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Published by SK Bukit Batu Limbang Sarawak, 2022-01-11 04:48:26

Prevention AU 02.2022

Prevention AU 02.2022


sight smell

“Often we only see what is right in front of us,” says “The olfactory nerve connects to the part
therapist and life coach Eva Speakman. “By expanding of the brain associated with memory
your scope of vision, you distract your mind, which can and emotion,” explains Dr Swart. “That’s
help you relax.” Use this time of year to explore nature why you’ll be able to think of a smell that
and savour the view. While much is known about the evokes a childhood memory quite easily.
benefits of green spaces, such as walking in bushland It’s also why scent is so powerful. You can
and taking in its sights and sounds, the healing effects use different aromas to create links in your
of ‘blue spaces’, such as rivers, lakes and oceans, is less brain – an obvious one is lavender, which is
well known. Environmental psychologist Dr Michelle associated with sleep. Citrus scents are used
Tester-Jones works on an international research program for energising, and rose for optimism. It’s
exploring links between blue spaces and health and has about discovering what works for you.”
found that the impact is most powerful by the sea.
“We’ve found that coastal locations, which can look Try:In Essence Stress Essential Oil Roll
completely different from one day to the next, draw your
attention away from yourself,” she says. “Cognitively, On, a calming blend of orange, mandarin,
this gives your brain a ‘rest’ and feels restorative.” Plus, geranium, patchouli and bergamot ($24.95,
any ruminative or negative thoughts are soon put at bay., which you can roll onto
your wrists. Or apply several drops of
frankincense oil (available from pharmacies)
to your skin. The aromatic resin has been
used for centuries to help relieve anxiety
and has a relaxing effect on the diaphragm,
encouraging deeper, slower breathing.

touch Stretching your muscles is also
important. Doing stretching exercises
There’s a reason massages are so relaxing. for just a few minutes a day can help
Studies have shown that physiological you soothe stiff joints, melt away
and psychological changes occur even tension, improve sleep and revive
after 10-minute-long chair massages. Skin energy. Yoga takes that one step further.
is the largest organ in the body and so is Research has shown that it can ease
very sensitive to external stimuli. While anxiety and moderate your stress
you can’t always have a personal masseur response systems, which can help lower
on hand, you can still tap into the skin- your heart rate, blood pressure and
soothing benefits. One of the fastest breathing rate. Try these three moves:
ways to calmness is by warming up your
skin, either in a bath or with the sun.

SPHINX: Lying on your belly, with BUTTERFLY: Sit with your feet TWIST: Lying on your back, hug
legs out straight, prop yourself together and slowly lean forward knees in and then slowly release
up on your forearms with elbows to a degree that suits you. You them to the side, keeping your
just forward of your shoulders. can support your neck or let it eyes and face looking upwards
Breathe gently into the curve of rest gently, depending on what and twisting through your back,
your lower back. Repeat. feels best for you. Repeat. chest, abs and hips. Repeat.

text extracted from
Egg of the Universe
by Bryony and Harry
Lancaster (Murdoch
Books, $49.99).
Photography by
Alan Benson.





for 2022?

If old habits are keeping you from being your best, healthiest self, it’s
time to create new ones – it’s never too late! From exercising more to

reevaluating toxic relationships, here’s how to make this your year.


Sometimes you really, truly can a 35 per cent lower mortality risk than PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTY IMAGES
be too late – like when you miss those who stayed inactive, a 2019 study
the last train home, or when that found. Part of that longevity boost has to
avocado you thought would be at do with exercise’s impact on the heart.
peak ripeness today was actually ready One report found that formerly inactive
last week. But there are no expiration 45- to 64-year-olds who increased their
dates on your ability to make healthy exercise to at least 30 minutes four to five
changes. Age, it seems, isn’t an obstacle to days a week had improved oxygen uptake
starting new habits, getting healthier or and reduced cardiac stiffness.
even making big life shifts to improve your
wellbeing. Read on to see what we mean. “Begin with an activity that’s easy and
convenient to do and that you enjoy,”
IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO… says Sabrena Jo, an expert in physical
education/biomechanics and exercise
START EXERCISING science. “For most, that’s walking. To
make it a habit, pair your stroll with
If your sneakers are buried under a something you’re already doing, such as
pile of shoes, take note: Inactive folks, eating.” That might mean taking a walk
aged 40 to 61, who upped their physical every day after breakfast or dinner. E
activity to about seven hours a week had





Big career changes may seem like a luxury for the
young, but older folks are primed for successful
switching. “They often have more flexibility, they know
where their expertise is and isn’t, and they’ve built
up a lot of connections to call upon for support,”
explains Dr Deborah Heiser, an applied developmental
psychologist and founder of The Mentor Project. Also,
as you age, the conventional ladder climb may lose its
lustre. “Midlife people are more open to something like
a lateral shift or maybe even a dip to get what they
want,” says Dr Heiser. To further buoy a career shift,
consider a younger mentor. “Younger professionals
can be great at getting you to engage with
the world differently,” she says. You’ll likely
teach them a thing or two as well!


Though you’re no longer in a classroom, you “Until midlife, many people buddy up with
can still acquire new knowledge. For three those who feed their instrumental needs,
months, researchers had people, aged from meaning the requirements that help them get
their 50s to 80s, take three to five classes things done,” says Dr Suzanne Degges-White,
concurrently on subjects such as Spanish, an expert in counselling. Consider how new
photography and tech. Midway through, parents join up and share childcare hacks over coffee. But,
the mature-aged students had already as you get older, “you often begin focusing on friends who
bolstered their cognitive abilities to levels meet more of your emotional needs,” she says. This means
similar to those of adults 30 years younger, you naturally cut back on friendships (and, frankly, all
the study found. “When you improve your relationships) that drain you and instead foster ones that
cognitive abilities through learning new feed you. “You finally have the room to reflect on who
skills, you learn more skills, which creates you are and what you need in your life in terms of people
a positive cycle of increased motivation and relationships,” explains Dr Degges-White. So it’s the
for learning and social connection,” says perfect opportunity to establish boundaries with parents,
study co-author Dr Rachel Wu. exit toxic romances or plan that long-dreamed girls’ trip.
Remember, your time is valuable, and it’s totally fine –
Not up for a return to school? Engage even empowering! – to turn down activities that involve
your brain in crosswords or number puzzles people who don’t enhance your wellbeing. Online,
like Sudoku. Research shows that people consider removing whiners from your social media
from the same age group (above) who feeds or leaving groups filled with negative chatter.
do these kinds of games regularly have
superior problem-solving skills and short-
term memory compared with people who
don’t. Plus, their brain function is equivalent
to that of those up to 10 years younger.



“In midlife, there’s often a natural pause in the nonstop race of career,
financial security, raising a family and managing relationships,”
says Dr Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist and the author
of Aging Joyfully. “That pause can trigger the realisation that life is
fleeting and profoundly precious, priming the psyche to want – even
to need – space for reassessment.” Dr Manly suggests capitalising on
this by dipping your toes into a few psychotherapy sessions or other
counselling. “From my experience, older adults often have a fierce
desire to embrace a positive future by letting go of a stale or negative
past,” she says. “They also deeply cherish and value the sense of
understanding, healing and transformative change they gain from
psychotherapy.” A little change in perspective may be just what you
need to kick-start everything – because there will never be a better
time to take control of your mental and physical health. E


“About 60 per cent of women who are perimenopausal or postmenopausal
You probably know experience vaginal thinning, dryness and irritation, which can bring about
that fibre is great for painful sexual intercourse,” says Dr Lauren Streicher, an expert in sexual
sidestepping bouts of health and menopause. “But since dryness may start years after menopause,
constipation. But many women and physicians don’t think of this as a menopausal symptom that
perhaps it’ll be news to can be helped.” Indeed, a 2019 report noted that only four per cent of women
you that a recent report tied their vaginal symptoms to menopause or hormonal changes and only
found that changing to about a third asked a healthcare provider for help.
a healthier lifestyle in
midlife – including That’s a shame, since silicone-based lubricants and long-lasting vaginal
eating more fibre-rich moisturisers can temporarily alleviate symptoms and prescription hormonal
nuts, wholegrains and and non-hormonal options can restore vaginal tissue and reverse damage.
fresh produce – reduced “Even if it’s been 20 years since you went through menopause, you can still
women’s risk of stroke reverse these changes,” says Dr Streicher. For many, “treatment also helps
by between 25 and urinary tract symptoms related to oestrogen loss, such as recurrent urinary
36 per cent. “And tract infections, urgency and sometimes pain with urination,” she adds.
consuming 25g of fibre
daily in midlife can
also help control blood
pressure, cholesterol,
blood sugar and
abdominal weight,”
says Dr Michelle
Routhenstein, a
preventative cardiology
dietitian and author of
The Truly Easy Heart-
Healthy Cookbook. “If
you aren’t used to
consuming a lot of fibre,
start off slowly and work
your way up with water
to avoid GI distress.”



