Date of Stay. Is YTD
Room Cube
Date of Stay
Metric Description
• Stay Date(s) Is Year To Date
• Example values include “True” & “False”
Typical Use Case
• Indicate whether stay date(s) is year-to-date, in all historical years (i.e., from 1st Jan of current
year until as of data loaded date, in all historical years)
• Compare year-on-year YTD performance
• Filter on Date of Stay.Year for the specific year(s) to look at, otherwise it returns all years’ data
The relationship with other selected dimensions in “Date – Stay” folder is summarized below
DDeascteription 2024 data loaded up to 14 March 2025
Jan Feb Mar Apr-Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr-Dec
Is CMTD 1-14th 1-14th
Is MTD 1-14th 1-14th 1-14th 1-14th 1-14th 1-14th 1-14th
Is MTD-ME Full Full
Is YTD Full Full 1-14th Full Full 1-14th
Is YTD-ME Full Full Full Full
Is Yesterday 14th
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Display whether stay date(s) is year-to-date, in all historical years (e.g., If data upload date is 14th
Mar 2025, stay date(s) within 1st Jan-14th Mar 2025, 1st Jan-14th Mar 2024, and all 1st Jan-14th Mar in
historical years will be marked as “True”)
• If yes, return “True”; If no, return “False”
Date of Stay. Is YTD-ME
Room Cube
Date of Stay
Metric Description
• Stay Date(s) is Year To Date of Month End (i.e., Last Completed Month)
• Example values include “True” & “False”
Typical Use Case
• Indicate whether stay date(s) is year-to-date that captures first date of the year up to the latest
full month (i.e., last completed month), in all historical years
• Compare year-on-year YTD (month end) performance with dimensions like “Market
Segmentation”, “Source” or “Membership”
• Filter on Date of Stay.Year for the specific year(s) to look at, otherwise it returns all years’ data
The relationship with other selected dimensions in “Date of Stay” folder is summarized below
DDeascteription Jan 2024 Apr-Dec data loaded up to 14 March 2025
Feb Mar 1-14th 2025
Is CMTD 1-14th
Is MTD 1-14th Jan Feb Mar Apr-Dec
Is MTD-ME Full 1-14th 1-14th 1-14th
Is YTD Full
Is YTD-ME Full 1-14th 1-14th 1-14th
Is Yesterday Full 1-14th Full
Full Full 1-14th
Full Full
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Display whether stay date(s) is year-to-date of month end last completed month, in all historical
years (e.g., If data upload date is 14th Mar 2025, stay date(s) within Jan-Feb 2025, Jan-Feb 2024
and all Jan-Feb in historical years will be marked as “True”)
• If yes, return “True”; If no, return “False”
Date of Stay. Month
Room Cube
Date of Stay
Metric Description
• Stay Month(s)
• Example values include “January”, “February”
Typical Use Case
• Display the month of the stay date(s)
• Filter on Date of Stay. Year for the specific year(s) to look at, otherwise it returns all years’ data for
the selected month(s)
• Understand the monthly stay pattern with dimensions like “Market Segmentation”, “Source”,
“Membership” or “Country”
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Return the month of the stay date(s) (e.g., “January”, “February”)
Date of Stay. Quarter
Room Cube
Date of Stay
Metric Description
• Stay Quarter(s)
• Example values include “1”, “2”
Typical Use Case
• Display the quarter of the stay date(s)
• Evaluate hotel performance across quarters
• Typically to be used with dimensions like “Market Segmentation”, “Source” or “Membership”
• Add Date of Stay. Month to breakdown quarter(s) performance if needed to
• Filter on Date of Stay. Year for the specific year(s) to look at, otherwise it returns all years’ data for
the selected quarter(s)
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Return the quarter of the stay date(s) (e.g., If the stay date(s) is between 1 Jan and 31 Mar, return
“1”; If the stay date(s) is between 1 Apr and 30 Jun, return “2”)
• If stay through two quarters (e.g., 29 Jun – 02 July), the nights will be split between second and
third quarter of year while the arrival stays in the second quarter
Date of Stay. Week
Room Cube
Date of Stay
Metric Description
• Stay Week(s)
• Example values include “1”, “2”
Typical Use Case
• Display number of week of the stay date(s)
• Compare performance week over week, or same week in different years
• Typically to be used with other dimensions like “Market Segmentation”, “Source” or
“Membership” folders for production tracking
• Filter on Date of Stay.Year for the specific year(s) to look at, otherwise it returns all years’ data for
the selected week(s)
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Return the week number of the stay date(s).
