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Inside Archery May 2021

Inside Archery May 2021

Keywords: archery,bowhunt


MAY 2021



30 Power of Participation
■ Mark Balistreri | 1982 Visuals
■ Patrick Meitin | Inside Archery
■ Danny Reaser |

Outdoor Product Innovations
■ Gary Cornum |

Easton Technical Products
■ Barry Dart | Crimson Talon
■ Niko Markos | Afflilum

32 32 Killer Food Plots
20 Growing Strong
By Daniel Allred
Market Trends

22 New & Notable
Archery products with
strong sales potential

42 Crossbow Report
Lancehead F1 Crossbow
By Patrick Meitin

44 Hunt-Ready Sights & Rests
The newest bow accessories provide
easier set-up, more dependability
and greater accuracy!

58 By Patrick Meitin

52 Gear Report
Huskemaw Optics Crossfield
4x40 Crossbow Scope

By Patrick Meitin

58 Fun and Effective
Recreational Gear

16 By Daniel Allred

INSIDE ARCHERY (Volume 24, #4) ISSN #1940-3879, USPS #024-412 is published 10 times per year (Jan / Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep / Oct, Nov, Dec) by Apollo Creative Inc. PO Box 15827,
Colorado Springs, CO 80935. Periodical postage paid at Colorado Springs, CO 80935 and at additional offices. Postmaster please send address changes to INSIDE ARCHERY, P.O. Box 986, Levittown, PA 19055-9998.




10 Inside Track
Fewer Hunters?

14 Kinsey’s Business

How to Navigate the

Current Supply Chain Issues


16 Inside Retailing
Adventures Archery

20 Your ATA Insights
Build Your Community,

44 Build Your Business
By Kurt Smith / ATA

24 Industry News
Information that keeps
you up to speed on news,
events and people in the
archery industry

28 ATA Action
Join or Renew: How an ATA
Membership Benefits the
Industry & Your Business
By Cassie Gasaway / ATA

56 52 22 54 Leading Archery
6 Manufacturers

Outdoor Product

Innovations Inc.

66 Industry 5Q
Five Questions on Athens
Archery with Jim and
Tracie Klossner
By Daniel Allred



INSIDE ARCHERY MAY 2021 | VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 4 Online Exclusives

Archery Gear

Fletching Your Own Arrows

Executive Editor Patrick Meitin walks you through
the special gear and basic skills you will need to
fletch your own arrows. Learning this skill saves
you time and money, while also allowing you to add
your personal touch to hunting or target arrows.

Shooting Skills

Beating A Shooting Slump

Patrick Meitin, Inside Archery’s Executive Editor,
offers some sage advice on how to shake off a de-
bilitating shooting slump, or to help break through
a current shooting plateau. Start now to shoot your
best this coming bowhunting season.

Preseason Decisions Choosing The Right Release
Bowhunting Tune-Up
Many archers approach bow releases with a
one-size-fits-all attitude, yet different release
styles are generally best suited to certain types
of bow setups. Here’s what you need to know
to get the most from your bowhunting release.

Silencing Hunting Bows

There is no such thing as a bow that is too
quiet—especially if you primarily pursue white-
tailed deer. Inside Archery’s Executive Editor,
Patrick Meitin, offers some insight into hushing
your bow and minimizing string-jumping game.

:WebXtras In this issue: “Inside Retailing” takes a look at Adventures Archery;

“Crossow Report” tries out the Lancehead F1; “Gear Report” investigates Huskemaw’s
Crossfield 4x40 Crossbow Scope; and “5Q” chats with Athens Archery.

Inside Archery Digital Edition

Now Inside Archery can be delivered to your door, viewed on your computer,
AND on your smartphone or tablet. VISIT INSIDEARCHERY.COM/DIGITAL

Fresh content daily
on social media!




Fewer Hunters?

U. S. Fish & Wildlife data tells us hunter numbers have decreased from 17 million
(1980s) to about 15.2 million in 2020. This is largely attributed to the massive de-
mographic shift of baby-boomers growing older, along with the country’s contin-
ued urbanization. These are the hard numbers offered as evidence of a sport in decline.

Meanwhile, hunters on the ground experience increasingly crowded woods, difficulty
finding private land that isn’t leased, and especially lower odds
when applying for limited tags. Anecdotally, I’ve witnessed once-
empty woods now inundated by bowhunters, with far fewer land-
owners willing to grant access after a friendly knock on a door.
Drawing limited big-game tags now also seems as difficult as pull-
ing winning Power Ball numbers. So what gives? Are fewer hunters
hunting more often and in more places than ever?

Actually, this isn’t entirely farfetched, as there has been a
marked increase in nonresident hunter participation in many states. Individual states
have even witnessed increased hunting-license sales during the recent pandemic.

The five states selling the most deer-hunting licenses—Texas, Pennsylvania, Wiscon-
sin, Minnesota and Michigan, in that order—annually sell about 3.3 million permits. De-
spite this, the top three states see only 5 to 9.4 percent of their overall population buying
these tags. States with the highest percentage of their populations buying hunting licens-
es—South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota and Idaho (24.1 to 16.5 percent)—all
include conspicuously low population densities. By comparison, only .9 percent of Califor-
nia residents purchase hunting licenses. Draw your own conclusions.

The real concern within the archery industry, in particular, is that bowhunters as a de-
mographic are growing older and new recruitments are down conspicuously. This plays
right into the urbanization narrative—people increasingly disconnected from nature and
a hunting instinct dating back some 3 million years. Smartphones, video games and an
instant-gratification mentality—contrasted to a sport with a steep learning curve—are
pointed out as reasons behind today’s youth shunning bowhunting.

But there are plenty of bright spots. This includes designated youth-only or mentor
hunts—which certainly didn’t exist when I was a kid. There are also the booming Na-
tional Archery in the Schools (NASP) and Scholastic 3D Archery (S3DA) programs, which
do so much to instill a love for archery in youngsters. S3DA is an after-school program
that currently includes 7,000 students and 2,500 certified coaches. NASP is incorporated
directly into a school’s curriculum, and it has introduced 18 million kids to archery in 16
years. It continues to grow by about 1,000 schools annually.

As an industry we should enthusiastically support these all-important programs, fi-
nancially surely, but also physically. Too, direct mentoring doesn’t always involve youth
hunters (though this can prove most gratifying), as there are plenty of adults who would
love to shoot a bow or bowhunt, but just don’t know where to begin. This is the future of
our sport, the key to sound game management (via funding Pittman-Robertson excise
taxes), and it will also be immensely gratifying to bring back those enthralling memories
of your first bowhunting triumph (however small it may seem today).

Patrick Meitin, Executive Editor



Apollo Creative Inc

Executive Editor

Patrick Meitin • [email protected]

Associate Editor

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Copy Editor

Lauren Molenburg


Kurt Smith | Cassie Gasaway

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(814) 341-9313

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Website & Social Media

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Phone: (719) 495-9999 •

Inside Archery founded in 1998 by Bill and Sherry Krenz

Inside Archery® Copyright © 2021 Apollo Crreative Inc. All rights re-
served. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permis-
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U.S. trademark of Apollo Creative Inc. Opinions expressed in by-lined
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Archery, hunting and bowhunting are inherently dangerous activi-
ties. Improper use of hunting or archery equipment may cause se-
rious injury or death. Always follow state and local hunting safety
rules, and get required permits or licenses before hunting. Apollo
Creative Inc uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-
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arising from use by any person of the information in this magazine.

•—•ative inc Inside Archery®
is a publication of
p•—• ollo crea Apollo Creative Inc
Printed in the USA.



Navigating the Current Supply Chain Issues
W ith the demand for outdoor
products at an all-time high, it of products within categories you need Kinsey’s is the leading distributor to the outdoors and
should be no surprise that cer- for a future time and date. archery industry. Carrying items from your favorite
tain items are hard to come by. The high brands, in-stock and ready-to-ship, the company offers
demand and limited supply of outdoor Most businesses operate on a short- domestic and international retailers a wide array of
goods inevitability causes a disruption term buying horizon in an effort to help products and services. Kinsey’s also owns innovative
in the supply chain. Add in a recovering increase their inventory turns. Depend- consumer brands including BlackHeart, Fin-Finder,
global economy and you’ve got a recipe ing on the products and categories, it Elevation and October Mountain Products.
for supply chain irregularities. might be worth switching to a longer For more information, please visit
buying horizon as a way to insulate your
However, there are still ways you can inventory from inventory shortfalls. your customers and cross-sell them to
help your business navigate the current It is important to note that you should other products you do have available
supply chain issues. Here we’ll discuss only expand your demand forecasting and in-stock that still fit your custom-
three main strategies that will help if it makes sense to you and your busi- ers’ wants and needs. The other benefit
your business navigate the uncertain- ness. You must consider important fac- of having an educated employee base is
ties within the supply chain. tors such as your business’s inventory, being able to build that relationship and
turnover rate, margins, cash flow and trust with your customers, while also
Buying Within Product Categories credit limits. proving your knowledge and expertise
of the current happenings within the
The first strategy you need to consider is If you take all of those factors into industry.
buying similar products within a given consideration and switching to a medi-
category. This might sound like a no- um-term buying horizon makes sense, With the current supply and demand
brainer, but it’s important to remember without putting your business into a issues, it’s important for you to incor-
and consider. If you aren’t able to get an high-risk situation, you should serious- porate the above strategies to help your
allocation of brands or products, you ly consider doing so in order for you to business navigate and thrive. It’s also
can look at other products or brands secure products now for projected sales important to remember to remain flex-
within the category that would satisfy and growth in the future. ible throughout the supply chain ir-
your customer’s needs. regularities. In doing so you’ll be able to
Educate Your Employees secure inventory, help your customers
This is based on your customer’s buy-
ing decision preferences, as they’ll typi- Finally, the last strategy you should and set your business
cally be shopping by category, brand, consider is educating your employees up for success. IA
price and then features. If you can offer on the current struggles within the sup-
a similar product that fits their hierar- ply chain. This strategy actually incor-
chy of needs, you can cross-sell them porates one or both of the previously
on the products that you have available mentioned strategies. In educating your
and in-stock. In doing so you not only employees, they’ll
fulfill your customer’s wants and needs, be able to both
but you get the sale and set your busi- help educate
ness up for success.

Change Your Demand

The second strategy that you need
to consider to help you navigate the
current supply chain landscape is to
expand your demand forecasting. It’s
worth looking into expanding the time-
line of your demand forecasting to help
ensure that you can receive allocations



Florida Shop Thrives by Meeting Supply-Chain Challenges

Adventures Archery

Store Profile hunting: 70%; by target and recreational Adventures Archery Lakeland shop manager,
archery: 30% Jarrod Schutte, has made some important changes
■ Headquarters: Lakeland, Florida
■ Store History: Adventures Archery’s to his ordering routine to ensure his customers
■ Owner: Mark Ross Lakeland, Florida, shop began as an off- have the product options they want and need.
shoot of their larger Tampa store. As is
■ Years in Business: Five years the case of many small businesses, Ad- They pride themselves on being able to
ventures Archery sought to find the right walk someone through the entire expe-
■ Square footage: 6,000 (total), 3,200 combination of staff and sales approaches rience, from simple tuning tips to bow-
(store floor), 2,800 (shooting lanes). to cater to their more rural demographic. hunting New Mexico elk. They care deeply
By the fall of 2018, the shop had established about their customers and take pride in
■ Staffing: Full-time: Manager/Bow Tech, a solid following, and with the positive exceptional customer service.
Jarrod Schutte; Cashier, Stephanie Laza- reviews and word of mouth advertising,
nowski. Part-time: Bow Tech, Brian Draper; they stretched their business roots deeply Retailing Q & A
Bow Tech, Tucker Berens; Cashier, Cassidy into Florida’s east coast heading into the
Sharp; Jack of all trades, Doug “Grits” Hyde. “outdoor boom.”

