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Featuring Debra Poneman

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Published by Eydis Authentic Living, 2016-12-01 16:42:23

December 2016

Featuring Debra Poneman

What if everything decision-making. These experts
are dead wrong.
It’s not about throwing out
the old ways of dealing with’s about adding to them. What is needed is to have a new viewpoint which takes
the best ideas from the “old school” thinking on financial management and combines these with ancient universal laws of success, current neuroscience, and the heart.
Resist the Old Stereotype about Money
When I speak with people who are most comfortable in the creative world, they often tell me they are bored, frustrated and just not good at money management. I think about one of my yoga instructors. Let’s call her Gigi. Gigi teaches yoga,
is a dancer and a dedicated meditator. She is a gifted teacher, deeply connected to her spirituality but financially, totally phobic. Gigi has told me on numerous occasions that she can’t deal with money issues, that she’s really bad at money and that her brain doesn’t work “that way.” Like many others, Gigi bought into a negative stereotype: To be great with money you must really love numbers, think business reports are fascinating, and you are most likely male (although Gigi might not admit that one).
you’ve been taught about money - how to
manage it, how to grow it, how to be successful with it - was missing the key ingredient? What if the so-called money experts are wrong? We are in a time of personal and collective financial transformation and the current left-brain approaches to money aren’t working. There has to be a new way, a new answer...
There Is a New Frontier for Financial Success
The new frontier for improving our personal financial success won’t be better analytics, cooler software for tracking spending and investments, more sources of data or other left-brain strategies. Instead, it will be the invisible dynamics: visualization, intuition, generosity, and motivation - the right-brain approaches.
If you’re like many people, ever since you were little, you’ve been taught that people who are great with money excel in logic, numbers and analytical thinking. This approach is flawed. The typical financial success formulas are missing the right-brain traits of intuition, passion, generosity, motivation, and big-picture thinking. To make matters worse, many “experts” see these attributes as useless
and even harmful in financial 101

Here’s the truth: that stereotype is false (as most are).
If all it took were a love of numbers to be successful, then every math teacher would
be wealthy. What about the benefits of having lots of data and finance news? Certainly gathering more information must be an indicator or financial success. Or is it? Actually,
Dr. Robert Thaler from the University of Chicago found through a series of experiments that too much information can actually hinder investment returns. When people are inundated with a constant stream of news they often
feel they need to act on this information. Less exposure
can support a longer-term perspective.
As far as the stereotype that men are better than women when it comes to money...this, too, is false. A Barclays Wealth and Ledbury Research study found that women were more likely than men to make money in the market, mostly because they take fewer risks. They tend to buy and hold. This may have to do with women being less confident in their abilities (or quite possibly not over confident).
Due to the common misperceptions about what it takes to be great with money, the invisible strengths that may people already possess aren’t
valued or utilized to reach financial goals.
We live in both a material and a spiritual world. Why not incorporate a spiritual, more right-brained approach into your design to be great with money?
Here are some strategies that will help get your mind “right” about money:
The old view on money focuses on tons of data and academic knowledge. The “right” view on money is
about focusing your attention on the important information.
It is so easy to be swayed, influenced and riled up when we are inundated with financial information. It is crucial to protect your psyche when it comes to hearing too much stressful financial news. We
tend to believe whatever is happening will continue to happen. So if the markets
are going down it is a natural inclination to believe they will continue in a downward spiral. If you are glued to the financial news channels you are likely
to either increase your anxiety levels unnecessarily or start making short-term, fear based decisions. Remember, worry is not a financial planning strategy. Limit your exposure to the news, especially when it’s bad.
Calm the financial worry with meditation. Meditation is a financial strategy? You bet.
When people are stressed about money and freaked out about market volatility they make stupid reactive decisions. A regular meditation practice will
calm your mind, increase your ability to be clear on your goals and allow you to make better decisions.
Put your attention on your goals. What you focus on expands. Stop focusing on what you are afraid of and begin to put your attention on what you
desire to create
for yourself. When intentions are clear opportunities will appear.
The old view
relies on linear thinking,
static plans, reports, and spreadsheets. The “right” view is a holistic approach
to success that involves retraining the brain through visualization, creative thinking, and passion. Traditional financial planning uses projections to guide people to reach their goals. The process can lead to information that is quite helpful for people to learn if they are on track
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for goals such as retirement, funding education and taking care of your family in the event of a death or disability.
However, with traditional planning, there is usually no system for putting details
around how retirement would actually look and feel. There is
no incorporation of mentally rehearsing success to supplement the tangible plans for success such as systematic savings plans.
Use the power of your mind.
Athletes mentally rehearse before competitions to improve their performances. Why not use these same techniques to increase your financial success? Spend time daily picturing
in your mind’s eye achieving your goals. A great time to do this is right after waking in the morning or after meditation. Your mind will be calm and clear – ready to take in the positive programming for your future
financial success. Remember to focus on what you desire and not on what you fear.
Listen to yourself when you talk about money. Thoughts you have over and over become your beliefs. We hold our beliefs to be true (even if they aren’t). Begin to notice what you think and say about money. Do you spend a lot of time talking about how bad the economy is right now? How hard is it to get 103