• Every week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday
• Week 1 (starts on 1st Jan and ends on Saturday) and week 53 (starts at Sunday and ends on 31st
Date of Stay. Week Part
Room Cube
Date of Stay
Metric Description
• Part of Week of Stay Date(s)
• Example values include “Weekday” & “Weekend”
Typical Use Case
• Display whether stay date(s) is during weekday(s) or weekend(s), same logic as “Is Weekday”
and “Is Weekend”, and users can split the week(s) in the same layer of dimension
• Study the weekday(s) or weekend(s) split to for pricing decision and to optimize resources for
• Hotel can plan on operation manning schedule based on day-of-week stay pattern
• For region with a different weekday/weekend pattern, this metric is not applicable (used Day of
Week folder to select accordingly)
• Also can be used in conjunction with dimensions “Year” & “Month” in “Date of Stay” folder, to
add a drilling / filtering view for time frame analysis
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Return the part of week of the stay date(s) (e.g., “Weekday” & “Weekend”)
Date of Stay. Year
Room Cube
Date of Stay
Metric Description
• Stay Year(s)
• Example values include “2020”, “2021”
Typical Use Case
• Display the year of the stay date(s)
• Good to start any analysis by filtering the year(s)
• Typically to be used with other dimensions like “Market Segmentation”, “Source” or
“Membership” folders for production analysus
• Also can be used in conjunction with dimensions “Month” & “Date” in “Date of Stay” folder, to
add a drilling / filtering view
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Return the year of the stay date(s)(e.g., “2020”, “2021”)
Stat Type
Stat Type
Room Cube
Data Status
Metric Description
• Statistic Type: Historical or Future Date
• Example values include “OTB” & “Actual”
Typical Use Case
• Determines the type of statistics to look at - Actual means the historical stay data while OTB (On
The Book) refers to future stay data; You can apply this filter to select the type of statistics for
• Cube Present date is defined as cube updated date. Under normal circumstances, there will be
a 1-day gap (T-1) with the actual present date, as illustrated in the example below
Actual OTB
Past Cube Present Present Future
Cube Update Date, Today
usually yesterday(T-1)
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Classify reservations based on date of stay; If date of stay is on or before cube update date,
return “Actual”; If date of stay is after cube update date, return “OTB”
Guest – Country
HQ Loyalty PMS
Room Cube
Guest – Geo
Metric Description
Geo Continent Geo Region Geo Country Geo State
• Continent - Geographical Location Where Guest Is From
• Example values include “Asia”, “Africa”, “Americas”
Typical Use Case
• Display the continent - geographical location where guest is from, associated with each
• Typically to be used with dimension like “Leadtime” for guest segment reservation lead time trend
Description Country-Region- • Blueprint will look up the guest profile
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Continent Mapping attached to each reservation. Geo
Manual Configuration Table From HQ-RO Country shows the country in the
primary address of that profile;
Guest profile Blueprint will then match it against
Geo Country the Country-Region-Continent
on reservation Mapping Table, updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
Return respective continent (e.g.,
“Asia”) for successful match; Return
“Unknown” for unsuccessful match or
when there is no country code in the
HQ Loyalty PMS
Room Cube
Guest – Geo
Metric Description
Geo Continent Geo Region Geo Country Geo State
• Region - Geographical Location Where Guest Is From
• Example values include “Southern Asia”, “Eastern Asia”, “Western Asia”
Typical Use Case
• Display the region - geographical location where guest is from, associated with each reservation
• Region Dimension can be used if you wish to isolate countries within a regions eg South East Asia
region or Western Asia
• Typically to be used with dimension like “Leadtime” for guest segment reservation lead time trend
Description Country-Region- • Blueprint will look up the guest profile
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Continent Mapping attached to each reservation. Geo
Manual Configuration Table From HQ-RO Country shows the country in the
primary address of that profile;
Guest profile Blueprint will then match it against
Geo Country the Country-Region-Continent
on reservation Mapping Table, updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
Return respective region (e.g.,
“Southern Asia”) for successful match;
Return “Unknown” for unsuccessful
match or when there is no country
code in the profile
HQ Loyalty PMS
Room Cube
Guest – Geo
Metric Description
Geo Continent Geo Region Geo Country Geo State
• Country - Geographical Location Where Guest is From
• Example values include “Argentina”, “Australia”
Typical Use Case
• Display the country - geographical location where guest is from, associated with each
• This dimension is different from “Guest Nationality”, which shows the passport nationality while
“Geo Country” reflects the country where guest’s primary address is
• Typically to be used with dimensions such as “Market Segmentation”, “Leadtime” or “Room Type”
to understand the guest profile and formulate overall Geo targeting strategy
• Can also be used with other intelligence tools like ForwardKeys to leverage flight arrival data
against our feeder markets
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration
• Blueprint will look up the guest profile
attached to each reservation. Geo
Country shows the description value
of the country code in the primary
address of that profile; Geo Country
of all sharers' reservations (i.e.,
secondary folio in the same booking)
will follow that of their associated
primary folio
• Return “Unknown” when there is no
country code in the profile or when
description value of the country
code is blank.
