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Published by darina zhelezova, 2020-06-21 16:18:47



IftiiaiHíswMMiv Units 8-9

Reading and writing Listening

1 Complete the sentences with my, your, his, her, 3 O R5.1 Listen and tick the box.
our and their.
ÿ He has got a bike.
00 bn cD
It'stil_ bike.

_1 You have got a guitar.
It's guitar.

_2 Ihave got a computer.
It's computer.

_3 They have got a new car.
It's car.

_4 She has got two phones.
They're phones.

_5 We have got a blue sofa. 1 aD bD cU
It's sofa.

2 Look at the family tree. Readthe sentences.
Choose the correct a

Helen = Martin &J3

Hi.(Mi|/Your / Its name is Ed, and this is 'my / his »«ÿ bD
/ your brother, Dave.We've got a nice family.
That is 2your / our / her mum.3His / Her / Its
name is Helen.

That's "your / our / his dad.5His / Her / Our name
is Martin.

Those are 'your / our / their grandparents.
Their / His/ Its names are Iris and Ernie.

4 Find a picture of your family.
Describe your family to your partner.

i dad brother sister grandparents

50 Units 8-9

Personal object pronouns and
possessive pronouns

Ican recognize and use possessive and personal object pronouns.

Personal object pronouns The games console isn't
yours. Itbelongto me!

We use subject pronouns before verbs.We use Subject pronouns Object pronouns
object pronouns after verbs and prepositions I me
(for example, to, for). you you
I'vegot a bag. Itbelongs to me. he him
We've got a car. Itbelongs to us. she her
it it
we us
you you
they them

* 1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct pronouns.

her him it me me them us you

rm Charlie.This guitar 2 Shes Carla.That computer We re Dave and Iris.This dog
belongs to belongs to belongs to

1 He's Fred.That kite belongs _3 You re Jane. That phone 5 They re Ed and Ivy.That
belongs to belongs

Unit 10 51

*2 Choose the correct option. (ÿSheÿgotajacket)
(itbelong? 1
O*We've got a nice house. It belongsto meÿus)
1 You've got a new car. It belongs to you / her.
2 Tom has got two cats.They belongto him / them.
3 I've got a football. It belongs to me / it.
4 They've got an old computer. It belongs to them / me.
5 Lucy has got blue shoes.They belong to her / him.
.*3 Work in pairs. Say a sentence with have got a/an...
Your partner replies Itbelongs to... and an object pronoun

Possessive pronouns

We use possessive adjectives (for example, my, your) Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun
before nouns. my mine
That's my book. your
Hercar isred. his his
her hers
We use possessive pronouns (for example mine, your) its -
our ours
This isn'tmy book.It's yours. your yours
(= It's your book.) their theirs
Hiscar is blue. Hers is red.
(= Her car is red.)

*4 Complete the sentences with, his,hers or theirs. This is Sue. 1 ( This ¡SJill ar\a this iS Tony
I'm Ar\r\a. |( This if Nick


ÿ The piano is 7 Thejacket is.

_2 The dog is .9 The computer is

3 The guitar is

52 Personal object pronouns and possessive pronouns

.*5 010.1 Rewritethe sentences with possessive / Write sentences about you and your
pronouns. Listen and check. partner. Use the words below or your
ÿ These are Jim's books. bag eyes hair pen shoes
' hy shoes are block, hers are \>\oe.
O > her hair is [>roWn. Mine is block.

2 Is this her cat?

3 Those aren't your

\ They're our bikes.

5 Is that their computer? *9 Complete the sentences with a possessive
6 This isn't his phone. adjective or a possessive pronoun.
7 Those are our pens.
ÿ That car belongs to me. It's my car.

.ÿ This book belongs to me.It's mine
_1 That camera belongs to us.It's

8 Rosy's guitar is old. _2 This ball belongs to her. It's
9 Oscar's shoes are blue.
10 That isn't Ruan and Linda's house. 3 That computer belongs to them. It's.


_4 This guitar belongs to you. It's

_5 These shoes belong to us.They're

_6 That jacket belongs to him.It's

*6 Work in groups. Each person puts a jacket.

pencil or pen in a bag. Pick out one pen 7 This book belongs to her. It's-book.

or pencil and say who it belongs to. _8 That dog belongs to them. It's
_9 This ruler belongs to you. It's
(ÿTVtÍ? ÿ ÿisyours. No, if ifn't. _10 That phone belongs to him. It's ruler.

*7 O 10.2 Listen and write the objects in the £10 O10.3 Rewritethe sentences. Listen and

Ocorrect column. O .check.
rodT shirt blackT-shirt blue watch Suzy has got a blackjacket. That jacket

yellow watch green trainers belongs to her
white trainers blue pen red pen
1 You've got a football.That football belongs to
Toby Polly
_2 I'vegot a white car.That car belongs to
red T-shirt
3 Max has got a new computer.That computer

__belongs to
_4 We've got two cats.Those cats belongto
_5 My parents have got a big house.That house

belongs to

_ .6 The dog has got some water.That water
belongs to

Unit 10 53

*11 010.4 Listen and write the objects inthe *13ÿ«*p O 10.5 Read and listen.Then sing along!

k correct rc Tell me about
the new things you have got.
computer í .ii I've got a new bike.
It belongs to me.
books It's mine and it's fine.
My new bike.

Tell me about
the new things you have got.
She's got a new cat.
It belongs to her.
It's hers and it purrs.
Her new cat.

Tell me about
the new things you have got.
They've got a new car.
It belongs to them.
It's theirs and it's rare.
Their new car.

Tell me about
the new things you have got.
We've all got new things.
They belong to us.
They're ours, yes theg are.
Our new things.

Tommy and

*12 Turn to page 136. Draw objects o

the diagram.Then ask and answe

questions with your partner.

(Are the trainers hers?~)( No, they aren'therfÿ
ÿ \ They're his. J

54 Personal object pronouns and possessive pronouns

#ÿ #ÿ Countable and uncountable nouns;

I Isome and any

™ Ican recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns,some and any.

Countable and uncountable nouns

We can count countable nouns. We can't ÿ Strawberries, a banana
oneruler fivepens nouns. and Some yoghurt. Yu

They have singular and plural


ruler rulers They only have a singular form.
They don't have a pluralform.
book books

We can use a or an with the money moneys

singular form.

a book an egg We don't use a or an with

uncountable nouns.

e rice em information

* 1 Can you count the objects? Circle yes o

1 rain yesi(no) 5 pasta yes /no 9 homework yes /no

2 pencils yes / 10 apples yes/

3 water yes / no 7 books yes / 11 bread yes /

4 phone yes /no 8 bags yes /no 12 hair yes /no
Unit 11 55

*2 Are the words countable or uncountable?

Write them in the correct column.

Countable Uncountable

fruit juice

23 0 11.1 Write Listen and check. *4 Work in pairs. Mime a word below for
jmmr your partner to guess.They must use a,
©: —a bag an or no article.
_i _ rain bag bread dog elephant homework
2 elephant horse music pasta phone rain
3 _ pencil
4 — horse *5 Can these words be plural?Write yes or no.
5 _ music _ÿ fruit juices no
_6 water 4 musics
_7 phone
_8 homework
_9 apple
_10 fruit juice

_ÿ horsesye¿
5 burgers
_ _1 milks
6 pastas
_ _2 monkeys
7 breads
_ _3 bags
8 cats

56 Countable and uncountable n>

Some and any

We use a or an with singular countable nouns.

Singular a/an Plural some and any
countable countable
I'vegot an apple. I'vegot some apples.
He'sgot apencil. Uncountable He hasn'tgot anypencils.
Haveyou got anypencils?
We use some and any with plural countable nouns
and uncountable nouns. I'vegot some bread.
He hasn'tgotany
We use some in affirmative statements. homework.
I'vegot some apples. Haveyou got any milk?
He's got some bread.

