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Published by pcdecell, 2015-12-04 20:27:25




Qingdao, Shandong Province, China

Campus Master Plan and Architectural Design

Turner + DeCelles I Blue Biotechnology Research Park, Qingdao, Shandong Province, China

“The Blue Biotechnology Researc
economic development initiative f
than a century; it will define our e
Research facilities located here wi
pline, the creation of pharmaceuti
ventions based on oceanic researc

4 8

Master Plan Administrative Offices

Turner + DeCelles I

ch Park is the most important
for Shandong Province in more
economy for decades to come.
ill tap into an emerging disci-
cals and other life improving in-

Mr. Guo Yinghui, Director, General Manager

Beijing Science Development Park

14 20 26

Biotech Labs Hotel / Serviced Apartments Incubator

Phase One Campus Master Plan The Qingdao Blue
lab, office, hotel a
10 Hectares grade parking ga
100,000 Square Meters
Lab, Office, Hotel and Conference The pedestrian pa
ries of guiding lin
Turner + DeCelles I Campus Master Plan I spills into a pool.
varied pattern of

e Biotechnology campus covers ten hectares and accommodates 100,000 square meters of
and conference development. Parking for about 1,000 parking spaces is provided in a below
arage and a series of carefully screened surface lots to the edge of the site.

athways, the landscaping and the building footprints are controlled and organized by a se-
nes and geometries which are derived from the geometric patterns created by water as it

The organizational form established by three overlapping circles lends the site a dynamic,
building shapes and open space.


The campus provides an environ
and human resources. The chan
market comes when the whole r
chance to randomly interact with
The plan fosters this opportunity
duction and management initiat
grow faster and stronger than ea

Turner + DeCelles I BSD Central Administrative Office Buildings I

nment of self-sufficiency leveraging natural, technological
nce to achieve major breakthroughs and create speed-to-
range of activities are organized so that individuals have the
h each other.
y for natural collaboration across research, marketing, pro-
tives; close proximity of these elements allows the whole to
ach of the parts individually.


Administrative Office Buildings The administrative and ma
floors, the twin fifty meter
Two Buildings, 33,200 Square Meters marking its ceremonial gat
Office, Convenience Retail and Cafeteria retail and municipal service
these buildings establish a
Turner + DeCelles I BSD Central Administrative Office Buildings I

anagement team for the campus will be housed in its signature buildings. Rising to nine
tall Administration Office Buildings establish the vertical identity for the campus while
teway. The ground floor public areas provide tenant space for cafeterias, convenience
es such as business licensing and permitting. With their striking form and elegant skins
a tone of excellence and quality for the entire district.


Turner + DeCelles I BSD Central Administrative Office Buildings I


To establish this location as the de facto center of the regional master plan, the b
sponsible budgets of the owner and their future tenants.

The exterior wall is a panelized system of one meter wide flat panels faceted to a
character. Built from a customized kit of parts the resulting enclosure is a sophist
formance glazing, aluminum mullions, sun screens and entry canopies, perforate
was used throughout each of the buildings on campus to provide visual unity of

Turner + DeCelles I Biotechnology Research Labs I

buildings are designed as iconic structures but within the financially re-

achieve a dramatic curvilinear sweep in keeping with the campus’ overall
ticated, visually complex and highly functional arrangement of high per-
ed metal screens and stainless steel highlights. This one meter module
proportion while allowing for a mixture of exterior wall materials.


Biotechnology Research Labs

Five Buildings, 8,700 Square Meters Each
Blue Biotechnology Research

Turner + DeCelles I Biotechnology Research Labs I

The first five lab buildings at Blue Biotechnology Park will provide 43,500 SM of the
highly flexible space required by start-up companies and individual entrepreneurs who
are at the center of the regional economic development strategy. Each building is
programmed and designed to allow for individual spaces as small as 27 SM with full
floor blocks up to 1,800 SM.


The overrid
mature and
panies will u
was develo
tions. Labs
The facilitie
been plann
benches, al
pansion an

Turner + DeCelles I Biotechnology Research Labs I

ding design goal for the labs was to define space that will allow small start-ups to grow,
d expand their operations without having to leave the campus. These small start up com-
ultimately occupy entire buildings. The lab planning module of 4m (w) x 7m (d) x 4.8m (h)
oped to offer maximum flexibility as it is easily combined and adapted to changing condi-
are positioned to maximize access to natural daylight and views out to the surrounding

es are also designed specifically with “speed to market” in mind and the layouts have
ned to allow for smooth refit of spaces. Overhead mechanical elements and movable
ll of the primary systems as well as the supporting components are modular, easing ex-
d contraction of space requirements and the changeover of tenants.


The labs can be organized in multiple configurations so that as entrepreneurs grow
and refine their business models, the facilities and systems can be readily and inex-
pensively adapted to meet the evolving business focus. The science-based commu-
nity is by its very nature a continually evolving environment where new discoveries
lead to new protocols and new branches of study. Thus, facilities can be easily modi-
fied to adjust to and support this fluid and dynamic environment where businesses
and areas of study expand and contract rapidly.

