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Published by alvinapengiran, 2022-08-03 00:32:39

2022-06-01 Reader's Digest

2022-06-01 Reader's Digest

Justin poulsen. BWFolsom/Getty imaGes (coFFee Filter)

Reader’s Digest

Reader’s Digest

For Dry, Itchy Skin: shown that a quick bath of less than
10 minutes every day can be helpful,
Take an Oatmeal Bath followed by application of a moistur-
izer that helps repair the skin bar-
Several studies rier,” says Dr. Skotnicki, adding that
show the benefits of it’s best to look for a product that says
using this traditional it treats eczema, even if that’s not
breakfast grain to what you have. “Those are the best,
treat skin symptoms. in part because they’re formulated
One 2020 trial, for instance, found that without allergens.”
patients with eczema showed more
improvement when their hand creams For Constipation:
contained colloidal oatmeal. (Colloi-
dal means the grains are pulverized Drink a Tablespoon
into dust and mixed thoroughly into of Olive Oil
the lotion or solution.)
“Oatmeal has anti-itch, anti- When you’re feeling stopped
inflammatory, soothing properties, up, swallowing a spoon-
and it improves the skin’s direct ful of extra-virgin olive oil
barrier,” says Sandy Skotnicki, MD, a every day can help move
dermatologist in the department of things along. That’s been
medicine at the University of Toronto. shown in experiments in-
This is thanks to the grain’s natu- cluding one on patients with
ral antioxidants, proteins, and other ulcerative colitis, published
special compounds. The starch and in 2020 in the European Journal of
fiber in oatmeal also help draw mois- Clinical Nutrition. Participants had
ture to the skin. fewer symptoms of constipation with
You can make your own colloidal taking extra-virgin olive oil (as
oatmeal by breaking down rolled oats opposed to canola oil, which was
with a coffee grinder or blender. Put used for comparison), and blood tests
one cup of the pulverized oats into a showed that the disease was less active.
tightly woven mesh bag—the tighter “It’s thought that extra-virgin olive
the weave, the smaller the cleanup oil can help hydrate and soften stools,
will be afterward—and immerse it in making them easier to pass,” says
lukewarm-to-warm bathwater. (Don’t Desiree Nielsen, a registered dieti-
use hot water, as that will further ir- tian and author of the book Good for
ritate the skin.) Just be careful getting Your Gut.
into the tub—the bath might get a Try taking olive oil in the morning,
bit slippery. when your bowels are more active,
And don’t oversoak, as this can also and on an empty stomach. Nielsen
cause skin irritation. “The data has notes that kiwis and prunes, which

100 june 2022


justin poulsen (3). bwfolsom/gettyi mages (coffee filter) she often recommends to clients, are protective effect in cartilage cells that
better studied for their laxative effects, wards off inflammation and damage.
but extra-virgin olive oil has added
heart-health benefits. It’s also tasty, For Hiccups:
if a little peppery, after it goes down.
Sip with Suction
When you’re shopping, double-
check the price to ensure you’re Whether it’s holding
not cheated into buying soybean oil your breath or gulp-
flavored with a bit of olive oil, says ing water, everyone
Nielsen. “Be wary if you see a liter has a go-to trick for
of extra-virgin olive oil for $6.99 in- stopping hiccups—
stead of $12 or so.” Another indicator involuntary spasms of the diaphragm.
is when it was harvested. Look for a The problem is, hiccup cures are
harvest date on the bottle; it should be usually hit or miss, says Ali Seifi, MD,
within the past 18 to 24 months. associate professor and neurosurgeon
at the University of Texas Health Sci-
For Joint Pain: ence Center at San Antonio. “The
remedies activate the phrenic nerve
Go on a Brisk Walk regulating the diaphragm muscle,
or the vagus nerve regulating the
If you have epiglottis, which has a scientific basis.
painful arthritis But trying these home remedies may
in your knees, not reach that sensitive point at which
you might they can stop the hiccups.”
be tempted to take it easy. Instead, Seifi’s solution is a special straw,
set a goal of spending an hour a which he dubbed the HiccAway, that
week—that’s just nine minutes a requires approximately five times the
day—walking briskly, as if you were suction compared to sipping from a
trying to catch a train or were late regular straw. “That’s the key,” he says.
for a meeting. People who do this “It means higher and more prolonged
are 85 percent less likely to end up contraction of the diaphragm muscle,
with mobility problems from their which triggers a longer duration of
arthritis, according to 2019 findings nerve activation.”
by researchers at Northwestern Uni- That pressure, coupled with swal-
versity outside Chicago. lowing to activate the phrenic and
It’s unlikely that the physical stress vagus nerves, resets the brain. More
of brisk walking will cause more wear than 90 percent of participants in a
and tear on your knees. Bioengineers 2021 study said the HiccAway stopped
at Queen Mary University of London their hiccups when they tried it.
showed that this kind of mechanical For a home remedy that works the
pressure on the joints in fact triggers a 101

