the inci-
downfall for the film because almost every- dent, he writes a message to command-
one was in the theater to watch a space mov- er Lewis. As we watch the movie, we
ie. Hence, according to my way of thinking, feel the sorrow in that message, the des-
I like the director’s decision on that matter. peration, the disappointment. Knowing
there is no hope for him after being filled
The dust storm we see at the beginning of with it, everything collapses over and
the movie is an appreciable visual creation. over again whenever he thinks about it.
For that, thanks go to Dariusz Wolski, the We see in that shot that he is sitting on
cinematographer, Richard Stammers, visual a rock on a small hill watching the hori-
effects supervisor, and Pietro Scalia, the ed- zon, thinking about everything he did,
itor. They have managed to bring to life the how much he loved it, and where he has
real look on Mars’s surface and the real look to end up at last. So many untold thoughts
of a dust storm on Mars. The creators of the and stories are written all over his face.
movie have focused on the color of the sur- It’s a breath-taking moment for all view-
face all the time and they have shown it ut- ers. With the mixing of great music, they
terly in rusty red, which is the correct color have been able to express that sorrow
of Mars’s surface. Scientifically speaking, right into our hearts and make us cry for
the reason for this predominant red color Mark. That’s a huge leap for all who were
on Mars is Iron Oxide, just like the rust that involved in creating this whole artwork.
forms here on Earth when iron oxidizes.
Directors, Actors, Producers, cinematog-
The visual creations of spaceships MAV, raphers, editors, and musicians, to-
Hermes, and other space probes, can be gether with all composers of this cre-
good subjects for conversation. In 3D you ation, have accomplished what they
will never know it’s a fake. As an exam- were expecting to do, to bring the cin-
ple, I especially noticed the camera an- ema alive among movie lovers. Make
gle (viewpoint) and amazing visual ef- them cheer when they watch and hear
fect in the time slot starting at 00.09.10. the music in the movie and make them

53 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC Lone Botanist On Ares

sink into grief in heart-breaking moments. K. M. D. L. Kumarasingha
2nd Year Undergraduate,
If you are passionate about astronomy, space,
spaceships, space sciences, and other planets, Faculty of Science.
literally above our atmosphere, then I suggest
you watch this movie. This movie is meant for
you. Grow your curiosity, and become more
and more passionate about it, because the
world needs you, you are the next genera-
tion who are looking forward to putting your
hands on these things and taking the lead.

If you find yourself loving this movie, then
you will find the same about these films; In-
terstellar, Prometheus, Passenger, Gravity,
Oblivion, and Arrival. As a final word, if you
are still having trouble with deciding wheth-
er to watch it or not, let me point out a little
fact. It’s got a rating of 8 out of 10 with more
than 800 000 votes in IMDb rankings. If you
don’t know what that means, you proba-
bly have watched the iconic “Avatar” movie.
The Avatar movie got a rating of 7.8 out of
10. (with more than 1.2 million votes). Now
you know what you would be looking at.

Do you know?

What will happen if two pieces of the same metal touch
each other in space?

If two pieces of the same type of metal get in touch with each other in space,
they would bond and be permanently stuck together. This effect is called
‘cold welding’. This is because the atoms of these metal pieces do not know
that they are from two separate pieces of metal, hence they join. Why such
a thing would not happen on Earth is because there is water and air that
separate them on Earth. This process can be used in the future for spacecraft
manufacturing and metal-based constructions in vacuums.

Xavier Piedra And Dennis Green. (2019, July). 12 Facts about Space. Mashable.
Retrieved August 2, 2022, from

SIGMA 2022 54

úYajhg fmï l< uq,a u od u;lo@ ASTROSOC

úYja hg fmuï;llo<@ uq,a u od

tla úvdnr rd;s%hl
y|s .;sñ rmE fmÜáh wìhi
iskud mgls mqxÑ ;rs fha Èia fjk
fufyhuq ls r;= .%yhd .ek

tys tla m¾fhaIls djla
weiqjd h ir, mekhla
ihs ,,a ka krs e;a;r jk
w;S;hg Èj f.dia w;rux jk.

úYajhg fmï l< uq,a u od u;lo
mekh th úh ish¨ i;s a l<Uk
ieneúka u úYajhg is; .hs
u;l i;s ;a ï ljoehs uf.ka wiñk
uf.a i;s o ug u ryiks a
w;S;hg mhs ux lr
túg fk;a bÈßfha uejfq Ka
fififfiid÷re mdi,a oiqkla h ug.

jika jk Èk ßú ;ß÷g ;rks mñ;ard chj¾Ok
th úh i¾Q h.%yKh fojk jir
úoHd mSGh
fhfy<shka iuÕska ;r.hg
fmdrlñka wdofrka

kerUfq juq wms m%S;sfhka
l¿ ùÿrejlks a wyi foi
yrs ef.a yev jev wm¾Q j;ja h
úYtoajhfhs ÿa gúqfijña u;,q úajÑr;g%;uajuh.

55 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC Comic Strip

Venus’ Secret Storyboarded, drawn and illustrated by:
H.M.S.R. Jayarathna,

2nd year Undergraduate,
Faculty of Science.

SIGMA 2022 56

el;rj;jpuf;fhjy; ASTROSOC


rpdpkh el;rj;jpukh?> Gj;jf el;rj;jpukh?;
ehlf el;rj;jpukh?> murpay; el;rj;jpukh?;

ntw;W ntspapy; Ijurd; vupj;J <ypak; rikf;Fk; Nfhs mZTiyfs;.

fUk; Nghu;it thdj;ij mofhf;f
Nghlg;gl;l xspg;nghl;Lf;fs;;

rpkpl;lypilg; ghu;itf;Fj;jg;Gk;
gpuk;khz;l gpsh];kh muf;fu;fs;.

xsptPRk; Sirius ck;> fpol;L Betelgeuse ck;>
,lk;khwh Polaris ck;> mayhd; Proxima Centauri ck;;
ePyg; ngUtuf;fd; Rigel ck;> nts;isf; Fs;sd; Vega ck;>
gpugQ;rj;ij kiwf;Fk; R+upaDk; $l> Mapuk; fijfs; nrhy;yp epw;Fk;.

mitf;Fk; jiyKiwAz;L>
fw;gidf;Nfhl;lhypizAk; FLk;gKz;L;

$l;lkha; maytUz;L>
mz;l CUk;> gpugQ;rehLk; $l cz;L.

mz;lj;jpd; %yfkidj;Jk;
Mf;fp ntspnawpAk; mZj;njhopw;rhiy;
el;rj;jpuf;fhjy; nfhs; ePAk; ehDk; fhZk; ahTk;>

,we;j mjd; Jfs;fNs.

(H)Injhspkl;Lk; (He)<u;tpop (C)fz;L (N)epw;f;
(O)xsptPRk; (Si)rpyNfhb (Mg) kfh gpuk;khz;lq;fspd; (Fe) ,Ug;G


C. S. Xavier
Passed out Graduate
(Bachelor of Science),

Faculty of Science.

57 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC A Crossword for You

A Crossword for You

1. The discovery of pulsars earned this British physicist the 1974 Nobel Prize in

2. This is an example of an Emission Nebula.
3. This gaseous element accounts for 96% of Saturn’s mass.
4. The initial rover to travel to Mars was ___
5. The nearest black hole to Earth is named after this mythical creature.
6. The planet whose moon revolves around it in the opposite direction.
7. Following Sirius, the second-brightest star in the night sky is ___
8. The hypothetical last step of the development of sun-sized stars is a ___ dwarf.
9. A star that pulsates radially, altering both diameter and temperature, is known

as a ___
10. A well-known planetary nebula with a smaller central star that resembles a

circular rain bow.
11. The planet whose surface is the warmest is ___
12. This specific telescope was a space observatory intended to discover planets

outside our solar system, with a special emphasis on discovering planets that
may resembleEarth.
13. An example of a pulsar.
14. The most powerful radio galaxy near Earth is ___
15. The seventh brightest star in the sky and the brightest star in Orion.
16. A barred spiral galaxy located around 2.5 million light-years from Earth and the
Milky Way’s closest neighbor.

A.S. Rathmalgoda
2nd Year Undergraduate,

Faculty of Science,

SIGMA 2022 58

The Twilight ASTROSOC

The Twilight

Look to the brim of the horizon.
To where the twilight rays emerge through the dusk

They go hither and thither all over.
For stars to flare and glare in the murk.
Farther off, lie clusters of heavenly bodies.
Awaiting the pallid moon rays to ascend
Through the stardust they glide, indeed.
Limning each trail with a dusky hue blend.

R. P. Leema Kurukulasooriya
3rd Year Undergraduate,

Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science.

59 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC Short Story

“ Day 05 of the 14th month of to my team leader. It was de- everyone here tried so hard
year 5032. This is the Outer cided to hold a team meeting to fill with all the knowl-
Space Research Institute. The the next day in order to dis- edge about space through-
time is 15:40 on the clock and cuss the appropriate steps to out their whole lives? There
I am Dr. Lyssa Coeus, the be taken, regarding this new was nobody who was foolish
scientist in charge of recording discovery. enough like that because we
the daily report for today.” All the scientists and re- are a group who are rather
searchers as well as one of quick-witted. Thus, every-
T hat is how I started the representatives of the one agreed to send an ex-
to record the report royal court were also present ploration team to explore
of an unusual discov- at this meeting. The rumors and verify this object before
ery I had observed on my of the discovery of a space taking any other steps. The
computer display which is object made out of metal royal court representative
designed to detect any ob- had already spread through- did not utter a single word
ject that comes within its out the whole institute. So, throughout the meeting but
range. Of course, this new it was no surprise that the nodded in agreement for our
object could be something royal court was aware of final decision and said that
like an asteroid that hap- this rumor as well. Everyone he would see to it that we get
pened to come into its range was curious about this new the approval for our explora-
and hold no importance at discovery and was eager to tion.
all. But what piqued my in- make it public. But if we were As the scientist who discov-
terest about this object was to inform the king that we ered this strange thing ini-
that, when looking at the had detected an “alien ship” tially, I was appointed to be
data collected by our equip- without any proper clarifi- the head of the exploration
ment, this strange object cation first, and then later team. The exploration team
seemed to have been made it was revealed that it was consisted of six people. Three
out of some kind of metal actually just another space of my fellow team members
and it seemed to have a pe- rock of no worth, it would be were well-versed individu-
culiar shape as well. Obvi- our headless bodies floating als in their respective fields
ously, you don’t find floating into space detected next by which included Astrophys-
rocks of metal that look like the system. No one spoke of ics, Geology, Space Science,
some kind of an ancient fly- it in the open with the rep- and I myself was a good mi-
ing machine every day. This resentative attending the crobiologist. The last two
strange object was emitting meeting. Despite that one members of our crew were a
a great deal of radiation as doesn’t need to know rocket renowned doctor who joined
well. “Maybe this could be my science theories to under- our team as our medic and a
golden chance to be world-fa- stand that it was what every- captain from the royal army.
mous as the scientist who dis- one was thinking by glances For some odd reason, the
covered an alien ship! Maybe exchanged around the meet- royal court seemed to very
I will get to have an audience ing table between the sci- be interested in going to ex-
with his majesty!”, was how entists. Who would want to plore a space object which
the train of thought went in- toss away their head which could even be just a big rock.
side my head. But first things
first, I needed to report this

