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Published by capintec, 2015-10-08 15:42:05

CAPTUS 700t Thyroid Uptake System Manual- Revision F

CAPTUS 700t Manual - 9250-0142 Rev G


Normal Values

To view the currently set Thyroid Uptake Normal Values, from Figure 12-14 Thyroid
Uptake – View Protocol Screen, touch the NORMAL VALUES button. Figure 12-15
Normal Range – View Screen will appear.

Figure 12-15 Normal Range – View Screen

The currently set Normal Range values will be displayed. If the values need to be
changed, refer to the NORMAL VALUES section on page 12-17.

To return to Figure 12-14 Thyroid Uptake – View Protocol Screen, touch the BACK

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-25


Patient Information
The top section of Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen contains the
information relative to the Patient.

Note: All fields in bold are required before you can begin the uptake procedure.
However, you may enter the Patient’s first and last name, ID and Date of Birth
and touch the ACCEPT button and enter the rest later. If the remaining data is
not entered when trying to perform an uptake, the message ”Thyroid Uptake
Please complete required test information” will appear.

Patient First Name
This is a required field.

To enter the first name for the Patient, touch the First Name: field box. Figure 12-16
Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.

Figure 12-16 Alphanumeric Keypad Screen

Input the first name for the Patient and touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-13 Add
Thyroid Uptake Test Screen will re-appear with First Name: field box populated with
the entered name. The name can contain any combination of 17 alphanumeric
characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

12-26 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Last Name
This is a required field.

To enter the last name for the Patient, touch the Last Name: field box. Figure 12-16
Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the last name for the Patient and touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-13 Add
Thyroid Uptake Test Screen will re-appear with Last Name: field box populated with
the entered name. The name can contain any combination of 17 alphanumeric
characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

This is a required field.

To enter the ID for the Patient, touch the ID: field box. Figure 12-16 Alphanumeric
Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the ID for the Patient and touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid
Uptake Test Screen will re-appear with ID: field box populated with the entered ID.
The ID can contain any combination of 10 alphanumeric characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

Date of Birth (DOB)
This is a required field.

To enter the date of birth (DOB) for the Patient, touch the DOB: field box. The Enter
Date of Birth screen will appear.

The screen displays the currently set date and time. Above and below each of the
fields are + and – buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific
field, touch the + button to increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease
the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of
the years.

Adjust the displayed date to show the date of birth of the Patient.

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set date. Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake
Test Screen will re-appear with the DOB: field box populated with the entered date.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-27


To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

This is an optional field.

To enter the sex of Patient, touch the Sex: field box. Figure 12-16 Alphanumeric
Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the sex of the Patient and touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid
Uptake Test Screen will re-appear with Sex: field box populated with the entered sex.
The acceptable entries are M, m, F, or f.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

This is an optional field.

To enter the Physician name for the Patient, touch the Phys: field box. Figure 12-16
Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the Physician name and touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid
Uptake Test Screen will re-appear with Phys: field box populated with the entered
name. The name can contain any combination of 17 alphanumeric characters

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

12-28 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


This is an optional field.

To enter the Technologist ID/name performing the procedure, touch the Tech: field
box. Figure 12-16 Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the Technologist ID/name and touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-13 Add
Thyroid Uptake Test Screen will re-appear with Tech: field box populated with the
entered ID/name. The ID/name can contain any combination of 17 alphanumeric
characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

Dosage Information

The bottom section of Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen contains the
information relative to the Administered Dose.

The field boxes in this section of the screen will vary depending upon the Dose
Measurement mode selected in the Protocol as follows:

Dose Measurement Dosage Information Screen Field Boxes

Dose Measured is
Dose Administered

(Single Dose)

Measure Each Dose
and Add Activity

Measure One
Capsule and Multiply

by Number
(Multiple Doses)

Measure Liquid and
Multiply by Factor

(Multiple Doses)

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-29


The Activity, Calibration Date/Time and Lot Number may be determined from your
measurements of the Dose in a Dose Calibrator or from the previously prepared Dose

For Capsule Multiple Doses, input the number of Capsules to be administered.

For Liquid Multiple Doses, input the Multiplying Factor [(Total Vol of Liq) / (Vol of Liq

This is a required field.

To input the Dosage’s calibrated activity data, touch the Activity: field box. Figure
12-17 Enter Activity Screen will appear.

Figure 12-17 Enter Activity Screen

Input the activity value using the keypad and touch the appropriate radio button for
the unit of measure of the Dose.

Note: The available units will change depending on which unit of measurement is
selected on the Setup screen. i.e. if set for Curies, the available units will be
Ci, mCi and µCi; if set for Becquerels, the available units will be GBq, MBq
and kBq.

12-30 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen will re-
appear with Activity: field box populated with the entered activity.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

Calibration Date
This is a required field.

