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Published by capintec, 2015-10-08 15:42:05

CAPTUS 700t Thyroid Uptake System Manual- Revision F

CAPTUS 700t Manual - 9250-0142 Rev G


Efficiency Results
When the specified counting time is completed, the message “FINISHED” will appear
on the screen below the MEASURE button.

The primary photopeak ROI (Energy1(keV)) for the selected nuclide is highlighted in
red. The total spectrum counts per minute and the total ROI counts per minute are
displayed below the spectrum.

To cancel the results of the measurement, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 13-12
Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen After Measurement will re-appear without
saving the measurement.

To accept the results of the measurement, touch the ACCEPT button. The efficiency
is calculated and the screen will appear similar to Figure 13-12 Measure BioAssay
Efficiency Screen After Measurement.

Figure 13-12 Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen After Measurement

To repeat the measurement, touch the Counts: field box of the nuclide to be

If the selected nuclide is I 131 or I 123, the Cross Contamination factor will also be
calculated and displayed. Refer to the I 131/I 125 and I 123/1 125 Cross
Contamination section beginning on page 13-17.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-15


Once all data for a selected nuclide has been entered and measured, a CLEAR ROW
button will be displayed. To erase the data for a selected nuclide, touch the
corresponding CLEAR ROW button. The data for the selected nuclide will be erased.

Perform the previous steps for each nuclide desired.

To cancel the Efficiency measurement, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 13-5
BioAssay Setup Screen will re-appear without saving the data.

When all nuclides have been measured, touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 13-5
BioAssay Setup Screen will appear with the new values saved to the database and
displayed on the screen.

Enter Efficiency
To directly enter the Efficiency of any one or all of the nuclides or enter a Cross
Contamination ratio, touch the ENTER EFFICIENCY button. Figure 13-13 Enter
BioAssay Efficiency Screen will appear.

Figure 13-13 Enter BioAssay Efficiency Screen

To input the Efficiency for a desired nuclide, touch the appropriate field box (I 131
Efficiency:, I 125 Efficiency: or I 123 Efficiency:). The numeric keypad will appear.

13-16 BIOASSAY October 15


Input the known efficiency value using the keypad and touch the ACCEPT button.
Figure 13-13 Enter BioAssay Efficiency Screen will re-appear with the selected
nuclide’s field box populated with the entered value.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen, touch the
CANCEL button.

Note: The minimum Efficiency value is 0.001 %. The maximum Efficiency value is
99.999 %.

When all Efficiencies have been entered for the desired nuclides, touch the ACCEPT
button. Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen will appear with the new values saved to
the database and displayed on the screen.

I 131/I 125 and I 123/1 125 Cross Contamination
The CAPTUS® 700t system, when measuring I 131 and I 123, generate counts that
also appear in the I 125 ROI. This is generally referred to as “Spillover” or “Cross
Contamination”. Counts for I 125 will automatically be corrected for Spillover from I
131 and I 123.

R = cpm(I125 ROI)

Cor = cpm(I125) - cpm(I131ROI)× R

R = Spillover Ratio
Cor = Correction Factor for I 125 counts

These values are automatically calculated when I 131 and I 123 Efficiency
measurements are made. If the nuclide efficiencies are manually entered, then the
Spillover must also be manually entered.

The default Cross Contamination values are:
• I 131 / I 125 – 0.08500
• I 123 / I 125 – 0.92000

If it is desired to use a different Cross Contamination values, touch the desired field
box. The numeric keypad will appear.

Input the known ratio using the keypad and touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 13-13
Enter BioAssay Efficiency Screen will re-appear with the selected Contamination
Factor field box populated with the entered value.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen, touch the
CANCEL button.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-17


Note: The minimum Cross Contamination ratio is 0.00001. The maximum Cross
Contamination ratio is 9.99999.

When the desired Cross Contamination ratios have been entered, touch the ACCEPT
button. Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen will appear with the new values saved to
the database and displayed on the screen.

Saving BioAssay Setup
To save the BioAssay Setup information to the database, touch the ACCEPT button. Figure
13-4 Advanced Detector Setup Screen will re-appear.

To abort any changes made in the BioAssay Setup, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 13-4
Advanced Detector Setup Screen.

13-18 BIOASSAY October 15



CAUTION: Calibration is recommended before making any measurements. Refer to

To access the BioAssay module, touch the BIO ASSAY button on Figure 13-1 Main Screen.

If the Security Level is set to “Enhanced Mode”, the user must login. Reference CHAPTER 4:

If the user does not have Admin privileges, Figure 13-14 BioAssay Screen, Non-Admin will
appear. The user’s full name will be displayed.

Figure 13-14 BioAssay Screen, Non-Admin
If the user has Admin privileges, Figure 13-15 BioAssay Screen, Admin User will appear.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-19


Figure 13-15 BioAssay Screen, Admin User

To exit the BioAssay screen, touch the EXIT button. Figure 13-1 Main Screen will re-appear.
If the user has Admin privileges, touch the Staff: field box to select the Staff Member to be
measured. Figure 13-16 Select Staff List Screen will appear with all the Staff Members listed.