PHOTOGRAPHY GETTY IMAGES @IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO… right up there with getting adequate IT’S NOT TOO
BOLSTER YOUR BONES calcium and vitamin D. LATE TO…
Yes, it’s important to build strong bones IMPROVE
in your youth, but, in one study, healthy As for what to eat, midlife women need YOUR SKIN
middle-aged men with low bone mass 1200mg of calcium daily. “If you don’t hit
successfully improved their bone density that mark, your body takes the calcium “Your skin’s ability
after just six months of jumping and from your bones, which makes you more to stay moisturised
muscle-strengthening exercises. “Since susceptible to osteoporosis and bone wanes with age, which
muscles are attached to bones, any time fracture,” explains Dr Andrea J Singer, an translates to dry,
you build muscle, you’re building bone expert in bone health. To get enough, reach crepey and sallow-
as well,” says Jo. Moreover, experts agree for calcium-rich almonds, tofu, sardines, appearing skin,”
that daily weight-bearing and muscle- broccoli, kale, dairy and fortified milk says dermatologist
strengthening exercise, such as jogging alternatives. Sources of vitamin D include Dr Ivy Lee. “But daily
and lifting weights, is essential for bones, mushrooms, fatty fish, fortified dairy, fresh moisturiser with
orange juice and breakfast cereals. ceramides and/or
hyaluronic acid can
improve suppleness,
glow and texture and
help prevent eczema
rashes, which are more
common as you age.”
You’ll find this combo
in products such as
CeraVe PM Facial
Moisturising Lotion
and Paula’s Choice
Boost Hyaluronic
Acid Booster with
Ceramides. Beyond
that, keep it simple:
“Drink plenty of water,
use a gentle soap-free
cleanser daily, and
apply a vitamin C serum
for brightening and
preventing oxidative
damage, followed by a
moisturising mineral
sunscreen with SPF40+,”
says Dr Lee. “In the
evening, cleanse again,
apply a retinoid to
increase collagen
production and then







Ready to ditch your bad eating habits? Starting a new healthy journey is exciting,
Just follow these simple rules and you’ll but it can also be a bit daunting. It’s not
be eating like a well-versed nutritionist easy to stop filling your body with lashings
– and enjoying it – before you know it. of sugar, fat and salt, especially if you’ve
enjoyed it your whole life. But just think of all that
tasty, colourful, nutritious food that awaits! On the
following pages, we’ll show you how to get started,
keep going and not be tempted to look back. E


Follow these

Prioritise plants Ditch the packaging

Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, Choose foods that don’t come in packages, such
antioxidants and fibre – and nearly devoid of the as fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, fish and nuts.
kilojoules, sugar and preservatives known to cause
health issues. Only problem? Most people don’t Eat what you can pronounce
eat enough of them. So dig in today!
If you can read the ingredients out loud without
Get real looking at a long chemical name and thinking,
“huh?”, then it’s probably good for you.
If you can imagine it growing out of the ground or
being raised on a farm, it’s real – and really good. Give up the sweet stuff

Choose just one To really improve your diet, avoiding sugar in its
various forms and disguises is important. Steering
Foods with only one ingredient – think milk, raw clear of added sugar will let your taste buds adjust
nuts, raw chicken, broccoli or beans – haven’t been to noticing the natural sweetness in many fresh
processed and are therefore better for your health. foods, so you’ll enjoy them much more.




Muesli contains an oat
fibre called beta-glucan,
which can help reduce

cholesterol levels by
up to 10 per cent.

The first step to tweaking your
diet is to take stock of
everything you’re currently
eating. Write it all down: Tally
up the number of packaged or
processed foods on the list,
note what time of the day
you’re consuming the least
nutritious foods, and then
pick a specific point where
you’ll dive in and start making
gradual changes. “Breakfast is
a great way to transition to
healthier eating,” says
nutritionist Nicole Silber. Try
swapping sweetened cereals
with untoasted muesli topped
with chopped fresh fruit, or
wholegrain toast with
peanut butter, instead.

Skip the diet labels it back on the shelf. And if an ingredient is listed
last, it doesn’t mean you’re consuming a small
Paleo, raw, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, dairy amount of it either – it’s all about how it stacks
free? As long as you’re eating whole foods, choose up against the other ingredients.
whichever meal plan works best for your lifestyle.

Get familiar with ingredients Clean out your pantry

While you may already scan nutrition panels for Once you’re comfortable with analysing label
kilojoules, chances are you don’t take a hard look ingredients, open up your kitchen cupboards
at the ingredient list. Nutritionist Nicole Silber and pantry and start to rid them of the foods that
recommends sticking to foods with no more aren’t what you ought to be eating. As much as it
than five ingredients. And be alert to sweeteners, hurts to throw away things you’ve already paid for,
including ‘natural’ ones like stevia, rice malt syrup it’ll help you out in the long run. Also go through
or concentrated fruit juice or extract. Ingredients your fridge with the same eye you’ll use at the
are listed from the highest to lowest amounts, so if supermarket. Anything you would’ve put back
some form of sugar is the first ingredient, then put on the store shelf goes straight in the bin. E


Work (or walk) through Build a healthy freezer
your cravings
Being time poor can lead you to make quick
As anyone who’s ever eaten an entire packet and unhealthy food choices. But what if it’s
of biscuits while hunched over a work just as easy to make good choices? Stock
project knows, cravings are often a result your freezer with frozen vegies (it’s just as
of stress. So instead of giving in, take that beneficial as fresh and comes in a variety
walk. “One of the easiest things to do when of mixes) and frozen plain chicken and fish
you have a craving is to go outside,” says fillets. Tossing together a simple stir-fry is
nutritionist Joshua Nachman. If that then a speedy mid-week no-brainer. Frozen
strategy doesn’t work, reach for a filling, fruit, whatever your favourite, is a simple
nutritious snack, such as plain Greek way to add a touch of nutritional sweetness
yoghurt topped with some fruit. Eventually, to plain Greek yoghurt or muesli.
you’ll find yourself having fewer cravings,
and when you do give in, you might not even Make smarter menu choices
enjoy the junk foods you once loved. Nicole,
who gave up sugar in her coffee and tea in The bane of any newly adjusting healthy
her own switch to a healthier lifestyle many eater’s existence is a night out with friends
years ago, says she can’t even tolerate who order every fried thing on the menu.
sweetened drinks anymore. “When I did But dining out doesn’t have to mean giving
try a while after I stopped drinking it, it in, since many menus have healthier options.
was too sweet for me,” she recalls. (We didn’t say 100 per cent healthy, because
sometimes eating well means picking the
Focus on what you’re adding, better-for-you option.) To make a healthy
not what you’re cutting out choice, Joshua suggests easing yourself into
a decision. “Rather than picking up the
Okay, so you’ve done some purging in your menu immediately, settle in for a bit, talk
pantry, fridge and freezer – a task you’ll only to your friends and relax,” he says. “When
have to do once. Now comes the fun part: you’re in a more relaxed state and checking
filling your kitchen back up with satisfying, in with your body, then you can figure out
delicious and health-boosting foods. As what you’re actually craving.”
you begin your journey to eat well, you’ll
want to stock up on a variety of fruits and
vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and seeds,
lean proteins and healthy fats. These will
be the pillars of your new eating plan.


Most experts agree that the only way you’ll be successful is if you’re
happy with what you’re eating. So if there’s one junky food that
brings you such immense joy that you can’t picture life without it,
keep eating it. A little treat here and there isn’t going to kill you and
isn’t going to derail an otherwise healthy lifestyle, so rein in your
guilt. “If you feel guilty, you’re going to inhale it before you taste it
and then you’re going to reach for more,” says Joshua. To avoid this
scenario, take a small portion, put the rest away and then savour it.

Up to Eating healthier typically means making the
10 per cent of majority of your own meals. (No more hitting up
the takeaway every lunchtime.) But cooking dinner
worldwide and packing lunch every day can feel daunting.
greenhouse Joshua’s solution: just make more dinner. “Eating
gases comes leftovers is a simple way to upgrade your lunch,”
from food that he says. “Soups and stews are especially easy to
is produced, make in large batches.” Or fill a lunchbox with salad
but not eaten. vegies and chicken, fish or another lean protein.
So enjoy those
leftovers! STOP


The reason? It’s
unnecessary and even
Healthy eating isn’t
a diet. As you start
to cut out the junk
and embrace truly
nourishing foods,
you’ll get better in
tune with your body
and understand how
much you need of
certain foods to feel
satisfied, energised and
healthy – that is, you’ll
naturally self-regulate.
Counting kJs, on the
other hand, has you
focusing on a number
and often results in you
feeling guilty when you
don’t wind up with the
numbers you think you
should have at the
end of the day.

