torqued. The TRi includes Switchit Technolo- Its setup is simplified by the included cable QAD UltraRest TRi
gy, allowing shooters to quickly slide the rest clamp that anchors the activation cord.
housing off and switch it out with multiple They are sold in separate left- and right- QAD UltraRest Integrate MX
pre-tuned housings. Reaptix Technology al- hand models. Both are easy to install and TRUGLO Hyper-Strike
lows users to replace lizard tongue launch- tune. The new-and-improved patented Vapor Trail
ers or housings while ensuring everything drop technology ensures no fletching con- Pro-VX
returns to within .001-inch of its original po- tact and clean arrow flight. MSRP is $69.99. PSE
sition. Independent .0019-inch micro-click Learn more by visiting Phantom
adjustments allow precision tuning, and
this compact and rugged rest is built from Vapor Trail Archery
stainless steel and top-grade aircraft alumi-
num. The rest includes QAD’s revolutionary Vapor Trail’s spanking-new Pro-VX expands
Integrate Mounting System for extreme se- on the company’s field-proven limb-driven
curity and auto leveling. The patent-pending technology for 2021. The Pro-VX is based on
protective Lizard Tongue Cover prevents the same bulletproof design that archers
snags, bends and damage during transport, have come to depend on for dead reliability
practice sessions and competition. and extreme accuracy, but it now includes
added micro windage and elevation ad-
The UltraRest Integrate MX offers full justability for finer tuning capabilities. The
arrow containment combined with reli- Pro-VX also includes a brand new rubber-
able drop-away action. Integrate mounting overmolded carbon fiber cage—a design
dovetails attach directly to a bow’s riser, of- made popular with recent Gen 7 and
fering secure and automatic leveling (only Gen 7X arrow rest models. The new cages
on bow models equipped with the Integrate are offered in a variety of colors with both
system). It includes .0019-inch per click mi- dual and single cage bar options. The new
cro adjustments and an intricate launcher designs ensure better compatibility with
machined from high-grade aircraft alu- the newest bow models, such as the 2021
minum. Like all QAD rests, it is USA made Mathews V3 and Hoyt Ventum, as exam-
and comes with a lifetime warranty. Learn ples. The new cages are interchangeable
more by visiting with past versions of the Pro-V, allow-
ing shooters who purchased those rests
TRUGLO in the past to upgrade to the new rubber-
overmold style. The Pro-VX will be avail-
TRUGLO’s Hyper-Strike Arrow Rest offers able by June 1. Learn more by visiting
uncompromising reliability combined
with no-nonsense performance at a fair
price. The Hyper-Strike includes a launcher PSE Archery
equipped with sealed bearings for smooth
action and longer life, and it has a deep PSE Archery calls its Phantom Arrow Rest
fork that prevents arrows from wandering, the company’s finest drop-away design. It
even when users are shooting in extreme includes a full-capture platform that en-
conditions. The launcher holds an eleva- sures arrows stay where they are supposed
tion-adjustable, wear-resistant silencing to be and remain ready when that shot of a
launcher insert (a spare is included with lifetime presents itself. The launcher rides
each purchase). A padded, full-contain- on dual sealed bearings to offer consistently
ment cage further ensures arrows remain smooth and trouble-free operation through
in place, even while traversing rough ter- many seasons. The rest includes scored ele-
rain during a stalk. When the arrow is vation and windage hash marks for precise
dropped through a side slot, the launcher tuning, and it is driven by the downward
mechanism is clicked into the ready posi- buss cable to be reliable and foolproof. The
tion. The launcher remains engaged fol- precoated launcher ensures a dead-silent
lowing controlled let-downs. The launcher draw cycle. The system is compatible with
will also lift into place during the draw today’s fastest compound bows and in-
cycle, activated by the downward buss cludes “no-bounce-back” assurance against
cable. The Hyper-Strike includes indepen- accuracy-robbing fletching contact. Learn
dent windage and elevation adjustments. more by visiting IA
Huskemaw Optics Crossfield 4x40 Crossbow Scope
I t has become fashionable in
all things shooting to push the
outer limits of range capabilities.
