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Island Scene Layout Flip 2022_3

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Published by Doug Cook Design, 2021-12-28 10:08:20

Island Scene Layout 2022

Island Scene Layout Flip 2022_3


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photo by Martha Huard

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102 Island Scene 2022


photo by Martha Huard

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book Scene
The Other Side of Marilyn Monroe

T Clark Gable and
Marilyn Monroe on the set of the Misfits.
he New York Daily News headline put it very simply that summer day
in 1962: MARILYN DEAD. No one needed to be told which Marilyn.

The most photographed woman in the world seemed to know the end was
at hand when she said to her friend Peter Lawford that Saturday night— “Say
goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to the president and say goodbye to yourself
because you’re such a nice guy.”

Even now the world still does not know exactly how or why she died —
whether by murder, suicide or accidental overdose.

Marilyn Monroe’s last day on earth — August 4, 1962 — took place mostly in
her home at 12305 Fifth Helena Drive in Los Angeles, California.

She walked into her kitchen around 9 AM in a white shower robe for a glass
of grapefruit juice. Her friend and publicist Pat Newcomb had stayed overnight
and was sleeping in the guest room.

An hour later photographer Lawrence Schiller pulled up to the house with
photos from the swimming pool scene in the ill-fated movie Something’s Got
to Give. Marilyn showed him the newly remodeled guest cottage and then
selected the pictures she liked best. Later Schiller described her as looking
fresh and “without a care.”
104 Island Scene 2022

Marilyn Monroe on the beach in 1957 at Amagansett, New York. 105

Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell in
The Seven Year Itch.

Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe
after the release of How To Marry A Millionaire.

Newcomb, who had just come down with a case of either off the hook or out of order. At approximately 8:30
bronchitis, arose at noon and she and Marilyn had a cross PM Marilyn’s attorney, Milton Rudin, reached Murray at the
conversation. “She seemed angry I had been able to sleep guest cottage and asked her to check on the starlet. Murray
and she hadn’t — but something else was behind it all,” said put down the phone and several minutes later came back
Newcomb. and said, “She’s fine.”

In the early afternoon Monroe stopped by Peter Marilyn’s public relations representative, Arthur Jacobs,
Lawford’s oceanfront estate. The star of Gentlemen Prefer was at the Hollywood Bowl that night watching a concert. His
Blondes and Some Like it Hot walked along the Pacific wife, Natalie Jacobs, stated that an attendant came to their
shoreline with several of Lawford’s guests, spending about box around 10:15 PM. “Come with us right now, Mr. Jacobs,”
one hour with them. Marilyn was “not staggering, but clearly he said. “Marilyn Monroe is dead.”
under the influence and she wasn’t too steady in the sand,”
stated William Asher, who was a director in Lawford’s The timeline given to police by Dr. Greenson and Murray
production company. was quite a bit different. According to their version, Murray
woke up at 3 AM and checked on Marilyn. After seeing a light
Joe DiMaggio’s son called around 4:30 PM— shortly after under her door and finding the door was locked, she called
Marilyn arrived back from the beach — but her housekeeper Dr. Greenson, who instructed her to go around the side
Eunice Murray told him that Marilyn was not home. Her of the house and break a window into Marilyn’s bedroom.
former father-in-law, Isadore Miller, phoned around the Murray did so and saw Marilyn lifeless and in the nude in
same time and was told that Marilyn was getting dressed her bed. The police were called at 4:25 AM and a squad car
and would call him back later. He never talked to her again. showed up ten minutes later.

Joe DiMaggio, Jr. finally made it through around 7 PM Marilyn Monroe’s body was wrapped in a pink blanket,
when Marilyn herself picked up the phone. He told her he secured to a gurney and taken to the Westwood Village
had broken off his engagement with the young woman he Mortuary at approximately 5:30 AM on Sunday, August 5.
had been dating. Later he described her as cheerful and Several hours later she was taken to the City Morgue for an
alert in a statement to police. autopsy, which fell to deputy coroner Thomas Noguchi. His
report described a blood count of 8 milligrams of chloral
Peter Lawford called at 7:45 PM to ask her once more to hydrate and 4.5 milligrams of Nembutal; he reported an
come to dinner. But now, less than 30 minutes after talking additional 13 milligrams of Nembutal in her liver. Noguchi
to Joe, Jr., Marilyn was slurring her words. reported no signs of violence or a lethal injection site. He
finished the autopsy at 10:30 AM as news of her death flared
And say goodbye to yourself because you’re such a nice guy. around the globe. IS
After the phone went silent Lawford became frantic.
He dialed the operator but was told that the phone was

106 Island Scene 2022

Marilyn Monroe exits the “Green Goddess” Rolls Royce 107

Stanislav Plutenko

M by Brian Johnson
uch of the original art of Stanislav Plutenko hangs in the palaces of royal families
around the world, but those living or vacationing in Southwest Florida only need to stop
in at the East West Fine Art Gallery, located in The Mercato in Naples, to see one of his
masterpieces up close.

Owners Olga and Leeza Arkhangelskaya, 2020, but art collectors can purchase a giclee
a mother and daughter team, spent several of this stunning image at the gallery.
years working to bring his art to Southwest
Florida. The painting comes from the biblical
passage of Christ stopping to speak with a
“We were nervous to approach him woman of Samaria as she takes water from
and did so gingerly,” said Leeza. “He’s very a well. In this surrealistic composition the
prominent and it is hard to get his paintings. ground falls away into the sky and the urn
But over time he could see how much we with water is suspended in mid air.
loved his art and we were overjoyed when we
received a number of his originals to hang in “Christ is asking for water from the
our gallery.” Sumarian woman and offers her eternal life
in exchange — it is this offer of salvation that
Plutenko was born in Moscow in 1961. He I believe is so important in the painting,” said
utilizes a variety of materials and techniques, Leeza.
including oil, tempera, acrylic and watercolors.
Olga Arkhangelskaya founded the gallery
“His art is quite timeless,” said Leeza. in 2000 and Leeza joined her as a co-owner
“He blends elements from the past and the in 2013. They have a two-fold mission: to
present in a way that creates an otherworldly showcase some of the finest contemporary
effect. We are in the business of selling art, art from Russia and Eastern Europe and to
but frankly it is a little tragedy every time we create a spirit of fellowship between eastern
sell one of his originals because we are sad and western cultures.
to see it go! Each one is unique and strikingly
beautiful.” “Art transcends political and geographical
lines,” said Olga. “An artist such as Plutenko
CHRIST AND THE SAMARITAN WOMAN shows the universal nature of the human
is considered one of his finest works. The condition and his paintings awe people from
original, a 67” x 43” Oil and Tempera on one end of the earth to the other.”
Canvas, was sold in at East West Fine Art in

108 Island Scene 2022

Christ and Woman of Samaria — Stanislav Plutenko 109

110 Island Scene 2022

Just Let Go — Stanislav Plutenko 111

Dream — Stanislav Plutenko
112 Island Scene 2022

Madonnas of Modernity — Stanislav Plutenko 113

114 Island Scene 2022 115

March: The Olive Shell, Aquamarine,

The Olive shell is a spiral shell characterized
by intense energy; those born to this shell
are courageous, healthy and perceptive
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116 Island Scene 2022

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