SIGMA 2022 60

Short Story into a giant spacecraft made ASTROSOC
out of some kind of metal, still were to make sure that
There was some talk about making my initial assump- there were no threats inside
the appointment of this of- tions correct. Our team gath- that spacecraft, for our team
ficer to our team, as some ered inside the observation to safely approach it.
said that he is a very trusted room upon reaching a stop.
subject of her majesty the The massive spacecraft was The robot descended down
queen. The king rarely dis- heavily tattered as if it went into the ship which was en-
played any interest in space through hell and looked like gulfed in darkness without a
research, but the queen’s ac- it was no longer functioning. single light. Aeolus switched
tions were entirely opposite We thought that it was bet- the robot’s vision into the
of that. Though I laughed it ter to be safe than sorry, so a thermal view. The wor-
off saying that maybe they robot was sent outside to ex- ry that weighed our hearts
sent him because the royal amine the alien ship before heavy grew lighter and light-
court was concerned about we dispatched any of our er with each compartment
its genius scientists’ safe- team members. the robot found zero thermal
ty, the uneasiness I felt with signals. It took about an hour
him in our team could not be “Make sure to take a sample for the robot to completely
shaken off. With everyone’s of the outer layer of the ship. explore the whole spaceship
hearts filled with expecta- It will help us to understand and to both our relief and
tions and the thrill and the more about the technology disappointment it found no
anxiousness of what to ex- of the species who made this heat signals emitting from
pect inside this alien craft, spacecraft,” I reminded my the ship, meaning that there
we set out on our journey for colleague Aeolus who was were no living beings inside
exploring the strange object monitoring the robot. Our that ship. The space scientist
and dived into dark space eyes were glued to the elec- on the ship, Cloria, patted
filled with glistening lights tronic display which showed, my shoulder softly and told,
of countless stars, in our what the camera on the robot “Don’t lose hopes yet Lyssa.
newest space jet with the co- was capturing. The outer lay- We might be able to find some-
ordinates set as the location er of the ship seemed to have thing of value when we go and
of the metal space object. been made of alloy and the explore the ship ourselves.”
After a few minutes into the marks and dents on the sur- Just as her name suggests
course, space swallowed our face of it indicated that the she always had a unique
ship entirely and surround- ship had undergone some way to lift up the spirit and
ed the ship with the dazzling kind of a serious debacle. As cheer up the people around
sky of our universe making the robot approached the her. I smiled at her and nod-
us lose the view of our home entrance vent of the space- ded in agreement. Our tech-
planet. Thus, we continued craft all that could be heard nology has advanced a great
on our journey to uncover inside our jet was the hum- deal throughout the past few
the truth of this new discov- ming sounds of the engine. centuries and even some-
ery. Everyone let out the breath thing small would be able
they were holding, in relief to give a ton of information
It took us about a month to as the robot successfully de- about this civilization with
reach our destination even scended down the entrance the help of it. Since there
with our spaceship which and made its way inside the were no signs of a potential
could easily surpass the alien ship. The initial step threat inside the alien ship,
speed of light. As we grew was not completed yet. We I ordered my team to get
closer and closer to the ob- ready with their equipment
ject it started to take shape

61 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC ter that. They had also found Short Story
to go into the ship. The mili- three bodies of some kind
tary officer took the lead and of a species that was about was busy examining the
first entered the spacecraft two meters tall. He further technology of the alien ship
and I and others followed said that the bodies showed and headed to the hiberna-
him close behind. We split signs of starvation and the tion compartment as my am-
into two groups of three and emergency power backup bition got better of me. After
one team went to investigate was used up as well. It was traveling this far and discov-
the front area of the craft not any different in the area ering an actual alien ship
while the other team went we investigated too. We also and solid evidence of anoth-
to explore the rear end of the managed to find a few dead er species, I was not about to
craft. Both teams had a map bodies of a species about one turn around and leave this
of the alien ship’s interior and a half to two meters tall, ship without finding some-
with them, which was auto- and they also seemed to have thing that would help us to
matically generated from the died out of starvation. What discover even more about
data obtained through the was actually interesting was these aliens. I started exam-
robot. I was in the team who the chamber of hibernators. ining the bodies inside the
went to investigate the rear This small extra-terrestrial hibernators more closely.
end of the spaceship, and species has found a way to Tough luck, most of them
Cloria and the medic were put their bodies into a state had already started to decay
with me as well. After we fin- of deep sleep and has man- even in the closed environ-
ished setting up the lighting aged to slow down the aging ment inside this ship. I was
sources, we advanced fur- process, which was quite ad- about to give up hope and
ther to inspect the cabins. mirable as they had to have settle for the things we had
Then we all gathered togeth- some kind of intelligence to already discovered when I
er at a compartment that achieve something impres- noticed a rather smaller hi-
seemed to have been used sive like that. But to my bernator at the corner of
like an observation unit, to disappointment, the loss of the room. It was only about
discuss anything special we power had caused all the al- a half meter in length and
found while inspecting. iens that were inside hiber- when I got closer to it, I no-
nators to die. Our technol- ticed that this cube belonged
“Well, first of all, let us hear ogy could be used to repair to a young alien. I gasped at
about the condition of the front cells and revive someone if the sight of this young body
part of the ship. Aeolus, what they have at least some liv- and hurried to the observa-
did you find?” I said initiat- ing cells, which would have tion deck the moment I real-
ing the discussion. been of no avail as the bodies ized that this body was in a
were beyond saving. We pho- much better condition than
“The engine of this ship has tographed all the scenes and the other bodies.
shut down completely. It mapped the interior of the
seemed like they used nucle- alien ship more accurately “Do you think this body could
ar reactions as their power and also collected the speci- be recovered with our tech-
source.” Aeolus started to ex- mens we wanted as well. nology?” Cloria asked the
plain the things they discov- doctor while he was busying
ered while inspecting with “Elisa, I’m going to have an- himself examining the body.
his team. He assumed that the other look at the chamber
ship had probably run out of where the hibernators are.” I “I’m afraid our medical field
power they had, and the ship informed our geologist who is not advanced enough to re-
had stopped functioning af- vive this body, even if it ap-
pears that there are still a few

SIGMA 2022 62

Short Story ASTROSOC

living cells inside this one.” I was a bit relieved after where near the Milky Way
He replied shaking his head. hearing that, but you should galaxy’s Orion arm. The al-
Nevertheless, as a microbi- never trust a royal unless ien species was identified
ologist and someone who you want to be backstabbed. as “Homo sapiens” with the
understood the way of reviv- She continued speaking and help of our research about
ing dead cells and bringing claimed she was aware that extra-terrestrial species and
a body back to life, I shared I was secretly conducting the analysis reports of the
a different opinion. As I was experiments on the alien. I structure of the spaceship
unwilling to let the chance was simply acting to quench suggested that it was proba-
of reviving a dead alien slip my thirst for knowledge and bly have been made out of a
through my fingers and I my unwillingness to give up nickel-based superalloy. The
kept insisting, the team fi- as the initial experiments on theories suggested that the
nally agreed to take the body the alien to revive it were in ship must have wandered off
back to our home planet for vain and the research insti- from its original course and
further inspections. tute decided to stop the pro- had accidentally come near
*** Six months later*** ject. She further expressed a black hole. While trying
her admiration for my re- to escape from the gravita-
“To what do I owe this pleas- solve and told me that she tional pull of the black hole,
ure, your majesty?” I said as would make sure that the they had spent most of the
I bowed my head to greet authorities would not find energy they had reserved
my queen. As I was on my out what I am doing and that for the journey. In order to
way to one of my secret labs, she would personally fund survive in space in a desper-
I was delivered a strange my experiments. She asked ate final attempt, they had
note by a little boy. It asked me to continue to work on used up the emergency en-
me to meet the sender in an my experiments and encour- ergy reserves as well. With-
underground tunnel system aged me to find out if I could out any means of re-fueling,
that belonged to the royal revive that alien. I bowed my the ship eventually ran out
family. Even though I had my head again in gratitude, ex- of power causing the whole
perfect poker face on, I still cused myself from her pres- crew to die out of hunger.
felt nervous. Maybe they had ence, and left for my labo- While I was immersed in my
found out that I was secret- ratory. Although there were thoughts about what could
ly conducting experiments some questions left unan- have actually happened, a
on the alien we discovered swered about the help from sudden beeping sound made
in the spacecraft six months the queen, I decided to figure me come back to reality. The
ago. But if they intended to those out later and focus on beeping sound was coming
punish me for that, then they the experiment for the time from the pulse rate meter’s
would not have requested being. monitor that was attached
to meet with me in secret. I Three more months passed to the body of the alien boy.
looked at the queen while like that without any sig- My heartbeat also started to
trying to read her face look- nificant progress in the re- pick up pace as I stared at the
ing for a clue as to what was vival of the alien body. The monitor which now was dis-
going on. spacecraft we discovered playing a pattern of a beating
was predicted to have come heart.
“No need to be so skeptical from a planet that is sup- A. J. J. Perera
Dr.Coeus. I didn’t summon posed to be located some-
you here today to question 3rd Year Undergraduate,
you. So be at ease.”
Department of Statistics,

Faculty of Science.

63 SIGMA 2022


“The Milky Way is nothing else but a mass of
innumerable stars planted together in clusters.”

-Galileo Galilei-

Space Quotations. (n.d.-b). Galileo Galilei Quotes. Famous Cosmology and Astronomy
Quotes. Retrieved June 5, 2022, from
Biography. (2017). Galileo Galilei [Image]. Galileo Galilei Biography. https://bit.

SIGMA 2022 64

65 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC Notable Observations Of The Astronomical Society University of Colombo

The Astronomical Society 1905. His best work was de- Let’s turn to the notable ob-

of the University of Colom- voted to the study of Jupiter. servations that have been

bo is one of the leading As- done with modern telescopes

tronomical Societies in Sri After the death of Major by the Astronomical Society

Lanka. The main reason for Molesworth in 1908, the Uni- University of Colombo in the

that is the notable obser- versity of Colombo was gift- near past. One of the greatest

vations that we have done ed with this 12 ½” (32 cm) observations was the Venus
for the sake of astronomy reflecting telescope by the Transit in 2012. It was a rare

in our country. In the as- Colombo observatory dur- event in the astronomical

tronomical world, most of ing the early part of the 20th calendar that happened on

the observations are done century. This prestigious, the morning of the 06th of

with telescopes. The Moles- over 100 years old, Moles- June 2012 (Sri Lankan time).
worth telescope is one of the worth telescope was housed The alignment of these ce-
treasures in the University inside the observatory dome lestial bodies is rare and
of Colombo and it was orig- in the University playground, hence occurs in pairs every
inally owned by Major P.B. near the Reid Avenue en- 112 years. The next one of
Molesworth, born in Colom- trance to the University. this astronomical phenome-
bo, Sri Lanka in 1867. His non is to happen in 2117 A.D.
astronomical observations This telescope has pro- Therefore the Mathematical
were done in Trincomalee, duced so many world-re- and Astronomical Societies
and he was considered the nowned astronomers during of the University of Colom-
finest amateur planetary its over 125 years of his- bo, made arrangements for
observer alive in the world the coverage of this last Ve-
during the decade 1896- Figure 2 – Molesworth Telescope at the Uni- nus transit of this century
versity Grounds and also our lifetime. For
Figure 1- Historical Molesworth Telescope that, they had 2 teams de-
tory. Astronomical obser- ployed at 2 locations, one at
vatories all over the world the University Premises in
have been inspired by this Colombo and the other at
telescope to pursue their Trincomalee on the eastern
passion for astronomy. coast together with Profes-
sor Chandana Jayarathne.

Figure 3 – Preparations for the Venus Transit

SIGMA 2022 66

Notable Observations Of The Astronomical Society University of Colombo ASTROSOC

With telescopes, cameras, ducted on the University of the event. Because of the pan-

and lenses in place, they Colombo premises and in the demic situation at that time,

were lucky to observe the University of Jaffna by the it was impossible to conduct

Venus Transit in 2012 which Astronomical Society of the a solar observation camp.

will occur again in another University of Colombo col- The Astronomical Society

112 years. The Mathemati- laborating with FOS Media. of the University of Colom-

cal and Astronomical society

members managed to pho-

tograph quality images of

the Venus transit, especial-

ly with the contact 3 and 4.

Figure 6- How the solar eclipse occured

bo is a leading astronom-

ical organization in our

country. We always try to

continue the legacy of our

Astronomical Society by en-

gaging with these types of

astronomical observations

and doing lots of astronom-

ical events with our mem-

Figure 4 – 2012 Venus Transit bers as well as the public.