13-20 BIOASSAY October 15


Figure 13-16 Select Staff List Screen

The list is in the order that the Staff Members were created. The number of pages (or
screens) will be shown in the upper right corner of the screen indicating the length of the list.
To scroll through the list, touch the DOWN ARROW (▼) button. The next group of 10 Staff
Members will be displayed and the UP ARROW (▲) button will appear allowing the user to
scroll up in the list.

To select a Staff Member to measure from the list, touch the desired Staff Member. The
entire line for the selected Staff Member will become highlighted and a SELECT button will
appear in the lower portion of the screen as shown in Figure 13-17 Select Staff Screen,
Member Highlighted.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-21


Figure 13-17 Select Staff Screen, Member Highlighted

To return to Figure 13-15 BioAssay Screen, Admin User, touch the BACK button.
Verify that the correct Staff Member is highlighted and touch the SELECT button. Figure
13-18 BioAssay Screen, Staff Member Selected will appear.

13-22 BIOASSAY October 15


Figure 13-18 BioAssay Screen, Staff Member Selected

Probe Distance
The Probe Distance: field box will be populated with the set Probe Distance from BioAssay

If it is desired to use a different Probe Distance for this measurement, touch the Probe
Distance: field box.

The numeric keypad will appear. Input the desired Probe Distance by touching the
appropriate numbers on the keypad. Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the entered
number. Touch the CANCEL button to abort any changes.

The newly set Probe Distance will only apply to the current measurement and will not change
the Probe Distance set in BioAssay Setup.

Figure 13-18 BioAssay Screen, Staff Member Selected will re-appear with Probe Distance:
field box populated with the entered value.

Note: The minimum distance that can be input is 10 cm. The maximum distance that can be
input is 50 cm.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-23



To measure the Background, touch the Background: field box. The Background
Measurement screen will appear.

Perform the Background measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure 13-18
BioAssay Screen, Staff Member Selected will re-appear with the Background: field box
populated with the measured value.

Neck Measurement

Verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the distance indicated from the Staff Member’s
Neck and touch the Neck Measurement: field box. The Measure From Neck screen will

Perform the Neck measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure 13-18 BioAssay
Screen, Staff Member Selected will re-appear with the Neck Measurement: field box
populated with the measured value.

To exit the BioAssay measurement without completing the procedure, touch the EXIT button.
Figure 13-1 Main Screen will re-appear.

Once all of the field boxes are complete, the NEXT button will appear.

To see the BioAssay measurement results, touch the NEXT button. Figure 13-19 BioAssay
Report Screen will appear.

13-24 BIOASSAY October 15


Figure 13-19 BioAssay Report Screen

To exit the BioAssay measurement results without saving the data, touch the CANCEL
button. Figure 13-14 BioAssay Screen, Non-Admin or Figure 13-15 BioAssay Screen, Admin
User will re-appear.

To enter an optional comment for the BioAssay measurement, touch the Comment:
field box. The alphanumeric keypad will appear.

Input the desired comment for the BioAssay measurement and touch the ACCEPT
button. Figure 13-19 BioAssay Report Screen will re-appear with the Comment: field
box populated with the entered comment. The comment can contain any combination
of 22 alphanumeric characters maximum.

Save Report
To save the BioAssay measurement results, touch the SAVE button. The results will
be saved to the database. Figure 13-14 BioAssay Screen, Non-Admin or Figure
13-15 BioAssay Screen, Admin User will re-appear.

The report can be viewed and printed from the Reports Module (reference CHAPTER

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-25


Save and Print Report
To print a report and save the measurement results, touch the SAVE AND PRINT
button. The report will be sent to the printer and the results will be saved to the
database. Figure 13-14 BioAssay Screen, Non-Admin or Figure 13-15 BioAssay
Screen, Admin User will re-appear.

Once all Staff Members have been measured, touch the EXIT button to return to Figure 13-1
Main Screen.

13-26 BIOASSAY October 15




GENERAL ......................................................................................................14-1
AUTO CALIBRATION REPORT ....................................................................14-3

SYSTEM TEST REPORT ...............................................................................14-8
MDA REPORT...............................................................................................14-16

CHI SQUARE REPORT ................................................................................14-21
WIPE REPORT..............................................................................................14-26
SCHILLING REPORT....................................................................................14-33

PLASMA REPORT........................................................................................14-38
RBC REPORT ...............................................................................................14-42

RBC SURVIVAL REPORT ............................................................................14-46
THYROID UPTAKE REPORT .......................................................................14-52
BIOASSAY REPORT ....................................................................................14-61


The Reports module is used to view and print reports of all tests which have been saved to
the database.

October 15 Figure 14-1 Main Screen 14-1



From Figure 14-1 Main Screen, touch the REPORTS button. Figure 14-2 Reports Screen will

Figure 14-2 Reports Screen

To exit Figure 14-2 Reports Screen, touch the HOME or BACK button. Figure 14-1 Main
Screen will re-appear.

14-2 REPORTS October 15



From Figure 14-2 Reports Screen, touch the AUTO CALIBRATION REPORT button. Figure
14-3 Auto Calibration Search Screen will appear.

