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Inside Archery July 2021

Inside Archery July 2021


JULY 2021



32 Power of Participation
■ Tucker Davis | Omega Sights
■ Patrick Meitin | Inside Archery
■ Todd Williams |
X-Factor Outdoors
■ Jason Ashe | Inside Archery
■ Marty Cecil | B3 Archery
■ Missy Cobbett |
Xpedition Enterprises

34 34 The Bohning Company
62 Celebrating a 75-Year Legacy
64 By Daniel Allred

64 Market Trends

44 Gear Report
HHA Sports Tetra Bow Sight

46 Bow Report
Bear Archery Legit RTH

48 Winning Scent Control
& Attractant Products

By Patrick Meitin

60 Bow Report
APA Archery Black Mamba 33

46 62 Gear Report
Buck Rub Gear Switch Nock

68 Gear Report
Scott Archery Summit Release

78 Gear Report
ThermaSeat Hybrid RX

80 2021 Trail Cameras & Food Plots
28 By Patrick Meitin

INSIDE ARCHERY (Volume 24, #6) ISSN #1940-3879, USPS #024-412 is published 10 times per year (Jan / Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep / Oct, Nov, Dec) by Apollo Creative Inc. PO Box 15827, Colorado Springs,
CO 80935. Periodical postage paid at Colorado Springs, CO 80935 and at additional offices. Postmaster please send address changes to INSIDE ARCHERY, P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19055-9998.



16 IInnsdiudsetrtyhe

44 10 Inside Track
Is Archery Recession Proof?
48 80
6 14 Kinsey’s Business

Three Top Benefits of Working
with an Archery Distributor


16 New & Notable
Archery products with
strong sales potential

18 Your ATA Insights
From Casual to Crucial
By Kurt Smith / ATA

20 Industry News
Information that keeps
you up to speed on news,
events and people in the
archery industry

28 ATA Action
Seven Ways To Prevent
No-Shows at Your Next Event
By Cassie Gasaway / ATA

60 64 Leading Archery

True North Treestands

70 The Latest on CWD:
Facts & Industry Updates

By Daniel Allred

90 Industry 5Q
Five Questions on
BCY with Ray Browne
By Daniel Allred


INSIDE ARCHERY JULY 2021 | VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 6 Online Exclusives

Strengthen Your Mental Game

Learn To Switch On Shooting
Concentration At Will

Shooting your very best becomes easier when
you learn to engage the strong mental aspect
of your game and develop the ability to flip the
concentration switch at will. Here’s how.

Strengthen Your Physical Game

Using Your Stout Skeletal Structure
For More Consistent Shooting

Minimizing muscular involvement and maximizing
the use of your strong skeletal structure to support
the bow results in steadier aiming and more
confidence while at full draw.

Preseason Preparation

5 Steps To Bulletproofing Your
Hunting Bow For Bowhunting Season

A lot of tedious work goes into setting up, sighting
in and fine tuning your hunting bow. Use these
five tips to keep it that way and avoid downtime
in season due to equipment failures.

Exclusive Hunting Footage

Bear With A Bear

Watch Inside Archery’s Executive Editor Patrick
Meitin end weeks of gruelingly hard work and
preparation on a positive note, taking an Idaho DIY
public-lands black bear with a Bear Archery bow.

:WebXtras “Gear Report” tries out the the HHA Sports Tetra Bow Sight,

Buck Rub Gear Switch Nock, Scott Archery Summit Release, and ThermaSeat
Hybrid RX; “Bow Reports” take a look at the Bear Archery Legit RTH and APA Archery
Black Mamba 33; and “5Q” chats with BCY Bowstring.

Inside Archery Digital Edition

Now Inside Archery can be delivered to your door, viewed on your computer,
AND on your smartphone or tablet. VISIT INSIDEARCHERY.COM/DIGITAL

Fresh content daily
on social media!



Is Archery Recession Proof?

I’ m a huge fan of the past HBO series “The Sopranos.” I’ve seen every single epi-
sode. There was a scene in that show when the main character, Tony Soprano, was
dressing down his captains for lackluster performance, which the captains had at-
tributed to an ongoing recession. Tony asked his consigliere, Silvio Dante, what were two
things that had traditionally proven recession proof?
“Hollywood, and our thing,” Dante said. To that I would add
hunting, fishing, and archery most particularly.
If the recent pandemic (that’s the last time I’ll mention it here, as
I’m so over it) taught us anything it is that archery and bowhunting
are pretty darned resilient. Yep, our sport is pretty much recession
proof. When money gets tight—even to the point that large num-
bers of people are laid off from their jobs—new trucks, outfitted
hunts and major home-improvement projects, just as examples, obviously take a backseat,
but people keep shooting and bowhunting. In fact, when push comes to shove, more people
likely take to archery ranges and fields and woods during difficult times.
Basic backyard or public-range target archery is still highly affordable and the best stress
reliever possible in the times we live in. Bowhunting—besides providing relaxation, wel-
comed exercise and engaging sport—supplies wholesome organic protein for the table.
Simple backyard pursuits such as small game, and white-tailed deer in many locations, are
tantamount to free groceries.
I worked in sporting goods retail during the 2008 recession, when job creation reached
negative numbers and unemployment rates spiked (including my wife’s job, which is why
I sought the temporarily second occupation). Despite the state of that economy, hunting-
related sales remained brisk—thankfully, as the commission I earned for sales helped keep
the wolves off the porch.
The writing is on the wall as we speak. Fuel and building-supply prices, just as high-
lights, have increased substantially in just the past four months. Massive inflation, more
jobs moving back overseas, the promise of higher taxes and a higher cost of living are
all on the horizon. An uptick in crime and social uncertainty have already arrived. All are
indicators of tough times ahead.
But archery and bowhunting will continue to thrive.
Archers and bowhunters don’t give up their passion when finances get tight. Quite the
opposite, actually. The case could be made that we become even more committed, staying
closer to home, shooting more often while seeking that ascribed relaxation and stress relief,
or to put healthy, hormone-free meat on the table.
Yes, the past year has demonstrated that. All of the new and returning faces to archery
will continue to bend bowstrings, with the hardcore bowhunters doubling their commit-
ment, supplying the addiction that comes from the enchanting flight of the arrow. And
archery pro-shop registers will continue to sing that sweet music that keeps all of us em-
ployed and shops in the black. Even if many of us could use a bit of a breather at this point!

Patrick Meitin, Executive Editor



Apollo Creative Inc

Executive Editor

Patrick Meitin • [email protected]

Associate Editor

Daniel Allred • [email protected]


Kurt Smith | Cassie Gasaway

Sales & Marketing Director

Stephen Mack • [email protected]
(814) 341-9313

Design & Production

ER Graphics / Ed Rother • [email protected]

Graphic Designer

Tara Bondar

Social Media Manager

Jason Ashe

Video Editor

Marc Balisteri

Account Manager

Pam Ludlam • [email protected]

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P.O. Box 15827, Colorado Springs, CO 80935
Phone: (719) 495-9999 •

Inside Archery founded in 1998 by Bill and Sherry Krenz

Inside Archery® Copyright © 2021 Apollo Crreative Inc. All rights re-
served. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permis-
sion from the publisher is prohibited. Inside Archery® is a registered
U.S. trademark of Apollo Creative Inc. Opinions expressed in by-lined
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Submission Guidelines: Apollo Creative Inc and Inside Archery® mag-
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Archery, hunting and bowhunting are inherently dangerous activi-
ties. Improper use of hunting or archery equipment may cause se-
rious injury or death. Always follow state and local hunting safety
rules, and get required permits or licenses before hunting. Apollo
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arising from use by any person of the information in this magazine.

Inside Archery®
is a publication of
Apollo Creative Inc
Printed in the USA.



Three Top Benefits of Working Kinsey’s is the leading distributor to the outdoors and
with an Archery Distributor archery industry. Carrying items from your favorite
T here are many challenges that brands, in-stock and ready-to-ship, the company offers
come with running an archery your on-site inventory cost down. Hav- domestic and international retailers a wide array of
business. Whether you’re trying ing the distributor’s warehouse benefit products and services. Kinsey’s also owns innovative
to manage inventory, vendor relation- on your side can help with your inven- consumer brands including BlackHeart, Fin-Finder,
ships, employees, payroll or marketing tory turns ratio, ultimately contribut- Elevation and October Mountain Products.
and advertising efforts—there is always ing to your business’s bottom line and For more information, please visit
something to keep you busy. However, profitability.
one way to help make your archery Freight Terms
business more efficient and effective is Diversity of Products
by working with an archery distributor. The other benefit of working with a
Distributors can help streamline mul- Another way distributors can help your distributor comes with freight terms.
tiple processes, allowing you to focus archery business is by providing access Again, if you were to buy directly from
more on your customers. Here we’ll dis- to their large variety of products. If you the vendors, their freight terms would
cuss the top three benefits of working don’t have a distributor partner, your typically only qualify on larger orders or
with an archery distributor. business would be tasked with man- come with more expensive freight mini-
aging multiple vendor relationships, mums. In partnering with a distributor
Managing Inventory new-item setup, buying and billing you get access to the collective distribu-
processes, as well as other time- and tion freight cost reduction. The mini-
One way distributors help your archery resource-intensive processes. Distribu- mum orders and freight terms become
business is by assisting with managing tors streamline the buying and billing smaller and more manageable for you
and turning your inventory. Your retail process while also offering a vast di- and your business. For example, Kin-
shop may be limited by the physical versity of products to buy. For example, sey’s Inc. has an order minimum of $300
space needed to offer all the products Kinsey’s Inc. has 420-plus vendor part- for archery products to qualify for cer-
and variations you’d like to carry in you ners that consist of more than 31,000 tain freight terms. Having smaller order
store. In working with a distributor, you items to choose from. If your archery minimums allows you to stay leaner
not only have access to their vast inven- business was tasked with managing with your on-site inventory, while also
tory, but you are privy to their ware- those vendor relationships, new item taking advantage of the diversity of
house space to store that inventory. That setups and billing and buying process- products the distributor offers to satisfy
allows you to carry the essential prod- es, that would take away from the time your customer’s wants and needs.
uct offerings in store, as well as keeping that’s needed to manage other impor-
tant business tasks. In conclusion, a quality archery distrib-
utor saves you time and money. Whether
it’s helping you to manage inventory, hav-
ing access to a diverse variety of products
or freight terms that help your bottom line,
there are many advantages of partnering
with a quality distributor. Distributors are
a streamlined, one-stop shop that’ll help
you and your business save time, money
and resources, while allowing you to focus
on your customers. IA



