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In mammals, an organ that develops The hard, protective case, also called A method that uses sound waves to A poisonous substance produced by
inside the womb during pregnancy. a chrysalis, that encloses the larva of detect objects and measure distances a living organism such as an animal
This acts as a supply line, providing an insect as it develops into an adult. underwater. or a plant.
the developing young with
nourishing food and oxygen from QUARK STALACTITE TRANSPIRATION
the mother’s bloodstream.
One of the particles that make up the A natural structure, found hanging The evaporation of water from the
PLASMA other particles in the nucleus of an from the ceilings of caves and leaves and stems of plants.
atom (neutrons and protons). underground passages. Stalactites
A gaslike cloud of electrically form slowly from deposits of lime TSUNAMI
charged matter. REACTANT carried in trickling water.
An enormous, rapidly rising ocean
PLATE BOUNDARY One of the ingredients that join STALAGMITE wave caused by an earthquake or
together to cause a chemical reaction. volcanic activity under the sea.
An area where the edges of the vast A natural structure found on the floors Tsunamis travel far and fast, causing
moving plates that make up Earth’s REPTILE of caves and underground passages. widespread devastation inland.
crust come together. Stalagmites slowly build up from
A cold-blooded, scaly-skinned deposits of lime carried in water TUNDRA
POLYP vertebrate (animal with a backbone); dripping from stalactites in the ceiling.
reptiles include snakes and lizards. Cold, treeless region, snow-covered
A form taken by some marine animals, STOMATA for many months of the year, where
such as jellyfish, sea anemones, and REPUBLIC only low-growing, hardy plants and
corals. Usually tube-shaped, polyps Tiny openings on the undersides of specially adapted animals can survive.
have a mouth at one end, and are A country without a royal family that leaves that control the amount of gas Tundras occur in the Arctic and in
attached firmly at the base to a rock is headed, usually, by a president who and moisture passing into and out high mountain areas.
or the seabed. may or may not have been freely of a plant.
chosen by the people.


An animal that hunts other animals A layer of light-sensitive cells lining The period of prehistory, lasting more The speed at which something moves
for food. the inside of the eyeball. than two million years, when humans in a particular direction.
and their ancestors made most of

The time before the development of Meat-eating animal that feeds on the SUBDUCTION An animal with a backbone.
civilizations, when people did not dead remains of other animals.
write things down. A geological process in which one of VIRUS
SEDIMENTARY ROCK the vast plates that make up Earth’s
PREY crust is pushed beneath another. Tiny lifeform that is a collection of
Rock formed from particles of older genes inside a protective shell. Viruses
An animal hunted by other animals rocks that have settled in layers and SULTAN can invade body cells, where they
for food. hardened under compression. multiply, causing illnesses.
In some Islamic countries, the
PROPAGANDA SEISMIC ACTIVITY traditional title given to the ruler. VISCOSITY

Information spread publicly to put The shock waves that can be felt after SUNSPOT The measure of a liquid’s ability
forward ideas or political views; an earthquake. to flow.
propaganda is sometimes used to A dark, cooler patch on the surface
cause deliberate harm to a person SHALE of the Sun. VIZIER
or group.
Rock formed from layers of clay SUPERNOVA Title once given to a chief official
PROTISTS deposited over millions of years. in some Muslim countries.
An exploding giant star.
Simple, single-celled life forms, most VOLCANO
of which can be seen only under a SOLAR SYSTEM TECTONIC PLATE
microscope. Protists live in watery An opening in Earth’s crust that
environments and include algae and The Sun together with its orbiting One of the large, slowly moving slabs provides an outlet for magma
mobile, animal-like protozoa. groups of planets, including Earth, and into which Earth’s crust is divided. (hot, liquefied rock) when it rises
other smaller bodies such as asteroids. to the surface.


One of the tiny particles inside an A wire coil that acts like a magnet Long, elastic structures, like arms, that Describing an animal that can keep
atom; protons have a positive when an electric current passes some animals use for feeling, moving its body heat at an almost constant
electric charge. through it. around, and picking up food. level, regardless of whether the
outside temperature is hot or cold.

350 index


Page numbers in bold type Akbar, Sultan 285 Antietam, Battle of 312 Atlas (Large Hadron Barbarossa, military
refer to main entries Alesia, Battle of 264 antimatter 195 Collider) 194 operation 319
Alexander the Great antiparticles 195
A antlions 134 atmospheres Bastille prison 306
260, 261 ants 95, 129, 130 Earth 40, 43, 45, 62, 228 batteries 234
aardvarks 128 algae 86, 131 Anubis 257, 259 see also Ozone Layer; battering rams 273
Abraham 276 Alice (Large Hadron anuses 152 weather battlements 272
abs 144 aortas 154, 156 Jupiter 26 battles see individual
absolute temperatures Collider) 194 apartheid 299 Saturn 27
alien civilizations 11 apes 250 Venus 24 battles; wars
232, 233 alleles 187 Apollo spacecraft 34–35, 322 Baumgartner, Felix 217
Abu Simbel, Egypt 256 alligators 108, 111 aqueous humor 170 atmospheric probes 31 Baybars, Sultan 274, 275
abyssal zones 70, 71, 72 Allosaurus 78 Aquila 332 atoms 138, 192–193, 196– The Beatles 324–325
acacia trees 128, 129 alloys 203 Arab Spring 327 Beaufort wind scale 59
Acanthostega 98 Almbert, Jean d’ 302 Arab World 269 197, 200–201, 232 see beavers 133
acceleration 204, 206 alpha radiation 238 also electrons; protons bedrock 63
acid rain 221 al–Qaeda 326, 327 Ottoman Empire 278–279, atriums (heart) 155 bees 88, 95
acids, stomach 151, 153 aluminum 321 285, 315 attraction (physics) 214, 235 beetles 95, 129
Acropolis of Athens 263 alveoli 162 audiences 292, 293 Beijing 281
Actium, Battle of 265 Amazon rainforest 130–131 Silk Road 280–281, 284 Augustus, Roman Berlin Wall 323
actors 292–293 Amazon River 65 arachnids 92 Emperor 265 Bessemer, Henry 309
actuators 229 American Revolutionary War archaea 86, 338 Aurangzeb, Emperor 297 beta radiation 238
Adams, John Couch 26 Archaeanthus 78 auroras 21, 197 Bible 276
adenine 186 304–305 architecture 264, 284, Australasia 130, 314, biceps 144
adrenal glands 176, 177 Americas 288–289 see also 334–335 biennial plants 89
adrenalin 177 291, 297 Australopithecines 251 Big Bang 12–13, 195
adulthood 184–185 United States of America Arecibo Observatory 11 Australopithecus Big Bounce theory 13
aerial mammals 116 European arrival in 270, Argentinosauruses 98 afarensis 79 bile 152
Afghanistan 327 argon 40 Austria–Hungary 314 bills (birds) 112
Africa 179, 334–335 286–287 Arkwright, Richard 308, 309 autonomic nervous bin Laden, Osama 327
slave trade to 300 armor (military) 265, 266, systems 164 binary code 241
colonies in 298 amino acids 153, 186 axles 210, 211 biochemistry 191
early humans 251 Ammit 257 270, 282–283, 296 axons 165 biodiversity hotspots 86
savannas 128–129 ammonites 84, 85 armor (animals) 111, 135 see Aztecs 285, 288–289 biofuels 54
slavery 300–301 amnion 181 biomes 44, 122
wars fought in 318, amniotic fluid 183 also scales (animal) B bioplastics 202
amorphous solids 196 shells 93, 130 bipolar neutrons 165
322, 327 amphibians 87, 99, 104–105, arms (limbs) 82, 142 B–17 bomber 320–321 birds 87, 99, 108, 112–113,
African elephants 99, Armstrong, Neil 34, 325 Babbage, Charles 242
106, 339 art 278, 279, 290, 297, 325 babies 114–115, 338–339
118–119 amphitheaters 293 wall paintings 253 birth 101, 109, 116, 182–183
afterlife 257 amplification 240 arteries 155, 156–157, 160 elephants 118
Age of Enlightenment amplitude 227 arthropods 92, 94, 338–339 humans 180–181, 182– elephant 118
ampullae of Lorenzini 103 artificial intelligence 245 birth canals 183
302–303 amygdalae 175 artillery 313, 316 183, 184, 185 black death 268
agriculture 55, 248, 252, amylase 150 ash, volcanic 47, 51 joeys 116 black dwarfs 18, 19
anal fins 101 Asia 334–335 Babur, Zahir–al–Din, black holes 19
257, 309 analog information 241 empires 269, 298 blacksmiths 273
air flows anatomy 139, 291 Ottoman Empire 278–279, emperor 296 bladders 160, 165
ancient wonders 345 Babylon, City of 254–255 blind spots 171
for lift 115, 218 Andromeda galaxy 15, 332 285, 315 backbone (DNA) 186 see Blitz 320
in hurricanes 60 Angles (tribe) 268 Silk Road 280–281, 284 Blitzkreig 319, 321
for smell 175 animal pollination 88 asterisms 330, 332 also spines (skeleton) blood 149, 154–155, 156–
air pressure 24, 58, 59, 60 ankles 143 asteroids 10, 22, 24, 28, 81 bacteria 76, 77, 86, 153,
air resistance 205, 217, 218 ankylosaurs 80 asthenosphere 42 157, 161, 182
air sacs (lungs) 82, 112 annelid worms 92 astrolabes 269 159, 338 cells 140, 141, 162
aircraft carriers 321 annual plants 89 astronauts 28, 31, 34–35 Baghdad 269, 326 clots 142, 155
airfoil 218 Antarctica 125, 334–335 astronomical calendars 32 balance 172–173, 204 groups 187
airplanes 209, 218, 230, antennae (biology) 94, 97 astronomy 32–33, 330–333 Balkans 278 sugar levels in 177
antennas (radio) 36, Athena 262 balloons 217, 235 blood vessels 147, 149, 154,
320–321 Athens 262–263 banking systems 303, 327
airways (respiratory system) 213, 222 Atlantic, Battle of 318 banqueting halls 273 156–157, 163
antibiotics 299 barbarians 268 umbilical cords 118, 182
148, 149 antibodies 159
Akbar “The Great,”

