30 Power of Participation
■ Jeff Pease | Bear Archery
■ Justus Leimbach | Allen Company
■ Larry McCoy | The Outdoor Group
■ Kristy Titus | Pursue The Wild
■ Zach Benson |
Easton Technical Products
■ Jeremy Fisher | Toxon App
32 32 Whitetail Properties
Real Estate
The No. 1 Name
in Rural Real Estate
By Daniel Allred
Market Trends
40 40 Gear Report
44 Fore Runner Ground Blinds
64 42 Bow Report
Bear Archery 2022 Refine EKO
44 2021 Bowhunting Optics
By Patrick Meitin
42 50 Gear Report
BIGshot Archery Iron Man
30-inch Personal Range
Target with Pro Stand
56 Gear Report
Elevation Suppression
Silent Pack
58 Products that Sell
26 By Daniel Allred
INSIDE ARCHERY (Volume 24, #9) ISSN #1940-3879, USPS #024-412 is published 10 times per year (Jan / Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep / Oct, Nov, Dec) by Apollo Creative Inc. PO Box 15827, Colorado Springs,
CO 80935. Periodical postage paid at Colorado Springs, CO 80935 and at additional offices. Postmaster please send address changes to INSIDE ARCHERY, P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19055-9998.
10 Inside Track
Whitetail Economics
14 Kinsey’s Business Blueprint
Year-End Inventory Cleanup
30 16 Your ATA Insights
Do We Really Need a Trade Show?
By Kurt Smith / ATA
58 18 Industry News
5180 The latest on news, events and
people in the archery industry
24 ATA Action
ATA’s Archery Industry Masterclass
Returns for #ATA2022
By Cassie Gasaway / ATA
26 Inside Retailing
Creek Archery
52 Leading Archery
SKB Cases
66 Industry 5Q
56 Five Questions with ThermaSeat
52 26 58
insidearchery.com Online Exclusives
Bowhunting Resources
Rut Tracker Off & Running
The whitetail rut is indisputably the most anticipated
event in bowhunting. Use Inside Archery’s newly-
launched Rut Tracker app to help plan your hunts,
vacation time and hunting strategies using up-to-date
information from nation-wide bowhunters.
Archery Equipment
Why Are So Many Bowhunters
Choosing T-Handle Releases?
The wrist-strap/index-finger triggered release aid
has long dominated archery. But is it the best choice
for top-notch accuracy and fending off target-panic?
Executive Editor Patrick Meitin believes T-handle
releases offer a better way.
Terminal Performance
Why You Should Consider
Weight-Forward Arrow Designs
Straight-walled, mono-constructed arrows have obvi-
ously been getting the job done for eons. Yet tapered and
weight-forward/dynamic-spine shaft designs offer many
real-world advantages, including straight flight, more
forgiveness and deeper penetration.
Honing Woods Skills
How To Grid Search Effectively
When Trailing Blood Stops
Blood trailing is an art form all its own and something
bowhunters should strive to master. But when blood
trails peter out, conducting a careful grid search can
help save the day. Patrick Meitin provides insight into
recovering the toughest ones.
:WebXtras “Gear Report” tries out the Fore Runner Ground Blind,
BIGshot Archery Iron Man Personal Range Target, and Elevation Suppression
Silent Pack; “Bow Report” takes a look at Bear Archery’s 2022 Refine EKO;
and “5Q” chats with ThermaSeat.
Inside Archery Digital Edition
Now Inside Archery can be delivered to your door, viewed on your computer,
AND on your smartphone or tablet. VISIT INSIDEARCHERY.COM/DIGITAL
Fresh content daily
on social media!
Whitetail Economics
I t’s safe to say that in much of North America white-tailed deer are a major driving
force for annual archery sales. More U.S. and Canadian bowhunters pursue white-
tails than all other big game combined, a product of widespread availability, and
the wild popularity of America’s most sought-after big game species. Odds are, if you’re
faced with a serious bowhunter, they will be pursuing whitetails this season, even when
residing in the West and faced with traveling to reach prime whitetail habitats. White-
tails have become everyman’s game, more so today than even traditional small game
such as squirrels, cottontail rabbits or upland birds.
Of the 11.4 million confirmed hunters in the United States, 9.4
million of them pursue deer with gun and bow. Some 4.63 million
hunters bowhunt deer, around 2.6 million using both firearms
and bows, 2.04 million—or 44 percent of bowhunting deer hunt-
ers—hunting with bows and arrows alone. Deer hunters actually
make up about 3.35 percent of the overall U.S population, a not
entirely insignificant number.
Of course, November is to whitetail hunting what February is to football fans. No-
vember is the big event, the annual whitetail rut that brings mature bucks out of the
woodwork, or more importantly to bowhunters, by producing more movement during
daylight shooting hours. Marriages and jobs are put at risk as obsessive big-buck chasers
invest in all-day sits and scramble to keep trail cameras checked, arriving home only to
gobble food and fall into bed.
Retailers must also scramble, balancing personal hunting time with astutely manag-
ing a second rush of customers suffering last-minute bow difficulties or seeking to re-
plenish their supply of arrows or broadheads or scent killer or buck lure or hand warm-
ers. Frenzied bowhunters discover they need another treestand or pop-up blind to deal
with a new corner of habitat, another set of tree steps or ladder sections, or just one more
trail camera to remain abreast of developments on their hunting properties (or a lock
box and camera to replace the unit just stolen from that public-lands hotspot).
The whitetail rut can reintroduce the frustrations of the preseason rush, including
last-minute equipment repairs conducted while an impatient customer waits with a
tapping foot, anxious to get back on stand. There will no doubt be product shortages,
freighter ships continuing to stack up outside American ports and shipping containers
accumulating while awaiting long-haul trucks to take them away due to labor shortages
sparked by the continued pandemic and government incentives to stay at home collect-
ing unemployment. Savvy dealers are already making contingency plans, ensuring they
have alternative product to help fuel bowhunters’ fevered passions. There are added du-
ties, such as weighing or measuring incoming deer for big buck contests, or just listening
to big buck tales.
When it comes to the whitetail rut, these are the best of times, these are the worst of
times. Take the good with the bad, doing your best to enjoy some stand time, keeping
customers satisfied, and especially keeping those cash registers singing and your bottom
line in the black.
Patrick Meitin, Executive Editor
Apollo Creative Inc
Executive Editor
Patrick Meitin • [email protected]
Associate Editor
Daniel Allred • [email protected]
Kurt Smith | Cassie Gasaway
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Inside Archery founded in 1998 by Bill and Sherry Krenz
Inside Archery® Copyright © 2021 Apollo Crreative Inc. All rights re-
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Submission Guidelines: Apollo Creative Inc and Inside Archery® mag-
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Archery, hunting and bowhunting are inherently dangerous activi-
ties. Improper use of hunting or archery equipment may cause se-
rious injury or death. Always follow state and local hunting safety
rules, and get required permits or licenses before hunting. Apollo
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arising from use by any person of the information in this magazine.
Inside Archery®
is a publication of
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Printed in the USA.
Year-End Inventory Cleanup
O ne thing business owners
need to consider as they near ventory on hand, consider the physical Kinsey’s is the leading distributor to the outdoors and
the end of the year is inven- retail space that inventory occupies. archery industry. Carrying items from your favorite
tory cleanup. Inventory is one thing By giving up some margin and selling brands, in-stock and ready-to-ship, the company offers
you always need to stay mindful of, through those items, it allows you to domestic and international retailers a wide array of
but especially towards the end of Q4. buy newer, high-volume items. In the products and services. Kinsey’s also owns innovative
If you over-bought, or items just aren’t long term, giving up margin in an ef- consumer brands including BlackHeart, Fin-Finder,
moving like you expected, November fort to free up retail space will help set Elevation and October Mountain Products.
and December present you the best you up for future success For more information, please visit KinseysInc.com
opportunities to sell through existing
inventory. In preparation for the new Ways to Move Existing Inventory formation and details from your dis-
year and new items, we’ll discuss the tributor partners, or even directly from
cost of holding onto old inventory, What are some ways you can move manufacturers.
ways to move through your existing through some old, slow moving in-
inventory and how to prepare for the ventory? One way you could cleanup Preparing for New Inventory
new inventory. existing inventory is to set up a sale
or series of sales between now and If everything goes according to plan
Cost of Holding onto Inventory the end of the year. You could run an and you’ve moved through your exist-
End of Season Sale, Black Friday Sale, ing inventory you can start planning
One of the main reasons you don’t or Holiday Sale. However, don’t just for next year. In doing an end-of-the-
want to hold onto inventory heading mark down those older, slower mov- year inventory and sales analysis, you
into the new year is the cost of do- ing items you’re looking to get rid of. can help plan out your new item buy-
ing so. The inherent cost of the item Customers will be able to tell if you’re ing plan for the upcoming year. One
doesn’t just include the actual cost just discounting older inventory. You’ll way you can do so is to look for catego-
of the item. It also takes into consid- need to entice them with good deals ries of items that didn’t sell as well as
eration the space it takes up in your and sales on in-demand items as well. previous years. You can also look for
retail store. For example, if you have You could also do package deals—buy categories of items that outperformed
$2,000 worth of slow moving or old in- this, get that free, or at a steep dis- their sales last year. These efforts
count to incentivize them to purchase should help lessen the burden of trying
that existing inventory. to move through your old, existing in-
ventory this time next year.
Another thing to keep
an eye out for this time As a business owner, it’s important
to keep your inventory levels manage-
of year are MAP holi- able. It is very important to sell through
days. MAP holidays old, existing inventory. In doing so,
will allow you to sell you’ll free up valuable retail space for
through existing in- next year’s exciting new products. In
ventory by advertising the process, you’ll also be preparing
competitive prices to yourself for the upcoming buying sea-
your customers. Again, son at industry trade shows. By putting
any way you can sell in the necessary inventory clean-up
through your existing work today, you’ll be setting you and
inventory in anticipation your business up for future success. IA
for next year’s latest and
greatest items will help
you dramatically. You can
find the MAP holiday in-
Do We Really Need a Trade Show?
T wo thousand twenty-one will stand out as a New Relationships ■ Most manufactur- fresh perspective on how their business is op-
year without an ATA Trade Show, or at least erating or on areas where they could brush
ers found ways to get in touch with their
a face-to-face trade show as we have come to know it. existing retail base without the trade show. up on skills.
