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The Agricultural and Meta-Physical Calendar Magazine-2018 is HRD's 2nd Meta-Physical Calendar. A Barbadian printed and online collector’s item, envisage with the quality of making the complex subjects of Meta-Physics, Spirituality and Agriculture accessible to everyone interested in move to the next level of knowledge.

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Published by Ian Douglas, 2018-08-16 07:38:49

The AMCM-2018

The Agricultural and Meta-Physical Calendar Magazine-2018 is HRD's 2nd Meta-Physical Calendar. A Barbadian printed and online collector’s item, envisage with the quality of making the complex subjects of Meta-Physics, Spirituality and Agriculture accessible to everyone interested in move to the next level of knowledge.

Keywords: Agriculture,Meta-Physics,Calendar-Magazine,Ian Douglas,Bio-Spiritul Alchemy,House of Re-Discovery,Global day of the Drum,Eco-Pharmacology


Rev, Dr. Dudley Trotman


I grew up in religion and enjoyed studying the bible House of Re-Discovery & Ian Douglas Foundation
ordained priest helping people for many years.
and becoming an Editor: Ian E. Douglas ,

However, deep inside I felt that there was something missing. When i E-: [email protected]

was a young man I did many boyish things. When I became a man I

saw the light and put away those boyish things. Fortunately some 2018 contributors:

events and coincidences in my life led me to seek higher knowledge Trevor Marshall, Andi Thornhill, Rev. Dr. Dudley Trotman,
closer to my culture and ancestry; the teaching of the orisha has taught
me many things. Annette Maynard-Watson, Icil Philips, John Hunte and

The Calendar Magazine developed by the Ian Douglas and House of Ian Douglas,
Re-Discovery has evolved to be an enthusiastic celebration of many
Editorial Team:

binding and interlinking topics in Agricultural and Meta-physical lore, Ian Douglas and Carolyn Yearwood along with our ancestral
especially those relating to natural sciences, intricate afric-structure in spirit guides.

indigenous herbal medicine and healing with a bio-spiritual relevance. It Design, layout and Graphics: IDF

is also a tribute to African based knowledge systems being re-

discovered as a vital part of the physiological reparation intuitive.

When the fish was created, the creator spoke to the sea, when the trees
were created, the creative force spoke to the earth; when man and
woman was created, the creator and the creative force spoke to
themselves. Take a fish out of the water, it will die and when we take a
tree off the ground, it will also die. Similarly, when man is disconnected
from the essence of the creator in nature (Gods), humanity will
eventually die. The ways of the Gods is our natural environment. We
were created to live in their presence. Staying connected to the natural
forces is an important part of everyday life.

Disclaimer: Copyright:
The material in this document was researched and produced by the IDF
Some of the views express in this publication are based on meticulous Ian Douglas Foundation for the HRD. The reconstruction and use of the
research from awakened minds. We reserve the right to retract or further material in this publication of any of the ACMCM related to images and
clarify any of the information presented. It is not the intention of the HRD construct of text requires written permission.
Charity No. 1065, the IDF or any of its affiliated artistes, researchers or
writes to prescribe or make specific claims for any information shares in
the AMCM series with the community or to any of the references to
products or remedies. Any attempt to diagnose or treat any dis-ease,
illness should first come under the direction of your personal physician or
health care provider.


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The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) estimates that the world will have to grow 70
percent more food by 2050 just to keep up with
population growth. Climate change will make much of
the world's arable land more difficult to farm.
In Barbados and the Caribbean, we have made many
exceptional steps forward in complementary health care
and alternative medicine, however our health systems
and our people remains primarily disease-centred rather
than focused on the healing of the total being...
Unfortunately, the allopathic psyche of Western
medicine is exclusively focused on curing, which in the
Euro-Christian context is another name for “exorcism”-
the eradication of illness seen as an act of evil. Simple
examples of the prevailing mind set where conventional
doctors try to cure dis-eases it by either suppressing
them (medication); by cutting (surgery or amputation) or
by burning (radiation and chemotherapy). Interestingly,
this focused approach on curing often fails to cure an
illness because is process generally ignores the real
ethology of the illness or dis-ease.
We must come to realize that true healing is not an
(eradication or exorcism) of an illness or evil but an
embracement thereof from a higher realm. The category
of herbs we are researching and building our knowledge
base on relates to edible plants which can also be used
for Medicinal, Spiritual or Magical purposes. In addition
to their culinary and Medicinal uses, certain herbs have
also adopted a reputation for having spiritual and


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Good to Know!
 The first drum heard by any human baby animal or living creature is the heart beat of its MOTHER. Hence the

earth carries the primordial sound and frequency.
 A "day " is continuous time separated by light and darkness
 An "Ancestor" is one, from whom one is descended, especially those more remotely connected than our

grandparents. the drum is considered an ancestor and is representative of our connection to our (ancestry)
and the realms they reside in .
 The "Sentinel" is one assigned to keep guard of the sacred.
 A "Griot" is a story teller who carrier traditional knowledge form one Generation to the next.
 The "Spiritual warrior" is a defender of their own personal space, the family and the collective community.


