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Published by hannahkhine, 2021-12-23 01:42:48

Axis BI_Data Dictionary

For Axis BI Training.

Keywords: Axis BI

HQ Sales PMS

ENS ID Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Agent

Metric Description
• Example values include “Ensemble AU”, “Not Linked” & “Unknown Agent”

Typical Use Case

• Select reservations from travel agents who are Ensemble affiliated

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Name” or “Agent Country” in “Origin
– Agent” folder and dimension “Hotel Code” in “Hotel” folder, for travel agent production

• Also can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Rate Detail” folder

Description IATA#-Affiliation • A travel agent profile(TA) will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Mapping Table attached to reservation from TA. The
Manual Configuration From HQ Sales TA could be affiliated to certain
consortia. Blueprint will look up the
IATA# on IATA# in the TA profile and will match
reservation it against the IATA#-Consortia
Affiliation Mapping Table, a manual
table updated by HQ Sales

• Return “Ensemble AU” for successful
match; Return “Not Linked” for
unsuccessful match; Return
“Unknown Agent” when there is no
TA profile/ ID

• Mapping result of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio


HQ Sales PMS

Signature Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Agent

Metric Description
• Example values include “Signature”, “Not Linked” & “Unknown Agent”

Typical Use Case

• Select reservations from travel agents who are Signature affiliated

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Name” or “Agent Country” in “Origin
– Agent” folder and dimension “Hotel Code” in “Hotel” folder, for travel agent production

• Also can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Rate Detail” folder

Description IATA#-Affiliation • A travel agent profile(TA) will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Mapping Table attached to reservation from TA. The
Manual Configuration From HQ Sales TA could be affiliated to certain
consortia. Blueprint will look up the
IATA# on IATA# in the TA profile and will match
reservation it against the IATA#-Consortia
Affiliation Mapping Table, a manual
table updated by HQ Sales

• Return “Signature” for successful
match; Return “Not Linked” for
unsuccessful match; Return
“Unknown Agent” when there is no
TA profile/ ID

• Mapping result of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio


HQ Sales PMS

Is Travel Leaders Group Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Agent

Metric Description
• Example values include “TLG”, “Not TLG” & “Unknown Agent”

Typical Use Case

• Select reservations from travel agents who are Travel Leaders Group affiliated

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Name” or “Agent Country” in “Origin
– Agent” folder and dimension “Hotel Code” in “Hotel” folder, for travel agent production

• Also can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Rate Detail” folder

Description IATA#-Affiliation • A travel agent profile(TA) will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Mapping Table attached to reservation from TA. The
Manual Configuration From HQ Sales TA could be affiliated to certain
consortia. Blueprint will look up the
IATA# on IATA# in the TA profile and will match
reservation it against the IATA#-Consortia
Affiliation Mapping Table, a manual
table updated by HQ Sales

• Return “TLG” for successful match;
Return “Not TLG” for unsuccessful
match; Return “Unknown Agent”
when there is no TA profile/ ID

• Mapping result of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio


HQ Sales PMS

Is Traveler Made Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Agent

Metric Description
• Example values include “Traveler Made”, “Not Linked” & “Unknown Agent”

Typical Use Case

• Select reservations from travel agents who are Traveler Made affiliated

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Name” or “Agent Country” in “Origin
– Agent” folder and dimension “Hotel Code” in “Hotel” folder, for travel agent production

• Also can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Rate Detail” folder

Description IATA#-Affiliation • A travel agent profile(TA) will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Mapping Table attached to reservation from TA. The
Manual Configuration From HQ Sales TA could be affiliated to certain
consortia. Blueprint will look up the
IATA# on IATA# in the TA profile and will match
reservation it against the IATA#-Consortia
Affiliation Mapping Table, a manual
table updated by HQ Sales

• Return “Traveler Made” for successful
match; Return “Not Linked” for
unsuccessful match; Return
“Unknown Agent” when there is no
TA profile/ ID

• Mapping result of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio


HQ Sales PMS

Is Virtuoso Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Agent

Metric Description
• Example values include “Virtuoso”, “Not Linked” & “No Agent Linked”

Typical Use Case

• Select reservations from travel agents who are Virtuoso affiliated;

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Name” or “Agent Country” in “Origin
– Agent” folder and dimension “Hotel Code” in “Hotel” folder, for travel agent production

• Also can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Rate Detail” folder

Description IATA#-Affiliation • A travel agent profile(TA) will be
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Mapping Table attached to reservation from TA. The
Manual Configuration From HQ Sales TA could be affiliated to certain
consortia. Blueprint will look up the
IATA# on IATA# in the TA profile and will match
reservation it against the IATA#-Consortia
Affiliation Mapping Table, a manual
table updated by HQ Sales

