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Published by darina zhelezova, 2020-06-21 16:18:47



83 O 19.1 Write the words in order to make *5 Look at the pictures.Write questions and short

©questions,then listen andcheck.
ÿ they / can / play tennis
Can they ploy tennis?_

1 she / can / dance

> play the piano / Ronny / c< throw the javelin 3 dive

n / do this homework/ you
n / draw a horse / he
7 make a cake /your dad/c<
n / Emily's brother / ride a bike
9 you /can /speak English

1 do gymnastics 4 jump high

14 O 19.2 Listen and tick the sentences you hear.

OThen practise saying the sentences.
Ican throw the javelin. Q

Ican't throw the javelin. 0

1 We can do gymnastics. ÿ

We can't do gymnastics. Q

She can runfast. ÿ 5 swim well
She can't runfast. ÿ
He can dive. ÿ ÿ Can he th
He can't dive. ÿ

You can jump high. ÿ
You can't jump high. ÿ

She can swim well. ÿ
She can't swim well. ÿ

100 Can

*6 Logic test. Read the
sentences below and look
at the pictures.What are
the names of A, B,C and D?

A cant sing. Toby X Jenny X Rosy y John y Toby Jenny X Rosy y John X
Bean paint.
C can't play the piano.
A can fly a plane.
C can sing.
Dcan't fly a plane.
B can sing.
C can't paint.
Dean play the piano.

Toby X Jenny / Rosy X John / Toby / Jenny X Rosy X John /

* 7 O 19.3 Listen and match each person with f*9 Write sentences about your friends and
' family. Use can and can't, andthe words
the correct sport.
Henry Oscar Carrie Emma Jess Mike in the table.

Sport Person my brother speak Spanish
run 100m my sister drive a car
do the highjump henry my best friend play basketball
throw the javelin play the guitar
do gymnastics my dad run fast
my parents sing well
dive tAy brother can sing Well, hothe can't
Speak Spanish.

Work in pairs.What can your partner
do? Ask and answer questions. Do the
activities, if you can.

count to 20 in English draw a mouse
stand on one leg
add fifteen and seventeen (in English)
whistle a song spell your name in English

r ÿCan you countto 20 in English?

Can for permission *11 Write short answers for the questions ir
e 10. Use can or can't.
We can use can to ask for and give permission.
Can Iphonemy dad? Yes, you can. ÿ No,ÿ
Can Iwatch this film?
You can have chips. No,you can't. _1 Yes,_
You can't listento musichere.
2 No,
*10 Look at the pictures and write questions with
Can Ior Can we. _3 Yes,_

ÿ have a burger 3 go to the shops 4 No,
5 Yes,_

*12 © 19.4 Sam is learning about his new school. |

Listen and choose the correct options.

ÿ Sam can AcatVt)wear jeans at school.

1 He can / can't use his phone at school.
2 He can / can't go to the shops at lunchtime.
3 He can / can't have a sandwich for lunch.
4 He can / can't play in a band.
5 He can / can't ride his bike to school.

X513 Write sentences about what you c<
and can't do at your school.

use your phone listen to music
talk in class wear jeans
play basketball eat chips
use computers

your phone 4 play football You c
Yea c

2 take photos 5 sit here

_ÿ Con Ihave a burger?

102 Can

Can for requests *15 Rewrite the sentences with Can you?

We use Can you...? to make requests (ask for ÿ Close the door.
things). Itis more polite than the imperative.
Can you open the window? Open the window; Can you elote the Aoor?_
Can you help me?
1 Phone my mum.
*14 Look at the pictures and write requests with
Can you...?

*16 019.5 Listen to the conversation and

complete the sentences.

Ed Dad,I'm bored. Can I play tennis?
_Dad Tennis?1
_Ed 2_ play tennis. It's raining.

phoneTom, then?

close the door 3 pass the water Dad Yes, of course.

Ed 3-gc

Dad OK.

_Ed And 4._ drive us to the cinema?
_ .. _Dad No,5 6 take the bus

or walk!

1 clean my shoes 4 buy me a phone

2 lend me a pen 5 make s<

ÿ Can you close tine ¿oor?

Unit 19 103

ÍWÍ15W Unit 19 Listening
Reading and writing
©3 ORI2.1 Listen and tick ÿ the correct picture.
1 Look at the table and choose the correct

Lucy Tom

make a cake

speakChinese X / ÿ aD b0
play the piano / /
ÿ Lucy ÿan)/ can't make a cake.
1 aD bD
1 Tom can /can't speak Chinese.
2 Lucy can / can't play the piano.
3 Tom can / can't make a cake.
4 Lucy can / can't speak Chinese.
5 They can / can't play the piano.

2 Correct the mistakes. 2 aD bD

_ÿ He(cáris)s¡ng well. well
He can fina

1 Ican to play the piano. bD

_ the 4 aD bD

2 Do you can open the window?

_ the

3 You don't can sit there.

_ thei

4 He can paints pictures.

5 Can Ito go to the cinema? 5 aD bD

_ to the cinema? Speaking

6 Helen can't not speak English. O4 ORI2.2 Listen and answer the questions.

7 Ican to run fast. ÿ Can you swim? ÿ

8 Can to you help me? C No, Ican't J

104 Revision 6

Yes/no questions

llcan recognize and use yes/no questions.

Yes/no questions j(boIf itfast? you like it?)(Con Idrive it?)

Yes/no questions have the answer yes or no. The subject goes after the first verb and before
Are youJapanese? Yes, Iam. the main verb.
Isitraining? No, itisn't. Does Tom listen to music?
Have yougotaphone?
Yes/no questions start with a verb like be, have,

can, would, do.

Are you angry? Have yougot asister?

Isyour friendcoming? CanJack swim?

Are there any apples? Would you like a drink?

Isthere acakeon the Do youplay tennis?

table? Does Suelikechocolate?

HasMumgot blueeyes?

