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Published by jeddamitchell, 2022-03-30 14:21:19



Hoenn Pokédex

Rank Type move name Ranke Type move name Mega-Rayquaza Type: Dragon Flying
Dragon Normal
Twister Dark Scary Face Strength
Rock Ancient Power Psychic Crunch
Flying Air Slash Dragon Rest Dexterity
Normal Extreme Speed Flying Dragon Pulse
Dragon Dragon Dance Dragon Fly Vitality
Normal Hyper Voice Normal Outrage
Normal Hyper Beam Flying Roar Special
Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying Sky Drop
Flying Defog Tailwind Insight
Rain Dance Fire Sunny Day
Water Dive Ground Dig 11Height:
Water Draco Meteor Flying Hurricane Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:
Dragon Cosmic Power
Psychic 10.8m / 35’05” 392kg / 864 lbs Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

What does the power of the Delta Stream

Mega Stone truly entrail? Is it the EVOLUTIVE stage: Mega Evolution.
bond between a Trainer and their


Or is it all about taking a hold of a

forbidden power? #384

#385 Jirachi Type: Steel Psychic Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Steel
Strength Steel Wish Normal Doom Desire
Normal Meteor Mash Psychic Swift
Dexterity Normal Helping Hand Normal Psychic
Psychic Refresh Psychic Lucky Chant
Vitality Normal Rest Psychic Zen Headbutt
Psychic Double-Edge Psychic Gravity
Special Psychic Healing Wish Normal Future Sight
Psychic Cosmic Power Normal Last Resort
Insight Psychic Confusion Psychic Confide
Trick Trick Room

50.3m / 1’00”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

1.1kg / 2.4 lbs Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

It is said that every 1000 years, a Serene Grace

shooting star appears in the sky for EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
7 days, granting wishes to those of

pure heart.

Another common saying is:

“Be careful what you wish for.” #385

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #386 Deoxys Type: Psychic
Normal Normal
Ghost Leer Psychic Wrap Strength
Dark Night Shade Dark Teleport
Psychic Knock Off Dark Pursuit Dexterity
Psychic Psychic Psychic Snatch
Psychic Psycho Shift Normal Zen Headbutt Vitality
Psychic Cosmic Power Normal Recover
Poison Psycho Boost Normal Hyper Beam Special
Normal Toxic Laser Focus
Bind Bug Signal Beam Insight

Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

1.7m / 5’07” 60kg / 132 lbs HP: Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

A space expedition had to be Pressure

aborted due to an emergency. The EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
ship’s crew mentioned a creature

attacking them inside their ship.

They all gave different descriptions

of said creature. #386

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #386 Deoxys Type: Psychic
Normal Normal
Ghost Leer Psychic Wrap Strength
Dark Night Shade Dark Teleport
Psychic Taunt Fight Pursuit Dexterity
Psychic Psychic Psychic Superpower
Psychic Psycho Shift Electric Zen Headbutt Vitality
Psychic Cosmic Power Normal Zap Cannon
Poison Psycho Boost Normal Hyper Beam Special
Normal Toxic Laser Focus
Bind Bug Signal Beam Insight

1.7m / 5’07”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

60kg / 132 lbs Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

The main engineer of the space crew Pressure

reported a tentacled creature that EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
ripped with ease through the thick

metal hull of the ship to escape. The

ship was recovered and was indeed

torn in two sections. #386


Hoenn/Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #386 Deoxys Type: Psychic
Normal Normal
Ghost Leer Psychic Wrap Strength
Dark Night Shade Ground Teleport
Psychic Knock Off Dark Spikes Dexterity
Psychic Psychic Psychic Snatch
Steel Psycho Shift Psychic Zen Headbutt Vitality
Psychic Iron Defense Normal Amnesia
Fight Psycho Boost Psychic Recover Special
Normal Counter Mirror Coat
Bind Bug Signal Beam Insight

1.7m / 5’07”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

60kg / 132 lbs HP: Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

One member of the space crew Pressure

mentioned a broad creature that EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
could reflect their weapon’s attacks

back at them.

There was an explosion and the

creature left, unscathed. #386

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #386 Deoxys Type: Psychic
Normal Normal
Ghost Leer Normal Wrap Strength
Dark Night Shade Dark Double Team
Psychic Knock Off Normal Pursuit Dexterity
Psychic Psychic Psychic Swift
Psychic Psycho Shift Normal Zen Headbutt Vitality
Psychic Agility Normal Recover
Poison Psycho Boost Normal Extreme Speed Special
Normal Toxic Laser Focus
Bind Bug Signal Beam Insight

Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

1.7m / 5’07” 60kg / 132 lbs HP: Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

The First officer mentioned a slim Pressure

creature that moved too fast EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
for the radar to register and the

eye to see. She saw it for a split

second before it supposedly

attacked the other end of the ship. #386

#387 Turtwig Type: Grass Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Water
Strength Grass Tackle Grass Withdraw
Dark Razor Leaf
Dexterity Ghost Absorb Grass Bite
Grass Curse Dark Leech Seed
Vitality Grass Mega Drain Grass
Grass Grass Crunch
Special Ground Synthesis Leaf Storm
Grass Giga Drain Seed Bomb
Insight Mud Slap
Grass Pledge

30.4m / 1’04”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

10kg / 22 lbs Starter

Tiny Leaf Pokémon Abilities:

It makes its home close to lakes, Overgrow

although it is rare to find one. The EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
shell on its back is made of hardened Evolution time: Medium.

soil and should be moist for it to be

healthy. It uses photosynthesis to

get energy. #387 #388 #389

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #388 Grotle Type: Grass
Normal Water
Grass Tackle Grass Withdraw Strength
Ghost Absorb Grass Razor Leaf Dexterity
Grass Curse Dark Bite
Grass Mega Drain Grass Leech Seed Vitality
Grass Grass
Fight Synthesis Crunch Special
Grass Giga Drain Leaf Storm
Superpower Grassy Terrain Insight
Grass Pledge
1m / 3’07”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

97kg / 213 lbs Amateur

Grove Pokémon Abilities:

Other Pokémon harass Grotle when Overgrow

the bushes on its back have berries EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
or fruit. It patiently waits for others Evolution time: Medium.

to finish eating before moving.

It loves clear water and it’s good at

finding cool ponds and springs. #387 #388 #389


Sinnoh Pokédex

#389 Torterra Type: Grass Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Grass Tackle Water Withdraw
Dark Absorb Grass Razor Leaf
Dexterity Ground Bite Ghost Curse
Grass Earthquake Grass Mega Drain
Vitality Grass Synthesis Grass Leech Seed
Grass Wood Hammer Dark
Special Dragon Giga Drain Grass Crunch
Grass Rock Leaf Storm
Insight Outrage Wide Guard
Frenzy Plant

52.2m / 7’03”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

620kg /1366 lbs HP: Ace

Continent Pokemon Abilities:

Torterras travel in groups, mistaken Overgrow

as moving forests. Many pokémon EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
make their nest on its back and live

there for their entire lives.

Ancient people thought that they

lived on the back of a giant Torterra. #387 #388 #389

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #390 Chimchar Type: Fire
Normal Normal
Leer Dark Scratch Strength
Fire Dexterity
Ember Fire Taunt Vitality
Normal Fury Swipes Dark Flame Wheel
Dark Nasty Plot Torment
Normal Fire
Flying Facade Normal Fire Spin Height: Weight: Special SUGGESTED Rank:
Fire Acrobatics Normal Slack Off
Normal Helping Hand 0.5m / 1’08” 6kg / 13 lbs Insight Starter
Flamethrower Fire Fire Pledge
Fake Out 3Base

Chimp Pokémon HP:

They climb sheer cliffs to live at the Blaze

top of the mountains. Small groups of EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
them tend to visit human campings Evolution time: Medium.

to steal food and objects. They are

playful and will wreak havoc if they

want to have fun. #390 #391 #392

#391 Monferno Type: Fire Fight Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Scratch Normal Leer
Fire Ember Dark Taunt
Dexterity Fight Mach Punch Normal Fury Swipes
Fire Flame Wheel Feint
Vitality Dark Normal
Fire Torment Fight Close Combat
Special Normal Fire Spin Flying Acrobatics
Fire Fire
Insight Fire Slack Off Electric Flare Blitz
Fire Punch Thunder Punch
Height: Fire Pledge

40.9m / 2’11”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

22kg / 48 lbs HP: Amateur

Playful Pokémon Abilities:

I t bounces off walls and ceilings to Blaze

launch aerial attacks. They live in EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
packs in distant mountains. The size Evolution time: Medium.

of their flame and the blue pattern

on their faces determine their rank.

They are small but very strong. #390 #391 #392

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #392 Infernape Type: Fire Fight
Normal Normal
Dark Leer Scratch Strength
Normal Taunt Fire Ember
Fury Swipes Fight Mach Punch Dexterity
Normal Feint Fire Flame Wheel
Fire Dark Punishment Vitality
Fight Fire Spin Fire Flare Blitz
Flying Close Combat Psychic Calm Mind Special
Acrobatics Dragon Dual Chop
Normal Insight
Fire Endure
Blast Burn 5Height:
1.2m / 3’11”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

55kg / 121 lbs HP: Ace

Flame Pokémon Abilities:

Its fire crown showcases its proud Blaze

and fiery nature. Infernape won’t EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
hesitate to fight bigger foes and will

take on any challenge they face.

Once Infernape enters a battle, it

won’t back down until it wins. #390 #391 #392


Sinnoh Pokédex

#393 Piplup Type: Water Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Water Pound Water Growl
Flying Bubble Water Water Sport
Dexterity Normal Peck Normal Bubble Beam
Water Water Fury Attack
Vitality Bide Flying
Ice Brine Whirlpool
Special Water Mist Ice Drill Peck
Normal Hydro Pump Water Icy Wind
Insight Flail Water Pledge

30.4m / 1’04” 5kg / 11 lbsHeight:
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

HP: Beginner

Penguin Pokémon Abilities:

Piplups are extremely proud. They Torrent

won’t take anything from anyone EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
nor accept being taken care of. Evolution time: Medium.

It lives along shores in northern

countries. It is a good swimmer but

terrible at walking, it trips over often. #393 #394 #395

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #394 Prinplup Type: Water
Normal Normal
Water Growl Water Tackle Strength
Flying Bubble Steel Water Sport
Water Peck Normal Metal Claw Dexterity
Normal Water
Water Bubble Beam Bide Vitality
Flying Ice
Psychic Fury Attack Water Brine Special
Water Flying
Whirlpool Mist Insight
Drill Peck Hydro Pump
Agility Feather Dance 4Height:
Water Pledge 0.8m / 2’07”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

23kg / 50 lbs Amateur

Penguin Pokémon Abilities:

Prinplups hunt in icy seas. They live Torrent

solitary lives because they cannot EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
stand company and will never form Evolution time: Medium.

a group or a team. They believe they

are the most important thing in the

world, it’s almost irritating. #393 #394 #395

#395 Empoleon Type: Water Steel Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Tackle Normal Growl
Water Swords Dance
Dexterity Flying Bubble Steel Metal Claw
Water Peck Normal Swagger
Vitality Normal Bubble Beam Water
Water Water Brine
Special Fury Attack Flying
Ice Aqua Jet Steel Whirlpool
Insight Mist Water Drill Peck
Water Hydro Pump Iron Defense
Height: Water Aqua Ring Hydro Cannon

51.7m / 5’07”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

126kg /279 lbs Ace

Emperor Pokémon Abilities:

They are regal and arrogant. Their Torrent

beaks slice apart the drifting ice EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
while swimming as fast as a jet boat.

They avoid unnecessary fights, but

will crush and cleave anyone that

hurts or threatens its pride. #393 #394 #395

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #396 Starly Type: Flying Normal
Normal Normal
204 Normal Growl Flying Tackle Strength
Normal Quick Attack Normal
Normal Double Team Flying Wing Attack Dexterity
Psychic Endeavor
Normal Whirlwind Fight Aerial Ace Vitality
Flying Take Down Normal Agility
Brave Bird Special
Ghost Astonish Final Gambit
Normal Uproar Work Up Insight

Height: Weight: 3Base Suggested Rank:

0.3m / 1’00” 2kg / 4 lbs HP: Starter

Starling Pokémon Abilities:

They flock in dozens because they Keen Eye

are very weak on their own. They EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
live around mountains and fields, Evolution time: Medium.

chasing Bug Pokémon. Everyone

hates their annoying and strident

singing. #396 #397 #398

Sinnoh Pokédex

#397 Staravia Type: Flying Normal Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Growl Flying Tackle
Normal Quick Attack Normal
Dexterity Normal Double Team Flying Wing Attack
Psychic Endeavor
Vitality Normal Whirlwind Fight Aerial Ace
Flying Take Down Normal Agility
Special Fight Brave Bird
Fight Revenge Final Gambit
Insight Detect Uproar


40.6m / 2’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

15kg / 34 lbs HP: Amateur

Starling Pokémon Abilities:

They lead a huge flock and fight Intimidate

other flocks for territory. If you leave EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
it alone, it will start to make a horrible Evolution time: Medium.

noise. It is a fierce but bad-mannered

Pokémon. When they are too weak

they abandon their flocks. #396 #397 #398

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #398 Staraptor Type: Flying Normal
Normal Normal
Normal Growl Flying Tackle Strength
Normal Quick Attack Normal
Normal Double Team Flying Wing Attack Dexterity
Fight Endeavor
Normal Whirlwind Aerial Ace Vitality
Psychic Take Down Flying Close Combat
Fight Agility Dragon Special
Flying Final Gambit Brave Bird
Roost Steel Twister Insight
Steel Wing
1.2m / 3’11”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

24kg / 54 lbs Ace

Predator Pokémon Abilities:

S taraptor is a savage creature. Intimidate

They will never stop attacking even EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
if they get injured,and will fight foes Evolution time: Medium.

bigger than themselves. They are

known to leave their flock to live on

their own when they evolve. #396 #397 #398

#399 Bidoof Type: Normal Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Tackle Normal Growl
Normal Defense Curl Normal Take Down
Dexterity Headbutt Normal Hyper Fang
Vitality Psychic Yawn Dark Crunch
Normal Amnesia Rock Rollout
Special Fight Swords Dance Normal Super Fang
Water Superpower Ghost Curse
Insight Normal Water Sport Ground Mud-Slap
Last Resort

30.5m / 1’08”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

20kg / 24 lbs Starter

Plump Mouse Pokémon Abilities:

Steady as a mountain, Bidoof has Simple & Unaware

nerves of steel so nothing can EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
disturb its focus. It is agile, active Evolution time: Medium.

and a great team worker. They live

in huge packs alongside rivers; the

dams they build are incredibly sturdy. #399 #400

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #400 Bibarel Type: Normal Water
Normal Tackle Normal Take Down Strength
Rock Growl Normal Defense Curl
Normal Rollout Water Water Gun Dexterity
Headbutt Normal Hyper Fang
Normal Yawn Vitality
Psychic Amnesia Dark Crunch
Normal Ground Rototiller Special
Fight Swords Dance Normal Super Fang
Water Ghost Curse Insight
Fight Superpower
Aqua Tail Rock Stealth Rock 4Height:
Focus Punch 1m / 3’03”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

31kg / 69 lbs Beginner

Beaver Pokémon Abilities:

B ibarels build dam streams with bark Simple & Unaware

and mud. It is known as an industrious EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
worker. Their constructions are very

appreciated by people because a

river dammed by Bibarel will never

overflow. #399 #400


Sinnoh Pokédex

#401 Kricketot Type: Bug Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Growl Bide
Dexterity Bug Struggle Bug Bug Bug Bite
Vitality Normal
Special Uproar Mud Slap
Bug String Shot


Height: Weight: 3Base Suggested Rank:

0.3m / 1’00” 2kg / 4 lbs HP: Starter

Cricket Pokémon Abilities:

If you hear a xilophone-like sound Shed Skin

at night it means that this Pokémon EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
is roaming close. It communicates Evolution time: Fast.

by making rythmic sounds with its

antennae. It is not aggressive and

feeds on honey and tree sap. #401 #402

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #402 Kricketune Type: Bug
Normal Normal
Growl Grass Bide Strength
Bug Fury Cutter Normal Absorb
Normal Sing Focus Energy Dexterity
Normal Slash DBaurgk X-Scissor Vitality
PNsoyrcmhaicl SRcersetech NDoarmrkal FSeulcl kSetirnPguenr ch
PsDyacrhkic TAamunnetsia NoBrumgal NBaigthotnSPlaasshs Special
NoBrumgal MSteickFyirsWt eb Normal HBuypgeBruVzozice
Normal Perish Song Ground Hyper Voice Insight
Silver Wind Mud Slap
Bug 4Height:
1m / 3’03”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

25kg / 56 lbs Beginner

Cricket Pokémon Abilities:

I t can make all kind of sounds with Shed Skin

its antennae, arms and mouth. EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
It signals emotions with different

tunes but scientists still cannot

define what they mean.

They immitate the songs they hear. #401 #402

#403 Shinx Type: Electric Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Electric Tackle Fairy Leer
Electric Charge Dark Baby-Doll Eyes
Dexterity Normal Spark Normal Bite
Roar Dark Swagger
Vitality Electric Electric
Normal Thunder Fang Dark Crunch
Special Electric Scary Face Discharge
Wild Charge Fire
Insight Ice Fake Tears
Ice Fang Fire Fang
Height:30.5m / 1’08” 9kg / 20 lbs
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

HP: Beginner

Flash Pokémon Abilities:

Its body transforms the energy of its Rivalry & Intimidate

own muscles into electricity. When EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
in danger, their whole fur shines in a Evolution time: Medium.

flash to blind the foes.

They live with their parents and

sibilings in small prides. #403 #404 #405

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #404 Luxio Type: Electric
Normal Normal
Electric Tackle Fairy Leer Strength
Electric Charge Dark Baby-Doll Eyes
Normal Spark Bite Dexterity
Electric Normal Swagger
Normal Roar Dark Crunch Vitality
Electric Thunder Fang
Electric Discharge Special
Ice Scary Face Normal Howl
Wild Charge Fire Fang Insight
Ice Fang Fire
0.9m / 2’11”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

30kg / 67 lbs HP: Amateur

Spark Pokémon Abilities:

Female Luxios stay with the pride Rivalry & Intimidate

but males roam in marauding EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
groups, trying to become strong Evolution time: Medium.

enough to make their own pride. Its

claws and teeth are charged with

electricity, approach with caution. #403 #404 #405


Sinnoh Pokédex

#405 Luxray Type: Electric Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Electric Leer Electric Tackle
Electric Electric Terrain Dark Charge
Dexterity Normal Spark Normal Bite
Electric Roar Dark Swagger
Vitality Normal
Electric Thunder Fang Electric Crunch
Special Dark Scary Face Electric Discharge
Wild Charge Fight Magnet Rise
Insight Night Slash Superpower


51.4m / 4’07”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

84kg / 184 lbs HP: Ace

Gleam Eyes Pokémon Abilities:

I t is said that it can see through Rivalry & Intimidate

walls. This Pokémon can easily find EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
hiding prey and locate its young.

Male Luxrays can be found roaming

alone, patrolling their territory; the

females hunt in groups. #403 #404 #405

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #406 =Budew Type: Grass Poison
Grass Normal
Water Absorb Grass Growth Strength
Grass Water Sport Grass Stun Spore
Ground Mega Drain PNsoyrcmhaicl Worry Seed
NoBrumgal Spikes BEaxtroansePnasosry Vitality
SEinlvdeur rWeind


Height: Weight: 3Base Suggested Rank:

0.2m / 0’08” 1kg / 2 lbs HP: Starter

Bud Pokémon Abilities:

It blossoms near clear ponds. Budew Natural Cure & Poison Point

needs nurturing and care to grow EVOLUTIVE stage: First. 4.
healthy and beautiful, otherwise its Evolves with: Happiness

bud will never bloom.