Reader’s Digest

same way, Dr. Seifi suggests filling a After that, once-a-week maintenance Justin poulsen (3)
glass with water and stretching a cof- soaks should do the trick.
fee filter (or a few layers of strong pa-
per towel) over the top. Hold it tightly For Sensitive Teeth:
in place or secure it with a rubber
band, then drink the water through Rub with Toothpaste
the coffee filter. The suction should
have the same effect. “I have tried this Brushing regularly with
myself, and it works,” says Dr. Seifi. a toothpaste designed
for sensitive teeth
For Stinky Feet:
can ease discom-
Soak in Black Tea fort because it con-
tains ingredients
Your feet contain that coat teeth where the enamel has
about a quarter worn away, dulling sensitivity. Another
of a million sweat way to get relief is by rubbing a high-
glands, more per fluoride toothpaste onto irritated teeth
inch than any and leaving it there—just before bed,
other part of your body. And it’s the for example. The fluoride safeguards
combination of sweat plus bacteria enamel, says Yang Gu, an oral patholo-
that’s to blame when your feet start to gist who teaches dentistry at Dalhousie
smell bad. University in Halifax, Canada.
A black tea soak can address both Another folk remedy is clove oil
problems. Tea is high in an antibacte- from cloves. More than 2,000  years
rial compound called tannic acid, so ago in China, people chewed cloves
it helps kill germs. Tannins are also to freshen their breath. While
astringents, which means they tighten using cloves for a toothache is not
pores when they’re applied to the a new idea, a recent discovery at
skin. “Marathon runners use tea-bag Friedrich-Alexander University
soaks, because if you sweat less, you Erlangen-Nuremberg, in Germany,
get fewer blisters,” says Dr. Skotnicki. points to the mechanism behind it.
Tannic acid gels are available from The scientists showed that exposed
compounding pharmacies, but you tooth cells contain TRPC5, a special
can make your own formula at home. protein responsible for transmitting
Boil a couple of tea bags in about two sensations of cold to the brain.
cups of water for 15 minutes. Dilute Cloves contain a compound called
it with eight more cups of water, and eugenol, which can block TRPC5.
when it’s cool enough, soak your feet Make your own tooth rub by crush-
for half an hour. Do this daily for a
week until you see improvement. ing 1/4 teaspoon cloves and blending
it with 1/4 cup olive oil, then rubbing

it onto sensitive areas.

102 june 2022


For Canker Sores: by people in the control groups.
To get some sweet relief, try putting
Swish Some Honey
a glob of honey on your finger and
Honey is high in anti­ holding it directly on the sore area,
oxidants, which can pro­ says Dr. Gu. “Your saliva will wash it
tect skin health, and is also off otherwise,” he says. “Hold it there
antibacterial, thanks in for one minute so it will be completely
part to its sugar content. In absorbed.”
12 of 13 studies analyzed by research­
ers at the University of Canberra in Not all honey is the same—raw
Bruce, Australia, using honey topically honey may be higher in antioxidants,
for canker sores, denture irritation, or and pasteurized (processed) honey
mouth sores from cancer treatment may contain added sweeteners—but
helped them heal faster or prevented more research is needed before sci­
the discomfort from becoming more entists can say for sure which honey
severe, compared to the pain reported sources are the most beneficial. RD

News Travels Fast—Now

These days, it takes only a millisecond for information to travel 1,000 miles,
but how long would it have taken in past modes of communication?