@Building any new habits takes
persistence, and if you do fall
back into old ways, don’t despair.
Instead of giving up, focus on
making the next meal a better
one. Take it one step at a time
and you’ll gently train yourself
into making healthier choices.




wmaymstoo voere
Whether you’re at home, at work or
outdoors, it’s important to keep your body 10
moving for optimal health. And these
easy kilojoule-burning tips will do just that! WALK AND TALK
1AT HOME 5 Do some gardening. Whether you’re
6 Hand wash dinner dishes making appointments
Stand up whenever WORDS: JENAE SITZES AND THE EDITORS OF or calling a friend, get
you text someone. PREVENTION. PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTY IMAGESinstead of using the dishwasher.up and head outside
with your phone. Why
2 7 waste a half-hour call
by sitting when you
Use heavy pots and pans. Put items you use most could be taking an
often on the highest or invigorating stroll?
3 lowest shelves.
11Do squats while
Finish home-improvement tasks. 8 Keep your phone in one
you clean your teeth.
4 spot and walk to it when you
need to use it. 12 TURN HOUSEHOLD

Instead of sitting and 20 minutes Turn up some favourite tunes and make
viewing shows back to earlier. mundane tasks, such as vacuuming or
back, get up for 10 minutes folding clothes, so much more fun by
and start the laundry, wash dancing along; it’s a great kilojoule burner
dishes or sweep the floor. and engages your entire body. One Swedish
It’s not only good for you, study even found that grooving improved
but you’ll also feel much mental health, mood and stress levels.
more satisfied when you’re
ready to start another ep.


Move 15 Pick up 19
it, lose it
your takeaway USE WAITING
Studies have shown dinner instead of TIME WISELY
that compared with sitting waiting around for
Uber Eats or Deliveroo. While you’re waiting for
still, doing any of these food in the microwave or
activities can double 16 Walk to the the washing machine to
finish, don’t sit idle. Stand and
your kJ burn. corner shop instead do some gentle stretching.
of driving. Calf raises are an excellent
way to tone your calves
17 without hurting your back.
If you’re dressed for it, you
WORK OUT WHILE could even do a few squats
WATCHING TV or jumping jacks, just to get
your blood pumping.
When you get home from
work, it’s so easy to just 20 Wear a fitness
collapse onto the couch
and mindlessly watch TV tracker so you’ve got a
while you unwind from tangible walking goal.
the day... but you can use
this time to avoid even 21
more sitting and squeeze
Catch up with a pal
in a little workout. over a walk instead
of a sit-down coffee. E


While it’s definitely easier to pay someone
to come mow your lawn, pull weeds and While spring-
rake leaves, you’ll save money and work cleaning may
up a healthy sweat by doing it yourself. be limited to
one season,
14 Stand decluttering
should really
while styling be an ongoing
your hair. process. Take a
little time every
day to organise or
put away things
that are laying
around your home.
If you treat it as a
regular chore and
not something
that gets done
once or twice a
year, you’ll skip
the dread of
knowing that
things are piling
up. Plus, you’ll
spend less time
just sitting around
watching TV.



AT WORK 22 23

More water equals more
Need to chat with a colleague?
Instead of sending back-and- bathroom breaks and
forth emails, ask if they’d like another excuse to get up
to walk and talk somewhere and move your legs.
in the building or outside. For bonus points, walk
Various studies have shown to a bathroom on a
that walking has a beneficial different floor and use
effect on creative thinking by
pumping more blood and the stairs. Besides,
oxygen around your body, water has so many
including your brain. Plus, other benefits, from
your coworker will likely boosting your mental
welcome the opportunity performance to leaving
to stretch their legs, too.
your skin looking
youthful and radiant,

so it’s a win-win.

24 Use a glass

and refill it often.

25 Meet in far-off

conference rooms.

26 27

and tend to
If your office has
standing desks it often.
available, try to snag
one for yourself. Many
are convertible so that
you can sit and then
stand intermittently.
Using a standing desk
often encourages
people to move more in
other ways throughout
the day – but don’t
overdo it. “Too much
of anything can be
detrimental,” says
physiotherapist Amy
McGorry. “There’s a
consensus in my field
that people should try
a standing desk for
two to four hours a
day. Start with short
increments and listen
to your body.”



Wear flats
so you walk


35 Take the stairs to get

a coffee or snack.

28EAT OUTSIDE 36 Use the kitchen bin 39

Order lunch from somewhere near your office, then instead of your personal one. IN AIRPORTS, SKIP THE
walk over to pick it up. Even if you’ve packed food MOVING WALKWAYS
from home, you can take it to a nearby park or other 37 SET A REMINDER
outdoor space to soak in some sunlight and get in the Unless you’re carrying a
extra steps. Take a brisk walk before heading back TO TAKE BREAKS heavy load, walk to your
inside to give your metabolism a helpful boost. Sometimes work can gate rather than use the
really suck you in and, travelator, or take the
29 30 Go to the printer for before you know it, stairs instead of the
hours have passed escalator, especially if
STAND DURING each page you print. with you just sitting you’re going up only a
YOUR COMMUTE at your desk. Set an few floors. And when you
If you take a bus or 31Brainstorm alarm on your phone book hotels, choose a low
train to work, make to take a break every floor that’ll let you take
an effort to stand, while walking. 30 minutes – get up the stairs. This is a simple,
even if there are seats. and go to the bathroom, everyday trick to burn
Especially if you spent 32 Walk around the block. grab a healthy snack kilojoules and – bonus! –
all day sitting at work, 33 Visit someone on from the kitchen, or tone your legs.E
standing for a half- simply stand by your
hour ride can be a another floor. desk and stretch for
welcome change. three to four minutes.

38 When sitting,

draw in your ab
muscles and tap your
toes on the floor.



JUST FOR FUN! 40 41 Get coffee 45 46

walk as you sip.
FITNESS CLASS WALK OR RUN If you already have
Squeezing in a short, 42 Host a party – the a dog, you know they
Grab your friends pretty much force you
high-intensity planning and catering and sign up to go outside for daily
workout can help you walks. So it’s not really
will get you moving. together to boost a surprise that dog
beat any energy your motivation owners live healthier
slump and leave you 43 BROWSE A and enjoy the fun lives overall, with a
feeling revved for the together. Or why much lower risk of
rest of the day. Find LARGE MUSEUM OR not join us for cardiovascular disease
a class on your way ART GALLERY. Prevention’s annual and lower mortality
to work so you can 10km Virtual Walk rates, according to one
44 Go camping. later in the year? 2017 study. If you don’t
fit your exercise in have a furry friend,
before you start. let friends and family
members know you’re
Look more than happy to
younger! walk their pups if
they ever need it.
Need more inspiration to
get moving? Too much 47 Buy

sitting can actually standing
speed up the body’s room-only
ageing process.




Instead of meeting at
a restaurant, invite
your friends to go on
a picnic in a local park,
join you for a yoga class
or take a bike ride for
a few hours. Not only
is it a healthy way to
keep moving, it also
saves you money and
kilojoules every time.



When you’ve been in Whether you’re If you live in an area LOCAL STORES
a relationship for a heading into where the shops and
long time, Netflix and work or to the post office are within Online shopping
order-in pizza may supermarket, park a 20-minute stroll, is so convenient,
become the easy, further away to to the point that
default date night, but allow more time make a point to
planning an outdoor for walking. If you walk to those places it can become
activity together will use a car park, instead of hopping in addictive. Kick
get you and your park on a lower the car. It’s not just
partner off the couch level and take the good cardio; carrying the habit by
and help foster a more stairs. If you use heading out to
active lifestyle. Going public transport, bags or packages your local shops
for a bushwalk, get off a stop or also makes for a next time you
camping or doing a two early and walk great arm workout. need a new pair
walking tour of your the rest of the way. of shoes or an
city are easy (and 57 appliance. A day
healthy) ways to spend 54
time together while Forget the automated of browsing
exploring new sights. Skip the shopping car wash and go for the stores makes for
trolley and carry self-serve option instead.
50 Chat a basket instead. By hand washing your an excellent
own vehicle, you’ll work walking workout,
with friends on 55 Do bicep curls a bunch of muscles: plus it gives you
the move. think squatting to clean
with grocery bags. around wheels and a chance to see
51 Take a stroll reaching over to scrub what’s new in
your windscreen.
outside after dinner. the area.


Move faster –
and set a goal of
beating your time
on regular walks.




is busy being happy

Julia Morris opens up about kicking her people-
pleasing habit, embracing midlife and why
you won’t see her in a low-cut top anymore.


