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Published by anuj, 2022-12-29 23:08:34



Special Edition: 2021-22


The Flight of Imagination

Unstoppable in the shadow of Covid-19

Cover Credit

Sagnik Mukherjee VII-E
Jia Kumar X-A
Navistha Priya VIII-B
Prisha Pandey XII-C


“We may stumble and fall but shall rise again;
it should be enough if we did not run away from the battle.”

Online education had not only ensured continuity of studies,
but also provided all stakeholders with the determination to
keep trudging forward. There's always light at the end of a
tunnel, no matter how long it is, and for DPS, GBN too, things
began looking up in August 2021 when we were given the
permission to reopen in a phased manner.

The Third Wave shut us down again, but what doesn't kill, only makes us stronger! Maybe we are to embrace and work
with this 'New Normal', but whatever be the situation, our Spirit remains undefeated. DPS, Gautam Buddh Nagar was
one amongst the uncountable educational institutions in India and the world, which were told to shut their doors
indefinitely on March 18, 2020. Days, weeks, months and a year went by with the School building lying dormant.
However, the School was alive and kicking!
Udaan 2021-22 is a testimony to the indomitable will of our students and all stakeholders. Happy Reading!

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Mugdha Sahay Swati Dhawan Minakshi Sharma Jyoti Garg Sanjana Dutta Choudhury Sangeeta Singh

V. K. Shunglu Message
The DPS Society

I am happy to learn that DPS Sector 132, Expressway, Gautam Buddh Nagar is publishing the next issue of its
annual magazine "Udaan". It is an important means to apprise and share with the parents and the community
at large, what the school is doing in the field of Education for holistic development of the students.

My best wishes to the Principal, Faculty and the Students. Compliments to the Editorial Board.

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Vineet Nayyar Discover Your Own Special light
Pro Vice Chairman


“Hope is being able to see that there is - Desmond Tutu
light despite all of the darkness”

We are living in truly exceptional times and exceptional times require an exceptional response. Robert Frost,
in his poem Servant of Servants, said “The best way out is always through”. The best way to get out of a
challenging 'situation' is by going through it. After all, we learn much more from the hard things in life than when
everything is smooth sailing.

So at the end of the day, all we need is Hope and Strength. Hope that it will get better and Strength to hold on
until it does.

Best Wishes to DPS, GBN family!

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Ravi Vira Gupta Resilient and Strong

"Resilience is based on compassion for ourselves

as well as compassion for others." - Sharon Salzberg

The recent times have presented hurdles for all of us, and we still feel a constant, unrelenting uncertainty and

I am, however, aware that the students and teachers of DPS, GBN, are as resilient as they come, wear their
hearts on their sleeves and take pride in crushing the mountains that stop them. I am proud of our students
and our teachers for constantly setting the bar for achievements higher and higher, no matter what the

Let us all take another pledge for the upcoming year- a pledge to be kinder to others and to ourselves. Extend
kindness to people who are struggling, and don't be afraid to ask for help yourself. No matter how brave we try
to be, we are all human at the end of the day. There are many more mountains to conquer, and hence It is
important to revitalize and rejuvenate oneself. Prioritizing mental peace does not make you weak, it only
makes you stronger.

Onwards and upwards!

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Arvind Varma Learning Should Never Stop
Vice Chairman


“What helps you persevere is your resilience and commitment.”

- Roy T. Bennett

The academic session, 2021-22 has continued to be a challenging time for the society. Fortunately our
teachers as well as the students have displayed commendable resilience throughout.

They have learnt to see opportunity in adversity. The technology- integrated teaching has become a way of life
for us. The new normal we have adapted to, the resilience we have developed is playing a crucial role in
walking us through these turbulent times with our head held high.

We are leaving no stone unturned in providing a safe and healthy learning environment for all of our scholars.

Let's accept the change and the challenges and march forth, keeping in mind-

“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you
can do nothing but scream about what you've lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something
that's good.” – Elizabeth Edwards

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Dr Deepak Nayyar Believe In Yourself

Life is a journey. You are meant to soar if you believe in the beauty of life. The aphorism what we go through is
what we grow through has never sounded truer than now. The pandemic may have impelled us to stay indoors,
but it could not curb the creative minds. I am extremely delighted to have an impressive collection of
passionate writings of the different aesthetic minds.

Equip your dreams with wings to fly… all you have to do is believe in yourself and fly! I am sure you will go
further than you could have ever dreamed …Udaan is bright and beautiful, it is a harbinger of hope, love and
compassion and offers a ray of immense positivity amidst the darkened days of the pandemic.

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Reva Nayyar Transforming Challenges
Member Into Opportunities

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic had brought learning to a screeching halt worldwide, creating
the most severe global education disruption in history. But as they say "there is no better learner than a
teacher", all the educators of DPS, GBN decided to explore new dimensions so that our School would be a
premier charter School that will effectively and swiftly shift to distance learning.

With an aim to scale great heights, our teachers transformed every challenge into an opportunity, and
implemented innovative and relevant practices for better learning. I am so glad that it is the perseverance of
our teaching faculty that has made 'Rethink' a new synonym of teaching, and has made it possible for us to
give a myriad of learning experiences to our exuberant learners even during such tough times. The best thing
about this entire learning journey is the fact that it was not limited to books and academic learning.

With the help of creative strategies and student-centric approach, we have managed to achieve our aim of
holistic growth, and have crafted active learners and responsible future denizens of our country. It will be very
right to say that our DPS, GBN epitomizes vibrancy and dynamism, whereby the pupils develop the fine
attributes of the head, heart, and hand so that they are 'future ready'.

A perfect testimony of this invigorating journey, I am sure that “Udaan” 2021-22 will prove to be a royal treat for
its readers.My best wishes to our Principal Supriti and all others who have put tremendous efforts in bringing
out this splendid edition of Udaan! May you all achieve greater heights!

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Dr Sudipta Ghose Embracing the uncertainty in
Member the most beautiful way…

The widespread pandemic has tossed the world through tremendous upheaval. All sectors in all countries
suffered tremendous blows, of which, the education sector and the lives of children being turned topsy-turvy
were some of the worst. Closed schools meant learning and developmental setbacks for the children. Yet, it
did not take long for educational institutions to bounce back with alternative and innovative methodologies,
thus restoring stability in the lives of children. DPS, GBN has been at the forefront in using technology for
developing and implementing hybrid teaching-learning models.

I Congratulate the Old and the New Principals, Faculty, Students and Non-Teaching Staff for their dedication,
enthusiasm and zeal for ensuring that DPS, GBN remains one of the leading schools of our country and
marches ahead.

My Best Wishes for the School for riding wave upon wave of leadership and success.

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SK Misra True Purpose of Education

"Education is the passport to the future,
for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

- Malcolm X

Education determines the quality of an individual's life. It improves one's knowledge, skills and develops
personality and attitude.

The hard lessons learned during Pandemic have given birth to hybrid learning which the faculty has adopted
within no time. It has reformatted and restructured the instruction mode.

I wish good luck to the school for their continuous efforts to provide undeterred education and congratulate the
Principal, Management, the faculty and students for braving through difficult times.