* 1 Change the statements to questions. *2 Change the present simple statements into

0ÿ You're happy. questions.
_Are you happy?
_1 She's a teacher. _ÿ You watch television in the evening.
she a teacher? Do you Watch television in the evening?
_2 They've got a new car.
they got a new car? _1 They eat dinner at 7 o'clock.
_3 He can runfast. dinner at 7 o'clock?
he runfast?
_4 You're having dinner. _2 He listens to music in his room.
you having dinner? to music in his room?
_5 There are three apples on the table.
there three apples on the table? 3 You wear jeans at school.
_6 It's old.
it old? -jeans at school?
_7 We've got lemonade.
we got lemonade? _4 We finish school inJuly.
_8 Richardcan ride a horse. school inJuly?
Richard ride a horse?
_9 They're cleaning the house. _5 Isabel plays basketball on Fridays.
they cleaning the house? basketball on Fridays?
_10 There's a spider in my bed.
there a spider in my bed? _6 You understand your homework.
your homework?

_7 The boys like chicken.

_8 Milly'sdadflies a plane.
a plane?

9 They live in a big house.

Unit 20 105

3 O20.1 Write the words in the correct order to Student A Look at page 132.
Student B Readthe description of Tom and ask
make questions, then listen and check.
you /hungry /are yes/no questions to choose the correct
o _Are you hur,gryi
My penfriend,Tom
run fast /you /can He is(eleven)/ twelve. He is 'American / British.
He has 2got / not got a brother. He can play
2 you /have /a computer /got
/ NewYork. He likes sdogs / cats and6cars /
3 black shoes/wearing/ you / ai buses. He would like to be a 'singer / doctor.

'* there / spiders / are / in your bedroom J?leven?

5 get up early / you /do

6 has /red hair /your teacher /got

7 there /in your bag/an apple /is *7 Work in pairs.

8 you /like /do /playing sport Student A Readthe description of Mary and ask
yes/no questions to choose the correct
|Ask your partner the questions in options.

(ÿAreyoofeungryTj ÿÿ0ÿ Yes,I Student B Look at page 134.

*5 O20.2 Complete the dialogue with the words My penfriend, Mary

Obelow, then listen and check. Mary is(fwelvg)/thirteen. She is 'Mexican
Is there Can you Have you / Spanish. She has got 2one sister and one
brother / two sisters. She can speak Spanish
Would you Arc you Is it andItalian/ German, and she can 4sing /
paint. She lives in 'Madrid / Mexico City. She
likes 'swimming/ running.

Jenny Hi. Suzu.Are _ doing anything

at the moment?

Suzy No, not really.

_Jenny '_ like to go to the cinema?
Suzy Yes, Iwould. 2 a good film

on today?

_Jenny Yes, there is.HolidayAdventures.
Suzy 3 funny?

Jenny Yes. It'svery funny.

Suzy Great. Let's meet at twelve o'clock.

_Jenny OK.Oh, one more thing. 4

got an umbrella?

_Suzy Yes, Ihave. bring it? It's raining!

Jenny 5

106 Yes/no questions

*8 Complete the questions with the verb. Short answers

>ÿ _Is she wearing new shoes? I? this hat nicer
_1 Alice got red hair?
Yes, it is-
2 _ you American?

_3 you listento music every day?
_A there a computer in the classroom?
_5 your teacher talking on her phone?

_6 _ Kate and Leo got a dog?

7 you like to visit India?

8 _ .she like swimming?

_9 you open the window, please?
_10 there giraffes in America?

*9 «P « O 20.3 Look, read and listen.Then sing
ÿL along.

Can you sing and can you dance?
Would you like to live in France?
Do you want to be a star?
Have you got a bass guitar?

Who are you? We often use short answers to reply to
Can you tell m everything?
yes/no questions.
Is your brother really nice?
Are your parents scared of mice? Are you hungry? Yes, Iam.
Would you like to have a snake?
Can you make a chocolate cake? Are they coming? Yes, they are.

Who are you? Is there a biggarden? Yes, there is.
Can you tell m everything?
Have they got a newcar? No, they haven't.

Does he likefish? No, hedoesn't.

Doyouplay tennis? Yes, Ido.

Can she swim? Yes, she can.

Wouldyou likean apple? Yes, Iwould.

Are you cool or are you funny? *10 Match the questions with the short
Have you got a lot of money? ÿ Has Paul got a new pen?
Is your favourite colour green?
Would you like to be sixteen? _1 Is Molly at school today?
_2 Would you like to watch that film?
Who are you? _3 Can Igo to the party?
Can you tell me everything? _4 Are they having dinner?
Who are you? _5 Does Jamie like milk?
Can you tell me everything? _6 Are there burgers in the fridge?

a No, they aren't.
b Yes, Iwould.
c No, he doesn't.
d Yes, hohoo.
e Yes, there are.
f Yes, she is.
g No, you can't.

Unit 20 107

0ÿ __a Yes,you cart. b Ho,you can't.
__ _a Yes, *13 Work in pairs. Ask and ai
*11 Write two short answers for each question.

__ __a Yes,Can Igo to the cinema?

_ (ÿAreyour ÿ ore/yfcÿJ1 Haveyougota sister?
__ _a Yes, parentsta\\? lo,they

b No, 514 O20.4 Listen to the game'Twenty questions'.
ÿ|k Write yes or no for each question.Who is the
__ _a Yes,2 Do they live in Paris?
famous person?
b No,

__ __a Yes,3 Can he ride a horse?

b No, question yes/no question yes/no
__ __a Yes, American?
4 Are you talking to Cathy? man? yes from Europe?
b No, play sport? English?

__ __a Yes,
5 Has Billy got a blue phone?

b No, sing?

6 Are your shoes nice?__ __a Yes, play music?

b No, actor?
__ __a Yes,
7 Is it raining? politician?

b No,

8 DoesTheo like listening to music? i Work in groups. Play 'Twenty
VmU questions'. One person chooses a
b No,
famous person, and the others ask
9 Is there a clock in your classroom?
questions to guess who it is.
b No,

__a Yes,
10 Would your dad like to drive a fast car? u Spanish?)

b No,

/ Write ten questions with the words in Í Hove you got broWn hait? )
the table. Add extra words, if necessary.