While ethical questions arise when live stack 2-MOA turret (½-inch adjustments verified. Huskemaw will then mill you a
animals are involved, there’s no doubt it’s at 100 yards, ¼-inch 50 yards), as tested custom turret for a specific crossbow/bolt
a hoot to push the range limit while tar- here, or a custom double-stack 1-MOA combination with the correct yardages
get shooting. The Huskemaw Crossfield turret (¼-inch at 100-yard movements). etched onto its face. Afterwards, all that
scope was designed specifically to extend The 30mm tube allows 120 MOA of ad- is required is to take a laser rangefinder
the effective range of modern, high-per- justments per turret revolution, with a reading, dial to the corresponding range
formance crossbows that push bolts at total of 160 MOA of corrections possible and squeeze off the shot. Huskemaw can
speeds in excess of 400 fps. in the single-stack 2-MOA model. The also make a turret based on finished bolt
double-stack 1-MOA version provides 60 weight (bolt plus point), actual speed
Based in Cody, Wyoming, Huskemaw reading (fps) and preferred sight-in range
made its name in the long-range rifle MOA per turret revolution. (say, 20 yards). Huskemaw also invites
world, designing scopes that make rifle Hash marks on the hori- customers to send them a crossbow and
shots at 1,000-plus yards not only fea- zontal crosshair allow for six bolts and they will fashion a proper
sible, but much easier. That hard-earned wind-drift compensation. turret and sight the crossbow in, with
The scope is first sighted at 20 yards. data provided to 100 yards.
knowledge went into the Crossfield, The turret is then removed and the 0 is
providing a turreted optic that allows moved to face shooter and correlate to The Crossfield holds high-density mul-
crossbow shooters to dial exact ranges, reference hash mark on the scope body. ticoated lenses that provide gin-clear
and even go well beyond what might be The Zero Stop is then screwed against the viewing and exceptional light-gathering
called average—in this case 150 yards bottom of the turret. This allows you to abilities. The tube is milled from aircraft-
maximum. make big corrections, say out to 100 yards, grade aluminum to be durable, shock and
and then return to the 20-yard zero with- fog resistant, and waterproof. The fast-
The 4x40 Crossfield (4-power, 40mm out counting clicks. The turret is then focus eyepiece brings the reticles into
objective/front lens) includes an ADC twisted up—about 3-6 clicks per 10 yards, sharp focus, and a side knob allows you
(Arrow Drop Compensator) turret to pre- depending on crossbow velocity—and to adjust the intensity of the illuminated
cisely match the trajectory of high-speed impacts for 30, 40, 50, 60 and so on are center aiming dot (red or green are of-
crossbows at extended ranges. The Cross- fered). The elevation turret and windage
field is offered with a custom single- knob are covered with screw caps that re-
sist dust and moisture, and the scope is
equipped with spring-loaded/flip-up lens
caps. A cleaning cloth is provided, and the
optic is covered by Huskemaw’s lifetime
warranty. To learn more, see their web-
site at IA
WebXtra ■ For a closer look at the
Huskemaw Crossfield Crossbow Scope,
go to
Outdoor Product Innovations Inc.
succeed, OPI succeeds. These are business by destructive animals such as wild hogs
O utdoor Product Innovations Inc. is really philosophies that have allowed OPI to be- or black bears, and very real safety issues.
a multitude of companies in one, nine come a true industry leader. Ultra-rugged rotomolded Capsule Game
Feeders sit firmly on the ground and op-
industry-leading brands housed under one roof. Another major factor in OPI’s success is erate through a patented auger-driven
system that brings feed from the ground
the company’s unique, problem-solving up. This makes it virtually impossible for
unwanted critters to rob feed, and also
Outdoor Product Innovations, or OPI, is a products—hunting gear that helps make means customers won’t be climbing lad-
family-run business fueled by a passion end users’ pursuits more successful, ders, truck tailgates or ATV
racks to replenish feed.
for all things outdoors. OPI has quickly col- comfortable and enjoyable. Outpost Feeders are
a bit different, created
lected an impressive lineup of high-perfor- Rhino Blinds ground blinds are one for hunters who cover
a lot of ground, hunt-
mance brands and product lines, starting great example. They are per- ing on public ground or in
with Rhino Blinds in 2015, and most re- fect for beginning bow- remote areas where weight is
paramount. The patented cylinder-
cently with the acquisition of names like hunters who may not design blends well with natural en-
Big Dog Hunting and Wicked Tree Gear. In have honed shot-tim- vironments, weighs only 5 pounds
empty and holds up to 20
between, OPI added LiDCAM, Capsule Game ing skills, for the fam- pounds of feed. They are offered
in broadcast and gravity ver-
Feeders, Outpost Feeders and LegCuff. OPI is ily man who wants to sions. Both are made of durable
currently working to launch Wicked Fish- share a hunt with fam- rotomolded plastic that stand up
to abuse and harsh weather.
ing Gear and Rhino Tree Stands, as well as ily, or the experienced hunter
Wicked Tree Gear offers anoth-
introduce more contemporary products to seeking additional concealment er solution to a recurring problem:
trimming gear that couldn’t stand
their existing brands. OPi is also continu- options. Rhino Blinds are offered
up to harsh treatment in the field.
ously looking to acquire more companies in a wide variety of sizes, win- Wicked Tree Gear was created to
be virtually indestructible, while also
that they believe in and trust. dow configurations and cam- providing precision manufacturing
and complete functionality for
OPI president and CEO Dan Reaser, ouflage patterns. All of them trimming treestand sites, ground-
blind pads or shooting lanes.