To input the Dosage’s Calibration Date, touch the Calibration Date: field box. Figure
12-18 Date/Time Screen will appear.

Figure 12-18 Date/Time Screen

The screen displays the currently set date and time. Above and below each of the
fields are + and – buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific
field, touch the + button to increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease
the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of
the years.

Adjust the displayed date and time to show the calibration date/time of the Dose.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-31


Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set calibration date and time. Figure 12-13
Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen will re-appear with the Calibration Date: field box
populated with the entered calibration date and time.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

Lot Number
This is a required field.

To enter the Lot Number of the Dose, touch the Lot Number: field box. Figure 12-16
Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the Lot Number of the Dose and touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-13 Add
Thyroid Uptake Test Screen will re-appear with Lot Number: field box populated with
the entry. The Lot Number can contain any combination of 10 alphanumeric
characters maximum.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen,
touch the CANCEL button.

Number of Doses/Factor
This is a required field.

The displayed field box name (# of Doses:, Factor:) depends upon the upon the
Dose Measurement mode selected in the Protocol. Refer to the Dosage Information
section on page 12-29.

For Capsule Multiple Doses, input the number of capsules to be administered.

For Liquid Multiple Doses, input the Multiplying Factor [(Total Vol of Liq) / (Vol of Liq

To input the Number of Doses/Multiplying Factor, touch the # of Doses: / Factor:
field box. The numeric keypad will appear. Input the desired number by touching the
appropriate numbers on the keypad. Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the entered
number. Touch the CANCEL button to abort any changes.

Figure 12-13 Add Thyroid Uptake Test Screen will re-appear with # of Doses: /
Factor: field box populated with the entered value.

Note: The minimum Number of Doses that can be input is 2. The maximum Number
of Doses that can be input is 5.

The minimum Multiplying Factor that can be input is 1.00. The maximum
Multiplying Factor that can be input is 99.99.

12-32 THYROID UPTAKE October 15

Viewing/Editing Patient Information

Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen

If there are no existing Patients in the database, the Patient List will be empty. If there are
Patients in the database, all active Patients will be displayed. The list will display the
Patient’s name, ID and the Dose Administration date and time (if already done).

The Patient List is sorted by their Dose Administration time, latest one first. The number of
pages (or screens) will be shown in the upper right corner of the screen indicating the length
of the list. To scroll through the list, touch the DOWN ARROW (▼) button. The next group of
10 Patients will be displayed and the UP ARROW (▲) button will appear allowing the user to
scroll up in the list.

There are three ways to locate a specific patient record:
1. Use the UP ARROW (▲) and DOWN ARROW (▼) buttons to move up or down in
the Patient List.

2. Touch the Last: field box. Figure 12-16 Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.
Input the Patient’s exact last name. If the exact spelling of the last name is not known,
input the first letter of the last name and then touch the WILDCARD (%) button in the
lower left of the alphanumeric keypad. For example, if you want to see all Patients

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-33


with last names that begin with the letter “C”, input “C%”. Once the last name is input,
touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen
will re-appear with Last: field box populated with the entered search criteria. Touch
the SEARCH button. Any Patient that matches the requested search criteria will be

3. Touch the ID: field box. Figure 12-16 Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear. Input
the Patient’s exact ID. If the exact spelling of the ID is not known, input the first
character of the ID and then touch the WILDCARD (%) button in the lower left of the
alphanumeric keypad. For example, if you want to see all Patients with IDs that begin
with the number “3”, input “3%”. Once the ID is input, touch the ACCEPT button.
Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen will re-appear with ID: field
box populated with the entered search criteria. Touch the SEARCH button. Any
Patient that matches the requested search criteria will be displayed.

Note: The Last: and ID: field boxes can be used in conjunction with each other. That is, the
Last: field box can contain “C%’ and the ID: field box can contain “3%” and once the
SEARCH button is touched, the screen will display all active Patients with last names
that begin with “C” and IDs that begin with “3”.

Once the desired Patient is displayed in the screen, touch the Patient. The entire line for the
selected Patient will become highlighted and an EDIT button will appear in the lower portion
of the screen as shown in Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient Screen.

12-34 Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient Screen October 15



Touch the EDIT button. Figure 12-21 Edit Patient Information Screen will appear showing the
selected Patient’s information.

Figure 12-21 Edit Patient Information Screen

Edit the desired information as described in the PATIENT INFORMATION section beginning
on page 12-20.

Touch the ACCEPT button to save the changes or touch the CANCEL button to cancel the
changes and return to Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen.

Deleting a Patient
As long as no uptake measurements have been performed for a Patient, that Patient can be
deleted from the database. Once an uptake measurement has been performed, that Patient
can not be deleted from the database.

To delete a Patient from the database, find the desired Patient by following the instructions
above for Viewing/Editing Patient Information.