We use any in negatives and questions.
We haven'tgot any milk.
Have yougot any pencils?

* 6 011.2 Write the food words with Listen and check.




*7 011.3 Write the food and drinks you hear in

© the correct column. Uncountable


ÿ Look at the picture in

ÿ the table in exercise 7. Say what Louise
hasn't got.

(ÿLovire hafn'tgotany borders'.J

* ® Vamr Work in pairs. Draw six types of food in the cupboard but don't show your partner.
Take turns to ask questions and guess what is in your partner's cupboard.

hcveÿyou gotany applef?ÿÿNo, Ihaven't /iave you got any bready

510O 11.4 Choose the correct words.Then listen f*12 Write sentences about your family with

®and check. ' havegot and the words in the box.
Waiter Can Ihelp you? Use a, an,some or any.
Ben I'dlike(a)/ some burger.
Waiter With 'a / some cheese? books bread cat cheese elephant
computer lemonade music strawberries
Ben Yes, please.
*C— We've got a ... ...
Waiter OK. And 2a / some chips? We've got
<— some
Ben No,thanks. Have you got 3a/ any


Waiter No, but we've got some4water / waters.
Ben OK. 5A / Some water, please.

* 11 Circle the correct word.

©ÿ Have you got anyÿüitjuice)/ fruit juices?
1 She hasn't got any /a bread.
2 Ihaven't got pencil / a pencil.
3 Pasta is / Pastas are Italian.
4 I'vegot some / a music on my computer.
5 They've got a cat /cat.
6 We've got some / a books.
7 Tom has got some milk /milks.
8 Have you got any phone /bread?

58 Countable and uncountable nouns;some and any

Units 10-11

Reading and writing 4 O R6.2 Look at the picture ;. Listen and write the

— k correct number.

1 Choose the correct word.

ÿ I'm Dave.This watch belongs to I/({Tie)' my.

1 You're Ann.That car belongs to you / your/

2 He's Bill.Those shoes belong to he / him / his.
3 She's Kim.These books belongto

her /hers /she.
4 We're Sue and Pat.This cat belongs to

our /we /us.
5 They're Ben and Alex.That computer belongs

to they /them /their.

2 Write a, an,

ÿ I'vegot a mango.

ÿ We've got some bread.
_1 He's got
_2 Have you got

_3 They haven't got _ car.
4 Sue has got computers.

5 We haven't got _ cheese.


3 O R6.1 Sam is talking about his and his Speaking

Obrother's bedroom. Listen and write the objects 5 Lookat the picture.Say the food John has got.
ithe correct column. Remember to use a/an or plurals,where necessary.

books bookcase clock guitar radio

apple bread egg tomato pasta burger
milk crisp juice mango

ÿJohn's got an egg. he's got ")

Units 10-11 59

[•JlM Units 8-11 4 Look at the picture and complete the text with
Reading and writing words from the box.

1 Complete the table.

I me my
he him
she hers
it it
we our
they theirs

2 Complete the sentences with a possessive form.

_ _ÿ Ben has got a dog. __carrot lemons pineapple fruitjuice
apple milk
That is 6enV dog.

_1 The teachers have got a computer.
That is the computer.

_2 Lucy has got a guitar.
That is guitar.

_3 Sam and Kim have got a car. They've got two cay-rots, but they haven't got an
_1 They've got 2 but they haven't got
That is car. _ _3

4 The woman has got a jacket. They've got a 4 and three 5

That is the _ jacket. ____ _5 Completethesentences.

5 The children have got a new teacher. ÿ That's my jacket. It belongs to vm

That is the _ new teacher. ÿ This is her bag.It's hers.

3 Look at the bold words. Put a tick in the correct 1 This is your shirt.It belongs to
2 That is car. It's theirs.
ÿ Tony's shoes _3 These are our bikes.They belong to

his0 herO their Q _4 Those are
shoes.They're his.
1 Tony and Sue's house
5 This is her hat.It belongs to
hisHZI hern theirQ
6 Choose the correct option.
2 Mary's car
ÿ Is these /ÿhat)/ those your school?
his(ÿ1 herjÿl theirQ
1 They / Their / Theirs teachers are very good.
3 Paul's phone 2 We've got bread / a bread / two breads.
3 That /This /Those are Jack's shoes.
hisO herO theirQ 4 Those pens are my / mine / mines.
5 My dads / dad's / dads' shoes are very big.
4 Anna's jeans

hisQ herQ theirQ

60 Units 8-11

7 O R7.1 Listen and draw lines.

Hi.I'm Kim. She if my
and he if my brother.


®8 O R7.2 Listen to the conversation. 9 Describe what you can see in your classroom.
Write the missing words.
Teacher Isthis pencil yours ?
No, it isn't. My pencil is yellow. 1_
Emma is Daisy's.
Teacher OK.Isthis ruler Daisy's, too?
Teacher __Yes, that's 2

Emma And these books?
_3 are my books.
_OK. So, is this 4
pencil? It's

__yellow. .Thanks.

Yes. That's5.

Revision 3 61

Present simple

Ican recognize and use the present simple.

Present simple: affirmative Spelling rules for he, she and itforms

ÿDo you likefootball?'

_ -ch,-sh, -o, -s, -x -» + -es
Iwatch he watches

Irelax she relaxes

Igo itgoes

consonant +-y -» y + -ies

Icarry she carries

ÿ(T. TTTZ you read vowel + -y -» + -s
they read
Iplay heplays

Irregular verbs

Ihave ithas
lam she is

For more information on how to form the present

simp|e of be, see unjt 6.

We use the present simple to talk about things we Pronunciation
do regularly,or things which are always true.
Igo to schoolevery day. For verbs ending in -ch,-sh, -s, -x, the he, she and it
My grandparents live inManchester.
forms have an extra syllable.

We add -s to the he, she and itforms. watch wa-tches

Ising. She sings.

Idrink coffee. She drinks coffee. re-lax relaxes

* 1 Circle the correct option. * 2 012.1 Complete the sentences with the words
ÿ Iÿíay)/ plays football.
®inthe box.Listenand check.
1 We eat / eats fish. drink drinks eet eats listen listens
2 They go / goes to school. play plays study studies
3 She read / reads magazines. _ _ÿ You £2Í meat.
4 Jack watch / watches DVDs. _1 Bella
5 You listen / listens to rock music. coffee.
6 Pete and Milly play / plays basketball.
7 My sister live / lives in a big house. _2 Charlie and Emily _ maths.
8 Iwatch / watches oldfilms. 3 Emma football.
9 It rain / rains in England.
10 Ilike / likes chocolate. 4 Our teacher _ to classical music.
_5 My brothers
62 Present simple _6 We to pop music.

_7 My brother
_8 Henry andI English.

_9 Jason's sister fruit juice.


*3 Write the he, she, and/f forms. 54 ©O 12.2 Listen to the words from exercise 3.

_ÿ teach teaches Put the he,she and it forms in the correct

1 play column.
2 watch
3 study 10 rolax No extra syllable Extra syllable
1 1 enjoy teaches
_4 read 12 miss

5 go 14 have
6 finish 15 be

55 O 12.3 Listen and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the pictu

go to school have dinner listen to

do homework finish school go to bed
_ÿ I9e1~ UP at six o'clock.
6 We_ _ school at three o'clock.
1 Sally -at seven o'clock. 7 We_ _ dinner at 6.30 p.m.

_ _2 I my homework in the morning. __9 Sally _TV in the evening.
_ _3 Sally
her homework inthe evening. 10 I _ to music.
_4 I _to school by bus. _ to bed at nine o'clock
_ _5 Sally _ to bedat ten o'clock.
to school by car.