The AMCM booklets Lamming’s statement captures the fact that the soil (the

earth) is in constant contact with us at the bio-spiritual
Supplementary information can be obtained in our ten page level. One cannot speak about DNA with touching on
booklets, on both Agriculture and Meta- Physics sharing green genetics; the scientific study of the heredity of living
living tips on herbs, plants and trees and bio-spiritual ecology things with its processes of inherited physical
some hold as secret; however we consider such knowledge and characteristics from DNA and cells. .
agricultural research sacred. This material is an addendum to the
Agricultural and Meta-Physical Calendar series 2017/2018. Agriculture in the purest sense is however much
broader than just cultivating the land, harvesting crops
Agriculture & Spiritual Ecology “Green Knowledge”
and rearing livestock. The scope of agriculture and its

During a lecture in 2014 Barbadian literary icon George Lamming entrepreneurial endeavours is vast but it can be
said that “food; hence agriculture , is the highest form of complex. One of the roots word of agriculture relates to

communication”. When we examine his words at its cellular and “culture”, and thus the ancients (cultivated their foods).

molecular level, he creates a moment of ponder, especially when They passed the knowledge and characteristics of
we think of the main cultural event in Barbados; the Crop Over sewing seed, plant harvesting and crop rotation with out

festival. This million of dollars generating event, hints to its roots in the knowledge of DNA as we have come to know it today

“agriculture” at the core of its name. The growing interest and in the living foods. Living in the balance of nature,

studies in agricultural research and entrepreneurship needs to be agriculture along with the bio spiritual sacred knowledge

embraced more during the festivities around the island and in the of mother earth was passed from one generation to

region. another.


Gia Matrixs in the Barbadian Landscape
The Barbados Obelisk known as the “Cenotaph”, accompanied by an actogram stars or (eightfold path to enlightenment,
which is constructed on the ground in Heroes Square.

P-E-A-R-L (Power of Economic Administration And the Rule of Law)
Have we evolved without knowing about the idea of hidden thirteenth as it relates to the parishes? leylines spread across
the island as energetic paths for various alignments. Officially the island has eleven parishes; on northern side of the island
we have St. Lucy (perhaps connected to the name of the deity who influence the first woman in sin. On the south side we
have Christ Church of course representing the Christ. The other parishes are named after saints, Peter, Michael, John,
Thomas, James, George, Philip, Joseph and Andrew. The cross of
St. Peter or the hangman's cross is represented by the four light
houses on the island.


March 2018

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The Nelson Era (an Error) in
Barbados 1805- 2018

Historian and Lecturer Mr.
Trevor Marshall

In the USA, Presidential election
campaign of 2016, the then
candidate Donald J. Trump (non-
President Trump) introduced the
term “FAKE NEWS” to an
American and ultimately a global audience.
According to the accepted definition of the term,
“FAKE NEWS” is “an untruthful story, designed to
trick the receiver of the information into believing that
what he or she heard or read is absolute, verifiable

President Donald J Trump has since referred to
sundry statement by his detractors and stories in the
US newspaper as “FAKE NEWS” and the term is
now part of international linguistic and intellectual


However, in framing a narrative on the impact of Lord Nelson on the Barbadian landscape (and people –scope) it is most
appropriate to utilize that term to introduce and describe the phenomenon of Horatio, Lord Nelson in the Caribbean.

This is because Barbadians hold fast to the myth that Lord Nelson “saved Barbados from French Colonialism” and that “if
Nelson had lost the battle of Trafalgar, Barbadians today would be speaking French and living in a French Colony.” This story
has been propagated in Barbados since December 1805 when the news of the Battle of Trafalgar reached this island.
Barbados was instantly transformed into on island in which a cult of Lord Nelson developed and has remained strong even
unto this month February 2018, some 213 years later.

Before we proceed only further with this discourse it is necessary to note that Barbados a one of a set of British Caribbean
Colonies. The others were British Honduras (now Belize) in Central America, British Guiana, Jamaica, St. Kitts, Nevis,
Antigua, Monserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, Tobago and Trinidad, most of which produced sugar,
molasses and rum, as did Barbados. All of these colonies received the news of the battle of Trafalgar at the same time
(December 1805) and in each territory, the Colonial officials such as the Governor and the legislature, registered sorrow at the
death of Britain’s most famous and accomplished seaman. Church services were held in his memory, expressions of official
regret were uttered and in some colonies plaques were established in port which Nelson had visited.

In more of these other territories was the story broadcasting that Nelson had “saved” them from the French, but in Barbados
certain imaginations ran wild and not only did Barbadians elite engage on an extended period of mourning, but a committee
immediately decided to erect a statue to the “savior” of the island. On the 22nd March 1813, seven and a half years later, the
statue was unveiled by Governor Sir George Beckwith and the cult of Nelson was finally inaugurated in this island of Anglo
Barbadian slave masters and African – Barbadian enslaved persons.

Over the past 205 years ten generations of African- Barbadians have been reduced by plausible and insistent white Barbadian
propaganda that Horatio Nelson an intransigent British supremacist naval officer who desired the continuance of the Trans-
Atlantic Slave Trade was their earthly savior, similar to the historical Jesus Christ. Barbados was centre of the Caribbean
veneration of Lord Nelson and indeed the only island in which anyone learnt that Nelson “saved them from the French.”