Figure 14-3 Auto Calibration Search Screen

To exit Figure 14-3 Auto Calibration Search Screen,
• touch the BACK button – Figure 14-2 Reports Screen will re-appear or
• touch the HOME button – Figure 14-1 Main Screen will appear.

The Auto Calibration results are searchable by using a date range and Detector type. The
default From: and To: dates are “today” and the Detector (Det:) type is defaulted to ALL.

October 15 REPORTS 14-3


Set Date
To change the From date, touch the From: field box. The Enter Start Date screen will

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. Figure 14-3 Auto Calibration Search Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

To change the To date, touch the To: field box. The Enter End Date screen will appear.

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. Figure 14-3 Auto Calibration Search Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

14-4 REPORTS October 15


Detector Selection
If the system is configured for both Probe and Well Detectors or a Drilled Probe, the search
results can be narrowed by selecting the Detector type.

To change the Detector type, touch the Det: field box. Figure 14-4 Detector Selection Screen
will appear.

Figure 14-4 Detector Selection Screen

Touch the button (ALL, PROBE, WELL) for the desired Detector type to search for. Figure
14-3 Auto Calibration Search Screen will re-appear showing the selected Detector type.

October 15 REPORTS 14-5



When the From and To dates and the Detector type are correct, touch the SEARCH button.
The screen displays a listing of the data for the Auto Calibrations performed within the
specified date range and Detector Type as shown in Figure 14-5 Auto Calibration Search
Screen after Search.

Figure 14-5 Auto Calibration Search Screen after Search

Note: If the search results in more than 100 items, the message “Search Auto Call Error
More than 100 items have been returned Please refine criteria” will appear. Refine
the search by narrowing the date range and/or changing the type of Detector to
search for.

To exit Figure 14-5 Auto Calibration Search Screen after Search,
• touch the BACK button – Figure 14-2 Reports Screen will re-appear or
• touch the HOME button – Figure 14-1 Main Screen will appear.

The listing is in reverse chronological order (newest at the top of the list). The length of the
list will vary depending on how many Auto Calibrations have been performed between the
selected dates and for the selected Detector type. If there are more than 10 results, the
number of pages (or screens) will be shown in the upper right corner of the screen indicating
the length of the list. To scroll through the list, touch the DOWN ARROW (▼) button. The

14-6 REPORTS October 15


next group of 10 results will be displayed and the UP ARROW (▲) button will appear
allowing the user to scroll up in the list.

Summary Report

If a printer is attached to the system, a summary report of the search results can be printed
by touching the PRINT button.

Detailed Report

To obtain a detailed report for a particular Auto Calibration result, touch the desired result on
the list. The result will become highlighted and a VIEW button will appear on the screen as
shown in Figure 14-6 Auto Calibration Search Screen with Highlighted Calibration. (If
necessary, scroll the list until the desired result is displayed.)

Figure 14-6 Auto Calibration Search Screen with Highlighted Calibration

Touch the VIEW button. Figure 14-7 Auto Calibration Report Screen will appear displaying
the detailed report for the selected Auto Calibration result.

October 15 REPORTS 14-7


Figure 14-7 Auto Calibration Report Screen

If a printer is attached to the system, the detailed report of the selected Auto Calibration
result can be printed by touching the PRINT button.

From Figure 14-7 Auto Calibration Report Screen, touch the BACK button to return to Figure
14-5 Auto Calibration Search Screen after Search.

From Figure 14-2 Reports Screen, touch the SYSTEM TEST REPORT button. The Search
System Tests Screen will appear and be similar to that shown in Figure 14-3 Auto Calibration
Search Screen.

The System Test results are searchable by using a date range and Detector type. The
default From: and To: dates are “today” and the Detector (Det:) type is defaulted to ALL.

Set Date
To change the From date, touch the From: field box. The Enter Start Date screen will

14-8 REPORTS October 15


The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. The Search System Tests Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

To change the To date, touch the To: field box. The Enter End Date screen will appear.

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. The Search System Tests Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

Detector Selection
If the system is configured for both Probe and Well Detectors or a Drilled Probe, the search
results can be narrowed by selecting the Detector type.

To change the Detector type, touch the Det: field box. Figure 14-4 Detector Selection Screen
will appear.

Touch the button (ALL, PROBE, WELL) for the desired Detector type to search for. The
Search System Tests Screen will re-appear showing the selected Detector type.

October 15 REPORTS 14-9



When the From and To dates and the Detector type are correct, touch the SEARCH button.
The screen displays a listing of the data for the Auto Calibrations performed within the
specified date range as shown in Figure 14-8 System Tests Search Screen after Search.

Figure 14-8 System Tests Search Screen after Search

Note: If the search results in more than 100 items, the message “Search System Test
Error More than 100 items have been returned Please refine criteria” will appear.
Refine the search by narrowing the date range and/or changing the type of Detector
to search for.

To exit Figure 14-8 System Tests Search Screen after Search,

• touch the BACK button – Figure 14-2 Reports Screen will re-appear or

• touch the HOME button – Figure 14-1 Main Screen will appear.