BBeing a darling of Australian television isn’t for When Julia chats with us via Zoom from her
the faint-hearted. Whether it’s filming a show, Melbourne home, she’s multitasking like the
presenting, acting, producing, glamming up for mother-slash-internationally-acclaimed-wearer-
a photoshoot or involving herself in a myriad of of-many-and-varied-hats that she is. First, she’s
other commitments that fill her plate, Julia Morris making a cheese sandwich for her daughter, who’s
has a schedule that doesn’t lend itself to downtime. home sick. Next, she’s brewing herself a coffee
But, despite the hectic timetable, she has a in a mug cheerfully emblazoned with the words
generous energy that she shares with everyone ‘Productive as F**k’. “How does she do it all?”
from work colleagues to people on the street. She she half-jokes, finally sinking into her couch.
emits the sort of warmth you might expect and, “By making sure she gives absolutely zero time
yes, she really is that funny. Yet for all her celebrity to herself. That’s how she does it!” And with a
– and probably more sequins – Julia is all of us. At typically comedic flourish, “It’s very relaxing.”
the heart of it all, she’s just a hardworking mum,
juggling the ups and downs of this crazy life and Relaxing isn’t something Julia does very often.
doing it all with her inimitable cackle. For starters, she’s an in-demand TV presenter,
actress, comedian, writer and producer who’s E


I do wake
up genuinely

I think that’s
because I’m
on the other

side of my




You reach a certain age where

OPENING SPREAD AND THIS PAGE: JULIA WEARS you think, ‘I don’t know why crossover between the first half and second half
HUT CLOTHING SHIRT; FRANKIE’S MELBOURNE SKIRT I’m disrespecting myself when I of your life is an interesting transition.
don’t disrespect another human.’
“I feel like, for years, I’ve been a bit of a people
graced our screens with her delightful brand of pleaser. But there’s something in the transition
charisma for more than 25 years. She’s also mother postmenopause that makes you stop doing that
to Ruby, 15, and Sophie, 13. Last year, like so many and start honouring what you need. Sometimes it
others, she navigated the many challenges of feels uncomfortable, speaking up, but you reach
Melbourne’s enduring lockdowns with her family. a certain age where you think, ‘I don’t know why
She wrote a satirical self-help manual, Julia I’m disrespecting myself when I don’t disrespect
Morris Makes it Easy: Hilariously Half-Baked Life another human being.’ I have to set an example
Advice From Yet Another Deluded Celebrity. And for the two girls I’m raising.”
she filmed the eighth season of the hit Network
Ten reality series I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of A NEW PERSPECTIVE
Here! – a job she’s clearly passionate about.
Postmenopause, Julia is seeing the world through
Her favourite aspect of the show’s latest new eyes – literally. In August last year, she
instalment? The honesty. “Every year, people open underwent a surgical eye lift – or blepharoplasty
up more,” Julia says. “I think that, after the past – and it’s made everything brighter. “I see a
few [difficult] years, everyone’s really dropping dermatologist once a year, because I’ve had a few
their masks. Not their actual face masks; they’re melanomas, and I said to her, ‘Look at all the beef
dropping the mask of life. I’m hearing a lot more of on top of my eyes!’” Julia recalls. “It’d got to the
my friends now saying, ‘I’m not actually coping point where I’d be in the make-up chair for work
that well,’ which is the first time I’ve heard that. and the make-up artist would have to drag back a
I’m always brutally honest about all that stuff whole handful of skin to put my eye make-up on.
because I figure that, if I’m being honest, other
people will be honest back with me.” “I didn’t think I’d ever be a ‘facelift person’, but
the dermatologist told me about this amazing
TRANSITION TO JOY surgeon downstairs. I made the appointment and
he sent me for a field of vision test. When the
Honesty is Julia’s stock and trade; what you see results came back, I discovered I didn’t have access
is what you get. She really is naturally upbeat, to 25 per cent of my eye. So then I started saying to
though she says she works at being positive, too. people, no, it’s not cosmetic… it’s actually medical.
“The majority of the time, I do wake up genuinely It’s not a cheap adventure, but it was worth every
happy,” she shares. “I think that’s also because I’m penny. I can see the difference, the colour of my
on the other side of my menopause. What an eyes is super obvious now, even the light feels
extraordinary treat that process is. I know everyone different. Beauty hasn’t been a big part of my
around me really enjoyed me going through that,” business. Making fun of myself has been a big part
she says with a smile and a hint of sarcasm. of my business. So this wasn’t something for work
or for anybody; it was just something for me.
“Honestly, I thought I was going nutty. I was
thinking, ‘Oh, my God, I’m so cross all the time.’ “Somebody said to me recently, ‘Oh, you’ve
I definitely don’t feel like that anymore. That had your eyes done. What will you have done
next?’ But, no – I remember lying in bed in the
recovery position, thinking, ‘This is the only
surgery I’ll have.’ It’s great for my eyes, I can
see better – unreal – but if I’m going to wave the
honesty flag, then I need to age gracefully.” E



At 53, there may be an invisibility

if I’m trading on looks, but time back again. The feeling of sadness was
there’s also a large awakening; palpable. The uncertainty was beyond unnerving.
I won’t be talked down. The interesting thing is that I wasn’t feeling
aggressive. I wasn’t feeling cross. I was feeling
bereft. It’s like we’ve been going through a weird
period of mourning for the past two years.”


gives us At 53, Julia is still at the top of her professional One positive to emerge from the past year was
five game, but does she ever worry about succumbing Julia’s recognition that she, like so many women
to the sense of invisibility that often consumes juggling the insurmountable pressures of work
Best book you’ve women of a certain age? No – the key, she says, and family, needs to find more time to just breathe;
read lately? is accepting when each stage of your life is over. to find slivers of time and space for herself, when
“I’m sure people will disagree with me, but I no every spare second is usually spent for others.
The Boys’ Club by longer feel like a sexy person, so I’m no longer “I need to turn down the volume on the cortisol
Wendy Squires. in a low top,” she shares. “I’ve turned down the and the adrenaline and just smell the roses a bit,”
volume on that because I’m becoming an elder. Julia says. “It feels like I get up at dawn’s crack
Can’t-live-without Instead of being worried that I don’t look 20 and punch chores until I get into bed at 10. I just
beauty product? anymore, I’ve let that go. What I can accept is keep on going like an Eveready bunny.
that, suddenly, my opinion is being heard.
My Mirenesse “I’m realising I need to find where the stillness
mascara. I don’t go “I know that it’s not old in the general scheme is. It’s the quieting of the mind I’m having a little
anywhere without it. of people, but at 53 I have confidence that I trouble with, but I’m getting there. One change
know what I’m talking about. There may be an that I have made is slowing things down in the
Handy tricks for invisibility if I’m trading on looks, but there’s house and doing more things together. When the
looking fresh? also a large awakening; I won’t be talked down. children were younger, I wouldn’t have bothered
Invisibility as we get older is real, but only if you them, but now I say, ‘While I’m cooking, you can
Coffee! M.A.C Fix+ need to be seen in a certain way. If you can accept do the dishwasher.’ It’s about being okay with
Spray. An early night. that, then once you start embracing the next part sharing the load and not having to make everyone
of your life, it really doesn’t matter.” else’s life okay by doing it all.”
Hidden talent?
Less easy for Julia to accept was the pandemic- As for the year ahead? Julia’s New Year’s
I’m quite a talented addled bin fire that was 2021. As Melbourne resolution is to never make New Year’s
cross stitcher. succumbed to yet more gruelling lockdowns, resolutions. For now, she’s just waiting to see
Julia, like so many of us, struggled. “The most how it all unfolds. “I’m happy if my children are
Snakes or spiders? challenging part for me was that, when my happy,” she says. “If we start seeing some more
children were younger, I felt like I could make normality in 2022, then we’ll be closer to that.
Ooh, I don’t mind things better,” she says. “This was the first I’d love to be able to say something inspirational
snakes, provided time in their lives that I couldn’t do anything here – like, in 2022 I’m going to learn how to tap
it’s not the mighty about it. We just had to take each day at a time. dance and finally get my Singer sewing machine
black mamba. Even I have watched my kids and their friends go out and do some embroidery. No! As I get older,
through very upsetting times, missing out on my pleasures are becoming more and more
if it looks at you these great life markers and never getting that simple. My new life lesson is just accepting
sideways, you die! how things are going to roll.”
I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! premieres on
Monday, January 3 at 7.30pm on Network Ten




How creativity


Evidence shows that being imaginative creates
a vibrant, resilient brain. And you don’t have to
be the slightest bit artistic to harness its power.


Creative pursuits have a surprising moments of realisation rely on unconscious PHOTOGRAPHY: COURTESY PREVENTION US
purpose, beyond the satisfaction of mental processes. A great insight is likely to arrive
making ‘stuff’. A study published in when you’re in a slightly unfocused state or you
the journal Art Therapy found that just change locations. That’s why it might appear while
45 minutes of craft work can reduce levels of the you’re in the shower or on a walk, or even at 2am,
serotonin-crushing stress hormone cortisol, explains neuroscientist Dr John Kounios.
while knitting has been shown to lower the heart
rate by 11 beats per minute. But here’s the thing: Creativity can spring from deliberate step-
in daily life, creativity is less about what you by-step analysis and problem solving, too. When
make and more about how you think. you consciously invent and tinker, evaluating
and modifying ideas, you can wind up creating
HOW IT WORKS something entirely innovative. And the better
you are at finding solutions to things, the more
Some bodily functions, such as wiggling your effectively you’ll be able to navigate the world
toes, stem from a specific ‘address’ in the brain. and the healthier you’ll be, says cognitive
But creativity is more like a boat on a river than neuroscientist Dr Julie Fratantoni.
a stationary street address. It involves brain
networks linking memory and language, spatial A WIN FOR YOUR WELLBEING
understanding and fine motor skills. The
networks are like interconnected rivers down A growing number of studies over the past 15 years
which the party boat of creativity floats – rivers has found that participating in creative efforts
also used by ordinary barges to solve math can help stave off loneliness, mitigate dementia
problems, follow recipes or read reports. and enhance engagement. And when we’re not
exposed to anything new, cognitive decline may
Your brain can help you generate a creative idea accelerate. Any activity that keeps the brain active
in two ways: through the famous ‘aha!’ moment helps with ageing, explains Dr Kounios. When you
of insight and via more analytical thinking. In learn new skills, take up new hobbies or encounter
fact, your brain solves thorny problems even as new situations, you grow new brain cells and form
you sleep, daydream or relax, and those sudden fresh connections between existing ones.