Price sheets were emailed, videos were
produced and retailers got the informa- The Real Deal ■ No matter if you are at the
ATA 2021 went completely virtual with online tion they needed to place orders for new show to buy or sell, there is always a focus
exhibitor profiles, new product releases and products. What seemed to be much more on new products for the year. Product videos
educational programs. Feedback from the difficult was setting the foun- are great, but they’re no sub-
event was mixed. Those who participated in dation for new business rela- stitute for handling a product
our Archery Industry Masterclass generally tionships to form. The trade in person, or better yet, trying
liked the online format and the ability to con- show gives members three it out. Being at the trade show
sume content on their own time or share it days to focus on nothing but gives exhibitors the best chance
with others on their team. We heard from oth- business relationships and of getting product in front of as
ers who simply didn’t like the virtual “booths” strategy. In contrast, trying many of their dealers as pos-
as they didn’t really get to connect with cus- to carve out time with a busy sible, and it gives dealers the
tomers or vendors in a meaningful way. schedule while running a business was far best chance of seeing more products to make
Even though the pandemic shut down the more difficult, meaning finding new busi- smart buying decisions that could have big
in-person trade show, most members had in- ness partners fell by the wayside. impacts on sales in the year ahead.
credible sales through 2020 and into 2021, so A Fresh Perspective ■ Education in the It’s not just new gear our members want
it begs the question: if the industry saw such to see in person. Face-to-face interaction and
success in a year without a trade show…do we virtual format was very new to the ATA and opportunities to network with customers,
really need the event at all? its members, but we received an overall suppliers and colleagues is where the real
To be candid, the answer is “no.” positive response from those who partici- return on investment comes for show attend-
This industry is full of people and organi- pated. What was clear, however, was that ees. We have all learned that video calls are
zations that simply find a way to get things even a virtual show put members into the great, but there is just nothing to compare
done in adverse situations because they have “learning mode” as they consumed content to meeting in person. Having dinner with a
a passion for what they do. The better ques- and participated in webinars at a much customer doesn’t make or break your year
tion might be, “Does your business benefit higher rate than they would on a normal with that account, but it gets things moving
from the show?” I believe that question would working day. Having said that, most people more quickly and opens the lines of commu-
be answered with a resounding “yes” from still learn better when they can leave dis- nication for the future. This is where the real
ATA members who are eager to get back out tractions behind and physically put them- value of this event becomes evident.
there and gather with their peers. selves in a learning environment. We’re Buying and selling will inevitably find a
While the show is focused on business, 2021 looking forward to bringing the best as- way to happen, but getting everyone in this
showed us that there is much more to it than pects of virtual learning—like on-demand industry together in one place does more
just writing orders. Here are a few benefits of viewing and engaging video content—to than connect buyers and sellers. The ATA
the in-person trade show that are likely to at- our in-person show in Louisville as our Trade Show gives everyone who attends the
tract ATA members to get back on the show members get the opportunity to step away ability to seek out new business partners,
floor in 2022: from their desk or bow counter and get a learn from their peers and enjoy real-life in-
teraction with the people and products that
are most important to their success. We take
this job seriously and continue to look for
new ways that we can keep our members
coming back and getting value out of the
We are excited to be seeing everyone again
in Louisville in just a few short weeks, and we
continue to work hard to give our members
the best show experience possible! IA
wABOruaictsthhdseo$Pro1ry0roI0FnS,u0hTn0ohd0pesSgSu&rcaphCnpoatoobrletsslPaN’rsoatgiroanmal ming receive more than lessons in ar- phenomenal! To have the continued sup-
chery—they gain a hobby for life,” said port of the wonderful, passionate people at
The Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Bob Ziehmer, Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s says so much
Fund proudly awarded a $100,000 grant Senior Director of Conservation. “Our about their belief in our mission to grow
to the National Archery in the School Pro- founder Johnny Morris and the entire Bass the sport of archery and introduce young
gram (NASP). The program currently sup- Pro Shops and Cabela’s family is proud to people to a lifetime pursuit of the outdoors.
ports more than 1 million students across support the next generation of archers We are once again proud to say that 100
North America, and the grant aims to con- through NASP and hope the programming percent of these Outdoor Fund grant dol-
tinue to expand that reach by providing only deepens their passion for the out- lars will go toward helping new schools
gear for new schools, covering the cost of doors and conservation. We send a special with NASP equipment purchases.” | learn
archery equipment for kids who may not thank you to our customers for enabling more at naspschools.org.
otherwise be able to afford it. this grant through the Outdoor Fund and
making a difference in the lives of young AMBnoenwmohbuuennrctseehsrispYUeSanwrite-eLeodpnsRgtealkaeusnches,
NASP embodies noted conservationist archers nationwide.”
and Bass Pro Shops founder Johnny Morris’ Bowhunters United, a national consu-
efforts to introduce new audiences to the NASP President Tommy Floyd said, mer-facing bowhunting organization
outdoors. Two-thirds of students enrolled “We continue to be grateful for our ongo- owned and operated by the Archery
in NASP were first-time archers upon en- ing partnership with Johnny Morris and Trade Association, relaunches with new
tering the program. This landmark Out- the Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s family. membership levels, a new mission state-
door Fund grant, made possible by the In July, Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s gra- ment, a user-friendly website and a year-
generosity of Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s ciously agreed to be our corporate sponsor long membership sweepstakes.
customers rounding up purchases, is the for the 2021 NASP Educator and Coaches
5th annual $100,000 contribution to NASP Conference in Springfield, Missouri, and BU’s mission is to unite bowhunters and
since 2016. All told, the collective $500,000 the feedback we received on the event was promote and preserve the sport of archery.
grant total has provided outdoor gear for They celebrate the lifestyle, focus on con-
NASP programming that directly impacts servation efforts, promote a positive image
thousands of students nationwide. of bowhunters and advocate on behalf of
bowhunters nationwide.
“Students enrolled in NASP program-
Continued on Page 20
Kaufhold Wins First USA Women’s World Archery Championships Medal in 33 Years
“She doesn’t know what’s coming for her,” uttered a confident Casey there on the stage.”
Kaufhold minutes before taking the stage against Olympic Champion She then went on to shoot against
An San of Korea for the semifinals at the World Archery Championships
held recently in Yankton, South Dakota. Korea’s Olympic team gold medalist Jang
Minhee and came up just short in three quick sets to
Seventeen-year-old Kaufhold, fresh off her first Olympic appear- finish with the silver.
ance and a 4th place finish at the World Archery Youth Championships,
continued to push her incredible drive to win to bound up the rankings “It feels really great,” said Kaufhold. “I didn’t have as good of a year
in qualification at the home-court World Championship event, seeding previously as I would have liked, but to end the senior international
5th. After earning a spot in the elite-eight for the recurve women, she season with a silver at the world championships is just great. I’m super
took the stage looking poised and determined. She swiftly upset India’s happy with how I shot. I kept myself composed throughout, and I really
just couldn’t be happier.”
Bhakat in four sets, bookending the match with perfect 30s.
Through to the semifinals, Kaufhold showed no mercy, On taking the win for the host nation, Kaufhold added, “It feels really
good to win on U.S. soil. I was able to have my mom here and my coach
opening with two 29s to San’s 28s to take an early lead 4-0. Heather [Pfiel] here, just having that support and all my teammates
San came back with a 28 to Kaufhold’s 27, but then dropped a and fans cheering as well, the atmosphere was just great.”
24 leaving the door wide open for Kaufhold. The U.S.’s young
phenom closed with two solid 10s for a 28 and the 6-2 win. Complete results are available at worldarchery.org, with finals avail-
“I literally thought of it as I have nothing to lose,” said Kaufhold, able on archery.tv. USA Archery is the National Governing Body for
“I’m 17 and I’ve only been shooting international tournaments for like the Olympic sport of archery in the United States. USA Archery selects
three years so why hold back. I put everything out there, didn’t hold and trains Olympic, Paralympic, World Championship and World Cup
back pretty much and that was my main goal, to leave it all out teams, as well as developing archery at the grassroots level across the
United States. | for more information, visit usarchery.org.
Continued from Page 18
BU is the first national organi- chers and their families have been traveling his accomplishments.
zation focused on the bowhunter, to participate in the IBO 3D archery trail. When the 2021 season started, Clay came
regardless of why, how, when or
where they participate. BU’s unique Clay Tenney, a West Virginia native, had back to the IBO and proceeded to win five out
relationship to the industry allows suffered a traumatic brain injury and was of six events. When the 2021 International
the organization to offer exclusive told he would never participate in any sport Bowhunting Organizations 3D Triple Crown
benefits unavailable anywhere again. However, Clay had a different plan in season came to an end, Genesis class archer
else, because it leverages existing mind. After the encouragement of his NASP and West Virginia native Clay Tenney had
relationships with like-minded coach, he began to shoot a Genesis bow in earned the coveted IBO National Champion-
organizations. BU empowers consumers school. Clay quickly became successful in ship Belt Buckle.
to contribute to the work the industry does NASP competitions, and when the IBO of-
to invest in the sport. They unite millions fered a class for the bow, he was already What came next this young archer will re-
of constituents, are a trusted resource for shooting. It was a perfect fit. member forever.
all things bowhunting and give bowhunt-
ers a voice through advocacy efforts and Clay quickly adapted to real 3D archery IBO sponsor Mathews, Genesis Archery
partnerships. and was able to pick up judging distance and the IBO thought Clay deserved some rec-
and adjusting aim on his Genesis bow very ognition for his accomplishments, so during
Show your support for Bowhunters Unit- quickly and started to podium at IBO Nation- the 2021 National Award ceremony the IBO
ed and join today. Encourage your friends, al events. Clay went on to win the IBO Triple and Mathews Pro Staff Shooters presented
family and customers to join as well. | visit Crown in 2020. How- Clay with a certificate from Mathews Ar-
bowhuntersunited.com to learn more and become a ever, after the COVID chery for a bow of his choice.
bu member. questions can be directed to the bow- pandemic cancelled the
2020 IBO Worlds, Clay The International Bowhunting Organiza-
hunters united membership office by calling (888) didn't get to experience tion would like to thank Mathews and Gen-
an award ceremony for esis Archery for the support and for all the
964-0317 or emailing [email protected]. Mathews Pro Staff for helping to recognize a
great young man that we will see shooting
OInrtgearnniaztaitoinoanl&BoMwahthuenwtisngArchery IBO 3D Archery for a long time. | learn more at
Recognize “Genesis Class” iboarchery.com.
IBO National Champion
Continued on Page 22
Three years ago, the International Bowhunt-
ing Organization created the “Genesis” class
to help bridge the gap from NASP/IBO 3D to
IBO 3D archery. Since that time, new 3D ar-
Continued from Page 20
HPMD&roe.YnmKoLeorevereiidnaGlwMlAaiowtdnhfaetreldtiethr and those responsible for There are several changes lined up for this
managing the deer popula- year’s Classic, but one of them is sure to be
tions, the Wyoming Game & among the most thrilling in the 19-year his-
Fish Department. tory of the tournament. The Classic is known
for its 11-point scoring system, which awards
Pope & Young recently “Most recently, and in a 11 points for center X-ring hits. Archers who
make it to the shoot-up finals at the 2022
recognized Dr. Kevin historic first, this research Classic will shoot at a new target which in-
cludes a high-risk, high-reward 12-point ring.
