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Inside Archery Jan 2021

Inside Archery January 2021

Keywords: hunting,archery,Mathews Archery,Outdoors,magazine,arrow,bow,bowhunt,bowhunting,trade

engineer and that I was going to work that the company is built on, and these our business dealings, and we will al-
for Mathews. My dad was wise enough principles are the key to the company’s ways strive to just do the right thing.
not to squash my dreams, and he actu- success. At the end of the day, our integrity is
ally helped me get here. I started writ- always intact.
ing Mathews letters, and I kept writing “Matt’s core values are what drive us,”
letters throughout college. Apparently a es said. e defines it with three “Impact is somewhat related to in-
I pestered them enough because they words: integrity, impact and innovation. tegrity,” Hayes continued. “Our integ-
eventually offered me an internship, Those words are pretty deep individu- rity ultimately creates a good impact on
and then a full-time position. So I’ve ally, and they mean everything to us.” the world, but it’s more than that. Our
been here for my whole career, and Hayes went on to break down those impact outside of this company is the
core values: “Integrity is simple,” he key reason we are here everyday. Matt’s
was definitel rou ht here pas- said. “No matter who we are dealing ultimate goal is to turn this company’s
sion—just like everyone else.” with—whether it’s customers, retail- success into benevolence and to create a
ers, suppliers or people in our build- positive impact however he can.
Mathews employees soon learn that ing—we will treat everybody with
there are clear foundational principles respect. We will be truthful in all of “Finally, we have innovation,” Hayes
explained. “That’s probably what comes
to mind when most people think about

“For many, Mathews Archery 51

represents the gold standard

of the archery industry.”


Mathews. Innovation is a core value for a reason,
and we’re glad that people associate it with us.
Obviously, innovation relates to our products,
but it also extends to our processes and business
dealings. We want to innovate every single as-
pect of the company, whether it’s the products
we sell or just how we conduct our business.”

A History of Innovation

It is certainly no surprise that innovation is one of
Mathews’ core principles. The company is always striv-
ing to outdo itself, and it always manages to succeed.

e are definitel our own worst critics, reu said.
“We just won’t settle. Sometimes we will be nearing com-
pletion of a new bow, but then we just throw it in a bin and
don’t even launch it. We will go through the whole process
thinking it was a great idea, but once it’s done, we realize
that there’s something about it that just doesn’t feel right.
We’re not afraid to make those hard decisions and walk
away from those ideas because we feel like
we have a responsibility to our customers.
There’s a promise when someone buys a
Mathews bow, a promise that it will be
exceptional, and that’s because Matt won’t
settle for anything less.”

Mathews’ dedication to ingenuity
has resulted in many notable indus-
try trends.

“It’s funny to look back at cer-
tain moments that seemed
reall difficult at the time,
Treu said. “I’ll never for-
get when we released
the e ac ac in .
Matt had been working
on the Legacy for weeks,
and he didn’t share any-
thing about it with the sales
team. Matt was always


walking around with this cardboard box, and
we knew that box had our future in it. About
a wee efore we launched, he finall called
all of us together to see it. He pulled it out
from that box, and it was still in the proto-
type stage, so it didn’t have any paint or dec-
orations—just a raw aluminum riser. The
bow had a roller guard, and none of us had
ever seen that before. It also had string sup-
pressors, which came off the limbs to stop
forward string oscillations, and that also
hadn’t been done before. I remember see-
ing that bow with all those apparatuses
and thinking: What is that? How am I go-
ing to sell that? It looked so abstract com-
pared to what was the status quo at the
time. But of course, we absolutely crushed


with the Legacy, and now those tech- harmonic damping in the risers,”
Treu said. “It was something else that
nologies seem commonplace.” hadn’t been done before, but Matt had
a great way to demonstrate how effec-
There are many other examples of tive they were. He had two risers. One
had dampers in it and the other didn’t.
Matt McPherson’s bold decisions shap- He threw the one without dampers on
the ground and it made a ton of noise
ing future bow designs. rattlin around on the concrete floor.
Then he threw the other riser on the
e came out with the in , ground, and all we heard was a soft
thud. The difference was clear, and we
and people were a little shocked by its actually introduced that technology at
the ATA Trade Show in the same way.
short axle-to-axle length,” Treu said. We spent three days throwing risers
at the ground, and everyone who saw
t was onl inches a le to a le, and that demonstration was convinced.”

no od made a ow less than inches At the end of the day, the Mathews
team knows that they can always
at the time. I was a little nervous when trust McPherson’s intuition.

we launched it, but Matt just kept

telling us: ‘This is the future. This is

where it’s going. Soon everyone will be

making more compact hunting bows.’

Of course, he was right again.

“We followed that up by developing

“Matt’s core values are what drives us.


“It might look like we take risks, but latest fla ship is called the , and it also very compact. It’s maneuverable,
it’s all about the timing of those risks,” ut there s no sacrifice in sta ilit .
Hayes said. “All those last-minute de- expands on last year’s highly success- i e last ear s , the is availa le
cisions and gut feelings—that’s what in two a le to a le len ths inches
sets Mathews apart. We can have a ful VXR. and inches. raditionall , inches
bow that’s almost ready to be pro- is a prett short len th, ut the has
duced, but we’ll just drop it and go in “The industry’s reaction to the VXR a long target-style riser that makes it
another direction. Those are the kind feel more li e a or inch ow.
of decisions that I think other people was unbelievable,” Treu said. “One of i ewise, the inch version feels
wouldn’t make, and it’s what makes more li e inches. n other words,
Matt and this team different. It sends its standout features was our Switch- we were able to go to unheard-of axle-
us into a frenzy whenever that hap- to-axle lengths, but we didn’t give up
pens, but we know we’re making the weight Technology, which makes it any stability.
right choice, and it’s always worth it.”
super eas to ta e a ow and fit it to he also includes a lot of other
The Next Best Thing technologies that we have been think-
anyone’s specs. It’s amazing technol- ing about and working on,” Hayes con-
or , c herson and his team tinued. ne of the first thin s people
have delivered yet another powerful ogy, and it really helps our dealers will probably notice is our new Center-
collection of innovations. Mathews’ guard Cable Containment system. By
maintain a fle i le inventor . nother tilting it at that unique angle, we were
able to completely center the cables
thing that made the VXR unique was and make the cam timing perfect. We
also have an all-new damper called the
our decision to offer it in two different
ano . e were the ones who pio-
a le to a le len ths. t was the first neered harmonic dampin in the first
place, so naturally we have continued
time in our history that we did that to develop that system over the years.

with our fla ship ow, and it was a

challenge we had to wrestle with. We

knew that there is a big populace that

loves a compact platform. There are

others who want something longer, so

we did both.”

he new for also includes

Mathews’ Switchweight Technol-

ogy, along with the company’s proven

Crosscentric Cam. Also like its prede-

cessor, the is availa le in two differ-

ent axle-to-axle lengths. But on top of

these familiar features, Mathews add-

ed a whole array of new technologies.

he represents another hu e

step forward for us,” Hayes said.

“We’ve had a very successful platform

for the past few years, and this year

we are taking it to another extreme.

he has the lon est riser to a le to

axle length ever, and that essentially

creates a very stable platform that is

e efines it it t ee o s inte it i pact an inno ation ”


he ano is specificall tuned for example would be our investments monumental innovations as a result.
the vi ration profile of the . t s a in target archery. We invest heavily “It’s humbling to work for Matt,”
lot smaller and more condensed, and at both the professional and amateur
it’s even more effective than the older, levels, and that’s something else we Hayes said. “He built this amazing
larger version. We strongly believe in strongly believe in. We will always company on the foundation of his
these new technologies, and we’ll al- strive to create products that are best principles, and he doesn’t waver on
ways keep building on them.” in class, but we will also keep invest- them. He’s been given a special gift,
ing back into the industry in whatever and he’s used it to build and innovate
Making a Positive Impact ways we can.” ows for more than ears. att is
the head engineer, and the rest of us
Matt McPherson’s core principles have Mathews Archery clearly has a high- in the engineering department are
served his company well. Integrity. er mission and sense of purpose that his support team. We are here to take
Impact. Innovation. Mathews Archery drives the company’s employees. a load off his mind, to take his ideas
is synonymous with these words, and further and to bring them to comple-
they will surely continue to guide the “There’s a certain culture of people tion in manufacturing. We are here for
company well. who are here,” Hayes said. “We strive him, ready to move quickly and accu-
to win everyday, and we treat our- rately, and it’s incredibly humbling to
“We will always be committed to selves as our biggest competitor. We watch his ideas turn into something
doing the right things, and it’s much obviously have our eyes on the indus- real. You learn something new every-
bigger than just the products we offer,” try as well, but we always look inward day with him, and it really does take a
Treu said. “Just look at NASP, for in- for our real improvements. And at the whole team to keep up with him.”
stance. Matt was actually a key driving end of the day, winning isn’t just about
force behind that whole initiative, and selling the most bows or having the Conclusion
he developed the Genesis Bow exactly best technology that year. It’s about
for it. He wanted to create something the responses we get from customers, Olympic athletes don’t win gold med-
cool that would get kids involved and the letters that describe how archery als because they want a shiny new
inspire passion for the sport, so that’s changed their life. When we see that necklace. Olympic athletes win gold
exactly what he did. Another good impact, that’s when we truly feel like
we’re winning.” Continued on Page 58

Meanwhile, Matt McPher-
son will continue to do what
he does best, and the indus-
try can certainly expect more


Continued from Page 56

medals because of what the “Winning isn’t just about selling the
medal represents. t si nifies a
grand victory, a victory achieved most bows... it’s about the responses
against all odds. we get from customers, the letters that

Likewise, Mathews Archery does describe how archery changed their life.”
not develop and manufacture its ex-
traordinary bows for the “shiny prizes”
won as a result. Mathews Archery creates
its extraordinary bows because of what the
company represents. It represents a pursuit
for excellence, a commitment to unbreak-
able principles, and a dedication to the
sport of archery.

“We just have a passion for excellence,”
Treu said. “We want to change lives, and
we want to bring people together. We get a
ton of testimonials about how archery has
allowed families to spend more time to-
gether. We hear from people who struggled
in some aspect of their life, but archery
created a new sense of balance for them.
We read those messages and see the im-
pact we’re making, and it reminds us why
we’re here. We know that our bows deliver
a certain experience, and we try not to get
desensitized to that experience. I still re-
mem er m first athews ow. remem-
ber sitting on my bed, looking at the logo,
and I couldn’t believe I actually had one. We
deeply cherish those experiences, and we
will never take them for granted.” IA


Each one of Inside Archery’s cover stories is
about success. The people and the compa-
nies that are featured on the front cover of
this magazine are there for a reason. They
have all e celled in their individual fields.
They have all succeeded where others have
failed. They have all embodied forward mo-
mentum in the archery industry. Because of

By Daniel Allred


that, their stories are worth examining. that emerged in 2020. We hope they inspire Shepley, founder and CEO of PSE Archery. “It’s
At the beginning of each New Year, we like you for the year ahead. been most of my employees whole life, too.
Everyone here loves the sport and loves the
to o ac and reflect on the success stories PASSION ALWAYS COMES FIRST people in it. It’s fun to make the equipment
that we examined the previous year. They all and introduce it, but all we ultimately want
contain their own unique bits of wisdom and It is no surprise that the word “passion” con- to do is row the sport. e fi ure that we will
inspiration, but they also share very similar tinually comes up when talking to someone get our piece of the pie if we succeed. We are
themes and ideas. Together, those themes about their life in the archery industry. Pas- going to keep working hard every day, and
and ideas reveal how deeply passionate, in- sion for the sport is what brings us here and we are going to stick together with the rest
ventive and driven this industry is. What fol- it’s what inspires us to make the industry a of the industry to grow the sport. I want to
lows is a celebration of the themes and ideas better place. see more hunters getting into target archery

“Archery has been my whole life,” said Pete


JANUARY 2020 • MOULTRIE block target and it was hard for them to hit it. and team members together
I wanted to get them a big 4-by-4-foot range “Gail and Eva Martin placed an important
and more target shooters getting into hunt- target, but I went to my local pro-shop and
ing. I want to see families shooting together, saw that it would cost around $1,000. That emphasis on family, and that’s one of the
and I want to see a lot more kids doing it. wasn’t in my budget, so I decided to just make things that helped the company succeed for
The industry can support thousands of new one for myself that was way more affordable. so many years,” said Joel Miller, director of
archers. We need more participation, and we It was a simple problem I wanted to solve, but operations for Martin Outdoors. “I think our
are going to keep doing everything we can to it turned out that a lot of other people had the current team has been able to create a very
grow participation.” same problem.” similar family dynamic. Mark and Deborah
Edwards are the husband-and-wife principal
Chase Rohlfsen, founder and president of Passion for the sport also brings families owners of the company now. They have three
RubLine Marketing, discovered archery later children, and the five of them are a ver ac-
in his life, but that discovery changed him MARCH 2020 • PSE ARCHERY tive family together. In general, Martin Out-
forever. doors is extremely focused on catering to
families and inspiring them to engage with
“My love for hunting started out with up- the sport. We want to make archery fun and
land game,” Rohlfsen said. “I wasn’t introduced we want to show families how fun our sport
to archery until about the year 2000. A friend is. We want whole families to shoot together
of mine—who I’d gone waterfowl and pheas- and we want to help inspire the next genera-
ant hunting with—really encouraged me to tion of archers.”
pick up a bow, so I did. I went out to a trees-
tand with him and I had a couple opportunities Heritage and family tradition are also driv-
that I blew. Then he kind of pushed me out of ing factors for many leaders in the archery
the nest and encouraged me to learn more on industry.
m own. ended up noc in on doors to find
property to hunt on, put up a treestand, and “Archery is a big part of our family’s core,”
that first ear of owhuntin on m own was said Dan Reaser, president and CEO of Out-
successful. I shot a 120-inch eight-pointer and I door Product Innovations. “My dad started
was hooked—just hooked like crazy.” bowhunting in the early 50s, and took at least
60 or 70 deer with a recurve. He was an in-
A love for the sport also naturally leads in- credibly accurate instinctive shooter, and he
ventive thinkers to smart, new product ideas. would even pheasant hunt with his recurve.