SEEK SOLUTIONS DAYDREAM and computers, and give Dr Kounios says. Sharp
your mind time to wander edges, loud colours and
Working on puzzles, reading The brain’s default mode and dream during the day. striking music can instill a
murder mysteries or network involves hint of anxiety and distract
researching subjects all count. imagination, daydreaming CHANGE YOUR the mind from letting itself
When you solve a whodunnit and spontaneous thoughts. SURROUNDINGS wander. “The ideal situation
or discover something new, People spend about is a spacious, warm, fuzzy
your brain’s neural reward 30 per cent of their day Being outside or in a room environment with rounded,
processing signal is there, says Dr Fratantoni. with high ceilings can help soft edges and muted
activated, and that helps Turn off social media and expand your attention, colours,” he says.
boost your power of insight. other inputs, such as TVs enhancing creative thinking,




The scales may
say that you’re
but that doesn’t
mean you’re
unhealthy. Here’s
why everything
you’ve been told
about weight
may be wrong.




alone is not
indicative of
health, so
nobody can
tell whether
a person is

based on
their weight.”


L ow-fat, low-carb, paleo, keto, intermittent Here are eight important facts
fasting – the list goes on. Given that our that many are overlooking. These
culture idealises thinness and shuns realities may be just what you
larger bodies, it’s not surprising that need to feel better about your
nearly one in five midlife women has dieted in the body, whatever your weight.
past few years, according to research. And many
have regained the weight and see themselves as WEIGHT IS NOT AN ACCURATE
having failed. Less than one per cent of very large MEASURE OF HEALTH
people got to a ‘normal’ weight at all in a study that
included almost 100,000 women, and most who Doctors often worry that heavy women are
did, regained the kilos they’d lost within five years. ‘cardiometabolically unhealthy’, a term that
encompasses blood pressure, cholesterol levels,
Some medical experts are now saying what many triglycerides, blood glucose and other measures
people have been desperate to hear: It’s extremely of heart and arterial fitness. But researchers in
tough to drop weight long term, for reasons that the US evaluated more than 20 studies and
have nothing to do with willpower – and it may not concluded that there was “no clear relationship
even be necessary. “The dominant message people between weight loss and health outcomes”. In
get from government, health organisations and the other words, shedding kilos didn’t meaningfully
media is that weight and health are connected,” lower blood pressure, diabetes risk or cholesterol.
says Dr Jeffrey Hunger, a longtime weight-stigma
researcher (and, yes, that’s his real name!). “But, Equating being heavier with having poor
really, there’s no strong evidence to suggest higher cardiometabolic health and being thin with
weight automatically leads to poorer health.” the opposite is way off the mark, researchers
discovered. They pored over data from more
If you’re extremely large-bodied, dropping some than 40,000 participants in a survey and
kilos can protect your joints from arthritis and found that nearly half the people classified as
make it easier to exercise. But, for most women ‘overweight’ (and more than a quarter labelled
over the ‘ideal’ weight, focusing on other health ‘obese’) had perfectly healthy blood levels
measures may be much more important than what of lipids and glucose, meaning they were
the scale says. So why isn’t that a message you’re cardiometabolically fine. Meanwhile, a full
likely to hear? “The evidence has been piling up for 30 per cent of the ‘normal-weight’ participants
years, but experts are so stuck in their beliefs, they had unhealthy levels of these markers. The
don’t accept anything to the contrary,” Dr Hunger bottom line? Weight alone is not indicative of
says. Add to this all the people and companies health, so nobody can tell whether or not
with financial interests in pumping out anti-fat a person is healthy based on their weight.
messages, from diet purveyors to pharmaceutical
companies to book authors. Plus, the message
that body fat is bad is such gospel in our society
that it’s hard to believe it may not be true.


In a paper published in Social Issues
Our culture equates carrying extra body fat with being out
and Policy Review, Dr Hunger and his of shape, but plenty of large-bodied women can run laps
colleagues discovered that healthful around their thinner counterparts. That’s because, in reality,
behaviours, not fitting into skinny jeans, fitness and weight have little to do with each other, says
are what make you healthy and live longer. Dr Himmelstein. A team of international researchers proved
this when they followed 43,000 participants across the weight
Heavy people who do healthy things are spectrum. At the outset, they measured blood pressure,
as likely to thrive as anyone else. On the cholesterol, glucose and the like, then tested the participants’
list: being physically active, eating fitness levels using a treadmill. Those who were metabolically
nutritious foods, not smoking, socialising sound and also fit had the same mortality rates during the
enough to avoid isolation, minimising next decade regardless of their weight. Those who were
stress and managing depression. “Your considered obese and unfit, however, were more likely to die.
attention should be not on a target weight,
but on how many days you intend to
exercise this week and how much fresh
produce you’ll be eating,” says weight
expert Dr Mary S Himmelstein.

a BMI below 23
(less than 55 kilos for
a 160cm woman) is
linked to greater
mortality than being
a few kgs heavier.


There may be no upper limit to how rich you’d like to be, but
there’s definitely a limitation for thinness. Having a body mass
index (BMI) below 23 (less than about 55 kilos for a 160cm woman)
is linked to greater mortality than being a few kilos heavier, a team
of researchers discovered when they examined hundreds of studies
with more than 30 million participants. This was true even when
they excluded people who might’ve been thin because they were
already sick. Plus, sinking to a too-low BMI can make you feel awful.
(It’s important to note that BMI has been criticised as a flawed
measurement, in part because it doesn’t differentiate between fat
and muscle, categorising people with a lot of muscle as ‘overweight’,

and it doesn’t consider ethnic differences in body type.) E


‘KILOJOULES IN, KILOJOULES OUT’ Dieting can help you trim kilos, but keeping
them off is another story. The low nutrition
“So many things go into the weight you are,” Dr Himmelstein says. levels and excessive exercise of many weight
Genes, ethnicity, medicines you take, where you live, your income and loss plans aren’t sustainable, says Dr Hunger.
how much you sleep all play a role, even if most doctors focus only on Plus, when you cut back on kilojoules, your
kilojoules. Weight is so complex that even longtime researchers don’t metabolism slows to a crawl. “Your body’s
yet understand all the variables involved. People might be heavier biological architecture doesn’t understand
what the thin ideal is – it’s doing all it can
5because food is so easily available. Or maybe it’s the larger dinner to protect you from what it perceives as
plates and portions we serve compared with 30 years ago. In the US, famine,” he notes. The answer? Cardiologist
Dr Barbara Corkey, who specialises in obesity research, is intrigued Dr Ruwanthi Titano says: “Rather than make
by the notion that chemicals used in farming, additives in processed a drastic temporary change for a short-term
foods and/or other toxins that make their way onto your plate may goal, focus on small, sustained changes,
cause your body to erroneously release too much insulin, a hormone such as eating more plant-based foods and
that makes you want to eat more. Dr Corkey suggests that it may not less red meat and processed fare.” Even
be that obesity brings on problems like insulin resistance, but that thin people benefit from ditching the focus
unnaturally high insulin levels lead to obesity and insulin resistance. on weight, Dr Himmelstein says. A lot of
brainpower goes into monitoring kJs or
carbs, she says – energy you’d be better
off spending elsewhere. “Instead of trying
to shrink your body, start to appreciate
everything it does for you,” Dr Hunger
suggests. You’ll be healthy and feel good
no matter your dress size.

If low weight equalled good health, dropping

kilos would automatically make people healthier –
but that’s not what happens. Dr Hunger points to a
meta-analysis that found that, even after dieters lost
weight, their blood pressure, glucose and other blood
markers weren’t significantly better when they were
reevaluated two years later. Heavy people may make
health gains when they’re put on a weight-reduction
plan, but participants in many weight loss trials are
urged to exercise – which other scientists suggest was
more likely a health driver than the reduction of kilos.


Did you

In the past
50 years, the
average weight

of Aussie
women has
increased by
7.3kg to 71kg.


Most people with high body
weight have a story about how
their doctor judged or blamed
them or didn’t listen, says
Dr Himmelstein. It makes women
avoid going to the GP because
they don’t want to be fat-shamed,
and then miss out on treatment
or early detection. In other cases,
health complaints that have
nothing to do with weight are
inaccurately blamed on a person’s
size, so patients don’t get the
right treatment. In this way,
doctors’ bias can make people
sicker – which might then add
to the perception that all who
are large-bodied are unhealthy.
Problems, such as diabetes,
cancer and autoimmune
conditions, are especially
important to identify early so
they’re more easily treated, and
health professionals’ emphasis
on body weight may keep people
from getting the best care.





are not
only better
listeners than
men, but their
ability also
improves with
age, says a
US study.


b etter listene r

It’s never been more important to check
in on one another’s emotional wellbeing.
Katie Colombus shares how to really tune in.