HQ Loyalty PMS
Country Code
Room Cube
Guest – Geo
Metric Description
Geo Continent Geo Region Geo Country Geo State
• Country Code - Geographical Location Where Guest is From
• Example values include “AR”, “AU”
Typical Use Case
• Display the country code - geographical location where guest is from, associated with each
• This dimension is different from “Guest Nationality”, which shows the passport nationality while
“Geo Country Code” reflects the country where guest’s primary address is
• Typically to be used with dimensions such as “Market Segmentation”, “Leadtime” or “Room Type”
to understand the guest profile and formulate overall Geo targeting strategy
• Can also be used with other intelligence tools like ForwardKeys to leverage flight arrival data
against our feeder markets
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration
• Blueprint will look up the guest profile
attached to each reservation. Geo
Country Code shows the country
code in the primary address of that
profile; Geo Country Code of all
sharers' reservations (i.e., secondary
folio in the same booking) will follow
that of their associated primary folio
• Return “Unknown” when there is no
country code in the profile
HQ Loyalty PMS
Room Cube
Guest – Geo
Metric Description
Geo Continent Geo Region Geo Country Geo State
• State/ Province Code - Geographical Location Where Guest is From
• Example values include “CA-AB”, “CN-CAN”
Typical Use Case
• Display the state/ province code - geographical location where guest is from, associated with
each reservation; In OPMS, only certain countries are configured with subsidiary states. For those
without, Blueprint will return “Unknown”
• Only the standardized state codes for the 10 countries: Australia (AU), Canada (CA), China (CN),
India (IN), Ireland (IE), Malaysia (MY), Russian Federation (RU), United Kingdom (UK), United States
of America (US) & United Arab Emirates (AE)
• Use with caution as “ State” is not a compulsory field in PMS, the result may not represent the full
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration
• Blueprint will look up the guest profile
attached to each reservation. Geo
State shows the state code in the
primary address of that profile; Geo
State of all sharers' reservations (i.e.,
secondary folio in the same booking)
will follow that of their associated
primary folio
• Return “Unknown” when there is no
state code in the profile
HQ Loyalty PMS
State Desc
Room Cube
Guest – Geo
Metric Description
Geo Continent Geo Region Geo Country Geo State
• State/ Province - Geographical Location Where Guest is From
• Example values include “Ontario”, “Quebec”
Typical Use Case
• Display the state/ province - geographical location where guest is from, associated with each
reservation; In OPMS, only certain countries are configured with subsidiary states. For those
without, Blueprint will return “Unknown”
• Only the standardized state codes for the 10 countries: Australia (AU), Canada (CA), China (CN),
India (IN), Ireland (IE), Malaysia (MY), Russian Federation (RU), United Kingdom (UK), United States
of America (US) & United Arab Emirates (AE)
• Use with caution as “ State” is not a compulsory field in PMS, the result may not represent the full
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration
• Blueprint will look up the guest profile
attached to each reservation. Geo
State Desc shows the description
value of the state code in the primary
address of that profile; Geo State
Desc of all sharers' reservations (i.e.,
secondary folio in the same booking)
will follow that of their associated
primary folio
• Return “Unknown” when there is no
state code in the profile or when
description value of the state code is
Guest – Family Status
Family Status Dimension
Room Cube
Guest – Family Status
Metric Description
• Family Status of Stayed Guest
• Example values include “Single” & “Family”
Typical Use Case
• Display the family status of stayed guest, based on the number of guests on the reservation
• Typically to be used to understand the guest type spread over a period of time (e.g., seasonality,
DOW, etc.)
• Use this dimension to answer question for product enhancement, marketing/pricing strategy
Stay Type Adult Child
Single 1 0
Double 2 0
DGersocuripption Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Other (e.g., Pseudo Room Minimum 3 0
with code PM, PF etc.) 0
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• “Number of Adult” & “Number of Children” is attached to each reservation in PMS. Blueprint will
look it up and determine the “Family Status” of the guest of that reservation, based on the logic
shown above
• Children at 13-18 is categorized as “Adult” in system to align with F&B child policy
• Mapping result of all sharers' reservations (i.e., secondary folio in the same booking) will follow
that of their associated primary folio except there will be 0 adult 0 child
Guest – Membership
Membership Group HQ Loyalty ORS
Room Cube
Guest – Membership
Metric Description
Membership Group Membership Code Membership Level
• Membership Group
• Example values include “Golden Circle”, “Other” & “No Membership”
DTyepsiccraipl tUiosen Case
• Display the membership group associated with each reservation; Membership does not limit to
GC only. It can also refer to a Frequent Flyer Program (FFP)
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimension like “Market Segmentation” to trace
membership contribution
• To reduce the percentage of No membership guest, especially Negotiated and Public Segments
Dimensions Golden Circle Values (Illustration) No Membership
Membership Group GC Other -
Membership Code -
DMeescmribpetirosnhip Level Diamond, Gold, Jade Varies Codes
No Level Breakdown
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Blueprint will look up the membership code in the profile attached to each reservation. If the
code is “GC”, return “Golden Circle”; if the code is any code other than GC, return “Other”;
• Return “No Membership” when there is no membership code in the profile.
• Return “Unknown” when the reservation is still a block (not yet picked up and thus no profile
• Membership group of all sharers' reservations (i.e., secondary folio in the same booking) will
follow that of their associated primary folio
Membership Code HQ Loyalty ORS
Metric Description Room Cube
Guest – Membership
Membership Group Membership Code
Membership Level
• Membership Code
• Example values include “GC”, “CA” & “No Membership”
TDyepsiccraipl tUiosen Case
• Display the membership code associated with each reservation; Membership does not limit to
GC only. It can also refer to a Frequent Flyer Program (FFP)
• Best use to understand FFP contribution in this level
Dimensions Golden Circle Values (Illustration) No Membership
Membership Group GC Other -
Membership Code -
DMeescmribpetirosnhip Level Diamond, Gold, Jade Varies Codes
No Level Breakdown
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic • Blueprint will look up membership
PMS Configuration code in the profile attached to each
reservation. Membership code of all
sharers' reservations (i.e., secondary
folio in the same booking) will follow
that of their associated primary folio
• For guest who has both GC & FFP,
Blueprint will capture the primary
• Return “No Membership” when there
is no membership code in the profile.
• Return “Unknown” when the
reservation is still a block (not yet
picked up and thus no profile
Membership Level HQ Loyalty ORS
Metric Description Room Cube
Guest – Membership
Membership Group Membership Code
Membership Level
• Membership Level
• Example values include “Diamond”, “Gold” & “Jade”
DTyepsiccraipl tUiosen Case
• To display the 3 tiers of GC membership
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions like “Company”, “Market Segmentation” or
“Source” to trace each membership tier contribution
• To crave out GC promotion
Dimensions Golden Circle Values (Illustration) No Membership
Membership Group GC Other -
Membership Code -
DMeescmribpetirosnhip Level Diamond, Gold, Jade Varies Codes
No Level Breakdown
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
Book360 Configuration
• Blueprint will look up membership
level in the profile attached to each
reservation. Membership level of all
sharers' reservations (i.e., secondary
folio in the same booking) will follow
that of their associated primary folio
• The Membership level works only for
GC tiers as we do not capture FFP
membership tiers
• Return “No Membership” when there
is no membership code in the profile.