2019 and 2020 were the The Northernmost part of

years that our astronomical our country got to observe A. H. M. D. N. Abeysinghe
society was able to observe the “ring of fire” during the 3rd Year Undergraduate,
the two consecutive Solar peak of the eclipse, because Department of Physics,
eclipses that the Sri Lankan
sky watchers were looking the moon was at apogee, Faculty of Science.

and hence the whole disk

forward to. Among the two, of the Sun was not covered.

the 2019 Solar eclipse was For all the other areas, it

the best. 26th of December was visible as a partial so-

2019, Sri Lanka was right in lar eclipse covering more
the middle of the path of an- than 80% at its peak de-

nularity of the last eclipse of pending on the location.

the decade. Two public ob-

servational camps were con- The Solar eclipse of 2020

took place on the 21st of June,

2020, and with the guidance

of Professor Chandana Ja-

yarathne, the Astronomical

Society of the University of
Colombo along with the offi-

cial media unit of the Faculty

Figure 5 - Annular Solar Eclipse 2019 ses- of Science conducted a live Figure 7 – Solar Eclipse 2020 – Observa-
broadcasting program for tional Camp at the University of Colombo
sion – At University of Jaffna

67 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC Ys,am fiakd - Y%S ,xld ;dlaIK úma,jfha ;drld i,l=K

Ys,am fiakd -
Y%S ,xld ;dlaIK úma,jfha ;drld i,l=K

Y%S,dxlsl ld¾ñl ;dlaIK hg iyNd.s ùug wjia:dj fojk iy f;jk jirj,
mqkreoh ,xldj mqrd ie,is‚.
jHdma; lrkq jia úoHd, ;dlaIK l,dmfha wNHjldY bf.kqu ,nk wm ;drld
;dlaIK yd m¾fhaIK wud;H-
;dlaIK wxYfha msysá m%o¾Yk úoHd ix.ufha isiq isiqúh-
dxYh úiska ixúOd- kaf.a iyNd.s;ajfhka isÿ úh.
l=áfha iudrïNh uydpd¾h ;drld úoHd ix.uh i;= w.kd
kh lrk ,o rdcH ld¾ñl
pkaok chr;ak uy;df.a u ÿrolak fuka u uydpd¾h
;dlaI‚l iy wOHdmksl uÕfmkaùu hgf;a m<uq,
pkaok chr;ak uy;d i;= j

fiakdz kñka 2019 iema;eïn¾

25 isg 29 olajd fmdf<dkakrej

.,a,E,a, cd;sl l%Svdx.kfha

§ meje;aùug lghq;=

i,id ;sì‚.

ta i|yd ,dxflah ;drld

yd wNHjldY ;dlaIKh

m%p,s; lsÍfï mqfrda.dóka

f,i lghq;= lrk Y%S ,xld

.%yf,dald.drhg yd fld<U

úYajúoHd,hSh ;drld úoHd

yd wNHjldY úoHd tall- Figure 1: W,aldmd; tl;=j krUk mdi,a isiqka

SIGMA 2022 68

Ys,am fiakd - Y%S ,xld ;dlaIK úma,jfha ;drld i,l=K ASTROSOC

;u fN!;sl iy udkj iïm;a
imhñka odhl;ajh oelajQy.

i;shla mqrd ksÈ j¾ð; j fï

i|yd lemjqKq ;drld úoHd

ix.ufha idudðlfhda, 29 jk

Èk wjidkfha mrdl%u iuqøh

wdikakfha msysá ;u ks-

fla;kfha ld,h .; lr miqj

fmdf<dkakrej ft;sydisl

mqrjrfha ixpdrh lsÍug;a

wu;l fkd l<y. lKavdhu

wjidkfha kej;;a fld<U

mqrjrh n,d msg;a ùu werUqfõ

Figure 2: uydpd¾h pkaok chr;ak uy;d ;u oekqu fnod foñka ;rula fjfyilr kuq;a
fid÷re yd wmQ¾j w;aoelSï /

mj;sk W,aldmd; tl;=j o keröug jeä leue;a;la oe- ila ;u Ôú;j,g tlaldiq lr
fuu l=áfha m%o¾Ykhg ;nd lajQy. .ksñks.

;sì‚. uOHu rd;%sh ola- Ys,am fiakd m%o¾Ykhg

jd újD; j mej;s m%o¾Ykfha

rd;%S ld,h fjka jqfKa ;drld

úoHd ix.uh i;= ÿf¾laI

u.ska wdldY jia;= ksÍlaI-

Kh i|ydhs. fmdf<dkakre

Èia;%slalfha mdi,a isiqka b;d

Woafhda.fhka fï wjia:d-

jg iïnkaO jQ w;r mey-

eÈ,s rcrg wyfia n%yiam;s,

fikiqre we;=¿ wdldY jia;=

fndfyduhla ÿf¾laI ldphg

yiq lr .ekSug ;drld úoHd

idudðlhkag yelshdj ,eì‚.

uydpd¾h pkaok chr;ak

uy;d ix.ufha idudðlh- Figure 3: rfÜ kj mrmqr fjkqfjka ;drld úoHd ix.uh

ka iuÕ tlaj fuu tall- iu.dó j wkqrdOmqr uOH oeyeñ .=K;s,l

hg meñ‚ msßig ;drld úoHd úoHd,fha rd;%S wyi ksÍlaIK f;jk jir,
oekqu fnod ÿka w;r mdi,a,
úYajúoHd, iy ld¾ñl úoHd, l|jqrla ixúOdkh lr ;snQ fN!;sl úoHd fomd¾;fïka;=j,
w;r ;drld úoHd ix.ufha
j, fndfyda isiqyq fuu tallh úoHd mSGh.
idudðlfhda tu wjia:djg
fiahd rE: FOS Media

69 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC fld<U wyi uq¿ rgg u...

fld<U wyi uq¿ rgg u...

fld<U úYajúoHd,hSh
;drld úoHd ix-
.ufha wms, Èjhsfka úúO m%-
foaYj, mdi,a isiqka wruqKq
lr .ksñka ixúOdkh l<
;drld yd wNHjldY úoHd
jevigyka iy jevuq¿ lsys-
mhl yrj;a rij;a u;ld-
j¾ckh fuf,iska bÈßm;a

j;auka iudchSh wd¾Ól

jHdl+,;ajh iy fldúâ jix

.;fha wd.ukhg m<uq j

fujka jevigyka lsysmhla

u id¾:l f,i meje;aùug

fld<U úYajúoHd,fha wms
iu;a ùuq. ta wkqj, 2019 jif¾
§ jevuq¿ y;rl=;a, 2020 jif¾
§ jevuq¿ ;=kl=;a f,iska

fld<U úYajúoHd,hSh ;drld

úoHd ix.uh úiska jevuq¿
y;la bÈßm;a flß‚.

ó.uqj f.aÜfõ cd;Hka;r úoHdj iïnkaO foaYk iy fjka wid oel n,d Wf.kSug
mdi,, wkqrdOmqr uOH oekqïj;a lsÍï mj;ajk w;f¾ fuu mdi,a orejka iu;a
úoHd,h, lrej,.iajej úoHd u fg,iafldamh ke;skï ùu fld<U úYajúoHd,fha
pl%j¾;S úoHd,h, noafoa.u ÿf¾laIh jeks Bg u wdfõ‚l wmf.a uy;a jQ i;=gg fya;=
l%sia;= foaj nd,l mdi, wd§ jQ ÿ¾,N WmlrK ms<sn| j jk ldrKhls. ;uka fkdo;a
jYfhka jQ jevigyka ud,d- bf.kSug;a, tajd Ndú;f- lreKq oek .ekSug;a, fmr
fõ wjidkh mdkÿr nd,sld hka ;u ;ukag u wyfiys mgka o;a lreKq jeä ÈhqKq
úoHd,h flakaø lr .ksñka jk .%yf,dal, ;drld wdÈh lr .ekSug;a, tajdfha i;H
2020 ud¾;= udifha § id¾:l .fõIKhg;a isiq orejkag wi;H;djh úuiSug;a mdi,a
j ksudj iksgqyka lrk ,§. ,efnk wjia:dj b;du;a iqú- orejkaf.a jk we,au iy Wk-
fYaIS fõ. kaÿj we;eï úg wmj mjd
jevuq¿j wdrïNfha mgka uy;a mqÿuhg m;a lsÍug iu;a
wjidkh olajd u Bg iyNd.S ;drld úoHdfõ úldYkh, fjhs.
jk mdi,a isiqkaf.a Wkkaÿj .%yf,dal iy wNHjldYfha
iy wdl¾IKh ì|la fyda wvq Wm;, kQ;k kj;u fidhd. pkaøhd, fikiqre, n%yiam;s
fkdjk mßÈ b;du;a ri- ekSï iy fy<sorõ wd§ jQ b;d wd§ jQ m%isoaO .%y jia;+ka o mqxÑ
j;a whqßka fm< .eiaùug mq¿,a jQ;a ixlS¾K jQ;a úIh ld,fha mgka wid ;snQ Trdh-
wm iyDohka ;=< we;s mrdihl ñysß;u lreKq wdid- ka, ol=Kq l=reih wd§ jQ ;re
yelshdj buy;a h. ;drld

SIGMA 2022 70

fld<U wyi uq¿ rgg u... ASTROSOC

Figure 1: lrej,.iajej úoHd pl%j¾;S úoHd,fha ;drld úoHd l|jqr

rgd o ish;ska isheiska olsk flfrkqfha iyNd.S jk u kqÿf¾§;a imhk ;drld
úoHd ix.ufha m%Odk wkqY-
mdi,a orejkaf.a ksï ysï ke;s ish,a,ka u wNHjldYh mqrd dil;=uka we;=¿ tu ish¨
m%S;sh wms o fkdu| j úkafouq. u uy;au uy;aóka o wmf.a
jevuq¿j mqrdjg u iyNd.S b;du;a iqúfYaIS pdßldjlg fkdu| f.!rjhg md;% úh
/f.k hñks. fndfyduhla hq;= u h.
jk ish¨ u isiqka .=rejreka isiq orejka fun÷ w;aoelSula

we;=¿ iEu ish¨ fokdg u ,nk m%:u wjia:dj fuh nj

ksjerÈ ksrjq,a lreKq myod Tjqkaf.a Okd;aul miqjokska

Figure 2: noafoa.u l%sia;= foaj msßñ úoHd,fha ;drld úoHd l|jqr

foñka ks¾jpkh lsÍu ;rula wmg meyeÈ,sj u ksÍlaIKh jrla mdi,l ;re l|jqr-
wNsfhda.d;aul hehs mejiSu la ixúOdkh l< miq wmg
w;sYfhdala;shla kï fkdfõ. fï ish¨ u jevigyka iy
yekaoEfõ 6g muK wdrïN jevuq¿ i|yd uÕ fmkaùu iy ,enqfKa kej; kej;;a
iïm;a odhl;ajh iemhQ fuka
jk jevuq¿j myqjod wdrdOkd ñi tlÿ fyda fodi-
la wvqjla wikakg fkd;snq‚.
ysñÈßfha 6g muK ksud bka .uH jkafka fld<U

71 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC fld<U wyi uq¿ rgg u...

Figure 3: oUq,a, ó.uq cd;Hka;r mdif,a ;drld úoHd l|jqr

úYajúoHd,fha wm lKavdhfï o b;d wmyiq h. l< wdorŒh, jákd jevi-
ukd m<mqreoao fia u fmr wid gyka lsysmhl mqxÑ wdj¾ck-
oel bf.k f.k ke;s wisßu;a fuf,iska jevuq¿ mj;ajkq hhs ta, mQ¾j w;aoelSï mdvu-
wNHjldY úoHdj ms<sn| mdi,a ,enQ we;eï mdi,aj, .=rejre- la lr .ksñka yels ú.iska
isiq ore oeßhkaf.a w;suy;a ka ;ju;a wm iuÕ ikaks- h<s;a fujka wisßu;a ;drld
we,au fkdfjhs o@ fõokh fh§u b;du;a i;=gg yd wNHjldY jevigyklska
lreKls. jevuq¿ wjika lsÍug mdi,la, ¥ orejka, .=rejreka,
iEu jevuq¿jla u mqrdjg wm u;af;ka .=jka .; lrk jdhq iuia; rgla oekqïj;a lsÍfï
,nk w;aoelSï iy wjfndaOh frdlÜgq, c, frdlÜgq isiq udyeÕs wêIaGdkh is;ays fmrgq
fuf;lehs leá l< fkdyel’ orejka w;ska u ks¾udKh ùu lr .ksñka fï mqxÑ igyk
ta ish,a,la u wmf.a u;lh- wmf.a l%shdj,sfha id¾:l;ajh fuf,iska ksudj iksgqyka
kays b;du;a iqúfYaIS f,iska ukdj ms<sìUq lrkakls. lrkq we;.
;ekam;a ù yudr h. fld<U
úYajúoHd,fha lS¾;s kduh 2019 iy 2020 hk oEjqre- bIxl foaYm%sh
o ;j;a nn<jñka jevuq¿j oafoa fld<U úYajúoHd,f- wjika jir Wmdê wfmalaIl
id¾:l j ksu lrñka wm ,o ha ;drld úoHd ix.ufha wms
ta i;=g ñ, lsÍula mjd is;Su oefha ¥ mq;=ka fjkqfjka isÿ úoHd mSGh
fld<U úYajúoHd,h