Are you funny
Is your best
Can friend got ...
Have your brother like ...
Has your sister eat ...
Do your parents drive ...
listen ...
Would play...

ride ...

Are your >arents taII?

_m Hove you goto computer?

108 Yes/no questions

Question words:
who, what, which, where, how

Ican recognize and use question words.

Who and what (itoy" otM photo?)

We use who to ask questions about people. And who's that? That s you
Who is that?
That's my sister.
Who are youphoning?

We use what to ask questions about things.
What is that?

What areyou watching?
An oldDVD.

* 1 Match 1-6 with a-f. _4 Who is that? .*2 O21.1 Listen and match the words inthe box (
_5 Who are they? with the questions in exercise 1
1 Who is this? c _6 What is this?
a clarinet Emma's friend apricots
_2 What is that? _ Ed's sister a fox my cousins

3 What are those? ÿ EA'i inter._

* 3 Write the question words.

ÿ They are my teachers, who

__1 Itisa mouse

_2 This is my brother.

__3 Those are mangoes

4 That is the President

_5 They are Mike's friends.
_6 That is the EiffelTower.

_7 They are my parents

-8 It'san oldbook

9 They're students at my school.

_10 They're the pyramids

Unit 21 109

#4 Complete the questions with Who or What. Jenny Sparkles.

_ Jis your favourite singer? An apple.
My dad.
Í)_ is your favourite sport?
17 Write questions with What or Who.
g dinner?) ÿ music/ you listen to
What music ¿o you listen to?
_ )cleans your bedroom? 1 songs /can you sing
2 is /your favourite band
8ÿ <v?J 3 is / your favourite song
_ Jcan speak Spanish? 4 is / your favourite singer
ÿ do?)_ would you liketo 5 instruments / can you play
5 is / your favourite film
)is your name? 7 is / your favourite actor or actress
i Ask your partner questions about music.
> O21.2 Write the words in order to make Use the questionsfrom e:
JyWhat music ¿o you liyten to?
questions, then listen and check. (\ liiter, to pop

|ÿ your / who / favourite teacher / is
Who your favourite teacher?_

1 your /is /what /mum's name

2 best friend /your /is /who

3 do / what / eat for breakfast / you

A got / you / in your bag/ have / what

5 who / you / travel to school with / do

j Work in pairs.Ask and answer the
WUKr questions ir

(MtoJ?your favourite teacher?)

110 Question words: who, what, which, where, how

Which Ir~wthich . TonyiS car r

We use which when we choose between things. is

9 Readthe questions and answers.Write the

Which is Jim? The boy with dark hair. iioo21.3 Listen and write the names.
Which is Leo?The boy with a redshirt.
Which is Martin?The boy with red hair. © Jane Brian Claire Charlie
Which is Ivy?The girl with dark hair.
Which is Julia?The girl with a white bag. Gemma James
Which is Katie?The girl with a black bag. _blue phone
_red phone
_pink phone
_green jacket
_brown jacket

Unit 21 111

Where and how 4 They're on the desk.

We use where to ask questions about places. 6 They're on the floor.
Where is your school?
On Meadows Road. £12 Work in pairs.Ask questions about the
Where do you live? jHHIr picture in exercise 11with the words in
InManchester. the box.
ball computer guitar pens socks train
We use how to ask questions about the way you
do something. ÿWhere if the boll?J
Howdoyouspell that word?
M-O-N-K-E-Y. *13 021.4 Write the words in order to make
Howdoyouget to school?
By bus. questions. Listen and check.
ÿ my / are / shoes / where
We also use how old to ask about someone's age.
How old are you? VJhere are mv shoes?_
1 is / station / where / the
* 11 Look at the picture and write questions for the
answers. Use the words in the box.

2 old/are /how /you

3 do /where /you /live

4 going /are /where /you

5 spell / you / how / your name / do

6 how /Is /brother /old /your

7 would /where /to go /like /you

8 buy / 1/ where / can / a pen

apple bag books phone 3™ Work in pairs.Take turns to ask
shirt shoes trousers
_ . , .ÿ
It'son the desk. Studen„t A.Look att page 132.
Where ¡s B Look at page 134.
the applet-Student
1 It'son the floor.
ÿ tJftoW ¿0 you rpell 'watch'
2 They're on the bed.

3 It'son the bed. ( w-A-r-c-h.

112 Question words: who, what, which, where, how

115 Write questions for the answers. Use Where or How. *17 Work in pairs. Ask and
questions in exercise 16 to complete
if the apple? the form about your partner.

The apple is on the table. ÿWjiQt'f awe?jyour ft/rn

Billy is twelve years old.

Helen's in her bedroom.

They travel to school by car.

James plays tennis in the park.

I'm going to the cinema.

I'mfifteen years old.

* 16 O21.5 Complete the dialogue with question

O words inthe box.Then listen and check.
what how old what what
how who which where how

etary Welcome to your new school. I've got

a few questions.


etary First, whafs your surname?

etary 1_Morwood. do you spell that?

_M-O-R-W-O-O-D. 's your first name?
etary Thanks. 2

_Louise. are you, Louise?


_I'm twelve.

4 do you live?

_26, Elm Road.

5 's your phone number?

_02782 672541.

6 do you travel to school?

_Itake the bus.

7 class are you in?

_I'm in 7E3.

8 's your class teacher?

Mrs Evans.

etary Thank you, Louise.That's everything.

Unit 21 113

Conjunctions: and, but, or

Ican recognize and use the conjunctions and, but, or.

What's the problem?) I've gotthe bag? and
the tickets, but Ican't

the passports!

We use andto join similar ideas. We use or when we ask questions about
Ican swim anddive. two options.
Sue'sgota newdress andnewshoes. Wouldyou like tea or coffee?
Are there oranges or apples?
We use but to join opposite ideas.
Ican swim butIcan't dive. We also use or after negative verbs.
Our car isold butit's nice. Ican't play tennis or badminton.
Hehasn'tgot a pen or a pencil.
* 1 Circle the correct option.
ÿ She can sincÿañd)/ but dance. *2 Circlethe correct option.