“My sons really started the whole process,” e ou ht me m first recurve when was
said Al Perelli, owner of BIGshot Archery. about 15 years old and I started bowhunting
“When they started to shoot with me, we
ended up searching for arrows more than Continued on Page 64
we were shooting arrows. We had this little


Continued from Page 62

with him and my brothers after that. That all APRIL 2020 • RUBLINE MARKETING jobs well, then that word of mouth wouldn’t be
came full circle when I introduced my son, happening. If we were letting our clients down,
our minds up that we were just not going to they wouldn’t recommend us. In fact, they
ann , to the sport. e too his first deer at be outworked by anyone. So we worked hard- would probably tell people not to come to us.
age 5 with a crossbow. He was always like my er and we worked smarter. In the end, that’s That’s the thing about word of mouth, right?
side ic and too him huntin and fishin what wins. That’s the secret to Moultrie and A customer has a positive experience and they
everywhere we went.” that’s what our entire team still does.” tell one person. They have a negative experi-
ence and they tell ten people about it. We know
At the end of the day, passion simply A good work ethic always pays off in the this industry is very tight-knit and we strive
makes our jobs more fun. long run. to give everyone a positive experience so that
good word of mouth continues.”
“I’ve been a bowhunter for most of my life,” “Our growth has really only come from word
said Rory O’Loughlin, president and owner of of mouth,” said Mark Watson, creative director Hard work also dictates the quality of a
Vapor Trail Archery. “I grew up in the Dallas- of RubLine Marketing. “If we weren’t doing our company’s products.
Fort Worth area—around horse country—so I
practically grew up in the outdoors and that’s he ualit of the first ptimi er si ht
where I fell in love with archery. Over the years, was one of the key things that made it an in-
I progressed from recurve shooting to com- stant hit,” said Chris Hamm, VP of operations
pound bowhunting and that became my true for HHA Sports. “You could see it was made
passion. Between my 17 years in the corporate with quality craftsmanship and it was backed
world and my love for archery the decision to up by a great warranty. Since then the quality
buy Vapor Trail was a no-brainer. It’s a perfect of our products has only gone up. We do about
marriage of my experience and passion and I 95 percent of our fabrication right here in Wis-
feel extremely blessed. It doesn’t even feel like consin apids, so we have the final sa on ev-
I’m working. Every day, I just do what I love.” erything we produce. We will never lower our
quality standards. We will never relax and as-
NOSES TO THE GRINDSTONE sume that we’ll be the best next year because
we were the best last year. We have to con-
nother definin ualit of the archer in- stantl innovate and find wa s to improve the
dustry is its rock-solid work ethic. product. That’s what drives us, and that’s what
will drive us for as long as HHA is around.”
“Hard work was heavily ingrained in me
by my parents and upbringing,” said Dan
Moultrie, founder of Moultrie Feeders and
Game Cameras. “From the very beginning our
goal was to outwork everyone else. We made

As fellow bowhunters, industry leaders are

Continued on Page 66


Continued from Page 64

JUNE 2020 • HHA SPORTS ultimate goal. customer. Your new customer becomes the
“I learned a lot of important lessons person who gave you all the money. That’s
sure to never lose sight of what archers want why I swore to never have a partner in this
and need. throughout my career,” said Al Perelli. “For business. It’s been entirely customer-funded
instance, when I helped create an ISP busi- and customer-driven. If we run the business
“From the very start our philosophy was ness we received a large amount of venture correctly and solve our customers’ problems,
to take care of the customer and do the right capital and that ended up being a generally then the money and satisfaction will come
thing,” said Dan Moultrie. “It only takes a little terrible experience. If you take in venture later. And the satisfaction doesn’t come from
bit more work to do the right thing, and that’s capital then you serve a different master and the money. It comes from building an organi-
what I ingrained in my employees. We took your focus changes. You are no longer really zation, seeing archers be successful and help-
care of the customer by building our products trying to solve a problem and take care of the ing other businesses be successful, too.”
right and selling them right, and it has paid
huge dividends, now almost 40 years later. I JULY 2020 • BIGSHOT ARCHERY Leading companies also add a personal
also always thought Lowe’s had a great tagline: touch to their dealings with customers.
‘Never Stop Improving.’ I felt like that’s what I
was doing and that’s what we kept doing.” “A crucial thing we do is just backing our
products up with great customer service,” said
The customers’ budget is also a top consid- Danny Reaser, vice president of Outdoor Product
eration for leading brands in the industry. Innovations. “We’re still a fairly small, family-
owned company—not some big conglomerate
“We have always kept the budget in mind,” with third-party customer service. We’re always
said Matt Minshall, owner and founder of .30- here for our customers and we go the extra mile
06 Outdoors. “I believe that if you have a prod- for them. At the end of the day the main things
uct that is priced fairly then it will weather we pride ourselves on are our high-quality prod-
almost any storm, and we’ve seen that concept ucts, top-of-the-line quality control and custom-
proven. Our industry has had tons of ups and er service that’s second to none.”
downs and our products have weathered those
storms because we are giving people a whole AMERICAN MADE
lot of value for the money. Maybe we’re not
the ri ht fit for some hi h end customers, ut Many industry-leading companies are dedi-
that’s because we are not a high-end company. cated to U.S. manufacturing and this decision
I’m glad those businesses exist but that’s not brings a lot of advantages.
us. We want to cater to people in the working
class, or maybe people who are more casual “We throw stuff against the wall and see
participants, rather than extreme enthusiasts.” what sticks,” said Matt Minshall. “Some stuff

Smart business leaders always ensure Continued on Page 68
that customer satisfaction is the company’s


Continued from Page 66

stic s and some stuff falls to the floor, ut AUGUST 2020 • MARTIN OUTDOORS and succeed. Martin Outdoors is a very mul-
that’s what we’re going to keep doing. As a tifaceted company now and I believe this is
smaller company we can also act a lot quicker. guarantee it for life, no questions asked.” the first time that two ma or compound ow
If there is something trendy in the European With the acquisition of Obsession Bows, brands have joined together under the same
market or another market and it hasn’t quite roof. We are extremely excited for this new
hit the U.S., then we can develop and introduce Martin Outdoors now has three U.S. manu- chapter, and we can’t wait to show the indus-
a product lightning fast—even if it’s the middle facturing facilities and that means big things try what we can really do.”
of the year. And I’m just crazy enough to do for the future.
that. I’ll take a chance on something new and I Wise business leaders also heavily foster
don t mind rufflin a few feathers to set a new “The way I see it, Martin, Damon Howatt their local employees.
trend or capitalize on something fresh. I’m also and Obsession are like three of our kids,” said
the sole owner of the company, so I don’t have Joel Miller. “We don’t love one kid more than “The most important resource any busi-
to go through a committee to get permission. another. We are going to promote each of ness has is its people, and I have been ex-
I can react right away and have something in them and give them what they need to grow tremely blessed in that regard,” said Bill
production immediately, instead of jumping Jordan, founder of Realtree Outdoors. “My
throu h a unch of hoops first. team has become like my extended family.
I’ve watched many of my employees get mar-
For many, American manufacturing is ried. I’ve seen their families grow with kids
synonymous with quality. and I’ve seen those kids grow up and graduate
high school. I want to help my employees the
“American manufacturing means every- best I can. I wouldn’t be here without them
thing to us,” said Brian Hamm, VP of manu- and they really do feel like my family now.”
facturing and engineering for HHA Sports. “I
have plenty of foreign-made products—we all As the new owner of Vapor Trail Archery,
do. But when it comes to archery and hunting Rory O’Loughlin motivated his manufactur-
e uipment, m a firm eliever that nothin ing crew by improving their quality of life.
is better than something that’s made here
in the United States by American employees. “I know I’m only as strong as my employees,”
It’s a big deal for us to put ‘Made in the USA’ O’Loughlin said. “I have guys on my team who
on our packaging. It shows that it’s a qual- have been with the company for 15-plus years,
ity product made right here on American and they’ve been bowhunting since they were
soil, and it shows that we stand behind it 100 kids. In order to keep that good talent and at-
percent. We machined it. We built it. And we tract new talent, I knew I had to take good care
of them. Everyone needs time off to recharge
SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2020 • REALTREE OUTDOORS their batteries—whether it’s spending time
with family and friends or getting their hunts

Continued on Page 70


Continued from Page 68

pendent pro-shops serve as the backbone of
the industry.

“If you have a town without an archery pro-
shop, then you have a town without archery,”
said Al Perelli. “Dealers are serving the com-
munity and forwarding the sport with their
passion. They’re creating the next generation
of archers, and we support them by provid-
ing unique, high-performance products with
good margins that outperform lower-end
targets. Sometimes I question my judgment,
but we are still a dealer-only company and
this strategy has rewarded us with strong
and continuous growth. We want to work
closely with dealers and solve their problems,
whether it’s a product problem or a business
problem. We know what they go through and
we’re committed to helping them.”


With 2020 in the rearview mirror it’s time

in. I know they’re in this industry because they products in front of consumers. I can’t empha- to look ahead and prepare for the year that

love archery and bowhunting and I wanted to size enough how important these shops were awaits. In the meantime you can count on the

give time back to employees so they remember and still are. Without their expertise, bringing industry’s top companies to keep doing what

why they love it. That’s why I increased their in so many hunters for help with bows and all they do best. You can count on them to work

and enefits across the oard. the other things they do, things would have with burning passion in their hearts. You can

COMMITMENT TO THE GRASSROOTS been a lot harder for Realtree. A lot of our suc- count on their tireless labor. And you can count
cess is tied to the hardworking men and wom- on their commitment to the industry at large.

Successful companies understand that little en at retail and we still put much of our focus All of these qualities are worth aspiring to,

actions can turn into big effects. In that spirit, and appreciation on them to this day.” and they will surely continue to guide the in-

PSE made heavy investments in organiza- Industry leaders certainly agree that inde- dustry in the right direction. IA

tions like S3DA and World Archery.

“Recently, target archery has come back

to the forefront for PSE,” said Pete Shepley. “I

have always thought that target archery was

great for pro-shops and the industry. I think

if you start ten people in target archery, nine

of them will go bowhunting. But if you start

ten people in bowhunting, very few of them

will get into target shooting. We like custom-

ers who do both, because then they are in

shops all year—instead of just during hunt-

ing season. Today we are focused on tourna-

ment shooting every bit as much as hunting.”

The industry’s biggest companies also nev-

er lose sight of the grassroots organizations

that helped them get where they are today.

“In the early days, more and more manu-

facturers started believing in Realtree, and

through licensing deals with these partners,

our Realtree patterns ended up on all sorts of

products hunters needed,” said Bill Jordan. “Of DECEMBER 2020 • OUTDOOR PRODUCT INNOVATIONS
course, independent dealers helped us get these



Martin Outdoors DSX 31 Pro

A s a young bowhunter of the ’80s into the historic compan , rechristened availa le on special order .
we viewed Martin Archery bows artin utdoors and infused it with a he am features a strai htfor

new set of en ineerin visions. ward trac s stem with two rou hl
e uall si ed cams slaved to one an
as some of the hottest compounds uch of that focus has een trained on other for eas maintenance, perfect cam
s nchroni ation and level noc travel.
on the market; models like the Cougar shoota ilit . aw speed does no one an
ood if a owhunter cannot hold their pin he ro version, in particular, is
hi hl s eletoni ed to save wei ht and get
Magnum and Jaguar were coveted by stead on tar et. an of the technolo thin s movin alon at a uic er pace.

bowhunters of the time. ies that have resulted in the compan s
tournament winnin desi ns have found

s a oun i ame outfitter man of their wa into the huntin lineup, creat Solid Mooring • he

the est owhunters uided each season in ows that are easier totin , steadier ro is ased

shot artin rcher ows. and more easil ad usta le which ll on a roc solid milled aluminum riser.

artin rcher has suffered some touch on momentaril . ll of that can ar e, strate icall placed cutouts and

hi hs and lows since those da s, via e said of the artin utdoors mini structural rid es ehind and

shiftin ownership, the loss of their ro, a slee and hi hl shoota le ow elow each lim poc et trim carr wei ht

founder ail artin in , and even desi ned to provide a compact and li ht down to an a reea le . pounds, ut pro

a fire that destro ed the alla alla, wei ht owhuntin pac a e that retails vide a platform ri id enou h that hand

ashin ton, manufacturin facilit in for less than , . shoc and vi rations are nearl none

. ut artin rcher s recent ac uisi istent upon release. lowered rip and

•tion ar dwards reathed new life Powered by DSX he ro is the aforementioned cutouts ive the ow

driven artin s new am. he e cellent alance in the hand, while at

Strategic cutouts and mini structural “bridges” behind ro includes a module s stem for rest and especiall at full draw. iser ends

and below each limb pocket reduce the bow’s mass each draw len th in inch increments, are rid ed to create point lim contact,
and help diminish vibrations. etween and inches , which en
spreadin load forces over a wider span

sures an ideal draw force curve that ma and shortenin the wor in portion of

imi es performance and arrow speeds the lim s for hi her efficiencies.

at individual draw len ths. ven hi her he rip is narrow and comfort

efficiencies can e reali ed orderin a le to promote consistent hand place

the ro, the ow tested here, which ment, e uipped with inset tar oard

includes individual cams for each draw material side panels ctionwood and

len th, reducin cam wei ht to oost e rawood also availa le secured with

speeds sli htl . am a les include end a sin le machine screw. ual si ht taps

caps anchored set screws. are provided, offset sli htl to provide

he am provides a utter some vertical latitude when mount

smooth draw c cle that will e appreciat in si hts. ual rest mountin taps are

ed after a few hours on a cold treestand. also included, a s stem prefer, as it

he lar e cam profiles allow archers allows me to dou le loc m huntin

to more easil rea throu h start up rests to ensure no mishaps in the field.