If threatened, they will reveal their

small but poisonous thorns. #406 #315 #407

#407 Roserade Type: Grass Poison Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Poison Grass
Strength Normal Poison Sting Poison Grassy Terrain
Dexterity Weather Ball Grass Venom Drench
Vitality Grass Psychic Magical Leaf
Special Normal Mega Drain Bug Extrasensory
Grass Sweet Scent Pin Missile
Leaf Storm



50.9m / 3’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

30kg / 66 lbs HP: Amateur

Bouquet Pokémon Abilities:

Luring prey with a sweet scent, it Natural Cure & Poison Point

uses the poison on its thorn-filled EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
arm-whips to poison, bind and finish

off the prey. It has a dangerous

appeal mixed with a graceful

personality. It’s very rare in the wild. #406 #315 #407

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #408 Cranidos Type: Rock
Normal Normal
Focus Energy Dark Leer Strength
Normal Pursuit
Normal Take Down Normal Dexterity
Dark Headbutt Normal Scary Face
Rock Assurance Psychic Chip Away Vitality
Normal Ancient Power Rock Zen Headbutt
Fight Screech Head Smash Special
Fight Steel
Superpower Iron Head Insight
Hammer Arm
0.9m / 3’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

31kg / 69 lbs HP: Amateur

Head Butt Pokémon Abilities:

I t was resurrected from an iron Mold Breaker

ball-like fossil. It downs prey with EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
headbutts and tramples trees and Evolution time: Medium.

walls with ease. They were plentiful

100 million years ago. You can’t find

one nowdays except as a fossil. #408 #409


Sinnoh Pokédex

#409 Rampardos Type: Rock Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Focus Energy Dark Leer
Normal Pursuit
Dexterity Normal Take Down Normal
Dark Headbutt Normal Scary Face
Vitality Normal Assurance Rock Chip Away
Psychic Endeavor Normal Ancient Power
Special Rock Zen Headbutt Screech
Steel Head Smash Fight
Insight Iron Head Dragon Superpower
Height: Weight: Base 4 Suggested Rank:
1.6m / 5’03” 204kg /552 lbs HP:

Head Butt Pokémon Abilities:

Its skull withstands any magnitude Mold Breaker

of impact. As a result, its brain never EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
gets the chance to grow, this may

have been the cause of its extintion.

It is capable of rolling a truck over

with a single strike. #408 #409

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #410 Shieldon Type: Rock Steel
Normal Normal
Dark Tackle Steel Protect Strength
Normal Taunt Steel Metal Sound Dexterity
Normal Take Down Rock Iron Defense
Normal Swagger Steel
Endure Steel Ancient Power Vitality
Steel Rock
Psychic Iron Head Metal Burst Special
EFleigchtrtic Guard Split
CIoonuDnetelurge Heavy Slam Insight
Wide Guard
Charge Height: Weight: Base 3 Suggested Rank:

0.5m / 1’08” 57kg / 125 lbs HP: Amateur

Shield Pokémon Abilities:

It was cloned from a fossil dug out Sturdy

from a layer of clay. It is outstan- EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
dingly armored. As a result, it can eat Evolution time: Medium.

grass and berries without having

to fight many Pokémon who would

dare to prey on it. #410 #411

#411 Bastiodon Type: Rock Steel Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Dark Tackle Steel Protect
Normal Taunt Steel Metal Sound
Dexterity Normal Take Down Rock Iron Defense
Normal Swagger Normal Ancient Power
Vitality Steel Block Steel Endure
Iron Head
Special Steel Metal Burst Psychic
Rock Heavy Slam Ground Guard Split
Insight Wide Guard Fissure


41.3m / 4’03”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

600kg /1322 lbs HP: Ace

Shield Pokémon Abilities:

T hey lived in herds, millions of years Sturdy

ago. They would line together to EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
shield their young. Despite its rough

and scary exterior, this Pokémon is

calm, gentle natured and a strict

herbivore. #410 #411

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #412 Burmy Type: Bug
Normal Normal
Protect Normal Tackle Strength
Bug Bug Bite Hidden Power Dexterity
Electric Electroweb Bug String Shot Vitality



Height: Weight: 3Base Suggested Rank:

0.2m / 0’08” 3kg / 7 lbs HP: Starter

Bagworm Pokémon Abilities:

T his Pokémon has adapted to live in Shed Skin

the forests, deserts and in the city. EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
It makes a cloak with the materials Evolution time: Fast.

close to it to protect itself from the

weather. Males evolve into a Mothim

and females into a Wormadam. #412 #413 #414


#413 Wormadam Type: Bug Grass Rank Type move name Sinnoh Pokédex
Strength Normal Protect Rank Type move name
Dexterity Bug Normal Tackle
Bug Bite Normal Flail
Vitality Psychic Confusion Normal Hidden Power
Normal Growth Grass Razor Leaf
Special Quiver Dance Psychic Psybeam
Bug Attract Dark Sucker Punch
Insight Normal Leaf Storm Psychic Psychic
Grass Synthesis
40.5m / 1’08” 6kg / 14 lbsHeight: Grass Giga Drain Bug Bug Buzz
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank: Grass Electric Electro Web


Bagworm Pokémon Abilities:

When Burmy evolved, its Grass cloak Anticipation

became a part of its body. For this EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
reason there are many variations in Evolved by: Being Female.

body and type. It is a calm Pokémon

that loves flowers.

This Pokémon is female only. #412 #413 #414

#413 Wormadam Type: Bug Steel Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Protect Normal Tackle
Flail Normal Captivate
Dexterity Bug Bug Bite Hidden Power
Vitality Steel Mirror Shot Dark Metal Sound
Psychic Psybeam Normal Sucker Punch
Special Quiver Dance Steel Attract
Bug Psychic Electric Iron Head
Insight Psychic Bug Buzz Grass
Iron Defense Electro Web
Height:40.5m / 1’08” 6kg / 14 lbs Bug Synthesis
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank: Steel


Bagworm Pokémon Abilities:

When Burmy evolved, its Trash cloak Anticipation

became a part of its body. For this EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
reason there are many variations in Evolved by: Being Female.

body and type. It is a calm Pokémon

that loves foil wrapping.

This Pokémon is female only. #412 #413 #414

#413 Wormadam Type: Bug Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Protect Normal Tackle
Captivate Normal Flail
Dexterity Bug Bug Bite Rock Hidden Power
Vitality Psychic Confusion Dark Rock Blast
Normal Harden Psychic Psybeam
Special Quiver Dance Sucker Punch
Bug Attract Bug Psychic
Insight Normal Fissure Electric
Ground Synthesis Bug Buzz
40.5m / 1’08” 6kg / 14 lbs Grass Stealth Rock Electro Web
Height: Weight: Base Suggested Rank: Rock

HP: Beginner

Bagworm Pokémon Abilities:

When Burmy evolved, its Sand cloak Anticipation

became a part of its body. For this EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
reason there are many variations in Evolved by: Being Female.

body and type. It is a calm Pokémon

that loves odd-shaped stones.

T his Pokémon is female only. #412 #413 #414

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #414 Mothim Type: Bug Flying
Normal Bug
Normal Tackle Bug Bite Strength
Hidden Power Psychic Confusion
Flying Gust Poison Poison Powder Dexterity
Psychic Psybeam Normal Camouflage
Silver Wind Flying Air Slash Vitality
Bug Psychic Bug Buzz
Psychic Bug Special
Lunge Quiver Dance
Bug Electro Web Bug Twister Insight
Electric Giga Drain Dragon
Grass 4Height:
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.9 m / 3’00” 23kg / 51 lbs Amateur

Moth Pokémon Abilities:

It flies near the mountains in search Swarm

of honey. It is an opportunist and EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
won’t gather any honey by itself, Evolved by: Being Male.

instead Mothim steals from Combee

hives and other Pokémon.

This Pokémon is male only. #412 #413 #414


Sinnoh Pokédex

#415 Combee Type: Bug Flying Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Sweet Scent Flying Gust
Dexterity Bug Bug Bite Bug Bug Buzz
Vitality Flying
Special Normal Tailwind Normal Swift


30.3m / 1’00” 5kg / 12 lbsHeight:
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

HP: Starter

Tiny Bee Pokémon Abilities:

It forms hives around trees. It flies all Honey Gather

day sipping the nectar from flowers EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
to make honey. It is usually born a Evolution Time: Slow. Female only.

male. If a female is born, it will grow

into a Vespiqueen and start its own

Hive. #415 #416

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #416 Vespiquen Type: Bug Flying
Normal Flying
Poison Sweet Scent Ghost Gust Strength
Poison Sting Dark Confuse Ray
Bug Fury Cutter Bug Pursuit Dexterity
Bug Fell Stinger Bug Attack Order
Normal Fury Swipes Rock Defend Order Vitality
Normal Slash Poison Power Gem
Bug Heal Order Normal Toxic Special
Flying Air Slash Normal
Ghost Normal Captivate Insight
Bug Destiny Bond Swagger
Ghost Signal Beam Endure 4Height:
Ominous Wind 1.2m / 4’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

38kg / 84 lbs Ace

Beehive Pokémon Abilities:
This Pokémon is female only.
It raises grubs in the holes in its
body and secretes pheromones to EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.

control Combee to fight and gather

honey for her. It is a royal Pokémon

that won’t take orders from anyone. #415 #416

#417 Pachirisu Type: Electric Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Growl Normal Bide
Electric Quick Attack Fairy Charm
Dexterity Electric Spark Normal Endure
Electric Nuzzle Normal
Vitality Electric Electro Ball Fairy Swift
Electric Thunder Wave Sweet Kiss
Special Normal Discharge Normal
Grass Hyper Fang Normal Super Fang
Insight Seed Bomb Normal Last Resort
Dark Follow Me
Height: Weight: 4BHaPse: Suggested Rank: Fake Tears

0.4m / 1’04” 4kg / 8 lbs Beginner

EleSquirrel Pokémon Abilities:

It lives on top of the trees, gathering Run Away & Pick Up

food for the cold winter months. EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
It keeps warm by making fur balls

charged with static electricity. Like

other electric rodents, it stores

electricity on its cheek pouches. #417

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #418 Buizel Type: Water
Normal Normal
Water Sonic Boom Normal Growl Strength
Water Water Sport Dark Quick Attack
Normal Water Gun Water Pursuit Dexterity
Normal Swift Water Aqua Jet
Normal Double Hit Water Whirlpool Vitality
Psychic Razor Wind Aqua Tail
Agility Water Special
Ice Ice Punch Normal Hydro Pump
Water Aqua Ring Tail Slap Insight

0.7m / 2’04”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

29kg / 65 lbs HP: Beginner

Sea Weasel Pokémon Abilities:

It is usually seen close to streams and Swift Swim

rivers. Buizel swims by rotating its two EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
tails like a screw, the sack around Evolution time: Medium.

its neck swells to help it float or

deflates to dive underwater and

catch prey. #418 #419


Sinnoh Pokédex

#419 Floatzel Type: Water Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Water Sonic Boom Normal Growl
Water Sport Normal Quick Attack
Dexterity Ice Ice Fang Dark Razor Wind
Water Water Gun Water Pursuit
Vitality Normal Swift Water Aqua Jet
Normal Double Hit Water Whirlpool
Special Dark Crunch Aqua Tail
Psychic Agility Water
Insight Ice Punch Steel Hydro Pump
Ice Aqua Ring Iron Tail
Height: Water

41.1m / 3’07”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

33kg / 73 lbs Amateur

Sea Weasel Pokémon Abilities:

It floats using its well-developed Swift Swim

sack. They roam close to fishing EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
spots to steal an easy meal. People

allow them to hang around their

boats because they help whenever

a person falls into the water. #418 #419

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #420 Cherubi Type: Grass
Normal Tackle Grass Leech Seed Strength
Normal Growth Normal Morning Sun
Helping Hand Grass Magical Leaf Dexterity
Normal Sunny Day Grass Worry Seed Vitality
Normal Take Down Grass Solar Beam
Psychic Grass Special
Normal Lucky Chant Normal Petal Blizzard
Heal Pulse Weather Ball Insight
Nature Power
Height: Weight: 3Base Suggested Rank:

0.4m / 1’04” 3kg / 7 lbs HP: Starter

Cherry Pokémon Abilities:

I t hides on bushes while absorbing Chlorophyll

the sunlight. Their small heads store EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
the energy needed for evolution, but Evolution time: Fast.

this small head is frequently eaten

by other Pokémon and people so

it’s hard for them to evolve. #420 #421

#421 Cherrim Type: Grass Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Grass
Strength Normal Tackle Normal Leech Seed
Normal Growth Grass
Dexterity Helping Hand Morning Sun
Fire Grass Magical Leaf
Vitality Grass Sunny Day Normal
Grass Worry Seed Normal Petal Dance
Special Solar Beam Take Down
Grass Petal Blizzard Grass Lucky Chant
Insight Psychic Heal Pulse Grass
40.5m / 1’08” 9kg / 20 lbs Synthesis
Height: Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

HP: Beginner

Blossom Pokémon Abilities:

Cherrims bloom during times of Flower Gift

strong sunlight, their petals open EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
fully and radiant. If the sun is not

visible, it will remain as a closed bud,

barely moving trying to preserve its

energy. #420 #421

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #422 Shellos Type: Water
Normal Mud Slap Ground Mud Sport Strength
Ground Harden Water Water Pulse
Water Mud Bomb Normal Hidden Power Dexterity
PPsoyicsohnic Rain Dance Normal Body Slam Vitality
GNroorumnadl Muddy Water Normal Recover
AcmidneAsrima or Psychic ABamtnoensPiaass Special

Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

0.3m / 1’00” 6kg / 12 lbs HP: Beginner

Sea Slug Pokémon Abilities:

Its shape and coloration change Sticky Hold & Storm Drain

depending on its habitat of salt or EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
sweet water. Their body is very soft Evolution time: Medium.

and squishy but they can stretch

long lenghts. It releases a purple

liquid from its body if threatened. #422 #423


Sinnoh Pokédex

#423 Gastrodon Type: Water Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Mud Slap Ground Mud Sport
Ground Harden Water Water Pulse
Dexterity Water Mud Bomb Normal Hidden Power
Rain Dance Normal Body Slam
Vitality Water
Poison Muddy Water Normal Recover
Special Ground Acid Armor
Fissure Fight Counter


60.9m / 3’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

30kg / 66 lbs HP: Amateur

Sea Slug Pokémon Abilities:

It has a pliable body without any Sticky Hold & Storm Drain

bones. If any part of its body is torn EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
off, it will grow back in minutes.

There is evidence that it had a hard

shell on its back for protection in

prehistoric times. #422 #423

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #424 Ambipom Type: Normal
Normal Normal
Ground Scratch Ghost Tail Whip Strength
Dragon Sand Attack Normal Astonish
Normal Dual Chop Normal Baton Pass Dexterity
Normal Tickle Normal Fury Swipes
Psychic Swift Normal Vitality
Dark Dark Screech
Normal Agility Normal Double Hit Special
Grass Fling Nasty Plot
Last Resort Ice Insight
Fake Out
Seed Bomb Ice Punch 4Height:
1.2m / 4’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

20kg / 44 lbs Amateur

Long Tail Pokémon Abilities:

T hey live in large colonies on the Technician & Pick Up

tallest trees, linking their tails to EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
show friendship among herd mates.

It loves fresh fruit. Ambipom uses its

two tails better than its own arms to

swing around. #190 #429

#425 Drifloon Type: Ghost Flying Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Ghost Constrict Normal Minimize
Normal Astonish Flying Gust
Dexterity Ghost Focus Energy Dark Payback
Ghost Ominous Wind Normal Stockpile
Vitality Normal Normal
Psychic Hex Swallow
Special Normal Spit Up Ghost Shadow Ball
Normal Amnesia Normal Baton Pass
Insight Explosion Normal Disable
Weather Ball Dark Sucker Punch
Height: Weight: 3Base Suggested Rank:

0.4m / 1’04” 1kg / 2 lbs HP: Amateur

Balloon Pokémon Abilities:

A Pokémon formed by the spirits of Aftermath & Unburden

lost people and Pokémon. Children EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
who mistake it for a real balloon Evolution time: Medium.

often end up missing. Because it

floats aimlessly, an old folktale calls it

the “Signpost for Wandering Spirits.” #425 #426

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #426 Drifblim Type:
Normal Normal
Ghost Constrict Flying Minimize Strength
Normal Astonish Dark Gust
Ghost Focus Energy Normal Payback Dexterity
Ghost Ominous Wind Normal Stockpile
Normal Hex Vitality
Psychic Spit Up Ghost Swallow
Normal Amnesia Normal Shadow Ball Special
Dark Explosion Baton Pass
Sucker Punch Ghost Phantom Force Insight
Ice Icy Wind Electric Shockwave
1.2m / 4’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

15kg / 33 lbs Ace

Blimp Pokémon Abilities:

They float in groups in the evenings, Aftermath & Unburden

sometimes carrying people or EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
Pokémon. If you notice them, they

suddenly vanish. No one knows

where they go at night, and those

who follow them never return. #425 #426


Sinnoh Pokédex

#427 Buneary Type: Normal Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Defense Curl Normal Splash
Pound Foresight
Dexterity Normal Fairy
Normal Endure Normal Baby-Doll Eyes
Vitality Fight Frustration Normal Quick Attack
Psychic Jump Kick Normal Baton Pass
Special Fairy Agility Dizzy Punch
Normal Charm Normal
Insight Psychic Entrainment Flying After You
Normal Healing Wish Psychic Bounce
30.4m / 1’04” 5kg / 12 lbsHeight: Fake Out Fairy Cosmic Power
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank: Sweet Kiss


Rabbit Pokémon Abilities:

Lives in forest, grasslands and even Run Away & Klutz

snowy mountains. It forms burrows EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
and uses its soft fur to make nests Evolves with: Happiness 4.

and keep warm. You can see how it

feels for the position of its ears.

They are easily scared by humans. #427 #428

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #428 Lopunny Type: Normal
Normal Defense Curl Normal Splash Strength
Normal Pound Normal Foresight
Flying Endure Normal Return Dexterity
Psychic Bounce
Normal Mirror Coat Ground Rototiller Vitality
Normal Quick Attack Psychic Magic Coat
Normal Baton Pass Fight Jump Kick Special
Fairy Dizzy Punch Psychic Agility
Psychic Charm Normal After You Insight
Psychic Healing Wish Normal Entrainment
Normal Cosmic Power Fight High Jump Kick 4Height:
Fake Out 1.2m / 4’00”
Normal Teeter Dance Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

33kg / 73 lbs HP: Amateur

Rabbit Pokémon Abilities:

Lopunny is extremely cautious, it Cute Charm & Klutz

quickly bounds off when it senses EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
danger. If they are touched roughly,

they throw kicks and jump away.

Keep the fur it sheds as it’s highly

valued to make quality yarn. #427 #428

Rank Type move name Ranke Type move name Mega-Lopunny Type: Normal Fight
Normal Defense Curl Normal Splash Strength
Normal Pound Normal Foresight
Flying Endure Normal Return Dexterity
Psychic Bounce
Normal Mirror Coat Ground Rototiller Vitality
Normal Quick Attack Psychic Magic Coat
Normal Baton Pass Fight Jump Kick Special
Fairy Dizzy Punch Psychic Agility
Psychic Charm Insight
Psychic Healing Wish Normal After You
Normal Cosmic Power Normal Entrainment 5Height:
Fake Out Fight High Jump Kick Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

Normal Teeter Dance 1.3m / 4’03” 28kg / 62 lbs HP: Ace

Rabbit Pokémon Abilities:

The power of the Mega Stone Scrappy

awakens its combative nature. EVOLUTIVE stage: Mega Evolution.
Most of its fur is lost due to constant

fighting, even its ears are used as

weapons, whipping foes with heavy

hits. #428 #428

#429 Mismagius Type: Ghost Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Grass
Strength Normal Growl Ghost Magical Leaf
Rock Lucky Chant Psychic Astonish
Dexterity Ghost Power Gem Ghost Psywave
Spite Psychic Phantom Force
Vitality Fire Mystical Fire Dark Wonder Room
Dark Foul Play Nasty Plot

Height: Weight: 4HBaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.9m / 3’00” 4kg / 9 lbs Ace

Magical Pokémon Abilities:

Extremely rare. Their cries sound like Levitate

incantations, hearing them gives you EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
bad headaches and hallucinations.