When Figure 12-21 Edit Patient Information Screen appears, if no uptake measurements
have been performed on the selected Patient, a DELETE button will be displayed on the

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-35


lower part of the screen. If the DELETE button is not displayed, the Patient cannot be
deleted from the database.

Touch the DELETE button. The Delete Thyroid Uptake Test confirmation screen will appear.

To cancel the deletion of the selected Patient, touch the NO button. Figure 12-21 Edit Patient
Information Screen will re-appear displaying the selected Patient’s information.

To delete the selected Patient, touch the YES button. Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake
Measurement Screen will re-appear with the selected Patient removed from the list.

Before making any measurements on a patient, verify that all required patient information
has been entered and that the Auto Calibration and Background measurements have been
performed for the current day.

To select a Patient for the uptake procedure, touch the desired Patient in the Patient List on
Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen. Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient
Screen will appear.

Touch the RUN button to begin the uptake measurement. The screen that appears next
depends on the Patient’s associated Protocol and the current stage of the measurement.

To begin the measurements, follow the sequence of steps as shown below depending upon
the Counting Method selected in the Patient’s associated Protocol:

• Decay Correct Administered Dose – beginning below or

• Measure Same Reference Dose Before Each Uptake – beginning on page 12-51.

Decay Correct Administered Dose
Pre-Dose Measurement
If Pre-Dose Measurement is selected in the Protocol, Figure 12-22 Measure Pre-
Dose Patient Screen will appear.

12-36 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Figure 12-22 Measure Pre-Dose Patient Screen

Touch the MEASURE PRE-DOSE PATIENT button. Figure 12-23 Pre-Dose
Measurement Screen will appear.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-37


Figure 12-23 Pre-Dose Measurement Screen

Skip Pre-Dose
The Pre-Dose measurement can be skipped if so desired.

To skip the Pre-dose measurement, touch the SKIP PRE-DOSE button. Figure 12-19
Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen will re-appear.

The next time the Patient is selected and the RUN button is touched, Figure 12-22
Measure Pre-Dose Patient Screen will appear showing the message “Skipped” on the
Pre-Dose measurement line.

Patient Background
To measure Patient Background, verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the
distance indicated and touch the Patient Background Count 1 field box, The
Measure Patient Background screen will appear.

Perform the Patient Background measurement. Once the measurement is accepted,
Figure 12-23 Pre-Dose Measurement Screen will re-appear with the Patient
Background Count 1 field box populated with the measured value.

The Patient Background Count 2 measurement is optional.

12-38 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Neck Measurement
Verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the distance indicated from the
Patient’s Neck and touch the Neck Count 1 field box. The Measure Patient Neck
screen will appear.

Perform the Patient Neck measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure
12-23 Pre-Dose Measurement Screen will re-appear with the Neck Count 1 field box
populated with the measured value.

The Neck Count 2 measurement is optional.

To enter an optional comment for the Pre-Dose measurement, touch the Comment:
field box. Figure 12-16 Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the desired comment for the Pre-Dose measurement and touch the ACCEPT
button. Figure 12-23 Pre-Dose Measurement Screen will re-appear with the
Comment: field box populated with the entered comment. The comment can contain
any combination of 22 alphanumeric characters maximum.

Finish Pre-Dose Measurement
To abort the Pre-Dose measurements, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 12-22
Measure Pre-Dose Patient Screen will re-appear.

After all required measurements are made, touch the ACCEPT button to accept the
measurement results. The Pre-Dose measurements will be saved to the database
and Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen will re-appear.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-39


Administered Dose Measurement

After the Pre-Dose measurement or if Pre-Dose is set to NO in the Protocol, Figure
12-24 Measure Administered Dose Screen will appear.

Figure 12-24 Measure Administered Dose Screen

Note: Refer to the COMPLETING A PATIENT section on page 12-59 for information
on the COMPLETE button.


For a Single Dose Protocol, Figure 12-25 Measure Single Dose Screen will appear.
For a Multi Dose Protocol, Figure 12-26 Measure Multi Dose Screen will appear. In
the example, the Protocol has 3 Capsules.

12-40 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Figure 12-25 Measure Single Dose Screen

October 15 Figure 12-26 Measure Multi Dose Screen 12-41



If there is a valid Background measurement, the Background field box will be
populated with the measured value and the measurement date and time will be
displayed next to the field box.

To measure Background, touch the Background field box, The Background
Measurement screen will appear.

Perform the Background measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure
12-26 Measure Multi Dose Screen will re-appear with the Background field box
populated with the measured value.

Capsule Measurements
Verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the distance indicated from the Neck
Phantom and indicated Capsule is in the Neck Phantom. Touch the appropriate
Capsule in Phantom Count 1 field box. The Measure Thyroid Uptake Dose screen
will appear.