• Return “Virtuoso” for successful
match; Return “Not Linked” for
unsuccessful match; Return
“Unknown Agent” when there is no
TA profile/ ID

• Mapping result of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio


Origin – Source



Source Group Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Channel

Metric Description

Source Group Source Code
• Source Group
• Example values include “Hotel Direct” & “CCC”

Typical Use Case

• Display the source group associated with each reservation. Source refers to the origin of
reservation in PMS. It is the distribution channel - how the booking is made

• Recommended usage: to customize distribution and marketing strategy by understanding the
source mix

Source Group Source Code Source Grouping 2020 Jan version
Hotel Direct
CCC HDI Source Code Desc
DescriptionE-Direct RCN Hotel Direct
CRS CCC-Kuala Lumpur
MOB SynXis Voice Channel
Third-Party Intermediary Online APP
Third-Party Intermediary Offline WEC Mobile Website
XBE Shangri-La Apps
1A WeChat Interfaced Platforms
UA SynXis Booking Engine
AA Amadeus
TW Galileo/ Apollo
IDS Sabre/ Abacus
SYC Worldspan
IOT SynXis Internet Distribution
EPS SynXis Channel Connect
HTO Internet Others
Tour Operator & Travel Agent Direct

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic • A source code (e.g. HDI) is attached
PMS Configuration to each reservation in PMS. Blueprint
will match it against the System
107 Code-Source Code from OPMS

• Return respective “Source Group”
(e.g. Hotel Direct) for successful
match. Return “Unknown” for
unsuccessful match

• Mapping result of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio


Source Code / Description Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Channel

Metric Description

Source Group Source Code

• Source Code
• Example values include “HDI” (Hotel Direct) & “EPS” (E-Partnership)

Typical Use Case

• Granular level of Source Group

• Recommended usage:

• Where should I spend on my GDS Marketing?

• How to track the performance of the new promotion?

• How can I maximize my E-Direct contribution? Source Grouping 2020 Jan version

Source Group Source Code Source Code Desc

Hotel Direct HDI Hotel Direct
CCC RKL CCC-Kuala Lumpur
DescriptionE-Direct CRS SynXis Voice Channel
GDS MOB Mobile Website
APP Shangri-La Apps
Third-Party Intermediary Online WEC WeChat Interfaced Platforms
Third-Party Intermediary Offline XBE SynXis Booking Engine
1A Amadeus
UA Galileo/ Apollo
AA Sabre/ Abacus
TW Worldspan
IDS SynXis Internet Distribution
SYC SynXis Channel Connect
IOT Internet Others
EPS E-Partnership
HTO Tour Operator & Travel Agent Direct

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
Manual Configuration

• A system source code (e.g. SHI) is
attached to each reservation in PMS.
Blueprint will match it against the
System Code-Source Code from

• Return “Unknown” if there is no
source code on the reservation

• Source code of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio


Origin – Company


HQ Sales ORS

Company Country Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Company

Metric Description

• Country Code of Company
• Example values include “AU” & “CN”

Typical Use Case

• Display the country associated with each company profile
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimension “Company Name” in “Origin – Company”

folder for by country company account production tracking

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic

Book360 Configuration

• A company profile will be attached
to each corporate reservation.
Blueprint will look up the company
profile attached to each reservation.
Company Country shows the country
value in the primary address of that
profile; Company Country of all
sharers' reservations (i.e. secondary
folio in the same booking) will follow
that of their associated primary folio

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
country value in the company profile;
Return “No Company Linked” when
there is no company profile/ ID


HQ Sales ORS

Company Industry Desc Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Company

Metric Description

• Industries that Company Profiles belong in
• Example values include “Accounting, Audit” & “Automotive”

Typical Use Case

• Display the industry associated with each company profile
• Typically to be used for by industry company account production tracking in conjunction with

dimensions “Company Name” in “Origin – Company” folder
• Can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Origin – Source” folder
• Understand if we are over reliant on a/few industries?
• How can hotel plan sales targets based on industries?