ÉF 1 Ilike swimming and / but Idon't like ÿ Idon't like apples and/(or)pears.
1 Would you like lemonade and/ or fruit juice?
2 She's got a dog and / but a cat. 2 She's got two brothers and / or one sister.
3 He eats meat and /but fish. 3 Linda can't paint and/or draw.
4 Go to your chair and/but sit down. 4 Zebras are black and /or white.
5 My mum is here and/ but my dad is at 5 Is your teacher tall and/or short?
6 Have you got brown eyes and / or blue eyes?
work. 7 Polly hasn't got a computer and / or an MP3
6 I'vegot brown hair and / but brown eyes.
7 We've got a new teacher and/ but Ilike her. player.
8 Pete would like to go to the cinema n reading that book and/ oi Ilike it.
n not tired and / or Idon't want to go to bed.
and/ but he hasn't got any money.
9 I'mtired and/ but I'dlike to go to bed. 10 Are you watching a film and/or aTV
114 Conjunctions: and, but, or

*3 O22.1 Listen to the descriptions and write the activities in the table.

O dance do gymnastics draw drive a car paint play tennis
play the piano ride a bike ride a horse sing swim take photos

Molly Pete Helen Henry

can donee


$ 4 Complete the sentences with and,or or but. _5 Ican't play the guitar
_the piano.
_ÿ Iplay tennis ondbasketball.
_ÉF 1 He likes dogs cats. 6 She's wearing a white dress

2 Would you like some coffee _ some _shoes.

hot chocolate? 7 Would you like to be a doctor

3 There are some apples _ there aren't _teacher?

_any oranges. a pencil. 8 We'd like to play tennis,

4 She hasn't got a pen

5 5 J Tick ÿ the foods you like, then write

/ sentences about yourself.

burgers chips
eggs cheese
tomatoes potatoes
meat fish
pineapples tea

Ilike eggf and cheese.
Ilike chips bet Idon't like burgers.
Idon't like coffee or tea.

' Memory ga
Student A look at page 132.
Student B look at page 134.

Unit 22 115

Reading and writing 2 Choose the correct word to complete the

1 Look at the picture and answer the questions. questions.

ÿ What is Kim eating? _ÿ you got a dog?

a sandwich_ 1 _HasO DoO Have0

1 Can Ben ride a bike? oldare you?

__ , he 2 W_hatQtheWre haonyQappHleosw? D
__2 What has Sue got?
3 IAsrsehQe _IsÿTVH? aveQ
3 Where is the bread? watch ÿ watching ÿ to watch ÿ

In the _4 do you live? - InAustralia.
4 Who is wearing a blue shirt?
5 Are there any dogs? 5 Where ÿ _WhoQfish?HowO
Does Sam
__ ,there
likes ÿ likeO likingÿ
6 Isthere cake?
3 Complete the sentences. Use or,and or but.
__ there
ÿ Ilike bananas. Idon't like mangoes.
7 How many tomatoes are there?
___Ilike bananas bctldon't like mangoes.
_ _are
ÿ She's got a guitar. She's got a piano.
116 Units 20-22 She's got a guitar and a piano.

1 Ben can swim. Ben can dive.

Ben can swim
2 Would you like coffee?Would you like tea?

Would you like coffee ?

_3 There's a dog.There isn't a cat.
There's a dog

4 You're strong.You're tall.

__You're strong

5 Ihaven't got a computer. Ihaven't got a


_Ihaven't got a computer

__6 Ilikecoffee.Idon't like tea.
Ilike coffee

7 Are you Katy?Are you Polly?
_Are you Katy

8 My school is big. My school is modern.

_My school is big

4 Write questions for the answers. 6 OR13.2 Listent the questions and tick the

ÿ Where ¿oes she live? © correct answer.
In London.O
She lives in London. Yes, Ido.\7\
1 15.D
ÿ Are you_ happy? Yes, Iam.Q
2 Ina big house.ÿ
_Yes. I'm happy.
Yes, Ido.ÿ
1 red hair?
3 No, Ican't.Q
_No. He hasn't got red hair. Inthe garden.ÿ

2 you? 4 Inthe park.ÿ

_I'mthirteen years old.

3 pop music?

_Yes. She likes pop music.

4 that?

_That's Jill. any bread?


No.There isn't any bread.

Listening Yes, it is.D

5 O R13.1 Look at the picture.Listen and 5 Coffee.ÿ
Yes, Iwould.ÿ
Oanswer the questions with a name or a colour.

7 Work in pairs. Ask andanswer questions to
complete the table.

Student A look at page 133.
Student B look at page 134.

(v/hatis ÿ

(fW„Idare y»»?)


Revision 7 117


Ican recognize and use adjectives.

Adjectives with nouns 2 O23.1 Look at the pictures and complete the

sentences with an adjective and a noun.Then

listen and check.

what a b ÿ beautiful 4 funny

Yes, both

we normally pur aajectives 6 angry
a newphone
a niceapple if,a

Adjectives don't change with plural nouns. ÿ What a beautiful babv
I'vegot newtrousers.
I'vegot news trousers. _1 What an
_2 What a
We change a to an before an adjective that starts _3 What a
with a vowel. _4 What a
_5 What a
* 1 Circle the adjectives. _6 What an
ÿ He'sgot an(oiÿ bike. _7 What a

1 This is a small house.
2 He's got a nice phone.
3 Is that a new watch?
4 We've got a good teacher.
5 She's wearing a blue shirt.
6 Ilike new shoes.
7 Do you live in a big house?
8 That's a funny book.
9 There's a beautiful cat.
10 Have you got a black bag?

118 Adjectives

#3 Write sentences with informationfrom the table. Adj6Ct¡V6S W¡th be

phone car sister ;s with be and no article (a or an),
Richard old red funny adjectives go after be.
Katie pink big happy I'mangry. I'man angry person

Their house is big. It'sa bighouse

Jim small white Are you happy? Are you a happyperson?