SIGMA 2022 72

iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk ASTROSOC

iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk

ta2019 fkdjeïn¾ udih, 2019 wjqreoafo iema;eïn¾ ksÍlaIK l|jqrla mj;a-
uu t;fldg fld<U
udfia jf.a b|ka u wfma ix- jkak ;SrKh lr,d ;sfhkjd
lsh,d. ta;a fï l;dfj jeo.;a
úYajúoHd,fha úoHd .ufha idudðl idudðldj- u fldgi Wfka ta ksÍlaIK

mSGfha m<uq jir YsIHfhla. ka jf.a u úYajúoHd,, mdi,a l|jqr mj;ajkafk hdmkh

úYajúoHd,fha ;drld úoHd YsIH m%cdj yd uyck;dj úYajúoHd,fha fN!;sl úoHd

ix.ufha yefudau jf.a fï l,d;=rlska olskakg wxYh iy wfma ;drld úoHd

u uu;a weÕs,s .ksñka ysáfh ,efnk ixisoaêh .ek oekq- ix.uh tl;= fj,d lshk
tl. ta jf.a u fï lghq;a;g
foieïn¾ udfia Y%S ,xld- j;a lrkak wms l%shdud¾. wfma úYajúoHd,fha ;drld yd

jg o¾Ykh fjkak kshñ; wrf.k ;snqKd. uq,ska u wNHjldY úoHd tallh jf.a

j,hdldr iQ¾h.%yKh ljod wms Facebook jf.a iudc udOH u Y%S ,xld .%yf,dald.drh;a

Wod fõú o lshk ys;ska. b;ska yryd ,xldfõ úúO m%foaY- Woõ fjkjd lsh,d wmsj oekq-
j;a l<d. fï cd;sl ksÍlaIK
;drld úoHd ix.uhla úÈhg j,g fï iQ¾h.%yKh o¾Ykh l|jqrg iu.dó j ,xldj mqrd

wfma ;drld úoHd ix.uhg fjk wdldrhhs, fudkjo u bkak mdi,a YsIH YsIHdj-

fï l,d;=rlska Wod fjk iQ¾h.%yK lshkafk, ta jf.a ka w;f¾ oekqj;a lsÍfï je-

wjia:dj ms<sn| j iEfyk u fldfyduo wdrlaIs; j vigykla úÈhg ;drld úoHd

jev lghq;= m%udKhla lrkak iq¾h.%yKhla krUkafk jf.a oekqu ñkqu jevigykla mj;a-
jkak ;SrKh lr,d ;snqKd.
mejß,d ;sínd jf.a u wfma foaj,a oekqj;a l<d. fï tlal u rg mqrd úysÈ,d

fcHIaG whsh,d, wlal,d wmsg ;sfhk úod;d uOHia:dk
woyia ,nd §,d ;sínd. fï
fï fjkfldg ;drld yryd fï l,d;=rlska ,efnk
l;dj uQ,sl fjkafk iQ¾hhd úoHd ix.ufha fcHIaG
NdKavd.dßl;=ud jqK pkaok wjia:dj ksÍlaIKh lrkak
yUd hEfï, wfma W;=rg .sh kE chr;ak uydpd¾h;=ud wmsj
oekqj;a l<d fï j,hdldr
.uk .ek Wk;a uu leu;shs iQ¾h.%yKhg wod< j cd;sl

Bg l,ska fjÉp isÿùï yryd

ta .uk hkak…

73 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC ks,OdÍ uy;au uy;aóka úYd, iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk
lghq;= i,i,d ;snqKd.
m%udKhla iyNd.s Wkd. ug;a ;r.fha ch.%dylhskag hdm-
fï ms<sn| j oekqj;a lrkak kh úYajúoHd, mßY%fha me-
Y%S ,xld .%yf,dald.drfha wfma m<uq jif¾ ifydaor je;afjk cd;sl ksÍlaIK
§ úfYaI /iaùula uydpd¾h l|jqrg iyNd.s ùug
pkaok chr;ak ue;s;=udf.a ifydaoßhka lsysm fofkl=g;a wjia:dj ie,fikjd lsh,;a
m%Odk;ajfhka jf.a u hdm- fuys § wjOdrKh l<d. b;ska
kh úYajúoHd,fha fN!;sl fï jevigykg iyNd.s fï oekqj;a lsÍfï jevigyk
úoHd fomd¾;fïka;= m%OdkS, wjidkfha b;d l=vd iQ¾h
uydpd¾h mS. rúrdcka fjkak wjldY ,enqfKa ksÍlaIK ieishlg iyNd.s
ue;s;=udf.a iyNd.S;ajfhka fjkak;a wms jf.a u wfkl=;a
2019 fkdjeïn¾ udfia tjlg ;drld úoHd ix.ufha iyNd.s jQ ks,OdÍkq;a wjldY
22 fjks od ^uf.a u;lh yß ,nd .;a;d.
kï& meje;ajqKd. fï /iaùug iNdm;S;ajh ormq <ysre
rg mqrd úysÈ,d ;sín úod;d
uOHia:dkj, fiajh lrmq whshd ud¾.fhka. foieïn¾

26 fjksodg l%shd;aul ùug

kshñ; jqK ksÍlaIK l|jqr

.ek fï jevigyfka

§ b;du;a uekúka pkaok

chr;ak uydpd¾h;=ud meyeÈ,s

l<d jf.a u uu l,ska i|yka

lrmq §m jHdma; oekqu ñkqu

Figure 1: uydpd¾h pkaok chr;ak uy;d úiska úod;d uOHia:dk ks,OdÍka oekqj;a lsÍu.

b;du;a blaukska ld,h .; kak ,efnhs.& ,eì,d ;sfhk jir wfma n,dfmdfrd;a;= ì|
Wkd. hdmkh úYajúoHd,fha uQ,H m%;smdok tlal tal jegqK;a uu we;=¿ wfma if-
meje;afjk l|jqrg iyNd.s fjkak mq¿jka fohla. wksl ydaor ifydaoßhkag laI‚l j
fï 10 fokd iukaú; Wfka wdmq woyila jqfKa hdmfkag
lr .kak úYajúoHd, YsI-
úoHd mSGfha ks, udOH tallh Night Mail Train tfla .syska
Hhska msßi 10 fofkl=g
fjk FOS Media ksfhdackhla wdmyq ta fldaÉÑfha u fld<U
iSud lrkak fjkjd lsh,d iy ;drld úoHd ix.ufha ks- tk tl .ek. ;drld úoHd ix-
wmg oek .kakg yïnqKd. fhdackhla tlal. ta ksid m<uq .ufha m<uq jir WhatsApp
^10 l,a,sh úÈhg miqj oek.

SIGMA 2022 74

iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk fldgqjg hkak;a tlÕ Wkd. ASTROSOC

Group tfla fï ms<sn| j nrg ta fj,dj fjkfldg ie,iqu uu fukak fï úÈhg
bÈßm;a lrkakï.
u idlÉPdjla mgka .;af; l,ska fjka lr .ekSfï ljq¿j
<Õ úYd, fmda,sula ;sínd. wms msg;a ùu ^fld<U fldgqj&:
.ukg i;shlg jf.a l,ska ;=ka fokd u nh fj,d ysáfh 2019$12$25; meh 2100
b|ka. <Õd ùu ^hdmkh&:
b;ska myqjod u leïmia hkak wfma lÜáhg u álÜ ál 2019$12$26; meh 0448
.kak neß fjhs lsh,d. fudlo wdmiq msg;a ùu ^hdmkh&:
n,df.k uu .sfh fldgqj yefudau n,dfmdfrd;a;= Wfka 2019$12$26; meh 1835
iafÜYka tlg, .syska álÜ <Õd ùu ^fld<U fldgqj&:
áll=;a Book lrkak n,df. tl ÿïßh ueÈßhl i;=fgka
kuhs. m<uq mka;sfha hkak úfkdafoka fï .uk hkak. 2019$12$27; meh 0345
;uhs ldf.;a leue;a; ;snqf- wdmyq leïmia tlg wms ;=ka
Ka, ta;a álÜ .ek n,kak .shd hdmkhg Wfoa mdkaor <Õd
u ta isyskh fnd| fj,d .sfh fokd wdj;a fï .ukg tl;=
jqKdg miafia wmsg hdm-
m<uq mka;sfha álÜ Tlafldu fjkak ;j wh bÈßm;a Wfka
jf.a bjr fj,d ;snqK ksid. fï fj,dfj. wms lsysm fokdg kh úYajúoHd,h olajd
tod uf.a wf;a i,a,s jeämqr oj,a ;re fmkqfKa fukak
fï fj,dfj. b;ska lrkak u hEug iQodkï fjkak ;ekla
álla ;snqK ksid ùrhd jf.a fohla ke;s ;ek ta bÈßm;a
Wk fiÜ tlg, wdfhu;a fidhd .kak tl;a iEfyk
álÜ Book lrkak .sh;a fnd- iafÜYka tlg .syska álÜ ál
Book lr .kak isoaO Wkd. wNsfhda.d;aul ldrKhla
fyda fofkla fï .uk hkak ta;a yji fndaäug .syska n,oaÈ
;j;a m%Yakhla, wms tl álÜ Wkd. wka;sug ta i|yd wms
wdYdfjka ysgmq ksid uf. tlla wvqfjka wrka ;shkafk.
fukak fï fj,dfj § ;re- f;dard .;af; ld,.=K úoHd
wf;a ;snqK i,a,s uÈ fjkjd
j,skq;a tydg úYajfha wE; fomd¾;fïka;=fõ hdm-
lsh,d ta fj,dj fjkfldg;a
ug f;areï .syska ;sínd. Bg fl<jr ukaodls‚ mjd fm- kh m%dfoaYSh uOHia:dkfha
miafi uu fl<ska u .sfha fkk yeÕSula ;sífn. b;ska
leïmia tlg. ta fjkfldg fï .ufka ixúOdhlhd úÈhg kej;=ïfmd<la. iQ¾h.%yKfha
u,aYdka, l,‚ jf.a wfma
m<uq jifr msßila leïmia ta Wk je/oao ksjerÈ lr .kak lghq;= Wfoa 11g jf.a wjika

tfla hï lsis jQ jevlg weú;a myqjod Wfoa mdkaor u kej;;a fjk ksid hdmkh k.rfha
ysáhd ^fya;=j kï u;l kE&.
b;ska fï uQ,H m%Yakh .ek fldgqj iafÜYka tlg hkak fmdä ijdßhla hkak;a wfma
uu ta msßi;a tlal l;d l<d. isoaO jqkd. b;ska wfma .ufka
fldfydu yß l,‚, u,aYdka ysf;a woyila ;snqKd. wfma

b;sß uqo,a ál wfma Collection ie,iqu jqfka hdmkfha m%isoaO

tlg odkak jf.a u álÜ Rio Ice Cream, k,aƾ fldaú,

ál Book lrkak ud;a tlal jf.a u hdmkh fldgqj jf.a

;eka lsysmhla.

Figure 2: wmf.a .uka ie,iqu.