By Foot Messenger: 11 Days, 20 Hours
In 1986, Stu Mittleman set this record for an endurance run of 1,000 miles,

while averaging three hours sleep per night.

By Carrier Pigeon: 1 Day, 10 Hours
Wayne Jr. established the record for a 1,000-mile race
in 1927: 122 yards per minute. (His record still stands today.)

By Telegraph: 3 Minutes
A skilled telegraph operator could send about 16 words
per minute in 1850. Thus, a 50-word tidbit of celebrity gossip

would have taken about 3 minutes.

By Switchboard Phone Call: 40 Seconds
In 1930, an experienced operator could gather the call information,

fill in the record ticket, look up the route number, and plug in the
appropriate cables to connect a long-distance call in less than a minute.

Spike CarlSen, in the book a Walk around the bloCk 103

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Reader’s Digest

The RD


read, watch, listen


©Paramount Pictures. noun Project (film icon) Top Gun: students learn. Trainees include Lt.
Maverick Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (Miles
Teller), the skeptical son of the first
Starring Tom Cruise film’s ill-fated “Goose” character:
“My dad believed in you. I’m not go-
Tom Cruise is back to take your ing to make the same mistake,” he
breath away in the sequel to the 1986 says. Although Maverick’s former
classic Top Gun. Hotshot Navy pi- love, Charlie (Kelly McGillis), is MIA,
lot Pete “Maverick” Mitchell is now onetime rival Tom “Iceman” Kazan-
captain at the Top Gun flight school, sky (Val Kilmer) returns. And Cruise,
teaching a new generation of aviators a licensed pilot, actually flies a jet. Is
how to wing it—but he can definitely it too much to ask for a new beach
still push Mach 9 in the sky, as his volleyball scene? (In theaters May 27)
—Mara Reinstein

illustration by Tim Marrs | june 2022 105

Reader’s Digest Ben Blackall/© 2022 Focus Features, llc. noun Project (Film icon)


Downton Abbey: A New Era

Starring Maggie Smith and Hugh Dancy

Disregard the subtitle. The original cast of the PBS series is back
with more titillating drama and new cast additions—some of the
queen’s best!—including Hugh Dancy, Laura Haddock, Nathalie Baye,
and Dominic West. Join the upper-crust Crawley family as they head
from England to the French Riviera, where the Dowager Countess
(Dame Maggie Smith) has suddenly and mysteriously inherited a villa.
Who hasn’t had that dream? (“Do I look as if I’d turn down a villa in
the South of France?” she asks.) Meanwhile, back at Downton Abbey,
a film crew takes over the manor to shoot a motion picture, much to
the disgust of old-fashioned Lord Grantham (Hugh Bonneville). And
Tom Branson (Allen Leech) prepares for his society wedding. Our
RSVP is a yes—and we’ll have the filet. (In theaters May 20) —MR

106 june 2022

The RD List


NouN Project (book icoN). t_kimura/Getty imaGes (3). courtesy scribNer Wastelands The Candy House James Patterson
(the caNdy house). courtesy LittLe, browN aNd comPaNy (james PattersoN)
By Corban Addison By Jennifer Egan By James Patterson