Mary blue nice Isthat car new? Isita newcar?

ÿ Katie / car * 5 Look at the pictures and write the words in the
Katie has aot a
-Oe°rn,de" ÿÿ 6

A Richard/ phone

Andy /tall /is

Andv i? to
1 blonde /Mary /is

2 dark /your hair /is

f Write sentences about you and your 4 are/the children /young
/, family. Use have got or has got and the 5 is /their hair /long

words below. _* 6 Rewrite the statements in exercise 5 as questions.

Adjectives ÿ Is /Andv toll?
beautiful big funny happy nice old

computer phone house car television
bike bedroom brother/sister parents

1 I've got nice parents.
1 Ive got a fwall bedroom.
i My parents have got an old c

Unit 23 119

*7 Work in pairs.Ask and answer ÍAreyour parents funny?
questions with the words in the boxes.
( fry"
your brother/sister your parents your house

beautiful big funny happy
small tall young

*8 O23.2 Listen to the descriptions of tv

O the picture.Who are they?

> Work in pairs. Look at the picture in
exercise 8. Choose a person but don't

I tell your partner.Your partner asks

questions to guess the person.

f Iy he wearing an old T-shirt? J
2-"-77Is 7he-tall?

120 Adjectives

rctTiM Unit 23

Reading and writing Listening

1 Choose the correct sentence. 3 O R14.1 Listen and look at the pictures.

ÿ This is a film funny. Write the correct numbers.
This is a funny film.
\7\ _Which is Alex? Which is Sam?_

1 She's got small shoes. ÿ
She's got smalls shoes.

2 Mary is wearing brown trousers. Q
Mary is wearing trousers brown. O

3 We live in a old house.
We live in an old house.

4 Isred your car?
Is your car red?

5 Idon't like big dogs. ÿ
Idon't like bigs dogs.

2 Write the sentences.
ÿ Lucy / a / has got / nice / brother.

_Locy has got a nice brother.

1 is /jacket /old /this

2 pen/ you / got / a / have / red / ?

3 Sam /is /happy/?

4 old /watching /an /I'm /film

5 has /hair /she /got /long

6 brother / your / got / has / hair / blond / ?

7 a /funny /what /film/! Speaking
4 OR14.2 Listen and
8 that/a/hat/is/new/? the questionsfor you

9 like/ pink/your/ 1/phone

10 the teacher /wrote /long /email /a YeJ. I've got a nice houseÿJ

Revision 8 121

Prepositions of place

Ican recognize and use prepositions of place.

We use in,on, under and behind to talk * 1 Where's the racket? Match 1-4 with a-d.
about places.

i the ' on the car


inderthe car behind the car 1 It's behindthe bag. _c_
_2 It's in the bag.
We use in to say something is inside a limited space _3 It'sonthe bag.
or area. _4 It's under the bag.
ina box inacupboard
in the dining room in thepark * 2 Put the words in the correct column.
in London inRussia a box the bus Egypt the floor the internet
the kitchen Moscow the bedroom
On + a surface atable television

on the table on a chair
on the floor on the beach

On + public transport In On
the bedroom
I'mon the train. We're on the bus.
BUT I'minthe car. (NOT I'mon the car.)

On +technology

What's on television?
My homework is on the computer.


Putyour bagunder the desk, please.


Ican'tsee the eggs. They're behindthe bread.

122 Prepositions of place

: 3 O24.1 Look at the picture and complete the sentences with in, on, under, or behind.

Listen and check.

ÿ There are four people _in the pc 1 ÿ4 Choose the correct prepositionfor each sentence.

1 There is a ball -Rosy's foo ÿ Ilike the photo in /(onjthe wall.
1 They live in / on China.
_2 There are two apples
2 There's a spider in/ on the kitchen.
the table.
_3 Ryan is standing 3 It's raining. Stand under / behind the umbrella.
the tree
_4 Ted andJenny are sitting 4 There's water in / on the floor.

chairs. 5 We're in/ on the car.We're driving tothe
5 Jenny has got a book _
6 Jack is running fast, and Sam is
her bag. under / behind him.
_6 The birds are
_7 Toby's bike is the table. 7 Put the milk in / on the fridge.

Jane's car. 8 Look! Polly and Beth are in / on the bus.
_8 Ted is listening to music
9 Can you swim under / behind water?
his phone.
10 What's in/ on television?
9 There are four people -
the bus.

* 5 O24.2 Listen to the description, then draw the objects in the correct place.

bag cat clock lamp mouse shoes shirt socks tennis racket

ÿThere's a lamp on the dejk.~iÿ

*6 Work in pairs.Ask and answer ÿ It's in the
WardfobeÿJbook?J( Where isthe
questions to find the objects.

Student A Turn to page 133.

Student B Turn to page 136.

*7 Write sentences about your bedroom,
using behind, in, on and under. Some
' are true and some are false. Show them
to your partner.Your partner guesses
which are false.

Inmy bedroom
There's a television on the desk.
There arejeans on the floor.

124 Prepositions of place

1 Prepositions of time

Ican recognize and use prepositions of time.

CIget i/p at i) OU O25.1 Listen and completeTanya's timetable.
clock on Saturá

We use at with clock times. Frer
at six o'clock at 7.30p.m.
7x3 = 21
We also use at in these phrases. at the weekend maths
at the moment airtight

We use in with parts of the day (except night).
in the morning in the evening
in the afternoon in the night (atnight)

We also use in with months, seasons, andyears.

inJune in 20 12 insummer Morning Afternoon
We use on with days of the week. Monday English
Tuesday history English
on Saturday on Tuesday science

We also on with dates. ICT

on 13thJune on 24th September

* 1 Circle the correct option. Wednesday science history
French PE
ÿ(at)' infour o'clock 7 in /on 2002
Unit 25 125
ÿ 1 in/on the morning 8 at / on Fridays Thursday ICT
2 at /onThursday 9 at /in the weekend

3 at / in the moment 0 in / on the evening

4 in/on 17thMarch 1 at /on night Friday French
5 at /on 11.30a.m. 2 at /in September

6 at / in the afternoon 3 in / on Mondays

I Complete the sentences with the c * 6 O25.2 Listento Max talking about what he does
k preposition.
at the weekend.Write time phrases with at or in.
I Ihave Frenchin.the morning on Wednesday ;even o'el

_ Mondays, Ihave English and I
_the afternoon.