/ Write about your typical day. Use the verbs below.
get up go to school finish school have dinner

' Igetcp at7 a.m. Igo to school by \>us.
' Ifinish school at3.15 p.m. Ihave dinner at7.30 p.m.

Unit 12 63

Present simple: negative *9 O 12.4 Listen and write affirmative oi

To form negatives in the present simple, we use sentences for each picture.
do not or does not with the base form.
Ido notreadbooks. She does not drive a bigcar. Mondays / play the guitar

Fullform Short form On Mondoyr, she doesn't ploy the auii

Ido not read Idon't read 1 Tuesdays / go to a painting class

you do not read you don't read 2 Wednesdays /make dinner
he doesn't read
he does not read she doesn't read %
she does not read it doesn't read
it does not read we don't read iThursdays / meet her friends
we do not read you don't read
you do not read they don't read Fridays / relax on the sofa

they do not read

* 7 Complete the negative sentences with

do not or does not.

ÿ We áo notlive in a big house.
_1 She
_2 You get up at six o'clock.

study French.

3 They _ go to school by car.
_4 Mary's sister
_5 I have breakfast at home.
drink coffee.

_6 Their brother do his homework.
_7 Those men
_8 School live in London.

finish at two o'clock.

0** 8 Make the sentences negative. Use short forms.
IPlay tennis.
Idon't ploy tennis.
_1 You listen to rock rr
You _ to rock music.

_2 Daisy watches DVDs. DVDs.

_3 Ihave dinner at 7 p.m.
I dinner at 7 p.m.

4 She reads books.

5 Saturdays / go to the beach

_7 They go to school by bus.
They to school by bus.

64 Present simple

#10 Look at the table and write affirmative and Present simple: questions

negative sentences. To form questions in the present simple, 1
do or does before the subject.
play do a relax meet Doyou read? Does shestudy French?
the French on the friends
class sofa Questions
Andy / Dolread... ?
Emily X Does he read ... ?
Polly and / Does she read... ;
Jamie X /X
Doesit read ... ?
ÿ Andy plov; the guitar but he doesn't do

a French class.
_ _1 Emily
the guitar but she

_a French class. the guitar but they Dothey read ... ?

2 Polly and Jamie Short answers
Yes, Ido.
_ a French class. Yes, you do.
_ _3 Andy Yes, he does.
on the sofa but he Yes, she does. No, Idon't.
Yes, it does. No, you don't.
_friends. _nthe sofa but she Yes, we do.
Yes, you do. No, he doesn't.
\ Emily Yes, they do. No, she doesn't.
No, it doesn't.
No, we don't.
5 Polly andJamie No, you don't.
No, they don't.
_ friends.

1"X Look at the s<
Write sentences about yourself anda

Inmy free time, Iplay tenniS, bftIdon't * 13 012.5 Write the words in the correct order to Oo
¿o a dance clajf.
My friend Max liftenJto music, but he make questions. Listen and check.
doesn't Watch DVDS-
ÿ study maths/ you / do
i Say two true sentences and one false
sentence about your free time. Your Do you study maths?_
partner guesses the false sentence.
1 watchTV / she / does

2 they / live in America / do

Ipiay basketball. 3 do /get up at 7 a.m. /you
Ilisten to classical n
> I¿o a ¿anee class. '* does / read books / Cathy

f )'You dori't liSten to classical music,

/That's right.Idon't listento A 6 your parents / eat fish / do
[classical music.

Unit 12 65

*14 Complete the questions and write short _ Brian and George play the guitar?
ÿ Do they go to bed late?
_ it rain in Egypt?
__1 _ she watch DVDs? _ you drink coffee?

Yes, _ Jim's sister study history?
2 _ you relax on Sundays? _ you and Kim like the picture?

_ Paul play basketball?

_ your parents drive a big car?

»15 O 12.6 Listen to the conversation.Write a tick / if Gemma likes it,
ÿand a cross X if Gemma doesn't like it.

1 meatM 3 peas L| 6 toast ÿ 9 coffee ÿ
7 iamU 10 milkU
_4 mango| |

2 carrots I I 5 strawberries I I 8 eggsD 11 hot chocolateÿ

*16 012.7 Listen again and complete the questions. } Work in pairs.Ask and ans
_y°° questions in exercise 16.
eat fish?
©ÿ _1 Do meat? (ÿDoÿyou eatfish?ÿ
like vegetables? *18 S Write five sentences about yourself and
_3 fruit?
' your partner, with information from
_4 What _ your favourite fruit? exercise 17. Use I,he, she or we.
5 What have for breakfast?
«-* Ilike fiyli.
6 _ coffee? e m He Aoesn't eat meat.
ÿ M We ¿rink coffee.

66 Present simple

* 19 Circle the mistakes and co nplete the correct n groups. Ask questions and write
> in the table.The first personwith
sentence. ie in every gap is the w

ÿ They(fives)in India. ?)\poyoy ¿rink coffee No, IdoVfr
They live in India.
drinks plays
_1 Does she reads books? coffee table
books? tennis
gets up at
2 Yes, she do. 6 o'clock doesn't
watch TV
__Yes, she rides a
_3 He doesn't watches TV at school. horse plays the
TV at school. doesn't
4 Drink you lemonade? like goes to
chocolate school by
_ lemonade?

_5 It rain in London.
in London.

_6 My friends not go to school by bus.
to school by bus.

_7 Mandy studys English and maths.
English and maths.

_8 Do like you carrots?
9 No,Ido.


_10 Does the children eat meat?

*20 Read the sentences and look at the table. Write
the names at the top of each column.

Ben likes coffee.
Toby plays tennis.
Jenny doesn't live in Britain.
Suzy plays tennis.
Suzy and Ben don't like loud music.
Toby lives in Britain.
Toby and Jenny eat bananas.
Toby doesn't like loud music.
Jenny doesn't like coffee.
Ben and Suzy play the guitar.

Names / X_ x_ ÿ
live in Britain /
play tennis / ÿA ÿ
like coffee /
eat bananas / X /X
play the guitar X y/ /
like loud music

/X X

Unit 12 67

13Present continuous
Ican recognize and use the present continuous.

Present continuous: affirmative

drinking lemonade.
My brother if flvimming


We use the present continuous to talk about things Spelling rules for -ing forms
that are happening now or around now.
We're watching TVat the moment. most verbs -» +-ing

To form the present continuous, we use the present eat eating
simple form of the verb be + -ing form.
Iam eating we are eating read reading
I'meating we're eating
uconsonant + -e e + -ing

Full form Short form write writing
I'm eating
Iam eating you're eating riding
you are eating
he is eating he's eating onevowel + h double consonant
she is eating she's eating + "ing
it is eating it's eating stop stopping

we are eating we're eating sit sitting
you are eating you're eating
they are eating -y + -ing
they're eating play playing
buy buying

* 1 Write the verbs in the correct column. consonant + -e one vowel +
buy de drink drive
eat finish get have
listen make live
meet play rain read
ride sing sit stop
study swim watch

68 Present continuous

*2 Write the -ing form of the verbs. * 5 Look at the picture and read Isabel's blog.
Complete the text with the present continuous
_ÿ ride riding forms of the verbs. Use short forms.

3 dprlaivye__ drink eat have listen play fern read
4 sit talk write

5 swim

6 drink_

7 have_

__9 read Hi everyone.We're on holiday in Germany

_10 do _but the weather is bad today. It';raining.
'We in a café at the moment. I've
11 get
12 make_
13 study_
14 listen_

*3 Complete the sentences with the _got my computer and I_ 2 my blog.
correct full form of be. My sister 3 to music. My brothers

IP ÿ We are reading our books. _aren't inthe café.They _ 4 football in
studying maths. the rain! My mum 5 to her friends
_1 She
_2 They having breakfast. on the phone.And my dad? He_ 6 the
_3 I drinking lemonade.
_4 It raining at the moment. newspaper. Oh yes, and my grandparents
_are here too.They
_5 You 7 cakes! Ihaven't
sitting in my chair. _got a cake but I 8 fruit juice. Ilike it!
_6 He
listeningto music. _We 9 a good time.
_7 My sister
doing her homework.
_8 Her children
_9 John and I making dinner. See you soon.

playing football.