emperor 296


blubber 117 calorimeter 195 ceratopsians 80 claws 83, 94, 112 Constantinople 278, 279,
blue whales 98 Caloris–Basin, Mercury 24 cerebellum 164, 169 clay 253 281, 285
boas 131 cam belts 208 cerebral cortex 169 climates 44–45, 122, 123
Bobcats 124 Cambrian Period 78, 79 cerebrum 164 cloth 270 constellations 32, 330–331
boilers 310 camouflage 105, 135, 321 CERN (Large Hadron Collider) clots, blood 157 see also constructive
Bolivar, Simón 298 canals 308
bomber planes 320–321 canals, ear 172, 173 194–195, 232 platelets interference 227
bombs 319, 327 canines (teeth) 151 chainmail 296 clouds 59, 63 consumers (food chain) 87
bone marrow 157 Cannae, Battle of 264 Challenger Deep 49 Continental Army 304, 305
bones 98, 142–143, 172, cannibalism 105 Charlemagne, King 268 hydrogen 16 Continental Congress
canopies, rainforest 131 Cheetah (robot) 245 clownfish 130
177, 252 see also capacitors 240 cheetahs 128 CMS (Large Hadron 304, 305
x–ray images capillaries 156–157, 161 chemical elements 13, continental crust 42
birds 114, 115 capstans 286 Collider) 195 continents 48, 334–335
dinosaurs 82–83 capybaras 130 198–199 CND (Campaign for Nuclear
elephants 118–119 caravels 286 chemical reactions 200–201 continental drift 41, 81
growth of 184, 185 carbohydrates 148, 153 chemicals Disarmament) 324 controls, electronic 240
bony fish 100, 339 carbon 90, 139, 199, 234 cnidarians 92 convection 233
Boötes 333 digestive 152 coal power 221, 236, 310 convective zone 20
Boston Tea Party 304, 305 carbon atoms 192–193 hormones 165 coastal erosion 64 convergent plate
bouleuterion (council carbon dioxide 90, 40, 149, chemosenses 174 cochleae 172, 173
building) 260 chest, human 144 cockpits 219, 320 boundary 48
Brachiosaurus 80 162, 163, 193 Chichen Itza 289 codes conversion, energy 220
Brahma 277 carbon fiber 203 childhood 184–185 conversion tables 342–343
brain corals 131 Carboniferous Period 78 chimpanzees 134, 250 DNA 186 convex function 33
brains 120, 164, 166–167, cardiac muscles 144, 154 China 214, 249, 325 Enigma 318 Cooksonia 79
168–169, 174, 185 Caribbean 287 Cold War 323 coelacanths 98 Copernicus, Nicolaus 32, 284
brakes 203 Carnac, France 249 empires 269, 285, cold–blooded animals 109 coral reefs 93, 130–131, 221
breasts 177 carnivores 80, 83, 105, 117 Cold War 299, 322–323, 324 corals 130
breathing see Carrae, Battle of 265 294–295, 344 colonies (animal) 93, 113, cores, Earth’s 40, 42, 43
respiratory systems cars 345 Great Wall of China 294 Corinth 260
bricks 252 Carthage 264 Silk Road 280–281 131, 132 corneas 170
bridges 204, 309 cartilage 102, 142, 143, 182 chips (integrated circuits) colonies (political) 285, coronal mass ejections 21
Britain, Battle of 319 cartilaginous fish 100, 339 coronary arteries 155
British Empire 298, 304, 344 Cassini–Huygens 36–37 241, 242 298, 304–305, 314 coronary veins 155
brittlebushes 125 Cassiopeia 33 chitins 92 see also empires corpuscles 146
bronze age 248 castles 272–273 chlorophyll 90 color blindness 117, 187 Cortes, Hernán 289
Brooke, slave ship 301 Çatalhöyük 252–253 chloroplasts 90, 91 color–changing plastics 202 cortex, cerebral 169
Brunel, Isambard caterpillars 121 chordates 86, 339 color spectrum 223 cosmic voids 11
Kingdom 309 Catholicism 276, 284 Christianity 268, 271, colors, animal 95, 97, 114 cotton mills 308
Brunelleschi, Filippo 291 cats 164 colors, skin 105, 109, 147 cotyledons 89
Buddhism 277, 280, 282 cattle 252, 253 276, 278 Colosseum, Roman 266–267 courses, river 63
bugs 95 Caudipteryx 78 Church 268, 284 Columbus, Christopher 284, courtship displays 121
Bull Run, Battle of 312 caves 66–67 Crusades 274–275 286–287 covalent bonds 193
buoyancy see flotation chromium 203 columns (geology) 66, 67 cows 117
butterflies 95, 96–97, 130 paintings 248, 251 chromosomes 141, 178, combustion 201, 208 coyotes 125
Byzantine Empire 265, celestial bodies 10 comets 11, 24, 78 Crab Nebula 14, 228
268, 275, 278 celestial sphere 30, 179, 187 communication devises 240 cranes (machines) 211
chrysalis 96, 97 communism 298, crankshafts 209
C 302, 330–331 cicadas 92 322–323, 325 craters 28
cell phones 224, 240, 326 ciliary muscles 170 compasses 214, 287 Cretaceous Period 77, 78, 81
cacti 89, 124–125 cells 76, 138, 149, 156 circuits, electrical 234, components, electronic 240 Crick, Francis 139
caecilians 104 composites 202 crickets 95
Caesar, Julius 264, 265 blood 140, 141, 162 240, 241 compounds 190, 200–201 Crimean War 298
caimans 111, 130 brain 168, 185 circulatory systems 138, compression 232 crocodiles 108, 109,
Cairo 269 division of 178 computers 240, 241, 242–
calculators 241, 242 muscle 144, 145 149, 156–157 243, 244, 326, 345 see 110–111, 121
caldera lakes 62 nerve 165, 166 circuses 267 also Enigma machine Crusades 269, 274–275
calendars 249 plant 90–91 cirque glaciers 68 concave function 33 crustaceans 92
caliphs 279 sex 178, 180 cities 248, 254–255 concentric defenses 273 crusts
calls, animals 121 cellular respiration 149 civil rights 299, 324 condensation 63, 197
calories 148 cellulose 90 Civil War 312–313 conduction 232 Earth 40, 42, 43
Celsius scale 233 civil wars 295, 310–311, cone cells 171 moon 28, 29
Cenozoic Era 78 Confederacy, United States crystalline solids 196
centipedes 125 323, 327 312, 313 crystals (rock) 56
central nervous systems 164 cladodes 124 coniferous forests ctenophores 92
ceramics 202, 278 classes (biology) 86, 92 44, 123 Cuban Missile Crisis 322
classes (society) 306 conifers 84 Curiosity rover 36
classical civilizations currents (ocean) 71