The listing is in reverse chronological order (newest at the top of the list). The length of the
list will vary depending on how many System Tests have been performed between the
selected dates and for the selected Detector type. If there are more than 10 results, the
number of pages (or screens) will be shown in the upper right corner of the screen indicating
the length of the list. To scroll through the list, touch the DOWN ARROW (▼) button. The
next group of 10 results will be displayed and the UP ARROW (▲) button will appear
allowing the user to scroll up in the list.

14-10 REPORTS October 15


Summary Report
If a printer is attached to the system, a summary report of the search results can be printed
by touching the PRINT button.

Detailed Report
To obtain a detailed report for a particular System Test result, touch the desired result on the
list. The result will become highlighted and a VIEW button will appear on the screen as
shown in Figure 14-9 System Tests Search Screen with Highlighted Test. (If necessary,
scroll the list until the desired result is displayed.)

Figure 14-9 System Tests Search Screen with Highlighted Test

Touch the VIEW button. Figure 14-10 System Test Result Screen will appear displaying the
detailed report for the selected System Test result.

October 15 REPORTS 14-11


Figure 14-10 System Test Result Screen

The following sections describe the functions that are available from Figure 14-10 System
Test Result Screen.

Print Detailed Result
If a printer is attached to the system, the detailed report of the selected System Test
result can be printed by touching the PRINT button.

Inactivate a System Test
A System Test result can be inactivated. Reasons for doing this can be:
• the test was a simulation for training,
• a mistake was made doing the test, etc.

The System Test result will still be saved in the database. When the test is displayed
on the list, it will be shown with a line through the characters. When the summary
report is printed, the word “INACTIVE” and the optional comment will appear instead
of the data. When the individual report is printed, “INACTIVE” and the optional
comment will appear.

14-12 REPORTS October 15


To inactivate the selected System Test, touch the INACTIVATE button. Figure 14-11
Inactivate Record Screen will appear.

Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen

To enter an optional comment (description or reason) for the selected System Test
result inactivation, touch the Comment: field box. Figure 14-12 Alphanumeric Keypad
Screen will appear.

October 15 REPORTS 14-13


Figure 14-12 Alphanumeric Keypad Screen

Input the desired comment (description or reason) for the invalidation and touch the
ACCEPT button. Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen will re-appear with the
Comment: field box populated with the entered comment. The comment can contain
any combination of 22 alphanumeric characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen, touch
the CANCEL button.

To complete the inactivation of the selected System Test result, touch the YES

If it is decided not to inactivate the selected System Test result, touch the NO button.

View System Test Spectrum
To view the Cs137 System Test Spectrum, touch the SPECTRUM button. Figure
14-13 System Test Spectrum Screen will appear.

14-14 REPORTS October 15


Figure 14-13 System Test Spectrum Screen

A Region of Interest may be defined using the BLUE and GREEN ARROW buttons to
place vertical line cursors around the ROI. DOUBLE ARROW buttons move the
cursor approximately 75 energy channels. SINGLE ARROW buttons move the cursor
approximately 4 energy channels.

Note: The actual energy channel keV will vary depending upon the Auto Calibration.

When the vertical cursor is moved, the channel energy (keV) and the number of
counts in that energy channel are displayed. Once the vertical cursors are set, the
total counts in the ROI are displayed.

To print the spectrum, touch the PRINT button.

To return to Figure 14-10 System Test Result Screen, touch the BACK button.

View Background Spectrum
To view the spectrum of the background that was measured previous to the selected
System Test, touch the blue highlighted Background Activity: count rate box. The
screen will appear similar to that shown in Figure 14-13 System Test Spectrum
Screen. The operation of the ARROW buttons is the same as described above.

October 15 REPORTS 14-15


Exit Detailed Result

To exit Figure 14-10 System Test Result Screen, touch the BACK button. Figure 14-8
System Tests Search Screen after Search will re-appear.

From Figure 14-2 Reports Screen, touch the MDA REPORT button. The Search MDA Tests
Screen will appear and be similar to that shown in Figure 14-3 Auto Calibration Search

The MDA Test results are searchable by using a date range and Detector type. The default
From: and To: dates are “today” and the Detector (Det:) type is defaulted to ALL.

Set Date
To change the From date, touch the From: field box. The Enter Start Date screen will

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. The Search MDA Tests Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

To change the To date, touch the To: field box. The Enter End Date screen will appear.

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. The Search MDA Tests Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

Detector Selection
If the system is configured for both Probe and Well Detectors or a Drilled Probe, the search
results can be narrowed by selecting the Detector type.

14-16 REPORTS October 15


To change the Detector type, touch the Det: field box. Figure 14-4 Detector Selection Screen
will appear.

Touch the button (ALL, PROBE, WELL) for the desired Detector type to search for. The
Search MDA Tests Screen will re-appear showing the selected Detector type.


When the From and To dates and the Detector type are correct, touch the SEARCH button.
The screen displays a listing of the data for the Auto Calibrations performed within the
specified date range as shown in Figure 14-14 MDA Tests Search Screen after Search.

Figure 14-14 MDA Tests Search Screen after Search

Note: If the search results in more than 100 items, the message “Search MDA Test Error
More than 100 items have been returned Please refine criteria” will appear. Refine
the search by narrowing the date range and/or changing the type of Detector to
search for.

