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Published by l33tgringo, 2022-09-02 21:12:19

GURPS - 4th Edition - Fantasy

GURPS - 4th Edition - Fantasy

When the soil of the Empire had throne, sometimes for less than a year. Each city has an ordo, or city
normal sanctity, legionaries fighting There may be two or three claimants council, modeled on Rome’s Senate,
upon it gained the benefits of Higher to the throne at a time. At best, emper- and one, two, or three pairs of magis-
Purpose. Now only the guardians of ors are military commanders who win trates. Cities also maintain cults for
the standards have that benefit, when the loyalty of their soldiers. At worst, the official gods of the Empire,
carrying the standards or protecting the empire may be auctioned off to the including the Imperial Genius, and
their shrine. Legions still pray to the highest bidder. Many emperors die by for any gods who have specially
gods of Rome before battle, but many assassination, sometimes at the hands favored their people.
soldiers have turned to the worship of of their own guards, but most fall in
Mithras (p. 206). As a soldier, Mithras battle. Emperors often are preoccu- Some cities are capitals of
helps fellow soldiers do their duty in pied with military threats and have lit- provinces, the larger divisions of
battle, but he protects individual sol- tle time for priestly duties. Officially, Rome’s conquered territory. Each
diers, not the legion as a body. every emperor receives guidance from provincial capital is the residence of a
the Imperial Genius (p. 202), but most governor, normally a Roman senator.
The Emperor recent emperors have gained little If one or more legions are headquar-
benefit from it. tered in a province, the senior com-
The emperor holds the highest mander also acts as governor; in other
rank in every hierarchy of Roman Cities of the Empire provinces the governor is a civil ser-
society: commander of the legions, vant. Each governor gets assistance
chief administrator of the state, and All over the empire, city-states from one or more procurators, impe-
head of the pontifical college, Rome’s organize citizens. The official citizenry rial bureaucrats responsible for col-
highest religious body. He also has the of each city-state includes nearby lecting taxes. A detachment of troops
title of pater patriae, father of the rural landowners, as well as people from the nearest legion suppresses
country. In the eyes of the gods, every who actually live in the city. “Cities” rebellions, enforces imperial laws, and
Roman is a dependent of the imperial range from country villages with a few builds roads, amphitheaters, and
household. priests and officials to metropolises other large projects.
with tens of thousands of residents.
Over the past few decades, many
different emperors have held the


Order of Battle

Each of Rome’s 33 legions has a permanent head- legion has a number. During the civil wars before the
quarters, mostly along the frontier. (See the map on founding of the Empire, many of these numbers were
p. 199 for the location of each province.) The following duplicated. Instead of renumbering, the Romans
list groups the legions by where they are stationed; changed the nicknames into official names, and this
modern names for the locations are in [brackets]. Each custom continued for later legions.

Designation Stationed in
II Augusta Isca [Caerleon], Britain
XX Valeria Victrix Deva [Chester], Britain
VI Victrix Eburacum [York], Britain
VII Gemina Leon, Tarraconensis
VIII Augusta Argentorate [Strasbourg], Germany
I Minervia Bonna [Bonn], Germany
XXII Primigenia Mogontiacum [Mainz], Germany
XXX Ulpia Vetera [Xanten], Germany
II Italica Loriacum [Enns], Noricum
III Italica Castra Regina [Regensburg], Noricum
II Parthica Albano, Italy
X Gemina Vindobona [Vienna], Pannonia
XIV Gemina Carnutum [Altenburg], Pannonia
I Adiutrix Brigetio [Szony-Komaron], Pannonia
II Adiutrix Aquincum [Budapest], Pannonia
VII Claudia Viminacium [Kostolac], Moesia
XI Claudia Durostorum [Silistra], Moesia
IV Flavia Singidunum [Belgrade], Moesia
I Italica Novae [Swislow], Moesia
XIII Gemina Mehadia, Dacia
V Macedonica Potaissa, Dacia
XV Apollinaris Satala [Sadag], Cappadocia
XVI Flavia Satala [Sadag], Cappadocia
XII Fulminata Melite, Cappadocia
III Gallica Danaba, Syria
I Parthica Singara, Syria
III Parthica Singara, Syria
IV Scythica Zeugma, Syria
VI Ferrata Caparcotna, Palestine
X Fretensis Jerusalem, Palestine
III Cyrenaica Bostra, Arabia
II Traiana Nicopolis, Egypt
III Augusta Lambaesis, Africa

MEN OF DESTINY Caesarion XII is secretly a descendant in command of troops stationed on the
of the son of Cleopatra and Julius Rhine. He builds up military and polit-
The following people have posi- Caesar. He lives in the Greek commu- ical connections to support his cre-
tions of power, or ambitions to power, nity of Massilia in Narbonensis, one of ation of a separate empire, with its
that will shape Rome’s destiny over the provinces of Gaul. The family has capital in Gaul. These ties extend into
the coming decade. Ultimately, their many ties to worshippers of the Britain, Germany, and Hispania and
actions may determine whether the Egyptian goddess Isis. As a member of include the moderate factions among
Roman Empire survives. Player char- the sacred bloodline of Caesar, the Celtic nationalists.
acters will feel the impact of their Caesarion has divinely granted gifts
choices and may be in a position to and waits for the day when the Shapur: The current Parthian
influence them. Empire will need him to lead it. emperor is a skilled general who plans
to take advantage of Rome’s weakness.
Caesarion: Known to all but a few Postumus: Marcus Cassianius Fifteen years ago, he invaded Roman
of his contemporaries as Epiphanes, Latinius Postumus is a Roman general territory for the first time; two years


ago, he began a second invasion. His Reunion
armies have just sacked the city of
Antioch, carrying off huge amounts of Roma Arcana makes a good setting for a high fantasy campaign
treasure and many slaves. Shapur, a which focuses on the potential renewal of the empire. Caesarion and
Zoroastrian, has funded many new Zenobia play key roles in the treatment. The Palmyran queen’s political
temples, protects the Jews, and ambitions, tactics, and abilities bear odd similarities to Cleopatra VII.
encourages Zoroastrian magi to study She could actually be Cleopatra, returned to Earth once more by the
Greek and Indian teachings. favor of the infernal gods. Once she and Caesarion reveal their claims
to imperial power, and learn of each other, a political alliance could ben-
Valerian: Publius Licinius efit both of them. It may even be destined, bringing together Cleopatra’s
Valerianus has held the imperial reincarnation and Caesar’s heir, as co-rulers and as lovers. If Zenobia
throne for the past five years. He once actually remembers her past life, or if Caesarion’s advisor Geaticus
had a distinguished military career, (p. 229) learns the truth from the stars, one might knowingly seek the
though he has mainly been involved in other out.
Rome’s internal power struggles over
the past few decades. Approaching his Zenobia. She speaks fluent Greek and recently born son, Vaballathus, on the
60th year, he remains active and vigor- Latin and has a good literary educa- throne. Her husband is satisfied as a
ous. He has just led several legions tion. Zenobia’s skill at Enthrallment Roman client, but Zenobia dreams of
east to the Parthian frontier to repel induced King Odaenathus to divorce making Palmyra the capital of an
an invasion, leaving his son Gallienus his first wife and marry her. Now she independent empire, of which she
as co-emperor in Rome. is plotting against the king’s older son, would be the Augusta.
Herodes, and hopes to put her own
Zenobia: The young queen of
Palmyra, a Roman client kingdom in
the Near East, is named Bat Zabbai in
her native Aramaic, but usually goes
by the Latinized form, Septimia


Hail, Jupiter, best and greatest, all- and spirits by offering service in individual names; they exist only to
powerful father, king of gods and men, return. Individuals can also enjoy serve their special functions. No servi-
or whatever other name you wish to be divine aid, but that’s a special favor, tor spirit should have a GURPS char-
called . . . not the god’s main role. acter sheet.

– Traditional Roman prayer GODS AND Gods and spirits exist in three dif-
SPIRITS ferent domains: in the heavens, on the
Whether you are god or goddess to surface of the Earth, and under the
whom this grove is dedicated, as it is Roman religion draws no sharp Earth. Romans offer sacrifices to all
your right to receive a sacrifice of a pig line between gods and spirits. Gods three, on different occasions.
for the thinning of this sacred grove, are very powerful spirits, rulers of
and to this intent, I or one at my bid- independent domains such as the Celestial Gods
ding do it, may it be rightly done. weather or the sea. Other spirits rule
smaller domains, or serve the gods. A Most great gods live in the sky.
– Marcus Porcius Cato, vast array of spirits attends every god Anything above the earth is in their
De Agri Cultura serving his will and obeying his domain: birds, weather, the planets,
commands. and even the stars. Because the stars
Rome is a city of lawyers. Its peo- govern human destiny, the celestial
ple approach everything in legal The Latin word for the power of a gods control the fortunes of a man’s
terms, including religion. Roman reli- god is numen. Much of that power is life. The man who has their favor can
gion is an exchange of promises in the spirits who carry out the god’s become great.
between men and the gods. A man orders, so numen also means a spirit,
offering a sacrifice says do ut des, or the god himself in the form of a Customarily, sacrifices to the celes-
meaning, “I give so that you give.” He spirit. Since the aid of spirits produce tial gods occur on altars, in places
serves the gods, and he expects the magical effects, numen also means open to the sky and visible to the
gods to reward his service. Romans supernatural power in general. A place gods. Temples of celestial gods main-
still living by their ancient traditions that attracts spirits is therefore numi- ly exist for storage of items useful in
do nothing important without making nous. Any important or powerful god rituals, not for the rituals themselves.
a sacrifice, looking for omens that employs the service of vast numbers of Omens from the celestial gods also
show if the gods have accepted it, and spirits. However, few servitor spirits come from the sky. This goes back to
then calling on divine help. have distinctive personalities, or even the ancient Etruscans, who practiced
divination by observing the direction
Roman religion is mainly collec- of lightning.
tive. A household, military force, city,
or the Empire gains help from gods


Terrestrial Gods The Imperial Genius

The Earth’s surface is the domain Like other Roman men, the emperor is the priest of his own house-
of less powerful beings such as hold gods, and especially of his own Genius. But the emperor’s house-
nymphs (p. 213), which GMs can clas- hold is the largest in Rome. Beyond the thousands of slaves who offi-
sify as either small gods or unusually cially belong to the Imperial Family, every Roman citizen counts the
potent spirits. Most nymphs live in the Emperor as a patron, under the title of pater patriae, “father of his
wilderness. They don’t receive much country.”
worship, but a prudent farmer sacri-
fices to the local deity before cutting The standard Pact with the Imperial Genius is based on Sense of
firewood in a forest. Terrestrial gods Duty to the Roman Empire and its people. In recent years, few emper-
usually confine themselves to a small ors have gained benefits through this Pact.
area, such as a forest clearing or a
river. “Granted by Ancestral Spirit” (-40%); judge to make the right decision in a
the Di Manes often grant Luck or lawsuit.
Infernal Gods inflict Unluckiness. In addition, sacri-
ficial offerings to the Di Manes (such Within each house, an inner area
The interior of the Earth, or the as the devotio, p. 232) can bring one- holds high sanctity for the household
underworld, is largely the realm of the time blessings if conducted with the gods. This is the penetralia, guarded
dead. Dark gods rule the dead and proper ritual. especially by the Penates (also called
everything else beneath the earth, the Di Penates). Typically, it holds the
including buried treasure and valu- The Genius of a family is different family’s food stores and treasury.
able minerals (see Empedocles’ Quest, from its Di Manes. It has the same
p. 212). Underworld deities are often relationship to a family that the spirit SACRIFICES
harsh and vengeful. Mortals seeking of an animal has to the species. It
vengeance may pray for their help, but makes sure that the family procreates The basis of Roman religion is sac-
most ask them not to do something, or and that its descendants preserve the rifice (see Burnt Offerings, p. 31, and
give thanks for their mercy. distinctive traits of their ancestors. Sacrificial Magic, p. 165). Most offer-
The Genius will not make itself seen or ings are slaughtered animals. Romans
The infernal gods have no altars. A heard, but the paterfamilias may take special care to select a physically
proper sacrifice to them consists of acquire certain advantages based on a perfect victim, as most pleasing to the
digging a pit and offering the sacrifice Pact with his Genius (typically based gods, and to avoid frightening it. If the
in it – below the earth’s surface. on Sense of Duty to his family and lin- animal balks on the way to the altar,
eage). Typical advantages either the god has rejected the sacrifice.
ANCESTORS AND enhance health and fertility, such as Successful sacrifice requires skill rolls
HOUSEHOLD Fit, or bestow a superior ability, such against both Animal Handling and
CULTS as a Talent. Religious Ritual. A sacrifice usually
enhances success in performing a
In addition to spirits of the sky, A household is also defined by the task, as defined under Sacrificial
earth, and underworld, the Romans land it occupies. It gains the right to Magic (p. 165). In contrast to the usual
recognize human spirits. After a man live there through its relationship with rules, the value of any animal sacrifice
dies, his spirit lives on, usually in the the spirits of the land, which it wor- accepted by the gods uses the animal’s
underworld. Roman families ritually ships regularly as its Lares. full HP, since the animal consents to
honor their dead, both propitiating Customarily each household honors be offered.
them so they will not become angry twin Lares. They receive small daily
and trouble the living, and sacrificing sacrifices when the family sits down to Worshippers may substitute a vow
to them in return for supernatural dine. In return, the Lares make the for a sacrifice. A man who seeks divine
favors. See Ancestor Worship (p. 37) land a normal-sanctity area for the aid, but doesn’t have a suitable sacrifi-
and the Ancestral Spirit lens (p. 112). household gods. cial offering, can promise to make
The paterfamilias, or male head of the such an offering at some future time
household, is the priest of his ances- Once a year, typically, the owners after the aid is granted. This isn’t a
tors. His priestly duties also include of adjacent lands in the country meet Vow in GURPS terms, because char-
honoring other spirits of his house- at their boundaries and sacrifice to the acters will usually fulfill it within a
hold. Lares. This sacrifice ensures that the year’s time, often by a single action. If
respective household gods are not ene- the seeker swears a binding oath to
The spirits of a family’s ancestors, mies to each other. In city neighbor- the gods (see Thunderstones, p. 28)
or Di Manes, are normally unseen and hoods, each major intersection has a and acquires a Destiny, the vow auto-
unheard. If treated with disrespect, shrine to the Lares of all the families matically counts as a sacrifice. Any
they may appear as shades or com- nearby that serves the same purpose. other vow requires a reaction roll (see
plain to their descendants. A descen- Sacrifice to the Lares can help guide a Man Proposes, God Disposes, p. 148).
dant may take one of the Di Manes as
a Patron or Enemy and purchase
advantages or disadvantages as


In addition to the bonus from True Gladiatorial combat originated as a seeking private benefits are not the
Faith, a worshipper with a Vow who similar self-offering. Fighting with priesthood’s primary function.
keeps it, or has Code of Honor minimal armor (usually with no torso Gaining the aid of a civic god for a pri-
(Roman) or Discipline of Faith armor) expressed this, though it’s vate goal requires an Excellent reac-
(Ritualism), gets a lesser +1 bonus on mainly a thrill for the crowds. An tion. Similar differences apply to
the reaction roll; only one of these exceptional gladiator might gain prayers to a household god; gods grant
bonuses applies to any one religious enhanced combat skills and crowd prayers for the good of the family
vow. reaction rolls by knowingly offering more often than prayers for private
himself. benefits.
A military commander seeking spe-
cial divine aid can practice the devotio, PRAYER Gods can give their worshippers
ritually offering his life to the gods in access to short lists of spells. For
exchange for victory. Before the battle Prayer is an appeal to the gods to example, a worshipper of Jupiter
starts, he ceremonially pledges his life grant blessings to their worshippers. might learn Clouds, Command,
to the Di Manes of the Roman people Correct wording of the prayer requires Deflect Energy, Lightning, or Predict
as a sacrifice. Then he personally leads a roll against Religious Ritual. If this Weather. Each spell is a formula call-
his forces toward the foe, engaging in succeeds, the appropriate god hears ing upon the aid of certain spirits that
All-Out Attack when combat begins, the prayer. At this point, make a reac- serve the god. Priests normally can
with no thought for his own survival. tion roll for the god, as described learn the special formulae for their
For the duration of the battle, he has under Man Proposes, God Disposes god if they choose. Any other worship-
+1 to his skill in Leadership, Strategy, (p. 148). On a Very Good reaction, the per can learn them if taught by the
Tactics, and whatever weapons he god will grant visible aid in some god (treat this as a 5-point Unusual
uses – but not to his Shield skill. Both form. Sacrificial offerings can influ- Background). In a high-sanctity site
his own side and the enemy have +1 ence a god’s reaction, gaining +1 for such as a temple, or a temporarily
on reaction rolls; his army is more each 12 1/2 HP sacrificed. consecrated site elsewhere, anyone
likely to follow him, and the other who knows the spell can cast it.
army is more likely to flee. If he sur- Religious ceremonies primarily Elsewhere, only a person specially
vives, this indicates that the gods have gain divine aid for Rome, and require favored by the god with Power
honored his courage by giving him attendance by the Roman population Investiture 1 or better can do so.
back his life. in general. Ceremonies for individuals Power Investiture is a rare advantage
in Roma Arcana.
Plan of a Roman House
The spells granted by the Penates
5 5 5 7 9 10 13 of a household provide help in guard-
ing the penetralia against thieves and
23 4 8 13 robbers. Possible spells include
1 Clumsiness, Fear, Hinder, Magelock,
5 5 11 12 13 Pain, Rooted Feet, Spasm, and Trace.
6 7 Normally any household’s Penates will
65 14 20 grant only one or two such spells. The
signifers of a legion may gain similar
Yards benefits in guarding the room with the
10 legion’s standards.

(1) The main entrance (vestibulum) opening to the street. (2) A small room for a door- DIVINATION
keeper. (3) Family records and ancestral portraits. (4) Open courtyard (atrium) with a small
pool (inpluvium) set into the floor. (5) Bedrooms and sitting rooms. (6) Baths. (7) Wings Romans practice several types of
extending out from the atrium. (8) Formal dining room (triclinium, named for the three soothsaying. Some are distinctively
couches used for guests at a banquet). (9) Reception room (tablinum) used as a family din- Roman, or adopted by the Romans
ing area or as a study for the head of the family. (10) Open garden area (peristyle) raising from the Etruscans, who ruled Italy
flowers and kitchen herbs and as an outdoor dining area. (11) Locked storage (penetralia) before them.
for food and valuables. (12) Kitchens. (13) Sitting rooms (exhedrae) looking out on the gar-
den. (14) Servants’ door; also used by family members who want to leave the house privately. The most highly regarded practice
is augury, or divination from signs in
the heavens. Celestial signs include
unusual astronomical events, weather
(especially lightning), and the flight of
birds. Augurs also perform divination
by watching the behavior of birds on
the ground; the city keeps sacred
chickens for this purpose. Treat
Augury as a divinatory art, a branch of


Unusual natural or political events PRIESTHOODS Each ritual performed by a substitute
may be omens of the future. The viri requires a new set of orders; a priest
sacris faciundis have custody of the The city of Rome organizes priests cannot give standing orders.
three Sibylline Books, kept in the tem- into colleges, each with distinct func-
ple of the Capitoline Triad in Rome. tions. Roman law assigns an order of SACRED
With a successful Research roll, they precedence to the various colleges (see GROUNDS
may find an explanation of what a spe- Religious Ranks, p. 223). The major
cific omen means. Investigation takes colleges, to which the emperor auto- The land within the boundaries of
a full day. matically belongs, are the pontifices the Roman Empire (the limes) is low
(who perform administrative duties), sanctity for its gods. Each city has a
The most often practiced form of the augurs (who engage in augury), pomoerium, an area of land that offi-
soothsaying is extispicy, or examining the viri sacris faciundis (who supervise cially belongs to it, enclosed by a phys-
the internal organs of sacrificed ani- foreign cults and guard the Sibylline ical marker such as a line of stones or
mals. This is also a branch of Fortune- Books), and the epulones (who sacri- a plowed ditch. The area within the
Telling. Its practitioners, the harus- fice and offer feasts before major pomoerium is normal sanctity for the
pices, have no official priestly stand- games). Several lesser priesthoods gods of the city and the empire. A
ing, but attend every sacrifice. The have more specialized duties. Rome god’s temples are high sanctity,
first question they always answer is, also has 15 flamines, each assigned to whether within a city or not. The
“Was the offering acceptable?” worship a specific god. architectural design of a temple may
aid in focusing the divine presence,
Many Romans sometimes seek Provincial cities have their own granting skill bonuses to Religious
understanding in dreams. Those who temples and priests. Normally each Ritual and clerical magic within the
have the skill of Dreaming can do this priest is a flamen assigned to a specif- temple and on its grounds (see Symbol
anywhere, needing only a night’s ic god worshipped in the city. Several Drawing, p. 220).
undisturbed sleep. Untrained people freedmen in each city hold the special
can seek meaningful dreams by sleep- post of flamen augustalis, priest of the When a legionary camp or fortress
ing in a place sacred to a suitable god. Imperial Genius. is built, the ground becomes ritually
To see if the god sends a dream, roll hallowed in the same way, within the
the god’s reaction, as described under A distinctive feature of Roman limits set by the perimeter walls. This
Man Proposes, God Disposes. On a religious practice is delegated priest- ground has normal sanctity. The cen-
Very Good reaction, the god sends a hood. If, for example, the head of a tral shrine of the camp, within its prin-
meaningful dream; on an Excellent household has the duty of offering a cipium (see map on p. 198), has high
reaction, the god sends a very clear sacrifice, he can also instruct some- sanctity. One man from each century,
dream (+5 to dream interpretation). one else to do so in his place. The its signifer or standard-bearer, guards
The standard modifiers apply; in addi- substitute must first announce that the shrine, where the standards are
tion, seeking help in an area, the god he acts for the original priest and give kept, and also keeps accounts for the
favors or disfavors is worth +3 or -3, the priest’s name; then he should century’s savings, which are stored in
respectively. To interpret the dream, carry out the ritual as instructed. The the shrine. Such men normally have a
roll against Fortune-Telling (Dream priest must describe the ritual in full Higher Purpose.
Interpretation). detail (roll vs. his Teaching or Writing
skill to determine if anything has Each household has a similar
The appropriate ritual, as dis- been omitted). If he does, then roll vs. arrangement, on a smaller scale.
cussed under Soothsaying (p. 150), his Religious Ritual skill at -1 to
can influence all forms of divination, determine if the ritual is effective.
except consulting the Sibylline Books.



The Roman Empire stood appalled: chance to gain supernatural powers, In addition to being able to gain
She dropped the reins of peace and though most don’t commit the time new powers, more experienced initi-
war (or character points) to learn to work ates can improve their abilities in two
When that fierce virgin and her Star major miracles. A typical mystery cult other ways: buying increased talents,
Out of the fabulous darkness called. has priests with Religious Rank 3, and buying powers with decreased
who have the exclusive right to admit preparation time. A new initiate might
– William Butler Yeats, new worshippers to the cult, but each need eight hours of steady drinking to
“Two Songs from a Play” cult has its own system of ranks and feel the god’s presence; a high-ranking
levels of initiation. initiate might need only a single taste
The gods of Rome have a lot of of wine.
competition. In uniting much of the Here are three cults that may exist
civilized world under their rule, the in a Roma Arcana campaign: Drunkenness
Romans made it possible for religious
and magical practices to spread Groves of the Maenads This is the Dionysian’s spiritual
through their empire. Even in the city attunement to alcohol and its effects.
of Rome, many people give only the Bacchus is part of the Roman pan-
barest lip service to the civic cults, pre- theon, as its god of wine. But his cult Drunkenness Talent: 5 points/level.
ferring to worship other gods of their has always attracted devotees who You have a divinely granted talent for
own choice, or not to worship at all. aren’t satisfied with civic festivals. Sacred Drunkenness. You get +1 per
They favor wilder ceremonies that level to use any Sacred Drunkenness
MYSTERY CULTS sometimes frighten sober people. ability. You can use earned points to
acquire new Sacred Drunkenness abil-
A mystery cult is any group that As worshippers of the god of wine, ities, even if you did not start with
meets in private to worship its god. the Bacchanals or Maenads empha- them. The following advantages can
Some mystery cults hold public cere- size altered states of consciousness. be Sacred Drunkenness abilities:
monies, but these are always reserved Initiates experience a condition of Affliction (Irritating Condition: Tipsy
for initiates. Membership is voluntary “divine drunkenness” in which they or Drunk; Aura; Extended Duration;
and attained by individual choice. perform superhuman feats. In Melee Attack), Detect (Alcohol), and
Romans have mixed feelings about GURPS terms, they are powers (see Wild Talent. Power Modifier:
mystery cults, viewing some as Superpowers as Magic, p. 159) with a Dionysian Sacred Drunkenness. The
sources of aid to the empire, but oth- divine basis. Each Dionysian power advantage is a divine ability within the
ers as threats. includes several advantages, a Power Sacred Drunkenness power. It has the
Modifier that can be applied to those standard limitations (see above), but it
Several mystery cults are popular advantages, and a Talent for the use of can benefit from Sacred Drunkenness
in the city of Rome and the western those advantages (see Other Powers on Talent. -40%/-50%/-70%.
provinces. Bacchus, a god of wine and p. B257). A new initiate gains a mini-
the wilderness (identified with the mum of one level of one talent; if the Many Bacchanals voluntarily
Greek Dionysus), is popular with the initiate’s character points aren’t suffi- accept the intoxicating embrace of a
middle classes. Cybele, or Mater cient for this, any character points holy initiate or priest as a blessing
Deum Magna (the Great Mother of the earned later must first go to paying for from the god.
Gods), a Phrygian goddess, appeals it.
mainly to craftsmen. She has an offi- Frenzy
cial cult in Rome, established in AUC Dionysian powers are a form of
549 during a war with Carthage, on trance magic (p. 151) with a Prepara- This is the Dionysian’s enhanced
the advice of the Delphic Oracle. tion Required limitation. Only one strength, endurance, and tolerance of
Traders, seafarers, and courtesans power can be prepared at a time. pain.
often worship the Egyptian goddess Since the preparation involves drink-
Isis. Mithras, a god of soldiers, ing unmixed wine, Dionysian powers Frenzy Talent: 5 points/level. You
receives worship from civil servants; also have a Nuisance Effect (Dimin- have a divinely granted talent for
the Parthian Empire worships a god ished Self-Control, -3 to self-control Frenzy. You get +1 per level to use any
with the same name, but the two cults rolls, -15%) due to intoxication. Frenzy ability. You can use earned
have little in common. The emperor Finally, Dionysian powers do not points to acquire new Frenzy abilities,
Elagabalus celebrated the rites of the work in no-sanctity areas and are at even if you did not start with them.
eastern god Baal in AUC 974 using his -5 to all rolls in low-sanctity areas; The following advantages can be
Roman name Sol Invictus, but the cult this is a -5% modifier. These limita- Frenzy abilities: Doesn’t Sleep; Fit;
never became popular. tions are included in the Power High Pain Threshold; Innate Attack:
Modifier, which has several different Dismemberment (Cutting; Follow-Up,
Initiation into a mystery cult estab- levels: -70% if an hour’s steady drink- Delivered by Grappling an Extremity,
lishes a relationship between the initi- ing is needed, -50% if the initiate can +0%; Immediate Crippling, +10%; All
ate and the god, granting the initiate consume a large amount of wine in or Nothing, -10%); Lifting ST (Costs
Clerical Investment and Religious 10 minutes, and -40% if a single cup Fatigue, 1/minute, -5%); and Temp-
Rank 0. Initiates in each cult have the of strong wine, consumed in one erature Tolerance.
minute, is enough.