Monteith, from the Uni- influenced the National
The 12-ring measures 1.5 cm across, and it
versity of Wyoming, as Transportation Bill, help- will be positioned at 6 o’clock below the gold
area, on the line separating the seven-point
the recipient of the Pope & ing to ensure that funding ring from the eight-point ring. Three-spot
targets will feature one 12-ring on each spot,
Young Club’s Lee Gladfel- would be provided for the while single-face targets will feature just
one. Archers must call the 12 ring in order
ter Memorial Award. This construction of over/under- for it to be in play, and they can only call
for it and shoot at it one time per end. For
award is named after Lee passes to help mitigate wild- sure, there is a big risk in going for the 12
ring. But going for it at least gives an archer
Gladfelter, a prominent Dr. Kevin Monteith receives the P&Y life verses vehicle encoun- a chance to make up lost ground or to try to
wildlife biologist with the Lee Gladfelter Memorial Award ters, benefitting not only seal a victory. This adds a new strategic ele-
Iowa Department of Natu- mule deer but a wide variety ment to the always-exciting Classic finals. |
ral Resources and a dedicated bowhunter. of species,” said P&Y Conservation Chairman for more information and registration details visit
The Lee Gladfelter Memorial Award rec- Neil Thagard. “Also noteworthy, Dr. Monte- lancasterarcheryclassic.com.
ognizes a wildlife professional who through ith is a great wildlife research scientist, an Nick Percy, 1971-2021
their efforts has made a significant contri- avid bowhunter and a talented taxidermist. Nicholas Jay Percy, age 50, passed away on
Sunday, October 10, 2021, at Mercy Hospital.
bution to bowhunting and wildlife conserva- It is truly an honor to present him with this He was born on September 24, 1971, to Jo-
seph and Cyndi (Vento) Percy in Muskegon
tion. The award was given during the 2021 award.” | join the pope & young club by visiting and graduated from Grandville High School
in 1989. Nick left his mark on this Earth in
Award Ceremonies at the Pope and Young pope-young.org. many places and with many people. He had
32nd Biennial Convention in Reno, Nevada. 2R0e2g2isLtraantcioanstOepr eAnrcshery Classic
Dr. Monteith is a wildlife research scien-
tist from the University of Wyoming who
leads research teams focused on bighorn The time is finally here to register for the
sheep, pronghorn and mule deer survival. 2022 Lancaster Archery Classic, with more
Since 2013, the Wyoming Range Mule Deer than $300,000 in cash and prizes up for
Project, led by Dr. Monteith and his team grabs, including the top prize of $20,000 for
of researchers, was established to answer the Open Pro champion.
critical questions regarding mule deer Registration is open for the East Coast’s
health. Their ambitious goal was to meet largest indoor archery tournament, sched-
the vital research and management needs uled for Jan. 27-30, 2022, at the Spooky Nook
identified by both citizenry stakeholders Sports Complex in Manheim, Pennsylvania.
a passion for food plots, habitat manage- October 4. A kind and gen- for design innovations during
ment and whitetail hunting. This led him erous man, Browne was his years as owner of his own
to owning and operating Killer Food Plots, a instrumental in helping engineering firm. Browne had
land and soil management business, which Muzzy Broadheads refine worked for American Safety Ra-
is well known across the country to avid its manufacturing process- zor 22 years and was involved
hunters. Nick was one of a kind and he could es, helping previous Muzzy in getting Johnny Musacchia
outwork anyone. He also owned and operat- and current Musacchia on the road to manufacturing
ed a lawn, garden and small engine business Broadheads owner, Johnny better broadhead blades, in-
in Muskegon known to the community as Musacchia, improve vital cluding the company’s unique
Agard’s City Boy Farmer. Family was Nick’s parts of the broadhead design, particularly bent-base three-blades. Browne’s insights
in blade manufacturing. helped the company save nearly $500,000
number one priority. His daughter Olivia per year in blade costs. Browne was also
was the love of his life from the day she was Brown graduated from Purdue University involved in creating the machine that pro-
born. He loved her fully and she knew she with a degree in Mechanical Engineering duced the company’s unique trocar tip, spit-
was loved deeply. He also loved his KFP fam- and developed a knack for solving and reme- ting out a part every 5 seconds.
ily, friends and customers, who knew him dying perplexing engineering issues. Browne Browne is survived by his wife Celia, sis-
to be like “the energizer bunny on steroids,” was involved with projects as diverse as ter Jackie, children Steve, Duff and Dana,
for his Nick sized bear hugs, and his love for Eveready Batteries, razor blade and surgical step-daughters Kim and Pam, and numer-
unsweetened iced tea that he carried around blade sharpening, glass boxes, cheesecake ous grandchildren and great grandchil-
with him by the gallon! Nick met his fiancée slicers, guitar tuners, therapy chairs, flush dren. Browne, an avid aviator, was buried
Tracie Lynn in 2017 and they were planning outhouse equipment and longer-lasting October 11 at Augusta Memorial Park in
to get married this fall. He is survived by his flower blooms. Waynesboro, Virginia, where fellow avia-
daughter Olivia Grace Percy, parents Cyndi tors conducted a “Missing Man Formation”
(Bill) Hershey and Joseph Percy, sister Jenni- With his expertise, Browne developed flyover. IA
fer (Dan) Sillman, beloved grandfather Jas- numerous pieces of machinery that solved
per Percy, fiancée Tracie Lynn, seven soon- real world problems, holding several patents
to-be stepchildren, and many aunts, uncles
and cousins. A Celebration of Nick's Life will
be announced at a later time.
Roland Browne, 1933-2021
Ronald Odlin Browne did not hunt or shoot
a bow (though he loved venison) but had
a profound impact on the design features
found in some of today’s most respected
broadhead names while working in a circle
of some of the finest mechanical engineers
in the world.
Browne, born June 22, 1933, passed away
ATA’s Archery Industry Masterclass Returns for #ATA2022. Register Now!
T he Masterclass is back for the business culture and deliver excel- seminars and Coffee Talks. The
2022 Show with new presenters lent customer service. Masterclass also focuses on ac-
and even more course offerings. ■ COACHING: Learn how to help tionable steps to help businesses
archers overcome target panic succeed. Additionally, the Master-
class speakers carefully craft their
and control their shot, as well as presentations so the information
is easy to understand.
After ATA members praised the Ar- coaching methodology and best
This year’s Masterclass will fea-
chery Industry Masterclass at the practices. ture 10 in-person sessions and six
prerecorded sessions. The prere-
2021 Show, ATA staff decided to ■ MARKETING: Discover how to use corded content will be available
online before the Show, and the
bring it back for the 2022 ATA Trade social media effectively and create in-person sessions will take place
on January 6, 2022. In addition,
Show, and this year, presenters a solid marketing strategy. several in-person sessions will be
streamed live in the MyATA Learn-
and participants will be able to in- ■ ARCHERY TECH: Learn foundation- ing Center for those who pur-
chase the course but can’t attend
teract in person! al concepts and advanced methods the Show. All prerecorded and in-
person session recordings will be
The ATA invested in the Master- used to set up and tune all types of available after the Show in the My-
ATA Learning Center as well. On-
class to provide members with top- archery equipment. line and in-person attendees will
be able to question the presenter
notch education from presenters These categories remain es- during the live sessions.
who are experts in their field and sential knowledge for business The registration fee is $100.00 for
ATA members and $500.00 for non-
familiar with the archery and bow- owners, and they’re constantly members, and it provides access to
all course content. Registration for
hunting industry. The Masterclass evolving as the world changes. the Masterclass opened August 10,
2021, the same day registration for
presents ideas and information in The Masterclass provides detailed the 2022 ATA Show opened.
four tracks: and in-depth information that
■ BUSINESS: Learn how to improve goes beyond the introductory-level
profitability, establish your core curriculum covered in morning
Hank Yacek will return to give more Masterclass sessions for the 2022 ATA Trade Show. PHOTO CREDIT © ATA. Masterclass Registration Options
ATA members can log in to their
MyATA member dashboard (ar-
cherytrade.org/login) and click
“Register and Book Hotels.” After
The Archery Industry Masterclass series is back for the 2022 ATA Show with new presenters Masterclass courses are available for members, and nonmembers for an ad-
and even more course offerings. PHOTO CREDIT © ATA. ditional fee. PHOTO CREDIT © ATA.
registering for a Trade Show badge, try relations, said the Masterclass er of ShotIQ; Guy Krueger, education
you will have the option to register course material is extremely benefi- and training manager for USA Ar-
for the Masterclass and an archery cial for ATA members. He hopes all chery; Paige Pearce, world champion
certification course. Then you’ll be members see the value and savings competitive archer; and Frank Mc-
instructed to book your room. If you the course offers. Donough with The Barebow Project.
registered for the Masterclass, you’ll Hot Masterclass presentation topics
receive a confirmation email with “No matter where you are in your include Buying the Best Deal for Your
all the Masterclass details. business, there will always be room Store; Coaching to Build Your Cus-
for improvement in one area or an- tomer Base; Diversification in the
Please note, ATA members who other,” Smith said. “Based on feed- Archery Pro Shop; Fixing Form Flaws
already registered for their Trade back from last year’s participants, for Better Bow Fitment; Barebow Set-
Show badge or are unable to attend everyone walked away with some- ups for Customer Success, and How
the Show can register for the Mas- thing to help make a difference in to Serve Your Social Media Audience
terclass separately through the My- their business. We hand-picked pre- and Build Customers for Life
ATA Learning Center. senters and made the course afford-
able and accessible to everyone. The Visit ArcheryTrade.org/masterclass
Nonmembers can register for the Masterclass is a great deal compared to see the full Masterclass schedule.
Masterclass through the MyATA to many other business education The course titles and focus are sub-
Learning Center. Visit pathlms.com/ opportunities.” ject to change.
archery-trade-association and click
“2022 Archery Industry Masterclass.” Participants will receive business, Don’t miss your chance to learn
Then click purchase. Note that you coaching, marketing and archery from experts about business, coach-
must create an account, including tech advice from the following pre- ing, marketing and archery tech. To
a username and password, to com- senters: Hank Yacek, CEO of Point pose questions contact Kurt Smith,
plete the checkout process and gain of Impact Group; Michelle Scheuer- ATA’s director of industry relations,
access to the course. mann, principal of BulletProof Com- at (507) 233-8138 or kurtsmith@
munications LLC; Joel Turner, found- archerytrade.org. IA
Kurt Smith, ATA’s director of indus-
Thriving Through Patience & Preparation
Creek Archery shop, the shop eventually added ar- Chris DiPerna was a Creek Archery customer
chery. The brothers ran the shop as a while in his early teens, and purchased
Store Profile team for nearly 40 years. After Ace Po- the shop four years ago.
draza passed away, Rege began operat-
■ Headquarters: Ruffs Dale, PA ing the shop strictly as an archery shop Inside Archery: Do you make any spe-
under the name Creek Archery. Five cial provisions prior to archery-season
■ Owners: Chris and Amy DiPerna years ago, with Rege contemplating re- opener to facilitate a smoother opera-
tirement, Chris and Amy DiPerna pur- tion?
■ Years in Business: 48 years chased the shop and continued opera-
tions. Chris had been a longtime Creek Creek Archery: The key to this question
■ Square footage: 9,600 (total), 7,400 Archery customer who had dealt with is patience. I always say it’s not hard
(store floor), 2,200 (shooting lanes). the Podraza brothers as a young teen- to be nice to people. As the season ap-
ager. After the DiPernas took over, Creek proaches, we do everything we can to
■ Staffing: Full-time: One. Part-time: Six. Archery’s inventory was expanded to have plenty of stock. We encourage our
carry new brands, including many of customers to get their equipment in
■ Bow Lines: Mathews, Mission Archery, the most respected names in archery. for service sooner than later. We work
Hoyt, Elite Archery, Prime and Bear longer during closed hours to get ev-
Archery. Retailing Q & A eryone’s equipment ready as quickly
■ Arrow Lines: Easton, Gold Tip and Inside Archery: How does your local
Black Eagle. bowhunting season opener affect an-
nual sales, and what measures do you
■ Crossbow Lines: TenPoint, Ravin, Mis- take to ensure maximized sales?
sion Archery, Excalibur, Wicked Ridge
and Killer Instinct. Creek Archery: It has a huge impact, in
the sense that everyone—at some point
■ Inside Numbers: Percentage (estimate) throughout the year—needs something
of store’s revenue generated by bow- to prepare for the season. Pennsylva-
hunting: 85%; by target and recreational nia has a large number of hunters as
archery: 15% a whole, which equates to a high vol-
ume of consumers needing the proper
■ Store History: Creek Archery is a full- equipment to participate in the sport of
service retailer and pro-shop offering archery hunting.
indoor shooting lanes. It was estab-
lished in 1973 by brothers Rege and
Ace Podraza under the Creek Gun Shop
name. While originally a dedicated gun
Ruffs Dale, Pennsylvania’s Creek Archery encompasses a 9,600 square foot facility including 2,200 square feet of shooting lanes.
