Nuklear Malaysia Vision i
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Copyright: Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuklear Malaysia)
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Published by:
Agensi Nuklear Malaysia (Nuklear Malaysia)
Bangi, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Phone : 03 – 8911 2000
First print: 2021
Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Agensi Nuklear Malaysia.
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 2030 : Strategy and Initiatives / Agensi Nuklear Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2706-06-9
1. Agensi Nuklear Malaysia--Planning--2021-2030.
2. Nuclear industry--Planning--2021-2030.
3. Strategic planning--Malaysia.
4. Government publications--Malaysia.
I. Title.
Table of Content Nuklear Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Items Page Vision
MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR GENERAL iv Strategy and Initiatives
1.1 Background/ Current Situation 2
1.2 Organisational Structure 7
1.3 Customers and Stakeholders 8
1.4 Future Aspiration 8
1.5 Issues and Challenges 11
Vision, Mission, Objective, Functions, Source of Authority and Shared Values
3.1 Strategic Thrust 1: Nuclear Science and Technology to Enhance Industrial 19
3.2 Strategic Thrust 2: Nuclear Science and Technology for Societal and Environmental 29
3.3 Strategic Thrust 3: Effective and Efficient Technical Support for R&D and Service Delivery 39
3.4 Strategic Thrust 4: Local and Global Nuclear Governance 53
3.5 Strategic Thrust 5: Conducive Environment to Nurture Talent and Cultivate R&D 59
Capacities in Nuclear Science and Technology
Message from Director General
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Nuklear Malaysia Vision 2021-2030 (WNM 2030) is a strategic document that spectrum of activities to support national priorities in
outlines our vision for the future and provides a clear, unified, and long-term industry, medical and healthcare, food and agriculture,
direction for all of Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia) activities. It natural resources, water and the environment.
consists of strategic thrusts, strategies, activities, indicators and targets for the
period 2021 to 2030. It is intended to guide Nuklear Malaysia to address the WNM 2030 is a dynamic and flexible document. Hence,
evolving needs and challenges in the peaceful applications of nuclear science Nuklear Malaysia’s personnel is free to create added
and technology in the country. value activities that could be implemented within the
framework of this plan. This strategic direction formed a
WNM 2030 has been developed by taking into consideration the long and solid foundation in which Nuklear Malaysia will build and
proud history of Nuklear Malaysia as the premier research and development measure success on its programs and activities. Hence,
(R&D) institution in nuclear science and technology in Malaysia. appropriate resources will be allocated accordingly to
accomplish the planned targets in the best possible way
The document aspires to continue the momentum from the previous Strategic that will eventually help to sustain and strengthen this
Plan 2012-2020 by integrating several key activities from the past into the present great institution.
plan in order to ensure its continuity and sustainability. The formulation of
this strategic document draws upon the talent and commitment of our experts Through this document, it is hoped that planning and
who has collectively contributed to the knowledge and vitality needed to design implementation of work will be more focused, systematic
such a comprehensive plan. and productive in fulfilling the needs of stakeholders,
generating innovative, beneficial and marketable R&D
The strategic roadmap in this document has been devised to be in line with outputs, as well as increasing local innovation that could
government’s policies, the needs and requirements of Nuklear Malaysia’s elevate the socio economic well-being of the rakyat,
stakeholders and customers as well as changes in the domestic and global while accomplishing country’s aspirations towards
landscape. WNM 2030 also embraces the fundamentals of relevant national the advanced and high-tech country. The successful
and international policies and development including the United Nations implementation of this Vision will enhance Nuklear
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Malaysia’s capacity and sustainability to continue playing
the leadership role in championing and mainstreaming
Uniquely, this plan not merely focuses on the application of nuclear technology nuclear science and technology in Malaysia.
per se, but also consider the convergence of nuclear technology with new and
disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, internet-of-things, 4D Thank You.
printing, robotics, drone and sensor technology in providing solutions to our
national problems. It strategically reflects and aligns Nuklear Malaysia’s full
Executive As the premier R&D institution in nuclear science and technology in Malaysia, Nuklear Malaysia aims to promote, develop Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Summary and propel the peaceful application of nuclear technology in various areas including industry, medical and healthcare,
food and agriculture, water and environment, natural resources and energy to support the sustainable development of
the nation.
WNM 2030 is Nuklear Malaysia’s commitment towards a more competitive, productive and effective organisation in
delivering its functions, built upon strong nuclear science and technology foundations. Nuklear Malaysia is committed
to strengthen its core activities to be in line with national aspirations and international agendas. This in turn will optimise
the values and impacts that can be offered by Nuklear Malaysia for national socio-economic development. This document
is prepared based on the foundation laid from the previous strategic plan as well as taking into account the relevant
national and international policies and plans including the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030, Malaysia Development
Plan, National Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation (NPSTI) and the SDGs. It was formulated afterin-depth
consultations among experts in Nuklear Malaysia and thorough assessment on the future outlook of nuclear science
and technology in the country.
This document aims to provide strategic plan on enhancement of Nuklear Malaysia’s capacity and capability as a
proponent of nuclear science and technology in Malaysia. WNM 2030 will drive Nuklear Malaysia towards achieving its
main objectives, which are:
To generate new products and technologies through research
and innovation based on national development agenda;
To enhance organisational excellence through planning and
quality management;
To strengthen Nuklear Malaysia as a National Technical Support
Organization in nuclear and relevant technological fields; and
To strengthen relationships and cooperation with international
WNM 2030 has five (5) strategic thrusts. These strategic thrusts are:
Strategic Thrust 1 Strategic Thrust 2 Strategic Thrust 3 Based on these strategic thrusts, Nuklear Malaysia has
outlined strategies, and initiatives to be implemented for
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Nuclear Science and Technology Nuclear Science and Technology Effective and Efficient Technical the period 2021-2030. The implementation of WNM 2030
to Enhance Industrial for Societal and Environmental Support for R&D and Service ensures accountability of Nuklear Malaysia’s researchers.
Competitiveness Delivery As such, this will be a central guiding document for planning
Well Being Nuklear Malaysia’s activities. Targets and performance
indicators are set for each activity for evaluation purposes.
Strategic Thrust 4 Strategic Thrust 5 The implementation of this plan will be monitored annually
through KPI appraisal. A midterm review will also be
conducted to ensure WNM 2030 is constantly align with
current scenarios and the government’s policies, in particular
regarding nuclear science and technology.
This document is dynamic. WNM 2030 serves as the main
source of reference for the future direction of Nuklear
Malaysia. The successful implementation of this plan is entirely
dependent on the researcher’s commitment and expertise,
availability of state-of-the-art facilities, and acceptance as
well as adoption of shared values. Consequently, it will make
Nuklear Malaysia more competitive and resilient in the face of
constantly evolving future as well as enhancing the utilisation
of nuclear technology towards sustainable development of
the country.
Local and Global Nuclear Conducive Environment to Nurture
Governance Talent and Cultivate R&D Capacities
in Nuclear Science and Technology
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Introduction1
1.1 With more than four decades in existence, Nuklear Malaysia has been implementing its functions in line with the
Background government’s policies such as Vision 2020, various Malaysia Plans, and the NPSTI. It also ensures its activities are well
suited with mainstream science and technology and fulfil national interest.
Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Nuklear Malaysia was established to promote the peaceful uses of nuclear technology and as one of the contributors
and catalysts for national socio-economic development. All activities in Nuklear Malaysia are planned and formulated in
line with the national interest on the basis of eight major areas including but not limited to (1) industry, (2) medical and
healthcare, (3) food and agriculture, (4) natural resource, (5) waters, (6) environment, (7) energy and (8) nuclear safety,
security and safeguards.
Strengthening expertise, increasing capability and upgrading knowledge are part Nuklear Malaysia’s strategies in human
capital development. In order to be able to perform its functions effectively, Nuklear Malaysia has a pool of qualified
and competent human capital to implement all the planned activities. As of June 2021, it has a total of 741 staff. The
distribution of permanent, contract and cadre staff up to June 2021 is shown in Figure 1.