Last Chance Archery Tuning Tools Set Vapor Trail Micro Elite

The archery tool experts at Last Chance Archery (LCA) offer a wide assortment of quality tuning tools and Vapor Trail’s Micro Elite limb-driven arrow
tool organizers. Pro-shop bow technicians and home bow mechanics need to keep a wide assortment rest includes original Pro features, with
of specialized tools on hand to get the job done, and LCA fulfills this with the Tuning Tools Set. The set added dual bushings, precision micro-
includes a wide assortment of tuning tools tailored for efficiency. In addition to the Tuning Tools Set, LCA adjustability and top or bottom limb activation
offers several Tool Organizer models to keep them organized and handy. These organizer models mount di- options. Dual bushings provide added stability
rectly to any work bench, the company’s bow press or to the backside of the LCA Tool Tray. The tool set retails and zero launcher slop for improved accuracy.
for $99, and organizers retail for $40 (plus shipping). Learn more at The micro adjustments are silky-smooth and
allow ultra-fine adjustment dialing. The ability
Victory Archery RIP Series to activate the rest from either the top or
bottom limb ensures compatibility with any
Victory’s RIP series are .204-inch-diameter arrows offering faster speed in a rugged bowhunting bow make, or accommodates a preferred setup
package. They’re spine aligned and weight matched to +/- .5-grain per dozen. Straightness toler- approach. The Micro Elite is one of the most
ances include the +/- .001-inch Elite, .003-inch Gamer and .006-inch Sport. RIP arrows include a advanced drop-away arrow rests around and
100 percent intermediate modulus carbon and are treated to an ICE Nano Ceramic Coating for quiet draw can be ordered with standard or target-
cycles, easier arrow removal from foam targets and maximized penetration. They are offered in spine rat- style launcher blades. Learn more at
ings from .500 to .300 in RIP and 400 to 250 in RIP TKO, weighing 8.8 to 7.0 gpi in RIP and 9.0 to 8.7 gpi in
RIP TKO. Both hold SHOK SS 60-grain outserts that boost FOC and durability by protecting the front
Pine Ridge Archery
of the shaft. Learn more at Premium Z-38
BIGshot Archery Video Wall Peep Sight

BIGshot’s Pro Archery Video Wall includes Live Hunt Premium Z-38 Aluminum
technology with True Score Interactive Vitals to Peep Sights from Pine Ridge
provide lifelike bowhunting experiences that attract Archery are proudly made
and hold more customers. It is the most affordable system in the USA with anodized 6061-T6
of its kind, with unsurpassed versatility and easy setup of aircraft-grade aluminum to last
its 24 backstop cubes. The system accommodates any bow type and can go mobile in only minutes. for years. These peeps feature a
The 6-by-8-foot wall includes live hunt sensors and interactive software to provide life-sized, interactive deeper string channel to keep
targets. Everything needed is provided, including all necessary technology and hardware. The Pro/Mobile them securely in place shot after
features 127 video scenes, video wall sensors, video processing computer, BVR Hunt Player Software, shot, without worry of movement,
projector enclosure, wireless keyboard and foot pedal/sensor. Learn more at and they have 38-degree split-string
channels to position the peep at the
SWAT Broadheads Juggernaut perfect angle to the eye at full draw.
Z-38 Peeps are offered with 1/8-, 3/16-,
SWAT’s Juggernaut mechanical broadhead was designed to drive 7/32- and ¼-inch apertures, all edges
deeper than most fixed blade models. The ferrule is made from cleaned and polished to prevent bow-
titanium and holds 2.75 inches of total cutting edges, including string wear or fraying during installation.
steep-angled .040-inch-thick blades guaranteed to penetrate deep and They are also offered with black, red, blue
produce blood-spilling exit wounds. The front blades can be set to cut a or green anodizing to match any bow color
1 5/8-inch entry, 1 3/8-inch cut or to free float. The rear blades can be shot scheme. Learn
as fixed or mechanicals. All SWAT models are now offered in money-saving 6
Packs, including six broadheads, practice tip and spare retaining bands. Learn more at



From Casual to Crucial


I t happens in your business every day, and Constructive ■ This is your opportu- sale? The authors of the book Crucial
odds are you don’t think twice about it. Conversations refer to this as “The Fool’s
nity to make the sale. It is the conver- Choice”—the idea that you must make a
sation where you guide the customer

You converse with customers about a va- through your products or services to choice between proving your side of the

riety of topics, everything from small talk find the right fit. I use the term “con- story (and making the other party an-

about your recent arrow build, to tech- structive” because each part of the dis- gry) or giving in and letting the chips fall

heavy talk about product specifications, cussion can and should where they may.

to the uncomfortable discussion with build upon the last. The The reality is that the best

a dissatisfied customer. Some of these challenge in selling any outcome of this crucial con-

chats are much easier than others, but product or service, and versation is somewhere in

each carries a great deal of importance keeping the customer or between. Take a deep breath

for your business and the impression business partner, is that and ask yourself what you

customers take away. you must show you are really want to see happen in

Here we organize conversations into giving them the abso- this interaction. Now, see if

three categories and look at the challeng- lute best solution. That means ask- you can get the same information from

es, potential pitfalls and benefits that can ing questions with the intent to learn your counterpart. What you’ll often find

come from each. about them and listening carefully to is that the desired outcome from each

their responses so you can dig deeper side is quite similar, and if you can reach
and gain better insight. While this is that conclusion without creating more
Casual ■ Talking shop comes easily to

most in the archery and bowhunting in- certainly a two-way discussion, allow hard feelings than necessary, you’re far

dustry. We have a passion for the sport the customer to do most of the talking. more likely to maintain that business

and we can’t get enough of it. No matter Do this and reap the benefits of learn- relationship in the future.

the topic, this type of conversation pro- ing more about their needs. We take it for granted. Discussing

vides you with the opportunity to learn business, gear or bowhunting with cus-
about your customer and show your tomers and business partners just comes
Crucial ■ Humans aren’t made to

ability to connect with them. Does that handle crucial conversations, so when with the territory. But your words and

new dealer have experience with your the phone rings or the door swings your ability to navigate conversations

product? Does your established customer open and you realize you are facing the of all types have an immense impact on

have kids who are getting old enough challenge of a difficult situation, your how you serve customers and how they

to own their own equipment? Is there body’s response is to either get ready perceive your business. Take some time

something happening in the community for the fight or avoid it at all costs. to evaluate where you possess the most

that you should be involved with? Whether it is a dealer who received the skill, and where there is the most need

These questions could bring about wrong item in their latest shipment or for improvement. Begin to talk about

great opportunities if you avoid the pitfall a hunter whose new bow blew up on this among your staff members and be

of dominating these casual talks with the first day of archery season, you’d intentional when communicating with

your own anecdotes and opinions on cur- better believe you’re going to be met customers.

rent events. Challenge yourself and your with animosity. Do you brace yourself If you’d like to learn how to commu-

employees to make your customer the for battle and develop a plan to make nicate with customers more effectively,

focus of these casual conversations and the customer realize why he or she learn from your peers on the MyATA

you are likely to make more meaningful is surely at fault? Or give in and lose Learning Center. You can also contact me
connections. any profit you’d hoped to make on the at [email protected]. IA