To exit Figure 14-14 MDA Tests Search Screen after Search,
• touch the BACK button – Figure 14-2 Reports Screen will re-appear or
• touch the HOME button – Figure 14-1 Main Screen will appear.

October 15 REPORTS 14-17


The listing is in reverse chronological order (newest at the top of the list). The length of the

list will vary depending on how many MDA Tests have been performed between the selected

dates and for the selected Detector type. If there are more than 10 results, the number of

pages (or screens) will be shown in the upper right corner of the screen indicating the length

of the list. To scroll through the list, touch the DOWN ARROW (▼) button. The next group of
10 results will be displayed and the UP ARROW (▲) button will appear allowing the user to
scroll up in the list.

Summary Report

If a printer is attached to the system, a summary report of the search results can be printed
by touching the PRINT button.

Detailed Report

To obtain a detailed report for a particular MDA Test result, touch the desired result on the
list. The result will become highlighted and a VIEW button will appear on the screen as
shown in Figure 14-15 MDA Tests Search Screen with Highlighted Test. (If necessary, scroll
the list until the desired result is displayed.)

Figure 14-15 MDA Tests Search Screen with Highlighted Test

14-18 REPORTS October 15


Touch the VIEW button. Figure 14-16 MDA Test Result Screen displaying the detailed report
for the selected MDA Test result.

Figure 14-16 MDA Test Result Screen

The following sections describe the functions that are available from Figure 14-16 MDA Test
Result Screen.

Print Detailed Result
If a printer is attached to the system, the detailed report of the selected MDA Test
result can be printed by touching the PRINT button.

Inactivate an MDA Test
An MDA Test result can be inactivated. Reasons for doing this can be:
• the test was a simulation for training,
• a mistake was made doing the test, etc.

The MDA Test result will still be saved in the database. When the test is displayed on
the list, it will be shown with a line through the characters. When the summary report
is printed, the word “INACTIVE” and the optional comment will appear instead of the

October 15 REPORTS 14-19


data. When the individual report is printed, “INACTIVE” and the optional comment will

To inactivate the selected MDA Test, touch the INACTIVATE button. Figure 14-11
Inactivate Record Screen will appear.

To enter an optional comment (description or reason) for the selected MDA Test
result inactivation, touch the Comment: field box. Figure 14-12 Alphanumeric Keypad
Screen will appear.

Input the desired comment (description or reason) for the invalidation and touch the
ACCEPT button. Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen will re-appear with the
Comment: field box populated with the entered comment. The comment can contain
any combination of 22 alphanumeric characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen, touch
the CANCEL button.

To complete the inactivation of the selected MDA Test result, touch the YES button.

If it is decided not to inactivate the selected MDA Test result, touch the NO button.

View MDA Test Spectrum
To view the MDA Test Spectrum, touch the SPECTRUM button. The Spectrum
Screen (similar to Figure 14-13 System Test Spectrum Screen) will appear.

A Region of Interest may be defined using the BLUE and GREEN ARROW buttons to
place vertical line cursors around the ROI. DOUBLE ARROW buttons move the
cursor approximately 75 energy channels. SINGLE ARROW buttons move the cursor
approximately 4 energy channels.

Note: The actual energy channel keV will vary depending upon the Auto Calibration.

When the vertical cursor is moved, the channel energy (keV) and the number of
counts in that energy channel are displayed. Once the vertical cursors are set, the
total counts in the ROI are displayed.

To print the spectrum, touch the PRINT button.

To return Figure 14-16 MDA Test Result Screen, touch the BACK button.

Exit Detailed Result

To exit Figure 14-16 MDA Test Result Screen, touch the BACK button. Figure 14-14
MDA Tests Search Screen after Search will re-appear.

14-20 REPORTS October 15


From Figure 14-2 Reports Screen, touch the CHI SQUARE REPORT button. The Search Chi
Square Tests Screen will appear and be similar to that shown in Figure 14-3 Auto Calibration
Search Screen.

The Chi Square Test results are searchable by using a date range and Detector type. The
default From: and To: dates are “today” and the Detector (Det:) type is defaulted to ALL.

Set Date
To change the From date, touch the From: field box. The Enter Start Date screen will

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. The Search Chi Square Tests Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

To change the To date, touch the To: field box. The Enter End Date screen will appear.

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. The Search Chi Square Tests Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

Detector Selection
If the system is configured for both Probe and Well Detectors or a Drilled Probe, the search
results can be narrowed by selecting the Detector type.

To change the Detector type, touch the Det: field box. Figure 14-4 Detector Selection Screen
will appear.

Touch the button (ALL, PROBE, WELL) for the desired Detector type to search for. The
Search Chi Square Tests Screen will re-appear showing the selected Detector type.

October 15 REPORTS 14-21



When the From and To dates and the Detector type are correct, touch the SEARCH button.
The screen displays a listing of the data for the Auto Calibrations performed within the
specified date range as shown in Figure 14-17 Chi Square Tests Search Screen after

Figure 14-17 Chi Square Tests Search Screen after Search

Note: If the search results in more than 100 items, the message “Search Chi Square Test
Error More than 100 items have been returned Please refine criteria” will appear.
Refine the search by narrowing the date range and/or changing the type of Detector
to search for.