new business or a good job? If you have your mental attention on how tough things are you’ll be able to find lots of evidence that you’re right. If on the other hand, you focus on how in difficult times there are always opportunities, you’ll pave the way to finding ways to prosper, even in a “bad” economy.
The old view stresses rational decision-making. The “right” view encourages inspired, non-traditional actions such as generosity and gratitude to achieve financial success.
It is not logical to think if you give more you’ll have more, yet generosity is a key to building prosperity. This is not just a metaphysical concept; studies on philanthropy show that giving not only makes you feel happier but actually makes you richer.
Research found that people who give more money actually made more money. Countries that are more charitable, such as the United States, have higher Gross Domestic Product levels.
Set up an automatic giving account. Just as it’s important to save on a regular basis,
it’s important to give on a regular basis as well. Set up
a bank account to transfer a percentage of your income on
a regular basis (weekly, monthly or quarterly) to then be given to charity. You choose what causes, people or institutions you want to support. Make giving a key part of your financial plan.
Express your gratitude on a daily basis. One of the best ways to reduce financial anxiety is to keep your attention on what
is working well and express thankfulness for what you do have. Even in the scariest of financial times, there are many things we
can be grateful
for. The habit of appreciation and gratitude will assist you to find more opportunities to create abundance in your life.
A New Approach to Money
Incorporating both left and
right brain strategies is the new approach to money: An approach that embraces happiness, meaning and engagement as
key components. We need everyone to learn right-brain approaches to money for all of us to have a future that’s bright. A new financial success code that champions these gifts will engage a larger number of people into feeling confident, comfortable and competent to manage their financial lives.
Ellen Rogin, CPA and CFP®, is an Abundance Activist® and author of the New York Times best seller, “Picture Your Prosperity: Smart
Money Moves to Turn Your Vision into Reality.” Learn more about Ellen and her programs at.
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Healthy Living

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by Liz Bull
Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining normal weight and reducing stress. With few exceptions, we all need 8-10 hours of sleep to function well. 90% of fat-burning happens when our body rests, not at the gym. Did you know that WHEN you sleep is also important? YES! The body has its own maintenance schedule and it starts at 10PM. Start winding down by 9PM.
In truth, the preparations for a good night’s sleep must begin much earlier in the day.
If you are a coffee or tea drinker, limit yourself to one cup in the morning. Afternoon, avoid any drinks with caffeine, like coffee,
tea, colas and “energy drinks”. But wait! What about that afternoon slump? The one that happens between two and three in the afternoon. The one that makes you want to pull down the shades and jump into your jammies. If you find yourself having that late afternoon slump, adjust what you are eating for lunch. The carbohydrates in that sandwich may be the culprit. Have a salad and some grilled chicken or a small steak. This will sustain you and curb cravings
as well. The slump may also be due to a sugar crash- so avoid dessert at lunch and ditch those candies you have hiding in the desk drawer. You could also be dehydrated. So, grab a glass
of water and squeeze a slice of lemon in it for an instant pick- 109