Thus, while the black children in Jamaica, the Leeward, the Windward, British Guiana and British Honduras were taught to
regard Nelson as a vengeful and overzealous British naval officer who caused the famine, starvation and death in these
islands in his crusade against England’s enemies, which now included the new USA, Barbadians were inducted into a parallel
universe in which the Battle of Trafalgar involved three entities, France, Britain and (the prize) Barbados. Thus, while the
story of Nelson receded as the decades move on in the other Caribbean Colonies of Great Britain, it gained strength and
persistence in Barbados, Lord Nelson’s Island.

A totally in accurate version of history has been accepted in Barbados historical truth; a shameful manipulation of the facts of
a battle which took place 4000 miles away on the side of the Atlantic, was interpreted as a divine deliverance from a non-
existent French threat. The most incredible lie ever told in the history of the Caribbean has been accepted by scholars ,
teachers, politicians, scientist and the vast number ordinary Barbadians up to 2018 and anyone who has objected to the
outrageous propaganda has been denounced as a racist , a dangerous radical, a ‘TWISTORIAN’ on every count of logie,
nationality, evidence and stablished fact , the Nelson story in Barbados is a “ NOTHING BURGER” a “tale told by an idiot, full
of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” (Shakespeare’s Macbeth.)

The story makes no sense. Why would an English admiral, who expressed his dislike for Barbados put his life on the line to
save that “desolate place” and those “Barbarous people” from a French naval force that did not intend to attack this island?
Why Barbados and no other British Colony? Where is the evidence of such altruism and magnanimity? These questions
have never been answered and all we have is the constant restatement of a Credo which is fundamentally illogical, totally
misleading and patently ludicrous.

Incidentally, in the period 1809-1810, Governor Beckwith with 22 ships and a force of 10 thousand men, attacked and
destroyed Martinique, Guadeloupe, Maine Galante, St. Barthelve and St. Eustatrus in order to “save Barbados from the
French” Lord Nelson was dead five (5) years! TO BE CONTINUED!...


Bajans and Barbados
Our Bajan DNA is not only from African captives and European slave masters, it was already here in the Americas as
descendants of the "TAMOANCHAN"... Holographic bio-genetic synchronicity is about “Visualization”; while aura is about
sound vibrations. A 3rd Dimensional Reality. Looking through the Afro-logical mind gives a glimpse into some of the ways of
the Afrikan family, tribal and clan systems. If we remove the letter (d) from the word (((drum))) what remains is the word RUM
an important alchemical commodity from the colonial era in Caribbean history until this day. Sugar cane was used to ferment
a new type of alcohol (a spirit which lowers our vibration to attract SPIRTS). The research from the Global day of the Drum
initiative sheds light on the missing drum analogy while linking - the astro-metric and bio-spiritual timetable of the Bajan Body
with the mathematical and meta-psychological inheritance of the Bajan Psyche. It is interesting that in the Bajan vernacular
conveniently the “Ka” sound became “Cuh”; as in Incuh for the Inca people or Africa pronounced as “Africah”. Bajans
pronounce the letter K in the language as C. In the spirit of psychological reparations we spell “Afrika” with the letter (K) as a
reminder of the “Ka” sound which denotes (people of spirit) while the (Ba) describes the soul according to the peoples of
ancients “Kemet “(Egypt).
A reflection on life on the little rock…
We are often confronted with expressions of the small island group dynamics, which is very common among plantation is not even personal. While this indulgence serves to protect elements of the community in some aspects, the fact
that we literally take pride in disrespecting each other has evolved into a serious problem. Our geno-cultural traits of; tribalism,
controlling clan behaviours, dynasty wars, intellectual inferiority and superiority complexes and fraternal attitudes pre-
programed form primary school has become very evident, at least for those in alignment with their true selves. Let us hope
that one day soon, our sociologist and psychologist can shed some light on these matters so that the masses can inner-stand
the gravity of the problem.
Approximately...80% of the island buy into and participate in a subconscious war of words, simple because we were never
thought the true nature and consequences of using the language we were given to speak. So long as an untruth come from
our mouths, to verbally send negative energy to harm another, whether conscious our or unconscious there will always be
Karmatic residue…it is only a question of time before we experience it.
Unfortunately with hobbies such as gossiping, and running with negative stories, don’t be surprised when we see the patterns
of sickness our people continue to acquire. Self=cells, which are constantly changing, so the positive or negative forces,
within us never sleep…The most devastating is when we come into conflict with our own conscience and the “duodenum” (the
bodies’ chemistry lab) takes on it nature course to create and release harmful substances which eventually manifest
themselves as dis-eases in our bodies. Read between the lines; watch your words and most importantly be vigilant about how
you think of and perceive others. This requires serious discipline to navigate the trapping of Barbados. IDF/HRD


April 2018

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Good to know: (April is the “holy month” with questionable a holes in its origins...),

International Dance Day: April 29th, 2018

Many people around the world in the past five hundred years started their child hood and teenage basis for the divine with
some form of religion because of the patriarchal progression and colonial legacies as a source of spiritual inspiration and
interaction. As we grew older and evolved, we came to know and walk in truth. We converted to something more natural

If we break down the word REAL we get (re-al the light of the al). The syntax (Re, Ra and Ri) are all interchangeable and
relates to the essence of “light” of GOD head. The “al “and “el” in words are related to power of the divine all-knowing/all


A reflection on life on the little rock....