AUrScAhAerrcyhCehraymPrpeiosennshtsip20Li2n1eWuporld the Trials points. Fifteen-year- hasn’t settled in yet. I know it’ll freak me
old Gabrielle Sasai was the third out later,” said Sasai after making the
It was a cold, gray and windy morning ranked standout and she will look
during the final day of the 2021 World to make her international team. “It’s crazy, I’m on the team with
Archery Championships—U.S. Team debut in Yankton. the top two Olympic team
Trials. After initial stages alongside members, and obviously I
Arizona Cup and Gator Cup, the SoCal In her first season wasn’t old enough to com-
Showdown venue hosted the final nom- shooting as a senior, pete in the Olympic trials
ination shoot where USA Archery proud- Sasai has already made the Arizo-
ly selected a strong lineup to represent na Cup podium and qualified well for this year, but it’s cool getting to
Team USA on home soil on September at all USAT events this season. “It stand with them and I just want people
19-26 in Yankton, South Dakota. to know that no matter your age, anyone
in archery can do it, your age doesn’t jus-
When shooting commenced, points tify your abilities at all.”
were tight for three of the four classes The men’s recurve lineup features in-
and it came down to final arrows to ternational standouts Brady Ellison and
determine cuts amidst a very com- Jack Williams, who will be joined by
petitive field of impressive talents. The Olympic team alternate Matthew Nofel.
only group with clear division was the Ellison will look to defend his World Ti-
recurve women, where the USA’s top tle before shooting for his 6th World Cup
two nominees for this summer’s To- Final Champion title in the same venue
kyo Olympic Games, Mackenzie Brown just days later, and with such a power-
and Casey Kaufhold, ran away with house trio, they should perform well in
the team event, too.
Hoyt Archery Announces Zak Kurtzhals as Company President The USA compound teams are also as
stacked with talent as ever. The com-
Hoyt Archery recently announced that Zak Kurtzhals had been named the new president of Hoyt Archery. pound men’s squad is the same as the
Currently Hoyt’s VP of Operations, Kurtzhals will succeed Randy Walk effective July 19, 2021. 2019 team: reigning World Champion
James Lutz, Kris Schaff and Braden Gel-
Greg Easton, President of Jas. D. Easton and owner of Hoyt Archery, shared the news with Hoyt employ- lenthien. Heavily favored to win gold at
ees during a company meeting, explaining that after a thorough search Kurtzhals’ qualifications, leadership the last edition, this is their chance for
skills and passion for archery and bowhunting make him the redemption on home turf, and each is
ideal candidate to lead Hoyt. a solid contender for individual podium
finishes as well.
“Zak has a proven history with the company and a strong “My main goal this season was just
vision for Hoyt’s future. I am excited about this new opportunity for Zak and for Hoyt,” said Easton. to shoot strong enough to make the
team again,” shared Lutz. “I’m really ex-
Kurtzhals, a Nebraska native, is an accomplished target archer and bowhunter who joined the Hoyt team cited to be the reigning World Champ in
as a product engineer in 2003 and has held several key leadership positions with the company, including Yankton, my home country. I’m really
Engineering Manager, Director of Engineering, VP of Engineering, and currently, VP of Operations. Kurtzhals looking forward to being there.”
has also served on the ATA Technical Committee since 2014. World No. 1 Alexis Ruiz, reigning

“I have big shoes to fill taking over for Randy,” said Kurtzhals. “He has been an amazing mentor and Continued on Page 22
friend, and I am grateful for all that I learned from him during the 18
years we worked together.”
Walk, who is retiring after 26 years as President, is confident
Hoyt is being left in good hands. “Zak is a very talented leader
who has contributed greatly to Hoyt’s success over the years.
He will do an amazing job as president and I couldn’t ask
for a better successor,” said Walk. | for more informa-
tion about hoyt’s new President, zak kurtzhals,
or hoyt archery in general, contact jeremy
eldredge, director of marketing, jeldredge@, or tom driffill, vice president of sales
at [email protected].



Continued from Page 20

World silver medalist Paige Pearce and Schools Program since July of 2019.  The randomly selected archers at the end of
Linda Ochoa-Anderson will make up the combined events included 2,092 archers each flight  throughout the entire bulls-
compound women’s team. USA has won from 33 states competing in the Open and eye competition. At the beginning of
the team title in 1995, 2003 and 2011; Ruiz Championship Tournament held June 10 the Championship awards ceremony, a
and Pearce were on the team that fin- through 12, 2021. scholarship shoot-off was held among
ished with silver this year, and they’ll the top five overall male and female ar-
be hungry for the gold in both individual The first day of the tournament was chers. The winners of each gender took
and team events. open to any NASP student regardless of past home $5,000 for first place, $4,000 for
participation in a NASP tournament. Open second, $3,000 for third, $2,000 for fourth
Ochoa-Anderson, who has a decorated participants simply had to attend a NASP and $1,000 for fifth place.
career on the world stage for Mexico, has school and be registered by an instructor
made an impressive debut on the U.S. associated with their school. Nearly 150 of NASP President Tommy Floyd said,
team this season. “I knew coming into these archers shot well enough to compete “We are thrilled to be conducting an in-
the Trials that to make the U.S. team it in the next day’s Championship Tourna- person tournament again. Our entire
would be really hard, so that makes it ment in bullseye competition, or in the team loves to see the large crowds and
even better and getting to represent the International Bowhunting Organization’s the smiling archers. These past months
U.S. is going to be awesome,” commented (IBO) 3D competition. have been difficult, as so many of our stu-
Ochoa-Anderson. | learn more by visiting dent archers were unable to attend any NASP awarded 17 $500 scholarships to in-person events due to the pandemic.
We wanted to increase the number of ar-
NASP Returns To In-Person Competition chers receiving college scholarship dol-
lars, and the random scholarships were
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was home a tremendous positive for the individuals
to the first in-person national-level tour-
nament for the National Archery in the Continued on Page 24


Continued from Page 22

and their families, and a right-hand A-riser with Anderson as International Sales Man-
something I think we
will continue. NASP is the choice of either #1 or ager. He will represent all Pure Archery
very grateful to its many
“medal level” and “part- #3 limbs. brands while supporting the company’s
ner” level sponsors who
help make these scholar- “The Mag Riser has international customers outside of the
ships possible.
been my favorite new U.S. and Canada from his home in Mon-
Our top performing ar-
chers in the scholarship bow to come out of the tana. Kevin will report directly to Jon
shoot-off  demonstrated
just how talented NASP 2021 lineup,” said Fred DuMars, Vice President of Sales for Pure
archers really are. The
shoot-off was very excit- Eichler. “It utilizes the Archery Group.
ing to watch and it rein-
forced how glad we are iconic latch system first “We couldn’t be more excited about the
to return to an in-person
event—NASP is back!” introduced by Fred Bear addition of Kevin Anderson to our sales

Ryan Bass, NASP IBO for easy transportation team,” said Jon DuMars. “He has been a
3D Director, added, “We are very pleased
about the return to in-person shooting for and looks incredible in vital sales component of our accessory
our 3D archers. We know they have been
waiting so long to get back to what they the optional Fred Bear brands, so it was a natural fit for him to
love to do. We are excited about the future
as more schools open and normalcy re- camouflage finish.” represent all our brands outside the U.S.
turns. We are extremely optimistic about
the continued growth of the NASP IBO 3D The limited run of His passion and drive, along with his ac-
Challenge!” | for more information on nasp
visit Launch Edition Mag Ris- complishments as an archer will go a

BEdeiatrioAnrcMhaegryRDiseebruGtievdeaLwauanych ers were the first 50 bows long way to support all our brands around

Bear Archery recently conducted a special to come off the Gainesville the world. The promotion of Kevin will
giveaway with industry icon Fred Eichler.
One lucky winner received the pinnacle of production line. The bow provide a level of support customers come
new traditional bows for 2021, a Launch
Edition Mag Riser Take-Down bow person- sports a Launch Edition exclusive satin to expect from Pure Archery Group.”
ally signed by Fred Eichler. In traditional
Bear fashion, the grand prize got even bet- black riser with black latches and a gold Anderson said, “For the past nine years,
ter. Not only did the special recurve sport
Fred Eichler’s signature, but the bow just Bear Archery medallion. It comes complete I have been a part of the team for Pure
happened to be serial number 1 of only 50
Launch Edition Mag Risers produced in with a set of #3 45-pound curly maple, Archery Group’s accessory brands, which
Bear’s Gainesville, Florida, facility.
clear glass limbs with laminated black tips includes Ripcord rests, Black Gold sights
Bear reintroduced the Mag Riser into
its lineup last fall for the first time since and a signature Take-Down traditional and Tight Spot quivers. During that time
the 1970’s. The new Mag Riser features an
aluminum handle with the revolutionary bow string. To further enhance the exclu- I have had the pleasure of working with
Take-Down latch system patented by Fred
Bear more than 40 years ago. The 2021 sivity of the bow, each of the 50 Launch likeminded people who are as passionate
Mag Riser is currently only available as
Editions produced include an embroidered, about archery as I am. For me, the big-

number-matching soft carry- gest takeaway from this

ing case. industry has been the re-

“The Mag Riser is one of lationships built, which

the best-selling models ever ultimately turn into

introduced by Bear Archery,” long-term friendships.

said Jon Lene, General Man- With this new interna-

ager of Bear Archery. “Serial tional role, I am excited

Number 1 of this iconic re- for the opportunity to

birth demanded special at- build new relationships

tention. The idea to have Fred with great people from

Eichler sign the bow for a around the world. I look

giveaway was a no-brainer.” forward to working with

The giveaway ran June 2, Kevin Anderson them and being able to

2021 through June 30, 2021, offer the industry leading

with the winner announced on Bear products and service that Pure Archery

Archery and Fred Eichler’s social pag- Group is known for.”

es July 6, 2021. | to learn more about bear Pure Archery Group distributes world-

archery and the full lineup of 2021 bows and wide through a wide range of chan-

accessories, visit nels and outlets, including those in Or-

PAunrdeerAsrocnheInryteGrrnoautpioNnaaml SeasleKseMviannager egon, Montana, Michigan and Canada,
and brands such as Bowtech, Diamond
Archery, Excalibur Crossbow, Black