The dismemberment attack repre- with Animals; Speak with Plants; and even an aboveground building deco-
sents the legendary ability of maenads Terrain Adaptation. The Binding abili- rated to resemble a cave can be used.
to tear people limb from limb. The ty represents the power to cause the
attacker grasps one of a foe’s extremi- rapid growth of grapevines or other Raven (Mercury)
ties and applies an arm lock (or a sim- vines over any surface. Power
ilar leg, wing, tail, or head lock) with Modifier: Dionysian Wildness. The The rank of Raven does not offer
hysterical strength. The cutting (actu- advantage is a divine ability within the access to spells. Ravens are servants to
ally tearing) damage is added to the Wildness power. It has the standard their seniors; they serve food and
basic damage for the lock. If the total limitations (see above), but it can drink at feasts.
is sufficient to cripple the extremity, benefit from Wildness Talent.
roll against HT immediately. On a fail- -40%/-50%/-70%. Gift of Mercury: Mercury, the mes-
ure, the extremity is literally torn from senger of the gods, makes the Raven
the body. Loss of the head normally Mithraea fit, so that he can run long distances.
kills, while loss of any other extremity Fit [5].
causes bleeding. On a success, apply Mithras is a soldiers’ god, as well as
only the basic damage from the lock, a god of the hunt and of fire and light, Many initiates are already Fit
not the added damage from tearing. and he has a soldier’s observance of because of military training. They gain
Power Modifier: Dionysian Frenzy. The rank and precedence. His initiates are no other benefit from this rank.
advantage is a divine ability within the promoted through seven degrees, cor-
Frenzy power. It has the standard lim- responding to the seven planets, and Bridegroom (Venus)
itations (see above), but it can benefit each degree makes them eligible for
from Frenzy Talent. -40%/-50%/-70%. different benefits. Each degree offers a The rank of Bridegroom is the first
specific advantage, and each degree to grant access to spells. Bridegrooms
Grace after the first offers specific divinely are senior attendants at feasts, who
granted spells that reflect the myth of light the sacred space. They also light
Dionysian worship is largely Mithras and its own name, planet, or others’ way through the caverns of the
expressed in dance, and initiates may ritual role. mithraeum.
gain a variety of abilities that enable
them to perform amazing feats as Worshippers of Mithras meet in Gift of Venus: Venus offers the initi-
dancers. Some of these have more mithraea for sacrificial feasts. Ideally, ate supernatural powers. Power
adventurous uses as well; see the a mithraeum is in a cave, but in areas Investiture 1 (Preparation Required, 1
Wardancer template on p. 126. without natural caves, a tunnel or hour, -50%) [5].

Grace Talent: 5 points/level. You Bridegrooms can learn the spells
have a divinely granted talent for Light and Recover Energy.
Grace. You get +1 per level to use any
Grace ability. You can use earned
points to acquire new Grace abilities,
even if you did not start with them.
The following advantages can be
Grace abilities: Catfall; Double-
Jointed; Enhanced Dodge (up to three
levels); Perfect Balance; and Super
Jump (one level). Power Modifier:
Dionysian Grace. The advantage is a
divine ability within the Grace power.
It has the standard limitations (see
above), but it can benefit from Grace
Talent. -40%/-50%/-70%.


This is the Dionysian’s spiritual
attunement to wild plants and animals.

Wildness Talent: 5 points/level. You
have a divinely granted talent for
Wildness. You get +1 per level to use
any Wildness ability. You can use
earned points to acquire new Wildness
abilities, even if you did not start with
them. The following advantages can
be Wildness abilities: Animal
Empathy; Binding (Area Effect;
Persistent); Plant Empathy; Speak


Soldier (Mars) Gift of Saturn: Saturn teaches the Magic in Roma Arcana is either rit-
worshipper to lead. Charisma 1 [5]. ual magic, based on an underlying
The rank of Soldier has the duty of This adds to any levels of Charisma skill, or clerical magic, granted by a
guarding the mithraeum, especially the initiate already possesses. god or powerful spirit (see p. B242).
during feasts, and of putting candi- Mages always have Ritual Magery. The
date initiates to the test. Fathers can learn the spells Armor, underlying skill for magic is Ritual
Command, and Resist Fire. Magic instead of Thaumatology,
Gift of Mars: As a warrior, Mars unless explicitly stated otherwise for a
grants courage and resolution. Will +1 Temples of Isis particular tradition. Magery is rare in
[5]. This adds to the level of Will the the Roman Empire. Roughly 1/200 of
initiate already possesses. Isis, the mistress of many skills, the population has Magery 0.
grants her initiates a variety of Talents.
Soldiers can learn the spells Sense As a rule, each initiate can acquire Egyptian Sorcery
Foes, Shield, Stop Bleeding, and only one Talent. In addition, those
Truthsayer. with Magery can learn spells. The Egyptian goddess Isis (above)
is a mighty enchantress and wor-
Lion (Jupiter) Talents shipped by many sorcerers. Her tem-
ples often maintain schools of sor-
The lion builds and guards the Initiates can gain the use of Talents cery. They will instruct anyone of
sacred fire at the sacrificial feast. from the following list of options: good character with Magery 0,
Allure, Business Acumen, Healer, and though they favor Isis worshippers.
Gift of Jupiter: By staring into the Mariner. Those with Magery 0 can At the GM’s discretion, a temple of
flames of a fire on a hearth sanctified also acquire levels of Magery. All of Isis may reserve some powerful
to Mithras, the initiate can see visions these Talents cost a base 10 spells to initiates.
of the future, distant events, or hidden points/level, except Allure, which costs
truths. Blessed (Only in Sites with 5 points/level. Initiates must buy all According to legend, Isis herself
High Sanctity to Mithras, -50%) [5]. Talents with some level of Preparation performed magical feats, instead of
Required to represent ritual invoca- having spirit servants carry them out
Lions can learn the spells Ignite tion of the goddess. for her. The form of sorcery taught in
Fire, Shape Fire, and Test Food. her temples focuses the powers of
Magic the mage’s own spirit. Its root skill is
Persian (Moon) Thaumatology instead of Ritual
Among other things, Isis is a god- Magic. Skills in the various magical
The Persian is the “guardian of the dess of magic, and her temples often colleges default to Thaumatology-6
fruit,” entrusted with the inner secrets serve as centers of learning the magi- (see p. B225) and the individual
of Mithraism and with the task of cal arts. These are based on Magery, spells default to the colleges as tech-
instructing new initiates. not on Power Investiture; Isis doesn’t niques. Isis particularly favors spells
grant magical power, but skill in using of Enchantment, Healing, and
Gift of the Moon: The Moon one’s own gift. Purchase Magery with Necromancy.
inspires her initiates with an instinc- Preparation Required.
tive understanding of the behavior When Isis grants levels of Magery
and emotions of animals. Animal Colleges with spells commonly to her worshippers, it usually takes
Empathy [5]. taught in temples of Isis are Air, the form of One-College Magery in
Communication and Empathy, Ench- the college of Enchantment (-40%).
Persians can learn the spells Quick antment, Healing, Illusion, Know- Training in spells from other colleges
March and Seeker. ledge, Meta-Spells, Necromancy, aims at using them as resources in
Protection and Warning, and Water. making enchanted objects (see
Heliodrome (Sun) Enchanting, p. 149). Students spend
SORCERY many hours learning spells they can
The “messenger of the sun” acts as never cast directly. The greatest
the high priest of Mithras at feasts, The Roman Empire has a variety moment in a student’s career is his
and leads the other initiates in honor- of traditions of sorcery – the practice completion of his first enchanted
ing him. He represents the sub- of magic as an art or skill. Some go object, with which he can cast a spell
servience of the sun and all the heav- back for thousands of years; others at will. Trained sorcerers often have
enly bodies to the rule of Mithras. look to founders in recent times. Their many such objects; an adventurer
approaches to the art are varied. with a priest, priestess, or sorcerer as
Gift of the Sun: The Sun renews a Patron may borrow them. Students
and enhances the ability to call on In general, Roman sorcery derives who are not initiates sometimes
Mithraic miracles. Power Investiture power from mana (called numen in experiment with casting spells
+1 (Preparation Required, 1 hour, Latin), but mana consists of spirits. directly.
-50%) [5]. Many spirits are servants of various
gods and not available to run errands
Heliodromes can learn the spells for sorcerers. High-mana places often
Aura, Banish, and Continual Light. have locations in the wilderness, far
away from temples and cults, where
Father (Saturn) many free spirits still exist. The
ground within a city’s pomoerium is a
At feasts, the Heliodrome serves low-mana area.
and honors the Father as the vessel of
Mithras himself. At all other times,
his duty is to command the worship-
pers of Mithras and speak on behalf
of the god.


Jewish Sorcery at their default from a magical college survive only in Ireland. However, over
skill; college skills default from Ritual the past few decades, the spirits of the
Since the destruction of the Temple Magic and cannot exceed the sorcer- ancient druids have begun to return.
in Jerusalem, the Jews have followed a er’s skill in Ritual Magic. As men and women of Celtic descent
variety of spiritual paths, seeking a realize they have lived before and
renewed connection with their God. BLACK ARTS regain the memories of their earlier
Some have turned to a form of sorcery incarnations, they also typically regain
– not kabbalah, the Jewish tradition of The Roman Empire considers a desire for vengeance against the
meditative magic (p. 151), which does- some magical practitioners not only empire that destroyed them.
n’t exist yet, but an older approach. questionable, but actively hostile.
The sorcerer ritually calls up the angel They conceal their activities from both The base of druidic magic is in
Metatron, the chief administrator of the authorities and the public. Treat knowledge. Traditionally druids were
the angelic hierarchy. Metatron then any such character as having at least a illiterate and passed on knowledge as
grants access to the services of one or -20-point Secret. oral traditions (see Bardic Lore, p. 99);
more spiritual beings, each capable of fully trained druids had artificial
producing the effects of a specific Druids memory (see Eidetic Memory, p. 128).
spell. These beings remain with the Druids use these abilities to retain
sorcerer until dismissed, but do not Druids aren’t completely banned in knowledge in various fields. Each field
actively produce their respective mag- the Roman Empire; from time to time is the basis for a (Profession) Magic
ical effects until commanded to do so. a politician or general will consult a skill that defaults to it at -6 (see
druid soothsayer. Romans still Mysteries of the Trade, p. 162). A druid
In terms of game mechanics, this is remember that Julius Caesar received may know Expert Skill (Hydrology)
Modular Abilities (Spirit Trapping), instruction from the druids of his Magic, Geology Magic, Herb Lore
with a base cost of 6 points/spell slot time. But druids inspired resistance to Magic, Law Magic, Meteorology
and 4 points/skill point. It has three Roman control of Gaul and later of Magic, Naturalist Magic, and
limitations. Spells Only (-20%) Britain. The Empire suppressed this Psychology Magic. Each has a short
restricts its use to gaining spells. resistance, killing many druids, break- list of spells that default to it (see
Preparation Required: one hour ing up the schools that transmitted Ritual Magic on p. B242). Actually
(-50%) represents time spent calling their magical knowledge, and institut- casting spells requires Magery as well.
up Metatron and naming the servitors ing Roman-style cults of the ancient
needed. Pact: Discipline of Faith Celtic gods. The old traditions now
(Mysticism) (-10%) represents the
hours the sorcerer spends in contem-
plation to maintain his contact with
the angelic world. This is a total -80%
limitation. A typical sorcerer uses
spells at the 1-point level and pays 2
points per spell he can use. To select
spells, he rolls against the skill of
Ritual Magic (Jewish) to establish
contact; each attempt takes one hour.
After a successful roll, he gains what-
ever spells he has specified.

Actually casting the spells requires
energy, which the sorcerer must pro-
vide from his own FP or HP. To do so,
he needs Magery 0 or better. Spells
cast with a Concentrate maneuver do
not need this requirement.

Other Sorcery

Rome has no other major sorcer-
ous traditions, but individual sorcer-
ers such as Apollonius of Tyana and
Simon Magus are famous for their
skills. Such sorcerers cast their spells
with the aid of spirits. Higher levels of
Magery represent command over
more spirits and more potent spirits.
Sorcerers buy Magery with the
limitation Pact (typically Vow, -5%,
representing minor sacrifices and
observances). A sorcerer can use spells


Skin-Turner meta-traits. Each form also has the
Animal Forms limitations of Only Usable on Ghosts
(-20%), Mana Dependency (-10%; see
Bear Psionics as Magic, p. 158,) and
Preparation Required.
-2 points
Example: Iturra, a Basque shaman,
Attribute Modifiers: ST+4 (No Fine Manipulators, -40%) [24]; DX+1 can lend a voice to the dead. He buys
(No Fine Manipulators, -40%) [12]; IQ-4 [-80]; HT+3 [30]. this as Affliction 1 (Advantage: Not
Mute (Costs 1 FP, -5%) +210%; Mana
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM 0; Will+6 [30]; Per+4 [20]; Dependency, -10%; Only Usable on
Basic Move+1 [5]. Ghosts, -20%; Preparation Required,
10 minutes, -30%) [25]. With a 10-
Advantages: Claws (Blunt Claws) [3]; DR 2 [10]; Fur [1]; Not minute ritual invocation, he grants a
Hidebound [5]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1]; Temperature Tolerance 2 [2]. ghost the ability to speak at a cost of 1
FP per utterance. The effect lasts for
Disadvantages: No Fine Manipulators [-30]; Semi-Upright [-5]; Wild one minute for each point by which
Animal [-30]. the spirit fails a HT roll.

Wolf Skin-Turners

10 points Skin-turners live among the
Germanic barbarians. Being a skin-
Attribute Modifiers: DX+2 (No Fine Manipulators, -40%) [24]; IQ-4 turner is an Unusual Background
[-80]; HT+2 [20]. worth 10 points. People are not born
as skin-turners; they must undergo an
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM 0; Will+5 [25]; Per+8 [40]; elaborate ritual, which includes hunt-
Basic Move+3 [15]. ing and killing an appropriate animal,
preparing its hide into a garment, and
Advantages: Discriminatory Smell [15]; DR 1 [5]; Fur [1]; Night Vision forming a psychic bond with the ani-
2 [2]; Not Hidebound [5]; Penetrating Voice [1]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) mal’s spirit. In general, a skin-turner
[1]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1]. undergoes this process only once in
his life; he can’t do it for anyone but
Disadvantages: Quadruped [-35]; Wild Animal [-30]. himself.

Some druids also have the ability troubling the living, and grants them Once he has the skin, the skin-turn-
to inflict harm on their foes by satiriz- compensation for staying in the er can change shape any time he wish-
ing them. Rapier Wit represents this, underworld. However, the restless es, simply by putting it on. This is the
but its effects aren’t humorous. spirits of the dead often trouble advantage of Alternate Form with
Instead of just stunning the victim of other cultures in the Roman world. Skinbound (DR 2, -10%; Not
the druid’s mockery, the satire causes Necromancers, in Roma Arcana, use Repairable, -7.5%; SM -2, -10%; Stolen
one of the other effects described for this to their advantage, gaining com- by Stealth or Trickery, -10%), for a
Affliction (see Rapier Wit, p. 130). If mand of the dead to intimidate the total limitation of -37.5%. (Note that
the druid achieves a critical success in living. Skinbound reduces the gadget limita-
the contest of Public Speaking vs. Will, tions to half their normal value; see
the effect lasts until the victim makes Becoming a necromancer requires p. 131.) Biting cannot transmit the
a recovery roll against HT; this a special process of magical initiation. condition. The skin-turner has no
requires a day’s rest. Because most In GURPS terms, this is acquisition of compulsion to assume animal form
druids can employ more than one type Spirit Powers Talent (p. 159). The and fully remembers his actions as an
of satire, their Rapier Wit should have necromancer’s teacher then trains him animal, but he acquires the quirk level
Selectivity (+10%). Very powerful to see or sense the dead (bought as of Bestial . . . a tendency to act some-
druids buy the ability with Extended Detect (Spirits), Medium, or See what like his animal form.
Duration (Permanent, +150%); the Invisible (Spirits); see Shamanism,
victim must then undertake a quest p. 149). This only prepares a necro- The animal form is physically a
specified by the druid to free himself mancer for his real powers. natural animal, with no special invul-
of the satire. nerability to harm. However, it doesn’t
The basic meta-trait Unmanifested have the full Wild Animal meta-trait,
Necromancers Spirit (p. 134) describes a spirit that because it is not Hidebound, and
can perceive the material world but whatever IQ the natural animal would
The art of necromancy begins not speak to it or act upon it. Other have, the animal form’s IQ is only
with the ancient Etruscans. Etruscan spirit meta-traits grant various ways reduced to 6 – it retains some human
art shows the dead attending the of acting on the material world. The self-awareness and grasp of cause and
feasts of the living. The Roman dead necromancer has various forms of the effect. This makes it much more dan-
are mostly less active; Roman ances- Affliction advantage, with the advan- gerous than a natural animal!
tor worship both keeps them from tage enhancement, representing his
ability to give a spirit one of these


The usual choices for skin-turners celestial signs still requires a Neoplatonist may gain the benefits of
are bear and wolf. The template cost of Fortune-Telling (Astrology) roll. True Faith or have Magic Resistance.
the wolf form is 19 points; with the
combined Skinbound limitations, the PHILOSOPHY Epicureans believe that the gods
cost of the skin is 15 points. The tem- consist of a different kind of matter
plate cost of the bear form is 10 points; Philosophy in the Roman Empire than mortals and are completely
with the combined Skinbound limita- has several different schools: Stoics, unconcerned with the actions of mor-
tions, the cost of the skin is 9 points. Epicureans, Skeptics, Neoplatonists, tals. Their goal is to lead a balanced
and various minor schools. The main life of calm enjoyment, avoiding
ASTROLOGY difference between philosophy and excessive pleasures that cause pain or
religion is in attitudes toward ritual. craving. Epicureans believe in the the-
Romans call astrology “the Philosophers of all the schools usually ory of the four elements of earth,
Chaldean art,” after the country of its believe in one or many gods, but con- water, air, and fire, and some study a
development (currently a border sider ritual observances pointless. The form of Esoteric Medicine based on
province of the Parthian Empire). wise man, in their view, judges truth balancing the elements within the
Actual Chaldeans live in the eastern by the evidence of his own mind, not body.
Roman Empire, but in Rome and the by relying on tradition. Philosophers
western Empire “Chaldean” usually of most schools disdain sacrifices. Skeptics regard all human knowl-
means an astrologer. Conservative edge as unreliable. Despite what the
Romans distrust astrology as a foreign The study of philosophy may be a name suggests in modern English,
practice. However, astrological beliefs pathway to unusual gifts through ancient Roman skeptics are not neces-
are an element in some mystery cults mastery of one’s own mind. The sarily opposed to religion. Sextus
and philosophies (pp. 205-206). Philosopher template (p. 218) suggests Empiricus, a leading Roman skeptic,
suitable abilities for a Stoic. Stoics believed that human claims to knowl-
Astrology is a divinatory art (see believe that no one can avoid his own edge would be discredited and people
Soothsaying, p. 150). Looking at the fate; many Stoics believe in astrology would return to sacrificing to the
night sky and interpreting what it (above). The goal of stoicism is to gods.
means requires a roll vs. Fortune- school one’s own will to accept fate.
telling (Astrology). Serious astrolo- Naturally, some people take the
gers also study Astronomy and can The other school that’s likely to philosophers’ disdain for ceremonies
calculate where the planets will be in provide unusual gifts is Neoplatonism. and traditions as a reason for doing
the future, with some difficulty Its founder, Plotinus, born in AUC 958, whatever they please. Ordinary citi-
because of the limits of Roman lives in Rome as a friend of Gallienus, zens often think philosophers are
numerals (see Mathematics, p. 220). the imperial heir. Earlier in his life, he either ridiculous or dangerous. Some
An astronomer can use an orrery traveled to the Parthian frontier and people also assume that a philoso-
instead of performing calculations. studied Persian and Indian beliefs. pher’s learning automatically gives
Interpreting the meaning of future Neoplatonism teaches intellectual him magical powers. Being a philoso-
contemplation of the divine; a pher may attract unwelcome attention
from one’s neighbors. On the other
hand, philosophers mostly come from
upper-class families who shield them
from such attention.


With increasing numbers of
Roman citizens turning away from the
Roman pantheon to other spiritual
paths, Rome often angered the gods.
But for many years, the gods still pre-
served the empire against its foes. This
changed in AUC 971, when a 14-year-
old boy named Elagabalus bought the
imperial throne. As a priest of Baal,
Elagabalus tried to impose his faith on
all Romans, to the exclusion of their
customary beliefs. The Praetorian
Guard murdered Elagabalus and his
mother in AUC 974, but this wasn’t
sufficient to appease the gods’ anger.

When established by Augustus
Caesar in AUC 727, the entire Roman


Empire had the gods’ protection. Christianity
Roman military bases all along the
limes maintained shrines to the gods. In the Roma Arcana setting, the Christian faith falls into the area of
Within their sacred boundary, the “canonical doubt.” That is, the setting as presented here does not speci-
entire empire was a normal-sanctity fy where Christianity fits into a pagan world. GMs can decide this
area. Military ceremonial before battle according to their own judgment, the preferences of their players, and
called the gods to Rome’s aid; as long the needs of their campaign. Rome’s legal and military history at this
as a legion’s signifers carried their time won’t be obviously different, this early in the growth of the church.
standards, the entire legion gained the But here are some options:
benefits of Higher Purpose as long as
they fought on Roman ground. The Christianity never came into being in this timeline.
power of the gods also suppressed Christianity exists, but stays out of sight of hostile officials and wor-
other supernatural powers that were shippers of other gods.
hostile or simply uncontrolled. Christianity exists, but in forms quite different from those officially
recorded by the Catholic and Orthodox hierarchies.
That protection is lost now. Christianity came into being, but remained a Jewish sect, and has
Individual legionaries may still have largely merged with Judaism again.
Higher Purpose, but the legion as a Christianity lost out to rival mystery cults.
whole does not. Worship of Mithras is Christianity was absorbed into the pagan pantheon of Rome
more important to most soldiers than (Septimius Severus, AUC 947-965, had a personal shrine with images of
the older faiths. Spirits of the natural Abraham, Apollonius of Tyana, Christ, and Orpheus).
world and the dead have more power Like Apollonius of Tyana and Simon Magus, Jesus was understood
than before; many low-mana areas are as a sorcerer, and has followers who summon, banish, and command
once again normal- or high-mana. spirits – but don’t worship him.
Fearing these rival powers, people Rome’s fall into chaos is a sign of the End Times predicted by
turn increasingly to sorcerers or out- Christianity, and the Apocalypse is soon to come.
right necromancers for help. All these
changes make it less likely that the
gods will receive what they consider
their due, and their power to give aid
to Rome diminishes.