To exit Figure 14-17 Chi Square Tests Search Screen after Search,
• touch the BACK button – Figure 14-2 Reports Screen will re-appear or
• touch the HOME button – Figure 14-1 Main Screen will appear.

The listing is in reverse chronological order (newest at the top of the list). The length of the
list will vary depending on how many Chi Square Tests have been performed between the
selected dates and for the selected Detector type. If there are more than 10 results, the
number of pages (or screens) will be shown in the upper right corner of the screen indicating
the length of the list. To scroll through the list, touch the DOWN ARROW (▼) button. The

14-22 REPORTS October 15


next group of 10 results will be displayed and the UP ARROW (▲) button will appear
allowing the user to scroll up in the list.

Summary Report

If a printer is attached to the system, a summary report of the search results can be printed
by touching the PRINT button.

Detailed Report

To obtain a detailed report for a particular Chi Square Test result, touch the desired result on
the list. The result will become highlighted and a VIEW button will appear on the screen as
shown in Figure 14-18 Chi Square Tests Search Screen with Highlighted Test. (If necessary,
scroll the list until the desired result is displayed.)

Figure 14-18 Chi Square Tests Search Screen with Highlighted Test

Touch the VIEW button. Figure 14-19 Chi Square Test Result Screen will appear displaying
the detailed report for the selected Chi Square Test result.

October 15 REPORTS 14-23


Figure 14-19 Chi Square Test Result Screen

The following sections describe the functions that are available from Figure 14-19 Chi
Square Test Result Screen.

Print Detailed Result
If a printer is attached to the system, the detailed report of the selected Chi Square
Test result can be printed by touching the PRINT button.

Inactivate a Chi Square Test
A Chi Square Test result can be inactivated. Reasons for doing this can be:
• the test was a simulation for training,
• a mistake was made doing the test, etc.

The Chi Square Test result will still be saved in the database. When the test is
displayed on the list, it will be shown with a line through the characters. When the
summary report is printed, the word “INACTIVE” and the optional comment will
appear instead of the data. When the individual report is printed, “INACTIVE” and the
optional comment will appear.

14-24 REPORTS October 15


To inactivate the selected Chi Square Test, touch the INACTIVATE button. Figure
14-11 Inactivate Record Screen will appear.

To enter an optional comment (description or reason) for the selected Chi Square
Test result inactivation, touch the Comment: field box. Figure 14-12 Alphanumeric
Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the desired comment (description or reason) for the invalidation and touch the
ACCEPT button. Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen will re-appear with the
Comment: field box populated with the entered comment. The comment can contain
any combination of 22 alphanumeric characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen, touch
the CANCEL button.

To complete the inactivation of the selected Chi Square Test result, touch the YES

If it is decided not to inactivate the selected Chi Square Test result, touch the NO

View Chi Square Test Spectrum
To view the spectrum of a specific counting repetition, touch any of the blue
highlighted Counts field boxes. The Spectrum Screen (similar to Figure 14-13
System Test Spectrum Screen) will appear.

A Region of Interest may be defined using the BLUE and GREEN ARROW buttons to
place vertical line cursors around the ROI. DOUBLE ARROW buttons move the
cursor approximately 75 energy channels. SINGLE ARROW buttons move the cursor
approximately 4 energy channels.

Note: The actual energy channel keV will vary depending upon the Auto Calibration.

When the vertical cursor is moved, the channel energy (keV) and the number of
counts in that energy channel are displayed. Once the vertical cursors are set, the
total counts in the ROI are displayed.

To print the spectrum, touch the PRINT button.

To return to Figure 14-19 Chi Square Test Result Screen, touch the BACK button.

Exit Detailed Result

To exit Figure 14-19 Chi Square Test Result Screen, touch the BACK button. Figure
14-17 Chi Square Tests Search Screen after Search will re-appear.

October 15 REPORTS 14-25



From Figure 14-2 Reports Screen, touch the WIPE REPORT button. Figure 14-20 Wipes
Search Screen will appear.

Figure 14-20 Wipes Search Screen

The Wipe Test results are searchable by using a date range and Wipe type. The default
From: and To: dates are “today” and the Wipe Type is defaulted to ALL WIPES.

Set Date
To change the From date, touch the From: field box. The Enter Start Date screen will

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. Figure 14-20 Wipes Search Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

14-26 REPORTS October 15


To change the To date, touch the To: field box. The Enter End Date screen will appear.

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. Figure 14-20 Wipes Search Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

Wipe Type Selection
The search results can be narrowed by selecting a particular Wipe type.

The default is the display of All Wipes. To change the display criteria, touch the ALL WIPES
button. Figure 14-21 Wipe Criteria Selection Screen will appear.

Figure 14-21 Wipe Criteria Selection Screen

October 15 REPORTS 14-27


Touch the desired button to select the wipes to be displayed:
• All Wipes
• Work Area
• Unrestricted Area
• Sealed Source
• Package
• Wipes with High Activity

After touching the desired button, Figure 14-20 Wipes Search Screen will re-appear with the
selected criteria shown.