A book that John Grisham Readers of Jennifer Egan He met James Taylor while
says he wishes he’d writ- will recognize some char- working in a Massachu-
ten himself, Wastelands acters and names in this setts mental hospital. He
isn’t a suspense novel, latest from the Pulitzer saw James Baldwin and
but it certainly hooks you Prize winner in the “sib- Norman Mailer square
like one. The nonfiction ling novel” to her 2011 up at a literary party. He
book tells the story of book A Visit from the Goon wrote the “I’m a Toys ‘R’
neighbors in rural North Squad—but don’t think Us Kid” jingle while toiling
Carolina who unleash that means you’re in for in advertising. Alex Cross,
their inner Erin Brockov- a homely read. In a not- The President Is Missing,
ich when commercial pol- so-distant future, society and Women’s Murder Club
lution harms their health is seduced by the instant are certainly compelling,
and homes. Plaintiffs gratification of Own Your but the stories of Patter-
include Elsie Herring, Unconscious, a platform son’s real life rival even his
who endures racism and that makes thoughts and most suspenseful works
threats, and Don Webb, memories accessible of fiction. The literary leg-
a farmer turned organizer to all users. Egan holds a end’s autobiography is
against the large hog mirror to our reckoning told in micro-chapters
farming operation next with social media and you can snap up like hors
door. Corban Addison, public personas, and is d’oeuvres. Reading feels
a lawyer, spent hundreds best when examining the like catching up with an
of hours talking to more “eluders” who refuse to old friend to rehash only
than 60 people about this relinquish their private the most succinct and
David vs. Goliath story. thoughts. interesting parts of your
—Caroline Fanning —Jessica MacLeish history together. —CF 107


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Reverse mortgage loan terms include occupying the home as your primary residence, maintaining the home, paying property taxes and homeowners insurance.
Although these costs may be substantial, AAG does not establish an escrow account for these payments. However, a set-aside account can be set up for taxes and
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fails to comply with the loan terms, the loan becomes due and payable (and the property may become subject to foreclosure). When this happens, some or all of the
equity in the property no longer belongs to the borrowers, who may need to sell the home or otherwise repay the loan balance. V2021.06.21 HYBRID

NMLS# 9392 ( American Advisors Group (AAG) is headquartered at 18200 Von Karman Ave., Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92612. Licensed in 49 states. Please go
to for full state license information.

These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency.

The RD List Reader’s Digest

from top: matt Winkelmeyer/Getty imaGes. Dimitrios kambouris/Getty imaGes. barry kinG/Getty imaGes Lean into the things We’ve always
that scare you. That’s grown stronger
what’s worth doing, the more widely
because that’s what
makes you grow. we’ve opened
our arms.
—Lin-Manuel Miranda,
—Jon Meacham, Writer,
playWriGht, in the
in the Documentary
new york times
the soul of america
I can name a lot of
people who have You’ve got to find
rings. The ring is something to laugh
great, but what you about at least once
do with that platform a day, be it a dopey
to impact other cat video or
people is way more a dad joke.

important. —Whoopi
—Russell Westbrook,
basketball player, in the
in allure
los angeles times

Success is like sugar. It’s too wonderful,
and it burns up very quickly. Failure is
like corned beef hash. It takes a while

to digest, but it stays with you.

—Mel Brooks, actor,

in the book all about me! | june 2022 109

Reader’s Digest



Sharpen Your Mind

Fact or Fiction?

MEDIUM Determine whether each statement is fact or fiction. To reveal the solution
to the bonus question at the bottom, write the letters indicated by your responses in
the corresponding numbered blanks. Turn the page upside down for the answers.

1. All country flags are 2. Broccoli contains 3. As Beatlemania
rectangular. more calcium caught on, George
than milk. Harrison took refuge
in small-town Illinois.


4. Divorce rates in the 5. The Twitter bird is 6. There’s about a
United States are named Larry. 50 percent chance
increasing. that 2 people out of
FACT: V FICTION: S 23 share a birthday.

7. The five beaches 8. Reading is a proven 9. Father’s Day emily goodman (fact or fiction). noun project (4)
stormed on D-Day stress reliever. became a national
were Utah, Omaha, holiday before
Gold, Java, and Sword. Mother’s Day did.


BONUs QUEsTION Which term, coined in a 1992 science fiction novel, did more than
100 companies mention in their earnings statements last year? (Need help? Turn to
“The Future of Tech” on page 54.)