We are often confronted with expressions of the small island
group dynamics, which is very common among plantation is not even personal. While this indulgence serves
to protect elements of the community in some aspects, the fact
that we literally take pride in disrespecting each other has
evolved into a serious problem. Our geno-cultural traits of;
tribalism, controlling clan behaviours, dynasty wars, intellectual
inferiority and superiority complexes and fraternal attitudes
pre-programed form primary school has become very evident,
at least for those in alignment with their true selves.

Let us hope that one day soon our sociologist and
psychologist can shed some light on these matters so that the
masses can inner-stand the gravity of the problem.

Approximately...80% of the island buy into and participate in a
subconscious war of words, simple because we were never
thought the true nature and consequences of using the
language we were given to speak. So long as an untruth come
from our mouths, to verbally send negative energy to harm
another, whether conscious our or unconscious there will
always be Karmatic residue…it is only a question of time
before we experience it.

Unfortunately with hobbies such as gossiping, and running
with negative stories, don’t be surprised when we see the
patterns of sickness our people continue to acquire. Self=cells,
which are constantly changing, so the positive or negative
forces, within us never sleep…

The most devastating is when we come into conflict with our
own conscience and the “duodenum” (the bodies’ chemistry
lab) takes on it nature course to create and release harmful
substances which eventually manifest themselves as dis-
eases in our bodies. Read between the lines; watch your
words and most importantly be vigilant about how you think of
and perceive others.

This requires serious discipline to navigate the trapping of
Barbados. IDF/HRD



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The Family...
Overcoming the Legacy of negative karma in our selves and within our Families”. Is there such a thing as
"generational and inter-generational curses”?. Inter-generation-curse relates to and advocates an ideology and
iniquitous frame of reference which arbitrarily is as a synonym for a psychological theories used by the
exegetical treatment of pertinent biblical passages which created the basis for emotional and psychological
abuse. There is a biblical verse I found in Exodus 34:7 says that God "visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children and the children's children to the third and fourth generation". The Bible mentions “generational
curses” in several places such as (Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9).
Every family has some skeletons in its closet, and the negative and positive karma from the actions of past
ancestor playing themselves out in the present. In order to understand the significance and influence of
inheritance or myth of "family curses" and our own self fulfilling prophecies, we need to acquaint ourselves with
the sacred background and mythical alchemy of the spiritual war confronted by people of African descent.
Many systems continue to uphold old prejudice against black people; these prejudices and racist attitudes
helped to fuel the Atlantic slave trade firmly and in places 700 years before the discovery by Europeans. Anti-
Black sentiment took shape over many centuries--most centrally, is the belief that the biblical Ham and his
descendants, the black Africans, had been cursed by God with eternal slavery. The narrative which occurs in
the Book of Genesis and concerns Noah's drunkenness and the accompanying shameful act perpetrated by
his son Ham the father of Canaan (Gen. 9:20–27). It is important to innerstand that the so called Curse of Ham
is a misnomer which had a profound and lasting impact on the perennial debate over the roots of racism and
slavery, and on the study of early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah in
writings, 600 years before the birth of the Christ; declared in no uncertain terms that God does not "hold you
responsible for something that someone else did." Ultimately, says Jeremiah, you are answerable for your own
actions: "But every one shall die for his own iniquity: (Jeremiah 31:29, 30; See also Ezekiel 18:2, 3).


Slave medicine and Barbados.
Early slave medicine, like those in Africa, were viewed from a spiritual perspective and within a ritualistic context. African
healers often invested the collection of medicinal plants with a ritual dimension, and well into Barbados' modern era folk curing
techniques frequently combined plant use with spiritual or magical practices. The late Iris Bayley (Bannochie), an authority on
Barbadian plant life, wrote in the 1940s that "some plants are considered worthless unless first treated magically; they must be
cut at certain periods of the moon ... some brews must be left overnight in the dew to acquire maximum efficiency" (Bayley
1949: 106).
The slave population was heavily influenced by African traditions and spiritual or supernatural beliefs played a considerable
role in healing practices (Handler 1994). Both African and European migrants to Barbados were predisposed to experiment
with and exploit the natural environment for medicinal purposes. Natural remedies are used worldwide in traditional systems of
medicine and were central to healing in pre-modern times. Considered "folk medicine" in modern society, natural remedies still
form an essential element in the primary health care of many people throughout the world. Over time, a variety of locally
prepared medicines came to be widely employed by all racial groups in Barbados.
The medicinal use of trees, plants, herbs barks, roots and berries can be defined as promoting a renewal of tissues and an
improvement in organ functions.
Antiemetic – Prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting.
Astringent – An agent that causes tissue to bind, or draw together.
Bitter Aromatic plants – are used as a tonic to stimulate the digestive tract and stimulate the appetite. Calmative – Herbs
that are soothing, sedating.
Carminative – Relieves and prevents flatulence.
Depurative – Purifies blood, thus removing the waste from the body.
Diaphoretic – Increases perspiration.
Diuretic – relates to substances which removes water from the body by promoting urine formation and the loss of sodium.
Expectorants – Thins mucus and promotes discharge from the respiratory tract. Exhilarant – Herbs that enliven and cheer
the mind.
Febrifuge – Reduces body temperature and fever. Hepatic – Stimulates liver and gall bladder to promote bile secretions.
Purgative – Relieves constipation. Soporific – Herbs that help to produce sleep.
Stomachic – Stimulates digestion and increases appetite. Tonic – Restore and produce normal tone throughout the whole


This calendar/magazine from which we are presently reading this article is one of the project spin offs from the Eco-pharmacology and
sustainable environment ventures. Our Ethno-botanical Lab project; (the ECO Lab), received a planning grant from the Global
Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP), facilitated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The
ECO Lab is one of the projects which fall under the aegis of the Global day of the Drum Initiative cluster. Working together with the
UNDP has afforded the House of Re-discovery Charity (HRD) not only to launch the project at the community level, but has also been the
basis from which we were able to formulate and construct several other related projects such as the Sister Sistah Group (one of our
outreach programs for women); the S.M.A.R.T Class project (an Agricultural Research Training Module for young people) bridging the
gap between the youth and the elderly with an oral history component.