Perform each Capsule measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure
12-27 Multi Dose Screen Shown after Measurements will re-appear with the
corresponding Capsule in Phantom Count 1 field box populated with the measured

The Capsule in Phantom Count 2 measurements are optional.

12-42 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Figure 12-27 Multi Dose Screen Shown after Measurements

Finish Administered Dose Measurement
To abort the Administered Dose measurements, touch the CANCEL button. Figure
12-24 Measure Administered Dose Screen will re-appear.

After all required measurements are made, touch the ACCEPT button to accept the
measurement results. The Administered Dose measurements will be saved to the
database and Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen will re-appear.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-43


Enter Administration Date/Time
The next step is entering the time at which the Dose was administered.

From Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient Screen, touch the RUN button. Figure 12-28
Enter Administration Date/Time Screen will appear.

Figure 12-28 Enter Administration Date/Time Screen

Note: Refer to the COMPLETING A PATIENT section on page 12-59 for information
on the COMPLETE button.

Touch the ENTER ADMINISTRATION DATE/TIME button. Figure 12-29 Entering
Administration Date/Time Screen will appear.

12-44 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Figure 12-29 Entering Administration Date/Time Screen

Touch the Dose Administered On: field box. Figure 12-18 Date/Time Screen will

The screen displays the currently set date and time. Above and below each of the
fields are + and – buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific
field, touch the + button to increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease
the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of
the years.

Adjust the displayed date and time to show the administration date/time of the Dose.

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set calibration date and time. Figure 12-29
Entering Administration Date/Time Screen will re-appear with the Dose
Administered On: field box populated with the entered administration date and time.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 12-28 Enter Administration Date/Time
Screen, touch the CANCEL button.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-45


Once the Administration Date is correct, touch the ACCEPT button. The Administered
Date/Time will be saved to the database and Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake

Measurement Screen will re-appear.

Residual Measurement
If the Dose is a Liquid, and Residual is set to YES in the Protocol, then the next step
is to measure the Residual of each Dose.

From Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen, touch the RUN
button. Figure 12-30 Measure Residual Liquid Screen will appear.

Figure 12-30 Measure Residual Liquid Screen

Note: Refer to the COMPLETING A PATIENT section on page 12-59 for information
on the COMPLETE button.

Touch MEASURE RESIDUAL LIQUID button. Figure 12-31 Residual Liquid
Measurement Screen will appear.

12-46 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Figure 12-31 Residual Liquid Measurement Screen

If there is a valid Background measurement, the Background: field box will be
populated with the measured value and the measurement date and time will be
displayed next to the field box.

To measure Background, touch the Background: field box, The Background
Measurement screen will appear.

Perform the Background measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure
12-31 Residual Liquid Measurement Screen will re-appear with the Background:
field box populated with the measured value.

Residual Measurements
Verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the distance indicated from the Neck
Phantom and indicated Residual Dose is in the Neck Phantom. Touch the appropriate
Residual in Phantom Count 1 field box. The Measure Thyroid Uptake Residual
screen will appear.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-47


Perform each Residual measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure
12-31 Residual Liquid Measurement Screen will re-appear with the corresponding
Residual in Phantom Count 1 field box populated with the measured value.

The Residual in Phantom Count 2 measurements are optional.

Finish Residual Measurement
To abort the Residual measurements, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 12-31
Residual Liquid Measurement Screen will re-appear.

After all required measurements are made, touch the ACCEPT button to accept the
measurement results. The Residual measurements will be saved to the database and
Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen will re-appear.

Measure Patient
The next step is measuring the Patient.

From Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient Screen, touch the RUN button. Figure 12-32
Measure Patient Screen will appear.

12-48 Figure 12-32 Measure Patient Screen October 15



Note: Refer to the COMPLETING A PATIENT section on page 12-59 for information
on the COMPLETE button.

Touch the MEASURE PATIENT button. Figure 12-33 Patient Measurement Screen

Figure 12-33 Patient Measurement Screen

Patient Background
To measure Patient Background, verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the
distance indicated and touch the Patient Background Count 1 field box, The
Measure Patient Background screen will appear.

Perform the Patient Background measurement. Once the measurement is accepted,
Figure 12-33 Patient Measurement Screen will re-appear with the Patient
Background Count 1 field box populated with the measured value.

The Patient Background Count 2 measurement is optional.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-49


Neck Measurement
Verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the distance indicated from the
Patient’s Neck and touch the Neck Count 1 field box. The Measure Patient Neck
screen will appear.

Perform the Patient Neck measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure
12-33 Patient Measurement Screen will re-appear with the Neck Count 1 field box
populated with the measured value.

The Neck Count 2 measurement is optional.