248, 249
Greece 260–261
Rome 266–267

352 index

currents, electric 234, 235 diaphragms 163 insect 96 submarine 212 F
cuticles 91 Dickinsonia 85 mammal 339 Enigma machine 318
cuts see injuries Diderot, Denis 302 reptile 109 Enlightenment 302–303 fabrics 202
cyanobacteria 76, 86 diets 117, 148 Egypt environmental changes 299 facial muscles 144
cyclones 60 diffraction 227 ancient 139, 248–249 factories 308, 309
Cygnus 332 digestive systems 138, 148, Arab Spring 327 pollution 55, 202, 221, 237 Fahrenheit scale 233
cylinders 310, 311 Crusades 275 environments see habitats fall 44
cymbals 231 150–151, 152–153, 182 pharaohs 256–257, enzymes 148, 152, 153, 176 fallopian tubes 180
cyndarians 338 digital technology 241, 326 epidermis 91, 146 families (biology) 86
cytoplasm 141 Dimetrodon 79 258–259 epithelial cells 141 Faraday, Michael 215
cytosine 186 dinosaurs 78–79, 80–81, , Einstein, Albert 205 epithelium 174 farming 55, 248, 252,
cytoskeletons 141 El Alamein, Battle of 319 equality 299, 302–303,
Czechoslovakia 325 98, 108, 110, 112 elections 263 257, 309
diodes 240 electrical energy 220 307, 325 Fascism 318
D Diplocaulus 104 electrical signals equator 44, 125 fashion 325
Diplodocus 98 equatorial sky charts fastest animals 340
da Vinci, Leonardo 284 diseases 139, 159, 179, 299 muscular 103 fats 141, 148, 152, 153
daimyo 282, 283 displacement 213 nervous systems 164, 332–333 fault lakes 62
Damascus 269 displacement chemical Erasmus, Desiderius fault lines 46, 52
dams 133 167, 168 feathers 112, 114, 115
damselflies 95 reactions 201 electricity 215, 234–235, 284, 291 feces 152
dark energy 10, 190, 220 displays, animal 121 erosion 56, 57, 64–65, 221 feet 143, 145
dark matter 10, 190 dissection 139 236–237 esophaguses 112, 150, 152
Davis, Jefferson 312 divergent plate electrolytes 234 estates (class system) 306 birds 112, 114
D–Day 319 electromagnetic estrogen 177 crocodiles 110
death 179, 283, 288 boundaries 48 estuaries 64 dinosaurs 82
decay 84 diving birds 113 radiation 238 Etemenanki Ziggurat 254, 255 elephants 118
deciduous forests 44, DNA 139, 141, 179, electromagnetic spectrum Eudimorphodon 79 female reproductive
eukaryotes 338
45, 123 186–187 222–223 Euphrates, River 255 systems 178
deciduous plants 89 dō (armor) 282 electromagnetism 30, 215 Europe 327, 334–335 femurs 142, 143, 250
decks, ship 286, 284 dogs 99 electronics 240–241 Ferdinand, Archduke
Declaration of dolphins 117, 120, 130 electrons 193, 197, 198, 214, see also France;
Doppler effect 231 Germany; Spain Franz 299
Independence 305 dormice 117 234, 238 Crusades 274–275 Ferdinand, King of Spain 284
decomposition chemical dorsal fins 101, 103 elephants 99, 118–119, 128 Silk Road 280 Fertile Crescent 248
double helix 186 Elizabeth I, Queen of slavery 300, 301 fertilization, of eggs
reactions 201 drag (air resistance) 205, World Wars 314–315,
deep–sea smokers 70 England 284 318–319, 322 106, 180
defenses 252 217, 218 emails 243 Eusthenopteron 98 fetuses 182–183
dragonflies 95, 106, 107 embryos 178, 180–181, 182 evaporation 63, 197 feudalism 268
against germs 159 Drake, Sir Francis 284 emotions 169, 184, 303 Everest, Mount 70 fiber (diet) 148
military 272–273 drawbridges 272 emperors 268, 345 evergreen plants 89 fiber (plant) 90
against predators 121, 135 Drepanaspis 78 evolution 76, 77, 104, fiberglass 202
deforestation 123 dunes 64 Chinese 295 164, 338 fibers, muscle 145
dehydration 161 dung beetles 129 Mughal 296, 297 of mammals 116, 250–251 fibers, nerve 166
democracies 263, 307, dungeons 273 Napoleon Bonaparte 303 executions 267, 307 fibulas 143
Dunhuang 281 Ottoman (sultans) exhaust valves 209 financial systems 303, 327
322–323 dwarf planets 11, 23 exoplanets 228 finger nerves 167
dendrites 166 278, 279 exoskeletons 92 fingernails 146, 147
dentine 151 E Roman 265, 266–267 exosphere 43 fingerprints 147
deoxyribonucleic acid empires 248, 249, 324, 344 expansion 232 fins 98, 101, 102, 103
eagles 131 Asian empires 269, 285 explorers fire 221, 273
see DNA eardrums 172 Babylonian empire global 270–271, 284, fireworks 200–201
deposition 55, 64, 65, 197 ears 118, 172–173 286–287, 295 fish 87, 88, 98–99, 100–101,
depth perception 226 earthquakes 46, 49, 52–53, 254–255 space 31, 34–35
dermal denticles 102 European empires extinction 77, 81, 87 102–103, 339
dermis 146 245, 326 eyes (biology) 117, 170–171 farming of 55
deserts 44, 64, 123, 124–125 Eastern Front 314 298, 314 crocodile 110 habitats 130, 131
desktop computers echinoderms 92, 93 Ottoman empire dinosaur 82 fission 239
ecological succession 122 fish 100, 103 fissure eruptions 47
see computers economies 327 278–279, 284 insect 94, 97 flags 336–337
destructive interference 227 ecosystems 44, 94, 122 Roman empire robotic 244 flies 95
detritivores 87 education see learning vision 103, 109, 110, flightless birds 113
developing countries 179 eggs 141, 178, 180 264–265, 268 112, 169 flint 250, 251, 252
Devonian Period 77, 78 enamel 102, 151 eyes (hurricane) 61 flooding 257
Dharma 277 amphibian 104, 107, endangered species 87 Florence Duomo 291
diamonds 54 bird 113 endocrine systems 176–177 flotation 212–213
fish 101 endoplasmic reticulum 141
endoscopes 139
energy, human body 148
energy pyramids 87
engineering 191, 264, 309
engines 208–209, 218, 320