• Return “Unknown” when the
reservation is still a block (not yet
picked up and thus no profile
Guest – Nationality
Nationality HQ Loyalty PMS
Room Cube
Guest – Nationality
Metric Description
• Guest Nationality
• Example values include “China”, “Australia”
Typical Use Case
• Display the guest nationality associated with each reservation. This is taken from the Nationality
field in guest profile. It is the nationality on guest’s passport
• To understand the nationality spread to better anticipate guests’ need(s) (i.e., twin beds, F&B
offerings, amenities, etc.)
• Use this with caution as Nationality is not a mandatory entry in Guest Profile
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration
• This is a manual field in PMS
• Blueprint will look up the profile
attached to each reservation. Guest
Nationality shows the description
value of the guest nationality code of
that profile; Guest Nationality of all
sharers' reservations (i.e., secondary
folio in the same booking) will follow
that of their associated primary folio
• Return “Unknown” when there is no
guest nationality code in the profile
or when description value of the
nationality code is blank.
Mainland CN vs Non
Room Cube
Metric Description
Mainland CN Hotel Region Hotel City Tier Hotel Cluster Hotel Wing
vs Non Country/Mkt (Mainland China)
• Mainland China Hotel vs Non-Mainland China Hotel
• Example values include “Non-Mainland China”, “Mainland China”
Typical Use Case
• Display whether the hotel is a “Mainland China” hotel or a “Non-Mainland China” hotel
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Hotel Name - Cluster”, “Hotel Code - Cluster”
& “Hotel Brand”, to add a drilling/ filtering view into production tracking
Mainland CN vs Non Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok China World Hotel
Non-Mainland China Mainland China
Report Region South East Asia, Australasia North China
Thailand Mainland China
Hotel Country/ Market Overseas 1
Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok/ SLBK China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
Hotel Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name - Cluster Shangri-La Wing/ SLBK SW
• Hotel Code - Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - Shangri-La City
Krungthep Wing/ SLBK KW
Hotel Wing Shangri-La City
• Hotel Name - Wing
• Hotel Code - Wing
Hotel Brand
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Hotel Code-Geo
Manual Configuration
Mapping Table
PMS Hotel
Code From HQ IAM • Blueprint will look up the PMS hotel
code attached to each reservation;
Blueprint will then match it against
the Hotel Code-Geo Mapping Table ,
a manual table updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
• Return “Non-Mainland China” or
“Mainland China” for successful
Hotel Region
Room Cube
Metric Description
Mainland CN Hotel Region Hotel City Tier Hotel Cluster Hotel Wing
vs Non Country/Mkt
• SL Group Business Reporting Regions
• Example values include “South East Asia, Australasia”, “North China”
Typical Use Case
• Display the SL Group business regions where the hotel is in
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Hotel Name - Cluster”, “Hotel Code -
Cluster”, “Hotel Name - Wing” & “Hotel Code - Wing” to add a drilling/ filtering view into
production tracking
Mainland CN vs Non Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok China World Hotel
Non-Mainland China Mainland China
Hotel Region South East Asia, Australasia North China
Thailand Mainland China
Hotel Country/ Market Overseas 1
Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok/ SLBK China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
Hotel Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name Shangri-La Wing/ SLBK SW Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok -
Krungthep Wing/ SLBK KW
Hotel Wing
• Hotel Name - Wing Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code - Wing
Hotel Brand
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Hotel Code-Geo
Manual Configuration
Mapping Table
PMS Hotel
Code From HQ IAM • Blueprint will look up the PMS hotel
code attached to each reservation;
Blueprint will then match it against
the Hotel Code-Geo Mapping Table ,
a manual table updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
• Return the respective SL Group
business region for successful match
Hotel Country/Market
Room Cube
Metric Description
Mainland CN Hotel Region Hotel City Tier Hotel Cluster Hotel Wing
vs Non Country/Mkt
• Hotel Country Or Market
• Example values include “Thailand”, “Mainland China”
Typical Use Case
• Display the country/ market where the hotel locates in
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Hotel Name - Cluster”, “Hotel Code -
Cluster”, “Hotel Name - Wing” & “Hotel Code - Wing” to add a drilling / filtering view into
production tracking
Mainland CN vs Non Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok China World Hotel
Non-Mainland China Mainland China
Hotel Region South East Asia, Australasia North China
Thailand Mainland China
Hotel Country/ Market Overseas 1
Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok/ SLBK China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
Hotel Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name Shangri-La Wing/ SLBK SW Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok -
Krungthep Wing/ SLBK KW
Hotel Wing
• Hotel Name - Wing Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code - Wing
Hotel Brand
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Hotel Code-Geo
Manual Configuration
Mapping Table
PMS Hotel
Code From HQ IAM • Blueprint will look up the PMS hotel
code attached to each reservation;
Blueprint will then match it against
the Hotel Code-Geo Mapping Table ,
a manual table updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
• Return the respective hotel countries
or markets for successful match
City Tier
Room Cube
Metric Description
Mainland CN Hotel Region Hotel City Tier Hotel Cluster Hotel Wing
vs Non Country/Mkt (Mainland China)
• City Tier For Mainland China Hotel
• Example values include “1”, “Overseas”
Typical Use Case
• Display the city tier associated with mainland China hotel, and for Non mainland China hotel, all
reservations are marked as “Overseas”
• Typically to be used with Hotel Code, Hotel Cluster, Hotel Name in conjunction with dimensions
“Hotel Name - Cluster”, “Hotel Code - Cluster”, “Hotel Name - Wing” & “Hotel Code - Wing” to
add a drilling / filtering view into production tracking
Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok China World Hotel
Mainland CN vs Non Non-Mainland China Mainland China
Hotel Region South East Asia, Australasia North China
Hotel Country/ Market Thailand Mainland China
City Tier Overseas 1
Hotel Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok/ SLBK China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name
• Hotel Code
Hotel Wing Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name - Wing Shangri-La Wing/ SLBK SW
• Hotel Code - Wing Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok -
Krungthep Wing/ SLBK KW
Hotel Brand Shangri-La City Shangri-La City
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
Manual Configuration
Hotel Code-Geo
Mapping Table
From HQ IAM • For mainland China hotels, Blueprint
will look up the PMS hotel code
attached to each reservation;
PMS Hotel Blueprint will then match it against
the Hotel Code-Geo Mapping Table ,
a manual table updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
• Return respective city tier (e.g., “1”)
for successful match
Hotel Code
Room Cube
Metric Description
Mainland CN Hotel Region Hotel City Tier Hotel Cluster Hotel Wing
vs Non Country/Mkt
• Hotel code
• Example values include “CWH”
Typical Use Case
• Display the standard hotel code
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Hotel Name - Cluster”, “Hotel Name - Wing”
& “Hotel Code - Wing” to add a drilling / filtering view into production tracking
Mainland CN vs Non Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok China World Hotel
Non-Mainland China Mainland China
Hotel Region South East Asia, Australasia North China
Thailand Mainland China
Hotel Country/ Market Overseas 1
Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok/ SLBK China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
Hotel Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name Shangri-La Wing/ SLBK SW Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok -
Krungthep Wing/ SLBK KW
Hotel Wing
• Hotel Name - Wing Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code - Wing
Hotel Brand
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Hotel Code-Geo
Manual Configuration
Mapping Table
PMS Hotel
Code From HQ IAM • Blueprint will look up the PMS hotel
code attached to each reservation;
Blueprint will then match it against
the Hotel Code-Geo Mapping Table ,
a manual table updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
• Return the respective hotel codes for
successful match
Hotel Code - Wing
Room Cube
Metric Description
Mainland CN Hotel Region Hotel City Tier Hotel Cluster Hotel Wing
vs Non Country/Mkt
• Hotel Wing Code
• Example values include “SLBK SW” & “CWH”
Typical Use Case
• Display the hotel wing code; If there is no hotel wing, the hotel code will be displayed instead
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Hotel Name - Cluster”, “Hotel Code - Cluster”
& “Hotel Code - Wing” to add a drilling/ filtering view into production tracking
Mainland CN vs Non Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok China World Hotel
Non-Mainland China Mainland China
Hotel Region South East Asia, Australasia North China
Thailand Mainland China
Hotel Country/ Market Overseas 1
Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok/ SLBK China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
Hotel Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name Shangri-La Wing/ SLBK SW Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok -
Krungthep Wing/ SLBK KW
Hotel Wing
• Hotel Name - Wing Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code - Wing
Hotel Brand
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Hotel Code-Geo
Manual Configuration
Mapping Table
PMS Hotel
Code From HQ IAM • Blueprint will look up the PMS hotel
code attached to each reservation;
Blueprint will then match it against
the Hotel Code-Geo Mapping Table ,
a manual table updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
• Return the respective hotel wing
codes for successful match
Hotel Name
Room Cube
Metric Description
Mainland CN Hotel Region Hotel City Tier Hotel Cluster Hotel Wing
vs Non Country/Mkt
• Hotel Name
• Example values include “China World Hotel”
Typical Use Case
• Display the hotel full name
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Hotel Code - Cluster”, “Hotel Name - Wing”
& “Hotel Code - Wing” to add a drilling / filtering view into production tracking
Mainland CN vs Non Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok China World Hotel
Non-Mainland China Mainland China
Hotel Region South East Asia, Australasia North China
Thailand Mainland China
Hotel Country/ Market Overseas 1
Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok/ SLBK China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
Hotel Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name Shangri-La Wing/ SLBK SW Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok -
Krungthep Wing/ SLBK KW
Hotel Wing
• Hotel Name - Wing Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code - Wing
Hotel Brand
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Hotel Code-Geo
Manual Configuration
Mapping Table
PMS Hotel
Code From HQ IAM • Blueprint will look up the PMS hotel
code attached to each reservation;
Blueprint will then match it against
the Hotel Code-Geo Mapping Table ,
a manual table updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
• Return the respective hotel full names
for successful match
Hotel Name - Wing
Room Cube
Metric Description
Mainland CN Hotel Region Hotel City Tier Hotel Cluster Hotel Wing
vs Non Country/Mkt
• Hotel Wing Name
• Example values include “Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - Shangri-La Wing”
Typical Use Case
• Display the hotel wing name; If there is no hotel wing, the hotel name will be displayed instead
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Hotel Name - Cluster”, “Hotel Code - Cluster”
& “Hotel Code - Wing” to add a drilling/ filtering view into production tracking
Mainland CN vs Non Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok China World Hotel
Non-Mainland China Mainland China
Hotel Region South East Asia, Australasia North China
Thailand Mainland China
Hotel Country/ Market Overseas 1
Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok/ SLBK China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