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Vineeta Nayyar Building Academic Culture

'Reach high, for the stars, lie hidden in your soul,
Dream deep, for every dream, precedes the goal'

It gives us immense pleasure in bringing out the latest edition of our school magazine 'UDAAN'. The current
pandemic scenario has brought most of our day to day activities to a near standstill and amidst all the chaos we
envisaged ways to bring out the best in our students. We believe every child is special and fostering an
environment that is conducive to creative thinking will go a long way in building a better academic culture at the
Delhi Public School, Gautam Buddh Nagar.

Now taking this thought further, our school magazine 'UDAAN' which aims at opening up new vistas of creative
engagement among the students showcasing their achievements, skills and talents is being presented once
again this year.

I extend my best wishes for the successful publication of the school magazine.

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Sudhir Kumar Sculpting the Future

My heartiest congratulations to Delhi Public School, Gautam Buddh Nagar on the release of their annual
magazine, ‘Udaan’. The encapsulated achievements of the students in the magazine truly reflect the potential
and bright future of our nation.

Education is a life-long process and it includes the effect of everything which influences human personality.
During these challenging times too, the School evolved their education techniques and constantly
endeavoured to initiate better learning strategies, resulting in excellence in students’ performances. The
magazine exhibitions splendid display of ingenuity put together by the students, and indeed their creativity has
left me spellbound.

I wish the School continues to excel and carry on its tradition of outstanding work!

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Shivanand A Productive
Director (Finance & Administration) Learning Environment
Member, SMC, DPS, GBN

Excellence is not an accomplishment,
It is a spirit, a never-ending process.

- Lawrence Miller

The Pandemic has caused a crisis in many facets Globally, leading to a changed era of Teaching - Learning as
well. DPS, GBN has always risen to the challenge and thus, our Educational System at DPS, GBN became
adaptable, changing from an in-person learning mode to a progressive hybrid format involving curricula and
strategies being especially designed in tandem with the Online Mode catering to Offline and Online students
enabling them to understand at their own pace, place and time resulting in a truly productive learning

My heartiest congratulations to DPS, GBN for yet another successful Academic Year in the midst of a
pandemic and look forward to witnessing many such out-of-the-box approaches in our Educational System.

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Supriti Chauhan On the Path of Excellence

“The only skill that will be important in the 21st century
is the skill of learning new skills. Everything else will become obsolete over time.”

- Peter Drucker

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said that “change is the only constant in life.” The quote makes so much
sense in our daily lives and especially during and after the lockdown. Education at DPS, GBN is constantly
evolving and becoming dynamic keeping the current needs in mind. What started with online classes in 2020,
has now beautifully shaped into the 21st century education era – ‘Hybrid Learning’. In no time the education
system, institutions, educators and the learners took an instant plunge into the magical world of hybrid mode.
Certainly, it was not a cakewalk for anyone of them, but the faith which every member, student & parent have
shown in DPS is the most inestimable reward that one could ask for. To witness the journey of an impactful
year, I proudly present the voluble publication of our devoted, diligent editorial members & ingenious dipsites –
UDAAN 2021-22, with an aim to bring out the finest talents and celebrate the accomplishments and aptitudes
of our students. Teamwork has always been the hallmark of DPS, GBN. I applaud the efforts put in by our
wonderful team and the unstinting support of the management for making this a fortuitous year for all of us.

Looking forward to many more blissful and rewarding years as our students continue to take their ‘Udaan’,

soar high in the sky full of colourful dreams and success.

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Aadit Malhotra Vanshika Yadav Shagun Sahoo COMMERCE Aparajita Garg Yash Vineesh Bhatia Aayushi Roshan
97.4% 95.2% 94.4% 98.4% 95.8% 94.6%

Anushka Gupta Muskan Malik Dhruv Jain Samridhi Dhanoa Sia Singh
96.6% 96.6% 96.4% 96.4% 95.8%

STREAM C dpsgbn

Toppers of CBSE Class-XII Board AISSCE 2021-22

Fly High with DPS, GBN

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Kaashvi Das Parth Varshney Mahek Sethi
99.2% 99% 98.8%


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Toppers of CBSE Class-X Board AISSE 2021-22

Graduating Batch College Placements

Avinash Kumar Jha has gained admission in IIT Kharagpur, Civil Engineering.

S.No. Name of Course Number of Student Enrolled

1. B.Tech 26 Prominent Institutions
2. BCA 4 Ÿ National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
3. B.Sc Anthropology 1 Ÿ Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore Tamil Nadu
4. B.Sc. 2 Ÿ Manipal University
5. BBA 10 Ÿ Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
6. BA Economics 4 Ÿ Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi
7. B.Com 4 Ÿ IIIT , Kancheepuram
8. BA LLB 4 Ÿ Hansraj College (DU)
9. BA Psychology 2 Ÿ Gargi College (DU)
10. BA Culinary Arts 2 Ÿ Symbiosis Institute of Design, Pune
11. BA (Journalish/ Ÿ Indraprastha College for Women (DU)
5 Ÿ Lady Shri Ram College (DU)
Mass Communication 2
12. BA Political Science 2 C dpsgbn
13. BA Visual Arts 1
14. BFA Painting 1
15. BA Sociology 1
16. BA English 1
17. BA SME


IIT (BHU), (Batch of 2020-21)
Head Girl and School Topper (2020-21)
The advent of the pandemic had quite an impact on me.It
For the past year I have been a student, doing Psychology hampered my education.But with a little courage and
Honours from Lady Shri Ram College, no, not the one in Lajpat support from my parents and sister , I grabbed my
Nagar, instead, the one on Google Meet. I always imagined original pace back. It was a little easy to shift from school
leaving school and going to college would be getting into real life to college because I was used to online learning,
dealing with a whole different set of things, however, we got out of however, I find that both the number of my friends and my
school and just stayed home. I believe that the real essence of responsibilities have increased .
college life for me is yet to be experienced considering the
pandemic. Truth be told, having to attend freshers parties online
and interact with whole bunch of strangers over solely text was a
little overwhelming. I, personally, am an outgoing and interactive
person, however, considering the whole online scenario, I found it
slightly difficult to make friends initially despite knowing we all were
sailing in the same boat. Although I think all of us are adapting to it
pretty well now.


Science Stream Topper (2020-21)

Leaving school is like leaving the nest and soaring in the sky. It's time to

leave a beautiful past behind, spread our wings and fly high. Yes, it was

AKSHAT AJWANI very difficult to leave this heavenly past behind as there are too many
Head Boy and Commerce Stream Topper (2020-21)
happy moments and memorable events to recall even though this year is
It is a proud moment for me for getting the opportunity to write a few
words about my DPS Gautam Buddh Nagar. The School has helped the very last year of our schooling . We were stuck at our houses in the
me in every possible way. I would like to thank all the staff members
of DPS GBN in shaping my overall personality. pandemic and for safety reasons we had to attend our schooling online. .