26Cadre Post-Professional
scheme of service
407 308 PhD (80) Schemes
MSc (169) of service
Various scheme BSc (59)
of service (Q)
Figure 1 : Distribution of permanent, contract and cadre staff (up to June 2021)
As the leading R&D institution in nuclear science and technology, Nuklear Malaysia is equipped with major facilities and
world-class laboratories related to nuclear science and technology to fulfil its functions.
Reaktor TRIGA PUSPATI Secondary Standard Gamma Green House RAYMINTEX Centre Of Nuklear Malaysia SINAGAMA Nuklear Malaysia Vision
ALURTRON Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) Excellence (CoNE)
Mineral Processing Radioactive Waste Radiochemistry and Waste & Energy Technology Radioisotope Production Non-Destructive
Pilot Plant Management Centre Laboratory (BRI) Testing (NDT)
Environment Laboratory (RAS) Laboratory
Figure 2 : Major facilities in Nuklear Malaysia
Table 1 : Facilities certified and accredited with ISO
Nuklear Malaysia Vision No. Facilities ISO Standard and Success Story
1. SINAGAMA Accreditation
First government facility certified with
2. ALURTRON ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 9001
ISO 13485:2016
Electron beam irradiation service for
ISO 9001:2015 enhancement of Small and Medium
Enterprises (SME) product quality was
3. RAYMINTEX ISO 9001:2015 succesfully commercialised
4. Waste Technology Development ISO 9001:2015 First continuous radiation vulcanization
Centre (WasTeC) of Natural Rubber Latex (RVNRL)
production pilot plant in the world
5. Centre of Nuclear Excellence ISO 9001:2015
(CoNE) Recognised as National Radioactive
Waste Management Centre
6. Secondary Standard Dosimetry ISO 9001:2015
Laboratory (SSDL) Recognised as Regional Training Centre
for Postgraduate Educational Course
7. Radiochemistry and Environment ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (PGEC) in Radiation Protection and the
Laboratory (RAS) Safety of Radiation Sources (PGEC)
8. Medical Physics Laboratory (KFP) ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Recognised as National Centre for
Radiation Metrology
9. Non-Ionising (NIR) Group ISO/IEC 17020:2012
First government agency facility act as
10. Information Technology (IT) ISO/IEC 27001:2013 National Labarotary for Radioactivity
Centre Analysis and acrredited with ISO/IEC
17025 since 2005
11. Nuklear Malaysia Business ISO 22301:2012
Continuity Management System Accredited with ISO/IEC 17025 since 2013
First government facility accredited with
ISO/IEC 17020 in 2020
First facility in Nuklear Malaysia certified
with ISO/IEC 27001
First government agency certified with
ISO 22301
At the international level, Nuklear Malaysia is recognised as the International Atomic that national obligations and commitment to CTBT is observed. Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Energy Agency (IAEA) Collaborating Centres (ICC) in Radiation Processing of Polymers, Under the CTBT, Nuklear Malaysia is entrusted with the
Waste Polymers and Biocomposites, Advanced Non-Destructive Testing and Plant operation a radionuclide monitoring station (RN42) in Cameron
Mutation Breeding Using Chronic Gamma Irradiation. In addition, Nuklear Malaysia Highlands, Pahang and a National Data Centre (NDC) in Kajang,
also host the Postgraduate Educational Course (PGEC) in Radiation Protection and the Selangor. Nuklear Malaysia actively promotes the CTBT and is
Safety of Radiation Sources every year and has attracted participants from countries engaged with relevant local stakeholders to ensure its effective
in the Asia and the Pacific region such as Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, implementation in Malaysia.
Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Kuwait, Lao P.D.R, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal,
Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates. Pursuant to the government’s initiative to create more
knowledge workers, Nuklear Malaysia has moved forward as a
Over the past decades, Nuklear Malaysia has managed to secure funding to conduct training provider in nuclear and related technologies. Nuklear
research, development and commercialisation activities in the field of nuclear science Malaysia trains an average of 300 international fellows and
and technology. Funding is received from national and international sources. At the scientific visitors annually. Some of Nuklear Malaysia’s officers
national level, funding is obtained from the Malaysia Development Plan, MOSTI’s are recognised as international experts and have been invited
research and commercialisation funds and the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme by the IAEA and other countries to carry out expert missions.
(FRGS). Meanwhile, international funding comes from international agencies such as
the IAEA, Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) and Forum for Nuclear Cooperation Nuklear Malaysia has strong and close relations with various
in Asia (FNCA). Nuklear Malaysia continues to excel in R&D achievement, both national government agencies, private sector, research institutes and,
and international. R&D outputs produced by Nuklear Malaysia regularly featured in the education and training institutions. Cooperation is mainly
local and international R&D competitions. implemented through the Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) or Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). Nuklear Malaysia
Nuklear Malaysia continues to excel in R&D both nationally and internationally. R&D also participates in multilateral and bilateral cooperation
outputs (products, processes, and procedures) developed are regularly featured at with reputable international and regional partners. These
local and international innovation competitions. Several R&D products have been cooperations facilitate the provision of technical assistance
successfully commercialised. At the same time Nuklear Malaysia also offers technical and expertise and placement of experts in Malaysia, as well
and consultation services to local and international clients. Its customers include as sharing of Malaysian resources with other member states
manufacturing companies, agriculture and healthcare industries, goverment agencies of IAEA.
and educational institutions.
Nuklear Malaysia also acts as the national liaison agency between Malaysia and the
IAEA. The close cooperation between Malaysia and the IAEA has been established since
1969. This cooperation has greatly benefitted Malaysia in many ways, particularly in
developing local capability and expertise as well as acquiring new technologies to
enhance the national nuclear science and technology programme.
Additionally, Nuklear Malaysia is the National Authority for the implementation of
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) in Malaysia. The main role is to ensure
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 11 November 16 June 10 August 13 April
1971 1983 1994 2005
The Centre for PUSPATI was rebranded as the UTN renamed as the MINT renamed as the Malaysian
Application of Nuclear Energy Unit (UTN) and Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Agency (Nuklear Malaysia)
Nuclear Energy placed under the Prime Minister’s
(CRANE) was Nuclear Technology and placed under the Ministry
established Department Research (MINT) of Science, Technology and
Innovation (MOSTI)
August UTN
1973 Unit Tenaga Nuklear
National Development Planning 27 October
Comittee proposed to rename
CRANE as Pusat Penyelidikan Atom 1990
Tun Ismail (PUSPATI) and set up
under the Ministry of Science UTN was relocated from the Prime
Technology and Environment Minister’s Department to MOSTE
Figure 3 : History of Nuklear Malaysia
1.2 Organisational Structure Nuklear Malaysia Vision
DIRECTOR GENERAL DIRECTOR GENERAL Commercialisation Management Programme
Research & Technology
Development Programme Technical Service & Planning Programme Premier Grade C
Premier Grade B Premier Grade C DIRECTOR (M54)
Premier Grade C Management Services
Medical Technology DIRECTOR (J54) Planning & International Division
Engineering Division
Division Relation Division (BKP)
DIRECTOR (Q54) Human Resource
DIRECTOR (Q54) Radiation Health DIRECTOR (Q54) Development Division
Industrial Technology & Safety Division Technology
Division (BKS) Commercialisation
Division DIRECTOR (N48)
(BTI) DIRECTOR (Q54) Information
Technical Support (BKT)
DIRECTOR (Q54) Management Division
Radiation Processing Division
Technology Division (BPM)
Figure 4 : Nuklear Malaysia Organisational Structure
& Biosciences Division
Waste Technology &
Environment Division
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 1.3 Nuklear Malaysia is dedicated to fulfilling its commitments to its customers and stakeholders, both locally and
Customers and internationally. Customers are categorised into two groups (1) internal and (2) external customers. Internal customers
refer to those within Nuklear Malaysia, while external customers are entities from government and regulatory
Stakeholders authorities, private sectors, educational institutions, non-governmental organisations and the public.