Pure Archery Group has promoted Kevin Gold sights, TightSpot quivers, Ripcord


arrow rests and Octane accessories. | visit strong adults who will lead our country how to support the Raise Them Right to learn more. into the future. movement and to “have the backs” of
parents and children during this difficult
TSeunpPpooirntst CRraoisssebTohwesm Right “Institutional forces throughout our period in American history.
country and society are now actively
Raise Them Right, a nationwide initia- subverting the parents’ roles and re- Raise Them Right is an American
tive focused on empowering parents and sponsibilities in raising their children movement that encourages parents and
adult mentors to help nurture life skills by promoting ideas and ideologies that mentors to invest time with young peo-
and to instill strong moral values in oppose healthy relationships and are ple and to build within them a legacy of
America’s youth, is pleased to announce intended to destroy the traditional fam- values and virtues—empowering them
that TenPoint Crossbows is the latest cor- ily unit. That is a difficult force for any with self-confidence, wholesome rela-
porate member to join this important and parent to stand against by themselves.
growing movement. Raise Them Right, with the support of
responsible and concerned outdoor in-
Powered by Fathers in the Field, Raise dustry members like our friends at Ten-
Them Right is an encouragement and Point Crossbows, seeks to fortify parents
support initiative with a strong outdoor and responsible adults against this on-
recreation approach to providing young slaught to protect our nation’s youth so
Americans with positive and long-lasting that they may grow into successful, con-
life experiences. Adult mentors and par- fident and morally sound citizens and
ents, through intentional interaction, parents themselves,” said Founder John
offer the essential reinforcement of the Smithbaker.
values and virtues essential for youth
to become just, responsible and morally Corporate entities and members of the
outdoor industry are encouraged to learn


tionships, and skills needed to succeed CAM as a Platinum Sponsor for the 2021 competition archery coverage.
in life. season. With this partnership, Victory Victory Archery is proud to be partner-
will help bring tour coverage to viewers
This nationwide initiative focuses around the world. With events running ing with CAM and will have representa-
on helping our young people overcome throughout the summer, Victory Archery tives onsite at various event locations
personal challenges by encouraging and CAM will be there for every single re- throughout the year. Archers, guests and
active parenting and mentorship in leased arrow, offering the latest updates viewers will find information about all of
healthy and meaningful lifestyles that on tour standings. the new arrow and accessory technology
tap into our country’s natural bounty from Victory and have a chance to shoot
and rich outdoor heritage. For more CAM continues to grow its cover- some of the most advanced arrows in the
information, log on to age and capabilities within the archery business. Find out why more target ar-
or email [email protected]. | to world. Bringing the latest technology and chers and hunters are making the switch
learn more about fathers in the field, visit industry professionals together to create to Victory Archery. | stop in and visit your lo- a truly enjoyable and dynamic viewing
experience, CAM is the leading outlet for cal bow shop today and ask for more information
or visit for more details.
Competition Archery Media (CAM) will
once again be bringing viewers all the
archery action they can handle for 2021’s
tour and tournament stops. When it
comes to covering the archery world’s
biggest events, no one does it better than
CAM. Victory Archery is proud to join

Northern Broadheads For Sale a full range of carbon arrows to comple- facilities operating in the USA, (North-
ment its nail-tough broadheads—North- ern Broadheads LLC) based out of Rhode
After a decade in the archery industry, ern Barefoot shafts. Available deflection Island. Northern Broadheads LLC serves
and still growing, Northern Broadheads is grades include .600, .500, .400, .350, .300 as the distribution point for the USA, with
seeking a suitable buyer to take the brand and .250 spines. All are fitted with alumin- headquarters still located in Australia
to a next level. The offer includes all IP, ium outserts, creating one of the toughest and servicing Australia, New Zealand and
hunting shafts on the market today. South Africa. | for more information contact
factory access and machin- [email protected]. IA
ery for products and pack- Northern Broadheads currently has
aging—all good will.
More than 10 years
ago, Australian North-
ern Broadheads found-
er Adam White and a
group of friends
struggled to find
and purchase qual-

ity broadheads made to stand up to the
tough water buffalo, wild scrub bull, wild
boar and camels, and several deer species
found in northern Australia. Some USA
products were available in southern Aus-
tralia, but retail cost and freight left them
out of reach for many hardcore bowhunt-
ers who might go through one or two
dozen arrows/broadheads on a weekend
hunt for trophy wild boar and scrub bulls.

The idea was hatched to create a high-
quality, yet affordable broadhead that was
razor sharp on delivery, produced wide
cuts and could hold up to tough Aussy
game. After extensive testing, Northern
Broadheads' 125-grain GRUNT appeared.
An Australian first, the 125-grain GRUNT
offered a wide, razor sharp, stainless steel
blade that could easily be resharpened or
replaced. The GRUNT quickly gained popu-
larity with demanding bowhunters across
Australia and New Zealand, and Northern
Broadheads expanded its broadhead line-
up from there.

The company’s solid designs and excep-
tional reputation spawned global accep-
tance enjoyed by bowhunters around the
world. A new name and environmentally
friendly packaging were eventually ad-
opted, and the Northern brand is now car-
ried by some of the most respected archery
distributors in the industry, including Lan-
caster Archery, Kinsey’s, 3Rivers Archery
Supply, Apex Hunting, Advanced Archery,
and several independent archery shops.

Northern Broadheads also introduced



Seven Ways to Prevent No-Shows at Your Next Event


I mprove the attendance rate for your you’ll keep the event
archery events by employing these tips. front and center in
your attendees’ minds

so they won’t forget or

When you go through the hassle of plan- lose interest in it. This

ning and hosting an event it’s obvious idea comes from the ar-

you want people to show up. Unfortu- ticle “How To Avoid the

nately, some don’t—even when they Dreaded No-Shows at

said they would. So where did you go Your Next Event” by Ben Post about the event consistently
wrong and how can you fix it? Schwartz, a marketing and make sure to feature everything.
manager and Events- photo © shooters archery
Most people skip an event because it tant blogger. Schwartz
no longer interests them, something

else came up or maybe they just forgot. said that from the mo-

Whatever the reason, an empty room ment you create the event to the day it a free gift? Is there a door prize? Will

or a tournament without competitors happens, you should use email, social they learn a new skill? Is there going to

can damage your business’s reputation, media and direct mail to feature im- be food, drinks or a well-known speak-

cause sponsors to drop out and discour- ages, videos and other event content to er? Incentives like this entice people to

age speakers or panelists from working keep folks interested in what’s to come. show up and get what you promised.

with you again. Creating a communications schedule 3 ■ Ask Customers To Invite Their
It is unlikely you’ll ever get an event helps keep you on track. This strategy Friends • The article “Show Up! 15 Tips
helps build excitement and enthusiasm
with 100 percent attendance. No-shows

happen, but you can decrease the no- for the event, which also helps people re- to Avoid No-Shows at Events” by Julius

show rate with careful planning. Use member it is happening. Solaris, an event planning specialist

these tips for both free and paid events with the Event Manager Blog, encour-

to keep people hooked, engaged and ea- 2 ■ Highlight the Perks • In your com- ages event hosts to ask their attendees

ger to attend. munications, Schwartz said to clearly to refer someone.

define what people will get by attending “Attendees may surely have peers

1 ■ Build Up the Event • By periodically the event. In other words, give them a who are interested in the topic of your

sharing event details and information, reason to show up. Are you handing out event,” Solaris said. “Leverage their so-

cial networking activity to fill up those

empty seats and possibly offer rewards

or discounts if money is involved.”

By having attendees invite their like-

minded friends, you might double your

attendance number and kiss no-shows


Improve the attendance rate for your archery events with these tips. photo © ace archers 4 ■ Send a Reminder • People are busy

and life is hectic. To ensure attend-
ees don’t forget about your event, con-
nect with those who showed interest
or RSVP’d in the affirmative as close to
the event as possible. General reminders

Continued on Page 30




Continued from Page 28

Advertise on your social media and any other outlets you think might
reach your potential attendees. photo © music city archery

Charge a small fee to attend the event and allow the archers to preregister.
photo © ace archers

work well, but personalizing your mes- customer’s commitment to attending be- any time of year. You’ll find educational
sage to individuals shows you care about cause they don’t want to lose their money. lessons, decoration ideas and sample
them, not just the spot they’re filling. shooting games for each event. The docu-
Some people don’t check their email or 7 ■ Plan a Must-Attend Event • Need help ment can be found in the ATA’s Resource
social media daily, but they probably Website by searching for the document
carry their phone everywhere. Try calling planning an event worthy of attendance? name.
or texting them if you have their phone Use the ATA’s Event Planning Workbook to
number. If not, use the next best thing. get started. It was designed to help archery Final Thoughts
pro-shop owners launch and manage ar-
5 ■ Explain What Happens If They Don’t chery and bowhunting events that gener- When your event has a good turnout,
Show • The Cvent blog poses a good ques- ate revenue, build brand awareness and get your attendees involved to help boost
attract new customers. The workbook de- your marketing efforts for future events.
tion. Author Mike Fletcher asks, “If you scribes the planning process and provides Ask them to post about your event online,
truly considered that your nonattendance tips and insights for making important de- tag your business in their pictures, invite
at an event would have an environmental cisions. It includes an overview of an event, their friends to future events and spread
impact, result in food wastage and incur including budget, timeline, checklist, mar- the word. Their enthusiasm and support
a potential cost for the organizer, would keting plan, attendee list, equipment and for the event will likely generate interest
you still fail to show up without a valid supplies, and follow-up and evaluation. It in future ones, which also helps prevent
reason?” Remind people that their atten- even includes bonus tips, which are hot no-shows.
dance requires careful planning and that insights from retailers and ATA staff. The
when they don’t show, it negatively af- workbook’s pages also provide space for If the no-show trend continues despite
fects the shop, community and the event writing down ideas and taking notes. your efforts, try to pinpoint potential rea-
logistics. If people knew the consequences sons by tracking event details (date, time
of skipping an event, they might be more To use the free workbook, log in to your and time of year), guest names (who regu-
compelled to attend. MyATA member dashboard ( larly shows and who doesn’t) and outside and click on “Down- factors (the weather or another event,
6 ■ Charge a Small Fee • The Eventbrite load Free ATA Resources” to access the such as a concert, festival or craft fair,
ATA’s Resource Website. Search for “Event happening on the same day). You might
website talks about event price as an addi- Planning Workbook,” and download the find a pattern of unfavorable dates or
tional attendance motivator. When people document. Then, print it and add it to a times. You might also identify a particu-
don’t financially invest in an event, they three-ring binder to start planning. lar person who skips often. Then you can
don’t feel as obligated to go. The article plan your events for better days or know
“The Ultimate Way to Reduce No-Shows at The ATA’s “Archery and Bowhunting who’s unreliable for your headcount.
Free Events” recommends putting a small Event Ideas” document is another great
price tag on what would otherwise be a resource. It was created to help ATA mem- Questions?: Contact Nicole Nash, the ATA’s
free event to increase its perceived value. bers host fun, engaging events year- manager of range and retail programs, at
Having to pay admission might put some round. The document features at least five [email protected] or (866) 266-
people off, but it will likely increase a event ideas to consider each month, as 2776, ext. 116. IA
well as more than 20 events you can host