Whether it is related to academics or extracurricular activities, the departing from the school and saying goodbyes is not only leaving
school has given maximum support to me in whichever way
possible. Although the pandemic has been a challenge for everything behind but to learn to be independent and responsible.
everyone; however, the strong background of my DPS, GBN has
given me enough strength to overcome all the odds in my way. This becomes even more important in this pandemic ridden world. Now we

I have cherished each and every moment in DPS GBN and I will are on our own in this world where we would have to explore our
forever stay thankful to DPS GBN.
opportunities which were till now provided to us by our school hand in

hand. We would have to get to know more about ourselves and our choices

which earlier teachers used to tell us about during our schooling. I am

looking forward to my journey of life. C dpsgbn

Community Service Initiatives

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Ÿ An Educative Workshop on Good Touch and Bad Touch
Ÿ Interactors of DPS, GBN donated blankets to the needy ones
Ÿ DPS GBN interactors conducted a presentation on for the students and teachers, highlighting the importance of elections
Ÿ India Kazakhstan Virtual Exchange programme organised by UNESCO Clubs and Association of India (CUCAI).
Ÿ Creative Writing Contest for Celebrating the Birth Anniversary of Guru Teg Bahadur
Ÿ Awareness on the occasion of National Girl Child Day
Ÿ To honour our incredibly hardworking teachers, the Interact Club initiated a Tree Plantation Drive on Teacher's Day
Ÿ Donation Drive to Distribute Sanitary Pads to Underprivileged
Ÿ The Interact Club conducted an awareness workshop 'Red Drop' on menstruation hygiene
Ÿ Rashtriya Poshan Maah held to combat malnutrition in children
Ÿ Joy of Giving
Ÿ Ullas- Festival of happiness

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Student Council (2021-22)

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Student Council (2021-22)

S.No Post Name Name of the Student S.No Post Name Name of the Student
1. 1.
2. Head Girl Diya Sharma 2. House Captain (Chenab) Anushka Gupta
3. Head Boy Vithal Goel 3. Vice House Captain (Chenab) Yeshika Saxena
4. Junior Head Girl Aditri Khanna 4.
5. Junior Head Boy Kushaan Mehra 5. House Captain (Ganges) Lashiya Kashyap
6. 6. Vice House Captain (Ganges) Eshita Sahoo
7. Vice Head Girl Namya Lakhanpal
8. Vice Head Boy House Captain (Jhelum) Tanishtha Talapatra
9. Junior Vice Head Girl Dev Sharma Vice House Captain (Jhelum) Aryaman Singh
10. Junior Vice Head Boy Shrinika Sharma
11. Sports Captain Shreyam Gupta House Captain (Ravi) Yash Vineet Bhatia
Vice Sports Captain Sonali Chauhan Vice House Captain (Ravi) Alina Shahab
12. Ethical Committee Antara Dhyani
President House Captain (Satluj) Ishita Sandle
Secretary Parth Manaktalia Vice House Captain (Satluj) Gracy Gaur
Members of Ethical Anjali Yadav
Committee Om Lande House Captain (Yamuna) Daksh Chauhan
Mansi Agarwal Vice House Captain (Yamuna) Divi Drabu
Shagun Sahoo
Anshita Mani
Bhoomika Jain
Saanvi Gupta
Vaibhav Kumar Seth
Saanvi Bantham
Lakshya Kankar

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Winners All The Way!


Abhinav Kashyap of class XII has successfully cleared the Second Stage of the Yasha Tandon (III F) bagged First Position in the event 'Tale-a-Mocktail' in an
NTSE 2021! Inter School Competition, 'Rhetorica' organized by Indraprastha Global School,
Primary School students won Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals in Spell Bee Noida.
organized by Humming Bird (Batch 2020-21). Varshika Lodhi (II D) bagged First position in the event 'Shapes in Style' in an
Students participated in TechnoKredible Python event -Aarush Thukral (XII) and Online Inter School Competition 'Panorama 2021' organized by Delhi Public
Pranit Singh Gandhi (XI) won the FIRST PRIZE. School, Kalyanpur.
Keshav Sachdeva and Vinay Dayal of Grade VIII were awarded the third prize in Adhiraj Singh (Nursery Carnation) bagged Second Position in the event
the Category-Algo Bric at the VIRTUAL BOT 2021-INTER SCHOOL IT FEST. 'VIBGYOR' (Rainbow Colours) in an Online Inter School Competition 'Utsav
Saanvi Gupta and Sakshi Sharan of Class XI, won the FIRST POSITION in the 2021' organized by Indraprastha Global School, Noida.
Inter School National Level Competition- Panorama' 21. Ateeb Khan (I C) bagged Third position in an event 'Code A Thron' in an Online
Shatakshi Agrawal (Grade IV) and Aadhya Bhardwaj (Grade V) exhibited Inter School Competition 'De Crew I.T Fest 2022' organized by Delhi Public
commendable talent during the 41st Inter-School English Debate for Juniors by School, Eldeco.
grabbing 2nd position and the prestigious Rolling Trophy. Mannat Sachdeva of class VI was featured in the TV Commercial of MG Hector
Harshika Verma of Grade V-F has grabbed Second position in the competition, ' Plus 7 seater by Morris Garages India.
Jahreszeiten Modenschau - Dress up like an Indian. Aayushi Roshan and Shubham Dhirani participated in the Entab Presents
Arshia Nagpal of V-D won the First prize in the competition, Mask a Thon - Rhythm and Beats -Online Inter School Singing Competition.
Parampara 2021 by GT Group of Institutions. In the 'Transition to Transformation' Inter-school Competition Mannat Bhatiani of
The School's National Winners in the 5th I.T Quiz of the USO National Tests class Nursery Marigold secured 2nd position in Action Rhyme Competition on
2021. theme 'Digital India'.
Ahaana Gupta of Grade Nursery Marigold secured 3rd Position in 'Show & Tell
Saksham Yadav of VII A secured the First Rank in the Pre - Senior Category. competition' on the theme 'My Favourite Toy'.
Mridul Krishna Joshi of VII A secured the Third Rank in the Pre - Senior Utkarsh Negi's tuneful efforts at the piano led to him receiving his Grade 1
Category distinction certificate from Trinity College of London.
Aarush Thukral of XII C secured the Second Rank in the Senior Category. Aaryan of class VIII set the record of drawing the smallest map of India on a piece
Naisha Das (VI E) received National Championship Certificate and a trophy for of paper for the Indian Book of Records. He drew the map of India, measuring
her outstanding performance in National Level Abacus Championship 2021 4cm in length and 4cm in width.
IXth Grade student- Amudapuram Rishi was ranked 4th across NCR in the Riddhima Ray of Class VI-F, has been awarded the First position in the
Dainik Jagran 'NCR Scholar's League' and won a Cash Prize of Rs.5100/- for his competition,' Classical Deuteutschland - and amalgamation of Indian Classical
academic excellence. Dance with German Folk Music.'
Students won gold medals and international ranks in various Olympiads. Jasleen Kaur Bedi of Class VI brought laurels to the school by participating and
Navya Jain (5C) has secured the First Position in the Maths Competency winning the First Position in the Inter School Competition - Let's Zentangle.
Analytical Test (NELTAS) -GF 2021-22.
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Success Stories

Niharika Trivedi of Grade VIII E bagged The Merit Certificate in the event I SPORTS
Act I Mime. Shatakshi Agrawal (IV C) won two Silver and one Bronze Medal in the 7th
District Gautam Buddh Nagar, Roller Sports Championship 2021.
Monalisa Nandi Roy of Grade VIII D bagged a Certificate of Excellence in Shanaya Kohli (IV G) won a Silver Medal in the District Level Championship for
the event Rhythms. Skating organised by the District Roller Sports Association.
Aryansh Kumar (III F) won two Silver Medals in Wushu State Championship in
Vinay Kumar Nath of Grade VIII A participated in Origami and secured the Taoulo Events held in Agra.
Certificate of Excellence.
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Amay Agarwal of Grade X E bagged Certificate of Merit for his participation
in the event STEM.