■ Bow Lines: Mathews, Hoyt, Elite, Bow- This archery boom helped aid their
tech, PSE, Prime, Bear. growth exponentially. The Lakeland shop
has become known for their attention to
■ Arrow Lines: Gold Tip, Easton, Carbon detail, as well as catering to an individu-
Express, Victory Archery. al’s particular style of shooting. The shop’s
staff still finds fun in creating communi-
■ Crossbow Lines: Ravin, TenPoint, Wick- ty—from experienced shooters and pros,
ed Ridge, Excalibur, Killer Instinct, Bar- to the ever-expanding “first bow” market.
nett, Bear X, PSE.

■ Inside Numbers: Percentage (estimate)
of store’s revenue generated by bow-

Adventures Archery of Lakeland, Florida, has only been in business since 2016, Inside Archery: Have you experienced dif-
but it has quickly grown a loyal customer base through excellent customer service. ficulties in the supply chain due to the
pandemic and has the unprecedented
demand for archery equipment created
problems in ordering and securing goods
needed to do business?

Jarrod Schutte, Manager: Yes! I think in
the early stages of the increased demand
most archery/outdoor retailers were
caught a bit off guard. The tough part is
planning ahead and knowing the order
we place today may not be filled until
fall. An example of this is nocks. I think
everyone felt the pain of the lighted nock
shortage. It was an item we could have
profited from on many occasions, if we’d
had them in stock.

Inside Archery: How have the majority of


Lakeland, Florida’s Adventures Archery carries Gold Tip, Easton, Carbon Brian Draper is one of Adventures Archery’s part-time bow techs, offering expert setup
Express and Victory Archery arrows to meet every customer’s needs. and tuning that provides the shop with strong word-of-mouth advertising.

your customers reacted to sometimes not choice, and whatever item they chose is in someone who may be focused on a particu-
being able to buy exactly what they want, high demand due to the quality. lar company. We listen to our customers’
exactly when they want it? Have they been end goals, and we cater their buying experi-
understanding overall, or do they some- Inside Archery: Have recent supply-chain ence to them.
times blame your shop for the problem? difficulties demonstrated that custom-
ers are fiercely loyal to particular brands/ Inside Archery: Have supply-chain break-
Schutte: We have been blessed with cus- products, or have most customers shown downs lead to discovering new brands that
tomers who not only understand the dif- a willingness to accept substitutes without serve just as well, or perhaps even better
ficulty of product availability, but they are regrets? than previously stocked items?
also willing to wait for products in order to
support a local business. Of course, we try to Schutte: Let’s face it, a Mathews guy will Schutte: Limited supply certainly has us
supplement an individual’s choice with an always be a Mathews guy. There will al- stepping outside our routine bow-build
“in inventory” option. We also try to frame ways be customers who are committed to more often. Arrow rests and re-strings seem
this dilemma in a way that reassures our a product or brand before ever coming into to be the biggest shifts. For so long, setting
customers that they have made an excellent our shop. We love brand loyalties, but we re- up with a QAD rest was a given. We now set
main attentive to not over- or under-sell to up an almost equal number of Hamskea

Cashier Stephanie Lazanowski is also a key element to Adventures Adventures Archery’s 3,200 square feet of store floor space allows them
Archery’s success, fielding customers’ questions and concerns. to stock a wide variety of bow, arrow and archery accessory brands.



and HHA Virtus rests to compliment new The Adventures Archery staff pride themselves on catering to all styles of archery, whether
rigs. On the string side, GAS Bowstrings has that be traditional, bowhunters shooting compounds, or target archers.
been one of our most positive changes. This
has been because of both customer request ther out than normal or otherwise chang- our reps has been key. They are salespeople,
and the ease of dealing with the company, ing the program(s) you once used? but they also play a big role in forecasting
which has made it a new easy choice. and order planning. They are our tie to the
Inside Archery: Which new brands or prod- Schutte: We have settled into a rhythm of manufacturer on things like quick-ship
ucts has the current situation steered you watching our sales trends closer than ever, availability or questions about backorder
toward, especially those brands/products and we are making orders to cater to a pre- queues. Part of our prep is also grooming our
that have done such a great job filling in- dicted demand. This results in larger order customers to understand that if we have an
ventory holes that they will remain perma- quantities to keep us selling through the item in stock, now is the time to buy it!
nent fixtures? drought of order delays.
Schutte: Hamskea would lead the pack for Inside Archery: Any other bit of advice you
our newest, now a permanently stocked Inside Archery: Has the slowdown in the can offer dealers or department manag-
item. Easton’s 6.5 series have been a strong supply chain enabled you to thin some of ers for navigating the current situation
alternative for price-point arrow options. your less popular or older products—prod- and keeping ample merchandise on their
GAS Bowstrings has been great for shipping ucts you were perhaps “stuck with” prior to shelves?
us much-needed strings. Spot Hogg sights all of this?
seem to always be popular, but the Wiseguy Schutte: We have learned that you can’t
and Whipper Snapper have been our No. 1 Schutte: We have definitely moved through be afraid to order product. Place your or-
seller for releases, without the wait. some of our older inventory. I would have der knowing that this fall we will all see a
Inside Archery: How has the inability to or- to give the credit of inventory control to the whole new group of shooters getting ready
der products on demand changed the way influx of new archers getting into the sport. for the season. Interest in archery seems
you approach inventory build-up and shop Someone may want to get into the sport at to be at an all-time high. Order what you
stocking? Do you find yourself “hoarding” a higher level in relevant technology, but can, when you can, and you’ll have it when
product when you can find it, planning far- without the big bite of flagship-level pricing. you need it. Pay close attention to what
Therefore, older stock may be just what the your customers are repeatedly asking for.
Cashier Cassidy Sharp helps keep things moving customer needed to keep their budget, and Listen to the trends and stock up on those
at Adventures Archery during the recent rush of for us to make the sale. hot items. We all have our favorites, but we
new and returning customers. must be mindful of what customers want to
Inside Archery: How are you preparing buy and order it! IA
right now to ensure you will have what you
need when the typical annual rush begins WebXtra ■ For more information
just prior to fall hunting seasons?
about Adventures Archery, please go to
Schutte: We have undoubtedly started prep-
ping early this year. Communication with



Build Your Community, Build Your Business


“W hy are so many people posting in a pro-shop it is only natural that Be Available ■ Beyond building com-
here asking for advice when they more equipment gets sold. COVID-19
could just go to a pro-shop?” has made hosting remote events more munity, you want to offer convenience.
routine, which can really help with the Because of the digital world we live
in, customers simply aren’t likely to

convenience factor for many archers. spend their precious free time travel-

When I read that post in an archery group Holding contests with free ing to a brick-and-mortar

on Facebook, it really made me stop and printable targets or spe- store to get advice or learn

think. Archery pro-shops and manufac- cial challenges could be a about new gear when they

turers are presumably some of the best great way for any archery can just as easily post on

sources of information about the sport. business to be the hub of Facebook. Offer a conve-

Archery is what they do, day in and day conversation and establish nient solution by allowing

out. So what makes so many people record itself as a source of com- customers to reach you in

a video of themselves and ask for gear ad- munity and information. different ways: via phone,

vice or form critiques on social media? Get Social ■ I may sound like a bro- social media messages or even video
The comments to this post were intrigu- chat. Getting customers to interact in

ing, ranging from difficulty finding time ken record here, but the message is all of these ways doesn’t happen over-

to travel to a pro-shop, to distrust in busi- worth repeating. If you aren’t devel- night. And advertising that, “We offer

nesses, to simply enjoying tinkering and oping an online community around great service…” isn’t nearly enough. In-

tweaking in the comfort of their own home your business, you are missing a great stead, clearly list the many ways you

(or range). To me, it could all be summa- opportunity. Your customers are al- can be reached on your website and

rized like this: convenience and commu- ready looking for advice on shooting, social media. You can also post help-

nity. Archery is a social sport. Although gear selection and hunting tactics on ful videos and answer frequently asked

shooting in a tournament or bowhunt- social media. You can get in front of questions, while providing recommen-

ing from a treestand seems quite solitary, them more often by doing two things: dations on products or services that

many people enjoy the social aspects of First, develop your own social media help solve the problem.

archery. They sometimes find this virtu- in a way that is engaging. Don’t simply Maybe most importantly, understand

ally on social media. It is also a sport that tell people what you have to sell and that every interaction won’t lead direct-

many fit into a busy schedule of work and why it’s the best gear. Encourage par- ly to a sale. What it will do is show cus-

family life. But there are still ways for any ticipation, and pretty soon they will be tomers your willingness to meet their

archery shop or manufacturer to find their posting on your social media to ask for needs and establish your business as a

way into this equation more frequently. advice. Second, start participating in great source of information.

Be the Host ■ Depending other groups. Ask questions, or The entire archery industry and the
better yet, give answers! sport as a whole benefit from archers

on your business type, the Don’t make it a sales receiving good advice and having a

kinds of events you host pitch, but make your great experience. It’s only natural for us

could look slightly dif- role in the industry to seek advice and information when

ferent. Whether it’s in known. This type of and where we feel most comfortable,

person or online, get- involvement is great so position your business as a source of

ting people to partici- for pro-shops, but it knowledge that operates with a focus

pate builds rapport and could be even more on customer convenience. If you are

opens the door to learn- of a boost for product looking for ideas on how to do this more

ing. Each week I shoot manufacturers who effectively, log in to

in a local indoor 3D league, employ a pro staff. Having and check out all the business and mar-

where I see and hear archers a well-known pro shooter di- keting courses offered on the MyATA

talking about their gear and potential rectly answer a question on social me- Learning Center. As always, you can

upgrades to help them gain a few extra dia is a powerful way to engage people also reach me by email at kurtsmith@
points. When that conversation happens and build brand recognition. IA