My dad was a volunteer for the charity Listen, don’t just hear
Samaritans and I always felt inspired
by the idea of him making a difference Listening is a really underrated yet important
to the lives of strangers through the skill. We hear things all the time; background
simple act of listening. So when I left my corporate music, street noise, people chatting… But active
job, I jumped at the chance to work for the charity. listening is about really paying attention and
taking in what’s going on beneath the surface level.
Active listening has helped me be there for my
family during a difficult few years, too. We lost Have you ever had a conversation in which
a loved one to cancer and the grief was tough to you were half-listening to someone talk, but
navigate. Then came a worldwide pandemic and spending most of the time lining up a reply in your
the loss of freedom and certainty. Whenever things head – a witty anecdote, an example of when the
feel hard, I try to move away from talking into a same thing happened to you or what you advised
listening space. The moment you realise someone a friend to do in a similar situation? While you
is trying to work something out for themselves, might think it’s helpful to tell that person about
and that your role is to help coax it out rather your own experience, a good listener will tap into
than shut it down with your own interpretation what the speaker is getting at, ask them probing
or advice, can feel like a real revelation. questions, seek out detail and try to understand
more about what they’re talking about. E



5steps to Giving someone a safe space to be heard with PHOTOGRAPHY: ISTOCK
empathy and without judgement can help them
LISTENING understand what they’re going through and be a
WELL catalyst for addressing difficult or emotional issues.
Exploring feelings alleviates distress, helps people
Learn to be a better listener by to reach a better understanding of their situation
following the ‘SHUSH’ rule. and can help them find a way through the problem.

Show you care. Check in with your Truly listening to someone in a way that allows
friends and family and let them know them to feel heard is about taking the time to really
you’re there if they want to talk. Give understand what’s being said, without interrupting
them time and your full attention, using and offering up your own opinions. It’s giving
open body language, good eye contact meaning to what you hear and reading between the
and words of encouragement to keep lines, clarifying what you’ve heard to get to the root
the conversation going. of the issue in a gentle way. Your job as a listener is
to keep the person talking and elaborating until
Have patience. It might take time and they feel they’ve said all they need to.
a few attempts before a person is
ready to open up, but keep seeing how How to start a difficult conversation
they are, as it’ll create a sense of trust.
When someone is talking, don’t be afraid When you’re talking about a tricky issue, begin by
of moments of silence or feel the need giving the person your undivided attention, putting
to fill it – often this is when people are away your phone and focusing on them, letting
processing their thoughts. them know you’re invested and they’re important.
Sometimes, it might feel too intense to sit opposite
Use open questions. To keep the someone and have a face-to-face conversation, so go
person talking until they’ve reached for a walk or do an activity where you’re side by side
the heart of the issue, it’s important to use instead. This can lessen the feeling of confrontation,
open questions rather than those that
invite a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, which can
close down the conversation.

Say it back. Clarify what you’ve heard
to let the person know you’re trying
to understand – for example, “When you
said this, it sounded scary. Is that right?”.
When they hear their own words back,
they’ll reflect on what’s been said,
leading to further exploration.

Have courage. There are no rights or
wrongs when it comes to listening to
someone, or expectation that if you ask
someone how they are, you’ll then need
to fix their problem for them.



On the flip side and going
through a rough patch?
Sometimes, no matter how
good a listener a person is,
extra help may be needed.
Speak to your GP or mental
health provider for advice

and guidance.

Edited extract from and there’s a sense of comfort in knowing that, at Good listening breaks down when you begin
How To Listen: Tools some point, you’ll reach a destination and the to give advice. If you find yourself saying, “Have
conversation will come to a natural close. you tried…”, “Why don’t you just…”, “When that
For Opening Up happened to me, I…”, pause, and then give the floor
Conversations When It can be hard to identify emotional distress back to the person talking. Offer gentle words of
in others, and issues can manifest in many ways, encouragement, or open questions such as “Can
It Matters Most by but trust your instincts. If someone you know is you tell me a bit more about that?”.
Katie Colombus and behaving differently, send a message that says,
Samaritans (Hachette “Just to let you know I’m here for you if you ever Once someone is in that safe space where they’re
want to talk.” Even if that person isn’t ready to not being judged for anything they say, the power
Australia, $32.99). yet, they might begin to think about the process of of validation will begin to build their self-belief
recognising their feelings and opening up to what back up and empower them to understand what it
that might mean. Have courage to check in with is they want to do. If you jump in with solutions,
others and, remember, you won’t make anything you’ll take that power away and this can result in
worse simply by asking if someone is okay. confusion or feelings of low self-worth. The person
may feel they can’t get anything right, because
Don’t make it about you what you’re inadvertently doing is saying, “You’re
clearly not okay, so I need to fix this for you.”
When we’re having emotionally charged Although that comes from a place of love, it’s
conversations with loved ones, we hate to see much more beneficial to flip the narrative to say:
them suffer. It’s a natural human instinct to rush “I believe in you, I’m here, and I’m going to stand
in, fix the situation, take that person’s pain away alongside you while you work out what’s going on
and make it all better. But remember, this is about because I know you have the ability to do that.”
them, not you. Advice about what you once did
in a similar situation or tips that worked for you People know their own thoughts better than
might not be right for the person you’re listening anyone else, so they are best placed to find their
to. We’re all different and we all react in different own solutions. They might just need help in
ways, so put yourself to one side. remembering that.





of 2021


First fleet

Australia’s long been a
world leader in medicine.
In 1944, we were the first

nation to manufacture
penicillin for the
domestic market.

While one big story grabbed the health headlines last
year (hello, vaccines), there were also many other

amazing innovations that came through. Here, five new
developments that have the power to change lives.


FIGHTING COVID AND BEYOND New treatments are also keeping people
already infected with COVID-19 from getting
Though the pandemic has turned the world dangerously ill. And, of course, the biggest news
upside down for nearly two years, it’s led to some of all is that millions of Australians have rolled up
impressive medical advances. Since November 1 their sleeves for one of three vaccines that have
last year, home COVID tests that give results already saved thousands of lives. This work may
in just 10 to 15 minutes have been available to reverberate for years to come: researchers are
Aussie consumers in supermarkets, pharmacies testing whether the novel mRNA technology in
and online. While these rapid antigen self-tests two of the vaccines might one day protect against
don’t replace the more sensitive PCR tests that infectious diseases, such as rabies, Zika and HIV,
take several hours to produce results, they give as well as cancer of the skin, breast, colon and
people the option to swab before visiting an more. That’s a shot worth shouting about. E
elderly relative or sending a child to school.


Australia might not be following in Canada’s
Commonly footsteps by legalising recreational marijuana
sold as a anytime soon, but low-dose cannabidiol (CBD)
products, which can be used to treat a range of
liquid, CBD conditions, including anxiety, were approved
is now taking as pharmacist-only medicine on February 1 last
year. Despite this move, the Therapeutic Goods
surprising Administration (TGA) has yet to approve any
other forms, low-dose CBD products for sale in Australia.
including bath
bombs, coffee The only CBD product approved by the TGA
is the prescription-only Epidyolex, which is used
and even for the treatment of seizures associated with rare
ice-cream. epilepsies. Australian registered medical
practitioners can apply to gain access
90 PREVENTIONAUS.COM.AU to an unapproved medicinal cannabis
product through the Special Access
Scheme (SAS) if they believe the product
is right for their patient, but they accept
all medico-legal responsibility for any
adverse outcomes of treatment.

While over-the-counter CBD oil
isn’t available here yet, in the US,
psychedelics, such as acid and

magic mushrooms, are rocketing
to new heights in the field of
psychological research.
Major institutions, including
New York University
and the University of
California, Berkeley,
have opened dedicated
centres and more than
100 studies are currently
examining LSD, MDMA
and the psilocybin in
mushrooms for their ability
to help with health concerns,
from headaches and anorexia

to general wellbeing.
Results this year have reinforced
their therapeutic potential with one
study showing that MDMA successfully
treats severe post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) and another showing
that psilocybin reduces symptoms of
major depression as effectively as a daily
antidepressant. In Australia, psilocybin
and MDMA are currently in Schedule 9
(Prohibited Substance) of the Poisons
Standard, meaning that they can only
be accessed for medical and scientific
research subject to regulatory controls.
However, clinical trials are underway to
investigate the use of psilocybin and
MDMA in mental health, so stay tuned
for further developments.