For the event of Pop Art- Prisha Pandey of Grade XII C secured her
position for Excellence.

Vinod Kumar Nath from standard IX D bagged Certificate of Merit for
Collage making.

Alaina Goel, X B gracefully secured certificate for Excellence in the event
Know Your Heritage.

A collaborative work by Niharika Trivedi VIII E, Neelambuj Narayan VII G
and Shourya Sharma 8 B secured their position for Excellence for the event
The Newsroom.

Navya Mittal of IX A, participated in Verse Declamation was acknowledged
with Noteworthy Performance.

Pragnay Agarwal (V F) stood Second in India's Tech-Savvy, Food-Savvy, Young
Chefling Competition, organized by IIHM.

In the Confluence'22- An INTER-DPS competition Khushi Chauhan and
Khushi Agrawal of Grade VIII bagged the FIRST position in La Créativité-
Mask making on the theme-French Festivals. Vidhi Agarwal of Grade IX
secured THIRD position in Jamusesshon-Just a minute-Japanese

Vyas Sahni of Grade IX D and Vishal Yalavarthi of IXA secured Third Position in
the event Dizzy Wizzy of De - Crew IT Fest

Pragnay Agarwal (VF) grabbed the Second Prize in the IIHM YOUNG CHEF INDIA
JUNIOR, Delhi.

Mansi Rai of Class XIl (2021-22) was felicitated with the 'Young Turk' Award for the
Most Socially- Relevant Initiative category at the Jagran Josh Education Awards
2022 for her initiative Teens Together.

Celebrating Our Mentors

Leading by Example… Teachers Awards and Accolades Ms. Rashmi Aggarwal, Ms.
Swati Dhawan, Ms. Mala
Principal, Ms Supriti Chauhan has been listed amongst Visionary Chattopadhyay, Ms. Pooja
Principals of 2021 by the renowned magazine- The Knowledge Review. Khare, Ms. Preety Malhotra, Ms.
Ms. Chauhan was selected to train CBSE teachers of Kendriya Vidyalay Manisha Srivastava, Ms. Sonal
and Navoday Schools by the British Council on the topic- Inclusive Singh Panwar, Ms. Sonia Singh.
Our School was listed among the TOP 10 SCHOOL LEADERS OF Ms. Preety Malhotra was
NOIDA in the Times School Survey 2021. awarded with a trophy and
The School was certified as a Cyber Smart School. This recognition has certificate for being the Best
been earned by both the teaching faculty and Students of Classes IV to District Teacher for the session
XII after successfully completing a series of Training Sessions organized 2020-21 by Science Olympiad
by Atal Innovation Mission and WNS Cares Foundation (WCF). Foundation
Principal, Ms. Supriti Chauhan was awarded with a Certificate of Dr Babita Chaudhary won the Sarv Bhasha Trust Rashtriye Shikshak
Appreciation by Rishihood University and for her contribution Award 2021
towards the field of education in face of the pandemic. Ms. Sharad Jain was selected to present her flipped classroom process
Principal, Ms. Supriti Chauhan and three teachers Ms. Anjali Sharma, during the session for 'Best Practices- Flipped Classroom' by the DPS
Ms. Megha Joshi and Ms. Sharad Jain were recognized for being Society.
Exemplary Motivators. The teachers motivated the students to Ms. Akanksha Yadav participated as a team member, representing Uttar
participate in the National All Rounder Championship 2021 organized by Pradesh Region in 4th Senior Mixed Netball National Championship. The
KidEx in collaboration with Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog. team won the First position.
The Interact Club of was awarded the Gold Club for the session 2020-21. Ms Rachna Saxena, Ms Priyanka Wadhwa and Ms Sharmila Basu were
Ms. Archana Varshney, senior Librarian has been felicitated with the recognised by the CBSE for their Talent at Designing Items for
Global Librarians' Award by Alert Knowledge Services. Assessment
Principal Ms. Supriti Chauhan and the following teachers were felicitated Ms Anjali Sharma was selected by AIM (Atal Innovation Mission) as a part
by IIHM, Delhi for being great mentors: of the Exemplary Teachers of Change (September 2020 - February

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Art Attack!

Abritti Sarkar Anshika Soni
Prep-B Prep-B

Aviraj Sehgal Kapur Myra Tiwari Zoya Saleem
Prep-B Prep-A Prep-D

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Olympiad Winners IEO



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Olympiad Winners IGKO

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Olympiad Winners IMO

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Olympiad Winners NCO


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Olympiad Winners NSO

Manvay Agrawal

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Olympiad Winners ISSO

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Covid : Creativity Unlocked


Arnav Rodrigues VIII-G Shagun Sinha VII-B

It was the lockdown time when we got trapped in our homes, trying to From the past two years, the world was down because of
do creative and something new. Coronavirus, or Covid-19, as we famously know. This may be the
worst and the hardest period mankind has ever seen. In these two
There was a virus called Corona, in the air hidden somewhere. years we have seen financial loss, loss in business and jobs and loss
of uncountable human lives. Covid-19 has only given us negative
There were children who could neither play nor go to school. The vibes so far.
only thing they could was pray and pray.
But what I have learnt is how to stay calm and positive. Even though
While there was work from home in the companies, the health and Covid-19 is a challenge to all of us, I have not stopped finding good in
families were top priorities. the bad. I tried to learn and explore. I practiced drawing and
sketching which were my favourite.
There was nothing to do, so we rediscovered our own hobbies,
painted our thoughts and drew something in our copies.

Technology was in and so were masks and vaccine. It was the time
when we needed to reset our real needs and maintain over all


Angelika Agarwal VIII-B Anashwara Menon IX-A

The story started in Wuhan, china where Covid-19 was born. Due to I used to stare out of the window and feel completely frustrated, I
lack of global alert systems across countries and Mrna, it spread like could not go out and play or meet my friends, and even when I went
a wildfire giving rise to a pandemic. Lot of chaos including out, I had to wear a mask that suffocated me. At the end of the week, I
breathtaking casualties took place as we were so complacent about wondered to myself whether I would be able to remain sane in this
pandemics. Looking at the bare minimum positivity which it gave was captivity.
a rise to new breakthroughs like it led to a major change in climate
and taught us to be ready for unforeseen problems in our life. It also But as more time passed by, I realized, how small-small things can
changed our perspective towards life and that family matters more make us happy. The chirping of the birds amides the rustling of
than we thought. leaves. How the morning dews on the petals of roses shone like
crystals and the vastness of the internet; It is all so beautiful.