10 Helen _going to London. X You are on holiday with your family.
Write a blog like Isabel's.
4 ©O 13.1Listen and complete the sentences
drink eat listen play read
O with the short forms of be. Listen again and
repeat the sentences. -- sit swim talk write
____She's eating. Hi everyone.We're on holiday in Spain.
The weather is good today.We're at
coming. the beach.
watching a film. __I
reading. _My brother/sister
having breakfast. -My mum
___My dad
-going to school. My grandparents
We're having a great time.
_ relaxing.
_ raining.
_ playing tennis.
_ doing my homework.
_ writing an email.

Unit 13 69

Present continuous: negative I Write negative sentences with the short form of A

Full form Short form the present continuous.
lam not eating I'm not eating ÿ They / not talk
you are not eating you aren't eating
he is not eating he isn't eating They aren't _talking.
she is not eating she isn't eating
it is not eating it isn't eating 1 She /not drink fruit juice
2 1/not have dinner
we are not eating we aren't eating
i He/ not play the pianc
you are not eating you aren't eating 5 Mary and Julia /not get up
6 Theo andI/not sit in the garden
they are not eating they aren't eating
8 You / not make dinner
* 7 Circle the correct option.Then write an
©59 013.2 Look at the picture and listen.Are the
affirmative sentence usingthe word in sentences true or false? Write affirmative or
brackets. negative sentences.

ÿ We isn't /(gren't)having breakfast, (lunch)
We're having lunch.

1 She isn't / aren't playingtennis, (netball)

2 You isn't / aren't going to the beach, (park)

3 He isn't / aren't doing his homework, (reading)

4 I'm not / I's not watching TV. (listening to

5 They isn't / aren't wearing shoes, (socks) _ .ÿ True.The sun if shining
6 The dog isn't / aren't drinking water, (milk)
7 Frank andCarla isn't / aren't eating the ÿ False. Polly isn't Wearing a white skirt.

chicken, (rice) _I _ Polly
8 Emily isn't / aren't reading that book. __. Her brothers _
_. Her dad
(sleeping) _. Her dad _

70 Present continuous _Her grandparents
_Her grandparents

Present continuous: *11 Complete the questions with the verbs in
questions and short answers
brackets, then look at the pictures andw
Am Ieating?

Is he eating?
Is she eating?
Is it eating?

Yes, Iam. No, I'm not.

Yes, you are. No, you aren't.

Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

Yes, we are. No, we aren't.

Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Yes, they are.
No, they aren't.

* 10 Complete the sentences with Am, Isor Are. ÿ It the ¿oina her homework? (she/do)

.you listening to music? _Yef. is.

' _1 .he eating cheese? I football? (they/play)
_2 .they playing basketball?
_3 .we going to the beach? _ a film? (he/watch)
_4 .she studying geography? _ on the beach? (Julia/sit)
_5 .Pete wearing socks? _ dinner? (Mum and Dad/make)
_6 .you writing an email?
_7 .Idrinking your coffee? _? (it/rain)
_8 .the train going to London?
_9 _ .Irisand Carrie doing their homework? {12 Work in pairs. Mime an action.Your
partner asks questions to guess.
10 .your mum making dinner?
11 _ .Idoing a goodjob? Are you eating a burger? J I No, I'm not.

_12 .the teacher making a test for us?
_13 .we speaking loudly?
_14 .you waiting for the bus?

Unit 13 71

13 Look at the picture of students on a school trip. Write questions and <


ÿ Jenny / talk to Molly?/ chat on her phone Catherine/
6 Amy / listen to music?/ do homework
_It Jenny talking to Molly? 7 Sam andJess / play computer games?/ watch

1 Jason /make dinner? /eat crisps 8 Robert /make dinner? /make cake
9 Emma / do homework? / listen tc
2 Catherine and Heidi / listen to music? / sing 10 Jack / watch TV? / draw picture
songs 11 it/raining? /sunny

3 Sarah /read a book? /sleep in a chair

iToby / do his homework? / watch video clips

5 Dave and Frank/clean the table? /play
table tennis

72 Present continuous

*14 O 13.3 Helen andTom are talking about the

picture. Complete the sentences. Listen and


Helen Look at this photo.__Suedoing?

Tom What is _Da¿_ doing?
1cleaning the table.
_Tom Of course!And what
2 you and

Helen _ 3 playing football.
_Tom 4 the dog playing football too?
_Helen No, it
5 6 running after the

Tom Ithink Mum _ 'drinking coffee.
_Helen Yes, and she
8 readingthe news.
_Tom Oh.OK. And what

Helen _doing? ,0 sleeping.

J15 Work in pairs. Study the picture for one
minute.Then close your book and tell
your partner about the people in the


_ ..( A ~

,ma,n \s readingi_./J (7~„ ,
l What is he wearing? i

ring a broWn Shirtand bice

Unit 13 73

51iF Units 12-13

Reading and writing

1 Write the present simple form of the verbs in 4 Choose the correct word.
_ÿ am reading a book.
ÿ He read; books, (read)
10 YouD WeD
_1 She basketball, (play)
_2 He to my school, (go) _1 is having dinner.
_3 She TV. (watch)
_4 John ID SheD They ÿ
_5 Mary dinner at 6 o'clock, (have) _2 Are
_6 I French, (study) swimming?
_ _7 You my dinner at 7 o'clock, (eat)
your homework at your desk. ID heD theyD
_3 aren't listening to me.

_(do) in a small house, (live) ID YouD SheD
_4 Is watching TV?
8 We

9 Mum and Dad_ happy with your you O heO theul I

_exam results, (be) _5 'm not sleeping.
10 She to music on her MP3 player.

(listen) ID SheD WeD

2 Choose the correct word. Listening

ÿ Heÿoesn't)/ don't liketomatoes. 5 O R8.1 Listen.What are the people doing? É

1 Does / Do you watch TV? Write the correct letter (a-g).
2 We doesn't / don't live in London.
3 Does /Do you play tennis? _ _ÿ Kim's family _c_
4 Lucy doesn't / don't eat fish.
5 Does / Do they study maths? 1 Kim and
6 Idoesn't / don't get up early. 2 Kim's brothers _

3 Write the -ing forms. _3 Kim's dad
_4 Kim's mum
ÿ eat eating _5 Kim

_1 stop _ a drinking lemonade
b eating pineapple
2 have
3 do _ d listening to music
e playing football
_4 read f working on his laptop
_5 swim g sitting on the grass
_6 make
_7 go _ Speaking

8 live 6 O R8.2 Listen and a
Give full answers.
10 play _
11 sit _
12 sing _

74 Units 12-13

Present simple and present

Ican choose the correct present tense for different situations.
Inormally have bread for breakfast But
iff my birthday,so I'm having pancakes!

Normally he gets up at 7 a.m. Today he isn't getting up. He's staying in bed.

We use present simple for things we do regularly, or We use present continuous for things that are
things which are always true. happening now.
Iwatch TVevery day. We're watching TVat the moment.
Schoolalways finishes at three o'clock. It's raining now.

Time expressions showing how often: Time expressions showing when:
every day, normally, on Fridays,always now, at the moment, today

* 1 Circle the time expressions, then write the * 2 Circle the time expressions,then write the

present simple forms of the verbs in brackets. present continuous forms of the verbs in

ÿ I get upat 7.30 a.m.tgvery day)(get) brackets.