along with his son Danny Reaser, have offer fast and easy setup and
OPI’s LiDCAM is a one-of-a-kind
chosen only products they use them- takedown, and they stand up 1080p HD video camera that clips
to the bill of a baseball cap to provide
selves and absolutely believe in—all to rugged conditions through hands-free POV hunting videos. The
LiDCAM also includes LED lights for
products featuring high quality at a rea- their dependable rod and hub navigating in the dark. WiFi connectiv-
ity allows users to transform a smart-
sonable price. Their array of companies systems. phone into a wireless controller, which
can start and stop the unit and manage
has created a one-stop shop for retailers Big Dog Hunting has been in the captured videos. Finally, there is LegCuff,
which provides an easier way for hunters
looking to help customers better enjoy treestand business since 2005,
their hunting and outdoors experiences. and it is now part of the OPI fam-
To this end, OPI works very diligently ily. OPI has redoubled the brand’s
to fill orders in as timely a manner as emphasis on safety and comfort, and
possible, striving to always have product it provides MSRPs that appeal to any
on hand when dealers submit an order. working man. Big Dog offers a
This means maintaining a steady inven- stand for every taste, preference
tory year-round—not just stockpiling for and hunting style, from simple
the New Year— that allows dealers to re- hang-ons to family-oriented dou-
stock products any time they are needed. ble ladders. All of the company’s
OPI maintains a steady inventory across products meet TMA and NSTM safety
all of their brands and seeks to ship as standards, and they are backed by ex-
soon as possible so dealers won’t miss ceptional customer service.
sales during high-demand periods. Re- One of OPI’s most popular brands is
placement parts are also kept in stock to the lineup of Capsule Game Feeders. Cap-
help quickly remedy potential customer sule Game Feeders solve many problems
problems. OPI’s customer service is world inherent to standard issue gravity-feed/
class, as the company is dedicated to tak- tripod feeders, including dependability,
ing care of their dealers. If their dealers safeguards against damage and raiding
to tote game such as coyotes and turkeys out 55
of the wilds after a successful hunt.
The OPI stable is deep and geared toward
solving problems hunters face in the field
every outing. But OPI is not one to rest on
their laurels, with 2021 signaling the in-
troduction of new and exciting products,
along with refinements to their existing
lineup to further expand outdoor success
and enjoyment.
One of the best examples is the Rhino
Blinds R180 See Through Blind, which was
introduced for the 2021 season. This is a new
ground blind experience altogether. The por-
table, hub-style “pop-up” includes unique
two-way mesh construction that allows a
completely unobstructed view outside of
the blind, but it does not allow animals to
see inside. This eliminates the blinding or
claustrophobic pitfalls of many enclosed
ground blinds, so hunters miss less of what
is going on around them and are less likely
to be caught off guard as game approaches.
The Rhino 180 is cloaked in Realtree Edge
camouflage to melt into a wide variety of
landscapes. Sewn-in brush loops on the top
and bottom allow the addition of natural
vegetation that provides even more real-
ism to any blind setup. The R180 includes
an oversized zipper-less door for silent and
trip-free entrance and exit, plus 270 degrees
of adjustable window openings and two
blind faces that hold the new see-through
mesh material. Shooting ports/windows
include slick “silent-slide” window technol-
ogy to allow custom configurations for any
weapon or blind site. This 58-by-58-by-66-
inch (75-by-75 inches hub to hub), 16-pound
blind accommodates up to three hunters.
Like other Rhino Blinds, setup and take-
down are a snap. Of course, the R180 remains
Rhino tough, including reinforced stress
points, triple stitched corners and reinforce-
ments to prevent support rods from breach-
ing fabric. All Rhino Blinds receive a durable
water repellent finish to keep moisture out-
side, plus an antimicrobial treatment to pre-
vent mold and mildew in wet environments
or while in storage. All of these features en-
sure a longer life of trouble-free use.
Capsule Game Feeders are worth revisit-
ing because there really is nothing else like ficiency of the brand. This Capsule Feeder are new for 2021, offering a superior way
them on the market. They make for fool- utilizes a 22.5-inch scrap truck tire as a to deploy popular protein feed and mineral
proof use in areas like Texas, where guard- steadying base to the lightweight HDPE bar- blocks with only a $39.99 (MSRP) investment.