About 40 per cent of TEST FERTILITY VIA APP
fertility problems are due
When you’re anxious to get pregnant,
to the male partner, every period can be heartbreaking. Home
so get him checked fertility tests to boost the odds have been
around for a while, but most scan urine for
out, too.

just one hormone. The new easy-to-use

OOVA kit, backed by New York’s Mount

Sinai Hospital, measures two to better

identify your ‘do it now’ window. One,

luteinising hormone, rises before an egg is

released, while the second, progesterone,

is triggered just after ovulation. Tracking

both of them improves accuracy so it

approaches the reliability of blood tests,

says Dr Serena H Chen, a clinical associate

professor of obstetrics and gynaecology.

An app on your phone reads each day’s test

strip and clearly reveals the best time for

you to get busy making a baby.

The OOVA test kit isn’t included in the

Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods,

so it isn’t currently available here and

AN AUTOMATIC WAY TO the TGA can’t disclose if an application
DETECT EARLY CANCER has been received. We can only hope this
new technology will become available to

We hear all the time that early detection Aussie families in the near future.

is the key to surviving cancer, but just

a few tests (including pap smears,

mammograms, lung screenings and

colonoscopies) exist to catch cancer at

its most curable stages. That’s why new

technology that screens a blood sample for

DNA fragments from more than 50 types of THE FIRST ALZHEIMER’S DRUG
cancer is generating great excitement. The IN NEARLY TWO DECADES

Galleri test alerts your doctor if you have This year, the world hit a milestone for new

a signal for the disease and indicates which medicines for Alzheimer’s disease, the most

organ it comes from. Interim results from common cause of dementia: Biogen’s Aduhelm

a clinical trial involving 6000 people over became the first new Alzheimer’s drug approved in

50 showed that the test helped diagnose 29 the US in nearly 20 years and the TGA accepted it

people who didn’t know they had cancers for evaluation in April last year. Aduhelm removes

of the lung, ovary, rectum, neck, breast the build-up of sticky protein plaques in the brain

and pancreas, among others. For many of that are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s. And another

these, there are no other screening tests. drug from US pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly,

This ‘liquid biopsy’, intended to donanemab, was granted Breakthrough Therapy

supplement other available screening status in the US after a study in the New England

tools, is on a fast track to be approved in Journal of Medicine found that people with early

the US and is currently available with a Alzheimer’s scored better on certain cognitive-

doctor’s script for approximately $1300. function tests after a year and a half of monthly

The TGA is aware of current regulatory infusions than those who received a placebo.

processes occurring for this technology Though more research on donanemab is

in both the US and the UK and accepts needed before it can be submitted to the TGA

overseas regulatory approvals as evidence for evaluation, “there has never been a more

for faster approvals in Australia when exciting time in Alzheimer’s therapy research,”

appropriate. While there’s no guarantee says Dr Maria Carrillo, chief science officer at the

the Galleri test will become available Alzheimer’s Association in the US. She notes that

on our shores, overseas approvals the approval of the first drug in a new category

could fast-track our adoption of the historically invigorates the field, increasing

cutting-edge cancer detection test. investments that lead to more innovation.



‘No one knew
I was an


On the surface, Claire Hatwell, 39, was all smiles,
but, behind the facade, she was secretly drinking
three bottles of wine a night. She shares her story.

Ipoured myself a large white wine and sank
onto the sofa. I’d finished another day at
work with children who had special needs,
done the coursework for my online degree,
vacuumed the house (twice) and cooked tea for my
three kids, who were now in bed. With my husband,
Lee, working away, it was ‘Mummy wine time’.
I topped up my glass again and again. When the
bottle was empty, I opened another, then another.

When my alarm rang early next morning, my
head was foggy, but I knew that night I’d do the
same all over again. It had crept up on me, the
drinking. To the outside world, I was a smiling,
competent 30-year-old. I’d had a happy enough
childhood, though at school I’d found it hard to
fit in. Anxiety, feeling I wasn’t good enough, had
taken hold. I met Lee when I was 16. We married
three years later and were thrilled when son Joe
was born soon after. Katie arrived on his second
birthday and Barney two years on from that.

PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTY IMAGES; @SOBERME_CLAIRE BIRTH OF A NEW HABIT Claire says her alcohol addiction crept up on
her before completely taking over her life.
It was only when I went back to work in 2007,
when Barney was two, that I started drinking at
home. Lee’s job, setting up exhibitions, meant he
travelled a lot and, while I was able to cope on my
own, wine at the end of the day was my reward.
“Where’s the harm?” I thought. I never touched
a drop when I was pregnant and wouldn’t have
dreamed of drink-driving – although looking E


back, I was probably over the limit taking the kids PLUMMETING HEALTH PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTY IMAGES
to school, which horrifies me now. I never drank
in the day, but, sometimes after the afternoon The Australian Alcohol Guidelines advise women
school run, I’d pour a glass while cooking and chat to drink no more than 10 units a week; I drank
on the phone to a friend. Wasn’t this happening in double that every night. I was worried what the
kitchens all over the country? For heaven’s sake, neighbours would think of the empty bottles on
you could even buy a clock that said ‘Prosecco recycling day, so I’d load them into the car and
time!’ I loved my job, but many of the kids at work take them to the recycling depot instead.
could be challenging and I found it hard to switch I was beginning to have stomach problems and
off. I’d run around cleaning, vacuuming again and migraines. Stopping at traffic lights one day,
again, but my focus was on the wine in the fridge. I didn’t recognise any of the colours. The GP told
me my blood pressure was dangerously high,
When Lee was home, I’d say, “Let’s wind down but when it came down the following day, he
for a bit,” as an excuse to open a bottle. He didn’t prescribed migraine medication. Deep down,
mind, could take it or leave it, whereas I was I knew what was to blame, but I didn’t fit the
increasingly desperate for the numbing hit of stereotype of an alcoholic and he didn’t ask me
alcohol. Knowing the issue was spiralling, I’d about my drinking. I was too scared to admit I had
stop for a few days, then fall off the wagon again. a problem, because then I’d have to do something
I’d sign up for Sober October or Dry July, but my about it. I just left the pills untouched in a drawer,
resolve never lasted more than a day. What was the preferring to self-medicate with Pinot Grigio.
point of life without wine? How would I celebrate
without it, drown out the pressures? In 2014, Lee I knew my eyes were a little cloudy, my skin
set up his own company with his parents and I left dull, but I kept up appearances. Although I’d
my job to join the family firm. I wanted to prove inevitably drink too much on the odd night out, my
myself, but it was harder than I’d imagined. My friends were oblivious to what was going on. Lee
anxiety levels went through the roof. I barely ate, didn’t realise the extent of my drinking, but he was
picking at biscuits and leaving half my dinner. worried. “Do you think you’re drinking too much?”
I went from a size 12 to an eight, despite the three he’d ask. So I’d cut down for a few days, but it soon
bottles of wine that were, by now, a habit. built up again. I took to secretly filling up my glass
when he went to the loo. If he was working late,
I’d drink until he was due home, then wash and
dry my glass so that when he came in I could pour
another, pretending it was my first. I didn’t stagger
or sway, so the kids weren’t aware, but I began to
suffer memory blackouts.

I’d wake up feeling sick as I pieced together the
night before. Had I been snappy? Taken to social
media and said something I shouldn’t have? The



Think your own drinking habits
might be a bit high? You’re not
alone, with 20 per cent of women
in one study saying their rate of
drinking had increased during
COVID. A year ago, the guidelines
from the National Health and Medical
Research Council were revised to
recommend that healthy drinking
amounts to no more than 10 standard
drinks a week. Want to slow down?
Here, Jen Clements, certified grey-
area drinking coach and Thrivalist
co-founder, shares her top tips.



kids would chat about something we’d watched I took to secretly filling up my
on TV and I wouldn’t remember a thing. That glass when he went to the loo
frightened me enough to dig out a leaflet for a help … I’d suffer memory blackouts.
group I’d once picked up at the doctor’s office and
stuffed in a drawer, but the counsellor I saw wasn’t On September 7, 2016, I tipped all the wine at home
any help. “Three bottles of wine?” he said. “I’d be down the sink and I haven’t touched a drop since.
on the floor.” Surely this wasn’t a competition?
FINDING NEW OUTLETS Hear Claire’s complete
GETTING HELP story in her book, My
It’d be lovely if my story ended there, but Not So Secret Recovery
Then I attended a support group, where another alcoholism is complicated. I felt fragile as I learnt ($14.29; available from
addict mentioned a drug called Antabuse, which how to reframe life without alcohol. Gripped by
makes you ill if you drink alcohol. So I summoned panic attacks, I thought: “I got sober for this?
the courage to see my GP, who prescribed the Where’s my reward?” But I stuck to the alcohol-
tablets but advised me not to go cold turkey, just to free wine and diet cola, although, when I got
reduce my intake. One night, when the kids were through boxes of that a week, I gave that up, too.
asleep, I was on the way to top myself up when I Then I started running as a stress-buster, but 5K
snapped. I hurled my glass against the wall, yelling: became 10K… After six half marathons, I realised
“I hate this stuff!” I was furious with wine, with my addictive personality needed new outlets.
myself, with the fact there was no magic wand.
I began writing posts on social media, then a
In 2015, after a row at work one day, I went blog. Sharing my story and hearing other people’s
home to bed and didn’t leave for a week, telling stories was the best therapy. There was no shame,
the kids I wasn’t well. I felt detached from reality, no judgement. I’m now an ambassador for Bee
not fully alive. Lee kept calm, but he must’ve been Sober, a global organisation with daily meetings.
concerned because he’d come home to check on I can never drink again because one would lead
me during the day. After two months, I stopped to another, but I enjoy life so much more now.
taking the pills. “You’re back in control,” I thought. I’m so grateful I’ve survived with my home, job
“One glass won’t hurt.” But the moment I’d had my and relationships intact, because others aren’t
first wine, my willpower crumbled. I had to face so lucky. The whole family is proud of what I’ve
it – I was incapable of moderation. Tearfully, I told achieved and, at last, I can be proud of myself, too.
Lee, “I can’t do this anymore.”