_1 He maths on Fridays, (not/study) ÿ We're studying Shakespeare(at7he moment)
_ _2 you football every day?
_(play) a blue shirt, (wear)
1 Today I
3 They normally
to France on 2 _ .he ._ .dinner

holiday, (go) at the moment? (make)
_3 You
_ _4 she normally fish? (eat) now. (not listen)
_ _4 you TV at the moment?
_5 I_ homework on Saturdays, (not do)
6 We to the park onThursdays, (go) _(watch)

5 They now. (talk)

Unit 14 75

* 3 Put the time expressions inthe correct column. *4 014.1 Circle the correct option, then listen

every doy at the moment now and check.
on Mondays normally today always
ÿ She sleeps /jTsTeepingViow.
Present simple Present continuous
1 Ido /am doing homeworkevery day.
every ¿ay 2 We play / are playing football onTuesdays.
3 My friends don't go / aren't going to London

4 Carrie normally has/ is having an egg for

5 Does she relax / Isshe relaxingat the moment?
6 Iclean / am cleaning the house at the moment.
7 Are they watching / Do they watch that film


*5 Look at the two pictures and complete the sentences with the verbs below.



Today - 4 p.m. It'sthe weekend!

clean the house ÿ Frank normallu plov? computer game! on Monday afternoons.
do homework
paint the house ___Today he'f riding his bike
play basketball
play computer games 1 Mum normally
reada book Today
on Monday afternoons.
sit on the grass
sleep __.2 Claire andGemma normally _ on Monday
work afternoons.Today

_3 Dad normally - _on Monday afternoons.
_ on Monday
_4 The baby normally _

76 Present simple and present continuous

014.2 Listen to the sentences and tick y the *9 Work in pairs.Your partner says a time
expression, then you say a sentence
correct time expression. with one of the verbs below.

o ÿ on Saturdays 0 at the moment ÿ always at the moment normally now
1 everyday ÿ now ÿ every day on Saturdays today

2 always ÿ at the moment ÿ do my homework eat a burger play basketball
read a book study English watchTV
3 everyday ÿ now ÿ

4 always ÿ today ÿ

5 on Mondays ÿ at the moment ÿ

6 every day ÿ now ÿ (Ame moment ) I'm Watching TV
atthe moment.
7 every day ÿ at the moment ÿ

8 on Wednesdays ÿ today ÿ

# 7 Complete the sentences with the present simple (ÿEvery ÿday (j[ read a book every

O or present continuous form of the verbs in 510 S Write sentences with information about
you, your friends and family.
ÿ Jess normally drink? coffee for breakfast,(drink)
At the moment, my rr i if teaching at
_1 I my jacket today, (wear) her school.
_ _2 you English on
p On Tuesdays, my friend play? basketball.
_Mondays? (study)
his homework at the

__TV every day. (not watch) P On Sondayf, I.. .
f I...every ¿ay.
5 Pauland Inormally
seven o'clock, (get) ¿ Today; I¡¡¡ ...

(shine) ÿ At the moment, my friend
_7 Ialways_ # On Saturdays, my dad ...
__ Milly l*\y dad
socks, (wear)
the piano

every day? (play) .dinner today, (make) * 11 Complete the text with the present simple or
:o you now.(not listen)
_9 Tanya present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
_10 They

*8 014.3 Listen and complete the table. Hi,I'm Lucy. I'mtwelve years old and Ilive (live)

O Groups with my family inManchester.
_At the weekend Inormally 1
Normal Today's (do) a lot of
activity activity _things. On Saturday mornings 12
_hockey. Inthe afternoon, Inormally 5
Ryan's group play tennis _(meet) my friends and 4
(go) to the shops.
Molly's group _On Sundays, 15
_and 6 (visit) my grandparents

Toby's group (do) my homework.

Suzy's group _But this weekend is different. 17 (stay) with
_my friend Ellie inLondon. Right now, we 8
_(sit) in a café nearTower Bridge and I9
_(write) this blog. Ellie 10
"_ice cream, and I (eat) a strawberry

(have) a chocolate cake.

_London is fantastic. 112 (love) it!

Unit 14 77

ÿ*12 Imagine you are visiting a friend * 13 014.4 What do they do? Match 1-6 with a-f,

different city.Write a short blog like ithen listen and check your answers.

' fli, I'm Theo. I'm eleven years old and 2 photographer plays music
teaches students
» Ilive in Cambridge. Atthe Weekend,
Inot-mally play basketball and read checks your teeth
bookJ. Today I'm in Paris. I'm staying flies planes

f 5 chef takes photos

' in a hotel With my parents and We're 6 dentist makes food

» visiting interesting places.

*14 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Ask

... ... do?JCwhatdoes'What is doing?'or'What does do?'

(She takes photographs.

(ÿWhat¡sMike doing? J
nes listening to


—1l+H= ik

78 Present simple and present continuous

15The imperative and let's
Ican recognize and use imperative forms and let's.

The imperative 2 Match the verbs with the pictures and complete
.the sentences with affirmative imperatives.

catch close drink give jump read

Wear uour jacket. 4 -the letters.


We use the imperative to give instructions. _1 this. _5 the window

We form the imperative with the base form.
Come here.
Sit down.
Open the door.

We add do m t or don't to form the negative
Do notcome in.
Don'tsit there.

* 1 Write affirmative imperatives.

ÿ Open the window, (open)

1 rlnwn (<!¡t)

ÿ> your name, (write)

4 the question, (answer)
5 at the picture, (look)
6 up (stnnd)

9 away, (go) _3 me the phone. 7 -the ball.
10 mpl (hplp)
Unit 15 79

*3 Write negative imperatives. 5 O1S.1 Listen and put the commands from

_ÿ Don' t eatthat, (not eat) Oexercise 4 in the order you hear them.

1 _ there, (not sit) X Write school rules (affirmative and
_on your phone, (not speak) negative imperatives) using the words in
the table.
_ the ball, (not kick)
_ too high! (notjump)
_ on the desk, (not stand)
_ in class, (not talk)
_ photos,(not take)
_ to bed late, (not go)

*4 Write affirmative or negative imperatives for your homework
the pictures. Use the verbs below. inthe classroom
inthe corridor
stand inthe playground
talk to the teacher
to music
on your desk
on your chair

i your phone

Do your homework.
Don'tfaIk on your phone.

Work in pairs.Listen to your partner's

your partner says,'Don't',don't mime
the action!
catch close drink eat jump kick
listen open read run sit talk write

look read sit stop talk wfite

____Write the answers.
at twelve o'clock.
to other students.
at your phone.

-the questions.

80 The imperative

Let's * 9 Write sentences with Let': >r Let's i

We can make suggestions using let's + base form. to the cinema, (go) /
Let's go to the park. TV. (watch) ÿ
Let's drink somemilk.
here, (sit) X
We use let's not + base form to make negative a photo,(take) /
suggestions. a cake, (make) y
Let's notgo to the shops.
Let's not walk to school. rugby today, (play) /ÿ

015.2 Listen to the conversations and match an ice cream, (buy) /
them with the pictures.
o _ÿ Picture_d_ Theo. (phone) X
this book, (read) X

3 Picture 10 VI Work in pairs.Your partner makes a
suggestion with Let's. Disagree with
_ _1 Picture them and make a new suggestion.
4 Picture Keep going for as long as you can.
_ _2 Picture
5 Picture

(ÿLÿtV ÿplaytennif.