ing corn feeders is such an institution and rel/body. The feeder comes complete with The Capsule Block Holder holds and protects
marauding wild hogs are such a nuisance. a heavy-duty solar panel, metal spinner any 25-pound mineral or attractant block
As touched on, Capsule Feeders employ an plate, steel fill cap, timer and battery kit. It and can be used to strap the block to any sta-
auger system that pulls feed from the bot- is tough enough to include a lifetime lim- tionary object, such as a tree or fence post via
tom of the storage barrel and slings it from ited warranty. The unit is easily moveable the dual cam buckle straps. The system pro-
the top of the feeder. The Capsule sits on when empty and virtually indestructible. tects blocks from weather, and it prevents
the ground to keep animals such as ra- It’s much lighter than steel barrels, and it is blocks from being rolled off a hill or pilfered
coons from manipulating the spin plate completely resistant to rust. A low center of by critters such as black bears and hogs. The
and draining feeders of corn (a durable gravity resists toppling by animals such as USA-made unit is constructed with durable
feeder cage also protects the feeder kit), or hogs or bears, and the original sit-and-fill roto-molded plastic to last for years with-
brutish hogs from toppling tripod feeders design allows anyone to fill and operate the out worry of rusting or UV breakdown. The
with their incessant rubbing and jostling feeder from the ground—eliminating the Capsule Brick Holder is much the same, but
in an effort to loosen corn from a gravity need to climb while shouldering heavy bags it is designed to hold and protect up to four
system. Capsule Game Feeders have even of corn. The digital timer can be programed 4-pound mineral or attractant bricks.
proven reliable at discouraging black bears for up to six automated feedings daily. The
from damaging equipment. Most impor- included solar panel ensures that the bat- This is but a small sampling of what Out-
tantly, a Capsule Feeder can be filled while tery remains fully charged year-round. An door Product Innovations has to offer, in
both feet remain firmly planted on the 800-pound capacity version is also offered, addition to the exceptional customer ser-
ground, offering a huge element of safety. and all replacement parts are available on vice provided with every sale. OPI is truly
the OPI website in the event repairs or part a one-stop shop for most of your outdoors
The best seller in this extensive lineup is replacements become necessary. needs. We encourage you to take a look by
the 250-Pound Capsule Feeder. This model visiting their website at
emphasizes the safety, durability and ef- Capsule Block and Capsule Brick Holders or IA
BY DANIEL ALLRED ■ It is a golden age for backyard shooting. Industry leaders of all varieties have seen
an increased demand for affordable and reliable recreational archery gear, and they have delivered a myriad
of fun and effective products to answer that call. With the recent explosive growth in archery participation,
items for youth and beginning shooters are sure to be in high demand this summer. Here is just a sampling
of many of the products that will inspire fun new memories for beginning and experienced shooters alike.
Target & Youth Bows berglass arrows and two paper target faces. a handy no-tools takedown system, sturdy
Learn more at Dymondwood construction and a pre-in-
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• stalled arrow rest. The riser is tapped with
October Mountain Products ■ Avail- a front stabilizer bushing and ATA acces-
Galaxy Archery ■ The Galaxy Bullseye able in draw weights from 30 to 55 pounds, sory (AMO sight) bushings. The limbs are
Recreational Recurve Bow Package is a per- OMP’s Mountaineer Dusk recurve could be made from a maple core surrounded with
fect choice for anyone in the family looking used for casual backyard shooting or se- fiberglass. The Pro Max comes in a kit with
for some backyard archery fun. The lami- rious bowhunting. Its sleek riser is con- everything needed to get started, including
nated wood risers and matched fiberglass structed from Dymondwood, and its limbs an armguard, recurve bow stringer, adjust-
limbs combine to build bows measuring are made of bamboo for strength, flexibil- able sight, hip quiver and three carbon ar-
48-, 54-, 62- or 66-inches long, which will ity, quick recovery and excellent speed. rows. Learn more at
cover archers of all sizes age five and older. This three-piece take-down recurve was
The 48-inch bow kit is available in draw designed for easy storage and transport, Mission Archery ■ Mission’s Radik
weights of 10 or 15 pounds. The 54-inch and it’s equipped with a sight, plunger compound bow provides a great fit and feel
comes in weights of 15 or 20 pounds, and the and stabilizer bushings. Learn more at for young archers. It weighs a mere 3.04
62-inch and 66-inch bow kits are both avail- pounds for easy handling and adjusts in
able in weights of 20 or 25 pounds. Each kit half inch increments from 17 to 28 inches
also includes a Cartel Camper sight, stick- PSE ■ PSE’s Pro Max Takedown Recurve is with the turn of a screw. Its wide range
on arrow rest, No Gloves fingers saver, Car- a beginner’s bow with all the advantages of weight adjustability (10 to 50 pounds)
tel basic recurve bow case, armguard, belt that experienced archers desire. It features gives young archers years of growth poten-
quiver, Cartel bow stringer, three 29-inch fi-
tial in one bow. The cam system features create some of the most accurate, consis-
a solid back wall for a more comfortable tent and forgiving target arrows on the
and consistent anchor point. Its slim, com-
posite grip and precision cut riser offer a market. A proprietary 90-degree weave
best-in-class fit and feel for shooters at the allows for faster arrow recovery in flight
beginning of their archery journey. The Ra- and yields supreme spine uniformity. V-
dik measures 28 inches from axle to axle, TAC arrows are available in three versions:
and it has an MSRP of $289. Learn more at 23, 25 and 27. The V-TAC 23 has the small- est inner diameter of three, but it has the
largest diameter allowed under World Ar-
Elite ■ The Elite Ember RTS (Ready To Galaxy OMP chery Federation regulations. It is one of
Shoot) package brings Elite’s signature Bullseye Mountaineer the most versatile target arrows on the
shootability to archers of all sizes and Recreational Dusk Recurve market, and it can be shot indoors or out-
ages. The Ember’s draw weight is ad- Recurve Bow doors with great success. The V-TAC 25 has
justable from 10 to 60 pounds, and its Package a slightly larger inner diameter, and it was
draw length is adjustable from 15 to designed to dominate 3-D and field circuits
29 inches, making this a great backyard PSE with its superior accuracy, unmatched
bow that could eventually be used for se- Pro Max
rious bowhunting. It has a sturdy alumi- Takedown toughness and blistering speed.