To enter an optional comment for the Patient measurement, touch the Comment:
field box. Figure 12-16 Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the desired comment for the Patient measurement and touch the ACCEPT
button. Figure 12-33 Patient Measurement Screen will re-appear with the Comment:
field box populated with the entered comment. The comment can contain any
combination of 22 alphanumeric characters maximum.

After all measurements are made, Figure 12-34 Patient Measurement Screen after
Measurements appears.

12-50 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Figure 12-34 Patient Measurement Screen after Measurements

Finish Patient Measurement
To abort the Patient measurement, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 12-32 Measure
Patient Screen will re-appear.

After all required measurements are made, touch the ACCEPT button to accept the
measurement results. The Patient measurements will be saved to the database and
Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen will re-appear.

Repeat the Measure Patient procedure for the required number of measurements.

Measure Same Reference Dose Before Each Uptake
Touch the RUN button on Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient Screen. Follow the on-screen
instructions to:

Pre-Dose Measurement
If Pre-Dose Measurement is selected in the Protocol, follow the instructions in the
Pre-Dose Measurement section beginning on page 12-36.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-51


Enter Administration Date/Time
The next step is entering the time at which the Dose was administered.

Follow the instructions in the Enter Administration Date/Time section beginning on
page 12-44.

Residual Measurement
If the Dose is a Liquid, and Residual is set to YES in the Protocol, then the next step
is to measure the Residual of each Dose.

Follow the instructions in the Residual Measurement section beginning on page 12-

Measure Patient
The Reference and Patient Dose may now be measured.

From Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient Screen, touch the RUN button. Figure 12-32
Measure Patient Screen will appear.

Touch the MEASURE PATIENT button. Figure 12-35 Reference Dose and Patient
Measurement Screen appears.

12-52 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Figure 12-35 Reference Dose and Patient Measurement Screen

Reference Dose Measurement
To measure the Reference Dose, touch the Reference Dose: field box. Figure 12-25
Measure Single Dose Screen will appear. If multiple doses are to be measured, there
will be multiple Dose measurement field boxes as shown in Figure 12-26 Measure
Multi Dose Screen.

If there is a valid Background measurement, the Background field box will be
populated with the measured value and the measurement date and time will be
displayed next to the field box.

To measure Background, touch the Background field box, The Background
Measurement screen will appear.

Perform the Background measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure
12-35 Reference Dose and Patient Measurement Screen will re-appear with the
Background field box populated with the measured value.

Verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the distance indicated from the Neck
Phantom and indicated Dose is in the Neck Phantom. Touch the appropriate Dose in
Phantom Count 1 field box. The Measure Thyroid Uptake Dose screen will appear.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-53


Perform each Dose measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure 12-35
Reference Dose and Patient Measurement Screen will re-appear with the
corresponding Dose in Phantom Count 1 field box populated with the measured

The Dose in Phantom Count 2 measurements are optional.

Patient Background
To measure Patient Background, verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the
distance indicated and touch the Patient Background Count 1 field box, The
Measure Patient Background screen will appear.

Perform the Patient Background measurement. Once the measurement is accepted,
Figure 12-35 Reference Dose and Patient Measurement Screen will re-appear with
the Patient Background Count 1 field box populated with the measured value.

The Patient Background Count 2 measurement is optional.

Neck Measurement
Verify that the Probe Detector is positioned at the distance indicated from the
Patient’s Neck and touch the Neck Count 1 field box. The Measure Patient Neck
screen will appear.

Perform the Patient Neck measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure
12-35 Reference Dose and Patient Measurement Screen will re-appear with the Neck
Count 1 field box populated with the measured value.

The Neck Count 2 measurement is optional.

To enter an optional comment for the Patient measurement, touch the Comment:
field box. Figure 12-16 Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the desired comment for the Patient measurement and touch the ACCEPT
button. Figure 12-35 Reference Dose and Patient Measurement Screen will re-
appear with the Comment: field box populated with the entered comment. The
comment can contain any combination of 22 alphanumeric characters maximum.

Finish Patient Measurement

To abort the Patient measurement, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 12-32 Measure
Patient Screen will re-appear.

12-54 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


After all required measurements are made, touch the ACCEPT button to accept the
measurement results. The Patient measurements will be saved to the database and
Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake Measurement Screen will re-appear.

Repeat from the Reference Dose Measurement procedure for the required number of

View Protocol

The Patient’s Protocol settings can be viewed from any of the Measure screen as described
in the View Protocol section beginning on page 12-24.

The results are calculated as follows:

% Thyroid Uptake = (P - T) ×100
(C - B)

P = Patient neck count rate
T = Patient Background count rate (thigh count)
C = Capsule (Standard) count rate
B = Room Background count rate

When a Pre-Dose measurement has been recorded, then
P = Patient Neck count rate – Pre-Dose Neck count rate
T = Patient Background count rate – Pre-Dose Patient Background count rate

Patients Reports
A Patient measurement report can be printed at any time within the process.