Mathews, Inc. ATLAS BLOCK
The new ATLAS compound was built for archers with long draws Infinity
(29.5 to 34 inches) and includes a forgiving 7 ¾-inch brace height.
The Crosscentric Cam with Switchweight modules (allowing The all-new
draw-weight changes in 5-pound increments) generates arrow BLOCK In-
speeds of up to 350 fps. ATLAS bows are offered with 60-, 65-, 70- finity was
and 75-pound peak weights, each module set programmed for an designed to stop
ultra-smooth draw cycle, and in either 80 or 85 percent let-off. arrows delivered
The CenterGuard cable containment system centers buss-cable at speeds of up to 500
tension to optimize cam timing and increase fletching clear- fps. PolyFusion Technol-
ance. Consistent hand placement is encouraged through ogy provides a high-density, layered-foam inner core encased
the Engage Grip system, which also reduces torque to in an exterior foam wall that put BLOCK targets on the map.
improve accuracy. The EHS+ dampener with The design ensures extreme stopping power through friction
3D Damping provides quiet shooting and and easy arrow removal through layered construction. The
eliminates riser vibrations. The bow measures outer encapsulating layer eliminates slivering and chunks of
34 ¾ inches between the axles and weighs 4.92 foam pulled out while extracting broadheads. Six individual
pounds. Learn more at target faces each hold unique aiming points to offset target
damage and prolong life. The target is field-point, fixed-blade
Ani-Logics Outdoors Black Ops Whitetail and mechanical broadhead compatible. Look for them in
Deer Attractant 20-by-20 and 22-by-22-inch standard, and 16-by-16 and
20-by-20-inch Crossbow versions with beefier cores. Learn
Black Ops Whitetail Deer Attractant by more at
Ani-Logics Outdoors helps hunters take
their whitetail recon to the next level and Tink’s DZone Portable
bag that targeted buck. Black Ops is a granular Ozone Generator
attractant unlike any other, applying Ani-Logics’
applied science in the art of attracting deer. Black Tink’s new DZone Portable Ozone Generator is the
Ops was intentionally designed to covertly blend latest tool in the bowhunter’s continuing quest to
with the soil for stealthy deer attraction that goes eliminate odors that spook game and ruin shot op-
under the radar. Since Black Ops is disguised portunities. The DZone is designed to eliminate odor-causing
as dirt, only you and the deer will know it’s bacteria and deposited scents from any kind of hunting gear
there. A proprietary scent lures deer in, and the or clothing through an impressive 50mg/h output—one of
exceptional palatability keeps them coming back
for more. Use Black Ops alone or combined with the highest in its class.
other feed products to make them more attractive. Learn more at The DZone can be
used to cleanse
Crimson Talon Battleaxe boots and hunting
attire contained
The all-new 125-grain Battleaxe from Crimson Talon was designed to in gear bags, to
ensure straight flight combined with devastating terminal results. The deodorize your
Battleaxe is a hybrid design that includes a 7/8-inch-wide, cut-on- vehicle or to treat an
contact main blade backed by dual mechanical blades that open entire closet or small
to 2 inches wide. The fixed spear point starts penetration room of hunting
off right and ensures deep wound channels, the wide togs. The unit is rated
mechanicals reaping havoc on vitals for shorter blood to 106 cubic feet (also
trails. The head penetrates 3/4s of its length before making it perfect for
deploying the mechanical blades, eliminating deflections on angled
hits. The Battleaxe is guaranteed to fully deploy 100 percent of the enclosed blinds, (with
time, regardless of shot angle or shot placement. The head is proper venting) and
suited for compounds or crossbows and assembled in the U.S. provides 18 hours of
Learn more at continuous use. The
DZone uses a micro-USB system to recharge the internal/
integral battery. Learn more at



AGArcrciqdhuieriorreynsBCPraalpanintdoaslS-fByroanmcekregPdyu’rsGeSHFMuisnOhtuiinntdggo&ors the enthusiast sportsman, GSM Outdoors ity gear to explore the outdoors, connect
is a leading outdoor and sporting con- with nature, and create unforgettable
Gridiron Capital, LLC, an investment firm sumer goods company, with brands dat- family experiences. The Company owns 33
focused on partnering with founders, ing back to 1948. The company equips its industry-leading brands, and through its
entrepreneurs and management teams, customers with a wide range of branded acquisition of Plano Synergy’s hunting and
recently announced that its portfolio consumables, accessories and high-qual- archery accessory brands, the company
company, Good Sportsman Marketing Out- will add Wildgame Innovations, Ameri-
doors (GSM Outdoors) has acquired Plano step, Tenzing, Zink, Halo Optics, Flextone,
Synergy’s hunting accessories and archery Avian X, Evolved, Barnett and Zero Trace to
brands from Pure Fishing Inc. Terms of the its existing portfolio.
transaction were not disclosed.
“We are thrilled to acquire Plano Syn-
Founded to meet the growing needs of ergy’s hunting and archery brands, which
are the best in class and will significantly
Hoyt President Randy Walk Announces Retirement enhance GSM Outdoors’ product offerings,”
said Eddie Castro, GSM Outdoors Chief
After spending his career building Hoyt Archery into a premier archery company, Randy Walk has announced his Executive Officer. “Adding these brands
retirement effective September 1, 2021. to GSM Outdoors’ portfolio provides our
retailers and ultimately consumers with
Walk’s journey at Hoyt began as a college job in 1985 and turned into a lifetime career of 36 years, including stronger ‘one stop shop’ offerings, and
26 years as President. Under Walk’s leadership, Hoyt has grown into one of the top archery companies in the we look forward to further developing
world, designing and producing high-performance bows for the world’s most passionate bowhunters and target these brands so we can continue bringing
unique value to our enthusiast hunting
shooters. From gold-medal-winning Olympic recurves, to innova- and archery customers.”
tive carbon riser hunting bows and everything in between, Walk’s
pursuit for innovation and excellence in performance, safety, quality Founded in 1999, GSM Outdoors special-
and dependability can be seen in Hoyt’s product lines for almost four decades. izes in developing and marketing innova-
Walk’s impact on archery reaches far beyond the walls of Hoyt, with 13 years served on the board of the tive products for the hunting, sport shoot-
Archery Trade Association (ATA), 34 years served on the ATA Technical Committee, strategic partnerships formed ing and outdoor enthusiast market. GSM
with World Archery, USA Archery, the NFAA, ASA and other archery organizations and ongoing support of local owns several industry-leading brands
and national conservation groups. including Stealth Cam, Walker’s, Muddy,
“Coming to my dream job every day has been one of my life’s greatest blessings. And just as rewarding have Hawk, Big Game, Birchwood Casey, Cold
been the opportunities to work with outside groups on many of the things I am passionate about, including Steel, TRUGLO, SME, TekMat, GPS Bags,
bowhunter recruitment, conservation, tournament archery and the overall growth of the industry,” Walk said. CrossFire, HME, Skull Hooker, Viking Solu-
Walk is grateful to the Easton family for the incredible opportunity they gave him to fulfill his career at Hoyt tions, Hunters Specialties, Western Rivers,
and for trusting him with the company’s leadership for 26 years. Cyclops, Boss Buck, American Hunter, and
“My father and I have enjoyed working with Randy during his time at Hoyt,” said Greg Easton, CEO of Jas. D. New Archery Products. Conservation of the
Easton and owner of Hoyt Archery. “Randy’s passion for archery and bowhunting is only matched by his passion environment is central to GSM’s mission
for Hoyt and for excellence in product. Randy’s focus on the next product innovation has been a great fit with the to preserve and protect wildlife heritage
company culture my grandfather started, my dad perfected and I have enjoyed continuing.” for generations to come. | learn more at
“Leaving Hoyt is bittersweet,” Walk said. “I will miss the great people I work
with and the opportunity to contribute daily to Hoyt’s success, but I am
looking forward to spending more time with my family, traveling with SAMerailzreokcnetstainOAgurctPhteaecrrthynfEeonrrstheSiarpplerisse&s Inc.
my wife, Diana, and hunting more than ever.” Walk dedicates his pro-
fessional career and success to his parents, Jay and Saranell Walk, for Outtech Inc., an outdoor industry lead-
their never-ending love and support, connecting him to the outdoors, er in sales and marketing, is pleased

bringing archery into their family and teaching him
to work hard and chase his dreams.
| learn more at


to announce their part- We have made huge with the impact of COVID-19. Many schools
nership with Arizona strides during the last are still operating virtually, while some are
Archery Enterprises (AAE), decade transitioning slowing getting back to in-person classes.
the world’s largest manu- from a mainly OEM Throughout this school year, NASP educators
facturer of nocks and vanes. manufacturer to an ex- and coaches took steps to nominate and rec-
Outtech will be working tremely diversified re- ognize the academic performance of their
closely with AAE as their ex- tail and OEM presence student archers using local criteria. At the
clusive sales representation in the archery industry close of the enrollment window on April 1,
partner for their full line of archery products worldwide. Outtech’s relationships and ex- 17,344 students were enrolled by their coach-
across multiple channels nationwide. perience throughout all sales channels, with es as NASP Academic Archers from 41 U.S.
a focus on dealer relationships, will be the states, three Canadian provinces, as well as
“We couldn’t be happier to be partnered final piece to the coverage puzzle allowing nominations from Africa.
with the team at AAE,” said Outtech COO, more pro shops, and as a result customers,
John Seliga. “Just like our team at Outtech, access to our products. As a third generation Dr. Tommy Floyd, NASP President, said,
we know that the AAE family is passionate family-owned business, partnering with an “Educators have had a significant chal-
about excellence in archery. The quality and employee-owned company like Outtech was lenge since the pandemic began. It has re-
precision of the AAE product makes them a a natural fit.” | learn more at ally made it difficult for them to meet the
perfect fit for our retail partners.” needs of their students. We are thrilled
EAdvercenhnteadrruPcrhrioneggrsraafmoprarAnecdcaeodmgenimciz,ieNcsAE1Sx7Pc,3eA4llc4eansdtceuem-! ic that, despite a significant drop from last
“We are extremely excited about our new year, we see such a continued emphasis
partnership with Outtech” said Nick Fish- As the 2020-2021 school year nears comple- on academics for students involved with
er, AAE President. “Two thousand twenty tion, educators and coaches are still dealing our program. We know that even during a
one marks our 50th year in business and pandemic, NASP educators and coaches are
we take great pride in manufacturing all stressing the importance of good grades and
of our products in Prescott Valley, Arizona.


continuous improvement. I believe that this a first-chair trial lawyer with 30 years of including what could be monumental gains
reflects very positively on the kind of indi-
viduals who work with our student archers wide-ranging, complex civil trial experience, in archers nationwide. “We feel archery is
in schools across our many jurisdictions.
Academics matter! concentrating on intellectual property, envi- the perfect sport to get outdoors with your

“In our 2017 student survey, student re- ronmental, toxic exposure family and friends,” said
sponse data indicated that more than 40
percent of our kids attributed NASP as a and wildlife cases. In ad- Menzer. “Many families
motivating factor for them to work harder
in the classroom. Programs like Academic dition to dozens of jury tri- took up archery as a fun

Archer recognize this hard work—but we als, he has counseled his outdoor activity during
know that if we could get the word out to
additional schools, more hard-working stu- many archery and out- the COVID-19 pandemic.
dents could receive due recognition!
door industry clients on Now that public health
“Through the emphasis on academics, we
truly believe that NASP continues to achieve complex copyright, patent guidelines are relaxing,
one of its long-standing goals of helping to
motivate students for success in the class- and trademark issues. these new archery enthu-
room. It is our intention to increasingly send
the strongest of messages about how teaching Mike has litigated cases siasts are seeking lessons
archery as part of the in-school curriculum
can be important to the mission of educators. throughout the United and programs at an as-
We believe that this results in a greater like-
lihood that NASP will be around to motivate States, handled appeals, tounding rate.”
countless generations of young students!”
including precedent set- Menzer added, “The
Aaron Lucky, President of Easton Techni-
cal Products said, “I‘m grateful for the edu- ting decisions on issues introduction of USA Ar-
cators, coaches, and NASP staff who worked
so hard and exhibited such dedication in related to copyrightability, chery’s Free Trial Mem-
an extremely challenging year. It’s very re-
warding to see so many students positively “useful articles,” and the P&Y Membership Chairman Mike Oropollo bership for archers in
impacted by a program that rewards both
athletic and academic success.” merger doctrine. our partner organiza-

Academic Archer will open on September He is also a recognized wildlife law at- tions and Explore Archery programs will
1, 2021 for the 2021/2022 school year. | for more
torney, representing clients on ultra-niche also help many new archers to participate
information on beginning the academic archer in your
issues such as the transfer, importation in our programs and events. With oppor-
school, please visit the toolkit at
opportunities/academic-archer. for specifics about and permitting of wildlife. Mike regularly tunities for entry level, developmental,
aa criteria, visit
uploads/2017/06/academicarchercriteria.pdf or con- represents museums with the acquisition collegiate, adaptive, adult and high-per-
tact Dr. Floyd at [email protected].
of natural history specimens and counsels formance archery programs, USA Archery
clients on the labyrinth of wildlife laws and can provide the perfect pathway to suc-
The Pope & Young Club announced that
board member Mike Oropollo will serve as prohibitions. cess for archers of any age and ability.”
the new Membership Chairman. Mike is
“Bowhunting, archery, wildlife and the USA Archery events are also flooding

outdoors are both my passion and my pro- the calendar with a record number of

fession,” Oropollo said. “I have been a bow- state championships this past indoor sea-

hunter since the 1970s, have traveled exten- son. The desire to compete has never been

sively and collected trophy deer, elk, bear, stronger for many athletes who were able

muskox, red stag, Cape buffalo and other to spend more time practicing in the past

species with the bow, and including a World year. For those who have never experienced

Slam of all six wild turkey subspecies.” | learn the thrill of an archery competition, there

more at will surely be an increasing number of

UGrSoAwAtrhchtoerSytaSrete2s0R2e1cord Membership events on the calendar during the upcom-
ing outdoor season.