Answers: 1. Fiction; Nepal’s is the shape of two triangular pennants. 2. Fiction. 3. Fact; he enjoyed anonymity in Benton
while visiting his sister. 4. Fiction; they’ve been declining for more than ten years—but so have marriage rates. 5. Fact;
after basketball legend Larry Bird. 6. Fact; this is known as the Birthday Paradox. 7. Fiction; Java should be Juno. 8. Fact.
9. Fiction; Father’s Day became official 58 years after Mother’s Day did. Bonus Question: Metaverse.

110 june 2022

Quick Crossword 3 1 Brain Games
7 2
Easy The first Friday of 6 4
June is National Dough- 5
nut Day, a tasty tribute 9 8
to the Salvation Army
“Doughnut Lassies”
who served the sweet
treat to Allied soldiers
on the front lines during
World War I. But before
you grab one—or two
dozen!—place this
doughnut assortment
into the grid:


emily goodman (quick crossword, save the dates). noun project (5) Save the Dates

MEdiuM Five of your friends (Christina,
Joanna, Madeline, Nicole, and Shan-
non) are all brides-to-be. Each is get-
ting married on a Saturday in June. The
problem? There are only four Saturdays
in June, so you’re double-booked for
one of them. Based on the following
clues, can you determine which Satur-
day that is, and which two of those
lovely ladies set the same date?

✦✦ Joanna will get married before
Nicole but after Shannon.

✦✦ Madeline is the only one getting
married on the second Saturday.

✦✦ Shannon and Joanna are both
bridesmaids in Christina’s wedding. 111

Reader’s Digest Go Forth, Subtract, and Multiply Michael GoodMan (alMost anaGraMs). darren riGby (Go forth, subtract, and Multiply). Marcel danesi (analoGous).

Almost Anagrams Difficult Fill the numbers from 1 to 9
into the cells, using each number once.
Difficult The three words that If the three numbers in any given row,
fit in the blanks below are near from left to right, or column, from top to
anagrams of each other: Six of bottom, are A, B, and C, then the num-
their seven letters are the same. ber provided for that row or column
The letter that is different in each equals (A - B) x C.
word has been filled in for you, but
it’s up to you to find and rearrange 14
the remaining six (unique) letters
to generate three common English 4
words. What are they?
1. ___ ___ ___ X ___ ___ ___
45 20 25
2. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Y

3. ___ ___ Z ___ ___ ___ ___

Analogous as is to


is to


For more Brain Games, go to

For answers, turn to page 115.

112 june 2022

Brain Games

WORD POWER 9. oratorio n.
The poet T. S. Eliot once wrote, “What A choral work
we call the beginning is often the end ... B shell-shaped pasta
The end is where we start from.” That’s C official speech
certainly true of these words: Each begins
and ends with the same letter. Start with 10. magnum n.
the quiz below, then come full circle by ('mag-num)
checking the answers on the next page. A hunter’s rifle
B free thinker
By Sarah Chassé C large wine bottle

1. epitome n. 5. loll v. 11. winnow v.
(ih-'pih-tuh-mee) (lahl) ('wih-no)
A exact center A laugh A zigzag
B first edition B lounge B persuade
C ideal example C lick C narrow

2. armada n. 6. hairsbreadth n. 12. gulag n.
(ar-'mah-duh) ('hairs-breth) ('goo-lahg)
A long pause A short distance A fool
B fleet of ships B musty smell B labor camp
C expensive suit C flower bud C vegetable stew

3. tacit adj. 7. nickelodeon n. 13. incubi n.
('tass-it) (nih-kuh-'loh-dee-un) ('in-kyew-by)
A unspoken A discount store A starlet’s posse
B so-so B early movie theater B spider’s eggs
C sticky C amusement park C evil spirits

4. rapier n. 8. caustic adj. 14. devoid adj.
('ray-pee-er) ('kaw-stik) (dih-'voyd)
A gang of thieves A sealed tight A lacking
B mountain climber B resulting from B cunning
C two-edged sword C cruelly sarcastic C invalid

15. synthesis n.
A blend
B copy
C rebirth 113

Reader’s Digest

Reversible Vocab

What’s more symmetrical than words that end up right back where they
started? Palindromes, aka words and phrases that read exactly the same
forward and backward. There are simple ones (dad, noon, civic, refer),
and silly ones (taco cat; Was it a rat I saw?; Yo, banana boy!). Finnish
takes the palindromic prize for the longest single-word example:
saippuakivikauppias (19 letters), referring to a seller of lye.