Hotel Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name Shangri-La Wing/ SLBK SW Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok -
Krungthep Wing/ SLBK KW
Hotel Wing Shangri-La City
• Hotel Name - Wing
• Hotel Code - Wing
Hotel Brand
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Hotel Code-Geo
Manual Configuration
Mapping Table
PMS Hotel
Code From HQ IAM • Blueprint will look up the PMS hotel
code attached to each reservation;
Blueprint will then match it against
the Hotel Code-Geo Mapping Table ,
a manual table updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
• Return the respective hotel wing
names for successful match
Hotel Brand
Room Cube
Metric Description
• Hotel Brand
• Example values include “Shangri-La City”, “Shangri-La Resort”, “Kerry Hotel”
Typical Use Case
• Display brand where the hotel belongs to
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Hotel Name - Cluster”, “Hotel Code -
Cluster”, “Hotel Name - Wing” & “Hotel Code - Wing” to add a drilling / filtering view into
production tracking
Mainland CN vs Non Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok China World Hotel
Non-Mainland China Mainland China
Hotel Region South East Asia, Australasia North China
Thailand Mainland China
Hotel Country/ Market Overseas 1
Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok/ SLBK China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
Hotel Cluster Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok - China World Hotel, Beijing/ CWH
• Hotel Name Shangri-La Wing/ SLBK SW Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok -
Krungthep Wing/ SLBK KW
Hotel Wing
• Hotel Name - Wing Shangri-La City
• Hotel Code - Wing
Hotel Brand
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Hotel Code-Brand • Blueprint will look up the PMS hotel
Manual Configuration Mapping Table code attached to each reservation;
From HQ IAM Blueprint will then match it against
PMS Hotel the Hotel Code-Geo Mapping Table ,
Code a manual table updated by vendor
at HQ-RO instruction
Return the respective SL brands for
successful match
Market Segmentation
Market Segment Desc Dimension
Room Cube
Market Segmentation
Metric Description
Market Category Market Segment Market Code
• Description Of Market Segment
• Example values include “Public Rates”, “Negotiated”
Typical Use Case
• Describe the market segment associated with each reservation
• Typically used to understand the segmentation mix strategy, monitor the performance of each
segment, in conjunction use with other dimension i.e., Source, Geo, Membership, Leadtime etc.
Market Market Segment Desc Market Code Desc Market Market Segment
Category (Code) (Code) Category Desc (Code)
Individual Market Code Desc (Code)
Rack Rate (RAC) Individual Others
Best Available Rate (SMR) (OTH) Individual Others (OTH)
Advance Purchase (ADV) Meetings with meeting space
Public Rates (RAC) Public Rate OTA (RKO) Meeting Incentives (GCM)
Public Rate EPS (RKE) (GCM) Meetings without meeting
Description Corporate A (COA) space (GM0)
Corporate B (COB) Incentives (INC)
Negotiated (COR) Corporate C (COC) Group Association Assoc/Conv with meeting
Preferred Account (COS) Convention (GCA) space (GCA)
Government (GOV) Assoc/Conv without meeting
Individual Wholesale Offline (WSL) Consortia (CSI) space (GA0)
Wholesale Online (IWS) Corporate Others (COT) Tours (GWT)
Wholesale Offline (WSL) Cruises (CRU)
Wholesale Online (IWS) Tours (GWT) Group Series (SER)
Wholesale EPS (IWE)
Packages (PKG) Crew Group Others Group - Special Interest (GOT)
Package Global (PGL) (GOT)
BonusChoice (PBC) Crew (CRW) Group Government (GGV)
CustomStay (PCS) Crew (CRW)
Packages (PKG) Value Rate (PVR) Others Permanent (PER) Permanent (PER)
Long Stay (LSG) Package OTA (PKO) Unknown Complimentary Office (OFF)
Package EPS (PKE) House Use (HSE) Dummy (PF/PY) (DUM)
Individual Others (OTH) Long Stay (LSG) Unknown Complimentary (COM)
Courtesy Rate (CRT) House Use (HSE)
Travel Industry Rate (IDS) Unknown
GC Awd Redemption (GCR)
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration
• A market code (e.g. “RAC) is attached to
each reservation in PMS. Blueprint will
match it against the Market Category-
Segment-Code Mapping Table
• Return respective “Market Segment
Desc” (e.g. Public Rates) for successful
match. Return “Unknown” for
unsuccessful match
• Crew is separated from Group
Market Code Desc Dimension
Room Cube
Market Segmentation
Metric Description
Market Category Market Segment Market Code
• Description Of Market Code
• Example values include “Best Available Rate” & “Advance Purchase”
Typical Use Case
• Describe the market code associated with each reservation
• Used market code to further dril the performance of the specific segment, understand the driver of the
segment groups, i.e. performance of Best Available Rate vs Advanced Purchase; Corporate A vs Preferred
Market Market Segment Desc Market Code Desc
Category (Code) (Code) Market Market Segment Market Code Desc
Rack Rate (RAC) Category Desc (Code) (Code)
Best Available Rate (SMR)
Advance Purchase (ADV) Individual Individual Others Individual Others (OTH)
Public Rate OTA (RKO) (OTH) Meetings with meeting
Public Rate EPS (RKE) space (GCM)
Public Rates (RAC) Corporate A (COA) Meeting Incentives Meetings without meeting
Corporate B (COB) (GCM) space (GM0)
Description Corporate C (COC) Incentives (INC)
Preferred Account (COS) Group Association Assoc/Conv with meeting
Negotiated (COR) Government (GOV) Convention (GCA) space (GCA)
Consortia (CSI) Assoc/Conv without meeting
Corporate Others (COT) space (GA0)
Individual Wholesale Offline (WSL) Wholesale Offline (WSL) Tours (GWT)
Wholesale Online (IWS) Wholesale Online (IWS) Cruises (CRU)
Wholesale EPS (IWE) Tours (GWT) Group Series (SER)
Packages (PKG)
Package Global (PGL) Crew Group Others (GOT) Group - Special Interest
BonusChoice (PBC) Crew (CRW) (GOT)
CustomStay (PCS)
Packages (PKG) Value Rate (PVR) Group Government (GGV)
Package OTA (PKO) Crew (CRW)
Permanent (PER)
Package EPS (PKE) Office (OFF)
Long Stay (LSG) Long Stay (LSG) Others Permanent (PER) Dummy (PF/PY) (DUM)
Courtesy Rate (CRT) Complimentary Complimentary (COM)
Travel Industry Rate (IDS)
Individual Others (OTH) GC Awd Redemption (GCR) House Use (HSE) House Use (HSE)
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration
• A market code (e.g. “RAC) is attached
to each reservation in PMS. Blueprint will
match it against the Market Category-
Segment-Code Mapping Table
• Return respective “Market Code Desc”
(e.g. Rack Rate) for successful match.