“USA Archery would like to thank

USA Archery had its largest membership our dedicated coaches, judges, club

gain in many years for a monthly leaders, event hosts and

period in March 2021. In the volunteers for their ef-

first quarter of the year, forts throughout the

more than 2,000 archers health crisis during the

became members of USA Ar- past year, and who make

chery, with the largest monthly growth outreach possible in our organi-

occurring in March, when more than 600 zation,” said Menzer. “By passing on

archers joined the organization. Excite- your skills and knowledge to new genera-

ment around archery is growing nation- tions of coaches and archers, we know we

wide as the organization pushes towards the will have a sustainable future, with many

Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. champion archers along the way.”

USA Archery CEO Rod Menzer commented To start your archery journey with USA

that archery is poised at the crux for growth, Archery today, become a member, find a


club or a coach and get on target for success. manager for Gold Tip and Bee Stinger. “Ten sponsors that I do, as I have the very best
USA Archery is the National Governing
years ago, Dietmar Trillus broke the world equipment to choose from, not to men-
Body for the Olympic sport of archery in
the United States. USA Archery selects and record of 148/150 by shooting a perfect score tion being able to be a big part in some of
trains Olympic, Paralympic, World Cham-
pionship, and World Cup teams, as well of 150/150 with four X’s. their creation,” said
as developing archery at the grassroots
level across the United States. | learn more at This year, Tim shot a per- Gillingham. “Spending
fect score of 150/150 with 19 years at Gold Tip and
SGeotlds WTiopr&ldBReeecoStridnagterA’srizToimnaGCilulipngham
seven X’s. It took 10 years Bee Stinger has given
Gold Tip, an industry leader in carbon
arrows and bolts, is celebrating pro shooter for someone to beat that me first-hand input on
Tim Gillingham’s world-class finish at the
2021 U.S. Archery Team (USAT) Arizona Cup. world record in the Men’s the products I need for
Not only did Gillingham take first place
at the tournament, but he also set a new Masters Compound cat- world-class-level per-
50-meter world record. Gillingham’s final
score of 1,402 topped the previous world egory. National records are formance. Now that
record score that was set a decade ago.
a great achievement, but I’m in the 50+ category,
“We’re thrilled to see Tim break this
world record,” said Tony Cuchiara, regional world records are legend- I still strive to shoot the

ary.” highest scores possible

Gillingham broke the even with aging eyes

world record using Gold and body. My perfor-

Tip Pierce 250 arrows with mance at the Arizona

140-grain Accu-points and Tim Gillingham Cup was the highest

Mini HD pin nocks, and match round shot of the

4-Q2I Fusion X2SL low profile vanes. He also tournament in any age class. This World

used a Bee Stinger Premier Plus Grey bars Record is a result of that and long, hard

with Countervail. hours of experimenting and practice.” | learn

“It’s wonderful to shoot for all the top more at IA


Join or Renew: How an ATA Membership Benefits the Industry & Your Business


D iscover how the ATA works for How Your ATA Membership retain the new locavore audience, aka
the industry and your business. Benefits the Industry people whose diet consists primarily or
Then, join or renew your membership. entirely of locally grown or produced food.
ATA staff work hard on your behalf year- ■ Leverage influencers and content mar-
keting to recruit new bowhunters.
round to ensure continued growth of the ■ Convert target archery participants
into bowhunters through R3 efforts.
industry. They create resources, develop ■ Transition National Archery in the
Schools Program participants into bow-
An Archery Trade Association member- programs, recruit new participants, ad- hunters through education and by pro-
viding next-step archery equipment.
ship benefits the industry and provides vocate for favorable laws and regulations
In addition, the ATA launched the
your business with numerous benefits. and promote archery sports daily. ATA Conservation Initiative to boost hunting
participation nationwide, by teaching ar-
The membership year runs from April 1 to staff also work with partners to extend chers and nonhunters their role in con-
servation, and by detailing how hunters
March 31, and current members can re- the organization’s reach and multiply contribute generously to wildlife-man-
agement programs. The ATA also created
new now. Watch the “How to Renew Your its efforts to make archery relevant and Bowhunters United, a national consum-
er-facing bowhunting organization com-
ATA Membership” video on ATA’s YouTube meaningful in many communities. mitted to building a strong future for cur-
rent and potential bowhunters.
channel for instructions. If you’re inter- In fact, the ATA and its partners recent-
These efforts wouldn’t be possible
ested in becoming a member for the first ly received $1 million in grants to grow without the support of ATA members. The
ATA uses member knowledge, expertise
time, visit the ATA’s membership page archery and bowhunting. As a result, the and funding to make decisions and carry
out important projects and campaigns.
at staff are working to: ATA members can take pride in knowing
their membership helps the ATA inspire
membership-categories to see if you ■ Develop a real-time data dashboard growth, increase participation and pre-
serve archery and bowhunting sports.
qualify. If you have questions, contact that will allow states and industry mem-

Wendy Lang, ATA’s senior membership bers to get an accurate picture of state-

manager, at wendylang@archerytrade. wide license sale data and information.

org or (866) 266-2776, ext. 103. ■ Create a hunter avidity (eagerness)

Curious about how an ATA membership model to assess and improve R3 mea-

helps the industry and your business? sures.

Get the answers you need right here! ■ Help state wildlife agencies recruit and

Discover how the ATA works for the industry and your business. How Your ATA Membership
Then join or renew your membership. photo © ata Benefits Your Business

Here’s a brief rundown of some of the
benefits you get as an ATA member:

Free Educational Courses Through the
MyATA Learning Center ■ Find classes
on coaching, marketing, conservation, ar-
chery tech, business operations and maxi-
mizing ATA memberships at this online,
on-demand education center—accessible
through your MyATA member dashboard



plans with someone, we can help. Visit

members to find staff biographies and con-

tact information.

That’s not all. To learn more about what

you get when you become an ATA member,

watch the ATA’s “New Member” playlist on

YouTube for a quick overview of benefits

and important ATA programs and initia-

A tutorial on how to renew your ATA membership is available on the ATA’s tives. You can also visit the ATA’s member-
YouTube channel at the following link: benefits webpage (

membership) for more details.

An ATA membership is a powerful tool

( Take a class members by name, category, membership for your business, which doubles as a

to learn something new. Or consider having type or other filters. The dynamic directory workhorse for the industry. Join the ATA or

an employee or staff member take a course updates nightly, so it’s always current. renew your membership today to strength-

on behalf of your brand. Access to the ATA Trade Show ■ The ATA en your business and support the industry.

Discounted Programs & Services Through Trade Show is an annual members-only If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.

the MyATA Service Provider Program ■ event that provides educational opportuni- Call the ATA business, membership and
Many ATA-vetted companies offer expert ties and the chance to promote commerce Trade Show office at (866) 266-2776. IA

support and discounts on their services within the archery and bowhunting

for ATA-member retailers and manufac- industry. Attending the ATA Show is

turers through this program. Work with a great way to see new products, chat

CPAs, law firms, marketing companies, in- with knowledgeable professionals,

surance agencies, discount groups, finan- learn something new and be a part

cial companies, logistics companies and of the industry’s largest and most-

credit and collection agencies to improve inclusive show.

your business. View the list of MyATA ser- Exposure on Store Locators & Hunt-

vice providers at ing Subscription Apps ■ ATA mem-

myata-service-providers. bers are automatically featured in

Free Business-Boosting Resources From the search results of the store locator

the ATA’s Resource Website ■ Access hun- on the ATA’s two consumer sites, Ar-

dreds of free resources created specifically chery 360 and Bowhunting 360. Visi- ATA members are featured in the search results of the store locator
for ATA members at this exclusive, mem- tors will be able to find your business on and
bers-only microsite. You’ll find workbooks, name, address, website, phone num-

templates, checklists, how-to guides, tar- ber and store offerings. Confirm or

get faces, sample class and program out- update your information by logging

lines and high-quality marketing images in to the MyATA member dashboard.

and videos. Learn more about the ATA’s The ATA also partners with hunting

resource website and the documents ATA subscription apps to guide more than

members download the most in the article 1.5 million users to ATA-member re-

“ATA’s Top 5 Free Downloadable Resources” tailers through the custom ATA Mem-

on ber Retail Locations layer of the app.

Access to the ATA’s Membership Directory ATA Staff Support ■ All ATA staff

■ Connect with peers and find new busi- members joined the organization to

ness partners through the membership di- help improve the archery and bow-

rectory in your MyATA member dashboard. hunting industry. They’re passionate

The directory lists contact information for about what they do and have dedi-

all ATA members, and it’s only available to cated themselves to serving mem-

ATA members who electronically sign a con- bers. If you need advice, have a ques- Download hundreds of valuable resources on the members-only
fidentiality agreement. You can search for tion or want to discuss your business Resource Website.



Archery Industry Members Participating in the Sport

SUBMIT YOUR PHOTO: Visit or mail a color image with your name,
address, where the animal was taken, and archery gear used—both manufacturer and model—
to Inside Archery Power of Participation, P.O. Box 15827, Colorado Springs, CO 80935.