Turner + DeCelles I Hotel, Conference Center and Serviced Apartments I

“The Blue Bio Research Park is the most striking and creative
project we have ever built; the impact it will have on the
economy of this region cannot be overstated.“

Mr. Feng Yang, Director, Design Manager

Beijing Science Development Park


The hotel facility provides lodging for short and long term visitors in a four star
120 rooms and an extended stay facility with 238 studios. Included are addition
for conferences and meetings, food service, business services, fitness and recre
adding up to a total building area of 19,000 SM

Turner + DeCelles I Hotel, Conference Center and Serviced Apartments I

r hotel of Hotel and Conference Center
nal facilities
eation 19,000 Square Meters
Hotel, Service Apartments and Conference Center


The position and for
overall campus. The
end of the campus a
system. The exterior
highlights and horizo

Turner + DeCelles I Hotel, Conference Center and Serviced Apartments I

rm of the hotel and conference center is consistent with the guiding principles for the
curvilinear plan and unique three dimensional form establish a gateway to the north

and anchor the most visible corner of the site as it relates to the regional expressway
wall is a blend of vision glass, aluminum curtain wall, stone infill panels, stainless steel
ontal aluminum fins which accentuate the sweep of the building.


Turner + DeCelles I Hotel, Conference Center and Serviced Apartments I


Building 4 Demonstration Incubator Building Number
and leasing facili
7,000 Square Meters pus. Included in
Wet and Dry Labs, Pilot Plant incubator provid
ture large scale t
Turner + DeCelles I Building 4 Incubator Lab and Pilot Plant I

r 4, the model facility for the Blue Biotechnology Park, was opened as an incubator
ity. Included are a range of program types identical to what will be available on cam-
Building 4 are GLP wet and dry labs, a GMP pilot plant and general office space. The
des a show case for potential start-up companies while demonstrating options for fu-


The best scientists and researchers seek out the most sophisticated and highest quality work
spaces - labs, offices, conference areas and common spaces - was a key guiding principle in

Additionally the lobbies and public areas are an elegant mix of stone, metal and wood befitt
cases the tenants will be well established multinationals with long and sophisticated track rec
overly indulgent. At the same time there will be small start-up companies seeking a more pr
and investors so the lobbies offer a balance between reserved elegance and a prestigious ad

Turner + DeCelles I Building 4 Incubator Lab and Pilot Plant I

k environments. Abundant natural light in all of the
n the design of each facility on campus.

ting the dual nature of the target market. In some
cords who do not necessarily need to be seen as
restigious environment to impress potential partners


Defining a vibrant, sophisticated place is a key to attracting and keeping Building 1 - Hote
the best research talent. And while the location in geographic terms is Building
exceptional, the reclaimed salt flats were only regenerated through the
creation of an entirely new environmental character. This was accom- Building 3 - Adm
plished with lush landscaping, the careful massing of the buildings, Building 4 -
imaginative environmental controls and the interweaving of pedestrian,
vehicular and transit systems. Building 5 - Adm
Turner + DeCelles I Program and Team Information I Building

el and Conference Center: 19,000 SM Project Team
g 2 - Lab Research Facility: 8,700 SM
ministrative Office Building: 16,600 SM Beijing Science Park Development Group Co., Ltd. (BSD)
- Incubator Lab, Pilot Plant: 7,000 SM
ministrative Office Building: 16,600 SM Owner and Development Manager
g 6 - Lab Research Facility: 8,700 SM Mr. Guo, Yinghui, Director, General Manager
g 7 - Lab Research Facility: 8,700 SM Ms. Cao, Chief Architect
g 8 - Lab Research Facility: 8,700 SM Mr. Feng Yong, Director, Design Manager
g 9 - Lab Research Facility: 8,700 SM Mr. Zhang, Jian, Planner
Ms. Xiao, Architect
Site Area -10 Hectares Ms. Yang, Architect
Open Space -100 hectares (30%)
Turner + DeCelles

Architecture Design
Kenneth Turner, AIA, Design Partner
Paul DeCelles, RA, Managing Partner
Elizabeth Michalska, AIA, Technical Architecture
Wilson Chow, Lab Planning
Pedro Melis
Hong Mei
Krystian Gardula
Minji Liu
Michael Chen
James Li Xing

Wolff Landscape Architecture

Landscape Design / Sustainability
Ted Wolff
Craig Socrant
Paul Blanding

China Architecture Design & Research Group

Architect of Record, Structural Engineer
He Qing, Manager

Qingdao Public Architecture Design Institute

Site Architect
Chen Hao Hu, President
Jibin Xiz, Executive Vice President
Yuan Hao Tai, Chief Architect
Bing Yan, Architect


Turner + DeCelles I

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