Key Words v,,itLr )eter ond .Jclne r.-rses
liri , rr'r( ):,1 Irt:c1l()r-jlly nrei worcjs in the t-:nglisl't
)lr rr rl It I )i )( l;cir,:rttiflc;clly re,:secrcf,red oncj worlci
r :r ri )wr )cr ) Key Words - os o str:r'ting p:oirrt for
l, 'r lrr rirrr; lr I rt,ir,tci s[)t-]Oq]ggfi ;lly onr:l corrficjr:ntiy.
. 12 Key Words rroke up one quorter
of thc",x;e) WO\ reod ond wriie
100 Key Words rroke up holf of those
wcr roo<,i onC writel
/\l r, rr rl 300 Key Words occount for three quorters
oI thoso wo reocJ oncj write
[ ]52 lr tr lrr rir rr 7 ict reoog;nise these cn sight,
, ,i rrk lt, rr r will k:o r ri.rk,,t tr-t t"rncierstond rnr:st se;ntenctu\s
r r rr rclr rnoro ooiiily orrd quickly,
lil rt rr() ()ll tlrc,r Lrr.roks with ycur chilcl Drcw yot-lr chilC's
r tl lcr rl ior I lo lllc: l;l rc r5,;c+ r:[ eoch worcJ: where ore the
l, rll Illlr:r;') Wl'r()r() ()r() lhe le;lters with ports thot drcp dcwn?
I r rr :r )r rr( r(X) y()r tr r-.;hilcJ lc recognise the letters
II rr ; I nroktl r. ipr eoch rvorcj.
jll rc lrit:lrrr )r:i in llris krool.. c:re intencJe;cJ lo r-ncke the words
r :r t:;icr lo r ir rr Jc,.rrslcrnc Pctirrt to the picit-tres on the poge
( lr; y( )r rr (;irilci liolli llre wr>rcJs to build the connelcticn
Irt rlwcror'] Worris; ond whot they Cesoribe.
Key Words vvlih Peti,'r r:r-rd Jone l-ir-ls 1-[iret-;
porciiel seric;.s, eoci'r or:nloinirrg twelvr+ k-;or:ks All tl'rree;
series ore wriiler r u.isii'rc; i[re scnrc cc;refully oorrtrclk:cj
vocobulr:ry. [?er.;rJers will glet the r,qost oi;t of Key Words with
Peior r:r rcJ -lone; wlren they foilow lhe Lrooks in llre potbrn
lc, I b, I c; ?o,2Y), ?-c.: cnrl so orr,
,$ l;i;+,+ii.$,1*ll, ffi
r;rodr;oliy intrctrJr- rces ctncj re;pecrls n€;Vv, words.
ptrovicies fi:rJl-rer prc-rr;licer of i[iese sic]fire worcJsr, L:r'-tt
in o tjiffelrcnt contexl cnci wrtl r different illuslrc:tions,
r.ise:j foirrrlic;r worCs io leooh phonics in o r-nethoclicoi woy,
i; to dor-r c L:l i n c h i lo ren
reo i nor<,:c-r s i nc lyr r 1 iffi c Ir r i r,vo rcl s
it ciso provides cr irnk tc writincj.
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ISBN : 9/B-1 -40930-1 27 -1
Printed in Chino
i*rt {:m[ fl fli.**+6u g' # fl* +t#
written by W \lu ffoy
illustroted byJ H Wingfietd
Peter ond Jone ore on holidoy ot the
home of their ounty ond unc!e. They ore
not going out this morning becouse it is
"\Vhot do you wont to do this
morn i ng ?" J o ne osks Peter.
At first Peter soys thot he does not
know. Then he soys, "l know, let's moke
o kite, like the one I sow in o book."
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He gets the book for Jone . "The ra,"l',e
soys. "Look of this. It's not like the kite
we hod from the shop" Will you help me
to rnoke tt?"
Jone looks in the book . "lt tells us how
to moke it here:' she soys. "There ore
pictures of it. Yes, l'll help you, it will be
f un. Let's moke it no\ ,/."
The brother ond sister get the things
they wont for the kite.
Peter soys," We con fly the kite on the
sonds when the roin stops."
It is the ofternoon, ond the sun is out.
The two children go down to the sonds
vyith their new kite. They keep owoy from
the other boys ond girls ond from the
donkeys, so thot they cCIn run olong the
so nds.
Jone runs olong with the kite. She
mokes it go up, but then it comes down.
She hos onother go ond then gives the
kite to Peter.
Peter runs very fost with the kite. Soon
it is going up ond up. Peter stops, but the
kite keeps on going up.
" J ust look of th at," co lls out J o ne.
"lt's going up Iike o bird," soys Peter.
Some other children look up of the kite.
They tolk to Peter ond Jone obout their
nice new kite.
The two children run olong the sonds
to f ly their kite. First Peter hos the kite o nd
then Jone hos o go with it. The brother
o nd the sister let some of the other
children ploy with them.
Then Peter lets the kite go out of his
"Look," colls Jone. " lt's going out to
sgo. "
Peter soys, "The kite is not going up
ony more" lt will come down now. lt will
come down in the seo."