Barry Dart • Ontario, Canada, Whitetail

Director of Canadian Operations, Crimson Talon Broadheads Niko Markos • Wisconsin Whitetail

Bow ■ Bear Archery Divergent Rest ■ Trophy Ridge

Arrow ■ Killin’ Stix Sight ■ Trophy Ridge Sr. Vice President, Afflilum

Broadhead ■ Crimson Talon G2 Quiver ■ Trophy Ridge Bow ■ Mathews VXR Arrow ■ Easton Axis

Stabilizer ■ Trophy Ridge Release ■ Trophy Ridge Broadhead ■ Innerloc Devastation Rest ■ QAD
Other ■ Scent Thief Scent Control Sight ■ Garmin Xero
Other ■ TrueTimber Strata


Marc Balistreri • New York Whitetail

President, 1982 Visuals / Inside Archery Video Editor

Danny Reaser • Colorado Elk Bow ■ Hoyt Helix Arrow ■ Easton
Broadhead ■ Rage Release ■ Scott Archery

Rest ■ QAD Sight ■ Hoyt

Vice President, Outdoor Product Innovations

Bow ■ Mathews Halon 6 Arrow ■ Victory RIP

Broadhead ■ Muzzy 3-Blade 100 Grain Sight ■ CBE Hybrid

Rest ■ Mathews Ultrarest Quiver ■ Mathews
Release ■ Tru-Fire

Patrick Meitin • Idaho Turkey

Executive Editor / Co-Owner, Inside Archery

Gary Cornum • Florida Feral Hog Bow ■ PSE Archery Drive NXT Stabilizer ■ Doinker

Arrow ■ Victory Archery VAP TKO Sight ■ G5 Outdoors Optic

Marketing Director, Easton Technical Products Broadhead ■ TRUGLO XR/Pine Ridge Archery Z-38 Peep

Bow ■ Hoyt Arrow ■ 5mm AXIS Titanium-X 4 Mechanical Rest ■ Trophy Ridge Sync MD
Broadhead ■ SEVR Robusto Release ■ TRUGLO
Stabilizer ■ Easton Buckshot Quiver ■ Rancho Safari Release ■ Scott Archery Pursuit
Catquiver Mini



Despite having the word “killer” in its name, the
goal at Killer Food Plots is to build the bodies of
white-tailed deer from the inside out. Killer Food
Plots is a solution-oriented, innovative company focused
on supplying earth-friendly, waterway safe, organic soil
correction, along with highly palatable forage variety seed
blends and natural-based supplemental feed products.

The company’s wide array of premium seed blends are
synonymous with quality, integrity and success. They

are specifically designed to meet the highest stan-
dards for palatability and germination, which plays
a vital role in supplying key protein, vitamins and
other nutrients as part of a healthy balanced diet.

A deep passion for food plots, habitat management
and whitetail hunting began in 1990 for Nick Percy,

owner and founder of Killer Food Plots. For the past
30 years Nick has been gathering knowledge through
personal experience and the sharing of ideas with
wildlife biologists and foresters. He has also worked
with various state university habitat focus programs,
the Quality Deer Management Association (now Na-
tional Deer Association) and other wildlife-centric
organizations to conceive and implement real solu-

tions for healthier habitats
and whitetail herds.


Finding A Recipe for Success hooked on it and would keep trying. That’s and just continuing to figure it out.”
just my personality.” As he was expanding his food-plot
The driving force behind Killer Food Plots
is its energetic and visionary founder, Fascinated by the challenge that food knowledge over the years, Percy was also
Nick Percy. Born and raised in Michigan, plots presented, Percy embarked on a long building a career as an engineer. He spent
Percy held two to three jobs from the time journey to learn more. a few years working in metallurgy and in-
he could legally work, and before that duction heat treating, and then he worked
he mowed lawns, cleaned cars and did “I started seeking out knowledge in a lot as an engineer in the automotive industry
anything else he could do to harness his of different places,” Percy said. “I talked for 20 years. Eventually, though, Killer Food
boundless energy. Percy developed a deep with biologists, the DNR and other experts Plots had grown so large that it demanded
love for fishing in his youth, and after be- in the field. I began to experience a little more of Nick’s time.
ing introduced to it by friends, he devel- more success, but I also realized that most
oped a second love for bowhunting. people did not have a good idea of what “I left the automotive industry in 2017,”
whitetails needed. I kept learning and ex- Percy said. “It was cutting into my Killer
“My friends were bowhunters, and they perimenting with my ideas and started ex- Food Plots business too much. I was work-
wanted me to grow food plots for them,” periencing greater success. Word of mouth ing on Killer Food Plots 90 hours a week at
Nick Percy said. “I didn’t even know what a spread, and I started doing food plots for that point. I burned all six weeks of my va-
food plot was at the time, but they finally more and more people. It was just a little cation and spent every night and weekend
convinced me to try it. I ended up failing cash on the side at first, but now I am cel- doing habitat work and property consulta-
miserably. I didn’t do soil testing or really ebrating 31 years in business. It’s been a tions. I had developed my own branding,
understand what I was doing at all. But my long journey of failure, gaining knowledge, and I had worked diligently over the years
friends knew that as soon as I failed, I’d be having success, experiencing failure again, to build relationships with my seed grow-


ers, who grow our KFP seed species. We developed a
lot of unique hybrid seed varieties during that period,
which now makes up the 11 blends we have today.”

Customers were consistently left satisfied with
the company’s products, and this was no surprise
to Nick Percy, who had been extensively using the
products himself.

“I have a cousin who owns 40 acres and we set up
a high-fence operation there,” Percy said. “We had
no intention of starting a hunting operation. I just
wanted to raise deer and learn everything I could
about them. We started in the mid-’90s and I contin-
ued raising deer for about 11 years. I went from hav-
ing two deer to 150, and it was an incredible learning
experience. Working with biologists and veterinar-
ians, I found out what makes a whitetail tick. In ad-
dition to figuring out my hybrid seed blends, I also
developed our CORE Infuzion pellet feed, which has
become a staple for the company. I realized that most
people were approaching deer like they were cows,


which is just not true at all. They are a com- improved blood flow, the development of With the experiences he gained from his
pletely different animal, and I had to create muscle and tissue, and skeletal growth. high-fence operation, Percy began applying
something that didn’t exist at the time to his strategies to land across the country.
get them the nutrition they needed.” “I have a lot of customers who swear
by our CORE Infuzion,” Percy said. “It re- “I took the tools I developed and expand-
CORE Infuzion is a natural-based, vi- ally builds up a whitetail’s body and makes ed them to the outside world,” Percy said.
tamin and mineral-infused, protein-rich them more resilient to all the things that “We have very sandy soil here in Michigan,
bodybuilding feed supplement that sup- life throws at them. When those KFP cus- some of the toughest soil to grow food plots
ports the health of white-tailed deer by tomers hear about someone wounding in, but the tools I created made it possible
building up core defenses and supporting a deer, they are very adamant about that to have growing success. I ventured out of
the immune system to fight against dis- hunter adopting CORE Infuzion because it the state and saw that my products also
ease and other recurring bacterial triggered helps wounded deer heal up from their in- worked in other difficult soils around the
illnesses. It supports intestinal health, jury—whether it is from a broadhead or a country. It worked in the sandy, hot soils
bullet. Most hunters know that if a deer is in the South. It worked in the Midwest,
Nick Percy (third from the left) is an energic and highly hit on one side of its body, the antlers on where you find a lot of clay and other soils
driven business leader. After expanding his knowledge the other side are affected the next year. that are difficult to plant in. Our products
When using CORE Infuzion consistently, even worked in high-altitude places like
on food plots and whitetail biology for over three they didn’t see a reduction in antler mass. Colorado, where the soil can be very lousy.”
decades, he has created some remarkable products It’s amazing how it heals their bodies, and
and positioned his company for success. Accordingly, once hunters are introduced to it, they nev- To date, Killer Food Plots operates in 29
Percy’s company and team have grown over the years er stop using it.” states. “We build buck and doe bedding,
to help him meet customer needs, and here you can travel corridors in the woods, do tim-

see them gathered at the ATA Trade Show.


ber management, put in ponds—and of 37
course, we plant Killer Food Plots,” Percy
said. “KFP covers everything that relates to
habitat and that is something that makes
Killer Food Plots special. We do not just
create products and sell them; we use the
products and implement them. We also ed-
ucate our customer base through personal
consultations and property evaluations,
and we set them up with the right prod-
ucts and information they need to realize
success on their property.”

Working with Mother Nature

Nick Percy’s engineering background plays
an interesting role in his current business.
Unlike a typical wildlife biologist, Percy
sees different factors at play and creates
out-of-the-box solutions.

“As an engineer you are always trying
to solve the root cause of a problem,” Percy
said. “I encountered a lot of challenges rais-
ing deer in my high-fence operation, but I
approached them with an engineering
mentality. I was continually challenged,
again and again, to solve the problems I
encountered. I looked for tools that were
already on the market, but I also saw in-
herent problems there. I wanted to support
the healthy bacteria in the soil and build
strong root systems, but most fertilizers
have salt and other fillers that will kill the
bacteria. I could not use manure because
manure is full of magnesium, phosphorus
and other contaminants. I realized that the
tools I needed didn’t exist yet, so I started
making them myself.”

The first tool Percy developed was GROGA-
NIX Fusion GEN I. It was updated in 2020 and
became GROGANIX Fusion GEN II and GRO-
GANIX Hydration GEN II. They are both OMRI
listed and are a 100 percent natural-based
fertilizer that contains all the key ingredi-
ents necessary to grow successful food plots.

Killer Food Plots has helped countless hunters improve
the habitat for healthier animals and more remarkable
harvests. Here you can see (top to bottom, left to right):
consumer Zach Dewald; long-time KFP staff member

Bob Sisler; consumers Johnny Bulter, Dillen Deck and
Noah Craddock; and Caleb and Steve Noble from

Maximum Outdoors—all of whom used KFP products.


“They provide the soil with a big drink Most recently, Percy developed Killer Food ing into it, I learned that the pond was a
of all the nutrients it needs, and we have Plots’ signature Soil Defender. “Soil Defender breeding ground for bad bacteria, and
used it to transform soils across the coun- compliments our GROGANIX pelletized fer- developing a product to address that bad
try,” Percy said. “We introduced both of our tilizer and was designed to give us a liquid bacteria was put on my ‘to-do list.’ Several
GROGANIX fertilizers at the 2020 ATA Trade fertilizer option,” Percy said. “Instead of add- years later I began the process of develop-
Show, along with our Soil Defender and ing more contaminants to the soil, it breaks ing Aqua Shield, which addresses all those
Aqua Shield, and all four of those products down negative nematodes (bad bacteria), problems and improves the overall qual-
were nominated for ‘Best New Products in salt and toxins, along with heavy metals like ity of the water. Right now EHD is a major
Show.’ There were 40 products recognized magnesium, phosphorus and glyphosate. problem for whitetails, elk and mule deer,
in total, so that was a huge compliment Over time, it brings about soil balance and and Aqua Shield gets rid of the midge flies
from our peers in the industry and a sol- breaks down the toxins that would cause is- that transmit this disease. All that bad bac-
id testament to what these products are sues in a whitetail’s body. Of course, it also teria and insect larvae hide in the muck at
capable of.” makes the soil much more suitable for food the bottom of the pond. Aqua Shield goes in
plots. It introduces carbon that feeds the and energizes the healthy bacteria, actively
Next in line was Killer Food Plots’ RE- bacteria and puts them to work building a digesting the organic solids at the bottom
TAIN. “It took about five years to develop healthy root system. Soil Defender has or- of the pond, while continuously digesting
RE-TAIN, which is a 100 percent organic ganic compounds that work together to tru- the free-floating particles to break down
pellet that absorbs moisture and nutrients ly eliminate the issues that would otherwise that muck and get rid of it. Our propri-
year-round, breaking up compaction in the limit our success and reduce the quality of etary formula breaks down heavy metals
soil and allowing improved oxygen flow to food we are providing for the deer.” and toxins that deposit in the muck while
the plant roots,” Percy said. “It absorbs 300 improving the water quality for wildlife,
times its original weight in moisture and Another key innovation that Percy cre- swimming and even throwing a stick for
nutrients, and then it releases the mois- ated is Aqua Shield. your dog. It is a must-have tool for any-
ture and nutrients back to the plant at the one with a pond or watering hole on their
root level whenever the plants need it.” “Back when I was operating the high- property, and the fact that it addresses the
fence operation, I noticed that the pond midge fly larvae that causes EHD makes it
Killer Food Plots RE-TAIN continues to we had was somehow making the deer even more of a game-changer.”
secure the success of food plots for a full sick,” Percy said. “We tried several pond
three years. It is a no-brainer for anyone treatment chemicals with no success and All these habitat-enhancing products
planting food plots. eventually fenced off the pond. After look-


share very similar qualities. Namely, they 39
are all organically based and work with the
forces of nature, instead of against them.