Creek Archery carries some of the best brands in the industry, including Chris and Amy DiPerna have found honesty and patience helps them
Mathews, Mission, Hoyt, Elite, Prime and Bear Archery bows. better serve customer’s needs during the busy hunting-season rush.
as possible, and we monitor our vendors Inside Archery: A passion for archery They always make sure I have help.
lead times to make sure we can meet the and bowhunting is important in an em- Also, everyone—including me as the
demands of a last-minute customer if ployee, but how do you balance the need
possible. to have all hands on deck and allowing owner—takes advantage of Mondays
personal hunting time during the hunt- when we are closed, along with Saturday
One of the things we do is use social ing-season rush? mornings before we open. In addition,
media to relay lead times on products I close the shop completely the second
and services to our customers in order Creek Archery: This is actually pretty week of November to give everyone a
to get them to come see us sooner rath- simple for us. During August and Septem- week during the rut to get in the woods.
er than later with what they need. Our ber, it’s pretty much all hands on deck.
technicians love what they do, so hav- Going into October, the guys take it upon Inside Archery: In regards to store in-
ing them come in to service equipment themselves to discuss who is going out in ventory buildup and product ordering,
outside of normal business hours isn’t a the woods and who is headed to the shop. what measures do you take prior to sea-
problem. To survive in any business, you son opener to ensure you won’t come
have to have good people helping you.
Pennsylvania is a big crossbow-hunting state and Creek Archery offers a full lineup of TenPoint,
Inside Archery: What is the best way to Ravin, Mission, Excalibur, Wicked Ridge and Killer Instinct options.
deal with demanding customers who
have waited until the last possible mo-
ment to address equipment issues or
needs but insist you place them at the
front of the line for service?
Creek Archery: We deal with everyone
the same. We do our best to help every-
one, but explain to those particular cus-
tomers that we are not miracle workers.
Some things take time, such as getting
parts in, tuning services and custom
equipment requests. We value all of our
customers and make sure that each one
of them knows we will do the best we
can to get them taken care of.
Creek Archery offers Easton, Gold Tip and Black Eagle arrow lines, Creek Archery’s 2,200 square feet of shooting lanes stay busy during the
which have proven to be favorites with regional customers. hunting season, as deer hunters arrive to sight in and fine tune equipment.
Creek Archery employs six part-time sales people and up short on high-demand items while Inside Archery: With the archery indus-
bow techs. Bow techs frequently work after hours to also avoiding over-extending yourself try going gangbusters for at least a year,
ensure customers’ bows are ready when needed. financially? many pro-shop employees and owners
have received no break since the start of
Creek Archery employees are passionate archers Creek Archery: This is definitely a tough the pandemic. How do you prepare men-
themselves, offering the skills needed to pass the task. Fortunately we have been blessed tally for the rush when you’re already
love of archery on to the younger generation. to grow our customer base annually. burned out?
With that said, guessing how much to
buy and what to buy can be tricky. I’ve Creek Archery: I rely on my wife and the
learned that fall-dating programs are people who help us daily to stick togeth-
not the way to go for us. It affords you er and pull us through. I try not to take
the opportunity to overspend, because work home with me, take time to spend
you get lots of stock and defer the pay- with my family and grandchildren out-
ments. That’s all well and good ‘till fall side of the shop whenever possible,
arrives and you have products sitting and communicate with my techs daily
there that weren’t a big hit, and the ven- about what we need and what will make
dor wants to be paid. I’ve learned to buy things run as smoothly as possible.
smaller quantities, and I use distribu-
tors such as Lancaster and Kinsey’s in a Overall, it’s important to have pa-
pinch if I run out. It costs a little more, tience with everyone, ask for help
but it’s better than needing to run large from your coworkers when necessary,
sales because of too much inventory. stay in contact with your most popu-
lar vendors for lead time updates and
Inside Archery: What product categories simply communicate with everyone
or brands usually prove most popular the best you can. Be honest about lead
just prior to hunting season opener? times, and don’t promise sales or ser-
vice deadlines you can’t meet. I’d rather
Creek Archery: Arrows, broadheads, tell someone up front that I can’t do it
scents and scent eliminating products, than to take their money and not pull
calls and treestand accessories are typi- through for them. IA
cally our biggest sellers before season.
Apparition scents has been a huge seller WebXtra ■ For additional infor-
for us locally, along with Ramcat broad-
heads, since they were originally made mation about Creek Archery please go to
just 15 minutes from our shop. insidearchery.com/CreekArchery.
Archery Industry Members Participating in the Sport
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO: Visit insidearchery.com/pop or mail a color image with your name,
address, where the animal was taken, and archery gear used—both manufacturer and model—
to Inside Archery Power of Participation, P.O. Box 15827, Colorado Springs, CO 80935.
Kristy Titus • Missouri Whitetail Justus Leimbach • Rocky Mountain Elk
Owner/Host, Pursue The Wild
Bow ■ Bear Archery Refine EKO Rest ■ Trophy Taker Product Development Coordinator, Allen Company
Arrow ■ Black Eagle X-Impact X-Treme Pro LockUp
Bow ■ Hoyt RX-3 Sight ■ Black Gold Pro Sight
Broadhead ■ Trophy Taker A-TAC Stabilizer ■ Trophy Arrow ■ Gold Tip AirStrike Rest ■ QAD MXT
Sight ■ Trophy Ridge React Pro Taker BuzzKiller Pro Broadhead ■ SEVR 2.0 Release ■ STAN BlackJack
Release ■ Trophy Ridge ArchX Quiver ■ Ramcat Ultra-Lite Stabilizers ■ Bowfinger Quiver ■ TightSpot
Larry McCoy • Nebraska Whitetail
Marketing Media Director, The Outdoor Group
Bow ■ Elite EnKore Broadhead ■ Slick Trick RaptorTrick
Arrow ■ Victory VAP TKO Stabilizer ■ CBE TorX Hunt Kit Jeff Pease • African Sable
Sight ■ CBE Engage 3 Pin Release ■ Scott Archery Echo
Rest ■ QAD Quiver ■ CBE Mod5 National Accounts Manager, Bear Archery
Bow ■ Bear Archery Refine EKO Arrow ■ Gold Tip AirStrike
Sight ■ Trophy Ridge React One Pro Broadhead ■ SIK
Stabilizer ■ Trophy Ridge Hitman Broadheads Meat Seeker
Quiver ■ Trophy Ridge Hex Light Rest ■ Trophy Ridge
Release ■ Trophy Ridge Precise Pro Whisker Biscuit V-Max
Zach Benson • Utah Mule Deer
Engineering Tech, Easton Technical Products Jeremy Fisher • South Dakota Paddlefish
Bow ■ Hoyt Carbon RX-4 Ultra Broadhead ■ SEVR 2.0 Owner, Toxon App
Arrow ■ Easton Stabilizer ■ Hoyt Bow ■ Cajun Bowfishing Shore Runner
Arrow ■ Muzzy Bowfishing
A/C Pro Comp 340 Carbon Pro Stack Broadhead ■ Muzzy Bowfishing
Rest ■ AMS Tidal Wave
Sight ■ AXCEL AccuTouch Release ■ T.R.U. Ball Fang 3
Rest ■ QAD Ultrarest Quiver ■ Hoyt Carbon
Integrate MX Solo 2-Piece
While most of the INSIDE ARCHERY NOVEMBER 2021
industry focuses on
the tools that help
hunters succeed,
Whitetail Properties
Real Estate focuses
on the land that
sets the stage for
hunting to occur.
By Daniel Allred
Whitetail Properties Real Estate was honesty and dedication that the outdoor
created with the simple goal of industry is known for.
bringing together buyers and sell-
ers of hunting, ranch, farm and timber- A New Approach
land. The company was established by a
group of passionate founders in 2007, and One of the co-founders and principal
it has since become one of the top real es- partners of Whitetail Properties is Dan
tate brokerages in the nation, facilitating Perez, who took an interesting career
more than $1.8 billion in property sales path to arrive at his current destination.
and averaging more than 10 properties Born and raised in Tampa Bay, Florida,
sold every day in 2020 alone. Perez was introduced to hunting and the
outdoors at a very young age.
Whitetail Properties currently operates
in 38 states, and that number continues “My dad used to take me hunting with
to rise steadily. The company has cre- him when I was a child, and I absolutely
ated a clear recipe for success, and the loved it,” Perez said. “I loved watching
first ingredient in that recipe is a heap- him and learning from him, and I just
ing spoonful of love for hunting and loved being in the outdoors. When I was
the great outdoors. Whitetail Properties old enough, he got me a little fiberglass
certainly isn’t your average real estate recurve, and soon I started harvesting
brokerage firm. It was created by rabbits with it. I thought that was just
hunters for hunters, and it conducts
business with the same passion,
awesome, and by the time I was about 12 rods—were ultimately all about the land
I was pretty good at harvesting and clean- and the outdoors. I was passionate about
ing rabbits. I was also fishing a lot and nature and being outside, and that’s what
cleaning all the fish, and it gave me a great made me start thinking about real estate.
sense of pride that my parents liked the I figured: Who could be better at selling
food I brought them, even though I wasn’t land than someone who is truly passion-
actually cooking it. Those experiences have ate about land?”
stuck with me my whole life, and my love
for hunting, archery and the outdoors has Following this inspiration, Perez earned
never changed since those early days in his real estate license and embarked on
the field with my dad.” another new career.
Dan Perez began his career as an entre- “Everything I did before prepared me
preneur, establishing a successful chain and helped me understand that my focus
of appliance and electronics stores, but was the land,” Perez said. “I started work-
his love for archery and hunting eventu- ing for a real estate company that covered
ally prompted him to make a big change. some agricultural and hunting land, but
that was not at all their main focus. I re-
Having shot for PSE competitively member meeting with the broker on the
for years, Perez phased out of the first day and he basically just handed me
retail business and joined PSE as a a stack of documents, said ‘good luck’ and
sales rep. turned me loose. Fortunately, my whole
“The appliance and electronics busi- life had revolved around sales, so I was
ness was plenty lucrative, but I just able to catch on very quickly, but the way
couldn’t see myself doing it for the rest of Whitetail Properties approaches it now is
my life,” Perez said. “I knew I wanted to be very different from that company. In fact,
in the outdoor industry, and I was thrilled there is very little we do that is like any
to work for PSE. I met a lot of people who other real estate company.”