In addition to real animals, adven- BESTIARY ST 3,000; DX 8; IQ 2; HT 12.
turers may encounter various leg- Will 10; Per 10; Speed 5; Dodge 8;
endary creatures. Some are native to Attack 1d (Cyclic, 1 hour, 5 cycles;
the Roman Empire; others come from Follow-Up, Fangs; Resistible, HT- Move 0 (Ground).
distant lands such as India (see also 5); Vermiform; Wild Animal. SM +15 (140,000 hexes); 4.5 billion
the manticore, the mountain ant, and Emblematic Trait: Loner.
the unicorn on pp. 48-49). Skills: Brawling-15; Stealth-13. lbs.

Amphisbaena Aspidochelon Traits: Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen
Storage, ¥300); DR 5; Enhanced
The amphisbaena is a two-headed Aspidochelones are the largest ani- Move 1 (Water Speed 10);
snake – not two heads growing out of mals in the world, many times larger Ichthyoid (Water Move 5); Wild
one neck, but one head at each end of than any whale. Even the Atlantic Animal.
the body. Only one head can strike per Ocean can only support a small num-
turn, but it can switch heads freely if ber of them. They’re often mistaken Emblematic Trait: Fearlessness +4.
one is pinned. Its total length is about for small islands; sailors tell stories of Skills: Swimming-12.
5’. The HT roll for its venom is at +1 if landing on an island, building a cook-
the venom is immediately sucked out ing fire, and having the “island” sud- Hippocampus
(roll vs. First Aid to do this properly). denly dive under the water when the
heat penetrated its shell. An aspidoch- The horse of the sea, capable of
ST 5; DX 13; IQ 2; HT 11. elon is shaped like a sea turtle and being ridden or harnessed to a water-
Will 10; Per 10; Speed 6; Dodge 9; spends most of its time floating on the craft, but dangerous for an air-breath-
surface, feeding on passing schools of ing rider to tame. It has a horse’s head,
Move 4. fish or even on whales. Some actually with a long, flowing mane, set on a
SM -2 (2 hexes); 10 lbs. have layers of soils and small trees on vertical fishlike body like that of a sea-
their backs, heightening the illusion horse. As a creature of the open ocean,
Traits: Cold Blooded (50°); Double- that they are islands. A full-grown it cannot endure being penned up or
Jointed; Extra Head; Fangs; Toxic aspidochelon is up to 700 yards long confined.
and nearly half as wide.


ST 20; DX 9; IQ 3; HT 11. goat. Behaviorally they’re famous for Strix
Will 11; Per 11; Speed 5; Dodge 8; their sexual appetites and their pur-
suit of human women. Nocturnal birds that feed on blood.
Move 0 (Ground). They normally fly in small swarms. All
SM +1 (3 hexes); 1,100 lbs. ST 7; DX 14; IQ 7; HT 10. the birds in a one-hex swarm will
Will 12; Per 12; Speed 6; Dodge 9; attack the same victim at once. For a
Traits: Doesn’t Breathe (Gills; greater threat, striges may appear in
Breathes Water Only); Enhanced Move 9. unnatural hordes (p. 53).
Move 1/2 (Water Speed 12); SM -1 (1 hex); 40 lbs.
Peripheral Vision; Ichthyoid A one-hex swarm is about a dozen
(Water Move 8); Striker (Tail; Traits: Acute Hearing 2; Bad Grip 1; striges. They fly at Move 8. They inflict
Clumsy; Limited Arc, behind); Crushing Striker (Horns; Cannot 1d impaling damage on the first turn.
Weak Bite; Wild Animal. Parry; Limited Arc); Hooves; Armor protects with its normal DR. If
Impulsiveness; Night Vision 4; any damage gets through, the striges
Emblematic Trait: Phobia (Enclosed Perfect Balance; Wild Animal. remain attached and drink the victim’s
Spaces). blood; treat this as a Follow-Up attack
Emblematic Trait: Lecherousness. that causes toxic damage. They dis-
Skills: Brawling-10; Mount-12. Skills: Jumping-14; Sex Appeal-12. perse after losing 6 HP.

Megalogryphon Empedocles’ Quest

The megalogryphon is a species of Centuries ago, in AUC 324, the Greek philosopher Empedocles
triceratops, brought to the Roman descended into the crater of Mount Etna, leading a small band of disci-
Empire from a vast cavern under the ples. They discovered a hidden gateway to a vast underground realm
earth. They are not very trainable, but filled with strange creatures, many far larger than any on the surface.
prized in the arenas. Roman generals Empedocles did not survive the adventure, but some of his followers
occasionally experiment with them. returned, leading a few smaller beasts that they had captured.

ST 50; DX 12; IQ 2; HT 16. Since that time, the Empedocleans have mapped out much of this
Will 10; Per 12; Speed 6; Dodge 10; underworld. Guided by them, expeditions go into it to bring back more
strange beasts. Emperors present them in the Colosseum at the greatest
Move 7. games, such as the games that celebrated Rome’s millennium; temples
SM +5 (40 hexes); 13,500 lbs. show their remains as evidence of the mythical age of giants; ambitious
generals occasionally experiment with them on the battlefield. The dan-
Traits: Blunt Claws; Combat Reflexes; ger of capturing them keeps them rare, but everyone in the Empire has
DR 2; DR 4 (Partial, Skull Only); heard of them.
Enhanced Move 0.5 (Ground
Speed 10); Quadruped; Restricted Of course, these beasts are dinosaurs – or, more accurately, the ghosts
Diet (Plants); Sharp Beak; Striker of dinosaurs, haunting the depths of the earth. The crater at Mount Etna
(Limited Arc, Front); Wild Animal. is a gateway to the afterlife, not of men but of ages before humanity.
Empedocles’ self-offering bought the secret of propitiating its guardians,
Emblematic Trait: Berserk. so that his followers can bring its inhabitants back to the world of the
Skills: Brawling-12. living. And perhaps one day, some daring philosopher will find the cav-
ern’s other entrance, in an unknown island beyond the north wind,
Satyr reserved by the gods for the blessed dead – whose number may include
Empedocles himself.
Satyrs aren’t actually “beasts”; their
IQ 7 puts them into the sapient range.
But they have no language and lead
mostly solitary lives, dwelling in the
forest with little technology. Physically
a satyr looks like a rather short, hairy
man with the horns and hooves of a



Then out spake brave Horatius, in a Quick Contest of Will vs. Will; if it Features: Can be bound, exorcised, or
The Captain of the gate: succeeds, its target’s ability to experi- repelled by True Faith; Failed HT
ence pleasure is lost for 10 minutes roll after missed maintenance peri-
“To every man upon this earth per point of failure. If it succeeds by 5 od requires aging rolls.
Death cometh soon or late. or more, the target is depressed to the
point of total apathy for the same peri- Nymph
And how can man die better od. The roll is at -1 per yard of dis-
Than facing fearful odds tance between the larva and the target. 225 points
Larva themselves suffer from this
For the ashes of his fathers same joylessness, permanently – it can Nymphs appear in several vari-
And the temples of his Gods . . . ? be seen on their haggard faces when eties, one for each terrain type, though
they become visible – but they still the Greeks and Romans were only
“Hew down the bridge, Sir Consul, cling desperately to their shadowy familiar with a few of them: oreads on
With all the speed ye may; existence. the mountains, dryads in the forests,
naiads in the rivers, and nereids in the
I, with two more to help me, Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: oceans. Each nymph is bound to a
Will hold the foe in play. specific domain. An average nymph
Will+2 [10]. knows a number of spells that are suit-
In yon strait path a thousand ed to her special environment, but
May well be stopped by three. Advantages: Affliction 1 (HT-0; Affects must materialize to cast them.

Now who will stand to either hand, Substantial, +40%; Based on Will, Attribute Modifiers: HT+5 [50].
And keep the bridge with me?” Secondary Characteristic Modifiers:
– Thomas Babington Macaulay, +20%; Disadvantage: Killjoy, +15%;
“Horatius” Per+1 [5].
Extended Duration, 30¥, +40%; Advantages: Appearance (Beautiful)
TEMPLATES Malediction, +100%; Must Become [12]; Magery 1 [15]; Materiali-
zation (1 FP/minute) [22]; Unmani-
Humanity dominates Roma Visible, -10%; Secondary Disad- fested Spirit [149].
Arcana; there are no nonhuman civi- Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana;
lizations. However, it has a variety of vantage: Chronic Depression (6), Hourly) [-25].
supernatural beings. Quirks: Never wears clothing; Prefers
+6%) [31]; Apparition [2]; Magical the mana of her own domain;
Larva Protective of plants and animals in
Spirit [80]; Unmanifested Spirit her domain. [-3]
240 points Features: Appearance suggests the
[149]. natural environment of her
Larvae are spirits of the dead who domain.
have not been laid to rest. Roman Disadvantages: Appearance
funeral rites make larvae rare among
the Roman dead. In some older peo- (Unattractive) [-4]; Callous [-5];
ples, such as the Basques of southern
Aquitania and northern Spain, the Hidebound [-5]; Killjoy [-15];
dead return more often to force the
living to pay them tribute. The usual Maintenance (One person; Mon-
form of tribute is the spilled blood of a
sacrificial animal; 1 HP worth of thly; Using Religious Ritual) [-2].
blood once a month is sufficient. A
larva that misses its monthly offering Quirks: Prefers to demand tribute
must roll vs. HT. On a failed roll, it
must make aging rolls (that its, its from living blood kin. [-1]
Unaging advantage is suspended); on
a critical failure, it suffers the effects Ethnic Traits
of failed aging rolls for all attributes. It
can recover from its latest set of aging Romans believe that each nationality has its own Genius, which gives
rolls, but this requires human sacri- it its own distinctive character. GMs may wish to support this idea by
fice, which is difficult to arrange in giving emblematic traits to the various nationalities. (This doesn’t mean
areas under Roman law. Eventually a that every single person must have the emblematic traits of his culture.)
larva will wither away, if its victim can The following traits are suitable:
resist its demands.
Ethnicity Trait
Larvae enforce their demands by Basque Daredevil [15]; Low TL -1 [-5]
appearing to the living and making British/Gaulish
gestures to indicate their demands. If Egyptian Voice [10]
the larva concentrates, it can engage German Devotion 1 [5]
Jewish Fit [5]
Persian Versatile [5]
Roman Sage 1 [10]; Hidebound [-5]
Animal Empathy [5]
Social Chameleon [5]


OCCUPATIONAL Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 11 [20]; IQ or Spending) [-5†], Jealousy [-10],
TEMPLATES 11 [20]; HT 12 [20]. Lecherousness [-15†], Overcon-
fidence [-5†], or Selfish [-5†].
Rome offers several distinctive Secondary Characteristics: Damage Primary Skills: Carousing (E) HT+1
occupations to adventurers. Some are 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; Will [2]-13; Professional Skill (Courte-
specialized variants of standard fanta- 11 [0]; Per 12 [5]; FP 12 [0]; Basic san) (A) IQ+2 [8]-13; Sex Appeal
sy occupations such as warrior or Speed 5.75 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]. (A) HT+2 [4]-14‡**.
wizard; others reflect the Roman cul- Secondary Skills: Savoir-Faire (High
tural milieu. Buy all skills at TL2. Advantages: Appearance (Attractive) Society) (E) IQ+1 [2]-12. Three of
These templates are designed for use [4]; Allure 1 [5]; Wealth Area Knowledge, Current Affairs,
in a 150-point campaign; they reflect (Comfortable) [10]; and 25 points or Games, all (E) IQ+2 [4]-13;
experienced characters with superior chosen from among Alcohol Makeup (E) IQ+3 [4]-14**; Singing
abilities. Tolerance [1], Allure [5/level], (E) HT+3 [4]-15**; Dancing or
Charisma [5/level], Clerical Erotic Art, both (A) DX+2 [4]-13**;
Courtesan Investment (Initiate of Isis) [5], Connoisseur, Poetry, or Politics, all
Cultural Adaptability [10], (M/A) IQ+1 [4]-12; Public Speaking
125 points Empathy [15] or Sensitive [5], (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; or Diplomacy,
Fashion Sense [5], Language Literature, or Musical Instrument,
Courtesans are one mark of aristo- Talent [10], Language [1-6], all (H) IQ-2 [4]-11.
cratic societies such as Rome: women Resistant (Diseases) [3 or 5], Background Skills: Four of Knife or
who find marriage less advantageous Versatile [5]*, Voice [10], addition- Sewing, both (E) DX+1 [2]-12;
than having the favor of wealthy and al Allure [5/level], or improving Cooking, Gardening, or Gesture, all
powerful men without formal ties. Appearance (Attractive) [4] to (E) IQ+1 [2]-12; Acting, Holdout,
The physical aspects of the transac- (Beautiful) [12] or (Very Beautiful) or Teaching, all (A) IQ [2]-11; Body
tion may be the least important. Men [16]. Language or Observation, both (A)
seek out courtesans for a sympathetic Per [2]-12; Accounting, Artist
ear, intelligent conversation, wit, good Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Interior Decorating), or Poisons,
entertainment, or sophistication in (Minority Group: Unchaste all (H) IQ-1 [2]-10; or Detect Lies
art, fashion, and cuisine. The financial Women) [-10] and -10 points cho- (H) Per-1 [2]-11.
aspects are often handled discreetly, in sen from among Bully [-10†], Code
the form of gifts and favors. of Honor (Professional) [-5], * The Versatile advantage can be
Compulsive Behavior (Carousing applied to Erotic Art.

† Multiplied for self-control num-
ber; see p. B120.

‡ +1 from Attractive appearance.
** +1 from Allure.

Customization: Rumor often
attributes supernatural allure to
famous courtesans. A courtesan may
have one or more Enthrallment skills
(see p. B191) with Sex Appeal rather
than Public Speaking as prerequisite
(p. B216). Access to these skills should
require an Unusual Background [10]:
the favor of a god or powerful sorcer-
er or training by a mysterious cult –
perhaps the secrets of the legendary
Cleopatra’s allure have been pre-
served. Such women may practice
Discipline of Faith (Mysticism or

Job Description

The typical courtesan is mistress of
her own house, where she receives dis-
creet visits from prosperous men.

Prerequisites: Attractive; Sex Appeal
12+; Savoir-Faire 12+.


Job Roll: Worse prerequisite skill. all (A) IQ+1 [4]-15; or Mathematics Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ
On critical failure, falls out of favor (Surveying) (H) IQ [4]-14. 10 [0]; HT 12 [20].
with her patrons; no income until she Secondary Skills: Administration (A)
establishes herself in another city. IQ-1 [1]-13. Two of Carpentry or Secondary Characteristics: Damage
Masonry, both (E) IQ [1]-14; or 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 12 [0];
Monthly Pay: $1,350. Adjusted for Mechanic, Teamster (Elephants, Will 10 [0]; Per 10 [0]; FP 12 [0];
margin of success or failure. Equines, or Oxen), Soldier, or Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0].
Traps, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-13.
Wealth Level: Comfortable. Background Skills: One of Brawling Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Fit
Supports Status 1. (E) DX+1 [2]-11, Carousing (E) [5]; either +2 ST [20] or +1 DX [20];
HT+1 [2]-11, or Hiking (A) HT and 15 points chosen from among
Engineer [2]-10. Three of Gunner (Catapult) Appearance (Attractive) [4],
or Knot-Tying, both (E) DX [1]-10; Blessed (Heroic Feats) [10],
125 points Camouflage, Current Affairs Charisma [5/level], Contact (From
(Science and Technology), First gladiatorial life) [Varies], Fear-
In the Roman Empire, engineers Aid, Gesture, Savoir-Faire (Milit- lessness [2/level], High Pain
have two main specializations: civil ary), or Seamanship, all (E) IQ Threshold [10], Rapid Healing [5]
and military. Military engineers serve [1]-14; Scrounging (E) Per [1]-14; or Very Rapid Healing [15], Shtick
with the legions, building fortifica- Artillery (Catapult), Cartography, [1], Social Esteem (Feared)
tions or penetrating them. Civil engi- Leadership, Meteorology, or [5/level], Wealth (Comfortable)
neers direct public works projects, Prospecting, all (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; or [10], or increase Fit [5] to Very Fit
such as aqueducts, baths, bridges, Accounting, Archaeology, or [15].
roads, and sewers. Many engineers Military Science, all (H) IQ-2
have knowledge in both areas, either [1]-12. Disadvantages: -30 points chosen
as legionaries on detached duty with from among Bully [-10*], Callous
civic projects or as retired legionar- * Multiplied for self-control num- [-5], Code of Honor (Arena) [-5],
ies with a second career. This tem- ber; see p. B120. Compulsive Behavior (Carousing
plate also provides options for naval or Gambling) [-5*], Missing Digit
architects. Job Description [-2 or -5], One Eye [-15], One Hand
[-15], Overconfidence [-5*], Status
Attributes: ST 11 [10]; DX 10 [0]; IQ Engineers work for the govern- -2 [-10], or Truthfulness [-5*].
14 [80]; HT 10 [0]. ment, or for wealthy men who are
pursuing careers in government by Primary Skills: Pick one of the fol-
Secondary Characteristics: Damage paying for construction projects. lowing packages:
1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 11 [0]; Will
14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic Prerequisites: Engineer 12+; Bestiarius: Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-14;
Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]. Administration 11+. Spear (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Whip (A)
DX+1 [4]-13.
Advantages: Administrative Rank 1 or Job Roll: Better prerequisite skill.
Military Rank 1 [5]; Fit [5]; and 25 On critical failure, lose job. Dimachaerus: Broadsword (A) DX+3
points chosen from Absolute [12]-15.
Direction [5], Artificer [10/level], Monthly Pay: $675.
Business Acumen [10/level], Wealth Level: Average. Supports Eques: Broadsword (A) DX [2]-12;
Charisma 1 [5], Eidetic Memory Status 0. Riding (Horse) (A) DX+2 [8]-14;
(Preparation Required: 1 hour, Spear (A) DX [2]-12;
-50%) [3] or Photographic Memory Gladiator
(Preparation Required: 1 hour, Mirmillo: Broadsword (A) DX+2
-50%) [5], Gadgeteer [25], 125 points [8]-14; Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-14;
Lightning Calculator [2], Patron
[Varies], Perfect Balance [15], As much an entertainer as a war- Retiarius: Net (H) DX+1 [8]-13; Spear
Single-Minded [5], Versatile [5], or rior, you earn your living by risking (A) DX+1 [4]-13;
increased Rank [5/level]. death in the arena. Most gladiators are
slaves, which limits their options as Secutor: Knife (E) DX+2 [4]-14;
Disadvantages: Code of Honor adventurers . . . but free men some- Running (A) HT+2 [8]-14;
(Professional) [-5] and -15 points times fight in the arena, for money or
chosen from Absent-Mindedness to show off their courage and skill, Thracian: Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-14;
[-15], Duty [-2 to -15], No Sense of and slaves may buy their freedom Shortsword (A) DX+2 [8]-14.
Humor [-10], Overconfidence [-5*], after successful careers. This template
Sense of Duty (Workers) [-5], represents a former gladiator whose Secondary Skills: Games (Arena) (E)
Social Stigma (Valuable Property) skills haven’t yet faded. Documentary IQ+1 [2]-11; Performance (A) IQ+1
[-10], Stubbornness [-5], or and archaeological evidence suggests [4]-11; Tactics (H) IQ [4]-10.
Workaholic [-5]. that a few women may have fought in
the arena; in this way, a woman can Background Skills: Intimidation (A)
Primary Skills: Engineer (Artillery, gain combat skills. Will+1 [4]-11 and one of Brawling
Civil, Combat, Mining, or Ships) (E) DX [1]-12; Current Affairs
(H) IQ+1 [8]-15. One of Forced A former gladiator who was a slave (Sports) or First Aid, both (E) IQ
Entry (E) DX+2 [4]-12; Arch- during his career in the arena, as most [1]-10; Carousing (E) HT [1]-12;
itecture, Armoury (Heavy Wea- were, should have Status -2. Gambling or Streetwise, both (A)
pons), or Expert Skill (Hydrology), IQ-1 [1]-9; or Sex Appeal (A) HT-1

Techniques: Choose the option below
which matches the primary skill


Bestiarius: Feint (H) Spear+2 [3]-16. (Mithraic Initiate) [5], Danger annual salary. Even if pay is delayed,
Dimachaerus: Dual-Weapon Attack or Sense [15], Fearlessness [2/level], he has a barracks to live in, and the
Legal Enforcement Powers [5], emperor can’t afford to let him starve.
Off-Hand Weapon Training (H) Military Rank [5/level], Wealth In peacetime, legionaries often serve
Broadsword-2 [3]-13. (Comfortable) [10], or increase Fit as laborers, clerks, or law enforcers; in
Eques: Bracing (H) Spear-2 [3]-10, No- [5] to Very Fit [15]. war, they face Rome’s worst foes on
Hands Riding (H) Riding-1 [3]-13, Disadvantages: Duty (12 or less) the battlefield.
or Vaulting (H) Riding-1 [3]-13. [-10]; either Code of Honor
Mirmillo: Disarming (H) Broad- (Soldier’s) [-10] or Secret [-10]; and Prerequisites: Broadsword 12+;
sword+2 [3]-16, Feint (H) Broad- -15 points chosen from among Shield 12+; Savoir-Faire (Military)
sword+2 [3]-16, or Retain Weapon Bully [-10*], Callous [-5], 11+.
(H) Broadsword+2 [3]-16. Compulsive Behavior (Gambling
Retiarius: Feint (H) Net+2 [3]-15. or Spending) [-5*], Fanaticism Job Roll: Best prerequisite skill. On
Secutor: Feint (H) Knife+2 [3]-16. [-15], Intolerance [-5 or -10], critical failure, in peacetime, flogged,
Thracian: Disarming (H) Short- Lecherousness [-15*], Missing 1d injury; in wartime, wounded in bat-
sword+2 [3]-16, Feint (H) Short- Digit [-2 or -5], On the Edge [-15*], tle, 3d injury.
sword+2 [3]-16, or Retain Weapon One Eye [-15], Overconfidence
(H) Shortsword+2 [3]-16. [-5*], Selfish [-5*], Sense of Duty Monthly Pay: $450.
(Century or Legion) [-5], or Wealth Wealth Level: Struggling. Supports
* Multiplied for self-control num- (Struggling) [-10]. Status -1.
ber; see p. B120. Primary Skills: Broadsword (A)
DX+2 [8]-13; Shield (E) DX+2 Magistrate
Job Description [4]-13; Hiking (A) HT+2 [8]-13.
Secondary Skills: Intimidation (A) 125 points
Most gladiators are slaves and Will+1 [4]-11; Observation (A) Per
don’t get to keep all their earnings. But [1]-11; Savoir-Faire (Military) (E) Roman magistrates, even while
some free gladiators return to the IQ+1 [2]-11; Soldier (A) IQ+2 acting as judges, aren’t neutral refer-
arena. [8]-12; Thrown Weapon (Spear) ees in the style of British and
(E) DX+1 [2]-12; and one of American judges; they actively pursue
Prerequisites: Performance 11+ and Gunner (Catapult) (E) DX+2 information that’s needed to decide a
a weapon skill 12+. [4]-13; Carpentry, First Aid, or case. Law restricts their methods – for
Masonry, all (E) IQ+2 [4]-12; example, free men may not be tor-
Job Roll: Worse prerequisite skill. Armoury, Artillery (Catapult), tured, though a slave’s testimony is
On critical failure, loses a fight and is Leadership, Smith, Teaching, or legally valid only if he has been tor-
put to death. Traps, all (A) IQ+1 [4]-11; or tured. But they do the investigation
Musical Instrument (Trumpet) (H) that they judge necessary to reach a
Monthly Pay: $1,350. Adjusted for IQ [4]-10. verdict. In the chaos of AUC 1011,
margin of success or failure. Background Skills: Jumping (E) DX magistrates may occasionally have to
[1]-11; Survival (any) (A) Per-1 look into some unusual issues.
Wealth Level: Comfortable. [1]-10; Swimming (E) HT [1]-11;
Supports Status 1. and three of Brawling (E) DX+1 Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 11
[2]-12; Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-12; [20]; HT 10 [0].
Legionary Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-12;
Stealth (A) DX [2]-11; Admin- Secondary Characteristics: Damage
125 points istration, Armoury, Gambling, 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will
Meteorology, Navigation (Land) 13 [10]; Per 11 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic
The legions are Rome’s heavy (A) IQ [2]-10; or Religious Ritual Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].
infantry; Roman strategy and tactics (H) IQ-1 [2]-9.
rely primarily on their skills. Advantages: Administrative Rank 2
Legionaries rigorously train for mili- * Multiplied for self-control num- [10]; Legal Enforcement Powers
tary duties, but also serve in adminis- ber; see p. B120. [5]; Status 2 [5]*; Wealth (Decurial
trative and law enforcement roles; Wealth) [60]; and 25 points chosen
most have craft skills as well. This Customization: For a different from among Allies (Law Enforce-
template represents a plebeian who emphasis, take Religious Rank in the ment Staff) [Varies], Business Acu-
entered the legion as an ordinary sol- Mithraic priesthood [5/level] and add men [10/level], Charisma [5/level],
dier and is still in service. some of the advantages and spells that Eidetic Memory (Preparation
become available at the higher Required, 1 minute, -20%) [4],
Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 11 [20]; IQ Mithraic ranks. Higher Purpose [5], Independent
10 [0]; HT 11 [10]. Income [1/level], Single-Minded
Job Description [5], Voice [10], or additional
Secondary Characteristics: Damage Administrative Rank [5/level].
1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 12 [0]; A rank and file legionary earns a
Will 10 [0]; Per 11 [5]; FP 11 [0]; low rate of pay – but it’s more than the Disadvantages: Duty (12 or less;
Basic Speed 5.5 [0]; Basic Move 5 average farmer makes, and it’s a fixed Nonhazardous) [-5]; either Code of
[0]. Honor (Roman) [-10] or Secret
[-10]; and -35 points chosen from
Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15]; Fit among Bloodlust [-10†], Curious
[5]; Military Rank 0 [0]; and 35 [-5†], Fanaticism [-15], Hidebound
points chosen from Absolute [-5], Honesty [-10†], Jealousy [-10],
Direction [5], Ambidexterity [5],
Artificer [10/level], Charisma
[5/level], Clerical Investment


Secret [-5 to -30], Selfish [-5†], Job Description Attributes: ST 12 [20]; DX 11 [20]; IQ
Sense of Duty (Family or City) [-5] 12 [40]; HT 11 [10].
or (Empire) [-10], Stubbornness As one of the two chief magistrates
[-5], or Workaholic [-5]. of your city, you preside over meetings Secondary Characteristics: Damage
Primary Skills: Law (H) IQ+1 [8]-12. of the city council, direct investiga- 1d-1/1d+2; BL 29 lbs.; HP 10 [0];
Two of Administration, Politics, tions of local crimes, and judge the Will 12 [0]; Per 12 [0]; FP 13 [0];
and Public Speaking (A) IQ+2 accused. Basic Speed 5.5 [0]; Basic Move 5.5
[8]-13. [0].
Secondary Skills: Religious Ritual Prerequisites: Status 2; Adminis-
(H) IQ [4]-11. One of Area tration, Politics, or Public Speaking at Advantages: Classical Greek or
Knowledge or Current Affairs (E) 12+. Classical Latin (Native) [6]; English
IQ [1]-11. One of Criminology, (Native) [0]; High TL +6 [30];
Hidden Lore (Conspiracies), or Job Roll: Prerequisite skill. On crit- Patron: Infinity Patrol (6 or less;
Interrogation, all (A) IQ+1 [4]-12; ical failure, disgraced, -2 Reputation Special Abilities, +100%; Minimal
Psychology (H) IQ [4]-11; or Detect in your city. Intervention, -50%) [19]; Unusual
Lies (H) Per [4]-11. Background [5]; Wealth (Wealthy)
Background Skills: Savoir-Faire Monthly Pay: $90,000. [20]; and 10 points chosen from
(High Society) (E) IQ [1]-11. One of Wealth Level: Decurial. among Charisma 1 [5], Cultural
Architecture or Farming, both (A) Adaptability [10], Eidetic Memory
IQ+1 [4]-12, or Finance (H) IQ Peregrin [5] or Photographic Memory [10],
[4]-11. One of Gardening (E) IQ+1 Fit [5], Language (Homeline or
[2]-12; Connoisseur or Poetry, both 175 points Roman Empire) [1-6], Language
(A) IQ [2]-11; or History, Talent [10], Magery 0 [5], or
Literature, or Philosophy, all (H) Not a Roman at all, but an agent of Resistant (Disease) [3 or 5].
IQ-1 [2]-10. the Infinity Patrol, sent to investigate
this strange timeline. Roma Arcana is Disadvantages: Duty (Investigate
* +1 Status free from Wealth. a rule-breaking world, since magic Roman customs, institutions, and
† Multiplied for self-control num- works there, and as such is closed to arts; 15 or less) [-15]; Mundane
ber; see p. B120. all but highly qualified agents and Background [-10]; Secret (Visitor
researchers (recommended for 200- from another world) [-10]; and -15
point campaigns and up). The follow- points from Code of Honor
ing template defines a Penetration (Gentleman’s) [-10] or (Profession-
Service agent as he would appear from al) [-5], Delusion (Magic doesn’t
the viewpoint of a native of Roma work) [-5], Fanaticism [-15], Loner
Arcana: [-5*], Overconfidence [-5*],
Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents)
[-10] or (Self-Defense Only) [-15],
Post-Combat Shakes [-5*], Weird-
ness Magnet [-15], Workaholic [-5],
or -1 ST [-10].

Primary Skills: Acting (A) IQ+1
[4]-13; Observation (A) Per+2
[8]-14. One of Anthropology or
Sociology (H) IQ+1 [8]-13.

Secondary Skills: Cartography (A) IQ
[1]-11; Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]-12;
History (Roman Empire) (H) IQ-1
[2]-11. Two of Connoisseur or
Occultism, both (A) IQ+1 [4]-13; or
Archaeology, Economics, Law
(Roman), Linguistics, Military
Science, or Political Science, all
(H) IQ [4]-12.

Background Skills: Administration
(A) IQ-1 [1]-11; Computer
Operation/TL8 (E) IQ [1]-12; First
Aid/TL8 (E) IQ [1]-12; Holdout (A)
IQ-1 [1]-11; Survival (Woodlands)
(A) Per-1 [1]-11; Writing (A) IQ-1
[1]-11. One of Knife (E) DX+2
[4]-13, Staff (A) DX+1 [4]-12, or
Judo (H) DX [4]-11.

* Multiplied for self-control num-
ber; see p. B120.


Philosopher Compulsive Behavior (Debating) Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 14
[-5*], Delusions (Minor) [-5], [80]; HT 10 [0].
125 points Fanaticism [-15], Honesty [-10*],
No Sense of Humor [-10], Secondary Characteristics: Damage
This template is specifically for an Overconfidence [-10*], Pacifism 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will
adherent of Stoicism, a philosophy (Self-Defense Only) [-15], Sense of 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 10 [0]; Basic
that emphasizes schooling one’s will Duty [-2 to -20], Workaholic [-5], or Speed 5 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0].
to the tranquil acceptance of necessity. Xenophilia [-10*].
Stoicism appealed to the Roman aris- Primary Skills: Astronomy (Observa- Advantages: Magery 0 [5] and 25
tocracy but found adherents at all lev- tional) (A) IQ+2 [8]-14; Natural points chosen from among
els of society, from slaves to the Philosophy (H) IQ+2 [12]-14; Charisma [5/level], Eidetic
emperor Marcus Aurelius. Variations Philosophy (Stoicism) (H) IQ+2 Memory (Preparation Required: 1
on this template could define the other [12]-14. hour, -50%) [3] or Photographic
influential schools of thought. Secondary Skills: Observation (A) Memory (Preparation Required: 1
Per+1 [4]-13; Research (A) IQ hour, -50%) [5], Magery [10/level],
Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 12 [2]-12. One of Public Speaking, Patron (Mentor; Special Abilities,
[40]; HT 11 [10]. Teaching, or Writing, all (A) IQ+1 +50%) [Varies], Single-Minded [5],
[4]-13. Social Esteem (Feared) [5/level], or
Secondary Characteristics: Damage Background Skills: Fortune-Telling Wealth [10 or 20].
1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will (Astrology) (A) IQ-1 [1]-11;
14 [10]; Per 12 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Meditation (H) Will-2 [1]-12. One Disadvantages: A total of -15 points
Speed 5.25 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]. of Architecture (A) IQ-1 [1]-11; from Bully [-10*], Jealousy [-10],
Diagnosis, Expert Skill (any), Loner [-5*], Megalomania [-10],
Advantages: High Pain Threshold Geography, History, Law, Lin- Overconfidence [-5*], Post-Combat
[10]; Unfazeable [15]; either Greek guistics, Mathematics, or Natura- Shakes [-5*], Vow [-5 to -15],
or Latin (Accented/Native) [5]; and list (H) IQ-2 [1]-10; or Esoteric Wealth (Struggling) [-10], Weird-
15 points chosen from among Medicine (H) Per-2 [1]-10. ness Magnet [-15], Workaholic [-5],
Allies (Disciples) [Varies], Cultural or Xenophilia [-10*].
Adaptability [10], Eidetic Memory * Multiplied for self-control num-
(Preparation Required: 10 min- ber; see p. B120. Primary Skills: Research (A) IQ
utes, -30%) [4] or Photographic [2]-14; Ritual Magic (VH) IQ
Memory (Preparation Required: 10 Sorcerer [8]-14; one college (VH) IQ [4]-13.
minutes, -30%) [7], Higher Purpose
[5], Indomitable [15], Longevity 125 points Secondary Skills: Meditation (H)
[2], Sage 1 [10], Single-Minded [5], Will-2 [2]-12; one college (VH) IQ-1
Social Esteem (Respected) This template describes a sorcerer [2]-12.
[5/level], or Visualization [10]. who has learned his art through his
own investigations. Background Skills: Occultism (A)
Disadvantages: Code of Honor IQ-1 [1]-13; Teaching (A) IQ-1
(Professional) [-5] and -20 points [1]-13. Two of Fortune-Telling,
from Callous [-5], Curious [-5*], Hidden Lore, or Poetry, all (A) IQ-1
[1]-13; Artist (Body Art or Illusion),
Naturalist, Philosophy, Symbol
Drawing, or Thanatology, all (H)
IQ-2 [1]-12; Esoteric Medicine (H)
Per-2 [2]-12; or Dreaming or
Exorcism, both (H) Will-2 [1]-12.

Spells: Any four spells at default+1 [2].

* Multiplied for self-control num-
ber; see p. B120.

Job Description

Sorcerers usually are self-
employed, providing magical help or
instruction to anyone who asks for it.

Prerequisites: Magery 0; Ritual
Magic 14+.

Job Roll: Ritual Magic. On critical
failure, encounter hostile supernatural
being; make Fright Check at -6.

Monthly Pay: $1,000. Adjusted for
margin of success or failure.

Wealth Level: Comfortable.
Supports Status 1.


Surgeon Prerequisites: Surgery 14+. Code of Honor will be Pious; some
Job Roll: Surgery. may have a Vow. Suicide is not dis-
125 points Monthly Pay: $1,000. Adjusted for honorable and is sometimes the only
margin of success or failure. honorable way to avoid disgrace. -10
Having limited access to healing Wealth Level: Comfortable. Sup- points.
magic, Romans often must turn to ports Status 1.
surgeons for treatment of injuries. Other peoples may have their own
Many surgeons first learn their craft in ADVANTAGES, barbarian codes of honor. In general,
the army, and this template assumes DISADVANTAGES, treat these as a Pirate’s Code of Honor.
some military experience. AND SKILLS
Gladiators have their own distinc-
Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 14 This advantage has a special inter- tive standard of conduct:
[80]; HT 11 [10]. pretation in Roma Arcana:
Code of Honor (Arena): Fight to
Secondary Characteristics: Damage Eidetic Memory win, without concern for personal
1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; Will feelings; obey the rules of the arena
14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic see p. B51 and the decisions of the sponsor; show
Speed 5.25 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]. no fear or pain; stand by your team-
Roman orators and scholars are mates. -10 points.
Advantages: High Manual Dexterity 2 trained in the technique of artificial
[10] and 20 points chosen from memory. This form of the first level of Compulsive Behavior
Acute Vision [2/level], Ambidexter- Eidetic Memory can be learned. To
ity [5], Military Rank [5/level] or develop an artificial memory, the ora- see pp. B128-129
Courtesy Rank [1/level], Single- tor visualizes a building, called a
Minded [5], or Wealth (Comfort- “memory house” or “memory palace,” An additional pattern of compul-
able) [10] or (Wealthy) [20]. until he can recall every room in it in sive behavior is common in the
detail. To memorize something specif- Roman Empire, especially among
Disadvantages: One of Code of Honor ic, such as the facts in a legal case, he Greeks:
(Professional) [-5], Sense of Duty visualizes physical objects that remind
(Patients) [-5], or Vow (Hippocratic him of what he wants to remember Compulsive Debating: You love to
Oath) [-5]; and -15 points chosen and arranges them in some location in question and debate. Whenever you
from among Callous [-5], the memory house. Then, to recall encounter people discussing an issue,
Impulsiveness [-10*], Over- them, he imagines himself in that you want to join in and offer them the
confidence [-5*], Pacifism (Self- room looking at those objects. benefit of your theories on the matter.
Defense Only) [-15], Stubbornness If you fail your self-control roll, you do
[-5], or Workaholic [-5]. A memory house remains stored in not consider whether you actually
the user’s memory, whether or not he know anything about the matter or
Primary Skills: First Aid (E) IQ+2 is actively visiting it. The Mind Probe whether it’s safe to voice your ideas for
[4]-16; Surgery (VH) IQ+2 [8]-16†. advantage, or spells with comparable this audience. In fact, it never occurs
effects, can search another person’s to you that people might not want to
Secondary Skills: Administration (A) memory house. Two people who share know what you think. This will earn a
IQ-1 [1]-13; Physiology (H) IQ-2 a Mind Link can visit each other’s +1 reaction roll among the uneducat-
[1]-12; Teaching (A) IQ-1 [1]-13. memory houses. ed, but -1 among those who recognize
One of Hiking (A) HT [2]-11, your style of argument – or those you
Riding (Horses) (A) DX [2]-10, or The following disadvantages have have previously singled out for humil-
Seamanship (E) IQ+1 [2]-15. One modified versions in Roma Arcana: iation through your superior logic. -5
of Artist (Body Art), Epidemiology, points.
Forensics, Natural Philosophy, or Code of Honor
Naturalist, all (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; or Social Stigma
Esoteric Medicine (H) Per-2 [1]-12. see p. B127
see pp. B155-156
Background Skills: Savoir-Faire Those educated in Roman tradi-
(Military) (E) IQ [1]-14; Sewing (E) tions will commonly adhere to a dis- Several important groups in the
DX+2 [1]-12†; Shield (E) DX tinctively Roman definition of honor- Roman Empire have distinctive Social
[1]-10; Shortsword (A) DX [2]-10; able conduct: Stigmas:
Soldier (A) IQ-2 [1]-12; Thrown
Spear (E) DX [1]-10. Code of Honor (Roman): Encom- Eunuchs are a Minority Group;
passes three key virtues. Virtus (manli- people react to them disdainfully.
* Multiplied for self-control num- ness) means facing hardship, pain, or Because it’s not legal to castrate a
ber; see p. B120. peril without complaint or hesitation. Roman citizen, nearly all eunuchs are
Pietas (piety) means showing respect also slaves.
† +2 from High Manual Dexterity. for one’s ancestors and elders and
Rome’s traditions. Fides (trustworthi- Jews are Second-Class Citizens.
Job Description ness) means keeping one’s promises. They have citizenship, and the law
Most Romans who adhere to this protects their right not to sacrifice to
Surgeons set broken bones, pull the Imperial Genius, but they’re gen-
teeth, clean and sew up wounds, and erally considered strange.
sometimes attempt riskier procedures.
Sometimes their patients thank them.


Slaves are Valuable Property. Oneiromancy is practiced by impact, while holding a long spear in
Slavery does not imply a low Social priests in many temples. A worshipper a couched position, like a lance. This
Status; a slave in the Imperial house- will spend the night sleeping in the spear attack does not count as a melee
hold can have an administrative job temple, hoping for a dream sent by the attack, and the Move and Attack
that makes him rich and even power- god for a priest to interpret. penalty does not apply. Treat the dam-
ful, but he remains a slave. But rou- age inflicted the same as a lance (see
tine slave jobs are much like those of Mathematics/TL p. B272). On a critical failure, the
freedmen, with Status -2. knockback from the attack applies to
see p. B207 the attacker; roll vs. Bracing at -4 per
Women are Second-Class Citizens. yard of knockback to stay on the
Legally a woman is a minor through- Applied mathematics involving horse.
out her life; when she leaves her computation is hampered by the limi-
father’s household, she must have a tations of Roman numerals and of the Testudo Hard
guardian (called a tutor). But this has Greek alphabetic system most mathe-
been a legal formality since the early maticians prefer; see Accounting. Pure Default: Soldier-4.
Empire. mathematics is unaffected. Most Prerequisite: Shield skill.
mathematicians, pure or applied,
The following skills have modified study mainly geometry, which has no The testudo, one of the Roman
versions in Roma Arcana: notational problems. legions’ showier maneuvers, requires
a substantial number of men. Several
Accounting Riding ranks of men close up to each other
and raise their shields over their
see p. B174 see p. B217 heads, locking them together. Roll
against their average ability score for
Roman numbers are a nonposi- In Roma Arcana, the stirrup does this technique. On a success, treat this
tional system, workable enough for not exist. Stirrupless riding has some as being under full cover (see p. B407)
recording results but clumsy and special rules: for attacks from above. It does not
inconvenient for actual calculation. protect against attacks from other
Make Accounting rolls at -3 for writ- Mounting a horse takes two turns, directions, and the soldiers must not
ten calculations, or -5 for mental or one turn with a roll against dodge, parry, or attack while holding
arithmetic. If you have Lightning Acrobatics, Jumping, or Riding at -3. the testudo.
Calculator, you are exempt from these
penalties; you can keep track of posi- Staying mounted after an attack If a group has performed the testu-
tional relations mentally. that causes knockback is impossible; do, other soldiers can attempt to jump
the rider automatically falls off. onto the upper surface of the shields,
Fortune-Telling with a Jumping or Acrobatics roll, and
Lance skill is unavailable. run on them. This may get an assault
see p. B196 force over a low wall. Roll against the
Symbol Drawing average Testudo skill of the men per-
In Roma Arcana, divination pro- forming the testudo (based on ST
vides a source of real knowledge. see p. B224 instead of IQ) to see if they maintain it
Several methods are in common use: against the extra weight; if they fail,
Some Roman architects learn a the men on top must roll vs. DX or fall
Astrology, or the Chaldean art, specialized form of this skill: Symbol – flat on the shields on an ordinary fail-
interprets the stars and planets as Drawing (Sacred Architecture). This ure, to the ground on a critical failure.
signs of human destiny. Roll against defaults to Religious Ritual-4. When
Astronomy either to observe where the architect designs the temple, he Vaulting
the planets are at a given time, or to rolls against Symbol Drawing. On a
predict where they will be later; the success, add half the margin of suc- Hard
latter skill is mathematically based, cess (round down) to all future
and Mathematical Ability helps. Religious Ritual rolls honoring the Defaults: Acrobatics-3, Jumping-3,
god to whom the temple is dedicated. or Riding-3.
Augury includes several traditional Add the same amount to all future
Roman techniques for reading the will spell rolls appealing to the god’s Prerequisite: Riding skill; cannot
of the gods from events in the sky. power. The effect is not simply a mat- exceed prerequisite skill.
Such events include weather, especial- ter of the temple’s ornamentation or
ly lightning strikes; the flight of birds, inscriptions, but a result of the design. This skill allows a rider to leap into
especially unusual birds; and as an the saddle – from ground to horseback
extension of this, the pecking behavior The following techniques are avail- – in a single turn.
of sacred chickens. able in Roma Arcana:

Extispicy, or haruspication, is the Bracing
reading of omens in the internal
organs of sacrificed animals, especial- Hard
ly their livers. Small sculptured mod-
els of livers with various sectors Default: Spear-4.
labeled are available for practitioners. Prerequisite: Riding skill; cannot
exceed Spear skill.

This is the ability to clasp the body
of a mount firmly with one’s knees, in
order to stay mounted despite an


WEALTH GURPS purposes, their values and Wealth gives +3. Multimillionaire 2
AND STATUS exchange rates are listed below: and above do not give additional
Rome has an economy based Wealth
mainly on currency instead of barter, Status
especially in the cities. Economic suc- Following the guidelines on p. B26,
cess leads to higher Status, by an indi- starting wealth is $750 or 375 ses- Law strictly regulates Roman
rect route. Wealthy men are expected terces. No more than 20% of this Status. The Romans split society into
to serve the Empire, as priests, sol- applies to adventuring gear; the rest several “orders,” each with its own
diers, or administrators. Holding cer- represents land, buildings, furniture, legal duties and privileges. These
tain positions confers Status. Those tools and equipment, and similar orders have strict rules for member-
specific positions form part of several things. A legionary’s retirement bonus ship. For the higher orders, restrict
standard ladders of promotion, the is $54,000, making him wealthy – if he membership to specific military or
cursus honorum. GURPS defines lives to collect the money. administrative offices.
these as systems of Administrative,
Military, and Religious Rank, with The restriction doesn’t apply to any- The emperor is above all the
Rank and Status closely related under one who is Poor, or to anyone who orders, occupying Status 8. Most
specific legal definitions. leads a mobile life. Soldiers on combat emperors have officially designated
duty move in a hurry; typically, all their heirs, who have Status 7. The heir may
Money wealth will be in movable possessions. rule in the emperor’s stead if the
emperor departs for the field in a
Rome’s monetary system consists The Roman system of Status major war.
of coins made of copper, silver, and imposes legal wealth requirements for
gold. The later empire suffers from admission to various statuses. For Senators are the highest order, with
ongoing inflation, largely a result of convenience in character creation, Status 5 or 6. Senatorial Wealth is
debasement (alloying silver or gold take intermediate wealth levels that legally required for admission to the
with cheaper metals, or sandwiching meet exactly those requirements: Senate; it grants three levels of Status
cheap metal between thin coats of pre- free. Sons of Senators start out at
cious metal). Coins are of varying and Decurial Wealth: Sufficient for Status 3 (free from wealth) and follow
fluctuating value. Over time, prices admission to a magistracy in a provin- a standard career path, starting at age
will rise to four times their previous cial city, followed by membership in 19 or 20. They serve first in a minor
level. Government salaries won’t keep that city’s ordo. Legally defined as magistracy in Rome, and then as lati-
up; to keep the legions happy, emper- 100,000 sesterces ($200,000). Grants clavian tribune in a legion. After this
ors pay increasingly frequent bonuses one level of Status free. 60 points. come major magistracies in Rome:
from their personal wealth, and issue quaestor, concerned with financial
rations, the annona, to soldiers who Equestrian Wealth: Sufficient for matters; aedile, maintaining public
can’t afford food prices. Most cam- appointment to an equestrian military buildings and supervising markets;
paigns won’t focus on this, so no post or other office. Legally defined as praetor, with criminal jurisdiction; and
detailed rules are given for currency 400,000 sesterces ($800,000). Grants consul, presiding over the Senate. A
debasement or price inflation. two levels of Status free. Effectively quaestor officially joins the Senate and
the same as Multimillionaire 1. 75 gains Status 5. A consul gains Status 6
The commonest unit of account points. and can command a legion as legate or
(the coin used to quote prices) is the govern a senatorial province as pro-
sesterce. Smaller coins are the Senatorial Wealth: Sufficient for consul. Interspersed with all this, a
dupondius (half a sesterce), the as (a appointment to a Roman quaestor- senator may hold various priesthoods.
quarter sesterce), and the quadran (a ship, following by membership in the
quarter as). The silver denarius and Senate. Legally defined as 1,000,000 Equestrians, or equites, are the
the recently introduced antonianus or sesterces ($2,000,000). Grants three next highest order, with Status 4.
double denarius are more valuable levels of Social Status free. 85 points. Admission to this order legally
and rarer; the gold aureus is extreme- requires Equestrian Wealth; it grants
ly rare. (Legionary salaries are silver, Higher levels of wealth are two levels of Status free. Sons of
and legionary bonuses are gold.) For multiples of Equestrian Wealth: equestrians mainly follow a military
Multimillionaire 2 (100 points) is career path, with several years each as
$8,000,000, Multimillionaire 3 (125 prefect of a cohort of auxiliary
points) is $80,000,000, and so on. infantry, angusticlavian tribune of a
legion, and prefect of a wing of auxil-
Decurial Wealth gives +1 Status; iary cavalry. This may precede service
Equestrian Wealth gives +2; Senatorial as a legion’s camp prefect, or entry
into the civil service as a procurator.
Roman Currency Success in this role can lead to
appointment as prefect of a civilian
Coin Aurei Denarii Sestertii Asses Value department; equestrians head most of
25 100 400 $200 these departments. Sons of equestri-
Aureus 1 2 8 32 $16 ans start out at Status 2 and gain
1 4 16 Status 4 with their first military posts.
Antonianus – – 1 4 $8
– 1/2 2 $2
Denarius – – – 1 $1
– – 1/4 $0.50
Sesterce – $0.125

Dupondius –

As –

Quadran –


Provincial cities have their own freedman who serves in the vigiles in Status, could be promoted through all
local nobility. Decurial Wealth is the city of Rome (a combination fire- three simultaneously. He wouldn’t
required for admission. Sons of this fighting force and nighttime street gain Status bonuses from all three;
nobility start out at Status 1. If elected patrol) can transfer to the army after only a few specific ranks grant extra
as magistrates of their municipal gov- 10 years with a good record. One Status. The emperor holds high rank
ernments, they gain Status 2 and priesthood is not only open to freed- of all three kinds, as a by-product of
admission to the ordo. If elected as men, but reserved to them: the wor- his Status.
duoviri, or chief magistrates, of their ship of the Imperial Genius (p. 202).
municipal governments, they gain Each rank is open only to men of
Status 3. Slavery is not a Status level, but a the right social class. Social classes
Social Stigma (p. 219). have the labels S (senator), E (eques-
Ordinary citizens, or plebeians, are trian), D (decurion of a provincial
Status 0. Plebeians in Rome can have The cost of living for each Status city), P (plebeian), or F (freedman).
Status 1-3 if they have sufficient includes many expenditures that don’t
wealth; plebeians elsewhere who have directly benefit the person who has Administrative Rank traditionally
Decurial Wealth normally run for that Status. He has to maintain a is defined in terms of magistracies. A
local office. household of the proper size, often magistrate was an elected official who
including some number of slaves. If held some combination of judicial and
Freedmen, or former slaves whose elected or appointed to a magistracy, executive powers. Under the Empire,
masters gave or sold them their free- he has to sponsor gladiatorial contests most magistracies have become less
dom, are Status -2. Their rights are or other public entertainments. important, with real power going to
somewhat restricted. A freedman can- prefects who report to the emperor.
not enlist in the army, except in emer- Rank The provinces have governors and
gencies, and a freedwoman cannot their staffs, and the cities have elected
marry a senator. However, their chil- Rome has systems of Admini- magistrates of their own.
dren become ordinary plebeians. A strative, Military, and Religious Rank.
A Roman, especially one born to high

Administrative Ranks

Rank Examples

8 (Emperor), Praetorian prefect (E)

7 Consul (S), provincial governor (S), Egyptian prefect (E), city prefect (S), grain prefect (E)

6 Praetor (S), provincial procurator (E), prefect of vigiles (E)

5 Aedile (S), provincial procurator (E)

4 Provincial procurator (E), provincial city duovir (D)

3 Quaestor (S), provincial procurator (E), provincial city aedile (D)

2 Minor magistrate (S); provincial city quaestor (D)

1 Scribe (P)

0 Messenger (P)

Roman military forces employ Roman command, the urban cohorts table covers the forces that guard
many separate systems of ranks. The commanded by the city prefect, and Rome’s frontiers: the legions, the aux-
elite Praetorian Guard, the legions, the the Roman fleets all have their own iliaries, and the fleets.
auxiliaries, barbarian allies under command structures. The following

Military Ranks

Rank Examples

8 Legate of the army (S), (Praetorian prefect), (Emperor)

7 Legate of a legion (S), fleet prefect (E)

6 Camp prefect (E), laticlavian tribune (S), navarch (P)

5 Angusticlavian tribune (E), prefect of cavalry (E), trierarch (P)

4 Primus pilus (P), prefect of infantry (E), beneficarius (P)

3 Centurion of the first cohort (P), princeps of auxiliaries (P), steersman (P)

2 Centurion (P), ship’s petty officer (P)

1 Signifer (P), optio (P), tesserarius (P), custos armorum (P), decurion (P), lead rower (P), sailor (P)

0 Soldier (P), rower (P), marine (P)

Religious rank begins with mem- career; only the flamen dialis, the rex gains Status from holding a priest-
bership in a college of priests. There’s sacrorum, and the Vestal Virgins serve hood. However, the various colleges
no standard system of promotion full-time. The Vestal Virgins take have a long-established system of sen-
between colleges. Priesthood is an precedence socially over everyone but iority.
adjunct to a political and military the emperor (Status 7), but no one else


Religious Ranks The following equipment is cus-
tomary in the Roman legions of this
Rank Examples period:
8 Rex sacrorum (Courtesy Rank)
7 (Emperor as pontifex maximus) Baton*: Centurions carry a length
6 Flamen dialis (S), rex sacrorum (S), Vestal Virgin (S) of dried grapevine and legally may use
5 Pontifex (S) it to strike a disobedient soldier. Treat
4 Flamen martialis, flamen quirinalis, augur (S), provincial flamen (D) it as a baton if used in actual combat.
3 Vir sacris faciundis (S) It gives +1 to Intimidation against any-
2 Minor flamen (P), epulon (S) one with Cultural Familiarity (Roman
1 Minor priest (S/E), flamen augustalis (F) Empire). 1 lb.; $20.
0 Paterfamilias (S/E/D/P/F)
Greaves*: Bronze greaves. 17 lbs.;
Jobs Prerequisites: Military Rank 3; $270.
Leadership 14+.
The various occupational tem- Helmet*: 6 lbs.; $150. Customarily
plates cover jobs available for adven- Job Roll: Leadership. On critical worn with a tall crest that increases
turers. But a sample of other jobs pro- failure, in peacetime, career ends; in the wearer’s apparent height, giving +1
vides a sense of pay scales in the wartime, injured for 4d damage. to Intimidation rolls. 1 lb.; $10.
Roman Empire.
Monthly Pay: $50,000. Lorica squamata*: Scale armor for
Praetorian Guard Wealth Level: Very Wealthy. the torso. 35 lbs.; $420.
Supports Status 3.
Soldiers of the Praetorian Guard Pilum*: A javelin, thrown at the
are the Empire’s elite service. Procurator enemy just before a charge; each
Officially, they guard the Emperor; in legionary carries two. 2 lbs.; $30.
actuality, most guard the city of Rome. A procurator is a magistrate serv-
Two detachments guard imperial ing under the governor of a province. Plumbata: A lead-weighted dart,
property at Carthage and Lugdunum, He primarily collects taxes, but also designed to attach to the back of a
especially the Lugdunum mint. serves as a judge in many legal cases. shield; a legionary can carry up to half
a dozen. Thrown by hand, not with a
Prerequisites: Status 0; ST 12+; HT Prerequisites: Status 4; Administra- spear thrower (Damage thr-1 impal-
12+; Shortsword 12+. tion 12+; Accounting 11+. ing; Acc 1; Range ¥2.5/¥3.5; RoF T(1);
ST 6; Bulk -2). 1 lb.; $20.
Job Roll: Politics. On critical fail- Job Roll: Administration. On criti-
ure, flogged, injured for 1d damage, -1 cal failure, permanently ineligible for Scutum*: A medium shield, of an
Reputation in Praetorian Guard. promotion. oval shape. 15 lbs.; $60.

Monthly Pay: $750. Monthly Pay: $10,000, $16,500, Spatha*: A thrusting broadsword
Wealth Level: Average. Supports $33,000, or $50,000 at Rank 3-6. with an iron blade. 3 lbs.; $600.
Status 0.
Wealth Level: Wealthy at Rank 3; Studded leather skirt*: 4 lbs.; $60.
Centurion supports Status 2. Very Wealthy at
Rank 4-6; supports Status 3. Gladiators may have experience
A centurion commands a “century” with the following equipment:
of 80 men in a legion. In a major war, EQUIPMENT
he leads them into battle; in peace- Galerus: A specialized piece of
time, he may command a vexillation Romans have access to TL2 equip- armor worn on one arm, made up of
that mans a border or assist a provin- ment and any TL1 equipment that bronze plates attached to a leather
cial governor. hasn’t been replaced by something sleeve. Gives DR 4 to the arm where
better. Most equipment is readily it’s worn. Can be used in an unarmed
Prerequisites: Military Rank 2; available in the marketplaces of parry; there is no penalty for parrying
Leadership 12+. Roman cities. Soldiers can requisition a weapon, but if the parry succeeds by
equipment with military applications less than three points the damage
Job Roll: Leadership. On critical through their legions. “Military appli- from the attack is applied to the par-
failure, in peacetime, career ends; in cations” include combat engineering, rying arm (reduced by the DR of the
wartime, injured for 4d damage. surgery, and administrative record- galerus). 7 lbs.; $105.
keeping as well as fighting. Prototype
Monthly Pay: $12,500. TL3 equipment is not normally avail- Gladius*: A shortsword with an
Wealth Level: Wealthy. Supports able, but an artificer might create it if iron blade. 2 lbs.; $400.
Status 2. adequately funded.
Hasta*: A long spear used by equi-
Primus Pilus Combat Gear tes and auxiliary cavalry. 5 lbs.; $60.

The senior centurion of a legion’s Items with an asterisk are defined Knife*: A large knife with an iron
first cohort stands above the other in the Basic Set; they’re listed here to blade. 1 lb.; $40.
centurions; in battle, only the legate identify the specific items in common
and laticlavian tribune outrank him. use in this setting. Net*: A melee net, carried by a
He normally holds this job for one retiarius. 5 lbs.; $20.
year, before promotion to camp pre-
fect and equestrian Status. Trident: Carried by a retiarius; see
Chapter 6 (p. 141) for statistics. 10
lbs.; $40.

Whip*: A whip used by bestiarii to
control animals. 2 lbs.; $20.


Tools and Apparatus to weigh items they sell. The items go Ladder: Useful for scaling walls
in one pan and lead weights in the during a siege (see the rules for climb-
In addition to the equipment other. A small balance, good for weigh- ing on p. B349). The longest practical
described in the Basic Set, various ing portable items, is 1 lb., $25; a set of ladder is 36’ long and can reach the
other items are available in the lead weights good for up to 2 lbs. top of a 30’ wall. 55 lbs.; $90.
Roman Empire. This list includes var- weighs 2 lbs., $10.
ious items for adventurers, scholars, Orrery: A complex device with mul-
or mages and provides rules for using Dolabra: A digging tool with an tiple gears and wheels that shows the
the equipment. iron head, which has a point at one motions of the sun, the moon, and
end and a 3” wide axe blade opposite other celestial bodies. Powered by a
Abacus: A frame with sets of beads it. Used to cut through brush or break man turning a handle. A small model
supported by dowels or wires that aids rock. Roman legions use it to clear the shows only the position of the sun and
calculation; decimal notation is built ground for their camps. 7 lbs.; $18. moon and gives +1 to Astronomy; a
into it. Accounting and Applied large model shows all the planets and
Mathematics rolls have no penalty if Hand Mill: A small rotary hand mill gives +2. Small orrery: 15 lbs.; $1,750.
performed on an abacus. 2 lbs.; $50. carried by soldiers and other travelers Large orrery: 150 lbs.; $21,000.
An improvised abacus made from to grind grain for bread or porridge.
pebbles and a flat surface is free but To find the amount of flour a user can Wax Tablet: Used with a stylus to
performs computations at -2 to skill. grind in an hour, square his ST and take notes and perform calculations;
divide by 10. An average man needs 2 its surface can be smoothed and
Balance: The symbol of justice since lbs. of ground grain per day. 5 lbs.; reused. A small tablet is 2 lbs.; $10. A
ancient Egypt; used by merchants $20. large tablet is 10 lbs.; $50.


Burdigala is my native soil, where Burdigala for centuries; Romans, who WHO’S IN
skies are temperate and mild, and the moved in with Caesar’s conquest of CHARGE?
well-watered land generously lavish. Gaul; and Basques who have settled.
Smaller ethnic groups also live in Burdigala is a center of imperial
– Decimus Magnus Ausonius Burdigala, the Jews forming the authority, capital of its province, and a
biggest number. self-governing town. There is little mil-
DESCRIPTION itary presence; the nearest legions are
The city is a major trade center, in Britain and on the German frontier.
Burdigala [Bordeaux], built on being both a river port and a seaport. Most of the time, the city is left to its
the west bank of the Garumna One of the major trade routes to own devices.
[Garonne] River, just south of the Britain passes through it. Major roads
Gironde Estuary in southwestern run north to Mediolanum Santonum The Province
Gaul, is the site of a bridge across the [Saintes], a center of oyster harvest-
Garonne, which flows north past the ing; northeast to Lugdunum, Gaul’s Aquitania is an imperial province,
city. Its 20,000 inhabitants occupy a greatest city and the site of a mint, whose governor serves at the emper-
roughly square area of 300 acres. Of named for the sun god Lugh; south- or’s pleasure. Since no legion is sta-
this, large and small gardens (more east to Tolosa [Toulouse], which has tioned there, the post is held by a
often productive than ornamental) gold mines, and Narbo [Narbonne], senator of praetorian rank (Admini-
and vineyards take up about 50 on the route to Italy; and south to the strative Rank 6), assisted by a procu-
acres. The temperate climate sup- Iberian peninsula. The import of tin rator (Administrative Rank 5). The
ports Mediterranean-style agricul- from Britain began in AUC 351. governor spends half of the year trav-
ture, based on wheat, vineyards, and Burdigala’s most important exports eling between the cities of Aquitania
olives; its wine is especially famous. are wine and ceramics, industries that to hear legal cases.
The site is not fortified, but conse- naturally support each other.
crated marker stones trace the The governor’s staff mostly con-
pomoerium. Burdigala is also famous as a cen- sists of men on detached duty from
ter of learning. It contains many Legio I Minervia. Two centurions
The majority of the inhabitants has teachers of rhetoric, including some command a double vexillation of 160
Gaulish ancestry and identify them- with literary reputations. People from men. They escort the governor when
selves as Gauls. After the conquest, all over Gaul send their sons there to he travels, enforce the law, patrol the
many Gauls were enslaved, but their study. roads, and work on construction
descendants have gone from slave to projects. Those who can read and
freedman to plebeian to provincial Given the city’s size, the basic IQ or write help keep official records, espe-
nobility. Tensions exist between the Area Knowledge roll to find a particu- cially of tax payments.
Romanized Gauls and the old Gallic lar service is at +1 (see Services, pp. 97-
families, but both still identify them- 103). Finding a service connected with
selves as “Gauls.” Sizeable minorities the wine trade or with literary knowl-
include Greeks, who traded from edge is at a further +2.


The City For major public issues, the magis- the Celtic underworld, the original
trates may call public meetings in the ancestor of the Celtic races. He grants
Burdigala is a municipium. This forum. Most meetings serve only to Necromancy spells or Invisibility.
entitles the city to two pairs of magis- announce what the ordo have decided,
trates: a pair of duovirs (Admini- but if the people protest loudly An even more distinctively Celtic
strative Rank 5) who act as judges and enough, the magistrates may change deity is Epona, a goddess of horses.
chief administrators, and a pair of their minds. She has no Greek or Roman equiva-
aediles (Administrative Rank 3) who lent. Her temple is small, but regular-
are responsible for public works and TEMPLES ly attended by young men from good
games. Aedile is an expensive post, AND CULTS families – and by charioteers seeking
responsible for games and public luck in races. She repays sacrifices by
works, requiring a property qualifica- Burdigala has several temples granting aid to a man’s horses, in a
tion of Decurial Wealth (p. 221). Those devoted to civic worship. Most are race or a battle.
who serve as aediles become members next to the forum, or close to it.
of the ordo or town council at the end Several sites in or near the city are also Also standing next to the forum is a
of their terms, making them eligible to devoted to mystery cults. temple of the Imperial Genius, with
serve as duovirs. The ordo rank as half a dozen priests. Its main holiday
provincial nobility (Status 2, one level Burdigala’s patron goddess is is the emperor’s birthday. Offerings for
free from Wealth). Minerva Burdigia. She’s popular with the Imperial Genius have been falling
all the major groups in the city; the off; the past decade hasn’t inspired
The magistrates’ offices are in the Greeks identify her with Athena, and much faith.
basilica or town hall, which stands the Gauls with Brigid. Sacrifices to
next to the forum. A large hall is her bring success in knowledge, crafts, One of the city’s largest temples is
available for trials and for meetings or strategy and tactics; she occasional- devoted to a mystery cult, the worship
of the ordo. Smaller rooms serve as ly grants Knowledge spells. of Isis. It stands near the waterfront
offices and as halls of records. Each district, looking down on the
magistrate provides his own clerical The Gauls also pay special rever- Garumna, conveniently placed for the
staff from his household slaves and ence to Dis Pater. Despite his Roman many seafarers who come there to
freedmen. name, they consider him the ruler of offer sacrifices. Other mystery cults
congregate outside the city. A
Burdigala mithraeum sits on the other side of the
river, in a small, aboveground building.
(1) Basilica (city hall) and Forum; (2) temple of Dis Pater; (3) temple of Minerva Burdigia; (4) temple of the Farther outside the city, the owners of
Imperial Genius; (5) temple of Epona; (6) school of rhetoric and library; (7) indoor marketplace; (8) residence of two large estates maintain a grove
the provincial governor; (9) imperial tax offices and records; (10) temple of Isis; (11) school of sorcery; (12) build- sacred to Bacchus in a stand of trees
ing of Claudia Nigella, used for wine and pottery dealers and for guild meetings; (13) amphitheatre, used mainly that separates the cultivated parts of
for chariot races; (14) main public bathhouse. F indicates locations of public fountains. their lands; the druids once used this
land to worship indigenous gods.

Several Jewish congregations meet
in the city, in private houses owned by
wealthy Jewish merchants.


Burdigala is a famous center of
learning. Many teachers of rhetoric
and literature live there. Most empha-
size the Greek classics, but a few study
more unusual subjects such as the
remnants of ancient Celtic bardic tra-
ditions. Anyone at Status 0 or higher
can afford to hire a teacher.

The temple of Isis maintains a
school of sorcery. Most of its teachers
worship Isis, but anyone who can
prove knowledge of the mystic arts is
welcome. None of the city’s Jewish
sorcerers officially is part of the
school, for religious reasons, but some
are willing to guest lecture.

A different sort of school operates
in connection with the city’s
amphitheatre. Its main subject is han-
dling, driving, and caring for horses,


especially those in the chariot races. Sponsors of the Arcani
But gladiators also appear in the
arena, and for a fee, a free man or The various sponsors of the arcani include the following people:
woman can study combat skills. The
arena’s surgeons have considerable Claudia Nigella, age 50, is the widow of a prosperous merchant and
experience with combat wounds; has taken over managing his wine and pottery export business. She has
some accept students or apprentices. endowed a large indoor marketplace next to the waterfront, as a gift to
the city; of course, she manages it and chooses which merchants get
ADVENTURERS space in it. An alcove in her building houses a small shrine to Isis, in
WANTED! whose cult she has long been an initiate.

As the Empire falls into disorder, Ieremias ben Iosephus, age 32, is a religious teacher and scholar in the
its cities increasingly rely on their own Jewish community, but his main interest is in sorcery. Most of the city’s
resources. The legions are too busy Jews, and many non-Jews, turn to him when supernaturally troubled.
with border incursions and imperial
power struggles to aid them. Marcus Junius Falco, age 44, served in the first cohort of the Legio I
Burdigala has come up with a novel Minervia in Germany before his promotions to primus pilus and then to
solution to the problem. A group of camp prefect. This gave him equestrian rank and made him eligible for
private citizens has formed a new col- a civil service career, and he drew from his old connections to gain the
lege to fund special, unofficial opera- procuratorship of Aquitania. Like most soldiers, he’s a Mithraic initiate,
tives in the protection of the city but never rose very high in religious rank; he’s more devoted to Minerva
against external and internal threats. Burdigia, and he likes knowing that his adopted city and his old legion
These arcani (precursors of Imperial share a patron. In his limited spare time, he grows grapes on a small
secret agents of the same name a few estate near the city.
decades in the future) will perform
impossible missions without official minimal intervention (-50%); and they untrustworthy to their prospective
sanction – but some unusual get involved on a 9 or less (¥1). Thus, patrons. They don’t have to be law-
resources are available to them. having them as a Patron is worth 15 abiding – their duties may require
points. breaking the law – but they have to
The hidden sponsors, collectively, keep their word and be willing to
amount to a Patron. They have assets Anyone considered for this spe- face danger. Spending 15 points on
worth over 1,000 times starting wealth cial force needs exceptional abilities. the required Patron advantage leaves
(10 points); they will provide modest Arcani should be built on 150 points, a base of 135 points for character
equipment (+50%) and have special and should not have any disadvan- creation.
abilities (+50%), but have a policy of tages that would make them look


It’s twenty-five marches to Narbo, HUMAN FOES danger before being recruited and sent
It’s forty-five more up the Rhone, abroad. He occasionally encounters
And the end may be death in the Bahjam priests of Ahura Mazda, but they can’t
heather officially act against him as long as he
Or life on an Emperor’s throne. 240 points stays on Roman soil.
But whether the Eagles obey us,
Or we go to the Ravens – alone, Bahjam is one of the Parthian ST 9 [-10]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 11 [20]; HT
I’d sooner be Lalage’s lover Empire’s best secret agents, thanks to a 11 [10].
Than sit on an Emperor’s throne! combination of highly developed skills
and knowledge of magic. His primary Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9
– Rudyard Kipling, “Lalage” duty is to travel through the Roman [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 13 [10]; FP 1
Empire and send back information, [0].
The following potential foes can be but he occasionally takes a more active
part of the cast of characters for a role as an assassin. He maintains a Basic Speed 7.00 [20]; Basic Move 7
group of adventurers in Burdigala. cover identity as a Palmyran merchant [0]; Dodge 10; Parry 9 (Knife).
Many can be used in other locations, if and goldsmith. A middle-aged man,
the GM prefers a campaign set in but still handsome and fit, he hasn’t 5’6”; 135 lbs. (SM 0).
Rome, Alexandria, or the eastern been back to the Parthian Empire in
empire. The adventure seeds typically more than 20 years. From his point of Social Background
weave together two or more of these view, this is just as well – as a worship-
specific adversaries to produce a more per of Angra Mainyu, the evil god of TL: 2.
complex plot. Zoroastrianism, he was in constant CF: Parthian Empire [0]; Roman
Empire [1].
Languages: Aramaic (Native) [6];
Greek (Native) [6]; Latin (Accented)
[4]; Persian (Native) [0].


Advantages Zoroastrian Magic

Appearance (Attractive) [4]; Eidetic The Persian Empire has its own distinctive approach to magic. All
Memory (Preparation Required, 1 spells are divided between two colleges: White Magic and Black Magic.
minute, -20%) [4]; Fit [5]; Magery 1 White Magic includes spells from the colleges of Air, Communication
(One College Only: Black Magic, -10%; and Empathy, Fire, Food, Healing, Knowledge, Movement, and Plants,
Pact: Ritual worship of Angra Mainyu, as well as most Animal spells, Light spells, and Making spells. Black
-5%) [14]; Security Clearance [5]; Magic includes spells from the colleges of Body Control, Earth, Illusion,
Single-Minded [5]; Wealth (Com- Mind Control, Necromancy, Protection and Warning, and Sound, as well
fortable) [10]. as Breaking spells, Darkness spells, and the Animal spell Shapeshifting.
Spells of Enchantment and Meta-spells fall into both colleges; neither
Disadvantages college can use Gate spells.

Code of Honor (Professional) [-5]; Most Persians worship Ahura Mazda, the god of truth and light. A few
Enemy (Zoroastrian magi; Watchers; secretly worship Angra Mainyu, the god of darkness and lies. Each god
6 or less) [-4]; Post-Combat Shakes favors some of his worshippers with Magery with two special limitations:
(12) [-5]; Secret (Parthian spy and One College Only (-10%, for one college out of two) and Pact (-5%, for
assassin; Possible Death) [-30]. regular weekly observances). They can then learn spells in the appropri-
ate college, as techniques based on the skill for that college.
Quirks: Careful; Dislikes fire;
Homosexual; Makes up stories about Persians consider these two sets of abilities to be utterly distinct.
his past; Proud. [-5] Followers of Ahura Mazda become magi (the plural of “magus”) and
practice magic; followers of Angra Mainyu become goetes (the plural of
Skills “goes,” pronounced “go-ease”) and practice goetics. In GURPS terms,
both are magic and require Magery.
Acting-13 (IQ+2) [8]; Body
Language-13 (Per+0) [2]; College of Brontophonos’ caravan has three Basic Speed 6.00 [10]; Basic Move 6
Black Magic-13* (IQ+2) [12]; Fast- wagons. He himself drives the lead [0]; Dodge 10*; Parry 8 (Knife)*.
Draw-14 (DX+1) [2]; Holdout-13 wagon, pulled by a rare megalo-
(IQ+2) [8]; Jeweler-12 (IQ+1) [8]; gryphon, a huge horned beast brought 5’10”; 160 lbs. (SM 0).
Knife-15 (DX+2) [4]; Merchant-12 up from the underworld (p. 212). It
(IQ+1) [4]; Observation-13 (Per+0) [2]; holds a small room for his two slave Social Background
Poisons-12 (IQ+1) [8]; Ritual bestiarii and large cages for his major
Magic-13* (IQ+2) [12]; Savoir-Faire specimens; currently one is empty and TL: 2.
(High Society)-12 (IQ+1) [2]; Sex the other holds a rare Indian manti- CF: Human [0].
Appeal-11 (HT+0) [2]; Shadowing-13 core (p. 48). The second wagon is driv- Languages: Armenian (Native) [0];
(IQ+2) [8]; Sleight of Hand-12 (DX-1) en by Brontophonos’ assistant, a Arabic (Accented) [2]; Chinese
[2]; Theology (Zoroastrian)-9 (IQ-2) strange-looking woman with almond- (Accented) [2]; Gothic (Accented) [2];
[1]; Wrestling-14 (DX+1) [4]. shaped eyes who speaks only a few Greek (Accented) [2]; Latin (Accented)
words of Greek. He calls her Topaza, [2]; Persian (Accented) [2]; Sanskrit
Techniques: Hide (College of Black which is not her real name, but which (Accented) [2].
Magic)-13* [5]; Darkness (College of she can pronounce! (Use the
Black Magic) -13* [3]; Icy Weapon Wardancer template, p. 126, to define Advantages
(College of Black Magic)-13* [4]; Topaza’s abilities, if needed.) That
Night Vision (College of Black wagon holds valuable property and Animal Friend 3 [15]; Combat
Magic)-13* [6]; Silence (College of small quarters for Brontophonos, Reflexes [15]; Cultural Adaptability
Black Magic)-13* [2]. Topaza, and the slave driver of the [10]; Fearlessness 1 [2]; Language
third wagon. The third wagon holds Talent [10]; Longevity [2]; Resistant to
* +1 from Magery. feed and many cages for smaller ani- Animal Venoms (+8) [5]; Serendipity 1
mals, including a very large python, [15]; Wealth (Very Wealthy) [30].
Brontophonos several mountain ants, another rare
Indian animal (p. 48), and a satyr that Perks: Penetrating Voice. [1]
182 points Brontophonos recently captured in
Greece. Disadvantages
Brontophonos is the proprietor of
an exhibition of rare beasts, which has ST 11 [10]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 13 [60]; HT Bad Sight (Farsighted) [-25];
now come to Gaul. He reveals little 10 [0]. Compulsive Lying (12) [-15];
about his past. Even the name he uses Miserliness (12) [-10]; Pacifism (Self-
isn’t his real name – it means Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11 Defense Only) [-15]; Social Stigma
“Thundervoice,” reflecting his loud [0]; Will 9 [-20]; Per 13 [0]; FP 10 (Minority Group) [-10]; Weirdness
declamations about his menagerie. [0]. Magnet [-15].
He’s definitely not a Roman citizen,
though. The GM should feel free to Quirks: Broad-minded; Likes ani-
improvise on the background his mals, especially exotic animals; Never
character sheet suggests – for exam- learns any language beyond Accented
ple, giving him a different native lan- level; Will not sell his animals for glad-
guage. He’s always interested in new iatorial shows. [-4]
exotic specimens, but he only pays for
living animals!


Skills ST 10 [0]; DX 13 [60]; IQ 11 [20]; HT warrior and an intelligent leader with a
11 [10]. concept of tactics. Given time, he could
Accounting-11 (IQ-2) [1]; Animal become a serious threat to the western
Handling (Big Cats)-15† (IQ+2) [1]; Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0]; provinces, particularly to their ship-
Animal Handling (Saurians)-15† Will 13 [10]; Per 11 [0]; FP 11 [0]. ping routes and coastal cities.
(IQ+2) [1]; Area Knowledge (Roman
Empire)-14 (IQ+1) [2]; Artist (Scene Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; ST 13 [30]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 11 [20]; HT
Design)-11 (IQ-2) [1]; Biology Dodge 10*; Parry 10 (Spear)*. 13 [30].
(Zoology)-12 (IQ-1) [2]; Camou-
flage-13 (IQ+0) [1]; Carpentry-13 5’6”; 130 lbs. (SM 0). Damage 1d+1/2d+1; BL 34 lbs.; HP 13
(IQ+0) [1]; Cloak-11 (DX-1) [1]; Fast- [0]; Will 11 [0]; Per 11 [0]; FP 13
Draw (Knife)-12 (DX+0) [1]; Fast- Social Background [0].
Talk-12 (IQ-1) [1]; Gesture-13 (IQ+0) TL: 2.
[1]; Holdout-12 (IQ-1) [1]; Knife-12 CF: Roman Empire [0]. Basic Speed 5.75 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0];
(DX+0) [1]; Knot-Tying-13 (DX+1) [2]; Languages: Gaulish (Broken) [2]; Dodge 9*; Parry 11 (Two-Handed
Lasso-12 (DX+0) [2]; Linguistics-11 Axe/Mace)*.
(IQ-2) [1]; Merchant-13 (IQ+0) [2]; Latin (Native) [0].
Mimicry (Animal Sounds)-13 (IQ+0) 6’4”; 200 lbs. (SM 0).
[4]; Mimicry (Bird Calls)-12 (IQ-1) [2]; Advantages
Observation-13 (Per+0) [2]; Public Social Background
Speaking-14 (IQ+1) [4]; Scroung- Ambidexterity [5]; Charisma 1 [5];
ing-13 (IQ+0) [1]; Stealth-13 (DX+1) Combat Reflexes [15]; Contact (Sextus TL: 1.
[4]; Teamster (Bovines)-15† (IQ+2) [1]; Claudius Scaevola, Fence, Merchant- CF: Germanic Lands [0].
Teamster (Saurians)-15† (IQ+2) [1]; 15, Usually reliable, 9 or less) [4]; Languages: Frankish (Native/None)
Tracking-13 (Per+0) [2]; Traps-14 Daredevil [15]; Wealth (Comfortable) [-3]; Latin (Accented/Broken) [3].
(IQ+1) [4]; Veterinary-14† (IQ+1) [1]; [10].
Whip-13 (DX+1) [4]; Wrestling-12 Advantages
(DX+0) [2]. Perks: Alcohol Tolerance; Pene-
trating Voice; Weapon Bond (Favorite Absolute Direction [5]; Appearance
* +1 from Combat Reflexes. Knife). [3] (Attractive) [4]; Combat Reflexes [15];
† +3 from Animal Friend. Fearlessness 2 [4]; Fit [5]; Hard to Kill
Disadvantages 2 [4]; Reputation 1 (Successful Pirate,
Camilla Rufa Among Germanic Peoples, 10 or less)
Appearance (Unattractive) [-4]; [1]; Striking ST +2 [10]; Temperature
150 points Code of Honor (Pirate’s) [-5]; Tolerance 1 (Cold) [1].
Compulsive Generosity (12) [-5];
Camilla Rufa is the daughter of an Enemies (Provincial Government, Disadvantages
auxiliary assigned to the governor’s Hunters, 6 or less) [-10]; Overcon-
office in Burdigala and a Gaulish fidence (12) [-5]; Sense of Duty Code of Honor (Pirate’s) [-5];
woman. When her father received (Comrades) [-5]; Social Stigma Innumerate [-5]; Intolerance
reassignment to the German frontier, (Second-Class Citizen) [-5]. (Civilized People) [-5]; Lecherousness
he left his family behind. Despite the (12) [-15]; Low TL -1 [-5]; No Sense of
money he occasionally sent, Camilla Quirks: Bowlegged; Flirts with Humor [-10]; Social Stigma
grew up poor with a mother who attractive men, including robbery vic- (Uneducated) [-5].
didn’t have much time to spend raising tims; Swears by Epona. [-3]
her. As an adolescent, she became Quirks: Likes wine better than
friends with a rough crowd. Eventually Skills beer; Prefers women who fight back.
some of them took up armed robbery, [-2]
and Camilla talked them into letting Area Knowledge (Aquitania)-12
her go along and discovered a natural (IQ+1) [2]; Camouflage-12 (IQ+1) [2]; Skills
talent for violent crime. Carousing-12 (HT+1) [2]; Dancing-12
(DX-1) [1]; Knife-13 (DX+0) [1]; Bardic Lore-9 (IQ-2) [1]; Boating
Now she’s the leader of a small Leadership-12† (IQ+1) [2]; Riding (Unpowered)-11 (DX+0) [2];
band of brigands who ambush mer- (Horses)-14 (DX+1) [4]; Savoir-Faire Brawling-11 (DX+0) [1]; Carousing-13
chants and other travelers on the (High Society)-11 (IQ+0) [1]; Spear-13 (HT+0) [1]; Crewman (Seaman-
roads. She’s not attractive, with strong (DX+0) [2]; Stealth-12 (DX-1) [1]; ship)-12 (IQ+1) [2]; Intimidation-10
features and a freckled, weather-beat- Thrown Weapon (Dart)-15 (DX+2) [4]. (Will-1) [1]; Leadership-13 (IQ+2) [8];
en complexion, but she has a com- Meteorology-12 (IQ+1) [4]; Navigation
manding personality and striking red- Techniques: Bracing-13 (Spear+0) (Sea)-15† (IQ+4) [4]; Shiphandling-11
dish-blonde hair that fits her cog- [5]; Hang from Saddle-12 (Riding-2) (IQ+0) [4]; Stealth-10 (DX-1) [1];
nomen. Her impressive mounted com- [2]; Vaulting-14 (Riding+0) [4]. Survival (Island/Beach)-12 (Per+1) [4];
bat skills don’t hurt! She particularly Survival (Woodlands)-11 (Per+0) [2];
favors riding close to a foe, hanging * +1 from Combat Reflexes. Swimming-13 (HT+0) [1]; Tactics-10
over the far side of her horse, and † +1 from Charisma. (IQ-1) [2]; Thrown Weapon (Har-
throwing darts over its back or under poon)-12 (DX+1) [2]; Tracking-10
its belly. Chlodowic (Per-1) [1]; Two-Handed Axe/Mace-14
(DX+3) [12].
150 points
* +1 from Combat Reflexes.
To all appearances, Chlodowic is † +3 from Absolute Direction.
a classic mighty-thewed Germanic
warrior, taking advantage of Rome’s
disarray to loot and rape. But he’s actu-
ally more dangerous than that: a skilled


Geaticus the Chaldean Advantages Gnaeus Ambrosius
275 points Absolute Direction [5]; Absolute
Timing [2]; Acute Vision 1 [2]; 150 points
Geaticus is called “the Chaldean” Appearance (Attractive) [4]; High
because of his practice of astrology, Manual Dexterity 1 [5]; Independent In his adolescence, Silvanus began
the Chaldean art of divination. His Income 5 [5]; Language Talent [10]; having peculiar dreams, filled with
ancestry is probably not Chaldean, Lightning Calculator [2]; Longevity scenes of violence. His family, pros-
though no one knows for sure. [2]; Mathematical Ability 1 [10]; perous citizens of a town in Aquitania,
Geaticus is a sorcerer of a quite Musical Ability 1 [5]; Photographic called on the help of physicians,
unusual kind: he has no magical tal- Memory (Preparation Required, 1 priests, and even an exorcist, fearing
ent at all, not even Magery 0. Rather, minute, -20%) [8]; Reputation 4 that their son was going mad, but
he uses his profound knowledge of (Brilliant mathematician; among nothing helped. After several years,
astrology to identify favorable heav- mathematicians; 10 or less) [3]; the young man left home to live in the
enly aspects, mana-charged moments Signature Gear (Magical Items) [40]; wilderness. He eventually wandered
at which nonmages can cast spells. Single-Minded [5]; Status 1 [5]; into a high-mana area that had once
His long-term plans are grandiose; Temperature Tolerance 1 (Cold) [1]; been a sacred grove. There, he was
frustrated by the need to wait for the Wealth (Very Wealthy) [30]. able to teach himself the Art of
planets to aid his spells, he wants to Memory (see Eidetic Memory, p. 219),
discover magical techniques for Disadvantages which he used to help regain memo-
changing their motion, so that he can ries of a previous life, including the
cast spells at his own convenience. Callous [-5]; Delusions (He’ll be memory of having learned the Art of
His early experiments have produced able to control the heavens) [-10]; Memory in that life. In fact, he had
an increased number of heavenly por- Fanaticism [-15]; Loner (12) [-5]; been one of the druids of Gaul who
tents such as comets. He may appear Megalomania [-10]; No Sense of died after the Roman conquest.
as an adversary with deeply convolut- Humor [-10]; Skinny [-5]; Unnatural
ed plots, or simply as an eccentric Features (Semi-translucent flesh) [-1]; Now, decades older, he has taught
contact. Weirdness Magnet [-15]; Xenophilia himself some of the druids’ lost magi-
(12) [-10]. cal arts. He still doesn’t recall the
ST 9 [-10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 18 [160]; whole of any previous life, but he
HT 9 [-10]. Quirks: Conceals his having once remembers enough of the vain war
been a Mithraic initiate; Does not against the Romans to be eager for
Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 drink wine; Talks in astronomical revenge and freedom. As the Roman
[0]; Will 16 [-10]; Per 18 [0]; FP 9 metaphors. [-3] army fails to preserve public safety
[0]. against civil war, brigandage, invasion,
Skills and worse threats, he finds increasing
Basic Speed 5.00 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0]; numbers of willing followers.
Dodge 8. Administration-17 (IQ-1) [1];
Architecture-17 (IQ-1) [1]; Astro- ST 10 [0]; DX 10 [0]; IQ 13 [60]; HT
5’8”; 110 lbs. (SM 0). Long gray hair. nomy-18* (IQ+0) [2]; College of Air-17 11 [10].
(IQ-1) [4]; College of Communication
Social Background and Empathy-16 (IQ-2) [2]; College of Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10 [0];
Enchantment-15 (IQ-3) [1]; College of Will 13 [0]; Per 13 [0]; FP 11 [0].
TL: 2. Knowledge-19 (IQ+1) [12]; College of
CF: Roman Empire. Light and Darkness-15 (IQ-3) [1]; Basic Speed 5.25 [0]; Basic Move 5 [0];
Languages: Akkadian (Accented) College of Movement-16 (IQ-2) [2]; Dodge 8; Parry 10 (Staff).
[2]; Chaldean (Accented) [2]; Gaulish Current Affairs (Business)-18 (IQ+0)
(Accented) [2]; Greek (Accented) [2]; [1]; Engineer (Clockwork)-18* IQ [2]; 5’8”; 145 lbs. (SM 0).
Latin (Native) [0]; Persian (Accented) Finance-17* (IQ-1) [1]; Fortune-
[2]; Punic (Accented) [2]. Telling (Astrology)-18 (IQ+0) [2]; Social Background
Mathematics (Applied)-17* (IQ-1) [1];
Mechanic-17 (IQ-1) [1]; Musical TL: 2.
Instrument (Flute)-17† (IQ-1) [1]; CF: Roman Empire [0].
Natural Philosophy-17 (IQ-1) [2]; Languages: Gaulish (Native) [6];
Philosophy (Pythagorean)-16 (IQ-2) Latin (Native) [0].
[1]; Research-17 (IQ-1) [1]; Ritual
Magic (Astral Spirit Conjuration)-19 Advantages
(IQ+1) [12]; Symbol Drawing (Sacred
Architecture)-16 (IQ-2) [1]; Writing-17 Absolute Direction [5]; Charisma
(IQ-1) [1]. 1 [5]; Clerical Investment [5]; Eidetic
Memory (Preparation Required, 1
Spells minute, -20%) [4]; Fit [5]; Higher
Purpose (Free Gaul from Roman
Teleport (College of Movement)-15 rule) [5]; Magery 0 [5]; Outdoorsman
[10]. 1 [10]; Racial Memory (Passive) [15];
Reawakened [10]; Status 1 [5].
* +1 from Mathematical Ability.
† +1 from Musical Ability.


Disadvantages within the city limits, in a hidden Skills
chamber under his house, now occu-
Bad Sight (Farsighted) [-25]; pied by his widowed niece Chrysippe Area Knowledge (Burdigala)-14
Fanaticism [-15]; Odious Personal and her two youngest children – she (IQ+0) [1]; Area Knowledge (The
Habit (Talks in riddles) [-5]; Secret was intimidated by the insistence of Underworld)-14 (IQ+0) [1]; Exor-
(Plots rebellion against Roman rule) his slave Phoenix, who killed himself cism-19 (Will+1) [8]; Expert Skill
[-20]; Sense of Duty (People of Gaulish shortly after the entombment. (Thanatology)-16 (IQ+2) [12];
descent) [-10]. Chrysippe had Phoenix’s body placed Fortune-Telling (Spiritualism)-15
in the city graveyard but kept (IQ+1) [4]; Hazardous Materials-13
Quirks: Chauvinistic; Proud. [-2] Aristodoulos’ tomb secret, fearing that (IQ-1) [1]; Hidden Lore (Spirit
she would be punished if it were Lore)-16 (IQ+2) [8]; Intimidation-17
Skills revealed. Now Aristodoulos is one of (Will-1) [1]; Literature-12 (IQ-2) [1];
the restless dead, able to use his hard- Occultism-15 (IQ+1) [4]; Research-13
Acting-12 (IQ-1) [1]; Archaeolo- won knowledge to struggle against the (IQ-1) [1]; Ritual Magic-15 (IQ+1)
gy-11 (IQ-2) [1]; Area Knowledge barriers between life and death. Any [12]; Savoir-Faire (High Society)-14
(Aquitania)-13 (IQ+0) [1]; Bardic Lore- Roman would classify him as a larva, (IQ+0) [1].
13 (IQ+0) [4]; Boating (Unpower- but he doesn’t fit the standard tem-
ed)/TL2-10 (DX+0) [2]; Camou- plate for larvae (p. 213). Garumna
flage-14* (IQ+1) [1]; Detect Lies-12
(Per-1) [2]; Dreaming-11 (Will-2) [1]; ST 9 [-10]; DX 9 [-20]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 295 points
First Aid-13 (IQ+0) [1]; Fishing-14* 9 [-10].
(Per+1) [1]; Herb Lore-13 (IQ+0) [8]; The Romans bridged the Garumna
Herb Lore Magic-12 (IQ-1) [4]; Hidden Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9 [0]; River, and under the dominion of the
Lore (Riddles)-13 (IQ+0) [2]; Hiking- Will 18 [20]; Per 10 [-20]; FP 9 [0]. Roman gods, its nymph had to sub-
10 (HT-1) [1]; Law (Celtic Ritual)-11 mit. But now that dominion has
(IQ-2) [1]; Leadership-13† (IQ+0) [1]; Basic Speed 4.50 [0]; Basic Move 4 [0]; failed, and she’s angry and wants her
Meteorology-14 (IQ+1) [4]; Meteo- Dodge 7. waters to flow free. She hasn’t
rology Magic-12 (IQ-1) [4]; Mimicry destroyed the bridge yet, but boatmen
(Bird Calls)-12* (IQ-1) [1]; Naturalist- 5’10”; 0 lbs. (SM 0). and people who live by the river’s
13 (IQ+0) [4]; Navigation (Land)-13* banks tell of unnerving visions of a
(IQ+0) [1]; Observation-12 (Per-1) [1]; Social Background naked, enraged woman with green
Occultism-12 (IQ-1) [1]; Poetry-12 hair, dark eyes, and a fish’s tail.
(IQ-1) [1]; Public Speaking-14† (IQ+1) TL: 2. ST 9 [-10]; DX 11 [20]; IQ 9 [-20]; HT
[2]; Religious Ritual-12 (IQ-1) [2]; CF: Roman Empire [0].
Savoir-Faire (High Society)-13 (IQ+0) Languages: Greek (Native) [0]; 15 [0]*.
[1]; Singing-11 (HT+0) [1]; Staff-11 Latin (Accented) [4]. Damage 1d-2/1d-1; BL 16 lbs.; HP 9
(DX+1) [4]; Stealth-11 (DX+1) [4];
Survival (Woodlands)-13* (Per+0) [1]; Advantages [0]; Will 11 [10]; Per 10 [0*]; FP 15
Teaching-12 (IQ-1) [1]; Theology [0].
(Druid)-12 (IQ-1) [2]. Absolute Direction [5]; Affliction 1 Basic Speed 6.5 [0]; Basic Move 1 [0];
(HT-0; Affects Substantial, +40%; Dodge 9.
Spells Malediction, -1/yard, +100%; Unluck- 5’6”; 135 lbs. (SM 0).
iness, +10%) [25]; Affliction 1 (Affects
Fog-10 [2]; Identify Plant-13 [2]; Substantial, +40%; Costs 10 Fatigue, Social Background
No-Smell-13 [2]; Predict Weather -12 -50%; Heart Attack, +300%; Melee
[4]. Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry, -30%; TL: 1.
Temporary Disadvantage, Not CF: Celtic [0].
* +1 from Outdoorsman. Invisible, -36%) [33]; Magical Spirit Languages: Gaulish (Native/None)
† +1 from Charisma. [80]; Not Mute [22]; Possession (Only [-3]; Greek (Accented/None) [2]; Latin
Blood Relatives, -30%; Spiritual, (Broken/None) [1].
NONHUMAN FOES -20%) [50]; Unmanifested Spirit [149].

Aristodoulos Disadvantages

320 points Appearance (Monstrous;

In life, Aristodoulos was an exor- Universal, +25%) [-25]; Bully (6) [-20];
cist, specializing in casting out the
spirits of the restless dead, and secret- Callous [-5]; Chronic Pain
ly a necromancer, calling upon the
dead for secret information or binding (Frustration at his disembodied condi-
them to his service. He was at work on
a great enchantment to turn himself tion, Mild, 1 hour, 12 or less) [-5];
into a lich, but died of a sudden illness
before it was complete. Contrary to Disturbing Voice [-10]; Hidebound
city law, his remains were entombed
[-5]; Lifebane [-10]; Miserliness (12)

[-10]; No Sense of Humor [-10];

Obsession (Regain a physical body)

[-10]; Secret (Hidden tomb) [-30].

Quirks: Proud; Uncongenial; Uses

his powers to pay off old grudges. [-3]


Advantages Skills Mutiny

Animal Friend 2 [10]; Green Brawling-14 (DX+2) [4]; Stealth-12 The governor’s troops haven’t been
Thumb 2 [10]; Magery 3† [20]; Nymph (DX+0) [2]; Survival (Woodlands)-12 paid in over a year, and they’re grow-
[225]. (Per-1) [1]; Tracking-16** (Per+3) [1]. ing restless. The arcani may have the
connections to learn of a planned
Disadvantages * -40% for No Fine Manipulators. mutiny, or they may hear of it through
† -10% for Size. Falco, one of their Patrons. Either
Bloodlust (6) [-20]; Callous [-5]; No ‡ +1 from Combat Reflexes. way, their assignment is to preserve
Legs (Semi-Aquatic, When Material- ** +4 from Discriminatory Smell. the public safety by any means neces-
ized; Water Move 6) [0]; Vow (Remove sary – going to the mint at Lugdunum
all human artifacts from her banks) ADVENTURE and bringing back coin to pay the sol-
[-10]. SEEDS diers, or organizing the citizens to
resist a military takeover, or personal-
Quirks: Will spare the life of any- What kind of adventures can the ly dealing with the ringleaders.
one who addresses her in verse. [-1] arcani of Burdigala have? Here are
some suggestions. They’re listed in a Hammerfall
Skills specific order, so that each one builds
on an earlier one, but an ingenious Encouraged by the disorder of the
Intimidation-11 (Will+0) [2]; GM can mix them up and add other empire, the German tribes invade
Wrestling-12 (DX+1) [4]. challenges. Gaul. Massive numbers of Alamanni
pour over the eastern border, while
Spells Brigands Frankish ships raid the seaports of the
western coast. One of their leaders,
Create Water-14 [12]; Fog-14 [12]; Camilla Rufa and her henchman Chlodowic, brings several ships to
Purify Water-14 [12]; Seek Water-14 have been raiding mercantile traffic on sack Burdigala. His companions
[12]; Shape Water-14 [12]. All include Aquitania’s highways. The legionary include some notable warriors; to
+3 from Magery. vexillations patrol the roads, but the make them more of a challenge, the
brigands can see them coming and go GM may make one of them be a skin-
* Includes modifier from Nymph elsewhere. The arcani could disguise turner. Local adversaries such as
racial template. themselves as targets, either carrying Camilla Rufa or Silvanus may turn
goods out of Burdigala or bringing into reluctant allies under the German
† Includes Magery 1 from Nymph them in from a nearby city. If they threat.
racial template. choose the latter course, they may end
up traveling with Brontophonos – and War of the
Lupus Magnus get to see Topaza’s unarmed combat Three Emperors
skills. Having Silvanus accompany the
20 points brigands is also an option. On the German frontier, the
Praetorian prefect, Postumus, has dis-
Despite Roman colonization, House of Night tributed a large amount of wealth cap-
much of Gaul is still forested, a land of tured from German invaders to his
beasts more than men. Now the coun- One of Burdigala’s neighborhoods troops, who have proclaimed him
try folk tell of a more terrifying beast: is gaining a reputation for being emperor. Postumus has many sup-
a huge wolf such as Hercules might haunted. In fact, it is haunted; the porters in Gaul and Britain and some
have fought when he lived on earth. Its house of Aristodoulos is in that neigh- in Spain, enabling him to establish an
bite inflicts 1d-1 cutting damage. borhood. Use this scenario when it’s independent empire there. The
Some accounts credit it with more time to introduce supernatural horror. Romans cannot dislodge him.
than bestial cunning, and supersti- For added menace, the neighborhood However, in Narbonensis, Caesarion is
tious people say that it’s actually an could acquire an unnatural horde of moving to claim the imperial throne
evil sorcerer wearing a wolf’s body. striges. by right of descent and establish him-
self as the savior of the empire. Behind
ST 14 [20*†]; DX 12 [24*]; IQ 5 [-100]; Wolf Hunt the scenes, Geaticus the Chaldean
HT 12 [20]. encourages Caesarion’s ambitions.
The Great Wolf of Aquitania has Both rivals have supporters in
Damage 1d/2d-1; BL 39 lbs.; HP 14 [0]; begun to threaten the province. The Burdigala, Caesarion among the wor-
Will 11 [30]; Per 13 [40]; FP 12 [0]. governor has sent soldiers out to hunt shippers of Isis and the Greeks,
for it, but so far without success. The Postumus among the Mithraists and
Basic Speed 6.00 [0]; Basic Move 6 [0]; arcani’s special skills might be better among Gauls who like the idea of hav-
Dodge 10‡. for this job. But there’s a complica- ing their own empire. Will the Patrons
tion: Brontophonos has learned about of the arcani split up over the issue, or
8’3” long; 412 lbs. (SM +1). the wolf, and is offering a reward for will they continue to put the survival
it, if it’s captured alive. The arcani can of their own city first? And what hap-
Advantages either compete for that reward, or pens if the Parthians become interest-
take the simpler path of trying to kill ed and send Bahjam to decide who
Combat Reflexes [15]; Discrim- the wolf. gets the throne?
inatory Smell [15]; DR 1 [5]; Night
Vision 2 [2]; Sharp Teeth [1]; Single-
Minded [5]; Temperature Tolerance 1


Quadruped [-35]; Wild Animal

Quirks: Uncongenial. [-1]



ab urbe condita: From the founding of the city (of navarch: The senior captain of a squadron of warships.
Rome). The year AUC 1 corresponds to 753 B.C. To numen (plural numina): Supernatural power; a god or
find the Roman equivalent for any year after that,
subtract the year B.C. from 754, or add the year spirit. Roughly equivalent to mana.
A.D. to 753. Thus, 1 B.C. was AUC 753, and the next optio: The second in command of a century, after the
year, 1 A.D., was AUC 754.
arcanus: A covert operative, or a person with secret ordo: The council of a provincial city, modeled on
knowledge including magical secrets.
Rome’s Senate.
beneficarius: The chief administrator of a warship. pater patriae: Father of the country, a title of the
cursus honorum: A standard sequence of religious,
military, and administrative offices that makes up a paterfamilias: The senior male member of a house-
career of public service. Each social class is eligible
for different offices that make up a different cursus hold, with legal authority over his family and the
honorum. household property, including slaves.
devotio: A special military ritual in which a com- pomoerium: The official boundary of a city, defined by
mander offers his own life to the gods in exchange religious ritual; marked by a line of stones or other
for victory in battle. physical sign.
Di Manes: The spirits of a family’s ancestors. The pontifex maximus: The office of head of the pontifical
name means roughly “good folk” and is used partly college, always held by the emperor.
to avoid offending the dead, like calling the Furies primus pilus: The senior centurion of the first cohort
“the kindly ones.” of a legion; effectively third in command in the field.
eques (plural equites): (1) A member of the equestri- rex sacrorum: A full-time priest who carried out the
an social class, originally made up of citizens rich religious functions once performed by Rome’s king.
enough to serve in the cavalry. (2) A gladiator signifer: The soldier assigned to carry his century’s
trained for mounted combat in the arena. standard into battle; also customarily assigned to
flamen: A priest of the city of Rome assigned to serve guard and account for legion funds.
one god exclusively. The flamen dialis served Jupiter, testudo: A group combat technique of raising shields
the flamen martialis served Mars, the flamen quiri- overhead and locking them together, named from
nalis served Quirinus (Romulus, the founder of the Latin word for “tortoise.”
Rome, deified after his death), and 12 minor trierarch: The captain of a warship.
flamines served less important gods. Provincial tutor: A legal guardian assigned to an adult woman,
cities have flamines for their own gods and for the whose consent is required for any important legal
cult of the Imperial Genius. decisions she makes.
limes: The official frontier of Roman rule, established vexilla: A banner carried by any military force on
by Augustus Caesar in his will. detached duty from a legion.
mithraeum: A cave or building devoted to worship of vigiles: A force operating within the city limits of
Mithras. Rome, mainly as fire fighters and nighttime street
patrol, made up of freedmen.


GMs who would like to know more Casson, Lionel. Ships and Johnson, Anne. Roman Forts
ancient Roman customs and beliefs Seamanship in the Ancient World (Adam & Charles Black, 1983).
for their Roma Arcana campaigns may (Johns Hopkins University Press,
find the following books useful. 1971/1995). Le Bohec, Yann. The Imperial
Roman Army (Hippocrene, 1994).
Adkins, Lesley, and Adkins, Roy A. de Planhol, Xavier, with the collab-
Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome, oration of Paul Claval. An Historical Luttwak, Edward N. The Grand
Facts on File Library of World History Geography of France, Cambridge Strategy of the Roman Empire from the
(Oxford University Press, 1994). If you Studies in Historical Geography, First Century A.D. to the Third (Johns
only want to read one book before run- Volume 21 (Cambridge University Hopkins University Press, 1976).
ning a Roman Empire campaign, read Press, 1994).
this one. McMullen, Ramsay. Enemies of the
Dumézil, Georges. Archaic Roman Roman Order (Harvard University
Burkert, Walter. Ancient Mystery Religion, translated by Philip Krapp Press, 1966).
Cults (Harvard University Press, 1987). (University of Chicago Press, 1970).
Turcan, Robert. The Gods of Ancient
Carella, C.J. GURPS Imperial Goldsworthy, Adrian. The Complete Rome: Religion in Everyday Life from
Rome. This supplement for GURPS Roman Religion (Thames and Hudson, Archaic to Imperial Times, translated
Third Edition provides a comprehen- 2003). by Antonia Nevill (Routledge, 2000).
sive treatment of the Roman Empire,
emphasizing the aspects that are most Greene, Kevin. The Archaeology of Ulansey, David. The Origins of the
useful for planning a campaign. the Roman Economy (Batsford, 1986). Mithraic Mysteries: Cosmology and
Salvation in the Ancient World (Oxford
Hyland, Ann. Equus: The Horse in University Press, 1989).
the Roman World (Batsford, 1990).




The New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mechanics of Ancient and Traditional Graves, Robert. The White Goddess;
Mythology (Hamlyn, 1968). Material Culture (Cambridge Uni- A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth,
versity Press, 1990). Amended and Enlarged Edition
Anglo, Sydney. The Martial Arts of (Octagon, 1972).
Renaissance Europe (Yale University Daniels, Peter T., and William
Press, 2000). Bright. The World’s Writing Systems Guadalupi, Gianni, and Alberto
(Oxford University Press, 1996). Manguel. The Dictionary of Imaginary
Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Places (Macmillan, 1980).
Thousand Faces (MJF Books, 1996); de Camp, L. Sprague. The Ancient
The Masks of God, in four volumes: Engineers (Ballantine, 1963). Jaynes, Julian. The Origin of
Primitive Mythology, Oriental Myth- Consciousness in the Breakdown of the
ology, Occidental Mythology, Creative Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Bicameral Mind (Houghton Mifflin,
Mythology (Arkana, 1991). Steel (Norton, 1997). 1990).

Cotterell, Brian, and Johan Kam- Dixon, R.M.W. The Rise and Fall of Keegan, John. The Face of Battle
minga. Mechanics of Pre-industrial Languages (Cambridge University (Penguin, 1978).
Technology: An Introduction to the Press, 1997).


Barton, Dan, and Grandy, David. to go under “Factual Information,” as Mimesis: Responses to Reality in
Magic, Mystery, and Science: The it’s a serious scholarly reference work Western Literature (Routledge, 1985).
Occult in Western Civilization (Indiana about geography – it just happens to
University Press, 2004). be the geography of Middle-Earth. Irwin, Robert. The Arabian Nights:
One of the best models for extracting a A Companion (Allen Lane, 1994).
Carter, Lin. Imaginary Worlds detailed description of a setting from a
(Ballantine, 1973). work of fiction. Jones, Diana Wynne. The Tough
Guide to Fantasyland (Vista, 1996).
Clute, John, and Grant, John. The Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of
Encyclopedia of Fantasy (St. Martin’s Criticism (Princeton University Press, Le Guin, Ursula K. “From Elfland
Griffin, 1999). 1957). to Poughkeepsie,” in The Language of
the Night (HarperCollins, 1992).
Fonstad, Karen Wynn. The Atlas of Hume, Kathryn. Fantasy and
Middle-Earth, revised edition (Hough- Tolkien, J.R.R. “On Fairy Stories,”
ton Mifflin, 1991). Arguably this ought in Poems and Stories (Houghton
Mifflin, 1994).



Alighieri, Dante. The Divine Comedy Alice Found There, and The Hunting of Haggard, H. Rider. She (Oxford
(New American Library, 2003). the Snark (omnibus edition annotated University Press, 1998).
by Martin Gardner, Norton, 1999).
Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan (Viking, Hesiod. Theogony (Ann Arbor
1991). Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Paperbacks, 1991).
Tales (Penguin, 2003).
Beowulf (Norton, 2001). Hesse, Hermann. Steppenwolf
Baum, L. Frank. The Wizard of Oz Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. “The (Picador, 2002).
and others in the Oz series. The com- Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” in The
plete series has been reprinted by Complete Poems (Penguin, 1997). Homer. The Odyssey (Penguin,
Dover Publications. 1999).
Cabell, James Branch. Figures of Dunsany, Lord. The King of Elfland’s
Earth (Wildside Press, 2001), The Daughter (Del Rey, 1999) and Time and Kingsley, Charles. The Water-Babies
Silver Stallion (Del Rey, 1979), and the Gods (Kessinger, 2004). (J.M. Dent & Sons, 1983).
Jurgen (Dover, 1978).
Carroll, Lewis. Alice in Wonderland, Egil’s Saga (Penguin, 1977). Kipling, Rudyard. “The Brush-
Through the Looking-Glass and What Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Faust wood Boy” in The Day’s Work
(Princeton University Press, 1994). (Fredonia, 2000), Puck of Pook’s Hill
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Kouyaté, Mamadou. Sundiata Maeterlinck, Maurice. The Blue Shakespeare, William. A Midsum-
(Longman, 1995). Bird (Kessinger, 2004). mer Night’s Dream and The Tempest
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Malory, Thomas. Le Morte d’Arthur sity of Chicago Press, 2000).
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Collins, 1983) and The Weirdstone of
Alexander, Lloyd. The Book of Three Rose (Tor, 1985), Shadow Games (Tor, Brisingamen: A Tale of Alderley
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(Holt, 1965), The Castle of Llyr (Holt, Dreams of Steel (Tor, 1990), Bleak
1966), Taran Wanderer (Holt, 1967), Seasons (Tor, 1996), She Is the Darkness Garrett, Randall. Lord Darcy
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and Soldiers Live (Tor, 2000). Magic (Ace, 1981), and Too Many
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Bellairs, John. The Face in the Frost de Camp, L. Sprague, and Pratt, Twilight (Ballantine, 2002), and
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in one volume as The Devil’s Day 1950) and “The Unpleasant Profession
(Baen, 1990)]. Donaldson, Stephen R. Lord Foul’s of Jonathan Hoag,” in The Unpleasant
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Brust, Steven. Jhereg (Ace, 1983), (Harcourt, Brace, 1954), Knight’s 1988), and The Hollowing (Harper
The Phoenix Guards (Tor, 1991), Five Castle (Harcourt, Brace, 1956), Magic Collins, 1993).
Hundred Years After (Tor, 1994), The by the Lake (Harcourt, Brace, 1957),
Paths of the Dead (Tor, 2002), and The The Time Garden (Harcourt, Brace, Howard, Robert Ervin. Conan the
Lord of Castle Black (Tor, 2003). 1958), and Seven-Day Magic Barbarian (Gnome Press, 1954) and
(Harcourt, Brace, 1962). Conan the Conqueror: The Hyborian
Bujold, Lois McMaster. The Curse Age (Gnome Press, 1950).
of Chalion (Eos, 2001) and Paladin of Eddison, E.R. Mistress of
Souls (Eos, 2003). Mistresses: A Vision of Zimiamvia Hughart, Barry. Bridge of Birds (St.
(Dutton, 1935), A Fish Dinner in Martin’s, 1984), The Story of the Stone
Bull, Emma. War for the Oaks (Orb, Memison (Dutton, 1941), and The (Doubleday, 1988), and Eight Skilled
2001). Mezentian Gate (Elek, 1958) [reissued Gentlemen (Doubleday, 1991).
in one volume as Zimiamvia]. The
Card, Orson Scott. Seventh Son (Tom Mezentian Gate was published in Jackson, Melanie. Traveler (Love
Doherty Associates, 1987) and sequels. incomplete form long after Eddison’s Spell, 2003).
death in 1945.
Carey, Jacqueline. Kushiel’s Dart Karr, Phyllis Ann. The Idylls of the
(Tor, 2001), Kushiel’s Chosen (Tor, Effinger, George Alec. Maureen Queen (Berkley, 1985).
2002), and Kushiel’s Avatar (Tor, 2003). Birnbaum, Barbarian Swordsperson
(Swan Press, 1993). L’Engle, Madeleine. A Wrinkle in
Cherryh, C.J. Rusalka (Del Rey, Time (Ariel, 1962), A Wind in the Door
1989). Ford, John M. The Dragon Waiting (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973), and
(Timescape, 1983). A Swiftly Tilting Planet (Farrar, Straus
Cook, Glen. Dread Brass Shadows and Giroux, 1978).
(Roc, 1990), Red Iron Nights (Roc, Gaiman, Neil, and Pratchett, Terry.
1991), Deadly Quicksilver Lies (Roc, Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Le Guin, Ursula K. “The Rule of
1994), Petty Pewter Gods (Roc, 1995), Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch Names,” in The Wind’s Twelve Quarters
Faded Steel Heat (Roc, 1999), Angry (Workman, 1990). (HarperCollins, 1975), A Wizard of
Lead Skies (Roc, 2002), Sweet Silver Earthsea (Parnassus, 1968), The Tombs
Blues (Signet, 1987), Cold Copper Tears Garfinkle, Richard. Celestial of Atuan (Atheneum, 1971), and The
(Signet, 1988), Bitter Gold Hearts Matters (Tor, 1996). Farthest Shore (Atheneum, 1972).
(Signet, 1988), Old Tin Sorrows (Signet,
1989), The Black Company (Tor, 1984), Garner, Alan. The Moon of
Shadows Linger (Tor, 1984), The White Gomrath: A Tale of Alderley (Harper


Lee, Tanith. Night’s Master (DAW, Owens, Robin. HeartMate (Jove, Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the
1978), Death’s Master (New American 2001), Heart Thief (Berkley, 2003), and Sorcerer’s Stone (A.A. Levine, 1998),
Library, 1986), Delusion’s Master Heart Duel (Berkley, 2004). Harry Potter and the Chamber of
(DAW, 1987), Delirium’s Mistress (New Secrets (A.A. Levine, 1999), Harry
American Library, 1986), and Night’s Peake, Mervyn. Titus Groan Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Sorceries (DAW, 1987). (Ballantine, 1968), Gormenghast (A.A. Levine, 1999), Harry Potter and
(Ballantine, 1968), and Titus Alone the Goblet of Fire (A.A. Levine, 2000),
Leiber, Fritz. Our Lady of (Ballantine, 1968). and Harry Potter and the Order of the
Darkness (Berkley, 1977), Conjure Phoenix (A.A. Levine, 2003).
Wife (Gregg, 1977), Swords and Powers, Tim. The Anubis Gates
Deviltry (Gregg, 1977), Swords (Ace, 1984), On Stranger Tides (Ace, Scott, Melissa. Five-Twelfths of
Against Death (Gregg, 1977), Swords 1987), The Stress of Her Regard (Ace, Heaven (Baen, 1985), Silence in
in the Mist (Gregg, 1977), Swords 1989), The Drawing of the Dark Solitude (Baen, 1986), and The
Against Wizardry (Gregg, 1977), The (Ballantine, 1979), and Declare Empress of Earth (Baen, 1987).
Swords of Lankhmar (Gregg, 1977), (William Morrow, 2001).
and Swords and Ice Magic (Gregg, Smith, Thorne. Topper (McBride,
1977). Pratchett, Terry. The Discworld 1926) and The Night Life of the Gods
series: The Color of Magic (St. Martin’s, (Doubleday, 1931).
Lewis, C.S. Out of the Silent Planet 1983), The Light Fantastic (Dufour,
(Avon, 1949), Perelandra (Macmillan, 1986), Equal Rites (HarperTorch, Swann, Thomas Burnett.
1944), and That Hideous Strength 2000), Mort (HarperCollins, 2001); Wolfwinter (Ballantine, 1972).
(Macmillan, 1946). Sourcery (Orion, 1988), Wyrd Sisters
(Gollancz, 1988), Pyramids: The Book Swanwick, Michael. The Iron
Lovecraft, H.P. “The Dream-Quest of Going Forth (Gollancz, 1989), Dragon’s Daughter (Avon, 1994).
of Unknown Kadath,” in Beyond the Guards! Guards! (Gollancz, 1989),
Wall of Sleep (Arkham House, 1943). Moving Pictures (Gollancz, 1990), Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit (Hough-
Reaper Man (Gollancz, 1991), Witches ton Mifflin, 1938) and The Lord of the
MacAvoy, Roberta. The Grey Horse Abroad (Gollancz, 1991), Small Gods Rings (Houghton Mifflin, 1954).
(Bantam, 1987) and Tea with the Black (HarperCollins, 1992), Lords and
Dragon (Bantam, 1983). Ladies (HarperPrism, 1994), Men at Turtledove, Harry. The Case of the
Arms (HarperPrism, 1996), Soul Music Toxic Spell Dump (Baen, 1993) and
McKillip, Patricia. The Riddle- (HarperPrism, 1995), Feet of Clay Between the Rivers (Tor, 1998).
Master of Hed (Ballantine, 1977). (HarperPrism, 1996), Interesting Times
(HarperPrism, 1997), Maskerade (Har- Vance, Jack. Madouc (Ace, 1990),
Miéville, China. Perdido Street perPrism, 1997), Hogfather (Harper- Lyonesse (Berkley, 1983), The Green
Station (Del Rey, 2001) and The Scar Prism, 1999), Jingo (HarperPrism, Pearl (Berkley, 1986), The Dying Earth
(Ballantine, 2002). 1998), The Last Continent (Harper- (Underwood-Miller, 1994), The Eyes of
Prism, 1999), Carpe Jugulum (Harper- the Overworld (Underwood-Miller,
Moon, Elizabeth. Sheepfarmer’s Prism, 1999), The Fifth Elephant 1966), Cugel’s Saga (Underwood-
Daughter (Baen, 1988). (HarperCollins, 2000), The Truth Miller, 1983), and Rhialto the
(HarperCollins, 2000), Thief of Time Marvellous (Underwood-Miller, 1984).
Moorcock, Michael. Elric of (HarperCollins, 2001), The Last Hero
Melnibone (DAW, 1976), Sailor on the (HarperCollins, 2001), Night Watch White, T.H. The Once and Future
Seas of Fate (DAW, 1976), Weird of the (HarperCollins, 2000), and Monstrous King (Putnam, 1958).
White Wolf (DAW, 1977), The Regiment (HarperCollins, 2003).
Vanishing Tower (DAW, 1977), Bane of Williams, Walter Jon. Metropolitan
the Black Sword (DAW, 1977), and Rawn, Melanie. The Ruins of (HarperPrism, 1995) and City on Fire
Stormbringer (DAW, 1977). Ambrai (Daw, 1994), The Mageborn (HarperPrism, 1997).
Traitor (Daw, 1997), and The Captal’s
Moore, C.L. Jirel of Joiry (Ace, Tower (MacMillan, forthcoming). Williamson, Jack. Darker Than You
1996). Think (Fantasy Press, 1948).
Robinson, Kim Stanley. The Years
Murphy, Pat. Nadya: The Wolf of Rice and Salt (Bantam, 2002). Windling, Terri, and Sherman,
Chronicles (Tor, 1996). Delia. The Essential Bordertown (Tor,
Niven, Larry. The Magic Goes Away
(Ace, 1978). Zelazny, Roger. Nine Princes in
Amber (Doubleday, 1970), The Guns of
Nix, Garth. Sabriel (HarperCollins, Avalon (Doubleday, 1972), Sign of the
1995), Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr Unicorn (Doubleday, 1975), The Hand
(HarperCollins, 2001), and Abhorsen of Oberon (Doubleday, 1976), and The
(HarperCollins, 2003). Courts of Chaos (Doubleday, 1978).


The Adventures of Baron FILM Return to Oz (Walter Murch, 1985).
Munchausen (Terry Gilliam, 1988). The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad
The Last Unicorn (Jules Bass and (Nathan Juran, 1958).
Beauty and the Beast [La Belle et la Arthur Rankin, Jr., 1982). Animated. Shrek (Andrew Adamson and Vicky
Bête] (Jean Cocteau, 1946). Jenson, 2001).
The Matrix (Andy Wachowski and Siegfried [Siegfried, die Nibelungen]
Bell, Book, and Candle (Richard Larry Wachowski, 1999); The Matrix (Fritz Lang, 1924).
Quine, 1958). Reloaded (Andy Wachowski and Larry Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger
Wachowki, 2003); and The Matrix (Sam Wanamaker, 1977).
Big Trouble in Little China (John Revolutions (Andy Wachowski and Spirited Away (Hayao Miyazaki,
Carpenter, 1986). Larry Wachowski, 2003). 2001).
The Thief of Bagdad (Raoul Walsh,
Clash of the Titans (Desmond A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1924).
Davis, 1981). (Michael Hoffman, 1999). The Thief of Bagdad (Ludwig
Berger, Michael Powell, and Tim
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Monty Python and the Holy Grail Whelan, 1940).
[Wo Hu Cang Long] (Ang Lee, 2000). (Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, 1975). Time Bandits (Terry Gilliam, 1981).
Topper (Norman Z. McLeod, 1937).
The Fellowship of the Ring (Peter Photographing Fairies (Nick Wings of Desire [Der Himmel über
Jackson, 2001); The Two Towers (Peter Willing, 1997). Berlin] (Wim Wenders, 1987).
Jackson, 2002); The Return of the King The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming,
(Peter Jackson, 2003). The Princess Bride (Rob Reiner, 1939).
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad
(Gordon Hessler, 1973). Princess Mononoke [Mononoke
Hime] (Hayao Miyazaki, 1997).
Jabberwocky (Terry Gilliam, 1977). Animated.
Jason and the Argonauts (Don
Chaffey, 1963). Prospero’s Books (Peter Greenaway,

Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950).


Beauty and the Beast (1987-1990). The Heroic Legend of Arislan The Vision of Escaflowne [Tenkuu
Bewitched (1964-1972). [Arisuran no Senki] (1991). Animated. no Eskafuroone] (1996). Animated.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-
2003). NeverWhere (1996). Xena, Warrior Princess (1995-2001).
Fushigi Yugi (1995). Animated. Record of Lodoss War [Lodoss to Wyrd Sisters (1996) and Soul Music
Gormenghast (2000). Senki] (1990). Animated. (1996). Animated.
Slayers (1995). Animated.


Gaiman, Neil. The Books of Magic COMICS Smith, Jeff. Bone (Cartoon Books,
(DC, 1990-1991) and The Sandman 1991-2004).
(DC/Vertigo, 1988-1996). Nelson, Arvid. Rex Mundi (Image,
2003-2004). Wagner, Matt. Mage: The Hero
Holguin, Brian. Aria (Image, 2000- Discovered (Comico, 1984-1986).
2003). Pini, Wendy and Pini, Richard.
Elfquest (WaRP, Graphics 1981-1984). Wyman, Vicki. Xanadu. (MU 1993,
Moore, Alan. Promethea (America’s 1994).
Best Comics, 1999-2004). Sakai, Stan. Usagi Yojimbo
(multiple publishers, 1984-2004). 1993); James Palmer et al. focus on
Barker, M.A.R. Empire of the Petal fiefs and feudalism in Lordly
Throne (TSR, 1975). A new treatment GAMES Domains (Green Knight, 1999).
of the same setting is Tekumel
(Guardians of Order, 2004). Laws, Robin D. The Dying Earth Tweet, Jonathan, et al. Dungeons
Roleplaying Game (Pelgrane Press, & Dragons (Wizards of the Coast, 3rd
Brucato, Phil, et al. Mage: The 2001). ed. 2001, 3.5 ed. 2003). Among the
Ascension 2nd ed. (White Wolf, 1995). excellent supplements to Gygax and
Fantasy-relevant supplements to this Long, Steven S. Fantasy Hero Arneson’s classic fantasy RPG are Jeff
epic game of modern magic include (Hero Games, 2003). Grubb, et. al’s Manual of the Planes
Phil Brucato’s The Book of Crafts (1987, rev. ed. 2001) and Nigel Findley,
(White Wolf, 1996) and The Book of Pearcy, Derek. In Nomine (Steve et al.’s Draconomicon (1990).
Worlds (White Wolf, 1996), and Jackson Games, 1997). R. Sean Borg-
Dragons of the East (White Wolf, strom and David Edelstein’s Ethereal Tweet, Jonathan and Rein•Hagen,
2000) and Dead Magic (White Wolf, Player’s Guide (Steve Jackson Games, Mark. Ars Magica (Atlas Games,
2000), both developed by Jess Heinig. 2003) adds pagan gods and spirits to 1996). Adam Bank and Jeremiah
this religious fantasy. Genest’s The Mysteries (Atlas Games,
Brucato, Phil, et al. Mage: The 2000) adds historical mysticism to this
Sorcerers Crusade (White Wolf, Perrin, Steve, et al. RuneQuest 2nd evocative medieval fantasy.
1998). ed. (Chaosium, 1980). A new treat-
ment of the same setting is Robin D. Wujcik, Eric. Amber Diceless Role-
Crossby, N. Robin. Hârnworld Laws and Greg Stafford’s Hero Wars Playing (Phage Press, 1991).
(Columbia Games, 1990). (Issaries, 2000).
Yee, Suzy, and Browning, Joseph. A
Grabowski, Geoff, et al. Exalted Simbalist, Edward E., and Magical Medieval Society: Western
(White Wolf, 2001). Backhaus, Wilf. Chivalry & Sorcery Europe (Expeditious Retreat Press,
(Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1977). 2003).
Halliwell, Richard, et al. Warham- The 4th edition is supported by
mer Fantasy Role Play (Games Brittannia Game Designs, Ltd.
Workshop, 1986).
Stafford, Greg. King Arthur
Pendragon: Epic Roleplaying in
Legendary Britain 4th ed. (Chaosium,


Many of the supplements to the and demigods. Contains a variety of GURPS Magic Items 1, Magic
previous edition of GURPS contained alternate and modified magic systems. Items 2, and Magic Items 3.
fantasy material. Much of this is Treasuries of magical artifacts.
usable with any system, and most of GURPS Celtic Myth. Britain and
the rest can be adapted to GURPS Ireland, from prehistory up to the 5th GURPS Places of Mystery. Locales
Fourth Edition with ease. The follow- century, with special emphasis on with unusual histories, from all over
ing supplements are especially recom- folklore and myth. the world and every historical period.
mended as sources of inspiration:
GURPS Dragons. Dragons and GURPS Shapeshifters. Beings that
Discworld Roleplaying Game. other serpentine and reptilian races, can change form, from werewolves to
Stand-alone (“Powered by GURPS”) both as monsters and as civilized far-future constructs of liquid metal.
RPG based on the humorous fantasy beings. Includes Fourth Edition rules.
of Terry Pratchett. Released first as GURPS Spirits. Entities that
GURPS Discworld. Supported by GURPS Faerie. Dwellers “under embody abstract concepts such as
Discworld Also. the hill” and their cousins in folklore. “nature” and “divine will.”

GURPS Cabal. Horror-conspiracy GURPS In Nomine. Roleplay GURPS Technomancer. Alternate
setting in which the Earth – in fact, the agents of Heaven or Hell, or pagan Earth where magic awakens in 1945,
entire universe – is controlled by a gods and spirits with no ties to either changing the world.
secret alliance of powerful wizards side. A GURPS treatment of extreme-
ly powerful supernatural beings as GURPS Undead. The living dead –
player characters. ghosts, mummies, zombies, etc.



Absolute Direction advantage, Base and mission campaigns, Compulsive Behavior Duels, 11, 146, 180, 181, 187.
128. 15, 175. disadvantage, 219. Dungeons & Dragons, 7, 15,

Absurdist fantasy, 13. Battle wizards, 190; Battle Conan, 7. 63, 84, 174.
Accounting skill, 220. Wizard template, 118. Contacts advantage, 128. Dungeons, 100.
Acute Senses advantages, 128. Contagion, Law of, 19. Duration of magic, 154.
Adamant, 22, 40, 68, 192, 193. Beast races, 58. Corporeal Undead meta-traits, Dwarves, 41, 56, 58, 62;
Addiction disadvantage, 132. Beggar “job,” 139.
Advantages, 128-132, 219. Berdaches, 57. 133. template, 107.
Adventure seeds, 175-185, 231. Bibliography, 233-237; Correspondence magic, 160; Earth spells, 169.
Adventures, 174-194. Earthquakes, 86.
Afterworlds, 35, 37, 40; Roma Arcana, 232. see also Three Laws of Eidetic Memory advantage,
Biotech, 67. Magic.
see also Dead. Bird of Paradise, 47. Cosmic forces, 6. 128, 219.
Agrarian magic, 95. Birds, 47. Cost of living, 137. Elves, 56, 58, 62;
Agriculture, 70, 71, 93-94, Bless Plant spell, 172. Counting coup, 57.
Blessed advantage, 128. Courtesan template, 214. template, 108.
137. Blizzards, 87. Courtier job, 139. Empires, 73, 81, 95, 96;
Air spells, 168-169. Blood magic, 167. Courts, see Kings.
Air vehicles, 143. Bracing technique, 220. Craft and trade magic, 147, imperial capitals, 96.
Alchemy, 152, 156; internal, Brontes, 55. 162. Enchantment and
Brontophonos, 227. Criminology skill, 135.
156; making gold, 156; Burdigala, 224-231; arcani, Critical studies of fantasy, enchantment spells, 23-25,
skill, 18, 23. 233. 149.
All-heal, 22. 226; enemies, 227-231; Crossover campaigns, 9. Enclaves, 73.
Allies advantage, 128, 132. map, 225; schools, Cults, 205-206, 225. End of the world, 77.
Allure talent, 132. 225-226; temples and Cure Disease spell, 170. Engineer template, 215.
Alternate histories, 12, 41, 75, cults, 225. Current Affairs skill, 135. Enthrallment skill, 135.
78; see also Jumper. Cabal, 12, 196. Curses, 54, 182. Epidemics, 88; see also
Amphisbaena, 211. Caesarion, 200. Cyberpunk, 9, 13, 36, 67, 158, Disease.
Ancestor worship, 37, 90, 112, Camilla Rufa, 228. 166. Equipment, 140-145, 223.
202. Campaigns, 21, 29, 41, 174; Dark ages, 84. Espionage, 9, 177.
Angels, 31. character creation, 127; Dark fantasy, 7, 21, 46, 82. Evil, and good, 21;
Animals, 46, 105, 211-212; planning, 4; style, 16. 162, 179. evil gods, 32, 33.
animal languages, 47; King Cannibalism, 57. Dawn ages, 79. Exhaustion, 82.
of Beasts, 47; mythical Cannon, 144. Dead, the, 37-38, 40, 230; Exotic lands, 8.
beasts in combat, 193. Carnivorous plants, 47. thanatocracy, 69. Expert Skill skills, 135.
Animistic magic, 19. Castes, 73. Deadlands, 9. Faeries, 56, 132, 168;
Anthropophagy, 57. Castle Falkenstein, 9, 12. Death, see Dead. realms, 35; template, 108.
Ants, 48, 109. Castles, 100. Death-aspected mana, 44. Familiars, 26.
Appearance, 128. Catastrophes, 83. Decadence, 81, 96. Famines, 88.
Arc campaigns, 15. Cave-ins, 86. Deification, 38; see also Gods. Fantasy worlds, 10.
Arcani, 226. Caves, 42. Demons, 32, 36, 38, 148. Farmer job, 139.
Archer template, 114. Centaur template, 105. Dependency disadvantage, Fear spell, 171.
Archetypal realms, 36. Chaldea, 196. 132. Fetishes, 26, 128, 130.
Arctic, 42. Characters, 213-224. Deserts, 42. Fiction, 234-235.
Area campaigns, 15. Chariot Archery technique, Devilfish, 105; magic, 168; Films, 236.
Area Knowledge skill, 134. 136. template, 105. Fires, 88, 95.
Aristodoulos, 230. Charismatic rulers, 69. Devotion talent, 132. Fisherman job, 139.
Armies, see Warfare. Chi as magic, 157. Diamond, 22. Fixed magic, 161.
Armor, 97; Roman, 223. Chimera, 51-52. Dinosaurs, 195, 212, 227. Flight spell, 171.
Armorer job, 138. Chlodowic, 228. Diplomacy, 177. Floods, 87.
Artificer template, 114. Christian supernaturalism, 8. Disadvantages, 132-133, 219. Foci, 28.
Ascension, 38. Christianity, in Roma Arcana, Disease, 32, 88, 95; see also Folklore, 99, 233.
Aspected mana, 43. 211. Medicine. Food, 99, 137; spells, 169;
Aspidochelon, 211. Churches, 101, 102. Disturbances, 85-90. see also Agriculture.
Assassin template, 115. Cities, 94, 96, 138, 199; Divination, 150, 179, 203. Fools, 11, 70.
Astrological magic, 163. capital, 96. Divine punishments, 89. Forests, 42, 46; forest fires, 88.
Astrology, 210, 229. City-states, 80. Djinn, 25, 30, 61; djinn lamp, Formulaic magic, 148.
Atlantis, 23, 74, 77. Classics, 233. 25; template, 107. Fortresses, 191-192, 198;
Automata, 25, 66, 67. Clerical Investment, 148, 149. Dragons, 56, 61, 137, 176, 181; legionary, 198; Vauban
Bacchus, cult of, 205. Code of Honor disadvantage, blood, 22; template, 107. (star) fortresses, 191-192.
Bahjam, 226. 132, 219. Dread disadvantage, 133. Fortune-Telling skill, 135, 150,
Bandit template, 116. Combat Art and Sport skills, Dreaming skill, 204. 220.
Barbarian template, 116. 135. Dreamlands, 34. Fossils, 41, 46.
Bards and bardic gifts, 11, 79, Comic books, 8, 237. Droughts, 87. Frenzy talent, 205.
99, 152; bardic magic, 156; Common tongue, 14. Druids, 197, 208, 229; Future fantasy, 10.
Bard talent, 132; Bard Communication and Empathy and satire, 209. Games skills, 135.
template, 117. spells, 169. Drunkenness talent, 205. Games, 237.
Barmaid job, 138. Communism, 70. Dryads, 45, 49, 101, 133. Garumna, 230.
Complex Illusion spell, 170. Geneaologies, 90.
Genres, 6-9.
Germanic tribes, 196.


Ghosts, 37, 38, 40, 90, 197; Independent Income 163; craft, 147, 162; Meta-Spells, 170-171.
lens, 113. advantage, 140. devilfish, 168; duration, Meta-traits, 133-134.
154; fixed, 161; formulaic, Mind Control spells, 171.
Ghouls, 58; template, 108. Industrial magic, 67. 148; industrial, 67; Mind-Sending spell, 169.
Giants, 50, 51. Infestations, 88. intrinsic, 18; herbal, 158; Miracles, 151.
Gladiator template, 215. Infinite Worlds, 195. high, 151; historical beliefs, Mistletoe, 22.
Glamour, 69, 168, see also Infinity Patrol, 196, 217. 151; laws of magic, 19; Mithraea, 199, 206-207.
Information, 99. low, 147; meditative, 151, Mithril, 65.
Illusion. Inns, 98. 161; modular, 162; power Modular Abilities advantage,
Gliders, 104. Insects, 48, 53, 109. levels, 153; psionics as,
Glorantha, 12. Insubstantiality advantage, 158; range, 154; 130.
Gods, 6, 30, 31, 40, 45, 57, 96, ritualization, 155, 158; Modular magic, 162.
128. sacrificial, 165; schools, Moly, 23, 48.
101, 102, 148, 151, 164, Internal alchemy, 156. 102, 183; shapeshifting as, Money, 137, 221; see also Loot.
201, 209; divine Intrinsic magic, 18. 159; single-spell, 148; skill Monsters, 49-52, 89, 197.
punishments, 89; evil gods, Investigations, 179. levels, 153; speed, 154; Moral attributes, 46.
32, 33; offspring of gods, Invisibility advantage, 129; superpowers as, 159; Motifs, 11, 14.
32, 55; theophagy, 57. systems, 155; talents as, Mountain ants, 48.
Gold, 137, 156, 221. spell, 170. 159; theistic, 19; and Mountains, 42.
Golems, 25, 26, 53, 72. 131. Isis, 207. technology, 64-67; trance, Movement spells, 171.
Good and evil, 21, 58, 194. Isolates, 93. 151; and warfare, 190-194; Multiple magic systems, 172.
Goodwife talent, 132. Jobs, 138-139. see also Alchemy, Myrmidons, 109.
Governments, 69-70, 95. Jumper advantage, 129. Enchantment, Runes. Mysteries, 179, 181-182.
Grace talent, 205. Jungles, 42. Magical, afflictions, 133; Mystery cults, 205-206.
Gryphons, 173. Kabbalah, 27, 157-158, 161. attributes, 18, 21; beings, Mythic time, 75-76.
Guilds, 72, 94, 130. King of Beasts, 47. 29; correspondences, 19, Mythology, 6, 46, 77, 233.
GURPS Third Edition, 237. Kings, 68, 70, 90, 95, 100, 21; disasters, 89; energy, Named objects, 26, 132, 164.
Half-breeds, 32, 58. see Mana; items, 131; Named Possessions perk, 132.
Halflings, 61; template, 109. 137; The King’s Two Bodies landscapes, 41; networks, Names, Law of, 19.
Half-mortals, 32. advantage, 128; True King 45; objects, 22-29; realms, Naming magical arts, 150.
Hang from Saddle technique, template, 125. 34-36; technology, 64-67; Natural disasters, 86-87.
136. Knight template, 121. see also Enchantment. Natural laws, 65.
Hazardous Materials skill, Lackey job, 139. Magistrate template, 216. New beginnings, 85.
135. Landslides, 86. Magivores, 48. Night Vision advantage, 130;
Head of Orpheus, 28. Languages, 64; animal, 47.
Heal Plant spell, 171. Larvae, 213. Mana, 18, 21, 30, 44, 67, 71, spell, 170.
Healers and healing, 11, 98, Law of Similarity, 44. 132; mana basins, 43; No-Hands Riding technique,
176; spells, 169-170. Laws of magic, 19, 154, 163. mana levels, 29, 101;
Heaven, 35, 76, 176. Laws, 72, 74, 85, 93, 100, 216. mana organs, 22, 48. 136.
Hedge wizards, 102, 103; Legends, 46; see also Nonhumans, 14, 56, 230; see
template, 119. Mythology. Manorialism and manors, 93.
Hell, 36, 134, 175, 176, 182, Legionary template, 216. Manticores, 48, 177. also Races.
202. Legions, Roman, 198, 200. Maps, 41, 42, 91, 92; Nymphs, 45, 132, 202, 213,
Herb Lore skill, 18. Lenses, 163.
Herbal magic, 158. Levitation spell, 171. creating, 41. 230.
Herecine, 47. Ley lines, 44-45. Marine talent, 132. Oaths, 70, 147, 179.
Hide spell, 170. Libraries, 99. Market villages, 93-94. Occupational templates, 114,
High fantasy, 6, 46, 79. Lich template, 113. Martial arts, 8.
High magic, 151. Light and Darkness spells, Master Builder talent, 132. 214-219.
Hippocampus, 211. 170. Mathematics skill, 220. Oceans, 42.
History, 90; historical beliefs Light fantasy, 7, 46. Matriarchy, 70. Omens, 150.
about magic, 151; Lighten Burden spell, 171. Matrilineality, 57. Orcs, 56, 58, 62, 177;
historical settings, 10. Lilith, 54, 132, 164. Medicine, see Healers and
Holy Man template, 120. Limes, 196, 198, 204. template, 110.
Holy places, 101-102; Linguistics skill, 135. Healing. Orichalcum, 23.
see also Sanctity. Loot, 91, 137, 140, 174, 189. Meditative magic, 151, 161. Orpheus, head of, 28.
Horror, 8. Lord of the Rings, see Megalogryphontes, 195, 212, Outlaws, 14.
Horses, 105, 132, 225; J.R.R. Tolkien. Oz, 10, 42, 43, 44, 46, 70.
superior horse, 105. Low fantasy, 6. 227. Panthers (mythical), 49.
Hunting, 176. Low magic, 147. Mercenary job, 139. Paranormal romance, 8.
Hurricanes, 87. Lycanthropes, 49, 59, 60. 111, Merchant template, 121. Parliament of Fowls, 47.
Hybrids, 51, 67; see also 131, 133, 180, 196, 208; Parthian Empire, 196.
Half-Breeds. Werewolf template, 111. Patron advantage, 130.
Identify Plant spell, 171. Maenads, 205. Peasant Adventurer
Illuminated fantasy, 13. Magery, 18, 67, 129, 130;
Illuminati, 70. frequency, 103; racial, 165, template, 122.
Illusion Disguise spell, 170. 167-168; special types of Peregrin template, 217.
Illusion Shell spell, 170. magery, 129. Perks, 132.
Illusion spells, 170. Mages in Black, 20. Persian Empire, 9.
Illusions, 20, 108, 185; Magic, 17; agrarian, 95; Petards, 143.
see also Glamour. alchemy as, 156; Pharmacy skill, 135.
Imp template, 109. alternative and multiple Philosopher template, 218.
Impossible environments, 42, systems, 155-168, 172; Philosophy, 210.
68. animistic, 19; astrological, Plagues, 88.
Income, 138. 163; bardic, 156; chi as, Plains, 42.
157; correspondence, 160, Planes, other, 12.
Planetary spirits, 45.
Planets, 10, 39-40.
Plant spells, 171.
Plants, 46; carnivorous, 47.


Pocket universes, 36. Runes and runic Space fantasy, see Planets. Theistic magic, 19.
Point campaigns, 15, 175. enchantment, 25, 68, 163. Spear of Longinus, 28. Theocracy, 69.
Point costs, 18. Speed of magic, 154. Theophagy, 57.
Police procedurals, 9, 81, 180. Sacred places, 149; see also Spell creation, 167. Thieves, 177; template, 124.
Portal fantasy, 13. Sanctity. Spellcaster template, 124. Thrown Weapon skills, 136.
Possessed creatures, 52. Spies, 177. Thunderstones, 28, 55.
Postumus, 200. Sacrifices, 7, 31, 62, 165, 201, Spirits, 25, 30-33, 44, 101, Time, spirits of, 78.
Potlatch, 57. 202; sacrificial magic, 165. Tolkien, J.R.R., 10, 12, 16, 58,
Power levels, 153. 128, 130, 132, 148, 164;
Power sources, 65. Sage talent, 132. ancestral, 112, 197, 201; 63, 64, 65, 68, 77, 125.
Prayer, 148, 149, 167, 202, 203. Sanctity, 101-102, 148, 149, of place, 45; planetary, 45; Tornadoes, 87.
Prices, see Money. of time, 78; traits, 134; Towns, 94; see also Cities,
Priests, 152; Priest job, 139. 198, 204. spirit worlds, 35.
Printing press, 100. Sandstorms, 87. Status, 137, 221. Villages.
Projection advantage, 128. Satyrs, 212. Steampunk, 9, 65. Trade and craft magic, 162.
Prophecy, 75, 150. Savoir-Faire skill, 135. Stop Bleeding spell, 169. Trance magic, 151.
Psionics, 20; as magic, 158. Scholar template, 123. Striges, 212. Transportation, 98.
Purify Earth spell, 169. Schools, 225; of magic, 102, Subjective magic, 19. Triceratops, 195, 212, 227.
Purse cutting technique, 136. Subplots, 185. Trickster gods, 46, 152.
Pyramid Magazine, 4. 183. Superheroes, 49; superheroic Troll template, 110.
Quick March spell, 171. Science fiction, 40, 75, 78; adventures, 8; superpowers True Faith, 148.
Races, 56, 58; accursed, 59; as magic, 159. True King template, 125.
see also Planets. Superior Horse template, 105. True names, 7, 14, 164, 177.
beast races, 58; insect Science, 20, 100. Supernatural horror, see Tsunamis, 87.
races (wugs), 59; Scope, 15-16. Horror. Undead, 133; templates,
player-designed, 113. Scribes, 99. Supernatural, 17, see also
Racial magery, 165, 167-168. Scryguard spell, 170. Magic. 112-113; see also Vampires,
Racial templates, 105. Security Clearance advantage, Superpowers, see Superheroes. The Dead.
Rain spell, 168. Surgeon template, 219. Unicorns, 49.
Range of magic, 154. 130. Swamps, 42. Unique beings, 61; see also
Rank advantage, 130. See Invisible advantage, 131. Swarms, 53. Monsters.
Rapier Wit advantage, 130, Seek Plant spell, 171. Swashbuckling, 9. Valerian, 201.
209. Selkies, 59, 61; template, 110. Sword and sorcery, 7, 82, 176. Vampires, 38, 56, 59, 60,
Rats, 53, 180. Sense of Duty disadvantage, Symbol Drawing skill, 220. 62-63, 90, 132, 133, 164,
Realism, 16. Symbols, see Runes. 167; template, 111.
Reciprocity, 57. 133. Syntactic magic, 163. Vaulting technique, 220.
Reincarnation, 37. Services, 97. Systems of magic, 155. Vehicles, 141-145;
Relics, 26, 91; relic fantasy, 13. Settings, 10-13. Talent advantage, 132. enchanted, 26.
Religions, 37-38, 72, 90, 167; Shadow Form advantage, 131. Talents as magic, 160. Vermin, 133.
Roman, 201. Shadowrun, 7, 9. Tattoos, 166. Village Sage template, 125.
Resurrection, 37. Shamanism, 149, 152, 209. Tavernkeeper job, 139. Villages, 93-94.
Retrotech, 9. Shape Stone spell, 169. Taverns, 14, 98. Visions, 14.
Revenants, 38. Shapeshifting advantage, 131; Techniques, 136. Volcanoes, 88, 101.
Reversal of customs, 70. Technology, 64-67. Wainscot fantasy, 13.
Riddles, 14. as magic, 159; see also Tekumel, 64. Walk Through Earth spell,
Riding skill, 135, 136; Lycanthropy. Teleport spell, 171. 169.
techniques, 136, 220. Shapur, 200. Television, 236. Wands, 26.
Ritual magic, 158; Sharp Turn technique, 136. Wardancer template, 126.
ritualization of magic, 155. Ships, 142-145. Templates, occupational, 114; Warfare, 89, 176, 186-194;
Roma Arcana, 195-232; Shoot Backward technique, racial, 105. war in heaven, 76, 178;
adventure seeds, 231; 136. war stories, 9.
bestiary, 211-212; Shoot Over Mount technique, Temples, 101, 102, 225. Wealth, 137, 221; see also Loot.
bibliography, 232; 136. Temporary Enchantment Weapon Bond perk, 132.
and Christianity, 211; Shore leave adventures, Weapons, 97, 223.
characters, 213-224; 184-185. spell, 23. Wendigo, 52.
equipment, 223; ethnic Sickness, see Disease. Temporary settlements, 95. Werewolves, see Lycanthropy;
traits, 213; glossary, 232; Sieges, 188, 189; Teratocracy, 69. Werewolf template, 112.
in the multiverse, 196; see also Fortresses. Test Food spell, 169. Westerns, 9.
monsters, 197; Signature Gear advantage, Testudo technique, 220. Whirlpools, 87.
occupational templates, 131, 132. Thanatocracy, 69. Wight template, 113.
214-219; prayer, 203; rank, Silence spell, 172. Thaumatocracy, 69. Wildness talent, 205.
222; religions and cults, Silver, 137, 221. Thaumatology, 151, 153, 167. Wizard of Oz, see Oz.
201-206; skin-turners, 208; Similarity, Law of, 19. Thaumaturgy, 151. Wizard templates, 118, 119,
sorcery, 207-208; spirits, Simple Illusion spell, 170. The Dying Earth, 11, 162. 123.
197; status, 221; wealth, Single-Minded advantage, The King’s Two Bodies Wolf, giant, 231.
221; weapons, 223. 132. Women warriors, 14, 70.
Roman Empire, fall of, 83; Single-spell magic, 148. advantage, 128. World War II, 194.
map, 199; Roma Arcana, Skeletons, 113. Worlds, 10, 39-40.
195-232. Skills, 134-136; and Size Wugs, 59, 133.
Romance, 8. Modifiers, 137; levels, 153. Zeitgeists, 78.
Rukhs, 50. Skin-turners, see Zenobia, 201.
Rulers, see Governments, Lycanthropes. Zombies, 38.
Kings. Slaves, 73, 93. Zoroastrianism, 9, 21, 81,
Slayer template, 123. 196, 201, 226, 227.
Smith job, 139.
Social Stigma disadvantage,
133, 219.
Soothsaying, 150.
Sorcery, 151, 207; sorcerer
template, 218.
Sound spells, 172.


From ancient myths to popular films, tales of heroes
and magic have captured the imagination. Now GURPS
Fantasy offers roleplayers a comprehensive guide to the
entire fantasy genre. Building on the flexible, streamlined
Fourth Edition rules, it lets you develop a campaign to
explore the world of your favorite book or film – or create
a new one from your own dreams. The main emphasis is
on historical fantasy, in settings from the Bronze Age to the
Renaissance, but the principles apply to any fantasy setting,
from the prehistoric past to the remote future.

But there’s more here than theoretical guidelines and toolkits.
You’ll find examples of imaginary plants and animals, unique
monsters, nonhuman races, occupations, spells, and enchanted
objects, ready to use in your own campaign – or to use as models
for inventing your own.

A complete campaign setting, Roma Arcana, is ready to use in your own
game. It can stand on its own, or fit into the Infinite Worlds background
from GURPS Fourth Edition. Send a band of adventurers on impossible
missions in a magical Roman Empire, as they struggle to win honor and
hold back the darkness.

You’ll find help in running your campaign here, in Roma Arcana or any
other setting: advice on creating balanced parties, devising scenarios to
challenge them, and using the game rules to achieve dramatic effects.

Take the most flexible, most consistent RPG system there is, and
use it to run the campaign you dream of.

GURPS Fantasy requires the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition.
The information and ideas here will work with any fantasy game.

By William H. Stoddard Edited by Andrew Hackard and Jeff Rose

Cover Art by Denis Loubet, Pat Morrissey, Bob Stevlic, and John Zeleznik

Illustrated by Abrar Ajmal, Alex Fernandez, Denis Loubet, Bob Stevlic,
Eva Widermann, and Eric Wilkerson


ISBN 1-55634-519-4


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