The major component of the Eco-pharmacology and sustainable environment ventures project will be the erecting and facilitation of an
Eco laboratory which incorporates research into indigenous medicinal along with climate smart technologies for future generations. The
long-term goals of the project are centred on the duplication of similar low and high-tech laboratories with their agricultural educational
and culture base science modules on the island and in the region. The reeducation of local communities and schools about grass root
knowledge and the familiarisation of African based knowledge systems are interwoven in to our goal. Several cultural industries and
environmental community based projects are all aimed at educating the local general public about climate smart agricultural and climate
change mitigation procedures.

As a GEF/SGP grantee, the House of Re-discovery has ventured deeper into the fields of herbal medicinal research and homeopathic
therapies utilizing herbs, plants, sacred trees, roots and grasses generic to the island of Barbados. Our studies and research also
brought us to a place where we began exploring the culinary aspect and how here interplay with nutrition, which has evolved into fruitful
partnerships for the preparation and sale of natural holistic foods. It was crucial that we address within our research the present threat
we face with non-communicable and life style diseases, such as diabetes, cancer as well as other ailments. As a result of the initial
funding made available to the HRD Charity, one of the tangible fruits that drive our projects is the widening and deepening of our
research and creating palpable products from this material.

Climate smart agriculture is at the centre of our work with natural resources management and environmental objectives. The evolution of
the initial physical planning for the lab has taken a bit longer, and due to the weather pattern this year, we were forced to go back to the
drawing board and take a closer look at climate change mitigation with the many effects of land degradation and soil erosion. Food
security, renewable energy, water harvesting and the use of new technologies in computer aided agriculture emerged as some of the
emphasis behind our research and training initiative. From our brief surveys and interaction with various communities, farmers and
environmental enthusiasts and the public, we have identified a need to provide opportunities and avenues that link learning with earning
for future development throughout the island and Caribbean as a whole.

The support and guidance of the UNDP has steered to an evolving and growing trend in our work since the advent of the Green
Knowledge Fair (GKF) driven by the exposure to a green economy cultural industries and experiential tourism approach. The trend has a
strong emphasis on agri-preneurship and the legacy of African based knowledge systems.

This is poised become a model for marketing the island and perhaps the region (Eco-Agri-tourism) without the usual externally projected
fears which promote the idea that the islands of the Caribbean are too small for competitive differentiation in cultural and sustainable
living diversity... Continue on page 18


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We can give thanks that the once inherited subconscious defeatist posture that plagued the peoples of the
region during the early part of the century well into the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s no longer matter enough to
affect the bottom line of both local farmers and those international companies who see the potential of the
collective region. However there is still a need to closely pay attention to the evolving trends coming from
the heart of the people at this juncture of Caribbean history. New green economy models are being
developed and designed to bring benefits to community-based environmental management.

The theme of the Barbados GKF 2017 “Path way to the Green Economy” bridged the gap to International
trends and opportunities in peace commerce tourism suggesting that people are returning back to
something more authentic and thus more real. This trend is where the growth of the collective region and
intern individual Island states can take advantage. Our ethno-medicinal legacy and potential for eco-pharmacology, biodiversity and
spiritual lore are all significant parts of the ecology which the local population, visitors/tourist enjoy and can participate in the
harmonious pleasures of sustainable living.

Astrology and Plants and Herbs

Many plants are referred to in older herbals as being "under the influence of" some planet and this was used as a codification of the
plants properties and to create mixtures specific to different dis-ases.The associations of the signs with the parts of the body are as

Medical astrology is an ancient system which associates various parts of the body, dis-eases, and psychological conditions, as under
the influence of the Sun, Moon, and planets, along with the twelve astrological signs. The Greek physician “Hippocrates” who is re-
garded by some as the father of medicine, insisted that his students study astrology, saying, "He who does not understand astrology
is not a doctor but a fool. "The Hippocratic oath” is an oath traditionally taken by physicians, in which certain ethical guidelines are laid
out. Afro conscious scholars however acknowledges “Imhotep”the ancient Khemetic master genius as the real father of medicine. The
astrological connection of to the physical body.

If you are seriously thinking about building and
strengthening your body a naturally, then you need to
see Orlando Blenman, Tudor Street, Bridgetown


‘How do I know its organic’?

By John Hunte OGCA

This is a question often asked of Organic farmers when selling at markets. A question that is rightly asked by the modern, more
discerning, health conscious consumer. It is a question of particular relevance for the Organic Growers and Consumers Association
(OGCA) and its membership of small farmers in Barbados, who mainly sell their produce in open markets. In twenty years of advocacy
the OGCA has helped to create demand for local organic products which in turn has allowed some conventional farmers and vendors to
use the term ‘organic’ and mislead consumers in order to boost sales.
Our two year, GEF Small Grants funded program, has sought to begin the process of establishing the protocols, technical capacity and
human resources to initiate a project for ‘The Certification of Organic Farmers in Barbados’.