Archery Industry Members Participating in the Sport

SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO: Visit or mail a color image with your name,
address, where the animal was taken, and archery gear used—both manufacturer and model—
to Inside Archery Power of Participation, P.O. Box 15827, Colorado Springs, CO 80935.

Patrick Meitin • Idaho DIY Black Bear

Executive Editor/Co-Owner, Inside Archery

Missy Cobbett • Maine Whitetail  Bow ■ Bear Redemption EKO Sight ■ HHA Sports Tetra

Arrow ■ Carbon Express Triad Rest ■ Vapor Trail GEN 7

Executive Manager, Xpedition Enterprises Broadhead ■ Steel Force Release ■ Scott
American Muscle Head Archery Pursuit
Bow ■ Xpedition Denali Broadhead ■ Dead Ringer

Arrow ■ Victory Sight ■ Dead Ringer Quiver ■ Rancho Safari Stabilizer ■ Trophy Ridge

Rest ■ Quality Archery Designs Catquiver Mini Hitman Kit


Todd Williams • Texas Axis Deer

Owner, X-Factor Outdoors

Bow ■ Mathews Chill Broadhead ■ Innerloc EXP 100

Arrow ■ Victory VAP TKO Sight ■ HHA Sports Optimizer

Jason Ashe • New York Whitetail Release ■ Stan Shoot-Off Stabilizer ■ X-Factor Outdoors
Rest ■ Ripcord Other ■ X-Factor Wrist Sling
Social Media Manager, Inside Archery

Bow ■ Hoyt RX1 Sight ■ Spot Hogg Hog-It
Arrow ■ Easton FMJ Release ■ Spot Hogg Wiseguy

Broadhead ■ Rage Stabilizer ■ Dead Ringer

Rest ■ Hamskea Quiver ■ Dead Ringer

Tucker Davis • West Virginia Wild Hog Marty Cecil • Kentucky Whitetail

Sight Production Manager, B3 Archery

Youth Pro Staffer, Omega Sights Bow ■ Mathews VXR 31.5 Sight ■ B3 Rize Hunter

Crossbow ■ CenterPoint CP400 Bolt ■ CenterPoint Arrow ■ Easton A/C/C Rest ■ Trophy Taker

Broadhead ■ Thorn Crown Quiver ■ CenterPoint Broadhead ■ B3 Exoskeletal Stabilizer ■ B3 Versa

Sight ■ Omega II Sight/Rangefinder/Video Camera MEG 3-Blade Other ■ GAS Bowstrings


The Bohning Company
has been a cornerstone of the archery industry since
its earliest days, since cedar arrows and homemade
yew bows were still considered standard equipment.

Founded in 1946 by Rollin Bohning, The Bohning
Company was created to address a brand-new prob-
lem of the era: Doug Easton had recently developed
his first generation of aluminum arrows, and Fred
Bear had just unveiled a new broadhead. The adhe-
sives of the time could not properly bond these two
components together, so Rollin Bohning used his
background as a chemist to develop Ferr-L-Tite, the
perfect glue to address this unique issue.


Since 1946, The Bohning Company has continued to provide the
“secret ingredient” that helps modern arrows fly true and live
up to hard use. Ferr-L-Tite became the go-to choice for bonding
broadheads and inserts to aluminum arrow shafts, and the com-
pany has continued to use cutting-edge approaches to solve new
problems that arose as archery equipment and materials became
more advanced, year after year, decade after decade.

Today, The Bohning Company is known as much more than a
producer of adhesives. It has thrived for 75 long years, delivering
countless innovations in multiple categories to the industry. Along
the way, the Bohning Company has created generations of satisfied

customers, and it’s poised to make many
more in the near and distant future.

A Cornerstone 35
of the Industry

Rollin Bohning had a family camp a few miles outside of Lake
City, Michigan, nestled near the deep woods of the northwest
lower peninsula. He established his facility
there in 1946, and that location still holds
the headquarters of the company to this
day. In fact, Rollin Bohning’s farmhouse
still stands beside the Bohning Company’s
manufacturing facilities, and the com-
pany’s owner/president, Larry Griffith, has
lived there for more than 30 years.

Much like the company, Bohning’s VP
of sales and marketing, Scott Hamlin,
also has deep roots in Michigan and the
archery industry.

“I was born and raised in Grayling, Mich-
igan, during the time that Fred Bear was manufacturing there,”
Scott Hamlin said. “Grayling was a small town of about 1,200


people, so I was definitely influenced by tional Guard after high school, where he The Bohning Company has gone
his archery business, and I even lived in went on to serve for 24 years and com- through a lot of growth and development
the same neighborhood as Bob Kelly and mand units during Operation Desert in its 75-year history. Rollin Bohning con-
Dick Lattimer, two of Fred’s good friends Storm. After retiring from the National tinued to steadily cultivate his business
and long-time employees. I didn’t really Guard, Hamlin earned a business degree until the 1960s, when he passed the com-
understand what a big figure Fred was at and began working in material manage- pany on to his son-in-law and daugh-
the time, but that experience really left a ment and purchasing, which eventually ter, Colby and Martha Johnson. Under
mark on me. There wasn’t much else to led to his dream job at Bohning. the leadership of the Johnsons, a variety
do in Grayling, so I spent a lot of time in of new products were introduced in the
the outdoors, scouting, hunting and fall- “I had known about Bohning since I was following years, including cresting, lure
ing in love with it.” a kid,” Hamlin said. “When I was hired
here, I sent them a letter asking: Do I pay
Although it was his passion, much of you? Because it was quite the dream come
Hamlin’s career was spent outside of the true, and it has been ever since. Bohning
archery industry. He enlisted in the Na- has such a rich history, and I started delv-
ing more into that history as soon as I got
The Bohning Company’s headquarters remains here. We have these handwritten ledgers
on the same piece of land that Rollin Bohning and journals from Rollin Bohning, with
founded his business on 75 years ago. The his sales logs from the company’s earliest
company’s facilities and equipment have re- days. One the very first few pages, you’ll
ceived countless upgrades over the years, but find big-name customers like Fred Bear,
a sense of connection to the company’s roots Doug Easton, Chuck Saunders and Cliff
remains strong among Bohning’s staff. Zwickey. All of those men created such
amazing legacies, and Rollin Bohning cre-
ated an amazing legacy of his own.”


The Bohning Company has an incredibly rich 75-year history. 37
Here you can see (top to bottom, from left to right): Bohning’s

1966 catalog; a portrait of Rollin Bohning; Rollin Bohning
discussing archery with Fred Bear; Rollin’s wife, Evelyn

Bohning, practicing archery; Rollin Bohning taking a long shot
with his bow; Rollin Bohning’s son-in-law and successor, Colby

Johnson, who was an avid bowhunter; the original Tex-Tite;
and the evolution of Platinum Fletch Tite through the years.


paints, broadheads and numerous other 43,000 square feet of space, and despite automation that is quite stunning. They
accessories. The Johnsons continued the their age, these facilities look extremely are also usually impressed by the cleanli-
tradition in 1987 when they passed the immaculate and modern. ness of everything—I know I was. I spent
company on to their son-in-law, Larry about 20 years in different welding facili-
Griffith, who remains as the president “We are pretty much in the middle of ties and material warehouses, which can
and owner today. nowhere,” Hamlin said. “There are thick get horribly dirty. Our facilities are always
forests to the north and hay fields for the incredibly clean and organized. That’s a
“We are incredibly proud of our his- dairy industry to the south, and there reflection of how we like to operate, and
tory, and it’s always a source of inspira- aren’t really any decent-sized cities near- it’s also the result of all the experience
tion,” Hamlin said. “Our president, Larry by. Whenever we have visitors, they see we have. Everything has a proper place.
Griffith, has done a lot of important that we are in the middle of nowhere, but That’s just how things work here. Our fa-
things since taking over in the late ‘80s. then they walk inside and see a level of
Under his leadership, Bohning brought
in the injection molding machines and
tooling division that allowed us to start
making vanes, nocks and many other
products like jigs. Larry helps remind us
of where we came from, but one of his
main focuses is also reminding us of
where we are going. He’s always check-
ing in on the status of next year’s projects,
along with the projects that are still two
or three years out. He always has us look-
ing ahead, but he also reminds us of the
fair, honest and timely service to our cus-
tomers that brought us this far.”