Word Power 6. hairsbreadth of applicants, we can Peter Dazeley (banana), Cera ProPPer (illustration)
(A) short distance start booking interviews.
ANSWERS Jayne missed winning
the 100-meter dash 12. gulag (B) labor camp
1. epitome by a hairsbreadth. “When I ask my teenage
(C) ideal example daughter to take out the
Wearing a stunning gown 7. nickelodeon garbage, she acts as if
and huge diamonds, the (B) early movie theater I’ve sent her to a gulag!”
actress was the epitome My great-grandparents’ Jay said with a laugh.
of red-carpet glamour. first date was a Charlie
Chaplin film at their 13. incubi (C) evil spirits
2. armada local nickelodeon. The witch summoned
(B) fleet of ships incubi and other super-
The armada sped across 8. caustic natural creatures to
the channel in pursuit (C) cruelly sarcastic do her bidding.
of enemy warships. Marta’s caustic sense
of humor can make some 14. devoid (A) lacking
3. tacit (A) unspoken people uncomfortable. “Your Honor, these
Is your nod a tacit accusations against
admission that I was 9. oratorio my client are devoid of
right all along? (A) choral work merit,” the lawyer said.
Handel’s Messiah is
4. rapier one of music’s most 15. synthesis (A) blend
(C) two-edged sword well-known oratorios. The band’s hit album is
“I challenge you to a a synthesis of jazz, soul,
duel!” the knight cried, 10. magnum and gospel.
brandishing his rapier. (C) large wine bottle
A magnum holds Vocabulary Ratings
5. loll (B) lounge 1.5 liters, twice as much
After a long workweek, as a standard wine bottle. 9 & Below: tenderfoot
Arjun spent Saturday 10–12: executive
lolling on the couch 11. winnow (C) narrow 13–15: ruler
in his pajamas. Once we winnow the pool

114 june 2022

Brain Games


WHERE, OH WHERE? The Best of Reader’s Digest
Timeless Favorites
(page 52) Certain tales stick in our
memories and remain time-
A. Siyeh Pass, Montana. less as the years march on:
Named after a Blackfeet a man’s chance meeting
warrior whose name with Einstein at a chamber
(pronounced “sai-yeh”) music performance, the har-
translates to “Crazy Dog” rowing account of a courageous skydiving in-
or “Mad Wolf,” Siyeh Pass structor determined to save an unconscious diver,
winds through Glacier and a woman’s first-person tale of lucidity during
National Park. brain surgery. For a limited time, this anthology
from Reader’s Digest editors is just $10—and the
BRAIN GAMES shipping is on us. To order, visit

(pages 111-112) Almost Anagrams Analogous

Quick Crossword 1. COEXIST

2. JELLY Go Forth, Subtract, A. The second figure
7. CRULLER and Multiply consists of the first one
8. POTATO plus two translations of it.
9. SPRINKLE 8 6 7 14
10. GLAZED 312 4
9 4 5 25
45 20 25

Save the Dates

Christina and Nicole are
both getting married on
the last Saturday in June.

joleen zubek (book) Reader’s Digest (ISSN 0034-0375) (USPS 865-820), (CPM Agreement# 40031457), Vol. 199, No. 1180, June 2022. © 2022. Published monthly, ex-
cept bimonthly in March/April, July/August, and December/January (subject to change without notice), by Trusted Media Brands, Inc., 44 South
Broadway, White Plains, New York 10601. Periodicals postage paid at White Plains, New York, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send
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