Description • A company profile will be attached
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic to each corporate reservation.
Blueprint will look up the company
Book360 Configuration profile attached to each reservation.
Company Industry Desc shows the
industry code description of that
company profile; Since a company
profile could have multiple industry
codes, Blueprint will show the first one
by default

• Company Industry Desc of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
industry code in the company profile;
Return “No Company Linked” when
there is no company profile/ ID


HQ Sales ORS

Company Master Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Company

Metric Description

• Master Company Name
• Example values include “HSBC Master” & “Johnson & Johnson Master”

Typical Use Case

• Display the master company name associated with each company profile
• Typically to be used for company account production tracking in conjunction with dimensions

“Company Industry” in “Origin – Company” folder and dimension “Hotel Code” in “Hotel” folder ,
DOW pattern, membership, leadtime, room type, segment, source
• To understand the behavior of account, stay pattern, top gain/loss accounts, for acquisition,
retention and development strategy.
• RFP negotiation and

Description • A company profile will be attached
Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic to each corporate reservation. These
companies could be grouped under
ORS Configuration a master company. Blueprint will look
up the company’s relevant master ID
in ORS and return the relevant master
company name

• Return respective company master
name for successful search; Return
“No Master” if there is no master ID;
Return “Unknown” if there is a master
ID but the ID / ID name cannot be
found; Return “No Company” when
there is no company profile/ ID

• Mapping result of all sharers'
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio


HQ Sales ORS

Company Name Dimension

Room Cube
Origin – Company

Metric Description

• Company Name
• Example value include “3M Australia”

Typical Use Case

• Display the company name associated with company profile
• Use this dimension for subsidiary company profile production
• For company profile that has no master account to cater with, use this dimension instead of

“Company Master”
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Company Master” or “Company Industry

Desc” in “Origin – Company” folder and dimension “Hotel Code” in “Hotel” folder, for company
account production tracking
• Also can be used with dimensions in “Market Segmentation” or “Origin – Channel” folder

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic

Book360 Configuration

• A company profile will be attached
to each corporate reservation.
Blueprint will look up the company
profile attached to each reservation.
Company Name shows the company
name of that company profile

• Company Name of all sharers’
reservations (i.e. secondary folio in
the same booking) will follow that of
their associated primary folio

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
company name in the company
profile; Return “No Company” when
there is no company profile/ ID


Rate Detail


Major Rate Bracket
Room Cube
Rate Detail

Metric Description

• Net Room Rate In USD in Major Bracket

• Example values include “0-100 USD” & “101-200 USD”

Typical Use Case

• Display the net room rate bracket associated with each reservation; Rate bracket is always in
USD; Net room rate excludes tax, service charge & package revenue

• The rate bracket category gives you an overview of pricing patterns and allows to filter and
breakdown the data by rate; Note that rate brackets are in USD, do not use this dimension with
measures in local currency. For example, if you want to pair this dimension with revenue, use only
the revenue figures converted to USD in USD folder

• Typically to be used in conjunction with “Market Code” or “Rate Code” for a more detailed view

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic

• Blueprint will look up the net room rate of each reservation. This is then categorized into
respective rate brackets

• For net room rate that falls in-between two rate brackets, it will be categorized into the smaller
bracket (e.g. Net room rate at 100.99USD will be grouped into 0-100USD, instead of 101-200USD)

• Net room rate excludes tax, service charge & package revenue

• Return “Unknown” when net room rate is empty


Minor Rate Bracket
Room Cube
Rate Detail

Metric Description

• Net Room Rate In USD in Minor Bracket

• Example values include “0-25 USD” & “26-50 USD”

Typical Use Case

• Display the net room rate bracket associated with each reservation; Rate bracket is always in
USD; Net room rate excludes tax, service charge & package revenue

• The rate bracket category gives you an overview of pricing patterns and allows to filter and
breakdown the data by rate; Note that rate brackets are in USD, do not use this dimension with
measures in local currency. For example, if you want to pair this dimension with revenue, use only
the revenue figures converted to USD in USD folder

• Typically to be used in conjunction with “Market Code” or “Rate Code” for a more detailed view

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic

• Blueprint will look up the net room rate of each reservation. This is then categorized into
respective rate brackets

• For net room rate that falls in-between two rate brackets, it will be categorized into the smaller
bracket (e.g. Net room rate at 50.99USD will be grouped into 26-50USD, instead of 51-75USD)

• Net room rate excludes tax, service charge & package revenue

• Return “Unknown” when net room rate is empty


Rate Category
Room Cube
Rate Detail

Metric Description

Rate Class Rate Category Rate Code

• Rate Category
• Example values include “Public Rate” & “Packages”


Typical Use Case

• Display the description of the rate category associated with each rate code.