It is funny how many things we take for granted, our friends, family,

going outside and even school. But only when all those luxuries were

snatched from us, only when the pandemic hit, did we realize the

value they held. C dpsgbn

Learnings from Covid

Avni Verma, III-B
Himani Sapru I-A
Sometimes I wonder
Why this pandemic happens, COVID COVID go away,
Was it for bad,
Making all of us so sad, We don't want you to stay
But, allowed me to play,
and spend time with mom and dad, Entire world is in stress,
Was it for good,
Maybe to regenerate wood, We will fight at our best
All are hiding under hood,
For the common good, Eating healthy food every day,
Improve the Earth's breathing,
Letting the birds singing, Immunity is getting stronger day by day
Let the Lion to be jungle king,
Give our imagination now wing, Online classes will not remain,
Brings out our hidden passion,
And a humble pray to god, Schools are going to open again
To open the school for new session
Hand washing, wearing masks,
You will disappear very fast.
Vivaan Dogra III-C
We all faced many challenges in lockdown. One of the biggest was
maintaining good health. There hasn't been a single day in this period Yasha Tandon III-F
without the quote - "Stay home, Stay safe ". We have to exercise to be
healthy and fit but can't go outside. Despite all this we as a family found It was March 6, 2020, my last working day in School. Schools were shut due
many ways to be active. I joined anabolic and yoga classes online. Some to increasing COVID-19 cases. I was wondering, when I will meet my
days I used to do HIIT exercises with my mother, other days I used to do friends as the School didn't shut with a GOODBYE. I haven't said BYE-BYE to
boxing with my father as he bought me two different kinds of boxing bags my class 1 Class Teacher. We didn't have our last day of class 1. Later, I
and gloves too. Boxing was most fun as we used to do it together. I was found that we will not have our welcoming in class 2 in School. Indeed, we
missing the monkey-bar from my sector park so we installed a pull up bar in had our welcome on MS Teams. Instead of new school bag, lunch box,
our house. I still hang on it like a monkey any time I want. Also, we all used water bottle, pencil box, new uniform and other stuff, I got a new LAPTOP. I
to go cycling together wearing masks. So, Pandemic taught us ways to be fit was very excited getting a personal laptop but still something was missing-
and healthy while locked inside our houses. Hope you also found ways to my friends, the classroom, the chit-chat and our teachers. This scenario is
keep yourself fit and healthy! still on with online classes, with a ray of hope that we will soon meet our
friends, our teachers, running and shouting in the School corridors. Till
then, STAY HOME, STAY SAFE….. One more thing, Mumma always have

C dpsgbnsurveillance during online classes whether I am attending class or doing

some other activities.

Expression of Fun

Elina Rawat

Janaya Siddharth Shivaay Kumar Varushka
Nursery-Carnation Nursery-Marigold Nursery-Daffodils

Shashank Soni C dpsgbn

Unbeatable Hope

Maria VIII-B Amaan Ahmed VIII-F

At the onset of lockdown in India, around 250 million students were Somewhere in the world
affected due to school closures. Several challenges due to pandemic something is happening
in public and private schools were an expected rise in dropouts, which will make its slow way here
learning losses, and increase in digital divide. The dreary and darkness
Initially, most governments have decided to temporarily close the will decimate most things delightful,
schools to reduce the impact of Covid-19. Later it was reopened for a or perhaps without light
few grades, which increased the number of infection rates and then they shall fall in a deep slumber during the long night
closed again. As schools begin to limp back after the long disruption of It moves without trace
the Covid-19 pandemic, India's flagship National Education Survey to find me as I shake a hand
has seen and un precedented jump in government school students, or hug a friend
and a 10-year low in private school enrolments. What do we know of the dark?
Though schools are closed, students are attending their classes The unknown sinks us deeper into the darkness
through various education initiatives like online classrooms. Though it Though we seem lost,
is blessing in disguise but on the other side, there are lots of students somewhere something is happening
who didn't own the resources to attend the online classes and the and oh for so long we have been planning
the and they suffer a lot. Many students and families were struggling yet behind it are those two aging conspirators
to obtain the gadgets required for online classes. hope and grit
Teachers who were all experts in Blackboard, Chalk, books, and
classroom teaching were also new to this digital teaching, but they are MY EXPERIENCE WITH DPS, GBN DURING COVID
gradually adopting the new methods to aid the students in the current
position and are duty bound to do the same. Aadya Sharma VIII-G
Together we sailed through and emerged stronger.
This was my first year in this school and it went very nice despite the

pandemic. The confidence and motivation it gave me, I couldn't get

anywhere else. The school was online but the teachers kept it

amazing. Our classes never got boring, always something new and

interesting. The teachers were awesome. I learned a lot of new
things this year. I am glad that I spent my 8th in this school. I got nice

friends too.

C dpsgbn

Thoughts and Expressions

Eshita Dubey XII-B
Akshat Singh IX-D
This pandemic made us realize the harsh reality of life is that it will
throw us curve balls when we least expect them. People were faced A pandemic hit the earth,
with fears of contracting this unknown virus, of hospitalizations and But it was not worth;
of losing loved ones. People were thrown into the depths of You are not a God,
boredom, frustration and loneliness as we navigated the uncertainty Take precautions as a sword !
of living in quarantine. Instead of sulking in the negatives, the Eat a balanced diet,
situation eventually taught us to view life through a positive lens. Your immunity will reach a great height;
Rather than focusing on our inability to go out and see friends, we The pandemic gave a learning,
took the opportunity to spend extra time with our family, learn to cook, People lost their earning.
take care of our health and discover new time-filling crafts. We Social media became friend,
realized that it's easy to complain about what we don't have but the When online classes came into trend;
challenge is appreciating and working with the new and unique The country became a pendant,
opportunities that you are given. As we became self-dependent !
It is just a moment of mystery,
WE WIN SOME WE LOSE SOME Soon the virus will be a history.
Shagun Sahoo XII- B
We all know the phase we are going through is difficult and that the
pandemic has affected our lives adversely and has taken a lot from Fiza Rashid, X-E
everyone. However, it is on us that if we take the outcomes in a
positive or negative manner. The Pandemic has given us tirme to The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all, leaving us shook. It had
spend with the people we love and adore. It taught us to respect life led to an astronomical amount of loss of lives of our loved ones
and to appreciate nature. It allowed us to self-reflect and understand worldwide. It has changed our lives and perhaps even ourselves.
that happiness lies in little things and that we should value and pay From our morning routines to our priorities and even our life goals
our gratitude to everything and everyone for making our lives worth have changed, even if the change is slight.
Also, there has been a dramatic rise in mental health issues among,
C dpsgbn well, everyone. Highlighting mental health as an important issue that
needs to be addressed is cardinal. Mental disorders have been on
the rise even before the pandemic but now spiked as people struggle
to manage their time with matters such as work from home, among
other things.