"We'll moke onother on ei ' soys Jone.
"N oi 'soys Peter, "\ /e moy get this one
bock. We hove o friend who could get
our kite out of the seo for us. Let's go to
f ind ou r triend to tell him obout this."
The friend of Peter ond Jone is Jock, o
big boy who knows their ounty ond
uncle very well. Jock hos o motor boot.
The two children look for him for some
Then they find Jock in o cof6 on the
pier. He is with his friend.
Peter ond Jone tell Jock thot their kite
is in the seo. They osk him to help them to
get it out of the woter.
"Pleose toke us ont in your motor
boet," they soy. "Then we con get our
kite. "
Jock tells Peter ond Jone thot he will
help them to get their kite bock.
They come out of the cof6 ond go to
the motor boot. lt is o big boot. Peter ond
Jone hove been in it before. They oll get
in, ond then Jock mokes the boot go.
"l hope thot we bring the kite bock,"
soys J o ne.
"So do 1," soys Peter.
j i.,
"Go on, Jock:' scrys Peter. "Moke the
boot go up to the kite. l'll get it out of the
woter. "
"N o," soys Jock, " you keep your seot.
l'll get it. I don't wont you to go into the
woter. We don't wont thot. Whot would
your mother ond fother soy if you did?"
He mokes his boot go on ond then
brings it round by the kite.
"Keep your seots," he soys ogoin to
the children.
Peter ond Jone keep in their seots os
Jock stops the boot. Then he puts his
hond into the woter ond gets the kite. He
pulls it into the boot ond Iooks ot it.
"lt's o nice kite," he soys.
Jock gives the kite to the children.
They ore hoppy to hove it bock.
"Thonk you, Jock:'soys Jone. "lt wos
good of you to help us find our kite. We
con ploy with it ogoin nou/."
Aunty soys to Jore, "l om going to
moke some ice-creom this ofternoon.
Would you like to help me, deo r?"
"Yes, pleose," soys Jo ne. " l shou ld like
thot very much. I olwoys like to help
yoLl . "
"Moy I help?" osks Peter.
"Yes, deor, why not?" soys Aunty.
"Boys os well os girls Iike ice-creom."
Aunty gets the things they wont ond
she tolks to the two children os she
mokes the ice-creom.
"l know how to do it now," soys Jone.
"l think I could moke some."
"So do l," soys Peter. "You ond I will
moke some when we get home."
As the three of them sit down to eot the
ice-creom, the dog comes in to see thern.
"He likes ice-creom," soys Aunty.
"Yes, he wonts some now," sCIys Pet
"Con we give him some?" osks Jonb.
When Aunty sctys she con, Jone gives
the dog o little of her ice-creom.
The children con see their uncle from
.a the window os he gets out of his cor.
They olwoys like to see him when he
comes home, but todoy they wont to see
him very much. He hos been to the shop
to buy o present for them.
"He soid he would buy our present
todoy," soys Jone. " Con you see if he
hos it with him, Peter?"
"l think so," soys Peter, "ond I think I
know whot it is. He is going to bring us o
Punch ond Judy."
Just then Uncle comes in the door. The
two children run up to him.
"Well, Uncle?" soys Jone. " Did you
go to the toy shop tod oy?"
"Yes," soys Uncle. "l've been to buy
you r present. I hope you like it. lt's
Punch ond Judy."
"We love Punch ond Judyi'
Jone. "Do let us see them."
"Here you ore, theh," soys Unclg
There hos been some roin, but now it is
o hot doy. The children know their
holidoy will soon come to on end, so they
wont to go on the sonds ogoin.
Uncle ond Aunty soy they will toke
them down to the sonds. "All four of us
will hove o picnic teo," soys Aunty. Peter
ond Jone like thot.
When they get down to the sonds they
oll go into the woter. Then they ploy with
o boll for some time. After thot Uncle
soys it is too hot for him. He puts on his
Peter ond Jone sit by their uncle ond
ploy with the sond. They tolk os they
"l wish the hot sun would cor.'out
every d ay," soys Jone.
"Yes, l'd like to go in the seo ond ploy
with the sond every d oy," soys Peter.
As they ploy they put so nd on their
uncle for fun.
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The two children ore to go home
todoy. Their mother hos come to toke
them bock on the bus. She is with Aunty
now. Mother ond Aunty hove much to
to lk o bout.
" Al I good things come to on end," soys
Peter. "We've hod o good time here with
Aunty ond Uncle, but it will be nice to see
Bob ond Mory Green ogoin."
"Yes, I wont to see them ond Molly
ond Po m," soys Jone.
"\A/hot obout Grondmother ond
Grondfother?" osks Peter. "We wont to
see them os well."
The two children hove Punch ond
Judy on their honds. "We'll hove some
fun with Punch ond Judy," Jone soys.
Aunty cctlls them. "Come on, Peter ond
Jone. It's time to go""
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Peter ond Jone go to Aunty onb
"We wont to thonk you ond U ncle very
much for our holid ay:' Jone soys to
Aunty. "We love to be in your home."
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Peter ond Jone go for o picnic. They
wolk for some woy in the woods ond find
o nice ploce they know. They hove their
teo there. Thesun is out but it is not hot in
the woods.