_2Í Tuesdays, Ihave French, math
_V andscience
the morning


_3 f Ihave ICT

V Wednesdays.

_4 /i have maths


_ Fridays,Ihave maths, French ar

_the morning.

_ _ÿ Ihave ICT
the morning

\ Mondays and Tuesdays.

_ _' Ihave English
the morning

Wednesdays and Fridays, and

V afternoon -Wednesdays.

_ Fridays, Ihave art, maths and ICT
_ the morning and French and
_i science
the afternoon.

|Work with a partner. Ask and answer
questions about your school timetables.

«*?)( When do you have

On Tuesdays, inthe

/ Write about two subjects. Show your
partner. Can your partner guess the

Ihave iton Tuesdays in the morning,
and on Thursdays in the afternoon.
Ilike it.

If it PE? )

126 Prepositions of time

* 7 Complete the text about Max's Saturdays.
_ _At weekends, Max gets up 1 the morning,
8.30a.m. 2

_he goes to the sports centre and plays basketball.Then he goes home
and has lunch 3 one o'clock.

_4_ the afternoon, he meets friends and plays computer games.

5 the evening, after dinner, he reads a book and watches TV.

Then he goes to bed6_ about nine o'clock.

Write about your weekend. Use time

expressions with on, at and in. I11 Work in pairs.
<—» On Saturdays Iget up at about eight Student B: Ask questions about Milly.

ÿ m o'clock. Inthe morning, Ipiay football. Student A: Answer using information or

page 132.

19 Complete the sentences with at, in, or on. \When ¿oes She have lunch on Saturdays?ÿ

ÿ Let's meet at 7 o'clock. SaturAaysÿÿÿShe haslunchatf o'clock on
_1 Do you watch TV
the morning?
_2 Can Igo to Heidi's house
_3 We don't go to school Saturday?

_4 What would you like to do
_5 My birthday is the weekend? Tuesdays Saturdays

23rd October. get up
_6 Are you doing anything morning
_7 Ilike playing hockey the moment?

_9 Isthe supermarket open
Sundays? afternoon
_10 I'dlike to travel to the moon have dinner

¡10 Work in pairs: evening practise piano
Student A: Ask questions about Andy. go to bed
Student B:Answer using the information

on page 134.

VJhat ¿oes An¿y ¿o \ f'he piays c SI
n the afternoon on ÿ games.

Tuesdays Saturdays

get up


have lunch

afternoon play computer

have dinner
go to bed

Unit 25 127

IMIBW Units 24-25 2 Choose the correct preposition.
Reading and writing
—ÿ Suzy is the kitchen.
1 Look and write the correct preposition. at ÿ in 0 on ÿ

Ü& 1 We normally have dinner _ 7 o'clock.
at ÿ in ÿ on ÿ

_2 They live Australia.

_at ÿ in ÿ on ÿ

3 We start school 4th September.

_at ÿ inD onD

4 What is she doing the moment?

_at ÿ in ÿ on ÿ

5 There's a good film television.

at ÿ inD onD


O3 O R15.1 Listen and draw lines.

IH 1



O4 O R15.2 Listen and answer the questions. Use prepositions.

On Thursdays, in the

128 Revision 9

'•'ÿÿIll All units

Reading and writing

ÿ The children is/(SrÿJtall. 3 Tick / the correct plural sentence.

1 The boy is playing / plays basketball now. ÿ There's an apple. 0
There are some apples.
2 The girl has / hasn't got long hair. There's some apples.
3 There's a / some tree. There are an apples.

A The dog is under / behind the window. 1 Iam tall. ÿ
5 The boys'/ boy's shoes are blue. We is tall. ÿ
We are tall. ÿ
2 Write the correct forms of the verbs. We are tails.

Present simple Present continuous 2 He often watches films. ÿ
he piays They often watch films.
he she's playing They often watches films.
she's making He's often watch films.
he watches
she 3 That woman is French.
Those womans are French.
he she's studying These women is French. ÿ
he sits she's Those women are French. ÿ
he she's Moving
he eats 4 She's doing homework now. II
he she They's doing homework now. ÿ
he works They're doing homeworks now.
she's going They're doing homework now. Q
5 This is your shoe. ÿ
he she's living These are yours shoes. ÿ
Those are your shoes.
These are your shoes.

Revision 10 129

í Write the correct pronoun. 7 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences

him me mine my

her our theirs your

_ÿ I'vegot a guitar.It belongs to me

_ .1 I'vegot a guitar.It's

2 I'vegot a guitar. It's_ guitar.
_3 She's got a camera. It belongs to
_4 We've got a house. It's
_5 You've got a sister. She's house.


6 He's got a phone.It belongs to - banana.
__ _7 They've got a car.It's

_5 Complete the sentences with the words ir
ÿ There's a
1 There's

the box. _2 There's -bread.

e«é at but in on to 3 There are oranges.

ÿ I'dlike a cake and some coffee. _4 There's -pineapple.
seven o'clock. 5 There's milk.
_1 We get up
_2 Jess plays tennis Tuesdays. I Complete the sentences with the present simple
_3 Ican swim Ican't dive. or the present continuous form of the verb in
_4 Would you like brackets.
_ _5 They live visit China?
London. ÿ Tom k plavina football at the moment.


6 Change the statements to questions. _ÿ Iusually plav football on Tuesdays, (play)
1 They dinner now. (have)
ÿ You are Chinese.
2 Normally, he -to school by bus. (go)
Are you_ Chinese? _3 She
a redjacket today, (wear)
1 Kate has got blue eyes. _4 I milk every day. (drink)
_ blue eyes?