It is said that some Mismagius are

benevolent and have granted good

fortune to people they like. #200 #429

Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #430 Honchkrow Type: Dark Flying
Ghost Flying
Dark Astonish Wing Attack Strength
Dark Pursuit Ice Haze Dexterity
Normal Dark Pulse Vitality
Dark Swagger Dark Night Slash
Foul Play Dark Nasty Plot
Dark Dark
Fire Sucker Punch Quash Special
Heat Wave Normal Perish Song
Flying Air Cutter Height: Weight: Insight Suggested Rank:

0.9m / 3’00” 27kg / 60 lbs 5Base Amateur


Big Boss Pokémon Abilities:

It lets out a deep cry to summon Insomnia & Super Luck

Murkrows, which fetch food and EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
shiny objects to Honchkrow. It is,

however, a tyrant to the Murkrow. It

only goes out at night to carry out

evil deeds. #198 #430

#431 Glameow Type: Normal Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Fake Out Psychic Scratch
Dark Growl Normal Hypnosis
Dexterity Fairy Feint Attack Normal Fury Swipes
Normal Charm Normal Assist
Vitality Normal Captivate Dark Slash
Dark Attract Fairy Sucker Punch
Special Dark Hone Claws Dark Play Rough
Normal Foul Play Fake Tears
Insight Super Fang

Height: Weight: 3Base Suggested Rank:

0.5m / 1’08” 4kg / 8 lbs HP: Starter

Catty Pokémon Abilities:

It is p lentiful in urban areas, as it is Limber & Own Tempo
a popular pet. It has a very fickle
nature, purring in happiness one EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
Evolution time: Medium.
second, then hooking its claws

into its trainer’s nose. It loves to be

admired and pampered. #431 #432

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #432 Purgugly Type: Normal
Normal Normal
Normal Fake Out Psychic Scratch Strength
Dark Growl Normal Hypnosis Dexterity
Fairy Feint Attack Normal Vitality
Normal Charm Normal Fury Swipes
Normal Captivate Normal Assist
Normal Swagger Dark
Normal Attract Normal Slash Special
Fight Last Resort Body Slam
Wake-Up Slap Hone Claws Height: Weight: Insight Suggested Rank:
Hyper Voice
1m / 3’03” 43kg / 96 lbs 4BHaPse: Amateur

Tiger Cat Pokémon Abilities:

It becomes wilder and aggressive Thick Fat & Own Tempo

after evolving. It is known to claim EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
other Pokémon nests as its own.

It will make itself appear bigger and

glare with piercing eyes to achieve

dominance over someone. #431 #432

#433 Chingling Type: Psychic Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Normal Wrap Normal Growl
Ghost Astonish Normal Yawn
Dexterity Psychic Uproar
Confusion Normal Entrainment
Vitality Normal Last Resort Normal Recover
Psychic Cosmic Power Normal
Special Psychic Future Sight


Height:30.2m / 0’08” 0.6kg / 1 lbs
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:


Bell Pokémon Abilities:

It has a ball inside its mouth that Levitate

makes a ringing sound when it hops EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
around. To defend itself, it will emit Evolves with: Happiness 4.

low frequency cries that deafen

its foes. However this sound is not

audible to humans. #433 #358


Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #434 Stunky Type: Poison Dark
Normal Normal
Poison Scratch Normal Focus Energy Strength
Poison Gas Screech
Normal Normal Dexterity
Normal Fury Swipes Dark Smokescreen
Normal Feint Poison Bite Vitality
Poison Slash Poison Toxic
Dark Acid Spray Dark Venom Drench Special
Poison Night Slash Memento
Fairy Belch Normal Explosion Insight
Play Rough Dark Sucker Punch
Fire Flame Burst 3Height:
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.4 m / 1’04” 19kg / 42 lbs Beginner

Skunk Pokémon Abilities:

Over the years they have moved Stench & Aftermath

closer to towns and other human EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
settlements. They release a foul Evolution time: Medium.

liquid from their rear that stinks for

days to scare away predators.

But sometimes they do it just for fun. #434 #435

#435 Skuntank Type: Poison Dark Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Poison Scratch Normal Focus Energy
Normal Poison Gas Screech
Dexterity Normal Normal
Normal Fury Swipes Dark Smokescreen
Vitality Poison Feint Poison Bite
Poison Slash Fire Toxic
Special Dark Acid Spray Dark Flamethrower
Normal Venom Drench Night Slash
Insight Fairy Memento Poison Belch
Explosion Dark Sucker Punch
Height: Normal Scary Face
Play Rough
51m / 3’03”
Weight: HBaPse: Suggested Rank:

38kg / 53 lbs Amateur

Skunk Pokémon Abilities:

It sprays a reeking fluid from its tail. Stench & Aftermath

The fluid smells worse the longer it EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
is allowed to fester. It is vulnerable

to attacks that come from above

due to its exuberant tail. When it’s

relaxed it doesn’t smell bad. #434 #435

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #436 Bronzor Type: Steel Psychic
Normal Psychic
Psychic Tackle Psychic Confusion Strength
Ghost Hypnosis Psychic Imprison
Steel Confuse Ray Psywave Dexterity
Normal Iron Defense Dark Feint Attack
Steel Safeguard Psychic Future Sight Vitality
Metal Sound Steel Gyro Ball
Psychic Special
Psychic Extrasensory Dark Payback
Heal Block Steel Heavy Slam Insight
Rock Rock
Bug Stealth Rock Ancient Power 3Height:
Signal Beam 0.5m / 1’08”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

60kg / 133 lbs HP: Beginner

Bronze Pokémon Abilities:

They are found in ancient tombs Levitate & Heatproof

and temples. Objects shaped like EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
Bronzor have been found within Evolution time: Medium.

the vaults. Bronzors reflect images

like mirrors, people say that this

reflection shows the future. #436 #437

#437 Bronzong Type: Steel Psychic Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Fire Water
Strength Normal Sunny Day Psychic Rain Dance
Psychic Tackle Psychic Confusion
Dexterity Ghost Hypnosis Psychic Imprison
Steel Confuse Ray Dark Psywave
Vitality Normal Iron Defense Psychic Feint Attack
Steel Safeguard Normal Future Sight
Special Steel Metal Sound Psychic Block
Dark Gyro Ball Psychic Extrasensory
Insight Steel Payback Rock Heal Block
Steel Heavy Slam Psychic Ancient Power
41.3m / 4’03” 374kg /824 lbs Iron Head Skill Swap
Height: Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:


Bronze Bell Pokémon Abilities:

Ancient people revered Bronzong Levitate & Heatproof

for bringing the rain and sun at will. EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
One became a news sensation

recently when it was dug up at a

construction site after a 2000-year

sleep. #436 #437


Sinnoh Pokédex Rank Type move name #438 Bonsly Type: Rock
Rank Type move name Fight Copycat Strength
Normal Low Kick
Dark Fake Tears Rock Mimic Dexterity
Normal Flail Rock Tomb
Rock Rock Throw Normal Vitality
Dark Feint Attack Fight Block
Normal Tearful Look Normal Counter Special
Rock Rock Slide Rock
Dark Sucker Punch Double-Edge Insight
Ground Sand Tomb Rock Polish
Dark Foul Play 3Height:
0.5m / 1’08”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

15kg / 33 lbs Starter

Bonsai Pokémon Abilities:

They thrive in arid places. It looks like Sturdy & Rock Head

it’s crying all the time but it’s actually EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
adjusting the moisture of its body Evolves By: Using Mimic.

and releasing excess water. Over

time they become excellent at

impersonating trees. #438 #185

#439 Mime Jr. Type: Psychic Fairy Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Psychic
Strength Psychic Tickle Normal Barrier
Psychic Confusion Normal Copycat
Dexterity Normal Meditate Double Slap
Psychic Mimic Normal Encore
Vitality Psychic Light Screen Psychic Reflect
Psychic Psybeam Substitute
Special Psychic Trick Normal Recycle
Normal Psychic Normal Role Play
Insight Normal Baton Pass Psychic Safeguard
Fight Teeter Dance Normal
Height: Wake-Up Slap Dark Nasty Plot

30.6m / 2’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

13kg / 28 lbs Starter

Mime Pokémon Abilities:

It likes places where people gather Soundproof & Filter

and imitates their expressions to try EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
to understand their feelings. Evolves by: Using Mimic.

It mimics foes, confuses them, then

it escapes. It doesn’t take long to

become a master mime. #439 #122

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #440 Happiny Type: Normal
Normal Fairy
Normal Pound Normal Charm Strength
Fairy Copycat Normal Refresh
Sweet Kiss Fight Dexterity
Normal Helping Hand
Present Drain Punch Vitality



0.6m / 2’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

24kg / 53 lbs HP: Starter

Playhouse Pokémon Abilities:

It is not common to see Happinies. Natural Cure & Serene Grace

This baby Pokémon cannot EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
produce eggs yet, so she searches Evolves with: Oval Stone.

for white stones and carries them

on its pouch. It likes to look pretty

and tries to always be adorable. #440 #113 #242

#441 Chatot Type: Normal Flying Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Flying Confide Dark Taunt
Flying Peck Normal Growl
Dexterity Normal
Normal Mirror Move Flying Chatter
Vitality Normal Hyper Voice Normal Sing
Fury Attack Normal Round
Special Flying Mimic Normal Echoed Voice
Psychic Roost
Insight Psychic Synchronoise Normal Uproar
Agility Flying Feather Dance
Height: Weight: 4BHaPse: Suggested Rank: Dark Nasty Plot Normal Boomburst

0.5m / 1’08” 2kg / 4 lbs Amateur

Music Note Pokémon Abilities:

I t mimics the cries of other Pokémon Keen Eye & Tangled Feet

to trick them into thinking it’s one of EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
them, this way they won’t attack it.

Chatots that live with humans learn

words and phrases but it’s unknown

it they really know their meaning. #441


Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #442 Spiritomb Type: Ghost Dark
Ghost Dark
Ghost Curse Ghost Pursuit Strength
Ghost Confuse Ray Dark Spite
Psychic Shadow Sneak Dexterity
Ghost Psychic Feint Attack
Dark Hypnosis Dark Dream Eater Vitality
Dark Ominous Wind Sucker Punch
Nasty Plot Dark Special
Psychic Memento Ghost Dark Pulse
Psychic Destiny Bond Insight
Telekinesis Imprison
1m / 3’03”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

108kg /238 lbs Pro

Forbidden Pokémon Abilities:

A legend from 500 years ago tells Pressure

how it got bound into an Odd Key- EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
stone after cursing an entire town.

Two have been found in recent

times. It is said that its vortex has

more than 100 haunted souls. #442

#443 Gible Type: Dragon Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Dragon Tackle Ground Sand Attack
Dexterity Normal Dragon Rage Rock Sandstorm
Take Down
Ground Sand Tomb
Vitality Normal Slash Dragon Dragon Claw

Special Ground Dig Dragon Dragon Rush
Normal Scary Face
Insight Steel Iron Head Dragon Draco Meteor

Height: Weight: 3BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.7m / 2’04” 20kg / 45 lbs Amateur

Land Shark Pokémon Abilities:

It digs tunnels and follows prey Sand Veil

while burrowed underground. If you EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
see the fin on its back coming out Evolution Time: Slow.

the ground it means it is about to

attack. It’s very aggressive but kind

of clumsy. Beware of its big jaws. #443 #444 #445

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #444 Gabite Type: Dragon Ground
Normal Ground
Dragon Tackle Sand Attack Strength
Normal Dragon Rage Rock Sandstorm
Dragon Take Down Ground Sand Tomb Dexterity
Dual Chop Normal Slash
Dragon Ground Vitality
Dragon Dragon Claw Normal Dig
Dragon Rush Dragon Special
Steel Scary Face
Metal Claw Draco Meteor Insight

1.4m / 4’07”
Weight: HBaPse: Suggested Rank:

56kg / 123 lbs Ace

Cave Pokémon Abilities:

It hoards a small treasure of sparkly Sand Veil

things back in its cave. It will react EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
aggressively towards any potential Evolution Time: Slow.

thief. It is also an excellent hunter,

capable of running, swimming and

gliding extremely fast. #443 #444 #445

#445 Garchomp Type: Dragon Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Dragon
Strength Ground Tackle Dragon Rage
Sand Attack Rock Sand Storm
Dexterity Fire Fire Fang Normal Take Down
Ground Sand Tomb Dragon Dual Chop
Vitality Normal Dragon
Ground Slash Dark Dragon Claw
Special Dragon Dig Dragon Crunch
Water Dragon Rush Dragon Draco Meteor
Insight Aqua Tail Outrage

Height:61.9m / 6’03” 142kg /313 lbs
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:


Mach Pokémon Abilities:

Garchomps are scarce in the wild Sand Veil

and very dangerous. It folds its arms EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
and uses its fins to fly extremely

fast at low heights. Territorial and

aggressive it will not rest until it

catches any daring trespasser. #443 #444 #445


Sinnoh Pokédex

Mega-Garchomp Type: Dragon Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Dragon
Strength Ground Tackle Dragon Rage
Dexterity Sand Attack Rock Sand Storm
Vitality Fire Normal Take Down
Ground Fire Fang Dragon Dual Chop
Sand Tomb Dragon
Dark Dragon Claw
Special Normal Slash Dragon Crunch
Ground Dig Dragon Draco Meteor
Insight Dragon Dragon Rush Outrage
Water Aqua Tail
Height: Weight: Base 7 Suggested Rank:

1.9m / 6’03” 142kg / 313 lbs HP: Master

Mach Pokémon Abilities:

The excess of power from the Mega Sand Force

Stone melted its fins and claws EVOLUTIVE stage: Mega Evolution.
together forming sharp, dangerous

scythes. If its disposition was already

violent, it grows now by a tenfold.

They can be vicious and feral. #443 #444 #445

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #446 Munchlax Type: Normal
Dark Ghost
Normal Snatch Normal Lick Strength
Normal Tackle Odor Sleuth
Psychic Metronome Normal Defense Curl Dexterity
Normal Amnesia Normal Chip Away
Normal Normal Vitality
Rock Screech Normal Body Slam
Normal Stockpile Dark Swallow Special
Normal Rollout Fling
Poison Normal Insight
Belly Drum Fairy Natural Gift
Last Resort Psychic Charm 5Height:
Belch Zen Headbutt Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

0.6m / 2’00” 105kg /231 lbs HP: Beginner

Big Eater Pokémon Abilities:

A Munchlaxes appetite is never Pick Up & Thick Fat

really satisfied, it can eat its weight EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
in food and will almost never care Evolves with: Happiness 4.

about what it is eating. They tend

to pick up anything that looks edible

and save it for later. #446 #143

#447 Riolu Type: Fight Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Foresight Fight Quick Attack
Endure Counter
Dexterity Normal Fight
Normal Feint Normal Force Palm
Vitality Fight Copycat Dark Screech
Fight Reversal Nasty Plot
Special Psychic Final Gambit Fire
Fight Blaze Kick
Insight Agility Aura Sphere


30.7m / 2’04”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

20kg / 44 lbs HP: Amateur

Emanation Pokémon Abilities:

Scarce in the wild but they have Steadfast & Inner Focus

been seen in the mountains. It has EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
the ability to see the auras of others, Evolves with: Loyalty 5.

through this power it is capable of

sensing emotions. It won’t get close

to those with selfish intentions. #447 #448

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #448 Lucario Type: Fight Steel
Normal Normal
Normal Laser Focus Quick Attack Strength
Fight Foresight Steel Metal Claw
Fight Detect Normal Feint Dexterity
Fight Counter Normal Swords Dance
Steel Power-Up Punch Ground Bone Rush Vitality
Fight Metal Sound Normal Me First
Fight Quick Guard Normal Work Up Special
Psychic Aura Sphere Psychic Calm Mind
Dragon Heal Pulse Fight Close Combat Insight
Steel Dragon Pulse Normal Extreme Speed
Normal Iron Defense Fight Vaccum Wave 4Height:
Mind Reader 1.2m / 4’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

54kg / 119 lbs Ace

Aura Pokémon Abilities:

This Pokémon is completely loyal Steadfast & Inner Focus

to its trainer. It has the ability to

not only see the auras but also to

transform them into energy. It is

also capable of understanding

human speech. #447 #448


Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Ranke Type move name Mega-Lucario Type: Fight Steel
Normal Laser Focus Normal Quick Attack Strength
Fight Foresight
Fight Detect Steel Metal Claw Dexterity
Fight Counter Normal Feint
Steel Power-Up Punch Normal Swords Dance Vitality
Fight Metal Sound Ground Bone Rush
Fight Quick Guard Normal Me First Special
Psychic Aura Sphere
Dragon Heal Pulse Normal Work Up Insight
Steel Dragon Pulse Psychic Calm Mind
Normal Iron Defense Fight Close Combat 5Height:
Mind Reader Normal Extreme Speed 1.3m / 4’03”
Fight Vaccum Wave Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

57kg / 126 lbs Pro

Aura Pokémon Abilities:

The explosive, pulsing energy of the Adaptability

auras and the Mega Stone have EVOLUTIVE stage: Mega Evolution..
awoken its combative instrincts.

Its fighting style can be summed up

in a single word:

heartless. #447 #448

#449 Hippopotas Type: Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Dark Tackle Ground Sand Attack
Bite Normal Yawn
Dexterity Normal
Ground Take Down Ground Dig
Vitality Ground Sand Tomb Dark Crunch
Ground Earthquake Normal Double-Edge
Special Normal Fissure
Normal Stockpile
Insight Slack Off Water Water Pulse


30.8m / 2’07”
Weight: HBaPse: Suggested Rank:

50kg / 110 lbs Amateur

Hippo Pokémon Abilities:

I t lives in arid places where it joins Sand Stream

small groups. It closes its nostrils and EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
submerges under the sand to rest. Evolution time: Medium.

Females have a different coloration,

usually a darker and duller color.

#449 #450

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #450 Hippowdon Type: Ground
Ground Normal
Normal Sand Attack Dark Tackle Strength
Yawn Bite
Ice Ice Fang Fire Dexterity
Electric Thunder Fang Normal Fire Fang
Ground Dig Ground Take Down Vitality
Ground Sand Tomb
Dark Crunch Ground Special
Normal Double-Edge ESletceterilc Earthquake
ENloercmtraicl SIolancDkeOlufgf e Fissure Insight
Fight Revenge ICrohnarHgeead
2m / 6’07”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

600kg /1320 lbs HP: Ace

Heavyweight Pokémon Abilities:

I t becomes territorial and aggressive Sand Stream

after evolving. Its open mouth EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
stands over 7 ft. tall.