75 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC fï yeu;ekska u wdmq m<uq iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk
Èkh 2019$12$25,
ÿïßfhka hdmkhg hk jir idudðlf- wrf.k msg;a fjkak l,ska
b|ka u ;SrKh lr,d ;snqfK,
wfma kE .ukg ;drld úoHd hda fï kvhg tl;= jqkd. yenehs Trip tlla hk úÈhg u
f.dvla wh ;ukaf. f.j,a-
ix.ufha m<uq jir isiqka ljo;a mrlal= fjk fldaÉÑh j,ska f.kdmq lEuj,ska wfma
.uk rij;a jqKd.
úÈhg wms 23 fofkla iyNd.s kï yenehs tod mrlal=
jqKd. ol=fKka, niakdysß-
ka, lkao Wvráka, jhôka fj,d ;snqfKa keye.

wms yefudau wfma ? lEu

Figure 3: msg;a ùug fudfyd;lg fmr wfma msßi

b;ska fld<U fldgqfj- wkqrdOmqrh myq Wkdg miafi ,enqKd. wfma kvfha lsysm

ka msg;a jqK rd;%S ;eme,a b;du;a ukao.dó .ukl fofklag fï fjoaÈ hdmkh
;uhs wmg fhfokak Wfka.
ÿïßfha m<uq kej;=u Wfka iuyr kej;=ïj, wmsg úkdä úYajúoHd,fha ifydaoßhka

fmd,a.yfj, ÿïßh ia:dkh. 30la jf.a úYd, fj,djla /£ lsysm fofkla wfma

t;kska miafi l=reKE., isákak;a isoaO Wfka l,ska fldaÉÑfha § u uqK.eys,d
i|yka lrmq ix{d m%Yak ksid.
yryd wkqrdOmqrh fjklka ;snqKd. ta whf.ka oek .;a;=

wLKav .ukl fhÿK wfma úia;rj,g wkqj fldl=ú,a

fldaÉÑh bka miafi f.dv- Sub station tfla b|ka mhs-

la ;ekaj,ska kejf;kakg fldfydu yß wms Wfoa 6:11 ka hk ÿßka ;ud fï l%Svdx.

isoaO jqfKa ix{d m%Yak ksid. fjoaÈ w,suxlv ÿïßh ia:d- kh msysg,d ;sfhkafk. b;ska

tod b;du;a meyeÈ,s wyi- khg <Õd Wkd. iq¾h.%yKh hdmkh iafÜYka tflka

la ;snqKd. iS;, yq<x oyrd- mgka .kak ;j meh blaukska u neye,d fldl=ú,a

jla tlal fldaÉÑfha follg wdikak ld,hla olajd wdfhu;a álÜ

fodrgq wdikakfha .uka ;snqfKa. yefudaf.u ys;aj, .kak ug isoaO Wkd. úkdä

lroaÈ ta oefkk yeÕSu jpk- ;sífn pls;hla, wmsg fj,djg lsysmhlg miafi wms hdmkh

fhka úia;r lrkak wudrehs. hdmkh úYajúoHd,hSh l%Svdx. úYajúoHd,hSh l%Svdx.khg

b;du;a meyeÈ,s wyila tlal khg hkak neß fõú lsh,d. toaÈ iQ¾h.%yKh mgka .kak

,enqK ta w;aoelSu, f.dvla ta;a hdmkh ÿïßh ke- ;j;a b;sß fj,d ;snqfKa

ld¾hnyq, jqK j;=ug Wfoa 7:30 jf.a fjoaÈ úkdä 15la jf.a iq¿ ld,hla.

i;shg úrduhla tl;= l<d. <Õd fjkak wmsg mq¿jkalu

SIGMA 2022 76

iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk ASTROSOC

Figure 4: hdmkh úYajúoHd,hg Tn ieu idorfhka ms<s.ksuq

úÿ,s fõ.fhka iQodkï fj,d wms tkfldg;a fï wjia:dj fcHIaG whsh,df. tl;=fjka.
iÔù j uq¿ f,dalhg u oel hdmkh úYajúoHd, mßY%hg
fl<ska u wms .sfh Telescopes n,d.kak wfma ;drld úoHd
ix.ufha fjí msgqj jf.a iu.dó j fld<U úYajúoHd,
msßjrd ;snqK wfma ksÍlaIK u FOS Media ys iudc udOH
l|jqrg. wfma kfâ f.dvla cd,d o ,Eia;s lrñka ysáf- mßY%fh;a ksÍlaIK l|jqr-
whg Wfoa lEu jf.a u Bfh ? ha 10 l,a,sfha idudðlhska.
l,ska úia;r l<d jf.a fï la wfma ix.uh ixúOdkh
b|ka we|f.k wdmq we÷u mjd 10 l,a,sh yeÿfKa FOS Media lr,d ;snqKd. kuq;a fld<Ug
tlal iyfhda.fhka jev lrmq fï iQ¾h.%yKh o¾Ykh Wfka
udre lr.kak wu;l Wfka wfma u ;drld úoHd ix.ufha w¾O iQ¾h.%yKhla úÈhg.

Ôú; ld,hg u fndfydu

l,d;=rlska muKla n,d.kak

,efnk fï pu;aldr ckl
ixisoaêh ksid fjkak mq¿jka.

Figure 5: FOS Media iy ;drld úoHd ix.uf.a m%h;akhka fiahdrE .; jQ 2019 j,hdldr iQ¾h.%yKh

77 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC b;du;a Wkkaÿfjka iyNd.s iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk
fj,d ;snqKd. wka;¾cd;sl
b;ska úkdä 3hs ;;amr 12la jf.a u Y%S ,dxlsl úoaj;=ka iyNd.S Wkd. fuu ksÍlaIK
jf.a iq¿ ld,hla ;ud mQ¾K l|jqr msgqmi ysgmq fhdaO
j,hdldr wdldrfhka fï úYd, m%udKhla fï wjia:d-
iQ¾h.%yKh ksÍlaIKh Wfka. jg tl;= fj,d ysáhd. fuys § yia;h Wfka wm ;drld úoHd
ta;a meh 3lg wdikak ld,h- úfYaI wuq;a;ka úÈhg tjlg
la fï iQ¾h.%yKh w¾O ix.ufha fcHIaG NdKavd.dßl
iQ¾h.%yKhla úÈhg ksÍlaI- úoHd yd ;dlaIK wud;H;=ud
Kh lrkak yelshdj Wod Wk uydpd¾h pkaok chr;ak
Wkd. cd;sl ksÍlaIK l|jqrla jf.a u wka;¾cd;sl ue;s;=ud. ta jf.a u hdmkh
jqK ksid rg mqrd u úysÈ,d ys- úYajúoHd,fha fN!;sl úoHd
gmq mdi,a YsIH YsIHdjka jf.a ;drld úoHd T,sïmshdâ
u ;drld úoHdjg wdorh lrk wOHhk wxY m%Odk uydpd¾h
úYd, msßila fï wjia:djg ;,sfha wdrïNl iNdm;s mS. rúrdcka ue;s;=ud we;=¿
msßij;a ia;=;smQ¾jl j u;la
jQ wdpd¾h uhsl,a l< hq;= fjkjd.
Ô. .eßf,dõ uy;d jf.a úYd,
iïNdjkSh wuq;a;ka msßila

Figure 6: uydpd¾h pkaok chr;ak, wdpd¾h .eßf,dõ iuÕ fld<U úYajúoHd,fha wms

Figure 7, 8: j,hdldr iQ¾h.%yKh ksÍlaIKh lrk mdi,a ore oeßhka we;=¿ uyck;dj

SIGMA 2022 78

iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk ASTROSOC

fmrjre 11:21g iQ¾h.%yKh ix.%y lñgqj lghq;= lr,d kE. fudlo wfma fnd-
wjika fjkj;a tlal u, ;snqK ksid ta f;fyÜgqj
hï muKlska u. yer .kak fyda fofklag fyd¢ka fou<
wmsg mq¿jka jqKd. Bg miafi
cd;sl W;aijfha jev lghq;= ta wi, u ;snqK wdmk Yd,d- NdIdj l;d lrkak mq¿jka-
jlg wms ish¨ fokd u .sfh
wjika Wfka Bg iu.dó j oyj,a wdydrh .kak. hdm- lula ;snqfKa keye jf.a
khg úfYaI jQ lEu fõ,la
meje;ajqK úúO ;,s yd lshkak wudre Wk;a hï hï jQ u hdmkh k.rh we;=<;
wdfõ‚l .;sj,ska hqla; Wk
ta wdY%s; j meje;ajqK foaYk Buffet tllska iEySulg m;a wms .uka lrmq niaj, lsisu
fjkak wmsg isÿ Wkd.
wd§ lghq;= wjika ùfu- fldkafodia;r flfkl=gj;a
ka. Bg miafi 10 l,a,sh iy B<Õg wfma .ukdka;h Wfka
hdmkh m%dfoaYSh ld,.=K isxy, NdIdj l;d lrkak
uOHia:dkfha kej;=ïfmd<.
wmsg mejreK ld¾hhka fldl=ú,a úYajúoHd, mßY%fha yelshdjla ;snqfK keye. b;s-
b|,d ta olajd nia tlla yryd
Wfka ÿf¾laI yd leurd wd§ ;uhs ta .uka hkak isoaO ka isðia ;ud wfma ks, NdId
Wfka. wms;a tlal wfma kvfha
Wmdx. iqrlaIs; úÈhg wdmiq zisðiaz ysáfha ke;akï fï nia mßj¾;lhd jYfhka fï .uk
f.kshkak lghq;= lsÍuhs. wms .uk fldfydu;a u id¾:l
lr .kak isoaO fjkafk mqrd u lghq;= lf<a. ld,.=K

fndfyda fokd fï fjkfldg úoHd fomd¾;fïka;=fj wod<

iEfyk f;fyÜgqjlska .; m%dfoaYSh ld¾hd,h msysg,d
lf<a, Bg l,ska ojfia ? mqrd
;snqfKa m%Odk mdfrka ógr

fldaÉÑfha weú;a lsisu úfõl- 300-350l jf.a ÿrlska. uu

hlska f;drj u fï jefâg ys;kafk talg fya;=j fjkafk

wmsg iïnkaO fjkak isoaO wod< WmlrKj,g m%Odk mdr
jqK ksid. yenehs iQ¾h.%yKh
w;r;=r È mßmamq jfâ, W¿÷ r;a ùu yd tys .uka lrk

jdykj,ska fjk n,mEï wvq

jfâ jf.a lEu tlal lsß lr .kak fï ;rï we;=<;ska

melÜj,ska ix.%y lrkak msysàu fya;=jla fjkjd lsh,d.

hdmkh úYajúoHd,fha

Figure 9: ßfhda whsial%Sï yf,a fid÷re ie|Ejl

t;k kej;=ïfmdf<ka wms wf,úie,;a ;snqf- Wfka m%fudaoa. b;ska

wfma we÷ï udre lrf.k wod< Ka. b;ska lÜáh u fmreï fï .ufka u;lhka f.dvla

ld¾hhka wjika lrf.k mqrdf.k weú;a tl tl úÈf- fiahdrE úÈhg wmsg ;shd.kak

B<Õg .uka lf<a k,aƾ ha whsia l%Sï fï wjia:dfõ § m%fudaoa ksid yelshdj yïn-
fldaú,g. t;k u wdikak-
fha ;ud m%isoaO Rio Ice Cream ri úkaod. fï .uk w;r;=r jqKd. fu;kska miafi wms

wfma ks, PdhdrEm iylre msg;a jqfKa wfma hdmkh

79 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk

ijdßfha wjidk .ukd- Figure 9: k,aƾ fldaú, bÈßmsg 6:15g ;ud wfma fldaÉÑh
ka;hg, ta hdmkh kd. tkak kshñ;j ;snqfKa, b;ska
úydrh. kd. úydrh msysg,d úydrh wjg ießierefj wfma ÿïßh tk f;la mehla jf.a
;snqfKa hdmkh ÿïßh ia:d- ? lEug hï lsis fohla fy-
dhd .kak, fudlo meh 10lg ld,hla wms ÿïßh ia:dkfha
khg b;du;a wdikak j ksid wdikak .ukla wmsg biairyg .; l<d. fï w;r;=r wms m%-
fhÈ,d ;snqKd. rd;%S wdydrh fudaoaf.a Photo Shoot tllg;a
Bg miafi wfma kvfh ish¨u úÈhg W¿÷ jfâ, mßmamq jfâ
jf.a foaj,a ;ud ta fj,dj fmkS isákak wu;l lf<a
fokd ÿïßh ia:dkhg t;k fjkfldg wmsg fydhd.kak keye.
b|ka mhska .uka wdrïN l<d, yelshdj yïnqfKa. miajre
uu;a ;j lsysm fofkl=;a kd.

Figure 10: wdmiq ÿïßh tk f;la n,d isák wms

SIGMA 2022 80

iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk ASTROSOC

b;ska fid÷re u;lh- wfma kvfha lsysm fofkla wd- lrd msg;a jqfKa ;drld úoHd
miq .ufka § wkqrdOmqr, fm- ix.ufha ;j;a tla id¾:l
ka tl;= lrf.k wms hd- d,a.yfj, jf.a ÿïßh ke- jevigyklg odhl;ajh ola-
mkfhka msg;a jqfKa Ôú; j;=ïj,ska nei .;a;;a ud;a
;=reKq pd,s; iurfialr
ld,hla we;=<; lsysm jdrh- we;=¿ wfma kvfha nyq;rh- isõjk jir,
fN!;sl úoHd
la oel n,d.kak yels fjk la ;ukaf. .uk wjika lf<a
ukialdka; o¾Ykhl fld<U fldgqj ÿïßh ia:d- úoHd mSGh.
kfhka. miq od ^27& Wfoa 4:20
w;aoelSï ú|f.k jf.a u jf.a fjkfldg wms ish¨ fiahdrE( FOS Media, m%fudaoa
fid÷re .ukl u;lhka msß- fokdg u fld<U fldgqj

jrdf.k. .uk iqkaor ÿïßh ia:dkhg tkak mq¿jka
jqKd. uu;a wfkla wh;a t;e-
jqK;a wfma yefudau jf.a ka isg ;u ;ukaf. ksfjia

f.dvla uykaisfhka, f;-

fyÜgqfjka ysgmq wd-

miq .uk ksÈnr .ukla jqKd.