Follow the instructions in the Viewing/Editing Patient Information section beginning on page
12-33 to select a Patient to print the report for.

Touch the desired Patient in the Patient List on Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake
Measurement Screen. Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient Screen will appear.

Touch the RUN button. The details of the measurements will be displayed similar to that
shown in Figure 12-32 Measure Patient Screen.

Touch the PRINT button to print the report.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-55


Viewing Measurements
Specific measurement test results and spectrums can be viewed.

Follow the instructions in the Viewing/Editing Patient Information section beginning on page
12-33 to select a Patient to view the measurement results.

Touch the desired Patient in the Patient List on Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake
Measurement Screen. Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient Screen will appear.

Touch the RUN button. The details of the measurements will be displayed similar to that
shown in Figure 12-36 View Patient Test Results Screen.

Figure 12-36 View Patient Test Results Screen

To view the test result measurements, touch any of the blue highlighted count
measurements. A screen similar to that shown in Figure 12-37 Thyroid Uptake – View
Measurement Results Screen will appear.

12-56 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


Figure 12-37 Thyroid Uptake – View Measurement Results Screen

To return to Figure 12-36 View Patient Test Results Screen, touch the BACK button.

To view the spectrum for a specific measurement, touch the blue highlighted count field box
beside the desired measurement. A Spectrum Screen (similar to Figure 12-38 Spectrum
Screen) will appear.

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-57


Figure 12-38 Spectrum Screen

A Region of Interest may be defined using the BLUE and GREEN ARROW buttons to place
vertical line cursors around the ROI. DOUBLE ARROW buttons move the cursor
approximately 75 energy channels. SINGLE ARROW buttons move the cursor approximately
4 energy channels.

Note: The actual energy channel keV will vary depending upon the Auto Calibration.

When the vertical cursor is moved, the channel energy (keV) and the number of counts in
that energy channel are displayed. Once the vertical cursors are set, the total counts in the
ROI are displayed.

To print the spectrum, touch the PRINT button.

To return to Figure 12-37 Thyroid Uptake – View Measurement Results Screen, touch the
BACK button.

12-58 THYROID UPTAKE October 15


When all measurements have been performed on a Patient, the Patient should be removed
from the list of patients to be measured and transferred to the list of patients to be displayed
in the Reports Module.

A Patient can be completed after any measurement is made. The most likely place to do this
would be after all Patient measurements have been made.

Follow the instructions in the Viewing/Editing Patient Information section beginning on page
12-33 to select a Patient to complete.

Touch the desired Patient in the Patient List on Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake
Measurement Screen. Figure 12-20 Highlighted Patient Screen will appear.

Touch the RUN button. The details of the measurements will be displayed similar to that
shown in Figure 12-39 Complete Patient Screen.

Figure 12-39 Complete Patient Screen

Touch the COMPLETE button. Figure 12-40 Complete Patient Confirmation Screen will

October 15 THYROID UPTAKE 12-59


Figure 12-40 Complete Patient Confirmation Screen

To enter an optional comment for the Patient, touch the Comment: field box. Figure 12-16
Alphanumeric Keypad Screen will appear.

Input the desired comment for the Patient and touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 12-40
Complete Patient Confirmation Screen will re-appear with the Comment: field box populated
with the entered comment. The comment can contain any combination of 22 alphanumeric
characters maximum.

If more measurements are to be made for the Patient, touch the NO button. Figure 12-39
Complete Patient Screen will re-appear and the Patient will remain in the list of patients to be

To mark the Patient as completed, touch the YES button. Figure 12-19 Main Thyroid Uptake
Measurement Screen will re-appear with the selected Patient removed from the list of
patients to be measured. The Patient has been moved to the list of Patients to be displayed
in the Reports Module (reference CHAPTER 14: REPORTS).

12-60 THYROID UPTAKE October 15




INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................13-1
BIOASSAY SETUP ........................................................................................13-3

Count Time ................................................................................................13-6
Probe Distance ..........................................................................................13-7
Nuclide to Use in BioAssay ......................................................................13-7
Trigger Levels............................................................................................13-7
Setup BioAssay ROI..................................................................................13-8
Efficiency ...................................................................................................13-9
Saving BioAssay Setup ...........................................................................13-18
BIOASSAY MEASUREMENTS .....................................................................13-19
Staff ...........................................................................................................13-19
Probe Distance .........................................................................................13-23
Background ..............................................................................................13-24
Neck Measurement...................................................................................13-24
Results ......................................................................................................13-24

CAUTION: To ensure optimum performance of CAPTUS® 700t, before using the
BioAssay module, perform the System Setup Procedures as outlined in

BioAssays are generally performed whenever radiation workers are occupationally exposed
to unsealed or high activity sources of I 131, I 125 and I 123 on a regular basis. This test is
used to monitor exposure levels for these workers. Any measured activity outside the normal
limits will be flagged. As part of the procedure, it also determines the system efficiency for
these isotopes.