When they hove hod teo the two
children go on into the woods. They
think there is o rood in the woods which
will toke them to the form.
After some time Peter soys to Jone, "l
don't know the woy to go. We hove never
been here before. Do you know the
"N o," soys Jone, "there ore too mony
trees for me to see the woy. I don't know
where we ore."
"l know whot to do," soys Peter. "l'll
get up ct tree. I think I could see the woy
f rom u p the re."
" Don't get into do nge Y," soys J o ne, os
she helps Peter up the tree. He soys there
will be no donger.
Peter is in the tree. It is o big tree. Jone
looks up of Peter os he gets to the top.
"l like it up here, Jolle," he colls. "lt's
ffi''Cffiffiryou see the roo d?" osks Jo ne. tr:i'
"Yes," soys Peter, "l con see the rood. I
con see the woy we hove to go to get to
the form." t
" Con you see the form?" osks Jone.
"Yes," soys Peter, "l con see the form,
ond I con see q fire. There's o fire by the
form, Jone."
Peter comes down from the tree.
" Come on, Jon ei ' he soys . "a kn ow the
woy nou/." They go on.
Soon they see o womon out for o wolk
with her dog. Jone osks her if she knows
the woy to the rood.
"Yes," soys the womon, "the rood is
over there. "
"Does the rood go to the form?" osks
"Yes, it does," soys the womon.
The children on ond
on to find the
rood ond then wood.
Soon they con see the form.
"There it is," soys Jone. "There's
fo rm. "
"Yes," soys Peter, "you con see the f ire
now. I hope the form is not on f ire."
They go on to the form. They find thot
the form house is not on fire, but thot the
fire is next to it.
The men from the form ore there. Peter
ond Jone look on os some of the men put
woter on the fire. Others look ofter the
1.:_,.,;;"_ilalr l;"lrd. Err ,rJry.ffi
The horses do not like the f ire, o nd the
men toke them owoy from it to onother
Pom comes to tolk to Peter ond Jone.
She tells them obout the fire
" lt looks I ike ro i n n o\A/, " soys Peter. " lf
it roins it'll help to put out the f ire."
The men put out the fire with woter,
ond the roin helps them.
Then Peter ond Jone wolk home in the
roin. Pom's fother does not toke them to
their home in his cor becouse of the fire.
He hos to be of the form with his men ond
the horses.
The two children get very wet in the
roin os they go home, but they think it is
A von comes olong the rood. ln it is o
mon they know very well. He soys he will
toke them home.
"Get in the voh," he soys. "Come in
out of the wet, Peter ond Jone. l'll toke
you home."
The brother ond sister tolk to him os
they go olong. They tell him obout the fire
of the form.
The von soon gets to the rood where
the children live. They thonk the mon for
his help ond go into their home.
Peter o nd Jo ne ore bock of school.
They like their school ond their teocher.
The teocher gets some of the children to
tolk to the others obout their holidoys.
One boy tolks obout his holidoy on the
seo. He wos with his mother ond fother
on o motor boot. They were very hoppy,
he sciys. lt wos o big boot ond he ond his
Dod liked to fish from it.
One of the girls tells obout her holidoy
on her grondfother's form. There were
cows, pigs ond horses on the form ond
she Iiked to help with them.
Peter tolks obout his own holidoy by
the seo with his ctunty ond uncle. He tells
obout the f un they hod on the sonds ond
obout the kite.
J o ne tells the others o bout Pu nc h o nd
Judy ond the donkeys on the sonds.
Then oll the children moke pictures of
the things they did on their holidoys.
They write obout the pictures.
The teocher tells the children she
wonts oll of them to moke one very big
picture. They will oll work on the one
picture. Every boy ond girl will do some
of it.
"!Vhot's this big picture to be obout?"
osks one boy.
'-We'll coll this big picture 'Our Doy',"
soys the teocher. She writes 'Our Doy' for
the chlldren to see ond reod.
Then she soys, "ln the picture you con
put oll the things you do, from the time
you get up to the time you go to bed."
The teocher tells the children to think
obout the picture ond to tolk to one
clnother obout it.
They tolk obout oll the things children
like, obout sweets, ice-creom, cokes ond
CIpples ond other things to eot. They tolk
obout bolls, dolls, kites ond other toys.
They tolk obout gomes, shops ond
money, ond obout cots, dogs, rebbits,
horses, donkeys, birds ond f ish.
Here ore the children of work on the
big picture. ln the f irst girl's picture you
con see o girl in bed. lt is the morning ond
it is time to get up. The sun looks in of the
ln the next picture o boy ond o girl eot
with their mother ond fother before they
go to school.
The teocher wolks by the big picture.
ln it she con see boys ond girls going off
to school. Then there ore children in
school of work. After this some boys ond
girls ore out of ploy. They ploy gomes
with other children ond with their toys.
one girl tolks to the teocher obout her
picture . "This is my gorden. Here ore
some birds," she soys.
The boy next to her soYS, "This is me
in the picture. Mum gctve me Some
money for some eggs ond l'm going to
the shop for them."