There are records of one that came

out of the sand and crushed a truck

that was passing over its territory. #449 #450

#451 Skorupi Type: Poison Bug Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Dark Poison
Strength Normal Bite Dark Poison Sting
Bug Leer Normal Knock Off
Dexterity Dark Pin Missile Bug Acupressure
Poison Pursuit Poison Bug Bite
Vitality Dark Poison Fang Poison Venoshock
Dark Hone Claws Normal Toxic Spikes
Special Dark Night Slash Bug Scary Face
Poison Crunch Psychic Fell Stinger
Insight Water Cross Poison Poison Agility
Aqua Tail Poison Tail
30.8m / 2’07”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

12kg / 26 lbs HP: Beginner

Scorpion Pokémon Abilities:

It lives in deserts and arid regions. It Battle Armor & Sniper

buries itself under the sand, waiting EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
for an unsuspecting prey to come Evolution time: Medium.

nearby. It will then sting the prey

and cling to it tenaciously until the

poison takes effect. #451 #452

Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #452 Drapion Type: Poison Dark
Normal Dark
Poison Leer Bug Bite Strength
Dark Poison Sting Ice Pin Missile
Knock Off Ice Fang Dexterity
Fire Fire Fang Electric Thunder Fang
Normal Acupressure Dark Pursuit Vitality
Bug Bite Poison Poison Fang
Bug Venoshock Dark Hone Claws Special
Poison Toxic Spikes Dark
Poison Scary Face Dark Night Slash Insight
Normal Fell Stinger Poison Crunch
Agility Water Cross Poison 4Height:
Bug Poison Tail Aqua Tail 1.3m / 4’03”
Psychic Weight: Base Suggested Rank:
61kg / 135 lbs HP: Ace

Ogre Scorp Pokémon Abilities:

T his Pokémon is very aggressive. It Battle Armor & Sniper

can completely rotate its head over EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
its body, because of this, Drapion

has no blind spots. Its venom is

deadly and it won’t hesitate to

use it. #451 #452

#453 Croagunk Type: Poison Fight Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Poison Astonish Ground Mud Slap
Poison Sting Dark Taunt
Dexterity Dark
Fight Pursuit Dark Feint Attack
Vitality Ground Revenge Normal Swagger
Poison Mud Bomb Dark Sucker Punch
Special Poison Venoshock Dark Nasty Plot
Poison Poison Jab Poison Sludge Bomb
Insight Normal Belch
Fight Fake Out Dark Flatter
Height: Quick Guard Fight Drain Punch

30.7m / 2’04”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

23kg / 50 lbs HP: Beginner

Toxic Mouth Pokémon Abilities:

It is commonly found in marshes. It Anticipation & Dry Skin

inflates the sacks on its cheeks and EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
makes croaking sounds. Evolution time: Medium.

The fluid squeezed from its fingers

is poisonous, but it is a common

ingredient in medicinal ointments. #453 #454

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #454 Toxicroak Type: Poison Fight
Ghost Ground
Poison Astonish Mud Slap STRENGTH
Poison Sting Dark Taunt
Fight Pursuit Dark Feint Attack
Ground Revenge Normal Swagger VITALITY
Poison Mud Bomb Dark Sucker Punch
Poison Venoshock Dark Nasty Plot SPECIAL
Poison Poison Jab Poison Sludge Bomb
Normal Belch Flatter INSIGHT
Dragon Fake Out Dark Drain Punch
Dual Chop Fight 4Height:
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

1.3 m / 4’03” 44kg / 97 lbs HP: Amateur

Toxic Mouth Pokémon Abilities:

The toxin made in its poison sacs Anticipation & Dry Skin

is pumped into the knuckle claws EVOLUTIVE stage: Final..
through tubes down its arms. Its

toxines are so powerful that even a

scratch from its knuckles could be

fatal in a few hours. #453 #454

#455 Carnivine Type: Grass Dark Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Dark Bind Normal Growth
Bite Grass Vine Whip
Dexterity Normal
Dark Sweet Scent Grass Ingrain
Vitality Normal Feint Attack Grass Leaf Tornado
Normal Stockpile Normal Spit Up
Special Normal Swallow Dark Crunch
Bug Wring Out
Insight Grass Rage Powder Grass Power Whip
Seed Bomb Poison Gastro Acid

41.5m / 5’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

27kg / 59 lbs HP: Amateur

Bug Catcher Pokémon Abilities:

It binds itself to trees in marshes. It Levitate

attracts prey with its sweet-smelling EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
drool and gulps them down in one

bite. It can take it a whole day to

digest a single prey but It won’t

need to eat for at least a week. #455


Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #456 Finneon Type: Water
Normal Water
Normal Pound Water Water Gun Strength
Flying Attract Water Rain Dance
Normal Gust Normal Water Pulse Dexterity
Water Captivate Water Safeguard
Aqua Ring Flying Whirlpool Vitality
Bug U-Turn Water Bounce
Fairy Special
Bug Silver Wind Soak
Psychic Agility Sweet Kiss Insight
Aurora Beam
Ice 3Height:
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.4m / 1’04” 7kg / 15 lbs Beginner

Wing Fish Pokémon Abilities:

The way its two-tail-fins flutter Swift Swim & Storm Drain

while it swims has earned Finneon EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
the nickname “Beautifly of the Sea.” Evolution time: Medium.

The line running down its side can

store sunlight and glow brightly at

night. #456 #457

#457 Lumineon Type: Water Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Water
Strength Normal Pound Flying Water Gun
Water Attract Water Gust
Dexterity Normal Rain Dance Normal Water Pulse
Water Captivate Water Safeguard
Vitality Aqua Ring Flying Whirlpool
Bug U-Turn Water Bounce
Special Water
Bug Silver Wind Soak
Insight Psychic Agility Brine
Height: FIciree

41.2m / 4’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

24kg / 52 lbs Amateur

Neon Pokémon Abilities:
It lives in the deep-sea bottom.
Swift Swim & Storm Drain

It attracts prey by flashing the EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
patterns on its tail fins. In the wild it

competes against Lanturn for food.

Its main predators are Tentacruel

and Sharpedo. #456 #457

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #458 Mantyke Type: Water Flying
Normal Water
Normal Tackle Water Bubble Strength
Ghost Supersonic Flying Bubble Beam
Normal Confuse Ray Water Wing Attack Dexterity
Headbutt Normal Water Pulse
Rock Wide Guard Flying Take Down Vitality
Psychic Agility Air Slash
Water Aqua Ring Flying Special
Water Hydro Pump Dragon Bounce
Normal FFlyirineg Insight
Helping Hand Twister
TFlairlweinBdlitz 3Height:
1m / 3’03”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

65kg / 143 lbs Beginner

Kite Pokémon Abilities:

W hen it swims close the ocean’s Swift Swim & Water Absorb

surface people aboard ships are EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
able to observe the pattern on its Evolves by: Getting bit by Remoraid..

back as it is different in every region.

Mantyke is an intelligent and friendly

Pokémon that rarely attacks others. #458 #226

#459 Snover Type: Grass Ice Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Ice Normal
Strength Powder Snow Leer
Grass Razor Leaf Ice Icy Wind
Dexterity Grass Grass Whistle Normal Swagger

Vitality Ice Mist Ice Ice Shard
Grass Ingrain Grass Wood Hammer
Ice Blizzard Ice Sheer Cold
Insight Normal Growth Grass Seed Bomb
Water Water Pulse

31m / 3’03”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

50kg / 111 lbs HP: Amateur

Frosted Tree Pokémon Abilities:

During cold seasons, it migrates to Snow Warning

the mountain’s lower reaches and EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
returns to the summit in the spring. Evolution time: Medium.

They are rarely in contact with

humans but are sought for the

frozen berries they grow. #459 #460


Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #460 Abomasnow Type: Grass Ice
Normal Ice
Leer Powder Snow Strength
Ice Ice Punch Grass Razor Leaf
Ice Icy Wind Grass Grass Whistle Dexterity
Ice Swagger Ice Mist Vitality
Grass Ice shard Grass Ingrain
Ice Special
Ice Wood Hammer Ice Blizzard
Sheer Cold Normal Growth Insight
Dragon Outrage
Avalanche 4Height:
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

2.2m / 7’03” 135kg /298 lbs HP: Ace

Frosted Tree Pokémon Abilities:

T here was a legend for a long Snow Warning

time that called this Pokémon “The EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
Ice Monster”. Now we know it is a

Pokémon that can cover everything

around with deep snow. It likes quiet

places and only attacks if provoked. #459 #460

Rank Type move name Ranke Type move name Mega-Abomasnow Type: Grass Ice
Leer Ice Powder Snow Strength
Ice Ice Punch Grass Razor Leaf
Ice Icy Wind Grass Grass Whistle Dexterity
Ice Swagger Ice Mist Vitality
Grass Ice shard Grass Ingrain
Ice Special
Ice Wood Hammer Ice Blizzard
Sheer Cold Normal Growth Insight
Dragon Outrage
Avalanche 5Height:
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

2.7m / 9’00” 185kg / 407 lbs HP: Pro

Frosted Tree Pokémon Abilities:

The power of the Mega Stone Snow Warning

freezes part of its body creat- EVOLUTIVE stage: Mega Evolution.
ing pointy icicles that hail upon its

enemies in a blizzard. The angrier it

becomes the longer the storm will

last. #460 #460

#461 Weavile Type: Dark Ice Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Dark Leer Dark Scratch
Taunt Normal
Dexterity Dark Fight Feint Attack
Dark Embargo Normal Quick Attack
Vitality Ice Assurance Steel Revenge
Dark Icy Wind Fury Swipes
Special Nasty Plot Dark Metal Claw
Dark Hone Claws Dark Fling
Insight Normal Screech Dark Night Slash
Dark Snatch Ice Punishment
Height: Dark Dark Pulse Fight
Normal Icicle Crash
41.1m / 3’07” Fake Out Low Kick
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

34kg / 75 lbs HP: Amateur

Sharp Claw Pokémon Abilities:

They live in cold regions, forming Pressure

groups of four that hunt prey EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
with impressive coordination. They

leave claw marks and patternss to

indicate their territory. It is devious

and loves to cause trouble. #215 #461

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #462 Magnezone Type: Electric Steel
Normal Normal
Normal Supersonic Electric Tackle Strength
Electric Sonic Boom Electric Magnetic Flux
Steel Normal Electric Terrain Dexterity
Electric Thunder Shock Steel Screech
Electric Flash Cannon Steel Magnet Bomb Vitality
Thunder Wave Mirror Shot
Steel Spark Electric Special
Psychic Psychic Electro Ball
Electric Metal Sound Normal Mirror Coat Insight
Electric Barrier Steel Lock-On
Electric Discharge Steel Gyro Ball 5Height:
Psychic Magnet Rise Weight: Base Suggested Rank:
Zap Cannon Bug Iron Defense
Signal Beam 1.2m / 4’00” 180kg /396 lbs HP: Ace
Magnet Area Pokémon Abilities:

Magneton only evolves in very Magnet Pull & Sturdy

specific areas of the globe. It has EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
the ability to repel itself from the

ground using magnetism. If it is

nervous it pulls all the pieces of

metal around until it relaxes. #081 #082 #462


Sinnoh Pokédex

#463 Lickilicky Type: Normal Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Ghost Normal
Strength Normal Lick Dark Supersonic
Normal Defense Curl Normal Knock Off
Dexterity Normal Wrap Normal Stomp
Rock Disable Normal Slam
Vitality Normal Normal
Normal Rollout Grass Chip Away
Special Normal Me First Steel Refresh
Normal Screech Water Power Whip
Insight Fight Wring Out Gyro Ball

51.7m / 5’07” 280kg /616 lbsHeight: Belly Drum Aqua Tail
Weight: Base Suggested Rank: Hammer Arm

HP: Ace

Licking Pokémon Abilities:

It uses its tongue as an stretchable Own Tempo & Oblivious

arm. It wil wrap prey with it and then EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
proceed to eat it. Its saliva causes

numbness. Try not to touch its

tongue, it might try to eat you by

reflex. #108 #463

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #464 Rhyperior Type: Ground Rock
Normal Normal
Normal Tail Whip Poison Horn Attack Strength
Normal Stomp Normal Poison Jab
Rock Fury Attack Normal Scary Face Dexterity
Normal Rock Blast Fight Chip Away
Ground Rock Vitality
Ground Take Down Normal Hammer Arm
Drill Run Rock Stone Edge Special
Bug Earthquake Horn Drill
Psychic Mega Horn Steel Rock Wrecker Insight
Guard Split Smart Strike 6Height:
Dragon Rush 2.4m / 7’10”
Weight: HBaPse: Suggested Rank:

564kg /1240 lbs Pro

Drill Pokémon Abilities:

They have rarely been seen in the Lightningrod & Solid Rock

wild and only in the tallest mountains. EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
It has holes on its hands which are

used like canons to shoot boulders.

Be careful, they are very aggressive

but not very smart. #111 #112 #464

#465 Tangrowth Type: Grass Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Grass
Strength Normal Block Grass Ingrain
Grass Constrict Grass Sleep Powder
Dexterity Poison Vine Whip Normal Absorb
Normal Poison Powder Grass Bind
Vitality Dark
Normal Growth Grass Mega Drain
Special Rock Knock Off Normal Stun Spore
Normal Natural Gift Grass Slam
Insight Grass Ancient Power Normal Giga Drain
Normal Tickle Grass Wring Out
Height: Psychic Grassy Terrain Psychic Power Whip
Nature Power Confusion
52m / 6’07” Amnesia
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

256kg /563 lbs HP: Ace

Vine Pokémon Abilities:

While it remains still, it appears to be Chlorophyll & Leaf Guard

a large shrub. Unsuspecting prey EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
that wander near get ensnared by

its vines. In the summer months, its

vines grow so large that you can’t

even see its eyes. #114 #465

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #466 Electivire Type: Electric
Normal Electric
Normal Quick Attack Electric Ion Deluge Strength
Fight Leer Electric Electric Terrain
Low Kick Thunder Shock Dexterity
Fire Electric
Electric Fire Punch Electric Thunderbolt Vitality
Electric Shock Wave Psychic Thunder Wave
Electric Electro Ball Normal Light Screen Special
Normal Thunder Punch Electric Swift
Electric Screech Normal Discharge Insight
Fight Thunder Giga Impact
Dragon Hammer Arm Ice Ice Punch 5Height:
Dual Chop Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

1.8m / 6’00” 138kg /305 lbs Ace

Thunderbolt Pokémon Abilities:

This Pokémon is reckless and has a Motor Drive

short temper. As its electric charge EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
amplifies, blue sparks begin to

crackle between its horns. It has

registered charge levels of over

20,000 Volts. #239 #125 #466


Sinnoh Pokédex

#467 Magmortar Type: Fire Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Poison
Strength Leer Smog
Normal Fire Ember
Dexterity Electric Smokescreen
Thunder Punch Dark Feint Attack
Vitality Fire Fire Spin Poison Clear Smog
Fire Flame Burst Ghost Confuse Ray
Special Fire Fire Punch Flamethrower
Fire Sunny Day Fire Lava Plume
Insight Fire Fire Blast Fire Hyper Beam
Dragon Dual Chop Normal Belly Drum
51.6m / 5’03” 136kg/ 299 lbs Fire Heat Wave Normal
Height: Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

HP: Ace

Blast Pokémon Abilities:

Magmortar is extremely rare, if Flame Body

you’re lucky you can find one living EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
directly on volcanic craters. It rises

the temperature of its body at will

to the point of bursting into flames.

The fire it produces is almost white. #240 #126 #467

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #468 Togekiss Type: Fairy Flying
Normal Normal
Flying After You Fight Extreme Speed Strength
Sky Attack Aura Sphere
Flying Psychic Dexterity
Normal Air Slash Water Extrasensory
Lucky Chant Water Pulse Vitality



1.5m / 5’00”
Weight: HBaPse: Suggested Rank:

76kg / 167 lbs Ace

Jubilee Pokémon Abilities:

Sightings of these Pokémon have Serene Grace & Hustle

become rare nowadays. They used EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
to visit peaceful regions, bringing

them gifts of kindness and great

blessings. B ut they appear to have

vanished in this times of conflict. #175 #176 #468

#469 Yanmega Type: Bug Flying Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Tackle Normal Foresight
Bug Bug Bite Normal
Dexterity Normal Quick Attack Normal Double Team
Normal Sonic Boom Slash
Vitality Normal Supersonic Fight Detect
Dark Pursuit Normal Uproar
Special Normal Feint Rock Ancient Power
Normal Screech Dark Night Slash
Insight Flying Air Slash U-Turn
Grass Giga Drain Bug Bug Buzz
Height: Flying Tailwind Bug Reversal
41.9m / 6’03”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

51kg / 113 lbs HP: Ace

Ogre Darner Pokémon Abilities:

It goes back to its prehistoric roots. Speed Boost & Tinted Lens

It is a lot more violent than its EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
pre-evolved form. Its jaw power is

incredible and it is adept at biting

apart foes while flying by at high

speed. T his Pokémon can be brutal. #193 #469

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #470 Leafeon Type: Grass
224 Normal Tackle Normal Tail Whip Strength
Grass Helping Hand Ground Sand Attack Dexterity
Grass Razor Leaf Normal Quick Attack
Grass Grass Whistle Grass
Giga Drain Magical Leaf Vitality
Grass Normal
Normal Synthesis Fire Swords Dance Special
ENloercmtraicl Last Resort Grass Sunny Day
Normal WIonishDeluge Leaf Blade Height: Weight: Insight Suggested Rank:
Flail EGlercatsrsic SCeheadrgBeomb
1m / 3’03” 25kg / 56 lbs 4Base Amateur

Verdant Pokémon Abilities:

Eevee evolves to Leafeon when it’s Leaf Guard

living near a special kind of moss. EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
Its cells are capable of performing Evolved by: Leaf Stone.

photosynthesis. It is a calm Pokémon

and does not usually fight but its

leaves are sharp and strong. #133 #470

Sinnoh Pokédex

#471 Glaceon Type: Ice Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Tackle Ground Tail Whip
Helping Hand Normal Sand Attack
Dexterity Ice Icy Wind Quick Attack
Dark Bite Ice Ice Fang
Vitality Ice Ice Shard Psychic Barrier
Psychic Mirror Coat Hail
Special Normal Last Resort Ice
Normal Wish Ice Blizzard
Insight Dark Fake Tears Normal Captivate


40.8m / 2’07”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

25kg / 56 lbs HP: Amateur

Fresh Snow Pokémon Abilities:

Eevees that are forced to live in Snow Cloak

freezing temperatures evolve into EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
this Pokémon. It can control its body Evolved by: Ice Stone.

temperature to below zero, freezing

its fur and making it extremely

tough. #133 #471

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #472 Gliscor Type: Ground Flying
Ground Normal
Sand Attack Normal Harden Strength
Dark Knock Off Quick Attack Dexterity
Electric Thunder Fang Fire Fire Fang Vitality
Ice Fang Poison Poison Jab
Ice Fury Cutter Dark
Bug Acrobatics Dark Feint Attack Special
Flying U-Turn Normal Night Slash
Bug X-Scissor Fight Screech Insight
Bug Swords Dance Normal Sky Uppercut
Normal Agility Steel Guillotine 5Height:
Psychic Cross Poison Metal Claw 2.1m / 6’07”
Poison Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

84kg / 184 lbs Ace

Fang Scorp Pokémon Abilities:

Its flight is soundless. It uses its Hyper Cutter & Sand Veil

lengthy tail to carry off its prey, then EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
uses its long fangs to do the rest.