This pandemic has been a life-changing experience. It's changed us

The New Normal


Ishaan Uppal, XI-D Vithal Goel XII-D
We sleep in one world and then get up in another world.
We see dreams and the next day, we forget. The past 2 years have completely transformed life for everyone and
Life is full of opportunities and possibilities but we often neglect them. has taught me one crucial thing which I probably wouldn't have learnt
God has given us powers, but we are often lost in our own world. otherwise.
Unexpected happenings and incidents
had changed the present style of living. I believe everyone tends to usually think that they have all the time in
Suddenly, America no longer seems to be worth visiting. the world to do and achieve all that they want. In the second wave of
Taj Mahal and Paris are no longer romantic. the pandemic, seeing healthy and fit people succumb to the virus, I
Disney has lost its magic, Mecca is empty. can't think likewise anymore.
Hugs and kisses are untouchables, not visiting our near and dear ones
are considered as an act of love and respect. Understanding this, I think I tend to view life differently. From trying to
Nature is giving us a message. do as much as I can NOW, to trying to plan what I will chase once the
Everything is beautiful. world opens up again, I can't wait to explore and achieve everything
The five elements of nature-air, water, earth, in this ever-so-uncertain world more aggressively and passionately
fire and sky are all fine without you. than before the pandemic.
Power, beauty, money and fame are useless,
they cannot buy you a simple oxygen molecule you are fighting for. NEW NORMAL- NEW LEARNINGS
Change is constant in life, nothing remains the same
We will all die and become dust soon. Farzeen Soha XII-B
Life has put every human into cages,
Those living a simple life, devoid of ego, Having spent your high school years sitting in front of the laptop with
jealousy and hatred are blessed.
God is giving us a simple message, all your classmates, not even all, a few of them, sitting quietly behind
You are my guests and not my masters.
Everything is fine without you and the world will not end with you. the mute button, the only thing moving is the battery receding. Scary,

THE EERIE EMPTINESS yet we have lived through this. The time when we had to enjoy in our

SAGNIK TARAPHDAR XII-C groups, wander in the corridors, gossip at the backbench, and share

“Streets full of hustle and bustle. our food, we spent all this time scrolling down our class groups for
Corona virus-
online class links and pdfs. The time of everything online, might have
Now, a stony silence”
very slightly compromised our school learning but it certainly did

teach us some life lessons.

From creating rooms for ludo to having late-night zoom calls, we

explored our ways to stay connected and have fun. Although we did

miss hanging out and watching movies in the theatre, but watching

movies together over the internet despite staying miles away was a

lot of fun too. C dpsgbn

Lessons From Life

Namya Lakhanpal XI-A Ishani IX-E

In the past years, the entire human race has been under pressure. He flies all day, he flies all night, he flies all season,
Under the pressure of a deadly virus. he flies with time
The Corona Virus! He watched generations fly away
In such an adversity, it was a must that we stay positive and more Some trapped in the soil and some fly away
importantly spread positivity because positivity is the key ingredient Some drop down cuz they loved to play
to a healthy body, mind and soul. They played with time they played all life
A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead He watches as her creations smile away
of your circumstances having power over you. And he stay by them as they cry away
Staying optimistic in the toughest of times is the most difficult thing to They cry away, every day, cuz every morning someone flies away.
do and I feel that the pandemic has taught us that. He flies off everyday, collecting souls everyday, sending them
Years after, all of us would have a story of our own, a story of bravery away as their new homes await.
and unity. A story of the World v/s Corona where we all were Corona He gets so tired day and night, pain is all he sees all night.
warriors! Wake up little reaper, it's time to fly, and send the souls of light,
back to the morning light

Since entering the ultimate rabbit hole; Samridhi Sinha VII-G
life went offbeat for a while, now sombre,
Thrown into the universe of virtual reality; This pandemic taught us many things such as spending quality time
like a winding road with plenty of meanders
During online classes the minute's hand barely moves with our family is very important on the other being fit and healthy is
upon arrival of exams and assignments, time's acute
Days gone counting COVID cases, equally important. We found new talent in ourselves such as music,
ended up paranoid in this pandemic
nothing gained hence learnt to be optimistic; sketching, dancing and many others. Our teachers supported us and
Lessons learnt, memories cherished,
daily routine reflected, thoughts saturated tried us to get comfortable in the new normal. The school conducted
As the online persona subdues my offline self
Found resonance in baking and my dusty bookshelf many of the webinars and campaigns so that we can learn new
The pandemic continues,
dwindling of course while we lay low things and be more interactive and social. A very important lesson
Yet hold your horse; for no one could ever know
But surely this too shall pass and go. which was gained was that if there is dark there is always light.

C dpsgbn

Bursts of Colour

Aadya Dubey Saanvi Akar Dilraj Singh Bedi

Aaryahi Bera Dhairya Chejara Sumedha Karunya Singh

C dpsgbn

Parents' Views


Archana Kapoor Nidhi Mishra
P/o Hardik Kapoor III-G P/o Aryaa Awasthi
Nursery- Marigold
Children are the greatest stress busters, sing, laugh, and dance with The power of choosing- I have found it quite helpful when we offer
them. Aryaa choices in day to day routine, in simplest of things like - which
color dress you like to wear today, which subject do you like to revise
A little patience can make all the difference between wanting to be today, what you want to have first milk or breakfast, sometimes I
good parents and actually being one. Whenever you are about to even ask her to help me choose vegetables from vendor cart as well,
lose patience with your child. Just pause and remember your own etc etc. Of course the idea is not to make them spoilt for choices but
childhood. Play with your child. It builds lasting bonds, develops to have them the sense of ownership and capable of making their
skills, and makes the child feel special. More than your talking your own choices as they grow up. I have observed it has also made her
children need your listening. Listen to your children 's opinions, even more curious and content. This has helped me a lot to keep up
ideas, dreams, and doubts. It is the best way to show that you are with a 3.5-year-old toddler, try it.
always there for them.


Tarannum Aziz CS Pankhuri Agarwal
P/o Zoobia Rehman Nursery- Lily
P/o Prarabdh Garg II- A
In the present era it's not very easy to be a parent, so we tried to be
Online Class the class which is conducted over internet which helps
very assertive with our children. We try to listen more rather than children to interact with their teacher and fellow friends daily is the best
thing which has happened in pandemic. I still remember the day when
speak. Acknowledge their feelings and let them know that we hear we had to stop sending our kids to school and day care due to pandemic.
We were really worried about the future of education of kids. But the
them. Try to give them choices but also tell them its consequences. future is here. Virtual Education has become the norm. Students are
grasping the facts very fast and enjoying it. Kudos to DPS-GBN for such
Be flexible and willing to adjust is unique. Try to be inclusive in our a timely adaption to the new norms. My Son Prarabdh Garg of Class 2 A
really enjoys online classes and its activities. Thought for the day, News
messages like if I am telling them something not to do: “We do not Session and Amazing fact keep him hooked to his Computer. There is
no compulsion of uniform also which adds to fun. Break time becomes
jump” rather than “you do not jump.” Set limits and be consistent with more valuable when it is between online class. Online party is as
enjoyable as offline party. The messages which are sent by students are
your disciplines. It makes our children friendlier freely towards us checked thoroughly by teachers which clear his doubts. The dictation
and viva prepare him for better future.The digital world can never
and create a healthy environment. replace an offline class or face to face interaction. But it still gives him a
sense of belonginess and learning which is crucial in these changing
C dpsgbn environments.