Notes: Staff Members with Administrator privileges have access to all Staff Members’
BioAssay data.

Staff Members without Administrator privileges can only access his/her own BioAssay
data. Each Staff Member must be added to the Users before he/she can access their
BioAssay data.

Guest users cannot access BioAssay data.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-1


Figure 13-1 Main Screen

13-2 BIOASSAY October 15



To access the BioAssay setup, from Figure 13-1 Main Screen, touch the SETUP button.
Figure 13-2 Setup Screen will appear.

Figure 13-2 Setup Screen

From the Setup screen, touch the ADVANCED DETECTOR button. A numeric keypad will
appear to allowing the user to input a 3-digit password as shown in Figure 13-3 Enter
Password: Screen.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-3


Figure 13-3 Enter Password: Screen

Input the password (last 3 digits of serial number) by touching the appropriate numbers on
the keypad. Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the password. Figure 13-4 Advanced
Detector Setup Screen will appear.

13-4 BIOASSAY October 15


Figure 13-4 Advanced Detector Setup Screen

From Figure 13-4 Advanced Detector Setup Screen, touch the BIO ASSAY button. Figure
13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen will appear.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-5


Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen

Count Time
This is the duration for counting, in seconds, each time a measurement is performed.

The default Counting Time of 60 seconds is displayed in the Count Time: field box.

If it is desired to use a different Count Time, touch the Count Time: field box.

The numeric keypad will appear. Input the desired Count Time by touching the appropriate
numbers on the keypad. Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the entered number. Touch
the CANCEL button to abort any changes.

Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen will re-appear with Count Time: field box populated with
the entered value.

Note: The minimum count time that can be input is 10 seconds. The maximum count time
that can be input is 9,999 seconds.

13-6 BIOASSAY October 15


Probe Distance
This is the distance of the Probe from the Staff Member to be measured in centimeters (cm).

The default Probe Distance of 25 cm is displayed in the Probe Distance: field box.

If it is desired to use a different Probe Distance, touch the Probe Distance: field box.

The numeric keypad will appear. Input the desired Probe Distance by touching the
appropriate numbers on the keypad. Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the entered
number. Touch the CANCEL button to abort any changes.

Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen will re-appear with Probe Distance: field box populated
with the entered value.

Note: The minimum distance that can be input is 10 cm. The maximum distance that can be
input is 50 cm.

Nuclide to Use in BioAssay
The Used in BioAssay: field checkboxes allow the user to select which nuclides will be used
for the BioAssay Test (I 131, I 125 and I 123).

To select the nuclide(s), touch the checkbox located below the desired nuclide(s) to be used.

Trigger Levels
The Trigger Level: field boxes allow the user to set the upper limit on the acceptable level of
activity measured for each of the three nuclides. Measured activities above this level are

The default Trigger Levels are:
• I 131 – 0.04µCi / 1.480kBq
• I 125 – 0.12µCi / 4.440kBq
• I 123 – 0.50µCi / 18.50kBq

If it is desired to use a different Trigger Level, touch the desired Trigger Level: field box.

The numeric keypad will appear. Input the desired Trigger Level by touching the appropriate
numbers on the keypad. Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the entered number. Touch
the CANCEL button to abort any changes.

Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen will re-appear with selected Trigger Level: field box
populated with the entered value.

Note: The minimum Trigger Level that can be input is 0.0101 µCi / 0.3701 kBq. The
maximum Trigger Level that can be input is 0.9999 mCi / 36.99 MBq.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-7


Setup BioAssay ROI
The default ROIs (Regions Of Interest) for the nuclides can be changed.

The default ROI values are:
• I 131 – 292.0 keV to 437.0 keV
• I 125 – 20.0 keV to 50.0 keV
• I 123 – 143.0 keV to 191.0 keV

If it is desired to use different ROIs, touch the SETUP BIOASSAY ROI button. Figure 13-6
Setup BioAssay ROI Screen appears showing the currently set values.

Figure 13-6 Setup BioAssay ROI Screen

To change any of the set ROIs, touch the desired field box.

The numeric keypad will appear. Input the desired ROI keV by touching the appropriate
numbers on the keypad. Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the entered number. Touch
the CANCEL button to abort any changes.

Figure 13-6 Setup BioAssay ROI Screen will re-appear with selected field box populated with
the entered value.

13-8 BIOASSAY October 15


Note: The minimum ROI that can be input is 0.1 keV. The maximum ROI that can be input
is 2000.0 keV.

To abort any changes to the ROIs, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup
Screen will re-appear.