The DSX 31 Pro has a torque-eliminating, bearing- inertia at the onset of the draw and roll hree stainless steel sta ili er mounts
equipped roller system, which can also be adjusted. into anchor without arrin umps or
surprises. he cams hold lim stops, were also added. ne of these is in the

o vious standard position up front and

which allow twea in the rear wall and elow the handle. nother is located ust

let off for that ust ri ht feel, whether a

shooter prefers a hard wall as in for

full on, accurac enhancin ac ten

sion, or somethin softer that allows

more rela ed anchorin . et off is also

easil ad usta le throu h the lim stops,

from to percent. he cams hold

hread owstrin s owstrin s are


Specifications Arrow Speed

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Martin Outdoors DSX 31 Pro set at 60.0 pounds at 29.5 inches.



–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Brace Height VICTORY XTORSION 300 12.9 532 GRAINS 66.9 FT. LBS. 238.0 FPS

5 7/8 inches –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BLOODSPORT EVIDENCE 300 11.7 518 GRAINS 67.5 FT. LBS. 242.3 FPS

Mass Weight –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

3.8 pounds EASTON 4MM FMJ 330 11.0 *502 GRAINS 66.8 FT. LBS. 244.8 FPS

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Let-Off CX MAX RED SD 350 9.4 *465 GRAINS 65.8 FT. LBS. 252.5 FPS

Adjustable, 65 to 85 percent –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

below the string-stop mounting rod (itself –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GT KINETIC KAOS 340 9.9 453 GRAINS 66.5 FT. LBS. 257.0 FPS
aligned with the front stabilizer mount)
on the rear of the riser. Another rear tap is Available Draw Length –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
located on the bottom riser extremity near
the limb pocket. These rearward taps pro- 26 to 30 inches, in BLOODSPORT JUSTICE 300 9.8 443 GRAINS 66.6 FT. LBS. 260.2 FPS
vide options for adding balancing V-bars or 1/2-inch increments
stubby dampers. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The limb pockets are minimalist affairs BLACK EAGLE SPARTAN 300 9.0 *439 GRAINS 67.3 FT. LBS. 262.8 FPS
milled from aluminum. The main pocket Available Draw Weights
also serves as the limb-bolt "washer" and –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
limb butts are pinned with small machine 45-55, 55-65 and 65-75 pounds
screws. The rearward limb-pivot points are BEMAN WHITE OUT 340 8.8 416 GRAINS 68.1 FT. LBS. 271.5 FPS
where Martin’s Precise Weight Technology ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
comes in. The bow is pressed, a set screw –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
loosened in the riser end between the Available Finishes
lim s and the pivot loc s flipped to create GT VELOCITY PRO 340 8.2 387 GRAINS 68.5 FT. LBS. 282.2 FPS
slightly different limb take-off angles. This Hard Coat Grey, Hard Coat Green,
allows decreasing/increasing draw weight American Flag Grey, Realtree Edge, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
by 5 pounds. Excape, Grey Edge and Polar; TAC Green,
TAC Tan and TAC Black new for 2021 BLACK EAGLE CARNIVORE 350 7.5 363 GRAINS 69.9 FT. LBS. 294.6 FP
The milled glass limbs are held in a
past-parallel geometry, heavily pre-loaded –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
and fle inwardl radicall at full draw.
This provides a greater transfer of energy MSRP VICTORY RIP XV 300 7.0 355 GRAINS 67.8 FT. LBS. 293.3 FPS
upon release, but also makes for an ex-
tremely quiet arrangement, as the limbs $859 DSX, $997 DSX PRO –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
work against one another to dampen the
jump and vibrations of the opposing set. LIBERTY ARCHERY 320 5.9 292 GRAINS 65.8 FT. LBS. 318.6 FPS
The DSX 31 Pro remained remarkably quiet
through all of our test arrows, including –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
our sub-300-grain featherweight.
Arrow speeds established using a Caldwell Shooting Supplies Chronograph G2. *Denotes steel inserts
•Quiet & Torque Free While a lot of the
DSX 31 Pro’s inherent silence comes from
solid construction and those extreme par- on the top, each suspended in dampen-
allel limbs, other features help as well. The ing rubber. The different-weight materi-
bow is equipped with a highly adjustable als help introduce balance. The patented
string stop, set on vibration-absorbing system also provides stability by moving
carbon and sporting a LimbSaver rubber weight to the riser extremes to act like a
bumper. The bumper adjusts in and out, tight-rope walker’s balance pole. They also
and the entire assembly can be manipu- serve to suck residual vibrations from the
lated for attitude, with all settings secured riser, limb pockets and limbs.
by set screws. As tested in the DSX 31 Pro
model, buss cables were carried on a torque- •Hunt Ready The DSX 31 Pro is a light-
eliminating, bearing-equipped roller sys-
tem, which is also adjustable. A roller-slide weight and compact platform that draws
option is also offered at the same price. smooth and shoots fast (up to 336-340
fps when shot at 70 pounds at 30 inches).
Each riser end holds a trademark Martin Unlike most of our Bow Reports, the Martin
R.R.A.D. WDS (Weight Distribution System) DSX 31 Pro was tested at 60 pounds at 29.5
module, with a heavier steel weight held inches, as this DSX 31 Pro was only the third
on the bottom and an aluminum weight of its kind off the press and essentially a
prototype. Despite the lower draw weight
and sacrificin inch of draw len th,
the DSX 31 Pro produced respectable arrow
speeds, pushing our 355-grain arrow in
excess of 290 fps. Kinetic energy remained
remarkably even through all our test
arrows, in fact, numbers actually increased
with some of the lighter shafts—a sign of
e treme efficienc .

The DSX 31 Pro is the more compact of
the series, a DSX 33 and DSX 33 Pro (with
27- to 31-inch draw lengths) are set for
release in January 2021. IA

WebXtra ■ Take a look at the

Martin Outdoors DSX 31 Pro in action at


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Burris Optics Scent Thie o bo ac a de igned to t
into an h nting ac and hel h nter eli i-
rri ne racle incor orate a range nder into nate h an odor . Scent Thie re ol tionar
a cro bo read o tic. The te ro ide not onl or la a de igned to co letel re o e an
range, b t ta e the g e or o t o tra ector , ai ing ani al abilit to en e threatening odor . The
oint and oint o i act. The racle incl de a b ilt co an atented o S ell Technolog re-
in la er range nder ro iding reci e ardage to la e the ol actor e itheli , te orar-
ard , incl ding a to atic tra ector co en ator or il eli inating an ani al en e o ell. hen
tee l angled hot . The ight can be rogra ed or an ani al get a hi o Scent Thie Field
t o di erent bolt eight and tra ectorie and incl de S ra the are then nable to ell an thing
ea to reach b tton or acce to an int iti e o eration else. The product is guaranteed. Scent Thief
and rogra ing en . eticle brightne i ad table, and an integrated b bble le el en re cro bo re ain includes all natural and organic ingredients so it
i ercent a e to a l to in and clothing
are to the target. The racle i o erated ia irele re ote, the integrated o nt co atible ith icatinn and on t har the en iron ent. t i old in
or ea er t le rail . The ight incl de a M o . Learn ore b i iting
and o nce bottle . Learn ore b i iting
Lil Bow Peep/Omega Sight

Lil Bow Peep Sight’s one-of-a-kind Omega II Sight for
incl de ight, range nder and ideo ca era in

a ingle nit, and incl de grade ro the re io
odel. The reci ion range nder a to aticall calc late
ardage e en on o ing target and to ard .
ideo ca era i integrated into the co act, .

o nce nit to el l . The ne ega al o incl de to
o er oo , e di erent reticle cale to atch ea on choice, a
lo light enhance ent eat re, an on creen digital le el and co e ith
a detachable n hield. t t o t cro bo or rear ia a icatinn rail o nt,
a er atile o nting brac et o ered or ertical bo . The nit i eather re i tant and ea
to ad t. t incl de a M rice o . Learn ore b i iting

Galaxy MTM Molded Products
Tra eler rro and olt a e b MTM are de igned to ee
The a ordable ala ri on rc bo or cro bo ro ectile a e hile tra eling and al o o er a
tid torage o tion. The are ade ro r gged ol ro lene,
Longbo . i a traditional o ro e er trong, and are li eno gh to t into the ide
oc et o nearl an bo oft ca e and o e hard ca e . The re
ha ed longbo eat ring de igned to ec rel hold i broadhead ti ed arro or bolt
read or action. The co act ca e are onl inche thic ,
na ebra ood ood accent
ith odel o ered or longer co o nd traditional arro
on the fadeouts, with limbs and shorter for standard-length crossbow bolts. The interior
notched oa cradle haft r l and rotect arro etch-
constructed from rock maple ings from crushing or broadhead edges from dulling. Learn more
b i iting
and blac bergla ace and
back. The reenforced limb
The bo tring aterial e ert at ha e ade i ro e-
tips allow the use of pre- ent to an o their o t o lar aterial or , ro iding

mium, low-stretch string archer and bo h nter ore eace o ind and tring longe it .
Still the co an o t o lar aterial, ro e ltra
materials without damage. table and er to gh. e er incl de a re ned blend
o ber o ering additional rotection again t tring cree . The
The radiused shelf is cut
all dia eter aterial o er e cellent arro eed and ro e
just outside center for e ce tionall d rable. i till a iable or hor e aterial, con i t-
ing o ercent to grade nee a. t i co atible ith co o nd ,
easier tuning, and the grip rec r e and cro bo , o ering a a e and reliable ol tion or all. o er
one o the ide t arra o color in the b ine , ith o tion a ailable and
i hand crafted to ro ide all are ro dl ade in the S . Learn ore b i iting  

a i co ort and INSIDE ARCHERY JANUARY 2021

orgi ene . The inch

bow comes with a

Flemish-twist bowstring.

Recommended brace

height i to inche

and the bo i o ered in

dra eight ro to

o nd o nd incre-

ent , right or left handed.

Learn ore b i iting


Elevation Realtree Outdoors 2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS

The Ele ation Mettle i er i ba ed on a The ne e t attern ro the ca o age ing at ealtree i
odi ro en de ign and ade to ha l E E, hich e ecti el i ic ele ent o nd in nat re
e er thing to rna ent hooter need on the
range. It includes a spacious three-stage arrow ith o en oc et , non di tinct ha e and tonal gra
that ada t to rro nding color . E E a r o e-
ba , corecard lee e oc et
with scorecard holder, ll de igned to a ear n tr ct red, tho gh it di tinctl
separate damaged i ic nat ral ele ent . e igned ri aril a a e tern
arro ba , t o tac ed attern, E E al o nction ell in Ea tern oodland ,
zippered pockets, an hattering the h an o tline at di tance ro to
additional lee e oc et ard and clo er. E E incor orate a co bination o
ca o age ele ent er ected b a e redator and
and genero acce or at- nat ral ele ent nat rall o nd in e tern terrain. Learn
tach ent oint . n e terior ore b i iting
ic tand holder ro ide ic
Axion Archery
access and traps the stand
again t the i er bod , eli - ion rcher co act and light eight b t deadl e ecti e l Stabili er i
inating the need to waste achined ro bar toc al in to create a trea lined ho ing carr ing a Mathe
ar onic Lite a er and t o Mathe Flat a er . n o tional ion h brid
a pocket for bow-stand da er i o ered. The ion l Stabili er ro ide a i
torage. The i er a ibration control on an bo de ign, and i ro e bo balance
de igned ith erio and stabilization for quieter, more stable shooting
shooters in mind, made and ai ing. The tabili er i o ered ith lac
of premium materials or ealtree Edge ni he and ea re
and double stitched . inche long. Learn ore b i iting
to la t an ea on .
The i er can be r-
chased alone, or as
a package including
belt and pouch, retailing

or . or . , re ecti el . Learn ore b
i iting

Tink’s APA Archery

e or , Tin i o able Scent ri er o er rcher lac Ma ba i a ne de ign
ea tran ort ith e ree handling. Tin o nce based on the high performance
Black Mamba riser. The
i o able Scent ri er are a ailable in three o the well balanced and
co an o t o lar cent , re loaded ith Tin lightweight bow
acco odate
oe in t, Tin o er Scra e Moc Scra e Starter
or Tin o er Scra e Moc Scra e Fini her. The e eight di trib tion -
disposable drippers are adjustable and designed to tem. The smooth-drawing
di en e cent con i tentl or to three da . The can cam includes a Rotating
be ea il itched o t a needed. i o able Scent ri -
er a e cent di er al ea and con enient and the ra Sto ith ercent
let o . The Micro T ne te
e ree ac aging i highl d rable to a oid accidental allows more tuning control
ill . Learn ore b i iting and the bow propels arrows
to eed o
Bohning Company ia a . inch brace. t

elebrating ear o er ing archer and bo h nter , ohning introd ce the ne oc et i er. The eigh . o nd bare
olded la tic oc et i er ro ide a a e, con enient and ec re a to carr eld ti ed arro . The and i o ered in ea dra
er atile oc et i er hold i arro o an dia eter, li ed into a hi oc et or attached to a belt or ac
tra and ec red b the integral eight o , , ,
anchoring cli . t ta ec rel in and o nd each
lace and gi e o ic and ea with 10 pounds of adjust-
acce to i arro . The ade in abilit . ra length ro
the S oc et i er ea re to inche in inch
. b . b . inche and incre ent are co ered.
is made from rugged materials to The bo incl de
la t an ea on . Learn ore b e er e arr andle,
i iting Fang Riser and
Tool entre. Learn
J SE E . M ore b i iting