2 There's a sock on the floor. 5 Anna_ .in the kitchen at the

_ a sock on the floor?

3 They're making dinner. 9 Make the affirmative sentences negative.

Use short forms.

ÿ There's a mouse in my bedroom.

5 You'd like an egg. bedroom.
1 We've got a big house.
_ a big house.
2 I'm sixteen.
_ sixteen.
3 She likes football.
i You can go to the ci

_5 They're swimming at the moment.
at the moment.


)10 O R16.1 Listen.Are the sentences true / or false /?
ÿ William has got two sisters. [Zl
1 Mandy is having dinner.
2 Tommy likes football.

3 Ryan can play the guitar.

4 Oscar andJenny would like coffee. Q
5 There's some bread.

i11 ORI6.2 Listen and choose correct picture.

3 aD

2 aD bO cQ bD cQ

Speaking Revision 10 131

O12 O R16.3 Listen and answer the questions.

w hats

Extra information

Unit 20, student A Unit 22, student A

Yes/no questions Conjunctions: and, but, or

» Work in pairs. Read the text below and * 6 Look at the picture on page 115 for one
answer your partner's questions.
m¡nute as|< yQur partner to close their
eleven?ÿ book. Ask questions about the picture
then close your book and answer your
partner's questions.

ÿ ÿ\s there a cat or a dog?

My penfriend,Tom f"There's a catbutthere isn't a dog.
He is eleven. He is British. He hasn't got a
brother.He can play football. He lives in ÿ a cat 0 a dog m
London. He likes dogs and cars. He would
like to be a doctor. 1 oranges ÿ bananas ÿ

Unit 21, student A 2 a sofa ÿ a desk ÿ

Question words (who, what, where, how) 3 a computer ÿ a television ÿ

*15 Ask your partner to spell these words. 4 ajacket ÿ a hat ÿ
watch bread birthday chicken juice
5 books ÿ DVDs ÿ
how ¿o you \
Unit 25, student A
fpell 'watch'?J
Prepositions of time

*11 Hfffr Answer your partner's questions, J
using the information below.
ÿ When does Millyhave \ur¡ch on Saturdays?1

SatcrdayÿJÿShe haslunch atfour oclock on

get up Tuesdays Saturdays
morning 8 a.m. 11 a.m.
have lunch go to the gym go to the shops
afternoon 1 p.m. 4 p.m.
practise with her practise with her
have dinner band band
evening 8 p.m. 11p.m.
go to bed meet friends play concert
11.30 p.m. 2 a.m.

132 Extra information

Revision 7, student A

7 Work in pairs. Look at the table and answer your partner's questions.

Name Ben Mason Í What is youi
Age 13
City London
Phone 07847 562676
Class 7RJ
Teacher Mrs Jones

Unit 24, student A

Prepositions of place

> Work in pairs. Draw the objects on the picture below JÍ Where's the book?

and answer your partner's questions.

football book computer dog guitar -

mirror spider trousers ( It'sinthe Wardrobe.)

Extra information 133

Unit 20, student B Unit 25, student B

Yes/no questions Prepositions of time

> Work in pairs. Read the text below and sio dfffi Answer your partner's questions,
answer your partner's questions. using the information below.
' What ¿oes Andy ¿o inthe
(ÿ\sÿ\arythirteen? J afternoon on Tuesdays?
f No, she's twelve.

My penfriend, Mary ga>r>eÿÿÿ he piays computer
She is twelve. She is Mexican. She has got two
sisters. She can speak Spanish and Italian,and get up Tuesdays Saturdays
she can sing. She lives in Mexico City. She likes morning 7 a.m. 8 a.m.
swimming. have lunch play football relax
afternoon 1 p.m. 12.30 p.m.
Unit 21, student B play computer play football
have dinner games
Question words: who, what, where, how evening 7 p.m. 8 p.m.
go to bed watch TV meet friends
515 Ask your partner to spell these words. 10.30 p.m. 1 a.m.

orange kitchen teacher computer friend

how Jo you ypell

Revision 7, student B

Unit 22, student B 7 Work in pairs. Look at the table and answer
your partner's questions.
Conjunctions: and, but, or
nanierÿ( What is your
> Look at the picture on page 115 for one
minute. Close your book and answer ÿhow old are you?
your partner's questions.
Then ask your partner questions about

fIs there a Name KimThomas
Age 12
í? Janapp City Oxford
L ppl® j Phone 07527 385195
Class 6EB
([tThheerree a pineapple bi/n Teacher Mr Ward

Sn'tan apple. J

ÿ a pineapple [7] an apple m
a table
1 a chair a ball ÿ
a camera ÿ
2 a bag 11 shoes ÿ
a piano ÿ
3 a phone 1 1 ÿ

4 socks u1
5 a guitar

134 Extra information

Unit 4, student B


# 10 Study the picture on page 22 for one minute.
Can you remember how many of each object
there are?
bag box child fish glass man
mouse nose strawberry woman

Unit 24, student B

Prepositions of place

*6 Work in pairs.Ask your partner where each
object is and draw them on the picture below

football book computer dog guitar
mirror spider trousers

It's inthe Wardrobe.


Extra information 135

Unit 10

Personal object pronouns and possessive pronouns

* 12 Vtmr Write the objects in the first diagram and answer your partner's questions.
your partner about their house and complete the second diagram.

computer bike guitar fish books football
television trainers desk piano

Are the trainers herí?
No.They aren't hers.They're his.