me-up. Here are a few other things to do: Get up from your desk and stretch. Go outside and get some fresh air. Schedule this time for the gym or at least to walk around the block.
Back to winding down....This means eating lighter at supper. Did you know that “supper” actually comes from “souper”? Yes- soup was the traditional evening meal. And there are some very good reasons for this. A lighter meal in the evening gives your digestive system a much-needed rest. It also works with the digestive system’s natural rhythm, for it is at its peak in the middle of the day. Plan to eat supper no later than 7PM.
Winding down means shutting off the TV, the radio, and the computer. Avoid alcohol and snacks. Instead, consider a nightcap of Natural Vitality CALM. It’s full of magnesium which relaxes muscles. You might also consider having a relaxing cup of chamomile tea. Bach’s Rescue Remedy SLEEP may also be helpful.
Lastly, have rituals designed to de-stress from the day and avoid the anticipation of stress in the morning.
• Lay out clothes for the next day.
• Have your briefcase, purse and/or backpack packed and ready. Put them in a
consistent convenient place. Ditto, the car/house keys.
• Have the preliminary preparations for breakfast done: Set the table. Set up the coffeemaker.
• This is also a good time to prepare lunch and
any healthy snacks for the following day. Salads keep very well in plastic containers as long as the dressing is kept separate.
• To clear your mind, write down your intentions and “to get done” list for the next day.
• You may also want to use this time to journal about the day and release any
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lingering thoughts and frustrations.
• Have a relaxing bath, with lavender salts in it. •
• This is a good time to have a routine for meditation. There are many excellent MP3’s available which can help relax your body and quiet your mind.
can be disruptive to sleep. In the winter, I rely on cozy flannel sheets.
Bed comfort is important. Beware of memory foam pillows and pads. They may make you too hot. I am in love with my new “cloud”, a very thick synthetic mattress topper.
Liz Bull helps women (and brave men!) who are fed up with weight loss programs that don’t work to finally get a body and a life
they love. She is dedicated to busting up the myths, misconceptions and misinformation about obesity.
With her innovative signature program she works with her clients to release their limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears, and helps them tap into their natural abilities and their bodies’ wisdom, making weight loss easy and safe.
A Medical Intuitive, Master Theta Healer and Certified Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner , Liz has long been fascinated by the important role mind, body, and beliefs play in our lives. Her other studies and certifications include EFT, Psych-K, Matrix Energetics, Access Consciousness, QiGong, NLP and Transcendental Meditation. She has transferred her successful healing/mind- set work with businesswomen to the arena
of weight loss because she has experienced first-hand the havoc and misery that obesity creates not only for the sufferer but for their families.
• Prepare your bedroom. It
should be Cool, Dark, and
Quiet. •
• Adjust the room temperature. Too hot or
too cold will prevent or disrupt sleep. Between
62F and 72F degrees is recommended; however, keep an eye on the number that is best for YOU. You may need socks as cold feet
• Lastly, put a drop of lavender essential oil on your pillow.
Nighty-night. Sleep tight... and sweet dreams.
• Make the room dark. Install blackout shades if necessary.
Unplug! Keep electronics out of the bedroom. Those itty-bitty lights on them disrupt sleep. 111

Ways To
Give Back This
Holiday Season
• Give To Those In Need
• Show Gratitude To Those Around You
• Help Someone Cross The Street
• Open The Door For A Stranger
• Volunteer Your Time
• Give The Gift Of Love To Your Family & Friends

by Annabel Cohen
Here it is already. We’re in the thick of holiday entertaining. Now is the perfect time for some delicious, event elegant recipes to serve for season’s eatings.
The old-fashioned cocktail party is back. Technicolor cocktails, nibbles, and small plates take
the place of the full meal at this type of affair.
There are few rules when it comes to hors d’oeuvres. Just be sure to serve enough and with enough variety to make the menu interesting. And keep in mind who you are entertaining, and when.
Most men, for example, prefer protein – fish, chicken, meat
– for example. Choose an “anchor” dish – cold, sliced beef or kebobs -- for example. For long evening entertaining, the hearty fare will turn finger foods into enough for a meal. We, women, like vegetables, so be sure to include them
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Be Merry

somewhere in your collection of tidbits.
“When” is as important as “who” you are serving. If your appetizer selections precede a larger meal, then make just a few. Just don’t repeat appetizer flavors at dinner. If your appetizers ARE dinner, be sure you serve enough.
Many of us are quick to fall back on old faithful recipes that have served us well in the past. By all means, prepare your favorites. They’re comfortable and proven crowd-pleasers. It’s great, however, to mix
it up a bit, adding new and unusual textures and flavors to the table.
A few hors d’oeuvres ground- rules (or table rules, if you choose), will help you to create the perfect balance of flavors, textures and ingredients for the best possible selection of tidbits.
If you’re looking for one or two bites before a meal, anything goes.
If appetizers are your “dinner” as well, include an “anchor” appetizer – whether it’s cold sliced beef or turkey breast or poached or smoked salmon, be sure it is a protein. This is the main appetizer that will make your buffet hearty.
Vary ingredients – foodwise, it’s unappealing (not to mention unhealthy) than a table laden with nothing but fried, starchy or cheesy offerings (limit same- style appetizers to two).
Include various vegetarian selections – meat eaters will eat vegetarian foods, but not the other way around.
For easy fillers, include bowls of interesting olives, grape tomatoes, spicy or glazed nuts.
Serve hot foods hot and cold foods chilled appropriately – a cold lamb chop is never good.
Include room temperature choices – they’re no fuss and don’t take up valuable oven space.
Be generous with popular items – you’ll never run out. 115