Activities in Nuklear Malaysia take into account its stakeholders’ needs. Amongst Nuklear Malaysia’s stakeholders are:
a. Relevant ministries and government agencies (eg. MOSTI, MOF, MAFI, MOH, etc.)
b. Relevant regulatory bodies (AELB, KKM, etc.)
c. IAEA, CTBTO and other international bodies
d. Universities and education and training institutions
e. Local communities and private sector
1.4 This new decade will be a time of challenges, where technology is anticipated to rapidly transform and shape
Future Aspiration the world from the emerging issues relating to climate change and public health / infectious diseases. Thus, to
sustain its relevancy, Nuklear Malaysia must ensure its activities are in line with national interests and international
developments. At the national level, for the period of 2021-2030, the main policies that will be in focus are the 12th
- 15th Malaysia Development Plans and the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030. The primary aim of the Shared Prosperity
Vision 2030 is to provide a decent standard of living to all Malaysians by 2030.
With the help of 10-10 framework vibrant ecosystem, Nuklear Malaysia aspires to become one of the pace-setter
institutions contributing to a sustainable, progressive, prosperous and harmonious develop nation in 2030.
Huge societal and economic changes which rely on science and technology is anticipated in Malaysia in future, as
stated in DSTIN 2021 – 2030 by MOSTI. On this note, WNM2030 has outlined various strategies and initiative in
localization of Nuclear Technologies. Through these strategies, Nuklear Malaysia has set forth to champion several
areas of technology localization in the future such as reactor, accelerator, radiotracer technology, rare earth as well
and radioisotope in medical.
A fully operating 30 MeV cyclotron will be available by 2030 for applications that contributes to the socio-economic
development of the country especially in the medical and industrial sectors. Through these facilities, it will open up
new industries with strong knowledge and huge market.
Exploiting national natural resources responsibly in the future has been started by Nuklear Malaysia today. In future Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Nuklear Malaysia is targeted to become the centre for the development of advance sensor using local materials. These
local materials also could be used as a starting material for affordable and durable renewable hydrogen fuel cell system
for energy security.
In medical sector, Nuklear Malaysia has set its purpose in improving and enhancing access to nuclear medicine and
facilitating their procedures. These will literally improve the quality of life of the people. With these improvisations,
Nuklear Malaysia will then contributed to the aim of the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030.
Nuklear Malaysia has started R&D programme in new variety of food plant that can be mass produced and is tolerant
with climate change in the future. Nuklear Malaysia also will become National Technical Support Organization (TSO)
in the natural resources and water quality management using nuclear technologies for the beneficiaries of the health,
safety and wellbeing of the people and the nation. With the establishment of Centre for Forensic Science & Technology,
Nuklear Malaysia will have new state of the art facilities to apply nuclear technology in forensic studies.
As the national Technical Support Organisation (TSO), Nuklear Malaysia is committed to support the related KEGA,
including Industry 4.0, Centre of Excellence, Smart and High Value Agriculture and Advanced and Modern Services. On
this note, Nuklear Malaysia will continue to innovate and develop high impact and value-added products and processes
which can be commercialised and transferred to industries or communities. The focus will not be limited to nuclear
science and technology but will be developed in convergence with other related technologies such as information and
communication technology, biotechnology and nanotechnology.
Nuklear Malaysia has also revived the effort to formulate the National Policy on Nuclear Technology 2021-2030. The
objective of this policy is to provide goals and requirements to guide the national agenda for the advancement of
peaceful uses of nuclear technology. It charts a direction to propel the development of nuclear technology in addressing
the nation’s needs and supporting national initiatives towards implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
and Shared Prosperity Vision 2030. The policy was formulated through in-depth consultation with relevant national
Top Management 2021
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Ts. Dr. Siti A'iasah Hashim Dr. Abdul Rahim Harun Dr. Rosli Darmawan Mr. Mohd Sidek Othman Dr. Muhammad Rawi Mohamed Zin
Director General Deputy Director General Deputy Director General Senior Director Senior Director
Agensi Nuklear Malaysia Research & Technology Development Programme Technical Service Programme Commercialisation & Planning Programme Management Programme
Top Management 2022
Ts. Dr. Siti A'Iasah Hashim Dr. Abdul Rahim Harun Dr. Rosli Darmawan En. Mohd Sidek Othman Ts. Dr. Chantara Thevy Ratnam
Director General Deputy Director General Deputy Director General Senior Director Senior Director
Agensi Nuklear Malaysia Research & Technology Development Programme Technical Service Programme Commercialisation & Planning Programme Management Programm
1.5 Nuklear Malaysia has to overcome several issues and challenges to optimally implement its key functions and Nuklear Malaysia Vision
achieve the goals set forth in this document.
Issues and Table 2 : Issues and Challenges
Issues Challenges
Establishing international collaboration
• Bureaucracy
• Legal obstacles
Sustainability of a technical support • Ageing of resource/facilities
organisation to the nuclear industry • Lost of expertise (retirement of experts)
• Effective succession plan
• Retention of critical knowledge and expertise
Limited funding for R&D&C, training and • Realigning R&D to meet national interest
infrastructure • Lack of guidance on R&D&C to foster national
• Confidence and trust towards local expertise, and
Limited availability of credible information nuclear technology itself
and public awareness of nuclear S&T • Negative perception of nuclear technology
• Lack of interest in nuclear science and technology
12 Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Nuklear Malaysia Vision
2 Nuklear Malaysia Roles
and Responsibilities
The vision, mission, objectives, shared values and source of authority of Nuklear Malaysia are as follows:
Vision Leading R&D&C&I in nuclear science and technology for national sustainable development
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Mission Creating wealth, generating new knowledge and accelerating economic growth & societal
well-being through nuclear science and technology towards shared prosperity
Objectives • To generate new products and technologies through research and innovation based
on the national development agenda;
• To enhance organisational excellence through planning and quality management;
• To strengthen Nuklear Malaysia as a National Technical Support Organization in
nuclear and relevant technological fields; and
• To strengthen relationships and cooperation with international organisations.
Functions • To conduct R&D&C&I in the field of nuclear science and technology;
• To provide technical service and training in nuclear and related technology;
• To coordinate and manage nuclear affairs at national and international level as a
liaison agency for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the National
Authority for the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
(CTBT); and
• To act as the National Centre for Radiation Metrology and as the National Radioactive
Waste Management Center;
Source of Authority The source of authority for Nuklear Malaysia is stipulated in the RUU Perbekalan B.30
Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi
Shared Values Nuklear Malaysia has identified seven shared values towards achieving its vision, mission, and objectives. Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Novelty Committed Empathy Respect
Ubiquitous Leadership Attitude
16 Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Nuklear Malaysia Vision
3 Strategic Thrusts,
Strategies & Initiatives
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 3.0 Nuklear Malaysia’s strategic aim is to strengthen R&D&C&I in nuclear science and technology.
Strategic Thrusts,
R&D excellence is manifested through the ability of Nuklear Malaysia to consistently generate reliable research
Strategies and findings, publications and intellectual properties as well as high-quality products.
Additionally, excellence in commercialisation is demonstrated through innovative application of nuclear technology,
services and technology transfer to end users such as the community and industries.
The combination of a realistic strategic plan and strong commitment from all staff members, based on shared
values will ensure Nuklear Malaysia’s success in becoming a high impact organisation that excels in R&D&C&I of
nuclear technology.
The aim of this WNM2030 is to reinforce Nuklear Malaysia leadership role in R&D&C&I and in the application of
nuclear technology for sustainable development.