The major project outcome has been achieved, which is to have several people trained to international standards as organic farm
inspectors. A conducted a series of supportive workshops in project management, record keeping using information technology, farm
management and public awareness outreach and communication, but there is always a story or two that does not fit into the standard
UNDP reporting format. We noted in the official reports that almost 50 %percent of the twenty participants that have been positively
affected by the project are women, that we interacted in the inspector training with representatives from other Caribbean territories,
namely the Jamaica Organic Agriculture Movement (JOAM) and the Grenadian version (GOAM), that we utilised facilities of a leading
local institute with international connections, (Bellairs) and involved in the training representatives from IICA, The Ministry of Agriculture
and the Barbados National Standards Institute and of the thirteen trainee inspectors five were female. These women have played leading
roles in aspects of the project in been featured in Television interviews, directing the production of a video training manual and public

Yet there are human beings behind the technicalities in these reports, women who are mothers, personal experiences that are shared
and stories that are not told. So let us share one now. Almost twenty years ago, before there was an OGCA, the progressive Ministry of
Agriculture invited a young farmer to a conference in Central America on Organic Agriculture. There this young man was exposed to
several levels and aspects of organic farming for the first time and met people from throughout the region. One of these was a young
intelligent organic farm inspector from Costa Rica.

The young farmer and the inspector spent several hours in conversation about the value and process’ of organic farming and certification.
They went their separate ways and lost touch. When this project was ready to select a trainer for the inspector training, the OGCA relied
on our friends at JOAM to nominate the trainer, who turned out to be a highly experienced organic inspector trainer from Costa Rica who
ended up working closely with the chairman of the OGCA project committee. This present day Chairman was that young farmer of twenty
years before and it was in this recent encounter, that they realised that they had both gotten married in the same month of the same year,
(a year before they met), they had both had their first child within the same month of the same year that they 1st met and twenty years
later they were sitting down together to facilitate a major component of a GEF project.

Our project concludes in December 2017, and with our cadre of local inspectors and the relationship that has developed through this
project with the BNSI and the MOA our short term goal remains to test the inspection system, have the newly trained inspectors and the
BNSI verified by an internationally recognised verifier, continue to promote the OGCA brand for the market differentiation and to
implement an organic inspection system that can be utilised as a catalyst for regional environmental management standards regarding
food production.


J u ly 2 0 1 8
T h e 8 t h G l o b a l Day o f t h e D ru m

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29 30 31

The period in the Georgian calendar July 3rd,4th and 5th were times of ritual for the ancestors, in the season of “Shomu” in ancient
“Kemet” (Egypt). The name of the month in ancient Kemet is “Ipt-Hmt” and will be from June 25th to July 24th


The wealth of knowledge store in our DNA. The Numbers 7 & 12 in Music and Time

The idea that the religious traditions of African continent, There is a prominence of the numbers 7 and 12 in music and
with its ritual, customs, divine prophecy and fundamental time. Seven whole notes makes up an octave with 12 half
beliefs once dominated both the secular and non-secular steps. In our time divisions - we have 12 hours each of day and
world in ancient times. Today as we continue our journey in night, with 7 days in a week, 12 months in the year.
to the past in order to move forward it is hard to imagine.
Light and Sound

Octaves appear in many places: time, the musical vibrations of
sound, and in the electromagnetic spectrum (infrared, visible
light, ultraviolet light, and beyond). In music, the doubling of
sound frequencies represents an octave. The frequency of the
highest note in an octave is exactly two times the frequency of
the lowest note in the octave.

We progress through the seven musical notes C, D, E, F, G, A,
B and arrive at C again - one octave higher.

To be born again awake, climes your “33” vertebra; There are similarity between the musical octaves and those of
know in biblical terms as (Jacobs Ladder) it meets our the electromagnetic spectrum that we see as visible light. Just
“12” cranial nerves (the disciples) it ignites the Pineal as in music with it's seven notes we can find there are 7
Gland (place of the angels or place of vision) and we distinct colors in the spectrum of the rainbow.
become resurrected or enlightened as we see god/s
face to face. Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

An innerstanding of the colours, numbers and CDE F GAB
frequencies of the days of the week:
Knowing Your Colours:
 Monday = Lundi, is associated with Lunar/Moon in
most languages around the world. Opposite sides of the color wheel represent here by the (outer
rim) are half an octave apart. These combinations are said to
clash or are mutually disharmonic.

 Tuesday = Mardi is the day of Mars (god of War)
even in Chinese culture

 Wednesday = Mercredi is the day of Mercury or the
day of commerce, and mercantile.

 Thursday = Jeudi is connected to Jupiter, the day
of teaching it is the planet of wisdom

 Friday = Vendredi is associated Venus the day of
the Goddesses

 Saturday = Samedi = is the day associated with
Saturn and obstacles

 Sunday = Dimanche is the day of the SUN which
begins the week cycle. Our entire solar system is
composed of the planets orbiting the Sun


A computer uses only one and zero
(101010) to communicate. The right
and left hemispheres of our brain
uses the “phosgene flairs” of the
Hebrew siduals.