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Spicy Roasted Chili Ginger Shrimp Satays
Threading these on skewers after they’re cooked keeps the skewers clean for serving.
1/2 cup minced onions
1⁄4 coconut milk
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
2 Tbsp. Thai red chili paste 1 Tbsp. brown sugar
2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
2 Tbsp. peeled, minced fresh ginger root 1Tbsp. sesame oil
1 tsp. grated lime zest
1 tsp. Minced garlic
2 pound large, RAW, peeled and deveined shrimp - tail- on (13-15 size, about 26-30 whole shrimp)
30 wood or bamboo skewers - about 10-inches long Ground paprika, garnish
1⁄2 cup minced scallions (white and green parts), garnish 1⁄2 cup chopped cilantro leaves
Make the marinade. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and whisk well. Add the shrimp, toss well, cover with plastic wrap and allow to marinate for an hour, or up to 8 hours.
Preheat the oven to 425°F.
Spray a large rimmed baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray and arrange the shrimp without overlapping.
Cook the shrimp for about 6- to 8-minutes, or until just cooked through (DO NOT OVER COOK - they will continue to cook on the hot baking sheet even after you remove them from the oven).
Thread shrimp (one shrimp per skewer)by running the skewer through the body twice - so they look like the letter “C.”
Serve sprinkled with paprika and sprinkled with scallions and cilantro. Serve hot or at room temperature. Makes 12-15 servings.

Bubbly Bacon Spinach Spread
Serve this with gourmet crackers or sliced French baguettes or use to stuff tiny baked potatoes or as a topping for bruschetta, toasted baguette rounds.
8 slices cooked and chopped bacon
8 oz. (1 package) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sour cream
10 (1 package) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained
1⁄2 cup minced red or Bermuda onions
1⁄2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1⁄2 cup grated Gruyere or other Swiss cheese
1 Tbsp. dried parsley flakes 1 tsp. minced garlic
2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper to Taste Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and stir well. Transfer to an attractive baking dish and bake for 30-minutes. Serve with chunks of hearty bread or cut raw vegetables if desired. You may also bake this
in a hollowed bread bowl instead of a baking dish.
Makes 12-16 or more servings. 117

Hazelnut Brownies
I love Ferrero Rocher Chocolates–they’re delicious and beautiful in their gold-foiled wrappers. Unwrap them and fold them into your favorite brownie recipe for festive fun. Or use my recipe below. For the ultimate hazelnut chocolate experience, drizzle with melted Nutella.
1 cup butter, melted (I use a microwave oven) 1 cup brown sugar
3⁄4 cup white sugar
1 Tbsp. hazelnut liqueur
4 large eggs
1 cup flour
3/4 cup baking cocoa
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1⁄2 cup chopped hazelnuts
16 Chopped Ferrero Rocher chocolate candies (unwrapped), Chopped
Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line the bottom of a 9-by- 13-inch baking dish or pan with parchment. Spray the parchment with nonstick cooking spray.
Combine the flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl and whisk well. Set aside.
In a large bowl, beat together the melted butter, sugar, and vanilla. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Gradually add the flour mixture to butter mixture, mixing until smooth. Fold in hazelnuts and chopped chocolates.
Spread in prepared baking pan. Bake 30-minutes (do not overbake). Cool and chill before cutting.
Run a knife around the rim of the pan and invert the pan onto a cutting board. With the brownies still upside down, use a sharp knife to cut into squares as large
as you like. Turn the brownies over to serve. Makes a various number of brownies.
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Tortilla Soup Shooters
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/4 tsp. minced garlic
2 Tbsp. tomato sauce
4 cups chicken broth
1⁄4 cups fresh or frozen corn, thawed 1/2 tsp. chili powder or to taste Pinch dried oregano, crumbled Kosher salt and pepper to taste
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
Hot pepper sauce (such as Tabasco) to taste 1/4 cup chopped scallions, garnish
Tortilla strips
2 corn tortillas
Olive oil for brushing
Heat oil in a soup pot over medium-high heat. Add the onions and garlic and sauté for 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes, broth, corn, chili powder, oregano and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool about 20 minutes.
While the soup is cooking, prepare the tortilla strips: Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside. Brush 1 side of tortillas with oil and cut crosswise into thin strips. Arrange strips on the prepared baking sheet. Bake until lightly toasted about 15 minutes. Set aside to cool.
Place half the cooled soup in the pitcher of a blender
or bowl of a food processor and blend or process until smooth. Add the blended soup back to the pot and
add the lemon juice, salt, pepper to taste. Just before serving, stir in the scallions. Serve the soup in “shot glasses” or with a “dot” of red pepper sauce and a couple of shredded tortillas in the soup. Makes 12 or more servings (depending on the size of the shot glasses). 119