Modern Breakthroughs

The Bohning Company’s manufacturing
facilities have an interesting blend of sce-
nic views and state-of-the art manufac-
turing equipment. The company has two
buildings that combine to create about


cilities were set up to be maintained and he has overseen that entire process for a Bohning’s U.S.-based manufacturing
grown, and we’re going to keep growing.” while. Niki Vander Meulen is our head capabilities allowed the company to keep up
chemist. She is very skilled and in charge with the intense demand it has experienced
The Bohning Company also has an ex- of our paint, adhesive and wax division. in the past year. The company’s seasoned
ceptional staff operating these pristine Then we have our international sales and well-trained staff also played a key role.
facilities. representative, Holly Henrickson, who
speaks several languages and travels to Another long-time employee is Mike
“Our entire staff is incredible, and the Europe annually to represent Bohning in Barnes, VP of tooling and production, who
company’s leaders all bring special ex- those markets. Scott Billsby is our VP of fi- has been here for more than 30 years.
periences to the table,” Hamlin said. “For nance and supply chain, and he has been Bohning added Kevin Mist, our market-
starters, we have Bob Potter as our design overseeing our shipping and distribution ing director, in 2020. He is very talented
engineer. He has aeronautical experience, for about 15 years. Most people who work and experienced, and he manages all the
and he’s an avid outdoorsman. He also with Bohning know Karen Abrahamson, graphic, advertisement and marketing
has affiliations with a lot of third-party our VP of administrative services. She activities for Bohning. Finally, an impor-
firms that do testing for us. Almost every does an awful lot of everything, and she tant and fairly recent addition is DJ Hunt,
product that we develop is thoroughly has been here for more than 20 years.
tested by these outside firms. That helps
ensure they are the best they can be, and


our pro-staff manager and director of U.S. he feels we have the right team in place Bohning assembles, packages and ships
archery sales. DJ is an incredibly talented to do that. We all have our own different the vast majority of its products from its
target shooter, as well as a very bright outlooks and specialties, and we work facilities near Lake City, Michigan.
and dedicated worker.” very well together.”
“The Smooth Release Insert Nock is
Born and raised in Lake City, Michigan, The team at Bohning has used their something I worked on since day one of
just a few miles away from the Bohning combined experiences to create some in- being here,” Hunt said. “Having competed
facility, DJ Hunt has admired the com- credible developments in recent years. in target archery, I had seen some areas
pany for a while. that I felt Bohning could improve on. I got
“We launched the Griffin Vane last to witness what all of the top pros were
“I grew up about 15 minutes away year, and it was an internal project that using, and Bohning’s nocks were not too
from The Bohning Company, and I never we had been working on for a while,” prevalent in that level of target archery.
heard anything but good things about Hamlin said. “The Griffin Vane is a 1-inch The Smooth Release Insert Nock provides
it,” DJ Hunt said. “I also started shoot- injection molded vane made specifically all the features those shooters are looking
ing archery when was 12 years old, and for Olympic archers. They tend to use for. It has already been very well received
I’ve been hooked ever since. After work- spin wings, which are made of mylar and as a result, and we know we are on the
ing here, I have personally seen that Boh- very fragile, and they also need to be hand right path now.”
ning’s driving force is the consumers. fletched. Our Griffin Vanes are extremely
We are constantly trying to update and durable and can be jig fletched, and we Bohning’s new-for-2021 Pocket Quiver
improve equipment to make the lives of see them becoming quite popular because is also receiving a lot of positive attention.
archers easier. Larry Griffith has a very of it. The development of the Griffin Vane
clear vision for the company, and he is was a huge project and investment. We “The Pocket Quiver was born from a
never going to do anything to jeopardize spent a solid year testing it and writing concept of a bright designer,” Hamlin said.
that vision. We want to keep improving a 200-page report on its aerodynamic “He noticed that a lot of the kids at NASP
the lives and experiences of archers, and characteristics versus spin wings and shoots were wearing gym shorts, and he
other Olympic-style vanes. That project came to us to see if we could make a de-
DJ Hunt, pro-staff manager and director of definitely illustrated our commitment vice that would hold arrows and securely
U.S. archery sales, is an avid competition to being innovative, and we hope that attach to a waistband. Bohning developed
podium-placing archers will still be using tooling around the idea of a lightweight,
shooter, and he uses that personal experience Griffin Vanes 40 years from now.” pocket-attached quiver, and that’s how
to help refine Bohning products. the Pocket Quiver came about. It attaches
Another recent breakthrough for target to a back pocket, pack strap or waistband
shooters is Bohning’s Smooth Release In- of any kind, and it holds six arrows of any
sert Nock, which was new for 2021. diameter. The response has been incred-
ible. We sold more than 3,000 units after
making them for only 60 days, and I’m
sure that number will keep skyrocketing.”

Meanwhile, Bohning continues to pro-
duce the many other accessories that


helped build the company’s lasting and stance, had an 800 percent sales increase. whether they are a $1,000 customer or
respected reputation. It’s a great quiver that we make here, and $100,000 customer. They will all get the
that’s just one example of a broken re- same great treatment. Again, it goes back
“We are known as a company that cord. The high quality of our products has to improving the lives of our customers.
makes everything for the arrow, but not always been a key selling point, but a lot We want to make products that help ar-
the arrow,” Hamlin said. “We make ev- of recent sales have just been the result of chers, and we also want to support the
erything from vanes, to nocks, to crest- our ability to actually make it.” pro-shops that archers rely on for prod-
ing, to adhesives. And we want archers ucts and expertise.”
to be able to use all those products, so we At its core, Bohning remains deeply
also teach them how to fletch and pro- dedicated to its customers—both large The Bohning Company also remains
vide them with devices that allow them and small—and this will continue to play invested in the grassroots of the industry.
to do that, like jigs. We make a lot of a key role in the company’s future.
other things as well, like waxes and peep By producing its products in house, the
sights—along with things people might “Our dealers really are our driving Bohning team is able to pay close attention
not expect, like fishing-lure paint—and force,” Hunt said. “Consumers go to deal- to detail and ensure excellent quality control.
each one of our products are held to the ers, and dealers come to us. It’s critical
same high standards. Just take our Pre- that we treat all of our dealers equally,
mium Points, for instance. They are guar-
anteed to weigh within 0.25 grains of
their published weight and guaranteed
to be concentric to .025mm. They could
nearly be sold as matched sets. Of course,
the Blazer Vane is also still one of our sta-
ple products. They have been a top choice
for archers and bowhunters for 15 years.
We have produced over 50 million Blazer
Vanes this year—more than ever before—
and that certainly reflects the fact that
archers are counting on them when they
encounter a once-in-a-lifetime opportu-
nity in the field or on the range.”

Ready for a Growing Industry

Bohning’s manufacturing facility has
always provided certain advantages.
By manufacturing its own products in-
house, Bohning has always been able to
ensure product performance through
vigorous testing and quality control. The
advantages of U.S. manufacturing also
played a key role for Bohning during the
recent surge in demand for archery goods.

“We are continually making invest-
ments in our facility, and some recent
investments really helped us out this last
year,” Hamlin said. “We produce about 80
percent of what we sell, with items like
apparel and bowcases being produced
elsewhere. When the outdoor activity of
this nation bloomed last year, we were
in the perfect position to help pro-shops
resupply their empty shelves. There is an
awful lot of product that comes from off-
shore in this industry, so we saw massive
spikes in sales. Our Bruin Quiver, for in-


“It’s exciting when everyone from These factors will certainly contribute to
Easton Archery to Skip’s Sports Shop in its continued growth and success.
Grayling, Michigan, wants to do busi-
ness with you,” Hamlin said. “We want “We are on track to have the most sales
to remain a leader in archery, not just in we’ve ever had in a year, by far,” Ham-
terms of sales, but also in support of the lin said. “It’s definitely stressful, and we
industry in general. We are big support- need all hands on deck. It’s not uncom-
ers of the IBO, ASA, NASP and S3DA. We mon for me and the other VPs to be in our
also spend a tremendous amount of time office packaging products when we have
traveling to these events. DJ and I each at- spare time. That’s just what is required
tend about 20 shoots across the country right now. But despite the stress, this is
annually in support of archery and the still an incredible place to work, and we
archers, and that’s something we will al- cherish it every day. Bohning is full of
ways value going forward.” down-to-earth people who love what we
do, and our door is always open to any-
Conclusion one who wants to visit. People show up
all the time, and they get to see what a
After thriving for 75 years, it’s safe to say unique company this is firsthand. We are
that The Bohning Company has its own all determined to make archers’ lives bet-
special recipe for success. Bohning provides ter, and we have fun doing it.” IA
high-quality accessories for all disciplines
of archery, and it does so with customer Bohning’s new Pocket Quiver has
service that leaves a lasting impression. quickly become a popular accessory for
competitive and recreational archers.