October Mountain Products
Rancho Safari
ctober Mo ntain rod ct Tr enter L T La er at i er ha e
lign ent Tool i indi en able or an bo ndergone an
technician. The ne er ion o the L T incl de functional up-
i ro ed eat re to a e it ore e l. The ne - grades, including
e t er ion incl de tighter tolerance or reci ion the most recent
ea re ent , ing a degree rotating la er at i er Mini. t
to nd the er ect center hot. t al o incl de is sleeker, more
b ilt in and re o able le el , the latter ed a a adjustable and
hori ontal bo le el and then nthreading to t into highl er atile.
an tandard arro in ert to do ble a an arro le el. The lti r o e tool a e e er da ta li e bo The Mini allows
le eling, arro re t le eling, center hot align ent and ca lean a ter and ea ier, a ing ti e that tran late er to re o e
into one . The tool retail or . . Learn ore b i iting the bo i er
or i ro ed
Cold Steel balance and ac-
c rac . t incl de
old Steel hea Shot one Sa broadhead o er an a ordable b t deadl o tion retailing or onl . an enclo ed etching hood to ca o age
each, eli inating the an iet o lo ing an e en i e head. The one Sa incl de inno ati e h brid con tr c- bright etching or rotect nat ral eather ,
tion that includes a one-piece blade made from heat-treated stainless steel and a and the bottom cradle holds broadheads at
cre in err le olded ro to t, ace age ol er. The c t on the ti to re ent d lling edge . rro are
contact, ed blade de ign hold oo har edge that en re re re t at the oint and noc . ho lder
strap allows using the Mini as a lightweight
ide blood trail and dee enetration on an t e o ga e. bac i er, attaching it to a da ac or hang-
There are t o er ion o the one Sa , one ith tandard ing it ro a hanger branch hile on a tand.
razor’s edges and another with serrated cutting edges. d table length acco odate an arro
oth eigh grain and are er ect or co - and broadhead combination, with models
pound or traditional bowhunters. Learn made for shorter crossbow bolts. Learn more
b i iting
ore b i iting

Odin’s Vapor Trail Archery
a or Trail rcher en li b dri en, dro a a arro
Odin’s scent infused, re t i no ore er atile and a ter to et . The oat-
time-release scent ing la ncher ro ide a i orgi ene and can
pellets dispense be adjusted for drop speed, translating into increased
alluring scent for up acc rac . nl a thori ed dealer a ell the e re t ,
to da . The earth eli inating online or Mart co etition. The re o ered
toned scent pellets with 12 interchangeable colors to match bow color schemes.
aren t con ed b The incl de a ll ca t re r bber o er olded carbon cage or
ga e, lea ing the ool roo hooting and can be acti ated b either to or botto li b .
to do their work. Micro ad table indage and ele ation and an integrated b bble le el a e
The re al o er- et a ter and ore reci e. ilencing Shag ad, non li li b o nting ad,
cent biodegradable, acti ation cord and o nting bolt are incl ded. Learn ore b i iting
o the on t har
the en iron ent. e Cobra Archery
12-ounce bottles are
. inche in dia eter The ar e ter handheld relea e b obra rcher eat re a ne
to slip into the water
bottle pouch of most ni ed Trigger S te .T.S. hich allo ad t ent o the
da ac . din
partnership with th b trigger length, angle and rotation ith t one cre . The

nter loa introd ce ro rietar roller ear gi e the trigger incredible cri ne , and
a be o ne cent targeted at hite tailed deer,
black bear and wild hogs. Whitetail scents are a the nat ral gri de ign o e the inde and iddle nger clo er

ain ta , b t le and corn o en o ibilitie together or i ro ed ergono ic . lan ard hole i o itioned di-
for attracting bears and hogs, with scents such as
rectl behind the hoo center or i ro ed align ent ith the anchor
gar beet, ean t b tter, anilla and eet corn
under consideration. Odin’s products come with oint. re o able third nger te i incl ded, and trigger en iti it

ar eting ort aterial and in tore di la . and eight are inde endentl ad table. The relea e incl de a ll
Learn ore b i iting
ca t re hoo and i achined to tight tolerance ro T,
T al in and and tainle teel. t incl de a li eti e

arrant . Learn ore b i iting


Arizona Archery Enterprises (AAE) 2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS

E Mo ntain Serie Stabili er ar are brand ne or and et to beco e the hotte t h nting tabili er
in the co an ot od line ithin the d ante Mo ntain Serie . ll Mo ntain Serie tabili er
incl de . inch bar dia eter, ade ro high od l , ltralight carbon that al o tili e a ne internal
ibration da ening aterial to deli er an a a ingl oft and iet hot itho t adding nd e eight. o -
ing in ro . inche to . o nce inche , the Mo ntain Serie i the er ect tabili er or bac co ntr

o ntain h nter or an one loo ing to a i i e their tabili ation hile ee ing a to a ini or
ea ier carr ing. Learn ore b i iting

GAS Bowstrings Trophy Ridge

S o tring ho t a o o tring o er The all ne eact etaliate in
a more consistent, reliable and accurate alterna- ight ro Tro h idge incl de the
ti e to tandard i e bo tring . ho t a o co an e cl i e eact Technolog
tring and cable are ade ro re i and aluminum mounting bracket for
de endabilit . eact Technolog allo
aterial to ro ide the lti ate balance o eed ighting in and ard in , all other in
and tabilit . hen co bined ith S o - then ga ed er ectl or o r artic lar bo et . Thi
tring e cl i e TTS Total Ten ioning S te makes it much faster to sight in without the guesswork. The
the result is a super stable string that won’t stretch eact etaliate hold e . inch hori ontal in et in a alli ti o ol er S te that red ce
with use or in warm weather, meaning peeps ibration hile aintaining light eight trength. clic ad table rheo tat LE light allo ad ting bright-
al a co e bac are to the e e. ho t ne to atch hooting condition and all indage and ele ation ad t ent are acco li hed thro gh tool ree
a o i a er ect color atch or toda odern icro o e ent . The ight incl de nd a i ad t ent. Learn ore b i iting
ca o attern and end er ing and eed noc
are a ailable in a ide ariet o color . o ergri
center er ing i tandard on all ho t a o
tring . co lete et retail or to .
Learn ore b i iting

Banks Outdoors Galaxy
For an tdoor i ro ed the degree
The ala Sat rn
ie o their Li ited Edition St blind ec r e i er i an
a ordable traditional
through eight silent, framed windows. The blind is t le bo ri er .
hand crafted ro la i-
a ailable a a ll e i ed ro nter or tan- nated wood and compat-
ible ith LF t le rec r e
dard St odel. ith ore than are limbs. The riser includes a
handsome black back with
feet of interior room the blind is ideal for sharing blac ond ood ace
with red highlights running
h nt ith a il or l ing. The blind i ade the length of the riser. The riser
allows lateral limb adjust-
ro tabili ed ol eth lene and incl de a ments for easier tuning and
achie ing er ect align ent.
round, seamless shell. The full-sized door seals out The riser is built for speed,
a ing it a great o tion or
ele ent and eal in cent. The blind incl de a hea d t teel ba e or ea , ec re o nting and ele ating on tournaments or bowhunting.
The inch ri er create a ,
ood or teel leg . The o r la er oor te incl de oa oor at or ilence. The blind eigh o nd
, or inch bo ith the ad-
and ea re b inche , and the indo ea re b inche . Learn ore at dition of short, medium or long
li b , re ecti el . ala note
Full Range Hanging Systems that li b rated or inch ri er

F ll ange anging S te allo an ho lder o nt to be a ee a to o nd increa e
ng degree o c to er don t ha e to choo e a ingle in dra eight. Learn ore b i iting
ed o ition to di la a ho lder o nt on a at all. The
ne ede tal S te ro F ll ange anging S te i the 77
ne e t addition, o ering an e citing o tion or di la ing
to three ho lder o nt on a ingle a e bl . The ede tal
S te o er o ething di erent and add di tinction to an
tro h roo , at a retail rice o onl . The ede tal S te i ea il
co bined ith an iable ba e or rther c to i ation. o can add an
old hi e barrel, tree t or c to en iron ental di la incor o-
rating branche ro nat ral en iron ent . Learn ore b i iting

J SE E . M


Fore Runner Ground Blinds a Stic b o e
Jammer allow dispens-
Fore nner ro nd lind a e a highl ortable, oft ided ing the co an
gro nd blind de igned to be h gel ortable et tand to har h ol actor di abling
scent with less
eather and ro ide tro ble ree e. Fore nner ro nd lind mess and fuss. The
incl de a hitch te allo ing the to be to ed b an T , ide atented o e
b ide or e bi e. The blind hold retractable heel engaged Jammer formula
di engaged in in te to a e o ing the blind a t and i le. i de igned to o er-
The blinds are made around a rigid, self-supporting aluminum whelm predators’
ra e that i i er io to trong ind or hea no , and big-game
animals’ sense of
itho t the need or tiedo n ta e . Shooting ro the blind smell; including
i acco odated b large hori ontal and ertical indo , hether elk, whitetail,
hooting cro bo or ertical bo . Fore nner ro nd lind are pronghorn, hogs
large eno gh to hold three to o r eo le. Learn ore b i iting and co ote . t
highl e ecti e
Veteran Innovative Products (VIP) ingredients
incl de anillin and
o bat eteran broadhead i eteran ade ro onl to alit erican aterial . The blade h - other natural aromatic compounds, including
brid broadhead co bine the reliabilit o a ed blade ith the ide c tting dia eter o echanical de ign , lignin, a major support structure for trees,
all controlled b e cient Mo ent Manage ent Technolog ith interior ring ed to o en the blade grasses and shrubs. These natural compounds
won’t alarm game animals, but instead tem-
on de lo ent. hen engaged, blade ring o en to rod ce . b inch c t , all led b a c tting, oraril o er hel their ol actor te b
bone-splitting titanium tip. Interior suspension deli ering the e co o nd at concentrated
allows the 2-inch-wide main blades to fold le el , o erloading the ol actor gland o nd
around encountered bone, then snap back to in an animal’s nose and helping hunters’ odors
to go o erloo ed. a Stic are ic and
a i c tting idth after a ing to en re ea to e and are re able. Learn ore b
traight line enetration. The . inch thic , i iting
scalpel-sharp blades are made from high
grade tainle teel. Learn ore b i iting

Bear Archery Moultrie

e or , ear rcher i Mo ltrie Mobile ne . elta Serie cell lar ca era incl de
bringing bac the belo ed igh na ic ange color enhanced i age ca t red at M .

Mag Ta e o n rec r e ll ne LL M T Sen or and oot in i ible a h detection
riser, but this one includes range en re bright, clear nightti e i age . . econd trigger eed
up-to-date cast-aluminum captures more action and the unit transmits up to 10,000 images on a
construction for greater ingle et o lithi batterie . eri on or T T net or nit hold
rigidit . The cla ic Fred e ternal antenna or greater co erage. l o incl ded are integrated

ear Ta e o n rec r e S trac ing or theft reco er and da ti e Trigger to o ti i e trigger
allo a e bl in ec- en iti it ba ed on en iron ental condition . age load to a ree
ond and ea ta edo n clo d ba ed er er ia Mo ltrie Mobile a or eb ite, and ree S e-
cie ecognition oft are and nteracti e Ma ing are incl ded. Learn
or torage and tra el. ore b i iting
The Mag Riser features
a comfortable molded Rungu Dualie E-bikes

ri t t le gri and ng alie o ble heel e bi e ro ide a ore table
includes a bushing and safer ride to get rider and gear into places other fat-tire
for stabilizer and e bi e cannot. o n here er or ance get o thro gh
oft and, dee no l inche , lo d, o er roc
i er acce orie . and log and ore. Straight li b abilit let o ta
The adjustable center eated hile cli bing ercent or tee er grade here
shot side plate allows other e bi e ight i o bac ard . The Total ontrol
tuning for perfect Wheelbase makes descending easier and safer as well.
arro ight. The t le
riser can be paired with o ble heel e ign incl de t o ront heel aced
li b to a e a inche a art to eli inate o er the handlebar i eo t and
inch bo or li b loss of traction. Rungu e-bikes are designed and produced in
to a e a inch the S . Learn ore b i iting
bow. Learn more
b i iting