DVDÿJ(let's notplay tennir. Let'? watch a

(ÿ'i notwatch a DVD. Let's ÿ .J

Unit 15 81

[KfmBTWwmíW Units 14-15 2 Read and tick / the correct sentence.
Reading and writing
ÿ He plays football on Thursdays. (2
1 Look at the pictures.Write affirmative o
negative imperatives. He's playing football on Thursdays. O

ÿ Don't fit Hnwn kit) 3 -your 1 Iwatch a DVD at the moment. ÿ

homework, (do) I'm watching a DVD at the moment. Q

ft 2 They normally get up at 7. ÿ

They're normally getting up at 7. ÿ

3 She's studying history today. ÿ

She studies history today.

4 Are you doing your homework now? O

Do you do your homework now? ÿ

5 He makes dinner every day. I~l
He's making dinner every day.

O3 O R9.1 Listen.Write normally,or now.
ÿ TfoVo_tball normallyDVD _tennis now_


2 hnnk newspaper

át _4 up.It's late. Speaking

_1 the door. (get)

(close) 4 O R9.2 Listen and make suggestions with Let's.

go to the cinema have an ice cream
listen to music make a cake
play badminton watch a DVD

DVÿ)(let'swatch a

(open) (listen)
82 Units 14-15

HflíEiW Units 12-15
Reading and writing

Base Present simple Present 3 Look at the pictures and complete the
sentences with the verbs below. Use the present
form continuous simple or present continuous.

go he goes she'f going Normally
study he she

live he she

watch he she

sit he she

he she

eat he she James

do he she

play he she

write he she

drink he she

2 Make the sentences into questions. do listen play play i=ead run swim watch

ÿ Sam's going to the cinema.
_I? Sam going ÿ Today, Mum if listening to music. But she
to the cinema?
normally readsa book.
ÿ You live in Paris. _1 On Sundays, Dad normally
_But today he the guitar.
Do you live_ in Paris? in the sea. TV. But

_1 They play football. football? _2 On Sundays,Alison and Beth

today, they _ badminton.
2 You're listening to music. _3 Today, James
on the beach, but he
_3 Lucy reads books. his homework.

books? _4 Tick the correct word to complete the sentences.
ÿ Jill having dinner?
_4 She's doing her homework.
her homework? ID_oesQ Is(7| AreD

_5 Tony studies maths. 1 reading a good book.
_amQ areQ isO
_6 It rains in winter. in winter? 2
you like tomatoes?

7 She draws pictures. ABerne_O DolOive IsO

pictures? 3 in a big house.

8 The sun is shining now. don't ÿ isn'tÿ doesn't ÿ

now? 4 They -listening to you.
don't ÿ aren't ÿ isn't ÿ

Revision 4 83

5 Choose the sentences that are correct. 7 ORI0.2 Listen. Katy is talking to Mary on the

ÿ DoesTom play the guitar? 0 © phone.Write the names with the verbs.
Katy Katy's dad Katy's mum Mary
DoesTom playing the guitar? Q

1 Jane and Ryan lives in France. O Normally ...

Jane and Ryan live in France. ÿ does a dance class Katy

2 Sam not is watching the film. Q makes dinner
works on Tuesdays
Sam isn't watching the film. ÿ plays tennis

3 Let go to the cinema. Q Today ...

Let's go to the cinema. Q making dinner

4 Polly doesn't like eggs. O

Polly doesn't likes eggs. O

Listening seeing grandparents
O6 O R10.1 Listen and match the sentences with watching TV
the pictures.


8 Today is Wednesday. Look at the table and talk

with your partner about Lucy's day.

...Normally Today ...

practise piano do homework

visit grandparents go to the cinema

play netball play tennis

study maths study French

Normally Lucy Today she's

practisesthe pia doing homework.J


84 Units 12-15

There's, there are

Ican recognize and use there's and there are.

There's, there are, there Isn't, We often use a/an, some o
there aren't there's/there are.
There's a bookon the desk.
aren't any apples, butthere's a cake! ) There aresome apples.
There isn'tany bread.
We use there's (there is) and there are
something exists. Affirmative Short form
There's a dog in the garden. Full form there's
There are three potatoes on the table.
Singular there is
Plural there are

Full form Short form

Singular there is not there isn't
Plural there are not there aren't

1 Look at the picture and circle the correct options
mirrors . ÿ (jtiereÿ)/ There isn't a sofa.
1 There's / There isn't a desk.
2 There are / There aren't some flowers.
3 There's /There isn't a guitar.
4 There are /There aren't any books.
5 There's / There isn't a phone.
6 There are / There aren't two mirrors.
7 There are / There aren't some toys.
8 There's / There isn't a ball.

52 O 16.1 Look at the picture in exercise 1 and I

complete the sentences with There's, There are,

There isn't, There aren't. Listen and check. t

flowers _ÿ There are some chairs.

chairs 1 atable.
2 _ a bag.

_3 any children.
_4 _ a lamp.
_5 two windows.
_6 _ any shoes.

7 a cupboard.
8 _ a computer.

k Work in pairs. Memory game. Say a *6 J Look at the description in e:
s then write about your bedroom.
.sentence about the picture in

exercise 1 Your partner says if it is true
or false.

aÿoyÿÿFalfe.There isn't

( There are fix chairs.J\True. There are fix chairs.]

*4 O 16.2 Listen and complete the chart with * 7 Complete the sentences with There's, There are,

Oticks or crosses /. or There aren't.
bed / ÿ There are three teachers in the room.
chairs _1 a ruler in my bag.
desk _2 two books on the desk.
table _3 a phone on the sofa.
clocks _4 some televisions in my school.
mirror _5 any pictures in the classroom.
pictures _6 a computer inthe kitchen.
_7 a camera on the table.
cupboard _8 .any elephants in America.
toy *8 Circle the correct option.
ÿ It's/ÿhere*s)a pen on the desk.
computer 1 They're /There are twelve years old.
television 2 Itisn't / There isn't a clock inthis room.
3 They're /There are thirty people in my class.
o5 016.3 Complete the text about Ann's ro' 4 They aren't / There aren't any tigers in Africa.
with there's, there isn't, there are or there ai 5 It's/There's raining today.
Listen and check. 6 It's / There's a phone on the desk.
_Inmy room,there's a bed,and '
't British.They're / There
a wardrobe for my clothes.
2 _ any chairs and 3.

a small table. 5 -
clocks (on the table and on the wall).

On the wall, 6-a mirror and

other things in i _ some books and

cupboard and *. _a computer and
toys in it.But 10

86 There's, there are

Is there ...?,Are there . 110 Complete the questions with Isthere or Are there.
ÿ Are there any computers in your school?
and short answers
1 _ a desk in your bedroom?
Singular Is there ...?
Plural Are there ...? _2 any flowers in your classroom?
Short answers _3 a phone in your bag?
Singular Yes, there is. No, there isn't. _4 any books in your bedroom?
Plural Yes, there are. No, there aren't.
_5 _ any televisions in your school?
Look at the picture. Circle the question word
k and write the short answer. _6 a sofa in your house?
_7 any pictures in your bedroom?
ÿ Is/(Arejthere any books? _8 a pencil in your bag?
_9 any spiders in your house?
_ _Yet ,there are __10 a mirror in your classroom?

1 Is/ Are there a phone? *11 Work in pairs.Ask and answer the
questions in exercise 10. Use short
_ _,there answers.

2 Is/ Are there a banana? ÿ Are there any computers inyour schoo\?~\

_ _,there (\es,thereÿareÿj

3 Is/ Are there any pencils? *12 Read the answers and complete the questions.
ÿ If there a shirt inthe wardrobe?
_ _,there
_Yes.There's a shirt in the wardrobe.
4 Is/Are there a ruler?
1 in your bedroom?
_ _,there
_No.There isn't a computer in my bedroom.
5 Is/ Are there any apples?
2 at her school?
_ _,there
_No.There aren't any boys at her school.

3 inthe cupboard?

_Yes.There are shoes in the cupboard.

4 on the bed?

_Yes.There's a spider on the bed.

5 on the table?

_No.There aren't any flowers onthe table.