I never would have met and I traveled to a
lot of places I would have never been able Dissatisfied by the average approach to
to go. I had a wonderful time at PSE, but real estate, Perez set out to create a new
after 18 years with the company I felt I had and better way. He met up with a group
another calling. I realized that all the prod- of like-minded
ucts—the bows, arrows, guns and fishing
partners, and Whitetail Properties Real our land specialists, and we are very archery industry. Before joining White-
Estate was established soon after. particular about the people we seek for tail Properties two years ago, Vaicunas
that role,” Perez said. “We don’t look for worked as the VP of sales and market-
“My partners and I only needed two agents from the real estate commu- ing for big names like Carbon Express,
meetings to know that we were a good nity. We won’t turn one away if they Horton Crossbow Innovations, Parker
fit,” Perez said. “We started the business meet our criteria, but we would much Archery and Elite Archery. For Vaicu-
in 2007, and of course, we rolled into a rather take a professional from another nas the transition to real estate was re-
pretty major recession the next year, so industry and teach them our approach markably straightforward.
the first few years were definitely not to real estate from the ground up. We
easy, but after a few years we turned the have a very rigorous hiring process, but “I felt such a natural gravitation from
corner. We made a significant jump in we base it on three simple things: First, the archery industry to Whitetail Prop-
sales, and we have been able to main- they have to be an honorable person. erties,” Paul Vaicunas said. “I already
tain an increase every year since. It’s Second, they must be truly passionate understood the resources that we hunt
been steady, and it just keeps growing. about land and the outdoors, and third, in different regions and the tools that
We created this business with a very they have to be highly professional in it takes to actually enjoy it. Whitetail
clear set of philosophies that we have their dealings with other people. Those Properties provides the environment
closely adhered to, and I think that is are the three main things. We can teach for archery and hunting experiences to
the main reason we continue to grow.” them real estate, but we can’t teach take place, and I was already very fa-
them to be passionate and honorable miliar with the customer base. It’s the
A New Kind of Agent people. They have to have that basic same customer base I was working with
foundation for us to build upon.” before, and I’m a bowhunter and a gun
Whitetail Properties wrote its own play-
book for the real estate market, and a key A prime example of a Whitetail Prop-
part of the company’s approach is that erties land specialist is Paul Vaicunas,
it employs “land specialists,” not real a dedicated outdoorsman and
estate agents. This term was coined by long-time member of the
Whitetail Properties, and it signifies the
company’s heavy emphasis on the land.
“We have a plethora of resources
and infrastructure that we pour into
hunter, too, so I understand what they are looking and attorneys, and that is why we have done so
for. I don’t have to guess on anything because I al- much to distinguish ourselves. If you have a pulse
ready have that base of knowledge. It’s easy to just and the ability to pass the real estate test, then most
connect with them and figure out whatever works companies will hire you, and they don’t really care
best for them from there.” about how well you do or how long you last. It’s all
about raw numbers for them. On average, real es-
Another thing that distinguishes land specialists tate companies have a 70 percent turnover rate af-
from typical real estate agents is the robust support ter two years. They hire everyone, and most agents
structure backing them. don’t last. On the other hand, we have a turnover
rate of less than 12 percent, and there are a lot of
“To make our land specialists successful, we need reasons behind that. We hand-pick our land special-
to provide everything they need to serve our cus- ists and give them the tools they need to succeed.
tomers and clients at the very highest level,” Perez We give them their own distinct territory, and we
said. “So, unlike any other real estate company that protect that territory for them.”
I know of, we have a whole gambit of infrastructure
supporting them. We have our own education and Providing a New Experience
development department that expands their knowl-
edge. We have a full-blown production department For Whitetail Properties, the customer experience
with all the latest equipment and technology. We comes first, and the actual sale is an afterthought.
have editors, graphic designers and advertising spe-
cialists. All these different departments and indi- “The end goal for us is not making the sale,” Perez
viduals share the main objective of helping our land said. “Our end goal is making sure that our clients
specialists in the field, who in turn help our clients have the best possible experience. We focus on serv-
and provide them with the ultimate experience. Our ing, rather than selling, and the funny thing about
agents are never out there alone—like I was on my it is that we sell more land by focusing on the ex-
first job when the broker just gave me some paper- perience instead of the sale. Agents who are only
work and turned me loose.” focused on the sale are not working in the client’s
best interest. Our sole focus is the client’s best inter-
As experts in their own right, land specialists can est, from the beginning to end, and that’s one of the
also rely on the collective knowledge of their col- main factors that has set us apart and led to more
leagues. and more referrals. It’s all too easy in real estate to
bend the truth or outright lie, and we have zero tol-
“The job definitely appeals to members of the erance for that.”
archery and hunting industry, but it also attracts
people with backgrounds in things like farming, With roughly 300 land specialists in 38 states and
ranching and forestry,” Vaicunas said. “Whenever counting, the effectiveness of Whitetail Properties’
someone new gets recruited, they bring new knowl- strategy cannot be denied. The company’s land spe-
edge to our group. If I find myself at a cattle farm, cialists leave a lasting impression on the buyers and
for example, and I’m not sure what exactly I’m look- sellers of land they work with, and word of mouth
ing at, then I can call someone who’s an expert, and has naturally spread.
they can help me understand what I’m working
with. I never feel like I’m alone out there, and I think “The Whitetail Properties brand is already so
that’s one of the keys to this company’s success. We strong and meaningful in the marketplace,” Vaicu-
have all these tools that allow us to really dissect a nas said. “When we make an announcement that a
property down to its bones, and that has greatly con- property is being represented by Whitetail Properties,
tributed to our credibility and reputation.” or a buyer has a Whitetail Properties land specialist
searching for them, it just creates instant credibility
After following its founding principles for many and recognition in the marketplace. We also see our
years, Whitetail Properties has proven in more ways influence spreading from state to state. Whenever
than one that its unique approach is effective.
“There are a lot of agents who have given real es-
tate a bad name,” Perez said. “In general, real estate
agents are right up there with used car salesmen
we are getting established in a new state, them and stay in touch because we made a his house first. I told him I wanted to look
we hear from people in the bordering states, connection that lasts a lifetime. And at the at the land first and that we would get to
asking us if we will be there next. We also end of the day, I just love being able to do my the house at the end. I ended up spending
get a big helping hand from all the industry job in the outdoors. I love walking along the about three hours exploring and review-
friends, coworkers and dealers we used to creeks, looking at the tracks where the deer ing his property, and once we finally got to
work with. They know us personally, and crossed. I love the smell of the dirt. I love the farmhouse, he said: ‘Now I understand
they know about Whitetail Properties’ repu- the texture of every leaf and blade of grass. why they call you land specialists.’ He was
tation, so we get a lot of referrals from the It feels like a dream job every day, and that conditioned to think that he was selling his
archery and hunting industry.” enthusiasm is contagious.” farmhouse with the land, but I showed him
that it was the other way around. We are
The raw passion of the Whitetail Proper- Whitetail Properties’ clients are con- selling the land, and the farmhouse comes
ties team also has a big effect on clients. tinually impressed by how land specialists with it. The property is a living, breathing
go above and beyond in a way they never thing, and we want the person who buys it
“When we get to talk about the outdoors expected. to have a real connection to that.”
and hunting, it’s never a strained conversa-
tion,” Perez said. “We just love talking about “I had a very memorable experience with A Void Filled
things like food plots and treestand place- a landowner who was all excited about
ment, and we love hearing our clients share his beautiful farmhouse,” Vaicunas said. Whitetail Properties has been a breath
their perspectives. The clients we work with “I arrived to look at the property, and he of fresh air in the rural real estate mar-
end up becoming our friends. We hunt with tried to get me to come inside and look at
ket. The company has shaken things up land investors ourselves, and we saw that
by providing a completely new experi- the people selling land were not serving
ence to landowners and buyers who were the customer. They weren’t experienced
previously overlooked, and the results in ways we were. They weren’t land spe-
have been spectacular. Whitetail Proper- cialists. We saw that void, and we knew
ties has sold more than 12,500 properties from the beginning that we never wanted
in the past five years, and it currently to be just another real estate company.
averages more than 10 properties sold We wanted to be the best real estate com-
every day. pany, with the best and most knowledge-
able land specialists. We wanted to re-
It’s only a matter of time before Whitetail write the rules and break the stereotype
Properties is established in all 50 states, but of the fast-talking, dishonest agent who’s
the company will keep taking its slow-and- only focused on the sale. We take pride in
steady approach. The customer experience the fact that we haven’t changed our di-
will always come first, and the growth will rection since day one. We have remained
naturally follow. completely focused on serving the cus-
tomer to the best of our ability, and that
“We realized that there was a big void will always come first.” IA
out there that needed to be filled,” Perez
said. “We are hunters, outdoorsmen and
Fore Runner Ground Blinds
I remember when bagging spring gobblers
The handy pop-up blind changed the
with a bow was a low-odds proposition. way many hunters approach the sport,
Portable ground blinds have more recently turned opening scads of habitat once out of reach
to bowhunters or requiring involved prep-
bowhunting turkeys into a high-odds endeavor. arations. As revolutionary as pop-ups have
proven, they also include inherent prob- ers mobile as winds or game-movement
patterns shift.
I remember when bowhunting prairie lems. They can prove tricky to set up with-
The Fore Runner’s extreme reliability
pronghorns or open-country whitetails out familiarization. They do poorly in high comes from its rigid, self-supporting pow-
der-coated aluminum frame—engineered
involved a pick and shovel and hours of winds, and especially under heavy snow to stand up to heavy winds and snow—
and a 600D poly shell. No more arriving
sweaty labor to excavate proper pit blinds. loads. Enter the Fore Runner Ground Blind, at a hunting site to find a blind crumpled
due to high winds, or fiberglass support
Today, that hand-blistering effort is avoid- offering portability, fast setup and extreme poles shattered after unexpected snow.
The overall design is so sturdy it does not
ed through portable ground blinds. I also durability to stand up to the worst Mother require ground stakes or tie-downs. This
remember when those precluded from Nature can dish out. alone cuts down on setup time, as
the self-standing blind is ready to
elevated stands—physically-challenged Fore Runner Ground Blinds’ unique de- hunt upon arrival at any new am-
or acrophobic hunters—were forced to sign was created by hard-core hunters to bush site. The Realtree Edge
shell holds a multitude of
operate from sketchy brush blinds. Those not only remain highly portable and sim- brush loops to make adding
camouflaging natural vegetation easy, and
hunters now enjoy higher success rates ple to deploy, but to also withstand the the zippered doors make entry effortless.
Fore Runner blinds are very bowhunting
while positioned in comfortable portable harshest weather, including hurri- friendly. Their thoughtful window con-
figurations offer generous 22-by-34-inch
ground blinds. cane-force prairie winds, wet, heavy horizontal side and 14-by-36-inch vertical
corner windows that maximize shooting
snow and killing cold—all while opportunities from just about any angle.