• This should also line up with market segmentation upon rate code setup

• Use this field for deep analysis of rate plan production, for example, Last Availability groups all LRA
rate plans

• Rate Category grouping are subject to set-up done in PMS by Hotels


Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A rate category code is attached to
each rate code in PMS. Rate
Category shows the description value
of the rate category code in PMS’s
configuration table

• Return “Unknown” when rate code
could not match with any
corresponding rate category through
PMS’s configuration table


Rate Class
Room Cube
Rate Detail

Metric Description

Rate Class Rate Category Rate Code

• Rate Class
• Example values include “Individuals” & “Groups”

Typical Use Case

• Display the description of the rate class associated with each rate code.
• This should also line up with market segmentation upon rate code setup
• Rate Plans grouping to Rate Class are subject to set-up done in PMS by Hotels

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A rate class code is allotted to each
rate code in PMS. Rate Class shows
the description value of the rate class
code in PMS’s configuration table

• Return “Unknown” when rate code
could not match with any
corresponding rate class through
PMS’s configuration table


Rate Code
Room Cube
Rate Detail

Metric Description

Rate Class Rate Category Rate Code

• Rate Code
• Example values include “HSBC” & “ACENTR”

Typical Use Case

• Display the rate code associated with each reservation.
• This should also line up with market segmentation upon rate code setup
• Use other dimensions like Rate A-Z or Rate Category to filter to specific rate codes

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A rate code is attached to each
reservation in PMS. Rate Code shows
the rate code itself in PMS’s
configuration table

• Return “Unknown” when rate code is

• Blueprint will return all Rate codes
available in the entire database (not
only applicable to individual hotel)


Selected Rates
Room Cube
Rate Detail

Metric Description

• Selected Rate Code
• Example values include “Virtuoso” & “Travel Leaders Group”

Typical Use Case

• Display selected rate code associated with each reservation; Typically these rate codes are
luxury travel agent relevant

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Agent Name” under “Origin – Agent” folder
to differentiate each agent production under the specific rate codes

• Selected rate codes include the below

Selected Rates Relevant Rate Code
Ensemble Code begins with CONXPV or CONJMX
Code begins with CONGHL
Description Signature Code begins with CONSTN or SIG
Code begins with LUXCIR
The Luxury Circle Code begins with CONTZE
Travel Leaders Group Code begins with CONV2M
Code begins with CONAPI or CONVRT or CONVTO or VIRTU
Traveler Made Code begins with CONAHC
Virtuoso Code begins with CONBCD
Altour Code begins with CONFHC
BCD Code begins with CONCWT
Code begins with CONCMC
Centurion FHC Code begins with EHC
CWT Code begins with CONFCI or CONFCM
Code begins with CONFYY
CWT MasterCard Programme Code begins with CONFHR or FHR
EHC Code begins with CONHLW
FcM Code begins with CONHRG
Code begins with CONMGZ
FcM Smartstay Code begins with CONTHM
Fine Hotels & Resorts All other rate code beyond the above

Helloworld Rate Code-Select • A rate code (e.g. “RAC) is attached
Hobb Robinson Group Rate Mapping to each reservation in PMS. Blueprint
will match it against the Rate Code-
Magellan Travel Table From HQ RO Select Rate Mapping Table, a
Ten Group manual table updated by HQ RO
Non Select periodically

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Return respective “Selected Rate”
Manual Configuration (e.g. AMEX LTS) for successful match.
Return “Non Select” for unsuccessful
Rate Code on match


Room Type – Booked



Room Category - Booked Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Booked

Metric Description

• Room Category Originally Booked For
• Example values include “DX” & “DW”

Typical Use Case

• Display the room category associated with each reservation, that the guest originally booked for
at reservation (vs eventually stayed in during the stay)

• It is the RTC field with the bed type (i.e. last letter) removed
• Use this dimension to review effectiveness of pricing and marketing
• Can also be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder & “Room Type –

Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell
• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

Description Room Sub-Class Room Label
Room Class Suites - Premium (Room Type)
(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic • A room label to show the room
PMS Configuration booked is attached to each
reservation in PMS using the RTC field.
122 Room Category - Booked shows the
value of the RTC field, with the last
letter removed

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
RTC room label attached to the

• If the room is a pseudo room
(typically with room label started with
P but with exceptions), the whole RTC
field will be displayed and the last
letter will not be removed


Room Class - Booked Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Booked

Metric Description

• Room Class Originally Booked For
• Example values include “Regular Rooms” & “Club Rooms”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the room class associated with each reservation, that the guest originally booked for at
reservation (vs eventually stayed in during the stay)

• Room Class is an added dimension to see performance within the same Room Grouping (eg
Regular Suites vs Presidential Suite)

• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

DescriptionRoom Class Room Sub-Class Room Label
Suites Suites - Premium (Room Type)

(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Room Label-Room • A room label to show the room
Blueprint Configuration Subclass-Room Class booked is attached to each
Mapping Table From reservation in PMS using the RTC field.
Booked Room This code will be matched against
Label on Blueprint Config Room Label-Room Subclass-Room
portal Class mapping table, owned by HQ
reservation RO and configurable via Blueprint
• platform
123 •
Return respective room class for
• successful match

Return “Dummy” room class when
booked room label refers to a
pseudo room

Return “Unknown” room class for
unsuccessful match


Room Config - Booked Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Booked

Metric Description

• Room Configuration Of The Room Originally Booked For
• Example values include “King”, “Twin”, “Queen”, “Mix of Bed” & “Unknown”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the room configuration associated with each reservation, that the guest originally
booked for at reservation (vs eventually stayed in during the stay)

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder & “Room Type
– Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell

• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

DescriptionRoom Class Room Sub-Class Room Label
Suites Suites - Premium (Room Type)

(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic • Blueprint will look up the booked
PMS Configuration room label associated with each
reservation. Blueprint will use the last
124 letter of each room label to identify
respective room configuration (i.e.
“King” for K, “Queen” for Q, “Twin” for
T and “Mix of Bed” for S).

• Return “Other” for other bed types
(i.e. not “King”, “Queen”, “Twin” or
“Mix of Bed”)

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
RTC room label attached to the


Room Label - Booked Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Booked

Metric Description

• Room Label Originally Booked For
• Example values include “DXK” & “DXT”

Typical Use Case

• Display the room label associated with each reservation, that the guest originally booked for at
reservation (vs eventually stayed in during the stay)

• It is the RTC field in PMS
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder & “Room Type

– Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell
• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

DescriptionRoom Class Room Sub-Class Room Label
Suites Suites - Premium (Room Type)

(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A room label to show the room
booked is attached to each
reservation in PMS using the RTC field.
Room Label - Booked shows the
value of the RTC field

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
RTC room label attached to the



Room Sub Class - Booked Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Booked

Metric Description

• Room Sub Class Originally Booked For
• Example value include “Suites-Premium” & “Club Rooms - Base”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the room sub class associated with each reservation, that the guest originally booked
for at reservation (vs eventually stayed in during the stay)

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder & “Room Type
– Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell

• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

DescriptionRoom Class Room Sub-Class Room Label
Suites Suites - Premium (Room Type)

(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Room Label-Room • A room label to show the room
Blueprint Configuration Subclass-Room Class booked is attached to each
Mapping Table From reservation in PMS using the RTC field.
Booked Room This code will be matched against
Label on Blueprint Config Room Label-Room Subclass-Room
portal Class mapping table, owned by HQ
reservation RO and configurable via Blueprint
• platform

Return respective room sub class for
• successful match

Return “Dummy” room sub class
when booked room label refers to a
pseudo room

Return “Unknown” room sub class for
unsuccessful match



Room Type - Booked Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Booked

Metric Description

• Room Type (Description Of Room Label) Originally Booked For
• Example values include “Deluxe King” & “Deluxe Twin”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the room label associated with each reservation, that the guest originally booked for at
reservation (vs eventually stayed in during the stay)

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder & “Room Type
– Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell

• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

DescriptionRoom Class Room Sub-Class Room Label
Suites Suites - Premium (Room Type)

(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A room label to show the room
booked is attached to each
reservation in PMS using the RTC field.
Room Type - Booked shows the
description value of the RTC field, in
the configuration interface of PMS

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
RTC room label attached to the


Room Type – Stayed



Room Category - Stayed Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Stayed

Metric Description

• Room Category Eventually Stayed In
• Example values include “DX” & “DW”

Typical Use Case

• Display the room category associated with each reservation, that the guest eventually stayed in
during the stay (vs originally booked for at reservation)

• Typically, it is the Room Type field with the bed type (i.e. last letter) removed
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder & “Room

Type – Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell
• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

Description Room Sub-Class Room Label
Room Class Suites - Premium (Room Type)
(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic • A room label to show the room
PMS Configuration stayed is attached to each
reservation in PMS using the Room
129 Type field. Room Category - Stayed
shows the value of the Room Type
field, with the last letter removed

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
room label attached to the

• If the room is a pseudo room
(typically with room label started with
P but with exceptions), the whole
Room Type field will be displayed,
and the last letter will not be