spacecraft 34, 35
steam 310–311


flowering plants 88 gases 54, 190, 197 grasslands 44, 55, 123, bird 112 hydroelectric power 54, 236
flutes 231 natural 221 128–129 dinosaur 82 hydrogen 13, 16, 18, 20,
flyby spacecraft 30 elephant 118
flying machines 218 see also gasoline fuels 208 graves 253 shark 103 90, 139
gastric juices 151 gravity 23, 41, 165, 205, heat 201, 220, 232–233 H bombs 239
airplanes; helicopters gatehouses 272 body 156, 165 hydrothermal vents 70
flying mammals 116 Gaul 264 see also France 216–217 loss of 221 hydroxylapatite 142
focus 171 gazelles 129 and tides 54, 71, 216 helicopters 218–219 hyenas 128
fog 59 gears 211, 218 Great Barrier Reef 130 helium 13, 18, 20, 199 hypothalami 176
follicles 146, 147 geckos 135 Great Wall of China 294–295 Hellenistic period 261
food (diet) 55, 148, 175, 252 gemstones 54 great white sharks 102–103 hemispheres 44 I
food chains 87 genders 179 Greece, ancient 214, hemoglobins 141, 149
forests 44, 55, 63, 123 genera 86 herbivores 80, 117, 118 ice
fortresses 272–273 generators 215, 239 260–261, 262–263 herons 122 caps 45
genes 141, 178, 179, 180, astronomy 32 Herschel, William 27 glaciers 57, 65, 68–69
Acropolis of Athens 263 influence of 290, 291 Hertzprung–Russell ice ages 40
Forum, Rome 266 186–187 green energy 237
fossil fuels 54, 208, 221, Gengis Khan 269, 281 see greenhouse effect 24 diagram 17 Icelandic eruptions 47
growth hibernation 117 identical twins 183
236, 237 also Mongol empire fetus 182–183 Hidalgo, Miguel 298 igneous rock 56
fossils 77, 78, 84–85 geographic poles 41 human 184–185 hieroglyphics 256 iguanas 131
fovea 171 geological timescales 78–79 plants 89 Higgs boson 194 Iliad, poem 261
France 284, 298, 299, 302 geothermal power 54, 236 guanine 186 Hinduism 277, 296, 297 immune systems 138,
Germany 299, 314–315, guillotines 307 Hippocrates 139
French Revolution guitars 240 hippopotamuses 99 158–159
306–307 318–319, 323 gunpowder 296 Hiroshima 319 imperial measurements
germination 89 guns 307, 316 Hitler, Adolf 299, 318, 319
wars in 314, 315, 318 germs 138, 158–159 Gupta empire, India 269 Hittites 249, 254 342–343
Franco, Francisco 318 Gutenberg, Johannes Holocaust 319 imperialism see colonies
Franks 268 see also bacteria Holy Roman Empire 268
fraternal twins 183 Gettysburg, Battle of 312 284, 291 Holy Wars 274–275 (political); empires
freefalls 217 geysers 51 gymnasiums 260 Home Front 314 implantation 181
freezing 197 gharials 108, 111 gyres 71 homeostasis 176 Incas 285, 288–289
French Revolution 298, gila monsters 124 Homeric Period 261 incisors 151
gila woodpeckers 124 H hominins 250–251 India 269, 296–297
306–307 gills 100, 103, 105 Indus Valley 249
frequencies 173, 230, 231 giraffes 98, 129 habitats 86, 87, 93, Homo erectus 250 Industrial Revolution 299,
friction 205, 210 gizzards 112 122–123, 124–131 Homo ergaster 251
frogs 104, 105, 106–107, glaciers 57, 65, 68–69 Homo habilis 248, 251 308–309
gladiators 266, 267 loss of 123 Homo neanderthalis 79, inertia 206
131, 164 glands 146, 150, 158, 176 shared 121 infancy see babies, human
frogspawn 106 glass 202, 280 Habsbergs, royal family 284 248, 250 infections see diseases;
fuels 201 Global Positioning Systems hadal zones 71 Homo sapiens 79,
fungi 86, 338 Hadley Rille 29 germs
funny bones 166 (GPS) 224–225 Hadron Collider, Large 248, 251 infrared 30, 33, 223, 244
fur 117 Globe Theater, London hormones 156, 165, 176–177 injuries 157, 159
fuses 200 194–195, 232 hot springs 70 inner planets 24–25
fusion 239 292–293 hail 59 hourglasses 287 insects 92, 94–95
globemallow 125 hairs 118, 146, 147 household chemicals 191 instinct, survival 120, 169
G glucose 90, 177 Hammurabi, King 255 howler monkeys 131 insulation 221
glycerol 153 Han dynasty 280, 295 Hubble Telescope 10, 32 insulin 177
Gagarin, Yuri 322, 324 goats 252 hands 143 human sacrifice 288 integrated circuits (chips)
Galapagos finches 76 Göbeki Tepe, Turkey 249 Hanging Gardens humanism 284, 290
galaxies 10, 12, 13, Goddard, Robert humans, early 248, 250–251 241, 242
of Babylon 255 humeri 142 interference 227
14–15, 228 Hutchings 207 Hannibal, general 264 Hundred Days Offensive 314 International Space
Galileo Galilei 32 gods and goddesses 257, Hanuman 277 Hundred Years’ War
Galileo, spacecraft 26 hara–kiri 283 Station 31
gall bladders 152 260–261, 263, 277 Hathor 257 268, 344 internet 243, 326, 345
Gallipoli, Battle of 314 gold 280 Hawaii 42 Huns 268 intestines 146, 152–153, 177
Gama, Vasco de 284 Golgi body 140 hunters 82, 87, 102, 134–135
gamma rays 223, 238 Gorbachev, Mikhail 322, 323 Pearl Harbor attack 319 hurricanes 58, 59, bird 112
Gandhi 298 gorges 67 Hawaiian eruptions 47 dinosaur 83
Ganesh 277 Goths (tribe) 268 heads 94, 183 60–61, 326 elephant 118
Ganymede 26 gour 66 hearing 165, 168, 172 Hussein, Saddam 326–327 shark 102
garrisons 294 GPS (Global Positioning hydraulics 211 involuntary actions 164
gas (warfare) 315, 316 see also ears hydrocarbons 54 Io 11
gas giants 26–27 Systems) 224–225 heartbeat 157 hydrochloric acid 158 ionic bond 193
gas lights 309 Grant, General hearts 154–155, 156–157, ionosphere 222
ions 194, 197, 234
Ulysses S. 312 163, 176, 177 IP addresses 243
graphite see carbon
grasshoppers 95