And as hinted, the Fore Runner blind pro-
accommodating three to vides ample room for up to four hunters, or
two to three hunters packing lots of gear,
four hunters in complete via 86-by-72-inch dimensions and a 78-
inch roof peak.
comfort. Put simply, Fore Runner Ground
Blinds solve most of the problems asso-
Fore Runner blinds are a self-contained ciated with standard ground blinds, at
a third of the price as comparable hard-
system supported by a rugged internal sided blinds. Check them out by visiting
forerunnerblinds.com. IA
framework, and they include deployable
wheels and an integrated 2-inch hitch that
allows you to safely tow them with an ATV
or UTV, or even an e-bike. The 2-by-20-inch
“flat-proof” wheels are quickly and easily
engaged when on the move, but once
in place and unhitched, they can be
disengaged quickly. This keeps hunt-
WebXtra ■ For a closer look at the
Fore Runner Ground Blind, check it out
at insidearchery.com/ForeRunner.
Bear Archery 2022 Refine EKO
I ’ve shot the 2020 Status EKO— magazine), I feel qualified to say the Refine accuracy-robbing cam torque, moving
EKO is aptly named. buss-cable load into the center portion of
used to shoot Texas hogs and car- The Refine EKO is a definite refinement the axles during the most stressful por-
ried into fall treestands on many occasions. to the EKO series. It’s safe to say the Re- tions of the draw cycle, which also mini-
fine handily splits the difference between mizes limb stress. Besides eliminating
torque, the system also provides improved
I shot the 2021 Redemption EKO—used this the 33.25-inch, 6-inch-braced, 4.5-pound full-draw stability. EKO Cams are avail-
able only through dealer-exclusive Legend
past spring to take a mature gobbler and DIY Status EKO and 31-inch, 6.25-inch-braced, Series models. To help EKO cams perform
their best, Bear adds zero-creep/zero-
black bear. I liked both bows tremendously. 4.3-pound Redemption EKO (the 30-inch, stretch Contraband Strings made from the
latest cutting-edge materials. Get a peep
As has become Bear Archery’s tradition, the 6.5-inch-braced, 4.1-pound Divergent EKO set up solidly on Contraband Strings, for
instance, and it will continue to come back
2022 Refine EKO launched October 5. Hav- in its own short-bow class). The 33-inch, square to the eye every time.
ing much experience with past EKO models 6.375-inch-braced, 4.4-pound Refine EKO Of note, I’ve begun to notice the EKO
system runs a touch long on draw length,
(including the Divergent EKO, tested for this also introduces refined accessories and de- meaning I find the 29.5-inch setting most
comfortable to accommodate my 30-inch
sign features. From a personal perspective, draw length (though the bow was tested on
the 30-inch setting).
it’s as if Bear Archery designed a bow just
What Remains?
for me, including specs and shooting char-
Several of the features that helped the
acteristics dear to me. This is why I’ve al- Status, Divergent and Redemption EKO
models sing have remained intact. This is
ways loved Bear bows—they offer complete unsurprising, as many of these features
are what really set these bows apart. The
shootability in hard-core hunting models. Vibration Reduction System (VRS) has re-
mained, but like the bow’s name implies, it
The smooth-drawing EKO Cam allows let-off EKO Cam Revisited was improved for 2022 to include two sets
settings of 75, 80, 85 and 90 percent within a located up front and just below/above each
single bow. The laudable characteristics of the EKO limb pocket. These disk weights are sand-
Cam—silky-smooth draw cycles and huge wiched in rubber and pinned through the
The 2022 Bear Archery Refine EKO is very well adjustability largest among them—are riser to help reduce residual riser vibration
balanced via a refined riser design that also holds something we have covered in detail, but by a purported 25 percent, reducing felt
effective dampening features. which bear repeating. The EKO Cam in- hand shock and making for quieter shoot-
cludes the highest let-off Bear has yet re- ing. Align Lok Technology, a bubble level
leased, allowing quick, easy let-off adjust- embedded through the lateral riser cutout
ments of 75, 80, 85, or 90 percent within just above the sight window, most of all
a single bow. It accomplishes this while helps dealers or end users more quickly
maintaining optimum performance at adjust a bow-sight second- and third-axis
each setting and a super-smooth draw level. The suspended-weight/rubber riser
cycle free of distractions. Bear Archery
spokesmen say choosing the highest let-off
ratings sacrifices minimal velocity to the
lowest 75 percent setting. All adjustments
are made through a rotating module locat-
ed top and bottom, requiring removing two
hex-head screws, rotating to the appropri-
ate indexing marks and reinstalling the
screws, and moving a single-screw, rub-
ber-covered string stop. The system also
allows setting up for draw lengths between
26.5 and 30.5 inches—a draw-length gain
of ½-inch on the 2021 Redemption EKO.
The slaved EKO approach provides exact
cam synchronization at every setting to
ensure level nock travel that enhances ac-
curacy and performance. The three-track
Equalized Kinetic Orientation (EKO) sys-
tem, including two spiral tracks (in con-
junction with the Hinge RollerGuard buss
cable management system), eliminates
Specifications Arrow Speed
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Bear Archery Refine EKO set at 70.0 pounds at 30 inches.
Axle-to-Axle Length 29-inch Arrows/ Shaft *Finished Kinetic Arrow
33 inches
100-Grain Tips gpi Arrow Wt. Energy Speed
Brace Height
63/8 inches CX Triad 300 10.9 564 grains 90.4 ft. lbs. 268.6 fps
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Mass Weight Easton T64 DF 7.9 tapered 528 grains 88.6 ft. lbs. 274.8 fps
4.4 pounds
Bloodsport Evidence 300 11.7 518 grains 88.9 ft. lbs. 278.0 fps
Up to 75, 80, 85 or –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
90 percent, adjustable
Arrow Tech MT 12.2 508 grains 88.1 ft. lbs. 279.5 fps
Available Draw Lengths
26.5 to 30.5 inches Victory VAP-SS 300 9.9 473 grains 82.6 ft. lbs. 280.4 fps
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Draw Weights CX Max RED SD 350 9.4 465 grains 83.9 ft. lbs. 285.0 fps
45-60 and 55-70 pounds
Black Eagle Spartan 340 9.9 453 grains 88.0 ft. lbs. 295.7 fps
Available Finishes: Fred Bear
Camo, Realtree Edge, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
Veil Whitetail, Mossy Oak Victory VAP 300 8.7 424 grains 91.5 ft. lbs. 311.7 fps
Bottomland, Throwback Black,
Throwback tan,
Olive and Iron (grey) Easton Hexx 330 7.9 386 grains 87.4 ft. lbs. 319.3 fps
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
MSRP Black Eagle Carnivore 350 7.5 363 grains 87.7 ft. lbs. 329.9 fps
Victory RIP XV 300 7.0 355 grains 91.5 ft. lbs. 340.7 fps
Polymer-lined limb pockets and heavily preloaded –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
quad limbs lend the 2022 Bear Archery Refine EKO
a quiet nature. Liberty Archery 320 5.9 292 grains 81.9 ft. lbs. 355.3 fps
“T” dampeners of the Redemption remain, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
moved inside the riser beneath each limb
pocket (instead of the outside/front edges). Arrows shot from a Spot-Hogg Hooter Shooter and velocity established using Caldwell Shooting Supplies’ Chronograph G2.
The single ShockStop string stop of the Re-
demption remains in lieu of the Status’ FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (812) 467-1200, OR VISIT BEARARCHERY.COM.
double stops. The quad split limbs and rock-
solid pocket designs remain unchanged. perfect shot. The riser holds the new GRIZ-
Grip, providing a more relaxed hand atti-
The exclusive Bear Hinge RollerGuard tude, the popular VersaGrip (found on the
remains an important part of the torque- Redemption EKO) remaining as an option.
reducing equation. Bearing-equipped roll-
ers carry the buss cables to reduce wear and What Changed?
friction, the articulating system swinging
inward at full draw to eliminate lateral riser The repositioning of the VRS dampeners
torque, but snapping outward upon release has been touched on, while the Refine EKO
to ensure ample fletching clearance. riser has gained 2 inches in length from
last year’s EKO flagship model. This gives
Dimensionally the Refine EKO’s riser the Refine EKO longer 33-inch axle-to-axle
closely mirrors the Status EKO, but it is a specs (verses the Redemption’s 31 inches),
touch longer than the Redemption EKO. The which to my tastes greatly improves stabil-
riser is heavily skeletonized from both the ity. Combined with a slightly higher 6.375-
flats and edges and strategically trussed inch brace height—verses the Redemption’s
for stiffness, none of which resemble ei- 6.25-inch brace—the overall result is added
ther of the former EKO models. The other forgiveness when shooting under challeng-
differences are that the Status lacked the ing or stressful conditions. The Refine EKO
VRS dampeners, while those same VRS does this while matching the Redemption’s
nodes are moved forward on the Refine IBO velocity rating.
EKO. The overall balance remains much
the same, which is to say exceptional. From a silencing standpoint, past Shock-
Without any added accessories, the Wave limb silencers were replaced by a new
Refine EKO sits in the hand with the bot- KillerWave Limb Damping System, a wedge-
tom limb pocket tilting slightly forward, fit, radiated rubber block that ties the limbs
without that common top-heavy feeling. together to better reduce vibrations and shot
The limb-pivot points sit slightly ahead of noise. The Refine EKO tuned quickly and of-
the grip throat, though seem to be offset by fered easy shootability right out of the gate.
the rear-protruding riser extensions (which In fact, within three days of receiving the Re-
hold taps for adding balancing accessories). fine EKO, I was carrying it into the field—a
This translates into a bow that sits upright relationship that is sure to further blossom
effortlessly while at rest and especially as the season progresses. IA
at full draw, which in turn makes it easy
to concentrate on executing a technically WebXtra ■ Learn more about
the Bear Archery 2022 Refine EKO online at
Optics are integral to any hunt, wheth- in the business, from straight-forward bin- ZEISS
er still-hunting thick woodlands and oculars that provide a closer look, to range- Victory
seeking a tell-tale patch of animal finder-equipped binoculars, to more compact SF 32
hide, or spot-and-stalking open habitats and handheld range-finding units preferred by Burris
glassing for distant game. Binoculars give most bowhunters, to quality spotters and new Signature
hunters an optical advantage that allows you takes on the crossbow scope. There’s sure to be HD
to separate shadow from game and gain detail something included here that your customers Hawke
on distant landscapes. will relish and enthusiastically purchase. Frontier APO
The wonder of laser rangefinders has Binoculars Fury HD
changed bowhunting forever, removing what 5000 AB
was once our No. 1 excuse for missing: mis- ZEISS Sports Optics | The new ZEISS Vic- Swarovski
judging the range. Today’s consumers will tory SF 32 is the latest addition to the Victory EL Range
likely be taking a serious look at combination SF binocular lineup. The remarkable optical
laser rangefinder binoculars, leaving one less system, ultra-wide field of view, exceptional
piece of equipment to carry into the field, and ergonomics and ultralight design make them
one less open door to Murphy’s Law. Finally, ideal for bowhunting. The Victory SF 8x32mm
for serious trophy hunters, long-distance offers a wide field of view measuring 465
scouters or those plying unusually rough-and- yards at 1,000 feet to help spot more game
tumble terrain, spotting scopes carry us closer with less panning. SmartFocus focusing from
without the fear of spooking wary game or in- 6.4 feet to infinity requires only 1.6 revolutions
vesting in an ounce of effort. of the focus wheel for fast subject pickup. The
unique ErgoBalance concept was introduced
The general rule of getting what you pay for with other SF binoculars, shifting the center
still largely applies to optics, but increasingly of gravity towards the eyepiece to make long-
customers are able to garner solid quality at term viewing more comfortable. The Victory
a working-man’s price. Iron-clad lifetime, no- SF weighs from 20 to 21.2 ounces, the latter the
fault warrantees have become more common weight of the new 8x32mm model. ZEISS Vic-
across the board—even with budget wares in tory SF 8x32mm and 10x32mm are renowned
many cases—making closing the sale that for offering excellent clarity and rapid subject
much easier by giving consumers peace of recognition, even in poor lighting conditions.
mind when dolling out hard-earned wages for Learn more by visiting zeiss.com.
expensive optics. Selling optics is a given, as all
hunters need them. The bigger decisions are Burris Optics | Signature HD Binoculars are
what brands to carry and at what price points. Burris’ premium offering, including high-
The price-point puzzle is regionally depen- performance HD precision ground optical
lenses and BaK-4 prisms that produce sharper
dent, based on factors like prevailing wage images and edge-to-edge clarity. The fully di-
structure, how serious area hunters electric-coated lenses create maximum light
are and, as importantly, what they transmission and reduce glare, and Hi-Lume
are hunting (treestand white- index-matched lenses eliminate color aber-
tails vs. high-country elk, rations to provide true color. The lightweight
for instance). and ergonomic open-bridge binoculars are
To follow are some offered in 8x42mm (MSRP $479), 10x42mm
of the newest and ($539) or 12x50mm ($599) configurations to
most popular match any need. They are nitrogen purged
optics options and sealed, so they won’t fog up in cold or wet
conditions and are completely waterproof.