A total of 116 initiatives have been formulated for implementation, based on five strategic thrusts and 37 identified
Strategic Thrust 1 Strategic Thrust 2 Strategic Thrust 3 Strategic Thrust 4 Strategic Thrust 5
Nuclear Science and Nuclear Science and Effective and Efficient Local and Global Nuclear Conducive Environment to
Technology to Enhance Technology for Societal and Technical Support for R&D Governance Nurture Talent and Cultivate
Industrial Competitiveness Environmental Well-Being R&D Capacities in Nuclear
and Service Delivery
Science and Technology
Strategic No. Strategies Initiatives Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Thrust 1
Nuclear Science 1. Leading R&D of nuclear and radiation technologies in industrial and 7
and Technology manufacturing sectors 3
to Enhance 2
Industrial 2. Advancing the application of NDT technology 1
Competitiveness 1
3. Advancing nuclear technology for sustainable industry development using 1
radiotracer 3
4. Advancing sealed source technology and modern nuclear gauging
5. Further exploring new technologies for rare earth extraction
6. Developing advanced nuclear instrumentation and radiation detector
7. Strengthening nuclear analytic techniques for material development and
8. Enhancing services, commercialisation and technology transfer
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 1: Leading R&D of nuclear and radiation technologies in industrial and manufacturing sectors
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 1. Developing Development of Produce, characterize Development of 4 new processes/ protocols Increased R&D&C&I in Lead
biopolymer polysaccharide and test products products prototype for development of advanced polymeric BTS
material using and its derivatives biopolymer and biopolymer materials
radiation (carrageenan, starch, Development of food nanocomposite material Supporting
processing cellulose) supplement from Increased the BST
technology and selected extracts 3 products for medical and availability of locally BAB
production of Radiation assisted halthcare developed advanced BTP
biopolymer extraction of valuable Development polymeric material BTI
nanocomposites content from of biopolymer 1 product for marine/ which are cost effective RMC
agricultural waste nanocomposites aquaculture application and environmentally BKP
friendly BPA
Establishment 10 publications in journals/ INTROP
of process and proceedings UPM
production of UKM
nanoparticles from 1 technical UTM
metal oxides and report USM
metal salts using FRIM
radiation DOF
2. Developing Development of Production of single Product deployment in 2 biodegradable products Improved preservation Lead
radiation natural and synthetic use and disposable medical and packaging and conservation BTS
compatible biodegradable prototype products for industries 10 publications in journals/ of the environment
biodegradable polymer formulations medical applications proceedings through combating Supporting
polymers pollution, protecting BST
Deployment of biodiversity, conserving BAB
developed products in natural resources BTP
packaging industries and increasing BTI
the application of RMC
Perform preclinical/ biodegradable plastics BKP
clinical studies BPA
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
3. Developing Development of Medium Term Enhanced quality
radiation curable photo polymeric (2023-2025) Development of 5 radiation cured products of radiation cured Supporting)
polymeric materials prototype products for products for industrial
materials Development of surface finishing and 10 publications in journals/ and healthcare Lead
Establishment of radiation curable protection, and radiation proceedings application BTS
4. Recycling of optimum radiation coatings for advanced sensor (i.e. waterborne
polymeric wastes processing parameters response towards coatings, solvent-borne Supporting
using radiation on recycled polymeric stimulants coatings and radiation RMC
processing for the composite (i.e. anti-scratch and dosimeter) BKP
production of high abrasion, anti-corrosion, BTI
value industrial anti-fouling, anti- BAB
products microbial, self-healing, BTP
super hydrophobic, BST
radiation sensor) BPA
Characterisation UKM
and performance UPM
assessment of radiation USM
curable coatings UTM
Development of Development of a pilot 3 formulation/ products: Improved preservation Lead
compatible polymeric plant and products 1. PTFE of the environment BTS
composite formulation prototype 2. carbon fibre
through radiation reactive 3. rubber Supporting
processing Transfer of technology to BST
industry 10 publications in journals/ BTI
Production of industrial proceedings RMC
products from the BKP
developed formulation BPA
5. Developing Develop polymeric Production and evaluation Establish facility using 2 new formulation/ polymeric Alternative technology for UPM
of the polymeric reactive radiation grafted membranes solar energy storage with USM
polymeric membrane and membrane in large scale technology to produce high storage capacity UTM
flow-battery energy membrane separator 10 publications in journals/
membrane and separator using storage proceedings Lead
Transfer of technology to BTS
separators for radiation reactive industry
flow-battery energy processing technology BST
storage RMC
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
6. Developing Develop adsorbents Medium Term Pilot scale prototype
polymeric material and treatment (2023-2025) production Radiation grafted polymeric Supporting)
and radiation process using materials for adsorption of
Nuklear Malaysia Vision treatment for radiation technology Produce, characterize Transfer of technology metal ions Improvement in Lead
environmental and test products radiation technology treatment the preservation BTS
preservation, Provide technical (absorbents/ process and conservation of
mitigation and support in radiation adsorbents) environment through Supporting
recovery of metals techniques and 10 publications in journals/ eliminating pollution, BST
radiation processing Treatment process proceedings protecting biodiversity, BTI
7. Strengthening for materials of wastewater using conserving natural RMC
analytical processing and radiation technology resources BKP
services and characterisation to BAS
processing related industries Provide training in Strengthen the provision 1 radiation processing and Enhanced collaborative BPA
to radiation radiation processing and of technical support to material characterisation research in radiation UTM
processing Promotion of analytical equipment industries centre with R&D&C capability processing among UPM
technology advanced NDT researchers, research
technology Competent personnel universities and the Lead
1. Promoting the industry players, BTS
application of Establishment of at the national and
advanced NDT National Occupational international levels Supporting
technology Skills Standard BST
(NOSS) in advanced BTI
NDT techniques RMC
Development of BKP
qualified advanced Research
NDT trainers and Institutes
instructors Universities
Strategy 2: Advancing the application of NDT technology
Development of Establishment of 6 advanced NDT systems Strengthened Lead
advanced NDT systems Advanced NDT Reference 18 advanced NDT procedures infrastructure and BTI
centre capabilities in
Development of advanced NDT for Supporting
state-of-the art training ISO/ IEC 17020 accreditation sustainable industrial BST
infrastructures and development BKT
facilities for advanced MSNT
Development of DOSH
qualification and PETRONAS
certification in advanced IAEA
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
2. Developing Medium Term Prominence in
automated Establishment of (2023-2025) Development of 2 inspection solutions advanced NDT for Supporting)
multimodal industrial baseline automated inspection strategic partnership
advanced NDT inspection Development of technology New quality control, quality with industries Lead
technology for data specialised and well assurance and condition recognized BTI
industries equipped facilities for Recognition of NDT monitoring programs
advanced NDT inspection procedures Supporting
3. Developing Replicating and Development of Establishment of Interpretive simulation Enhanced safety and Lead
model for 6 advanced NDT inspection efficiency in BTI
innovative systems model ling various testing facilities to innovative systems techniques industries
and establishing types of industrial experimentally validate BST
predictive/ problems computer-based finding MSNT
interpretive DSM
simulation models Building up solution PETRONAS
banks using computer
simulation tools
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
1. Developing Medium Term
innovative (2023-2025) Supporting)
technology Strategy 3: Advancing nuclear technology for sustainable industry development using radiotracer
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Improvement of Development of Application of smart 2 smart instrumentation Optimized investigation Lead
industrial radiotracer innovative systems radiotracer technology for radiotracer systems and and plant process BTI
techniques for and smart radiotracer and inspection using IoT radioactive handling solution (oil and
troubleshooting and technology and and artificial intelligence gas, minerals, Supporting
inspection in related materials technology 2 software for data analysis energy, agriculture, Research
industries environment and Institutes
Development of Enhancement of 1 artificial Intelligence pipeline industries) Universities
advanced automated advanced automated inspection gauge (PIG) Industries
systems and facilities for radiotracer probes Recognised as a DOSH
radiotracer technology and radiotracer self- 1 industrial single photon Technical Support
and inspection assessment systems (AI emission computed Organization (TSO) for
Probes) tomography (iSPECT) facility stakeholders
2 Radiotracer probes:
1. automated radiotracer
injection system
2. robotic radiotracer
inspection and
assessment system
2. Strengthening Compilation of Diversification of QC Establish national 1 database of radiotracer Recognised as a Lead
radiotracer assessment and and QA methods using reference centre activity of R&D&C Reference Centre for BTI
technique for diagnostic data cutting-edge industrial for application of Industrial Radiotracer
quality control radiotracer techniques radiotracer techniques in 1 QC and QA standard Technology for Supporting
(QC) and quality industry sustainable industrial Research
assurance (QA) 2 new quality and control development Institutes
models Universities
1 procedure for QC & QA in
radiotracer application
1. modelling
2. computer simulation
1 Centre of Excellence in
Radiotracer Technology
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
1. Modernising Medium Term
facilities for (2023-2025) Supporting)
advanced sealed
source technology Strategy 4: Advancing sealed sources technology and modern nuclear gauging
and modern
nuclear gauging Development, Modernising the Establishment Centre 2 advanced inspection & Recognised as a Lead
promotion and Evaluation, Verification of Excellence for diagnostic systems Reference Centre BTI
commercialisation of Facilities (EVF) Plant Assessment and for Sealed Source
advanced diagnostic Evaluation 2 cutting-edge imaging CT Technology for Supporting
and inspection Enhancement of systems sustainable industrial BST
systems for plant radioisotope-based development BTP
assessment measurement and 1 Plant Assessment and
imaging systems (faster, Evaluation Facility
safer and higher Recognised as a
resolution) 1 Centre of Excellence in National Industrial
Computed Tomography Computed Tomography
Technology Technology Reference
Centre for sustainable
industrial development
Strategy 5: Further exploring new technologies for rare earth extraction
1. Develop pilot Development of Design and Establishment of pilot 6 mineral processing methods Recognised as a Lead
plant capability laboratory scale refurbishment of the plant for RE extraction National Reference BTI
for extraction of for RE extraction Mineral Processing Pilot for RE element (REE) Centre for Rare Earth
rare earth (RE) process and analysis Plant for extraction process and Laboratory scale Extraction Research for Supporting
from local mineral procedure RE mixed oxide procedure demonstration plant Human sustainable industrial BAS
resources extraction Capital Development in RE- development BST
Designing laboratory Transfer of technology to processing BKS
scale demonstration the related industry 1. 2 PhD BKJ
plant for RE extraction 2. 4 MSc
Expanding scope
LPTA/A/724 licensing
Strategy 6: Developing advanced nuclear instrument and radiation detector
1. Developing Development of Prototype development Commercialisation and 1 CMOS-based ionizing Recognised as a Lead
radiation materials, process, radiation spectrometer Reference Centre for BTI
detection system competency and and demonstration technology transfer Radiation Detection
software 1 photodiode-based gamma and Monitoring for Supporting
spectrometer sustainable industrial BST
development BKS
1 radiation imaging system
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 7: Strengthening nuclear analytic techniques for material development and characterization
1. Developing Generation of Production of cost Implementation of 1 new material and system Produced affordable Lead
effective and efficient collaborative research with demonstrated stability and durable renewable BTI
Nuklear Malaysia Vision materials and new technology energy generation program in targeted and efficiency to overcome hydrogen fuel cell
systems sectors cost and durability issues in system for energy Supporting
systems for and competency fuel cell security BST
renewable energy in materials 1 compact and safer hydrogen
storage system
applications development for
energy generation
2. Developing Materials fabrication Demonstration of Safeguarding 1 photochemical water Smart materials Lead
materials for and process prototypes and field environment and public splitting system system to support BTI
environmental development testing health risk environmental Supporting
sensing, 2 wireless wearable sustainability and BST
healthcare and Commercialization and environmental sensors healthcare
control technology transfer to Lead:
stakeholders 1 new material on 3D scaffold Recognised as a BTI
3. Develop materials Development of Develop a new nanofibers reference centre for Supporting
prototype, database, corrosion protection BST
for surface, material fabrication procedures and 1 thermal neutron radiation and preservation
techniques shielding material of national heritage
corrosion and process artifacts
1 new process for
conservation and preservation
of artifacts
and heritage
Strategy 8: Enhance services, commersialisation and technology transfer
1. Strengthening Study the need for Development of Promoting the use of less than 5% yearly Effective management Lead
management of new management new Trust Account new online payment total ABT of Trust Account BKT
Trust Account system of Trust management system system for effective service
Account 1 up to date account delivery to clients is Supporting
Develop value-added management system achieved All divisions
Upgrade existing system
e-client system 1. online payment
2. e-budget/ balance
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
2. Conducting Medium Term
market needs Development of (2023-2025) Transfer of technology to 2 experts Supporting)
analysis and expertise in market industries
negotiation on research and Expansion of 5 market study reports Increased Lead
R&D&C products negotiation skills collaboration between commercialisation R&D BKT
based on industry researchers, scientists 5 commercialisation fund product RMC
concerns and local and regional
companies 3 competitive products and Reference centre Supporting
services for researcher in All divisions
Continue to explore producing product and
funding sources and 5 publications in journals/ services to meet market
engaging in partnerships proceedings needs
with local and regional
3. Intensifying the Intensify sales and Collaboration with Penetrate international 5 booklet and catalogue on Elevating local Lead
other ministries, state market through smart products and services industrial advancement BKT
commercialization marketing activities government and collaboration with local for socioeconomic
industries companies 50 collaboration agreements development Supporting
of products, through business All divisions
1 commercialisation guideline
services and pitching, roadshows
2 enculturation workshop on
technology and exhibitions commercialisation
transfer 20 products commercialised
Develop 10% IP commercialised
comprehensive 2 internationalisation of
products/ services
guideline and model
culture among
Exploring funding
sources and engaging
in partnerships with
local and regional
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
4. Promoting Medium Term
Nuklear Malaysia Certified expertise (2023-2025) Strengthening expert Increase numbers of technical The provision Supporting)
as a Technical and technical services to expert of competitive
SupPromoting Increased Promoting expert and industry professional services Lead
Nuklear Malaysia participation in technical services BKT
as a Technical technical certification
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Support programmes Supporting
Organisation All Division
(TSO) for
industryor Study on new module Expand short-term Internationalization of Comprehensive Center of Become an equivalent Lead
industry development and training programs for training to regional Excellence at the regional level training center with BKT – Centre
syllabus of training academic certification regional training of Nuclear
5. Expansion of programs Development of a 15 new training products providers Excellence
training program Obtain skills and training lifelong learning
Applying for funds development plan 1 Diploma / Master’s Provide skilled workers Supporting
Ministerial approval Programs in the field of nuclear All Division
for recognition as a Develop new E-Reference Book technology in the
‘regional international competencies trainer/ 10 E-Learning module product industry
centre’ facilitator develop
Increase awareness
Upgrading training Expand shortterm Member of the Committee on and security of
facility and training programs for EnT national strategy policy applications using
infrastructure academic certification. nuclear technology
5 number of competencies/
Developing new Obtain skills and training competent trainers Enhance industrial
technology for online funds development in
learning 1 IPTA/IPTS the field of nuclear
Develop new technology
Establish steering competencies trainer/
committee facilitator Dissemination of
for development of knowledge to the
policy and strategies Develop partnerships member states through
for education and / collaborations with RTC
training (EnT) on related parties
Ionizing radiation TNA on Radiation Safety Sustainable radiation
safety education and
training program
Strategic Nuclear Science and Technology for Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Thrust 2 Societal and Environmental Well-Being
No. Strategies Initiatives
1. Enhancing crop productivity and supporting sustainable resources management in 5
2. Enhancing food security and safety using nuclear and related techniques 7
3. Leading R&D in nuclear and radiation technologies in medicine 4
4. Improvement of natural resources, water and environment management using nuclear
and radiation technology
5. Management of radioactive waste and spent fuel from research reactor 3
No Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 1: Enhancing crop productivity and supporting sustainable resources management in agriculture Lead
1. Increasing number Generate variants Improve functional and Increase production 5 new varieties Enhanced farmers,
quality traits of crops and widen usage of growers and industrial Supporting
Nuklear Malaysia Vision of food, horticultural and new plant improved varieties players income UKM
Increase crop resilience to UPM
and industrial varieties with good climate change, diseases Increased national self UiTM
and pests sufficiency level (SSL) to MAFI
crop varieties with agronomic and ensure continuous food MPIC
supply Other
enhanced quality and quality traits universities
resilient to climate Lead
change via radiation
applications UKM
2. Improving crop Broaden the Development of speed Strengthen molecular 5 procedures Enhanced farmers, UiTM
breeding technique 2 technology adopted growers and industrial MAFI
production and application of tissue breeding technology to to assist in identifying players income MPIC
superior plant Other
breeding technique culture tecnique accelerate new plant varieties Increased national self universities
sufficiency level (SSL) to
via mutation and bioreactor variety production ensure continuous food Lead
supply BAB
induction and related technology for
technology efficient crop UPM
production MPIC
3. Developing model Promote and apply Development of Application of 1 database for green house Enhanced farmers, universities
for sustainable nuclear techniques agriculture ecosystems sustainable gases emission growers and industrial
agricultural for sustainable database: agriculture players income
management system agriculture 1. greenhouse gas production model 1 integrated model for
using isotopic and sustainable agriculture Increased national self
related techniques Data compilation: emission production sufficiency level (SSL) to
1. greenhouse 2. water resources ensure continuous food
supply festyle
gas emission availability
2. water 3. soil fertility variability Ensured environmental
resources Develop model
availability of sustainable agriculture
3. soil fertility production
No Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
4. Establishing a Medium Term Enhanced farmers,
regional reference Enhancing capacity (2023-2025) Strengthen climate- 1 regional collaborative center growers and industrial Supporting)
centre for nuclear and capability in smart agriculture for nuclear application in players income
application in stable isotope Establish climate-smart procedure and agricultural soil-nutrient- Lead
agricultural soil- analysis for agriculture procedure and nuclear based water management Ensured environmental BAB
nutrient-water agriculture nuclear based precision precision technique sustainability
management technique in agricultural in agricultural 1 accreditation for stable Supporting
soil-nutrient-water soil-nutrient-water isotope analysis laboratory Recognised as a regional UPM
management management reference center for for MAFI
nuclear application in MPIC
agricultural soil-nutrient- Other
water management universities
5. Strengthening Sterile Conduct Development of SIT Evaluate and 1 technical report on SIT Enhanced safety of Lead
optimise efficacy of studies agroproduce BAB
Insect Technique preliminary study infrastructure and SIT to control insect
pest in micro SIT 1 SOP for insect pest Increased consumer trust Supporting
(SIT) infrastructure on the effectiveness capabilities for insect ecosystem irradation 1 procedure for in agricultural products MAFI
insect pest irradiation MPIC
and capabilities of SIT pest management in Increased efficiency in Other
5 publications in journals/ crop disease control universities
for insect pest agricultural sectors proceedings
management in
agricultural sectors
Strategy 2: Enhancing food security and safety using nuclear and related techniques
1. Strengthening and Development of Application of isotopic Strengthen isotopic 2 food authenticity database of Enhanced safety of Lead
and nuclear techniques in and nuclear techniques Malaysian agroproduce Malaysian agroproduce BAB
broadening the food traceability controlling food fraud in controlling food
fraud 2 procedures Increased consumer trust Supporting
application of isotopic and authenticity Establish and demand in Malaysian MOH
database for food 1 accreditied reference center agroproduce MAFI
and related techniques techniques traceability and authenticity for food traceability and UKM
authenticity UPM
in food traceability and UITM
authenticity Enhancing capacity MGI
and capability of MALAYSIA
stable isotope
analysis for food
traceability and 5 publications in journals/
Nuklear Malaysia Vision No Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
2. Strengthening Medium Term Enhanced safety of food
application of food Develop new (2023-2025) Continue to develop 2 prosedure for food Increased export of Supporting)
irradiation and functional and shelf electron beam and irradiation Malaysian food products
irradiated food stable irradiated Expand phytosanitary X-ray applications for Lead
detection food irradiation to other food irradiation 2 prosedure for irradiated BAB
agriculture commodities food detection
for export Supporting
1 database MOH
Establish irradiation Develop electron beam MAFI
technique as a applications for food 5 publications in journals/ FAMA
phytosanitary irradiation proceedings UPM
treatment of UKM
Malaysian fresh Establish food irradiation
fruits for export and irradiated food
detection database
3. Establishing Explore application Broaden application of Establish accredited 2 protocols for microbial Enhanced safety, security Lead
laboratory for applications in agrobased and sustainablity of BAB
advanced application of microbial mutant microbial mutant for microbial irradiation industry agroproducts
technology Supporting
of new microbial for agrobased agrobased industry Contributed to climate Research
change mitigation Institutes
strains for agrobased industry Universities
4. Developing new and Development Enhancement of Development of pilot 2 functional products Enhanced safety, Lead
plant for agro-based security of supply BAB
improved agro-based of agro-based secondary metabolites in functional production 1 procedure for utilising agro and sustainability of
waste material agroproducts Supporting
materials using functional products agro-based materials UKM
1 pilot plant for agro-based UPM
radiation technology and resources functional production UiTM
using radiation 5 publications in journals/ MPIC
Recycling agro-
waste materials to
produce agro-
based products
No Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 3: Leading research and development (R&D) in nuclear and radiation technologies in medicine Lead
1. Strengthening Explore the Upgrade the radioisotope Obtain the GMP 6 procedures Improved quality of life
and radiopharmaceutical certification for Supporting
production of potential of production facility radioisotope and 10 publications in journals/ Improved and enhanced BST
radiopharmaceutical proceedings access to nuclear BKT
diagnostic and producing new production facility medicine procedures BKJ
3 industry collaborations BKP
therapeutic radioisotopes Transfer of Cost savings through BKS
technology to industry 3 GMP compliant facilities locally produced BAS
radioisotopes and radioisotopes and
3 commercialized products
2. Development and Exploring new Upgrading radio Strengthening the 5 procedures Improved quality of life Lead
strengthening of and generic radio pharma-ceutical cold kits GMP-certified radio BTP
radiopharmaceutical pharma-ceutical production facility pharmaceutical kit 10 publications in journals/ Improved and enhanced
cold kit production cold kits production facility proceedings access to nuclear Supporting
medicine procedures BKT
Technology transfer 1 Industry collaboration BKJ
to industry Cost savings through BST
1 GMP compliant facilities locally produced BKP
radiopharmaceutical cold
5 commercialized kits
radiopharmaceutical cold kits
3. Development of Developing the Upgrading the facility for Establishing 3 procedures Diversifying treatment Lead
therapeutic agents capability and the development of new methodology for options BTP
based on synthetic capacity to produce therapeutic agents based the production of 5 technical reports
and natural products therapeutic agents on synthetic and natural therapeutic agents Improving quality of life Supporting
based on synthetic products based on synthetic 10 publication in journals/ BST
and natural and natural products proceedings BKT
products BKJ
1 therapeutic agent based on BKP
Exploring new synthetic and natural products
synthetic and
natural products 1 chemical synthesis
based therapeutic laboratory
Activities Output Responsibility
(KPI) (Lead &
No Initiatives Short Term Medium Term Long Term Outcome
(2021-2022) (2023-2025) (2026-2030) 3 procedures Supporting)
4. Development of Diversifying treatment
novel theranostic Establishing competency and capacity in Pre-clinical 5 technical reports options Lead
agents for precision theranostics-based research, PET/ SPECT imaging, development of novel BTP
medicine optical imaging, radiolabelling, bioconjugation, theranostic agents 10 publications in journals/
molecular biology, biodistribution proceedings
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Improved and enhanced Supporting
Establishing research laboratories in molecular 1 Novel theranostic agent access to new types of BST
imaging for small animals treatment BKT
5. Building technical Strengthening Development of cyclotron-based radioisotopes 2 procedures Improved quality of life Lead
and human resource competency BTP
capabilities in to develop 5 technical reports Improved and enhanced
support of the cyclotron related access to nuclear Supporting
establishment of technological 3 publications in journals/ medicine procedures BST
a 30MeV cyclotron capabilities and proceedings BAS
facility applications Cost savings through BKJ