Q2i Archery SA Sports 2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS

i rod ce c tting edge ane or bo h nter S S ort E ire ni her i a c tting edge cro bo incl ding to date technologie . The
and target archers who demand top performance. ni her eat re an ltra narro a le to a le ro le ea ring inche at re t and .
F ion light eight and aerod na ic ane
are de igned or target archer , and are o ered in inche hile coc ed. The cro bo incl de re er e ca d na ic and he bolt to
i length ro . to inche . The F ion SL and deli er a ni hing . oot o nd o inetic energ .
is another lightweight and quiet, target-inspired
ane, o ered in . , . and . inch odel The cro bo i e tre el iet and it co e read to
hoot after ight in right o t o the bo . cce -
ith lo er ro le and boattail rear. The ri , sories include an illuminated multi-reticle scope,
in . , . and inch length , i a lo ro le
arabolic ane ade or all eather condition . i er, three carbon bolt , ecial Sled
The a t i a b . inch i oint ane rope cocker and shoulder sling. For
er ect or broadhead . e er eon ane incl de all of its features and accessories,
ber o tic li e edge or better i ibilit . The the crossbow has an MSRP of
are o ered in . b . inch F ion boattail onl . Learn ore b i iting
rear , . and . inch F ion and b . inch

a t . Ten color are o ered. Buck Rub Gear
Learn ore b i iting The Magne ro a en la rro e t ro c
b ear incl de a la ncher tili ing ca t re cla

that ec rel contain the arro hile at re t, b t o en
d ring the dra c cle and old co letel at after relea e
or ercent etching clearance itho t to bar inter er-
ence. Powerful magnets replace spring and trigger mechanisms,

hich eli inate the o ibilit o ail re, etching contact or la ncher
bo nce. The re t i con ertible ro right to left hand and icro
ad t ent or ti ing are ea il cond cted ith a co re ion lee e

te integrated into the re t. T ning i er ea ia the ed loc
ele ation ad t ent cre . The o nce re t ha an MS o . and i
e tre el d rable. Learn ore b i iting

GutCheck Indicators Scent
t hec ndicator arro ra o er the d al r o e o aiding bo h nter in a ing in or ed deci ion
on ho to ollo on ga e after a hit, and al o a highl re ecti e i al to hel archer locate arro ore The ne alo
Serie o ert
ic l ollo ing a hot. The arro ra co e in o r highl re ecti e color ll il er, or il er ith band lo et b Scent
o green, ello , or red. The n enti e tdoor tea incor orated their ro en arro i e technolog into r her i a
adhe i e arro ra , o the are al a ith the h nter. t hec ndicator incl de che ical technolog er atile, ea
re ealing i arro ha e o nd ital organ or an ortion o the dige ti e te on an big ga e ani al, and a e a to
allo ing hooter to e E S re Learn ore at eliminate odors
and bacteria
Peep Eliminator from hunting
clothing and
The ee Eli inator ol e an o the roble a ociated ith gear. The o ert
tandard tring ee te . The ee Eli inator eli inate lo et i a roller
tring o nted ee b introd cing a rear, d al notch ight tra el bag, b t
to align ith tandard ront in , creating ri e ight li e also a cleansing
alignment with compound bow sights, increasing closet. Scent
acc rac , allo ing ore o iti e lo light ai ing, and r her ne
re enting hot tor e. J t brac et a ront in corre onding batter o er-
to the ardage re ired or the hot ith the t o rear ber ated alo enerator
oint li e ri e iron ight and c t the hot. The ee Eli inator cleanses interior items with odor-killing ozone.
al o allo archer ith cro do inant e e to ore ea il hoot Light eight, high tech abric, hea d t
a right handed bo hile ai ing ith the left e e, and i e er a. re er ed i er and eather re i tant botto
Learn ore b i iting ensure a complete seal and ruggedness. It mea-

J SE E . M re b b inche , i inche high
hen a e bled and eigh o nd . Snac
and drin can be tored in the in lated e terior
oc et, another b b inch o one ree
e terior oc et i al o art o the ac age. Learn
ore b i iting


2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS Shadow Hunter Blinds

KuduPoint Shadow Hunter Blinds’ newest model is the
Marksman Series 6x6 Octagon Archery, design
Nail-tough KuduPoint Broadheads include 420 stainless steel main specifically for vertical and horizontal bows. The
blades with single-bevel/variable-pitch edges swaged permanently large, multi-person blind offers ample room
into a 416 stainless-steel ferrule. Cut-on-contact, concave edges drive for multiple people to share the hunt and bring
deep into game; the new Contour + Plus includes a bleeder blade for all their gear. The blind includes a rust-proof
bigger wound channels. Three-packs come in a handy hard case with aluminum exterior and rodent- and waterproof
integrated broadhead wrench and the + Plus bleeders are fast and flooring. The 6-by-6-foot blind includes an eight-
easy to install. KuduPoint Broadheads include standard #8-32 threads, sided octagon shape, with a 360-degree field of
popular 100-, 125- and 150-grain heads 1.07 inches wide and 1.18 view; and shooting is provided by three 14-by-
inches long. The 100-grain includes a rugged .050-inch thick blade, 24.5 vertical main windows, four 8-by-24.5 corner
the bleeder weighing 8 grains and made from 17-4 stainless steel with windows and a front 8-by-24.5 window. The
single-bevel and .625-inch cutting width. A dark finish eliminates glare. ceiling holds a bow holder and upgrade options
Learn more by visiting are available. Visit

HODAG Licking Stick

The HODAG Licking Stick is designed to replicate
natural licking sticks that occur in the wild and it will al-
low you to place it in an area of your choice. Everything
you need in order to effectively and efficiently begin
to maximize your effectiveness both scouting and
hunting, while minimizing the amount of pressure you
put on your herd. Visually creates interest by taking
advantage of a Whitetails curiosity and then stimulates
physical interaction with the use of the AllSeason
Licking Stick Scent. .  Includes the FlexPlate™ base,
(2) anchoring stakes, and 8 oz. AllSeason Scent™.
Learn more by visiting

Mathews Archery X-Factor Outdoor Products

Mathews’ 2021 V3 31 includes a longer Extended New for 2021, X-Factor introduces the Xtreme Side Bar Mount
Bridged Riser with incorporated 740 Damper, with patent-pending Roller Ball Technology. This is the only sin-
new Centerguard Cable Containment system and gle-adjust, 365-degree sidebar mount in the industry. It includes
refined limbs and pockets to create the finest no teeth to lock into place so it is micro tunable. To lock the bar
shooting Mathews yet. The V3 31 measures 31 in place, a locking set screw was added to secure adjustments.
inches between the axles, (the V3 27 is the The system is black anodized. The mount is part of the Xtreme
other half of the series), Balance Stabilizer, which is offered in 6-, 8-, 10- and 12-inch
with a 6-inch brace versions, finished in black or camo. A thermosetting polymer
height and 342 fps epoxy lasts a lifetime and the SBT comes with a 3.5-ounce end
IBO speed rating. New weight and 1-ounce H/S. Additional weight can be added. It is
geometry improves stability capped with patented A-Tech rubber SBT end (Mathews version
and creates the feel of a much offered) to squelch vibrations. The USA-made system is guaran-
longer bow. Centerguard Cable teed for life. Learn more by visiting
Containment centers buss cable
contact points to optimize Lowdown
cam timing, tunability and
vane clearance. Limbs are The Lowdown Viewer allows reviewing trail camera images
heavily preloaded and or videos in the field. All new, advanced features make it
the limb cup design is easier to use than ever. The Lowdown Viewer includes two
lighter than ever. Nano 740 full-sized SD card ports (one with captured images/video
enhances 3-D damping and and the second for storage) that are compatible with cards
balance. Crosscentric Cams up to 128GB each. The 9-inch touch screen and scroll fea-
with SwitchWeight Technol- ture allows moving from the Snap Shot System, to pause
ogy and Silent Connect video clips and save a single frame to the card. The system
System (SCS) remain. can also be used to format cards. A new Navigator
Learn more by visiting Help System instruction video is now built right into the viewer to make getting started easier.
Learn more by visiting


Dead Alpine Archery 2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS
Wind Field ro en and c to er a orite, l ine
i er are a ailable once ore thro gh
The one
lo et b ead in e . The de ign i being re itali ed and
o n ind relaunched with new colors, including black,
is designed
to store green and ealtree Edge. The ne line
ca o age incl de the o lar ear la i er in and
clothing, boots arro er ion , the Soft Loc la ic in and arro
and other gear. er ion and ag hi o er Loc arro i er. The
The collapsible brand i no n or high alit , r gged de endabilit and
frame makes it h ge al e, ith light eight de ign and ractical brac et
portable, so it et . etail rice range ro . to . . Learn ore
can be taken on b i iting
hunts, and can
also be combined Maple Leaf Press
with the included
lo et one Ma le Lea re or ed ith the Schola tic rcher ,
enerator to S rogra to create indoor target ace eat ring S
de tro ga e
spooking odors. ital Scoring. The ne target ill be ed d ring indoor
The portable design e ent , in addition to the bl e and hite F b ll e e
allo et in abo t e targets, which Maple Leaf Press has been producing for
in te ith a t rd , b ilt to la t etal ra e. decade . e color che e incl de bro n and blac ,
The g h lo et one enerator i incl ded,
or it can be aired ith the one enerator, ea ring b inche and rinted on high alit ,
hich i old e aratel . Learn ore b i iting e en oint a er that re i t tearing. ll incl de code or retailing con enience. Ma le Lea re ha o ered ore
arietie o o cial target than an other co an in the orld. F ,
F , orld rcher , ega , and no the e ne S target , are all a art o Ma le Lea e citing line
o ered at an a ordable rice incl ding rice atch . Learn ore b i iting

Hobson Insurance Primal
Montana ba ed ob on n rance o er ecialt in rance
lan tailored or archer and g n range and retail ho . ob on Primal Treestands has been
n rance i a M T Ser ice ro ider and re erred endor in b ine ince a a
Me ber o the ational rcher er ociation. ob on n- a il o erated b ine
der tand the ni e circ tance o o erating an archer retail with the hunter’s best
ho or range, a their ta incl de a ionate archer and ar- intere t in ind. big art
cher in tr ctor . The o er lan or ro ert , liabilit , co ter o that i a et hich the
e i ent, lo o inco e, cri e, c ber liabilit , ordinance or la , ho ca e ith the ri Ja
e lo ee bene t , e i ent brea do n, b ine ehicle , S te . The atented ri
ood, or er co en ation, li or liabilit , co ercial brella Ja S te allo h nter
in rance and ore, ith re erred gro ricing a ailable. Learn to attach Primal treestand
ore b i iting
odel ec rel to the tree
TenPoint Crossbow Technologies before climbing, lowering the
odds of a mishap. The newest
Ten oint . o nd, . b . inch S ro ide eed ith a grain bolt and re e acc rac addition to that a il i
the oot ri Stic ith
in an ltra co act ac age. The lide te allo a e de coc ing. The S co act nat re i ade an incor orated ri Ja
S te . The atented ri
o ible thro gh a ne ted, inch M T barrel, degree rotating a and an ltra light, ad t- Ja S te a i i e a et
with a strong grip installation
able TE T T L toc . t i e i ed ith the ne E Mar an Elite Sco e calibrated to ard . and co e in e inch ec-
tions. The double-step design
ro rietar technolog rod ce ore eed ith le dra eight or oother, o er ea ier, a er cli bing.
The tic cli bing te
ieter hooting ia a . inch o er tro e. The to ra e ear S te al- incl de a te t red ni h
and eigh . o nd
lows for silent cocking and controlled de-cocking and or ea tran ort.
Learn ore b i iting
the t o tage S Trigger o er ero cree

and a . o nd brea . The cro bo

co e ith e er thing needed to begin

hooting. Learn ore b i iting

J SE E . M 81


Delta McKenzie Wyld Seasoning

The ne elta Mc en ie S eed ag i ld Sea oning tarted in in a retail
meat market, where the crew learned
de igned to to high elocit arro and all about meat and their passion grew
for the art of blending spices, smoking
cro bo bolt ing a genero o nd o and coo ing ild ga e. The co an
ha on t o orld ha ion hi
ll that i rated to . The target o er long and hundreds
of state cham-
li e thro gh the large, are inch ace, hich ion hi . The
co an o er
incl de a inch grid te or a ter cro bo a ni e ariet
o ld Sa age
co e calibration. The S eed ag incl de high and S ice i e .
E a le incl de
contrast graphics printed on both sides for high
e Me ico
i ibilit . The o lar bag te allo ea atch hili, Jala-
eno acon,
tran ort and one handed arro bolt re o al that
le le
a e hooting ore n. The target ea re b b hee e S er
Sausage, Sweet
inche and incl de an MS o onl . . Learn ore b i iting
le ood, a-
Archer Sight banero Mango,
eer, erb To-
The ic Sight Elite SE ad table ee ha been re ned mato Bratwurst,
to make adjustments easier. The design allows the end-user to Frontier abin
hili Mi , a gro nd and e ert t
a e ic er ad t ent . The SE cla onto the bo tring, ea oning , all ree o MS . Learn ore
o it re ire no bo re to lit tring ber or a e b i iting
nite ad t ent . The ad anced de ign allo or a t and
ea ad t ent to t eci c hooting t le , and it can be
realigned or o itioned ic l ho ld the tring t i t or tretch.
The SE eigh abo t grain and in tall in in te ing
the ro ided icro anchoring cre n t . The o al ight ort
turns into a circle as the string is pulled to an angle at full draw.
The SE can be o itioned or right or left hand hooter . Learn
ore b i iting