num caged riser, and it comes equipped Kit The V-TAC 27 has the largest inner
with high-quality Winner’s Choice strings. diameter of the three. It’s a heavy
It features Elite’s integrated limb stops and forgiving line cutter that is particu-
that deliver a solid and dependable back larly suited to indoor competitions. The V-
wall. The package comes with a handful TAC 23, 25 and 27 all feature +/- .001-inch
of high-quality CBE accessories, including straightness tolerances and +/- .5 grain
an Arrow Mane full-capture rest, Tactic ad- matched weight per dozen. Learn more at
justable sight, Affect carbon stabilizer and
Tactic 5 ultra-light quiver. Learn more at Gold Tip ■ Gold Tip’s Lightning arrows
have become a staple for Boy Scouts
Bear Archery ■ The Brave is an ideal Mission and 4-H clubs around the country. At 28
introductory bow for young children. With Radik inches long, the Lightning will fit most
26-inch axle-to-axle dimensions and 15- to youth shooters and meet archery camp
25-pound draw weight, the Brave is sug- needs. More consistent and much lighter
gested for ages eight and older. The Brave than fiberglass, this is a great arrow to in-
has a draw length range of 13.5 to 19.5 inch- troduce kids to archery. Lightning shafts
es and a brace height of 5.5 inches. The let
off is 65 percent. The Brave Youth Bow Set are equipped with GT nocks, glue-in
comes ready to shoot with two Safetyglass points and 2.5-inch Q2i vanes. Learn
arrows, a one-pin sight, arrow quiver and more at
armguard. It also includes Bear’s safe and
dependable Whisker Biscuit rest, which is Elite Easton ■ Easton’s new Avance carbon
$40 of added value in this $69.99 package. Ember RTS arrow was designed for outdoor target ar-
Learn more at chery competition. The Avance features
Bear Brave innovative, light-weight construction
Target & Youth Arrows that will appeal to archers looking for
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• more speed coupled with a low profile
to help keep the shaft on target in
Victory Archery ■ Victory’s V-TAC series crosswinds. Easton is offering the
target arrows melds the latest in carbon Avance with a full line of glue-in
fiber weave technology from Victory’s par-
ent company, Mitsubishi Chemical Ameri- target points with choices of pin and
ca, with insight from Olympic gold medal direct-fit nocks. The Avance will be avail-
archers and industry top professionals to able in two models: the Avance with a
+/- .003-inch straightness, and the Avance
Sport with a +/- .006-inch straightness
tolerance. The Avance arrow series is
available in 16 spine ratings from 340 to
Recreational Gear
2000 to cover a broad range of recurve
and compound draw lengths and weights.
Learn more at
Black Eagle ■ Black Eagle’s Vintage ar- Victory
row is the first of its kind on the market. V-TAC series
The company saw a need for a high-quality
wood grain carbon arrow, so it delivered.
Each Vintage arrow’s cresting is hand
painted and quality inspected. The Dura-
coat wood grain overlay-finish allows for
refletching and cresting. Vintage arrows
are straightness sorted to +/- .005-inch
or better. They are also spine and weight
matched to ensure the quality and tough-
ness that customers expect from Black Ea-
gle. Learn more at
AAE ■ The nock and vane experts at AAE Gold Tip
recently teamed up with accomplished Lightning
outdoorsman and traditional archer Aron
Snyder to create the revolutionary TRAD Easton
Vane. This traditional-style vane captures Avance
the same flight characteristics and im-
pact point as the natural feathers tradi- Black Eagle
tional shooters are accustomed to. They Vintage
also stand up to hard use and inclem-
ent weather, requiring no maintenance AAE
for longer and more successful perfor- TRAD Vane
mance. The TRAD Vane is made from
AAE’s proprietary “Lick and Stick” Plasti-
fletch material for quick and easy fletch-
ing at home or in the field. Learn more at
Target Quivers & Cases
Lancaster Archery Supply ■ Lancast-
er Archery Supply’s Field Quiver by Avalon
is a perfect tool for keeping gear organized
on a trip to the local range or the backyard.