When the From and To dates and the Wipe type are correct, touch the SEARCH button. The
screen displays a listing of the data for the Wipe Tests performed within the specified date
range and selected Wipe type as shown in Figure 14-22 Search Wipes Screen after Search.

Figure 14-22 Search Wipes Screen after Search

Note: If the search results in more than 100 items, the message “Search Wipe Test Error
More than 100 items have been returned Please refine criteria” will appear. Refine
the search by narrowing the date range and/or changing the type of Wipes to search

14-28 REPORTS October 15


To exit Figure 14-22 Search Wipes Screen after Search,

• touch the BACK button – Figure 14-2 Reports Screen will re-appear or

• touch the HOME button – Figure 14-1 Main Screen will appear.

The listing is in reverse chronological order (newest at the top of the list). The length of the
list will vary depending on how many Wipe Tests have been performed between the selected
dates and for the selected Wipe type. If there are more than 10 results, the number of pages
(or screens) will be shown in the upper right corner of the screen indicating the length of the
list. To scroll through the list, touch the DOWN ARROW (▼) button. The next group of 10
results will be displayed and the UP ARROW (▲) button will appear allowing the user to
scroll up in the list.

Wipes that have a red “H” to the left of the Wipe Location column have a high activity.

Summary Report

If a printer is attached to the system, a summary report of the search results can be printed
by touching the PRINT button.

October 15 REPORTS 14-29


Detailed Report

To obtain a detailed report for a particular Wipe Test result, touch the desired result on the
list. The result will become highlighted and a VIEW button will appear on the screen as
shown in Figure 14-23 Search Wipes Screen with Highlighted Wipe. (If necessary, scroll the
list until the desired result is displayed.)

Figure 14-23 Search Wipes Screen with Highlighted Wipe

Touch the VIEW button. Figure 14-24 Wipe Report Screen will appear displaying the detailed
report for the selected Wipe Test result.

14-30 REPORTS October 15


Figure 14-24 Wipe Report Screen

The following sections describe the functions that are available from Figure 14-24 Wipe
Report Screen.

Print Detailed Result
If a printer is attached to the system, the detailed report of the selected Wipe Test
result can be printed by touching the PRINT button.

Inactivate a Wipe Test
A Wipe Test result can be inactivated. Reasons for doing this can be:
• the test was a simulation for training,
• a mistake was made doing the test, etc.

The Wipe Test result will still be saved in the database. When the test is displayed on
the list, it will be shown with a line through the characters. When the summary report
is printed, the word “INACTIVE” and the optional comment will appear instead of the
data. When the individual report is printed, “INACTIVE” and the optional comment will

October 15 REPORTS 14-31


To inactivate the selected Wipe Test, touch the INACTIVATE button. Figure 14-11
Inactivate Record Screen will appear.

To enter an optional comment (description or reason) for the selected Wipe Test
result inactivation, touch the Comment: field box. Figure 14-12 Alphanumeric Keypad
Screen will appear.

Input the desired comment (description or reason) for the invalidation and touch the
ACCEPT button. Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen will re-appear with the
Comment: field box populated with the entered comment. The comment can contain
any combination of 22 alphanumeric characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen, touch
the CANCEL button.

To complete the inactivation of the selected Wipe Test result, touch the YES button.

If it is decided not to inactivate the selected Wipe Test result, touch the NO button.

View Wipe Test Spectrum
To view the Wipe Test Spectrum, touch the SPECTRUM button. The Spectrum
Screen (similar to Figure 14-13 System Test Spectrum Screen) will appear.

A Region of Interest may be defined using the BLUE and GREEN ARROW buttons to
place vertical line cursors around the ROI. DOUBLE ARROW buttons move the
cursor approximately 75 energy channels. SINGLE ARROW buttons move the cursor
approximately 4 energy channels.

Note: The actual energy channel keV will vary depending upon the Auto Calibration.

When the vertical cursor is moved, the channel energy (keV) and the number of
counts in that energy channel are displayed. Once the vertical cursors are set, the
total counts in the ROI are displayed.

To print the spectrum, touch the PRINT button.

To return to the Figure 14-24 Wipe Report Screen, touch the BACK button.

View Background Spectrum

To view the spectrum of the Background that was measured previous to the selected
Wipe Test, touch the blue highlighted Background: count rate box. The screen will
appear similar to that shown in Figure 14-13 System Test Spectrum Screen. The
operation of the ARROW buttons is the same as described above.

14-32 REPORTS October 15


Exit Detailed Result

To exit Figure 14-24 Wipe Report Screen, touch the BACK button. Figure 14-23
Search Wipes Screen with Highlighted Wipe will re-appear.


From Figure 14-2 Reports Screen, touch the SCHILLING REPORT button. Figure 14-25
Schilling Test Search Screen will appear.

Figure 14-25 Schilling Test Search Screen

The Schilling Test results are searchable by using a date range. The default From: and To:
dates are “today”.