HHA Sports

The Tetra in o er ight b

Sports represents a culmination of

more than two decades of technol-

og to ro ide the o t er atile,

light eight and r gged ight

et. The Tetra allo . inche o ooth

tra el on a choice o ed or do etail o nt-

TWN ing. . .S. allo dialing reci e ardage, co bined
Transfer ith reci ion indage ad t ent . The ad t ent heel de ign i i er
co atible and nd and rd a i ad t ent are incl ded. The te i toolle or ic et ,
T ater Tran er
rinting ro ide incl ding la er engra ed ha h ar . ther eat re incl de rheo tat in brightne control, a-
e i ent and l
technologies to chined al in ber rotection, b bble le el, ard ca abilitie and ercent li eti e
some of the top bow
manufacturers around the arrant . Learn ore b i iting
co ntr . The e an act rer
e T e i ent to a l c to attern to Rhino Blinds
their rod ct . Thi ear T i bringing bac the
S oodland M a o attern a et another hino lind ealtree Edge co ortabl acco odate
o tion. Thi high contra t, di r ti e attern
includes irregular markings of sand, brown, green t o to three h nter ith a inch center height and b
and blac tone . T technolog and c tting
edge equipment help manufacturers stand out oot rint. The hell i ade ro a denier ol e ter ea e
ro the co etition and the ha e the er ect
attern or an rod ct. Learn ore b i iting or de endabilit . Set i a t and i le and the r gged
con tr ction tand to an eather. enero hooting ort
consist of a large front window on two panels and three smaller

indo on the bac . indo are co ered ith ad table

re o able hoot thro gh e h and olid abric ec red ith

ilent hoo and loo attach ent . The o er i ed, i erle

door ro ide ea acce and br h loo allo adding ca o aging

aterial to accent ate the e ecti e ealtree Edge ca o. ein orced titching,

rein orced corner and anti ilde treat ent en re long li e. Learn ore b i iting


Tactacam Treestand Buddy 2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS

Tactaca e el ell lar a era i The Ladder Stand dd b Tree tand
a game-changing design integrating dd o nt to the bac bar o o t
the co an ad anced technolo-
gie and engineering a to a e ladder tand and allo er to ec rel
the re ote acce e erience ore anchor the tand to the tree be ore lea -
en o able, and ore a ordable. ing the gro nd, or a a er h nting e eri-
The te incl de a ort a . ence. The te i ade ro to t b t
lightweight aluminum and comes with a
The ca era eat re a color L ni er al o nting it co atible ith
screen and setup requires less than
2 minutes, using the Tactacam o t ladder tand odel . The te i
e eal a . The nit boa t o e o re o able or e ith lti le tand and hea d t ratchet tra are incl ded. t eigh onl .
the be t batter li e in it cla and o nd b t i rated to o nd . The ilot ar are entilated and ribbed to be trong b t light, and
incl de a oot detection range. co letel encircle the tree tr n , a ratchet tra tighten the gri ing teeth or a olid gri . Learn ore
b i iting
ightti e ill ination
is adjustable and Victory Archery
images boast
M re ol tion. ictor rcher SS co bine technologie o nd in the original lo dia eter ith the tainle
The remote-
access design teel in ed tor ion to create a bone cr hing, dee enetrating haft that hoot atter than the tor ion.
means fewer
trips to the cam- . inch dia eter re i t cro ind and red ce riction hile a ing thro gh ga e. ll ne S in ert
era site which
keeps hunting rotect the ront o the haft ro litting and al o er e to ti en the ore end. ictor E ano era ic
areas fresh.
ata lan tart coating create a lic r ace that a e or ilent dra c cle , red ce riction hile a ing thro gh ga e
at er onth
and allo or ea ier arro e traction ro high den it oa target . The re a ailable in Elite . inch
T T or eri on i age are tored in the
clo d or re ie and anage ent on either the traightne tolerance , . a er . and S ort . and in ine ro . to . . Learn ore
e eal a or S card. Learn ore b i iting b i iting

The Ox Rack .30-06
The ac a de igned b h nter or h nter ho not
onl ant e tra torage ace on their T , b t ho al o e arrior
need assistance loading game following a successful hunt. i er o rage
The ac bolt directl to tandard T b er and i o o nd bo
o ered b a inch. t o er the abilit to ea il and ic l packages, in black
re o e a ell a the abilit to e the inch itho t or irt oad ca o, are
di engaging the rac . ll teel con tr ction en re it ill right-handed bows
ro ide ear o tro ble ree e. Lift ca acit i o nd , adjustable from 20 to

hich en re it ill lift o t ga e in orth erica after o nd and dra
eld dre ing. t i al o high eno gh to ro ide the ele ation length ro to
needed to load most game feeders in states where that is le- inche . bo re
gal. The rac allo loading hole ga e ani al itho t is not required to make adjust-
a i tance. Learn ore b i iting ments. The bow package comes

Capsule Game Feeders ith a in ber o tic ight ith
. inch in , LE ight light, ee ,
a le a e Feeder ol e the inherent roble o ed b wrist sling, full-containment arrow
tandard gra it and tri od eeder . The de ign incl de a r gged, re t and a inch da ening
rotomolded capsule design that sits on the ground and is rugged tabili er. The . o nd
eno gh to ith tand an orce o nat re. The atented a ger bo ea re inche
dri en technolog ll eed ro the botto o n anted bet een the a le and ro-
ar int cannot rob the eeder, hich al o allo lling itho t duces IBO arrow speeds of up
cli bing ladder or tanding on tr c edge or i ro ed a et . to . The al in
The o nd Mo a a e ee er rand eeder i ade or cams include sealed
hunters who want to feed wildlife without assistance. It holds 100 bearings, the limbs are
o nd o eed, ch a corn. t incl de a li ited li eti e arrant
and co e co lete ith ti er, batter and olar anel. Learn ade ro ordan la and
ore b i iting the strings are constructed from

J SE E . M alit aterial. MS rice i or
the blac odel, or the ca o er ion and
both incl de a ear arrant . Learn ore b
i iting


2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS Easton Archery

Whitetail Properties Ea ton F ll Metal Jac et arro ill
Real Estate
be a ailable in a ne Legend Serie or a
hitetail ro ertie i a real e tate co an
created for the sole purpose of bringing together li ited ti e. Thi li ited FMJ eat re
b er and eller o h nting, ranch and ar -
land. The co an or on a o ndation o a the no talgia o a cla ic h nting engra ing
passion for wildlife and rural land management.
on the co an ag hi arro haft. The
hitetail ro ert agent are land eciali t ,
ith the co an tea co ering ore than tate and co nting and ade o an o the ne t land arro eat re a cla ic hitetail engra ed loo
anager and ar et anal t in the r ral real e tate ind tr . hitetail ro ertie agent lo e to h nt, lo e
the land and tri e to a e art in e t ent that bene t their a ilie in order to ce ent nancial tabilit . etallic labelling, gold blac hard anodi ed
hether a r t ti e b er or an e erienced in e tor, hitetail ro ertie i the be t lace to nd h nting, ar
and ranch land or ale. Learn ore b i iting dia ond late and bone color oc . Li ited

Hot Trails edition construction is the same as standard FMJ

ot Trail i a a il o ned and o erated b ine that arro , orting a reci e al in ac et
has been manufacturing the original scented hunting
candle or ore than ear . Each o r ac o ot o er a high trength icro carbon core.
Trail deer h nting candle ro ide to ho r o
cent di er ion. The are o ered in di erent attracting The are o ered on , and
cent targeted at deer incl ding oe eat and o inate
c co ote, o and bear. So e o the co an other ine ith rein talled
cent incl de le, Earth, orn, corn, er i on, one ,
ni e, inna on, acon and rio it . Scent or alone or can oc and S T in ert .
be aired ith the co an co act, light eight al in
hanging lantern, hich hel hide candle a e . Learn ore b The retail or . er i .
i iting
Learn ore b i iting

Mathews, Inc. Walk-On Archery

Mathews’ new Prima is a top-end bow made to al n rcher an act re long la ting archer target
gi e o en archer the a e er or ance a ro ercent rec cled aterial ith e er thing ro
bac ard target to range te . ne great e a le o
the Serie . The bo eigh al n or i the Little John be, hich ea re
onl . o nd and incl de inch square. The design can be stacked to create a commercial
inch a le to a le ec range all, or ed a a tand alone b indi id al . The target
and a inch brace height. o er lti le T.M.S. Target Manage ent S te ai ing ot
t i eled b the reno ned and large a er target area to e tend it li e. The high den it
ro centric a te to bonded oa technolog interior allo or ea arro re o al, b t it
rod ce ooth dra c cle will stop high-performance compound arrows and crossbow bolts for thousands of
and con i tent acc rac hot . The oa core i co ered b a d rable, eather re i tant ol ro lene co er. The target eigh
hile deli ering a i o nd . Learn ore b i iting
do nrange energ ia
arro eed o to Outdoor Edge
at . inche . The
ne enter ard able tdoor Edge ne a or or i an E ni e holding a inch tilit blade o Ja ane e
contain ent te J tainle teel. t heat treated and hand ni hed to a oo har edge.
optimizes cam timing The tilit blade tran er o er directl to the c tting edge, a ing it er ect
while creating additional or trade en and e er da carr , and it o er three ti e ore c tting
ane clearance and edge than a tandard tilit blade. For h nting, a inch dro oint blade
the a ing e i ea il e changed ia tdoor Edge a orSa e te , hich
the all ne ano allo er to change blade ic l and a el b hing a
to red ce ibration b tton. The blac o ide coated teel blade holder ro ide the
and shot noise. The strength of a traditional knife, and the handle is constructed
Engage ri allo ro light eight, one iece, non li ri or ol er. The
consistent hand a or or co e ith t o tilit blade and one dro
placement and re- oint blade. Learn ore b i iting
duces torque. Learn
ore b i iting INSIDE ARCHERY JANUARY 2021


Fin-Finder HODAG Licking Branch 2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS

The Fin-Finder F-31 Compound Bowfishing The HODAG Licking Branch is designed to replicate natural
Bow, available from Kinsey’s, is ideal licking branches that occur in the wild. Everything you need
for shooting fish of all sizes. The to easily, effectively, and efficiently create mock scrape
F-31 accommodates archers scenarios for both scouting and hunting, while minimiz-
of all sizes up to a 31-inch ing the amount of pressure you put on your deer. Visually
draw length with its creates interest by taking advantage of a whitetails curiosity
zero-percent let-off and then stimulates physical interaction with the use of
cams. The 30-inch axle- the AllSeason Scent™. Can be used with a variety of branch
to-axle platform, 8-inch brace types and/or natural vines. Includes the Licking Branch Flex-
height and 25- to 40-pound Plate™, (3) anchoring screws, and 8 oz. AllSeason Scent™.
adjustable draw weight Learn more by visiting
provide a clean release,
even when snap shooting. RealWild Competition 3D
The deeply grooved cam Targets by BIGshot Archery
keeps the bowstring
from jumping track when RealWild Competition 3D Targets provide true-to-life
shooting at odd angles detail, excellent durability and a fair price for any 3D club
and during quick-draw or backyard shooter. All are molded from proven EZ Pull
scenarios. The F-31 holds an Foam that stands up to thousands of shots. The RealWild
anti-slip grip perfect for Competition 3D collection continues to grow, offering more
wet environments. The variety and including newer African impala, skunk and exclusive
F-31 is sold as a armadillo. These new options are added to standing and walking
stand-alone or bears, brown and black boars, mule deer, pronghorn, turkey
with a variety of and several whitetail models, in addition to replacement parts.
ready-to-shoot RealWild 3D targets are affordable, durable and realistic. Learn
package kits. The more by visiting
bare bow retails for
$259.99. Learn more by

SWAT Broadheads Killer Food Plots

New for 2021, SWAT Broadheads’ Juggernaut Ti KFP Soil Defender helps to improve root and plant
mechanical design is engineered to provide an unstop- mass while infusing plants with vital nutrients and
pable option that penetrates deeper than fixed-blade minerals that will help food-plot crops thrive. KFP
options. The ferrule is made from top-grade Soil Defender is a complete, balanced fertilizer
titanium with the strength of steel but the weight containing an N-P-K of 10-5-5. KFP Soil Defender
of aluminum, and it includes a multi-faceted tip. The stimulates root growth and microorganism
steep .040-inch-thick blades and steep blade angle activity by balancing their carbon-to-nitrogen
create a 2.75-inch initial cut but are also guaranteed to ratio. This is a liquid, carbon-based fertilizer made
produce a deep wound channel and exit wound. Entry of a balanced blend of energy-rich nutrients and
blades can be configured to provide a fixed-blade head or left to free float, and rear blades can be set up for fixed organic material. It is environmentally friendly
or mechanical action. The Juggernaut Ti weighs 100 grains, and it can be switched to 125 grains with SWAT’s W25 and also helps promote more efficient water and
weight system. Learn more by visiting nutrient uptake, giving deer more of what they
need to remain healthy. Denser root mass, larger
Ravin Crossbows leaves and earlier crop maturity are all packed in.
Learn more by visiting
Ravin’s R29X is an ultra-compact and super-fast bull-pup-style crossbow made for serious hunters. The crossbow
is only 29 inches long and 10.5 inches wide while un-cocked and 6 inches while cocked, all made possible through 85
HeliCoil Cam technology. The crossbow includes a 300-pound draw weight, a 12.5-inch power stroke and weighs only

6.75 pounds. It fires a Ravin 400-grain bolt to 450 fps. The 2020 Ravin R29X includes
rail-free Frictionless Flight System, match-
grade Trac-Trigger Firing System,
as well as a silent and effortless
Versa-Draw Cocking
System. It comes with a
scope, crossbow level
and bolts. Learn
more by visiting