HHA Sports Tetra Bow Sight

H HA Sports has been in the mover-
sight game for decades. Those de- rearward to expose
more material. It

cades of experience have allowed the com- is held in place by
three rubber tabs,
pany to slowly refine the way mover sights combined with in-

are viewed, and how they function. terior ridges on the

“mechanical rheostat”

The Tetra under discussion here is one cylinder. A side tap in the aperture al-

of the company’s latest. It is a single- lows the addition of a sight light. The the large, star-like side
wheel. Operation is glass
pin mover designed to smoothly fa- molded-plastic RTA peep-alignment smooth, with movement tension
and yardage lock supplied by an outer
cilitate shots from 20 to 100-plus yards. ring is bright green and holds the bub- winged finger knob.

A quick view shows 99.5 percent all- ble level in place. The yardage adjustment wheel in-
cludes a flat surface that accepts pre-
metal construction, including mostly The entire pin housing/aperture is printed yardage tapes. The stainless
steel pointer and yardage tape can be
milled aluminum, some steel and a lit- windage adjustable via a winged finger easily viewed from the shooter’s posi-
tion, minimizing pre-shot movement.
tle brass. Non-metal parts include the screw. Loosen it a lot and coarse ad- The Tetra comes with 52 preprinted

bubble level, peep-alignment ring and justments can be made on the milled yardage tapes. After the sight is in-
stalled, the set-up tape is sighted for 20
fiber optics backing the aiming point. indents. Loosen it a little and an end and 60 yards and then marked, with
the appropriate preprinted tape then
The sight head includes a single ver- knob allows for click-adjust micro cor- fitting into the gap. Afterwards, us-
ers are able to dial the single pin to a
tical pin, a design I’ve found to obscure rections. The aperture attaches to the precise range—even “tweaner” ranges
such as, say, 43 yards. The yardage dial
less of the target. The pin carrier is a main frame through a dovetail ar- should also be set up to zero, or bottom
out, at 20 yards, allowing no-look re-
blade-style design machined from alu- rangement secured by two hex-head turn to a known point.

minum to offer excellent protection of screws, allowing quick elevation ad- The Tetra is rock solid and the perfect
option for serious 3-D shooters or bow-
the fiber optics it holds. A bunch of extra justments. The mounting bracket hunters operating from treestands or
who enjoy long-range shooting. Check
fiber is wrapped around the aperture to transitions into the heart of the sight it out at IA

soak up ambient light and route it to through a secure second-axis “hinge.”

the aiming point. A cylinder encircling The third-axis adjustment is located on

the peep-alignment ring and aperture the aperture stem. The aperture head

body can be slid over the wrapped fi- then moves up and down on a brass

ber to tone down brightness, or pulled gear rack via a polymer gear driven by

WebXtra ■ For a closer look at the

HHA Sports Tetra, please check it

out at



Bear Archery Legit RTH

W hat can I really say about the tracts so many loyal fans to the brand and ages and skill levels. Draw length is eas-
Bear Archery name? I mean, what it stands for. While Bear Archery’s ily adjustable from a 14 to 30 inches. A ro-
top-tier bows hold cutting-edge technolo- tating cam module requires removing or
loosening two screws (depending upon
this is the brand founded by the father gies, there is no contrived extravagance which draw-length span you are working
involved, just hardcore bowhunting tools within), encircling the proper laser-etched
draw length number with the included
of modern archery, Fred Bear—a name designed by bowhunters, for bowhunters. module aperture, reinserting the locking
screws and tightening. Peak draw weight
that itself speaks of an archery icon, a Bear Archery certainly offers solid flag- can be set from 10 to 70 pounds with the
turn of the extra-long limb bolts. A couple
hallowed figure. This is a brand that has ship models just like any other bow com- Allen wrenches—one for draw-length
mods, the other for limb bolts—are all
been respected and trusted by several gen- pany, and with the MSRPs to match (though that’s needed. A bow press isn’t necessary.

erations of archers and bowhunters. I also generally still more affordable than many Legitimate Performance

appreciate the fact that Bear Archery has company’s top-end wares—just as Papa The Legit RTH uses a smooth-drawing,
dual-cam system to propel a 355-grain ar-
remained true to its blue collar bowhunt- Bear would have it), like the incredible row (Victory RIP TKO, .300 spine) to around
309.1 fps actual speed. That’s not barn-
ing roots. Bear Archery is all about camou- $999.99 Redemption EKO I’ve now used to burning velocity by today’s standards, but
coming from a time when we could only
flage—including classic Fred Bear Camo— put arrows through both a bragging-sized imagine 300 fps (and killed plenty of game
with those slow bows), I’d say that’s plenty
and everything bowhunting. True, there is gobbler and DIY black bear during spring of velocity for the sub-30-yard whitetail
shots the vast majority of us take each
a dedicated target bow in the lineup (the adventures. But Bear Archery—ever ca- season. Of our 12 standard test arrows, the
Legit RTH produced speeds from 259.0 fps
Revival), but it is died-in-the-wool bow- tering to the average-Joe, cash-conscious with the heavy 532-grain arrow, to 328.6
fps with our admittedly too-light 292-grain
hunting that anchors the company and at- workingman—also offers a wide selection arrow. The Legit RTH showed a real pref-
erence for mid-weight (439 to 387 grains
of mid-priced, Ready To Hunt (RTH) bows finished weight) arrows with .340 to .300
deflection/spine ratings. The long bearing
without the flash but including all the field- surface of the module cable stop produced
impressively even arrow velocities.
ready performance needed to put meat in
Legitimate Construction
the freezer and antlers on the wall.
The Legit RTH doesn’t include the
I can tell you this: While working retail for cost-cutting construction of many true
youth bow models, save molded polymer
a short time and put in charge of the archery limb pockets. The Legit RTH is based on

department of a largish sporting good con-

cern, Bear Archery packages moved so brisk-

ly I had difficulty keeping them in stock. This

occurred while the typical flagship models

frequently languished in inventory. These

customers weren’t casual weekend warriors,

but hard-driving bowhunters who filled tags.

They just happened to reside in a region of

the nation that garners low wages.

Bear Archery's Legit RTH uses a smooth-drawing, The 2021 Bear Archery Legit RTH under

dual-cam system, which allows setting the bow up discussion here is such a bow—no flash

for draw lengths from 14 to 30 inches. and all hunt. Admittedly, when I first un-

packaged the Legit RTH, I believed I would

The highly-adjustable cam system used by the Legit be reviewing a youth/woman’s bow, but

RTH uses an intuitive rotating cam and straight-forward as testing began, I came to understand

laser-etched numbers for draw-length adjustments. that the Legit RTH is a legitimate hunting

tool, including everything needed to start

shooting and bowhunting, save arrows,

release and broadheads. It is also priced

to accommodate the tightest bowhunting

budget, with an MSRP of just $419.99.

Legitimate Versatility

This is not a “kid’s bow,” in the classic
sense, though it can be made to fit youth
(or female) shooters quite readily. This is a
sure-enough legitimate adult compound,
but it is engineered to legitimately fit all


Specifications Arrow Speed

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bear Archery Legit RTH at 71.2 pounds at 30 inches.

Axle-to-Axle Length 29-inch Arrows/ Shaft *Finished Kinetic Arrow
29.125 inches
100-Grain Tips gpi Arrow Wt. Energy Speed
Brace Height
6 inches Victory Xtorsion 300 12.9 532 grains 79.3 ft. lbs. 259.0 fps

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Mass Weight Bloodsport Evidence 300 11.7 518 grains 81.6 ft. lbs. 266.4 fps
3.6 pounds
Easton 4mm FMJ 330 11.0 *502 grains 80.0 ft. lbs. 267.8 fps
80 - 90 percent
CX Max RED SD 350 9.4 *465 grains 79.4 ft. lbs. 277.3 fps
Available Draw Lengths
14 to 30 inches GT Kinetic Kaos 340 9.9 453 grains 78.1 ft. lbs. 278.6 fps

in half inch increments –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bloodsport Justice 300 9.8 443 grains 77.0 ft. lbs. 279.8 fps

Available Draw Weights –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
10 to 70 pounds
Black Eagle Spartan 300 9.0 *439 grains 80.9 ft. lbs. 288.1 fps
Available Colors
With some quick assembly the Bear Archery Legit RTH Shadow (black), True Timber Beman White Out 340 8.8 416 grains 79.3 ft. lbs. 293.0 fps
arrives ready to shoot with the addition of arrows, points Strata, Fred Bear camo, Realtree
and a release. Edge, Wildfire, Toxic, Muddy Girl, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

a rock-solid milled-aluminum riser that Undertow and Veil Stoke GT Velocity Pro 340 8.2 387 grains 78.1 ft. lbs. 301.4 fps
includes generous cut-outs and heavily-re-
cessed cross-struts, a channeled arrow shelf –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
and fluted leading edges to shave mass. The
riser ends are milled to include a rear limb MSRP Black Eagle Carnivore 350 7.5 363 grains 74.1 ft. lbs. 303.1 fps
cradle, with minimalist front limb pockets $419.99
added. The extra-long limb bolts permit the –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
exaggerated draw-weight range.
Victory RIP XV 300 7.0 355 grains 75.3 ft. lbs. 309.1 fps
The compression-molded split limbs termi-
nate in a past-parallel geometry that promotes –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
overall shot silence. The carbon cable-slide
and string stop rods slip into orifices milled Liberty Archery 320 5.9 292 grains 70.0 ft. lbs. 328.6 fps
into the riser, with dual set screws used to se-
curely anchor them in place, while also allow- –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
ing a small degree of adjustability. The riser is
equipped with a single set of sight taps and a Arrow speeds established using a Caldwell Shooting Supplies Chronograph G2. *Denotes steel inserts.
standard, up-front stabilizer tap. Two arrow-
rest taps are provided, for more positioning FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (812) 447-1200, OR VISIT BEARARCHERY.COM.
latitude or guaranteed double-bolt lockdown.
The grip is integral to the riser, with only de- phy Ridge wrist-strap/index-finger release
cretive Bear inset side panels added. Overall, and three Rocket Siphon mechanical broad-
the Legit RTH bow weighs only 3.6 pounds, or heads for an additional $120. High-end, low-
about 5.5 pounds fully outfitted and with the stretch Headhunter ContraBand Bowstrings
quiver loaded with hunting arrows. are part of the deal, no matter the package.