Do you know?

iE u rd;hs% l u pkøa hd yelfs <k nj Tn okakjdo@

jir ñ,shk .Kkdjl isg isis,a ùfï l%shdj,sh fya;=fjka if|a wNHka;rh
yels<Sï iy u;=msg lfndf,a /,s jeàï we;s jqKq nj fidhd .ekq‚. fuu l%shd-
j,sh ksid if|a wrh ógr 100 lska muK yels<S we;s nj ;yjqre úh. 2009 cqks 18
kdid uÕska Èh;a lrk ,o Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) uÕska .;a
pkaøhdf.a PdhdrEmj,g wkqj u;=msg mDIaGfha lobate scarps kï m%md;hka
ks¾udKh ù we;s nj meyeÈ,sj y÷kd .ekq‚. fujeks m%md;hka 3500la muK
LRO uÕska PdhdrEm .; lr we;.

Carter, J. (2019, May 14). Why Is The Moon Shrinking? Future NASA Missions Must
Study “Moonquakes”, Say Scientists. Forbes.

81 SIGMA 2022



StellaChat is an annual webinar se-
ries hosted by the Astronomical Socie-
ty. For the first iteration of StellaChat in
2020, Professor Chandana Jayaratne lec-
tured on “Modern Trends in Astronomy:
Space Mining and Energy from Space”.


StellaChat 2.0 took place on the 6th of De-
cember 2020 with Mr. Hasitha Eranda: A
proud product of the University of Colombo
who graduated with Physics Honours and
currently reading for his Ph.D. in Cosmology
at the University of California, Irvine. This
lecture on “What’s wrong with dark ener-
gy?” was successfully held with the partic-
ipation of more than 70 undergraduates.


The Geminids meteor shower, which peaks
during mid-December each year, is consid-
ered to be one of the best and most reliable
annual meteor showers. In 2020, the Gem-
inids meteor shower was visible across the
country, and the astronomical society hosted
a discussion with the members of the Astro-
nomical Society on the visibility and origin
of meteor showers. More than 50 members
attended the discussion and the participants
individually observed the meteor shower
from their homes and presented the data.

SIGMA 2022 82



Not every day do you get to see two gas gi-
ants in the night sky get so close to each
other and appear to be a single star. In fact,
it happens only once in 800 years. How
could the Astronomical Society miss this
view? The telescopes were set, and eager
eyes were piercing the sky. Much informa-
tion about the giants, Jupiter and Saturn
was shared. The event was live telecast-
ed with the collaboration of FOS media.


The Executive Board of the Astronomical
Society conducted a training program for
the newly appointed students of the Soci-
ety. The training was given on the use and
maintenance of the telescopes owned by
the Astronomical and Space Science Unit.

83 SIGMA 2022


FOSMOS ;Èka ne£ ;sfnk ksihs. fï je-
vigyk, 2021 jif¾ ckjdß 22
Èk fldgia y;rla jYfhka FOS
TV Tiafia úldYh ùu isÿ úh.
ix.ufha b;sydih, ix.uh i;=
ÿf¾laI fuka u ;j;a wu;r

oekqï iïNdrhla fnod ÿka fuu

jevigyfka m<uq fldgiska

t<s oelajqfKa isiqka w;r b;d
u ckm%sh wx.hla. ta ;uhs
ix.uh i;= ÿf¾laI. m%:ufhka
u 2020$21 jif¾ ;drld úoHd

ix.ufha Wm f,alï OQrh oerE

ir,d fiõjkaÈ fidhqßh úis-

ka wm i;= ñ, l< fkdyels
jia;=jla .ek úia;r lrk ,§.
tkï, tx.,ka;fha rdclSh bx-
ðfkare n,ldfha fiajh l<

lms;dka m¾is fuda,aiaj¾;a úis-

ka Ndú; lr wmg mß;Hd.
flreKq fuda,aiaj¾;a ÿf¾laIh.
j¾I 1898 § fuda,aiaj¾;a Whfka

ia:dms; flreKq fï ÿf¾laIh
isl=re, wÕyre iy n%yiam;s
ms<sn| iqúfYaIS ksÍlaIK isÿ
lr we;. .; jQ §¾> ld,h;a
iuÕ oekg wl%sh ;;a;ajfha me-

j;=K;a th ;ju;a ;drld úoHd
ix.uh Ndrfha iq/ls j mj;shs.

Y%Su;a wd;¾ iS. la,dla uy;d 1967 § wdrïN l< fld<U úYa- fojkqj, tl, ix.ufha iNdm;s
jfrl mejiQ wdldrhg, wka júoHd,hSh .‚; iy ;drld jQ p;=ks OkSId fidhqßh úiska
lsisu foalg;a jvd ñksiqka yg úoHd ix.uh Y%S ,dxlsl ;reK
ukqIH;ajh b.ekaùug ;drld YsIH m%cdjg ;drld úoHd;aul wNHjldY .fõIKhg fhdod
úoHdjg yelshdjla mj;shs. oekqu fnod §fuys ,d uy;a
fiajhla bgq lrñka mj;shs. .kakd ÿf¾laI j¾. ms<sn| j
;drld úoHdfõ b;sydih,
ukqIH;ajfha wdrïNh ola- wm úoHd mSGhg ishjila fuka u ix.uh i;= j mj;sk
jd u Èj hkafka ta ksid imsfrk wjia:dfõ, mSGf- úYd,;u ÿf¾laIh jk, W;=re
u jkakg we;s. ishjia, ha ks, udOH tallh jk FOS weußldfõ fjfik fld<U
iyY% .Kkdjla uq¿,af,a Media úiska f.k .sh FOS TV
ñksiqkaf.a l=;=y,hg ms<s;=re iÔj úldYfha mßÉfþohla úYajúoHd,fha wdÈ úoHd¾Òka
fijQ fï Ydia;%h, fld<U úYa- wm ;drld úoHd ix.uh
júoHd,fha úoHd¾Òkaf.a o fjkqfjka fjka lf<a o th úiska mß;Hd. lrk ,o cat-
m%sh;u lafIa;%hla úh. jir úoHd mSGfha b;sydih iuÕ adioptric j¾.fha ÿf¾laIh
ms<sn| j o úia;r lrk ,§.
miqj, tu jif¾ ix.uf-
ha f,alï jYfhka lghq;=

l< his; ä,aIdka fidfy-

SIGMA 2022 84


dhqrd úiska ix.uh Ndú; ;=< ;drld úoHd ix.uh iuÕ ghs. ta ms<sn| idlÉPd lsÍug
lrk mrdj¾;k ÿf¾laI fkdfjkia j isá, oekg ix- iïnkaO ù isá ixcq, iurùr
ms<sn| b;d fyd| wjfndaOhla .ufha fcHIaG NdKavd.dßl fidfydhqrd úiska tys b;sy-
krUkakkag ,nd fok ,§. f,i fuka u m%Odk wkqY- dih, j¾;udkh fuka u kj
diljrfhl= f,i;a l%shd m%jK;d ms<sn| j o úYajh ;=<
FOSMOS jevigyfka fojeks lrk, uydpd¾h pkaok kj Ôjhla fiùug ñksid
wx.h fjka jqfKa ÿf¾laI chr;ak uy;dhs. j¾I 1967 ork jEhu ms<sn| j o meyeÈ,s
we;s ke;s, ksÍlaIK ;drld § .‚; yd ;drld úoHd ix- lrk ,§.
úoHdfõ fh§ug leu;s ish¨ .uh f,i wdrïN lr, 2016 §
u fokd i|ydhs. ix.uf- ;drld úoHd ix.uh f,iska wyi ksÍlaIKfha isg wN-
ha j¾;udk iNdm;s OQrh fjkia jQ tys úldYkh iuÕ HjldY ;rKh olajd jQ fkd-
ork ;=reKq pd,s; fidfy- j¾;udk ÈYdk;sh ms<sn| uy- fhl=;a me;slvj,a wdjrKh
dhqrd úiska Stellarium uDÿldx- dpd¾h;=ud úiska wmj oekq- lrñka krUkakkag oekqu
.h Ndú; lrñka rd;%S wy- j;a lrk ,§. 2021 jif¾ isÿ fnod ÿka FOSMOS jevigyk
fia ;re rgd, .%yf,dal iy jkakg kshñ; j ;snQ ;drld ksudjg m;a jqfKa udkj YsIag-
ukaodls‚ jeks wdldY jia;= úoHd;aul j jeo.;a isÿùï dpdrh fu;rï ÿrla /f.k
ksÍlaIKh yd y÷kd .ekSu o úia;r l< t;=ud, kjl wd l=;=y,h, lsisodl Tnf.
isÿ lrk whqre b;du;a isiqkag ix.uh yd tl;= ùug ka úhelS hdug fkdfok
iúia;rd;aul j myod fok ,§. wdrdOkd lsÍug;a wu;l fk- f,i tla l< wdhdpkd;aul
dlf<a h. m‚úvh;a iuÕhs.
fld<U úYajúoHd,fha ;drld
úoHd ix.uh .ek l;d lrk ;drld úoHdj .ek l;d lrk ksmqks jkakswdrÉÑ
úg ish¨ fokdf.a u isys- wms yeu fokdf.a u isys- f;jk jir,
hg kef.k b;du;a iqúfYaIS hg kef.k m%Yakhla mj;shs.
pß;hla i|yd jevigyf- tkï, ñksidf.a wNHjldY i;a;aj yd mdßißl úoHd
ka ;=kajk fldgi fjka úh. ;rKfha wkd.;h flf,il fomd¾;fïka;=j,
ta fld<U úYajúoHd,hSh úif|​hs o hkakhs. jevi- úoHd mSGh.
úoHd¾Ófhl=f.a isg uydpd¾h- gyfka wjidk fldgiska
jrfhl= olajd jQ meñ‚ ld,h ms<s;=re iemhqfKa tu mekh-

Do you know?

“i| u; ñksid” kï m<uq úoHd mn% kaO Ñ;%mgh i|
.ukg jir yeg y;lg fmr kus jQ nj Tn okakjdo @

f,dj m<uq úoHd m%nkaO Ñ;%mgh jQfha 1902 jif¾ ;sr.; jQ Trip to the Moon,
kue;s Ñ;%mghhs. cQ,aia j¾kaf.a From the Earth to the Moon kdgHh weiq-
frka ksmojQ Ñ;%mgh wOHlaIKh, ksIamdokh iy ixialrKh isÿ lf<a úfYaI
m%fhda. mqfrda.dñfhl= jk fcda¾Ê fu,Sia úisks.

Burke, M. (2020, August 17). 42 Futuristic Facts About Sci-Fi Films. Factinate.

85 SIGMA 2022



The Freshers’ Orientation for the year 2021
was held online successfully with the coop-
eration of all the members of the Astron-
omy Society of the University of Colombo.


This workshop was aimed at students who
are new to blogging and scientific con-
tent writing. The workshop was conduct-
ed by Uditha Weerasinghe; former Editor
of Students’ Blog of the Faculty of Science
and Ms. Ramlaka Kasige; instructor at the
career guidance unit, on the Common As-
pects of blogging and content writing.

2021.10.24 : PROJECT MONARCH

The Project Monarch is the Rover Design
Workshop organized by the Royal College
Astronomical Society in collaboration with
the Astronomical Society of the University of
Colombo. The workshop was facilitated by
Dilanga Harshani, Sahan Liyanage, Dahami
of the Astronomical Society of the Universi-
ty of Colombo on “Basic Structure of a Rover,
Power Sources of Rovers, How Rovers Com-
municate and Camera Modules in Rovers”.