Return “Unknown” for unsuccessful
Occ Bracket - Available
Major Occ Bracket - Avail Dimension
Room Cube
Occ Bracket - Saleable
Metric Description
• Saleable Occupancy In Major Bracket
• Example values include “49% or under” & “50-79%”
Typical Use Case
• Categorize reservations into different groups, based on occupancy levels of saleable room
inventory (i.e. exclude out of order(OOO) rooms) in the reservations’ respective hotels
• Refer to Measure Dictionary - “Occ - Saleable” in “KPI Overview” for detailed definition of
saleable occupancy
• Use this when your hotel was undergoing major renovation during the period you look at.
• To show occupancy distribution over a period of time (i.e. month, season, year)
• To understand how the build up of the high occupancy; and if there is any displacement on their
busy days, use in conjunction of Market Mix, Room Type, BAR price, etc.
• For wing hotels, recommend to use with dimensions “Hotel Code - Wing” in “Hotel” folder to split
by wing as the Days counter and occupancy level work at wing level, not cluster level
• Analysis for future days will be based on OTB occupancy
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Blueprint will tag each reservation with the saleable occupancies of the respective hotel (wing),
in a daily manner. For example, a reservation with 3 nights stay will first be dissected into 3 daily
• Each of these daily reservations will then be tagged with the respective daily saleable
occupancies in the hotel (wing). These daily reservations will then be categorized into respective
saleable occupancy brackets
• Return “Unknown” when “Daily Available Occupancy” is empty or when daily saleable
occupancy is negative; For occupancy over 100%, Blueprint will categorize it as 100%
Minor Occ Bracket - Avail Dimension
Room Cube
Occ Bracket - Saleable
Metric Description
• Saleable Occupancy In Minor Bracket
• Example values include “0-25%” & “25-49%”
Typical Use Case
• Drill down from Major Occ Bracket – Saleable for deeper breakdown
• To understand how the build up of the high occupancy; and if there is any displacement on their
busy days, use in conjunction of Market Mix, Room Type, BAR price, etc.
• And what strategy to be applied during low occupancy
• For wing hotels, recommend to use with dimensions “Hotel Code - Wing” in “Hotel” folder to split
by wing as the Days counter and occupancy level work at wing level, not cluster level
• Analysis for future days will be based on OTB occupancy
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Blueprint will tag each reservation with the saleable occupancies of the respective hotel (wing),
in a daily manner. For example, a reservation with 3 nights stay will first be dissected into 3 daily
• Each of these daily reservations will then be tagged with the respective daily saleable
occupancies in the hotel (wing). These daily reservations will then be categorized into respective
saleable occupancy brackets
• Return “Unknown” when “Daily Available Occupancy” is empty or when daily saleable
occupancy is negative; For occupancy over 100%, Blueprint will categorize it as 100%
Occ Bracket - Full
Major Occ Bracket - Full Dimension
Room Cube
Occ Bracket - Full
Metric Description
• Available Occupancy In Major Bracket
• Example values include “49% or under” & “50 - 79%”
Typical Use Case
• Categorize reservations into different groups, based on occupancy levels of available room
inventory (i.e. include out of order(OOO) rooms)
• Refer to Measure Dictionary - “Occ - Available” in “KPI Overview” for detailed definition of
available occupancy
• To show occupancy distribution over a period of time (i.e. month, season, year)
• To understand how the build up of the high occupancy; and if there is any displacement on their
busy days, use in conjunction of Market Mix, Room Type, BAR price, etc.
• For wing hotels, recommend to use with dimensions “Hotel Code - Wing” in “Hotel” folder to split
by wing as the Days counter and occupancy level work at wing level, not cluster level
D• escAripnatiolynsis for future days will be based on OTB occupancy
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Blueprint will tag each reservation with the available occupancies of the respective hotel (wing),
in a daily manner. For example, a reservation with 3 nights stay will first be dissected into 3 daily
• Each of these daily reservations will then be tagged with the respective daily available
occupancies in the hotel (wing). These daily reservations will then be categorized into respective
available occupancy brackets
• Return “Unknown” when “Daily Available Occupancy” is empty or when daily available
occupancy is negative; For occupancy over 100%, Blueprint will categorize it as 100%
Minor Occ Bracket - Full Dimension
Room Cube
Occ Bracket - Full
Metric Description
• Available Occupancy In Minor Bracket
• Example values include “0-25%” & “25-49%”
Typical Use Case
• Drill down from Major Occ Bracket – Avail for deeper breakdown
• To understand how the build up of the high occupancy; and if there is any displacement on their
busy days, use in conjunction of Market Mix, Room Type, BAR price, etc.