354 index

Iraq war 326–327 Kashgar 281 frog 104, 107 Lunar Module 34, 35 mass production see
irises 170 katana (sword) 283 insect 94 lungfish 98, 104 Industrial Revolution
iron 42, 309 Kea, Mount 70 reptile 81, 111 lungs 162–163
Iron Curtain 322, 323 keeps, castle 272 lengths 342 masses 206, 216, 342
Isabella, Queen of Spain 284 Kelvins 233 Lenin, Vladimir 298 amphibian 105 masts, phone 224 see also
Isfahan 281 Kennedy, John F. 324 lenses (eye) 170 bird 112
Ishtar Gate 254 Kentrosaurus 80 Leo 333 dinosaur 82 antennas (radio)
Islamism 269, 276, 278–279, Kepler’s Supernova 33 Lepanto, Battle of 285 elephant 118 materials 191, 202–203,
keratin 146, 147 Lepidodendron 79 Lunokhod 1 36
281, 326 kettle lakes 62 levers 210, 211 Luther, Martin 284 215, 221
isobars 58 Kevlar plastic 203 LHC–b (Large Hadron lymphatic systems 158–159 Mayans 288, 289
isotopes 238, 239 keyboards 242 Lyra 332 meanders (rivers) 65
Istanbul 269 see also kidneys 112, 118, 160, 161, Collider) 195 lysosomes 141 measurements 220,
lianas 131 lysozymes 158
Constantinople 176, 177 library of Celsus 264 232–233, 342
Italy 290, 291 Kilby, Jack 241 life expectancies 179 M meat–eaters see carnivores
Iznik, Turkey 278 kinetic energy 220, 232 life, in space 11 medical technology 249
King, Martin Luther 324 lifecycles 178–179 M13 star cluster 11
J kingdoms (biology) 86, 88 macaws 131 scans 139, 164, 239
kingdoms (government) frogs 106–107 McCarthy, Joe 322 X–ray images 33, 139, 223
jackrabbits 124 humans 178–179 McCormick, Cyrus 309 Medici, royal family 291
Jacobins 307 249, 256 insects 92, 96–97 Machiavelli, Niccolò 291 medieval period 268–269
jaguars 131 Kitchener, Lord 314 plants 89 machines 204, 210–211, 308 Medina 269
Jahangir, emperor 296 knees 143 lift (force) 115, 218 meditation 277
Janissaries 278, 279 knights, crusader 274 ligaments 143 robotics 244–245 Mediterranean 44, 123
Japan 282–283, 285, 298, Korea 323 light 13, 76, 222, 226–227 macrophages 159 megaliths 249
kote (armour) 282 Madrid terrorist attack 327 megalodons 84
318, 319 Kublai Khan 281 see also Sun Magellan, Ferdinand 284 Meganeura 79
jawless fish 100, 339 Kuiper Belt 23 bulbs 345 magma 50–51, 56, 72 Mehmed II, sultan 279
jaws 142, 151 kusazuri (armour) 283 rays 170–171 magnetic fields 120 meiosis 178
speed of 10, 194 magnetic poles 41 Meissner’s corpuscles 147
bird 115 L and telescopes 33 magnetism 194, 195, 204, melanin 147, 170, 176
crocodile 110, 121 lightning 59, 220, 234 melting 197
dinosaur 82 lakes 62, 65, 69 lilies 130 205, 214–215 membranes 140
insect 94 Lakshmi 277 limbic systems 164, 169 magnetite 214 memories (brain) 120, 169
shark 103 landers 31 limbs 184, 244 see also legs, magnification 226 memory (computer) 175,
Jefferson, Thomas 305 landmarks 120 Magyars 268
jellyfish 131 laptop computers see arms (limbs), tails male reproductive 241, 242
Jerusalem 269, 275 limestone 66, 67 mempo (mask) 282
Jesus Christ 276 computers Lincoln, Abraham 312, 313 systems 178 Mendeleev, Dmitri 198
jet engines 209 Large Hadron Collider lions 117, 128 Mamluks dynasty 275 menstrual cycles 185
jewelry 271 lipase 150 mammals 87, 98, 99, 116– Mercalli Intensity Scale 46
Jews 276, 319 194–195, 232 liquids 190, 196, 211 Mercury 22, 24
joeys 116 large intestines 153 lithosphere 42, 43 117, 164, 339 Merkel’s discs 146
joints, bone 143 Large Magellanic Cloud 228 livers 102, 112, 149, 152 mammoths 85 Mesopotamia 248, 249
joules 220 larvae 96, 97, 104 livestock 55 manmade lakes 62 mesosphere 43
juba weaver birds 133 lasers 227, 228 lizards 108, 109, 125 mantises 135 Mesozoic Era 78, 80, 81,
Judaism 276, 319 lateral lines 101 lobes see also ears mantle, Earth’s 40, 42, 43,
jugular veins 156 latex 203 82–83, 116
jumping animals 340–341 Latin America 298 brain 169 46, 73 metabolic systems 161, 176
Jupiter 23, 26, 36 latitudes 287 lung 163 Mao Zedong, Chairman 325 metallic bond 193
Jurassic Period 79, 81 launch sites (spacecraft) 30 Local Group (galaxies) 11 maps, star 30 metamorphic rock 56, 57
lava 47, 50 lodestones 214 Maratha Confederacy 297 metamorphosis 96, 97, 106
K Le Verrier, Urbain 26 lodges, beavers 133 Marathon, Battle of 262 metric measurements
leaf–browsing animals 128 logic gates 241 Marella 79
kabuto (helmet) 282 leaf insects 135 London terrorist attacks 327 marginocephalians 80 342–343
Kamak Temple Complex, learning 120, 168, 169 lone predators 135 Marie Antoinette, Queen of Mexico 124–125, 298
leaves 89 longboats 270–271 mice, computer 242
Egypt 248 Lee, General 312 longitudinal waves 220 France 306, 307 Michelangelo 291
kangaroo rats 125 Leeuwenhoek, loop prominences 20 marine habitats 123 microorganisms see germs
kangaroos 116 Lorenzini, Stefano 103 marine invertebrates 93 microprocessors 242
Kant, Immanuel 302 Antonie van 139 Louis IV, King of France 284 Mariner 2 30 microscopes 139
kapok trees 131 legs 98, 143 Louis XVI, King of France markings, animal 95, 97, 105 microtubules 178
karma 277 Marne, Battle of 314 microvilli 140
karst 66 bird 112 298, 306, 307 Mars 22, 25, 36 microwaves 222, 224
dinosaur 81, 83 lubrication 205 marsupials 116, 339 Mid–Atlantic Ridge 48
elephant 118 lunar craters 28 Marx, Karl 298 middle ages 268–269
lunar maria 28 Middle Passage 300
migration 97, 113, 120
militia 305