2021.12.12 : ASTRO TALK 1.0

The Executive Board of the Astronomical
Society conducted a training program for
the newly appointed students of the Soci-
ety. The training was given on the use and
maintenance of the telescopes owned by
the Astronomical and Space Science Unit.

Beyond The Stars ASTROSOC


glk; 00- el;rj;jpuq;fSf;F mg;ghy; epfo;T

ekJ society y; gy;NtW epfo;Tfs; Astronomical society d; gioa mq;fj;-
mq;fj;jtu;fspd; kfpo;r;rpf;fhf fy;tpahy;
Vw;gLk; kdmOj;jk; vd;gtw;wpy; ,Ue;J jtu;fSk; fye;J nfhz;ldu;. mtu;fs;
tpLgLtjw;fhf xOq;F nra;ag;gl;L
ntw;wpfukhf epfo;e;jtz;zk; cs;sJ. jq;fspd; ,uT Kfhk; gw;wpa mDgtq;fs;>
gy;fiyf;fof tshfj;jpy; toikahf
eilngw;W tUk; ,e;epfo;Tfs;> ehl;bd; COVID NkYk; epfo;Tfs; xOq;FgLj;jpa
epiyik fhuzkhf online %ykhf
eilngw;wd. mg;gbahf xOq;fikf;fg;gl;l mDgtq;fs;> Rw;Wyhf;fs;> njhiyfhl;bfs;
epfo;Nt Beyond the stars MFk;. ,e;epfo;T
brk;gu; khjk; 20k; jpfjp md;W kw;Wk; society ,d; tuyhW gw;wpAk;
eilngw;wJ. xU el;G uPjpahd fspg;Gld;
$ba re;jpg;ghf mike;jJ. ,uT 7 kzp ek;Kld; gfpu;e;J nfhz;ldu;. NkYk; gy
njhlf;fk; mjpfhiy 3 kzp kl;Lk; eil
ngw;wJ. Rkhu; Ik;gJf;Fk; NkyhNdhu; epfo;Tfs; eilngw;wd. thdpay; rk;ge;jkhd
gq;Nfw;wdu;. tpQ;Qhd> UCSC, IIM kw;Wk;
rl;l gPlq;fspypUe;J Kjyhk; ,uz;lhk; glq;fis ,df;fhZk; tpisahl;Lfs;>
%d;whk; tUl khztu;fs; gq;Nfw;wdu;. Scifi jpiug;glq;fis ,df;fhZk;

tpisahl;Lfs;> fhu;l;^d; fhnzhspf;F

dubbing nra;Ak; tpisahl;Lfs; eilngw;wd.

RUq;fr; nrhd;dhy; kpfTk; Ntbf;ifAk;

tpNehjq;fSk; epiwe;j xU epfo;thf


epfo;tpd; Muk;gj;jpy; xU rpwpa tuNtw;G
fhnzhsp fhz;gpf;fg;gl;lJ. mjd; gpd;G
mwpKfKk; tuNtw;GiuAk; ,lk;ngw;wd.

87 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC Beyond The Stars

kpfTk; fbdkhd xd;iyd; Gjpu;

tpisahl;Lfs;(puzzle game) ,lk;ngw;wd.

mjpy; KiwNa thdpay; rk;ge;jkhd vjpu;fhy

tpz;ntsp fhl;rpfs;> tpz;ntsp tPuu;fs;>

tpz;ntsp fhydp> el;rj;jpuf; fg;gy;fs;

Nghd;wit ,lk;ngw;wd. Gjpu;

tpisahl;LfSf;F ,ilapilNa tpdhb

tpdhf;fis cUthf;fp gupkhw;wp mitf;fhd

glk; 01- Gjpu; tpisahl;L (puzzle game) tpilfis fz;Lgpbf;Fk; Nghl;bAk;


mjd; gpd;G re;jpg;gpy; gq;Nfw;wtu;fs; mjd; gpd;G thdpay; rk;ge;jkhd
fhnzhspfSf;F lg;gpq; nra;Ak; Nghl;b
Muk;gj;jpNyNa 6 FOf;fshf gpupf;fg;gl;ldu;. eilngw;wJ. rpy fhu;l;^d; fhnzhspfSf;Fk;
lg;gpq; nra;Ak; Nghl;b ,lk;ngw;wJ.
xt;nthU FOf;fSf;Fk; nghWg;ghf cjhuzkhf "soorapappa", "exploding
devices", "ice age", "Sesame street",
xt;nthU topfhl;b vd KiwNa "Kung Fu panda"vd;gd MFk; lg;gpq;fpd;
NghJmurpay;>ehrh> Nfhtpl; kw;Wk; vq;fs;
6 Ngu; epakpf;fg;gl;ldu;. Kahoot vDk; nrhe;j epu;thff; FOit Nfyp nra;Ak;
tifapy; gy eifr;Rit kpf;f
tpdhb tpdh Nghl;b FOf;fSf;fpilNa ciuahly;fs; ,lk;ngw;wd. ,Wjp epfo;T-
f;F Kd;ghf Nfyp rpj;jpu Nghl;bapd; rpj;-
itf;fg;gl;lJ. mLj;jjhf <Nkh[pfs; %yk; jpuq;fs; Nghl;bahsu;fsplkpUe;J
rku;gpf;fg; gl;ld.
thdpay; njhlu;ghd Mq;fpy jpiug;glq;fS-

f;fhd ngau;fisf; fz;Lgpbf;Fk; Nghl;b

itf;fg;gl;lJ . mt;thW Nghl;bahsu;fSf;F

toq;fg;gl jpiug;glq;fspd; ngau;fs;

KiwNa ‘Interstellar', 'Red planet',

‘ Stargate’ , ‘Star wars’ , ‘The Martian’, 'Space

between us’, 'First man', ‘WALL-E’ , ‘Dune',

'A Space Odyssey' vd;gd MFk;. ,g;Nghl;bapy;

jpiug;glj;jpd; ngaiu fz;Lgpbj;J

nghWg;ghf epakpf;fg;gl;l topfhl;baplk;

njuptpf;f Ntz;Lk;. ,g;Nghl;bf;F 10 epkplq;fs;

xJf;fg;gl;ld. Nghl;bapy; jpiug;glj;jpd;

ngaupy; nrhw;fspy; gpio ,Ue;jhy;

Gs;spfs; Fiwf;fg;gl;ld.

gpd;G ,uT czTf;fhf Kg;gJ epkpl glk; 02- ntw;wpahsu;fs;
,ilNtis nfhLf;fg;gl;lJ
mt;tpilNtisf;F gpd; thdpay; rk;gejkhd
meme cUthf;Fk; Nghl;b nfhLf;fg;gl;lJ>
,Wjp Nghl;bapd; gpd;G ,ij rku;g;gpf;Fk;
gbahf mwpTWj;jg;gl;lJ. NkYk;
,g;Nghl;bf;F Rkhuhd ngd;rpy; Xtpaq;fNs
vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gl;lJ. ,ilNtisapd; gpd;G

SIGMA 2022 88

Beyond The Stars ASTROSOC

glk; 03 FO Gifg;glk;

,Wjp epfo;thf mq;fj;jtu;fspd; ,ir epfo;T njhlu;ghd fUj;Jf;fs; ngwg;gl;ld.
,Wjpahf ed;wpAiuAld; epfo;T ,dpNj
kw;Wk; thj;jpaf;fUtpfis thrpf;Fk; KbTw;wJ. ,e;j epfo;T gy Rthurpakhd
mDgtq;fis ngWk; kw;Wk; gfpu;e;J
fhnzhspfs; fhz;gpf;fg;gll; d. ,ej; epfot; py; nfhs;sf;$ba xU fsj;ij mik-
j;J je;jJ. midtuJ xj;Jiog;GlDk;
eilngw;w Nghl;bfspy; ngwg;gl;l Gs;spfspd; ,e;epfo;T ntw;wpfukhf eilngw;wJ.

gb FO "Sombrero" ntw;wpngw;wJ. G. Phothygajana
2nd year student
,uz;lhtJ ,lj;ij FO "astronauts"k; Faculty of Science,
University of Colombo
%d;whtJ ,lj;ij FO "Martians"k;

ngw;Wf;nfhz;ld. gpd;G FO Gifg;glq;fs;


gq;Fgw;wpa midtuplKk; gpd;D}l;ly;

gbtk; toq;fg;gl;L mtu;fspd;

Do you know?
cq;fs; tPl;il tpz;ntspapy; ,Ue;J ghu;f;f
2>683 LED fpwp];Jk]; tpsf;Ffs; Njitg;gLk;
vd;gJ cq;fSf;Fj; njupAkh?
ISS (International Space Station) ,ypUe;J cq;fs; tPl;il ghu;f;ff;$ba Nk[pf;
vz; 2>683 LED tpsf;Ffs;. Muha;r;rpahsu;fs; filapy; thq;fpa LED
fpwp];Jk]; tpsf;Ffspd; ruhrup xspu;itg; gad;gLj;jp vz;izf;

fzf;fpl;ldu;> Mdhy; me;j tpsf;Ffs; xsp khRghL Vw;gLj;jhJ vd;gijAk;

njuptpj;jdu;> Mdhy; ,J rhj;jpakpy;iy vd;Wk; xg;Gf;nfhz;ldu;. ahUf;F

njupAk; ek;kpy; ahuhtJ ,jid nra;J ghu;f;fTk; Kaw;rpf;fyhk;

Burke, M. (2020, August 17). 42 Futuristic Facts About Sci-Fi Films. Factinate.

89 SIGMA 2022



Water rocket challenge 2022, organized by
the Astronomical Society was successful-
ly held on the 28th of May at the Faculty of
Science. About 50 students participated, in-
cluding the freshers to grab that unforgetta-
ble experience even with the prevailing situ-
ation in the country. After learning the basic
concepts of rocketry and the mechanism of
hydraulic rocketry, water rockets were cre-
ated by the teams, and a launching compe-
tition was held on the University grounds.


Will the earth ever get hit by an asteroid
and wipe out life? Hardly, thanks to the as-
tronomers who keep an eye on them. What
are asteroids? How threatening are they?
How do we observe them? Can we par-
ticipate too? Dr. Henry Troop answered
these questions while taking us on a joy-
ous journey through asteroid observation
by sharing his experience and knowledge.

SIGMA 2022 90

ASTROSOC Contributors


C. S. Xavier
H. D. T. Gunathilake Passed out Graduate
3rd Year Undergraduate, (Bachelor of Science),
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science.
Faculty of Science.
F. B. I. Nimeshi
K. V. D. T. Chandraguptha 3rd Year Undergraduate,
4th Year Undergraduate, Department of Zoology and
Department of Chemistry, Environment Sciences,
Faculty of Science. Faculty of Science.

S. A. P. Dilshan G. A. T. I. Kodikara
3rd Year Undergraduate, 2nd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Zoology and Faculty of Science.
Environment Studies,
Faculty of Science. G. Phothygajana
2nd Year Undergraduate,
W. M. D. A. L. B. Tilakaratna Faculty of Science.
4th Year Undergraduate,
Department of Physics, R. P. Leema Kurukulasooriya
Faculty of Science. 3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Mathematics,
W. M. S. D. Wijesekara Faculty of Science.
4th Year Undergraduate,
Faculty of Science. W. A. R. Y. D. Fernando
2nd Year Undergraduate,
LOGO DESIGN Faculty of Science.

T. Shalomie SIGMA 2022 92
3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science.

H. D. R. Lakshan
3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science.

Contributors ASTROSOC

R. A. R. D. Ranathunga
3rd Year Undergraduate, Dr. Nalin H. Samarasinghe
Department of Mathematics, Senior Scientist,
Faculty of Science. Planetary Science Institute,
United States of America.
LAYOUT DESIGN AND Alumnus of the
LAYOUT SETTING AND University of Colombo.
H. N. Bimsara A. H. M. D. N. Abeysinghe
3rd Year Undergraduate, 3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science. Faculty of Science.

H. D. R. Lakshan A. J. J. Perera
3rd Year Undergraduate, 3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Physics, Department of Statistics,
Faculty of Science. Faculty of Science.

T. Shalomie A. S. Rathmalgoda
3rd Year Undergraduate, 2nd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science.
Faculty of Science.
C. S. Xavier
WEB DEVELOPMENT Passed out Graduate
A. A. D. Harshani (Bachelor of Science),
2nd Year Undergraduate, Faculty of Science.
University of Colombo School of
Computing. F. B. I. Nimeshi
3rd Year Undergraduate,
G. L. S. S. Liyanage Department of Zoology and
3rd Year Undergraduate, Environment Sciences,
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science.
Faculty of Science
G. A. D. T. P. Jayawardena
93 SIGMA 2022 2nd Year Undergraduate,
Faculty of Science.