Room Class - Stayed Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Stayed

Metric Description

• Room Class Eventually Stayed In
• Example values include “Regular Rooms” & “Club Rooms”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the room class associated with each reservation, that the guest eventually stayed in
during the stay (vs originally booked for at reservation)

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder & “Room
Type – Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell

• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

Description Room Sub-Class Room Label
Room Class Suites - Premium (Room Type)
(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Room Label-Room • A room label to show the room
Blueprint Configuration Subclass-Room Class stayed is attached to each
Mapping Table From reservation in PMS using the Room
Stayed Room Type field. This code will be matched
Label on Blueprint Config against Room Label-Room Subclass-
portal Room Class mapping table, owned
reservation by HQ RO and configurable via
• Blueprint platform
130 •
Return respective room class for
• successful match

Return “Dummy” room class when
booked room label refers to a
pseudo room

Return “Unknown” room class for
unsuccessful match


Room Config - Stayed Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Stayed

Metric Description

• Room Configuration Of The Room Eventually Stayed In
• Example values include “King”, “Twin”, “Queen”, “Mix of Bed” & “Other”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the room configuration associated with each reservation, that the guest eventually
stayed in during the stay (vs originally booked for at reservation)

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder & “Room
Type – Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell

• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

DescriptionRoom Class Room Sub-Class Room Label
Suites Suites - Premium (Room Type)

(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• Blueprint will look up the stayed room
label associated with each
reservation. Blueprint will use the last
letter of each room label to identify
respective room configuration (i.e.
“King” for K, “Queen” for Q, “Twin” for
T and “Mix of Bed” for S).

• Return “Other” for other bed types
(i.e. not “King”, “Queen” or “Twin” or
“Mix of Bed”)

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
room label attached to the



Room Label - Stayed Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Stayed

Metric Description

• Room Label Eventually Stayed In
• Example values include “DXK” & “DXT”

Typical Use Case

• Display the room label associated with each reservation, that the guest eventually stayed in
during the stay (vs originally booked for at reservation)

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder & “Room
Type – Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell

• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

DescriptionRoom Class Room Sub-Class Room Label
Suites Suites - Premium (Room Type)

(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A room label to show the room
stayed is attached to each
reservation in PMS using the Room
Type field. Room Label - Booked
shows the value of the Room Type

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
room label attached to the



Room Sub Class - Stayed Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Stayed

Metric Description

• Room Sub Class Eventually Stayed In
• Example value include “Suites-Premium” & “Club Rooms - Base”

Typical Use Case

• Display the room sub class associated with each reservation, that the guest eventually stayed in
during the stay (vs originally booked for at reservation)

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder & “Room
Type – Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell

• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

DescriptionRoom Class Room Sub-Class Room Label
Suites Suites - Premium (Room Type)

(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Room Label-Room • A room label to show the room
Blueprint Configuration Subclass-Room Class stayed is attached to each
Mapping Table From reservation in PMS using the Room
Stayed Room Type field. This code will be matched
Label on Blueprint Config against Room Label-Room Subclass-
portal Room Class mapping table, owned
reservation by HQ RO and configurable via
• Blueprint platform

Return respective room sub class for
• successful match

Return “Dummy” room sub class
when stayed room label refers to a
pseudo room

Return “Unknown” room sub class for
unsuccessful match



Room Type - Stayed Dimension

Room Cube
Room Type – Stayed

Metric Description

• Room Type (Description Of Room Label) Eventually Stayed In
• Example values include “Deluxe King” & “Deluxe Twin”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the room label associated with each reservation , that the guest eventually stayed in
during the stay (vs originally booked for at reservation)

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” folder & “Room
Type – Upgrade Reason” folder to analyze reason for upsell

• The inter-relationship with other dimensions in “Room Type – Stayed” folder is summarized below

Dimension hierarchy based on Blueprint Room Class configuration page

DescriptionRoom Class Room Sub-Class Room Label
Suites Suites - Premium (Room Type)

(Executive Suite)

Based on PMS configuration/ Room Category Room Config
interpretation of Room 1VE King
Label(Room Type)

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A room label to show the room
stayed is attached to each
reservation in PMS using the Room
Type field. Room Type - Stayed shows
the description value of the Room
Type field, in the configuration
interface of PMS

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
room label attached to the


Room Type – Upgrade Reason


Upgrade Category
Room Cube
Room Type – Upgrade Reason

Metric Description

Upgrade Category Upgrade Reason
• Upgrade Reason Category
• Example values include “Free Upgrade” & “Paid Upgrade”
Typical Use Case

• Display the upgrade reason category associated with each reservation. Paid and free upgrades
are categorized as below