Innerloc/Sullivan Industries Pine Ridge Archery

The e a tation echanical broadhead b nnerloc c t ine idge rcher ne itro S eed o b i
ade to re lace the hea bra eed b tton
inche ide ia three . inch thic tainle teel blade . on bo , hich are ed to add eed. itro
S eed o b eigh a ro i atel grain ,
n al in err le ith tainle teel c tting ti create a eli inating the need to cri on and a l
heat hrin ra o er tandard bra noc . The
grain head. There i al o a grain er ion ith a one itro S eed o b i al o ea ier to o e aro nd
to nd the ideal eet ot, b t it ta in lace
iece teel err le and illed in c tting ti . na ic lade ontrol once o itioned. itro S eed o b al o er e
do ble d t a tring ilencer . itro S eed
is incorporated into each, which includes a replaceable blade-stop o b are o ered in ine idge nine tandard
colors, plus three all-new earth-tone hues,
cushion inserted behind the blades to reduce blade stress during incl ding tan, oli e green and bro n. t o ac
retail or onl . , ith ac and b l
de lo ent. Sho ld a blade enco nter bone, the in ert i cr hed rcha e al o elco ed. Learn ore b i iting
to allow the blade to sweep back and continue slicing. Innerloc’s

li Loc blade retention te a re ned or added reliabilit ro toda

high er or ance co o nd and cro bo and grain ro bo

Serie al o o ered . Learn ore b i iting

Banner Witcoff

anner itco eciali e in rotecting, en orcing and de ending and co ercial intere t all o er the
orld. Fro tart to Fort ne co anie and acro a range o ind trie , anner itco ro ide
IP guidance that
powers and protects
business. Their knowl-
edge and skillfulness
span the width of IP
law, ensuring that
the can nd the ideal
ol tion or an client. The ro ide er ice or co right, co nter eit good ei re, de ign atent , atent
inter erence and ro ec tion, trade dre , ecret , trade ar and other legal i e that concern archer
b ine e and an act rer . Learn ore b i iting

Pelican Magnus Broadheads

elican T er onal ooler eat re a dr bo The Magn Stinger c t er ion o the o lar Magn Stinger broadhead line
ection in the lid to e arate electronic de ice incor orate a chi el erration or ore e ecti e c tting hile a ing thro gh
and at er onal ite ro internal ice and the animals, which translates into wider, easier-to-follow blood trails. The
elements outside. It also boasts an easel slot Stinger c t co e in and blade er ion and in eight ro
or art hone and tablet . t hold to i to grain . The ni e grade tainle teel i ha ing
tandard be erage can , a ell a t o elican sharp right out of the package, and the heads are reusable
ce ac . The ree er grade ga et, ESS beca e the are ea il re har ened. The Stinger c t i
reci ion achined and e er broadhead i dialed in to ithin
LL latche and . inch thic ol rethane . inch or er ect ight o t o toda a te t bo and
oa or together to o er to ho r o ice cro bo . ll Magn broadhead are co ered b a no
retention. ther eat re incl de a re o able ha le Li eti e e lace ent arantee. Learn ore b
inner tra , integrated bottle o ener ith agnet i iting
to catch bottle ca , na in e ible lid orga-
ni er, ide gri handle and al a c t o t or Huskemaw Optics
ea ier tran ort. t incl de an MS o . ,
a ailable in hite ra or ar ra reen, and The ro eld ro e a Long ange
it i co ered b a three ear li ited arrant .
Learn ore b i iting tic i a ed o er co e that eat re a

86 calibrated rro ro o en ator t rret

to reci el atch the tra ector o a high eed

cro bo at e tended range to ard .

igh de nition i age re ol tion and lticoated

len e ro ide re i light gathering or bright,

sharp images, while the rugged aluminum construction makes it durable, shockproof, fog proof and waterproof in

the o t challenging condition . dditional eat re incl de a d al tac interloc ing t rret, gla etched reticle,

a t oc e e iece, ce ent bedded len e , red green ill inated dot ith e inten it le el and a hea d t

aircraft al in bod . The ro eld i a ailable in both M er clic and M er clic er ion .

MS i . . Learn ore b i iting


Browning Trail Cameras Gator-Gripp 2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS
Rack Systems
The e ender idgeline ell lar Trail a era ha
been updated for 2021 to be the ultimate remote ator ri or all no n a ro ra
game-scouting tool. It features Browning’s indus- a de igned b h nter ho anted a
tr leading n i ible n rared ight ll ination ore reliable bo holding te or their
technolog , hich ha a oot range. Thi tech- T and T . ator ri eli inate the
nolog i great or ga e that i ea il oo ed, r tration o in erting and re o ing e i -
and it do ble a a ec rit a lication. Thi ca ment while also dealing with rubber cords,
is ideal for remote hunting properties with limited elcro tra and other anchoring te .
acce , a ell a en iti e area here ga e The ad table ator ri a de igned to
should not be disturbed, such as rublines, scrapes o er ic , ea and iet o ening a , hile al o en ring ec re anchoring. er i l ll a tra handle to
and bedding area . er can tran it i age ic l in ert or re o e a bo , itho t an r bber tra or noi elcro to ani late. The ator ri hold
and ideo cli bac to their ho e co ter o er e i ent n ggl ith no ni h earing ibration or lo . Learn ore b i iting
a nation ide LTE net or . ro ning d al
carrier technolog ha both T T and eri on re BIGshot Archery
in talled. er i l ic the cell lar carrier that
o er the be t co erage on their ro ert . Learn hot E tre e ron Man Serie target are deigned to

ore b i iting to high er or ance arro and cro bo bolt deli ered

at eed o to , hile al o l ing ea arro

re o al. The ron Man inch tre e i a high end

eld oint target de igned or c to er ho de and

a i longe it . The ron Man E tre e Serie tili e a

orti ed hell to introd ce e tre e co re ion o hot

rcher e cl i e ilitar ber and be t in cla lti

directional o en balli tic core. The hooting ace i hite

ith e blac ot , aced to a i i e target li e. The

ad anced target te i ea il tran orted, long la ting

and ade to to an arro bolt co bination cold. Learn

ore b i iting

America’s Best Bowstrings (ABB) PSE
For , i o ering a ne , er or ance dri en bo tring ai ed at traditional archer . o ad
SE rcher
Fle i h o tring ro ide e tre e alit and i ro ed tabilit or rec r e and longbo , ith in t ro ri e T i a
al e riced
a ter traditional archer ron Sn der o i ar nternational. The o ad ill not tretch and i ade ro bo o ering to
drawer performance.
aterial, hich ha re ained It includes an all-new
machined aluminum riser
the re erred choice or an to and ercent let o F
ad Trac a S te
l ic t le rec r e hooter . or graded tabilit
and t nabilit . The ri e
o ad Fle i h o tring i ro e
T ea re inche
the er or ance and con i tenc o bet een the a le and
allows a wide range of draw
an traditional e i ent and are lengths combined with top-
tier T eat re . The e incl de
a ailable thro gh an a thori ed SE a able o ort ri
S te , a lo er tabili er o nt
erica e t o tring dealer. or i ro ed balance, and
quick-disconnect sling mounts.
Learn ore b i iting The . o nd bo incl de
a inch brace height and propels arrows to speeds of

T.R.U. Ball . ra length o
to inche are acco odated,
T. . . all ne Ten ion T and Ten ion T S ri t tra relea e can be hot ith ll thro gh or rela and the bo can be ordered ith
ten ion acti ation. To hoot a a ll thro gh relea e, et the relea e o nd o er holding eight at ll dra , or o nd ea dra eight . t i al o
o ered in a ead to Shoot ac age. Learn
dra the bo ith the th b and inde nger ten ion le er tightl de re ed, and then ore b i iting
re o e re re ro the th b and inde nger ten ion le er . Finall , ll thro gh the
hot ntil ll eight e ceed the hold eight b o nd . For rela ten ion acti ation, 87
et the relea e o nd le than o r holding eight at ll dra , dra the bo ith
the th b and inde nger ten ion
le er tightl de re ed, and then rela
re re on the th b and inde nger
ten ion to re. cti ation ode
is set with a side lock screw.
MS i . . Learn ore
b i iting

J SE E . M


BIGshot Archery M ear hel bo h nter ta t and
hoot better ith the rcher Shot Sa er and
hot rcher ideo all incl de Li e nt Technolog and Tr e Score nteracti e ital or a highl reali tic rcher elea e Trainer. The rcher Shot
hooting e erience. Thi a ordable interacti e te hel dealer retain c to er and attract ne one . The Sa er i a cle trainer and e erci er. t
interacti e ideo all ro ide alit ractice ea to e an here, and it allo archer to
and keeps customers coming back for more. keep their bow muscles toned and warmed up
Thi ea to o erate and a e te i co - before practice or while bowhunting in cold
atible ith all bo t e , and it i al o highl
obile. The b oot all incl de Li e nt condition . The rcher
en or and interacti e oft are or reali tic Release Trainer makes
hooting. E er thing needed i incl ded, it ea ier to a el
including cube wall and all operating electronics.
er onal and ro Mobile er ion are o ered. isolate release technique,
Learn ore b i iting eli inate hot e ec tion i e

30-06 Outdoors or work on target panic. Both
te o erate ith the
E er bo h nter need a rotecti e bo ca e, and
the inch arallel Li b a e ith ron c a o use of powerful surgical
and M Tech con tr ction i a highl er atile ca e t bing, o the are ea
that a de igned to ac e er thing needed or to pack and safe to use
in o r ho e. The are
a da in the eld. The added oft ca e ea re
b b inche and incl de a inch ade in the S and
ro en to ro ide re lt .
arro ca e oc et and an b inch acce orie Learn ore b i iting
pouch to hold spare broadheads or a release. The Single
arallel Li b o a e eat re ore than , c bic inche o
torage. t al o incl de b ilt in oi t re ic ing technolog and alit ad-
ding to rotect al able e i ent ro har in the eld. The r gged, high alit ca e
ha an MS o . . Learn ore b i iting

Martin Outdoors T.R.U. Ball

Martin S ro T. . . all ne EL Land l de i a o er

incl de inch ight ac ed ith eat re , incl ding a il

a le to a le ec , ooth ic d t nob. The ic d t nob

inch brace height can be ed to dial reci e ardage, or or ra id o e-

and eigh a eather . ent. J t re the ele ation nob in and lide the head

o nd . The all ne S a and do n. The re o able co e bloc i ea il changed o t or re o ed or

is super smooth, but also fast. tra el, and the ight acce t all EL etal ight ta e it co e ith eight

d table dra to allo t o ided etal ta e . l o eat red are t o ad table red ointer or e

end users to produce a desired ith lti le in , ad table dead to , o e ent loc , increa ed indage

eel and let o ro to tra el, t, nd and rd a i ad t ent and ingle or lti in head . hoo e ro non

ercent. The S ro da ened direct or arbon ro do etail o nt . Land l de ight retail or . .,

incl de dra eci c ca or de ending on o tion . Learn ore b i iting

a i er or ance the

S incl de dra length

od le at dra length

ro to inche , in inch

incre ent . ailable dra Mrs. Doe Pee

eight incl de , and Mr . oe ee i a a il o ned b ine that di trib te re h, high
alit hitetail rine. The herd tarted hen J di ollora rcha ed
o nd , ith Martin reci e
a hitetail a n or her h band Sa to e a a ta ider re erence.
eight Technolog ro iding The herd ic l gre and Sa began collecting re h rine or hi
o n h nt . The re h, re er ati e ree l re or ed o ell that Sa
o nd ea eight ad t ent engineered and b ilt a tainle teel ooring te in hi deer barn
and began selling their pure, undiluted whitetail urine to hunters across
aside from standard limb-bolt set- the nited State . de and gre , Sa reali ed an dealer didn t
ha e the ca abilit to ee rod ct re h, o he began or ing ith the
ting . S eight i trib tion
ni er it o o a har ace tical e art ent to de elo a ree e dr
S te od le teel on the roce that allo their rine to be tored, ith ll otenc , on dealer
hel e . Learn ore b i iting
bottom, aluminum on the
to i ro e balance and

da en ibration .

Learn ore b i iting


Realtree NC Manufacturing or going on 2021 FEATURED PRODUCTS
Man act r-
ealtree E E ha e erged a the do it all Man act ring i a high ol e, reci ion achine ho that ha been doing b ine
bo h nting ca o age attern. The attern ear . The aintain a har oc on high alit , a ordable co t and on ti e deli er .
er e a ell in Ea tern oodland a e tern ing can l reci ion achined art to an
tolerance re ired, incl ding the highe t alit
o ntain , ro iding incredible de th and tandard and er ice a ailable. Man act ring
h an o tline hattering di ion thro gh an ha tre endo ca abilitie a ailable, incl ding
ab tract, three di en ional bac gro nd o erlaid achining ca acitie ith ore than a or
b reali tic nat ral ele ent li e oa lea e , cedar machining centers throughout their production
boughs and dead limbs, plus realistic hues backed acilit . Man act ring can hel o ll ga in
b lighter highlight and dar hado to gi e rod ction, rod ce ecialt art and ll order
the pattern real depth. From point-blank to long on ti e ith their ro e ional er ice . Learn
range, E E di g i e the h an o tline better. ore b i iting
E E i o ered on a ide ariet o o tdoor
rod ct , incl ding clothing, boot , da ac and
e en T . Learn ore b i iting

Strike Force Game Feeders

The all-new Tripod Protein Feeder from Strike Force is a great addition to
an h nting ro ert . Thi hea d t gallon eed ho er can ea il
be et ith the T i t Tight o nting te , and it can be a e bled
closer to the ground to make it easier for wildlife to access the feed tubes.
In a lot of instances, this will put the top of the hopper low enough to be
ea il lled ro the gro nd, eli inating the need to tand on a ladder or
another platform. The Tripod Protein Feeder has three large feed tubes
to en re that lent o ood o to h ngr deer and other ildli e, and
each one i indi id all controlled b ad table eed gate to reg late
the amount of food dispensed through each tube. The feeder also comes
e i ed ith hea d t teel leg ection that ro ide it ith the
t rd o ndation it need or the be t er or ance o ible. Learn ore
b i iting