It is more playful than aggressive

but it is dangerous if you get close

to the enormous claws. #207 #472

#473 Mamoswine Type: Ice Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Peck Normal Odor Sleuth
Dexterity Ground Mud Sport Ice Powder Snow
Mud Slap Normal Scary Face
Vitality Rock Ancient Power Normal Endure
Ground Mud Bomb
Special Ice Fang Ice Hail
Ice Double Hit Normal Take Down
Insight Normal Thrash
Normal Blizzard Ice Mist
62.5m / 8’02” 873kg 1920 lbs Icicle Crash
Height: Weight: Base Suggested Rank: Ice Ground Earthquake
Ice Ground Fissure
HP: Ace
Ice Avalanche
Twin Tusk Pokémon Abilities:

I t was everywhere during the ice Oblivious & Snow Cloak

age but its population declined EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
afterwards. This Pokémon uses

strong tusks to remove the soil and

snow and dig up roots and plants to

eat. It has a bad temper. #220 #221 #473

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #474 Porygon-Z Type: Normal
Normal Normal
Normal Tackle Psychic Conversion Strength
Dark Conversion2 Psybeam
Psychic Nasty Plot Psychic Trick Room Dexterity
Electric Agility Normal Recover
Dark Magnet Rise Signal Beam Vitality
Normal Embargo Bug Discharge
Psychic Lock-On Electric Tri Attack Special
Magic Coat Zap Cannon
Normal Normal Insight
Normal Hyper Beam Electric Electro Web
Pain Split Trick 5Height:
Electric Weight: Base Suggested Rank:
0.9 m / 3’03” 34kg / 75 lbs HP: Ace

Virtual Pokémon Abilities:

A software to explore another Downlad & Adaptability

dimension was installed on Porygon. EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
However, it began acting oddly

due to glitches in the code. Since

then, it has a fondness for videos of

Meowth and Skitty on the internet. #137 #233 #474


Sinnoh Pokédex

#475 Gallade Type: Psychic Fight Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Psychic
Strength Normal Leer Psychic Confusion
Fight Double Team Normal Teleport
Dexterity Normal Quick Guard False Swipe
Rock Feint Bug Fury Cutter
Vitality Psychic Wide Guard Normal Slash
Psychic Heal Pulse Normal Swords Dance
Special Grass Psycho Cut Normal Helping Hand
Normal Leaf Blade Night Slash
Insight Psychic Protect Dark Close Combat
Electric Stored Power Fight
Height: Thunder Punch Shadow Sneak
Ghost Drain Punch
51.6m / 5’03” Fight
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

52kg / 114 lbs HP: Ace

Blade Pokémon Abilities:

This Pokémon is male only. H e has Steadfast

an extreme sense of courtesy. In EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
a battle, it uses the blades on his Evolved by: Dawn Stone.

arms as if they were swords. It is a

loyal Pokémon and won’t doubt to

fiercely protect its trainer. #280 #281 #282 #475

Mega-Gallade Type: Psychic Fight Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Psychic
Strength Normal Leer Psychic Confusion
Fight Double Team Normal Teleport
Dexterity Normal Quick Guard False Swipe
Rock Feint Bug Fury Cutter
Vitality Psychic Wide Guard Normal Slash
Psychic Heal Pulse Normal Swords Dance
Special Grass Psycho Cut Normal Helping Hand
Normal Leaf Blade Night Slash
Insight Psychic Protect Dark Close Combat
Electric Stored Power Fight
Height: Thunder Punch Shadow Sneak
Ghost Drain Punch
61.6m / 5’03” Fight
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

56kg / 124 lbs HP: Pro

Blade Pokémon Abilities:

With the power of the Mega Stone Inner Focus

it senses the emotions of others in a EVOLUTIVE stage: Mega Evolution.
large radius and will go help anyone

in need. It will only attack if it needs

to defend someone or someting. It

is protective and brave. #280 #281 #282 #475

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #476 Probopass Type: Rock Steel
Normal Normal
Steel Tackle Steel Block Strength
Normal Iron Defense Electric Magnet Bomb
Electric Tri Attack Psychic Magnetic Flux Dexterity
Rock Magnet Rise Electric Gravity
Rock Wide Guard Psychic Thunder Wave Vitality
Electric Rock Blast Rock Rest
Rock Spark Rock Slide Special
Electric Power Gem Rock
Rock Ground Sand Storm Insight
Electric Discharge Normal Earth Power
Steel Stone Edge Normal Lock-On 4Height:
Zap Canon Endure 1.5m / 5’00”
Iron Head Rock Ancient Power Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

680kg /1496 lbs HP: Amateur

Compass Pokémon Abilities:

It exudes strong magnetism from Sturdy & Magnet Pull

all over. It controls three small EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
units called Mini-Noses that float

around and act as arms. It usually

stays motionless unless attacked or

provoked. #299 #476

#477 Dusknoir Type: Ghost Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Ghost Bind Normal Leer
Normal Night Shade Ghost Disable
Dexterity Foresight Shadow Punch
Fire Fire Punch Ice Ice Punch
Vitality Electric Thunder Punch Ghost Astonish
Ghost Confuse Ray Ghost Shadow Sneak
Special Pursuit Ghost Curse
Dark Will-O-Wisp Psychic Gravity
Insight Fire Hex Ghost Shadow Ball
Ghost Mean Look Dark Payback
42.2m / 7’03” 106kg /235 lbs Normal Future Sight Psychic Imprison
Height: Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank: Ominous Wind Dark Sucker Punch
Ace Ghost

Gripper Pokémon Abilities:

This feared Pokémon is said to travel Pressure

to the other world. Some even EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
believe that it takes lost spirits along

with it. It uses the antenna on it’s

head to recive messges from the

deceased. #355 #356 #477


Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #478 Froslass Type: Ice Ghost
Normal Ice
Leer Powder Snow Strength
Ice Ice Shard Normal Double Team
Ghost Astonish Ghost Confuse Ray Dexterity
Icy Wind Fairy
Ice Ominous Wind Fight Draining Kiss Vitality
Ghost Ghost Wake-Up Slap
Will-O-Wisp Special
Fire Captivate Ice Destiny Bond
Normal Hail Ghost Blizzard Insight
Normal Spite
Ice Aurora Veil Weather Ball 4Height:
1.3m / 4’03”
Ice Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

26kg / 58 lbs Ace

Snow Land Pokémon Abilities:
T his Pokémon is female only.
Snow Cloak
Legends in snowy regions say that
a woman who was lost at an icy EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
Evolved by: Dawn Stone. Female only.
mountain was reborn as Froslass. It

appears during blizzards to take lost

people away. #361 #362 #478

#479 Rotom Type: Electric Ghost Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Electric Ghost
Strength Ghost Thunder Wave Electric Astonish
Normal Confuse Ray Psychic Thunder Shock
Dexterity Uproar Electric
Normal Normal Trick
Vitality Ghost Double Team Shock Wave
Electric Ominous Wind Ghost Substitute
Special Electric Electric
Electro Ball Hex
Insight Charge Discharge


40.3m / 1’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

0.3kg / 0.7 lbs HP: Ace

Plasma Pokémon Abilities:

Its electric-like body can enter some Levitate

kinds of machines and take control EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
of them in order to cause mischief.

It changes its form to that of the

electric appliance, allowing it to

become more powerful. #479

#479 Rotom Heat Type: Electric Fire Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Electric Ghost
Strength Ghost Thunder Wave Electric Astonish
Normal Confuse Ray Psychic Thunder Shock
Dexterity Uproar Electric
Normal Normal Trick
Vitality Ghost Double Team Shock Wave
Electric Ominous Wind Ghost Substitute
Special Electric Electric
Electro Ball Hex
Insight Fire Charge Discharge

40.3m / 1’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

0.3kg / 0.7 lbs HP: Ace

Plasma Pokémon Abilities:

A Microwave posessed by a Rotom. Levitate

It uses Fire powers and burns the EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
food of unsuspecting people.

While on this form it can use the #479
move: Overheat.

#479 Rotom Fan Type: Electric Flying Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Electric Ghost
Strength Ghost Thunder Wave Electric Astonish
Normal Confuse Ray Psychic Thunder Shock
Dexterity Uproar Electric
Normal Normal Trick
Vitality Ghost Double Team Shock Wave
Electric Ominous Wind Ghost Substitute
Special Electric Electric
Flying Electro Ball Hex
Insight Charge Discharge
Air Slash

40.3m / 1’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.3kg / 0.7 lbs Ace

Plasma Pokémon Abilities:

A Desk fan posessed by a Rotom. Levitate

It uses Wind powers and scatters EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
everything around with terrible air


While on this form it can use the

move: Air Slash. #479


Sinnoh Pokédex

#479 Rotom Mow Type: Electric Grass Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Electric Ghost
Strength Ghost Thunder Wave Electric Astonish
Normal Confuse Ray Psychic Thunder Shock
Dexterity Uproar Electric
Normal Normal Trick
Vitality Ghost Double Team Shock Wave
Electric Ominous Wind Ghost Substitute
Special Electric Electric
Grass Electro Ball Hex
Insight Charge Discharge
Leaf Storm

40.3m / 1’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

0.3kg / 0.7 lbs HP: Ace

Plasma Pokémon Abilities:

A Lawnmower posessed by a Levitate

Rotom. It uses Grass powers, mows EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
awful patterns on the grass and

chases people with the blades out.

While on this form it can use the

move: Leaf Storm. #479

#479 Rotom Frost Type: Electric Ice Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Electric Ghost
Strength Ghost Thunder Wave Electric Astonish
Normal Confuse Ray Psychic Thunder Shock
Dexterity Uproar Electric
Normal Normal Trick
Vitality Ghost Double Team Shock Wave
Electric Ominous Wind Ghost Substitute
Special Electric Electric
Electro Ball Hex
Insight Ice Charge Discharge

40.3m / 1’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.3kg / 0.7 lbs Ace

Plasma Pokémon Abilities:

A refrigerator posessed by a Rotom. Levitate

It uses Ice powers, traps people EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
inside and freezes them in solid ice


While on this form it can use the

move: Blizzard. #479

#479 Rotom Wash Type: Electric Water Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Electric Ghost
Strength Ghost Thunder Wave Electric Astonish
Normal Confuse Ray Psychic Thunder Shock
Dexterity Uproar Electric
Normal Normal Trick
Vitality Ghost Double Team Shock Wave
Ominous Wind Ghost Substitute
Special Electric Electric
Electric Electro Ball Hex
Insight Water Charge Discharge
Hydro Pump

40.3m / 1’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.3kg / 0.7 lbs Ace

Plasma Pokémon Abilities:

A Washing machine posessed by Levitate

a Rotom. It uses Water powers EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
and floods the houses with torrents

of water.

While on this form it can use the

move: Hydro Pump. #479

#479 Rotom Dex Type: Electric Rank Type move name Raconstk Type move name
Electric Ghost
Strength Ghost Thunder Wave Electric Astonish
Normal Confuse Ray Psychic Thunder Shock
Dexterity Uproar Electric
Normal Normal Trick
Vitality Ghost Double Team Shock Wave
Electric Ominous Wind Ghost Substitute
Special Electric Electric
Electro Ball Hex
Insight Psychic Charge Discharge
Light Screen

40.3m / 1’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

0.3kg / 0.7 lbs HP: Ace

Plasma Pokémon Abilities:

A Pokédex posessed by a Rotom, Levitate

it has access to all the information EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
inside the computer and uses the

sounds to emulate speech.

While on this form it can use the

move Light Screen. #479


Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #480 Uxie Type: Psychic

Dark Memento Normal Natural Gift Strength
Normal Flail Psychic Rest
Psychic Confusion Psychic Imprison Dexterity
Normal Endure Normal Swift
Normal Psychic Future Sight Vitality
Psychic Yawn Psychic Extrasensory
Dark Amnesia Normal Hidden Power Special
Normal Psychic Trick Room
Psychic Foul Play Psychic Wonder Room Insight
Psych Up
Magic Room 4Height:
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

0.3m / 1’00” 0.3kg / 0.7 lbs HP: Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

In the myths of Sinnoh they talk Levitate

about three beings that came out EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
from the same egg, the yellow one

was the being of knowledge.

Together they shaped the human

race to be complete. #480

#481 Mesprit Type: Psychic Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Psychic Healing Wish Normal Natural Gift
Normal Copycat Psychic Rest
Dexterity Psychic Confusion Psychic Imprison
Normal Protect Normal Swift
Vitality Normal Psychic Future Sight
Fairy Lucky Chant Psychic Extrasensory
Special Normal Charm Normal Hidden Power
Normal Psychic Role Play
Insight Dark Helping Hand Psychic Trick
Psych Up
Height: Knock Off

40.3m / 1’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.3kg / 0.7 lbs Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

In the myths of Sinnoh they talk Levitate

about three beings that came out EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
from the same egg, the pink one

was the being of emotion.

Together they shaped the human

race to be complete. #481

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #482 Azelf Type: Psychic

Normal Last Resort Normal Natural Gift Strength
Normal Flail Psychic Rest
Psychic Confusion Psychic Imprison Dexterity
Fight Detect Normal Swift
Normal Psychic Future Sight Vitality
Dark Uproar Psychic Extrasensory
Normal Nasty Plot Normal Hidden Power Special
Normal Stealth Rock
Psychic Explosion Rock Zen Headbutt Insight
Swords Dance Psychic
Skill Swap 4Height:
0.3m / 1’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

0.3kg / 0.7 lbs Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

In the myths of Sinnoh they talk Levitate

about three beings that came out EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
from the same egg, the blue one

was the being of willpower.

Together they shaped the human

race to be complete. #482

#483 Dialga Type: Steel Dragon Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Dragon Dragon Breath Normal Scary Face
Steel Metal Claw Rock Ancient Power
Dexterity Normal Slash Rock Power Gem
Steel Metal Burst Dragon Dragon Claw
Vitality Fight Aura Sphere
Ground Earth Power Dragon Roar of Time
Special Steel Iron Tail Normal Hidden Power
Steel Psychic Trick Room
Insight Normal Flash Cannon Steel Iron Defense
Psych Up
Height:75.4m / 17’09” 683kg/1505 lbs Dragon Dragon Pulse
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

HP: Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

Pressure & Telepathy

In some religions there is a being EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
called “The God of Time” whose

first roar brought future, present

and past.



Sinnoh Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #484 Palkia Type: Water Dragon

Dragon Dragon Breath Normal Scary Face Strength
Water Water Pulse Rock Ancient Power
Normal Slash Rock Power Gem Dexterity
Water Aqua Tail Dragon Dragon Claw
Ground Fight Aura Sphere Vitality
Normal Earth Power Dragon Spacial Rend
Water Hyper Voice Normal Hidden Power Special
Normal Psychic Gravity
Dragon Hydro Pump Water Liquidation Insight
Psych Up
Dragon Pulse 5Height:
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

4.2m / 13’09” 336kg / 740 lbs HP: Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

A fantasy book describes a place Pressure & Telepathy
where space bends in impossible
EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.

ways and the master of that site

was a Pokémon with a similar

appearance. #484

#485 Heatran Type: Fire Steel Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Rock Ancient Power Normal Leer
Fire Fire Fang Steel Metal Sound
Dexterity Dark Crunch Normal Scary Face
Fire Lava Plume Fire Fire Spin
Vitality Steel Ground Earth Power
Fire Iron Head Rock Stone Edge
Special Fire Heat Wave Steel Iron Defense
Fire Ground Stomping Tantrum
Insight Dragon Magma Storm Normal Uproar
Sunny Day
Height: Dragon Pulse

41.7m / 5’07”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

430kg / 948 lbs Pro

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

An old painting showed a similar Flash Fire & Flame Body
Pokémon standing atop of an
EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.

erupting Volcano.


Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #486 Regigigas Type: Normal Flying

Steel Heavy Slam Normal Crush Grip Strength
Fire Fire Punch Ice Ice Punch
Electric Thunder Punch Dizzy Punch Dexterity
Dark Knock Off Normal Confuse Ray
Normal Ghost Revenge Vitality
Rock Foresight Fight Zen Headbutt
Dark Wide Guard Psychic Hidden Power Special
Normal Normal Giga Impact
Normal Payback Normal Strength Insight
Fight Psych Up Normal Nature Power
Substitute Normal 6Height:
Superpower Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

3.7m / 12’02” 1 ton /2204 lbs HP: Master

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

Slow Start

A very old legend tells about the EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
King of Giants, who could crush a

mountain with its grip and mold

living titans from the rubble.


#487 Giratina Type: Ghost Dragon Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Dragon Dragon Breath Normal Scary Face
Ghost Ominous Wind Rock Ancient Power
Dexterity Normal Slash Ghost Shadow Sneak
Ghost Destiny Bond Dragon Dragon Claw
Vitality Ground Fight Aura Sphere
Ghost Earth Power Ghost Shadow Force
Special Ghost Shadow Claw Normal Hidden Power
Normal Ghost Spite
Insight Normal Hex Dragon Outrage
Dragon Psych Up Psychic Gravity
Height:84.5m / 14’09” 750kg/1653 lbs Pain Split
Weight: HBaPse: Suggested Rank: Draco Meteor



Pressure & Telepathy




Sinnoh Pokédex

Origin Giratina Type: Ghost Dragon Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Dragon Dragon Breath Normal Scary Face
Ghost Ominous Wind Rock Ancient Power
Dexterity Normal Slash Ghost Shadow Sneak
Ghost Destiny Bond Dragon Dragon Claw
Vitality Ground Fight Aura Sphere
Ghost Earth Power Ghost Shadow Force
Special Ghost Shadow Claw Normal Hidden Power
Normal Ghost Spite
Insight Normal Hex Dragon Outrage
Dragon Psych Up Psychic Gravity
Height: 8Weight: Base Suggested Rank: Pain Split
Draco Meteor
1.6m / 5’03” 56kg / 124 lbs HP: Master




Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #488 Cresselia Type: Psychic Flying

Psychic Lunar Dance Psychic Psycho Shift Strength
Psychic Psycho Cut Fairy Moonlight
Psychic Confusion Normal Double Team Dexterity
Normal Safeguard Ice Mist
Future Sight Vitality
Ice Aurora Beam Psychic Psychic
Normal Slash Psychic Rest Special
Fairy Psychic Calm Mind
Normal Moonblast Psychic Magic Coat Insight
Normal Captivate Psychic Reflect
Psychic Protect Psychic 6Height:
Light Screen 1.5m / 5’00”
Weight: HBaPse: Suggested Rank:

85kg / 188 lbs Pro

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

The embodiment of dreams comes Levitate

to life during the crescent moon EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
nights. You will be blessed with

peaceful bedtimes If you keep one

of its feathers. Or so they say.


#489 Phione Type: Water Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Water Bubble Water Water Sport
Fairy Charm Normal Supersonic
Dexterity Water Bubble Beam Poison Acid Armor
Water Whirlpool Water Water Pulse
Vitality Water Water Dive
Water Aqua Ring Water Surf
Special Normal Rain Dance Normal Heal Bell
Insight Helping Hand
Last Resort
40.4m / 1’04” 3kg / 6 lbs
Height: Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

HP: Pro

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

There have been sightings of Hydration

small groups of similar Pokémon EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
but its existance has never been

confirmed. It is said to be the

offspring of Manaphy.


Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #490 Manaphy Type: Water

Bug Tail Glow Water Bubble Strength
Water Water Sport Fairy Dexterity
Normal Supersonic Water Charm Vitality
Poison Aceid Armor Water Bubble Beam
Water Water Whirlpool
Water Water Pulse Water
Water Dive Psychic Aqua Ring Height: Weight: Special Suggested Rank:
Water Ice Rain Dance Insight
Flying Surf Heart Swap 0.3m / 1’00” 1kg / 3 lbs Pro
Liquidation Icy Wind 5Base
Pokédex has no data.
It is said that after the war for land

and sea was over, a tiny Pokémon EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
was born from the bottom of

the ocean to bond with all the

creatures as a sign of peace.



Sinnoh Pokédex

#491 Darkrai Type: Dark Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Ghost Ominous Wind Normal Disable
Normal Quick Attack Psychic Hypnosis
Dexterity Dark Feint Attack Ghost Nightmare
Normal Double Team Haze
Vitality Dark Ice Nasty Plot
Psychic Dark Void Dark Dark Pulse
Special Dark Dream Eater Dark Wonder Room
Dark Psychic Spite
Insight Torment Ghost
Foul Play

41.5m / 5’00”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

50kg / 111 lbs Pro

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

All around the world, young children Bad Dreams

have depicted a similar figure in EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.

their drawings.

They call it “The Boogeyman”.