To save the changes to the database, touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 13-5 BioAssay
Setup Screen will re-appear.

Load Original Values
If it is desired to restore reset all of the ROIs to their default values, touch the LOAD
ORIGINAL VALUES button. Figure 13-6 Setup BioAssay ROI Screen will be updated
with the default ROIs.

To abort any changes to the ROIs, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 13-5 BioAssay
Setup Screen will re-appear.

To save the changes to the database, touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 13-5
BioAssay Setup Screen will re-appear.

Efficiency data are used to convert the observed counting rate to the activity value.

Efficiency is a measurement parameter that is defined as the ratio of detected counts (or
counting rate) measured by the system to actual disintegrations (rate of decay). Efficiency
can be defined as follows:

% Efficiency = counts per minute ×100
disintegrations per minute

The efficiency of a nuclide depends upon the geometry, region of interest, energy,
abundance and activity of the source as well as the type of detector system used to measure
the source. For these reasons, efficiency values vary from one nuclide to another.

There are no default Efficiencies in the system. Efficiencies must be entered or measured.

Measure Efficiency

To measure the efficiency of any one or all of the nuclides, touch the MEASURE
EFFICIENCY button. Figure 13-7 Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen, Background
will appear.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-9


Figure 13-7 Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen, Background

Background Measurement
A Background measurement must be performed before the Efficiency can be

To perform a Background measurement, touch the BACKGROUND button. The
Background Measurement screen will appear.

Perform the Background measurement. Once the measurement is accepted, Figure
13-8 Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen will appear.

To cancel the Efficiency measurement, touch the CANCEL button. Figure 13-5
BioAssay Setup Screen will re-appear.

13-10 BIOASSAY October 15


Figure 13-8 Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen

Nuclide Measurements
To exit Figure 13-8 Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen, touch the CANCEL button.
Figure 13-5 BioAssay Setup Screen will re-appear.

Note: All field boxes for the selected nuclide (Activity, Date, Counts) must be
completed before the Efficiency can be saved.

To input information for the nuclide being measured, touch the field’s box and input
the appropriate data for the selected field as described in the following sections.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-11


Activity Field

For the source’s activity data, Touch the Activity: field box. Figure 13-9 Enter Activity
Screen will appear.

Figure 13-9 Enter Activity Screen

Input the nuclide’s calibrated activity value using the keypad and touch the
appropriate radio button for the unit of measure of the source.

Note: The available units will change depending on which unit of measurement is
selected on the Setup screen. i.e. if set for Curies, the available units will be
Ci, mCi and µCi; if set for Becquerels, the available units will be GBq, MBq
and kBq.

Note: The minimum Activity that can be input is 0.1000 µCi / 3.701 kBq. The
maximum Activity that can be input is 9999 µCi / 369.9 MBq.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 13-8 Measure BioAssay Efficiency
Screen, touch the CANCEL button.

Touch the ACCEPT button. Figure 13-8 Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen will
appear with Activity: field box populated with the entered activity.

13-12 BIOASSAY October 15


Date Field

For the nuclide’s calibration date, touch the Date: field box. Figure 13-10 Date/Time
Screen will appear.

Figure 13-10 Date/Time Screen

The screen displays the currently set date and time. Above and below each of the
fields are + and – buttons, respectively. To adjust the displayed value for a specific
field, touch the + button to increase the displayed value or the – button to decrease
the displayed value.

For the year, +10 and -10 buttons are provided to quickly change the tens column of
the years.

Adjust the displayed date and time to show the calibration date/time of the nuclide.

Touch the ACCEPT button to accept the set calibration date and time. Figure 13-8
Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen will re-appear with the Date: field box populated
with the entered calibration date and time.

To cancel any changes and return to Figure 13-8 Measure BioAssay Efficiency
Screen, touch the CANCEL button.

October 15 BIOASSAY 13-13


Counts Field

To perform the measurement, touch the Counts: field box of the nuclide to be
measured. Figure 13-11 BioAssay Efficiency Measurement Screen appears. I 125 is
used in the example.

Figure 13-11 BioAssay Efficiency Measurement Screen

To exit the Source Measurement screen, touch the CANCEL button – Figure 13-8
Measure BioAssay Efficiency Screen will re-appear.

Verify that the count time is set to a minimum of 60 seconds. If not, touch the COUNT
TIME button. A numeric keypad will appear. Input the desired counting time by
touching the appropriate numbers on the keypad. Touch the ACCEPT button to
accept the entered number. Touch the CANCEL button to abort any changes.

Verify that the nuclide to be measured is in the detector and touch the MEASURE
button. The system will begin measuring the nuclide and a spectrum of the acquired
energies is shown. Also, the MEASURE button will be replaced with a STOP button.
At any time during the measurement, touch the STOP button to stop the

13-14 BIOASSAY October 15

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