August 2018

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Trinity of Manifestation
Spirit - Consciousness - Matter
Father - Son - Mother or (Earth)
The Polarities of Duality in a Manifested State
Male - Female
Positive Negative
Spirit Matter (Mater)
Father Mother
Sperm Egg
Light Shadow



September 2018

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30 29


Global Day of the Drum 2018
July 1st to 9th

July 5th represents the middle of the year, being the GDOD day the
one hundred and eighty sixth day, symbolically and traditionally the
geographical meridian day, bringing the origins and celebration of our
peoples along with the causes of our spiritual, cultural and
socioeconomic status, perceptions, beliefs and judgments to the
centre of world consciousness. Global Day of the Drum began as a
one-day event in 2011, but has evolved to complete the mystic cycle
of nine days of healing via trans-vibrational (((DRUMMING))). The
theme for 2018 continues our series on "the healing of dark mind" a
Reparation initiative of the African mind from disorientation to a
collective coexistence.

Where ever you are in the world, joint us at 6:00pm on July 5th ,2018
Our monthly lunar drum Cycle on the day of the full moon

The Earth vibrates at 7.83 Hz due to lightning discharges and this is called the “Schumann resonance”
Quote about "TV” )“If kids are entertained by two letters, imagine the fun they'll have with twenty-six. Open your child's
imagination. Open a book." An Unknown Author


Aristodemus winning the 2013 The Sandy Lane Gold Cup The Sandy Lane Gold Cup
By Andi Thornhill

We launch our magazine every year at Agrofest, where we sell the The Gold Cup used to signify to me a way of using sport to help
magazine as a Barbadian heritage, Agro/natural science educational unite the Caribbean.
product full of practical information and health tips. We thought it a good Whereas most people saw the initial battles as a continuation of the
opportunity to use our Calendar Magazine to actively in a non-traditional traditional arch-rivalry between Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago,
form; push the Goal Cup and horse racing in general. I actually felt it was bringing us closer together.
The banter between the Bajans and the Trinis bore no malice. In
fact, it was very humorous. The repartis left both sides in stitches.
Hear Baje:"The Trickidadians come to trick we outta we own
Gold." Hear Trini:" Ah go keep your flying fish and then ah go steal
all ya horse race." It was a one love experience at the end of the day
because somehow in those moments we recognised that we in the
words of master calypsonian Black Stalin "we made the same trip on
the same ship." So yes we took partisan positions but we were still

Actually, I experienced the same feeling when the nations competed
in cricket, football, netball, basketball and other sports. We were
expected to win in cricket and they in football. When there was an
unexpected result, it was pure commess and bachanal. Sport
"caan" done because each had to concede bragging rights in an
area that was supposedly their strength.
The lime at the Garrison was a true expression of the true meaning
of CARICOM. I always insist that CARICOM is more about the
movement and interaction on the ground between island people
than the different treaties signed by politicians at the annual heads
of government summits. The various festivals, carnivals and
sporting activities bear testimony to this. I hope that inter island
interaction never stops even though the cost to travel between
islands has become exorbitant and a growing threat to the free flow
of human traffic among each other.
This aspect also hurts tourism because fewer people are unable to
travel like before. And the weak economies don't help this cause
I remember back in the day half of the Gold Cup crowd came from
Trinidad and Tobago. You knew it by their colours and their accents.
Not so anymore. This may be so because since Trinidad upgraded
its racing product the horses now run anti- clockwise and some have
suggested that the use of lassix which is permitted in Trinidad but
banned in Barbados could be among the reasons why we have
seen minimal Trini participation in recent years in the Gold Cup.
Truth be told, the increasing interest from North America is
welcomed but it is nothing compared to a true Bajan- Trini
showdown. It doesn't have the same flavour and atmosphere as
before because that two island rivalry in horse racing has become
an endangered specie.
I remember the high emotional flow when the likes of Bold Lewis,
Called To Account and Frisky Wharf came to town to match our own
titans like Bentom, Tinker's Image, Stangrave Park, Sandford Prince
et al.
Oh how I long for those days to come back. They brought us
together and made us one. The power of sports to build bridges
should never be taken for granted.

A horse racing review magazine by Eddy Belle Long live the Sandy Lane Gold Cup.


October 2018

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The 2018 Agricultural and Meta-Physical Calendar/Magazine
(the AMCM Trilogy series, launched for Agrofest is our yearly
forty page starter, The second print will combine our research,
from the 2015 to 2017 in one special edition of sixty pages of
empowering, well research and practical information.

Order your personal copy of our AMCM booklets, for those
who really want to be in the know. We can offer your company
or business our graphics and design services with the choice
of Ad you may wish to book. We have the capacity to create
Ad templates in various formats. Our graphics are done in
house for speediness and reliability leaving space for your
suggestions and your creative input.

Place your quarter page Ad here… This
space can be yours in our next printing

WhatsApp: 1(246) 233-7205

E-: [email protected]





Our hair is our antenna our connection to the cosmic forces. What is most significant; is
that our hair coils; it is a perpetual spiralling spiritual vibrational tool.


By Annette Maynard-Watson, a teacher and herbal educator.