People say it will make all your

nightmares come true. #491

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #492 Shaymin Type: Grass

Normal Growth Grass Magical Leaf Strength
Grass Leech Seed Grass Dexterity
Normal Sweet Scent Normal Synthesis Vitality
Grass Worry Seed Grass Natural Gift
Grass Fairy Aromatherapy
Psychic Energy Ball Grass
Ground Healing Wish Normal Sweet Kiss Height: Weight: Special Suggested Rank:
Grass Psychic Seed Flare
Earth Power Endeavor 0.8m / 0’08” 2kg / 4 lbs Insight Pro
Giga Drain Zen Headbutt

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

There are old traces of gigantic Natural Cure

trees that once grew all over the EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
earth. They were called the “Trees

of Life” and their flowers granted

the power of flight to the kind-

hearted, or so the legend says. #492

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #492 Shaymin Type: Grass Flying

Normal Growth Grass Magical Leaf Strength
Grass Leech Seed Grass Dexterity
Normal Sweet Scent Normal Synthesis Vitality
Grass Worry Seed Flying Natural Gift
Grass Fairy Air Slash
Grass Energy Ball Grass
Normal Leaf Storm Psychic Sweet Kiss Special
Grass Flying Seed Flare
Endeavor Zen Headbutt Insight
Giga Drain Tailwind
Height: Weight: Base 5 Suggested Rank:

1.6m / 5’03” 56kg / 124 lbs HP: Pro

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

There are old traces of gigantic Serene Grace

trees that once grew all over the EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
earth. They were called the “Trees

of Life” and their flowers granted

the power of flight to the kind-

hearted, or so the legend says. #492

#493 Arceus Type: Normal Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Fight Seismic Toss Psychic Cosmic Power
Normal Natural Gift Dark Punishment
Dexterity Psychic Gravity Earth Power
Normal Hyper Voice Ground Extreme Speed
Vitality Normal Normal Future Sight
Normal Refresh Psychic Hyper Beam
Special Normal Recover Normal Judgment
Steel Normal Infestation
Insight Electric Perish Song Draco Meteor
Fairy Sunsteel Strike Bug Inferno
Height:63.2m / 10’06” 320kg / 705 lbs Flying Zap Cannon Dragon Phantom Force
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank: Grass Light of Ruin Detect
Fire Sludge Wave
Master Ice Hurricane Ghost Origin Pulse
Rock Frenzy Plant Fight
Abilities: Sheer Cold Poison
Ancient Power Water




Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #494 Victini Type:

Fire Searing Shot Normal Focus Energy Strength
Psychic Confusion Fire Incinerate
Normal Quick Attack Endure Dexterity
Normal Headbutt Normal Flame Charge
Fight Fire Flame Burst Vitality
Psychic Reversal Fire Inferno
Normal Zen Headbutt Fire Flare Blitz Special
Fight Fire Stored Power
Double-Edge Trick Insight
Fire Final Gambit Psychic V-Create
Electric Overheat Psychic Height: Weight: 5Base Suggested Rank:
Shock Wave
Fire 0.4m / 1’04” 4kg / 8 lbs HP: Pro

Pokédex has no data. Abilities:

On tournament days, Trainers eat a Victory Star

“V” shaped apple as a sign of good EVOLUTIVE stage: Unknown.
luck. It is unknown if it has anything

to do with this Pokémon.


#495 Snivy Type: Grass Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Grass Tackle Normal Leer
Vine Whip Wrap
Dexterity Normal Grass
Grass Growth Grass Leaf Tornado
Vitality Normal Leech Seed Grass Mega Drain
Poison Slam Grass Leaf Blade
Special Normal Coil Giga Drain
Grass Wring Out Poison Gastro Acid
Insight Grass Leaf Storm Grass Grass Pledge
Dragon Twister
30.6m / 2’00” 8kg / 17 lbs Synthesis
Height: Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

HP: Beginner

Grass Snake Pokémon Abilities:

I t is very intelligent and independent, Overgrow

although it seems calm it doesn’t EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
like being bossed around. Evolution time: Medium.

Being exposed to lots of sunlight

makes its movements swifter. The

tail drops if it is not feeling well. #495 #496 #497

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #496 Servine Type: Grass
Normal Normal
Grass Tackle Normal Leer Strength
Vine Whip Wrap
Normal Grass Dexterity
Grass Growth Grass Leaf Tornado
Normal Leech Seed Grass Mega Drain Vitality
Poison Slam Grass Leaf Blade
Normal Coil Giga Drain Special
Grass Wring Out Poison Gastro Acid
Grass Leaf Storm Grass Grass Pledge Insight
Dragon Twister
Synthesis 4Height:
0.8m / 2’07”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

16kg / 35 lbs HP: Amateur

Grass Snake Pokémon Abilities:

It moves along the ground by sliding. Overgrow

Its swift movements befuddle its EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
foes, then attacks with a vine whip. Evolution time: Medium.

It always keeps itself clean and

it demands care from its trainer,

otherwise it will misbehave. #495 #496 #497

#497 Serperior Type: Grass Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Grass Tackle Normal Leer
Vine Whip Normal Wrap
Dexterity Normal Grass Leaf Tornado
Grass Growth Grass Mega Drain
Vitality Normal Leech Seed Grass Leaf Blade
Poison Slam Grass Giga Drain
Special Normal Coil Poison Gastro Acid
Grass Wring Out Grass Frenzy Plant
Insight Grass Leaf Storm Dragon Dragon Pulse

53.3m / 10’10” 126kg /277 lbs Synthesis 233
Height: Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:


Regal Pokémon Abilities:

It stops enemies dead in their tracks Overgrow

with just one intense glare. It is a EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
noble and proud Pokémon.

It is not aggressive but it can be very

stubborn. It takes a really strong foe

for it to take the fight seriously. #495 #496 #497

Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #498 Tepig Type: Fire
Tackle Normal Tail Whip Strength
Fire Ember Normal Odor Sleuth
Normal Defense Curl Flame Charge Dexterity
Poison Smog Fire Rollout
Rock Vitality
Normal Take Down Fire Heat Crash
Dark Assurance Fire Flamethrower Special
Rock Head Smash
Fire Flare Blitz Normal Roar Insight
Normal Fire
Body Slam DFairerk Fire Pledge 3Height:
FSluacrekeBrlitPzunch 0.5m / 1’08”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

10kg / 21 lbs Starter

Fire Pig Pokémon Abilities:

It blows fire through its nose. When Blaze

it catches a cold, the fire becomes EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
pitch-black smoke instead. Evolution time: Medium.

Tepig loves to eat roasted berries

and its keen sense of smell allows it

to find them easily. #498 #499 #500

#499 Pignite Type: Fire Fight Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Tackle Normal Tail Whip
Fire Ember Odor Sleuth
Dexterity Normal Defense Curl Fire Flame Charge
Fight Arm Thrust Poison Smog
Vitality Rock Rollout Normal Take Down
Heat Crash
Special Fire Flamethrower Dark Assurance
Fire Roar Rock Head Smash
Insight Normal Fire Pledge Fire Flare Blitz
Fire Sucker Punch Normal Body Slam
Height: Dark

41m / 3’03”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

55kg / 122 lbs HP: Amateur

Fire Pig Pokémon Abilities:

W hatever it eats becomes fuel for Blaze

the flame on its stomach. When EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
it is angered, the intensity of the Evolution time: Medium.

flame increases. It is not common to

see them the wild. They are mostly

found living in warm places. #498 #499 #500

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #500 Emboar Type: Fire Fight
Normal Normal
Normal Tail Whip Tackle Strength
Normal Odor Sleuth Fire Ember
Normal Defense Curl Dexterity
Fire Roar Arm Thrust
Poison Flame Charge Fight Rollout Vitality
Normal Smog Rock Heat Crash
Dark Take Down Flamethrower Special
Rock Assurance Fire Hammer Arm
Head Smash Fire Blast Burn Insight
Fire Flare Blitz Fight Thunder Punch
Steel Heavy Slam Fire 6Height:
Electric Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

1.6m / 5’03” 300kg /660 lbs HP: Ace

Mega Fire Pig Pokémon Abilities:

Although it has a scary exterior, it is Blaze

a very gentle Pokémon that cares EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
deeply for family and friends.

It can burst its punches and beard

on fire, it also shows proficiency on

martial arts like Judo. #498 #499 #500

#501 Oshawott Type: Water Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Water Tackle Water Tail Whip
Normal Water Gun Water Water Sport
Dexterity Focus Energy Razor Shell
Bug Water
Vitality Fight Fury Cutter Water Water Pulse
Normal Revenge Aqua Jet
Special Normal Encore Water Aqua Tail
Water Retaliate Normal Swords Dance
Insight Flying Hydro Pump Water Water Pledge
Air Slash Fight Detect
30.5m / 1’08” 6kg / 13 lbs
Height: Weight: HBaPse: Suggested Rank:


Sea Otter Pokémon Abilities:

It is only seen close to the sea in a Torrent

few places in the world. on its EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
Oshawott uses the scalchop Evolution time: Medium.

chest as a tool for multiple purposes

and as a weapon to slash and fight.

I t is small but brave and daring. #501 #502 #503


Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #502 Dewott Type: Water
Normal Normal
Water Tackle Water Tail Whip Strength
Normal Water Gun Water Water Sport
Focus Energy Razor Shell Dexterity
Bug Water
Fight Fury Cutter Water Water Pulse Vitality
Normal Revenge Aqua Jet
Normal Encore Water Aqua Tail Special
Water Retaliate Normal Swords Dance
Flying Hydro Pump Water Water Pledge Insight
Air Slash Fight Detect
0.8m / 2’07”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

24kg / 54 lbs HP: Amateur

Discipline Pokémon Abilities:

It isolates itself from others and Torrent

trains every day to perform a double EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
scalchop slash technique. Evolution time: Medium.

This Pokémon takes itself very

seriously and won’t back down from

any challenge. #501 #502 #503

#503 Samurott Type: Water Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Water Tail Whip Normal Tackle
Normal Water Sport Water Water Gun
Dexterity Water Encore Normal Focus Energy
Water Razor Shell Bug Fury Cutter
Vitality Water Fight
Water Pulse Normal Revenge
Special Bug Aqua Jet Water Slash
Normal Normal Aqua Tail
Insight Water Megahorn Water Swords Dance
Dark Retaliate Steel
Height: Hydro Pump Hydro Cannon
Night Slash Smart Strike
51.5m / 5’00”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

94kg / 208 lbs HP: Ace

Formidable Pokémon Abilities:

I t uses the horn on it’s head and Torrent

both seamitars attached to it’s EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
front legs as weapons. In the late

spring and fall, they gather on cold

beaches and fight each other. The

winner lets out an intimidating roar. #501 #502 #503

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #504 Patrat Type: Normal
Normal ? Normal
Dark Tackle Normal Leer Strength
Fight Bite Ground Bide
Detect Psychic Sand Attack Dexterity
Dark Crunch Normal Hypnosis
Normal Super Fang Normal Vitality
Normal Work Up Normal After You
Normal Mean Look Normal Focus Energy Special
Dark Normal Hyper Fang
Normal Nasty Plot Water Baton Pass Insight
Grass Slam
Screech 3Height:
Seed Bomb Aqua Tail 0.5m / 1’08”
Weight: Base Suggested Rank:

11kg / 25 lbs HP: Beginner

Scout Pokémon Abilities:

They live in grass fields in big groups. Run Away & Keen Eye

One of them is always looking out EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
for predators. The group gathers Evolution time: Fast.

food they store on their cheeks to

bring it back home. They are wary

and alert all the time. #504 #505

#505 Watchog Type: Normal Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Leer Dark Tackle
Fight Low Kick Normal Bite
Dexterity Fight Detect Ground Bide
Ground Rototiller Psychic Sand Attack
Vitality Dark Crunch
Ghost Confuse Ray Normal Hypnosis
Special Normal After You Normal Super Fang
Normal Focus Energy Psych Up
Insight Normal Hyper Fang Normal Mean Look
Normal Baton Pass Dark Nasty Plot
Height: Fire Fire Punch Normal Slam
Fight Revenge Electric Thunder Punch
41.1m / 3’07”
Weight: BHaPse: Suggested Rank:

27kg / 59 lbs Amateur

Lookout Pokémon Abilities:

Their fur has a luminicent property. Run Away & Keen Eye

They make the patterns on their EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
bodies glow in order to threaten

predators. Their keen eyesight

allows them to see in the dark. They

are also good diggers. #504 #505


Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #506 Lillipup Type: Normal
Normal Normal
Normal Leer Dark Tackle Strength
Fairy Odor Sleuth Normal
Normal Baby-Doll Eyes Bite Dexterity
Dark Take Down Normal Helping Hand
Normal Normal Work Up Vitality
Normal Crunch Fight
Fairy Retaliate Normal Roar Special
Normal Last Resort Ghost Reversal
Play Rough Normal Giga Impact Insight
Endure Lick
Yawn Height: Weight: 3Base SUGGESTED Rank:

0.4m / 1’04” 4kg / 9 lbs HP: Starter

Puppy Pokémon Abilities:

G ood with children and old people, Vital Spirit & Pick Up

this gentle Pokémon is a favorite EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
to keep as pet. It is very brave and Evolution time: Medium.

smart and will protect it’s trainer

against any threat. It uses the hair

on its head to feel its surroundings. #506 #507 #508

#507 Herdier Type: Normal Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Leer Normal Tackle
Odor Sleuth Dark Bite
Dexterity Normal
Normal Helping Hand Normal Take Down
Vitality Normal Work Up Dark Crunch
Fight Roar Normal Retaliate
Special Normal Reversal Normal Last Resort
Ghost Giga Impact Play Rough
Insight Normal Lick Fairy Endure
Yawn Normal

40.9m / 3’00”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

14kg / 32 lbs Amateur

Loyal Dog Pokémon Abilities:

It loyally follows its Trainer’s orders. Intimidate & Sand Rush

For ages, they have helped Trainers EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
to raise well behaved Pokémon. Evolution time: Medium.

It has black, cape-like fur that is very

hard and keeps it protected from

the weather. #506 #507 #508

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #508 Stoutland Type: Normal
Normal Normal
Dark Tackle Leer Strength
Bite Normal Odor Sleuth
Ice Ice Fang Fire Fire Fang Dexterity
Electric Thunder Fang Helping Hand
Normal Take Down Normal Work Up Vitality
Crunch Normal Roar
Dark Retaliate Normal Reversal Special
Normal Last Resort Fight Giga Impact
Normal Play Rough Insight
Fairy Iron Head Normal Psychic Fangs
Steel Psychic Superpower 5Height:
Fight 1.2m / 4’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

61kg / 134 lbs HP: Amateur

Big-Hearted Pokémon Abilities:

For many years this Pokémon has Intimidate & Sand Rush

helped with rescue missions in hostile EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
places. Its outer coat is hard on the

exterior but soft and silky on the

inside. They keep people safe and

warm while help is on the way. #506 #507 #508

#509 Purrloin Type: Dark Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Scratch Normal Growl
Assist Ground Sand Attack
Dexterity Normal
Dark Fury Swipes Dark Pursuit
Vitality Dark Torment Normal Fake Out
Normal Hone Claws Dark Assurance
Special Dark Slash Normal Captivate
Insight Dark Nasty Plot Dark Night Slash
Fairy Play Rough Dark Sucker Punch
Height: Dark Fake Tears Psychic Trick
Normal Pay Day
30.4m / 1’04”
Weight: HBaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

10kg / 22 lbs Beginner

Devious Pokémon Abilities:

They have adapted to live in the Limber & Unburden

streets of big cities. They steal for EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
fun but their victims can’t help but Evolution time: Medium.

forgive them. Their cute act is a

ruse. People who keep them as pets

often regret it. #509 #510


Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #510 Liepard Type: Dark
Normal Normal
Normal Scratch Ground Growl Strength
Assist Sand Attack
Normal Dark Dexterity
Dark Fury Swipes Normal Pursuit
Dark Torment Dark Fake Out Vitality
Normal Hone Claws Dark Assurance
Dark Slash Taunt Special
Snatch Dark
Dark Nasty Plot Dark Night Slash Insight
Fairy Play Rough Fairy Sucker Punch
Dark Fake Tears Psychic Charm 4Height:
Trick 1.1m / 3’07”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

37kg / 82 lbs HP: Amateur

Cruel Pokémon Abilities:

It’s difficult to see one in the Limber & Unburden

wild. These Pokémon vanish and EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
appear attacking unexpectedly.

Many Trainers are drawn to their

beautiful fur and elegant appeal.

But they can be quite dangerous. #509 #510

#511 Pansage Type: Grass Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Scratch Normal Play Nice
Grass Leer Ghost Lick
Dexterity Grass Vine Whip Normal Fury Swipes
Grass Leech Seed Dark Bite
Vitality Dark Seed Bomb Dark Torment
Grass Fling Flying Acrobatics
Special Normal Grass Knot Normal
Grass Natural Gift Dark Recycle
Insight Grass Grass Whistle Dark
Giga Drain Crunch
Height: Nasty Plot

30.6m / 2’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

10kg / 23 lbs HP: Beginner

Grass Monkey Pokémon Abilities:

Pansage is a friendly Pokémon. It Gluttony

is good at finding berries and will EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
share them with other Pokémon. EvolVES WITH: Leaf Stone.

The leaves on it’s head have

medicinal properties, if it finds a sick

Pokémon it will offer some to heal it. #5111 #512

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #512 Simisage Type: Grass
Normal Ghost
Normal Leer Grass Lick Strength
Grass Fury Swipes Fairy Seed Bomb Dexterity
Poison Synthesis Disarming Voice Vitality
Gunk Shot



1.1m / 3’07”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

30kg / 67 lbs HP: Amateur

Thorn Monkey Pokémon Abilities:

I t becomes somewhat ill tempered Gluttony

after it evolves. The leaves on it’s EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
head can be made into a bitter but

effective medicine, however it will

attack anyone trying to take them

with it’s thorned tail. #5111 #512

#513 Pansear Type: Fire Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Scratch Ghost Play Nice
Leer Lick
Dexterity Fire Normal
Normal Incinerate Dark Fury Swipes
Vitality Yawn Psychic Bite
Fire Flame Burst Flying Amnesia
Special Dark Fling Normal Acrobatics
Fire Fire Blast Natural Gift
Insight Dark Crunch Dark
Fire Fire Spin Fairy Nasty Plot
Height: Disarming Voice

30.6m / 2’00”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

11kg / 24 lbs Beginner

High Temp Pokémon Abilities:

I t lives close to volcanic mountains. Gluttony

It’s very intelligent, it roasts berries EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
before eating them and helps lost EvolVES WITH: Fire Stone.

people. When angered the tuft of

hair on it’s head and tail can burst

into flames. #513 #514


Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #514 Simisear Type: Fire
Normal Ghost
Normal Leer Fire Lick Strength
Poison Fury Swipes Flame Burst Dexterity
Fire Gunk Shot Superpower
Heat Wave



1m / 3’03”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

28kg / 61 lbs HP: Amateur

Ember Pokémon Abilities:

A flame burns on top of its head. It Gluttony

scatters embers from its head and EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
tail to sear its opponents. It loves

sweets and is not afraid to go near

humans to try to get some candy

by begging or by stealing. #513 #514

#515 Panpour Type: Water Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Scratch Normal Play Nice
Leer Ghost Lick
Dexterity Water
Normal Water Gun Normal Fury Swipes
Vitality Water Water Sport Dark Bite
Dark Scald Dark Taunt
Special Fling Flying Acrobatics
Insight Normal Brine Normal Recycle
Dark Natural Gift Dark Crunch
Height: Fairy Nasty Plot Water Aqua Tail
Disarming Voice
30.6m / 2’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

13kg / 29 lbs HP: Beginner

Spray Pokémon Abilities:

I t does not thrive in dry climates. Gluttony

It keeps itself damp by shooting EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
the water stored in its head tuft. Evolves with: Water Stone.

Its water is valued by gardeners

and Grass Pokémon breeders as it

makes plants grow beautiful. #515 #516

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name Simipour Type: Water
Normal Ghost
Normal Leer Water Lick Strength
Water Fury Swipes Water Scald
Poison Aqua Ring Hydro Pump Dexterity
Gunk Shot



1m / 3’03”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

29kg / 63 lbs HP: Amateur

Geyser Pokémon Abilities:

It prefers places with clean water. Gluttony

When its tuft runs low, it replenishes EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
it by siphoning water up with its tail.

