"l wish I could live by the seo," -
Peter, os he works on h is pictu re . " l
shou ld Iike thot." :t
You co n see the blue seo o nd the so nds
in Peter's picture. There ore boots on the
woter ond some children on the sonds.
The sun is out ond the children ore ot
Another boy Iooks of Peter's picture
ond tolks to him obout it. "They oll look
hoppy in your picture," he soys
"Yes," soys Peter, "they ore o ll on
holid oy, ond it's hot. There ore mony
things for the boys ond girls to do."
He puts in some donkeys, with some
children on them.
"Now for Punch ond Judy," he soys.
"AII boys ond girls like Punch ond J u dy."
"\Vhot obout the motor boot?" osks
h is f riend.
"l'm just going to put the motor boot
in," soys Peter. " H ere it is. l'll put my
friend Jock in it. lt's going out to seo."
Mother is in the gorden os the children
come home from school. She loves to
wbrk in her gorden.
"l put you in o picture todoy:' soys
Jone to her mother. She tells her obout
their doy of school.
Then Mother sends Peter ond Jone
with" some money to the shops to get
some things for her. Peter ond Jone like
to help their mother.
"l'll get the teo now i' soys Mother os
they go. "You con hove it when you
come bock."
The children soon come bock from the
shops. As they hove their teo they tolk
some more obout the big picture ot
school. "Our teocher thinks it's very
good. She's going to keep it so thot
Mothers ond Fothers con see it when
they come up to the school," soys Peter.
"l think it must be o very nice pictnre,"
soys Mother. "Dod ond I would like to
see it. "
New words used in this book
Page Page
holidoy ounty 16 seot wou ld
18 five o'clock
uncle morning
f irst kite book ice-creo m
pictu res o lwoys shou ld
so nds ro in fou nd
why o nother
blue n ice 20 0m deor
new hope 22 bry present
don keys Punch Judy
24 rig ht
olong woy 26 picnic too
fost j ust co lls 30 writes letter
hoppy hond
ony moy send
bock cou ld
Jock well woods ploce
motor cof6 rood never
pier bring 34 womon
end wish 38 von
mony did 40 were
42 money
kth in over
Total number of new words: 68
Average repetition per word: 12
Titlffi$ [m [(ey WCIrds
wlth Peter mnd Jmn@
;-D' :.,:,'
Smrigrs # Smrims b $erlms tr
I o Pkry with us bI l-ook of tiris I c Recci onc] write
2a We hcve fun 2c I like tc write
3o Things we iike 2b l-1ove o gc 3c [-et rne wriie
4o t hings we cjo 3b Boys ond cirls 4c Soy the souncJ
5o Wirere we eo 4b Fun of the forrn 5c More soLlncjs tc scy
6cr Orrr friencis 5b Out in the sun 6c Reocjing with sorincls
7a I lr rpp\z holicloy 6b We like to help 7c Ecsy to scuncJ
Bo Sr-;nny cicys 7b Fun cno gornes Bc Fun with scunds
9o ( )ornes we lixe Bb I he biE hoLrse 9c Fnlcying ro()dingt
l0o Ar lv(..r'rture 9b Jurrp from thc; sky l0c I eorning is [un
oll ll-tc.r rslctnci l0b Ac]venture ot cI I P,<>oks or() ()xoiling
the oostle
I lo lVy:;lory ort
I lb Thr; r;ornivol
llrr r ir;lrtni j
12b Mounloin 12c T ho operr rJoc;r
12a IIro Itc>lir-irty rtr ivonturcr lo ror)< 1int;
r;r )t'nF) rrryslory
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