6 in her room?

_Yes.There's a sofa in her room.

7 inthat bag?
No.There isn't an apple in that bag.

8 -inthe football team?
Yes.There are girls in the football team.

9 -intheir class?

_Yes.There's a new teacher intheir class.

10 in Antarctica?
No.There aren't any lions in Antarctica.

Unit 16 87

*13 016.4 Listen and tick / the correct picture.

Í14016.5 Read and complete the dialogue with *15 Work in pairs. Read exercise 14and talk
about your house, then ask your partner.
Othe correct forms of there is, there are.Then
listen and check.
Isyour house nice?
It's OK. There are two beárc
It'sOK. There are three bedrooms: my rc my room and my parents' ro*
my parents'room and my sister's room.
* 16 Circle the mistakes and correct the sentences.
:l ÿ(There's)six chairs.

There are six chairs.

_. We've got one bathroom, _1 Are trees in your garden?
trees in your garden?

_2 They are five apples on the table.
five apples on the table.

id downstairs? 3 Isn't a table in the kitchen.
_ a table in the kitchen.
_ three rooms downstairs.
_ _a living room,5 4 There some pens on the desk.
_a small dining room and6 _ some pens on the desk.
_5 It is a television in my bedroom.
a television in my bedroom.
6 There's a spider on the sofa?

_ a spider on the sofa?

_7 'Are there two guitars?' 'No, there isn't.'
'Are there two guitars?' 'No, .'

__/Yes,8 _8 There's children in the park.
it it's small.There are \ children inthe park.
_ JI some flowers but *_
any trees. _9 There any flowers on the table?
any flowers on the table?

_10 'Is there a phone in the bag?' 'No, it isn't.'
Is there a phone in the bag?' 'No,

88 There's, there are

i Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions to find six differences between the pictures.

e a fofo?) (Áre there six chairs?ÿ

Picture 1 Picture 2

8 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures in
exercise 17 for 60 seconds, then close
your book. Ask and answer questions
to test your partner's memory.

( \sthere a clock in picture 1? J

ÿ Yes, therejsÿÿ

2?ÿAre there any shoes in picture

ÿ Yes, thereÿareÿ

Unit 16 89

Would like

Ican recognize and use would like with nouns and to + base form.

Would like + noun * 1 Complete the sentences with would like. Use
affirmative full forms.
Would you like a drink, (he)
_ÿ He wou\¿ like an egg. (you)
Some Water? some coffee, (they)
_1 two apples, (we)
_2 a burger, (she)
_3 some tomatoes. (I)
_4 some water, (he)

.* 2 Write short forms of your answers in exercise 1

We use would like + noun to ask for things. ÿ He'd like o drink
I'dlikean apple. I'dlikesomejuice.

Affirmative # 3 Rewrite the sentences as questions.
ÿ You'd like a cake.
Would you like_ a cake?
I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they | would like
1 He'd like a banana.
Short form _ a banana?

|1/you /he /she /it /we /you /they 'd like 2 They'd like sc ie oranges.
_ some oranges?
We use the question form to offer things. e lemonade.
Wouldyou likean ice cream?
_ some lemonade?
_5 Vicky andCarla vt uld like dinner now
I/ you like ...? dinner now?
Would he /she /it
_6 Jamie would like an egg for breakfast.
we /you /they an egg for breakfast?

Short answers _7 Katy would like a drink.
a drink?
I/you would.
Yes, he/she /it _8 Heidi and James would like some chips.
some chips?
we / you / they

I/you wouldn't.
No, he/she /it

we /you /they

Would like means the same as want. It is not the
same as like.
I'dlikean egg. = Iwant an egg.
Ilikeeggs. =Ilike eggs in general.

90 Would like

*4 017.1 Complete the dialogue with the Would like + to + base form

©correct forms of wouldlike.Listenand We use would like + to + base form to talk about
check your answers. things we want to do.
Amy Hi, Mum.I'mthirsty. I'dlike to visit Egypt.
Sally wouldlike to be a doctor.
Mum Wocld you likea drink? We use the question form for invitations.
Would you like to watch the footballmatch?
'Amy Yes, please. _ some Would your brother like to go to the party?
* 7 Match the pictures with the phrases and write
_Mum Ihaven't got any lemonade.
2 some orangejuice? sentences with would like + to + base form.
Listen and check.
Amy Yes, please.That would be great.
Tí 4 'ÿj-v
_Mum OK. Here you are. And 3
A-Ji P%tS
Amy sandwich?
Mum tntLT «
Amy __Yes, 4
_ _5
_ _® 3
cheese or chicken?
cheese, please. go for a walk go to the beach have coffee
listen to music make a cake play tennis
Mum Here you are. sing karaoke watch a film

Amy Thank you! _ÿ She'd like to Watch o film.

5 017.2 Listen to the conversations.What food _1 I
_2 They
Oor drink does each person have? _3 You
apple juico burger cheese chicken _4 He
egg lemonade milk orange juice salad _5 We
sandwich toast tuna water _6 Jill
_7 Nick andTom
apple J»"'

i Work in pairs. Ask and answer
questions with wouldlike.

e a bcrgerrM

( No, thanks. IÜ like some cheese.

8 017.3 Listen to and complete *11 Look at the pictures.Write questions and short
o go for a walk go to the beach have coffee
the sentences with the words the box. .answers.
Sarah Max Kate
listen to music make a cake play tennis
learn the guitar
sing karaoke watch a film

_1 Theu'd liketo play tennis

_2 They'd like
_3 They'd like
_4 They'd like

5 They'd like -

59 O 17.4 Complete the dialogue with Would you

I'dlike to. Listen and check. visit Australia
OMary Hi,Sarah. Would you like to play tennis?
_Sarah No,thanks. I'mtired. 1 be a dentist
_the cinema.2 goto Hi! How


_Mary Sorry. Ihaven't got any money.
3 come to my house and

_listento music? do that.

Sarah Yes, 4

Mary Great. Come roundat three o'clock.

*10 j* « *[)017.5 Complete the sentences.Then speak English
listen andcheck.
___Would you like ÿ Sarah / Australia Would Sarah like to visit
O _ to sing on a musical show
Australia? No. she Wouldn't._

1 Kate / a dentist -

2 Kate and Max /the guitar _
___Yes. I'
I and be a reality star?

like to do that.Yes, I

on buses and

planes and see everything inthe world? 3 Max / Australia

_I Yes. I' Yes, Iwould. '* Sarah and Kate/ speak English
Would you like ina beautiful

house and drive ina very fast car?

Yes. I'dlike to do that.Yes, Iwould. 5 Sarah /learn the guitar
Well, I'd like to do all those things, yes,

Iwould. 6 Sara and Max /dentists

_But this is my number one dream.

II with my friends all the

time, and laugh and be happy with them.

Yes. I'dlike to do that.Yes, Iwould.

Yes. I'dlike to do that.Yes, Iwould.

92 Would like

Work in pairs. Imagine you are a * 15 Complete the sentences with a, an or to. d

.person from exercise 11 Can your ÿ We'd like to visit India.

partner guess who you are? _ÿ Would you like a burger?
1 They'd like computer.
ÿWot/Id you liketo vi?if Austra\ia?j
2 Would you like _ play basketball?
WouIdyou like to b _3 Leo would like
_4 Would you like be a footballer.

_5 I'dlike egg?

new pen, please.
_6 She'd like
make a cake.
_7 WouldJess like
have dinner with us?
_8 My parents would like
big car.

*13 J What are your ambitions? Write three ÿ¡SHI
Vy sentences about yourself and three

sentences about people in your class.

—c *
— ..c
IWould like to ...
AI¡SOr\ and Jamie Wocld like to .

* 14 Write the bold words in the correct column of
the table.

