No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
1. Strengthening Medium Term
radiological (2023-2025) Supporting)
preparedness Strategy 7: Strengthening radiation protection and nuclear safety program Lead
infrastructure BKS
Establish nuclear and Procurement of Continue to 1 advanced radiation National disaster
radiological evidence storage advance radiation dose collaborate with dose mapping tool management on Supporting
facility according to IAEA mapping tool relevant national radiological and All divisions
Integrated Nuclear Security and international 1 well-equiped nuclear emergency is
Support Plan (INSSP) and Collaboration with authorities radiological emergency strengthened
national legal requirements relevant national and preparedness
international authorities Strengthening SOP infrastructure Recognised as a TSO
for radiological for National Nuclear
emergency 2 bilateral agreements and Radiological
preparedness with national and Emergency
international authorities Preparedness and
Response (EPR)
1 updated SOP for
radiological emergency
5 publications in
journals/ proceedings
5 technical reports
2. Developing expert Develop syllabus for Conduct pilot study on Organize 1 recognized Increased stakeholder Lead
recognition comprehensive expert training program syllabus international comprehensive training confidence BKS
program in program expert mission for program
radiation safety Establish committee evaluating and Strengthened Supporting
Establish committee for for evaluating radiation certifying expert 5 experts radiation protection All divisions
evaluating syllabus for safety expert recognition program and nuclear safety
comprehensive expert training in radiation safety 2 publications in program
program journals/ proceedings
Develop criteria for radiation recognition program 1 peer review report
safety expert on radiation safety
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
3. Enhancing safety Medium Term Improved safety
culture practice Conduct the Safety Culture (2023-2025) Continue to 1 safety culture culture practice in Supporting)
Assessment using established implement safety assessment report Nuklear Malaysia
IAEA methods and tools Develop and implement culture program Lead
safety culture program 1 database BKS
Analyse safety culture practice:
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 1. Questionaire Evaluate safety 1 safety culture Supporting
2. Interview culture program program All divisions
3. Observation
4. Document review 5 publications in
5. Focus group journals/ proceedings
4. Strengthening Establish working group Develop database on Organise 1 database As a national Lead
internal dosimetry sample parameters international reference centre for BKS
programme Improve whole body counter expert mission 5 publications in internal dosimetry
(WBC) and thyroid counter Analyse and evaluate for evaluating the journals/ proceedings Supporting
system performance and data program All divisions
reliability 5 technical reports
Conduct inter- Develop internal
Compile sample parameters for comparison study dosimetry standard 1 guideline
inter-comparison study
Identify inter-comparison infrastructure for
laboratory among ASEAN internal dosimetry
countries programme
5. Assessing the Establish working group Develop database Cohort study for 1 database Availability of data Lead
preliminary data to on health effects of BKS
health effects Compile and record the data: Analyse and evaluate continue to 2040 5 publications in radiation workers in
from occupational 1. Personal dosimetry data journals/ proceedings Nuklear Malaysia Supporting
radiation exposure 2. Whole body counting Develop baseline All divisions
among radiation 3. Medical check up data of health effects 5 technical reports Enhanced workers
workers in Nuklear from occupational confident level
radiation exposure working with radiation
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
1. Upgrading Medium Term Enhanced nuclear
nuclear security (2023-2025) security Supporting)
Strategy 8: Strengthening nuclear security Enhanced Nuklear Lead
2. Developing Malaysia security BKS
Smart Personnel Improve nuclear security Establish physical Establish physical 1 physical protection system based on
Screening System equipment inventory protection exercise area protection exercise area Smart Personnel Supporting
laboratory Screening System BST
Upgrading physical protection at Evaluation of existing 1 physical protection BKJ
RTP through INSSP physical protection Establish Nuclear laboratory BKP
system effectiveness Security Integrated
Management 1 Integrated Lead
System Management System BKP
Development of vehicle Integration of face Enhancement of 1 technical report Supporting
validation database using recognition and vehicle Smart Personnel BST
Radiofrequency Identification identification features Screening System 1 Smart Personnel BKS
(RFID) technology to the Smart Personnel Screening System BKJ
Screening System
3. Developing smart Development of automated alert Integration of other Development of 1 Smart Nuclear Facility Sturdy safety features Lead
big data analytics Alert System for irradiation and BST
alert system system for power outage related monitoring based on design nuclear facilities
basis threat (DBT) Supporting
for nuclear and devices (fire, assessment using BKJ
internal data BKS
irradiation facilities temperature, access
Continue to Lead
system, etc.) with alert implement security BKS
culture programme
system Supporting
Evaluate security All divisions
4. Enhancing nuclear Develop nuclear security guide Conduct nuclear culture programme 1 security culture Improved nuclear
assessment report security culture
security culture for workers security culture self- practice in Nuklear
1 database Malaysia
practice assessment
1 security culture
Develop nuclear security culture programme
5 publications in
awareness programme journals/ proceedings
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
5. Developing Medium Term Increased stakeholder
technical reference Identify licensee with interest in (2023-2025) Establish technical 2 international confidence towards Supporting)
centre for nuclear nuclear security reference centre for collaborations nuclear security
security through Establish national nuclear security Lead
strengthening nuclear security interest 5 experts BKS
nuclear security group
network among Supporting
Nuklear Malaysia Vision licensee Collaboration with BPA
international nuclear BST
security laboratories BKJ
Strategy 9: Strengthening national radiation metrology laboratory
1. Developing Conduct feasibility study Develop primary Participate in 1 feasibility study report Increased Lead
standard dosimetry interlaboratory stakeholders BKS
Primary Standards measurement 1 interlaboratory confidence
Continue to upgrade comparison among measurement Supporting
Dosimetry Upgrade laboratory facilities laboratory facilities other primary comparison report BKP
standards dosimetry BKJ
Laboratory and laboratories BST
associated human Develop and strengthen Peer review by
International Bureau
resource expertise in primary standard of Weights and
Measures (BIPM)
dosimetry through training 1 Primary Standards
Continue to develop Dosimetry Laboratory
10 experts
10 publications in
journals/ proceedings
1 scientific book
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 10: Strengthening the infrastructure and expertise to improve the safety practice of non ionizing radiation (NIR)
1. Intensifying Conduct gap analysis on Implement As a TSO for NIR 10 safety assessment Improved the level of Lead
expertise and the existing expertise and improvement measures safety in Malaysia reports trust and confidence BKS
upgrading infrastructure for RF (3 Hz – based on findings and in NIR safety
infrastructure 300 GHz) and ELF EMF safety recommendations from 1 safety assessment assessment Supporting
for safety assessment gap analysis report procedure MOH
assessment of RF Contributed Tele-
(3 Hz – 300 GHz) Conduct safety assessment for Establish safety 3 experts to successful communication
and extremely RF (3 Hz – 300 GHz) and ELF assessment prosedure implementation of 5G service provider
low frequency EMF for RF (3 Hz – 300 GHz) 5 publications in in Malaysia MCMC
electromagnetic and ELF EMF journals/ proceedings SARAWAK
2. Enhancing Enhance expertise in laser and Upgrade optical safety As a TSO for optical 3 experts Improved the level of Lead
expertise and UV safety assessment facility radiation safety in trust and confidence BKS
infrastructure in Malaysia 1 optical radiation in optical radiation
optical radiation Establish safety assessment Continue develop safety facility safety assessment for Supporting
safety assessment procedure for laser and UV expertise and capability laser and UV MOH,
for laser and ultra in optical radiation 3 certified Laser Safety Industrial and
violet (UV) safety assessment Officers (LSO) medical sectors
involved in laser
2 safety assessment usage
5 publications in
journals/ proceedings
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 11: Strengthening the National Nuclear Forensic Centre and Forensics Studies for Industries Applications
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 1. Establishment Strengthen infrastructure: Improve the forensic infrastructure in Nuklear 1 technical report Center of excellence Lead
of the National 1. construct nuclear forensic Malaysia for nuclear forensic BKS
Nuclear Forensic 8 manual procedures/
Center evidence storage Strengthen of analysis facilities in Nuklear SOP Supporting
2. national and international Malaysia BAS
10 journal and BTI
collaboration with relevant Design programme on nuclear forensic conference papers BAB
authority BST
Increase the number of nuclear forensic experts 4 local expertise BPA
Documenting all procedures AELB
related to nuclear forensic MS ISO/IEC 17025 DoE
process in Nuklear Malaysia accreditation – 4 PDRM
Laboratories UKM
2. Broaden Lab accreditation for forensic Development of Broaden the nuclear 1 procedure related to Reference Centre for Lead
forensic library forensic library forensic analytical plan Forensic Science & BKS
applications of studies and its application Technology
for other related Accredited Forensic Supporting
nuclear technology areas (e.g culture Science Facilities BAS
heritage) BST
for forensic studies BTI
Strategy 12: Strengthening the capacity of civil, electrical and mechanical infrastructure to support R&D activities
1. Performing Inspection and safety audit on Rewiring for 3 buildings Continue inspection 10 buildings rewired Wiring and electrical Lead
maintenance electrical wiring and installation and safety audit on 2 audit reports installation are safe BKJ
and improving by JKR electrical wiring and
electrical safety installation by JKR Wiring and electrical Supporting
Rewiring based on inspection installation complied BKP
and safety audit on electrical Rewiring for 5 with Electricity JKR
wiring and installation at: buildings Supply Act and JKR’s
1. Block 19 specification
2. 1 more building to be
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
2. Improving high Preparation of procurement Medium Term Maintenance of high 2 ring circuits for high Stability of Nuklear
voltage back up plan for high voltage (2023-2025) voltage supply for voltage cable at both Malaysia’s alternative Supporting)
supply system contingency supply Installing high voltage ring circuit at both complexes power supply is
at Bangi Main cable to form ring circuit complexes enhanced Lead
Complex and Jalan Preparation of procurement at both complexes 1 genset unit at Bangi BKJ
Dengkil Complex plan for procuring Maintenance of Main Complex Electrical Supplementary
supplementary electrical power Provide supplementary the supplementary Substation 1-5 emergency power Supporting
3. Enhancing supply electrical power supply power supply for supply for Block 37, BKP
emergency for emergencies at emergencies 5 new chillers IT Server Room and JKR
supplementary Conduct study on chiller identified buildings 5 laboratories equip Block 13T is enhanced
electrical technology to replace existing Replace aging with good ventilation Lead
power supply systems Construction of genset chiller and upgrade system according to BKJ
from Electrical room and installation of centralized air specified indoor air
Substation 1-5 Preparation of procurement one genset unit at Bangi conditioning and quality Supporting
plan for procument of Main Complex Electrical ventilation system BKP
4. Enhancing the centralised air conditioning and Substation 1-5 at Complex Jalan 3 building mechanical JKR
capacity of ventilation system Replace aging chiller Dengkil systems and mechanical
centralised air and upgrade centralized equipment replaced or Centralized air Lead
conditioning and Conduct study on indoor air air conditioning and Maintenance of upgraded conditioning and BKJ
ventilation system quality ventilation system at centralized air ventilation system
for laboratory and Bangi Main Complex conditioning and for laboratory and Supporting
office Identify the building mechanical ventilation system for office adhere to good BKP
system and mechanical Improving ventilation laboratory and office engineering practice JKR
5 Enhancing building equipment to be replaced and system of identified Continue to operate
mechanical system upgraded buildings and maintain building Compliance to indoor
and mechanical mechanical system air quality standard
equipment for R&D Periodic maintenance and Preparation of and mechanical for condusive working
activities repair works on the existing procurement plan for equipment environment
system procuring mechanical
building system and Building mechanical Lead
mechanical equipment system and mechanical BKJ
equipment adhere to
good engineering practice Supporting
Compliance to the
relevant regulatory
requirements for
condusive working
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
6 Conducting slope Medium Term
study and repair Conduct detailed study on slope (2023-2025) Perform slope 1 detailed study report Supporting)
damage maintenance and for damage slope at 3
Preparation of repair works various locations Slopes are well Lead
procurement plan for maintained to ensure BKJ
Nuklear Malaysia Vision slope maintenance and a safe working
repair works environment Supporting
7 Conducting repair Identify the buildings with Preparation of Perform maintenance 10 buildings with Buildings are in good BAS
condition to ensure safe BTI
works for buildings structural damage and internal procurement plan for of buildings and structural damage and and condusive working Lead
environment BKJ
that have structural water supply problems repair works internal water supply internal water supply
damage and were repaired BKP
internal water Perform repair works on
supply problems structural damage and
internal water supply
Strategic No. Strategies Initiatives Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Thrust 4 1
Local and 1. Strengthening functions as the national liaison agency for the International Atomic Energy 3
Agency (IAEA) 2
Global Nuclear 2
2. Strengthening functions as the national authority for the implementation of the 3
Governance Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) 3
3. Enhancing strategic cooperation with foreign countries, regional and international 4
4. Forefront matters on nuclear governance
5. Dissemination of information on nuclear science and technology (NST) in the education
and learning institutions in Malaysia
6. Disseminating information and creating awareness on nuclear science and technology to
the public
7. Implementation of public awareness program to local communities around Nuklear
8. Capitalising media and strengthening nuclear diplomacy
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 1: Strengthening function as the national liaison agency for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 1. Strengthening Implement foresight Evaluate the Establish technical 2 Country Program Optimised benefits Lead
management study to ensure the effectiveness of cooperation program Framework (CPF) documents from IAEA Technical BPA
of the national technical cooperation technical cooperation based on new Cooperation Program
IAEA Technical program is in line with program economic growth and 1 foresight study report Supporting
Cooperation national priority areas national priorities Achieved dynamic All Division
Program 1 technical cooperation technical cooperation
Establishment of report program to support
portal for centralised national socioeconomic
management of 1 technical cooperation development
national technical portal
cooperation program Strengthened
operational efficiency of
the IAEA National Liaison
Strategy 2: Strengthening function as the national authority for the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)
1. Strengthening Organise promotional and awareness programs on CTBT implementation 5 promotional and Enhanced effectiveness Lead
involvement Conduct capacity building programs for national CTBT authorised users awareness program of national CTBT BPA
of relevant Enhance collaboration with relevant stakeholders in implementing CTBT implementation
stakeholders in 5 capacity building program Supporting
CTBT activities and All Division
programs 5 stakeholder coordination
2. Strengthening CTBT Explore collaboration Train researchers Implement technical 1 regional scientific Enhanced collaboration Lead
in waveform and cooperation projects cooperation network with others regional NDC BPA
National Data Centre opportunities with radionuclide analysis with regional countries
for nuclear test 1 technical cooperation Intensified NDC analysis Supporting
(NDC) regional countries verification Establish regional CTBT project report capabilities All Division
collaboration network
1 waveform analyst group
1 radionuclide analyst group
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
3. Broadening the use Medium Term Optimised use of
of CTBT data for Promote the use (2023-2025) Strengthen existing 5 collaboration with CTBT data for civil and Supporting)
civil and scientific of CTBT data to collaboration with universities and research scientific applications Lead
applications universities and Explore collaboration universities and institutions BPA
research institutions with universities and research institutions Supporting
research institutions 3 R&D projects All Division
Utilise CTBT Explore new
radionuclide and Explore and utilise collaboration with Lead
seismic data to support CTBT infrasound data universities and BPA
R&D for civil and scientific research institutions Supporting
applications in Malaysia All Division
Explore and utilise CTBT Lead
hydroacoustic data BPA
for civil and scientific Supporting
applications in Malaysia All Division
Strategy 3: Enhancing strategic cooperation with foreign countries, regional and international organisations Lead
1. Optimising the Implement foresight Strengthen existing Promote new 1 foresight study report Enhanced network Supporting
international opportunities of international All Division
utilisation of relevant study cooperation of international 1 new international cooperation
cooperation to collaboration platform
international Explore new researchers Strengthened R&D&C
international 2 collaboration projects in capabilities at
cooperation collaborations new platforms international level
2 new international
platforms recognitions Enhanced national
reputation at
2. Increasing Increase the number of international recognitions 3 ICC international level
and sustaining Expand the current scope of international recognition
Strategy 4: Forefront matters on nuclear governance
1. Developing National Finalise the NNTP Review the Evaluate the 1 NNTP document Developed a
Nuclear Technology implementation of implementation of comprehensive policy
Policy (NNTP) NNTP NNTP 2 NNTP implementation on nuclear science and
reports technology
Expanded nuclear
science and technology
applications at national
Activities Output Responsibility
(KPI) (Lead &
No. Initiatives Short Term Medium Term Long Term Outcome
(2021-2022) (2023-2025) (2026-2030) 30 participation in national Supporting)
2. Strengthening and international nuclear Enhanced capabilities
capabilities on Increase involvement in nuclear governance-related activities at the national governance activities in nuclear governance Lead
technical matters and international levels at national and BPA
pertaining to nuclear 1 database international level
Nuklear Malaysia Vision governance at Develop database of nuclear governance affairs Supporting
the national and All Division
international levels
Strategy 5: Dissemination of information on nuclear science and technology (NST) at learning institutions in Malaysia
1. Developing Development of Collaboration with educators on expanding and 1 set of module for primary Skilled and Lead
communication module for both school distributing the module schools knowledgeable BPM
module for nuclear and university level educators as effective
education outreach Support relevant ministry in the development of a 1 set of module for nuclear communicators Supporting
(NEO) program Evaluate and aligning new curriculum secondary schools All divisions
the modules with the Awareness of nuclear MOE
school curriculum 1 set of module for higher science and technology MOHE
learning institutions increased Higher
Conduct pilot studies learning
at selected learning institutions
2. Conducting direct Continuously conduct Collaboration with science centres in promoting and 5% of learning Increased interest in NST Lead
communication direct communication disseminating NST information institutions visited for the BPM
through talks and with learning implementation of nuclear Enhanced collaboration
exhibitions institutions Update information and exhibition materials at education outreach program with relevant ministries Supporting
Galeri Kecemerlangan Nuklear Malaysia and agencies All divisions
1 permanent NST themed MOE
exhibition corner at the MOHE
National Science Centre National
1 interactive science corner Centre
at Nuklear Malaysia
3. Analysing the Formulate a Improve the questionnaire 1 report yearly Increased awareness Lead
Compare the data with regional countries among policy makers to BPM
effectiveness of NEO questionnaire 1 set of standard strategise enculturation
questionnaire of NST in Malaysia Supporting
Reporting the All divisions
effectiveness of NEO 1 database
Development of
baseline data
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 6: Disseminating information and creating awareness on nuclear science and technology to the public Lead
1. Conducting public Compiling stakeholder Strategise programs based on stakeholders input 25 activities yearly Increased awareness
information and profile Conduct direct engagement with stakeholders among the public Supporting
awareness program 10 printed or online All divisions
on NST Identify issues and Continuously conduct train the trainers program information yearly Trained and Lead
challenges with different approaches knowledgeable BPM
2. Conducting train Identify nuclear communicators 1 talent pool of communicators are
the trainers Provide necessary communicators created Supporting
program for nuclear training to nuclear Improve the questionnaire All divisions
communicators communicators: 1 data bank of issues and Increased awareness
1. public speaking training approaches among policy makers to Lead
3. Analysing the 2. communication strategise enculturation BPM
effectiveness of 19 experts on 19 nuclear of NST in Malaysia
public information skills infrastructure issues Supporting
and awareness 3. technical 1 report yearly All divisions
knowledge 1 database
Formulate a
Report on the
effectiveness of the
Develop baseline data
Strategy 7: Implementation of public awareness program to local communities around Nuklear Malaysia
1. Broadening Identify the relevant Identify issues and concerns from local communities 20 nuclear communicators Positive synergy between Lead
collaboration local community among local communities the government and BPM
program with local leaders Tailor the communication program according to 10 CSR activities local communities
communities issues and concerns identified enhanced Supporting
5 biennial reports All divisions
2. Analysing the Formulate a Develop and carry out corporate social responsibility 1 set of standard Increased awareness of
effectiveness of questionnaire (CSR) program to local communities questionnaire NST Lead
public information Evaluate the effectiveness of CSR activities 1 database BPM
and awareness Report the effectiveness Increased awareness
program for local of program Improve the questionnaire among local Supporting
communities communities to All divisions
enculturate NST
Develop baseline data
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
1. Producing high Medium Term
impact promotional (2023-2025) Supporting)
videos and
Public Service Strategy 8: Capitalising media and strengthening nuclear diplomacy
Nuklear Malaysia Vision (PSA) on NST Produce corporate Continue to produce Continue to produce 2 corporate videos Increased Nuklear Lead
video on Nuklear PSA on NST for social PSA on NST for social Malaysia’s visibility UKK
Malaysia’s R&D and media media 120 PSA
achievements every 5 Increased public Supporting
years Conduct survey and Analyse and strategise 1 report awareness towards NST All divisions
data collection on the the effectiveness of
Produce PSA on NST for effectiveness of PSA PSA to increase public 2 publications in journals/
social media to increase public awareness proceedings
2. Monitoring public Establish a committee Continue monitoring nuclear issues in Malaysia 10 analysis reports on NST Increased Nuklear Lead
information on to monitor nuclear issues Malaysia’s visibility UKK
nuclear technology issues in Malaysia Develop online media platform for NST
through online 1 online media platform Increased public Supporting
media Training on using social media as tools for awareness towards NST All divisions
marketing and promotion 2 workshops
3. Strengthening Organise visit/ courtesy call to stakeholder 100 visits/ courtesy calls Increased Nuklear Lead
relations with Organise visit from stakeholder to Nuklear Malaysia 50 stakeholder visits Malaysia’s visibility UKK
stakeholders Maintain good rapport with stakeholders 1 set stakeholder profile
All divisions
4. Strengthening Engage and maintain good rapport with printed and electronic media 50 published information Increased Nuklear Lead
program with practitioners Malaysia’s visibility UKK
printed and 50 appearances on
electronic media Publish information on NST in printed and electronic media electronic media Supporting
All divisions
100 event coverage on
Strategic Conducive Environment to Nurture Talent Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Thrust 5 and Cultivate R&D Capacities in Nuclear
Science and Technology
No. Strategies Initiatives
1. Developing top down and TSO program 2
2. Diversifying R&D&C sources of funding 3
3. Enhancing the development of competent and competitive human resource 6
4. Utilizing ICT as a platform to support the implementation of HCD program 2
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
1. Developing top down Medium Term Increased nuclear
program in priority areas: (2023-2025) applications in industry Supporting)
1. Radiation safety and Recognised as a TSO for
NIR Strategy 1: Developing top down and TSO program stakeholders Lead
2. Nuclear forensics RMC
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 3. Agriculture seed Identify projects R&D project Continue R&D project 20 publications in high
production in RMK 11 that implementation implementation impact journal Supporting
4. Nuclear medicine achieved Technology All divisions
technology Readiness Level Technology transfer to 200 publications in other
5. Radioactive waste (TRL) 3 and above industries journals/ proceedings
6. Advanced NDT Collaboration with 25 intellectual properties
7. Advanced radiotracer public and private registered
8. Computed sectors for fund
tomography imaging application 500 R&D projects
9. Accelerator
2. Establishing TSO program Plan and facilitate Monitor and TSO to government 5 collaboration partners Established local Lead
agencies and 5 local experts RE industries RMC
to support rare earth (RE) fund application evaluate project industries 10 R&D projects
industries implementation Technology transfer to BTI
industries BAS
Establish Universities
collaboration with Explore smart agencies
government agencies partnership with
and private sector private sector
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 2: Diversifying R&D&C sources of funding Lead
1. Increasing funding Develop Promote expertise and projects at TRL 3 and 20 new research contracts Increased R&D funding
and identifying new Collaboration above to private and government agencies in with private sectors Supporting
collaboration partners for Guideline for exploring new potential collaboration partners All divisions
R&D&C Research and Continue to organise fund application briefing by 20 research grants Government
Technology fund providers agencies
Development 6 jenis dana baharu Private
Increase collaboration partners (berdasarkan dana MOSTI company
Organise fund pada 2021 Universities
application briefing TED1, TED2, AIF,
by fund providers SRF, BGF,
Identifying new
funding sources 6 new funding sources
and collaboration (referring to MOSTI Fund
partners for R&D&C in 2021 TED1, TED2, AIF,
5 pre-commercialisation
30 collaboration partners
2. Enhancing research Identify suitable Increase research Technology transfer to 10 products at TRL 9 Enhanced visibility of Lead
collaboration with private industry fund application from industries national expertise in NST RMC
sectors, universities and collaborators for goverment agencies 10 research funds
government agencies in smart partnerships and private sectors Application of Supporting
identified R&D&C areas commercialisation 20 smart partnerships All divisions
Promote RISE Monitor fund Goverment
Program R&D&C project 300 researchers involve in agencies
implementation RISE program Private
Promote Nuklear company
Malaysia’s expertise Implement RISE Universities
and research Program
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
Medium Term
(2023-2025) Supporting)
Strategy 3: Enhancing the development of competent and competitive human resource
Nuklear Malaysia Vision 1. Developing Human Capital Development of Implement experts Evaluate and review 10 annual Training Enhanced competencies, Lead
competency gaps Operations Plan (POL) expertise and career BSM
Development (HCD) a competency development according to current development of
competency areas 1 competency dictionary personnel Supporting
Roadmap for NST dictionary for programs in NST All divisions
1 subject matter expert Improved performance,
Nuklear Malaysia guideline capabilities and resources
Conduct Training 1 subject matter expert
Needs Analysis (TNA)
Prepare long-term Competency gaps
training plan reduced
1 TNA report
1 long-term training plan
2. Supporting expertise Continue the implementation of the long-term in-service training (formal 75-85% master and Increased the number of Lead
development in NST education) at master and doctorate degree levels for researchers doctorate degree holders experts in NST BSM
through formal education among researchers
Support the pursuit of higher education by cadre officers and supporting Supporting
3. Implementing programs staff 10 mentoring programs All divisions
in support of human
resource succession plan Implement Continue to Continue to implement 5 leadership programs Enhanced leadership and Lead
mentoring and implement mentoring mentoring and management skills BSM
leadership programs and leadership programs 2 reports on the pre- BKP
leadership programs placement program Expose newly appointed
Implement pre- review researchers to Supporting
placement program Review the pre- departmental activities and All divisions
placement program work culture
4. Enhancing competencies Update and improve Review and evaluate question bank 1 updated question bank Improved process of Lead
of supporting personnel question bank based Continue to update and improve question bank confirmation/ promotion BSM
through in-service on new syllabus/ Compile past year questions for future reference 1 yearly examination for for supporting personnel Working
and departmental requirements scheme C personnel commitee
1 yearly examination BKP
for plant and ionizing
radiation device operators
No. Initiatives Short Term Activities Long Term Output Outcome Responsibility Nuklear Malaysia Vision
(2021-2022) (2026-2030) (KPI) (Lead &
5. Escalating Knowledge Medium Term Preservation of knowledge
Management (KM) Strengthen (2023-2025) 13 specific KM reports repository Supporting)
Program knowledge (e.g nuclear facilities)
repository of Nuklear Conduct KM audit Lead
Malaysia BPM
Update and align with the library management 500 publication annually Systematic knowledge Supporting
system (including books, journals repository All divisions
and technical writing)
Compiling and publishing KM reports
6. Managing research study Develop new Evaluate and review research study and 6 R&D video collection Transferring Nuklear Lead
annually Malaysia’s expertise to BSM
and attachment program guideline for attachment program stakeholders
1 guideline Supporting
for university students and research study and All divisions
1 impact study for
professionals attachment program effectiveness of research
study and attachment
for university program
students and
500 attachments
Strategy 4: Utilizing ICT as a platform to support the implementation of HCD Program
1. Providing an online Improve Training Migration of the Formal Course Management 1 integrated online system Improved and increased Lead
system for management Record e-System Information System (e-SMPKF) consisting of efficiency of training BSM
of training programs (e-SRL) 3 online systems/ management and database BST
Develop new management system for research modules:
study and attachment program 1. e-SRL Supporting
2. Formal Course All divisions
Integrate three online systems/ modules
Information System
3. Research study and
attachment program
management system
2. Formulating an online Development of Development of a Review and evaluate 1 e-learning platform Diversified self-learning Lead
learning module e-learning syllabus functional course course modules for Nuklear Malaysia methods for Nuklear BSM
(e-learning) module personnel Malaysia personnel BKT
Development of
a generic course Supporting
module All divisions
Nuklear Malaysia Vision
1. Akta Rahsia Rasmi, Akta Kawasan dan Tempat Larangan
2. Draf Dasar Teknologi Nuklear Negara
3. Dasar Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Negara (DSTIN)
4. Pelan Tindakan Dasar Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi
Negara (DSTIN) 2021-2030
5. United Nation Sustainable Development Goals 2030
6. Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama 2030
7. 10-10 Malaysian Science, Technology, Innovation
and Economy ( MYSTIE) Framework
8. Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12
List of CoNE Centre of Nuclear Excellence Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Acronyms CTBT Triti Pengharaman Menyeluruh Ujian Senjata Nuklear
JKKP Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan
DSRS Disused Sealed Radioactive Sources
FNCA Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia
GMP Amalan Pengilangan Baik / Good Manufacturing Practice
HCD Human Capital Development
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IAEA Agensi Tenaga Atom Antarabangsa/ International Atomic Energy Agency
IEC Inertial Electrostatic Confinement
INIR IAEA Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review
INPRO International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles
INSSP Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan
KPI Petunjuk Prestasi Utama / Key Performance Indicator
KEGA Key Economic Growth Aktivity
MOSTI Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi / Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
NDC Pusat Data Kebangsaan / National Data Centre
NDT Non-Destructive Testing
NEO Nuclear Education Outreach
PET Positron Emission Tomography
SPECT Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
PGEC Post Graduate Education Course
RCA Regional Cooperative Agreement
RF Radio Frekuensi
SSDL Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory
STI Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi
TSO Organisasi Sokongan Teknikal
Nuklear Malaysia Vision Acknowledgement
We highly acknowledge members involved in preparing this document “Nuklear Malaysia Vision 2030:
Strategy and Initiatives”.
Prepared by Dr. Nor Pa’iza Mohamad Hasan Dr. Zal U’yun Wan Mohmood
Dr. Rahman Yaccup Dr. Rasif Mohd Zain
Dr. Norasalwa Zakaria Dr. Siti Najila Mohd Janib
Dr. Ng Yen Dr. Cik Rohaida Che Hak
Dr. Marina Talib Dr. Nazrul Hizam Yusuff
Dr. Julia Abdul Karim Dr. Hazmimi Kasim
Dr. Bashillah Baharuddin Dr. Zaiton Ahmad
Dr. Leo Kwee Wah Dr. Susan Maria Sipaun
Dr. Khairul Anuar Mohd Salleh Mrs. Rohaizah Ahmad
Mrs. Normazlin Ismail Mr. Syed Asraf Fahlawi Wafa SM Ghazi
Mrs. Affrida Abu Hassan Mr. Saa’idi Ismail
Mr. Mohd Hanafiah Chik Ms. Hasfazilah Hassan
Mrs. Roha Tukimin Mr. Mohd Khalid Matori
Mrs. Salmah Moosa Mrs. Norzehan Ngadiron
Mr. Shyful Azizi A. Rahim Mrs. Nor Hadzalina Sukarseh
Mr. Yii Mei Woo Mr. Hazizi Omar
Mrs. Noor Hayati Abdul Rahman Mrs.. Zuraida Zainudin
Mrs. Nik Arlina Nik Ali Mr. Mohd Azmi Sidid Omar
Mr. Zakaria Dris Mrs. Aisya Raihan Abdul Kadir
Mr. Abdul Quddoos Abu Bakar Mr. Faisal Izwan Abdul Rashid
Mrs. Siti Syarina Mat Sali Mrs. Azlinda Aziz
Mr. Muhamed Zulfakar Zolkaffly Mr. Mohamad Suhaimi Yahaya
Mrs. Norliza Abdul Mihat Mr. Zainodin Tunggal
Mr. Halit Alias Mrs. Norhidayah Jait
Ms. Nor Hasimah Hashim Mr. Ahmad Bazlie Abdul Kadir
Approved by Ts. Dr. Siti A’iasah binti Hashim Nuklear Malaysia Vision
Director General
Malaysian Nuclear Agency
Reviewed by Dr. Abdul Rahim Harun
Deputy Director General
(Research & Technology Development
Dr. Rosli Darmawan
Deputy Director General
(Technical Service Programme)
Mr. Mohd Sidek Othman
Senior Director
(Commercialisation & Planning Programme)
Ts. Dr. Chantara Thevy Ratnam
Senior Director
(Management Programme)
List of Dr. Shukri Mohd
Contributors Dr. Muhammad Rawi Mohamed Zin
Dr. Kamarudin Samuding
Dr. Husaini Salleh
Mr. Rosleezam Jamaudin
YM Raja Jamal Raja Hedar
Dr. Faridah Mohd Idris
Dr. Ishak Mansor
Dr. Mohd Rodzi Ali
Dr. Azhar Mohamad
Ir. Izani Mustapha
Ms. Habibah Adnan
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