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” & “Room Type –
Stayed” folders to analyze reasons for upgrade

Upgrade Category Upgrade Reason Upgrade Reason Description
DescFrreipetioUnpgrade Code
COU Courtesy Upgrade
Paid Upgrade GST Guest Complaint
PRO Promotions
REL Relocate
REN Renovation
UPG Forced Upgrade - Rm Type Overbook/ Rm not available
CAT Same Room Category
CON Per Contract
GCR GC Upgrade Redemption
GCU GC Free Upgrade - Diamond
GPD Guest Paying Difference
GPSC Reservation of Service Center
UPS Upsold-Gst Paying Modifier Rate

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic Upgrade Reason- • An upgrade reason code is attached
Manual Configuration Upgrade Category to each upgraded reservation in
PMS. Blueprint will match it against
Upgrade Mapping Table the Upgrade Reason-Upgrade
Reason Code From HQ RO Category Mapping Table, a manual
on reservation table updated by HQ RO periodically

136 Return respective “Upgrade
Category” (e.g. Free Upgrade) for
successful match. Return “Unknown”
for unsuccessful match. Return “No
Upgrade” if the upgrade reason
code is blank

Upgrade Reason Code
Room Cube
Room Type – Upgrade Reason

Metric Description

Upgrade Category Upgrade Reason
• Upgrade Reason Code
• Example values include “UPS” & “GCR”


Typical Use Case

• Display the upgrade reason code associated with each reservation. This is the UPG field in PMS,
which becomes a mandatory field when the room type guest booked (RTC field in PMS) differs
from the room type he/she stayed (Room Type field in PMS)

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” & “Room Type –
Stayed” folders to analyze reasons for upgrade

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration


• An upgrade reason code is attached
to each upgraded reservation in
PMS. Upgrade Reason Code shows
the code originally from PMS

• Return “No Upgrade” when the
upgrade reason code is blank


Upgrade Reason Desc
Room Cube
Room Type – Upgrade Reason

Metric Description

Upgrade Category Upgrade Reason

• Upgrade Reason Description

• Example values include “Guest Paying Difference” & “Guest Complaint”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the upgrade reason associated with each reservation

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” & “Room Type –
Stayed” folders to analyze reasons for upgrade

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• An upgrade reason code is attached
to each upgraded reservation in
PMS. Upgrade Reason Desc shows
the description value of the upgrade
reason code in PMS’s configuration

• Return “No Upgrade” when the
upgrade reason code is blank; Return
“Unknown” when upgrade reason
code cannot be matched with
standard configuration or when
description value is blank


Stay Trend – Allotment Type



Allotment Type Dimension

Room Cube
Stay Trend – Allotment Type

Metric Description

• To help differentiate allotment types
• Example values include “Group Blocks”, “FIT Allotments” & “Unknown”

Typical Use Case

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions “Market Segment” & “Rate Code”, to add a
drilling/ filtering view into production tracking

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic

PMS Configuration

• Blueprint will look up block code field
on each reservation.

• Return “Unknown” when there is no
block code attached (i.e. FIT


Stay Trend – Cancellation Reason



CXL Reason Dimension

Room Cube
Stay Trend – Cancellation

Metric Description

• Cancellation Reason
• Example values include “Guest Changed Itinerary” & “Guest Found Cheaper Hotel”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the cancellation reason for each cancelled reservation
• It is recommended to use in conjunction with measures “Cxl Nights” & “Cxl Stays” instead of

Arrivals or Nights to analyze cancellation impact
• Use with caution as we do not have actual Cancellation Reasons indicated if guest books and

cancels on Third-Party Intermediary platforms. These would be classified as “No Reason Given”

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A cancel code is attached to each
cancelled reservation in PMS. CXL
Reason shows the description value
of the cancel code in PMS’s
configuration table

• Return “Unknown” when cancel
code is not blank but cannot be
matched with standard configuration
or when description value is blank

• Return “Blank” when cancel code is



CXL Reason Code Dimension

Room Cube
Stay Trend – Cancellation

Metric Description

• Cancellation Reason Code
• Example values include “CHGITI” & “OTHTL”

Typical Use Case

• Display the cancellation reason code for each cancelled reservation
• Typically to be used in conjunction with measures “Cxl Nights” & “Cxl Stays” in “KPI Overview”

folder to analyze cancellation impact
• Use with caution as we do not have actual Cancellation Reasons indicated if guest books and

cancels on Third-Party Intermediary platforms. These would be classified as “No Reason Given”