• And what strategy to be applied during low occupancy
• For wing hotels, recommend to use with dimensions “Hotel Code - Wing” in “Hotel” folder to split
by wing as the Days counter and occupancy level work at wing level, not cluster level
• Analysis for future days will be based on OTB occupancy
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
• Blueprint will tag each reservation with the available occupancies of the respective hotel (wing),
in a daily manner. For example, a reservation with 3 nights stay will first be dissected into 3 daily
• Each of these daily reservations will then be tagged with the respective daily available
occupancies in the hotel (wing). These daily reservations will then be categorized into respective
available occupancy brackets
• Return “Unknown” when “Daily Available Occupancy” is empty or when daily available
occupancy is negative; For occupancy over 100%, Blueprint will categorize it as 100%
Origin – Agent
HQ Sales ORS
Agent City Dimension
Room Cube
Origin – Agent
Metric Description
• City of Travel Agent
• Example value include “Beijing”
Typical Use Case
• Display the city associated with each travel agent profile
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimension “Agent Name” or “Is All Luxury Agents” in
“Origin – Agent” folder for travel agent production tracking
Description • A travel agent profile will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic attached to reservation from travel
Book360 Configuration agent. Blueprint will look up the travel
agent profile attached to each
reservation. Agent City shows the city
value in the primary address of that
profile; Agent city of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio
• Return “Unknown” when there is no
city value in the travel agent profile;
Return “No Agent” when there is no
travel agent profile/ ID
HQ Sales ORS
Agent Country Dimension
Room Cube
Origin – Agent
Metric Description
• Country Of Travel Agent
• Example values include “AU” & “CN”
Typical Use Case
• Display the country associated with each travel agent profile
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimension “Agent Name” or “Is All Luxury Agents” in
“Origin – Agent” folder for travel agent production tracking
Description • A travel agent profile will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic attached to reservation from travel
Book360 Configuration agent. Blueprint will look up the travel
agent profile attached to each
reservation. Agent Country shows the
country value in the primary address
of that profile; Agent country of all
sharers' reservations (i.e. secondary
folio in the same booking) will follow
that of their associated primary folio
• Return “Unknown” when there is no
country value in the travel agent
profile; Return “No Agent Linked”
when there is no travel agent profile/
HQ Sales ORS
Agent Industry Desc Dimension
Room Cube
Origin – Agent
Metric Description
• Industries that Travel Agent Profiles belong in
• Example value include “Accounting, Audit”
Typical Use Case
• Display the industry associated with each travel agent profile
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Master” or “Agent Name” in “Origin –
Agent” folder, for by industry travel agent production tracking
Description • A travel agent profile will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic attached to reservation from travel
Book360 Configuration agent. Blueprint will look up the travel
agent profile attached to each
reservation. Agent Industry Desc
shows the industry code description
of that travel agent profile; Since a
travel agent profile could have
multiple industry codes, Blueprint will
show the first one by default
• Agent Industry Desc of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio
• Return “Unknown” when there is no
industry code in the travel agent
profile; Return “No Agent Linked”
when there is no travel agent profile/
HQ Sales ORS
Agent Master Dimension
Room Cube
Origin – Agent
Metric Description
• Master Travel Agent Name
• Example value include “AMERICAN EXPRESS MASTER”
Typical Use Case
• Display the master travel agent name associated with each travel agent profile
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Name” in “Origin – Agent” folder for
travel agent production tracking
• Also can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Origin – Channel” folder
Description • A travel agent profile will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic attached to reservation from travel
agent. These travel agents could be
Book360 Configuration grouped under a master travel agent.
Blueprint will look up the travel
agent’s relevant master ID in ORS
and return the relevant master travel
agent name
• Return respective travel agent master
name for successful search; Return
“No Master” if there is no master ID;
Return “Unknown” if there is a master
ID but the ID / ID name cannot be
found; Return “No Agent Linked”
when there is no travel agent profile/
• Mapping result of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio
HQ Sales ORS
Agent Name Dimension
Room Cube
Origin – Agent
Metric Description
• Travel Agent Name
• Example value include “Advantage Travel”
Typical Use Case
• Display the travel agent name associated with each company profile
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Master” or “Agent Industry Desc” in
“Origin – Agent” folder for travel agent production tracking
• Also can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Origin – Channel” folder
Description • A travel agent profile will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic attached to reservation from travel
agent. Blueprint will look up the travel
Book360 Configuration agent profile attached to each
reservation. Agent Name shows the
travel agent name of that travel
agent profile
• Agent Name of all sharers’
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio
• Return “Unknown” when there is no
travel agent name in the travel
agent profile; Return “No Agent
Linked” when there is no travel agent
profile/ ID
HQ Sales PMS
AMEX Dimension
Room Cube
Origin – Agent
Metric Description
• Example values include “AMEX”, “Not Linked” & “Unknown Agent”
Typical Use Case
• Select reservations from travel agents who are AMEX TLS affiliated
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Name” or “Agent Country” in “Origin
– Agent” folder and dimension “Hotel Code” in “Hotel” folder, for travel agent production
• Also can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Rate Detail” folder
Description IATA#-Affiliation • A travel agent profile(TA) will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Mapping Table attached to reservation from TA. The
Manual Configuration From HQ Sales TA could be affiliated to certain
consortia. Blueprint will look up the
IATA# on IATA# in the TA profile and will match
reservation it against the IATA#-Consortia
Affiliation Mapping Table, a manual
table updated by HQ Sales
• Return “AMEX” for successful match;
Return “Not Linked” for unsuccessful
match; Return “Unknown Agent”
when there is no TA profile/ ID
• Mapping result of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio