It generally signifies a crime , an offense or an
injurious action for which one should be punished.
William Lane
-the act of gathering , plucking or taking
fruit from a tree
-an evil thing or action
-the doing of a forbidden action
All duties and obligations in Islamic Law
Haqq Allah Haqq Adami Ruzain aiman(F02099) , mohana(F02269) , nurna aisya(F02331)
-fear of Allah's punishment by
-dignity and equality
carrying out what Allah has
The diversity of human races and
commanded of him and abstaining
ethnicities is a testament to God
from what Allah has prohibited.
majesty and wisdom.
-Loving allah -Right and mutual responsibility
As Muslims, our faith requires
Islamic law has divinely mandated
that our love for Allah and his
prophet supersedes any other
right for individuals in their
type of love for any other object
specific roles as spouse, parent,
child, relative, neighbours, friend
or creation.
and even foe.
Nursyafiqah(F02230) , Tan Ying Xin(F01984) , Nurfarrahin(F01967) , Amyra Syakira(F02194)
Types of punishment
Hudud hudud
carry penalties that include the
amputation of hands and feet, flogging, and
Punishment: Carries the penalty of the severance of the right hand,
providing it can be shown the defendant had the clear intent of
acquiring the stolen property without the victim's consent.
-Fornication by unmarried persons
Punishment: Flogging with 100 stripes
Crimes that are not mentioned in
Quran. Judges are free to punish
the offender in appropriate way.
Tazir penalty criteria
- The punishment must not against the syariah.
- Punishment must be imposed by stages.
- Punishment must not be similar to hudud punishment
qisas diat Ruzain aiman(F02099) , mohana(F02269) , nurna aisya(F02331)
equal punishment for
compensation payable to
the crime committed. the victims or their legal
punishment - an eye for an eye, a tooth for
a tooth, an ear for an ear, and a life for a
punishment - financial compensation paid to the
life. victim or heirs of a victim in the cases of murder,
bodily harm or property damage.
Nursyafiqah(F02230) , Tan Ying Xin(F01984) , Nurfarrahin(F01967) , Amyra Syakira(F02194)
Hudud crime is the punishment fixed in the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Hudud Crimes and Punishment
actually forms a very small part
of actual law.
In a typical book of more misc.
Fiqh less than 2% was divorce
devoted to the HUDUD
hudud crimes & punisment
crimes and their
punishments. Property
misconceptions of hudud
Hudud crimes punishments were almost impossible to apply because:
Shubuhat Innocent until Balanced court Ruzain aiman(F02099) , mohana(F02269) , nurna aisya(F02331)
proven guilty of system
Nursyafiqah(F02230) , Tan Ying Xin(F01984) , Nurfarrahin(F01967) , Amyra Syakira(F02194)