H. D. T. Gunathilake
3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science.

ASTROSOC Contributors

S. P. R. Fernando
H. N. M. T. C. Samarasekara 2nd Year Undergraduate,
4th Year Undergraduate, Faculty of Science.
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science. T.B.D.K. De Silva
2nd Year Undergraduate,
K. M. D. L. Kumarasingha Faculty of Science.
2nd Year Undergraduate,
Faculty of Science. T. Shalomie
3rd Year Undergraduate,
K. P. Somarathna Department of Chemistry,
1st Year Undergraduate, Faculty of Science.
Faculty of Law.
Uditha Weerasinghe
L. C. T. Gamage Demonstrator,
2nd Year Undergraduate, Department of Physics,
Department of Ayurveda, Faculty of Science
Institute of Indigenous
Medicine (IIM). W. A. P. U. Ruwanmalie
3rd Year Undergraduate,
N. D. Wanniarachchi Department of Plant Sciences,
3rd Year Undergraduate, Faculty of Science.
Department of Zoology and
Environmental Studies, W. M. G. H. P. Wickramasinghe
Faculty of Science. 4th Year Undergraduate,
Department of Physics,
R. A. M. G. Y. Rathnayaka Faculty of Science.
2nd Year Undergraduate,
Faculty of Science. COMIC STRIP
R. D. I. N. Deshapriya DESIGN
Passed out Graduate H. M. S. R. Jayarathna
(Bachelor of Science), 2nd Year Undergraduate,
Faculty of Science. Faculty of Science.

R. P. Leema Kurukulasooriya SIGMA 2022 94
3rd Year Undergraduate,
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science.

S. L. Weerathunga
2nd Year Undergraduate,
Faculty of Science.

Acknowledgements ASTROSOC
To T.L.M.D. Fonseka (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Physics) (Assistant Secre-
tary of the Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo) for providing content to the
section Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo: History and Significance. To
W.M.G.H.P. Wickramasinghe (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Physics) (Junior
Treasurer of the Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo) for providing content
to the section Sigma Magazine: The Official Journal of the Astronomical Society - Uni-
versity Of Colombo. To W.M.D.A.L.B. Tilakaratna (4th year undergraduate of the Department
of Physics) (Chief Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for providing content to the section
Editorial Note to the Reader.
To W.M.D.A.L.B. Tilakaratna (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Physics) (Chief
Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for coordinating activities of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine.
To K.V.D.T. Chandraguptha (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Chemistry) (Chief
Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) and H.N.M.T.C. Samarasekara (4th year undergraduate
of the Department of Physics) (President of the Astronomical Society of the University of Co-
lombo) for assisting in coordinating activities of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine. To W.M.D.A.L.B.
Tilakaratna (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Physics) (Chief Editor of the SIG-
MA 2022 Magazine), K.V.D.T. Chandraguptha (4th year undergraduate of the Department of
Chemistry) (Chief Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) and S.A.P. Dilshan (3rd year under-
graduate of the Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences) (Chief Editor of the
SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for selecting, preparing and finalizing articles topics of the SIGMA
2022 Magazine. To W.M.D.A.L.B. Tilakaratna (4th year undergraduate of the Department of
Physics) (Chief Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for organizing the structure and or-
der of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine. To K.V.D.T. Chandraguptha (4th year undergraduate of the
Department of Chemistry) (Chief Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) and S.A.P. Dilshan
(3rd year undergraduate of the Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences) (Chief
Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for coining names for the titles used in the second and
third categories of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine.
To the respective writers who have contributed to the SIGMA 2022 Magazine through their
articles, as mentioned within each article. To F.B.I. Nimeshi (3rd year undergraduate of
the Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences) (Sub-Editor of the SIGMA 2022
Magazine) for editing articles A Scientific Inquiry Into The Dying Stages Of Stars; Black
Holes, Pulsars And Neutron Stars, Lunar Exploration Throughout The Ages, And NASA’s
Artemis Mission, and An Introduction To Cosmic Rays And Their Analysis, High Energy
Events In The Cosmos And Atomic Nuclei Detection. To G.A.T.I. Kodikara (2nd year under-
graduate of the Faculty of Science) (Sub-Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for editing the
article Interplanetary Terrain Exploration: Perseverance and Zhurong, and Interplan-
etary Atmospheric Exploration: Ingenuity, the short story Survivor and the comic strip.
To G. Phothygajana (2nd year undergraduate of the Faculty of Science) (Sub-Editor of the
SIGMA 2022 Magazine) and S. Cletus Xavier (passed out graduate with a Bachelor of Sci-
ence of the Faculty of Science) (Sub-Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for editing articles
fpufzq;fspd; mwptpay; kw;Wk; tuyhw;W Kf;fpaj;Jtk;, Beyond the Stars and the poem
el;rj;jpu fhjy;. To R.P. Leema Kurukulasooriya (3rd year undergraduate of the Department

95 SIGMA 2022

ASTROSOC Acknowledgements

of Mathematics) (Sub-Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for editing the article First Im-
age of Black Hole 2019 and Sagittarius A 2022, the section A Crossword for You, and the
poem The Twilight. To W.A.R.Y.D. Fonseka (2nd year undergraduate of the Faculty of Science)
for editing the article An Account on the Commercialization of Space Flight throughout
Ages, the movie review Lone Botanist on Ares, and for editing the content used in the “Do
You Know?” segments of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine. To H.D.T. Gunathilake (3rd year under-
graduate of the Department of Physics) (Chief Editor of SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for editing
the article úYaj .fõIKh i|yd jk ÿf¾laI and the poem úYajhg fmï l< uq,au od u;lo?.
To K.V.D.T. Chandraguptha (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Chemistry) (Chief
Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for editing the articles The Invisible Space Occupying
the Universe, Dark Matter and Dark Energy and Notable Observations of the ASTROSOC
(Past To Today) and all segments within the category “Conjuncture: Nourishing the Astro-
philes” that are in English. To S.A.P. Dilshan (3rd year undergraduate of the Department of
Zoology and Environmental Sciences) (Chief Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for editing
the articles Asteroid (607372) Colombounilanka and Contributions to Astronomy by the
University of Colombo, From Science Fiction to Fact: the Use of Non-Earth Soil in Growing
Plants in Space Environments, and FOSMOS. To W.M.S.D. Wijesekara (4th year undergrad-
uate of the Faculty of Science) (Chief Editor of SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for editing the article
iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh kE .uk and the segment for astro-camps within the category “Con-
juncture: Nourishing the Astrophiles” which is in Sinhala. To H.D.T. Gunathilake (3rd year
undergraduate of the Department of Physics) (Chief Editor of SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for
coordinating and checking the “Do You Know?” segments used throughout the SIGMA 2022
Magazine. To W.A.R.Y.D. Fonseka (2nd year undergraduate of the Faculty of Science), G.A.T.I.
Kodikara (2nd year undergraduate of the Faculty of Science) (Sub-Editor of the SIGMA 2022
Magazine), G. Phothygajana (2nd year undergraduate of the Faculty of Science) (Sub-Editor
of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) and L.C.T. Gamage (2nd year undergraduate of the Institute of
Indigenous Medicine) for compiling and creating the content used in the “Do You Know?”
segments of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine.

To W.M.D.A.L.B. Tilakaratna (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Physics) (Chief Ed-
itor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for providing guidelines for article writing, checking and
coordinating the checking process for the edited articles of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine. To all
Chief Editors and Sub-Editors of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine for checking articles. To K.V.D.T.
Chandraguptha (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Chemistry) (Chief Editor of
the SIGMA 2022 Magazine), W.M.S.D. Wijesekara (4th year undergraduate of the Faculty of
Science) (Chief Editor of SIGMA 2022 Magazine), F.B.I. Nimeshi (3rd year undergraduate of
the Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences) (Sub-Editor of the SIGMA 2022
Magazine) and W.M.D.A.L.B. Tilakaratna (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Phys-
ics) (Chief Editor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for conducting final checking of the SIGMA
2022 Magazine.

To W.M.D.A.L.B. Tilakaratna (4th year undergraduate of the Department of Physics) (Chief Ed-
itor of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine) for coordinating and guiding the design and layout team.
To H.D.R. Lakshan (3rd year undergraduate of the Department of Physics) for designing the
front and back covers of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine. To T.Shalomie (3rd year undergraduate

SIGMA 2022 96

Acknowledgements ASTROSOC

of the Department of Chemistry) for drawing the short-version logo, to R.A.R.D. Ranathunga
(3rd year undergraduate of the Department of Mathematics) for illustrating the short-ver-
sion logo, and to H.D.R. Lakshan (3rd year undergraduate of the Department of Physics) for
creating the long-version logo of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine. To H.N. Bimsara (3rd year under-
graduate of the Department of Mathematics) for layout setting and design on the front inner
pages of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine, Message by the Chief Advisor of the ASTROSOCUOC:
Prof. Chandana Jayarathne, Message from the President of the Astronomical Society:
Thurunu Chalitha Samarasekara, Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo:
History and Significance, SIGMA Magazine: The Official Journal of the Astro¬nomical So-
ciety - University of Colombo, Editorial Note to the Reader, and Contents. To H.N. Bimsara
(3rd year undergraduate of the Department of Mathematics) for designing the template used
for articles in the SIGMA 2022 Magazine. To H.N. Bimsara (3rd year undergraduate of the De-
partment of Mathematics) for layout setting and design on the front inner pages of the SIG-
MA 2022 Magazine, Message by the Chief Advisor of the ASTROSOCUOC: Prof. Chandana
Jayarathne, Message from the President of the Astronomical Society: Thurunu Chalitha
Samarasekara, Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo: History and Signifi-
cance, SIGMA Magazine: The Official Journal of the Astro¬nomical Society - University
of Colombo, Editorial Note to the Reader, and Contents. To H.N. Bimsara (3rd year under-
graduate of the Department of Mathematics) for designing the template used for articles in
the SIGMA 2022 Magazine. To H.N. Bimsara (3rd year undergraduate of the Department of
Mathematics) for setting the layout and designing the articles Lunar Exploration Human-
ity’s Voyages of the Moon Through Ages, From Science Fiction to Fact: The Use of Non-
Earth Soil in Growing Plants in Space Environments, Asteroid (607372) Colombounilan-
ka and Contributions to Astronomy by the University of Colombo, A Scientific Inquiry
into the Dying Stages of Stars, The First Image of Black Hole 2019 And Sagittarius A
2022, COSMIC RAYS: Energetic And Destructive, Yet Informative, The Search for Dark
Matter - Recent Developments, all segments in the category “Conjuncture: Nourishing the
Astrophiles” which is in English, the movie review Lone Botanist on Ares and the quote
by Galileo Galilei. To H.D.R. Lakshan (3rd year undergraduate of the Department of Physics)
for setting the layout and designing the articles úYaj .fõIKh i|yd jk ÿf¾laI, Commer-
cialization of Spaceflight Throughout Ages, Interplanetary Terrain Exploration Perse-
verance and Zhurong, and Interplanetary Atmospheric Exploration : Ingenuity, Notable
Observations of the Astronomical Society University of Colombo, iQ¾hhd yUd W;=rg .sh
kE .uk, fld<U wyi uq¿ rgg u…, FOSMOS, the poem úYajhg fmï l< uq,a u od u;l o?
and the short story Survivor. To T. Shalomie (3rd year undergraduate of the Department of
Chemistry) for setting the layout and designing the articles fpufzq;fspd; mwptpay; kw;Wk;
tuyhw;W Kf;fpaj;Jtk;, Beyond the Stars, the poem el;rj;jpu fhjy;, the crossword puzzle
A Crossword For You, and the comic strip Venus’ Secret. To H.D.R. Lakshan for designing the
cover image for the second segment “Astreativity: the Sky of Artistry” and the cover image
for the third segment “Conjuncture: Nourishing the Astrophiles”.

To A.A.D. Harshani (2nd year undergraduate of the University of Colombo School of Comput-
ing) and G.L.S.S. Liyanage (3rd year undergraduate of the Department of Physics) for handling
all aspects of the web development phase of the SIGMA 2022 Magazine, including construc-
tion and layout design of the webpage, formatting and web testing.

97 SIGMA 2022

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