Stakeholder Speak

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before FREEDOM
which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”
Nidhi Marwah Honey Lulani
P/o Ansh Marwah III-G P/o Viralika Lulani VIII-G

One of my biggest takeaways from this pandemic has been to learn When I see a bird in a hutch, Writhe to free from the clutch,
the virtue of patience. When things first started closing down, we Wishing to fly, high in the sky, Flap its wings but fail and cry,
didn't know how long it would last. I really needed to practice when I see a deer, trapped in a cage,
patience and understand that things take time. The COVID-19 I can feel its hidden rage, It tries to take a long leap,
pandemic disrupted the world in ways unimaginable. As we look But does not succeed, then I think, how fortunate am I,
back on the past two years and the harsh repercussions of the and I realize the word freedom,Its joy and its price,
pandemic that continue until today, it is apparent that one of the most But I suddenly have tears in my eyes
impacted sectors is education. Neither the world nor educational When I remember the word sacrifice,
institutions were prepared to embrace the shift to online platforms A lot of people sacrificed their lives,
brought on at lightning speed. 2020 has been a revelation for Without thinking about their children or their wives,
education, as students, educators and - often parents - grappled with To make us proud,
online lessons. Distance learning is not new. Online learning is We should feel ourselves blessed, And take pledge,
becoming mainstream. Online classes are opening doors of schools 'Our freedom should not be lost, At any cost'
and allowing students, parents and teachers to accept challenges in ‘Jay Hind'!
this tough time.
Don't worry that children never listen to you, worry
that they are always watching you. Richa Kumar
Nishith Agarwal P/o Thea Kumar V-D
P/o Rishith Agarwal I-B
The last two years of the pandemic have been an eye-opener for all of
2020-21 was a year full of things that had never been. It was my son's us. These two years have taught us the value of things that we were
first year of formal education and what a year it had been! The once taking for granted like relationships, human interaction, health
pandemic had hit hard and so did the realisation that as parents, our and above all freedom. In a blink of an eye, our entire world turned
actions are solely responsible for what my child will be tomorrow and upside down. There was chaos and mayhem everywhere. People
during this journey we're totally indebted to DPS GBN for helping us were getting infected and losing their lives at an alarming rate. It was
groom our little one academically, emotionally and humanely without heart- wrenching to see what was happening around us. Everything
missing the essence of schooling. came to standstill. But humans are fighters by nature, and with that
spirit and along with the help of technology, we slowly went on with our
Home is definitely the new school but at the same time, school is and lives. We began our school with online classes. Initially, it was a little
will always remain to be the light at the end of the tunnel. Finally, as difficult to get the hang of it but soon we adapted to this new mode of
parents, we do realise that both teachers and we need to work learning. It must have been challenging for our teachers to conduct
together to provide our little ones the roots to grow and wings to fly. online classes seamlessly during the pandemic but they left no stone
unturned in teaching our children in the best possible way with limited
C dpsgbn means. Today we are at par with our education only because of their

Every Moment Matters

इस कोिवड ने जीना सीखा िदया थोड़े में बहतु A FULFILLING JOUNERY
Rashmi Baweja
Kalpana Thakur P/oSatvik Baweja -IX-A
P/o Mihir Kumar Thakur VIII-B
The journey with DPS has been awesome. All the teachers have
जीना सीखा िदया अपने पराय को भूल कर सब को साथ been so interactive and provide personal attention to each child's
चलना सीखा िदया इस कोविड ने जीना सीखा िदया, needs. The school has provided great exposure with various events
एक और िकसी अपने को खोने का दर्द था तो वही and competitions like MUN's, debates, career events etc, even on
िकसी दसू रे के अपने को बचाने में उनकी मदद करने की खशु ी थी, online mode . I am really thankful to the school for helping my son
इस कोिवड ने जीना सीखा िदया। build an all round personality and I am positive that it will help him
थोड़े मंे बहुत जीना सीखा िदया। build strong foundations for his career.
इस महामारी मंे हमने हजारों मज़दूरों को बघे र बेबस लाचार होते दखे ा
तो वहीं इनकी मदद के लिए कई कदम बढ़ाते लोगों को देखा FIGHTING THE CORONAVIRUS
िकसी ने हजारों ,लाखों रुपए से तो िकसी ने
एक बोरी चावल और नमक दके र इनकी मदद की Amit Khanna,
इस कोविड ने जीना सीखा िदया थोड़े में बहतु जीना सीखा िदया। P/o Janhvi Khanna –VI G

UDAYAN SIR With the start of the first wave, it was clear that our immunity will help
us fight against the deadly virus .Therefore, the first thing to be
Dr. Soma Chakraborty Baidya changed was our food intake and our daily routine. Although, it was
P/o Udayan Sukhlabaidya Nursery- Marigold tough for the kids but it became a habit with passage of time. Not only
A very loving personality of the teacher has made my very shy and healthy diet but we also made sure of our physical activity and used
hesitant son into a fearless boy who can now involve himself in technology to get the right exercises at home virtually for all of us.
Assembly activities and narrate a story fearlessly. This magical Lockdown had made all of us realize that hygiene and health have to
transformation is indeed due to teacher's simple trick of calling him go together; all of us learnt that how important it is to wash our hands
`Udayan Sir'. with soap or clean it with sanitizers. Both of my daughters were the
first ones to opt for offline Classes as they said, “ we can handle this
My four year old `Sir' has not only given me a wonderful gift of now.”
spontaneous overflow of my school memories, sometimes I get
confused who is teaching whom? I had butterflies in my stomach C dpsgbn
minutes before his Olympiad exam. Old habits die hard. I told him in a
very stern voice to sit quietly and focus at the screen. However, very
busy playing with the blocks, he flatly replied, ``my tower is not yet
ready.'' As I tell him to practise a poem, pat comes his reply, ``not
now, in front of Ma'am only". It has been a great experience.

