Lvl Ritual Nature
You bind a door so that intruders can’t easily pass. The door Arcana
is limned with amber light, which fades to a soft glow, mark- 1 Animal Messenger Heal
ing it as impassible to anyone other than you and your allies. 1 Comprehend Language Arcana
1 Gentle Repose Arcana
Level: 4 Component Cost: 25 gp 1 Magic Mouth Arcana
Category: Warding Market Price: 150 gp 1 Make Whole Arcana
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana 1 Secret Page Arcana
Duration: Permanent 1 Silence Arcana or Nature
1 Tenser’s Floating Disk Arcana
You lock a door, a window, a gate, a portcullis, or some other 2 Endure Elements Nature
means of ingress. You can open the door normally, but those 2 Eye of Alarm Arcana
who don’t have your permission to use it find it locked. 2 Water Walk Arcana
3 Detect Secret Doors Arcana
Your Arcana check, with a +5 bonus, sets the DC for 4 Arcane Lock Religion
Thievery checks or Strength checks made to open the 4 Enchant Magic Item Arcana
door. 4 Hand of Fate Nature
4 Knock Arcana or Religion
When you perform the ritual, you can allow for certain 4 Travelers’ Feast Arcana
other creatures or types of creatures to pass through the 5 Brew Potion Arcana
door normally, ignoring the ward’s effect. You can choose 5 Hallucinatory Item Nature
any or all (or none) of the following options: 5 Magic Circle Heal
6 Commune with Nature Religion
Password: You can set a verbal password. If uttered 6 Cure Disease Arcana
within 5 squares of the portal, the speaker can ignore the 6 Discern Lies Arcana
ward for the next minute. 6 Disenchant Magic Item Arcana
6 Leomund’s Secret Chest Arcana
Individuals: You can designate up to ten other specific 6 Phantom Steed Religion
individuals who can ignore the ward at all times. 6 Sending Arcana
6 Speak with Dead Heal
Descriptions: You can describe one or more categories 8 Linked Portal Heal
of creatures who can ignore the ward at all times, using 8 Raise Dead Arcana or Nature
specific, observable characteristics such as species, type, 8 Remove Affliction Arcana
size, or equipment carried or worn. 8 Water Breathing Religion
8 Wizard’s Sight Arcana
The Arcane Lock remains until you dismiss it, the door 10 Consult Mystic Sages Arcana
is destroyed, or until the ward is defeated, such as by the 10 Detect Object Arcana
Knock ritual or a successful Strength or Thievery check. 12 Drawmij’s Instant Summons Arcana
Wherever you are, you instantly know if your Arcane Lock 12 Hallucinatory Creature Arcana
is defeated by one of these methods. 12 Passwall Arcana
12 Shadow Walk Arcana
Brew Potion 14 Eye of Warning Religion
14 View Location Arcana
Liquids brew and bubble, coalescing the raw substance of 16 Consult Oracle Arcana
magic into a form you can drink. 18 Planar Portal Arcana
18 View Object Religion
Level: 5 Component Cost: Special 20 Forbiddance Arcana
Category: Creation Market Price: 75 gp 22 Loremaster’s Bargain Religion
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana or Religion 24 Observe Creature Arcana
Duration: Permanent until (no check) 26 Voice of Fate
consumed 28 True Portal
You create a potion or an elixir (see page 255) of your level
or lower. The ritual’s component cost is equal to the price
of the potion or the elixir you create.
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
Commune with Nature Consult Mystic Sages
By communing with the spirits of the land, you know exactly You enter a trance in which you commune with the spirits
where to find food, shelter, or a clue to the location of the of long-dead sages and otherworldly loremasters, seeking
thing you seek. answers to your esoteric questions.
Level: 6 Component Cost: 140 gp Level: 10 Component Cost: 400 gp
Category: Divination Market Price: 360 gp Category: Divination Market Price: 1,000 gp
Time: 30 minutes Key Skill: Nature Time: 30 minutes Key Skill: Religion
Duration: 10 minutes Duration: 10 minutes
By communing with primal spirits of nature, you can learn You ask a single question of mysterious, extraplanar pres-
a number of facts about your immediate environs (within 1 ences about matters beyond your ken. Make a Religion
mile of you). check with a +10 bonus instead of an Arcana or a History
check to uncover a clue, remember a bit of lore, or other-
You can ask a number of questions, based on the result wise gain information about the world around you.
of your Nature check, about the terrain features, plants,
minerals, bodies of water, creatures, and other aspects of The ritual grants you a single piece of information. That
your surroundings. information can take the form of a word, a name, a phrase,
or even a brief story, depending on what exactly you’re
Nature Check Result Number of Questions looking for. You can learn the name of the usurper who
9 or lower One ended the Katerran Dynasty a thousand years ago, the
10–19 Two burial rites of the Crimson Wolf clan, or the weaknesses of
20–29 Three the shadow assassins who have been dogging your steps.
30–39 Four
40 or higher Five The ritual can’t uncover information beyond the ken of
the most learned sages. It’s of no use if you’re trying to find
The primal spirits you communicate with are honest but the magic word that unlocks the vampire’s crypt, because
sometimes can be elusive. Most questions are answered only the vampire knows the word. Nor can the ritual tell
with a yes or a no. Rarely do the spirits elaborate further, you definitively where great stores of treasure are, but the
and when they do, their response is cryptic. mystic sages could tell you where a specific empress kept
her treasury in ancient times or whether the treasure was
looted when her empire fell.
Comprehend Language Consult Oracle
As you finish the ritual, the guttural language of the crea- A ghostly, shrouded figure with glowing eyes appears before
tures before you clarifies into something you understand. you, offering brief, cryptic answers to your questions.
Level: 1 Component Cost: 10 gp Level: 16 Component Cost: 3,600 gp
Category: Exploration Market Price: 50 gp Category: Divination Market Price: 9,000 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Religion
Duration: 24 hours Duration: 10 minutes
When beginning the ritual, choose a language you have You coax forth an oracular spirit from the space between
heard or a piece of writing you have seen within the past the planes. Oracles have no tangible presence and no
24 hours. agendas; they exist only to observe events. This makes
them unparalleled sources of information because they
Using this ritual on a language you have heard allows have the potential to have seen and heard everything, even
you to understand it when spoken for the next 24 hours information otherwise known to only one creature.
and, if your Arcana check result is 35 or higher, to speak
the language fluently for the duration. Make a Religion check to determine how many ques-
tions you can ask an oracle before it vanishes.
Using this ritual on a language you have seen as a piece
of writing allows you to read the language for the next 24 Religion Check Result Number of Questions
hours and, if your Arcana check result is 35 or higher, to 9 or lower One
write the language in its native script or in any other script 10–19 Two
you know for the duration. 20–29 Three
30–39 Four
Using this ritual on a language you have both heard and 40 or higher Five
seen as a piece of writing within the past 24 hours allows
you to understand it in both forms for the next 24 hours,
and an Arcana check result of 35 or higher allows you to
speak and write the language.
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
Each question is answered immediately, so you know the Detect Object RITUAL DESCRIPTIONS
answer to one question before asking the next. You must
phrase your question so that the oracle can answer it with Lifting your finger, you point confidently at a blank stone
a single word or a brief phrase. For the oracle to know the wall. Twenty feet past it, you can sense the prince’s stolen
answer to a question, the answer must be known to at scepter.
least one creature, even if that creature is no longer alive.
The oracle has no foreknowledge and only a limited abil- Level: 10 Component Cost: 400 gp
ity to judge what it sees. The oracle can tell you the order Category: Exploration Market Price: 1,000 gp
in which to activate the glyphs in front of the Gate of the Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
Black Drake, but it can’t answer the question “Will we do Duration: 5 minutes
well if we venture through the gate?”
Name an object. For the duration of the ritual’s effect,
Ten minutes after you finish performing the ritual, you can detect the direction and distance to the nearest
the oracle leaves, even if you have unasked questions example of that object, as long as one is within the range
remaining. defined by your Arcana check result. When attempting to
locate a specific object, apply the modifiers below.
Cure Disease
Specific Object Is . . . Modifier
Even the most horrid affliction disappears in response to Very familiar to you 0
your healing touch. Seen once by you –5
Described to you
Level: 6 Component Cost: 150 gp –10
Category: Restoration Market Price: 360 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Heal Arcana Check Result Range
Duration: Instantaneous 9 or lower 5 squares
10–19 10 squares
The Cure Disease ritual wipes away a single disease 20–29 30 squares
afflicting the subject, whether the disease is active or still 30–39 60 squares
incubating. The subject is completely cured and loses any 40 or higher 100 squares
negative side effects and symptoms of the disease.
Detect Secret Doors
This ritual is physically taxing to the recipient; if used
on an injured character, it can even kill him or her. Upon With a smile and a wink, you show Soveliss the outline of the
completing this ritual, make a Heal check, using the level of trapdoor he missed.
the disease as a penalty to this check. The result indicates
the amount of damage the character takes. Assuming the Level: 3 Component Cost: 25 gp
character survives, this damage can be healed normally. Category: Exploration Market Price: 125 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
Heal Check Duration: Instantaneous
Result Effect on Target
0 or lower Make an Arcana check. Use the result as a bonus to a Per-
1–9 Death ception check you immediately make to find any secret
Damage equal to the target’s maximum hit or hidden doors in your line of sight. If anyone aided you
10–19 points while performing this ritual, they can’t help you make the
Damage equal to one-half of the target’s resulting Perception check.
20–29 maximum hit points
Damage equal to one-quarter of the Discern Lies
30 or higher target’s maximum hit points
No damage His lies quiver through the ether like water thrown on a hot
griddle. The suspect doesn’t even know he’s giving off this
If you know that your subject is suffering from multiple signal, but to you it’s clear as day.
diseases, you must choose which one this ritual will cure.
Otherwise, the ritual affects whichever single disease you Level: 6 Component Cost: 140 gp
knew about. You learn the disease level when you begin Category: Divination Market Price: 360 gp
the ritual, and at that point you can choose not to con- Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Religion
tinue, without expending any components. Duration: 5 minutes
Make a Religion check. Use the result as a bonus to your
Insight checks to discern any untruths spoken in your
presence during the duration. If anyone aided you while
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
performing this ritual, they can’t help you make the result- Endure Elements
ing Insight checks.
Neither the biting cold nor the searing heat troubles you any-
Disenchant Magic Item more. You travel in arctic or desert wastes as comfortably as
in temperate climes.
The item ignites in a brief flash of brilliant light, then crum-
bles to golden dust in your hands. Level: 2 Component Cost: 20 gp
Category: Exploration Market Price: 100 gp
Level: 6 Component Cost: 25 gp Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana or Nature
Category: Creation Market Price: 360 gp Duration: 24 hours (no check)
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Duration: Instantaneous The Endure Elements ritual lets you designate up to five
ritual participants, including yourself, who ignore penalties
When you finish performing this ritual, you touch a magic associated with extremes of nonmagical weather.
item and destroy it, turning it into a quantity of residuum
valued at one-fifth of the item’s price. The item must be An affected creature suffers no ill effects from ambient
your level or lower and must be something that can be cre- temperatures between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit,
ated using the Enchant Magic Item ritual. and the creature’s equipment is likewise protected from
the ravages of these temperatures and of precipitation.
Drawmij’s Instant Eye of Alarm
Summons You conjure forth a phantasmal sentry—a slender pillar
6 feet tall, topped with a floating, unblinking eye. The eye
You snap your fingers, and a sword appears in your hand. watches over your camp as you sleep and cries out an alert if
The dragon’s nostrils flare in irritation as it realizes you’re danger approaches.
now armed with a vorpal blade.
Level: 12 Component Cost: 500 gp Level: 2 Component Cost: 25 gp
Category: Travel Market Price: 2,600 gp
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana (no check) Category: Warding Market Price: 100 gp
Duration: Until discharged
Time: 30 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: 24 hours (special)
Use this ritual to attune one weapon, implement, or shield This ritual creates watchful eyes that you place in any
to yourself. At any time in the future, you can summon square within 10 squares of where you perform the ritual.
that object to your hands as a minor action, at which time Each eye is located in a particular square; it is intangible
the ritual is discharged. Through this ritual, you can have and can’t be interacted with physically. The eyes are nearly
only one weapon, implement, or shield attuned to you at invisible and have a Stealth check result of 20 + your level
a time. to avoid detection.
Enchant Magic Item Your Arcana check determines how many eyes you
can place and what type of vision or sensory ability they
Magic drawn from the warp and weft of the universe infuses possess.
the item you hold in your hands.
Arcana Eyes
Level: 4 Component Cost: Special Check Result Created Vision or Ability
Category: Creation Market Price: 175 gp Normal
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana (no check) 19 or lower One Darkvision
Duration: Permanent 20–39 Three Darkvision and
40 or higher Five tremorsense 12 squares
You touch a normal item and turn it into a magic item of The eyes do not hear, but they see well. Each uses your
your level or lower. The ritual’s component cost is equal to Perception modifier, with a +5 bonus.
the price of the magic item you create.
If an eye sees an intruder, it emits a loud warning sound
You can also use this ritual to resize magic armor (for defined by you during the ritual. This sound could be any-
example, shrink a fire giant’s magic armor to fit a halfling). thing from a stentorian “Enemies approach!” to an owl’s
There is no component cost for this use. screech to a fanfare of trumpets. The Perception DC to
hear the eye’s sound is 0 (modified by distance as normal).
The eyes never consider you an intruder. In addition,
you can designate any number of other ritual participants
as nonintruders. When you perform the ritual, you can
also designate one or more categories of creatures that the
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
eyes will ignore. You can define these categories by obvi- Arcana Check Result Warded Area RITUAL DESCRIPTIONS
ous physical characteristics (such as height, weight, or body 9 or lower Burst 1
shape), creature type (such as humanoid), creature race 10–19 Burst 3
(such as hill giant), or obvious equipment (such as a creature 20–29 Burst 5
carrying a shield with a flame emblazoned upon it). 30–39 Burst 8
40 or higher Burst 12
The ritual’s effects last for 24 hours or until you move
more than 20 squares from all the eyes. The warding effect lasts for 24 hours, but the ritual caster
(not any assistants) can extend this duration by expend-
Optional Focus: You can extend the duration of this ing a healing surge every 24 hours to sustain it. The caster
ritual indefinitely by using a focus of a small, jeweled eye does not need to be in the same area or even on the same
made of silver and ruby, worth 100 gp. The ritual’s effects plane to sustain the effect. If the ritual’s effect is sustained
last as long as the focus remains within 20 squares of any without interruption for a year and a day, the effect
of the eyes. You can hide or protect the ritual’s focus in becomes permanent.
any way you like, as long as it remains within 20 squares of
the eyes.
Eye of Warning Gentle Repose
You conjure forth a phantasmal sentry—a slender pillar 6 Your practiced hands perform the ritual fast enough to pre-
feet tall, topped with a floating, unblinking eye. The eye pro- serve the body for a later casting of Raise Dead.
tects you from your enemies’ efforts to scry on you, watches
over your camp, and cries out an alert if danger approaches. Level: 1 Component Cost: 10 gp
Category: Restoration Market Price: 50 gp
Level: 14 Component Cost: 800 gp Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Heal (no check)
Duration: Special
Category: Warding Market Price: 4,200 gp
Time: 30 minutes Key Skill: Arcana This ritual is performed on an adjacent corpse. It quintu-
ples the time the corpse can lie dead and still be affected
Duration: 24 hours (special) by Raise Dead or a similar ritual. Gentle Repose also pro-
tects the corpse from being raised as an undead creature
This ritual works the same as Eye of Alarm. for 150 days.
In addition, an eye of warning automatically detects any
Hallucinatory Creature
scrying sensor that appears or moves within 10 squares
of it, treating the sensor as an intruder. Furthermore, the A few words of description, some arcane gestures, and a
eye destroys the sensor immediately after warning you fearsome image appears before you.
unless the creator of the scrying sensor succeeds on an
Arcana check (DC 20 + your level). Wherever you are, you Level: 12 Component Cost: 500 gp
instantly know if the eye encounters a sensor. Each round Type: Deception Market Price: 2,600 gp
the sensor remains within 10 squares of an eye, the eye Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
attempts to destroy it again. Duration: 24 hours
Optional Focus: As with the Eye of Alarm ritual, You create the illusion of a single creature, of any size from
you can extend the duration of this ritual indefinitely by Small to Large. It looks and smells like the creature in ques-
keeping a focus in the vicinity. This ritual focus is a small, tion. If the creature can speak or emit sounds, the illusion
jeweled eye made of gold and ruby, worth 1,600 gp. can do so as well, but on a limited basis (subject to the
DM’s judgment)—it’s not possible, for instance, for the illu-
Forbiddance sion to engage in an extended conversation.
A powerful invisible ward protects you from your enemies’ You can give the illusion simple instructions, such as
efforts to magically spy on you and from enemies who try to having it wander a set area, appear to chew on local plants,
teleport into your presence. and the like. Your Arcana check determines the number of
actions you can instruct the illusion to take.
Level: 20 Component Cost: 5,000
Category: Warding gp, plus 5 healing surges
Time: 30 minutes Market Price: 25,000 gp
Duration: 24 hours (special) Key Skill: Arcana Arcana Check Result Actions
19 or lower 1 minor, 1 move
No scrying sensor can enter the area of Forbiddance and 20–29 1 minor, 1 move, 1 standard
no creature can teleport into it, unless the sensor or the 30–39 2 minor, 2 move, 1 standard
creature is higher level than the ritual caster who per- 40 or higher 2 minor, 2 move, 2 standard
formed the ritual.
Your Arcana check determines the size of the warded
area, which is a burst (see “Areas of Effect,” page 272).
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
The illusion can perform these actions in a specific Hand of Fate
sequence, such as moving, taking a standard action, and
then moving again, either in an endless loop or starting in A ghostly apparition appears to give you basic guidance
response to a specific trigger, such as a door opening. about a course of action.
You can also match each action to a specific trigger. An Level: 4 Component Cost: 70 gp
illusion might move when a creature moves next to it or Category: Divination Market Price: 175 gp
cower and scream when it is attacked. Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Religion (no
Duration: 10 minutes check)
Creatures that view or interact with the illusion are
entitled to Insight checks to detect the fact that it is false. When you perform the ritual, ask up to three questions
This check’s DC equals your Arcana check result. A crea- about possible courses of action. A translucent blue hand
ture is allowed a check the first time it sees the illusion and appears and indicates with a gesture what the most
each time it interacts with it. A creature that touches an rewarding course of action is.
illusion automatically determines that the image is a fake.
If you describe courses of action that refer to directions
The illusion cannot travel more than 20 squares from or specific objects, then the hand points toward the choice
the spot where it first appeared. that bears the greatest reward. If you ask the hand, “Should
we head down the stairs or through the doors?” then the
Hallucinatory Item hand responds by pointing either to the stairs or the doors.
If you ask the hand, “Which of these three levers should
At your command, a phantasm of the item you’ve pictured we pull first?” then the hand responds by pointing to a
in your mind shimmers into being before you. It wavers once, lever.
twice, and then seems to take on solid form.
If you describe only a single course of action, the ritual
Level: 5 Component Cost: 25 gp assumes that inaction is your other option. The hand either
Type: Deception Market Price: 250 gp beckons you (to indicate that you should proceed) or ges-
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana tures for you to halt. For example, the question “Should we
Duration: 24 hours explore the ruins of Solitronia?” results in the hand either
beckoning you or gesturing for you to halt.
You create the illusion of a single inanimate object that
appears, to all intents and purposes, to be real. You can use The hand can’t assess events in the far future; its judg-
this ritual to create an illusory wall, door, weapon, or other ment extends only to likely events in the next hour. If the
object. hand can’t indicate a preference, the ritual has no effect
and expends no components.
Your Arcana check result determines the illusion’s maxi-
mum size. There are two drawbacks to using the ritual to aid your
decisions. First, fate values rewards over risk, and this ritual
Arcana Check Result Maximum Size provides guidance accordingly. It points you toward a high
19 or lower Small risk, high reward option before pointing you toward a low
20–29 Medium risk, low reward alternative. For example, if one tunnel
30–39 Large leads to a dragon and great wealth and the other tunnel
40 or higher Huge leads back to town, then the hand points toward the
dragon. However, a high risk, low reward alternative is con-
Once you create the illusion, you cannot move it, and it sidered less rewarding than a low risk, low reward option.
can’t include moving parts.
Second, the hand can choose only the most reward-
Creatures that view or interact with the illusion are ing course of action relative to the alternatives provided.
entitled to Insight checks to detect the fact that it is false. That doesn’t mean that the indicated choice is necessar-
This check’s DC equals your Arcana check result. A crea- ily a good idea, only that it’s a better idea than the other
ture is allowed a check the first time it sees the illusion and options you’ve indicated. In the example above, if all three
each time it interacts with it. A creature that touches an levers activate traps, then the hand points toward the lever
illusion automatically determines that the image is a fake. that triggers a trap less lethal than the others.
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
A blue, glowing key appears in front of the door and disap- You create a glowing circle of sigils on the ground nearby,
pears into it. The door glows amber for a moment and then and you can see a hazy vision of a far-off city. You and your
unlocks. friends step into the circle, and you’re instantly whisked
away to that place.
Level: 4 Component Cost: 35 gp, Level: 8 Component Cost: 135 gp
Category: Exploration plus 1 healing surge Category: Travel (see text)
Time: 10 minutes Market Price: 175 gp Time: 10 minutes Market Price: 680 gp
Duration: Instantaneous Key Skill: Arcana Duration: Special Key Skill: Arcana
The Knock ritual allows you to open a single locked door, You create a shortcut across the fabric of the world, link-
chest, gate, or other object. It even works against portals ing your location with a permanent teleportation circle
sealed with the Arcane Lock ritual or doors secured with somewhere else on the same plane. With a step, you can
bolts or bars that are on the far side, out of reach. You move from one circle to the other. As part of performing
must defeat all the closures on a locked object to unlock the ritual, you must sketch out a 10-foot-diameter circle in
it. You make one Arcana check per lock, bar, Arcane Lock, various rare chalks and inks. This temporary teleportation
or similar closure. The object you unlock does not open circle must exactly match the permanent teleportation
automatically; you still must open it yourself after the ritual circle at your destination. It disappears at the end of the
unlocks it. portal’s duration.
Make an Arcana check with a +5 bonus in place of At the completion of this ritual, make an Arcana check.
a Thievery check to open each lock or closure. (See the The result determines the duration that the portal remains
Thievery skill description, page 189, for example DCs.) To open.
undo bolts or bars you normally couldn’t reach, you must
succeed on a DC 20 Arcana check. Arcana Check Result Portal Duration
19 or lower 1 round
If you use this ritual successfully against a portal pro- 20–39 3 rounds
tected by Arcane Lock, you destroy the Arcane Lock and 40 or higher 5 rounds
its effects end.
Leomund’s Secret Chest You can use a permanent teleportation circle as the
origin point of this ritual, making minor temporary modi-
An ornate iron-and-silver chest fades into view in front of fications as part of the ritual. Doing this reduces the cost
you. to 50 gp of reagents and grants you a +5 bonus to your
Arcana check.
Level: 6 Component Cost: 140 gp,
Category: Exploration plus a focus worth 200 gp While the portal is open, any creature that enters the
Time: 10 minutes Market Price: 360 gp circle at the origin point instantly appears at the other
Duration: Until dismissed Key Skill: Arcana (no check) location, along with anything the creature holds or car-
ries. The creature can even finish the rest of its move. Any
As part of mastering this ritual, you must create or commis- number of creatures of any size can use an open portal;
sion a chest that bears arcane designs, and an object with the only limitation is the number that can reach the circle
personal meaning for you must be built into the chest’s before it ends.
frame. After the chest is ready, you can store it anywhere
you like. Performing this ritual then summons the chest Anyone standing in the vicinity of either end of the
from wherever you left it to wherever you are, along with portal can see a haze-infused vision of the teleportation
all its contents. You can remove or add objects to the circle at the other end of the connection, as well as the
chest (subject to its natural size limitations) when it is pres- environment 60 feet beyond it. Effectively, everything at
ent. Any time after summoning it, you can dismiss it back the destination within this area of visibility has conceal-
to its previous location. ment, and the area beyond is completely fogged out
(Naturally, portals that last longer give you a better opportu-
Explorers use this ritual to ensure they have enough nity to study the place you’re going to before you step into
supplies or to cart treasure away from a dungeon more the circle.). Environmental effects at one end of the connec-
easily. If the chest is ever lost or destroyed, you must create tion don’t affect the other end.
a new one before you can perform this ritual again.
Most major temples, important wizards’ guilds, and
Focus: A chest worth at least 200 gp. large cities have permanent teleportation circles, each
of which has a unique set of magic sigils etched or inlaid
into the ground. The exact sequence of sigils matters,
because you’ve got to match it if you want to open a portal
leading there. The sigils aren’t any more complex than
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
remembering a string of letters and numbers. You can use Through painstaking research and preparation, you prepare
Linked Portal to any permanent teleportation circle whose a valuable offering for a powerful extraplanar entity such
sequence of sigils you know. When you learn this ritual, as an angel, a demigod, a demon, or a devil. Your offering
your DM will tell you at least two such sequences. In your earns you an audience with the being, which appears as a
travels and research, you’ll undoubtedly learn more. ghostly image that cannot be attacked or physically inter-
acted with. You must succeed on a skill challenge to obtain
This ritual can take you anywhere in the world, but the information you desire from that entity. You gain a +1
it can’t take you to other planes. Sufficiently power- bonus to skill checks made in the skill challenge for every
ful warding magic, such as the Forbiddance ritual, can 10 points of your Religion check result (+1 for a result of 10,
block a teleportation ritual. If the location is warded in +2 for a result of 20, +3 for a result of 30, and so on). This
such a manner, you learn that as soon as you begin the challenge might be against Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate,
ritual, so you can interrupt the ritual and not expend any depending on the creature.
Unlike rituals that provide cryptic answers (Consult
Loremaster’s Bargain Oracle) or have limited scope (Consult Mystic Sages), the
Loremaster’s Bargain ritual provides contact to a creature
Through a significant offering, you are granted a brief that might be genuinely informative and helpful, provided
magical audience with a powerful entity who possesses the you convince it to help. The entity begins in a neutral
information you seek. state—intrigued by the offering and willing to hear you out.
But the entity has agendas of its own, and its nature might
Level: 22 Component Cost: color the information and advice it provides.
Category: Divination 13,000 gp
Time: 8 hours Market Price: 65,000 gp When you complete the ritual, you can designate up to
Duration: Special Key Skill: Religion eight other ritual participants who can also speak with the
entity and contribute to the skill challenge. Each one gains the
same bonus to skill checks that you do.
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
Magic Circle conveys your message, discharging the ritual. The mouth RITUAL DESCRIPTIONS
appears to be made out of the same material as the sur-
The circle of symbols scratched into the ground glows and face, but you otherwise decide the mouth’s appearance.
sparks briefly as the demon tests the boundary. “This will
not save you for long!” it hisses. Make Whole
Level: 5 Component Cost: 100 gp As you finish the ritual, the oaken door stands whole and
Category: Binding Market Price: 250 gp unblemished as if Orten the Rager hadn’t just burst through
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana it with murder in his eyes. It’s the least you can do after
Duration: Until broken using the inn to ambush the infamous barbarian.
You inscribe a circle on the ground, a circle emblazoned Level: 1 Component Cost: Special
with arcane symbols of protection. If drawn correctly, Category: Exploration Market Price: 50 gp
these symbols make it difficult for creatures of a particular Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
origin to enter or pass. When performing the ritual, you Duration: Permanent
choose aberrant, elemental, fey, immortal, natural, shadow,
or all. The last option applies a –5 penalty to your check. A single object that can fit in a 10-foot cube is completely
The circle requires 1 minute to inscribe per square inside repaired. The component cost is 20 percent of the item’s
the circle (and it must be a circle). cost. In cases where you attempt to repair an item not on
any price list, the DM determines the cost.
An affected creature whose level is lower than your
Arcana check result minus 10 cannot pass through the Observe Creature
circle, affect creatures through the circle’s boundary, or
affect the boundary in any way. Other creatures of an You spy on a creature—whether friend, rival, or enemy—
affected origin take force damage equal to your Arcana through the power of your scrying magic.
check result when passing through the boundary, but
doing so breaks the circle. Unaffected creatures can take Level: 24 Component Cost:
a standard action to obscure the inscription and break Category: Scrying 21,000 gp, plus a focus
the circle. Time: 1 hour worth 10,000 gp
Duration: Special Market Price: 105,000 gp
Magic Mouth Key Skill: Arcana
The stone wall grinds as it reshapes into the semblance of When you perform this ritual, choose a specific creature.
dry, cracked lips framing teeth like canting tombstones. You create a magical sensor adjacent to that creature, and
“Beware!” it says. you can see and hear as if you were standing in the square
where your sensor is located. You need not personally
Level: 1 Component Cost: 10 gp know or have ever seen the subject. However, when per-
Category: Exploration Market Price: 50 gp forming the ritual you must describe your intended subject
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana (no check) with sufficient clarity that the ritual unambiguously knows
Duration: Until discharged which creature you’re talking about. This ritual can show
you a creature anywhere in the world, but it can’t show
You bind a message into a surface you touch. When condi- you a creature on another plane.
tions you set are met, the surface manifests a mouth and
The magic of the ritual interprets your statement of You create a passage through any solid material. You
intended subject in the most straightforward way possible. choose the orientation of the passage relative to the sur-
If your description is insufficient to determine a specific face you touch. The passage is 1 square wide and tall. The
creature, the ritual fails and no components are expended. passage can be a number of squares deep equal to your
If your statement describes a subject other than the one Arcana check result divided by 5. This ritual does not con-
you intended, the ritual still functions and the components ceal the passage from anyone or bar anyone from entering.
are expended. A creature inside the passage when it closes takes 5d10
damage and is ejected to the nearest end of the passage.
You have no inherent way to discern where the sensor This ritual does not affect the structural integrity of a
is in relation to you, but careful observation might give you cavern or a wall; the passage is a twist in space, not an
some clues. The sensor moves with the subject for the actual shifting of material.
duration of the effect.
Phantom Steed
Your Arcana check determines how long the sensor
lasts. You conjure black, ghostly horses. They sniff the air and
stamp impatiently as if ready to ride like the wind. Their
Arcana Check Result Duration hooves, manes, and tails trail off into mist.
19 or lower 1 round
20–24 2 rounds Level: 6 Component Cost: 70 gp
25–29 3 rounds Category: Exploration Market Price: 360 gp
30–39 4 rounds Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
40 or higher 5 rounds Duration: 12 hours
You can hear through the sensor as well as see, and This ritual conjures forth up to eight horselike creatures.
you have darkvision through it. Use the Perception skill to Each one is Large and can be ridden by you or any other
determine whether you hear quiet sounds or notice unob- character you designate during the ritual.
trusive things while observing an area through the sensor.
Your Arcana check determines the speed of the steeds
Observe Creature creates a scrying sensor—a shimmer you conjure and whether they have any special move-
in the air—that watchful creatures might notice. Creatures ment capabilities. The steeds have the special movement
must succeed on a Perception check with a DC equal to capabilities associated with your check result and all lower
10 + your level to notice the sensor. If the target of this results.
ritual notices your scrying sensor, the target can use a
standard action to focus its will in an attempt to destroy Arcana Check Result Speed Special Movement
the sensor. Make an opposed Wisdom check; if the target’s 19 or lower 10 None
result is higher than yours, the sensor is destroyed and you 20–29 12 Ignore difficult terrain
spend one healing surge but regain no hit points (or take 30–39 15 Move on water as if it
damage equal to your healing surge value if you don’t have were solid ground
any healing surges left). The subject can repeat this effort 40 or higher 20 Fly (up to 10 squares
until the sensor is destroyed or the duration ends. above ground)
Sufficiently powerful warding magic, such as the Forbid- The steeds cannot attack or affect other creatures
dance ritual, can block Observe Creature. If the subject’s in any way other than to serve as mounts. Each steed’s
location is warded in such a manner, you learn that as soon defense scores are equal to its rider’s (or yours, if the steed
as you begin the ritual, so you can interrupt the ritual and has no rider). A phantom steed is immune to any effect
not expend any components. other than damage.
Focus: A mirror or a crystal ball worth at least A steed created by this ritual lasts for 12 hours or until it
10,000 gp. The focus conveys what you see and hear. takes any damage. When the ritual ends, or when a steed
is destroyed, the steed fades into nothingness and its rider
Passwall lands on his or her feet in the steed’s space. If a steed is
flying when it disappears, the rider descends safely to the
A gap opens in the impenetrable Caldanis Fortress Wall, ground, landing at the start of his or her next turn.
peeling the solid stone into a passageway as if it were a pair
of tent flaps. “Come,” says your guide, “we have only a short
time before they notice this trick . . . or it closes on us.”
Level: 12 Component Cost: 1,000 gp
Category: Exploration Market Price: 2,600 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: 1 minute
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
Planar Portal Remove Affliction RITUAL DESCRIPTIONS
You inscribe a circle of runes on the ground. The earth You undo a curse, enchantment, or madness that afflicts
shakes as the portal blazes with magical energy. A hazy your subject.
image of a distant world appears within the circle’s bounds.
Level: 18 Component Cost: 5,000 gp Level: 8 Component Cost: 250 gp
Category: Travel Market Price: 17,000 gp Category: Restoration Market Price: 680 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Heal
Duration: Special Duration: Instantaneous
This ritual works the same as Linked Portal, except that Remove Affliction wipes away a single enduring effect
you can use it to travel to other planes. As with Linked afflicting the subject. The ritual can remove curses, effects
Portal, your planar destination must have a permanent such as charm or domination, and fear, confusion, insan-
teleportation circle whose sigil sequence you have ity, polymorph, and petrification effects. All effects of the
memorized. curse or other effect end.
Your Arcana check determines how long the portal This ritual is physically taxing to the recipient; if used
remains open. on an injured character, it can even kill him or her. Upon
completing this ritual, make a Heal check, using the level
Arcana Check Result Portal Duration of the effect you are trying to remove (or the level of the
19 or lower 1 round creature that caused the effect) as a penalty to this check.
20–39 3 rounds The result indicates the amount of damage the character
40 or higher 5 rounds takes. Assuming the character survives, this damage can be
healed normally.
When you first learn this ritual, you learn the sigil Heal Check Result Effect on Target
sequences of two common planar locations, as determined 0 or lower Death
by the DM. 1–9 Damage equal to the target’s
maximum hit points
Raise Dead 10–19 Damage equal to one-half of the
target’s maximum hit points
You bend over the body of your slain comrade, applying 20–29 Damage equal to one-quarter of the
sacramental unguents. Finally his eyes flutter open as he is target’s maximum hit points
restored to life. 30 or higher No damage
Level: 8 Component Cost: 500 gp You can use this ritual on an unwilling subject (usually,
Category: Restoration Market Price: 680 gp a former ally who is under some enemy’s influence), but
Time: 8 hours Key Skill: Heal (no check) you will have to restrain someone unwilling to undergo the
Duration: Instantaneous ritual. If you know that your subject is suffering from multi-
ple enduring effects, you must choose which one this ritual
To perform the Raise Dead ritual, you must have a part of will remove. Otherwise, it affects whichever one afflic-
the corpse of a creature that died no more than 30 days tion you knew about. You learn the affliction level when
ago. You apply mystic salves, then pray to the gods to you begin the ritual, and you can choose not to continue,
restore the dead creature’s life. The subject returns to life without expending any components (for example, if you
as if he or she had taken an extended rest. The subject is determine the affliction is too powerful for you to remove).
freed of any temporary conditions suffered at death, but
permanent conditions remain. Secret Page
The subject returns with a death penalty: –1 to all You laugh through your broken teeth. The duke’s imperson-
attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and ability checks. ator might have found your journal, but he’ll never see what
This death penalty fades after the subject reaches three you wrote there.
Level: 1 Component Cost: 10 gp
You can’t restore life to a creature that has been petri- Category: Warding Market Price: 50 gp
fied or to a creature that died of old age. Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
Duration: Permanent
The subject’s soul must be free and willing to return to
life. Some magical effects trap the soul and thus prevent You ward writings so others cannot read them. Use of
Raise Dead from working, and the gods can intervene to this ritual protects one page (maximum 250 words). You
prevent a soul from journeying back to the realm of the make the page appear not to exist, causing anyone other
living. In all cases, death is less inclined to return paragon
and epic heroes; the component cost is 5,000 gp for para-
gon tier characters and 50,000 gp for epic tier characters.
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
than you to ignore it; the page’s presence is blocked from a Silence
reader’s mind. You can choose instead to obscure the page
with false writings, which you produce before performing Straining both your patience and your keen ears, you hear
the ritual. Other readers see the false text rather than the nothing in the duke’s private chamber. That’s why you’re so
real text. surprised to see the duke when you boldly enter.
When you perform the ritual, make an Arcana check, Level: 1 Component Cost: 30 gp
with a +5 bonus. The result is the DC for a Perception Category: Warding Market Price: 75 gp
check to notice the concealed writing (readers use passive Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Perception unless they are specifically looking for con- Duration: 24 hours
cealed text).
Sending You ward a single room (or a burst 4 area), against eaves-
dropping. Creatures attempting to listen to something in
You can see him in your mind’s eye, clear as the first time the warded area from outside the area take a –10 penalty
you met him. Your magic lets him know that you’re safe, to their Perception checks.
despite encountering the followers of Thoon, and he reas-
sures you that the red dragon caused him no harm. Speak with Dead
Level: 6 Component Cost: 50 gp At your prompt, the corpse reveals its secrets to you.
Category: Exploration Market Price: 360 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana Level: 6 Component Cost: 140 gp
Duration: Instantaneous Category: Exploration Market Price: 360 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Religion
Duration: 10 minutes
You convey a mental message of up to 25 words to a
person you know. If the target is within range, he or she You ask the corpse of an intelligent creature questions
receives the message mentally and can respond likewise. and receive answers. The corpse knows what the creature
The ritual’s maximum range is determined by your Arcana knew in life, what has occurred near the corpse, and no
check result. more; the spirit has (usually) moved on to another plane
and is not present in the body.
Arcana Check Result Maximum Range
9 or lower 10 miles Your Religion check result determines the number of
10–19 100 miles questions you can ask.
20–29 500 miles
30–39 1,000 miles Religion Check Result Number of Questions
40 or higher Anywhere on the same plane 9 or lower Zero
10–19 One
Shadow Walk 20–29 Two
30 or higher Three
The viscount’s army is a half-day’s march ahead and will
beat you to Fernwich. Or would. Shadows stretch until they At the DM’s option, questioning the departed spirit might
drape over everything as you step sideways and let the shad- require a skill challenge using Diplomacy.
ows lengthen your stride.
Tenser’s Floating Disk
Level: 12 Component Cost: 500 gp
Category: Exploration Market Price: 2,600 gp “Oh, this? It follows me everywhere, like a porter that never
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana (no check) needs to rest.”
Duration: 8 hours
Level: 1 Component Cost: 10 gp
You and your allies walk through shadows stretching out Category: Exploration Market Price: 50 gp
of the Shadowfell, taking advantage of the strange dispari- Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
ties between distance in your realm and that one to travel Duration: 24 hours
quickly. Multiply your overland travel speed by 5 for the Maximum Load
duration. This ritual functions only in the natural world. Arcana Check Result 250 pounds
9 or lower 500 pounds
10–24 1,000 pounds
25–39 2,000 pounds
40 or higher
You create a slightly concave, circular plane of force that
floats a foot off the ground and can carry what you lay
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
upon it. The disk is 3 feet in diameter and 1 inch deep RITUAL DESCRIPTIONS
at its center. It remains stationary unless you move
more than 5 squares away from it, in which case it
moves with your base speed once per round until it is
within 5 squares of you. You can command
the disk to move up to your speed as a move
action. If you are more than 5 squares from
the disk for 2 consecutive rounds, the disk
disappears, dropping whatever it was
Your Arcana check result deter-
mines the maximum load the disk can
Travelers’ Feast
Food for your entire group materializes out of the air,
enough to sustain you through a long day’s march.
Level: 4 Component Cost: 35 gp
Category: Exploration Market Price: 175 gp
Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Nature (no check)
Duration: 24 hours
You create food and water, enough to feed five Medium or
Small creatures or two Large creatures for 24 hours. You
designate the type of eaters when performing the ritual,
and the ritual creates appropriate food (trail rations for
people, grain for horses, and so on).
Any food or water created but uneaten disappears at
the end of the duration.
True Portal portal to lead somewhere you did not intend—for example,
if the nearest temple of Pelor is not in the city you’d hoped
You create a circle of glowing sigils and state your desired it would be—the ritual still functions, and the ritual’s com-
destination—any place you name. The circle fills with a hazy ponents are expended.
vision of the place. When you step inside the circle, you are
instantly transported to your destination, no matter how far If the destination is blocked by a warding ritual, such as
away it is. Forbiddance, the ritual opens the destination portal at a
point along the ward’s boundary. You can see through the
Level: 28 Component Cost: portal before you enter, and you don’t have to step through
Category: Travel 50,000 gp (see text) if you don’t want to.
Time: 10 minutes Market Price: 425,000 gp
Duration: Special Key Skill: Arcana You can use a teleportation circle as the origin point
of this ritual, making minor temporary modifications as
This ritual works the same as Linked Portal (page 307), part of the ritual. Using a teleportation circle reduces the
except as noted here. ritual’s component cost to 1,000 gp and grants a +5 bonus
to your Arcana check.
You are not limited to teleporting to places you’ve
seen or that have permanent teleportation circles. How- View Location
ever, when performing the ritual, you must describe your
intended destination clearly. “Lord Ambrose’s audience The secrets of the world are yours to plumb, for your magi-
chamber” is sufficient, as is “the nearest temple of Pelor.” cally enhanced eyes can see into the king’s chambers, the
Your description must use only place names and other wizard’s library, or the dragon’s cave.
static references; you can’t say “wherever Princess Katria
RAVEN MIMURA is” or “the nearest pile of gold.” The magic of the ritual Level: 14 Component Cost: 1,600 gp,
interprets your intended destination in the most straight- Category: Scrying plus a focus worth 1,000 gp
forward way possible. If your description is insufficient to Time: 1 hour Market Price: 4,200 gp
determine a specific destination, the ritual fails, but no Duration: Special Key Skill: Arcana
components are expended. If your description causes the
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
When you perform this ritual, choose a location you have anywhere in the world, but it can’t show you an object on
previously visited. The location must be fixed in place (for another plane.
example, you can’t use this to scry into the cabin of an
oceangoing vessel), and it must still be at the same place The magic of the ritual interprets your statement of
(and in more or less the same shape) as when you visited. intended object in the most straightforward way possible.
Redecorating a room won’t fool View Location scrying, but If your description is insufficient to determine a specific
destroying a tower and rebuilding it with a different layout object, the ritual fails, and no components are expended.
would cause the ritual to fail (until you visit the new loca- If your statement describes an object other than the one
tion). You know if the ritual has failed before you expend you intended—for example, if the nearest gold coin is in
any components. This ritual can show you a location your pocket, rather than in the hidden treasure vault you’re
anywhere in the world, but it can’t show you a location on looking for—the ritual still functions, and the components
another plane. are expended.
This ritual creates a scrying sensor—a shimmer in the You have no inherent way to discern where the object
air—that watchful creatures might notice. Creatures must is in relation to you, but careful observation can give you
succeed on a Perception check with a DC equal to 10 + some clues. If you see the duke’s sword hanging on a stone
your level to notice the sensor. They can’t disrupt or inter- wall, for example, you don’t necessarily know whether that
act with the sensor in any way. wall is across town or across the world.
You can hear through the sensor as well as see, and This ritual creates a scrying sensor—a shimmer in the
you have darkvision through it. Use the Perception skill to air—adjacent to the viewed object that watchful creatures
determine whether you hear quiet sounds or notice unob- might notice. Creatures must succeed on a Perception
trusive things while observing an area through the sensor. check with a DC equal to 10 + your level to notice the
sensor. They can’t disrupt or interact with the sensor in
Your Arcana check determines how long the sensor any way.
You can hear through the sensor as well as see, and
Arcana Check Result Duration you have darkvision through it. Use the Perception skill to
19 or lower 1 round determine whether you hear quiet sounds or notice unob-
20–24 2 rounds trusive things while observing an area through the sensor.
25–29 3 rounds
30–39 4 rounds Your Arcana check determines how long the sensor
40 or higher 5 rounds lasts. The sensor moves with the object for this duration.
Sufficiently powerful warding magic, such as the For- Arcana Check Result Duration
biddance ritual, can block View Location. If the location 19 or lower 1 round
is warded in such a manner, you learn that as soon as you 20–24 2 rounds
begin the ritual, so you can interrupt the ritual and not 25–29 3 rounds
expend any components. 30–39 4 rounds
40 or higher 5 rounds
Focus: A mirror or a crystal ball worth at least 1,000 gp.
The focus conveys what you see and hear. Sufficiently powerful warding magic, such as the Forbid-
dance ritual, can block View Object. If the object’s location
View Object is warded in such a manner, you learn that as soon as you
begin the ritual, so you can interrupt the ritual and not
Whether it’s a magic sword, a map of the catacombs, or the expend any components.
jeweled cup that used to be on your mantelpiece, you can
observe the location where a specific item is. Focus: A mirror or a crystal ball worth at least 1,000 gp.
The focus conveys what you see and hear.
Level: 18 Component Cost: 7,000 gp, Voice of Fate
Category: Scrying plus a focus worth 5,000 gp
Time: 1 hour Market Price: 17,000 gp A booming voice heard only by the ritual participants pro-
Duration: Special Key Skill: Arcana vides guidance for your future actions.
When you perform this ritual, choose a specific object of Level: 26 Component Cost: 45,000
up to Large size. You need not have held or viewed the Category: Divination gp, plus 5 healing surges
object. However, when performing the ritual you must Time: 1 hour Market Price: 225,000 gp
describe the object with sufficient clarity that the ritual Duration: Instantaneous Key Skill: Religion
unambiguously knows which object you’re talking about.
“Duke Karlerren’s ancestral broadsword” is sufficient, as You consult an entity of fate—perhaps a servant of Avan-
is “the nearest gold coin,” but “the most powerful magic dra, Ioun, Pelor, or the Raven Queen—for a glimpse into
item nearby” is not. This ritual can show you an object what the future holds. You ask questions, and a rumbling
voice replies.
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
Your Religion check determines the number of ques- Water Walk RITUAL DESCRIPTIONS
tions you can ask.
You walk on the water as if it were dry land.
Religion Check Result Number of Questions Level: 2 Component Cost: 20 gp
24 or lower Three Category: Exploration Market Price: 100 gp
25–29 Four Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Nature (no check)
30–34 Five Duration: 1 hour
35–39 Six
40 or higher Seven You or an ally can move on water as if it were solid ground.
Rapids or choppy seas are considered difficult terrain. The
Your questions must relate to a specific goal, event, or target of this ritual can end its benefits as a free action. The
activity that has yet to occur. Since what is yet to occur target can immerse itself in water or swim underwater if
is not known by any mortal being, the answers need not desired without needing to end the ritual.
be known by any creature, alive or dead. This ritual can
answer only questions related to events occurring within Wizard’s Sight
the next 7 days. After that, the skein of possibilities is too
indistinct to gain useful information. You extend your senses beyond the door, looking and listen-
ing inside as if you were there.
The guidance from the entity of fate is accurate, but
great heroes are capable of thwarting fate, at least for a Level: 8 Component Cost: 270 gp,
time. If the ritual reveals that a course of action is “certain Category: Scrying plus a focus worth 200 gp
doom,” you should realize that nothing is truly certain until Time: 10 minutes Market Price: 680 gp
it happens. In addition, the entity of fate assumes that you Duration: Special Key Skill: Arcana
will act on its guidance completely and immediately. If you
don’t act on the information, or if you change the condi- When you perform a Wizard’s Sight ritual, choose a square
tions in existence when you performed the ritual, then the within 20 squares of you, even a square that you can’t see
guidance might no longer be useful. or don’t have line of effect to. You create a magical sensor
in that square. You can see and hear as if you were stand-
Water Breathing ing there, and you have darkvision through the sensor. Use
the Perception skill to determine whether you hear quiet
The cool water fills your lungs, yet you find yourself able to sounds or notice unobtrusive things while observing an
breathe and speak as well as you can on land. area through the sensor.
Level: 8 Component Cost: 135 gp Your Arcana check determines how long the sensor
Category: Exploration Market Price: 680 gp lasts.
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana or Nature
Duration: Special
Arcana Check Result Duration
When you perform this ritual, you can designate up to 19 or lower 1 round
eight participants (including yourself if you wish) who 20–24 2 rounds
breathe water as easily as they breathe air. Furthermore, 25–29 3 rounds
they can speak normally underwater. 30–39 4 rounds
40 or higher 5 rounds
Water Breathing doesn’t change your ability to breathe
air. It doesn’t confer a greater swim speed or the ability to The ritual creates a scrying sensor—a shimmer in the
fight underwater unhindered. It does protect any gear you air—that watchful creatures might notice. Creatures must
and the participants carry, such as books and scrolls, from succeed on a Perception check with a DC equal to 10 +
water damage. your level to notice the sensor. They can’t disrupt or inter-
act with the sensor in any way.
Your check result determines the duration of the effect.
Sufficiently powerful warding magic, such as the For-
Arcana Check Result Duration biddance ritual, can block Wizard’s Sight. If the location
14 or lower 1 hour is warded in such a manner, you learn that as soon as you
15–19 2 hours begin the ritual, so you can interrupt the ritual and not
20–24 4 hours expend any components.
25–29 8 hours
30 or higher 24 hours Focus: A mirror or a crystal ball worth at least 200 gp.
The focus conveys what you see and hear.
CH A PT ER 10 | Rituals
Aaron Moronez, Aaron Schrader, Aaron Slotness, Kestrel, Hannu Haavisto, Hans Zimmermann, Heidi Mike Barnes, Mike Fehlauer, Mike Hawkins, Mike
Adam Colby, Adam Sweitzer, Adam Wojtowecz, Pritchett, Henry Link II, Henry Woolsey, Hollis Lau, Lescault, Mike Mearls, Mike Mohandeson, Mikko
Adrienne Mays, Alan Best, Albert Ward III, Alexander Ian Hardin, Ian McHugh, Ian Newborn, Ian Richards, Laine, Milton Eng, Mons Johnson, Morgan Shepherd,
Kevin, Alexander Kiedrowicz, Algon Buechler, Allen Ian Simpson, Jacob Bonnett, James Agg, James Boyle Morschel Marcel, Murry McEntire, Nate Heiss, Nathan
Drees Jr., Amber Taylor, Andrew Bourne, Andrew II, James Crook, James Dempsey, James Duncan, Barse, Nathan Hancock, Nathanael Christen, Neil
D’Agostino, Andrew Finch, Andrew Garbade, Andrew James Durchenwald, James Hamblin, James Johnson, Harkins, Neil Lance, Neil Topel, Neil Wright, Nicholas
Gately, Andrew Grimberg, Andrew Harasty, Andrew James Ryan, James Wyatt, Jared Farnsley, Jason D’Agostino, Nicholas Impey, Nicholas Tulach, Nick
Miles, Andrew Moore, Andrew Watring, Andy Collins, Andersen, Jason Babcock, Jason Bickal, Jason Pierce, Nickey Barnard, Nigel Evans, Nina Moelker,
Andy Lewis, Andy Reichert, Andy Scholman, Ann Crognale, Jason Davis, Jason Farmer, Jason Feldhake, Orren Grushkin, Osian ap Glyn, Osmond Chen,
Troll, Arjen Laan, Arthur Doler, Barbara Cowman, Jason Greene, Jason Hall, Jason Hrabi, Jason Lakoduk, Patricia Baratta, Patrick Ellis, Paul Bazakas, Paul
Bard Lower, Bart Carroll, Bart Miller, Benjamin Harris, Jason Myatt, Jason Ross, Jason Starin, Jason Stypinski, Casagrande, Paul Clinkingbeard, Paul Embry, Paul
Benjamin Roberts, Benjamin Zimmermann, Benton Jason Swanson, Jay Button, Jay Sheridan, Jean-Philipe Hughes, Paul James, Paul Kulbitski, Paul McAinsh,
Little, Bernardo Stokes, Bernd Mueller, Bill “Quill” Chapleau, Jeff Clare, Jeff Grubb, Jeff Quick, Jefferson Paul McCombs, Paul Sottosanti, Pete Sims, Peter
McQuillan, Bill Benham, Bill Slavicsek, Bob Deas, Bob Hyde, Jefferson L. Dunlap, Jeffery Dobberpuhl, Jeffery Diggins, Peter Lee, Peter Schaefer, Philip Benson,
Rarik, Bobby Pearsall, Brad McWilliams, Brad Shugg, Terrill, Jeffrey Kreutz, Jeffry Clarke, Jen Alex, Jen Page, Phillip Bonder, Pierre van Rooden, Pieter Sleijpen,
Brad Street, Brad Titus, Brandon Bozzi, Brandon Jennifer Clarke-Wilkes, Jennifer Impey, Jennifer Rachel Jones, Randall Davis, Ray Wells, Rebecca
Gehrke, BreeAnn Vosberg, Brenda Allen, Brent Overton, Jennifer Tatroe, Jeremy Crawford, Jeremy Voster, Reid Schmadeka, Renout van Rijn, Rhonda
Michalski, Brett Stolle, Brian Benoit, Brian Booker, Green, Jeremy Kim, Jeremy Patrick, Jeremy Puckett, Wiese, Rich Redman, Richard Baker, Richard Brown,
Brian Cortijo, Brian Farmer II, Brian Gilkison, Brian Jeremy Vosberg, Jeremy Williams, Jermone Farnsley, Richard Garfield, Richard Grogan, Richard Hudson,
Gray, Brian Hon, Brian Jenison, Brian Mackey, Brian Jerry Aunspaw, Jesse Decker, Jesse Kindwall, Jesse Richard Marflak, Richard Mickwee II, Richard
Martin, Brian Schoner, Bricio Rodriguez, Bruce Stratton, Jessica Blair, Jessica Iglehart, Jim Butzberger, Robinson, Richard Tefertiller Jr., Rick Brill, Rick Erwin,
Cordell, Bruce Jacobs, Bruce Story, Bryan Flores, Jim Hutcheson, Jim Turkowski, Jimmy Ainsworth, Rick Osborne, Ricky Mink, Rob Dalton, Rob Dunbar,
Bryan Leclair, Bryant Kingry, Cal Moore, Cameron Joanna Chaney, Joanne Pender, Joby Walker, Jodi Rob Heinsoo, Rob Lightner, Rob Watkins, Robert
Curtis, Cameron Logan, Candy Tran, Cara Franks, Murschel, Joe Cari, Joe Jannuzzi, Joe Swarner, Joe Altomare, Robert Bonnett, Robert Gill, Robert
Carter Wyatt, Cary Bishop, Cary Suter, Casey Hoch, Terrenzio, Joel Kurlan, Joerg John, John Bonneau, John Gutschera, Robert Keene Jr., Robert Little, Robert
Cassie Crawford, Cedric Atizado, Chad Swenson, du Bois, John Foye Jr., John Grant, John Hanna, John Mahoney, Robert Moulton, Robert Wiese, Robert
Charles Allen, Charles Arnett, Charles Hickey, Heaton, John Jones, John Kozar, John LeDonne, John Wills, Robin MacPherson, Robin Mitra, Rodney
Charles Lang, Charles Speece, Charles Wartsbaugh, Pascoe, John Rogers, John Ruff, John Wilkins, John Thompson, Roger Roberts, Roger Smith, Roland Volz,
Chef Jannuzzi, Chet Silvers, Chisa Puckett, Chris Zamarra, Jon Cimuchowski, Jon Dobbie, Jon Rolando Gomez, Ron Foster, Ron Franke, Ron Janik,
Ballowe, Chris Corbett, Chris Gardiner, Chris Machnicz, Jon Naughton, Jon Sedich, Jon Stevens, Jon Ron Purvis, Ronald Frye, Ross Rushing II, Russell
Hernandez, Chris Kiritz, Chris Salter, Chris Sims, Thompson, Jon Wear, Jonathan Culler, Jonathan Fish, Olmstead, Russell Taylor, Russell Warshay, Ryan
Chris Tulach, Chris Vinje, Chris Wakelin, Chris Jonathan Pumphrey, Jonathan Tweet, Joonas Brown, Ryan Cline, Ryan Richardson, Ryan Whelan,
Westemeier, Chris Wilkes, Chris Youngs, Christen Sahramaa, Jordan Deal, Jose Mercado, Joseph Bright, Rydia Vielehr, Sam E. Simpson Jr., Sampo Haarlaa,
Sowards, Christian Alipounarian, Christian Busch, Joseph Guerrera, Joseph Jolly, Joseph LaMothe, Samuel Santos, Samuel Weiss, Sara Girard, Sarah
Christian Chaney, Christopher Dolunt, Christopher Joseph Schulte, Joseph Strait, Josh Farnsley, Josh Clare, Sarah Tilson, Sarin Tatroe, Sawyer Bernath,
Groves, Christopher Hoffman, Christopher Roberts, Joshua Sipos, Jukka Sarkijarvi, Julia Martin, Scott Benfield, Scott Decoursey, Scott Rosenkranz,
Humphries, Christopher Lindsay, Christopher Pasold, Julie Woolsey, Justin McGuire, Justin Muir, Katherine Scott Rouse, Scott Smith, Sean Banks, Sean Croyle,
Christopher Perkins, Christopher Sparke, Christopher Fairbanks, Katherine Schubert, Keely Dolan, Keith Sean Dawson, Sean Hillman, Sean Lambert, Sean
Ward, Christopher Wright, Chuck Arnett, Cody Baker, Keith McAleer, Keith Symcox, Keith Tatroe, Molley, Shawn Blakeney, Shawn Merwin, Shawn
Judkins-Murphey, Colin Moulder-McComb, Colleen Keith Watson, Kelly Hoesing, Kelly Olmstead, Kelly Morris, Shawn Robbins, Shayne Schelinder, Shelly
Simpson, Colton Hoerner, Conall O’Brien, Cormac Raynor, Kelsey Rueden, Kelsi Rarik, Ken Sams, Mazzanoble, Sid Moulton, Silas Cline, Solomon
Russel, Corwin Avy, Cory Brosnan, Cory Hughes, Kenneth Goad, Kenneth Marshall, Kenneth McRowe, Douek, Spring Koch, Stacy Longstreet, Stan!, Stanley
Courtney Stevenson, Craig Campbell, Craig Wright, Kerrie Peacock, Kevin Barnsley, Kevin Downey, Kevin Heston Jr., Stephen Baker, Stephen Black, Stephen
Creighton Broadhurst, Crystal Babcock, Curt Gould, Lawson, Kevin Myers, Kevin Schmitt, Kevin Tatroe, Buckler, Stephen D’Agostino, Stephen Hagan,
Curt Johann Steckhan, Curtis Rueden, Dagob ten Kevin Tiskja, Kierin Chase, Kimberly Anglace, Kipp Stephen Mumford, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Wolde, Damon Bishop, Daneen McDermott, Daniel Lightburn, Kolja Liquette, Konrad Brandemuhl, Stephen Schubert, Steve Bogart, Steve Burnage,
Canper, Daniel Checchi, Daniel Sanford, Darin Lawrence Haskell, Lee Burton, Lee Thomas, Leonard Steve Chamberlin, Steve Hipplehauser, Steve Kramer,
Briskman, Darrel Dunning, Darrell Impey, Darren Logan, Leslie Erwin, Lewis McLouth, Linae Foster, Steve Re, Steve Warner, Steve Winter, Steve
Martin, Dave Russell, David Blackwell, David Christ, Lindsay Mohandeson, Lisa Gordon, Liz Schuh, Logan Wolbrecht, Steven Conforti, Steven Cook, Steven
David Ferrell, David Guerrieri, David Kerscher, David Bonner, Luc MacArthur, Lucas Wilson, Ludovic Montano, Stevie Hipplehauser, Sue Powell, Susan
LaMacchia, David Liliefeldt, David Napack, David Tirtiaux, Lynn Register, Malima Wolf, Marc Russell, Morris, Susan Threadgill, Tamela Bangs, Teeun Medas,
Nikdol, David Noonan, David Pogue, David Smith, Mark Holdforth, Mark Jessup, Mark Jindra, Mark Teos Abadia, Terence Thambipillai, Thomas Cadwell,
David Williams, David Yale, Dennis Worrell, Derek Knobbe, Mark Porter, Mark Somers, Mark Thomas Christy, Thomas John, Thomas Neville, Tim
Fails, Derek Neff, Derek Schubert, Devin Low, Didier Wheelhouse, Mark Whittaker, Marko Westerlund, Bruhn, Tim Harr, Tim Hill, Tim Sech, Timothy Houle,
Monin, Dimas Jimenez, Dominic Hamer, Don Early, Marsha Hillman, Martin Durham, Mary Toms, Mat Timothy Stack II, Timothy Wolcott, Toby Latin-
Don Frazier, Donovan Hicks, Doug Gewin, Doug La Smith, Mathew Voster, Mathiew Booth, Matt Stoermer, Todd Ammerman, Todd Iglehart, Tom Kee,
Vigne, Doug Wheeler, Ed Podsiad, Ed Stark, Edward Eddleman, Matt Howland, Matt Tabak, Matt Tyler, Tom LaBolle, Tom Mullenger, Toni Brill, Toni Stauffer,
Grant, Edward Morrow, Edward Neighbour, Elizabeth Matt Walters, Matthew Fuchs, Matthew Hoyt, Torry Steed, Traci Farnsley, Travis Petkovits, Travis
Decker, Elizabeth Merwin, Elliot Parkhurst, Eric Matthew Lund, Matthew McKitrick, Matthew Meyer, Woodall, Trevor Doll, Trevor Kidd, Trevor Taylor,
Boughton, Eric Brittain, Eric Burk, Eric Cline, Eric Matthew Morrissette, Matthew Sanders, Matthew Tyson Moyer, Vernon Vincent, Vincent Price, Walter
Haddock, Eric Heath, Eric Kjellman, Eric Menge, Eric Seidl, Matthew Sernett, Matthew Swetnam, Matthew Johnson, Ward van Oosterom, Wayne Sheppard, Will
Moore, Erich Borchardt, Erin M. Evans, Ernest Britton Varrette, Matthew Vignan, Maureen Honore, Melanie Dover, William Burger Jr., William Keltner, William
III, Evan Louscher, Eve Forward, Eytan Bernstein, Neumuller, Michael Adair, Michael Born, Michael McConahy III, William Morrow, William Sarazin,
Farrell Hopkins, Francesco Mangiarauna, Francisco Broby, Michael Brock, Michael Deal, Michael Donais, Witney Williams, Yannik Braal, Yoerik de Voogd,
Gray, Fred Sarkis, Freek Giele, Galen Ciscell, Garin Michael Dunlap, Michael Ericson, Michael Eshleman, Yvan Boily, Zephreum Humphreys, and all the people
Dadson, Garth Hale-Hodgson, Gary Adkison, Gary Michael Feuell, Michael Gersztenkorn, Michael who attended D&D Experience 2008.
Affeldt, Gary Simon Jr., George Smith, George Johnson, Michael Lang, Michael Maenza, Michael
Stafford, Gibbons Franks, Gordon Holcomb, Graeme Mockus, Michael Nichols, Michael Peacock, Michael Special Thanks to Chris Tulach
Davis, Greg Bartholomew, Greg Bilsland, Greg Ruble, Michael Shea, Michael Simon, Michael Tedin,
Collins, Greg Marks, Gregg Peevers, Gregory Brooks, Michael Turian, Michael Wells, Michael Wood,
Gregory Marques, Gregory Martel, Gwendolyn Michele Carter, Michelle Brunes, Michelle LaBolle,
ability check 26 deities, clerics and 61 knocking unconscious 295 reduce falling damage (skill check)
ability modifiers 17 deities, paladins and 90 knowledge checks 179 181
ability scores, generating 17 delay 288 languages and scripts 25
acrobatic stunt (skill check) 180 detect magic (skill check) 181 Large size 282, 284, 285 Reflex defense 274
Acrobatics skill 180 diagonal movement 283 leader (character role) 16 regeneration 293
action points 259, 286 difficult terrain 284, 285, 292 leather armor 212, 214 Religion skill 187, 300
Difficulty Class 178 light armor 212 removing persistent effects 311
and extended rest 263 dim light 262 light shield 214 requirement (of a power) 57
and paragon paths 53 Diplomacy skill 183 light sources 262 residuum 225, 300
adjacent squares 273 disable trap (skill check) 188 resistance 276
aid another 287 disease, curing 303 and Stealth 188 ritual books and scrolls 298
alignment 19 disease, treating 185 light thrown (weapon property) 217 ritual components 300
appearance (of a character) 24 distance, counting 273 line of effect 273 rolling ability scores 18
arcana knowledge (skill check) 181 divine power source 54 line of sight 273 round 266
Arcana skill 181, 300 divinity feats 192 load (weapon property) 217 round down (basic rule) 11
arcane power source 54 double move 284 low-light vision 262 run 291
area attack 271 Dungeoneering skill 183 magic items, creating 304 saving throws 279
area power 56 durations 278 making checks 25 scale armor 213, 214
areas of effect 272 Elemental Chaos 181 mannerisms (of a character) 24 scripts 24
Armor Class 274 encounter powers 15, 54 marching order 261 second wind 291
astral diamonds 212 Endurance skill 184 martial power source 54 secondary attack 59
Astral Sea 187 epic tier 29 master knowledge 180 selling equipment 220
Athletics skill 182 epic tier feats 206 masterwork armors 212 Shadowfell 181
attack bonuses 274 escape 288 maximum hit points 293 shift 292
attack powers 15 escape from a grab (skill check) 181, melee attack 270 short rest 263
attack results 276 melee power 56 silvered weapons 220
attack roll 26, 273 182 melee weapons 215, 218, 219 simple weapons 215, 218, 219
of a power 57 escape from restraints (skill check) melee weapons, fighters and 76 size, weapons and 220
at-will powers 15, 54 milestones 259 skill challenges 179, 259
automatic hit or miss 276 181 military weapons 215, 218, 219 skill check 26, 178
background (of a character) 24 experience points 259 minor action 267 sleeping and waking up 263
balance (skill check) 180 expert knowledge 179 monster knowledge checks 180 sleight of hand (skill check) 189
basic attack 287 extended rest 263 mounts and transport 222 Small size 44, 217, 220, 282
blast (area of effect) 272 falling 284 mounts and vehicles 261 small (weapon property) 217
bloodied 293 Far Realm 181, 184 move action 267 space 282
Bluff skill 183 Feywild 181 movement, diagonal 283 speed 283
bonuses and penalties 275 fighters and melee weapons 76 movement, overland 260 speed (overland) 261
break or burst DCs 262 first aid (skill check) 185 multiclass feats 192, 208 spellbook 158
bright light 262 flanking 285 Nature skill 186, 300 squeeze 292
bull rush 287 food, drink, and lodging 222 nearest creature or square 273 stand up 292
burst (area of effect) 272 forage (skill check) 184, 186 noncombat encounters 259 standard action 267
carrying, lifting, and dragging 222 forced movement 285 obscured squares 281 standard array (ability scores) 17
chainmail 213, 214 Fortitude defense 274 obstacles (to movement) 284 Stealth skill 188
charge 287 free action 267 occupied squares 283, 284 Streetwise skill 188
checks, making 25 Gargantuan size 282, 284, 285 off-hand (weapon property) 217 striker (character role) 16
class feats 192 gems and jewelry 212 one-handed weapons 215 superior cover 280
class skills 178 grab 290 ongoing damage 278 superior weapons 215, 218, 219
class-specific feats 208 handle animal (skill check) 186 open lock (skill check) 189 surprise round 267
climb (skill check) 182 Heal skill 185, 300 opportunity action 268 sustain (a power) 59, 278
close attack 271 healing the dying 295 opportunity attack 290 swim (skill check) 183
close power 56 healing surges 293 opposed checks 178 take 10 (skill check) 179
cloth armor 212, 214 heavy armor 212 paragon multiclassing 209 target 272
coins and currency 212 heavy shield 214 paragon tier 28
combat advantage 279 heavy thrown (weapon property) 216 paragon tier feats 202 of a power 57
common knowledge 179 heroic tier 28 passive checks 179 teleportation 286
concealment 281 heroic tier feats 193 temporary hit points 293
conditions 277 hide armor 212, 214 Insight 185 terrain 261
conjuration 59 high crit (weapon property) 217 Perception 186 Thievery skill 188
consumable items 226, 255 History skill 185 Perception skill 186 Tiny size 282
controller (character role) 16 hit points 293 personal range 273 total concealment 281
cooperation (skill checks) 179 Huge size 282, 284, 285 personality (of a character) 23 total defense 292
core mechanic 11 identifying magic items 223 phasing 286 treasure 260
counting distance 273 illusory effect, recognizing 185 pick pocket (skill check) 189 treat disease (skill check) 185
coup de grace 288 immediate action 268 plate armor 213, 214 trigger 268
cover 280 implements 56 portals, using 307, 311, 313 turn 266
crawl 288 potions, creating 301 two-handed weapons 215
critical hits 276, 278 holy symbols 62, 90, 236 power sources, other 54 undead 187
customizing ability scores 17 orbs 157, 238 power-swap feats 209 use a power 292
daily powers 15, 54 rods 131, 157, 239 prerequisite (of a power) 57 utility powers 15
damage die 219, 276 staffs 157, 240 prices (of magic items) 223 versatile (weapon property) 217
damage rolls 276 wands 131, 157, 242 proficiency bonus 219 vision and light 262
damage types 276 improvised weapons 215 pull, push, and slide 285 vulnerability 276
damage, ongoing 278 initiative order 267, 288, 291 racial feats 192 walk 292
darkness 262 Insight skill 185 range (of an attack) 273 wall (area of effect) 272
darkvision 262 insubstantial 277 range (of a weapon) 219 weapon groups 215
dead, raising 311 intangible rewards 260 ranged attack 270 weapons and size 220
death saving throw 295 Intimidate skill 186 ranged power 56 Will defense 274
defender (character role) 16 invisible 281 ranged weapons 215, 219 zone 59
defense scores 275 item slots 224 reach (weapon property) 217
deities 20 jump (skill check) 182 ready an action 291
keeping watch 263
keywords 55
Character Sheet
Player Name
Character Name Level Class Paragon Path Epic Destiny Total XP
Race Size Age Gender Height Weight Alignment Deity Adventuring Company or Other Affiliations
Initiative Speed (Squares)
Strength FORT Passive Insight 10
CON CONDITIONAL BONUSES Passive Perception 10 +
Dexterity REF
Intelligence ATT BONUS
Charisma +
1 3
Acrobatics DEX
Arcana INT n/a
Athletics STR
Bluff CHA n/a
Diplomacy CHA n/a
Dungeoneering WIS n/a
Endurance CON
Heal WIS n/a
History INT n/a
Insight WIS n/a
Intimidate CHA n/a
Nature WIS n/a
Religion INT n/a
Stealth DEX
Streetwise CHA n/a
Thievery DEX
©2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
List your powers below. List your powers below.
Check the box when the power is used. Check the box when the power is used.
Clear the box when the power renews. Clear the box when the power renews.
Daily Item Powers Per Day
Heroic (1-10) Milestone / / / NAME COMPANIONS AND ALLIES
Paragon (11-20) Milestone / / / NAME NOTES
Epic (21-30) Milestone / / / NAME NOTES
©2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.