It is said that if you see a Simipour

swiming in a pond, the water is safe

to drink. #515 #516

#517 Munna Type: Psychic Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Psychic Normal
Strength Normal Psywave Normal Defense Curl
Psychic Lucky Chant Psychic Yawn
Dexterity Psybeam Psychic Imprison
Fairy Moonlight
Vitality Psychic Zen Headbutt Psychic Hypnosis
Ghost Nightmare Psychic Calm Mind
Special Psychic Psychic Dream Eater
Psychic Telekinesis Psychic Synchronoise
Insight Psychic Stored Power Normal Future Sight
Psychic Psychic
Height: Pain Split Heal Bell
Normal HInefearlinog Wish
30.6m / 2’00”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

23kg / 56 lbs Beginner

Dream Eater Pokémon Abilities:

It lurks close to towns and eats the Forewarn & Synchronize

dreams of people and Pokémon. EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
When it eats a pleasant dream, it Evolves with: Moon Stone.

expels pink-colored mist. If you

forgot what you dreamed, a Munna

must have eaten your dream. #517 #518


Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #518 Musharna Type: Psychic
Psychic Normal
Psychic Psychic Terrain Psychic Defense Curl Strength
Normal Psybeam Normal Hypnosis Dexterity
Normal Lucky Chant Vitality
Psychic Heal Bell Pain Split
Healing Wish


1.1m / 3’07”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

60kg / 133 lbs Amateur

Drowsing Pokémon Abilities:

It communicates with the mist on its Forewarn & Synchronize

forehead, it can create shapes and EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
images from dreams it has eaten.

It is said that this Pokémon is a link

between this world and a another

one made entirely of dreams. #517 #518

#519 Pidove Type: Normal Flying Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Flying Normal
Strength Normal Gust Normal Growl
Flying Leer Flying Quick Attack
Dexterity Fight Air Cutter Roost
Flying Detect Dark
Vitality Flying Air Slash Normal Taunt
Normal Feather Dance Razor Wind
Special Flying Facade Normal
Normal Sky Attack Flying Swagger
Insight Lucky Chant Steel Tailwind
Psychic Steel Wing
Height: Weight: 3BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank: Hypnosis

0.3m / 1’00” 2kg / 4 lbs Starter

Tiny Pigeon Pokémon Abilities:

These Pokémon thrive in the cities. Big Pecks & Super Luck

They are accustomed to people EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
Evolution time: Medium.
and they often gather in the parks.
They are forgetful and not very

smart, but they always remember

the way back home. #519 #520 #521

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #520 Tranquil Type: Normal Flying
Flying Normal
Normal Gust Normal Growl Strength
Flying Leer Flying Quick Attack
Fight Air Cutter Roost Dexterity
Flying Dark
Flying Detect Normal Taunt Vitality
Normal Air Slash Normal Razor Wind
Flying Flying Swagger Special
Normal Feather Dance Steel
Facade Psychic Tailwind Insight
Sky Attack Steel Wing
Lucky Chant Hypnosis 4Height:
0.6m / 2’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

15kg / 33 lbs HP: Amateur

Wild Pigeon Pokémon Abilities:

During war and old times people Big Pecks & Super Luck

made use of Tranquil’s sense of EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
location to send letters. It will never Evolution time: Medium.

fail to find it’s way back home. T hey

like quiet forests and enjoy to relax

in the peace and quiet. #519 #520 #521

#521 Unfezant Type: Normal Flying Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Flying Normal
Strength Normal Gust Normal Growl
Flying Leer Flying Quick Attack
Dexterity Fight Air Cutter Roost
Flying Dark
Vitality Flying Detect Normal Taunt
Normal Air Slash Razor Wind
Special Flying Feather Dance Normal Swagger
Dark Facade Flying Tailwind
Insight Sky Attack Fire Heat Wave
Night Slash Normal Lucky Chant

51.2m / 4’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

29kg / 63 lbs HP: Amateur

Proud Pokémon Abilities:

Males swing the beautiful plumage Big Pecks & Super Luck

on their heads to threaten others EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
and to court females. Although less

visually appealing, females are better

at flying. Once they form a pair they

are mated for life. #519 #520 #521


Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #522 Blitzle Type: Electric
Normal Normal
Electric Quick Attack Electric Tail Whip Strength
Electric Charge Shock Wave
Dark Thunder Wave Fire Flame Charge Dexterity
Normal Pursuit Spark
Psychic Stomp Electric Vitality
Normal Agility Electric Wild Charge
Flying Thrash Electric Discharge Special
Bounce Normal Me First
Fight Double Kick Insight

0.8m / 2’07”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

58kg / 110 lbs HP: Beginner

Electrified Pokémon Abilities:

When storm clouds cover the plains Lightiningrod & Motor Drive

you can see them running around EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
chasing the lightnings to absorb Evolution time: Medium.

them on their mane. They form big

herds and use the pattern on their

skin to confuse predators. #522 #523

#523 Zebstrika Type: Electric Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Electric Quick Attack Normal Tail Whip
Electric Shock Wave Electric Charge
Dexterity Thunder Wave Electric Ion Deluge
Fire Flame Charge
Vitality Electric Spark Dark Pursuit
Wild Charge Normal Stomp
Special Electric Psychic Agility
Electric Discharge Normal Thrash
Insight Flying Bounce
Normal Screech Fight Double Kick
Height:41.6m / 5’03” 158kg /350 lbs
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

HP: Amateur

Thunderbolt Pokémon Abilities:

I t is very ill tempered and wild, there Lightiningrod & Motor Drive

have been very few cases of it being EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
succesfully tamed.

It can shoot lightning from it’s mane

in all directions. If you try to mount

it without warning it will shock you. #522 #523

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #524 Roggenrola Type: Rock
Normal Tackle Normal Harden Strength
Ground Sand Attack Ground Headbutt
Mud Slap Dexterity
Rock Rock Blast Rock Smack Down
Rock Stealth Rock Vitality
Steel Iron Defense Rock Stone Edge
Rock Rock Slide Steel Special
Rock Sandstorm Ground Autotomize
Normal Explosion Magnitude Insight
Normal Lock-On
0.4m / 1’04”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

18kg / 39 lbs HP: Beginner

Mantle Pokémon Abilities:

It is made from compressed rock, Sturdy

making it’s body almost as hard as EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
steel. It is blind, what looks like it’s Evolution time: Medium.

eye is really an ear, for this reason

it can live in the darkest of caves

feeding on rocks to grow stronger. #524 #525 #526

#525 Boldore Type: Rock Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Tackle Normal Harden
Ground Sand Attack Ground Headbutt
Dexterity Mud Slap
Rock Rock Blast Rock Smack Down
Vitality Rock
Steel Iron Defense Rock Slide
Special Rock Power Gem Rock Sandstorm
Rock Stealth Rock Normal Explosion
Insight Rock Stone Edge Ground Magnitude
Steel Autotomize
Height:40.9m / 3’00” 102kg /224 lbs Rock Wide Guard
Weight: HBaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:


Ore Pokémon Abilities:

It releases the excess of energy in Sturdy

the form of red crystals. It is still blind, EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
it looks for for water sources inside Evolves with: Trade.

underground caves by using echo

location. It is a pacific creature that

keeps to itself most of the time. #524 #525 #526


Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #526 Gigalith Type: Rock
Normal Tackle Normal Harden Strength
Ground Sand Attack Ground Headbutt
Mud Slap Dexterity
Rock Rock Blast Rock Smack Down
Rock Vitality
Steel Iron Defense Rock Slide
Rock Power Gem Rock Sandstorm Special
Rock Stealth Rock Normal Explosion
Rock Stone Edge Rock Wide Guard Insight
Steel Heavy Slam
Fight Superpower 5Height:
1.7m / 5’07”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

520kg /1144 lbs Ace

Compressed Pokémon Abilities:

It is a serious Pokémon that doesn’t Sturdy

interact with others too much. EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
It uses the sharp crystals in it’s body

to recharge using the sun’s energy.

If angered it can bury it’s foe under

giant rock slides or explode at will. #524 #525 #526

#527 Woobat Type: Psychic Flying Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Psychic Normal
Strength Flying Confusion Dark Odor Sleuth
Psychic Gust Psychic Assurance
Dexterity Flying Heart Stamp Normal Imprison
Psychic Air Cutter Psychic Attract
Vitality Psychic Amnesia Psychic Calm Mind
Flying Psychic Future Sight
Special Flying Air Slash Normal Endeavor
Grass Giga Drain
Insight Fire Roost
Heat Wave
Height: Weight: 3BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

0.4m / 1’04” 2kg / 4 lbs Beginner

Bat Pokémon Abilities:

It lives in dark forests and caves. Unaware & Klutz

Emits ultrasonic waves from its nose EVOLUTIVE stage: First. 4.
it learns about its surroundings. The EvolVES WITH: Happiness

two small eyes it has get covered

by its own fur. It clings to trees and

cave walls to sleep at night. #527 #528

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #528 Swoobat Type: Psychic Flying
Psychic Normal
Flying Confusion Dark Odor Sleuth Strength
Gust Assurance
Psychic Psychic Dexterity
Flying Heart Stamp Normal Imprison
Psychic Air Cutter Psychic Attract Vitality
Psychic Amnesia Psychic Calm Mind
Flying Psychic Future Sight Special
Flying Air Slash Normal Endeavor
Fire Grass Giga Drain Insight
Heat Wave 4Height:
0.9m / 3’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

10kg / 23 lbs HP: Amateur

Courting Pokémon Abilities:

They communicate by emiting Unaware & Klutz

ultrasonic waves through their EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
noses. This sound is not perceived

by humans but it can affect their

mood and emotions. It hunts Bug

Pokémon and loves fresh fruit. #527 #528

#529 Drilbur Type: Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name

Strength Normal Scratch Ground Mud Sport
Normal Rapid Spin Ground Mud Slap
Normal Fury Swipes Steel Metal Claw
Vitality Ground Dig Dark Hone Claws
Normal Slash Rock Rock Slide
Special Normal Swords Dance
Rock Sandstorm Ground Drill Run
Insight Ground Earthquake Steel Iron Defense
Ground Fissure Fight Submission
30.3m / 1’00” 8kg / 18 lbs Normal Rock Climb
Height: Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank: 241

HP: Beginner

Mole Pokémon Abilities:

They can be found in caves and Sand Rush & Sand Force

wreaking havoc on vegetable farms. EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
It makes its way swiftly through the Evolution time: Medium.

soil by putting both claws together

and rotating at high speed. It is

friendly and not afraid of humans. #529 #530

Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #530 Excadrill Type: Ground Steel
Ground Normal
Mud Sport Normal Scratch Strength
Ground Rapid Spin Dexterity
Steel Mud Slap Normal Fury Swipes
Dark Metal Claw Ground
Rock Hone Claws Normal Dig Vitality
Rock Rock Slide Normal
Sandstorm Normal Slash Special
Ground Rototiller
Ground Earthquake Ground Horn Drill Insight
Ground Fissure Steel Swords Dance
Smart Strike Steel Drill Run 5Height:
Steel Iron Defense 0.7m / 2’04”
Iron Head Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

40kg / 89 lbs HP: Amateur

Subterrene Pokémon Abilities:

They build maze-like nests deep Sand Rush & Sand Force

underground. Humans make use of EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
their drilling abilities to dig tunnels

for subway trains. This Pokémon

does not back out from foes and

can be a formidable opponent. #529 #530

#531 Audino Type: Normal Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Play Nice Normal Pound
Normal Growl Fairy Helping Hand
Dexterity Normal Hyper Voice Fairy Misty Terrain
Normal Refresh Fairy Baby-Doll-Eyes
Vitality Normal Double Slap Normal Disarming Voice
Normal Secret Power Normal Attract
Special Psychic Take Down Normal Entrainment
Normal Heal Pulse Normal After You
Insight Double-Edge Fairy
Normal Last Resort Normal Simple Beam
Height: Normal Wish Draining Kiss
Heal Bell
51.2m / 4’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

31kg / 68 lbs HP: Beginner

Hearing Pokémon Abilities:

Its auditory sense is astounding, Healer & Regenerator

using the feelers on it’s ears it can EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
know the health state of others.

It is a caring Pokémon with a sweet

disposition to help, but it is not too

common to see in the wild. #531

Mega-Audino Type: Normal Fairy Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Play Nice Normal Pound
Normal Growl Fairy Helping Hand
Dexterity Normal Hyper Voice Fairy Misty Terrain
Normal Refresh Fairy Baby-Doll-Eyes
Vitality Normal Double Slap Normal Disarming Voice
Normal Secret Power Normal Attract
Special Psychic Take Down Normal Entrainment
Normal Heal Pulse Normal After You
Insight Double-Edge Fairy
Normal Last Resort Normal Simple Beam
Height: Normal Wish Draining Kiss
Heal Bell
61.6m / 5’03”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

56kg / 124 lbs Amateur

Hearing Pokémon Abilities:

The power of the Mega Stone Healer

increases the purity of this Pokémon, EVOLUTIVE stage: Mega Evolution.
revealing its Fairy type. It is so caring

and protective of its trainer that it can

hear its cries for help from miles away.

It loves to soothe and care for others. #531

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #532 Timburr Type: Fight
Normal Normal
242 Normal Pound Normal Leer Strength
Fight Focus Energy Rock Bide Dexterity
Fight Low Kick Normal Rock Throw
Fight Wake-Up Slap Rock
Fight Bulk Up Normal Chip Away Vitality
Fight Dynamic Punch Rock
Fight Hammer Arm Fight Rock Slide Special
Normal Focus Punch Fight Scary Face
Fight Foresight Stone Edge Insight
Detect Superpower
Mach Punch 3Height:
0.6m / 2’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

12kg / 27 lbs HP: Beginner

Muscular Pokémon Abilities:

They carry a big log as a tool and as a Guts & Sheer Force

weapon. You may see them helping EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
with construction work as they Evolution time: Medium.

strive to challenge their strength.

When it can swing the log without

problems it is close to evolve. #532 #533 #534

Unova Pokédex

#533 Gurdurr Type: Fight Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Normal Pound Normal Leer
Fight Focus Energy Rock Bide
Dexterity Fight Low Kick Normal Rock Throw
Fight Wake-Up Slap Rock Chip Away
Vitality Fight Bulk Up Normal Rock Slide
Fight Dynamic Punch Rock Scary Face
Special Fight Hammer Arm Fight
Normal Focus Punch Fight Stone Edge
Insight Fight Foresight
Detect Superpower
Height: Mach Punch

41.2m / 3’11”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

40kg / 88 lbs Amateur

Muscular Pokémon Abilities:

This Pokémon is very muscular and Guts & Sheer Force

strongly built. It likes to show off it’s EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
strength and muscles. Some years EvolVES WITH: Trade.

back a famous wrestler got defeated

in just a few seconds by one of

these Pokémon. #532 #533 #534

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #534 Conkeldurr Type: Fight
Normal Normal
Normal Pound Normal Leer Strength
Fight Focus Energy Rock Bide
Fight Low Kick Normal Rock Throw Dexterity
Fight Wake-Up Slap Rock Chip Away
Fight Bulk Up Normal Rock Slide Vitality
Fight Dynamic Punch Rock Scary Face
Fight Hammer Arm Fight Special
Normal Focus Punch Fight Stone Edge
Rock Foresight Insight
Wide Guard Superpower
Drain Punch Height: Weight: Base 6 SUGGESTED Rank:

1.4m / 4’07” 87kg / 191 lbs HP: Ace

Muscular Pokémon Abilities:

They use concrete pillars as walking Guts & Sheer Force

canes and swing the pillars freely in EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
battle. Anthropology research says

that this Pokémon may have taught

humans how to make concret out of

rocks thousands of years ago. #532 #533 #534

#535 Tympole Type: Water Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Normal Bubble Normal Growl
Supersonic Normal Round
Dexterity Water
Water Bubble Beam Ground Mud Shot
Vitality Water Aqua Ring Normal Uproar
Normal Muddy Water Normal Echoed Voice
Special Water Flail
Ground Hydro Pump Water Rain Dance
Insight Earth Power Normal Hyper Voice
Ice Icy Wind Normal Refresh
Height: Weight: 3Base SUGGESTED Rank:

0.5m / 1’08” 4kg / 9 lbs HP: Starter

Tadpole Pokémon Abilities:

T hey appear in great numbers on Swift Swim & Hydration

marshes and ponds after a heavy EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
rainfall. They warn others of danger Evolution time: Medium.

and predators by vibrating their

cheeks to create a high-pitched

sound. #535 #536 #537

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #536 Palpitoad Type: Water Ground
Normal Bubble Normal Growl Strength
Water Supersonic Normal Round
Water Dexterity
Water Bubble Beam Ground Mud Shot
Normal Aqua Ring Normal Uproar Vitality
Water Muddy Water Normal Echoed Voice
Ground Flail Water Rain Dance Special
Hydro Pump
Ice Earth Power Normal Hyper Voice Insight
Icy Wind Normal Refresh
0.8m / 2’07”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

17kg / 37 lbs HP: Beginner

Vibration Pokémon Abilities:
It lives both in water and land.
Swift Swim & Hydration

It uses its long, sticky tongue to EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
capture prey. When they vibrate Evolution time: Medium.

the bumps on their heads, they can

make waves in the water and even

earthquake-like vibrations on land. #535 #536 #537


Unova Pokédex

#537 Seismitoad Type: Water Ground Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Water Normal
Strength Normal Bubble Normal Growl
Supersonic Ground Round
Dexterity Water Normal Mud Shot
Water Bubble Beam Normal Uproar
Vitality Water Aqua Ring Normal Echoed Voice
Poison Muddy Water Water Flail
Special Fight Acid Rain Dance
Water Drain Punch Normal Hyper Voice
Insight GrFoiruend Hydro Pump GFlhyionsgt GBorudngce
Dark FEiarerthBlaPsotwer
61.5m / 5’00” 124kg /272 lbsHeight: Knock Off
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

HP: Amateur

Vibration Pokémon Abilities:

It is only found in a few marshes, Swift Swim & Poison Touch

and rarely seen on clean water. EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
They shoot a paralyzing liquid from

their head bumps and use the

vibrations on their bumps to harm

their foes. #535 #536 #537

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #538 Throh Type: Fight
Normal Normal
Normal Bind Normal Leer Strength
Fight Focus Energy Fight Bide
Fight Seismic Toss Fight Mat Block Dexterity
Vital Throw Normal Revenge
Fight Storm Throw Fight Body Slam Vitality
Fight Bulk Up Rock Circle Throw
Endure Fight Wide Guard Special
Normal Superpower Reversal
Fight Ice Insight
Fire Fire Punch Ice Punch
EleFcirteric TFlhaurendBelitrzPunch 6Height:
1.3m / 4’03”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

55kg / 122 lbs HP: Amateur

Judo Pokémon Abilities:

W hen they encounter foes bigger Guts & Inner Focus

than themselves, they try to throw EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
them away. In the wild they always

travel in packs of five and make

their clothes and belts out of plants

and vines. #538

#539 Sawk Type: Fight Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Fight Normal
Strength Normal Rock Smash Normal Leer
Fight Bide Fight Focus Energy
Dexterity Fight Double Kick Low Sweep
Fight Fight
Vitality Normal Counter Fight Karate Chop
Fight Brick Break Normal Bulk Up
Special Fight Fight
Normal Retaliate Dragon Endure
Insight Quick Guard Normal Close Combat
Height: Helping Hand Dual Chop
41.4m / 4’07”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

53kg / 112 lbs HP: Amateur

Karate Pokémon Abilities:

This Pokémon is entirely dedicated Sturdy & Inner Focus

to becoming stronger. Many have EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
secluded in the mountains to train

all day. Wild ones make their clothes

out of plants and vines they find.

Sawk and Throh train together. #539

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #540 Sewaddle Type: Bug Grass
Normal Bug
Tackle Grass String Shot Strength
Bug Bug Bite Razor Leaf
Bug Struggle Bug Normal Endure Dexterity
Normal Sticky Web Bug Bug Buzz Vitality
Normal Flail Normal
Baton Pass Special
Camouflage Bug Silver Wind

Height: Weight: 3BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

0.3m / 1’00” 2kg / 5 lbs Starter

Sewing Pokémon Abilities:

It is a sweet Pokémon that loves its Swarm & Chlorophyll

family. It hides its head in the leaf EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
hood while it is sleeping. The silk they Evolution Time: Fast.

produce it’s highly valued to make

expensive clothing, this makes it a

popular pet for fashion designers. #540 #541 #542


Unova Pokédex

#541 Swadloon Type: Bug Grass Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Grass String Shot Normal Tackle
Dexterity Razor Leaf Bug Bug Bite
Vitality Grass Protect
Special Normal Grass Whistle Normal
Grass Camouflage Iron Defense
Seed Bomb Steel


40.5m / 1’08” 7kg / 16 lbsHeight:
Weight: HBaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:


Leaf-Wrapped Pokémon Abilities:

P referring dark and damp places, Leaf Guard & Chlorophyll

it spends the entire day inside EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
rotting logs. It protects itself from EvolVES WITH: Happiness 4.

the cold by wrapping up in leaves.