Pumpkin Pie Baked Brie
Brie cheese comes in several sizes, ranging from about half-pound to about 2.2 pounds, approximately. Use any size brie you wish, but be sure to adjust the topping ingredients as necessary.
1 1-pound brie, chilled
1 cup pumpkin pie filling (canned is fine)
1 cup chopped pecans
1⁄2 cup dried cranberries (sweetened or unsweetened)
Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Unwrap the brie and place in an attractive, rimmed baking dish just large enough to accommodate it (A quiche pan or pie dish work well). Use a fork to heavily “scratch” the top rind (this white top) of the brie (leave the edge and bottom of the brie untouched). This will help the toppings melt into the cheese.
Top with pumpkin pie filling and sprinkle with pecans and dried cranberries. Cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for 15-20 minutes more, until the brie is melted. Serve with sliced French baguette rounds. Makes 8 servings.
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Annabel is a foodie. She’s a writer. A cooking instructor. An explorer. She’s a aesthete. She knows how to cook. Until fairly recently, Annabel only cooked for people she knows. Her catering, articles, blogs and ANNABEL COHEN COOKS DETROIT Facebook page have earned not just kudos, but awards as well.
She was chosen as a Crain’s Detroit Business Magazine “Most Passionate Cooks” and has been profiled in: The Paper, HOUR Detroit, The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, The Big Idea, Oakland Press, Royal Oak Tribune, The Detroit Jewish News, Style Magazine, “LIVE in the D,” among others.
She won “Best Caterer” in 2015 in The Detroit
Sesame and Poppy Gruyere Crisps
Serve these little round cheesy crackers on their own or with toppings of your choice.
4 ounces shredded Gruyere cheese 5 Tbsp. butter, cut into pieces
2 Tbsp. sesame seeds
1 Tbsp. poppy seeds
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup flour
1 tsp. baking powder 3 Tbsp. water
Preheat oven to 350oF. Line two baking sheets with parchment or spray well with nonstick cooking spray. Combine all ingredients except water in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until combined. Add the water and pulse until a soft dough is formed. Form into
a ball and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill for 1 hour.
Cut the dough into 2 pieces. Roll one piece on a floured surface
to 1/8-inch thickness. Cut
the dough into 1-inch rounds. Transfer the rounds to the prepared baking sheet and bake until lightly browned, about 15 minutes. Makes 60 crisps.
Jewish News, and in 2014 in HOUR Detroit magazine. She was voted “Best Brazilian Food” by Detroit Monthly magazine. Among countless television and radio appearances, Annabel was the deciding judge on the Travel Channel’s “Food Wars” for a Detroit episode pitting rivals Lafayette Coney Island against American Coney Island.
Annabel is an author. She co-authored “Eating for Acid Reflux” in 2003 and in 2013 created all the recipes for 2014’s “Fast Diets for Dummies.” As a stylist, Annabel has assisted in countless photo shoots and tested and styled recipes for ads, articles and even a few books she didn’t write.
She’s also a cooking instructor and writer/columnist with articles that focus on her favorite things — food, travel and lifestyle. 121


by Cindy Nunnery

As we move into the biggest holiday season of the year, my thoughts start wandering to eating and food. I have asked myself this question so many times: “What am I going to eat?” (I bet you have too!).
Well, you don’t need to worry anymore, I have the answer (and it comes from France believe it or not)!
During these seemingly gluttonous holidays we have, we usually rely on will-power to
get us through. I’m here to tell you that this approach doesn’t work. But there is one that does – how French women do it (you know those happy, svelte ladies who eat desserts and drink wine but never get fat!).
I love reading books and a few years ago I read a book called Why French Women Don’t Get Fat. I found it absolutely fascinating and I’ve pulled out the Top 5 Tips for you.
First, we must understand that eating is a part of who we are,
our cultures, our relationships, and our histories. Food and celebration have been the center of so much how can we try to erase it by not enjoying our meals & holiday gatherings anymore.
And what does deprivation do to our psyche? It adds an unbelievable amount of stress because of the psychotic way we’re told to eat (especially during the holidays).
Don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly not advocating an eat- all-fest either, but trying to get rid of the passion and pleasure of eating with the celebrations going on isn’t the answer.
And our weight issues have as much to do with our attitude towards eating as it does the food we actually eat.
The Top 5 Tips to Enjoy Food Without Overeating
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TIP # 1
Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at regular times. Have healthy snacks available for in between. Skipping meals deplete our energy, deflates our mood, stress our bodies and can cause us trouble later (eating way more than we want when do sit down to a meal). Don’t worry about the bad foods not to eat, think about what good (aka healthy & fresh) foods to eat. Be positive about meals and eating.
Never eat to the point of being stuffed, and never be hungry
– both are distracting and unpleasant.
TIP # 2
Deprivation is the mother of failure. In the book French
Women Don’t Get Fat (where
I got much of this), the author shares that it’s common for French women to have a
couple bites of a dessert instead of a full serving therefore not depriving themselves the joys
of a season, celebration or
just a dinner out with friends. These bites allow you to still enjoy the full flavor and texture without over eating the sugar and empty calories. And it does really work!
Give it a try. First by sharing desserts with others (something I do unless it’s Key Lime Pie or Rum Cake it’s all mine! LOL) allowing everyone to get a bite or two of one or two desserts. Better yet, if you have a large group, order two or three different ones and take a bite of each one.
TIP # 3
Everything is bigger in America, especially our plates. I don’t know when that happened but along with it came bigger waistlines. Enjoy petite (small) and ala carte menu. The French enjoy a little of several things than
a lot of just one. Also, think
of the French plate where everything is served small in the center of a large plate, a beautiful presentation. They are not used to having a plate full of food but are served rather in courses, one at a time. It allows for enjoyment of each serving, slows down the meal which is better for
digestion, and contentment. Just think, the fast you eat, the more you need to eat. So get started serving courses and washing an extra plate or tow – it’s much better than getting fat, isn’t it.
TIP # 4
Petits Riens are the daily pleasures the French do every day. For us, we use words like pamper and decadence when
it comes to our self-care and love, it’s more elusive. By having lots of Petits Reins, we can enjoy life more from moment
to moment without seeking consolations (feel-goods) from any one source, like food. Self- punishment is never the path to well-being but can certainly be the path to a larger waist and bigger clothes. Food doesn’t become what we look to for comfort but rather our daily pleasures do.
Most important is to have a focus on those you are dining with, the connections, the enjoyment and the rituals of celebrations. Enjoy the ones you are with as a priority with the food be second
to the reason you are there. Focusing too much on the food causes way
to much stress and stress causes many bad things. 125

TIP # 5
When I was in Paris, I didn’t see gyms and fitness studios on every corner yet I saw slender and active women. In doing some research it seems that French woman don’t live in the gym or live to work out as much as they live to eat and dine. They know that if you do something you can’t keep up, like 2 hours at a gym every day (workout, shower, dress etc.)
isn’t going to be sustainable
and will bring failure. French women enjoy exertion but not necessarily just assigned to the gym. They do a lot in their street clothes, as with walking, which they do 3x more on average than we do here. They also know that boredom is sometimes the real enemy, not food.
Add dedicated regular walks to your days -casual, no marching alone. Start small and increase up to 20 minutes daily. Do after eating and help your digestion along and good for unwinding. Also add ‘incidental’ walks,
like parking farther out in the parking lot and taking the long way around the mall. While waiting in a waiting room, walk around 100 steps or take the stairs, not the elevator.
By moving more we feel better and when we feel better, we will care for ourselves at a higher level and make better choices all around. The mind of a French woman
is her ultimate guard against eating too much and getting fat. And the senses are the portals to the mind. Denying any one of them can take
the joy out of living and that can lead to eating an over- abundance of food for the sake of ‘happiness’. So eat like French women, smart and healthy, and enjoy the rewards of a leaner body.
Bon Appétit
Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Best Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Advocate for Living Lives We Love
Everyday—Happy, Healthy & Energized! Email: [email protected] Website:
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