Sally Andy and


Sally Andy and Paul

m rat

Extra information £33 °

Word list

Word Unit

actor 6 hike 4
bird 3
add (v) 19 hirthHnij 6
hlog (n) 13
afternoon 7S blonde 23
blue 6
always 14 hnrly 4
book (n) 3
America 1? boring 18
hnv (n) 4
American 6 hoy 4
bread 9
and 77 12
hrpnkfrKt 6
angry 6 8
British 7
answer (v) 1S brother
hrown 3
Antarctica 16 1
hurgpr 22
antelope 3 bus 12
but 13
apple 1 huij 1
rafé 7
apple juice 17 cake 19
camera 19
apricot 71 can 6
can't 3
at (prep, of place) 24 12
rnr 8
at (prep, of time) 75 15
rarrot 13
at the moment 14 carry 14
Australian 6 cat 11
baby 4 rntrh (v) 14
bag 4 chair (n)
ball 8 check (v)
banana 3 cheese
band (n) 71 rhpf
basketball 17
bass guitar 70
bathroom 16
be(v) 6
beach 4
beautiful 6
bedroom 7
behind 74
belong to 9
bicycle 10
big 6

chicken 9 - Hrenm (n) 17
child 4 drink (n) 12
chips 11 ririvp (v) 19
chocolate 1? rliirk 3
cinema 15 DVD 9
city 4 early 20
clarinet 71 18
class 4 erisij 12
classical music 1? eat 3
clean (v) 13 egg 1
clock 16 elephant 13
close (v) 15 email 12
coffee 1? English 12
come 15 enjoy 20
computer 4 Europe 25
computer game 14 evening 14
cool ?n every day 17
count (v) 19 8
cousin 71 everything 7
expensive 4
cow 3 eye 7
cupboard 16 fare (n) 14
dance (v) 17 fair 17
dark fantastic 12
day 7 frKt 12
dentist 4 favourite 1
desk 14 finish 24
difficult 10 fish 16
dining room 1fi floor (n) 12
dinner 16 flower 14
dish 17 fly 14
dive (v) 4 fly (V) 4
do 19 food 9
doctor 17 foot 16
dog 6 football 21
door 1 fonthnll team 14
downstairs 15 fox 6
draw (v) 16 France
19 French

138 Word list

fridge (n) 20 horse 3
friends 6
fruit 1? hot chocolate 12
fruit juice 11
fun 18 houcp 1
funny 6
games console 10 how 21
geography 13
get 13 I5
get up 1?
giraffe 3 ice cream 9
give (v) 15
glass 4 in 25
go(v) 1?
go for a walk 18 in (prep, of place) 24
good 6
goose 4 in (prep, of time) 25
green 6
guitar 1 Indian 6

gymnastics 19 information 11
hair 7
happy 6 insect 1
hat ?
have instrument 21
have got 1?
he 7 interesting 14
her S
Here you are. 8 internet 24
high 17 it 5
him 10
hippo 19 itc 8
his 10
history 9 jacket 1
hockey 8
holiday 1? jam 12
homework 14
7 jnvplin 19
jeans 2

juice 11

jump (v) 15

key 1

kick (v) 15

kitchen 16

kite 9

knife 4

Korean 6

Inmp 1

laugh (v) 17

learn 17

logs 8

Ipmonnde 11

lend (v) 19

life 4

lion 16

listen 1? onion 3
open (v) 15
live (v) 1? or 22
living room ifi orang-utan 1
ostrich 3
long 7 our 3
ours 8
look (v) IS page 10
point (v) 4
lorry 4 pnnmkp 18
park (n) 14
lunch 7S pnrtij 21
pass (v) 4
make 13 pasta 19
PE 11
man 4 ppn<; 25
pen 12
mango <3 pencil 3
person 1
maths 1? phone (n) 4
phone number 4
me 10 photo 2
photographer 4
meat 1? piano 14
pirtnrp (n) 4
meet (v) 1? pilot 15
milk 11 pineapple 14
place (n) 3
mine 10 plane (n) 14
play 14
mirror 1fi pop music 12
potato 12
miss (v) 1? quppn 4
question (n) 1
money 11 rain 15
rare 11
monkey 4 10

moon 25

morning 25

mouse 1

music 11

musical 17

my 8

name (n) IS

new 7

nice 7

normally 14

nose 1

now 14

old 6

on (prep, of place) 24

on (prep,of time) 75

on Mondays 14

on one leg 19

read (v) 7 cnng 13
reality star 17 Spain 7
red Spnnkh 6
relax fi sppnk 19
rice 17 spell (v) 19
ride 11 spider
room sporK rpntrp 16
rugby n stand (v) 25
ruler stnr (nl 15
run (v) 8 stntinn (n) 20
Russian 15 Stop 21
sad story 13
salad 1 strnwhpmj 4
sandwich 11 study 4
scared sugar 12
science 6 sunglasses 11
Scottish 6 supprmnrkpt
sea (n) 11 7
she 4 curnnmp 25
sheep ?0 21
shelf 75 swim (v) 13
shirt 6
shoes 18 tnhlp 1
short 5 13
show (n) 4 table tennis 14
sing 4 take photos 13
sing karaoke 7 tnlk
singer 7 toll 6
sister 7 tea (n) 22
sit 17 teach 12
skateboard 17
skirt 17 tpnrhpr 6
sleep (v) 6 4
small 7 television 12
snake 13 tennis 24
socks 9 17
sofa 7 tpnnk rnrkpt 9
13 8
8 thnnk ijoci 10
4 that 10
7 thpir 9
1 5


thief 4 where 21
thing 10 which 21
this 9 whktlp (v) 19
those 9 6
throw 19 whitp 21
toast 1?
today 6 who 1
tomato window 4
tooth 3 woman 17
top 4 world 17
toy ? would like 13
trainers 4 write 6
travel 7 writer 5
tree 17 you 8
trousers 8 your 10
try (v) 7 yours 22
T-shirt 18 zebra
tuna 7
Turkish 17
umbrella 1?
understand (v) 1
use (v) 20

vegetables 1?
video clip
visit (v) n
wardrobe ?0
watch (n)
watch (v) 16
water (n) 4
we 17
wear 8
weather 5
weekend 13
what 13

142 Word list

Verb list

be kick spell
buy laugh stand
catch learn stop
check lend study
clean listen swim
close live talk
count look teach
dance make throw
dive travel
do meet try
draw miss understand
drink open use
drive paint visit
eat play watch
enjoy rain wear
finish read whistle
fly relax would like
get ride write
get up run
give sing
have sit

Verb list 143


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