The rugged magnesium-alloy body, covered in
non-slip Texturi rubber armor, is shock-proof,
and the eyecups are metal for added reliabil-
ity. Customers receive a carry bag, neoprene
neck strap, lens covers, cleaning cloth and a
lifetime warranty with their purchase. Learn
more by visiting burrisoptics.com.
Hawke Optics | Hawke’s Frontier APO Binoc-
ulars have apochromatic lenses that provide
GPO Meopta Bushnell Prime 1800
RangeGuide MeoPro
Optica LR
stunning photographic clarity. Apochromat- viewing that is also durable. The laser range- 3,062-yard ranging capabilities on reflective
ic lenses and H7 optics also deliver unsur- finder can reach to 5,000 yards on reflective objects (1,093 on a tree, 766 yards on a deer)
passed light transmission by bringing three targets with three ranging modes. MSRP is with inclination/declination compensa-
light wavelengths (typically red, green, and $1,999.99, and it is backed by one of the best tion. It features a magnesium-alloy frame,
blue) into focus on the same plane and cor- warranties in the business. Learn more by eye-safe Class 1 laser delivering .35-second
recting for spherical aberration at two wave- visiting vortexoptics.com. ranging time and true-range angle technol-
lengths. The result is sharp definition and a ogy. Fast Scan mode provides three read-
wider, flat field of view without distortion. Swarovski Optik | Swarovski’s new EL ings per second via an orange OLED display,
H7 optics also include extra low dispersion Range range-finding binoculars now in- adjustable for nine brightness levels. The
glass for additional color control and phase clude tracking assistant technology. The EL RangeGuide even measures ambient tem-
correction. H7 brings new high performance Range with Tracking Assistant binocular perature in either Fahrenheit or Celsius.
lens coatings and dielectric-coated BAK-4 was completely redesigned, allowing users The display provides line-of-sight distance,
roof prisms to these binos, which combine to transfer ballistic data to make an accu- plus the user’s choice of angle compensat-
to provide extra-bright, crystal-clear im- rate assessment of every hunting situation. ed distance, angle degree or temperature.
ages. Choose from two models, including The new tracking assistant helps narrow GPObright high-transmission lens coatings
26.1-ounce 8x42mm model and 10x42 mod- down the area where your last shot hit the and double-HD laminated 50mm objective
els. Both feature lightweight magnesium target. The new EL Range with Tracking As- lenses ensure great low-light viewing. The
frames, water-repellent lens coatings and sistant features SWAROVISION technology, 8x50mm offers a field of view of 345 feet at
nitrogen purging to be fog-proof and water- providing perfect edge to edge sharpness, 1,000 yards, and generous 19mm eye relief.
proof. The twist-up eye cups are replaceable combined with correct color fidelity and out- Diopter focus adjustments are located on
and eyeglass compatible, and stay-put lens standing detail resolution. Using the built-in both the left and right sides and utilize GPO’s
covers are included. They are covered by Bluetooth interface, three ballistics curves premium cut-brass-geared focus-wheel sys-
Hawke’s No-Fault Lifetime Warranty. Learn can be loaded into the unit and configured tem for a very tight, consistent turning ra-
more by visiting hawkeoptics.com. using the EL Range with Tracking Assistant dius without slop. The RangeGuide includes
Configurator App. Range can be measured protective rubber armoring and is water
Rangefinding Binoculars from 10.9 to 2,200 yards (10 to 2,000 meters). resistant. The new 8x50mm RangeGuide in-
Once ballistic data is entered into the app, cludes an MSRP of $1,649.99. Learn more by
Vortex Optics | Fury HD 5000 AB Laser the unit can be used to provide elevation cor- visiting gpo-usa.com.
Rangefinding Binoculars by Vortex sport in- rections in MOA, MRAD or clicks. Angle, tem-
display wind and drop solutions using Ap- perature and air pressure are automatically Meopta Sports Optics | Meopta’s new
plied Ballistics Elite ballistics solver backed measured in calculating corrections. The MeoPro Optika LR Rangefinding Binoculars,
by an up-to-date database. The system al- featured Tracking Assistant helps hunters in 10x42mm HD and 8x50mm HD configura-
lows users to customize ballistic profiles identify the target area by measuring back tions, are high-performance designs mea-
via the Fury HD App, or use one of three to the point where the last shot was fired. suring yardages of up to 2,600 and 2,950
preloaded profiles. On-board environmen- The Forehead Rest Range (FRR) is available yards, respectively. Optika LR models hold
tal sensors—including compass, humidity, separately and provides a three-point sup- premium European HD fluoride glass with
barometric pressure and temperature—pro- port to ensure maximum stability and com- the company’s advanced MeoLux lens coat-
vide more accurate long-range ballistics. fort when observing for extended periods. ing to deliver exceptionally bright images in
Users can manually enter wind speed and Learn more by visiting swarovskioptik.com. low light combined with maximum resolu-
direction with Full Cross Wind Mode and the tion, contrast and true color fidelity. Meo-
patent-pending Wind Bearing Capture Mode, German Precision Optics (GPO) | GPO Drop hydrophobic coating ensures lenses
and the unit pairs with third-party devices expanded its RangeGuide rangefinding bin- remain clear of moisture or dust. The inte-
such as Kestrel wind meters and Applied ocular lineup with the introduction of a new grated laser rangefinder can be used in three
Ballistics Garmin devices. The Fury HD 5000 8x50mm model. The 6.3-inch-tall, 35-ounce modes: Auto (continuous ranging of moving
AB includes stunning HD clarity combined 8x50mm provides sharp edge-to-edge clar- targets), Near Ranging (ranging the closest
with XR lens coatings for exceptionally crisp ity, an exceptional 22.36 twilight factor and object in the aiming circle) and Far Ranging
Muddy Series LR650X / LR850X / LR1300X Sig Sauer
(ranging the farthest object in the aiming of rangefinders offer precision with simple Burris
circle). The latter ensures accurate readings control features. The LR650X can range Signature HD
when tree limbs or tall grass are situated in a deer to 650 yards, the LR850X to 850 Spotting
the foreground. With the push of the acti- yards and the LR1300X to 1,300 yards. Scope
vation button, users receive a straight-line The adjustable eyepiece provides 6x Tract
range and compensated or incline data in magnification with a 26mm glass TORIC
meters or yards with four brightness con- lens IP54 rated to provide protection UHD
trols. Twist-up eyecups, dual diopter adjust- against dust and splashing water from Huskemaw
ments and a low battery indicator are also any angle. An ABS housing and durable rub- Crossfield
part of the package. A magnesium-alloy ber trim with large grip pads on each side Omega II
chassis with rubber armoring, and fully of the chassis deliver protection and offer
waterproof and shockproof qualities make an optimal grip surface—even while wear-
the binocular hunt ready. They include MS- ing gloves. Muddy Laser Range Finders au-
RPs of $1,499.99 (10x42mm HD) and $1,874.99 tomatically compensate for yardage across
(8x50mm HD) and are backed by Meopta’s uneven topography in meters or yards.
Lifetime Transferrable Warranty. Learn The integrated scan mode can engage
more by visiting meoptasportsoptics.com. multiple targets with a single activa-
tion, and the units include speed-mea-
Laser Rangefinders suring capabilities. Each comes with
a lanyard, carry case, lens cloth, and a
Bushnell Optics | Bushnell’s new Prime CR2 battery. Retail prices include $159.99
1800 Laser Rangefinder is packed with for the LR650X, $179.99 for the LR850X and
new technologies, including an all-new $229.99 for the LR1300X. Minimum range is
ACTIVSYNC display system that presents 0 yards, and a battery-power indicator is
readouts in black or red, according to light- part of the LCD screen. Learn more by visit-
ing conditions. It includes all-glass, fully ing gomuddy.com.
multi-coated optical lenses for exceptional
light transmission, and an extra-large laser Sig Sauer Electro-Optics | The new KILO
aperture window for first-try range grabs. 5K 7x25mm Rangefinder Monocular from
The Prime 1800 offers ranging capabilities Sig features next generation technology.