“I have some very clear goals whenever I
develop a new product,” Percy said. “It needs
to be organic and come in line with Mother
Nature, versus trying to arm wrestle her—
because she will take you to the mat every
time. I am also determined to deliver a prod-
uct that works and does not waste my cus-
tomers’ time or money. It has taken a lot of
resources and time to develop the products
we have, but solving these problems and de-
livering solutions is my passion.”

Nick Percy has certainly figured out a
winning formula for food plotting. In ad-
dition to developing 11 highly effective seed
blends, he has also created incredible tools
that transform the environment to help
those seeds thrive. Now, through Killer Food
Plots, he is sharing these tools with others.

“We make sure we deliver a recipe for
success from square one,” Percy said. “We
have bundles that include our Professional
Soil Test Kit, Soil Defender, GROGANIX fer-
tilizer, and KFP seed blend of their choice.
First, they conduct a test of their soil, and
then we help them create a recipe for what


they need to do. With our combination of never content with anything I’ve created;
products, we help our customers realize each product is constantly evolving,” Percy
immediate success with their food plots.” said. “Our team refers to it as ‘Nick-ifying
things.’ I am always striving for something
Conclusion better, something that is easier to plant,
easier to grow, costs less money—with-
After gaining significant attention in re- out sacrificing quality. We are known for
cent years, Killer Food Plots is poised to providing premium products that produce
continue its steady expansion and success. the results our customers are looking for.
The company offers unique and highly Premium, no-nonsense products are all
effective solutions that address the root we intend to deliver. Our staff and I are
cause of common problems, and it has not driven by nickels and dimes, and we
grown a loyal following as a result. are not accountable to any shareholders
who value quantity over quality. We are a
The company’s products are no-non- privately held, family-run company. I am
sense solutions to the many problems accountable to myself and our customers.
found in deer habitats across the country, I am not motivated by money and never
and it is fair to say that Killer Food Plots have been. I am motivated by solving prob-
will continue to gain more attention be- lems and helping people. I believe that vi-
cause of that. sion and customer focus have helped our
business grow over the years, and I am
At the heart of it all is the company’s confident that is what will keep it growing
trailblazing and driven leader, Nick Percy, well into the future.” IA
who certainly will not settle down any
time soon.

“Those who know me know that I am



Lancehead F1 Crossbow

A fter having a crossbow from a popu- It’s also easy to use and maintain, more
lar brand fail catastrophically and maneuverable in real-world conditions,

draw blood—a crossbow he had purchased and extremely safe at every level.  
to encourage more enthusiasm for hunting At a glance, you will see that the Lance-

head F1 is unlike anything else on the
in his young sons—Lancehead Crossbows’ crossbow market. The design is incred-

founder/CEO Jon Polanich was determined to ibly compact, with a 3.9-inch width both

create a better and safer crossbow. cocked and un-cocked, due to a notice-

able lack of horizontal limbs (which I’ll

Polanich’s eventual solution, after years address momentarily). The F1 produces

of research and development, was the respectable performance in an easy-to-

2021 Lancehead F1 crossbow. The Lance- handle and remarkably quiet package, With a streamlined design that is only 3.9 inches
wide, the Lancehead F1 allows shooting in tight
head F1 was developed to create a seri- and it is fired by an advanced two-pound quarters, or taking a rest against a tree trunk.
without worry of limb interference.
ous hunt-ready crossbow that delivers TriggerTech trigger system.
fps bolt speeds. This draw weight creates
power, precision and extreme reliability. a linear draw force curve, similar to a re-
curve bow. The long power stroke is com-
Unique Drive System ■ The Lance- bined with the smooth and gentle push
on the bolt to eliminate the dynamic en-
head F1 design dispenses with horizon- ergy spikes seen on short power-stroke,
high-torque, extreme-energy systems
tal limbs completely. Instead, it uses typical of modern crossbow designs. This
allows the use of lower-spine bolts and
what Polanich labels micro-sized torsion ensures the F1 delivers precision accura-
cy through hundreds of shots. This also
limbs, which are powerful coil springs. reduces stress on the overall system, as
the design is not required to overcome
A pair is sandwiched around each of its the inherent torque and shock forces
found in today’s high performance cross-
four cams and contained safely inside bow models.

four protective coverings, or farings. The The system is balanced by the intro-
duction of more spring force in the front
torsion limbs are constructed from car- than the rear, and cams also turn only 80
degrees from rest to full draw. The incor-
bon steel that’s received a military-grade porated pully system, for lack of a better
analogy, serves as a compounding block
Hentzen dry-lube coating to protect and tackle to produce four times the me-
chanical advantage. The rear and front
against rust and friction. These limbs are pullies are pulled together during cocking
to create the 24-inch power stroke, pull-
The Lancehead F1 operates through a series of pulleys nearly indestructible. In fact, Polanich ing apart on release through the pully
that harness the power of the crossbow's coil-spring invited me to give a spare limb a solid
limbs. The system acts as a "block and tackle" whack with a sledgehammer, which
arrangement, compounding stored energy. resulted in no damage. The overall sys-

tem is so reliable that during repetitive

The 2021 Lancehead F1 crossbow's streamlined destructive testing this crossbow was
nature makes it as easy to tote into the woods shown to survive dry-firing.

as any hunting rifle. The torsion limbs engage the cams,

and each includes a self-correcting

round profile that ensures they are sub-

ject to no timing issues. The forward and

rear cam sets are slaved to cables that

suspend the pulley-guided bowstring.

The system creates an energy-boosting

24-inch power stroke that requires only

a 170-pound draw weight to generate 360


The Lancehead F1, new for 2021, is fired through an stress—is easier on materials (includ- Crossbow Arrow
advanced TriggerTech control system that provides ing strings/cables), resulting in increased Specifications and Flight
a creep-free 2-pound trigger pull. longevity and ultimately less worry of Specifications
catastrophic failure. When cocked, the F1’s ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
system. The bowstring is pulled through 170-pound draw weight is spread across ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
a spreader that holds one set of these eight different strings/cables, resulting Length
pullies, helping to allow for the incred- in much less stress on string material. It 35.5 inches Test Bolt
ible 3.9-inch faring-to-faring width. Each also has the indestructible torsion limbs Element Thunderbolt,
bearing-equipped pully is made of space- we have already touched on. Put simply, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– +/- .001-inch Bolt with
age polymer that helps “cushion” the bow- the likelihood of something breaking, or 100-grain field tip
string and reduce friction that could dam- a failed part making you bleed, is hugely Width
age the material. The low-mass polymer reduced. Additionally, the 1.5-inch actual 3.9 inches ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
also allows the system to stop faster after axle-to-axle width leaves all strings and cocked/un-cocked
release through lower weight momentum. cables well out of reach of fingers. The far- Bolt Weight
ings are also integral to its safety, shielding –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 350 grains
Compact, Safe & Reliable ■ The F1’s the F1’s operations from interference and
protecting shooters from contact should a Power stroke ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
3.9-inch width makes it the narrowest string/cable be cut. 24 Inches
crossbow on the market. Since the tor- Kinetic Energy
sion limbs are housed in protective far- The F1’s integrated tuning system al- –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 100 foot-pounds
ings, shooters no longer have to check and lows users to change strings and cables
double check limb clearance in tight spaces just about anywhere, without the use of a Draw Weight ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
to avoid permanent damage to the cross- bow press. This includes in hunting camp 170 pounds
bow, or even potential shooter injury. This or on a pickup tailgate. Each F1 comes Arrow Speed
means better maneuverability inside hard- with a complete tool kit, two pins and an –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 360 fps
side box blinds or from tight treestands. It Allen wrench that allow for quick string/
also allows users to do things like pressing cable swaps and ensured optimal per- Mass Weight ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
the crossbow into the side of a tree trunk to formance. Crossbow shooters no longer 9.9 pounds
gain a steadier hold while shooting. In the need to risk shooting ragged, worn-out FOR MORE
field the F1 carries flat, like a rifle.   strings and cables, as replacements retail ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
for only $34.99 per three-pack. Polanich INFORMATION VISIT
The F1’s lower draw weight—spread recommends changing strings/cables ev- Finish
over eight coil springs for less individual ery 100 shots to ensure top performance Black, with custom LANCEHEAD.COM
and safety. The 2021 Lancehead F1 is also
draw-weight adjustable to create veloci- camouflage OR CALL
ties from 320 to 360 fps, lowest to highest finishes available
(the lower draw weight was introduced to 408-357-0030.
allow shooters to accommodate ASA tour- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
nament requirements).
The F1 is built on a machined aircraft $2,495
aluminum frame. The rail, cams and riser

are also machined from top-quality alumi-
num. The stock and each cam/limb faring
is injection molded from impact-modified
ABS. The faring design was thoroughly test-
ed to keep shooters protected in the event
of an accidentally cut string or cable. The
ABS material includes a reliability range
from -40 degrees F against shattering and
+200 degrees F against heat distortion. All
parts are U.S. made.

The Lancehead F1 comes inside an air-
line-approved SKB hard case (one of the
best in the business). It’s a fully tuned and
ready-to-hunt crossbow with an attached
four-bolt quiver, three hunting bolts, one
discharge bolt, Carbon Express Quiet Crank
cocking device, complete tool kit, neoprene
shoulder strap and instruction manual.
Coming soon is a rail adaptor system that
will make the F1 compatible with micro-
diameter bolts.