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A cancellation reason code is
attached to each cancelled
reservation in PMS. CXL Reason Code
shows the code originally from PMS

• Return “Unknown” when cancel
code is blank but related reservation
status is still “Cancelled”

• Return “Blank” when cancel code is
blank and related reservation status is
not “Cancelled”


Stay Trend – Discount Reason


Discount Reason
Room Cube
Rate Detail

Metric Description

• Discount Reason
• Example values include “Promotions” & “Golden Circle Benefit”

Typical Use Case

• Describe the discount reason associated with each reservation
• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” & “Room Type –

Stayed” folders to analyze the reason that correlate with the discount
• Can also be used with the dimensions in “Market Segmentation” to add a market segmentation

deep dive
• Review most-used Discount reasons (by seasonality) to understand if there is a need to adjust

hotel pricing

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A discount reason code is attached
to each discounted reservation in
PMS. Discount Reason shows the
description value of the discount
reason code in PMS’s configuration

• Return “Unknown” when discount
reason code cannot be matched
with standard configuration or when
description value is blank


Discount Reason Code
Room Cube
Rate Detail

Metric Description

• Discount Reason Code

• Example values include “PRO” & “GC”

Typical Use Case

• Display the discount reason code associated with each reservation. It corresponds to the field
“DiscRsn” in PMS next to the field “Disc. Amt” in PMS. It becomes a mandatory field when there is
a discount amount applied for the rate in PMS

• Typically to be used in conjunction with dimensions in “Room Type – Booked” & “Room Type –
Stayed” folders to analyze the reason that correlate with the discount

• Also can be used with the dimensions in “Market Segmentation” to add a market segmentation
deep dive

• Regularly review ADH, BRG and PRO as part of Hotel pricing exercise

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic
PMS Configuration

• A discount reason code is attached
to each discounted reservation in
PMS. Discount Reason Code shows
the code originally from PMS

• Return “Unknown” when the discount
reason code is blank


Stay Trend – Leadtime



Leadtime Dimension

Room Cube
Stay Trend – Leadtime

Metric Description

• Booking Lead Time

• Example values include “10”

Typical Use Case

• This dimension shows you the booking pace, meaning how many days in advance has the
booking been made. ooking lead time is the difference between date booking made and date
of planned arrival.

• This dimension should mainly be used with filter on FIT, using dimension “Market Category” in
“Market Segmentation” folder.

• For group booking, lead time should be defined as the difference between date booking turned
tentative and date of planned arrival. In such case, dimensions under “Leadtime - Block” should
be used. If “Leadtime” is applied on group booking, the result returned refers to the difference
between pick up date and date of planned arrival

Leadtime (# of days)

Date Booking Made Date Of Planned Arrival
(Reservation Date) (Date of Stay - Day 1)

Description Date of Stays

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic • Blueprint will look up “Reservation
PMS Configuration Date” & “Date of Stay - Day 1” of
each reservation; Leadtime shows
the number of days between
“Reservation Date” & “Date of Stay -
Day 1” (e.g. leadtime is 1 day if
reservation date is 15/3/2025 and
date of stay - day 1 is 16/3/2025)

• Return “Unknown” when either
“Reservation Date” or “Date of Stay”
is empty



Leadtime Bracket Dimension

Room Cube
Stay Trend – Leadtime

Metric Description

• Booking Lead Time Bracket

• Example values include “11-14”, “15-21”

Typical Use Case

• Display Leadtime Bracket of each reservation; Leadtime is first calculated and is then
categorized into respective Brackets.

• This dimension should mainly be used with filter on FIT, using dimension “Market Category” in
“Market Segmentation” folder.

• For group booking, lead time should be defined as the difference between date booking turned
tentative and date of planned arrival. In such case, dimensions under “Leadtime - Block” should
be used. If “Leadtime” is applied on group booking, the result returned refers to the difference
between pick up date and date of planned arrival

Leadtime (# of days) Categorize Leadtime Bracket

Date Booking Made Date Of Planned Arrival
(Reservation Date) (Date of Stay - Day 1)


Date of Stays

Interface Ref./ Detailed Logic

• Blueprint will look up “Reservation Date” & “Date of Stay - Day 1” of each reservation; Leadtime
shows the number of days between “Reservation Date” & “Date of Stay - Day 1” (e.g. leadtime is
1 day if reservation date is 15/3/2025 and date of stay - day 1 is 16/3/2025). This is then
categorized into respective leadtime Brackets

• Return “Unknown” when either “Reservation Date” or “Date of Stay” is empty


Stay Trend – Leadtime – Block


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