milk production, humans 177 Mughal empire 285, 296 Neptune 23, 26 oil 54, 221, 236 pain 165
milkweed plant 96 Muhammad, Prophet nerves 146, 155, 165, 173 old age 184 Paine, Thomas 303
Milky Way 11, 14, 331 Olduvai settlement, paintings see art
minerals 54, 56–57, 66, 73, 269, 276 optic nerve 171 palaces 255
multiple births 183 nervous systems 164, Kenya 250 Palenque 289
84, 142 multipolar neutrons 165 olfactory systems 174, 175 Paleogene Period 78
Ming dynasty 285, 295 mummification 139, 258 166–167 Olmecs 249 Paleolithic Age 251
Minoans 260, 261 Munda, Battle of 264 nests 113, 121, 125, 130, 133 Olympic games 261
Mir, space station 31 Murad I, sultan 279 neurons 166, 168 Olympus Mons, Mars 25 see also Stone Age
mirrors 226, 228, 229 murder holes 272 neurotransmitters 167 Olympus, Mount 260 paleontologists 77, 85
missiles 213 muscles 144–145, 146, neutrons 165, 192–193, Opium Wars 298 Paleozoic Period 79
Mississippi River 312 optic nerves 171 pancreases 152, 153,
mitochondria 141, 149 154–155, 157, 170, 181 198, 238, 239 optical telescopes 30
mitosis 141 bird 114, 115 New York terrorist orb (military formation) 265 176, 177
moats 272 dinosaur 82, 83 orbital distances 22 papillae 147, 174, 175
Mohács, Battle of 285 fish 101, 102 attacks 327 orbiter spacecraft 30 parachutes 217
Mohs scale of mineral music 231, 241, 324–325 Newfoundland, Canada 271 orbits 23 parallel circuits 234
Muslims 269, 276, 278–279, Newgrange, Ireland 249 orders (biology) 86 parallel processing,
hardness 56 Newton, Isaac 23, 32, 206, Ordovician Period 77, 79
molars 151 281, 326 organelles 140 computer 243
molecules 192–193 mussels 93 284, 302 organic chemistry 191 Paranal Observatory 228
Mussolini, Benito 318 newts 104, 105 organs 99, 138, 139 see also Paranthropus boisei 250
see also DNA Muttaburrasaurus 80 Nicaragua 322 parental care 113, 121
food 148–149, 153 Mycenaeans 260, 261 nickel 42 specific organs parrots 131
heat 232, 233 myelin 165 Nike 262 donation 161 Parthenon, Athens 262–263
in human bodies 138, 150, mythology, Egyptian 257, Nile, river 65, 256, 257 mummification 258, 259 particle accelerators 195
9/11 terrorist attacks Orhan, sultan 279 particles 12, 192–193, 194,
152, 174 258–259 Orion Arm 14
sound 230 326–327 Orion nebula 16 195 see also atoms;
and states of matter 190, N nirvana 277 Orion the hunter 32, 333 molecules
nitrogen 40 ornithischians 80 Pearl Harbor attack 319
196–197 N1 30 nobility, French 306 ornithopods 80 peasants 268
mollusks 92, 130, 339 N70 Nebula 228 nocturnal mammals 117 Orrorin tugenensis 250 pectoral fins 101, 103
monarch butterflies 96–97 Nagasaki 319 no man’s land 316–317 Orthodox religions 276 pediments 262
monarchy, French 306 Nagy, Imre 322 nonvascular plants 88, 338 oscilloscopes 241 Pegasus 332
Mongol empire 269, 280, nails 118 North America 179 ostriches 113 Peloponnesian War 344
nanotechnology 202 north polar sky 330 otters 130 pelvises 142
281, 344 NAO robot 244 noses 110, 150, 162, 174 Ottoman Empire 278–279, penetrator (spacecraft) 31
mongooses 129 Napoleon Bonaparte, penicillin 345
monkeys 120, 131, 134 nostrils 103 285, 315 Pentaceratops 80
monsoons 58 Emperor 307 notochords 98 outer planets 26–27 pentathlons 261
Montgomery, General Napoleonic Wars 298, Noyce, Robert 241 outer space 43 perennial plants 89
nuclear physics ovaries 177, 178, 180, 185 pericardiums 154
Bernard 318 307, 344 Periodic Table 198–199, 215
monuments 249, 254, NASA 28, 34, 243 fusion 18, 20 in plants 88 peripheral nervous
nasal cavities 174 reactions 13, 16 owls 125 systems 164
255, 269 National Assembly, nuclear power 54, 220, 221, oxbow lakes 65 periscopes 212
Moon 10, 28–29, 34–35, 36, oxen 252 Permian Period 77, 79
France 306 236, 238–239 oxygen 87, 88, 139, 148– Perseus Arm 15
71, 216, 325 National Guard, France 306 reactors 212 Persian empire 249,
moons 11, 17, 22, 23, 26 NATO 322 weapons 239, 299 149, 154 see also 261, 263
Moore’s law 241 natural disasters 326 nucleosomes 187 circulatory system perspective (art) 290
Moors (Islamic natural philosophy 302 nucleus 140, 141, 187, 192 in amphibians 105 Peru 288
natural selection 76 numerals 269 in Earth’s atmosphere 40 petals 88
community) 268 nature, in art 303 Nut (Egyptian Goddess) 257 in fish 100 pharaohs 256–257,
moraine 68, 69 navigation systems 225, 287, nutrients 87, 182, 156 Ozone Layer 299 258–259, 345
Morganucodon 79 nylon 190 Philippi, Battle of 265
Mosasaurus 81 320, 330 nymphaeum 260 P Phillip, King of Macedon 261
mosques 276, 279 animals 120, 215 nymphs 107, 132 philosophers 249, 302
mosquitoes 85 Nazis 318, 319 pacas 130 phloem vessels 91
mosses 88 Neanderthals 79, 248, 250 O Pacific Ocean 72 phones 224
moths 95 neap tides 216 Pacific, theater of war 319 phospholipids 140
motion 206–207 nebulae 11, 14, 16, 19, 228 obsidian 252 Pacinian corpuscles 146 photons 227
motor neurons 167 necks 144 oceanic crust 42 pack animals 221 photosphere (Sun) 20
motors 215 nectar 88 oceans 40, 48, 63, 70–71, pack hunters 134 photosynthesis 88, 90–91
mountains 41, 42, 62, negative charges 234, 235 packs, wolf 121 phylums (biology) 86, 92, 98
Neogene Period 79 72–73, 76
70, 123 neoprene 203 tides 54, 71, 216
mouths (biology) 148, nephrons 161 octaves 231
octopuses 93
150–151, 162 Odeon of Pericles 263
mouths (river) 63
mucus 151, 158, 163
mud 252

356 index

pike 101 pressure fronts see air radiation 13, 30, 233, 238 Richard I “Lionheart”, King sarcophagi 259
pincushion cacti 125 pressure radiative zone 20 of England 274 Sargon the Great 255
pineal glands 176 radio telescopes 30 satellites 31, 224–225
pinna 172 prey 134–135 radio waves 222, 224 Richter Scale 46 Saturn 22, 27, 36
Pioneer 11, 31 prickly pear cacti 124 radioactive waste 221 ridges, ocean 70 Saturn V 30, 34
pipe organ cacti 124 Priene, ancient 260–261 radioactivity 238–239 rings, planets 27 saurischians 80
Piscis Austrinus 332 primitive life 76 radiometric rock dating 239 rituals 256, 259 sauropodomorphs 80
pistons 208, 209, 310 printed circuit boards railways 308, 309, 310 rivers 63, 64, 65, 236, 248 savanna 123, 128–129
pitch (sound) 173, 230, 231 rain 44, 59, 62, 65, 76, 125 RNA (molecule) 186 Saxons 268
pituitary glands 176, 177 (PCBs) 241 road networks 264 scabs 157
pivots 210 printing presses 291, see also acid rain roadrunners 124 scales (animal)
placentas 116, 118, 182, 339 rainbows 223 Robespierre,
planetary nebulas 19 302, 345 rainforests 44, 130–131 fish 101, 102
planets 10, 11, 17, 22–23, prism 223 Rajputs 296 Maximilien de 307 mammal 117
processor chips, Ramesses II, King 256 robotics 244–245 reptile 109, 110, 111
24–25, 26–27 ramps 210 robots, spacecraft 30 Scandinavians 270
plant–eaters see herbivores computer 242 Raphael 290 rocket engines 209 scans, medical 139, 164, 239
plantations, slave 300 processors, electronic 240 rapids 65 rockets 30, 34–35, 207, 321 X–ray images 33, 139, 223
plants 86, 87, 88–89, producers (food chain) 87 rats 125 rocks 42, 54, 56–57, 62, sciatic nerves 167
progesterone 177 rattlesnakes 125 scientific experiments 194
90–91, 122 programs, computer 242 raw materials 191, 308 66–67 sclerae 170
plasma 149, 156, 194, 197 prokaryotes 338 reactions (chemical) 200–201 formations 64 scorpion fish 131
propaganda 318 reactions (physics) 207 rod cells 171 Scorpius 332
spheres 235 properties, of materials 191 reactors, nuclear 238 Rolfosteus 78 screens, computer 242
plastics 202 proportions, body 183 receptors 167 Romanticism 303 screws 210
platelets 149, 156 proscenium arches 293 reconnaissance 317 Rome, ancient 274 scrotums 178
Plateosaurus 79 proteins 146, 148, 153, 186 rectums 152, 165 emperors 265, 266–267 sculptures 291
playwrights 293 Protestantism 276, 284 recycling 55 Empire 264–265, 268 sea anemones 93, 130
Pleiades cluster 17 protists 86, 338 red blood cells 141, 149, 154 influence of 290, 291 sea fans 131
plinian eruptions 47 protons 192, 195, 198, 238 red giant 18–19 Rommel, Field Marshal sea mammals 116
plows 248 protostar 16–17 Red Planet see Mars sea routes 284
Pluto 11 protozoans 86 reefs, coral 93, 130–131, 221 Erwin 318 seabirds 113
podocytes 161 Proxima Centauri 10 reflection 33, 226 roots, plant 88, 89, 124 Seahawk helicopter 218–219
poison gas 315 pterosaurs 79, 108 reflex actions 167 rotation, of Earth 41 seas 70, 72–73
poisonous animals 96, 97, Reformation 284 rotors 218–219 seasons 44
Pterodactylus 81 refraction 33, 226 Rousseau, Jean–Jacques 302 sebum 158
105, 135 Ptolemy 32 reincarnation 277 rover (spacecraft) 31, 36 Secondat, Charles–Louis
polar bears 99 puberty 184, 185 relative velocity 204 rubber 203
polar regions 123 pulleys 210, 211 relativity, theory of 205 Ruffini’s corpuscles 146 de 302
Polaris 330 pulmonary arteries 154 religions 254, 271, Russia 298, 335 secretory vesicles 140
poles (magnets) 214 pulmonary veins 155 sedimentary rock 56, 57,
pollen 88 pulp cavities 151 276–277, 290 Russian Empire 344
pollution 55, 202, 221, 237 Punic Wars 344 Renaissance 284, 290–291 USSR 299, 322–323, 319 64, 85
Polo, Marco 280, 281 pupae 97 renewable energy 54, 221 World War I 314–315 seeds 89
polymers 190 pupils 170 reproduction 121 segregation 234
ponds 122 Pyramid of Giza, Great S self–defense see defenses
Popes 274 pollination 88 self–healing materials 202
populations 334 255, 256, 345 reproductive systems Sacabambaspis 79 semen 178
pores 146 pythons 129 sacrifice, human 288 Senate (Rome) 264
Portuguese men–of–war 93 138, 178 sacrum 142 Sengoku period, Japan 283
positive charges 234 Q reptiles 81, 87, 99, 108–109, Sagittarius 332 senses 103, 109, 117, 164,
potential energy 220 saguaro cacti 124
potholes 67 Qin Shi Huangdi, 110–111, 339 Sahelanthropus 174–175 see also
pouched mammals 116, 339 emperor 295 republics 264, 265, 306 individual senses
poverty 309, 318, 327 repulsion (magnetism) tchadensis 250 sensors (fish) 101
power stations 236 Qing empire 285, 295, 344 Saladin, Sultan 274, 275 sensors, robotic 245
Precambrian Period 78 quadrants 287 214, 235 salamanders 104, 105 sepals 88
precipitation 57, 59 Quant, Mary 325 rescue technology 219, 245 Salamis, Battle of 262 seppuku (stomach cutting) 283
predators 82, 87, 102, quarks 193 resistance 205 saliva 150, 158, 175 Serbia 314
Quaternary Period 79 resistors 240 saltwater 70 series circuits 234
134–135 queens, insect 132 respiratory systems 138, Samarkand 281 SETI (search for
premolars 151 Qur’an 276 Samurais 282–283, 285 extraterrestrial
preservation 84 see also 148–149 San Martin, José de 298 intelligence) 11
R retinas 170, 171 sand dunes 64 settlements, early
mummification reverse images 226 saphenous veins 157 human 250
pressure 205 Ra 257 revolutions (political) 298, Saracens (Crusades) 274–275 7/7 terrorist attacks 327
radar 222 Saratoga, Battles of 305
heat 232 304–305, 306–308
water 205, 212, 213 ribosomes 141
ribs 82, 142, 163