This weather-resistant nylon quiver comes
with an included belt and has two arrow
separators that keep up to a dozen arrows
organized and ready. It has a large pocket
for tools, arrow lube, string wax and other
gear, plus a small pocket designed specifi-
cally for holding scorecards. There are also
two D-rings for hanging accessories, such
as a towel or arrow puller. Learn more at
Continued on Page 62
Recreational Gear
Continued from Page 60
Elevation Bohning
Mettle Pocket Quiver
Lancaster .30-06 SKB iSeries
Field Quiver Outdoors Recurve Bow Case
by Avalon
Target Quiver
.30-06 Outdoors ■ The Deluxe Tar- against the quiver body, eliminating the by the integral anchoring clip. It stays se-
get Quiver by .30-06 Outdoors offers ideal need to waste a pocket for bow-stand stor- curely in place and gives archers quick and
target-range arrow storage and quick ac- age. This quiver was designed with seri- easy access to six arrows. The made-in-
cess whether shooting in the backyard or ous 3-D shooters in mind. It’s construct- the-USA Pocket Quiver measures 3.75-by-
on a 3-D course. The durable Deluxe Target ed with premium materials and double 5.125-by-1.25 inches and is made from rug-
Quiver features a handy belt, heavy-duty stitched to last many seasons. The quiver ged materials to last many seasons. Learn
stitching, three arrow-holding compart- can be purchased alone, or in a package more at
ments and moisture-resistant materials. with a belt and pouch, retailing for $79.99
Learn more at or $124.99, respectively. Learn more at SKB ■ SKB’s iSeries Double Recurve Bow Case is a top option for any recurve-shoot-
Elevation ■ The Elevation Mettle Quiver ing duo on the go. It features an improved
is based on a podium-proven design and Bohning Company ■ Bohning is cel- design that’s lighter, stronger and less ex-
made to haul everything tournament ebrating 75 years of serving archers and pensive than previous double recurve cas-
shooters need on the range. It includes a bowhunters, and one of their latest in- es. Its military-grade construction keeps
spacious three-stage arrow bay, score- troductions is the new Pocket Quiver. The two take-down risers and two sets of limbs
card sleeve pocket with scorecard holder, molded-plastic Pocket Quiver provides a safe and secure, and it also has storage
separate damaged arrow bay, two stacked safe, convenient and secure way to carry for quivers and stabilizers up to 38-inches
zippered pockets, an additional sleeve field-tipped arrows. The versatile Pocket long. SKB’s iSeries injection molded water-
pocket and generous accessory attach- Quiver holds six arrows of any diameter. proof cases are made with high-strength
ment points. An exterior kickstand holder It can be slipped into a hip pocket or at- polypropylene copolymer resin, and they
provides quick access and traps the stand tached to a belt or pack strap and secured feature a gasketed, waterproof and dust-
BIGshot proof, submersible design that is resistant
Extreme to corrosion and impact damage. SKB’s
Iron Man lifetime warranty is included, and it also
features quiet-glide wheels and a rubber
500 over-molded cushion grip handle for easy
towing. Learn more at
Backyard Targets
Morrell BIGshot ■ BIGshot Archery’s Extreme
Supreme Iron Man 500 Series is a top choice for
archers seeking a dependable and long-
Range lasting backyard target. These targets were
assembled to stop the fastest compound
.30-06 arrows and crossbow bolts at speeds of
Outdoors up to 500 fps. They do this while also pro-
viding easy arrow removal. The Iron Man
Masters Extreme Series is built with a fortified
Series shell that offers maximum compression
of BIGshot’s top-grade interior military fi-
Delta bers and multi-directional woven ballistic
Mckenzie core. Multiple spots on the white face are
Speedbag strategically spaced to minimize wear to
any single area. This quality target system
is highly transportable, guaranteed to last
longer than comparable products and en-
gineered to stop arrows/bolts other targets
cannot. Learn more at
Morrell ■ The Morrell Supreme Range Tar-
get is a perfect choice for backyard shoot-
ing. Users can fix a target face to it or shoot
one of the targets already printed on the
bag. Built to last, the Supreme Range Tar-
get is weather resistant and equipped with
Morrell’s patented Multi-Layered Density
Design. It also features Morrell’s “Nucleus”
center and Internal Frame System for even
more stopping power and dependability. It
measures 29 inches wide, 31 inches tall and
14 inches thick. The Supreme Range Target
is also designed to stand upright without
a target stand, and it won’t fall over when
impacted by high-energy arrows. Learn
more at
Rinehart .30-06 Outdoors ■ The Masters Series
Badger of Targets from .30-06 Outdoors feature
Bag a unique collection of images that allow
hunters to check their shot with a back-