He hugged me, saying: “I just want you to be
okay.” He’d always supported me, never pushed me
further than I was able to go. We’d talked about
having another baby, and now our youngest was 12,
the timing felt right. Discovering I was pregnant
felt like a new life had begun in more ways than one.

1CREATE A WEEKLY DRINK PLAN part of your plan, try the SBS technique: that you can drink instead (see page 96).
Instead of over-drinking in response Stop, Breathe & Scan. Stop what you’re Tell your partner and friends that you’re
to habitual cravings, make rational doing and set a timer for two minutes to cutting down and ask for their support.
decisions in advance about your drinking. give your full attention to the craving. Get feel-good dopamine hits elsewhere
Each Sunday, plan for the week ahead by Breathe deeply and use your awareness to by doing healthy things you enjoy, such as
clearly writing down which days you’ll scan your body, looking for the physical walking in nature, listening to an inspiring
drink, what you’ll drink and how much sensations of the craving. What part/s of podcast, having a relaxing bath, hitting the
you’ll consume on each occasion. Then your body do you feel the craving in? What gym or doing a hobby. And, finally, commit
track your actual beverages against your does it feel like? Then ask yourself, “Can to being kind to yourself throughout
plan. Ensure you start by setting small, I tolerate these sensations?”. Spoiler alert the process. Reducing your
achievable reductions (eg, going from – you can! And, finally, ask yourself, “What drinking is a skill that takes
seven drinking days to six), as it’s far more am I really craving and what do I truly practice to learn, just like
effective to incrementally decrease your need?”, because the answer isn’t alcohol. learning to ride a bike.
drinking week by week, rather than trying Expect to be a bit wobbly
to make drastic reductions overnight. 3SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS and even to have the
A common mistake many people odd fall, but with practice,
2PRACTISE RESPONDING TO make when trying to cut down on you’ll get there!
CRAVINGS DIFFERENTLY alcohol is simply deciding to drink less and
Learning to respond to cravings by expecting the decision alone to be enough.
not drinking is a key skill you can learn Avoid this trap by taking actions that set
to help reduce the amount you consume. you up for success. For example, stock
When you feel like having a drink that’s not up on delicious alcohol-free alternatives






There’s an explosion of grown-up no-alcohol
beverages to savour on a long hot day. But just
because they’re booze free doesn’t mean they’re
automatically a healthy choice. Use this cheat

sheet to help guide you through the jargon.

Check the label Scan for Get wise to
artificial marketing
Go to the ‘per serve’ ingredients
column and scour Beware of ‘healthy’
the nutritional label Avoid any artificial probiotic drinks,
for sugar content. sweeteners,
such as kombucha,
Remember that flavourings or that may be
every 4g of sugar preservatives. Some
equals one teaspoon, low-kilojoule drinks marketed as a
so even though it health drink
may be branded are loaded with but actually
as a healthy drink, chemicals, so try contain high
it might contain to avoid one with amounts of sugar,
too many synthetic artificial additives
hidden sugars. and not enough
ingredients. probiotic cultures
to actually be of
double check
the nutritional
label first before




Naturally fermented for more than three weeks,
this brand is endorsed by I Quit Sugar author Sarah
Wilson and contains live cultures and organic acids.
Choose from an array of natural flavours, including
Lemon, Lime & Mint, Pink Lady and Ginger Lemon.


Blended with natural herbs ginkgo biloba, ginseng,
turmeric, rosemary and green tea, this tasty brew
is created by Australian food scientist Dr Ali Karami
and has less than 2.5g sugar per 100ml and also no
artificial preservatives, colours or flavours.


Made with all-natural ingredients and comprising
aromatic botanicals, delicate fruit juices and teas,
this zero-alcohol beverage is free from sugar,
carbohydrates, gluten and preservatives, with
vegan-friendly options available.


Vegan and free from added sugar, artificial flavours
and preservatives, this handcrafted beverage is
created with natural apple extract, botanicals and
green tea extract. Lightly carbonated with hints
of forestberry, wattleseed and green tea with
just 2g sugar per 100ml.


This sparkling water contains zero sugar, is naturally
sweetened with Stevia and contains natural flavours
and colourings and is a good option if you prefer a
more traditional fruity mocktail without probiotics,
herbs, tea or botanicals. There’s also a pineapple
version if Raspberry & Kiwi doesn’t take your fancy.


A non-alcoholic sparkling wine that contains
rosehip tea, lemon balm, damask rose and a hint of
strawberries, as well as being enriched with vitamins
and antioxidants. Vegan and low in sugar at just
2.4g per 100ml, this award-winning beverage is
the perfect alternative to champagne.





MHT reduces
hot flushes

and night sweats
by 80 per cent.

If you’re wary, confused or mistrustful about taking
hormone therapy to relieve menopause symptoms,

then you really need to read this. Find out why
experts can’t recommend the treatment enough.


It’s 6pm and, after powering through a brisk dry, itchy skin, low libido, brain fog, anxiety and
walk and evening shower, Penny Johnson is mood swings. “Though 20 per cent of women have
slathering a special clear gel on her skin. But no symptoms around menopause, 80 per cent
this is no anti-ageing serum infused with experience symptoms and 20 per cent have
mineral peptides, probiotics or green tea. It symptoms that go on for more than five years,”
contains 1.25mg of oestrogen per dose, measured says Dr Sonia Davison, president of the
out in one ‘pump’, to relieve her menopausal Australasian Menopause Society.
symptoms. Every day, Penny, a 56-year-old Sydney
primary school teacher, rubs the gel along her RIDING THE HORMONE
upper arm, alternating with the other arm the next ROLLER-COASTER
night. “After only two months, my energy levels
and sleep have really improved and my skin, eyes Rusty on your menopause basics? Here’s a quick
and vagina are no longer super dry,” she explains. refresher. As you hit your 40s, hormone levels can
“My anxiety is far less and I’m not getting recurring start to fluctuate, kick-starting perimenopause,
bladder infections, so that’s been a huge relief.” which is sometimes signposted by menstrual
changes. Oestrogen levels may start to rise and
In trying hormone treatment for menopausal fall like a big dipper, triggering hot flushes, which
blahs, Penny is in a small minority. Most women may ramp up closer to your very last period, which
give MHT (menopausal hormone therapy, heralds menopause, often around age 51.
formerly hormone replacement therapy, or HRT)
a big miss in any form. According to Australian Enter MHT, which can be a woman’s best friend.
research, only 13 per cent of Aussie women in their First sold in the 1930s in injectable form, by the
50s take MHT. Yet many do a daily dance with ’60s, MHT pills sat alongside lipsticks and compacts
menopausal symptoms ranging from hot flushes, on the bathroom shelves of many menopausal
night sweats, vaginal dryness and weight gain to women. Over the decades, new and improved
options appeared. Cut to the present and MHT E


is available in many different options, including taking both oestrogen and progestogen pills for PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTY IMAGES
gels, capsules, nasal sprays, an IUD, vaginal more than five years. As headlines screamed
pessaries/creams and patches of oestrogen alone or ‘MHT causes breast cancer’, women all over the
combined oestrogen/progestogen (the synthetic world panicked and binned their pills, patches
form of progesterone). “As well as being the most and pessaries. But the results were blown out of
effective treatment for menopausal symptoms, proportion. According to Dr Jen Gunter, in her
MHT can be beneficial for a woman’s bone health book, The Menopause Manifesto, in real terms the
and cardiovascular function,” says Dr Davison. study actually found that “six additional women
“Some studies have shown different forms of MHT developed breast cancer a year for every 10,000
can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes who took MHT, which is slightly less than 0.1 per
and colorectal cancer.” That’s an impressive roll call cent of women on MHT a year.” Since then, studies
of benefits, so why are women with menopausal have shown that taking MHT earlier may boost
issues still soldiering on without MHT? longevity. “Women using MHT between the ages
of 50 and 59 have a 30 per cent lower risk of dying
MISGUIDED SAFETY FEARS versus women given a placebo,” Dr Gunter points out.

MHT took a big blow to its reputation in 2002, Regardless, the hype still holds sway. “From
when the US Women’s Health Initiative Study 2002, the number of women taking MHT
(WHI) found a higher breast cancer risk in women dramatically dropped, as women needlessly


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