I believe that the 2018 will usher in high hopes for lofty expectations
in the department of healing. In fact, this should convey that it is
advantageous to keep our eyes fixed on the prize of better health. I
am healing. In essence we all want to be healed. Scrutinizing the
Book Of Genesis, it is recorded that in the “beginning” darkness
“hovered” over the earth and, amid the void and shapelessness,
our Creator proclaimed “Let there be light” and light appeared.
Other instructions were issued and fulfilled; then evening and
morning came and the Creator proclaimed that “it was good”. Out
of the darkness of this same earth springs “silent doctor” Eryngium
foetidum, known to Barbadians as fit weed, chadon beni or shadow
beni. Eryngium foetidum is good. I name it “the Blackmans’ Light”.

Have you ever inhaled chadon beni’s aroma? Memories of it always
linger. With beaming confidence, I shall engage your interest about
the healing capacity of this “silent doctor”. May the light of the
Creator guide and bless you as your eyes peruse this article to gain
knowledge. Chadon beni/shadow beni is a member of the Apiaceae
family. The name chadon beni is said to originate from French
patois meaning “blessed herb”. It is rich in calcium, carotene, iron,
riboflavin, vitamin A, B1 and 2 and C. It is considered a cure-all.
Research indicates that the leaves and roots are used in teas as an
aphrodisiac/sexual enhancer. It is also used to stimulate the
appetite, improve digestion, combat colic, soothe stomach pains,
eliminate gases, as an anti-inflammatory, for chills, fainting, colds
and convulsions in children.

A tea of the leaves and roots may treat pneumonia, flu, fever,
vomiting, diabetes, constipation and malaria fever. The root may be
chewed to combat the poison from scorpion stings. Further
research specifies that it can calm a person’s spirit, making it
famous for prevention of epileptic fits (seizures). Thus the name
spirit weed or fit weed. In conclusion, with the noticeable increase
of the obituaries in the media, amongst them younger people, the
dreaded fear of death has overtaken the minds of many. But be
still, know and listen to the sweet whisperings of the Creator.
Genesis 1:29 states: “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the
face of the whole earth . . . they will be yours for food.” Therefore,
blessed is the man who obeys the laws of nature. The reward for
such is ingrained in our consciousness; search and find it for
eternal happiness. The puzzle must be pieced together to gain
mastery of life, as the “silent doctors” heal even at the cellular level.
Happy chadon beni planting.

DISCLAIMER: It is not our intention to prescribe or make specific health
claims for any products. Any attempt to diagnose and treat real illness
should come under the direction of your health care professional.


This space can be yours in our next
printing cycle and online update.

WhatsApp: 1(246)233-7205
E-: [email protected]

Plants that produce oxygen


November 2018

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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4 5 6 (7) 8 9
11 12 13 14 (15) 16 10
18 19 20 21 22 (23)
25 26 27 28 (29) 30 17



Never forget
where you came
from; No matter
where you may
arrive on your
journey ...ID



December 2018

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30 31 (29)


The Community Directory: The page is dedicated to those persons and small businesses whose services help the
community in a special way by giving back .You will find useful link to reliable people here.

Ras Iton Patrick Clifton Louis “Te-Tunde” is a master sculptor
with emasculate eyes for detailing . His work is very diverse and
wide-ranging. Multi-dimensional artist, reflexologist and masseur
His the winner of many award for his works 2012. Some of his
carvings are use by the spiritual community as totems and

Gibbons, Holistic Health Snacks power drinks & Sea moss
healer, medical
intuitive Upstairs Cheapside Market, Ask for Grace, T-:+1(246) 254-9832

specializing in HARIET’s
healing with Local disshes ; Cook cou, Rice and Peas
green and dry Upstairs Cheapside Market, Ask for Hariet Tel: 2427743
herbs and plants.
He is from the Fresh Vegetables and Ground Food
South American republic the Amazon
region. Green and Dry Medicinal Cheapside Market

Herbs, Drums, Mask, Calabash, Gloria, Tel: +1(246) 823-5201 / Andy, Tel: +1(246) 830-2212
Paintings, and Water Coconuts. For
information on herbal products Herbalist and natural healers…

Tel:+1(246) - 242-2636/ 235-4086

Email: [email protected]

"Ras Iels" Roland Mayers I Blood
T-:+1(246) 825-0200 T-: 1(246)250-3881

Products by Siliym,

Bionic Tonic
Herbal Eye Wash
Brain Tonic
T-: +1(246) 264-8015


The House of Re-Discovery Charity P
“Bridging the inter-generational gaps for Y
healing, prosperity and ascension” C
 The Annual Global Day of the Drum O
 Climate Smart Agriculture L
 The ECO-LAB, O
 Automated Farming, Research & Publishing G
Booth CS5, Cheapside Market Bridgetown, Barbados I
Dash Valley St. George, St. George, BB 19030, C
Barbados W.I. A
Mobile/WhatsApp: +1(246) 233-7205 L
E-mail: [email protected]
Monetary contributions for GDOD-2017 via HRD A
Account : House of Re-Discovery P
Account : #: (918287) A
The Ian Douglas Foundation (IDF) A
“A foundation for you to build on- T
Performing for you” I
Performing Arts productions, N
Research & Publishing
Supporting GDOD via the Ian Douglas Foundation
Monetary contributions, sent to:(GDOD-2017)
Account : Ian Douglas Foundation,
Republic Bank Barbados, Ltd.

Visit our website:

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