side “vitals view” that mirrors the front
natural image. Each image incorporates a
whitetail with different posture, and they
Recreational Gear
Viper SX
Pine Ridge
Kwik Stand
.30-06 Cowhide
Shooting Glove
Scott Quick-Shot X-Factor
Stokerized Carbon Balance
SL Series Target Stabilizer
also include a smaller “pro-sized” image with the addition of a budget-friendly tar- Usefull Accessories
for more of a challenge. Learn more at get called the Badger Bag. Incorporating many of the same arrow-stopping fea- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
tures as the company’s popular Rhino Bag
Delta Mckenzie ■ Delta Mckenzie re- series, the new Badger Bag target makes Pine Ridge Archery ■ A great recre-
cently unveiled its reimagined Speed Bag it more affordable for anyone to elevate ational shooting tool from Pine Ridge is the
line-up. Designed for high-velocity arrows their shooting skills, with a retail price tag company’s popular Kwik Stand Bow Sup-
and crossbow bolts, Delta Speed Bags fea- of just $44.99. It features a dual-sided poly- port, which easily attaches to almost every
ture high-density, shot-blocking fill for propylene cover with a waterproof barrier bow—even those with wide limbs—keeping
longer target life and extended stopping and a burlap stopping core to extend the them upright and out of dirt and debris. Us-
power. Archers naturally choose bag tar- life of the target. Visually appealing vitals ers can adjust the Kwik Stand’s legs to find
gets with greater value and easy arrow make shooting fun, with one side of the ideal balance for their bow, and it’s easy to
extraction, and that is exactly what they bag featuring a badger outline and a va- store when it’s not in use. The Kwik Stand is
get with Delta Speed Bags. Shooters will riety of shooting dot sizes and colors. The available in 20 different color options. Learn
also appreciate the new graphics with both other side incorporates a unique design more at
multi-spot and sight-calibration target fac- that specifically accommodates fiberop-
es. Learn more at tic pins. The Badger Bag measures 21-by- .30-06 Outdoors ■ The Cowhide Shoot-
21-by-9 inches, with a convenient carry- ing Glove available from .30-06 Outdoors
Rinehart Targets ■ Rinehart recently ing handle that makes transportation a provides three-finger and palm protection.
expanded its quality bag-style target line breeze. Learn more at Durable genuine cowhide leather with
leather-reinforced fingertips and elastic
create a comfortable fit, and it’s available in six different sizes to 65
fit any hand. Learn more at
Scott Archery ■ The new Scott Quick-Shot release delivers ex-
cellent accuracy and reliability in an affordable design. Specifical-
ly designed to be an excellent choice for youth archers, the Quick-
Shot is a great choice for anyone looking for a high-quality archery
release aid that won’t break the bank. This single-jaw caliper re-
lease features Scott’s signature roller sear design for an ultra-crisp
trigger activation. The Quick-Shot comes standard with a leather
buckle strap and has a rope connector that is infinitely adjustable
to fit any archer. Learn more at
Serious Stabilization
Viper Archery Products ■ Viper’s SX Stabilizer Series was de-
signed to be light enough for extended travel, while still providing
the archer with enough weight to make every shot count. Available
in 6-, 8- and 10-inch versions, SX Stabilizers are CNC machined from
high-quality T6 6061 aluminum, making them as durable as they
are lightweight. The 6-inch version weighs 6.7 ounces. The 8-inch
version is 7 ounces, and the 10-inch version is only 7.1 ounces. SX Sta-
bilizers have a black anodized coating. A four-ribbed soft-rubber vi-
bration dampener is located behind the weight mount. One 5-ounce
weight is included, and it attaches to a 2-inch stainless steel front
stud that can be adjusted for additional weights (sold separately in a
wide selection of colors). SX Stabilizers are manufactured in the USA,
and the 6-, 8- and 10-inch versions include MSRPs of $49.99, $59.99
and $69.99, respectively. As with all Viper Archery Products archery
gear, the SX Stabilizers carry a limited lifetime warranty. Learn more
Stokerized ■ Stokerized designed stabilizers that allow every ar-
cher to improve the performance of their bow, regardless of riser
torque introduced from sights, rests, quivers, bow geometry and
hand pressure. The Carbon SL Target Series is the company’s lightest
premium carbon stabilizer, and it was designed for archers seek-
ing minimal weight to length ratio and unlimited adjustments. All
Carbon SL Series Target Bars come with three 1-ounce SS weights and
the company’s Dual Saturn Dampener. It is available in lengths of
15.25, 24.25 and 30.25 inches, with weights of 8.5, 9.5 and 10 ounces,
respectively. Black hardware is standard and offered on all lengths.