to 1,800-yard on reflective targets, trees to The KILO K-Series, including the KILO 5K, in-
1,000 yards and deer to 700 yards with +/- cludes Sig’s proprietary LightWave DSP Gen
1-yard accuracy. The unit is equipped with II rangefinder engine with extended range
scan mode for fast ranging, as well as near/ XR technology, integration with the Base-
far target modes to allow users to home in Map app, on-board Applied Ballistics capa-
on targets while ignoring objects in the fore- bilities and complete configurability with
ground or background. The rangefinder fea- all Sig Sauer Electro-Optics BDX devices. The
tures ARC (Angle Range Compensation) tech- KILO 5K will range reflective targets to 5,000
nology for angle readings in the field. Other yards, trees to 2,500 yards and deer to 2,000
features include a built-in tripod mount and yards. They also allow users to range a tree,
lanyard holes, a threaded metal battery door, rock or deer and instantly drop waypoints
CR2 battery power and Bushnell’s 5-year into the BaseMap app to help navigation
Lifetime Ironclad warranty. MSRP is $249.99. to that target. Other features include inte-
Learn more by visiting bushnell.com. grated BDX ballistic solutions to 800 yards
with Applied Ballistics Ultralite, or when
Muddy Outdoors | Muddy’s new lineup synced with external devices featuring
Applied Ballistics Elite. The K-Series now in- protective cover are provided. MSRP is $1,895. to exact ranges from 20 to 150 yards. The
cludes a complete array of onboard environ- Learn more by visiting burrisoptics.com. 4x40mm Crossfield (4-power, 40mm objec-
mental sensors as well. LightWave DSP Gen tive/front lens) holds an ADC (Arrow Drop
II includes modes for Extended Range (XR) Tract Optics | Tract Optics’ TORIC UHD Compensator) turret that perfectly matches
for distant targets, and a “Fog Mode” cuts 27-55x80mm Angled Spotting Scope is the the trajectory of high-speed crossbows at
through fog, rain and snowy conditions. The first TORIC Ultra High Definition spotter. The extended ranges through custom single-
unit incorporates a vivid red, segmented TORIC UHD uses an advanced optical sys- stack 2-MOA turret (½-inch adjustments at
OLED display which provides range to tar- tem comprised of proven SCHOTT HT (High 100 yards, ¼-inch 50 yards) or double-stack
get, elevation holdover and wind holds. The Transmission) glass and ED (Extra Low 1-MOA turret (¼-inch at 100-yard move-
reticle includes a circle with milling grid, Dispersion) lenses to provide sharp, bright ments). The 30mm tube allows 120 MOA of
Lumatic automatic brightness that adjusts images, with an MSRP of just $1,394. The adjustments per turret revolution, with a
to ambient conditions and 15mm eye relief. apochromatic optical system is designed to total of 160 MOA of corrections possible in
The unit measures 4.4-by-3-by-1.3 inches provide superior detail and light transmis- the single-stack 2-MOA model. Hash marks
and weighs 7.5 ounces. MSRP is $779.99. sion with exceptional edge-to-edge clarity, on the horizontal crosshair allow wind-drift
Learn more by visiting sigsauer.com. while virtually eliminating color fringing at compensation. Huskemaw offers custom
the highest magnifications. Fully multicoat- turrets for specific crossbow/bolt combina-
S potting Scopes ed lenses and prisms and flat multicoating tions, with correct yardages etched onto
maximize clarity and light transmission, its face. Crossfield lenses are high-density
Burris Optics | Burris’ Signature HD Spot- while oil-phobic lens coatings keep lens and multicoated for gin-clear shooting
ting Scope includes a 20-60x magnification clean. The magnesium-alloy tube is argon and exceptional light-gathering abilities. A
range via a best-quality HD and apochro- purged to ensure no fogging, and the scope side knob allows adjusting the center-dot
matic lens system that eliminates color is 100 percent waterproof. SCHOTT HT glass illumination intensity, with red or green
fringing and delivers edge-to-edge clarity at provides exceptional light transmission offered. The elevation turret and windage
any magnification. A built-in sunshade re- in the blue and violet spectrums for clean knob are covered with screw caps to protect
duces glare and protects the objective lens low-light viewing, the flat multicoating against dust and moisture, and the scope
from rain and snow. Coarse and fine fo- increasing light transmission in the green is equipped with spring-loaded/flip-up lens
cusing are possible, and the eyecup can be color range in bright light. The simple lock- caps. The Crossfield includes Huskemaw’s
adjusted to accommodate eyeglasses. This ing diopter system eliminates inadvertent lifetime warrantee. Learn more by visiting
lightweight and durable spotter includes a movement in the field. Learn more by visit- huskemawoptics.com.
die-cast magnesium body covered in rub- ing tractoptics.com.
ber armor, the angled eyepiece and rotat- Omega by Lil Bow Peep | The 2021 Omega
ing tripod mount making it easy to use in C utting-Edge II Sight by Lil Bow Peep is a patented all-in-
any position. Argon gas purging ensures it Crossbow Scopes one optical sight, laser rangefinder and HD
is fog-proof, and everything is sealed to be Video Camera. The Omega II presents many
100 percent waterproof. Burris’ FastFire red Huskemaw Optics | Huskemaw made excellent upgrades from the original Omega
dot sight can be easily attached to allow its mark in the long-range rifle world and I. First, the new Omega II includes five dif-
incredibly fast, accurate target acquisition. now offers the 4x40mm Crossfield crossbow ferent reticle options. Secondly, the preci-
An optional fixed power 30x eyepiece (MSRP scope to greatly extend the range capabili- sion laser rangefinder automatically cal-
$275) provides even more range, detail and a ties of high-performance crossbows launch- culates yardage up to 600 yards away, even
wide field-of-view, available with SCR Mil or ing bolts at 400-plus fps. The Crossfield on moving targets. Finally, an HD video
SCR MOA reticle. A neoprene carry case and includes turrets to allow dialing the scope camera is integrated into the 13-ounce unit.
Apex Gear Garmin Burris
CROSSPEAK Xero X1i Oracle X
Other upgrades include new 2x to 6x Power and a multi-color digital display providing
Zoom, a low-light enhancement feature, details like aim points, compass, horizontal
on-screen digital level and a detachable level gauge, string counter, roll at shot, im-
sunshield. The sight fits most crossbows pulse duration and flight apex. The Xero X1i
(and firearms) with a Picatinny or Weaver was designed for quick, user-friendly setup,
rail. A $19.99 mounting bracket allows the including intuitive on-device instructions.
sight to be used with vertical bows. The Once the 20-yard aim point is set, an auto-
video camera includes an instant playback calibration feature uses the bow’s speed
feature, making it easy to examine shots at and algorithms to provide the remaining
game. The sight is resistant to rain, ice and aim points to 80 yards, with the ability to
snow, and it is easy to adjust via its eleva- calibrate longer ranges if desired. A remote
tion turret and windage adjustment screws. activates the unit. Crosshairs grab the yard-
The Omega II Sight comes with everything age with 1-yard accuracy, and a “target lock”
needed, including two 3-volt batteries, a notice is displayed after repeated ranges are
32 GB micro SD card and a remote control. received. Release the activation pad and a
Its MAP price is just $399. Keep an eye on single aim point for exact shot placement,
this company, as several game-changing, compass heading, line of sight distance,
crossbow-compatible optical devices are angle compensated distance and angle to
promised in the near future. Learn more by target appear. Ambient Light Sensor Con-
visiting omegasights.com. trolled Display automatically detects and ad-
justs display brightness, while Laser Locate
Apex Gear | Apex Gear’s CROSSPEAK Illu- estimates the bolt’s location at impact and
minated Crossbow Scope is engineered to transfers that location to compatible Gar-
match the speed and longer yardage capa- min devices to speed game recovery. Mul-
bilities of today’s hotrod crossbow models. tiple bolt profiles can be inputted, and Flight
The CROSSPEAK provides crystal-clear im- Apex gives shooters a visual indication of
ages and a speed-calibrated system to pro- the maximum height of bolts as they speed
vide precise aiming points through a glass- downrange to avoid deflections. Ultimately,
etched reticle that can be red illuminated (10 the Xero X1i is completely customizable and
brightness settings) or used without illumi- the unit runs on two AAA lithium batteries
nation. The variable 2-7x magnification of- for up to a year. MSRP is $1,399.99. Learn
fers versatility and the Apex Ballistic Reticle more by visiting garmin.com/outdoors.
(ABR) can be calibrated to match the speed of
any production crossbow, for dead-on holds Burris Optics | For customers seeking a
from 20 to 100 yards at bolt speeds from 260 purpose-built crossbow optic including an
to 500 fps. The one-piece, milled-aluminum integrated laser rangefinder, Burris’ Oracle
30mm tube includes a matte-black finish, X is an easy choice. The incorporated laser
is nitrogen purged to be fog-proof, and the range-finding system provides precision
lenses are fully multicoated for maximum yardage to 200 yards with the push of a but-
brightness, clarity and contrast. The scope ton, but it includes other features such as
comes with mounting rings and a neoprene a function that takes the guesswork out of
scope cover. Elevation and windage adjust- trajectory, bright aiming points and point of
ments are made in ½-MOA increments. The impact. The Oracle X includes a built-in laser
compact scope weights just 14.1 ounces, rangefinder providing precise yardage to 200
includes a limited lifetime warranty and yards, including automatic trajectory com-
retails for $235.99. Learn more by visiting pensator for steeply angled shots. The sight
apex-gear.com. can be programmed for two different bolt
weights and trajectories and includes easy-
Garmin | Garmin’s Xero X1i is an electro-op- to-reach buttons for access to an intuitive
tic based crossbow scope with built-in laser operation and programming menu. Reticle
rangefinder and other advanced features. brightness is adjustable, and an integrated
It includes 3.5x magnification and a digital bubble level ensures that crossbows remain
overlay that automatically measures the square to the target. The Oracle X is operated
distance of targets to 250 yards (500 yards via wireless remote, the integrated mount
reflective targets). The unit includes a rug- compatible with Picatinny or Weaver-style
ged aluminum housing, nitrogen-purged rails. The sight includes a MAP of $899. Learn
optics, clear, crisp, edge-to-edge field of view more by visiting burrisoptics.com. IA
T he latest craze in shooting is going long.
Rifle shooters strive for 1,000-plus yard cause after a summer of shooting at
80 to 100 yards, the 40-yard shots I will
hits on steel plates, with even specialized .22 LR rim- take at live deer or elk come to seem
fire shooters hitting targets at hundreds of yards. like chip shots. In archery, confidence
is everything.
As archery ranges stretch ever far-
This long-range trend has naturally ther, shooters have begun seeking
seeped into archery, where compound targets to fit that need. Long-range ar-
bow shooters regularly practice to 100- chers need a target face large enough
plus yards, and with at least one optics to provide some latitude against larg-
manufacturer now offering crossbow- er groups and the occasional shoot-
specific turret scopes making 150-yard ing glitch that can send an arrow or
shots feasible from today’s high-perfor- bolt completely off the face of smaller
mance crossbows. targets. Enter BIGshot Archery’s new-
Now, I’m certainly not advocating for-2021 Iron Man 30-inch Personal
shooting at live game at ranges ap- Range Target with Pro Stand. across a wider area. The result is a tar-
get that can absorb thousands of shots
proaching 100 yards—with compound The 30-by-31-inch target face gives from the fastest, heaviest arrows/
bolts, launched from the most extreme
or crossbow. But I do conduct a lot of shooters plenty of room for larger compound and crossbow systems, and
off-season practice at such ranges, be- long-range groups or a flubbed shot emerge unscathed. This is
a target system for hard-
at extended yardage when arrows can core archers who take
their shooting seriously,
become lost in the under- are willing to push things
to extremes, and are look-
brush beyond or cause ing for a no-nonsense de-
sign that is made to last, at a price that
damage to indoor ranges. won’t break the bank. For all this per-
formance, the Iron Man 30 with Stand
The Iron Man 30 is suit- includes an MSRP of just $329.99.
This is just one of a multitude of
able for indoor or outdoor value-packed archery targets offered
by BIGshot—from affordable backyard
shooting, the included bags and blocks, to competitively-
priced, tournament-quality 3D targets
17-inch-high stand lifting representing a wide variety of game
animals, to the most advanced arrow-
the target to the level of an average stopping systems in the business like
the Iron Man Series. Check them out by
deer, prolonging the life of the target visiting bigshotarchery.com. IA
by getting it out of the grass or dirt, and WebXtra ■ For a closer look at the
eliminating the need to bend over to BIGshot Iron Man target, check it out at
pull arrows/bolts. And despite the Iron
Man’s ability to stop arrows/bolts at
speeds in excess of 500 fps, they offer
ultra-easy extraction of even the fast-
est projectiles.
The Iron Man Series was made to
last, even when punished by today’s
blazing-fast, hard-hitting crossbows.
This series includes a fortified shell
that ensures maximum compression
of BIGshot’s exclusive military-grade
fibers and unsurpassed multi-direc-
tional woven ballistic core. Multiple
aiming points also spread wear out