5 competent quality control locally produced BKS
personnel radioisotopes and BKT
6. Centre of Excellence/ Facility and laboratory upgrade Enhancing the 5 procedures Improved the safety of Lead
Reference Centre for implementation radiation workers and the BTP
Biological Dosimetry of chromosome 3 technical reports general public
aberration tests Supporting
8 publications in journals/ Strengthened the BPA
Strengthening ties proceedings country’s readiness in BKS
with the IAEA and dealing with radiological BKJ
WHO Biodose Net 1 ISO17025 accreditation emergencies BST
Training BKP
in a regional 1 IAEA Collaborating Centre
inter-laboratory (ICC)
comparison study of
dicentric techniques
Activities Output Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(KPI) (Lead &
No Initiatives Short Term Medium Term Long Term Outcome
(2021-2022) (2023-2025) (2026-2030) 3 procedures Supporting)
7. Development of Improved quality of life
diagnostic agents Developing research competencies and Establishing research 10 publications in journals/ Lead
for the control of capabilities laboratory and facility proceedings Improved and enhanced BTP
infectious diseases access to new types of
1 laboratory treatment Supporting
1 new diagnostic technique Cost savings through BKT
locally produced BKJ
1 diagnostic agent diagnostic agent BST
2 collaborations with external MOH
Strategy 4: Improvement of natural resources, water and environment management using nuclear and radiation technology
1. Broadening the Collaboration with R&D in the natural Development of a 1 set of databases for As a Technical Support Lead
resources and water database for policy elements, radioactivities, Organization (TSO) in BAS
nuclear analytical the government quality management makers to draft the stable isotopes and radon the natural resources
using nuclear techniques natural resources levels as well as for water and water quality Supporting
technique application sector and local and water quality dating management for the BKS
guidelines health and safety of Local water
in natural resources water authorities 8 technical reports people and nation supply
and water quality 10 publications in journals/ (SYABAS,
proceedings SAINS, PAIP,
management for AKSB etc)
people needs NAHRIM
Nuklear Malaysia Vision No Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
2. Establishing Medium Term As a Technical Support
national database Development and (2023-2025) Development 1 database for big data Organization (TSO) Supporting)
for environmental compilation of of elemental, analytic in elemental, in environmental
forensics scientific and Update the scientific radioactivity radioactivity and fingerprint forensics radioanalysis Lead
technical database and technical database and fingerprint characterization for sustainability of the BAS
continously characterization environmental and water
Collaboration with databases for 4 technical reports resources for the health Supporting
the government Continue collaboration environmental and safety of people and BKS
and private sectors with the government forensics 4 manual procedures/ SOP nation Local water
and private sectors authority
Provide data for 15 publications in journals/ Recognised as the JMG
Upgrade environmental national big data proceedings National Centre NAHRIM
forensics radioanalytical analytic needs of Excellence for JAS
facilities 1 MS ISO/IEC 17025 environmental forensics Universities
accreditation radioanalytical
Develop and
intensify expertise in
environmental forensics
3. Improving nuclear Conduct Improvement of the Improvement of 1 manual procedure/ SOP Recognised as a National Lead
dating facilities to promotional reliability, sensitivity and the feasibility of Nuclear Dating Reference BAS
enhance national activities efficiency of radiocarbon radiocarbon dating, 3 technical reports Center
heritages and water dating, TLD, OSL and OSL, TLD and Supporting
resources Upgrade and tritium enrichment tritium enrichment Procurement and As a Technical Support BST
strengthen nuclear techniques techniques to establishment of benzene line Organization (TSO) BAB
dating facilities support the system to provide nuclear SSDL
(radiocarbon Perform R&D activities conservation of technology expertise BKS
dating, TLD, national heritages, 4 experts to conserve national JMM
enrichment tritium) archaeological and heritages JMG
paleo-environmental 10 publications in journals/ LPTA
Develop, verify and studies and proceedings JAS
validate nuclear water resources NAHRIM
dating methods management PETRONAS/
Broaden the UKM
utilization of UTM
advanced technology USM
in the nuclear dating UPM
No Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
4. Strenghtening (2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
radioactivity Update the (2023-2025) Establishment of 1 database Supporting)
monitoring and existing scientific database comprising
pollution assessment and technical Continue and strengthen of: 6 technical reports As a Technical Lead
in the marine data for marine collaboration with the 1. Marine and Support Organization BAS
and terrestrial and terrestrial government and private 4 procedure manuals/ SOP (TSO) on radioactivity
environment radioactivity; and sectors terrestrial monitoring and pollution Supporting
pollution and radioactivity; 20 publications in assessment in the marine BKS
1. Development of radiological dose Continue update and 2. Assessment of journals/ proceedings and terrestrial for the Department
a national waste assessment compile the existing pollution; and sustainability of of Marine
disposal facility scientific and technical radiological dose environment Park
Equip the sampling data on marine and DoE
tools and upgrade terrestrial radioactivity; Provide and assist Department
the radioanalytical and pollution and policy makers in of Marine
and analytical radiological dose drafting a national Malaysia
chemistry facilities; assessment guideline on marine Maritim
and radioecological and terrestrial Malaysia
laboratories radioactivity and Universities
pollution and
radiological dose
Strategy 5: Management of radioactive waste and spent fuel from research reactor
Selection of Site investigation to Characterization of National Repository Blueprint Recognised as IAEA Lead
potential site for obtain preliminary data candidate national Collaborating Centres BAS
the development from potential sites radioactive waste Borehole disposal technology (ICC)
of national waste disposal sites for Disused Sealed Supporting
disposal facility Radioactive Source (DSRS) BKS
Environmental BST/PDC
Strengthening the and radiological 20 technical reports AELB
national radioactive monitoring and JMG
waste inventory evaluation 3 publications in journals/ JAS
proceedings JUPEM
Perform generic Spent fuel MySA
safety assessment management MOSTI
for radioactive research and
waste disposal development
Development of
safety case for
radioactive waste
disposal facility
No Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
2. Strengthening Upgrading waste Medium Term Construction of a A new and modern solid
radioactive waste inventory system (2023-2025) new and modern Improved inventory system waste treatment facility Supporting)
treatment facility facility for solid waste developed
Developing digital Application for funding treatment Proposal paper for funding Lead
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 3. Development waste tracking for construction of new application BAS
of capacity and system solid waste treatment Conduct feasibility
capability in spent facility study on spent fuel Safety assessment report on Supporting
fuel management Explore management in the the solid waste treatment BKJ
technologies management Submission of licensing following scope: processing BKP
practices for spent and regulatory 1. option for
fuel requirements for the 2 new procedures for waste Blueprint on research Lead
development of the new disposal treatment reactor spent fuel BAS
solid waste treatment 2. costs of disposal 3 technical reports management
Conduct feasibility study 3 publications in journals/ BST
on spent fuel management proceedings BKS
in the following scope:
1. storage
2. waste package design
3. fuel characterization,
4. inventory
Strategic No. Strategies Initiatives Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Thrust 3
Effective and 1. Strengthening cyber security control management through the development of intelligent system 1
Efficient Technical 2
Support for R&D 2. Providing accelerator technology infrastructure development for social economic growth
and Service 2
3. Enhancing and developing the research and development (R&D) activities to produce beam source
Delivery generator (ions and electrons) 5
4. Leading R&D in nuclear reactor technology and its applications 3
5. Localisation of nuclear and radiation technology development 5
6. Developing new R&D application and gamma irradiation services 2
7. Strengthening radiation protection and nuclear safety 7
8. Strengthening nuclear security
9. Strengthening national radiation metrology laboratory
10. Strengthening the infrastructure and expertise to improve the safety practice of NIR
11. Strengthening the national nuclear forensic center and forensics studies for industries applications
12. Strengthening the capacity of civil, electrical and mechanical infrastructure to support R&D activities
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 1: Strengthening cyber security control management through the development of intelligent system Lead
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 1. Broadening the Development of internet Development of Development of 1 integrated security Enhanced security
usage of Internet protocol (IP) based CCTV and integrated IoT for big data analytics system control Supporting
of Things (IoT) telephone system enhanced visual based on design BKS