Set Date
To change the From date, touch the From: field box. The Enter Start Date screen will

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

October 15 REPORTS 14-33


For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. Figure 14-25 Schilling Test Search Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

To change the To date, touch the To: field box. The Enter End Date screen will appear.

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. Figure 14-25 Schilling Test Search Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

When the From and To dates are correct, touch the SEARCH button. The screen displays a
listing of the data for the Schilling Tests performed within the specified date range as shown
in Figure 14-26 Schilling Tests Search Screen After Search.

14-34 Figure 14-26 Schilling Tests Search Screen After Search October 15



Note: If the search results in more than 100 items, the message “Search Schilling Test
Error More than 100 items have been returned Please refine criteria” will appear.
Refine the search by narrowing the date range to search for.

To exit Figure 14-26 Schilling Tests Search Screen After Search,
• touch the BACK button – Figure 14-2 Reports Screen will re-appear or
• touch the HOME button – Figure 14-1 Main Screen will appear.

The listing is in reverse chronological order (newest at the top of the list). The length of the
list will vary depending on how many Schilling Tests have been performed between the
selected dates. If there are more than 10 results, the number of pages (or screens) will be
shown in the upper right corner of the screen indicating the length of the list. To scroll
through the list, touch the DOWN ARROW (▼) button. The next group of 10 results will be
displayed and the UP ARROW (▲) button will appear allowing the user to scroll up in the list.

Summary Report
If a printer is attached to the system, a summary report of the search results can be printed
by touching the PRINT button.

Detailed Report
To obtain a detailed report for a particular Schilling Test result, touch the desired result on
the list. The result will become highlighted and a VIEW button will appear on the screen
similar to that shown in Figure 14-23 Search Wipes Screen with Highlighted Wipe. (If
necessary, scroll the list until the desired result is displayed.)

Touch the VIEW button. Figure 14-27 Schilling Test Report Screen will appear displaying the
detailed report for the selected Schilling Test result.

October 15 REPORTS 14-35


Figure 14-27 Schilling Test Report Screen

The following sections describe the functions that are available from Figure 14-27 Schilling
Test Report Screen.

Print Detailed Result
If a printer is attached to the system, the detailed report of the selected Schilling Test
result can be printed by touching the PRINT button.

Inactivate a Schilling Test
A Schilling Test result can be inactivated. Reasons for doing this can be:
• the test was a simulation for training,
• a mistake was made doing the test, etc.

The Schilling Test result will still be saved in the database. When the test is displayed
on the list, it will be shown with a line through the characters. When the summary
report is printed, the word “INACTIVE” and the optional comment will appear instead
of the data. When the individual report is printed, “INACTIVE” and the optional
comment will appear.

14-36 REPORTS October 15


To inactivate the selected Schilling Test, touch the INACTIVATE button. Figure 14-11
Inactivate Record Screen will appear.

To enter an optional comment (description or reason) for the selected Schilling Test
result inactivation, touch the Comment: field box. Figure 14-12 Alphanumeric Keypad
Screen will appear.

Input the desired comment (description or reason) for the invalidation and touch the
ACCEPT button. Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen will re-appear with the
Comment: field box populated with the entered comment. The comment can contain
any combination of 22 alphanumeric characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 14-11 Inactivate Record Screen, touch
the CANCEL button.

To complete the inactivation of the selected Schilling Test result, touch the YES

If it is decided not to inactivate the selected Schilling Test result, touch the NO button.

View Schilling Test Spectrums
The spectrum of the following measurements can be viewed: Background (B),
Standard (S) and Aliquot (U). To view the spectrum for desired measurement, touch
the corresponding blue highlighted count rate box. The Spectrum Screen (similar to
Figure 14-13 System Test Spectrum Screen) will appear.

A Region of Interest may be defined using the BLUE and GREEN ARROW buttons to
place vertical line cursors around the ROI. DOUBLE ARROW buttons move the
cursor approximately 75 energy channels. SINGLE ARROW buttons move the cursor
approximately 4 energy channels.

Note: The actual energy channel keV will vary depending upon the Auto Calibration.

When the vertical cursor is moved, the channel energy (keV) and the number of
counts in that energy channel are displayed. Once the vertical cursors are set, the
total counts in the ROI are displayed.

To print the spectrum, touch the PRINT button.

To return to the Figure 14-27 Schilling Test Report Screen, touch the BACK button.

Exit Detailed Result

To exit Figure 14-27 Schilling Test Report Screen, touch the BACK button. Figure
14-26 Schilling Tests Search Screen After Search will re-appear.

October 15 REPORTS 14-37



From Figure 14-2 Reports Screen, touch the PLASMA REPORT button. Figure 14-28
Plasma Tests Search Screen will appear.

Figure 14-28 Plasma Tests Search Screen

The Plasma Test results are searchable by using a date range. The default From: and To:
dates are “today”.

Set Date
To change the From date, touch the From: field box. The Enter Start Date screen will

The screen displays the currently set date. Above and below each of the fields are + and –
buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific field, touch the + button to
increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of the

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date or the CANCEL button to cancel any
changes. Figure 14-28 Plasma Tests Search Screen will re-appear showing the set date.

14-38 REPORTS October 15

Click to View FlipBook Version