It’s kind of moody and it likes to

remain undisturbed. #540 #541 #542

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #542 Leavanny Type: Bug Grass
Bug Normal
Grass String Shot Tackle Strength
Razor Leaf Bug Bug Bite
Normal Bug Struggle Bug Dexterity
Normal False Swipe
Slash Normal Helping Hand Vitality
Bug Fell Stinger Grass Leaf Blade
Bug X-Scissor Normal Entrainment Special
Normal Swords Dance Grass Leaf Storm
Psychic Agility Grass Synthesis Insight
Normal Screech
1.2m / 4’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

20kg / 45 lbs HP: Amateur

Nurturing Pokémon Abilities:

I t is a gentle and caring Pokémon. Swarm & Chlorophyll

Mostly known for making clothes EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
out of leaves and silk for any small

pokémon it finds. It warms and

protects its eggs making nests of

fermenting leaves. #540 #541 #542

#543 Venipede Type: Bug Poison Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Poison Defense Curl Rock Rollout
Dark Poison Sting Normal Screech
Dexterity Poison Pursuit Normal Protect
Poison Poison Tail
Vitality Poison Venoshock Bug Bug Bite
Normal Toxic Psychic Agility
Special Poison Rock Climb
Bug Steamroller
Insight Bug Toxic Spikes Normal Double-Edge
Pin Missile
30.4m / 1’04” 5kg / 11 lbs Ground Spikes
Height: Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

HP: Amateur

Centipede Pokémon Abilities:

I ncredibly aggressive for a Pokémon Poison Point & Swarm

that size. It uses the feelers on it’s EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
front and back to locate things Evolution time: Medium.

around. Its bite injects a potent

venom, enough to deter the large

bird Pokémon that try to prey on it. #543 #544 #545

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #544 Whirlpede Type: Bug Poison
Normal Rock
Poison Defense Curl Normal Rollout Strength
Dark Poison Sting Normal Screech
Poison Pursuit Steel Dexterity
Poison Tail Protect
Bug Poison Iron Defense Vitality
Psychic Bug Bite Bug Toxic
Poison Agility Steamroller Special
Normal Venoshock Poison Venom Drench
Poison Rock Climb Normal Insight
Ground Double-Edge
Bug Toxic Spikes 4Height:
Pin Missile Spikes 1.2m / 3’11”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

58kg / 129 lbs HP: Ace

Curlipede Pokémon when it is Abilities:
It is usually motionless,
Poison Point & Swarm

attacked, it rotates at high speed EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
and then crashes into its opponent Evolution time: Medium.

with its body full of poison spikes.

Inside it is storing energy for evolving,

which normaly takes a few months. #543 #544 #545


Unova Pokédex

#545 Scolipede Type: Bug Poison Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Rock
Strength Poison Defense Curl Normal Rollout
Dark Poison Sting Normal Screech
Dexterity Poison Pursuit Bug Protect
Poison Poison Tail Normal Bug Bite
Vitality Psychic Venoshock Poison Baton Pass
Agility Poison
Special Bug Steamroller Toxic
Normal Normal Venom Drench
Insight Rock Climb Steel Double-Edge
Bug Megahorn Fight Smart Strike
52.5m / 8’02” 200kg /442 lbs Water Aqua Tail Superpower
Height: Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

HP: Pro

Megapede Pokémon Abilities:

Highly aggressive, it uses the claws Poison Point & Swarm

on its neck to immobilize its prey EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
and then inject them with poison

to finish them off. Be very careful

around this Pokémon as it will chase

you relentlessly until it gets you. #543 #544 #545

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #546 Cottonee Type: Grass Fairy
Grass Fairy
Normal Absorb Grass Fairy Wind Strength
Grass Growth Grass Leech Seed
Grass Stun Spore Mega Drain Dexterity
Poison Cotton Spore Grass Razor Leaf
Fairy Normal Vitality
Grass Poison Powder Grass Helping Hand
Fire Charm Grass Energy Ball Special
Grass Giga Drain Normal Cotton Guard
Dark Sunny Day Dark Endeavor Insight
Solar Beam Normal Beat Up
Fake Tears Encore 3Height:
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

0.3m / 1’00” 0.6kg / 1 lbs HP: Beginner

Cotton Puff Pokémon Abilities:

They go wherever the wind takes Prankster & Infiltrator

them. On rainy days they can’t EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
float, so they take shelter beneath Evolves with: Sun Stone.

big trees. To defend from predators

they shed their cotton and leave it

as a decoy while they escape. #546 #547

#547 Whimsicott Type: Grass Fairy Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Grass Growth Grass Leech Seed
Mega Drain Grass Cotton Spore
Dexterity Flying
Fairy Gust Flying Tailwind
Vitality Dark Moonblast Flying Hurricane
Normal Fake Tears Dark Memento
Special Encore


Height:40.7m / 2’04” 6kg / 14 lbs
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:


Windveiled Pokémon Abilities:

Riding whirlwinds, they appear and Prankster & Infiltrator

disappear. These Pokémon sneak EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
through even the smallest gaps

into houses and cause all sorts of

mischief the balls of white fluff it

leaves behind reveal its presence. #546 #547

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #548 Petilil Type: Grass
Grass Normal
Grass Absorb Grass Growth Strength
Leech Seed Sleep Powder
Grass Grass Dexterity
Grass Mega Drain Grass Synthesis
Normal Magical Leaf Grass Vitality
Grass Grass Stun Spore
Normal Helping Hand Aromatherapy Special
Normal Energy Ball Fire Giga Drain
Fairy Entrainment Grass Sunny Day Insight
Grass After You Normal Leaf Storm
Charm Heal Bell 3Height:
Grass Whistle Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

0.5m / 1’08” 6kg / 14 lbs Beginner

Bulb Pokémon Abilities:

Since they prefer moist and nutritive Chlorophyll & Own Tempo

soil, the areas where Petilil live are EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
known to be good for growing Evolves with: Sun Stone.

plants. The leaves on its head can

be used for medicinal purposes, but

they are extra bitter. #548 #549


Unova Pokédex

#549 Liligant Type: Grass Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Strength Grass Growth Grass Leech Seed
Normal Mega Drain Grass Synthesis
Bug Teeter Dance Grass Petal Dance
Vitality Normal Quiver Dance Grass Petal Blizzard
Grass Sweet Scent Psychic Healing Wish
Special Ingrain



41.1m / 3’07”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

16kg / 35 lbs HP: Amateur

Flowering Pokémon Abilities:

Even veteran gardeners face a Chlorophyll & Own Tempo
challenge in getting its beautiful
flower to bloom as it withers with EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.

ease. This Pokémon is popular

among celebrities due to it’s grace,

ellegance and delicious aroma. #548 #549

Type move name Type move name #550 Basculin Type: Water
Normal Normal
Water Tail Whip Normal Tackle Strength
Water Gun Uproar Dexterity
Normal Dark Bite
Water Headbutt Normal
Normal Aqua Jet Dark Chip Away Vitality
Water Take Down Water
Aqua Tail Normal Crunch Special
Normal Rock Soak
Normal Flail Normal Scary Face Insight
Fight Double-Edge Water Head Smash
Psychic Final Gambit Thrash 4Height:
Fight Agility Muddy Water 1m / 3’00”
Superpower Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

18kg / 39 lbs Amateur

Hostile Pokémon Abilities:

Two variants exist of the same Adaptability & Reckless
Pokémon, a blue one and a red one
but they don’t get along as they EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.

compete for territory and prey.

These Pokémon are very hostile, but

also delicious when grilled. #550

#551 Sandile Type: Ground Dark Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Dark Leer Ground Rage
Dark Bite Ground Sand Attack
Dexterity Dark Torment Ground Sand Tomb
Dark Assurance Normal Mud Slap
Vitality Dark Embargo Ground Swagger
Normal Crunch Dark Dig
Special Rock Scary Face Ground
Normal Sandstorm Dark Foul Play
Insight Electric Water Earthquake
Thrash Beat Up
Height: Thunder Fang Aqua Tail

30.7m / 2’04”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

15kg / 33 lbs HP: Beginner

Desert Croc Pokémon Abilities:

They live hidden under the desert Intimidate & Moxie

sands with only their eyes and nostrils EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
visible. They don’t prey on anything Evolution time: Medium.

bigger than themselves but can be

troublesome if they are being leaded

by one of it’s evolved forms. #551 #552 #553

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #552 Krokorok Type: Ground Dark
Normal Normal
Dark Leer Ground Rage Strength
Dark Bite Ground Sand Attack Dexterity
Dark Torment Ground Vitality
Dark Assurance Sand Tomb
Dark Embargo Mud Slap
Normal Crunch
Rock Scary Face Normal Swagger Special
Normal Sandstorm Ground Dig
Electric Insight
Thrash Dark Foul Play
Thunder Fang Ground Earthquake 4Height:
1m / 3’00”
Dark Beat Up Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:
Water Aqua Tail
33kg / 73 lbs HP: Amateur

Desert Croc Pokémon Abilities:

The protective membranes shield Intimidate & Moxie

their eyes from sandstorms and EVOLUTIVE stage: Second.
allow them to see in the dark. They Evolution time: Medium.

can be aggressive and territorial

and love to destroy things with their

fangs. #551 #552 #553


Unova Pokédex

#553 Krookodile Type: Ground Dark Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Normal
Strength Ground Rage Dark Leer
Dark Sand Attack Dark Bite
Dexterity Ground Torment Dark Power Trip
Ground Sand Tomb Dark Assurance
Vitality Normal Mud Slap Dark Embargo
Ground Swagger Normal Crunch
Special Dark Dig Rock Scary Face
Ground Dragon Sandstorm
Insight Foul Play Steel
Fire Earthquake Outrage
Height: Fight Fire Fang Iron Tail
51.5m / 5’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

96kg / 212 lbs HP: Ace

Intimidation Pokémon Abilities:

A very violent Pokémon. They try to Intimidate & Moxie

clamp down on anything that moves EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
in front of their eyes and once

grasped they never let the prey

escape. It can be very dangerous

if it’s not tamed correctly. #551 #552 #553

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #554 Darumaka Type: Fire
Normal Rock
Tackle Normal Rollout Strength
Fire Incinerate Rage
Fire Normal Dexterity
Normal Fire Fang Normal Headbutt
Fire Uproar Normal Facade Vitality
Dark Fire Punch Normal Work Up
Fire Normal Belly Drum Special
Fight Taunt Thrash
Normal Flare Blitz Fire Overheat Insight
Fire Superpower Normal Focus Energy
Yawn 3Height:
Heat Wave 0.6m / 2’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

37kg / 82 lbs HP: Beginner

Zen Charm Pokémon Abilities:

Lives on deserts and arid terrains. Hustle

It has a flame inside its body. When EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
the flame burns brightly it becomes Evolution time: Medium.
very active running around, when

the flame is low it falls asleep. Their

droppings double as a bonfire. #554 #555

#555 Darmanitan Type: Fire Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Rock
Strength Tackle Normal Rollout
Fire Incinerate Rage
Dexterity Normal
Fire Fire Fang Normal Headbutt
Vitality Normal Swagger Normal Facade
Fire Punch Normal Work Up
Special Fire Taunt Belly Drum
Dark Thrash Fight
Insight Normal Fight Hammer Arm
Flare Blitz Fire Superpower
Height: Fire Overheat Psychic Heat Wave
Fire Psychic
51.3m / 4’03” Psychic Zen Headbutt
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

92kg / 204 lbs HP: Amateur

Blazing Pokémon Abilities:

This Pokémon is shrouded in mystery Sheer Force

as old writtings and mural paintings EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
describe it as being blue and using

psychic powers, but years of study

have not seen those traits on this

Pokémon that relies on brute force. #554 #555

#555 Darmanitan Type: Fire Psychic Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Rock
Strength Tackle Normal Rollout
Fire Incinerate Rage
Dexterity Normal
Fire Fire Fang Normal Headbutt
Vitality Normal Swagger Normal Facade
Fire Punch Normal Work Up
Special Fire Taunt Belly Drum
Dark Thrash Fight
Insight Normal Fight Hammer Arm
Flare Blitz Fire Superpower
Height: Fire Overheat Psychic Heat Wave
Fire Psychic
51.3m / 4’03” Psychic Zen Headbutt
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

92kg / 204 lbs Amateur

Blazing Pokémon Abilities:

A pparently this Darmanitan just Zen Mode

became a statue after recieving a EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
lot of damage. It remained immobile,

but as soon as it’s health recovered

it returned to it’s original state and

lost its psychic powers. #554 #555


Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #556 Maractus Type: Grass
Flying Grass
Normal Peck Normal Absorb Strength
Grass Growth Bug Sweet Scent
Grass Spiky Shield Grass Pin Missile Dexterity
Grass Mega Drain Grass Synthesis
Grass Cotton Spore Normal Needle Arm Vitality
Dark Ingrain Acupressure
Grass Grass Special
Sucker Punch Normal Petal Dance
Grass Giga Drain Grass After You Insight
Grass Solar Beam
Fight Petal Blizzard Fire Sunny Day 4Height:
Grass Cotton Guard Ground Spikes 1m / 3’03”
Drain Punch Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:
Worry Seed
28kg / 61 lbs Amateur

Cactus Pokémon Abilities:

If you see a Maractus on the desert, Water Absorb & Chlorophyll

follow it, as they make their nests on EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
water oasis. This pacific Pokémon

makes a sound similar to a maraca

to drive away bird Pokémon that

prey on it’s seeds and fruit. #556

#557 Dwebble Type: Bug Rock Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Bug Rock
Strength Water Fury Cutter Rock Blast
Dark Withdraw Ground Sand Attack
Dexterity Rock Feint Attack Rock Smack Down
Rock Rock Polish Bug
Vitality Normal Stealth Rock Rock Bug Bite
Normal Slash Bug Rock Slide
Special Rock Shell Smash Normal X-Scissor
Ground Rock Wrecker Steel Flail
Insight Spikes Dark Iron Defense
Night Slash

30.3m / 1’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

14kg / 32 lbs HP: Beginner

Rock Inn Pokémon Abilities:

Their saliva is corrosive and it uses it Sturdy & Shell Armor

to slowly cut pieces of rock. The rock EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
becomes a shelter until it grows too Evolution time: Medium.

large for it. If the rock breaks, it stays

anxious and agitated until it finds a

replacement. #557 #558

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #558 Crustle Type: Bug Rock
Bug Rock
Water Fury Cutter Ground Rock Blast Strength
Dark Withdraw Rock Sand Attack
Rock Bug Smack Down Dexterity
Rock Feint Attack Rock
Normal Rock Polish Bug Bug Bite Vitality
Normal Stealth Rock Normal Rock Slide
Rock Slash Steel X-Scissor Special
Rock Shell Smash Dark Flail
Rock Wrecker Iron Defense Insight
Wide Guard Night Slash
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

1.4m / 4’07” 200kg /449 lbs HP: Amateur

Stone Home Pokémon Abilities:

T hey carry enormous boulders as Sturdy & Shell Armor

a protective shell. When competing EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
for territory, Crustle fight viciously.

The one whose boulder is broken

is the loser of the battle. They feed

on the moss that grows in their rock. #557 #558

#559 Scraggy Type: Dark Fight Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Normal Fight
Strength Ground Leer Dark Low Kick
Normal Sand Attack Normal
Dexterity Fight Headbutt Feint Attack
Normal Brick Break Dark Swagger
Vitality Normal Chip Away Fight Payback
Normal Scary Face High Jump Kick
Special Fight Facade Dark Crunch
Normal Focus Punch Normal Rock Climb
Insight Fake Out Head Smash
Fire Fire Punch Rock Thunder Punch
Height: Electric

30.6m / 2’00”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

11kg / 26 lbs HP: Beginner

Shedding Pokémon Abilities:

I t sheds skin constantly, but keeps Shed Skin & Moxie

wearing it since the old skin has a EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
rubber-like texture and it can pull it Evolution time: Medium.

all the way up to its head. It bashes

foes with headbutts and is known

for making dirty moves on fights. #559 #560


Unova Pokédex

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #560 Scrafty Type: Dark Fight
Ground Leer Fight Low Kick Strength
Normal Sand Attack Dark
Fight Headbutt Normal Feint Attack Dexterity
Normal Brick Break Swagger
Normal Chip Away Dark Payback Vitality
Normal Scary Face Fight High Jump Kick
Fight Facade Crunch Special
Dragon Focus Punch Dark Rock Climb
Steel Dragon Dance Normal Head Smash Insight
Iron Defense Rock Drain Punch
Fight 4Height:
1.1m / 3’07”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

30kg / 66 lbs HP: Amateur

Hoodlum Pokémon Abilities:

They form gangs and beat anyone Shed Skin & Moxie

who tresspases their territory. is EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
The one with the biggest crest

the leader. They throw powerful

kicks and their skin is an excellent

shield. Be careful around them. #559 #560

#561 Sigilyph Type: Psychic Flying Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Flying Psychic
Strength Psychic Gust Psychic Miracle Eye
Flying Hypnosis Normal Psywave
Dexterity Psychic Tailwind
Psychic Flying Whirlwind
Vitality Psybeam Psychic Air Cutter
Psychic Light Screen Reflect
Special Psychic Gravity Flying Mirror Move
Psychic Psychic Flying Air Slash
Insight Flying Synchronoise Psychic Cosmic Power
Psychic Psychic Stored Power
Height: Sky Attack Psychic Psycho Shift
41.4m / 4’07”
Weight: Base SUGGESTED Rank:

14kg / 30 lbs HP: Ace

Avianoid Pokémon Abilities:

I t is known that they worked as Wonder Skin & Magic Guard

guards for an acient civilization and EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
a few can still be seen patroling its

borders, following the same route

for centuries. They attack people

that sneak through their barriers. #561

Rank Type move name Rank Type move name #562 Yamask Type: Ghost
Ghost Normal
Normal Astonish Protect Strength
Ghost Disable Ice Haze
Fire Night Shade Ghost Hex Dexterity
Psychic Will-O-Wisp Ghost Ominous Wind Vitality
Ghost Curse Psychic Power Split
Ghost Guard Split Ghost Shadow Ball Special
Dark Grudge Normal Mean Look
Destiny Bond Fake Tears Insight
Nasty Plot Dark Role Play
Psychic Height: Weight: 3HBaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

0.5m / 1’08” 1kg / 3 lbs Amateur

Spirit Pokémon Abilities:

This Pokémon arose from the spirit of Mummy

a human or a Pokémon that died in EVOLUTIVE stage: First.
the past and was buried with special Evolution Time: Slow.

ceremonies. Each one carries a mask

that looks like the face it had in life.

A sad Pokémon that weeps often. #562 #563

#563 Cofagrigus Type: Ghost Rank Type move name Rank Type move name
Ghost Normal
Strength Normal Astonish Protect
Ghost Disable Ice Haze
Dexterity Fire Night Shade Ghost Hex
Ghost Will-O-Wisp Ominous Wind
Vitality Psychic Curse Ghost Power Split
Ghost Guard Split Psychic Scary Face
Special Normal Shadow Ball Normal Grudge
Psychic Mean Look Ghost Destiny Bond
Insight Psychic Ghost
Imprison Steel Iron Defense
Height: Heal Block

41.7m / 5’07”
Weight: BHaPse: SUGGESTED Rank:

76kg / 168 lbs Pro

Coffin Pokémon Abilities:

This Pokémon has only been seen Mummy

few times in the ruins and tombs of EVOLUTIVE stage: Final.
ancient civilizations. It curses and

transforms people and Pokémon

into mummy-like creatures. It is said

it feeds on pure gold. #562 #563


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