Legitimate Hunting Rig The Legit is a compact 29.125 inches axle
to axle and includes a 6-inch brace height, a
The Legit RTH—RTH again standing for Ready pretty decent compromise between shooting
To Hunt—comes out of the box essentially forgiveness and speed generation. Hunt-ready
shot ready, given minimal assembly. A host silence comes through the past-parallel limb
of serious Trophy Ridge bowhunting acces- configuration and carbon-mounted string
sories are tossed in, including a Joker stop already mentioned, plus molded-rubber
4-pin bow sight, quick-detach 5-Spot combination speed buttons/string silencers
arrow quiver with treestand hanging installed on the bowstring before shipping.
loop, proven Whisker Biscuit arrow rest, no- The bow maintained a quiet demeanor from
tie peep sight with silicone alignment tubing, our heaviest test arrow through the lightest.
molded-rubber/vibration-absorbing Blitz sta- The string-stop rod locking screws showed a
bilizer, wrist sling and string loop. The 3/16- tendency to loosen with shooting, so a dab of
inch peep, alignment tubing and string loop Loc-Tite on each is indicated before reinstall-
are factory installed for convenience. Note: ing and snugging down.
The Legit RTH Extra outfit—not tested here—
includes the above-listed accessories, plus the This is the type of bow I find myself wish-
addition of five Trophy Ridge Wrath arrows ing was around when I was a kid. It’s the
with inserts and 100-grain field points, a Tro- kind of design that allows shooters to seam-
lessly transition from beginning or casual
archery to full-blown obsessive bowhunting
without missing a beat. The draw-length
span is simply incredible, serving youth or
petite women as well as the vast majority
of male adult shooters. It is a bow that even
as a so-called expert, I wouldn’t hesitate to
take into the field. IA

WebXtra ■ Learn more about the

Bear Archery RTH Legit and see it in



Winning the battle against
our own human stink, while

also bringing game closer.

As an interesting bit of wildlife trivia, Af-
rican lions have yet to discover the art of
playing the wind. A large majority of their
hunts end before they begin, due to them
allowing stalked animals to receive their scent,
removing the element of surprise. Hunting is
a game of odds for the big cats, eventually
chancing on the right side of the wind and
taking prey by surprise. The wildlife habitats
of North America hold much lower popula-
tion densities, not extending this luxury of
abundance for bowhunters who must get
close to game for success.

Even as bowhunting novices we understood
this, storing camouflage togs in containers
of evergreen needles, moldering leaves and
handfuls of dirt in an attempt to blend with
nature. Back then we scrubbed with baking
soda instead of perfumed bars of Irish Spring.
My early bowhunting memories are also filled
with memories of nausea after smearing hats
and clothing with overpowering skunk scent.
Mostly, though, we just played the wind


JULY 2021 INSIDEARCHERY.COM religiously. By the early 1990s, the idea of scent
control would quickly transform from cover-
ing human scent with another scent, to elimi-
nating scent altogether, setting a new age of
scent control into motion.
Early attempts at bringing game closer in-

volved names like Tink’s, Pete Richards and
Buck Stop. These were mostly urine and glan-
dular concoctions targeted at white-tailed deer,
though curiosity lures were also popular. These
weren’t food products—a different category alto-
gether—but sexual or curiosity scents normally
delivered in glass bottles and dispensed like magic
potions. It didn’t take long to transform the scent
category into a multi-billion dollar a year industry.
As such, scent-related products—whether de-
signed to eliminate odors or send out alluring
scents to attract sex-crazed or curious game—are
huge sellers. These now range from sprays, soaps,
shampoos, lotions and potions to neutralize hu-
man odors, to ozone and ion generators that
accomplish the same, to glandular and natural
blends to attract deer, elk, bears, hogs and even
set predators at ease while responding to calls.
Here are the products that will sell this year.

Scent Elimination Soaps & Potions

ELIMISHIELD ■ ElimiShield is the industry’s first
FDA-compliant, direct-to-skin scent control. It
uses a proprietary nanotechnology that kills
more than 99.99 percent of odor-causing bacte-
ria at a cellular level using an abrasive ingredi-
ent that is nonetheless gentle to human skin and
without alcohol. The overall system starts with
HUNT Core Body Foam, designed for pre-hunt
application to provide all-day protection. Eli-
miShield also offers personal hygiene products,
including Hair & Body Wash, ElimiShield Laun-
dry Detergent and Scent Elimination Spray for
base and outer layers and hunting gear. Hunter
Safety Systems is the exclusive outdoor distribu-
tor of ElimiShield products. All come with a mon-
ey-back, customer-satisfaction guarantee. Learn
more by visiting

DEAD DOWN WIND ■ Dead Down Wind uses pro-
prietary bioengineered enzyme technology to help
eliminate a broad spectrum of odors that attach


to human skin and gear. The technology ElimiShield sity School of Textiles, Fiber and Polymer
attracts and then attacks bad bacteria at Core Body Foam Science conducted a study proving Sport-
the molecular level, while leaving good Wash rinses completely, leaving nothing
bacteria needed by healthy skin. A multi- Dead Down behind for animals to smell. Sport-Wash
tude of ScentPrevent technology products Wind Evolve doesn’t contain UV brighteners, but if
include this approach. Evolve Field Spray Field Spray brighteners are present, treat with Atsko
is designed to be used on hunting clothing Lethal U-V-Killer, as not even Sport-Wash can
and gear and is environmentally friendly Original remove these brighteners. Sport-Wash
and long lasting. Field Wash Cloths come Field Spray restores factory applied DWR water repel-
in 25-packs with snap-seal lids to keep Atsko Sport-Wash lents, wicking and breathability. It also
them moist and effective at destroying Laundry Detergent restores loft and effectiveness in down
odors and to wash away blood and grime. and synthetic insulations. It is septic safe
The formula also removes chemical and and readily biodegradable, for use in HE
inorganic odors. The all-new Man Scrub- and standard machines. Learn more by
ber is a showering product designed to visiting
annihilate odor while also leaving skin
clean and smooth for up to 30 showers. WILDLIFE RESEARCH CENTER (WRC) ■
Finally, Body Wash & Shampoo destroys Scent Killer Gold Hunt Dry Technology
odor, cleanses and moisturizes and is Plus+ by WRC is now offered in a new
offered in a 16-ounce plastic bottle. Also Wood Grain Field Bottle Combo. The prod-
look for Dead Down Wind Laundry De- uct is formulated for maximum perfor-
tergent and self-contained Laundry mance after drying, including a blend of
Bombs and Dryer Sheets—all made to advanced odor-fighting ingredients that
be gentle on sensitive skin. All of these attack organic and inorganic odors. Spray
items can also be purchased in a Super bottles are equipped with high-output
Slam Value Pack. Learn more by visiting sprayers for maximum coverage, and the product was found to be 99 percent effec-
tive at stopping replicated human odor
LETHAL PRODUCTS ■ Lethal Products uses during testing by Rutgers University 20
proven OdorBan scent elimination tech- days after drying. A heavy application ef-
nology trusted by medical profession- fectively turns hunting clothing into a
als and others in the business of reduc- scent elimination suit. Scent Killer Gold
ing odors. Field Spray is now offered in a Laundry Detergent has been improved,
32-ounce spray bottle (in addition to the now including Power Boost Plus+. This ul-
24-ounce bottle). Field Spray includes the tra-concentrated formula fights odors and
patented Boost Activator to amplify its ef- stains in hunting clothes, without adding
fectiveness and provide 90 days of odor UV brighteners. The enhanced formula in-
mitigation. Field Spray DIRT 3X is an earth- cludes even more odor fighting power to
scented version. Thirty-two-ounce bottles aggressively clean clothing and fight odors
retail for just $7.99, making it a scent- at the molecular level, and the new con-
elimination bargain. Lethal also offers centrated formula provides more loads per
a comprehensive line of personal, field fluid ounce. WRC products are backed by a
and gear-care products, including laun- 100 percent money-back guarantee. Learn
dry detergent and drier sheets, shampoo more by visiting
and body wash, boot powders and field
sprays, plus Cooler Reviver and gun-care CODE BLUE ■ Code Blue’s latest products
products. Lethal Products are founded on include Earth Scent Spray and Boot Pow-
science, backed by Powerful Odoban Tech- der. Both use the company’s D/CODE tech-
nology and 100 percent guaranteed. Learn nology. New Earth Scent Spray provides
more by visiting excellent scent control and a fresh-earth
cover scent in one. The formula is all-nat-
ATSKO ■ Sport-Wash laundry detergent ural and highly effective at fighting hu-
by Atsko destroys all odors in clothing man and foreign odors. Earth Scent Spray
and any washable gear. Clemson Univer- is available in 24-ounce bottles. Simply


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