The Creative Corner

Ananya Batura Dishita Yadav Khyati Bhushan

Krithik Shree Ram U. Somansh Mathur

C dpsgbn

My Experience with DPS, GBN


Rekha Sharma Karuna Mittal
P/o Yashi Sharma Day Care -Pearl P/o Onir Agarwal Nursery- Marigold

Our daughter, YASHI SHARMA, student of DAY CARE got In September 2020 when we were trying to finalize on the school for
admission last year. During these hard times when as parents we my only child, we like most of the first time parents were in a dilemma.
feel it is unsafe to send our children to school, DPS GBN with its team The decision was becoming more difficult with the apprehensions
of incredible teachers have brought the school to home for its attached around online classes .But I never wanted my child to
students and we sincerely thank them for their efforts. With all the loose out on the important initial years of education so decided to
odds they have not let learning stop. The work assigned is fun-filled take the plunge and chose DPS,GBN. And I am glad we made that
and entertaining to which our child enjoys a lot. Yashi’s knowledge to choice. Talking about my son’s journey with DPS- I have seen him go
basic concepts are improving on daily basis. Also, she feels through the journey of speaking few words to picking up both the
comfortable during the interaction session with the teachers. She is languages with equal fluency in a span of few months.
always eager to showcase the work done and waiting to meet her Another of my concern that is put to rest by the school is an all-round
new friends. We feel very proud that our child got admission in such development and not just academic focus. They organize various
an innovative & disciplined school under the supervision of kind of events from literary to cultural. The best part about these
knowledgeable teachers. We would like to specially thank Taruna events is that the teachers do not only involve a selected few
Bhatia Ma'am and Poonam Sharma Ma'am for making learning fun students but the whole class. And that is true not only for the events
for our daughter, in spite of facing formidable challenges, educating but during the daily classes as well.
students through virtual means and also handling students of I want to conclude with one line that sums up all
different nature calmingly. Now, every Monday she is excited for the
class to begin and she is also more excited for all the fun learning पखं तो हर बच्चा ले कर आता है , पर उड़ान उसे हम दते े हैं ।
activities to be done. Kudos to the entire faculty of DPS GBN who are
managing both their personal & professional life in such a crisis And the school has done a perfect job at that till now.
situation. It’s highly appreciated and a huge applaud to the teachers.
LOVING TEACHERS Vaishali and Anand Sharma
P/o Geetansh Sharma Prep- B
Medha Chawla
P/o Swadha Day Care- Pearl This past year has been unpredictably challenging and DPS family
and faculty has done a commendable job in embodying the true
My Experience with DPS, GBN is fabulous. Teachers are so warm definition of dynamicity and adaptability. Our son, Geetansh Sharma
is zestful and animated which sometimes makes him difficult to teach
and friendly towards child that she miss them on holidays too. but his teachers have been able to keep him completely enamoured
with his studies. Keep up the good work!
Activities are encouraging child to be independent and confident.

C dpsgbn

Inspirational Words By Our Parents

Kartik Gupta Manish Gupta and Surabhi Gupta
P/o Shaurya Gupta Nursery- Lily P/o Tanush Gupta I-B

There is a saying that – “Schools succeeds when educators, parents We, as parents of Tanush Gupta of Class 1B would like to
and communities collaborate.” thank DPS, GBN for their stupendous curriculum and
DPS, GBN holds its values of Service before Self sacred. It not only method of teaching. We would like to take a special
aims at holistic development of their students but it is a place where mention for Monisha ma’am who leaves no stone
new buds turn up into blooming flowers with outstanding laurels. unturned in teaching and especially grooming our child.
With the help of organised online classes/fun activities/yoga classes The online teaching itself comes with lot of challenges
and well versed teaching staff in place, I am assured that my child is since there is no physical interaction with children but we
being nurtured in his academics and interpersonal skills. His class feel that DPS has minimized the loss this pandemic has
teacher gives extra care and attention, ensuring to provide the best done to their education with the planned curriculum and
of opportunities even in the midst of global pandemic crisis. Keep up effective teaching staff.
the good work!!
Priyanka Srivastava and Rahul Srivastava
Renu Lakhera P/o Rakshita Srivastava I-F
P/o Vaanya Lakhera III-G
We are parents of Rakshita Srivastava Grade 1 F. After a long term stay
I am happy to share about my experience with DPS, GBN. It's been in the UK, we decided to return to India last year and selecting the best
almost a year since my child got enrolled in class 3-G and the efforts school for our daughter was our top priority. For Rakshita, with English
Ms Swati Dhawan ma’am puts on enriching the knowledge of kids is as her first language and no Hindi reading/writing concepts, we are
commendable. In this pandemic situation it became tough for both extremely satisfied with the ways of educating by understanding the
the teachers and parents to cope with online studies but, have to say child and helping the child shine in all the ways possible. The
the teachers left no stone unturned to make kids learn the concepts onboarding process was smooth, user friendly with no surprises and
easily with efficiency. Lastly, as it is said "A good teacher makes a school Administration walkthroughs were extremely welcoming. We
good person”, hope things get better soon and kids get to go to are delighted parents to be part of the DPS GBN family. We are grateful
school to learn more about studies, gratitude and discipline. to the DPS GBN team, especially the class teacher Sudha Pandey
Ma’am who in her effortless learning style is helping each child not only
C dpsgbn to excel in academics but also encouraging the overall growth of a
child. We are sure Rakshita is one of the many examples that DPS
GBN is nurturing.

Parents-The Wind beneath our wings


Ashwani Chhabra and Lalita Chhabra Mr.Saurabh Srivastava
P/o Ruhi Chhabra II-A Father of Vinayak Srivastava, Class 4-A

Our daughter is studying in DPS.GBN from last one year which was We have shifted our son Vinayak to DPS, GBN this year. The entire
really amazing. We are very happy and well satisfied by seeing her admission process and subsequent interactions with the class
improvement and remarkable confidence level and speaking skill. coordinator and the class teacher helped him settle down in the new
She loves to participate in all the activities in school and inter school environment in a jiffy. He has made good rapport with teachers and
competitions. I would like to thanks all her teachers special thanks to many online friends in the process. Assignments for the skill classes
her class teacher Mrs Milli Ma'am who shaped her mind and helped are well-curated and Vinayak looks forward to attending those
her in every field. We like the teaching system of DPS very much. sessions. Overall, this has been a wonderful experience for us.
Thank you, DPS, GBN.
P/o Soham Gaur III-B Sarveshvar Agnihotri
P/o Jinal Agnihotri VII-A
Soham joined his new school in mid-session. Initially I was worried
as to how Soham will cope up with his studies and peer group. But, The world will never forget the Year 2020, that left everyone with
with the prompt help of his class teacher and subject teachers he sweet and sour memories and the world as we know, it's not the
coped up well. The School is very systematic regarding studies. All same now. Pandemic has caused drastic changes to our lives. When
the classwork is shared on the WhatsApp group. homework is it started there were many doubts in everyone's mind about their
minimal. His class teacher Mrs. Mala Chattopadhyay is very kind, jobs, businesses, health and off course for education but we all have
gentle, soft spoken and encouraging lady. I have called her many learnt and practiced many things like prioritize our health, personal
times for silly reasons, but she has always been extremely co- hygiene, discipline in life, live happily with limited resources.
operative to solve any issue. Mrs. Richa Ray has been very helpful
with the admission process. The supporting School staff, transport in My takeaway from pandemic is to learn the Virtue of Patience,
charge, uniform store in charge, book store in charge, bus driver and Gratitude towards God or even persons who ever helped me in this
conductor have always extended their prompt help. Soham looks tough time and the same I want to teach my daughter too as a life
forward to go to School every day. He enjoys every little activity, lesson. Pandemic has already taught our kids the importance of
which is very informative to the students as well. Thank you family, friends, selfcare, live with nature, respect elders specially
everyone for making Soham comfortable and happy at school. their hardworking Mentors (Teachers) who have adapted new
technology for them so that the learning should not stop. Hope we

C dpsgbnand our kids will continue this practice even after the pandemic and

will become physically, mentally stronger and learn Endurance.

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