for an integrated physical security basis threat (DBT) 1 database BKP
security control through system log assessment using BKJ
and recordings (CCTV, internal data
telephone and internet Lead
browsing) BST
Strategy 2: Providing accelerator technology infrastructure development for social economic growth
1. Establishing Perform feasibility study Perform technology Installation and 1 commercial 30 MeV Increased local All division
assessment commission of 30 multipurpose cyclotron radioisotope UKAS
commercial 30 MeV multipurpose facility production and MOH
Development of cyclotron facility reduced reliance on
MeV multipurpose conceptual design foreign resources
cyclotron facility of cyclotron
components and
for radioisotope materials
through Public-
Private Partnership
2. Sustaining Perform request for proposal Enhancement of facility Perform feasibility 1 feasibility report Support local SME Lead
commercial ALURTRON-Private partnership for sustainable services study for commercial to enhance product BST
electron beam 10 MeV electron Smart partnership with quality
irradiation service Management of aging facility accelerator Private entity Supporting
for local SME BTS
through smart Industries
Strategy 3: Enhancing and developing the research and development (R&D) activities to produce beam source generator (ions and electrons)
1. Establishing Enhancement of plasma focus Development of the IEC Commissioning of 1 IEC device Diversified alternative Lead
radiation sources for BST
plasma focus device design device the IEC device research and services
research facility for
neutron and ion Perform feasibility study
beam applications of the Inertial Electrostatic
Confinement (IEC) for neutron
and ion beam generation
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
2. Enhancing Medium Term Increased application
application of Design and construct radiation (2023-2025) Perform R&D 1 new application of low energy electron Supporting)
200 keV low sample delivery system activities on sample accelerator
energy electron Exploration of other surface coating 1 radiation facility for Lead
accelerator potential application and curing using sample surface coating BST
for low energy electron radiation sample and curing
1. Planning and accelerator delivery system Lead
preparing a BST
Multi-purpose Strategy 4: Leading R&D in nuclear reactor technology and its applications
Reactor (MPR) Supporting
development Conduct feasibility study on MPR Request and receive Implement 1 feasibility study report Reactor-based nuclear All divisions
program IAEA experts mission development on MPR technology application AELB
Preparing strategic plan for MPR for Integrated Nuclear program and for national socio- Universities
2. Strengthen safe development Infrastructure Review strategic plan for 1 strategic plan economic development Research
operation for the for Research Reactor MPR strenghthened and Institutes
RTP and enhance (INIR-RR) to assess MPR 1 INIR-RR report expanded Non-
its utilisation infrastructure governmental
1 blueprint on MPR Supporting
development program development of
national industry and
5 publications in Industrial Revolution
journals/ proceedings 4.0
Strengthen the Integrated Procure new nuclear fuel for RTP Zero nuclear accident Expertise and human Lead
Management System (IMS) for RTP Equip additional neutron beam facility capital in STEM, BST
10 new nuclear fuels specifically in the area
Optimising the use of RTP of reactor technology Supporting
neutron sources for R&D 1 DSA report developed All division
Conduct a Deterministic Safety 1 PSA report RTP operation fulfill
Assessment for RTP (neutronics, safety requirements
thermal hydraulics, severe 4 fully equip and
accidents) operational neutron Sustained RTP
beam facilities operation until
5 publications in
journals/ proceedings Optimised usage of
advanced neutron
beam facility to
support R&D
Conduct a full-scope Probabilistic
Safety Assessment (PSA) for RTP
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
3 Developing Aging Medium Term Best management
Management Program Plan and initiate the RTP Aging (2023-2025) Continue to 1 document on Aging practices for RTP aging Supporting)
on RTP structures, Management Program implement the RTP Management Program management and
systems and Implement the RTP Aging Management decommissioning Lead
components (SSCs) Aging Management Program 1 document on RTP developed BST
Program decommissioning plan
Pre-planning for RTP Supporting
Nuklear Malaysia Vision decommissioning BKS
4. Strengthening Upgrade physical security for Apply for RTP relicensing 1 safety, security and Best management Lead
safety, security RTP safeguard program for practices for RTP BST
and safeguards Analyse and fulfill AELB requirements for safe RTP safety, security and
program for RTP Planning for RTP relicensing and operation of SFP safeguard Supporting
licensing for Spent Fuel Pool SFP fully operational BKS
(SFP) Develop operation plan for SFP BTI
Improve procedures to ensure Apply for SFP operational license
compliance to Nuclear Material
Accounting and Control (NMAC)
for RTP and SFP
5 Developing Conducting studies on Explore new emerging technology for nuclear 5 experts Expertise and human Lead
capital development BST
human capital in innovative and advanced reactor waste reduction and other applications using 10 publications in in innovative and
journals/ proceedings advanced reactor Supporting
innovative and technology system advanced reactor technology system All divisions
1 training module
advanced reactor Human capital
readiness in
technology system Develop training module on innovative and innovative and
advanced reactor
advanced reactor technology technology system
Participate in INPRO-IAEA activities
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
1. Developing the Medium Term
design capability (2023-2025) Supporting)
of components,
processes, plants, Strategy 5: Localisation of nuclear and radiation technology development Lead
equipment and BST
nuclear-related Design of components and Design and Development of Localisation of 5 Capability and Supporting
facilities nuclear instrumentations development of reference centre for: nuclear equipment and expertise in nuclear All division
radioactive storage 1. design and components related design
2. Strengthening Development of software, capsules technology to Lead
the radioactive automation and control fabrication 1 type licensed strengthen the agency BST
material handling engineering Development of of transport radioactive storage and CoE
capability nuclear electronic container fulfill QA requirement Supporting
instrumentation 2. instrumentation Enhanced the safety BKT
3. Strengthening and nuclear 1 type licensed and security of BKS
the development Design and construction equipment radioactive transport radioactive material BAS
and maintenance of robots for container handling
capability of all radioactive handling Development of
components and and emergency automation control 1 type robot for
equipment in preparedness software radioactive handling
Nuklear Malaysia
Gamma sealed source Development of new 5 types software,
recycling program multipurpose hot automation and control
– modification of cell engineering
teletherapy head etc for
research purposes 1 type multipurpose
hot cell
Handling of radioactive material To venture into mobile Development 1 innovated radioactive Safe management of
using mobile hot cell hot cell services of automated material handling radioactive material
radioactive material system
Regional operation and handling devices
IAEA missions and system
Develop nuclear testing lab To develop in – house To establish a A national level of Enhanced local Lead
procedure and planning component and comprehensive testing and handling lab expertise and BST
requirement equipment in Nuklear lab for nuclear for nuclear equipment capacity in testing
Malaysia equipment testing and diagnosing Supporting
and handling nuclear equipment All division
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
1. Strengthening Medium Term
capabilities and (2023-2025) Supporting)
ensuring safety
and security Strategy 6: Developing new R&D applications and gamma irradiation services Lead
compliance for BST
Nuklear Malaysia Vision quality irradiation Conduct safety and gap analysis Development of Development of 1 technical report Integrated
services study safety and risk Integrated Manage- Management System Supporting
analysis procedure ment System (IMS) 5 procedures implemented in BKS
in accordance with manual enhancing safety, BKP
recommended practices 1 Integrated security and regulatory BKJ
Management System compliance for
for SINAGAMA provision of quality
irradiation facility services
2 publications in
journals/ proceedings
2. Broadening the Explore new potential Continue to develop Promoting new 3 new application Broadened Lead
procedures for new gamma irradiation application of gamma BST
application of application gamma irradiation application to 3 procedure manuals irradiation
applications potential users Supporting
gamma irradiation 3 experts BKS
Develop expertise in BKP
Develop procedures for new new gamma irradiation 3 publications in BKJ
application journals/ proceedings
gamma irradiation applications
Collaboration with other
ministries, state government
and industries
3. Developing latex Conduct R&D in latex Development of process Transfer of 1 radiation-based latex Increased Lead
vulcanization vulcanization by using various and irradiator prototype technology to vulcanisation process competitiveness of BST
process based types of radiation for latex vulcanisation industry local latex processing
on irradiation by radiation 1 irradiator prototype and dipped product Supporting
technology industries BTS
1 intellectual property BKS
Strengthened BTI
10 publications in Malaysia’s position
journals/ proceedings as one of the world’s
leading latex products
producing countries