Be Outdoors Muzzy Broadheads

Be Outdoors is a new line of products that has been The E Serie broadhead ro M are

created or tho e ho ha e a a ion or bea ti l three-blade, cut-on-contact heads milled

outdoor spaces and the important resource that from a single piece of premium stainless steel.

nat re ro ide . ll rod ct an act red in the Thi illing roce allo M to reci el

S . e tdoor i ro d to artner ith Mo a control all tolerances. In addition to the original

and Legac on er ation artner to introd ce ne grain er ion, the are no o ered in

all lan and all anel . The e rod ct o er an and grain . ll three o tion incl de bee

a ordable ea ol tion or creating an en iron ent ithin an en iron ent ring the de ign o the . inch thic blade and a h brid chi el c t

o tdoor into o r ho e: li ing roo , ba e ent, garage, an ca e, etc. Made ro engineered hard ood on contact ti to cr h bone and dri e dee .

lan ith hi la oint and decorated ith the o t o lar Mo a attern hile till eeing nat ral The grain odel incl de a inch c tting

ood grain. The lan i l tic to the all ith atented ac ond technolog , allo ing o to in tall dia eter, the grain c t . inche , and

here er o li e. For ore in or ation i it the grain c t . inche . reci el o i-

tioned blade ent ro ote to notch ight.

lade are honed to a har edge and ea il re

har ened on an at tone. M E head

Mathews Archery are old in three ac . Learn ore b i iting

The Serie b Mathe incl de the Silent
onnect S te S S relea ed ith la t ear
Serie bo . The S S it allo Mathe o ner 89
to ic l and ilentl add Mathe hand bo
ll ro e or ho lder ling thro gh the inno ati e
attach ent o t . S S attach ent ta are located
bet een the li b in ide the li b oc et o and

odel , and the re ec red ith t o achine
cre . The S S it incl de a S S o t or each li b
pocket, four set screws and one Mathews bow pull-up
ro e. The ll ro e i eet long and ade ro alit o nd aracord. Mathe al o o er the ad-
ded en ine o Sling, hich i an act red b M ter anch and e the a e attach ent te . oth
are er ect or hand ree toting o and bo . Learn ore b i iting

J SE E . M

I Archery Manufacturers & Industry Services

With no in-person shows in 2021, Inside Archery is bringing Bolded companies are leaders in the archery industry who have chosen
you current contact information for manufacturers to advertise with Inside Archery in this issue. Your continued patronage
and service providers in the archery industry. o the e ne co anie en re that o re ain on the c tting edge o
archery products and technologies.

Phone: 614-409-9300 Phone: 800-777-7645 Phone: 678-342-9000
Website: Website: Website:
365 ARCHERY, LLC AMERICAN OUTDOOR BRANDS CORP. Phone: 715-822-2415 • Website:
Phone: 320-241-9932 • Website: Phone: 800-338-9585 • Website: ARIZONA RIM COUNTRY PRODUCTS
Phone: 480-961-7995 • Website:
Phone: 260-587-9501 • Website: Phone: 888-233-1976 Phone: 402-298-4700
Website: Website:
Phone: 928-772-9887 AMERISTEP Phone: 585-397-7085 • Website:
Website: Phone: 800-847-8269 • Website: ATSKO/SNO-SEAL INC.
Phone: 803-531-1820 • Website:
Phone: 320-252-2056 Phone: 715-687-2350 Phone: 620-786-5837 • Website:
Website: Website: AVIAN-X
ACCUBOW Phone: 877-534-2263 • Website:
Phone: 815-223-3393 • Website: ANI-LOGICS OUTDOORS AXE CROSSBOWS
ACCUSHARP Phone: 507-372-4722 • Website: Phone: 715-395-9955
Phone: 830-693-6111 • Website: Website:
Phone: +92 3008619025 • Website: Phone: 425-923-4441 AXCEL ARCHERY
ACTIVE OUTDOORS LLC Website: Phone: 434-929-2800
Phone: 503-968-2828 • Website: Website:
Phone: 478-667-2162 • Website: Phone: 419-294-3838 x258 AXION ARCHERY
AERO HUNTER Website: Phone: 470-545-2351
Phone: 541-476-9492 • Website: Website:
Phone: 866-202-5002 • Website: Phone: 306-948-5101 Phone: 606-612-5213 • Website:
Phone: 216-292-2570 x271 • Website: Phone: 877-522-3364 • Website:
Phone: 866-778-2735 • Website: Phone: 972-993-7164 • Website: Phone: 800-269-1875 • Website:
Phone: 303-469-1857 • Website: APOLLO CREATIVE INC. Phone: 385-288-1156 • Website:
ALLIANCE OUTDOOR GROUP Phone: 719-495-9999
Phone: 540-877-2769 • Website: Website: BANKS OUTDOORS
Phone: 507-263-4129
Phone: 855-922-7769 • Website: Phone: 803-747-6601 • Website:
Phone: 573-459-2577 • Website: ARCHER XTREME Phone: 312-463-5000
ALTAN SAFE OUTDOORS INC. Phone: 218-822-3933 • Website: Website:
Phone: 416-573-6763 BARNETT CROSSBOWS
Website: ARCHERS USA Phone: 800-237-4507
ALTERA Phone: 479-430-7390 • Website: Website:
Phone: 859-481-8810 • Website: BARRONETT BLINDS
AMA USA, INC. ARCHERY 360 Phone: 800-345-6007 • Website:
Phone: 317-329-6590 • Website: Website: BAST-DURBIN ADVERTISING
Phone: 800-975-3474 • Website:
Phone: 330-893-7155 x302 Phone: 303-531-4868 INSIDE ARCHERY JANUARY 2021
Website: Website:

Phone: 503-913-1340 • Website:

Phone: 631-838-2190

Phone: 866-266-2776

Phone: 731-967-1991 • Website:

Phone: 320-252-2056


Archery Manufacturers & Industry Services I

Phone: 573-445-9200 • Website: Phone: 406-388-9060
Phone: 860-632-7115 • Website: Phone: 423-638-2825
Phone: 800-859-7442 • Website: BLACKHEART
Phone: 717-492-8030 • Website:
Phone: 812-467-1200 Phone: 330-473-1536 • Website:
BEAR X CROSSBOWS Phone: 715-395-9955
Phone: 800-694-9494 Website:
Phone: 800-551-0541 BLOODLINE FIBER
Website: Phone: 612-986-8163
Phone: +886 866426262223 BLOODSPORT ARCHERY
Website: Phone: 972-352-6600
Phone: 208-941-3795 • Website: BOGS FOOTWEAR
BIG & J INDUSTRIES Phone: 903-838-8561 • Website:
Phone: 866-210-7781 • Website:
Phone: 260-571-7028 • Website: Phone: 231-229-4247 • Website:
Phone: 308-383-0838 • Website: Phone: 270-827-8225 • Website:
Phone: 866-387-2002 • Website: BOSS BUCK
BIG FRIG Phone: 877-269-8490 • Website:
Phone: 605-540-0911 • Website: BOSSMAN OUTDOORS
BIG GAME TREESTANDS Phone: 603-243-0081
Phone: 877-269-8490 Website:
BIG TINE / SCOTT PET Phone: 615-952-5858 • Website:
Phone: 765-569-4636 • Website: BOWJAX INC.
Phone: 208-762-3692 • Website:
Phone: 610-873-0147 BOWSPIDER.COM
Website: Phone: 307-850-8051 • Website:
Phone: 517-627-8433 • Website: Phone: 888-689-1289 • Website:
Phone: 814-783-0700 • Website: Phone: 312-771-3551 • Website:
Phone: 678-208-3429 x700 Phone: 706-618-2958 • Website:
Phone: 918-743-8822 • Website:
Phone: 937-900-7195 Phone: 705-730-0353 • Website:
Phone: 888-618-4496
Phone: 586-204-2188 • Website:


I Archery Manufacturers & Industry Services

Phone: 585-398-8909 • Website: Phone: 520- 884-9065 Phone: 805-650-8481 • Website:
Phone: 800-326-2825 • Website: CONQUEST ARCHERY
CARTER ENTERPRISES Phone: 678-335-2115
BUCK RUB GEAR BY BUCK RUB OUTFITTERS Phone: 208-624-3467 Website:
Phone: 262-547-0535 Website:
Phone: 800-477-2368 Phone: 844-486-8688 Website:
Website: Website:
Phone: 601-831-6296 • Website: CELERANT TECHNOLOGY Phone: 419-549-8202
Phone: 718-351-2000 • Website: Website:
Website: Phone: 715-718-3574 Phone: 315-258-9269 • Website:
C’MERE DEER CHAMA CHAIRS Phone: 202-838-6471 • Website:
Phone: 770-787-1977 • Website: Phone: 972-824-3800 • Website:
Phone: 800-694-9494 Phone: 386-462-2820 • Website: Website:
Phone: 800-504-5897 • Website: Website: Phone: 830-456- 2325 • Website:

Phone: 361-894-5178 • Website: Phone: 925-548-8752 • Website:

Phone: 402-803-9400 • Website: Phone: 844-527-4774 • Website:

Phone: 870-367-1840 • Website: Phone: 800-724-7486 • Website:

Phone: 920-347-3810 • Website:

Phone: 814-345-6690

Phone: 888-507-2021 Phone: 717-204-7601 Phone: 614-409-9300 • Website:
Website: Website:
CARBON EXPRESS CODE BLUE Phone: 989-728-4231 • Website:
Phone: 715-395-9955 Phone: 844-282-0455
Phone: 570-658-1069


I Archery Manufacturers & Industry Services

Phone: 816-421-4397 • Website: Phone: 406-451-1840 • Website: Phone: 855-729-2900 • Website:

Phone: 336-973-0878 Website: Phone: 717-492-8025 • Website:
EASTON ARCHERY Phone: 317-535-8116 • Website:
DEAD RINGER HUNTING Phone: 801-539-1400
Phone: 844-471-4868 Website: FLETCHER ARCHERY
Website: Phone: 800-694-9494 • Website:
DECEPTION SCENTS Phone: 208-424-5081 • Website: Phone: 651-426-4882 • Website:
Phone: 870-900-0310 • Website: FLEXTONE
ELEVATION Phone: 800-847-8269
DEER CREEK HUNTING PRODUCTS Phone: 717-492-8035 Website:
Phone: 765-525-6181 Website: FLYING ARROW ARCHERY
Website: Phone: 855-764-4394 • Website:
DEER SMEER Phone: 877-503-5483 • Website: FORE RUNNER BLINDS
Phone: 850-375-3981 • Website: Phone: 641-446-4868
DELTA MCKENZIE TARGETS Phone: (936) 756-3070 • Website: FOURTH ARROW, LLC
Phone: 801-539-1400 • Website: Phone: 616-863-8520 • Website:
DIAMOND ARCHERY Phone: 702-283-6401 • Website: Phone: 717-248-2507 • Website:
Phone: 888-689-1289 • Website: FRABILL
EPRO Phone: 800-226-9868 • Website:
DIRT NAP, LLC Phone: 480-664-2096 FRONTIER SWISS
Phone: 855-859-3478 • Website: Website: Phone: 801-400-1717 • Website:

Phone: 615-864-8402 • Website: Phone: +358 405892938 Phone: 336-886-6258
Website: Website:
Phone: 864-631-1363 • Website: EVOLVED Phone: 801-363-2990 • Website:
Phone: 225-638-4016 • Website:
Phone: 830-444-0202 EXCALIBUR CROSSBOW
Website: Phone: 888-689-1289
Phone: 607-651-9078 • Website: EZE-LAP DIAMOND PRODUCTS INC.
Phone: 775-230-0335 • Website:
Phone: 608-665-0303 • Website: FAMILY TRADITION TREESTANDS LLC
Phone: 517-543-3926
Phone: 844-486-8688 • Website:
DUELL SHOT OUTDOORS Phone: 573-276-8487 • Website:
Phone: 231-631-0385
Phone: 715-395-9955 • Website:

Phone: 888-908-6024 • Website:


I Archery Manufacturers & Industry Services

Phone: 810-392-8431 • Website: Phone: 608-370-8016 • Website: Phone: 801-377-6199
Phone: 717-656-7229 Phone: 613-525-5533 • Website: GRIZZLY COOLERS
Website: Phone: 563-202-9199 • Website:
Phone: 845-658-8557 • Website: Website: Phone: 469-586-0428 • Website:
Phone: 888-446-4868 • Website: Phone: 717-830-2767 • Website:
Website: Phone: 530-644-8000 • Website: Phone: 800-847-8269 • Website:
Website: Phone: 970-978-8490 • Website:
Website: Phone: 260-587-4500 • Website: Phone: 855-996-3746 • Website:

Phone: 520-742-1701 • Website: Phone: 256-332-3220
Phone: 800-551-0541 HARDY FACE PAINT
Website: Website:

Phone: 804-495-8561 • Website: Phone: +264 (0) 81 259 3171
Phone: 812-422-9999 • Website: HAVALON KNIVES
Phone: 888-836-3204 • Website:
Phone: 318-574-5003 • Website: HAWK HUNTING
Phone: 877-269-8490 • Website:
Phone: 860-432-5522 • Website: HAWKE SPORT OPTICS, LLC
Phone: 260-385-1401 • Website:

Phone: 608-289-2664

Phone: 760-893-8300 • Website:

Phone: 570-871-0032 • Website:

Phone: 903-440-2358 • Website:

Phone: 715-424-8080

Phone: 307-856-6626 • Website:

Phone: 228-832-2649 • Website:

Phone: 877-269-8490 • Website:

Phone: 406-423-5428


Phone: 435-752-9302

Phone: 210-867-0642
Phone: 801-619-9850 • Website:


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