Seven Wonders of the slave trade 266, 279, 300– speed of sound 217, 230 strombolian eruptions 47 tanks 321
World 255 301, 312, 313 wind 60 subduction 42, 48 Tannenberg, Battle of 314
sperm 178, 179, 180 sublimation 197 tarantulas 125
Seven Years War 298, sleet 59 sphincters 151, 160 submarines 213 taste 165, 174–175
304, 305 sloths 131 Sphinx 256 subsea smokers 73
slowest animals 340 spice trade 284 sugar levels, blood 177 see also tongue
sex (gender) 179 slugs 131 spiders 133 sugars 153 Taurus 333
sex cells 178, 180 small intestines 152 spiderwebs 133 Süleiman I, sultan 279 taxation 304, 306
sex hormones 184, 185 smallest animals 341 spies 317, 318 Süleimaniye Mosque, Istanbul
sexual reproduction 178 smell 109, 150, 165, 174–175 spines (defenses) 117, 135 tithes 268
Shah Jahan, emperor spines (skeleton) 83, 279 tea 304
see also noses sulfur 42 tears 158
296, 297 smoking, tobacco 179 102, 118 sultans 278, 279 teenagers see puberty
Shakespeare, William smooth muscle 144 spinal cord 164, 166, 169 Sumerians 248 teeth 117, 150, 151, 250
snakes 108, 109, 125, spinning frames, cotton summer 44
292–293 crocodile 110
Shang China 249 129, 131 308, 309 monsoons 58 dinosaur 82, 83
sharks 99, 101, 102–103 snow 59, 62 Spinosaurus 80 Sun 14, 18, 20–21, 22, 24 elephant 118
sheep 252 Sobek 257 Spitfire fighter plane 321 shark 103
shells (animals) 93, 130 social change 299, 303, spleens 159 see also solar power; tekko (armor) 282
shells (explosives) 200 sponges 92, 130, 338 photosynthesis telephones 224, 240,
shelter see habitats 324–235 spongy bone 143 seasons 44
Shi’a Muslims 276 social classes 266 sports 261 tides 216 326, 345
ships 213, 286–287 social networks 243, 326 spring (season) 44 suneate (armor) 283 telescopes 30, 32, 33,
sode (armor) 282 Spring tides 216 Sunni Muslims 276
longboats 270–271 Sojourner rover 36 Sputnik satellite 323 sunspots 21 228–229, 284
slave 301 solar flare 21 squirrels 124 supercluster 11 televisions 240
Shiva 277 solar power 54, 90, 131, stadiums 261 supercomputers 243 temperatures 232–233, 342
shockwaves 52 stainless steel 203 supergiant 18–19
shogun 283 236, 237 stalactites 66 supernatural 303 climates 44
shoulders 142, 144 Solar System 13, 14, 22–23, stalagmites 66 supernova 19, 228 ocean 71
shrimp 130 Stalingrad, Battle of 319 superpowers 322 Solar System 20, 24–27
shrubs 125 24–25, 26–27, 31 stamens 88 supersonic speed 217, 230 Templars, knights 274
sight 103, 109, 110, 112, soldiers 316–317 star charts 32–33 surface, of Earth 41 temples 260, 262–263
solids 190, 196 star forts 273 survival, animal 76, 120–121 tendons 145
169, 170–171 somatic nervous star maps 330–331 sustainability, of Tennessee 312
signals 224–225 starfish 93, 130 resources 55 Tenochtitlán 288, 289
systems 164 stars 10, 14–15 see also Sun swallowing 150 tentacles 130
electrical (nervous Sombrero Galaxy 228 swastikas 318 Teotihuacan 288
systems) 164, 167, 168 Somme, Battle of 314 astronomy 32–33, 228, sweat 146, 158 terminal velocity 217
sonar 213, 219, 244 330–333 swim bladders 100 termites 128, 132
radio waves 222 Song dynasty 295 swords, samurai 283 terra-cotta warriors 295
towers 294 sonic boom 230 birth 16–17 symbolism, religious 257 terrestrial mammals 116
silicon 241 Sonoran Desert 124–125 death 18–19 synapses 167, 168 terrorism 326–327
silk production, insects 133 sound 230–231 static electricity 235 synthesis chemical testes 177, 178, 185
Silk Road 280–281, 284 steam power 308, 309, reactions 201 testosterone 177
Silurian Period 79 speed of 217 synthetic fabrics 202 testudo 265
Sinan, Mimar 279 sources, river 63 310–311 Syria 275 tetrapods 98, 104, 116
sine waves 231 South Africa 299 steam engines 308, 345 systems, body 138 theaters (entertainment)
sinkholes 66 South America 298 steel 203, 215, 309
Six Day War 325 south polar sky 331 stegosaurs 80 T 260, 263
skeletal muscles 144 Soviet Union see USSR stems, brain 168 Globe Theater 292–293
skeleton 99, 142–143, see space exploration 30–31, stems, plant 88, 89 t. rex 77, 82–83, 84–85 theaters (war) 314, 318–319
Stephenson’s Rocket tabi (armor) 283 thermal cameras 223
also bones 34–35, 36–37 tables, water 63 thermosphere 43
cartilage 102, 182 Space Race 322 310–311 tablet computers theropods 80, 82–83
bird 114, space stations 31 stigmas 88 thighs 143, 145
cytoskeleton 141 space–time 205 stings, insects 95 see computers Thirty Years’ War 344
exoskeleton 92 spacecraft 30, 36–37 stirrup bones 172 tadpoles 106 thoraxes 94
fish 101, 102 Spain 284, 286 stomachs 151, 152–153, tail fins 101 Thoth 256, 257
fossil 85 empire 285, 344 tails 83, 102, 111 thoughts 168, 169
skin 146–147, 176, 183 Inca invasion 288, 289 158, 176 Taj Mahal 296, 297 threatened species 87
Madrid terrorist stomata 90, 91 Taliban 327 3–D image 171
see also scales Stone Age 248, 252–253 see tallest animals 341 thrust 218
(animal); touch attacks 327 Tang dynasty 269, 280, 295 thunderstorms 59, 60
amphibians 105, 107 spark plugs 209 also Paleolithic Age Thyme broomrape 89
elephants 118 Spartans 260, 262, 263 Stonehenge 32, 249 thymine 186
injuries to 155, 158 speech 168, 169 stratosphere 43 thyreophorans 80
skins, animal 158, 252 streams 65 see also rivers thyroid glands 176
skulls 104, 115, 118, 142 see also tongue strings (matter) 193
sky maps 330–331 speeds 204, 210, 211
skydivers 217
animal 102, 135
speed of light 194, 222