Learn more at
X-Factor ■ X-Factor Outdoor Products’ Xtreme Balance Stabilizer
(in 6-, 8-, 9- 10- and 12-inch sizes) features Sound Block Technology
(SBT) to live up to the highest standards of vibration dampening,
sound control and lifetime durability. Xtreme Balance Stabilizers
also employ a thermosetting polymer epoxy (the same material
used in golf clubs) for added durability. They include 3.5 ounces of
end weights, with a three-pack of 1-ounce weights offered as an
additional option. Learn more at IA
Five Questions with Athens Archery
Thanks to its innovative bows and high-quality customer service, Athens Archery continues to expand its solid new technology like rotating mods.
foothold in the highly competitive compound bow market. We spoke with Jim and Tracie Klossner, owners of How has the recent growth in the industry
affected the company? ■ Growth
Athens Archery, to learn more about the factors behind the company’s success. in the industry has been posi-
tive for everyone, and we are
W hat are your new offerings for 2021, last September in anticipation of certainly enjoying it as well.
and what new technologies make indoor target season, and it was The pandemic has continued to
help the industry grow as more
them stand out? ■ We have launched sev- a huge success. Consumers people are looking for things to
do outside while continuing to
eral new innovations for 2021 that are found could just not say enough be socially distant. As a compa-
ny, we have been nimble enough
in our new models, the Peak 38, the Vista 33 about the stability and consis- to continue to deliver product
throughout the early days of the
and Vista 35. All of these bows feature our tency of this bow. pandemic while at the time grow-
ing our dealer base. Last year was
new patent-pending Limb-Lok pocket lock- Our Vista series of bows is well a record-breaking year for Athens,
and 2021 is on track to well outper-
ing system that securely locks the limbs to on track to be our number one sell- form that.
the pocket and the pocket to the riser. The ing model ever. We have seen an What are your long-term goals for
the company, and how will you
pocket now has a positive locking system explosion in sales far beyond what get there? ■ Our long-term goals in-
volve continuing to lead the market
to the riser, with the load of the pocket no we predicted. Dealers love the ad- with innovation, customer support
and our strong relationships with our
longer riding on threaded fasteners. This justability of the new cam sys- dealer network. We do not believe in
compromising any of these core pillars
pocket system virtually eliminates any kind tem, which allows them to quick- in exchange for growth. We want to con-
tinue to be nimble and innovative. This
of lateral movement of the limbs, increasing ly set up a bow for a customer means always having an eye for the future,
what our dealers and consumers are asking
consistency and accuracy. All three of these without the need for a press, or for, and what market trends we are seeing.
Second, our customer support and customer
bows also feature new 1-inch-wide limbs additional modules. Consumers experience are top priorities as well. No mat-
ter who calls into Athens, we feel that they
that provide better stability and balance. love the smoothness of the new should have a positive experience. It doesn’t
matter if they are trying to order a bow, ask a
The Vista 33 and Vista 35 were launched cams system coupled with the sta- question or address an issue—we want all of
our customers to feel that they are our top pri-
with our all-new RT-X cam system, which bility of the pockets and limbs. ority. Finally, we will continue to have great
relationships with our dealer network. Our
features rotating mods and a unique index- dealers are core to our business, and we work
hard to support them by driving sales to them
ing draw stop. This cam system is one of the What factors have contrib- either directly or through joint marketing
efforts. We provide our dealers with simple
smoothest in the industry, and it has a very uted to the tremendous pricing structures and programs that allow
them to grow with us. We pride ourselves in
forgiving draw force curve. Draw lengths growth that Athens Ar- how we treat our dealers, and as we grow that
will not change. IA
are adjusted by two screws; just remove the chery has experienced
screws, rotate the mod to the new position in the last few years? ■
and lock the screws back down again. This A few factors have contrib-
cam system features two modules—a long uted to the double-digit growth
-draw mod and a short-draw mod—allow- we’ve experienced for the past few years.
ing for a large range of adjustability while First and foremost, our customer service
still retaining efficiency. The indexing draw is unparalleled in the industry. We try to
stop allows the archer to select 80, 85 or treat everyone like family and continue
90 percent let-off and also fine tune to provide experienced and personalized
their draw length simply by rotating service. Everyone who works for us is
the draw stop. a fellow archer, so they can quickly
As a company, we are contin- understand and address ques-
ually focusing on the future to tions.
meet the needs of our deal- Second, our focus on contin-
ers and customers and to ual innovation and improve-
provide the features that ments continues to be
they are asking for. market disrupting. We are
always looking to make
How has your 2021 lineup been received by our products more efficient, consistent and
dealers and consumers? ■ Our 2021 lineup repeatable. We also have a focus on making
has been very well received by both dealers the sale truly as easy as possible for our deal-
and consumers. We really have something er network—whether it be our price point,
for every archer. The Peak 38 was launched our simple dealer pricing and programs, or