The Lancehead F1 design is, as they say,
revolutionary. The stand-alone technol-

ogy offers many real-world advantages
that serious crossbow hunters can
truly appreciate—and it also has safe-
ty features that will give any shooter
peace of mind. IA

WebXtra ■ Take a closer look at

the Lancehead F1 in action! Please go to


Patrick Meitin INSIDE ARCHERY MAY 2021

The newest bow accessories provide now also offer reliable aiming points in the dim-
mest of conditions.
easier set-up, more dependability
While all of the aspects already touched on have
and greater accuracy! become the norm with every brand, continual
tweaks to little details still provide incremental
Guiding bowhunters right out of high school ex- gains in accuracy potential each season. These ad-
posed me to much outside my little bubble. We justments translate directly into our ability to con-
called these guys “dudes,” based on laughable vert on hard-earned shot opportunities. To follow
horse-riding and lead-footed stalking abilities, and are some prime examples of what 2021 has in store.
especially their desk-jockey physical conditioning.
But some of these guys could outright shoot. Some NEW & BEST-SELLING SIGHTS
shot so well, and at such impressive distances, that
they made my instinctive efforts look foolish. This .30-06 Outdoors
couldn’t stand—being shown up by a dude! I slow-
ly began adopting sights and upgraded rests. My Aluma 5- and 6-Pin Sights from .30-06 Outdoors
long-time bowhunting chums accused me of turn- are ruggedly and stylishly designed sights made
ing to the dark side, but they eventually admitted I for serious bowhunting, but priced to be easy on
was easily out-shooting them, and at much greater customers’ pocketbooks. They are constructed with
distances. high-grade aluminum to stand up to hard use, and
they include a green (5-Pin) or orange (6-Pin) head
Granted, many early sights and rests left much for quick sight acquisition and peep alignment.
to be desired in way of long-term reliability and The 5-Pin holds four .019-inch diameter fiber op-
in-field durability, but that would work itself out tic pins and a bottom .010-inch diameter pin. The
with time. Today’s bow sights and rests are mul- 6-Pin provides five .019-inch diameter pins and a
tiple generations along in refinements and worlds bottom .010-inch diameter pin. Both can be set up
easier to set up and tune. They offer rock-solid for left- or right-hand use, and each comes with
dependability and durability, and they elevate re- a bubble level and pin light. Pins include a rough-
peatable accuracy to levels we never would have and-tumble truss-blade design for dependability.
thought possible back in the day. Sights, of course,


.30-06 Outdoors Aluma The Aluma 5-Pin retails for $49.95, and the and a wide adjustment range. Second- and
Viper Sidewinder Aluma 6-pin is $54.95. Learn more by visit- third-axis adjustments, plus micro-adjust
Apex Magnitude ing windage/elevation controls are included.
AXCEL Landslyde The 2-inch aperture holds a new glowing
Viper Archery Products shooter’s ring with vertical and horizontal
Trophy Ridge React Retaliate gaps to improve peep alignment.
Viper Archery’s new Sidewinder Bow Sight
Buck Rub Gear Carbon Fixation Series serves target shooters or bowhunt- The Magnitude is ruggedly constructed
ers. They provide fast, precise elevation ad- and includes extended, aperture-wrapped
46 justments in a single-pin design. Custom- fiber optics set farther forward for in-
ers can choose between the Sidewinder creased light exposure. The Pro-Brite pin
and the Sidewinder XL, which has a lon- design increases brightness without crowd-
ger sight radius and micro-adjust windage ing the sight picture and includes a Revolve
movements. They feature thin, low-profile rotary LED sight light. Machined anti-re-
flective texture inside of the sight housing
pins that obscure less target. The stain- reduces glare, and a removable aluminum
less steel up-pin completely encap- sunshade is included. The milled-alumi-
sulates the replaceable 24-inch fiber. num mounting bracket and stainless steel
Choose between .010-, .015- or .019-inch hardware make them tough. They are com-
pin diameters. The rear-mounted, patible with left- or right-handing shooters.
four-winged knob and elevation system Learn more by visiting

are quick to adjust and include no locking AXCEL Sights/TRU Ball
mechanism, and the Delrin thermoplastic
gearing makes it super smooth. The sight AXCEL’s 2021 Landslyde Carbon Pro slider
housing remains horizontal throughout its sight provides buttery-smooth operation
2 inches of travel with less than one turn through a Quick Adjust Knob that allows
of the Sidewinder knob. A .030-inch stain- both precision micro movements or quick-
less steel pointer allows you to dial precise er macro adjustments. The overall design
ranges on the changeable marking tape. provides more windage travel, and the en-
tire scope block can be removed for quick
The Sidewinder includes a 2-inch alu- head changes or storage while traveling.
minum aperture housing (threaded to ac- The Landslyde is compatible with all ex-
cept optional Zeiss coated lenses or sun isting AXCEL metal sight tapes. Eight two-
shades) and a .35-inch-diameter, 1-inch- sided metal sight tapes are provided with
long bubble level. The Sidewinder includes each sight. They can be ordered with or
without a scope housing, and with single
Allen-wrench elevation and windage ad- or multiple pins. Dual adjustable red point-
justments, and the Sidewinder XL has a ers provide extreme versatility with multi-
micro-adjustable system that’s secured by pin setups. First, second and third axis ad-
a lever lock. The Sidewinder measures 6.75 justments are independent, and individual
inches in length and weighs 7.5 ounces, and windage and elevation locks are included.
XL is 8.5 inches and 10.2 ounces. Both are U.S. Elevation movements include a dead stop,
made from hard-coat-anodized 6016 T6 alu- allowing shooters to return to a 20-yard
minum with stainless steel hardware. They starting point without taking their eyes off
retail for $169.99 to $219.99 and include Vi- the target. These sights are all about maxi-
per’s limited lifetime warranty. Learn more mized accuracy. They hold adjustable .010-
by visiting inch diameter Firepins within the 1.75-inch
Accustate II pin guard, creating an ideal
APEX Gear combination of precision and durability.
Landslyde sights are lighter than past Acc-
New for 2021, APEX Gear’s Magnitude is a uTouch models, while the AccuStat II scope
multi-pin sight that was designed for bow- allows users to dial pin brightness via an
hunters seeking quality at a reasonable adjustable rheostat. The dovetail mount
price. It is CNC-machined from aircraft- includes a 6-inch carbon bar that’s stron-
grade aluminum, can be used left- or right- ger than aluminum. The USA-made sight
handed through the detachable dovetail or
direct-mount systems, and it holds five
fiber-backed pins. Both attachment sys-

tems offer multiple mounting locations


accommodates left- or right-handed bows Learn more by visiting CBE Carbon Fiber CX5
and retails for $319.99-$524.99. Learn more TRUGLO Archer’s
by visiting Custom Bow Equipment (CBE) Choice Range-Rover M4
E-Z-V SeVen Sapphire Series
Trophy Ridge CBE’s spanking-new Carbon Fiber CX5 Sight HHA Sports Tetra
is made to provide exceptional value in a IQ Micro
Trophy Ridge’s all-new React Retaliate top-quality design. It holds a new, much Burris Oracle II
five-pin sight includes revolutionary React lighter carbon fiber extension bar and all of
Technology, which makes sight-in so much the adjustment capabilities found in sights
easier, and it has an aluminum mount- costing much more. The CX5 weighs less
ing bracket for added dependability. React than 9 ounces. The new high-modulus
Technology allows users to sight in 20- and carbon extension bar shaves weight but
30-yard pins. All other pins are then gapped also provides a super-stiff connection.
perfectly for your particular bow/arrow The dovetail mounting bracket, adjustment
setup. This saves time during sight-in and rails and scope housing are all made with
provides confidence that pins are set cor- stout machined aluminum. The CX5 allows
rectly, even if you are having a bad shooting adjustments to both second- and third-ax-
day. The React Retaliate holds five .019-inch is, and the .019-inch diameter “blade-style”
horizontal pins set in a Ballistix CoPolymer pins are each backed by 12 inches of fiber
System that reduces vibration while main- optics. A rheostat light is also included. Set-
taining a high weight-to-strength ratio. A up and sight-in are easy through micro ad-
click-adjustable rheostat LED light allows justments and multiple windage/elevation
you to adjust brightness to match shooting mounting positions with laser-engraved
conditions, and all windage and elevation hash marks for quick reference. The sight
adjustments are accomplished through is fully ambidextrous and is supplied with
tool-free micro movements. The sight in- four different color peep alignment rings.
cludes second-axis adjustment. Learn more The fluorescent peep alignment rings—
by visiting green, red, yellow and grey—are instantly
interchangeable, and the five-pin housing
Buck Rub Gear is laser engraved for precise pin adjust-
ments. The MSRP is $169.99. Learn more
Buck Rub Gear’s Carbon Fixation Sight was by visiting
designed to be highly flexible to accommo-
date changing hunting conditions and ter- TRUGLO
rain. The Buck Rub Carbon Fixation Sight
combines the dead reliability of a fixed The Archer’s Choice Range-Rover M4 Sight
pin for those shot opportunities that often by TRUGLO is newly refined for 2021, com-
come off without warning, paired with bining fixed-sight simplicity with slider ca-
a highly adjustable mover/slider pin for pabilities and rheostat-controlled Pro LED
precision dialing when more time is per- illumination—all covered with TRU-Touch
mitted. The lightweight (only 6.4 ounces) soft-feel technical coating. The aperture/
and super-quiet sight includes carbon con- housing and five-pin assembly are en-
struction that has received a soft touch hanced with reliable fiber-optics to deliver
finish that also helps eliminates glare crisp, highly visible aiming points. The
and further absorb vibrations. Each pin is sight hood can be locked into place to cre-
backed by 3 feet of fiber optics to provide ate a fixed-pin sight, or used as a versatile
bright aiming points and sure shot place- slider sight for ultimate flexibility. Taking
ment in any lighting condition. The incor- advantage of the slider mechanism allows
porated “Quick Shot” fiber optic yardage any of the five pins to be used for single-
indicators make it easy to dial fast and ac- pin aiming. The Zero-In adjustment dial
curate slider adjustments, even at the dim is used in conjunction with the 60 pre–
edges of legal shooting light. The sight is marked yardage tapes (provided), and the
compatible with left- or right-handed bows yardage lock is a tool-free mechanism.
and comes with pre-calibrated tapes and All-metal Pro-Brite pins are reliably tough
built-in quiver spacer. The sight is not only and backed by long, aperture-wrapped and
bowhunting practical, but priced to move. protected fiber optics for added brightness.