358 index

tibial nerves 167 storms 60 V vulcanian eruptions 47 wheels 210, 211
tides 54, 71, 216 troposphere 43 vulcanized rubber 203 white blood cells 149,
tigers 86, 99 trout 101 vacuoles 140 vultures 128
Tikal 289 trunks, elephants 118 vaginas 183 154, 159
Tiktaalik 98 tsunamis 52, 326 Valles Marineris, Mars 25 W white dwarfs 18, 19
time 10, 342 tuatara 108 valley glaciers 68 White Heron Castle, Japan
Tuileries Palace, France 306 Valley of the Kings warm–blooded animals 81,
sense of 165 Tull, Jethro 309 112, 117 283
timekeeping 287 tuna 101 256, 258 Wi–Fi 224
zones 334 tundras 44, 123 valves, engine 208, warriors 270 Wilberforce, William 301
tires 203 tuning forks 231 wars 269, 299, 307, 344 wildebeest 128
tissue, body 138, 140, Tunisia 327 310, 311 windpipes 148, 162
turbines 239 valves, heart 155 American 304–305, winds 59, 71
142, 159 Turing Test 245 valves, vein 157 312–313
Titan 27, 36 Turkey see Ottoman Empire vanishing points 290 erosion 64
tithes 268 Turner, Joseph 303 vascular plants 88, 338 China 295 pollination 88
toads 104, 105 turtles 108, 130 vassals 268 Cold War 322–323 power 221, 236
toes 118, 146 tusks 118 veins (animal) 95, 154–155, Crusades 274–275 wings
Tokugawa, General 285 Tutankhamun 258 Iraq 326–327 airplane 218, 321
Tokugawa Ieyasu 283 21st Century 326–327 156, 157, 160 Napoleonic 307 bird 114, 115
Toltecs 288 twins 183 veins (plant) 90, 91 Roman Empire 264–265 insect 95, 97
tombs 258–259 typhoons 60 Velociraptor 112 World War I 314–315, winter 44, 58
tongue 109, 150, 174, 175 Tyrannosaurus rex 77, velocities 204, 217 Wollstonecraft, Mary 303
vena cavas 156, 160 316–317 wolves 121
see also speech 82–83, 84–85 Venera 7 36 World War II 318–319 women’s rights 299, 303
tonsils 158 ventricles 155 Washington, George wonders, ancient 345
tools 204, 210–211, 250, U Venus 22, , 36 wood 54, 236, 252
Venus flytraps 89 304, 305 woodpeckers 124
251, 252 U–boats 321 Verdun, Battle of 314 wasps 95, 125 workhouses 309
Topkapi Palace 278, 279 Uintatherium 78 vernix 183 water 65, 87, 196–197, 226 world records 217
Torah 276 ulnar nerves 166 vertebrae 166 World War I 299, 314–315,
tornadoes 59, 213 ultrasound scans 139 Very Large Telescope see also oceans; rivers
tortoises 108, 124 ultraviolet (UV) 30, 223 cycles 62–63 316–317
toucans 130 umbilical cords 118, 182 (VLT) 228 in human bodies 149, 161 World War II 299,
touch 165, 169 see also skin understories, rainforest 131 Vesalius, Andreas 139 on planets 25, 26
towers, castle 272 unemployment 318, 327 vibrations 109, 230 water boatmen 107 318–319, 320
towns 252–253 uniform, military 307 see Vicksburg, Battle of 312 water power 236, 308 World Wide Web 243
Vienna, Siege of 285 water pressure 205 worms 92
see also cities also armor (military) Vietnam War 323, 324, 325 water–soluble hormones 165 writing 256
trachea 148 Union, United States Vikings 268, 270–271 water vapor 76, 91
trade 252, 284 villages 248 waterfalls 65, 67 X
312, 313 villus 152 waterproof animals 108, 109
routes 280–281 unipolar neurons 165 Vinci, Leonardo da 284 Watson, James 139 X chromosomes 179, 187
slaves 300–301 United Kingdom 322 violins 231 Watt, James 309 X–ray images 33, 139, 223
transform plate boundary 48 United States of America Virginia class submarine wavelengths 173, 220, X–ray telescopes 30
transistors 240 Xi’an 281
transpiration 62, 91 299, 300, 324, 325, 326 212–213 222–223 xylem vessel 91
transuranic elements 198 civil wars 304–305, Virgo 333 waves (ocean) 52–53, 64, 71
transverse waves 220 viruses see diseases; germs waves (physics) 220, 222– Y
traps, for prey 133, 134 312–313 viscosity 196
trawling 55 desert habitats 124–125 Vishnu 277 223, 227, 230–231 Y chromosomes 179, 187
treasures 258 World Wars 315, 318, visible spectrum 223 wealth 303 see also poverty
trebuckets 273 vision 103, 109, 110, 112, weapons 270, 315, 320–321 Z
tree–dwelling animals 322–323
units of measurement 342 169, 170–171 bombs 319, 327 Zama, Battle of 264
116, 130 uranium 221, 239 vitamins 148 cannon 313 zebras 129
trees 88, 128, 129, 131 Uranus 23, 27 vitreous humor 171 guns 307, 316 Zeus 260, 261
trenches (ocean) 41, 70, Urban II, Pope 274, 275 voice boxes 162 of mass destruction 326 Zhou dynasty 295
urea 149 volcanoes 47, 50–51, 56, nuclear 239, 323 see also zinc 234
72, 73 urinary systems 149,
trenches (war) 316–317 70, 76, 81 Cuban Missile Crisis
Triangular Trade 300 160–161 Volkswagen camper van samurais 282–283
Triassic Period 77, 79, 81 Ursa Major 33 weather 58–59 see also
triceratops 84 USA see United States of 324–325
triplets 183 voltages 234, 235 climates
Triton 26 America Voltaire 302 weathering see erosion
tropical climates 44, 45, USSR 298, 299, 319, 322– volumes, liquid 342 weaving 253
voluntary actions 164 wedges 210
123, 130 323 see also Russia Voyager 1 36 weights 216
habitats 125–126, 128– uteruses 177, 178, 181, 183 voyages see explorers Western Front 314
whale sharks 98
129, 130–131 whales 120



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