ÿ I'dlike to play tennis.
1 She'd like an apple.
2 They'd like to have dinner.
3 You'd like an ice cream.
4 Would you like a tomato?
5 Would you like to go to the cinema?
6 I'dlike a television.
7 She'd like to watch TV.

Nouns Verbs

to piay

Unit 17 93

Like + -ing; -ing form as a noun

Ican recognize and use the -ing form with like, love and hate.
Ican use the -ing form as a noun.

Like + -ing form Write the -ing forms.

ÿ do ¿oina 6 try

1 watch 7 swim
8 go
_2 play 9 make
_3 ride 10 sing
_4 get

5 clean _ 11 sit

* 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verb in brackets.

_ÿ He likes ploying basketball, (play)
1 Ilike books, (read)

We use like + -ing form to talk about activities 2 Do you like _ ? (swim)
that we enjoy. _3 My mum likes
Ilike watching films. tomatoes, (eat)
Tom likesplayingcomputer games. _4 Helen doesn't like
They don't like doing their homework. to school.

Look at page 68 for the spelling rules for -ing forms. (walk) cakes, (make)
up early? (get)
Present simple affirmative -ing form _5 We like to classical
reading. _6 Do you like
_7 They don't like

I/You like _music, (listen)

He /She /It likes 8 Does your brother like

We /You /They like homework? (do)

Present simple negative -ing form _9 Lucy likes that jacket, (wear)
reading. _10 My dad likes his new car. (drive)

I/You don't like *3 018.1 Complete the sentences with the

He/She /It doesn't like ©correct form of like:affirmative S,negativeX
or question. Listen and check.
We /You /They don't like
O*_Mike like; drinking tea.(Mike /)
Present simple questions -ing form 1 going to the cinema, (you S)
reading? 2 _ eating vegetables, (we A)
Do I/you like _3 playingtennis? (they)
_4 cleaning the house. (Jack /)
Does he/ she/it like _5 -listening to music? (you)
6 going for walks, (my parents/)
Do we /you /they like 7 -singing? (your teacher)
_8 doing homework? (the children)
Short answers No, I/ you don't. _9 painting pictures. (I/)
Yes, I/ you do. No, he / she / it doesn't. _10 talking on their phones.
Yes, he / she / it does. No,we / you/ they don't. (those men /)
Yes, we / you / they do.

94 Like + -ing; -ing form as a noun

*4 Look at the pictures and write questions and * 5 Write questions and short answers for the
short answers with like + -ing.
pictures in exercise 4.

ÿ Does she like cleaning her room? No. she


1 ride their bikes O*6 018.2 Listen and match the activities with
4 wear new food the people. Do they like doing the activities?

the sea. clean the room listen to music sing
clothes swim in the sea try new food

Name Activity like/
not like X
jacK try new food

Work in pairs. Ask questions about
things your partner likes doing and
doesn't like doing.

clean your room eat cakes get up early
play football wear new clothes sing
swim in the sea try new food

\J)oÿyo\j Jlike getting op early?

-ing form as a noun 9 Readthe sentences.Tick / the things you like A

We can use the -ing form like a noun. doing and cross X the things you don't like I
Swimming is boring.
Singing is fun. doing. Rewrite the sentences with boring or fun.
We can also addobjects to the -ing form.
Making cakes is fun. _ÿ Ilike cleaning my room.0
Cleaning your room is boring. Cleaning my room i; boring.
1 Ilike running.ÿ
* 8 Look at the pictures.Write the -ing form to
2 Ilike reading books.ÿ
complete the sentences.
3 Ilike painting.ÿ
is fun. (swim)
4 Ilike listening to music.ÿ
is boring, (walk)
5 Ilike playing football.Q
is fun. (sing)
£10 Work in pairs.Your partner gives their
is difficult, (paint)
opinion about the activities.You agree
or disagree.

clean a room do maths
play computer games listen to music
learn English paint play the guitar
read books run sing swim
fun boring easy difficult

Qfes. Cleaning

TV is boring, (watch) 3
maths is easy, (do) 4
96 Like + -ing;-ing form as a noun 5

miWSW Units 16-18 2 Complete the sentences.
Reading and writing
_ÿ h there an egg?
1 Look at the picture and readthe questions. _ÿ There aren't
Tick y the correct a any apples. X
_1 there any oranges?
ríM¡ _2 There's.

3 There_ isn't any water. X
there any bread?
_ _5

3 Look at the table and complete the
/ = like X =don't like

get up early Sue Ben and Kim
watch DVDs /
make cakes Y X


ÿ Ben and Kim like getting up early.

1 Sue -cakes.
ÿ Isthere guitar? _2 Ben and Kim
Yes, there 3 No, there isn't.Q _3 Sue DVDs. cakes.
No, there aren't.ÿ _4 Ben and Kim
Yes, there ÿ

1 Are there any trousers? 5 Sue -up early.

Yes, there is-D No, there isn't.Q 4 Complete the sentences with one of the words
in the box.
Yes, there ÿ No, there aren't.ÿ

2 Isthere a computer? a I'd like to would you

Yes, there is-D No, there isn't.Q _ÿ I'dlike an ice cream.
No, there aren't.O _1 Would- like some coffee?
Yes, there ÿ _ _2 I'dlike be a doctor.
_ _3 Sam like to learn the guitar.
3 Are there any shoes?

Yes, there is-D No, there isn't.ÿ _ _;some lemonade.
No, there aren't.Q
Yes, there ÿ

4 Isthere 5 Would you like burger?

Yes, there is.D No, there isn't.ÿ 5 Readthe dialogue and circle the correct ai
No, there aren't.Q Anna Would you likeÿo make)/ making a cake?
Yes, there ÿ Jill Yes, I'do/ would.
Anna 2Is / Are there any eggs?
5 Isthere Jill Yes, 3there / they are.
Anna Great."Ilike / I'dlike making cakes.
Yes, there is.D No, there isn't.ÿ Jill And Ilike 'eating / to eating them!
Yes, there are.D No, there aren't.ÿ

Revision 5 97

Listening 7 OR11.2 Listen and tick the things that the
people order successfully.
6 OR11.1 Listen and tick the boxes.
'burger 0
4>r5 chips

juice [7]

lemonade ÿ

ÿ a0 bO cD 1 chocolate cake ÿ
sandwich ÿ
tea ÿ

2 cheese sandwich Q

chicken sandwich ÿ

juice ÿ

water ÿ

3 chicken ÿ
fish ÿ
potatoes II



Describe your room. Use there's, there
are, there isn't, there aren't.
books chair clock desk lamp pictures
shoes television toys window

...There's a
..There are some
...There Isn'ta


98 Units 16-18

Ican recognize and use can for ability, permission and requests.

Can for ability

bi/the can fW'u


We use can + base form to talk about ability. Questions
Ican sing.
Dancan'tplay the guitar. I/you

Affirmative Can he /she /it S„M
I/ you / he / she / it / we / you / they can swim.
we /you /they
Full form Short answers

| |I/you /he /she /it /we /you /they cannot swim. 1/ you
Yes, he /she /it can.
Short form
we /you /they
| |I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they can't swim.
No, he /she /it

we / you / they

* 1 Complete the sentences with can or can't. .*2 Write sentences about yourself with
can or can't. Use the verbs from exercise 1
ÿ You can't drive a car.X _ÿ Ican't drive a car.
1 basketball.
_1 They _ play basketball. /
2 Oscar swim./ _3 the piano.
_4 _ an elephant.
_3 We _ play the piano. /
4 He draw an elephant./ 5 nice cakes.

5 I_ make nice cakes./ _6 _ —Spanish.
_6 Those children
_7 Spiders speak Spanish./ 7 fly.
_8 Leo and Pete 8 _ good photos.
fly. X
take good photos, y Unit 19 99

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