The five pins include TRUGLO’s Decreasing represents a culmination of more than two adaptor, bubble level and a weight of only
Diameter Pins (DDP) design, including three decades of technology to provide the most 10.5 ounces. MSRP is $199.99. Learn more by
larger/brighter pin diameters up top (.019- versatile, lightweight and rugged HHA visiting
inch) and smaller pins below (.010-inch) for sight to date. The Tetra provides 2.1 inches
added precision on longer shots. The ultra– of ultra-smooth travel on a choice of fixed Burris Optics
smooth bracket allows effortless one–hand or dovetail mounting. R.D.S. technology
adjustment, and windage/elevation marks allows users to dial precise yardage, and Burris’ Oracle II laser-rangefinding bow
are laser engraved for faster setup. The they also have precision micro windage sight provides a quick and on-the-money
maximum range setting includes a stop, adjustments. The adjustment-wheel will aiming point while at full draw. Pin gap-
and a TRU-Lite Pro rotary LED sight light not interfere with arrow quivers, and the ping is a thing of the past, with an aim-
is included. The aperture is enhanced by mounting bracket includes second- and ing point provided for exact range, even on
a green/glow-in-the-dark peep-alignment third-axis adjustments to promote pin- slanting ground or from an elevated trees-
ring, and quivers can be mounted directly point accuracy. The system requires no tand. The power button is mounted on the
to the bracket (an adjustable quiver mount tools for faster setup and sight-in, and the riser for instant activation. Illuminated
is included). The sight can be used left- or sight includes laser engraved hash marks. aiming points are displayed on an LED tra-
right-handed and includes an MSRP of Other features include rheostat pin bright- jectory bar that runs vertically through the
$135.99. Learn more by visiting ness control, machined aluminum fiber aperture. A fixed 20-yard pin remains stat-
protection, bubble level, 20- to 100-yard ca- ic as reference, and other aiming points
E-Z-V Sight pabilities and 100 percent lifetime warran- are offered in 10-yard increments should
ty. Learn more by visiting the laser fail to grab a range. The Oracle II
The new SeVen bow sight from E-Z-V Sight can learn two different arrow trajectories,
weighs only 6 ounces, and its new Sap- IQ Bowsights accommodating most bow setups with a
phire Series inserts provide enhanced vis- yardage from 80 to 110 yards. All-alumi-
ibility in low-light conditions. E-Z-V Sights Feradyne’s IQ Bowsights improved their num construction makes it tough, and the
feature a curve-sided V through the middle proven Micro sight for 2021. The refined glassless sight window prevents glare, fog
of the round aperture that allows ranging 5-pin Micro includes 50 percent thinner or debris from obscuring the target. Micro
without electronics, while also provid- bladed pins that provide more fiber protec- adjustments make sight-in fast and easy.
ing confident low-light sighting. The V is tion and durability and finer aiming ca- The bracket includes second- and third-
calibrated to work on average-sized white- pabilities. The Micro is all-aluminum and axis capabilities, and an optional rear peep
tailed deer at ranges from 20 to 60 yards, provides precision adjustments. IQ’s pat- system can be added to detect torque. LED
so all that’s required is to settle the sight ented Retina Lock Alignment Technology readout automatically accommodates left-
on a broadside deer until its body fits into allows use with or without a peep, helping or right-hand mounting. One CR123 battery
the V-gap and the bow will automatically eliminate torque for greater long-range ac- powers the sight for 1,000 to 2,000 cycles.
be at the correct elevation for the range curacy. Micro windage and elevation ad- Learn more by visiting
that deer stands. The sight is legal in all justments require no tools, and the knobs/
50 states, and it also serves as a useful tool dials include an angled mounting bar to Garmin
for accurate shooting with aging eyes or offer multiple bow and quiver attachment
while dealing with target panic. The sight points. Laser etched windage and elevation Garmin’s Xero digital bow sight automati-
includes a ruggedly made mounting brack- marks make for faster and more precise cally measures tilt-compensated yardage
et and aperture, and customers can pick tuning, and the round pin housing delivers and offers the correct LED aiming point.
a camouflage anodized model, or a black consistent peep alignment. Pins can also be Dual-color aiming points don’t obscure the
model with a super-bright peep-alignment spaced closer for the fastest bows. They are target, and a silent single-button trigger
ring. Learn more by visiting sold in dedicated left- and right-handed minimizes movement. The unit ranges to
models, each with second- and third-axis 100 yards on game. Single- and multi-pin
HHA Sports adjustments, full-capture .019-inch pins configurations or manual pin selection
with fully-contained fibers, integral light can be programmed, and the Laser Locate
The Tetra 4-Pin mover sight by HHA Sports feature syncs with compatible Garmin GPS

Garmin PSE Black Mountain Peep
Xero Sierra Micro Eliminator


devices to lock-in a target site. The unit align with standard front pins, creating AAE Pro Drop
runs for a year on two AAA lithium batter- rifle-sight-like alignment for a compound Trophy Taker Smackdown LockUp Click
ies. The illuminated LED pins automatically bow. This approach increases accuracy, al- Pulse Auto Rest
adapt to prevailing lighting conditions. The lows more positive low-light aiming and Buck Rub Gear
Xero A1 utilizes red LEDs, and the A1i comes prevents shot torque. Just bracket a front Magne’ Drop
with .009-inch red or .007-inch green LEDs. pin corresponding to the yardage required Raven Claw
The rangefinder activation button is riser for the shot with the two rear fiber points— NAP
mounted for instant, no-movement access, like a rifle’s iron sights—and cut the shot. Apache
automatically lighting the correct pin for the The Peep Eliminator also better allows ar-
range acquired. Shot dynamics can be re- chers with cross-dominant eyes to shoot a
corded to reveal cant, with built-in level in- right-handed bow while aiming with the
dicators also revealing bow tilt at full draw. left eye, and vice-versa. Learn more by vis-
A blinking top pin indicates right cant, and iting
a blinking bottom pin indicates left cant.
The center pin remains solid. The unit mea- NEW & BEST-SELLING
sures 3.9-by-3.1-by-3.8 inches and weighs ARROW RESTS
14.7 ounces. Display resolution is 160-by-68
pixels. Learn more by visiting Arizona Archery Enterprises (AAE)

PSE Archery AAE’s Pro Drop Limb Activated Fall-Away ar-
row rest provides target-archery accuracy
PSE’s Black Mountain Sierra Micro Sight combined with bowhunting usefulness. The
is a rock solid all-aluminum sight that rest ensures 100 percent vane and feather
includes micro windage and elevation clearance, with a drop mechanism that
adjustments for precise sighting, backed provides maximum arrow support during
by dead reliable lockdowns to keep things launch for maximum accuracy. The rest
anchored during demanding hunts. All ad- includes rugged, all-metal construction to
justments can be completed without tools. ensure rugged reliability. Vertical and hori-
The sight received a satin non-glare black zontal micro adjustments provide precision
finish. The 2-inch aperture holds a white setup and ultra-fine tuning for perfect arrow
peep-alignment ring, five .019-inch diam- flight, with lockdowns that guarantee set-
eter full capture pins that protect fiber op- tings stay in place. A unique arrow holder
tics from harm and an integrated bubble keeps arrows ready before the shot, but it
level. A vertical wire aligns with the five disengages smoothly during the draw cycle.
pin tips for reference against a target or Milled aluminum and stainless steel hard-
animal leg to help instinctively keep shots ware construction are bulletproof and made
on the level, and the bright peep-alignment to last. Models are offered with standard and
ring helps shooters detect torque while at extended mounting brackets, or for Hoyt Tec
full draw. A True Blue sight light illumi- bow models, and in left- or right-handed
nates pins when shooting from inside an versions, with MSRPs from $204.99 to $214.99.
enclosed blind or hunting under overcast Learn more by visiting
skies, though the extended fibers—protect-
ed inside clear tubing that runs through Trophy Taker
the mounting bracket—provides bright
aiming points in just about any legal light. The Trophy Taker Smackdown LockUp Click
The mounting bracket includes three was designed to help shooters get the most
mounting-length options. Learn more by from high-tech bow designs. The limb-
visiting driven arrow rest operates without friction
and is built tough to guarantee no malfunc-
Peep Eliminator tions. The Smackdown LockUp Click rest
is super-easy to set up and a snap to tune,
The Peep Eliminator solves many of the and it holds oversized lockdown bolts to
problems associated with standard string- ensure adjustments remain secure. Arrows
peep systems. The Peep Eliminator allows click through a rubber loading gate and
archers to remove string-mounted peeps drop into a rubberized steel containment
by introducing a rear, dual-notch sight to


ring to keep them under control and ready the ready position automatically, making The red Nyloc Elevation Adjustment Screw
for action, even when shooting with flut- it the industry’s only automatic loading makes tuning a breeze—allowing shoot-
tery hands. The launcher can be locked rest. There is no thumb wheel to activate. ers to set it and forget it. The rest includes
up before the shot for less movement and The rest provides full arrow containment an MSRP of $169.99. Learn more by visiting
noise during the draw cycle. Windage even after a controlled let-down, and it is
and elevation movements are conducted also easy to load. The Auto Rest has been
through micro adjustable knobs, and the tested to be reliable on bows that shoot New Archery Products (NAP)
entire rest is design to be field serviceable more than 400 fps. The rest is preset, so
and easy to set up without a bow press. it requires no tuning, and it is offered in New Archery Products’ Apache Drop-Away
All parts are precision machined, and this anodized black, red, blue and green. Learn Rest is not only affordable, but also solid
model includes an increased windage ad- more by visiting enough that the original has required no
justment for use with 1-inch risers. It is upgrades. The Apache is lightweight, ultra-
covered by a lifetime warranty. Learn more Buck Rub Gear quiet and very easy to set up. The Apache
by visiting Drop-Away includes a full containment
The Magne’ Drop Raven Claw from Buck cage with drop-in operation and automatic
Pulse Archery Rub Gear weighs just 5 ounces, but it proves arrow pickup to allow no-look shooting.
rugged enough to stand up to many hunt- The buss-cable-activated design is compat-
The new Auto Rest by Pulse Archery in- ing seasons. The Magne’ Drop Raven Claw ible with today’s fastest compounds, and
cludes patented drop-away technology that isn’t only tough, but one of the most tun- the containment cage has received 360
helps guide the arrow longer and retract able drop-away arrow rests available. The degree sound dampening for deadly bow-
faster for greater accuracy. The Auto Rest Magne’ Drop uses its Raven Claw launcher to hunting silence before and after the shot.
also resets itself to the upright and ready securely capture the arrow while on stand Other than initial installation, all setup
position after each shot. The Auto Rest is or stalking, so there are no worries of a dis- and windage/elevation tuning adjust-
activated by the upward-moving buss lodged shaft at the worst possible moment. ments require no wrenches or other tools,
cable, instead of the downward cable like As the bow is pulled through the draw cycle, and lockdowns are secure and foolproof.
most drop-away rests. This allows the Auto the containment arms open to release the Laser hash marks allow quick and precise
Rest launcher to stay up, guiding the arrow arrow, but upon release the launcher folds tuning, and the all-metal construction is
longer and providing an optimum degree completely flat for maximum vane clear- built to shrug off any type of weather or
of guidance following release. The power- ance. The design also ensures no top bar hard knocks. The rest weighs only 6 ounces
retract mechanism engages and then pulls interference. Instead of springs or other and is offered in left- or right-hand models
the launcher away ultra-fast, in fact, up to trigger mechanisms, the Magne’ Drop op- finished in black or Realtree AP. MSRP is
five times faster than conventional spring- erates through powerful magnets. This $59.99 (black) or $69.99 (camo). Learn more
loaded arrow rests to ensure maximum eliminates failure due to worn parts, and it by visiting
fletching clearance and clean, consistent also eliminates all fletching contact while
arrow flight. At the end of each cycle, the passing or from bounce-back after release. Quality Archery Designs (QAD)
internal rotary damper continues to apply The rest can be easily converted for left- or
pressure on the launcher, holding it down right-hand use, and an integrated com- QAD introduced several new rests for 2021.
on the bow shelf until the arrow passes pression-sleeve allows users to make fast The UltraRest TRi Target Rest was designed
completely. The launcher then returns to and secure adjustments for drop timing. to significantly increase forgiveness and
help arrows hit consistently even if bows are

KILLER PEEPS Archer Sight • The Quick Sight Elite (QSE) adjustable peep was recently re-

Pine Ridge Archery • Pine Ridge Archery’s Z-38 Alu- fined to allow easier and quicker adjustment. The QSE clamps onto the bowstring,
so it requires no bow press to split string fibers or make finite adjustments. The
minum Peep Sights are made in the USA and built to last, thanks advanced design allows fast and easy adjustments to fit specific shooting styles,
to their 6061-T6 aircraft aluminum construction.  Archers can and it can be realigned or repositioned quickly should the
use the same peep sight for years without having to worry about string twist or stretch. The QSE weighs about 20 grains
replacing it. The deep string channel keeps the peep reliably in and installs in minutes using the provided micro an-
place. The 38 in the Z-38 name denotes the peep’s 38 degree choring screws/nuts. The oval sight port turns into a
angle at full draw, so it aligns perfectly with the eye each time circle as the string is pulled to an angle at full draw.
the shooter hits full draw. The Z-38 is available with 1/8-, 3/16-, The QSE can be positioned for right- or left-hand
7/32-   and ¼-inch apertures to cover any archery or bowhunting shooters Learn more by visiting
need. The edges of Z-38 peeps are cleaned and polished to prevent
string wear and fraying. Learn more by visiting INSIDE ARCHERY MAY 2021


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